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30.")iCS •CETT'-.T .^01350 TO HSL'I L"^3R iRY

Vol. 23, lo. 6 Augustj 1963


001.2 C9iia 1967 Curti, :i. E, American scholarship in the twentieth century. 1967* 001.5 Arliih Arangoren, J. L« Human oommuiication. 1967* 001.53 Sm6lc :)mith, K. U. ^yoernetic principles of learning and educational design. 1966. LS 010.3 B6iili 1961 The Bookman's glossary. 1961. Ref. 0l6.09ii :3614b Martin, J. Sibliogriphical catalogue of privately printed 1963 books. 1963. Ref 016.251 i'6l7r Toohey, %cent homiletical thought. 1967* Ref 016.37 P549 Philosophy of education. 1967# L3 016.3713 -^2131 •Jationai Information Center for Educational ledia. Index t* 16 mm. educational films. 1967* Ref 016.3305 Jil3t Siddall, R. rrmsoortation geography, a bioliogr phy. 1967 1967. Ref 016.3932 325t Saughman, /. •f'ype and motif-in^-ex of the folktales of England and ^orth America. 1966# Ref 016.142709 3917L , .V. J, Ihe literature of slang. 1965# 1965 LS 0I6.5 :295s ^'lalinowsky, H. •-'cience and engineering rsferences sources. 1967* Ref 016.57293 0L2e O'Leary, J. Ethnographic bibliography of South America. I963. Ref 016.711ii 3h6hc 3estor, C. City planning. 1966. 1966 Ref 016.3 AL79s ' Altick, R. D# ^elective bibliography for the study of 1967 English and American literature. 19$7* Ref 016.97U ^'Vi;3n Forbes, H. !I. lew fingland diaries, l602-l300. 1967# 1967 Ref 017.1 H26lch Harvard University. China, Japan, and lOrea. 1963. LS 020 H2li6f 196ii Harrison, K. C, ^'irst steps iji librarianship. 19614.. LS 020.75 T375i Thompson, L. vj. Hhe incurable mania. 1966. LS 020.3 ?313 Peacock biblio series, 196i|. LS 021 In'Jh Institute on the 'lature and evel^pment of the Library Collection. The nature and development of the library collection. 1957* 021«6^ Su61;e Summer otud/ on Information Networks. Edunet. 1967* LS 025.0013 c76L Conference on Libr^y '^veys. 1967* LS 025.ii L333C Lasek, E. J. Classification by numerization for libnries. 196?. Ref 025.ii69 :i9iio •iurdock, G. P. Outline of world cultures. 1967. 1967 LS 025.7 H739c Horton, 6. Cleaning and preserving bindings and r'2lated materials. 1967# LS 025.31i C91iic Cunha, G. 1. Conservation of library materials. 1967» LS 027.0ii2 r(l62c Kaufman, P. The commuaity library. 1967- LS 02 7.3 3w26s 1967 iiwarthout, d. The school libr ry as part of the instructioial system. 1967# 023.52 12131b ilational Council of Teachers of English. Books for you> 196U. 3 031 Ani3S3 1373 rhe ^erican cyclopedia. 1373* 3 031 Ap51i Appleton's annual cyclopaedia and register of Ifiportrnt e:ients of the year. l362« Ref 050 r377a 1967 Thompson, American literary annuals of gi.t books.- 1967. 051 In21 1963 rhe independent reflector. 1963. 060 "/J531ts .^ite, L. C. The structure of private international organizations. 1933* 070.03 C639n 1963 Coblenta, E. D. Newsmen speak. 1963. 071.it7 3er-^er, II. The story of the lew fork times, 1351-1951. 1951. 090.3 .\n2Uf 1967 Anderton, B. i'Vagrance among old volumes. 1967*


100 013s Olson, R. G, A short introduction to philosophy. 1967. 100 P51i9 1967 Philosophical essays for Alfred lorth -^hitehead. 1967. lOh Diiliir •ewey, J. Reconstruction in ohilosophy. 1957. 103 c 3l5u Cornford, i. The unwritten ohilosophy and other essays. 1950. 110 Aa75t 1967 Aaron, H. I. -ftie iiieory of univ^rsals. 1967® 111 An23r 'inderson, J. Reflections of the analogy of jeing. 1967< 123 ..331hE Marcel, G. Problematic man, 1967. 131.3 J633a Joint Commission on .ental Illness and Health. Action for mental health* 1961. 132 L339p 1960 Lasswell, H. JJ. Psychopathology and politics. I960. 135.33 F92 7f 1951 Froiran, E, Ihe fortotten language. 1951. 136.52 3y67f 1961 S/mondSj P. From adolescent to adult. I96I. 136.7 D6l6c Dinkmeyer, D, C, Child development. 1965^ 136.7 :^213c i^ational Society for the Study of Education. Child psychology. I963. 136,7 P571gE Piaget, J. liie child's conception of geometry. I96O. 136.735ii c^35ly ft^ankj M. lour adolescent at home and in school. 1959. 1959 Ikh :i6lu 1957 Mill, J, S, Utilitarianism. 1957. 11^4.6 .75372© 1966 Emmet, D. Whltehead's philosophy •f organism. 1966. lli6 L26h 1950 i-ange, Che history of materialism and criticism cf its present importance. 1950. lii9.2 Es73 1963 Essays in critical realism. 1963. 150,13 T971w 1961 iyier, L. The work of the counselor. I96I. Ref 150.1952 Si26e Eidelberg, L. Encyclopedia of psychoanalysis. 1963. 150.1957 F927Ze Evans, R. I, L.ialogue with Erich fromm. 1966. 150« 76 ^'391e Femald, L. Ij. fixoeriments and studies in general ps/chdlogy,. 1965. 152.3 C355p Crattyj B. J, Psychology and physical activity. 1963, 152.3 ^^^3 79b i-'erster, C, B. Behavior orinciple^, 1963. 152.33 •:.k3iiV Skinner, S, Verbal behavior. 1957. 153.91^73 L523t Lehman, P.- R.i' rests and measurements in music. 1963. 155" 3 12120 Taylor, ¥. dre^tivity. 196i;. 155.5 W73iit Wittenberg, R. The troubled generation, 1967, 155.93 M793a 1967 Moran, C, M. The anatomy of courage. I967. 153 Arl9c 1965 Arbuckle, S. Counsel^'ng. 1965. 153.13 'a92m •cCay, J. r, Ihe management of time, 1959. 160 Ari;6p I966 Aristotles, Posterior analytics. 1966. 160 J572t 196it Joannes X;'I. Tr-ctatus sync ategorema turn and selected anonymous treatises. 196ii, 160 r36lZo Joao de Santo ^"homaz. The material logic of John of St. Ihomas. 1955« 161; K376eE Krelsel, G. Elements of mathematical logic. I967. l61i L323 The logic of decision and action. 1966. 165 -i916sE Buridan, J. sophism on meaning and truth. 1966. 170 J326L Green, 3, b. Letters from f-jnous people. 1925. 170.202 .ai52p layer, 0, G. A plan for living. 1956. 170 mke '^ayland, F, 'The elements of moral science, I963. 171.1 3336gE Brunner, H. E. The divine imperative. 1937* 172 St7iip 1967 Storey, :i. Problems of today. 196 7. 131.1 H37i;c 1966 Hughes, E. R. Chinese philosophy In classical times. I966 131.1108 C36s Chan, v. A source book in Chinese philosophy. I963. 133 D621L 1965 Diogenes L. L, of e minent philosophers, 1965. I31i.l ^972r 1963 Hitter, The essence of Plato's philosophy. I968. 136.1 3e92s I960 Sextus Et Sextus En^iricus. I96O, 190.32 :319e -ianuel, F, E, Tlie Enlightenment. 1965. 191.9 P6llt 1963 Thompson, T. H. Ihe pragmatic philosophy. I963. 191.9 D515ZW 196li White, 0. The origin of Dewey's instrumentalism, 196it, 191.9 P353Zp 1967 Potter, 7. G. Charles Peirce on norma and ideals. 1967» 191.9 P3532t Ehompson, M. H. fhe pragnatic philosoohy 6. o» Peirce. 1953. 191.9 3a590 Santayana, G» Obiter scripta. 1936. 192 373'ik Brciles, ^he moral philtpphy of ^iume, 192 ,'I635s Milne, A, H# The social philosophy of English idealism. 1962. 19i4 ^a77Zm Marill, Jean-Paal 3artre» Philosopher without faith. 1961.


201 Bli63e Bevrics, E. G. Experience, reason and f^ith. 19liO» 209 So65r 1951 Soper, E. D, The religions of mankind. 1951. 210 • F2h2£ Farrer, A. M. Faith and speculation. 1?67. S 211 F6Ji6a 1835 Flint, R. Anti-thestic theories. 1835. 220.09 D3li6L Deanesly, The Lollard 3ible and other medieval Biblical versions. 1920. LS 220.il Kii2iio Kenyon, F, G. Our 3ible and the ancient manuscripts. 1958. 220.52 iiiTlca The Cambridge Bible for schools and colleges, 1395. 220.6 G86iiiE Grelot, P. Introduction to the Jible. 1967. 220,6-^ K123eS Kaiser, 0. Exegetical nethod. 1967. Ref 220,91 ./932w .^i^t, . 3, Aie Vestfliinster historical atlas to the 1956 Sible. 1956. 220.95 Sch65h jchonfield, H, J, A history of Biblical literature. 1962# 221.12 ALII9 Aland, K. The problem of the New Testament canon. 1962. 221.6 G713L Gottwald. K. A light *0 the nationa. 1959. 225 a32o 1963 Tasker, G. Hie Old Testament in the I'lew Testament, I963 225.52 3ii71new Bible, 'i. T. J-'he ^'*e j Testament from 26 translations, 1967# 225.6 H35li Heard, R, G, An introduction to the :Jew Testament. 1950# 225.95 J712n Jones, C, •'Jew Testament illustrations. 1966# 226 v^l6f 1966 fannon, P. The four Gospels. 1966. 226 ^h2- The New Testament in historical and comtemporary perspec tive, 1965. 226 T219f 1961i Taylor, •'•'he formation of the gospel tr^ition, 1961^. 226,207 F433c filson, , 7. A comment 'ry on the Gospel according to St, "latthew 1961. 226.3 G767e - Grant, F, C. rhe earliest gospel, 19k3* 226.307 SL36J olusser, D, M. The Jesus of .lark's Gospel. 1967. 226.U07 3ii71fe Bible, The Gospel according to Luke, 1965* 226.506 F375o Freed, E, D, Old Testament quotations in the Gospel of John, 1965. 22 7.5 3ii71w-1906 Bible. Saint Paul's Epistle to the ^hesians. 1906. 227.6 J3U71L 19134 Bible. Saint Paul's Epistle to the Philipoians. 1953# 227.33 31; 71b Bible, fhe Pastoral epistles in the new English Bible, 1963. 227.37 j379c 1370 Delitzsch, F. J# Comment^y on the Spistle to the Hebrews. 228 SliTls 1907a Bible, '•^e -Apocalypse of St. John. 19C8. 230 AL53c Allen, A. G. "^he continuity of Christian thought. l33)». 230.m. Auii52m Marrou, H. I. The Resurrection and 'Jaint Augustine's theology, of hurr.an values. 1966. 232 Bomkamm, G. Jesus of >Iazareth. I960. 232.6 I73lp Moore, A. L. The parousia in the ."Jew Testament. 1966. 23li Pii39LE Pfurtner, S. Luther and Aquinas on salvation. 1961*. 239.3 ^^JhSc2 1963 iugustinus, A. The city of ^d against the pagans. 1963. 2hl Sh35m 1967 "^heen, F. J. The moral uiiverse. 1967. 250 Q7h^h Gouwens, r. S. He opened the Book, 191*0. 2^9 HlS5c Hammond, P. E. The campus clergjr, ,an. 1966. 260 3676c 1967 3ower, V. C. The church at work in the modem world. 1967. 260.9 333s Bruce, F. The spreading flame. 1953. 26ii f^S2o Fitch, U One Gcd. 19£ii* 266.3 W933r 1965 vVrir^t, L. B, Religion and empire. 1965. Ref 270 /i72s 1964 Mode, Pf 3. Source book and bibliographical guide for American church history. 1961;. 270.1 Eu77e 196/; Eusebius, P. The ecclesiastical history . 1965# 270.2 B61ilb 1966 Bonifacius. The English correspandence of Saint Boniface. 1966. 2 70,li TiiUc Tiemey, B. The crisis of church & state. 196^. 270.31 AL79C ALtholz, J. L. The churches in the ninettenth century. 1967. 272.209 1963 Nickerson, H. Ihe Inquisition. 1963. 2 7ii.03 C362h I967 Creighton, 'historical lectures and "addresses. 1967. 277.3 Schliia 1961 Schaff, f*. 'jnerica, a sketch of its political, social and religious.character. 1961. 231,1 Apii6a2 1965 Apostolic Fathers. Ihe '^•postolic Fathers. 1965. 232.03 Bl4l7e 1967 Belloc, K. Essays of a Caholic. 1967. 23U.2 .1233h r-IcNeill, J, r. fhe history and character of Calvinism. 195U. 235.9 3192m Garrett, C. H. The 'arian exiles. 1938. 290 G119h 1965 Gaer, J. How the great religions began. 1965. 291 :i58Ug :Iiddleton, J. Gods and rituals. 1967. 291.1 St89 The structural study of myth anc totemism. 1967. 293 D232p Davidson, H, R, Pagan Scandinavia. 1967. 296.08 31i;i4p Baeck, L. The Pharisees, and other ess^s. 19ii7« 296.U R797w Rowley, H. H. /torship in ancient Israel, 1967. 296.81 Sjyho Brandon, 3, F, Jesus and the Zealots. 1967, 296.31 C33iia 1961 Cross, F. I, 'The ancient libr ry of .^mr n and o^dem Biblical studies. 1961. 297 G53linE '• Goldziher, I. Muslim studies. 1968-


300.13 H733m Horst, P, Matrix algeora for social scientists. I963, 300.7 K936h Krug, M. M. History and the social sciences. 1967« 300.8 SplSs 1967 . Spaldlng, J. L. Socialism and lab«r and other arguments. 1967. 301 3iil43m Bensman, J. Hass, class, and bureaucracy. I963. 301 L5733c Levitas, G, B. Culture and consciousness. 1967. 301 P196m Panunzio, C. M. fllajor soci-il institutions. 1939* 301.013 Ob2e Oberschall, E:npirical social nsearch in Germany. 1965* 301.03 L333L Lasswell, T. E. f,ife in society. 1965, 301.032 R733o Rossj H. L. Perspectives on the social order# 1963» 301.0S2 St3lis Stein, M. R. Sociology on trial. I963. 301.09 Tii3s 1967 Timasheff, S. Sociological theory. 1967* 301.1 H757p Honignann, J. J. Personality in culture. 1967- 301,1 M3l5vf 1953 Moreno, J, L. Vho shall survive? 1953. 301.1 3ch33l 1966 Schutz, •/. C. The interpersonal underworld. 1966. 301.15 H777e Hopkins, T. K. The exercise of influence in small groups, 196ii. 301.l51i CI69 Cantril, H. he pattern of human •oncems. I9664 301.155 L573p Le Vine, V. T. Political leatiership in Africa. 1967. 301.13 P767h Polsky, N. Hustle s^ beats, and others, 1967. 301.133 Se43s Seiler, J. A. Systems analysis in organizational behavior. 1967. 301.2 Gl3s Garfiiikel, H. Studies in ethnoinethodology. 1967. 301,2 H359C Hsu, F, K. Clan, Castem and club. 1963 301.2 K122y Kahn, H. The year 2000. .I967. 301.2012 :9i4le i%rdock, G. Ethnographic atlas. 1967. 301.2ii Ogls Ogbum, kV, F. 3ocial change with respect to cultural and original nature. 1966. 301.295 :'Ei|22e 1967 Mathews, B. J, East and /est. I967. 301.2951 3a3iiO Salisbury, H. E. Oroit of China. 1967. ' 301.2956 Ebliii ' Eban, A. S. Israel in the world. 1966. 301,2973 V331u Wolf, C. United States policy and the third world. 19^7« 301.32 3U63p Beshers, J. ?I, Population processes in social systems. 1967. 301.32 D333d Driver, E. D. Differential fertility in Centr"! India. 1963. 301.35 Bl4i7f Benvenuti, Farming in culturil change. 1962. 301.35 M32 7m 196ii Morland, J. fC, 'Millways of ^ent. 1961i. 301.35095 Glli3n Gamble, S. D. North China villages. 1963. 301.36 G7l6me Gottmann, J. ^letropolis on the move. I967. 301.36ii P912S Pred, A. R. Aie spatial djniamics cf the U. S, urban- Industrial growth. 1966« 301.ii2 3i;56m Bernard, J. J, tlarria i ?933f 1966 Priestley, H.. I. France overseas. 1966. 325.3ii7 B388r Beclcer, S, Russia's protectorates in Central Asia. 1968. 325.352 St)i9j Stewart, H, R. Jaoanese colonization in eastern Paraguay. 1967. 325.73 GU69b Glazer, N. Beyond the melting pot. 1963. S 326 P933S 18^9 Priest, J. Slavery, as it relates to the Jegro, or African race. 18U9, 327 Et99w 1965 Etzioni, A. Winning without war. 1965. 327.12 W992C 1968 Vynne, G. Contr-^ct on Gorky street. 1968. 327.U3 H197w i^anrieder, W. F, West German foreign policy, 19^9-1963. 1967. 327.IUi K:959d Kulski, I'T. De Gaulle and the world. 1966. 327.liU073 B772a Brinton, C. C. The Americans and the French, 1968. 327.i;7 G27Up Gehlen, M, P. The politics of coexistence. 1967. 327.U7051 mUpE Mehnert, K. Peking and :-oscow. 1961;. 196U. 327.).i7073 ^1i7lia ?llene, P. G. Americas and the "^oviet experiment. 1967. 327.195 B733b Br^nd, C. M. Byzantium confromts the '-fest, ll80-120k. _ 1968. 327.U961 -^356 1966 Zeine, 7, AT, The emergence of Arab nationalism, with a background study of ^jab-Turkish relations in the Near East. 1966. 327.56073 BlUa Badeeu, J. S. The American approach to the \rab world. 1968. 327.596 L532C Leifer, Cambodia: the search for security. 1967. 327.73 B28Up 5965 Bartlett, -i. J. Policy and oovft. 1965. 327.73 C66la Cohem W, I. The American rGvisioiists. 1967. 327.73 G3^1i Gerry, F. Letterbook. 1966. 327.73 L825h Loewenheim, L, The historian and the diplomat. 1967. 327.73 3tU7a Stevens, S. P. American Zionism and U. S. j^'oreign policy. 1962. 327.32 C76pl^: Conil Paz, A. Irgfmtina's foreign policy, 1930-1962. . 1962. 328.»i2 B98p Butt, The power of Parliament. 1967. 328.U2 ".i292v 1967 Malcolm, I. Z, Vacant thrones. 1967. 328.73 H8l6w . House Republican Task Force on Congressional feform and 1-iinority Staffing. \-Je propose: a modem congress. 1966. 328.73 J5ii8L Jewell, M. E. The legislative process in the United States. 1966. 328.73 K63I4P Kirk, R. The political principles of Robert A« Taft. 1967. 328.73 Hii82p ^pley, [li E. ^arty leaders in the Housejf Representatives, 1967. 328.73 :i7U5D Rothman, D, J, Politics and power. 1966. 329 N397m , S, ^lodern political parties. 1956. 329.02 ^rn35 The American party system. 1967. 329.3 G767d 1965 Gr^ntham, D, Phe democratic south. 1965. 329.8 .•192p 1966 IlacKay, K, C, The progressive movement of 1921;. 1966. 329.9).i2 .nShr ^asmusr-en, J, 3. Retrenchment and revival, 19614, 329.9^h Er28s Frdman, H, L, The Sw?.tantra Party and Indian conservatism, 1967. 330 C17^L Leiman, M, lU Jacob Cardozo, 1966, 330 G293Zr tlosBj E, J, Henry George. 1963. 330 -^5571 1957 Robinson, M, A, An introduction to economic reasonine. 1967. 330.01 T3iile Theil, H. Economics and information theory. 1967. 330.0151 CU3f Chiang, A, C. f'undamental methods of mathematical econom ics* 1967. 330.018 AL63m Mmon, C, Matrix methods in economics. 1967. 330»! AL51;m Allen, A. D. -acro-economic theory. 1967. 330,1 K672k: 1966 Klein, L. R, The Seynesian r; volution, 1966, 330.1 Ii299Zb 1966 Bonar, J, lialthus and his work, 1966, 330.15 ^'692t Mitchell, C. lypes of economic theory. 1967- 330.156 H2h3n 1965 Harris, 3, £, The neT'j- economics. 1965. 330.156 Iil99a 1965 McKenna, J. P. Aggregate economic analysis. 1965. 330.9U3 P365e 1966 Pounds, N, G. The economic pattern of modern Germany. 1966, 330.9}l7 li:r53s Erlich, A, The Soviet industrialization debate, 192U-28. 1960, 330.951 n99L 196ii Tawney, R, H, Land and labour in China. 1961;. Hef 330.956 Kc7Um The Economist. The ''iddle East and ••lorth Africa. I960, 330.957 H769n Hooson, D, J, ^ new Soviet heartland? 196It. 330.96 W57iir ^-'/hetham, E, H, headings in the apolied economics of Afrida# 1967, 330.971 Of2e 1968 Officer, L, H, An econometric model of Canada under the fluctuating exchan<7e rate, 1968. 330.973 Hll5w Hacker, L, N, The world of Andrv^w Carnegie, 1968, 330.973 H838r Howe, I, The radical imagination. 1967. 330.973 T9l8a 1955 Twentieth Century •-•^und, 'jnerica's needs and resources. 1955. 331 Pl|22 19)i9 Perliiian, S, A theory of the labor movement, 1914.9. 331.09I47 OsUi Osipov, G, V, Industry and labour in-the U, S. S, 1966. 331.11 BlOila 1966 Ben-Porath, Y. The Ar^.b labor force in Israel. 1966, 331.112 C76m Conference Commemorating Two Decades of Service of the •7. I , Upjohn Institute- for Employjieht Research, 'lanpower tomorrow. 1967. 331.112 K577e Kindleberger, C, P. Europe's oostwar growth, 1967. 331.116 K955b Kuhn, J. U, Bargaining in grievance settlement. 1961, 331.116 L621r Elam., 3. M, Readings on collective negotiations, in public education, 1967,

3jO 331.1168 D68t Doherty, E. Teachers, school boards, and collective bargaining. 1967. 331.137 P629t 1968 Pigou, A, C, The theory of unemployment. 1968. 331.137 W6)i2u Wilcofek 0. Unwanted workerd. 1963. 331.1973 Au3UL ^uerbnch, J. 3. Labor and liberty. 1966. 331.).i3 C123m Cain, G. G. - arried women in the labor force. 1966. 331.59 Ar77G .\rthur, J. K. Employment for the handicapped. 1967. lef 331.702 Anii3s Angel, J. L. Students' guide to occupational oooortonities# 1967. -fef 331.761 ^T213p f^ational •tesearch Cotincil. Profiles of Ph. D.*s in the sciences. 1955. 331.88 C771i Cook, A, H. An introduction to Japanese trade unionism. 1966. 331.88 C9)4U Curtain, F, R, Union initiation fees, dues, and per capita tax. 1968, 331.88 1!3?6L Marshall, F. E. Laobr in the South. 1967. 331.88 Sp31n Special Research Seminar on Comparative Labor Movements. 1963. 331.88 Su59d Sultan, P. E. The disenchanted unionist. 1963# 331.881 St97w Stunnthal, A. White-collar trade unions. 1966# 331.88115 W178i Walton, E. The impact of theprofessional engineering union. 1961. 332 C599f 1903 Cleveland, i". A. Funds and their uses. 1903. 332.152 E537C Birnbaum, E. A. Changing the United States commitment to gold, 1967. 332.152 ^76d -ioosa, A. V, The dollar and world licuidity. 1967# 332.17 i^5lc Reed, E. W. Commercial bank management. 1963. 332.UOl x^'869d Grazer, W, J, The demand for money. 1967. 332 J|2 B638m Bologna Center Conference on Gold and International Mone tary i"feform. Monetary reform and the price of gold. 1967.^ 332.5 G76e Graham, F. D, Exchange, prices, and production in hyper inflation. 1930. 332.6 d51i3s 1966 Dice, C. A. The stock mairket, 1966. 332»67 B119b 1931 Babson, R. W, Business barometers used in the management of business and investanent of money. 1931# 332.67 K589a Mikesell, ?. U. S. private and government investment arcad,'. 1962, 332.673 W95d Wu, C. Dollars, dependents, and dogma. 1967. 332.7U A,35L American Bankers Issociation. 1961;. 332.7U3 M783q Moore, H. The quality of consumer instalment credit. 1967. 332.8 ^-753: Ford, J. L. Long andshort-term interest rates. 1967. 333.012 AL72L Alonso, W* Location and land use. 196Ii. 333.3 B728e Bradley, H, The enclosures in England, 1918. 333.333 R917h Russell, S. G. How to be consistently successful in real estate. 1958. 335 r669g Marx, K. The German ideology. Part I & III, 1960« 335 ULlp 196U Ulam, A. B. Philosophical foundations of English socialism. 1951.

n 335.ii M369c 19$h Marx, K. Communist manifesto. 195i;. 335.U3 Im7 The Impact of the Russian Revolution, 1917-1967. 336,2 EL9Ut Ely, R. T. Taxation in American states and cities. 336.22 Ex87 Extractive resources and taxation. 1967* 336.22 P91i5 Property taxation, USAi 1967* Law 336.2U F3l7 The Federal income tax. I9684 336,2U2 R285f Remmlein, M, Federal taxes on beriefits frran your retire ment system. 1958. 336."5 Y76f, Yoingco, A. Z. Fiscal system and practices in Asian countries, 1968. 337.0973 nSlr' 1967 Tasca, J, The reciprocal trade policy of the United . , States. 1967. 338 W173C Walton, C. C, Corpor'^te social responsibilities. 1967. . 338.018 In8s International Conference on Input-Output Techniques. Sttructural interdependence and economic development. 1963. 338,098 Un3p United %tions. The process of industrial development tn Latin America, 1966. 338.lli B63]4in Bohannan, P. Markets in Africa. 1962. 338.272 lOlog Manners, G, The geogr=5phy of energy. 196ii. 338.U3 M177m McGouldrick, P, F, New England textiles in the Jiineteenth century. 1968. 338.U5 So5lla Somers, G. G. Adjusting to technological change. 1963. 338.52 T123c Taggart, H. F, Cost Justification. 1959. 338.523- M18Up Machlup, F. The political economy of monopoly. 1952. 338.5U2 ia72i McGee, L, R. Income and employment in the Southeast. 1967. 338.6U Un3s United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organ ization. Social aspects of small industries in India. 1962. 338.7 W173b Walton, 0. C. The business syst-m. 1967. 338.8 Nl69c ^^arver, J. C. Conglomerate mergers and market competition. 1967. 338.91 How nazi Germany has controlled business. 19li3. 338,91 K868i Krause, W. International economics. 1965. 338.91 L366i Laufer, L, Israel and the developing countries. 1967. 338.91- K58Ur Midwest Research Conf rence on Educational Rcse;?rch and a Reappraisal of Economic Development. 1967. 338.9173 Kll;ic Kaplan, J. J, The challenge of foreign aid* 1967. 338.973 C737n * Committee for Economic Development. The national econony and the Vietnam war. 1968. 336.973 r:76f 1967 Congressional Quarterly Service. 1967. 338.973 ^^89 1961 The future of democntoc capitalism. 1961. 338.987 .L579e Levy, F. D. Economic planning in Venezuela. 1968. 339.3 Olil6w Denison, E, F, Why growth rates differ. 1967. 339.3i|2 B986f 1966 Buxton, S. B. Finance and p&litics. 1966. 339.U F91iAt Friedman, M. A theory of the consumption function. 1957. 339.U T7U3C 1965 Troelstrup, A. W, Consumer problems and personal finance. 1965.

12 339.he6 E917i "s rood consumption.econtoio 1961. and social factors on ^ 3^0 /317 federal legislaUon for libraries. I967. 3hO GiOtc 1967. and the machine nearer to the dust. 31*0 N213m 1962 Natioml^Catmlttee on 'Jnlform Traffic Laws and Ordinances. 31*0 Sl6Ua 31*0 W636C Singer, E, M. Antitrust economics. 1968. 31*0.01 C66L 1967 iener, F. B. Civiliians under military iustice 1967 31*0.0937 C882I, ^ tte social onlerf 1933. 31*0,1 Rn32L Fna ^ q' f 1967. 31*1.1 C9iia 1965 M E international legal order. 1961*. 31*1.1 L779p Lloyd Wb' ^ "^ricM peice crusade, 1815-1860. 1965. 31*1.1 Sp31r q+^ n requires peaceuiakors. 1961*. form -^ron Kountsin en the 31*1.12 >17291 1967 WinkL^T R ^sirability of^peace. 1967. 31*1.1391* D165s Briiai;;, ^91^9^^1961."'''°"^ ^ . 31*1.2 D271je 1967 Xvei^ort' ^ 1962. of the "nit^d treaties benring on the history 31*1.57 B631a Bor^ir R 6^4.72+?+ StatesX . and its depedencies*aepeaencie«. 196?.1967. 31*1.6 Ya6l Young,in^outLtT'\96l!"'0. R. The intermpdiaries. 1967. -les territories 31*1.65 •rf279k 3l*P .09569 Pai|5n 31*2.1*7 Ar57i 196? 31*2.1*7 f523r ft-™ g.„t.T to UOIU. 31*2,1*7 sg86p 1967 31*2.6 M2863 Sir''L'^'p°' politics. 1967. 31*2.612 K526o .halidi, I.T R, Constitutionalfor democracy.development 1961.in Libvi 31*2.73 H926s 31*2.73 L3li6d 1956 SS?"?' La„S5.T£.' tion of indepencence and the Constitu- 31*2.739 C819h

31*3.0951 C660 '""'^oksLikoh 31*3.1 ^8530 1962 '"""of ki^, 31*7.6 G578f Goldstein J. The f-^ily and the law. Vanzetti,1965. 1962.* 31*7.7 I.3l*9m 1968 Lavin, A. t. Manual oa copimercial law. 1968 aef 31*7.7 iLSlu -tephael,^J. 3. The Uniform commercial code simplified. 31*7.8091*2 J728e 31*7.9973 B56lp fl^ok, C. L. The people and the court. I960. 35o 0d5r Bl^k* C* L* T)f of Chancery. I967. 350 R181r Kaphaeli, VN. Renditigs in comparative ^publicPi^blieadministration.admiraistrntion.I967.1966 351 C366p • Chapman, B, The profession of govcrninent. 1959. ' 3ef 353 Am35p American Enterprise Institute for i'ublic Policy Research, The price of the ^nited States Government, 19U8-i967« 353.007 B279t Barrow, T, C, Tnde and empire, 1967. 353.00823 H818e Houthakker, H. S. Economic policy for the firm sector, 1967. Law 353.0912 S139h- Silverberg, L. G. ^ilverberg's How to t^ke a case before 196? the IJational tiabor Relations Board. 1967. 353.5 H969d Huston, L, A, The i^epartment of Justice# 1967t 351*.U2 !-295f Mallaby, G, my level. 1965. 35U.U85 An25m 1961 Andren, N. E, Modern Swedish Government, 1961. 355 BUS58d Berman, H, J, Documents on Doviet military law & admin istration. 1955» 355 Bli558s Berman, H, J, Soviet militsjry law and administration. 1955. 355.03 Is7 Issues in defense economics# 1967* 355.03 Is71 Issues of national security in the 1970*s. 1967. 355.031 Un3a U. S. The Atlantic Alliance. 1967. 355.07 M351s Marschak, T,, A, Strategy for R. & D, 1967. 355.0973 D298a Davis, V. The admirals lobby. 1967. 355.0973 '•J)i28h Weigley, -'i. F. History of the United Strtes Amy. 1967. aef 355.131* K)468am Kerrigan, E, E. American badges and insignia. 1967., 355.31 GUhlv Gittings, J. The role of tbn Chinese ^rmy. 1967. 355.I18 C553V Clarke, I. F. Voiccs prophesying war, 1763-.1981i. 1966. • 355.U8 F958g F\iller, J. C. Gl^e generalship of Alexander the Great. 355.6212 B193S Baldwin, L, The structure of the defense market, 1955- 196U. 1967. 359.009 C853t Cras, H, Twenty-five centuries of sea warfare. 1965. 359.32 Y27d Yates, B. W. Destroyers and destroyemen. 1959. 360 ::52ip Mencher, S. Poor 1j>w to poverty program. 1967. Ref 360.7 C832m Council on Social Work Education. 1965» 361 3.295m .^nnison, G, A, I-tan on his own. 1962. 361.001 B836t • Bruno, i*"*. J. The theory of social work. 1936. 361.07 C832 I Boehm, W. Objectibes of the social work curriculum of the future. 1959. 361.07 0833 II • Bisno, H. The place of theundergradu»te curriculum in ♦ social work education. 1959. 361.07 C832 VI . Butler, R. M. An orientation to knowledge of huiian growth and behavior in social work education. 1959. 361.07 C832 VIII Horwitz, J. J. Education f«r social workers in the re habilitation of the hnhdicnpped. 1959. Hef 361,3 D626 Directory of approired counseling agencies. 1950. 361.3 • ^^359c 1962 ?bnl=

li; 362.1 NU2c Hew Tork Aeademy of Ifedicine. Closing the gaps in the availability and accessibility ©f health services. 1965. 362,1 Scod6si Scott, W. a, ifedical cire. 1966. 362.1 So5liJn Somers, H. M. Medicare and the hospitals. 1967. 362.11 C2l;9h Cartwritht, A. i^iman relations and hospital care. 1961*. 362.16 H766c Hooper, L. Care of the nursing-home p-atient. 1967« 362.16 Sn]i;2n Smigel, J. 0, Nursing home administration. 1962, 362.h K9li5c Kmsen, F. H. Concepts in rehabilitation of the handicapp ed. 196U. 362.7 E769c Brill, K. Children in homes. 1965. 362,78 Am35s American Public Health Association. Services for Children with orthopedic handicaps. 1962. Hef 36U.03 P258d Partridge, E. 9 dictionary of toe underworld, British and 1961 .American. 36U.2 StU5d Sterne, S. Delinquent condudt and broken homes, a study of 1,050 boys. 196k» 36U.2U C616 The Clinical evaluation of the dangerousness of the ment ally ill. 1967. 36U.3 nxSSc 1967 Mays, J. B. Crintfi and the social dfructure. 15^7* 36U.36 EL22L Eldefonso, E. Lav enforcement aiM th£ youthful offender. 1967. 36U,36 H6l6d Hirschi, T. Delinquency re^'^rcfe. 1967. 36U.36 St32n Steel, R. ?few light on juvenile delinquency. 1967. 361i.37 ASieg 1928 Asbury, H. The gangs of JJew Iorlc,an infonnal history of the underworld. 19?8. 36li,6 P353t Peck, H. B. Tre-jtment of tbe. delinquent adtslesccnt. 195U. 36li.97mi P872C Powers, E. Crime and punishment in early Massachusetts, 1966. 365 3h26c Shaw, G. B, The crime of imprisonment. 19U6, 368,U L962s Lubove, R. The struggle for social security, 1900-1935* 1968^ 368.lil CUI60 Cheit, E, F. Occupational disability and public policy. 1963. 368.U2 M929b Munts, R. Bargaining for health, 1967. 370.1 \p65 Approaches to values in education. 1966. 370.1 F838w Foy, R. The world of education. 1968. 370.1 H878r flullfish, H. G. Reflcctive thinking. 1961, 370.1 \n62r ilousseau, J. J. Rousseau on education. 1912. 370.1 UL3P Ulich, R. Philosophy of education. 1961. 370,11 Am35e American Association of School Administrators# 1^6. 370.11 Ed83 Educational requirements for tte 1970's. 1967. 370.11 R19i Raubinger, F. M. The individual and education. 1968» 370.15 G358e Gibson, J. T, Educfitional psychology. 1968, 370.15 JLi87i Jersild, A, T. In search of self. 1952. 370.15 K953t Kuethe, J. I». The teaching-learning process. 1968. 370.15 ^.^333w Watson, G. B. What psychology can we trust? 1961. 370.15 567p Wheeler, R. H. Principles of mental development. 1932. 370.18 W751^ 'Vise, E. ^"^thods of research in education, 1967.

25 370.193 r)287c Ifevies, H. Culture and the grwiar school. 1965. ' 370.193 N521a Nicholson, C. K. Anthropology and education, 1968. *^ . 370.193 Stl6s Stilcup, R. J, Sociology and educntion. 1968. 370.193 l'/[i36m Weissj P. The making of men; 1967. '-w 370.193U K8U9d Kozol, J. Deat at an early 1967. 370.1931; W679s Willis, B, C. Social problems in public school admini stration. 1967. . 370.7 H26lg 19S6 Harvard Univ^,rsity. The graduate study of education. 1966. _ . 370.71 B652t Bosley, H. E. Television and related media in tcacher education. 1967. 370.71 E8l3t' Brown, J. P. The training of teachers for secondary schools in Germany and the United States. 1911. 370.71 Utiu Utah. State Board of Educationl The use of video process in teadher education. 370 . 78 Ain35o '\merican educational resenrch association. 1935* 370.78 H332r . Hayman, J. L. Research in educ.ntion. 1968. 370.78 T57Ur Tolbert, E. L, Research for teachcrs and councelors. 1967. 370.8 As73h Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. Humanizing education. 1967. 370.8 D5U1 Dialogue on education. 1967. 370.8 F7^2o Ford, G. S, On and off the campus. 1938. 370.9 Wise, J. E, The history of education. 196ii. Ref 370.973 fl93f Fallon, B. J. 'Fifty States innovate to improve their • schools. 1967. 370.973 H97u 196U Hutchins, R. M. The "university of Utopia. 196U. 370.973 T365p Thom-as, M. J. Public education and a productive society. 195ii. 370.9775 J768f Jorgenson, L. Pi The founding of public education in . Wisconsin. 1956. 371 Eli39s Bennett, H, E, School efficiency. 1917* 371.1 D737t Dorros, S. Teaching as a profession. 1968. 371.1 W693ni Wilson, H, B. Modern methods in teaching. 192ii. 371.102 Am5lr Amidon, E. J, The role of the te?chcr in the classrcaom. 1967. 371.133 C788p Cooperative Development of Public School Administration in New York State. 195ii. 371.2 .ChSSc, Cicourel, A, V. The educational decision-makers. 1963. 371.2' G875o Griffiths, D. E. Organizing schools for effective educa tion. 1962, 371.201 C788d . Cooperative DcvelopnK}nt of Public School Administration in New York State, 1955. 371.26 ?$k6e Phillips, C. Evaluation in education. 1968. 371.3 H757t Honig, F, Taking tests and scoring high. 1967. 371.3 Sel8h Saettler, P. A history of instructional technology. 1$68. LS 371.33 Scu65p Scuorzo, H. E. The pncticol audio-visual handbook for teifhers. 1967* 371.33 Scu65p Scuorzo, H. E, The prnctical audio-visual handbook for ttachers. 1967. 371.3358 H95UL Mruphy, J. Learning by television. 1966.

16 371.1i 0258h Gazda, 0. H. Handbook of guidanee servicGS. 1966. 371.ij2 StSSv Strong, K. Voeational interests of men and woiaen, 19U3. 371.!i22 J^35cp Amerloan ersonnel and (Guidance Asdsolation* Cowisellng^ a growing proffession. 196$» 371.1t22 B275>g Barry, R. rded children in elementary schools. 1961. 371.92 rajle Kolbume, L. Ii. Effective education for the mont-^lly retarded child. 1965# 371.95 C8859 Grow, L. D* Educating the academically able. 1963. 372 MUTlt Jfeeker, A« M« Teachers at work in the elementtry school# 1963. 372.019 Bsap Barsch, M. Perceptual--motc^ cu3?riculam* 1967. 372.12 f789ii Foskett, J. M. The normative world of the eienentaiy school principal. 1967** 372.1255 T3lln Teii^bury, J. Nongr^'ding in the el^aentary seheol* 1967. Q2 373.133 B77%> Hipper, G. g, P^^^pet mak^jag through the grades. 1966. 372.lU V316e Van Hoose, W, H. lire elementary sohool ccEonaelor# 1967. 372.35 B623e Slough, G. EieiBBJitary «ehooi scienee aaai hew to teach it. 1961t. 372.U mhh ijsa Harris, A, J. How to increase reading ahilitgr^ a guide t6 developanental and remedial methods. 196X* 372.U09 H3*2l(t M. M. Teaching to read, liistorically considered.

17 372 .iil Elii6p Bagfojrd, J. Phonicss its role in teaching rending. 1967- IS 372.U1 B2190 Bajnman, H. A. Oral interpretstion of children's literature. 196U. 372.Ul H2Ue Harris, A. J. P^ffcctibe teaching of reading. 1962. 3 72 .iil JJ213r National Conference on Research in English. 19U1. 372•m3 C66lt Cohn, S, M. Teaching the retarded reader. 1967. 372.6 B91i6t 1961; Burrows, A. T, They all want to write. 196U. 372.6 D325g 1963 Dawson, M. A, Guiding language learning. 1963* 372.6 G832d 1967 Greene, H. A. Developing language skills in the elemen tary schools. 1967. LS 372.6 J153u Jacobs, L. B. Using literature with young children. 1965. IS 372.6 P53s Philadelphia Surban School Study Council. Stimulating creative writing in elementary schools. 1967. 372.7 F'322t Fehr, H. F. Teaching modem mathematics in the elementary school, 1967. 372.7 rT889p Wuffield Foundation. 1967. 372.72 D265m D'Augustine, D, H, Ilultiple methods of teaching mathe matics in the elementary school. 1968# 372.86 BBUlf Bryant, R. Fun and fitness through elementary ptysical educ^^tion. 1967. 373 Ar27s Arco Publishing Company, iew fork. Secondary level high school equivalency diploma tests. 1966. 373 C5U6st Clark, L, H. Strategies and trctics in secondary school teaching. 1968. 373.1 014s Oliva, P. F, The second-^ry school today, 1967. 373.18 N759s Nordstrcan, C. Society's children. 1967. 373.73 K935s Krug, E. A. The shaping of the American high school, 196ii. 375 R189 Rational planning in curriculum and instruction, 1967. 376 0767 Continuing Education for Women. 1967. 378 As8liC Astin, A, W, The college environment. 1968. 378.1 J'^eedom and order in the izniv rsity. 1967. Ref 37^.1 G7li3g Gourman, J, The Gourman report. 1967. 378.1 H89l4in Hungate, T. L, Management in higher education. 196U. 378.1 St67v Stoke, H, W. Viewpoints for the study of the administra tion of higher education, 1966. 378.101 Un3 University government in Canada. 1966. 378.12 B8l2m Brown, D. G. The mobile professors. 1967. 378.121 Am35a 1966 American Civil liberties Union. 1966. 378.121 M222U McLaughlin, L. The university in the American experience. 1966. 378.155 Z92i Zweig, M. The idea of a world university. 1967. 378.198 Sh31a Shea, E. J. Administrative policies for intercollegiate athletics. 1967. aef 378.21i N198d National Research Council. Doctorate recipients frc«n United States universities, 1958-1966. 1967- Ref 378.36 Ain35s American Business Associates, Inc. S. 0. S. summer open 1968 ings for students, 1968. 378.73 M267n Madsen, D. The National university, enduring dream of the USA, 1966.

18 379.1^3 G568j Goldhammer, K4 J.ickson County revisited# 1968. 379.1535 KU19S Kentucky, University, Bureau of school services. School Consolidation. 1966* 380«16 B6I4.P Bonbrightj J. C. Principles of public 'Utiliiy, rites* ,7 .4 382.09U2 iai8t Macara, C. W, Trade stability and how to obtain it. 1925^ 1925 382,09ii92._W692a Wilson, C. H« Anglo-Dutch commerce &finance in the eigh-^ teenth century. 19iil« 382.911^2 F332e Feld, W, The European Common Market and the world. 1967# 385 P83m Port of New York Authorily. ffetropolitan ^ransportation- 1980. 1963. 385.2U W671f 1962 Williams, E. W. f*reight transportation in the Soviet Union, including comparisons with the United States. 388.31 T676 1965 Traffic engineering handbook, 1965. 390 06131= Clifton, J. A, Introduction to cultural anthropoloev. 1968. 392 Ml5s' 1961^ Mace, D. R. The Soviet family. I96I14 392 Si57e Simoons, F. J, Eat not this flesh, food avoidances in the Old World. 1967. 395 St82y 1955 Your best foot forw^'.rd. 1955, 395 V283n 196? Vanderbilt, A. lTcw ccanplete book of etiquette. 1967. 398 B636 196? Boatright, M. G. Bnckwoods to border. 1967. 398 D653t 1965 Dobie, J, F. Tone the bell easy, 1965. 398.09756 E758w Brewer, J. M, Worser dr»ys and letter times. 1965. 398.n976k D6^3f Dobie, J. F, FoIIot^ dc drinkin gou'd. 1965. .1565 398.0976ii D653S Dobie, J, F. Straight -Texas. 1966. 1966 398.09761+ D653t . Dobie, J, F. Texas and southwestern lore, 1967. 1967 398.2 Ii385r Masslgnon, G, Folkt?.les of France, 1968. Rof Ac<7i Ackerman, W, \n index of the Arthurian names in Middle 1967 English. 1967. 398.2U D653m 1965 Dobie, J. F. t-kistangs and cow horses. 1965. 398.5 As38c 1966 • Ashton, J. Chap-books of the eighteenth century. 1966. 399 Sn52a i^nodgr-iss, M, Arms and armour of the Greeks. 1967.


UI3.028 E862s Starnes, De Witt Talmage. Robert Estienne's influence on lcxicogr'?-phy. I963. I120.7 M333L Marcfcwardt, A. H. Linguistics and the teaching of English. 1966. ii20.712 G76h -Confercnce on the Organization, Administration, and Super- vision of High School Departments of English. 1965. I12I.5 Ci;6f Chreist, F. M. Foreign accent. 1961;, Ii21.5 V775Ua Wise, C. M. Apolied phonetics. 1957.

19 Ref ij.27 W936d Wright, T, Dictionary of obsolete and provincial English 1967 containing words from the English writers previous to the nineteenth century which are no longer in use, 1967, ii27.02 P539m Fisiak, J, Morphemic structure of Chaueer's English. 1965. Ref ii27.09 B27)4d Barrere, A, V. A dictionary of slang, jargon & can embrac 1967 ing English. 1967. U39.82 E2$2L Haugen, E, I. Language conflict and language planning, 1966. UiO.9 H739h 1967 Holmes, U. T. A history of the French l^-uiguage. 1967. Ft lUi8,6 J8U9L Joyauc, G, J. Lectures de France et d'outre-mer. 1967# tlef U91.731 J317d Jaszczun, V/, A dictionary of Russian idioms and colloquia lisms. 1967. U91.8 En87r 1961^- Entvri-stlc, W. J. Russian and the Slavonic language. 196U* 500.9 P833m Porter, G, Music of the wild, with reproductions of the performers, their instruments and festival halls. 1910.


500 Se87s 1967 Seward, A. C. Science and the Nation. 1967. 500.9 Sh23f 1967 Sharp, D. L. The face of the fields. 1967. 501 T6ii3f 1963 Toulmin, S, E. Foresight and understanding. 1963. 501 W239n Walker, M. J, The nature of scientific thought, 1963. 507.1173 K7270 Knapp, R, H. Origins of ^^merican scientists. 1967. 1967 507.2 Wli3r Weinberg, A, IT, Reflections on big science. 1967. 508 Sc27sc 1967 Science to-d'^y and to-morrow, 1967 510 Su61|s Summer School in Mathematical Logic. Sets, models and recursion theory, 1967. 510.78 Ad59t Adler, I, Thinking machines, a layman's introduction to logic. 1961, 511 B669b Bouwsma, W. D, B-^sic mathematics for elementary teachers. 1967. 512.21 5/3373 196k Marg\ilis, B. E. Systems of lineir equations, 196lt, 512.8 Cl52i Campbell, H, G, An introduction to m.'^triccs, vectors, and linear progr.imming. 1965. 512.817 D56)is Dienes, Z. P. Sets, numbers and powers. 1966. 519 Ai33p Aigner, D, J. Principles of statistical decision making. 1968. 519.92 D236L Dantzig, G. B. Linear Programming and extensions. 1963. 523.13 Su56w 1966 Sullivan, W. We are net alone, 1966. 526.9 P278b Pattison, W. D. Beginnings of the American rectangular lanfl survey system. 1957# 526.962 Hl53p Hallert, B. Photogrnmmetry, basic principles and general survey, I960. 535 H36w feel, A. S. What is light? 1968.

20 550 Or9c Ordw^y^ R* J, Earth science. 1966. 551.1 T139cE Ifeikeuchilf H. Debate ^bout the earth. 1967. 551.13 P757C Poldervaart, A, Crust of the earth, a symposium. 1955. 551.13 V559e Vening Meinesz, F. A. The earth's crust and mantle. 1961;. 551.U609 C76e Conference on Estuaries. 1967. 551.6 H222r 1966 Hare, F. K, The restless aiunosphere. 1966. 551.8 RlU8f Ramsay, J, G. Folding and fracturing of rocks. 1967, 551^9 Ah73d Ahrens, L. H, Distribution of the elements in our . 1965. 552 B3liJ;i Bayly, B, Introduction to petrology, I968. 560 W2l3t National Hese-^rch Council. Tre?=»tise on marine ecology and paleoccology. 1957. 572 R182a Rapport, S« B, Anthropology, 1967. 572.892 M85sE Moscati, S, Ancient Semitic civilizations. I960. 572.9 D553i Dicken, S. N. Introduction to human geography. 1963» 572.96 G257e Gayre of Gayre and Nig^, R. Ethnological elements •£ Africa. 1966. 573.2 D922h 1965 Dunn, L, C. Heredity and evolution in human populations. 1965. 581.09 T3li3e 1961 Tteophrsstus. Enquiry inot plants and minor works on odours and weather signs, 1961. 581.192 H2lUc Harborne, J, B. domparative biochemistry of the flavonoids. 1967. 591.8 B5llr • Bishop, C. W, The red blood cell, I96U. 591.9787 C235o Carrighar, S, One day at Teton Marsh, 19U7. 595.705 C398inE Chauvin, R. The world of an insect. 1967, S 598.2 H753 The homes of the birds, 187U.


607 L533m Leighbody, G. IB, Methods of teaching shop and technical subjects. 1966. Hef 610.3 Sch53r Schmidt, J. E. Revrrsions, 1958« 610.6273 ^Jn35b Burrow, J. G, 'M'V: volc" of \mFricin medicine. 1963, •510.69 L5l5p Lee^ R, V. The physlcinn. 1967. • s 610.695 J135L Jackson, J. Letters to youn^ physician just entering upon practice. 1855. 610.72 H55s Hill, ,:jLr A, E. Statistical methods in clinical and prevent ive medicint. 610.73 C9l7b CunniaehaJTi, I, 3. i?a-lc medical-sur

21 613.7 Rl87t Rnthbone, J, L, Te^ch yourself.to relax. 1957. 613.9U HI530 Haller, 1 . H. Eugenics. 1963. 6lli H195d H^nion, J, J. Design for health. .1963. 6lii M217t Mackintosh, J. M. Topics in pubMc health. 1965. 6lti.09 R722h Rosen, G. A history of public health, 1953. 61U.2 L991iti Lynch, i*. J, 'edicine and the st^ite. I963. 6lU.i; .\m3^c 1965 AmericpJi Public Health Issociation. Control of communicnble diseases in man. 1965. 6lliJ4 P231c 196ti Paul, Hugh, The control of disenses. 1961^. 6m.7 ^213 Joint Committee on Food Fquipmcnt Stand-^rds. 1968. 6ia.7 i\T213 Joint Committee on Food Fquipment and Standards. 1965. 61U.7 ^1213 i^ational Sanitation Foundation. 1966. 6D1.7 N213 Joint Committee on Food Fquinment Stand-^rds. 196U. 61)^.715 Ara35i American '^blic Health Association. cl966. 6IU.862 V819L 1967 Virginia. Let's face it. 1967. 61U.B8 1^2 63w 1952 ' Warwick, F, J, Warwick and Tunstall's First aid to the injured and sick, 1952. Ref 615.1 WR93 World directory of schools of pharmacy. 1966. 615.19 M668b Mintz, M, By orescritption only, 1967. 1967 615.71 T398c Thorp, R. H, Cardiac stimulant substances. 1967. 615.925 ALllit Albert, R. F, Thorium, 1966, 616 R562p Robinson, G. C. The patient as a person, 1939. 6l6.0llt C838m Cowan, S, T, i^lanual for the identification of medical bacteria. 1966. 616.31 K881ie Kreshover, S. J, Fnvironm': ntal v^riatles in or^l disease, 1966. 616.835 0292^ Davis, F, Passage through crisis, 1963. 616.855 E565s Black, K. E. Specch corrcction in the schools. 196ii. 616.855 D2U9d Darley, F, L. Diagnosis qnd appraisal of comrdunication disorders. 196ii, 616.855 M951f Murphy, A, T. Functional voice disorders, 196ii, 616.8552 BS55d Buck, i:. Dysphasia. 1968. 616.855U R562i Robinson, F, B. Introductim to stuttering, 1961i. 616,85514. ^•/Ii36c Weiss, D, Cluttering. 196k* 616.89 Gii6Ur Glasser, W, Reality therapy, 1965. 616.89 P182p Palmer, J. 0. Perspectives in psychopathology. 1966. 616.8915- BU57p Berne, E. Principles of group treatment. 1966. 616.8982 R727g Rosenthal, D. The Genain quadruplets, 196ii. 617.11 M87Ub Moyer, C. A. , shock, and plasma volume regulation. . 1967. Ref 617.6003 B66c Boucher, C, 0, Current clinical dental terminology, 1963» 617.89 On2h O'Nei'll, J. J, The hard of hearing. 196ii* 617.95315 W527C Westlake, H. Cleft palate. 1966. 618.92 Am35h American Public Health Association. Health supervision of young children. 1955» 618.92 H233P Harper, PI A. Preventive pediatrics. 1962. 618.92836 rCLU5c McDonald, E. T. Cerebral palsy. 1961;. 6.8^92855 W85d Wood, N, E., Delayed speech- and language development. 196U.

22 618.9289 G79P Ccpcl, S. L. Psychodiagnostic study of children and adolescents. 1967. 618.9289 RUit6h Riese, H. Heal the hurt child. 1962. 618.9297 H6l6y Hirschfeld, H. Your allergic child. 196U. 620 K381i 196? Kennedy, C. V, Inspection and gaging, a tr-^ining manual and reference work. 1967. 621 D87liP Duffy, J. W. Power, prime mover of technology. 196U. 621.381 Hii35h 1967 Herrington, D. E. How to read schematic diagrams. 1967. 621.38U5 W72s 1966 Noll, K. M. Second-class radiotelephone license handbook. 1966. 621.38836 B322m Battison, J. H. Movies for TV. 1950. 621.833 T839g Tuplin, W. A. Gear design. 1962. 622.33 Ar5Us Armes, E. The story of coal and iron in Alabama. 1910. 623.UU09 W72f Winant, L. Firearms curiosa. 195li. 627.1 H662t 1968 Hodge, C. L. The Tennessee Valley Authority. 1968. 628.1 -B581w Blake, N. M. Water for the cities. 1956. 628.53 Am35a American Association for the Advancement of Science. Air conservati n. 1965. 629.2 V559a 1967 Venk, E. A. Automotive fundamentals. _1967. 629.213 ^^213u 1962 National Committee on Uniform Traffic Laws and Ordinances. 1962. 629.28 Ani35s 1916a American Automobile Association. Sportsmanlike driving. 1961, 629.28 D7t;lis Dougherty, E, E. Safety in police pursuit driving. 1961. 629.28 m77p ^ar Siegler Service, inc. Physics and the driver. 1961;, 629,28 N213P National Conference on Driver Education. Policies and practices for driver and traffic safety education. 196U. 629.283 L366t 1965 Lauer, A. R. Tomorrow's drivers. 1965. 629.283 N279g Nebraska. State Dept. of Education. A guide for driver education in i'Jebraska high schools. 1967. 630.9 Sa85a Sauer, C. 0, Agricultural origins and dispersals. 1952. 630.9U5 C29m i960 Cato, M. C. Marcus Porcius Cato, on agriculture. I960. 632 Cl8f Carefoot, G. L. Famine on the windj man's battle against plant disease. 1967. 635.09 R636g 1967 Rohde, E. S. Garden-craft in the Bible. 1967. ShO Wl55b 1966 Wallace, I. Building your home life. 1966. 6UO.7 H282t 1963 Hatcher, H. M. The teaching of home economics. 1963. 6lil«l An2'^n Anderson, L. Nutrition anf family he^ilth service. I960. 6lil,373 N213n National Dairy Council. Newer knowledge of cheese. 1967. 61i2 Bl55m 1961i McLean, N B. ffeal planning and service. 1961;. 6U6.1 StU7i 1962 Stevens, H. Introduction to general textiles. 1962. 6U6.3 D378c 196h Delavan, B. C. Clothing selection. 1961;. 650.01U Hi75fc H^burger, E. A business vocabulary of representative terms used in accounting, advertising, banking. 1966. Ref '650.03 H175b Hamburger, E, A business dictionaiy of representative terms used in accounting, advertising, banking. 1967. 650.711 Orth, C. D. Social structure and learning climate. 1963. 651.26 M175p McGill, D. A., Punched cards. 1962,

23 651.^ B29Ub 196h Bassett, E. D« Business filing and records control, 1961i. Q 651.5 H288i Hattery, L. H. Information retrieval management, 1962, 651.5 Lli7Im Leahy, E, J. Modern records management, 1965. 65l«5 Wl;l8f Weeks, B, M. Filing and records management • 196U. 651.7U M527c 196? Menning, J. H. Communicating through letters and reports. 1967. 651.8 MU21e Mathes, S, M, EDP and the smaller company, 1967. 651.81; M137gu McCracken, D. D, A guide to ALGOL programming, 1962, 651«903 Bi;63c Beshers, J, M, Computer methods in the analysis of large scale social systems, 1965. 652.3 W52f West, L, J, Fatigue and performance variability among typist, 1967. 652.3 W52v West, L, J, The vocabulary of insturctional materials for typing and stenographic training - research find ings and implicatiqns. 1967, LS 655.173 W9U6c Wroth, L, C. The colonial printer, 196ii, 657' B39i Bedford, N. M, Income determination theory. 1965. 657 FU97pr Finney, H« A, Principles of financial accounting. 1968. 657 M887i Mueller, G, G, International accounting. 1967. 657 Se52r Seminar on Basic Research in Accounting Measurement. Research in accounting measurement. 1966. 658 B6i44jn, Boot, J. G. Mathematical reasoning in econonics and management science, 1967. 658 D8)4m Brucker, P, F, Managing for results, 1961;, 658 Mii21s Mathes, S, M, The small company and big business, 1967* 658 Ow2m 1965 Owens, R, N, Management of industrial enterprises. 1965. 658 r561c 196U Robinson, E, M, College business organization and man agement. 196Li, 658 Sa21e Saigh, Y, A, Entrepreneurs of Lebanon, 1962. 658 Sc63r Scanlan, B, K, Results management in action. 1967. 658 T279p 1968 Terry, G, R, Principles of management, 1968. 658.008 Lft57p Lazarus, H, The progress of manaeement| process, behavior, and operations research, 1968. 658.02 MU21h Mathes, S, M, Handling company growth, 1967. 658.082 R912a ftussell, E, L, Automated manufacturing planning. lf^7» 658.11ii Bl3Uc Bacon, J. Corporate directorship practices, 1967# 658,151 W675m Williams, T, H, Management information, 1967. 658.15U D6[t6c Dixon, S, The case for marginal eosting, 1966, 658.16 Cii62m Christensen, C, R, Management succession in small and growing enterprises, 1953. 658.21 Ks831 1966 Estall, R, C, Industrial activity and economic geography. 1966. ; 658.23 L553h leonhard, D« L, The human equation in marketing research. 1967. 658.3 G565m Golembiewski, R. T. Men, management, and morality, 1965» 658.3 Mli72p Megginson, L, C. Personnels a behavioral approach to • administration . 1967# 658,3 Sa99h • Sayles, L, R, Human behavior-in .organizations, 1966.

2li 658,3 Sa99h Sayles, L. R. Human behavior in organizations. 1966. 658.308 W899C 'rfortman, M. S. Creative personnel management. 1967. 658,3121; mg .Mace, L, The growth and developement of executives. 1950. 658,312ii Sa77s Sartain, A. Q. The supervisor and his job. 1945. 658.321 N2130 National Industrial Conference Board. Overtime pay for exempt employees. 1967. LS 658,325 Sp99p Spyers-Duran, P. Public libraries. I967. 658.386 Oni2c O'Meara, J. Combating knowledge obsolescence. 1968. 656.li Herington, R. E. The young businessman, small company or large. 1967* 658,lj In8m Invitational Personnel Research Conference, i'-ieasuiring executives effectiveness. 1967* 658.Ii Jlil2e Jennings, E. E, Executive success: stresses, problems, • and adjustment. 1967# 658.a5 D321f Dawe, J. Functional business communication. 1968» 658.ii5 In8a International Joint Seminary joint attitudes and methods of communication and consultation between employers . and workers at individual firm level, 1963* 658.5 B791p 196? Broom, H. N. Production management. 1967* 658.561 N59in Niland, P. Management problems in the acquistion of spec ial automatic equipment. 1961. 658.561i Am35c American Management Association. Packaging Division. 1967. 658.56^4 B613L Blau, W. Long-range planning for packaging. 1968. 658.72 Wii33.o Weir, S. i-i. Order selection, a focal point for developing warehouse machine/system. 1968. 658.787 H675i Hoffman, R» A. Inventories; a guide to their contorl, costing, and effect upon income and taxes. 1962. 658.8 B29Um 1966 Davis, K. R, Marketing management. 1966, 658.8 F5iilin Fisk, G, Marketing systems. 1967# 658.8 F779m Fortune (Magazine) Marketing: change and exchange* 196ii« 658.8 H19in Hanan, M. Market segmentation. 1968. 658.8 M855d Mossman, F« H. Differential distribution cost and revenue analysis, a new approach. 1962. 658.8 St26f 1967 Stanton# W. J. Fundamentals of marketing. 1967. 658.85 Mlli5t MacDonald, M, B. Training company salesmen. 1967. 658.87 N?13e National Cash Register Company. Management Counseling Services. 658.572 St72s Stone, R. F, Successful 'direct mail advertising and sell-- ing. 1955. 659#2 Am35in American Management Association. Measuring and evaluating public relations activities* 1968. 659.2 Ee57c Eells, R. F. The corporation and the arts. 1967. 66ii R25le Reed, G, Enzjrmes in food processing. 1966, 661^.92 L578m I967 Levie, A. The meat handbbok. 1967. 668.ii Sw2i4p Bwanson, R, S. Plastics technology; basic materials and processes, 1965. 671 D787g 196U Draggo, A. iV. General shop metalwork. 196k» Ref 677.ii7it5 C772h Cook, J. G. Handbook*of polyolefin fibres. 1967#

25 677.66 N756p Norland, 0, Primitive Scandinavian textiles in knotless netting# 1961. 68S.08 D7U7W Douglass, J. H, Woodworking with machines, I960. 68ii,l B295in Bastj^lj Modernizing and repairing upholstered furniture. 688.722 T8Sc loung, H, The complete book of doll collecting. 1967*


Q2 701 Sch66a Schorr, J. Aspects of art. 1967. 1967 701.15 R22a Read, H. E. Art and alienation; the role of the artist in society. 1967. 701.17 Sal28 Saarinen, E. Search for formj a fundamental approach to art. 19^8. Q2 70li.096 P721gE Plokker, J. H. Art from the mentally disturbed; the shatt-. 1965 ered vision of schi«ophrencis. 1965. 708 Eg58r 1967 Egllnton, G. Reaching for art. 1967# Q2 708.2 R7ii3t Rothenstein, J. M. The Tate Gallery* 1958 . Q2 709 J267h Pierce, J. S. From abacus to Zeus; a h^dbopk of art Index history. 1968. Q2 709.03ii M267a Madsen S, T, Art nouveau. 1967. Q2 709.Oli Berkelaers, F. L. Abstract painting. 196ii. 1961i Q2 709.3i* R72U Rosenfield, J. M. The dynastic arts of the Kushans. 1967* Q2 709.38 D391a Demabgne, P. Aegean art: the origins of Greek art. 196k» 196U . Q2 709.391 M338c Marinatoi, S. Crete and Mycenae. 1960. Q2 709.ii2 T668a Toynbee, J. M. Art in Roman Britain, 1963* 1963 709.143 L,528a Lehmann-Haupt, H. Art under a dictatorship. 19514. 711.li D351d De BliJ, H. J. Dar es Salaam; a study in urban geography. 1963. 711.i;0li92 F699c Foley, D, L. Controlling London's growth. 1963. 728^6 W357h Waugh, A. House design; a classroom mAnual. 1955. 739.27 R72j 1967 Rose, A, F. Jewelry making and design. 1967. Q 7U.58 m4l9f Herdeg, W. Film & TV graphics- 1967. Q2 7iil.69 K128t Kamekura, Y. Trademarks and sy bols of the world. 1965. Q2 7lil.92ii M666t Minnesota. University. 2oth century master drawings. 1963. Q2 7li9.211 L991f Lynch, E. C. Furniture antiques found in \^irginia; a book of measured drawings. 195li. 756.92 P7590 Polk, rf. R. The opening of South Lebanon, 1788-18140; a study of the impact of the w^est on the Middle East. 1963. 759 a7U3n 1967 Rothenstein^ J. M. Nineteenth-century painting, a study in conflict. 1967.

26 Q2 7^9.05 P783i Pool, P. Impressionism. 1967* Q2 7$9a3 G677a Gorky, A, Arstule Sorky. 1966. Q2 7^9.2 E58lZk Keynes, G. L, A study of the illuminated books of wfilliain Blake, poetj printer, prophet. 1961;. Q2 759.9 G557g2 Gogh, V. V. . 1967. IS 761.209 Hind, A. M. An introduction to a history of woodcut, 1963. 1963 776.5 Of2s Offenhauser, W. H, l6-inin soumd motion pictures, a manual for the professional and the amateur. 19ii^« 778.53 B781ih Brodbeck, E. E. Handbook of basic motion picture tech niques. 1966. Q2 779 C886c Croy, 0. H, Creative photography. 1965. Ref 780.15 H122n Haggin, B. H. The new listener*s companion and record 1967 guide, 1967. 780.72 V\h2Sy Mathews, P. W. You can teach musics a handbook for the classroom teacher. 1953• 780.8 B621s 196? Blom, E. Stepchildren of music. 1967. 780.92 D717a Ashbrook, W» Donizetti. 1965. 780.92 Sa25h Harding, J. Saint-Saens and his circle. 1965. 781 EL7et 1890 Elson, L, G. '^he theory of music. I89O. 781.1 St26m Stanton, H. M. Measurement of musical talent. 1935. 7R1.3 ALl6a Alchin, C, A. Applied harmony, 1930- 78l.li2 L528t 1907 Lehmann, F. J, A treatise on simple counterpoint in forty lessons, I907. Ref 781.97 LBliin Lockwood, A, L. Notes on the literature of the pianos 1968 1968. M 783.P971h , H. Unto thee will I cry. 1959. M 783.6722 B122in , J. S. ^i.rga Jesse floruit. 19614. M 78li.306l ?971a Purcell, H, Die Nacht, 1956. M 781.30612 B122L Bach, J, S. Unschuld, Kleinod reiner Seelen. 1950. M 781.30613 R66iin Romhild, J, T. Das neue Jahr ist kommen. 1951* M 78I4.3062 ALllia Albert, H. Zwolf Duette fur gleiche und geflllschte Stimmen mit Goneralbass. 1957. M 78J4.3062 Sw28r Swelinck, J. P. Rimes francoises et italiennes, a deux parties. I960. 7814 .li L836a 193ii ^•oinax:, J. A. American ^allads and folk songs, collected and compiled by Johm A, Lomax. 193ii. 0 Wulffen, B. V, Der ^atureingang in Minnesang und fruhem • Volkslied. I963. 78a.ii97U Y73p Yoder, D." Pennsylvania spitituals. I96I. 78ii.Ii976 Owat Owens, W, " Texas folk songs, 1950. Q 78a.8 L6ii6s Lingenfelter, R, E, Songs of the American west. 1966# M 785.11 T179S Tartini, G. Sinfonie, Oder Streichquattett, 1957. M 785.55U T236e Telemann, G. Konzert, a i'ioll, fur Violine und Strei- chorchester mit Basso continuo, if57. M 785.671 Plil7co Pergolesi, G. B. Concertini, fur vier \^iolinen, viola Violoncello und Basso continuo. 1951. M 785.671 V58v Veracini, E. M. Donzett D-dur, fur Violine und Streicher. 1959.

27 M 785.672 T236va Teleinann, G, P« Konzert, G-dur, fur Viola und ^treichor- chester mit Basso continuo. 1965* M 785.673 St22vc Stamitz, K, "^oncerto in a, fur i/ioloncello und Kleines Crchester. 1951# M 785.673 St22vc2 StaitiitZj K» Concerto in G, fur Violoncello und kleines Orbhester. 1953- M 785.673 St22vc3 StamitZj K, Concerto in C, fur Violoncello und kleines Orchester. 1953. M 785.685 Q25f Quanta, J, J, Konzert fur Querflote, Streicher und basso continuo, 1966. M 785.685 T236f lelemann, P, Concerto*G-dur, fur Querllot^ zwei Violi- nen, und Basso continuo, 1965. M 785.685 T236f2 Telemann, • ?• Konzert, E-moU, fur Blockflote, Querflote, 2 Violinen, Viola und Easso continuo, 1963, M 785.6853 N222r Naudot, J, J, Konzert G-dir, fur Ajtblockflote oder Quer- flote Oder oboe, zwei Violinen und b"sso Coninuo, 1958, M 785.6853 Sca7iis , A. §infonien fur iCannerorchester, 19^k* M 785.6853 Sca7iis2 Scarlatti, A, sinfonien fur Kainmerorchester: Nr, 5^ D-moll M 785.6853 Sca7Us3 Scarlatti, A^ Sinfonien fur ^ammerorchester Nr,5 E-moll- 1955. M 785.6853 Sca7iisii Scarlatti, A^ Sinfonien fur Kapnerorchester: Nr, 2, D-dur. M 785.8853 Sca7iis5 Scarlatti, A, Sinfonien fur Kammerorchester: Nr. 12 C-moll M 785.685J T236r Telemann, P, Konzert F-dur fur Alt-Blockllote, Zewi . Violinen, Viola, Violoncello, und Basso continuo. 1965 M 785,71 B751c Brennecke, V/, Carmina germanica et gallica, 1956, M 785.71 T236g Telemann, G, P. Der getreue Musikmeister, 1967. M 785.72 L338b assus, 0, Bicinien Zum Singen und Speilen auf Blockfloten und anderen insturmenten, 1967, 785,72 N86bi Nowak, L, Bicinien der Renaissance, 1963* M 785.72 V676c Vierdanck, J, Capricci, mit zwei ofler drei Instrumenten, 1950, M 705,7271 Ab3ii8o Abel, K, F, Sechs Spnaten fur Viola da gamba oder und Basso continuo*. 196?, M 785.7271 B122iit Bach, J, C, Drei Streichtrios fur" 2 Violinen und Violon cello, op ii. Nr. 2, U and 6. 19ii9. M 785.7271 B6iiiii Bonporti| F, A, Inventionen fur Violine und Basso Continuo, op, 10. 1955, M 785,7271 G28iiso Geminiani, F, Sonate, A-dur, fur Violine und Basso con tinuo, 1962, M 785.7271 G281jso2 Geminiani, F. Sonate, D-dur, fur Violine und Basso con tinue . M 785.7271 G778so Graupner, C, Zwei Sonaten, fur Cembal# und Violine oder Flote, 1955. M 785.7271 M338so Iferini, B, Sonate, D-moll fur Violine, Streichbass und Basso continuo, 1955. M 785.7271 M877d , J, W. A. Duo in B-dur fur Violine und Viola, 1953 M 785.7271 M877d2 Mozart, J. W, A, Duo in G-dur, fur Violine und Viola. l7l>3 • M 785.7271 K877d3 Mozart,^J, W, A, Zwolf Duette, fur zwei Bassetthorner.

26 M 78$.7271 M8775d Hozart, L, Zwolf Duette fur zwei ¥iolinen. 1963. M 78^.7211 T236g Telemann, G, T, Suite in G-^'ioll, fur Violine und B§sso continuo. '196l« M 785.7271 V831C Vitali, T, A, Chaconne G-Moll, fur Violine und Basso con tinuo, 1966» M 785.7271 V836so , A, "^onata a violino solo con basso continuo. 1953. M 785.7272 ' L79Ud Locke, M, Zwolf duos, fur zwei Bass-Gamben. I960. M 785.7273 T63ISO Toreilli, G, donate, G-dur, fur Violoncello und Bass# continue. 1961i» M 785.7273 W833d Woffi, J. Sonate, D-moll, fur Violoncello und Lkavier. 1953. M 7fi5.7271^2 M827 Morley, T, Neun Fantasien, fur Zwei Violen da ganba. 1961i. M 785.7285 B1223SO Bach, C., P» E. Sonaten fur Flote und Basso continuo. . 1967. M 785.7285 L787SO Lacate^i, P. A. Drei Sonaten, fur Querflote und BassC. M 785.7285 L82liso J^oeillet, J. B. Drei Sonaten fur Flote und Generalbass. 1960. M 785.7285 N222SO Waudot, J, J. Sonate, G-dur, fur Altblockflote und Basso continuo, I963. M 785.7285 Q2530 Quantz, J, J. Sonate, D-dur, fur Flote und Basso Continuo, 1961. M 785.7285 R661so Roman, J, H, Zwei Sonaten, fur Querflote und Basso con-" tinue. 1952. M 785.7285 V836p Vivaldi, A. II pastor fido, 1963, M 785.72853 B28so Barsanti, F. Sonate, C-moU, fur Altblockflote Oder Querflote und Basso continuo, 1965. M 785.72853 B28so2 Barsanti, F, Sonate, B-dur, fur Altblockflote Oder Querflote und Basso continuo, 1965* M 785.'-7i;B53 ^'hedeville, E. P. Sechs galante Duos, fur zwei gleiche Melodienistrumente, besonders Blockfloten, 1963. M 785.72853 D8I3 Drei Sonaten fur Blockflote und Basso continuej M 705.72853 F523a Fischer, J, Vier Suiten fur Blockflote mit Basso, continuo, 1955. M 785.72853 F88lb Frei, W, Bicinien aus Glareans Dodekachordon, zum singen und Speilen auf zwei ^"-"elodie-Instumenten. 1965. M 785.72853 G219P Gastoldi, G, G, Spielstu»ke fur zwei ungleiche Instru- mente, 1963, M 785.72853 G219p2 Gastoldi, G, G, Speilstucke fur zwei gleiche Insturmente, 1963. M 785.72853 L338a Lassus, 0, d Dechs Fantasien fur zwei Violinen oder andere Streichodfer Blasinsturmente, besonders fur Blockfloten, 196?. M 785.72853 L338a2 Lassus, 0, d. Sechs Fantasien fur zwei ungleiche instur mente, 1963. M 785-72853 M331so Marcello, B, Sonaten fur Altblockflote und Basso contintt®, 1965.

29 M 785.72853 P537SO Philidor, A. Senate, D-moU, fur Altblockflote und Bass Basso Continuo. 1967* M 785.72653 P962L Pudelko, W, i^eichte DueWalter Meister des l6* 1963* M 785.72853 P962Le Pudelko, W, Leichte Duette alter i^ister des 16. Hahr- hunderts, fur gleiche Blockfloten Oder andere Instur- mente• 1963• M 785.72853 Q3Uso Quentin, B, donate D-moll, fur Altblockflote oder Quer^ flote Oder Violine und Basso continue,1961;• M 785.72853 R7l;2s Rotenbucher, E, Schone und liebliche Zwiegesange, fur zwei Melodie Instrumente* 1951* M 785.7287 G28U50 Geminiani, F. Sonata, E-moll, fur ^boe oder Querflote Oder Violine und BaSSO continuo. 196l» M 785.737 JM575c Meyer, E, H, ^nglische Fantasien fur drei Streichoder Blasinsturmente aus dem 17* Jahrhundert. 196ii. M 785.737 va7c Walther, J, Kanons in den Kirchentonen, Fur zwei und drei gleiche Bias- oder Streichinsturmente. 1963* M 785.7371 B122S0 Bach,-C, E. Senate C-dur fur Lkavier, init Begleitung einer Violine und eines Violoncello. 1965* M 785.7371 B293f Bassano, G. Sieben Trios fur Violine, Viola, Viola da gajnba, oder andere Streich-oder Blasinsturmente. M 785.7371 B753sot Brescianello, G. A. Concerti a tre, fur zwei Violinen und Bass. 19^0- H 785.7371 C319t Cazzati, M. Trisonate D-nollm fur zwei Violinen und B**sso continuo. 196ii. M 785.7371 D637sot Ditters von Dittersdorf, K. Sechs Streichtrios fur zwei Violenen und Violoncello. 1952. M 785.7371 Er53sot Erlebach, P. H. Sonaten fur Violene, Viola da gamba. und Basso continuo. 19$h» M 785.7371 Er53sot3 Erlebach, P. H. Sonaten fur Violine, Viola da gamba und Basso continuo. 195U* M 785.7371 F989P Fux, J. J. partiten, G^dur und F-dur, fur zwei Violinen und Bass. 19$0. M 765.7371 H191t , G, F. Trisonate, B-dur, fur Oboe, Violine und Basso continuo, 1962. M 785.7371 H32lis ,,.J. Zwolf duetsche Tanze, fur zwei Violinen und Violinen und Violoncello. 1957• M 785.7371 L526so Legrenzi, G. Triosonate, G^dur fur zwei Violinen und Basso continuo. 196U# M 785.7371 ^9Uf Locke, M. Sechs Suiten fur drei Violen da gamba. 196ii. M 785.7371 M338p Marini, B. Sonata per due violini und Bgsso continuo. 1956. M 785.7371 Pll5m Pachelbel, J. Triouiten, fur zwei Geigen und Basso con- iihiio. ^1966. M 785.7371 R735s Rossi, S. ^onate D-moll, detta La modenia fur zwei Vio linen und Ohitarrone. 195ii» M 785.7271 T236k ' Telemann, G. P. Die kleine Kammermusik. 1965* M 785.7371 T236sot Telemann, G. P. Triosonate B-dur, fur Oboe Violine und Basso continuo. 1963.

30 M 785.7371 V831t Vitali, T, A. Senate, fur Violine, Violoncello und Cembalo. 19$9m M 785.7371 Zllz Zwei ^infonien, fur zwel Geigen und Basso continuo# 1956. M 785.7372 Bl225t Bach, W. L. Trio G-dur, fur zwei Querfloten und Viola. 1967. M 785.7372 H32U< Haydn, -^ivertimenti fur Baryton, Bratsche und Bass, im Auftrag des Arbeitskreises fur Hausmusik. 1939# M 785.7372 P398sot Pepsch, J. C» Triosonate D-moll, fur Querflote oder Alt- blockflote Oder Violine, Viola da braccio oder da gamba und Basso continuo. 1966. M 785»737li B123c Bacher, J, Leichte ?Fantasien, von Bassano, Lupo und Morley, fur drei Gamben oder andere I'ielodienisntruinente. ,1967. M 785.737U F989s6 Fux, J, J. Senate fur zwei Viola da G?mba und Basso con tinuo, 19- M 78?.737li2 J3$6f Jenkins, J. Sieben Fantasien fur drie Stimmen. Seven fancies inthree parts1957* M 785»7385 B636sot Boismortier, J, B» Sonate, E-moU, fur Querflote, Viola da gamba und Basso continuo, oder fur Oboe, Fagtott und Basso continuo, oder fur Violine, Violoncellr und Basso continuo. 1967. M 78^.7385 Riil7s Richter, F. X. Sachs ^ammersonaten, fur obligates Cembalo Flote und Violoncello, 19^1- M 78^.7385 St22t Stamitz, K, Trio in G-dur, fur zwei Floten und Violoncello# 1939. M 785.7385 T236t Teleman, G, P. Triosonate, E^moll, fur Altblockflote Oboe und Bosso continuo. 1963* M 785.73853 L82l|sot Loeillet, J. B." Triosonate C-moll, fur alt-blockflote Oboe und Basso continuo. 1961. M 785»73853 L82lisot Loeillet, J, B." Triosonate D-moll, fur Altblockflote, Oboe 2 und Basso continuo. 196ii. M 785.73853 Loeillet, J, B, riosonate F-dur, fur Alt-Blockflote L82hsot3 Oboe und Basso continuo. 196l» M 785.73853 P971h Purcell, H. How pleasant is this flowery plain and grove. 1959. M 785»73853 Q25sot Quantz, J. J.' Trio-Sonate C-dur, fur Blockflot^ und Bass> continuo, 1959» M 785.73853 T236sot Telemann, G. P.' Triosonate, B-dur, fur Blockflote kon- zertierendes Cembalo und Basso continuo. 19U9« M 785.7U71 B391q Beecke, I. Streichquartett i^r. 6, G-dur. I96O. M 785.71471 C676sot Colista, L, Triosonate A—dur, fur zwei Violinen, Vio- loncello und Basso continuo. 1960# M 765.7ii71 F261so Fasch, J. F. Sonata, B-dur, fur Blockflote, Oboe Violine und Basso continuo, 19ti9» M 785.7U71 Glliic Gabrieli, '^onate fur drei Violinen und Bass# continuo. M 785.7ti71 G778SO Graupner,1959. C, Sonata G-dur, fur Streichquartett oder kleine Streichorchester. . 1955# M 785.7U71 H32iiqs ttaydn, J. Quartert, E-dur, fur Violinel und Violine II Viola und Violoncello. 1936.

31 M 785.7U71 Is7a Isaai;, H, Sechs Inetpumentalsatze fur vier Striech-oder M 785.7ii71 .St22q. Stamitz,BOasinsturmente,K. Quartett,1958.D-dur, fur Flote, Violine, Viola M 765.7ii71 St5lq Stich,undJ.Violoncello.W. Quartett,1966.op.XVIH/l, fur-Horn, ^Geige, Brat- sche und Violoncello. I960. M 7o5.7U71 iSt5lq2 Stich, J. W, Quartet-t fur Horn, Geige, Bratsphe und Vio loncello. 1951. M 785.7ii71 T236cv Telemann, P. Konzert fur vier Viplinen ohne Basso ** continuo, 19^9. Mn 7o5*7u71 Z37soT236qb Zelenka,Telemann, J.G.D, ^pnataStreichquarteLtm, B-„dur,inVi^lingj,A-dur , 1963^ Fagqiiit ^ M 785.7ii72 B1223va Bach,undJ.BassoC. Quartet^,continuo.D-dur,'fur1961, zvp± Querfloten, Vioja ' M 785,7U8 D391n Demantius,und Violonpellp.C, Deutsche19$k',Tanze^fur vier Streigh- oder• '* M 785.7^87 Z37so Zelenka,Blaainstinimente.J, D, Sonata1966.I, F-dur, zwei Oboen, Fagott und Basso continuo. 1955* M 785fc7lA87 Z3?fio2 Zelenka, J. D. Sonata II, G-moil, fur 2 Oboen, Fagott und Basso continuo. 1965. ^ 78^.7li87 Z37so3 Zelenka, J. D. Sonata VI, C-mplX 2 Oboen Fagott und Basso continuo. 1955. M 785#7ii87 Z37soli Zelenka, J. ^onata Tfj G-moll, zwei Oboen, Fagott und Basso continuo, 1957* M 785i7i;87 ,Z373<^ Zelenka, J# D. Sonata v, f-dur zwei Oboen und Basso continuo. 1959» M 785.7571 B122q Bach, J. C. Quintett, D-dur, fur Querflote, Oboe, Violine, Violoncello und obligates Cembalo. 1961* M 785.7571 L^6go Legrenzi, G, Sonate fur vier Violinen mit Basso continuo. 1951. ^ 785.7571 P971f I^rcell, H. Spielmusik zum Sommemachstraum, fur vier Mw 7Rc;ro!?.7i?71nt-?! 5ch25pc 1,0^ Scheldt,streichoferS, CannonBlasinstr^unentesuper intradamundAechiopicam,Basso continuo,fur funfI963, Stiinmen.. 1956. M 785.7571 Stl;7i Stevens, D. W. Innomine. . Altenglische Kammerusik fur vier und funf ^timmen. 1967, 'M 785.7585 ^fo?PL82liq Loeillet,Erbach, 0.J.CanzonaB. Quintettzu funfHrmoll,Stiinmen.fur 1959.zwei Querfloten, und Basso continuo. 1963,- 785.767 H278L Hassler, H. L. Intraden aus dem tustgarten, fur sechs stiininen. 1966. * M 785«7671 St69so Strungk, N. A, Sonata fur sechs Streichinsturmente und V 785#85ufti? F523tr- Fischer,BassoJ.continuo.Tafelmusikj1952.Ouverturensuite fur vier V 7•»flc5«o5uoifi 236c Telemann,m, StreichinM.rumenteG, P, ConcertomitD-dur,oder ohneeineBasso kleinecontinuo.Tanzsuite1951.* ^^^O^^reichorcjester mit Cembalo oder Streichquartett.

32 M 785.8514 T236k Telemann, G, P. Kleine ^ulte, I^-dur, fur funfstimmines Streichorchester. 1953. M 786.2 K575a Kinderraann, E, Tanzstucke fur Klavier. 1950. M 786.221 HiUtso Hertel, J. W. ^onate in I^-moll, fur Cerafealo oder Klavier. 1950. 787.12 Sch28h Scherl & ^th. Inc. How to rehair a bow. i960, 787.12 ^ch28y Scherl and oth, inc. You fix them. 1959. M M 787.ti2 B123L Bacher, J. Leichte ^pielmusik, fur Viola da gamba und Basso continuo. 1963. 790 Diil9a 196ii Denney, R# The astonished muse. 196i4. 791.ii H7U2r Holt, R. T. Radio Free Europe. 1958. 791.ii Kl62h Daufman, W, I. How to announce for radio and television. 1956. 791.iili B227e- Bannister, H, R. The education of a broadcaster. 196^. 791.UU H558r Billiard, R. L« Radio braodcasting. 1967. 792 nshr 1963 Franklin, M» A. Rehearsalj the principles and practice' of acting for the stage. 1963. 792.015 Biii46t 1967 Bentley, E. R. The theatre of commitment, and other es^ay? on drama in our society. 1967. 792.0226 D29lic Davis, J. H. Children's theatre; play production for the child audience, I960. Q 792.025 Gkl38 Gillette, A. S. Stage scenerys its construction and ri^ ging. 1959. 792.028 ALl5w 1959 Albright, H» D, Working up a partj a manual for the begin ning actor. 1959f Ref 792.03 H255o Hartnoll, P. The Oxford companion to the theatre. 1967» 1967 Ref 792.03 L93?t Lounsbury, W. C. Theatre backstage from A to Z. 1967. 1967 792.09 F66^c ' Flory, J. M. The Cleveland Play Housex how it bwgan. 1965. 792Mh W363a Waxman, S. M. Antoine and the Theatre-libre. I96I4. 793.319U2 K38le Kennedy, D. N. English folk dancing, today and yesterday. 1961i. 793.3U K583h King, J. How to teach modern square dancing* 1967. 793.8 T172C . Tarbell, H. E. Comedy stunts for laughing purposes, 19iiii. 796 H271in ^ase, G. J. Modern physical education; knowledge and understanding. 1966. 796 H5'86h 1956 Hindman, D. A, Complete book of gamds* and stunts, 1956. 796 SL86m . Slusher, H. S. Man, sport, and existence; a critical analysis. 1967. 796.077' Lawther, J. D. Psychol#gy of coaching. 1951. 796.33 St31f Steckbeck, J. S. Fabulous Redmenj the Carlisle Indians and their famous football teams. 1951* 796.331 W119f Wade, A. F. A. guide to training and coaching. 1967.. 796.312 K855t Kraft, B. F. The tennis workbook;^ work-study manual for the Tennis Student, a teaching guide for the Ten nis Instruttor. 1963. 796.iil H76iia Hooks^ G. Application of weight training to athletics. 796.m N787g Norman, R. Gymnastics for girls and women# 1965» 796.U Pl78in Pallett, G. D, Modem educational gymnastics. 1965# 796.5U M671c Miracle, L# A, Complete book of camping# 1961# 796.81 K395w Kenney, H. E« Wrestling# 1952#


801.95 L578w Levin, H. Why literary criticism is not an exact science. 1967. Ref 808 D876m Dugdale, K. A manual of form for theses and term reports. 1967 1967. Ref 808 D878ma Dugdale, K. A manual on writing research. 1967* 1967 808.OU Sq23f 1967 Squire, J. C. Flowers of speech; b®ing lecture in words ♦ • and forms in literature. 1967# 806.0)42 F875c Freedman, M. Contemporary controversasy} readings for composition and discussion# 1966. 808.066 D731L Dorey, T. A. Latin biography. 1967# 808.1 Ab37p Abercrombie, L, ^oetry: its music and meaning. 1932. 808.1 Sa56d Sanders, T. E. The discovery of poetry. 1967# 808.51 Ar57o Armstrong, C. The oral interpretation of literature. 1963# 808.5a L5lo 1965 Lee, 0. I. Oral interpretation, 1965* 808.82 B26e Barnet, S, Eight great comedies. 1958. 808.82 Biiii6p Bently, E, R. The play, a critical anthology. 1951# 808.82 M6l9p Millett, F. B. •'"he play's the thing; an anthology of dramatic types. 1936. 808.82 Wl5iid 1967 Walkley, A, B. Drama and life. 1967# 809 B733C 1967 Brandes, G, Creative spirits of the nineteenth century# 1967. 809 C723L Columbia University. Lectures on literature. 1967# 809 EL85m 1967 Elton, 0. Modem studies. 1967# 809 Es73 1967 Essays in memory of Barrett ^^endell. 1967# 809 M286w 1967 Mais, S. B, Why we should read. 1967. 809 R72iim 1967 Rosenfeld, P. Men seen; twenty-four modem authors. 1967# 809 Sh23s 1967 Sharp, W, Studies and appreciations. 1967# 810.8 Ea76m 1967 Earls, M. Manuscripts and memories. 1967# 810.82 B575b i960 Blair, W, Repertory; introduction to essays and articles, biography and history, short stories, drama, and poetry. i960. 811.09 M757 1967 Monroe, H. Poet? & their art. 1967# 811.12 B729a 1967 Bradstreet, A. The works of Anne Bradstreet. 1967# 811.37 L95la Lowell, J. R. Poems of James ^Russell Loweli with a critical and biographical introduction. 811,5 ELU6Zra 1966 Rajan, B, T. S. Eliot; a study of his writings by several hands. 1966. Ky 811.5 St92ni2 Stuart, J. Man with a bull-tongue plow. 1959# 811.5 W676a 1951 Williams, 1'^. C. Collected earlier poems. 1951#

3h 811.509 M628c Mills, R. J. Contemporary American poetry. 1965» en.Sii Gii69d Glaze, A. Damned ugly children^ poems. 1966. 811.5U P6llb Piercy, M. Breaking camp; poems, 1968. 811.51^ St92e Stuart, J. Eyej of the mole. 1967. 812.5 B89t Burack, a. S. elevision plays for writers. 1957. 812.5 C335si Cerf, B. A. Six American plays for today. 1961. 812.5 »^675sw2 Williams, T, Sweet bird of youth. 1959. 812.52 m77f Hacgowan, K. Famous American plays of the 1920s. 1959. 812.5U C399te Chayefsky, P. Television plays. . 1955. 812.5U :-852o Kosel, T. Other people's houses; six television plays. - 1956. 813.008 G89i5p Groman, G. L. Political literature of the Progressive era. 1967. 813.0876 F85lif Franklin, H, B. '^uture perfect; American science fiction of the ninetenth century. 1966. 813.09 Ag32i Agee, W. H. The initiation theme in selected modern American novels of adolescence. I967, 813.09 M699t Mizener, A, Twelve great American novels. 1967* 813.32 P752 Zj Jackson, D. K. and the Southern literary . 1931. 813.36 MU97mZD 1967 Percival, M. 0. A reading of Mcbp-Dick. 1950- 813.1^3 HP39a 1961 Howells, W. D. William Dean Howells. I96I, 813.509 ^ch6af Scholes, A. The fabulators. 1967. 813.52 F576Zb Bryer, J. R, The critical reputation of F. Scott Fitzger*-" ' aid. Ref 8lli.36 Eni3UZco Cooke, G. W. biVliogrnphy of Ralph V/aldo Emerson. 1968, 1968 8lli.U Spi8o 1900 Spalding, J. L. Opportunity and other essajrs and addresses. 1900. 8lii.5 CllllLa 1968 Cabell, J, B, Ladies and gentlemen. 1968. 81G.5 • m2hc • MacLeish, A, A continuing journey. 1967. 8lii.52 B113S • Babbitt, I. Spanish character, and other essays. 19i40« 8li4.52 G623f Goodman, P. Five years. 1966. 815 AL97a Aly, B. American short speeches. 1968. 817.5 1469s Leacock, S, b. Stephen Leacoek's Laugh Parade. 19ii0» 820.82 B6?6v 1951 Bowyer, J. W. T^e Victorian age; prose, poetry, and drama. 1951. 820,9 C317U 1967 Cawley, R, R, tinpathed ; studies in the influence of the voyagers on Elizabethan literature. I967. 820.9 M7iiln 1967 MonahaRji M. Nova Hibemia. I967. 820.9 W357m 1967 Waugh, , My brother tvelyn, and other protraits. I967. 820.9 W69lic 1967 Wilson, J. H. The court wits of the Restoration. 1967. 821 Sq58e 1967 Essays on poetry. I967. 821.17 C393ZCO Corsa, H. S, Chaucer, poet of mirth and morality. 196ii. 821.31 ^p35fZm 1967 Millican, C. B, Spenser and the Table Round. I967, Ref .821.31 Sp35Zma McNeir, W. F. Annotated bibliography of Edmund Spenser. 1967 1937-1960. f 821.31 Sp352w 1966' Whitaker, V, K. The religious basis of Spenser's thought, 1966, 821.1i7 M6ii2a , J. The poems of John Milton.

35 821.1;7 N6ii2a2 I968 Milton, J. Poems. 1968. 821.ii7 M6ii2pZga= Gardner, H. L. A reading of Paradise lost. 1965» Ref 821,ii7 M6[42Zhuc Huckabay, C, John Milton. 1967* 196? 821.509 B8l5t Brown, W. C, The triuph of foz^t 19ii8, 821.53 PPla Pope, A. The poems of Alexander #ope. 821.53 P8lep 1963 Pope, A. Epistles to several persons. 1963* Ref 821.53 ^PlZa Abbott, E« A concordance to the works of Alexander Pope. 1965 1965. 821.53 Peia2 1967 Pope, A. The works-of*Alexander Pope. 196?* 821.61 G79iis Gray, T. Selections from the poems of Thomas Gray. I698. 821.61i G58a Goldsmitli, 0, Poems#. 82fi?S9 B58lm 1963 Blake, W. The marriage of Heaven and Hell. 1963* 821.69 B58lZpe Percival, M. 0. William Blake's circle of destiny. 196Ii» 196h 821.71 W89l2d Davis, J. M. Discussions of William Wordsworth. 196U. 821.76 B996Zg Gleckner, R. F. and the ruins of paradise. 1967* 821.77 Shiii4prZg Grabo, C. H. A Newton among poets. 1968# 1^68 • 821.77 ShiiUprZg2 Grabo, C. H. Prometheus unbound, an imterpretation. -1968 1968 821.78 K226a2 , J, Poems, with a critical and biographical intro duction. 821,78 K226a3 1956 Keats, J. Poetical works. 1956# 821.78 K226Zja Jack, I, J. Keats and the mirror of art. 1967# 821.79 H37a Hermans, F. D. The poems of Felicia Hemans. 821.79 H76la Hood, T. Poems. 821.82 B82a Browning, E, P^ems. 821.89 Ar65a Arnold, M. Poems. 821.91 Sa79Zt Thorpe, M. Siegfried Sassoon: a critical study. 1967* 821.91 mze Ellmann, R« Eminent domain. 1967# 822.109 Gl68m 1967 Garc'iner, H. C. Mysteries' end; an investigation cf the '» last days of the medieval religious stage. 1967, 822.32 M3iiiiZe 1967 Eccles, M. Christopher Marlowe in London. 1967# 822.32 M3iil4le Levin, H. The overreacher, a study •f Christopher Mar lowe. 196h* 822.33 ShlhZp Prosser, E. Hamlet and revenge. 1967# 822.33 ShlZbar Barber, C. L. 's festive comedy. 1963# 1963 822.33 ShlZcra Craig, H.^ A new look at Shakespeare's quartos. 1961# 823153 ShlZhoLL Holland, N. N. Psychoanalysis and Shakespeare. 1966# 1966 822.33 ShlZr 1965 Ralli, A# A history of Shakespearian criticism. 1965# 822.33 ShlZsmit Smith, D. N# ^hakespeare criticism. 196ii# I96U 822.3ii. J738aL 1967 Jonson, B# The alchemist. 1967» 822.li K556c 1967 Killigrew, T# Comedies and tragedies. 1967# 822.8082 B6UJ4h Booth, M. R. Hiss the villiam; six English and American melodramas. 1961i.

36 822,91 G139a 1928 Galsworthy, J. Plays. 1928# 822.91 Y3UZb Bushrui, S. B. leats^s verse-|)lays. 1965* 822.912 Sp2lic Spanos, W. V. The Christian tradition in modem British verse-drama. 1967* 82T.9^ B386Zh Hoffman, J. Samuel : the language of self. 1961 196ii. 823*09 Ml39r McCullough, B. W. Representative English novelists. • 19U6* 823.62 Sm79Zg Goldberg, M, A. Smollett and the Scottish school. 1959« 823.76 P313a 196? Peacock, T. L. Works. 1967. 823182 T325Zt 1963 Tillotson, G. Thackeray the novelist. 1963# 823.91 C7632fL Fleishman, A, Conrad's politics. 1967* 823.9109 R113r Rabinovitz, R. The reaction against experiment in the English novel* 1967* 823.912 F75lZh Hoffman, C. G. Ford Madox Ford. 1967# 823.912 J626s 1967 Johnson, R. B. Some contemporary novelists (women). 1967• S 82ii C199c 18^0 -Carlyle, T. Critical and miscellaneous essays. 1850. 82ii.53 St32t 1967 Steele, R. Tracts and pamphlets* 1967* 8214.79 Sm^ld Smith, Ai DreamthorpJ eitht essays. 19- 82h.85 Ar65a 1967 Arnold, M Poetry and prose* 1967* 82U.89 M^77c 1967 Meynell, A C, Ceres runaway, & other essays. 1967. 82ii.9 L358v 1967 Latymer, F. C. Ventures in thought. 1967* 821.91 B392mo 1967 Beerbohm, M. More. 1967# 82ii.91 C[i26s Chesterton, G, K. The spice of life^ and other essays. 19614. 821i.912 M199as 1967 MacKenna, R. W. As shadows lengthen. 1967^ 827.35 D7l8Zf Fausset, H. I. John ; a study in discord. 1967* 827.52 Sw55Zco Cook, R. I. Jonathan Swift as a Tory pamphleteer. 1967» 827.52 Sw552.q2 Quintana, R. The mind and art of Jonathan Swift» 1965» 1965 828.8 D656m ... • •tDobson, A« Miscellanies; second series. 1967* 23". ser. 1967 G 831.27 W172Zk Kraus, C. Walther von der Vogolweide. 1966, 1966 831.912 M823aE Morgenstem, C. Gallows songs. 1967# 832.69 E85iiZL Lingenberger, H. S. Georg Buchner. I96I4. 833.91 M315ZL 1965 Lukacs, G. Essays on Thomas Hann. 1965. 839.6 G827t Green W, G, Translation from the Icelandic. 1966. 8ii0.9 G762b Grana, C. Bohemian verus bourgeois. 19614. 8i|0.9 L221a 1968 Lancaster, H, C. Adventures of a literary historian. 1968. 8ii0.9 Ob6f O'Brien J. The French literary horizon. 1967. 8ii0.9005 B75le Brenner, C. D. Eighteenth-century French plays. 1927. Fr 8iil.89 Rii62Zg Graaf, D, Arthur Rimbaud, sa vie, son oeuvre. I96I. 8ai.912 C333a 1966 Cendrars, B. Selected writings. 1966, 8ii2.U09 L221h 1966 Lancaster, H. C. A history of French dramatic literature in the seventeenth century. 1966. Fr 8U2.5U M339d Marivaux, P. D, Le jeu de L*amour et du hasard. 1967•

37 Fr 8ii2.91 Sa77ina Sartre, J. P, Les mains sales. 19ti8. 8143.V888Zt 1967 Torrey, N. L, Voltaire and the English deists. 1967. Fr 8U3.73 E219cZw Wurmser, S. La comedie inhumaine. 1965. 196^ Fr 813.89 Maupassant, G, '^omans. 1959. Fr 8I43.9I P9i;7Zm J'^uroia, A, A la recherche de Marcel , 19149, Fr 8li3.91 Sa77mo Sartre, J, P, Les mots, 19614. 8U3.912 M298Zw Wilkinson, D, Malraux, an essay in political criticism. 1967. Fr 61i3.911i R532j Robbe-Grillet, A. La jalousie. 1957. 6147.7 DJ[;68cE Desperiers, B. Cymbalum mundi; four very ancient joyous and facetious poetic dialogues, 1965. 851.15 AL36dE Alighieri. Poems: Divine comedy, 851.15 D235ZfI. Fletcher, J. B, Dante. 1965. 1965 Sp 860.82 C8l7c Correa Calderon, E, Costumbristas Espanoles estudio preliminar y seleccion de textos, I95I-6I4. Sp 860,9 Z85i Zum Feld.e, A, Indice critico de la literatura hispano- americana. 195U- 861.6 J56UZO Olson, P, R, Circle of paradox, 1967. 862,32 C337dZL 1967 Linsalata, C, R. Smollett's hoax: Don Quixote in English. 1967. Sp 868 J87a k959 Juan de la Cruz, S, Obras escogidas. 1959. Ref 871.003 Sw2l4n Swanson, D, E» The names in Roman verse, 1967. 873.3 7237V 1963 Valerius, F. C, Valerius Falccus, 1963. La 87U.2 C299a , C, V, Poesies, 1966, 1966 875.1 Cii85s 1900 Cicero, M, T, Selected Orations and letters of Cicero, 1900. U 878.1 Cn6co Caesar, C, J. C, Ivii Caesaris Commentariorvm pars prior. 1900? 878.5 Se56L 196I Seneca, L, A, Ad Lucilium epistulae morales. 1962. 881,08 Ed57e 1961 Edmonds, J, M, Elegy and iambus, being the remains of the choliambic woriters. 1961. 881,08 Kd57L I96I1 Edmonds, J, M, Lyra graeca; being the remains of all the Greek lyric poets from Eumelus to Timotheus exciting Pindar. 196[i. Gr 8814,8 C13l4a2 Callimachus, Les origines, I96I. 1961 688 P9l42p I960 Procopius, of Caesarea, Procopius, 1962^ 8881. Hli32 1961 Herodotus. Herodotus. 1966, Gr, 888,3 X25an Xenophon. Anabase. 19614. 1961 888,3 .^25me 1965 Xenophon. Memorabilia and oeconomicus. 1965. 888,7 D623r I960 Dionysius, of Halicarnassus, The Roman antiquities of Dionysius of Halicarnassus. 1960-63. / 888,9 M313in 19614 Manetho, the historian, Manetho. I96I4, 888.9 P5ii7p 1929 Philo Judaeus. Philo. 1929-62, 891.2 V669sE Vidyakara. Sanskrit poetry. 1968,

38 8 L866c LongswortTT, H • The Comish Ordinalia: religion and . dramaturgy* 1967. 891.709 B575r Blair, K, H. A review of Soviet literature. 1966, 891.709 Sw28p Swayze, H, Political control of literature in the USSR, 1962. 891.72 G677Zb Borras, F, M. Maxim Gorky the writer: an interpretation. 1967. 895.109 T3l46n '"hiele, M, R. None but the nightingale* 1967< 896.5U Ot8s Ott, E, F, So you want to be a camp counselor. 191*6#


90Cl^,,Es731 1968 Essays inr intellectual history. 1968. 901: G33"8d 1958 • Geyl, P. Debates with historians. 1956^ 901.9 BaUit 1967 Barker, E, Traditions of civility^ eight essays. 19^7« 908 L969i 1967 Luke, H. J, In the margin of history^ 1967. . 909.82 Sellr Seabury, P. The rise and decline of the cold war. 1967. 909.825 H152C Halle, L, J, The cold war as history. 1967^ 909.825 Sa58i Sanger, R. H. Insurgent era. 1967. 910 J,235g 1966 James, P. E, A geography of man. 1966. 910 W882s 1966 Wooldridge, S, W, The spirit and purpose of geography. 1966, 910.001 31^593 , B. L, Spatial analysis^ a reader in statistical geography. 1968. S 910.ii M356s Marshall, L. Sinking of the Titanic and great sea dis asters. 1912. 91^ Cii32g 1968 Chichester, F. C, Gipsy r4oth circles the world. 1968. 910.141 Stliliw Stephens, H. Who needs a road? 1967. 910,72 Ac57g Ackerman, E. A, Geography as a fundamental research discipline. 1958. 911.717 C51i7t Clark, A# H. Three centuries and the island. 1959. 912 G6l3r Goode, J. P. Rand i^^''ally regional atlas. 1953. Ref 9i2.il P865a Pounds, N. G. An atlas of European affairs. 1961i. Ref 912.1;7 Tlla Taaffe, R. N. An atlas of Soviet affairs. 1965. Ref 912.8 Sch58a Schneider, R. M, An aylas of Latin American affairs. 1965. 913.031 P787o Poole, L. One passion, two loves. 1966. Q 913.35 B293c Bass,G •» F. Cape '^elidonya: a bronze age shipwreck. 1967 913.35 0p5L Oppenheim, A. L. Letters from i'fesopotamia. 1967# 913.37 C82liL Coster, C. H# Late Roman studies. I968# 913.38 P287p2 1961 Pausanias Pausanias Description of Greece. 1961-66. Ref "913.38 P883dE The Praeger encyclopedia of ancient Greek civilization. 1967 1967. 913.8 B5l3i* 1922 • Bingham, H. Inca land, 1922. 9IU PI9IW Where the fun is; Pan Am's young traveler's guide to Europe, plus the Bahamas, Bermuda, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands and Hawaii. 1968.


: ;f F683 Fodor's Guide to Europe. m.OhSS Y88T 1967 Youth^Hostels Association. Youth hosteller's guide to Europe. I967. 911i.l5 N277i Barringtom, J. The Ireland of Sir Jonah Barrington. 1967. 911i,2 J131e Jackman, S, W. The English reform traditionl790-1910. 1965. 9111.2 Shi 1917 Shakespeare's England^ an account of the life and manners of his age. 1917. 911.21 BU13L Bell, A. D. London in the age of . 1967. 9111.3 V36UL Vansittart, R. G. Lessons of mjr life. 19U3. 91U.5 C675i 1966 Cole, J. P. Italy. 1966, 911i,8 Malmstrom, V» H. Norden: crossroads of destiny. 1965. 91? Ea77e 1961 East, W. G. The changing map of-Asia. ..196ii- • • •! 915.1 SuYlc 1966 Sun, E-tu. Chinese social history. 1966# 91?.13? Og2av ^sgood, C, Village life in Old China.j a community study of Kao Xac, Yunnan. 1963. 915.203 RU46C Riesman, D, Conversation in Japan; modernization, pol itics, and culture. 1967. 915.6 Fl,97p Finnie, D. H. Pioneers east ; the early American exper- iance in the Mddle E?st. 1967. 915.692 G95lt Gulick, J. Tripoli, a modem Arsb city. 1967. 915.9 B393m 1967 Begbie, P. J. The Malayan t^eninsula. 1967. 915.9 F531S 1966 Fisher, C, A, South-east Asia: a eoeial, economic, and political geography. ' 1966. 917.12 Si58f 1968 Simpson, G. Fur trade and empire. 1968. Q2 917.3 St3iia • Steinbeck, J. America and ^ericans. 1966. 917.3 Wlil2s Wecter, D. The saga ef American society. 1937. 917.303 B28iia Bartlett, I. H. The American mind in the mid-nineteenth century. 1967. Q2 917.14 rQ27n McCarthy, J. New Engird. 1967. 917.5 Ph32 Perspectives on the. ^outhj agenda for research. 1967. 917.61 C211s Carmer, C, L. Stars fell on Alabama# 193u. 917.6335 R56Ui Robinson, L. It's an old New Orleans custom. 19^8. Sp 918 P586d Picon-Salas, M. De la conquista a la independencia. 1965 1965. 919.103 •ALa7i 1966 Alisjahbana, S, T. Indonesia: social and cultural revolu tion. 1966. 920.02 M3l5f Mann, T, Freud, Goethe, . 1937. 920.05ii7 Kia9n Karve, D. D. The nefi Brahmans. 1963. B 920.073 B2833in Bartlett, D« G. Modem agitators: or. Pen portraits of living American reformers. 1855* 922 Sp32s 1967 Speer, R. E. Some great leaders in the world movement. 1967. 922 Wl55r 1967 Wallace, A. The religious faith of great men. 1967» 925.7 T38Ug 1967 Thomson, J. A. The great biclogists. 1967. 927.2 R273r 1967 Reilly, C. H. Representative British architests of the present day. 1967.

I4O Q2 927.3 G172s Gardner, E. A. Six Greek sculptors. 1967• 927.8 M38la Mason, D, G. The appreciation •f music# 192j» 929.109li2 Hl8t 196? Hamilton-Edwards,G. S. Tracing your British ancestors. 1967. 932 Asli2e Asimov, I, The Egyptians. 1967* 935.06 C686p Colledge, M, A. R. The ^arthians. 1967. 937 C273d2 1961 Cassius D, C. Dio*s Roman history. 1961. 937 Ea73m Earl, D* C, The moral and political tradition of Rome. 1967. 937.01- Scii5h 1961 Scullard, H, H. A history of the Roman world from 753 to lli6 B.C. 1961. 938.. B658he 1956 Botsford, G, vJ, Hellenic histoiy. 1956. 938.07 Ar69h 1966 Arrianus, F, Arrian. 1967. Fr 939.101 G5l7c Glotz, G. La civilisation egeenne. 1952. 1952 9li0.1 B79h 1956 Brooke, Z. N. A history of Europe. 1956# 9U0.253 C839d Cowie, L. W, Documents and descriptions in European his tory. 1967. Fr 9iiO,27 G51i2e " Godechot, J. L, L*Europe et L'amerique a I'epoque napo- leohienne. 1967• McKay, ,P. C, Essays in the history of modern Europe. 9li0.27 M192e 1968 '?§66: 9U0.27 H7Uiin Holtman, R. B, The Napoleonic revolution. 1967. 9ii0.308 R8l3h 1967 Royce, J. The hope of the great community. 1967. 9ii0.32 T=93id Price, M. P. The diplomatic history of the war, 19lU« 9i|0.3U3 F523gE Fischer, F. Germany's aims in the First World War. 1967* 9ii0,5 Ar67c Aron, R. The century of total war. 195ii. 9ii0.53 Tl8ldE Tasca, A. The RusscGerman alliance, August 1939-June 19iil* 1950. 9t|0.5322 W582s White, D. S, Seeds of discord: De Gaulle, Free France, •• and the Allies. 19614. 9ii0.5li09 G317hE 'Germany, Blitzkrieg t» defeat: Hitler's war directives, 1965 1939-19U5. 1965. 9ii0.5UIi T228w 1967 Tedder, A, T. With prejudice: the war memoirs of Marshal of the Royal Air Force, Lord Tedder. 1967. 9ao,51i88 K897g Kris, E, German radio propaganda; report on home broad casts during the war. 19hhm 9iil.58 ms± MacDonaghj 0. Ireland, 1968. 9h2 C881;s -1929 Cross, A, L. A shorter history of England and Greater Britain, 1929. 9it2.0ii Jl5f Jacob, E. F, The fifteenth century, 1399-lli85« 9h2.Chh Sco29L Scofield, C, L, The life and reign of Edward the Fourth, 1967 1967. 9U2.23 Ur7c 1967 Urry, W. Canterbury under the Angevin kings. 1967# 9ii3 Sn92d Snyder, L, L, Documents of erman history, 1958. 9h3.60li D36r Dedijer, , The road to Sarajevo, I966. 9I1U.02 ^rst Wood, C. T, The French apanages and the Capetian monarchy. 1966. 9iiii.0ii D326f Dawson, P. The French Revolution. 1967.

I4I 9lii.08l R8l2gE Roy, The trail of Marshal Petain. 1968 BhS.OS GUlc Gill, J, The Llouncil of Florence, 1959. 9U5.08 K58h 1967 King, B, A history of Italian unity. 1967. 9i4^.31 B963v Bush, J. W, Venetia redeemed, 1967. 9ii6.08l ^978s Muste, J. M. Say that we saw Spain die. 1966. 9i|7.08 Se77r Seton-Watson, H, The Russian empire, *1801-1917. 1967. Fr 950.U Ca25a Chesneaux, J. L'Asie orientale aux 19e et 20c siecles. 1966. 951 :^96iic 1965 Kuo, Pin-chia# China. 1965. 95l.Oii2 B73Us Brandt, C, Stalin's failure in China. 1958. 95l.90ii2 Rii36k idgway, H. B. The Korean'war. 1967. 953.02 Glllim Gabrieli, f. Muhammad antj the conquests of Islam. 1968. ' • 9U5.03 M38liti 1961i Mason, P. The men who ruled India. 196ii. 956 ^659aE . Bottero, J. The Near B^ast. 1967. • , 956 H667a Hodgkin, E* C, The Arabs. 1966. Q2 956 M358s Marshall, S. L, S-.ift sword, 1967. 956.93 Saliih 1965 Sachar, A. L, A history of the Jews. 1965. 956.9li G329C Gervasi, F, H. The case for Israel. 1967. 959-1 ^992p Pye, L, W. Politics, personality, and nation bulling. 1962. 959.7 F19L 1967 Fall, B, B. Last reflections on a war, 1967* 959.70li .G636t Goodwin, R, N. Triumph or tragedy. 1966. 959.70U SalUm 1967 Sack, J. M. 1967. 962,U02 H27a Hasan, Y. F. The Arates and the Sudan: from the seventh to the early sixteenth fcentury# 1967. 963.05 Blii5c Baer, G. W, The coming of the Italian-Ethiopian War. 1967. 966*602 B629L Lynch, H. R. Edward Wilmot Blydenj Pan-Negro patriot. 1967. S 970.1 07691 Drake, S, G, Indian captivities. 1852. 970.1 Sa86f Saum, L« 0. The fur trader and the Indian^ 1965* 970*3 R23t Reaman, G. E. The trail cf the Iroquj^is Indians. 1967* 970.1i22 As2lic 1967 Aschmann, H. The central desert ^f Baja California. 1967# 970.U9U C128i California. State' Advisory Commission on Indian Affairs# Indians in rural and reservstion areas. 1966. 973 D928ni Dupuy, R. E« Military heritage •£ America. 1956. 973 G87510 Griffin, B. S. Offbeat tiistory. 1967. 973 LU95w Leckie, R. The wa's of America. 1968, 973 L882p 1951 Lorant, S, The Presidencyj a pictorial history of Pres-» idential elections from Washington to Truman. 1953* Ref 973.03 M833e Morris, R. B, Encyclopedia of American history. 1965. 1965 973.072 H7li2h Holt, W, S, Historical'scholarship in the United States, and other essays. 1967. 973.08 F875 Freedom and reformj essays in homor of Henry Steele Com- mager. 1967. S 973.3 B658h Brtta, C, G» History of the War of the Independence of I83U the United States of America. I83ii. Q2 973.3 Mlli8r McDnwell, B. The Revg^utionary War. 1967.

h2 973.14 B61iUp Borden, M» Parties and politics in the early Republic. 1967. 973.525 Mll6h 1966 McAfee, R. B, History of the late wnr in the Western country. 1966i 973.7 R198t Rawley, J. A, Turning points of the Civil War. 1966. 973.731 B38r Beatie, R. H. Road to Manassasj the growth of Union com mand in the eastern theatre from the fall of Fort Sumter to the First Battle of Bull Run, 1961. 973.733 Stl2d St^ckpole, E, J. Dr9ma on the Rappahaimock. 1957* 973.73ii9 M222g McLaughlin, J. Gettysburg: the long encampment. 1963» 973.8 W991f Wynes, C. E, Forgotten voices5 dissenting southerners in an age of conformity. 1967* 973.917 R677n Nash, G« D. Franklin Delano Roosevelt. 1967. 973.918 0569® 1966 Goldman, E, F« The crucial decade-and after. 1966. 97li.702 Kl59n Katz, S, N. Newcastle's New York. 1968. 975 SiU5s 1967 Simkins, F. B. A history of the South, 1967. 975 Stl5h VIII Coulter, E. M. The south during reconstruction. 19ii8» 975.3 'Ar587d Whitehill, W. M. Dumbarton Oaks; the history oa a George town house and garden. 1967. S 975.5 Sm6lg Smith, J. The general historie of Virginia. 1966. 1966 976.U06 D879t • Dugger, R. Three men in Texas:Bedichek, Webb, and Dobie; essays by their friends in the Texas observer. 1967. 977.311 K822b Kogan, H. Chicago: a pictorial history. 1958. 978 AtUlf Athearn, R, G. Forts of the Upper Missouri. 1967. 978 P219p 1968 Parijh^gJ. C, The persistence of the westward movement. S 979.I46I B226h Banks, C, E, The history pf the San Francisco disaster and Mount Vesuvius horror. 1906. S "979.161 Ev27o Everett, Complete story of the San Francisco earth quake, the eruption of Mount Vesuvius and other volcanic outbursts and earth quakes. 1906« Sp 980.01 D5U3h Diaz del Castillo, B. Historia verdera de la conquista •• 1962 de la Nueva Espana. 1962. 991.a St3iip Steinberg, D. J, Philippine collaboration in World War II. 1967•


B ApU3p i960 Philostratus, F, The life of Apollonius of Tyana, the Epistles of Apollonius and the Treaties of Eusebius. I960. B B657b 1960 Boswell, J. Boswell for the defence, I960. B B9965b Byron, G. B. Lord Byron's correspondence chiefly with Lady Melbourne, Mr. Hobhouse, the Hon. Douglas Kinw • ...4 naird, and P, B, Shelley, 1922# B C221r Russell of Liverpool, Edward Frederick -^angley Russell. Caroline, the unhappy queen. 1967»

U3 B C383f 1967 Fishery G, Prince Charles: the future king,. 19677"^ B F2iilL Lewisj C« L, David Glasgow Farragut* 19iil-U3« B F6l7b Bart, B, F, * 1967* B F853m Mendelson, Felix Frankfurter. 19614* B F889a 1968 Austin, Sf Philip Freneau, the poet of the revolution. 19^8. B Gl5lg2 1957 Gandhi, M, K. An autobiography; the story of my ex periments with truth, 1957# B G695c Charteris, E, E. The life and letters of Sir Edmund Gosse. 1931* B Hl32e Wright, H, Explorer of the universe, 1966. B H6380 Olden, R, Hitler, the pawn. 1936. B J237p Perry, R, B, The thought and character of i^illiam James as revealed in unpublished correspondence and notes, together with his published writi gs. 193^. B Ki;19m Kent, • Memoirs and letters of James ^ent, LI-T) late Chancellor of the state of New Ttrk. 1898, B L37iiw 1967 Wallace, D, D, The life of Henry Laurens, with a sketch of the life of Lieutenant-Colonel John Laurens, 19^7» B LI1I2 Ourard, G, he amazing life of John Law, the man behind the Mississippi bubble, 1928. SB L6380 ^^*^rogdj H, The Lincoln memorial: album-immortelles. B L763b Blaikie, W, G, The personal life of David Livingstone. 1895, B L9295w Wolf, J. B, Louis XIV. 1968. B L977Lu Luther, M, The letters of Martin Luther. 1908. Fr B ,5i4l;L Leon, P, Mirimmee et son temps. 1962. B Ox22o Oxford and Asquith, M, A. An autobiography. 1920-22. B P228c I960 Commager, H. S. Theodore Parker. I960. B P51i7sh Sherwin, 0. Prophet of liberty; the life and times of Wendell Phillips. 1958. B ?7$h9w 1967 Wright, G, Raymond Poincare and the French Presidencv, 1967. B P8752h Hopkins, K. The Powys brothers. 1967. B Rii57s Salis, J. R. Rainer Maria : the jrears in Switzerland# 1961;. B Ri|82J Jones, W. D. "Prosperity" Robinson: the life of Viscount Goderich, 1782-1859. 1967. B R56lr 1967 Richards, L. E. E. A, R. I967, B Sa36r Russell, C. E. Haym Salomon and the revolution, 1930. B Sc862d Drury, C. M. '"^illiam Anderson Scott "no ordinary man". 1967. B Sf^7b Breisach, g. Catema Sforaa, a Renaissance virago. I967, B Si58c Crooks, G. R. The life of Bishop Matthew Simpson of the Methodist Episcopal church, I89I, B Sp68h Havighurst, W. Alexander Spotswoodj portrait of a Gover nor, 1967* B Sm72e Ellis^^W. T. Billy Sunday, the man and his message.

Uli B T373wa' Walsh, J, £♦ Strange harp, strange symphonyi the life •f Francis Thompson# 1967» B T787t Tshombe, M» My fifteen months in government# 1967# B Va53d 1967 Dodd, -^9 E, Robert J. Walker^ imparialist. 1967. SB W2528f Frothingham, Life and times of Joseph Warren* 1865^


F Ab77k 1902 About, E. V, The king of the mountains. 1902. F AL19f . Alcott, L, M# Flower fables. 18$5» F AL2ii7s Aldrich, T« B. The Stillwater tragedy. 1968. Ky F AL^3k2 Allen, J. L. A Kentucky cardinal; a story. 1968. F Atliliar Atherton, G, F. The aristocrats. 1968. F Atiiiisp • Atherton, G, F. The splendid idle forties; stories of Old California. 1968. F B219t 1902 , H. The two young brides. 1902. F B3l8lp Bates, A. The Puritans. 1968. F B38b Beard, 0. T. Bristling with thorns. I968# F B3880 Becker, S. D. The outcasts. 1967. F BUllid 1962 Bellamy, E» The Duke of Stockbridgej a romance of . Shay's Rebellion, 1962. F BU68c Beyle, M» H. The Chartreuse of Parma. 1901. SC F B8l2t Brown, A, Tiverton tales. 1899. F C123s 1916 Caine, H. The shadow of a crime. 1916. F Cii22s 1902 Cherbuliez, V, Samuel Brohl and company. 1902. F Ci;25lc Chesnutt, C. W, The conjure woman. 1968# F C77^ni Cooke, J. E, My lady '^okahontas. 1968. F C77?mo Cooke, J. E, Mohun; or. The last days of Lee and his paladins. 1968. F C786c 1962 Cooper, J. F, The crater; or, Vulcan's Peak. 1962. F D26iin 1902 Daudet, A. The nabob. 1902. F D718c I960 Donnelly, I, Caesar's column; a story of the twentieth century. I960. F D8912L Dumas, A, The lady of the camellias. 1902. F Eg36f Eggleston, E. The faith doctor# 1968. F Eg36r Kggleston, E. Roxy, 1968. F Fii35r 1902 Feuillet, 0. The romance, oa a poor young man# 1902. P ipiiS Fitzgerald, F. S, K. This side of paradise. 19ii8. F F6l7m 1902 Flaubert, G. Madame Bovary. 1902. F F739IL Foote, M. The Led-Horse Claim; a romance of a mining camp. 1968. F F755h2 Ford, P. L. The honorable Peter Stirling, and what peo ple thought of him. 1968. SC F G139ca Galsworthy, J, Caravan, the assembled tales of John Galsworthy. 1925# F G139th Galsworthy, J. Three novels of society, 1931, F G239c 1902 Gautier, T. Captain Fracasse. 1902. SO F G76r Graham, C» Rodeo. 1936» F G767u Grant, R. Unleavened bread. 1968. F H137a 1902 Halevy, L. Abbe Constantin, and A marriage for love. 1902. S F H398t Henty, G. A. Through the fray| a tale of the Luddite riots. 1902. F HU3iim 1963 Herrick, R. The memoirs of an -Americam citizen. 1963* F H838S 1961 Howe, E. Wi The story of a country town. 1961. F H839tr Howells, W. D. A traveler from Altruria. 1957* F J2332i James, H. The ivory tower. 19h^* F J6U71d Johnston, R» M. Dukesboroygh tales. 1968. F K?8lj King, E. Joseph Zalmonah; a novel® 1968. F K836c Komroff, M. Coronet. 1930. F L867d2 1962 Longus. Daphnis 5c Chloe. 1962. F :939a Louys, P. The adventures of King Pausole. F L992 1968 Lynde, F. The grafters. 1968. F :999La 1917 Lytton, E. B. The last of the barons. 1917. F ia78gr i^cGrath, H, The grey aloal£;. 1903 • F MI96L Macken, W. Lord of the mountain. 1967. F M36mt Martin, H. Tillie, a Mennonite maid. 1968. F Mii32h Matthews, J. Hanger Stout, awake. 1967. F MU97t , H. Typee, a peep at Polynesian life, 1968, F M9ii3in2 Murfree, M. N. In the Tennessee mountains. 1968. F Oa8g Gates, J. C. A g^irden of earthly delights. 1967. SO F P225d Parkerj^^G. Donovan, Pasha, and some people of Egypt.

F Rlii9w Ramuz, C. F. When the mountain fell. F R28i4j Remington, F. John Ermine of the Yellowstone. 1968» F Riiii8j Rigby, R. Jackson*s warj a novel. 1967* F Sa56d Sand, G. Dudevant. Mauprat. 1902. F Sa562m Sandeau, J. Mlle.de la Seigliere. 1902. F Sili8sc2 Simms, W. G. The scout; •r. The black riders of Congaree-. 1968. F SiI;8wo2 Simms, W. G. Woodcraft^ •r. Hawks about the dovecote. 1968. F St31p ' Stead, C. The puszleheaded girl; four novellas. 1967» SO F T17iih Tarkington, B. Harlequin and Columbine. 1922. F T6l45f 1961 Tourgee, A. W. A fool's errand. 1961. F V59Um 195^ Verne, J. Jtichael Strogoff; a courier of the Czar. 195^. F W211g 196ii Ward, E. S. The gates ajar. 196ii. F W768L2 Wister, 0. Lady Baltimore. 1968. KY F iV8322t Wolff, R. A trace of footprints; a novel. 1968. F Z7i4d 1902 , E. The downfall. 1902#
