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UA51/1/4 Library Leaves Vol. 23, No. 6 Western Kentucky University TopSCHOLAR® WKU Archives Records WKU Archives 8-1963 UA51/1/4 Library Leaves Vol. 23, No. 6 WKU University Libraries Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Archival Science Commons, and the Cataloging and Metadata Commons This Other is brought to you for free and open access by TopSCHOLAR®. It has been accepted for inclusion in WKU Archives Records by an authorized administrator of TopSCHOLAR®. For more information, please contact [email protected]. :)V 30.")iCS •CETT'-.T .^01350 TO HSL'I L"^3R iRY Vol. 23, lo. 6 Augustj 1963 GENERALITIES 001.2 C9iia 1967 Curti, :i. E, American scholarship in the twentieth century. 1967* 001.5 Arliih Arangoren, J. L« Human oommuiication. 1967* 001.53 Sm6lc :)mith, K. U. ^yoernetic principles of learning and educational design. 1966. LS 010.3 B6iili 1961 The Bookman's glossary. 1961. Ref. 0l6.09ii :3614b Martin, J. Sibliogriphical catalogue of privately printed 1963 books. 1963. Ref 016.251 i'6l7r Toohey, %cent homiletical thought. 1967* Ref 016.37 P549 Philosophy of education. 1967# L3 016.3713 -^2131 •Jationai Information Center for Educational ledia. Index t* 16 mm. educational films. 1967* Ref 016.3305 Jil3t Siddall, R. rrmsoortation geography, a bioliogr phy. 1967 1967. Ref 016.3932 325t Saughman, /. •f'ype and motif-in^-ex of the folktales of England and ^orth America. 1966# Ref 016.142709 3917L Burke, .V. J, Ihe literature of slang. 1965# 1965 LS 0I6.5 :295s ^'lalinowsky, H. •-'cience and engineering rsferences sources. 1967* Ref 016.57293 0L2e O'Leary, J. Ethnographic bibliography of South America. I963. Ref 016.711ii 3h6hc 3estor, C. City planning. 1966. 1966 Ref 016.3 AL79s ' Altick, R. D# ^elective bibliography for the study of 1967 English and American literature. 19$7* Ref 016.97U ^'Vi;3n Forbes, H. !I. lew fingland diaries, l602-l300. 1967# 1967 Ref 017.1 H26lch Harvard University. China, Japan, and lOrea. 1963. LS 020 H2li6f 196ii Harrison, K. C, ^'irst steps iji librarianship. 19614.. LS 020.75 T375i Thompson, L. vj. Hhe incurable mania. 1966. LS 020.3 ?313 Peacock biblio series, 196i|. LS 021 In'Jh Institute on the 'lature and evel^pment of the Library Collection. The nature and development of the library collection. 1957* 021«6^ Su61;e Summer otud/ on Information Networks. Edunet. 1967* LS 025.0013 c76L Conference on Libr^y '^veys. 1967* LS 025.ii L333C Lasek, E. J. Classification by numerization for libnries. 196?. Ref 025.ii69 :i9iio •iurdock, G. P. Outline of world cultures. 1967. 1967 LS 025.7 H739c Horton, 6. Cleaning and preserving bindings and r'2lated materials. 1967# LS 025.31i C91iic Cunha, G. 1. Conservation of library materials. 1967» LS 027.0ii2 r(l62c Kaufman, P. The commuaity library. 1967- LS 02 7.3 3w26s 1967 iiwarthout, d. The school libr ry as part of the instructioial system. 1967# 023.52 12131b ilational Council of Teachers of English. Books for you> 196U. 3 031 Ani3S3 1373 rhe ^erican cyclopedia. 1373* 3 031 Ap51i Appleton's annual cyclopaedia and register of Ifiportrnt e:ients of the year. l362« Ref 050 r377a 1967 Thompson, American literary annuals of gi.t books.- 1967. 051 In21 1963 rhe independent reflector. 1963. 060 "/J531ts .^ite, L. C. The structure of private international organizations. 1933* 070.03 C639n 1963 Coblenta, E. D. Newsmen speak. 1963. 071.it7 3er-^er, II. The story of the lew fork times, 1351-1951. 1951. 090.3 .\n2Uf 1967 Anderton, B. i'Vagrance among old volumes. 1967* PHILOSOPHY ra S^^CH'lLOaY 100 013s Olson, R. G, A short introduction to philosophy. 1967. 100 P51i9 1967 Philosophical essays for Alfred lorth -^hitehead. 1967. lOh Diiliir •ewey, J. Reconstruction in ohilosophy. 1957. 103 c 3l5u Cornford, i. The unwritten ohilosophy and other essays. 1950. 110 Aa75t 1967 Aaron, H. I. -ftie iiieory of univ^rsals. 1967® 111 An23r 'inderson, J. Reflections of the analogy of jeing. 1967< 123 ..331hE Marcel, G. Problematic man, 1967. 131.3 J633a Joint Commission on .ental Illness and Health. Action for mental health* 1961. 132 L339p 1960 Lasswell, H. JJ. Psychopathology and politics. I960. 135.33 F92 7f 1951 Froiran, E, Ihe fortotten language. 1951. 136.52 3y67f 1961 S/mondSj P. From adolescent to adult. I96I. 136.7 D6l6c Dinkmeyer, D, C, Child development. 1965^ 136.7 :^213c i^ational Society for the Study of Education. Child psychology. I963. 136,7 P571gE Piaget, J. liie child's conception of geometry. I96O. 136.735ii c^35ly ft^ankj M. lour adolescent at home and in school. 1959. 1959 Ikh :i6lu 1957 Mill, J, S, Utilitarianism. 1957. 11^4.6 .75372© 1966 Emmet, D. Whltehead's philosophy •f organism. 1966. lli6 L26h 1950 i-ange, Che history of materialism and criticism cf its present importance. 1950. lii9.2 Es73 1963 Essays in critical realism. 1963. 150,13 T971w 1961 iyier, L. The work of the counselor. I96I. Ref 150.1952 Si26e Eidelberg, L. Encyclopedia of psychoanalysis. 1963. 150.1957 F927Ze Evans, R. I, L.ialogue with Erich fromm. 1966. 150« 76 ^'391e Femald, L. Ij. fixoeriments and studies in general ps/chdlogy,. 1965. 152.3 C355p Crattyj B. J, Psychology and physical activity. 1963, 152.3 ^^^3 79b i-'erster, C, B. Behavior orinciple^, 1963. 152.33 •:.k3iiV Skinner, S, Verbal behavior. 1957. 153.91^73 L523t Lehman, P.- R.i' rests and measurements in music. 1963. 155" 3 12120 Taylor, ¥. dre^tivity. 196i;. 155.5 W73iit Wittenberg, R. The troubled generation, 1967, 155.93 M793a 1967 Moran, C, M. The anatomy of courage. I967. 153 Arl9c 1965 Arbuckle, S. Counsel^'ng. 1965. 153.13 'a92m •cCay, J. r, Ihe management of time, 1959. 160 Ari;6p I966 Aristotles, Posterior analytics. 1966. 160 J572t 196it Joannes X;'I. Tr-ctatus sync ategorema turn and selected anonymous treatises. 196ii, 160 r36lZo Joao de Santo ^"homaz. The material logic of John of St. Ihomas. 1955« 161; K376eE Krelsel, G. Elements of mathematical logic. I967. l61i L323 The logic of decision and action. 1966. 165 -i916sE Buridan, J. sophism on meaning and truth. 1966. 170 J326L Green, 3, b. Letters from f-jnous people. 1925. 170.202 .ai52p layer, 0, G. A plan for living. 1956. 170 mke '^ayland, F, 'The elements of moral science, I963. 171.1 3336gE Brunner, H. E. The divine imperative. 1937* 172 St7iip 1967 Storey, :i. Problems of today. 196 7. 131.1 H37i;c 1966 Hughes, E. R. Chinese philosophy In classical times. I966 131.1108 C36s Chan, v. A source book in Chinese philosophy. I963. 133 D621L 1965 Diogenes L. L,ives of e minent philosophers, 1965. I31i.l ^972r 1963 Hitter, The essence of Plato's philosophy. I968. 136.1 3e92s I960 Sextus Et Sextus En^iricus. I96O, 190.32 :319e -ianuel, F, E, Tlie Enlightenment. 1965. 191.9 P6llt 1963 Thompson, T. H. Ihe pragmatic philosophy. I963. 191.9 D515ZW 196li White, 0. The origin of Dewey's instrumentalism, 196it, 191.9 P353Zp 1967 Potter, 7. G. Charles Peirce on norma and ideals. 1967» 191.9 P3532t Ehompson, M. H. fhe pragnatic philosoohy 6. o» Peirce. 1953. 191.9 3a590 Santayana, G» Obiter scripta. 1936. 192 373'ik Brciles, ^he moral philtpphy of David ^iume, 192 ,'I635s Milne, A, H# The social philosophy of English idealism. 1962. 19i4 ^a77Zm Marill, Jean-Paal 3artre» Philosopher without faith. 1961. RELIGION 201 Bli63e Bevrics, E. G. Experience, reason and f^ith. 19liO» 209 So65r 1951 Soper, E. D, The religions of mankind. 1951. 210 • F2h2£ Farrer, A. M. Faith and speculation. 1?67. S 211 F6Ji6a 1835 Flint, R. Anti-thestic theories. 1835. 220.09 D3li6L Deanesly, The Lollard 3ible and other medieval Biblical versions. 1920. LS Kii2iio Kenyon, F, G. Our 3ible and the ancient manuscripts. 1958. 220.52 iiiTlca The Cambridge Bible for schools and colleges, 1395. 220.6 G86iiiE Grelot, P. Introduction to the Jible. 1967. 220,6-^ K123eS Kaiser, 0. Exegetical nethod. 1967. Ref 220,91 ./932w .^i^t, . 3, Aie Vestfliinster historical atlas to the 1956 Sible. 1956. 220.95 Sch65h jchonfield, H, J, A history of Biblical literature. 1962# 221.12 ALII9 Aland, K. The problem of the New Testament canon. 1962. 221.6 G713L Gottwald. K. A light *0 the nationa. 1959. 225 a32o 1963 Tasker, G. Hie Old Testament in the I'lew Testament, I963 225.52 3ii71new Bible, 'i. T. J-'he ^'*e j Testament from 26 translations, 1967# 225.6 H35li Heard, R, G, An introduction to the :Jew Testament. 1950# 225.95 J712n Jones, C, •'Jew Testament illustrations. 1966# 226 v^l6f 1966 fannon, P. The four Gospels. 1966. 226 ^h2- The New Testament in historical and comtemporary perspec tive, 1965. 226 T219f 1961i Taylor, •'•'he formation of the gospel tr^ition, 1961^. 226,207 F433c filson, , 7. A comment 'ry on the Gospel according to St, "latthew 1961. 226.3 G767e - Grant, F, C. rhe earliest gospel, 19k3* 226.307 SL36J olusser, D, M. The Jesus of .lark's Gospel. 1967. 226.U07 3ii71fe Bible, The Gospel according to Luke, 1965* 226.506 F375o Freed, E, D, Old Testament quotations in the Gospel of John, 1965. 22 7.5 3ii71w-1906 Bible. Saint Paul's Epistle to the ^hesians. 1906. 227.6 J3U71L 19134 Bible. Saint Paul's Epistle to the Philipoians. 1953# 227.33 31; 71b Bible, fhe Pastoral epistles in the new English Bible, 1963. 227.37 j379c 1370 Delitzsch, F. J# Comment^y on the Spistle to the Hebrews. 228 SliTls 1907a Bible, '•^e -Apocalypse of St. John. 19C8. 230 AL53c Allen, A.
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