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Island Times, Dec 2010

Kevin Attra

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This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Island Times Newspaper, 2002-2013 at Portland Public Library Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Island Times Newspaper, 2010 by an authorized administrator of Portland Public Library Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. SLAND IMES • FREE DECEMBER 2010 A community newspaper covering the islands ofCasco Bay INSIDE IntheNews Attempted Bunrl~Thwarted Pealf[J/11ttd residenuatdJes some,mt she hwws trying to ma~ojf with her wmputer. Page2 Holiday Buy Local Guide Keep the holiday spirit local with gifts & seroiwfr1J1n island writers, artists tmd businesses. Page10 HoliclaYE clitiou Don't miss the 24th Annual Peaks Island Music Association Holiday Concert at the Brackett Memorial United Methodist Church on Sunday, Dec. 12 at 2115 p.m. and 7:0 0 p,m., directed by Nancy 3. H offman, with che Peaks Island Down at Peaks Chorale, directed by Faith York. This year's show stars Nicole D'Entr•mont's family of puppets performing the ' classic "A Christmas Carol" assisted by Daisy Braun and I mogen Moxhay, and also features a classical whistler, the Maine Squec~e Accordion Cafe Ensemble, operatic div2Jennifer McLeod and traditional singing of the H allelujah Chorus, as well as a host ofother surprises. Above, Feature writer R. Wingfield a traditional French carol was performed at the Brackett Church atth u how on D ec. 14, 2009. aslu random people at Lisa~ Cafe about their holiday tmditiom. Pag,14 Peaks Island Council in reprieve

Sid Gerard, who rctumed from .t Newl>l elected members Er ic the amount of money ts too rnuch ofidc:as." S1d Gerard was the o nly one of rwo wc..-ck lnp on Sunday before [he IntheArts l~ton,Sid Gerard and RUSL)' Foster, to ignore but too little co rcall)' not that I ~tn acruall )• ul line for a seat "\X1e need three thmgs/' he satd. plus one." malongaorclaitns. lf weaccomphsh on 1he new 1.sl:rnd council." wrote Rollerblades "The hox. needs tO be filled in, aoJ I le plans to focus o n reforming an)•thing at all 1t will be a trtu.mph," Scon Kellet in an ematl. ·'Howe\' job." i.mp~et down•the·bay customers. Pea!u Island. I le-aks Island went its Page17 Meharg al:,;o confirmtd that they tendered in the elcc1ioo , though he w;rnt ro focu~ on the island itself, own way," he said. "We can survive v.odung with volumcergroups." wiH accept the appoiouncot for at doesn't chjnk any appcare rne house1- lo<>ked up very calmly taking it in Around midnight o n Sunday, few minutes "•hilt hoses were being on the 1$la1\d in £lames - R.ic.k had - and then they all seemed co mo,·e Letters p. 6 ~ov. 29 .an emergency call we nL stretch ed to the nearest hydnuu always admired the red on.e. she out oo Peaks bla.nf 11 n adjacent, red focused on $2lvaging the red bouse who'd never seen a house fire before. O epucy Fire Chief Scou Thomes. Star Gazing p.9 who led the fitefigbang effon, s.~ud house w2s also smoldcnng. aod soo11 got it under control once was awestruck. the red house had received extensive p. 12 Both buildrngs arc owned by the water was turned on, though "The)' \\'Ctc tinder boxe'-, all JClub damage; the summer cottage ,,..--as Susan fierry of New Orie-ans. whose it conunucd to billow smoke and wood," she said. "You don't get compleu~ly destroyed. Thert were /I.rt Roamings p.16 f:unaly lost their couage: aL HO i;1.ean1 for anochcr 20 mtrtutes. much more wood tha.n this." no reported injuries. The cause of C p~r A io a fire 1n 2009 >:ineteen firefiglners from three \X1heo the red house appeared Fifth Maine p.17 u nder similar circumstances all engine coinpanics and Ladder J coropletely uoder control with the fire is under 1nve-stigat1m\. Acconhog co police record,, thtcc: houses were unoccop1cd -at the in Por1land ard\'e

victim hospitalized DIVER BYKEVlNATTRA OfficerRandy Richardson responded and brought hec to the fire boat where DOWN Arouod 9 o'clock Saturday cveoing, she told him what really happeoed. Nov. 27, Peaks Island resident Meikie She was treated at the Maine Medical UNDERWATER Jenness was alone at her home on Center and remained there overnight. Central Avenue watching TV when Officer Richardson later recovered SERVICESe she got up to close a shed door that had t he computer for fingerprinting. been banging in the wind. According to Portland Police Secgeanc As she enrered the kitchco, she Dean Goodale who is supervising discovered a young man she knew the investigation, t he suspect was 399 Presumpscot Street, Portland, ME 04 103 inside hec house holding her laptop still at la rge as of Monday, Nov. 29. computer. She said he is the son of a " The detectives here are pretty much ph (207) 828-0444 • fax (207) 828-1255 neighbor and occasional resident of the dropping everything and getting right Email: [email protected] island. on it;' he said. He tried to rnn away but she chased The police will be able to make him and managed to get the laptop an arrest once the suspect has been back. Tn the process, she fell and positively identified. " I'm ready to dislocated her shoulder. "1 lc's verr identify hin1," said Meikie. "I definitely strong, very heavy," said Meikic. can identify him in a line up. 1 know She screamed for help, but her house the young man. He's not an enigma to is isolated and no one apparently heard me." her. "It was very horrendous, scary. I'm Several friends and neighbo ts alone here, you know." guarded her valuables while she was MIV Rd.la,~,"l\ig Pioneer, M/V bb.nd TnUJS• porter with &ervice to C.ai.co Oay, l'(;JlObsool He held her mouth trying to keep in the hospital, and stayed with her lky Md the cn1lre Malnt coa.sc. 0t.1r 31.Ulltierui her quiet, insisting that he was only after she got home, concerned that be positioned to handlee\'cn t.hela~ Job. borrowing the computer in order the police had oot taken any action or to access a disc he had ar his house - contacted her over tbe weekend. cventua lly hec lip broke open. "1 t's not very reassuring," said one, She said she agreed to let him use the "that something like that can happen computer, but only in her house and co you and thco be left wondering and he'd have to bring the disc from his alone." • RuUdtng Supplies house. "1r was a ruse," she said. Another friend familiar with the • Asphalt/001tc:rcce Lruck.'I During the next hour he left and suspect and his family was particularly • Utllides/\\'ell ddlUnt returned twice, each time pleading concerned for his mother. "I'm just • Gravf'I , s,onc with her not to report him to the broken hearted for her," she said. "Ir's police, but the pain from her injuries a mom's worse nightmare." became unbearable and she called 911. She added, "I hardly recognue our She said he ,old he r to sav that she'd island rhese days." fallen do\\"n stairs, which ;he did. He le~ before the police arrived. Play and police work combine in after school At the Ladies Only Ball program at the Peaks Island library BYKEVINATTRA An after school drop­ in program for children at the Peaks Island library got started in October as part of a community policing program by SMCC studentTaylor Cusack. Cusack,21, is studying criminal justice at the ABOVE: (from left) Sandy Lucas, community college her fr ie nd Denis with where he specia]i7,es in the large bosom and Jacqudinc • Sheehan. RIGHT: Robin Carr blood splatter analysis. and Mi, Ilorget

PJC,from11agt1 spt.-cch. The imcrncwer-asks b1m. "Don't you find Are You Safe In Your House? co 1alk with (he city. That'"S usdtss. They"re ic troubling that )-OU ,1ittl be repccsenting the \l•lliing to talk. but talk,._ cheip. We gin: tht::rn intc:-rests of a group of people who didn't clcc, ch:1mpagnc and caviar, we gee ~uitmp wacec you?-" BY CHRIS HOPPIN back to drink and bread crurobs toe-at:' "~<>t -rc'

Robin Hansen "~,~.,.Janue,U,p•.,.....- HoP"

Illustrated by island artist Jamie Hogan Wind gusts up to 63 mph were recorded in Portland early Monday, Nov. 8, blowing Now available at limbs and power lines down throughout the area and leaving over 61,445 CMP customers without power for a few hours:, Oatnage on Peaks lsfand, like that shown Peaks Cafe and Longfellow Books above, was deaned up and power restored that day. pboto by Chris Cassidy ISLAND TIMES December 2010

22-square-milc island. We rode rhru Lines from Casco Bay downtown's Main Street lined with POLICE LOGNovember2010 homes and soon left it for a slightly Proi·idtd I?, Portkmd Polia D,p,,r1111e11f BY CHRIS H OPPIN inclined cowmr road lined with trees. W/e passed a granite quarry and learned that producing granite has been a long­ Tune Date Descripdon lcocatioo Th is December column represents a time industry on Vinalha,·en. m,nsition for me co write about broader After a few minutes, the bus pulled 3:26 1 l\larm/burglary Island Av topics than Casco Ba}' Lines. Aldiough into a short driveway blocked by a 14:21 1 Check Well Being Crcsc<.·nt AY no longer a board member of the Casco yellow pole gate ar the entrance co the 10:32 2 Serving Paperwork WhalebackRd Bar Island Transit District, I intend Fox Islands wind farm. It was a chilly 16:08 2 Crintinal Miscluef Welch Sr 21:45 911 Hang l 'p Calls Central Av to be active on several committees, as day and the wind was blowing very 3 l have been since l 999. I urge other 9:39 4 911 Hang L.:p Calls Third St hard, so we stayed on the bus for a 11:0.5 Check Well Being is landers co parttcipatc wicb these 6 A

and - or North Carolina - and she, we beside rhe house that's on Sandy Beach For the love o£Peaks! took her down to the, it used to be the there. It was huge. And we used to, at Charlie Brown Markee and now it is high tide, we could Stand on that and the little restaurant before you get to dive into the water, and that was fun. MargeErico the bowling alley. You know where the I've had a Joe of good times on chis around. Nobody was in a hurry, bowling alley is. And they had a little island, a lot of sad rimes when losing and it was just the most beautiful hot dog stand window, and it was great people, but at least I was able to be there for chem, the families. I'll tell feeling. in the evening. We'd come down and And when we arrived at my car, when we had dinner. We would you something. My grandmother was a cousin's house, you know, it was come down about 8:00 and get a nice, little old woman who came from Nova like your own home. T hey just fresh, hot, hot dog. Great. Scotia, and seems to me she always opened the doors and we had our So many things. There were some dressed in black, long skirts. And she bedrooms upstairs, and we just old buildings. 0 f course, the.re was the told me one time, 'Marjorie' - and this were - they couldn't have been post office at the corner - No, the post is at tea time out on the sun porch - more perfect as host and hostess, office wasn't there then. Oh, that was a 'Marjorie, be of service to others.' And really. And we had visited them little ice cream stand. that's carried me all the way through, and l 've tried to teach that to my kids, up to the time when they had tO (Fran Hquston) Mm-bm1JJ, the ;a mom. Ia gi¥e up their house when they mom~ so importa11/ i11 Maine, hn'I it? and I rhink it works. were in their eighties. Because Oh, absolutely. Oh, well, this island, my island. I'm of ill health, they had to give up Wbal~JVJ«rjo,,-oriltiamam? going to be here until rhe Lord takes their home. Oh,coffee. me home. uffee? § But Peaks Island, I fell in love ;; with it. And we used to go down Yes, with chocolate sauce on it. I had :i! t.O Hadlock Cove and sit t here the best of both. • How did;·ou meetJ'OJ/r bllsband? it and go in the water swimming, .:;, and of course we wouldn't do Well, I met Richard, my husband, one that today. It's coo darn cold. summer when 1 was down here with l - .... You know, it comes up tO here one of my classmates. There were three fellows fooling around our in front INTERVIEWED BY FRAN HOUSTON and you're going to have a heart attack. of the ice cream store, so we said hi to them. You know, here we were, three l fell in love with this island when 1 But we all have so many good girls. was 16. My mother had been here a lot memories, and that - memories of the older people. The Flynns, they sat Later on, Richard came up to my of the years when she was in her teens cousins' house. I don't know how he and early adulthood, and sbe couldn't and looked down at Hadlock's Cove. He had a lobstering business and she found out where I was, but he did and speak more bigbly about it. She just introduced himself to my cousins, To commtnl or buy a book, please go to loved it, so sbe brought my sister and would cook the lobsters and we would www.forthcloveofpeaks.com or flna me buy them all cooked, which is nice. which is the proper thing ro do, but me down here. they don't do that coday. So that's when on facebook. You didn't have to go home and, yoll Lookingfor more Lo'llies. Ifyou'd like Well, 1 fell in love with it walking I firscgoc here. up the street, to Welch Suect from know, smell your house up with the to rtcommend someone or yourselffbr me And we kcpr coming summers, going to inltrview please ,ontat/ me. f'd like the boat, and it was just beautiful. It lobster odor - I don't think it was the fragrance at all. Have you cooked down to l-ladlock's Cove or Sandy to include ot.ier Casto Bay Islands also. was so quiet. O f course, they didn't Contact [email protected] or lobsters? Beach to get the sun mostly. And there have many cars. It was quiet. lt was was a big, big rock - big, huge rock - tall 80Z2157. ThPnh. calm. It was restful You could look all My cousin came from Virginia work. "has watched over our seniors, aided A.J. Alves - Know by his .initials, our sick and ailing, remembered our Peaks Island ~xpe-rienceS always on the road, has ne¥er been seen birthdays, and consoled us when we without facial hair. suffered a personal loss". (P. I. f. S) Covey Johnson - Character in the Davis Srytes - Circled the island in making, provides live lobsters and his truck acknowlcdi,>ing rou by raising accepts dead island cars. hi.s index finger off his steering wheel Island Characters - Don Webber - Supplied northern (he did this warmly), even today some half of island with pro visions and isbnders mimic him. alwa)'S had a large wheel ofrat cheese. Doreen McCann - Tapped dance past & present John Flynn - Focused on an issue inro our hearts, a performer, producer with laser-like precision, when asked and entertainer. STORY& PHOTOSBYJERRYGARMAN how long it took him to get to Portland Maria Lombard - Retired director of Rocke fellow Centers guides, actress Criteria: in his lobster boat, answered "about Aon Harding's personal secretary, 1. Must stand out among other N,obeers,,. islanders Arabella C. Anderson - Listened famous for her Rumtoph. 2. Must be visible and to her "Casco Bay Philharmonic" but Kim Macisaac - Superb chronicler, keeps the past alive. omnipresent thought the brass section had a few too 3. Must be interesting and many fog horns. Betty McIntyre - Feeney Market memorable Teddy Haykal - Combination of psychologist, island matriarch. 4. Must ha¥e some eccentriciry, Tevye from "Fiddler on the Roof'and Brad Burkholder- A wheeler dealer, amusing or controversial the Innkeeper from "Les Miserables", well spoken. 5. Must add to island lore has framed many is.land men, women Ruth Sargeant - Flamboyant square and pets. dancer, repotter and author. You can not aspire ro be, audition Betty Sterling - Helped the Red for or claim to be an island character. Soxs win the world series, attempted to beautify all island women with her Only isbnders and time will make that Bud Perry judgment Avon elixirs. Billy Gustin - Had photographic N ancy 3 - Mary Poppins with an Some candidates: memory and would knit a sweater for accordion, her hill is alive with the Bu d Perry - Sat o n a wall like a carefully selected recipient. "Sound of Music" on a bed ofumbrella Humpty D umpty, bk w smoke Perry Rockafellow - Stamp covers. through his· ear and v,;as the source of collector and tennis instructor, always Barbara Goelman - Ballet teacher, many island rumors. had his eye on the ball. a member of the original cast of D oug MacVane - Professional Bobby Spear - Lobsterman who Oklahoma. beachcomber who always spoke at may o r mai• not sell them, loves Stan Newell - Ascends to great all meetings, not necessarily on the venison. heights, makes a ·chainsaw talk and current subject, and walked slowly but John Feeney - Had probably issued brings warmth into our homes. did carry a bigs tick. credit to every islander, a credit to his Sam McCrun - An advocate for all Jimmy B rown - Sold bread, race. things good (Imai,>ination, passion and delivered packages and played cards Ed Lath am - Volunteered as many tenderness). Betty Sterling and John Feeney daily. hours at the L ions Club as he did at Jon M orris - Beloved mailman who PAGE6 ISLAND TIMES December 2010 Island Views from Congresswoman Letters (Ed. Noll: 1u.~ 11[the 11e1vfy tkt:lld J11rite-i11 tmulidatesfa r lbt Peaks lslo11d C011ndl effered Chellie Pingree A letter from th<' (l

lvts(y: Not really. pleo.,eue PINGREE,pa9e19 PAGE7 December 2010 ISLAND TIMES please keep your heart and mind open. This whole episode sparked much t\V'O. Perhaps experiment with some different charged debate about diets and Hopefully, you're beginning to sec YOGAFORLIFE ways of cooking to surprise a family accommodating folks who eat differently. the connection between rhis aspect of A yogk perspt-ctivf' on our yoga practice and the holiday meal. member with unusual dietary habits. Apparently, even Carolyn I lax addressed I have learned to handle raw meat after health an1l simple living the issue in her column in the Portland Could we possibly expand our hearts 20 years of being a vegetarian - anything Press Herald. The holidays are once and minds wide enough to welcome all BY REBECCA JOHANNA STEPHANS the eclectic folks to the table as they are is possible. And, please, please do not again either joyously approaching or persist when someone says, "No, thank Rthecca Johanna St,phans lea,ha wukly forebod ingly looming, depending on without making anyone right or wrong, good or bad, healthy or dysfunctional? you." J!)KO classes and privau yoga leSSIJ1lJ r.m Peaks your mo<>d and history with holidays. My autumn tradition in yoga class is IsTand and in Port/0111{. You may direct your Ifyour f.unily tradition includes a roast There was a time when I was very ((Jmments, inquiries, or column ideas lo 766- rigid and righteous in my approach to to focus on the Chakra system, a series turkey, hard cider, and home-baked pies of energy centers along the mid-line [email protected]. and rolls, it can be challenging to figure food and health, trying to convince everyone that my way was The Way. Just of the body. The root chakra, at the Recently, Li nda and J hosted a dinner out how to include family members who foundation of the system, is where we at our home. One of the guests follows are avoiding meat, alcohol, wheat, dairy as my evangeli7.ing was misguided, so is rejecting someone who is experimenting hold our ground, resist change, and meet a vegan diet and lifestyle, which means products or sugar. It would be so much our basic survival needs. Changing your that she neither eats animal products easier to just have everyone sit down and with the relationship between food and health an unskillful response to a diet or your traditions can feel like an nor wears leather, wool or any other happily eat whatever we prepare. earthquake from the perspective ofroot animal-derived clothing. I was pleased to On the yoga mat, we learn to turn our perceived difference. After I gave up evangelizing and chakra. accommodate her, as l am often the one listening inward and honor our body's The crown chakra, at the apex of the needs rather than just impose sm,crures attempting a pure diet, my intention with special food needs. system, carries che energy of awakening that may or may not resonate with our became to be able to cat whatever my The main course was easy for me, but consciousness, thoughtfulness and best interest. As we do this, modifying host offered. That worked for a while I also wanted to make a dessert that fit cxpcriendng ourselves as an integral part the practice to suit our needs, we also until I began to notice persistent health my desire for no wheat or sugar, and her ofthe web oflife. The heart chakra, right learn to respect the individuality of the issues that arc most effectively resolved desire for no eggs or yogurt. That was a at the center of the system, is where we other students who are practicing with by a change in diet. Now I either refuse much bigger challenge. I either annoyed cultivate compassionate acceptance and or entertained our other guests all us and refrain from judging them or what is offered or bring my own food to gatherings. 1 do not mean co be rude and sustain intimate relationships through joy afternoon with repeated forays through ourselves as better or worse. and hardship. When the earth rumbles I often write about yoga as paradox, a I am always grateful when my choices are many cookbooks and Google searches. with change - even desired change - we practice that is unique to each student yet accepted without much fuss. And finally success: vegan chocolate call oo the heart and crown charkas to also a community practice that includes This year, I invite you to redefine pudding! It was the easiest dessert I have help us respond with grace and wisdom. everyone. This recognition and inclusion tradition. Search for the gem at the ever made, and believe it or not, it was I developed the balancing pose has become one of my highest priorities core of your celebrations and keep utterly delicious. (If you want the recipe, sequence below to embody each of the as a yoga teacher. It is not unusual for that completely intact. In service of googlc "vegan chocolate pudding" and seven charkas, from root to crown. The me to teach a class that includes young, connection with the ones you love, let substitute coconut milk fo r the soy series begins and ends with mountain milk, and a splash of maple syrup for the fit athletes, middle-aged students with everything else be optional. When you gather this holiday season, pose. sugar.) various injuries, and an octogenarian or Intention: Begin your practice with a moment of stillness in which you affirm your intention to practice with compassion and mindfulness.

Sacral Chakra, Waler, Crane Pose Solar Plexus Chakia, Fire, BalancingGa te Mountain Pose Pose


-~ Heart Chakra, Breath, Dancer Pose Throat Chakra, Sound, Balancing Moon Pose

Rebecca Johanna Stephans, Kripalu Certified Yoga Teacher since 1994, has 24 years experience in the healing art s. PAGES ISLAND TIMES December2010 ACROSS 63 Broadway musical Holy Mackerel!~ by Anna Tierney 1 Fall color DOWN 6 il\}'OUt *10 With 45 Across, _ and __ 1 Fed.org. (the ruling class) 2 Kindoflab 14 Oilsource •3 Followed bv 45 Down, 1971 15 Turner movie comedy 16 Cookie 4 Common street name *17 Kate Middleton's future role 5 -.--- TV 19 Ink 6 AnnaP9lis freshmen 20 Te_ {Rihanna song) 7 Typeofbeam 21 Greases 8 Anny 22 Record held by FDR 9 Not onlythat but also 23 Hang around 10 Drake or Mavflower *25 Capital.of41 Down 11 Customers often are 26 News bulletins 12 Board *28 He follower •13 Marian-r.~ ' NHL star 29 "Most dang_ei:ous man in 18 Fiber used for rope America" (R'M.Nixon) 22 Peddle *30 Jack of a1I trades 24 Eight-__s hell 35 'Sea eagle 25 Nordic name 36 Englisn city 26 Town in West Virginia 38 Rerax 27 Goriot () 39 U.S. comedian (1922-91) •28 ~atter 41 Obsession 30 "Spell 42 Past 31 A:uthor of"The Second 43 Mustal]g Ranch Corning" . •45 Sec 10 Across '32 Cockfail involving vermouth 49 Hispanic newspaper 33 Un des cinq continents 50 Boats in Dubai 34 Tack's "On the Road" buddy 51 Fishingequipment 36 'Sluggish 52 Abbr. m program 37 Skeleton starter *48 Marx 55 Frienqly be~g? 40 Minnesota, for example 49 "Golaor silver service •56 E.g.> Albus Dumb1edore •41 See25 Across 51 Six P.<'.f fathom 58 Proround 43 Prize-winningjournaJist 53 DoubledUdietary disease 59 Allot 44 500 sheets 54 Bum in K 60 Approaches •45 See 3 Down *56 Pinafore or Beagle (abbr.), and 61 Kind of scope 46 Scandinavian Shakepeare the theme of this puzzle 62 Team follower? 47 WaJI Street commodity 57 Boxer, for ex. EAT, DRINK AND • BE MERRY 0 by Palmer ... throughout the Seasonon dall the days ahead. ~ AND Y'S ~7~.,,,/ Serving extraordi11ary pubfare & piua daily from Jl a.m. t() 10:30 p.m. 94 Commercial Street, Porrla nd, Maine 207 874.2639


1 II 12 13 s .. A D B E T I{ G 0 14 T 0 R E L A N s

0 p


E N 0 V F N 9 C A ~ T A L N E 3 p 0 'I N ,. J; R .. ::•...... •• . .t s .. s 6 A D M C V A N r ;s 9 C l1 1-'i St~ OI S R E p 0 eve L .. r r C ~ December 2010 ISLAND TIMES PAGE9 December 2010 Sky Star Gazing BY M IKE RICHARDS

December hosts the winter solstice Neptune is high in the southwest, bur on the 21st, when the 'sun stops' its you'll need the finder charts on line at migration southward and creeps north Skym,dTelescope.com again. The global line directly under the sun this day is the T topic ofCapricorn, STARS running through South America, South Africa and Australia. There on The winter constellations are back, the solstice, the noon-day sun is directly though they arrive fashionably late overhead and shadows are entirely in rl\e evening, The great square of underfoot. Pegasus flies overhead, and the deep Here on the solstice our shadows are V in Cassiopeia {"the big W") points twice as long as we are tall, as the North to our sister galaxy Andromeda hiding Pole tips 23½0 directly away from rhe in Pegasus's wake - a great binocular 0 sun. Added to our laritude of43½ , rhe target. Following closely behind sun is now only 23° above the horizon, Pegasus is Perseus the King, with his and it's up for only nine hours a day. We eclipsing variable star, Algol, which dips call it the beginning ofwinter, but much noticeably in brighmess every three days of the world considers the solstice ro as its partner passes in front. Behind mark mid-winter. This solsdcewouldbe that is Auriga tbe Charioteer, wich its special enough only because ir coincides yellowsrar Cap

---J- Hannigan's Marker has a hand)' Hannigan s line of fres h produce, meats, ilaaHraftl4 ptlldanu,dia1111 , pmllllas and blok nwt1 Island M arket canned goods and deli counter mlf(d la 1terli!g lttftl' or o,,trllirt. where you can get fresh pizza and Beautifoland affonlaljt! delicious sandwiches. HANNIGAN'S ISLAND MARKET " I buy everything J can at 76 ISLAND AVE Hannigan's because l wane them PEAKS ISLAND, ME 04108 co be there," said island resident 207-766-2351 Marjorie Phyfe. "It's amazing how much he has." Shop Hannigan's and help = PEG ASTARITA keep Peaks Island sel f-sufficicnt www pegspotsetc.com community.

Peaks Cafe owner Lisa Lynch has a variery of seasonal 207-766-S997 [email protected] decorations, games, T-shirts, SI Woods Road, Peaks Island. ME 04108 • • ..,,. CZJlott- dvf -­OQ,l'..-,od.-« books, photography and great .._.~--·.. ltreada,~ food. She offers cacering service IIDll-.-mok... ..r oodtt.ma-...n .. for mt)st occasions on the island. • .,...t...... ,.~fOodbem.a Galleries ftfo•local.~ Otl n.:n.-tooi1.. UNCOVERED and EXPOSED! A Guide to THE WORLD'S ONLY : '

TIIJ:Mo6u...... 'J'OII--~~ Um6rerfa ~o-oer museum --.-t--.U.11-..or...... _JIOU"fJ', Na.noy 3. W•alaoottw,~,-')'00"---1, By Hoftma.n fl0'1,?9C 8 I O C GREAT HOLI DAY GIFT CHOICE! ORDER NOW! Speolal Isla.nder's prtce only $16.76 Contact lfanay S. at 766-449 6 The A merican Legion Or email 3Nancv30gm&ll.oom Randall MacVa ne Post 142 supports the Peaks Island communicy in many ways, from sponsoring local evencs 1.0 student scholarships. A social network and popular place co be with friends and neighbors, the Legion also features a Happy Hour weekdays from 4 pm co 6 pm. Phone 766-2102 for more information.

BOOK SIGNINGS for the Loce of PePk.r, by Fran Houston and A G/i11,pse ofOld Peaks Isla11d b)' Boyce & Curran, et al, at the Loretta Voyer Fund Craft fair at The Inn oo Peaks on Dec. 4 from 9 am to 2 pm; at Peaks Cafe on Dec 11 from 11 am to 1pm; and at che Gem GallcrronDec. 18 from 2:30pm ro 5. Also feai:uringRonda Dale and KevinAttra.

l&UHO PoATAAl 'tS $ $ T OftlE&. A / Now A11ai1ablel C°'"'-S.(;TIOtf ' 2010 Island Phone Directory Co11ering 7 CaS£o Bay Islands Available at The Boathouse, Long Island, HannigAA's 15land Market, Peaks, Andy's Old Port Pub, casoo Bay Lines, and online at www.phonebookp11blishing.com. FMI or wholesale 0flj)Ortunities call 766-5997. December 2010 ISLAND TIMES PAGEu


julicj!'ocU.com 207.807 .6666

Lo1~etta Vo_yer Fund YOGA O N PE AKS Craftjjair REB ECCA JOHANNA STEPHANS At the Inn December4 from 9am to 2pm Yoga Practice CDs for sale 207·766·3017 Join Peaks Island artists and craftsmen in Also oflerl"!: supporting the Loretta Voyer Fund. Come to the Pril'ille Lffions. Partner Yoga Loretta Voyer Fund craft fair m find hundreds of HNll"'l Toudl handmade gifts and win a beautiful raffle prize. 11n llltlr1ute, ..-

The Loretta Voyer Fund provides car ferry tickets to SOURCE YOUR CONTENTMENT FROM WITHIN island residents with cancer, allowing them to travel to and from their hospital appointmems more easily. ,..12,t "" lulp mulu ""'" /10/t'tlm.1.J lt Ill/I, nuiflf'. • The craft fair is"our annual fund raiser, but donations are accepted any time. Please send donations co: The ~" Stephanie Eliot Loretta Voyer Fund, c/o Monique Levesque and Claire foillictaz, 13 Greenwood Street, Peaks Island, wrapping glfU color/fal,ric G<>fl&ultation ME04108 other hou&ehold help

207-518-0727 [email protected]

PEAKS ISLAND TA.XJ . bringing you there and Peaks Island Childrens maybe back again! Pay what you want. Running every day year round, meeting most boats or call 518-0000. Workshop Delivering people, parcels, pizza and all rake-out orders LOOKING FOR STOCKING ST UFFERS? from che Cockeyed Gull, Hannigan's and the Inn for 2011 Boat Cruise Tickets, $25; 20 11 Peaks Island just$3. ·- Calendars, $15 (S2/calendar goes to PICW); Peaks Island Coloring Books, $10. PICW

SUBSCRIPTION FORM: To subscribe to the Island Times, please fill out tbts form and send ISLAND~ TIMES with a cbeck for $25 to Island Times, 120 Brackett Ave, Peaks Island. ME, 04I08 """-"''-.. Servingthe Casco Bay island community NAME: ______Join us ADDRESS: ______CITY: ______STATE :__ Z!PCODE: .____ _ Subscribe today PHONE :. ______.E -MAJL:.______PAGEu ISLAND TIMES December io10 11.1he F,•male Praying Invertebrates: i\'Iantis invited and invented BY ISA BEUA L EVINE, GRADE 3 The female praying mantis: pray it docs Sntdems in Mrs. Nilsen's mulri-age fourth- and fifth-grade classroorn have and when it comes to eating. crickets been sntdying invenebrates. Animals witbout a backbone, they are by fa r the majority ofearth's critters. arc a good snack. Well, to tell when a Here we present rnusings on an invertebrate that became che class pet, as well as female praymg a fanciful account of another that lives only its author's imagination. mantis prays, oh yes you will see it put ics grc:co thin legs up in the air and bend them wh ile it prays (for W h at t h e The Leaf-Glob crickers), oh yes then put its legs down, oh yes and rnaybe walk Leaf-glob eats BY E LISA M EMBRENO, GRADE 4 around, oh yes while you watch amazed, and that my child, is a female The Leaf-glob is an invenebrate. change color with the body too. A ms~ praying mantis's ways. It is two inches tall and abom three To survive, the Leaf-glob builds B ananas ~ inches wide (including the wings, lean-tos. lt uses its pincers (which which are each one inch long). The are o n cop of its feelers) co pick up c •tcrpillars, wings arc shaped like leaves co help the sticks. The lean-cos arc about \ the Leaf-glob camouflage with its four or five inches tall and around surroundings. The Leaf-glob's body four ro six inches wide. The Leaf­ is also made for camouflage. The glob has no eyes: ics feelers do all the body of the Leaf-glob looks like a work. poofy ball gown with little frills at The Leaf-glob eats lors of things the bottom. But the frills are reall)' so you'd better make sure your the things that make the Leaf-glob name isn't said! The Leaf-glob eats move. Sometimes the frills can gee (are you sure you're ready for this?) damaged, and rhe Leaf-glob has to things with names that start with hop. The frills can grow back, it just the letters from J\ co P. The things takes a year or more to do so. This is that eat it are the things that start called regeneration. Leaf-globs can with the letters Q to z. Lun:, Soley found this large praying live up to 20 years. Some ad,-anrnges that the Leaf­ mantis on a wiodowsilJ and 6rought her glob has, are that it is poisonous and to school. The kids named her Sticky. T he Leaf-glob habitat is usually The insect is believed to have escaped a big P ignut Hickory tree in \Vest it is slimy. It gees a ll the moisture fromJim Lausitr,s nursery. Virginia. Tt camouflages into the that ic needs from its slime. tree by changing its body color. The So, ifyou live in West Virginia and pl,oto by A 1J11a Mitchell Leaf-glob is green in the summer you're a good observer, take some and spring. It is red, yellow, orange time to look for a Ii cde Leaf-glob. Stuck and brown in the fall, and finally (P.S. They like bananas!) it is white in the winter. The wings BY ANNA M ITCHELL, GRADE 5

Sticky would fly, Sticky would Soar. Ifshe only could use her wings. Sticky would pounce, Sticky would o ranges Jump. If she were on a trarnpoli nc. ra y ing ,;;l:: t Sticky would roll, Sticky would fall Pmanttses If she were on a hill. If her world were not glass-walled, What eats the Small. Sticky would talk, Sticky would Leaf-glob Laugh. If she only had our vocal cords . Quails And words.

R3in f 1J1t 111 ~ •: ''l• s piders ~ Winter Dreams T a ~ BY ISABEUA LEVINE Sledding wit h Dada on o ltraviolet light my orange sled down our hill, ice skating, candles on :xrlophones ,. a menorah, snowflakes, snow shoes, winter clothes y oyos _. like hats, warm socks etc., hoc cocoa by the fire, snow z aniskari ponies • covering everything. \.. .• - . ' '" illustration oftbc leafglob by El-isa Memb r

Now in its second year, J-Club is the journalism club ofs tudents in_grades one t hrough five at t he red brick schoolhouse, Peaks Island Elementary School, established in 1832. Members, Madison Alves, Nick Boyle, Audrer. lfyrne, Jameson Childs Davis Maisy Davis, Dianne Dervis, Gabi Dumas, Dudley H oldridge, Ilo Holdridge, Eleanor Johnson. Isabella Levine, Elisa Membreno, Anna Mitchell, Eddie Sylvester, Ishmael Sylvester, East Underwood, Phineas Underwood, Kaeche Marie Wilson, Maisie Winter. Advisers: Diane Eacret, Editor; Lisa Penalver, Art Director. Contact: p€[email protected]. I December 2010 ISLAND TIMES PAGE13

The fire truck was cool. They had Fire! Fire! Get out fast! a trunk with a hose in it and gears Call nine, one, one! The smoke Stop, Drop, Rolll on the side of the truck. There were two seats in the front and a big black Is rising, the cool air falls. board with buttons and levers of all Capt. Pendleton of the Portland Fire Deparcment's Marine The firemen teach us to stop, Division, with Fire Fighters Joe Murphy and Sean Donaghue sizes and colors. On the top 1 here were two hoses. The ambulance and Police Officer Rob Lauterbach, led a discussion of fire safety drop and roll. has a stretcher and a bed, an oxygen cechniques and gaYe kids the opportunity ro explore emergency Stop, drop and roll! vehicles. The workshop was presented as pare of national Fire tank, seats and labeled doors full of supplies. The fireboat was cool coo! Prevention Month in October. "It was our best field rrip ever," said And find the door and feel the (Izzy Levine) a scudem. door. The door is hot like boiling water. When I was on tl1e boat, I rhoughr it was so interesting. M)' favorite pare What

The 2010 Island Phone Directory is here.I



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Phonebook Publishing 51 Woods Road Peaks Island, Me 04108 www.phonebookpublishing.com December 2010 PAGE14 ISLAND TIMES People Doing Cool Things In The World From the Nov-Dec 2010 issue of Ume he's gathered are wind~powered irrigation nurture capital, a new fi na ncia l sector Reader magazine, some movements and sys«ms, a pedal-r.owe red washing supponi'!g the emergence ofa restorarh•e org:lnizations mentioned ln the article machine, an amphibious bicycle and economy. tided 25 Visi01tarie, Who Arc Changing attachments to turn a motorcycle into :1 Kickstartcr, founder Perrr Chen (pg Yo11r World may be worth checking out. guin grinder, washing m:.1.chine or plow. 45): A new fundraising method fo,· arcisrs. Hooey Bee Network, founder Professor Slow Money Alliance, founder Woody The premise is thac an arcist crpically Anil Gupta (pg 42): Gathering ideas Tasch (alsoPj!42}: Encouraging Americans has three re.sources co choose for funding for innovarions .ind inventions from ro invest their assets in local food systems their projects: gatekeepers (galleries, 1 economically poor people in rural areas , nuture· as opposed co 'venture· capita l. publishers, recording labels), nonprofit of his native India under rhe premise that Par.tphrasing from rheir website, organiz:i.rions and charitable foundations necessity is the mother ofinvention. Ideas ,lowmoncy.org, the fundamental principles (which superimpose their own agendas), or "One With All That Is" arc openly shared on a central darabase, ofSlow Money are culrural, ecologic,! and waiting tables. ,olor pencil dtawh:g free for use by anyone ro build a personal economic health and diversity, soil fertility With Kicksrartcr, artists pitch their MCOrme version; commercial producers must credit carrying capacity, sense of pt.cc, care of ideas via a video they create and post on irs :and compensate rhc invenror. Some ideas the commons and nonviolence. ,.Building "rtbsire, kukstarrcr.com.

DOWN AT THE CAFE . • . A Random Sampling About mid-morning on the day after Thanksgivin,({ I wandered into Lisa's (a.k.a. The Cafe on Peaks) and asked owner & operator Lisa Lynch if! could accost anyone wlJo hapP,ened in the door and ask what fhey wouldtJe doingfor the 1:Jolidays. What tradition wou7a they be celebrating, ifany?

DANIELA BEZ DAN and This year they will be celebrating in but since his family is far away (North actually 1hc youngest [17] on both sides STEPHAN OSSOWSKI: Visitors on San Diego, where Danny lives. Carolina) he is considering spending his of my family. My cousin's 18 so we haog Peaks Island for the first time, staying Woulrflhey cook S(lmethmg traditional? holiday at a meditation center in silent out a lot, but most everyone else is like at the Inn, PhD's in bio-tcchnology and DANNY: "I don't have the stuff, all the retreat, either in Massachuetts or in in their S0's. And there's music, or either medical biology, in the U.S. temporarily. spices; it's difficult. M;\Ybe my mot her Toronto. Evelyn will probably be visiting that or football games in the background. Danny lives in San Die~, Stephan [Stef­ will send a care package. her mom in Portland. M,x uncle loves football A 1-1 NJ in Boston; both arc currently STEPHAN: "I thmk we will be verr, DENIS BERRY: new local, moved The kids get gifts and we give, like, working at MIT. untraditional this year. lust travel a little.' to Peaks from California; daughter little ones to the family. Anomy mom DANNY: "I live in Germany, but my ELLEN HUSTON: local, cafc staff STEPHANIE BRYNEN, visiting and dad are there. It's just nice to get parents come both from Hungary, so What would she and husband Dave be from Boston, and her half-sister ELYSE together." HUTCH BROWN: local, originally we stick to H ungarian traditions. On doinl( this year lo celebrate the holidays? BRYN EN, vi siting from L.A. They Christmas Eve, the 24t h at five p.m. "Mom comes up and we a lways do haven't yet decided wnat they'll do for the from Harrison, ME. hate traditions. Do you know what there is a big dinner. It's a s~cial dinner, the Christmas tree, Christmas music, holidays but Denis is hoping Stephanie •r two dar.s cookin~, and even [though] it is we cook,put the bigzarlands .. .I mean, and her brother in Califorma will come Henry David Thoreau had to say about very delicious its only allowed to cat on we love Christmas. We just love--the to Peaks. tradition? 'How deep the ru1s of tradition and conformity.' Sometmcs traditions... Christmas. prettiness ofit. DENIS: "We alwa_ys do a non­ "On first day it's a Hungarian soup, a "It changes ~eople in a way, a nd it traditional tradition. We never have need to be let go o( flsh soup. Then we get our presents and changes tliem for the better. I like the turveyor ham, we pick something usually "So what I do, 'cause I'm single and my we go to bed. Next day there is a second way people, they just seem to treat each that we've never tned." mom is divorced and she's single, ani:I dinner, and this is also a special duck, otliera little bit better." STEPHANIE: "This year we were my other brothers have families: I go f111ed with custard and apl.'les and the CATHY&RONSHAW:localswith thinking about lobster since it's our first to my mom's on Christmas Eve dar., we side dish is kind ofnoodles which take daughter, I ,ESLIE, visting. New England Christmas." have dinner and wrap prese,:,ts - ano I'm usually late 'cause I do all my shopping on six hours to make. LESLIE: "My favorite holiday DENIS: "We do do gifts, little "For us, we don't drink alcohol at tradition is the roast beefa nd Yorkshire remembrances, but that's usually Christmas Eve. Christmas. But this is not Hungarian­ pudding." downpla~d; we just really like to ge1 "Then we drive up to \.Vatcrville, we just for our family. Didthat ori~11at,from English a nmtry? rogetlier. That's our main goal." have sort of a brunch thing, hang out "The Christmas tree j ust a few hours CATHY: No that came from me. STEPH A NIE: "It's mostly together wirh the family up there, cfo some gift ago we start to _pre11arc i.t all together, I was a mother's helper for a gaj that time. We play music, I t ry not to wake exchange. on Christmas Eve. We [light] a lot of came from Austntlia, and that's where I them UP. too early." "Then we hit che road and drive down candles, like sparkling candles, and we got introduced to Yorkshire pudding. I DEJ'\IS [to Etyse): "You have different to Casco, we have dinner, do the gift are sining together singing Hungarian ihought, Ooo, that's pretty good!" traditions, wliat s your Hanukkah exchange thing, hang_ out there. Then songs. Wliat is Yorshire puad,ng anyway? tradition?" we drive back to Old Orchard, and then "And it is very funny because I don't CATHY: "It's a popover macle in a pan ELYSE (el-LEES£): "\l~e all go to me and mom do a little stocking for each know what they mean, because I stopJ?cd on_rop of all the_ roast beef drippings. my grandmother's, our whole side of the contit1ucd on next page ~aking Hungarian when I was a child. ... Eggs, flour, milk, a little water. You family so it's like 40 people, and it's not But I kriow those songs." have to beat it beat it beat it to get it vcrr. so laid-back. Ir's STEPHAN: "I am coming from airy, and then the PO£.<>VCrs come up ano kind of crazy and uip2ig which is Eastern Germany. In they have this big flu tty top." everyone's cooking Eastern Germany we didn't go to Church Another tradition is that Cathy hand­ and then r.ou're on Christmas Eve, like in Wesc Germany knits Christmas stocking_s "for 15asically passing out." (From most people do. everyone in the family" with their names over-eating, she ·Otherwise we were pretty traditional: acro,;5 the top. quickly clarified). so we got a Christmas tree, and then, Ron Shaw said his favorite part of the Are thert lots of like the Hungarians I guess, we started holidays used to be the bonus from the //ids? on the afternoon of the 24th. We sit employer. Now it's family. ELYSE: "I'm t~ether and have coffee and some cakes, ELLEN: "One year my then exchange presents-everyone has mom went our, she got the something for the others. ham, made the Yorkshire "There was normally a soup on the 24th p udding following all Cetlified llt¼xolog'f-.. restomg in the evening. 1/Ve always bad a duck on the directions. It came your body's tnergy the second day, but we d idn't have a very out and it was just [long baian

altemative healing._,creative pcmuits ... common ground... cl,oim... distillinJ i11forma tio11 ...out in 11ature sustainable energy ... rtnewable mources ...d iversiry ... 11011-mainstream l!Jestyks ... iridependent media December 2010 ISLAND TIMES PAGE15 Alternative Healing -- REFLEXOLOGY Q& A

by Grace Noonan-Kaye, Retlexologist

What is reflexology? reduction or even a disaP-Pcarance ofan rest and repair. 5. After an or~n transplant, a medical Reflexology is a scientific art based ailment. It is not the reflexologist, nor Energy: Some clients feel energized release is required. on the premise that t here are zones the session that cured. Only your body with more vitality. and reflex areas in the feet and hands cures. Skin reactions: Increased activity of Though any serious reaction to a which correseond to all bodr. parts. The the skin as it eliminates toxins can cause reflexology session is rare, there are physical act ofap plying specific pressures H ow long is each session? increased perspirntion and rashes. situ ations where t he use of reflexology usmgthumb, finger and hand techniques Sessions are typically one hour in Change in sleeping patterns: Some is not appropriate. In order to discover rcsuTt in stress reduction which causes a length. clients find they arc so relaxed during a undisclosed problems1 or those not visibly physiological change in the body. session that they fall asleep. O thers are so observable, contraindications will often How much does a session cost? relaxed that ther,find their sleep becomes be uncovered during the client history What does reflexology do? In my practice the cost of an hour­ deeper and ca mer. Others find their discussion. Reflexology is a mctfiod fo r activ-•ting Jong session is $65, and I do offer special sleer. disturbed for a while a nd dreams the healing powers of the body. There pricmg and gift certificates. tn'!)' be more frequent. are three primary acknowledged benefits Frequent urination: The kidneys to reflexology, What happens duringasession? may excrete more urine. The urine may 1. Promotes balance (homeostasis) and first-time clients are asked to complete become cloudy with an unpleasant smel[ normalization ofthe body natur•lly; a briefinrake/medkal history form (first Grau Noonan-Kaye lives and practices 2. Reduces stress & brings about visit only) which is confidential between How old is reflexology? How longha s Reflexology and Reik, on Peaks Isla11d. relaxation; the dient and the practitioner. Clients it been around? Cont•« her by phont 207-577-8888 or 3. Improves circulation & delivery of also sign a consent form. There is a brief T h e oldest documentation of ,mail [email protected] wit!, oxygen and nutrients to the cells. warm water foot soak in scented Epsom reflexology dates back to a pictograph in questions orfor further information. ln addition it cleanses the body of salts. The client lies down on a table, t he toml:i of EgyJ?tian physician Ankh islnndsolcwork.com toxins and impurities, revitalizes energy with only shoes and socks removed. Each Ma Hor in approXLmately 2300 B.C. and boosts the immune system. Tnc foot is worked on for approximately 15 to reflexologist stimulates more than 20 minutes. Proper hydration following Arc there any individuals who should 7,000 nerves when touching the feet, the session is discussed. not have a reflexologysession? and encourages opening and clearing of Yes. If you have one of the foUowing neural pathways. What are some reactions which symptoms, you might want to consult mightoccurduringasession? witli}'Oll r pliysician befo rehand: How docs rcflexologywork? S-ome clients go into a deep sleep­ 1. Varicose veins which are dilated or There are numerous theo ries on why li kc, relaxed state. Some clients snore. knotty, and irregular-shaped veins with reflexology works. A few are listed Someti mes clients wince in pain, incompetent valves. Spider veins are below: drawing their foot away from the okay. •Nervous svstem - the interference practitioner, even laughing. The session 2. Severe edema, which is an abnormal with the release of over 2,000 different is not designed to cause pain. A client swelling caused by the accumulation types of neurotransmitters (between can terminate the session at any point. of fluid-in the interfibri llar spaces of nerve endings). There are 7,200 nerve Sometimes muscle groups contract; connective tissue. endings on each foot; there is perspiration ofthe hands and/or 3. Contagious or infectious diseases. ·Meridians - On the hands and feet, feet; a sensation of being cold or chilled, 4. Lacerations, ulcers, open wounds or meridians are influenced to some degree possibly feeling faint or quea5J. Most of sores which are secreting fluids. depending on how focused one is on the the rime people feel relaxed. acu_pressure reflex points; 'Polarity- electrically charged energy What are some effects clients flow; describe following a session? 'Energy exchange between practitioner Below arc a few common reactions, and recipient. which usually last only a day or two and Reflexology works with subtle energy indicate rhe body is returning to a state flows, revitalizing the body so that tlie ofbalancc. natural internal beating mechanisms T iredness: The parasympathetic of the body can do rheir own work. nervous system has become more As a matter of fact, people do attest to dominant in the body. The body better health, even sometimes a marked responds by needing more sleep so it can

DOWN AT THE CAFE . , , (continued from previous page) 90. 9 www.~.org 104.1 other. arrives in t he fire truck, he hands out 1111 S0 that's ou r tradition. We've been candy canes. They do ca.roling and tree t h=t the oj>porlimity to see p,ople you don't have electrical. You can't run it across Free Speech Radio News 7-7:30pm on weekdays ue butonce or twice a year. • ·cause the snow ~low, can't run it across HUTCH: "Yeah it's good like t hat. the tol? because ofbig trucks. That's really what we're celebrating is "Thls year and last year too we've asked family and hanging out, and loving one for canned donations or money donations anotlier, you know"? And giving to one for the food pantry, 'cause money can be another, licing generous to one another." turned into gift certificates so that they 90. 9/104. 1 FM •• can buy toilet P"P.«, etcetera. The Cafe hosts the annual tree lighting "We ended up last year with about $65 ALSO STREAMING LIVE l4X7 ceremony, which takes place Saturday, in donations and two banana boxes of Dec. 4 this year. food." LISA LYNCH: "It's usually around 4- WMPG.ORG ish 'cause it's starting to get dark. Santa

Pages 14 & 15 iusembled by R Wingfield. I wrote the artides 011 these pages unless otherwise nottd. Contact mt with article ideas1news orinformatio!' 011 the ropics at bott-Om left, especially as relates to tl,e islands. Contact me also to advertise in this section. I can help you aeare your ad. ronaadale@is/andt1mes.org December 2010 PAGE16 ISLAND TIMES handmade goods and an, including blown glass, fleece hats, and unique cards and calendars alongside the ever­ changing mix of members' art. As a r t cooperati,,c gallery, members take turns manning the shop, so visit0rs can meet the make.rs, and learn a back oam1ngs story or two about their purchase. Pam Williamson mans the studio and an gallery at Richard Boyd Pottery at the corner of J:::pp s Street and Beauty: bought or Island Avenue on Peaks Island. She's pleased with the traffic from the past found, right here summer. With a mailing list that spans the country from Anchorage to Boca Raton and beyond, she ttj)Orts "This was a great year for shippingl" Rick and Parn have steadily grown their presence as a destination fo r pottery, oils and glass. Besides creating all the glazes for Rick's poncry, Pam is painting in oils. The gallery also features the paintings ofJeanne O'Toole Hayman. Jeanne's work enjoyed great success Peaks Island painter Jeanne O'Toole H ayman at the Addison Woolley Gallery in at a fall exhibit at the Addison Woolley Ponland Gallery on Washington Street in photo by Jamie Hoga11 Portland. The show spurred a color by pro,•iding some content! Mason publication, "Atmospherics" that group show of over 20 attisrs includes and Keanan drew some of the stencils. catalogs 40 painungs, many of them Peaks Islanders Victor Romanyshyn, Really, it is superb having these kids now in private collections. The work Norm Proulx and Jane Banquet. Jane's who have a very clear understanding was photographed by Jay York and ex hib it "Coastal Suites" was featured of each other and a really remarkable Fran Houston, who co-produced the in the gallery during November. dynamic between themselves." book wicb Jeanne. She will host an So, there's plenty of places co buy She added, "Mr favorite pare was open studio and sale on First Friday, local. But what about showing local? putting to use the island treasures that Dec. 3, at her Pleasant Street studio That is, showi11g Maine on a national we all collect and store away. Everyone in Portland with a series of oils called level? That was the mission for Jessica became really conscious of how those "Portland Horizons." Geo,ge and Cole Caswell, Peaks Island things could begin to function as more Meanwhile, Jeanne join s t he artists who wo.ckcd with island high A tote bag by Charlotte Carbon beckons than a pile or the hidden content of a from the window oft.he Gem Gallery on "Addison Woolley and Friends" show school students to create ornaments Peak.s Island. chat will be on exhibit at the Addison for tbe National Christmas Tree, to be box. Hopefully, the group of students we had will keep trying to find more pl,oto by Jamie Hogan Woolley G allery to Dec. 23. This lit by President Obama on Dec. 9 in Washington, D.C. contexts for all the things they gather H an nah R io dlaub, a Pe aks from the island throughout the years." BYJAMIEHOGAN Islaod senior at Wayneflete School, These artists show that beauty was quoted in the Portland P ress is made, and sometimes found, in The onslaught of Black Friday Herald saying, "lt's cool to have an whatever the "'-aves bring. advertising from all a ogles - i o the opportun ity to represent our island, For more views on what young artists newspaper, oo the internet and oo TV our state and our country all in one." are creating, visit the blog Hannah - is unbearable. Wbeo the dust senles, RJndlaub initiated with classmate buying local is more than an option, T he ocher students involved were Maria DeMichele, Naela Broderick, Corey Thaxton, inspired by the energy it's an act of reason. And buying Evan Michalski, Mason Norton and amidst the creative collaboration with something band made by an island Jessica and Cole: http://iealmntdJ1mset1. neighbor is eveo better. Peaks Islander Keaoan Fox. Jessica and Cole were selected by b/og,sjx,/,(f)III. Betsy Stout got the holiday shopping the Maine Ans Commission to lead off to an elegant start on Nov. 12 the team in producing 26 ornaments and 13, hosting an Open House and Sale in her home for the second year. collectively created from six- inch, clear plastic globes sent by the National Over a dozen island artists displayed Park Service. The spheres, containing jewelry, photographs, books, prints, bits of bone, feathers, shells and other clothing, ceramics, antiques, pillows, stockings and ornaments throughout personal objects, are painted in bright colors remi.oiscent of lobster buoys. the house, leading to mulled cider and They hang together from a scavenged gingerbread cookies in the kitchen. net, suggesting the magical flotsam "It sure beats the mall!" remarked Pottery by Parnela Williamson and Ride that is island life. one customer. Boyd, with landscape painting by Pam The Gem Gallery follows its tra

WHATS SPECIAL LEFT: Ornaments created by PEAKS. a team ofsnul enu with Pew ABOUT Isbnd artists Jessica George and Cole Cas-11 will adorn 1,1,od is a INiy ,poc;.J pba, ,.;it, it,""" the National Christmas P.w T ree in Washington, D C. shom,. its woodbnds ml ib ....,._ Your mem~p ABOVE: Oose up ofo ne of (only 115 iati"" ' " theo rnaments. uum.1in htlping u., rnairlWn ooen ~ . pbotos court«y ofC oh Ouw

Join todl)-, HtJp PftW\'t'What wt loYt Abed Pw:1...

, ..o , HI n. H U S U lAU , NI 0410 ,__,.,..._IOIMl!t•-...... - -.._., ... -...,. December 2010 ISLAND TIMES PAGE17 From the FIFTH MAINE Roller Skating- Rollerbladini· One and the Same

BY KIM MACISAAC from several ponds or, wben rhe harbor City Rink FIFTH MAINE MUSEUM CURATOR froze o,•er, could skate to Pordand, was joi ncd House Island or the D iamonds in by the Peaks winter. They could also refer to a Island Rink in Today, the opportunity for men and book titled Bicycling for Ladies which Greenwood women to participate in any sport they provided instructions on bow to dress Garden. This choose is a given. llut that was not the appropriately and ride correccly when bu i lding case in the 19th century. Only certain taking her bike fora spin. had wooden sports were deemed appropriate for The one sport that really caught on half walls ladies: ice skating. bowling, bicycling for both islanders and visicors was and canvas and roller skating. roller skating. Io 1884 rhe Forest City shades that Peaks Island ladies could choose Rink opened on the site of rhc current rolled down p arking lot to protect down front. skaters from The Peaks Island Rink in Greenwood Garden. It was a large inc l eme n t from Fifth Mai•• coll«tio• . Quonset hut weather. Live what is now the Peaks Island House . that stretched piano music set Lhe pace for skaters restaurant. Islander Richard E rico from Island here, too. often told stories of how, as a very Avenue to the With the growing popularity of young boy, one of his first jobs was to beach below. summer stock theatres, the glow of lace up skates for people who came to Live piano roller skating wore off. T he Forest skate at the Majestic. music added to City Rink was transformed into Peaks The days of roller rinks on the island rhe merriment Island's best known theatre, the Gem, are long gone but the roller skating as skaters in 1898. About the same time the Peaks tradition lives on as the modem vmioo rolled round Island Rink became the Greenwood of the sport - rollerbladiog. Racing a nd round, Garden Playhouse. Many of the top around the back.shore as they listen to alone or with a actors and actresses played at these recorded music from their headsetS, partner. theatres for many years. today's skaters enjoy a much nicer view During the Io spite of t hese changes roller and freedom on the open air than did TM Fottst City roller sltaring rink. same decade skating lived on. A new rink, the their predecessors ofyesteryear. from Fifth M iiinuoll,ctian t he F O res c Majestic, was built on the shore behind

bustier I recognized a familiar scent, or gloves and purple fur hat. aura really - it was the essence of fresh My old friend M approached me in a starts and possibility. I felt like I was baby blue silk "I Dream ofJ eanie" jump Once is not enough suit like the one my mother wore in the 20 years old again and anything cou ld happen. early '70s. She had even recreated my BY LISA GOELL SINICKI J poured a long, black lace dress - mother's hairstyle, a top-of-the-head wh.ich looked like it had been stolen from partial pon7 tail. the wardrobe of Elvin, Mistre ss of the With Ms encouragement, and a little - Night - over her shoulders and down her help from a glass of wine, I got myselfou t slender body. Normally down-to-earth onto the dance f1oor. It was easy to join C wore something long, blue and shiny in, everyone was just so, well, happy. accented with a rhinestone tiara. At the center ofthe dance floor, a group 11 When we arrived at Jones Landing of mothers with school aged children where the ball is held, Sandy greeted us whooped and squealed, arms waving in in a shimmering, floor-length baby­ the air. Petite N had found a silver sequin blue satin gown. The square neck-line gown that reflected rainbows like oil in indicated tnat it was a dress from the a puddle ofwater. With the addition of late '50s, an impression reinfo rced by her a blond afro wig and platform heels she elbow-length white g loves and string of was '60s Motown reincarnated. pearls. , K tried to start a conga line, but tripped Inside the door, a life-sized cutout of on her gown, which was cut narrow Fabio stood g uard over the coat rack. C around the hips, thighs and ankles like a noticed that Fabio was wearing a tiara mermaid tail. Everyone was celebrating that matched her own. "Destiny; she both the night off and that they had one said. M arrived right behind us. "This another. was actually a bridesmaid dress," she said It was only then that I understood the pointing down at a hoop skirt that could true allure ofthe Ladies Only Ball Gown have been one of Vivian Leigh's costumes Par ty. We may age, but ·our special in "Gone with the \.Yind." occa.sion gowns remain frozen in time. Glancing around the room, I sa:w more These dresses are vessels, timemachines. feather boas than Halloween in the They hold on to the optimism and Castro District of San Francisco. T he happiness we possessed when they were eclectic mix of friends and neighbors new. No wonder we won'Mh(c,w t hem Almost every woman I know has at dress-up panics. And why would I want ranged in age from 20 to 90 and included away. least one out-of-style party dress that she to wear a decrepit old gown? a few mother-daughter pairs. can't bear to part with. "Twill wear th.is I managed to avoid the ball for several Some people revealed new sides of Lisa is a freelance writer who will be again," we insist as we wait for peasant years. Finally, my friends J and C t hemselves. For instance, T paired a celebrating her 10th anniversary as a sleeves with ruffles at the wrists to make decided to twist my arm. "Don't worry. clingy black dress with ankle boots and Peaks Island resident in February. Read their comeback. I'll borrow a dress from Sandy for you to thick sox printed with skulls. "Biker her previous Island Times columns on her Thanks to Sandy Radis, the women of wear," said}. Formal", I dubbed her look, laughing at weh site at www.idiotwithapen.com. Peaks Island have an annual opportunity W hen I arrived at J's house the night of how the low cut back of to dig into their closets and unleash these the event, she presented me with a form· the dress showed off the under-utilized garments: the annual fitting black velvet strapless dress with large tattoos on her upper a bodice ofgol d embroidered flowers. lt Lad ies Only Ball Gown Party. Sandy back, something I'd never Peaks Island Fiber Arts camp jokes that she started the Ladies Ball in also had huge gold balloon sleeves and noticed before. St.rnmer 2011 2003 because she never attended her high a thin iold bow across the chest. "Flash P, who h ad just June 27- July 1 Wizard Camp school prom. But the sparkle in her blue Dance meets "Dynasty," I thought. celebrated her 70 th July 18·22 Medieval camp eyes when she talks about the Ball reveals I was horrified but had no other option, birthday and is known for August 1-5 CreatingArtwear the truth. Sandy loves these dresses and so J pulled the dress over my hips and her sour demeanor, wore August 9-13 French Camp she loves to mock the events we wear glanced in the mi rror. I was surprised a G unny Sacks dress them to. to find that the style, a close cousin of that her daughter had Contact Susan Hanley at 332-2443, or I heard about the Ball shortly after I the dresses my friends and I wore in the worn to her prom in the [email protected] moved to the island, but had no interest mid '80s, felt like a long-lost friend. As '70s paired with leopard www.peal

The GPHI Gall<'l'Y The G,o, L Peaks Island Hralth Callery is an art1.st/crartsperso1\ ~ pentive of Classes & ( 'entC'l' For acute/urgent care an change wecl:.ly tnd Ith services, by appomtmeut. ~hr-J •ni•weekly from June through O<:tobtr with GrimaJdi,ClinialA&s.1.stant/Admini,trator. Danee ( 'I a sS('S For class schedule llrg<'r t hemed member ,.bow$ off·St:!.lSc>n and a ~EW WINTER 1-IOUR(i:Tuc.,days, 10:00 and information contact Sharoan .:at 776-5066 holiday iale each yeu. Pfoa~c call the gallery at a.m. to4:00p.m. Katty G1lbt'rt, t:l\P, ~cc (n,11) orb) email ,haroaoo@gmailcom. 766°5600 for more inform.a.Lion. infants to adults; Frid.ys. 8: 30 a m, to 2:00 p. m. Lois TiP by J~1dy McIntire, do..c;cd, so please lca,ea ine!>Sagcan-d we"' ill .\bxme Hannon. Nan<-y Noble, Maggie Cul,: respond .aJ quidc:ly a.'i pMsihlc. Flu nccme and other-. in intcracth't" sho" expressing how ,, still nail.able. Please caJI to Khcpy, Reberoi Stephens, [email protected] or Rhond• Conuct Maggit Cnle for more information, llealthy, Safe Holiday Stiln for mote Cad e artspnts@,.,.myfa,.,p<>mt nirt. or 766-2940. info, 899-0108. Pr ayer Sh.-wl Mini5try, Thursdap in lht' p.irsonage. 12:10 pm to 2:30 Island Holiday Concert Con11111111itv Fo()(l .Pantry The-1"-ood Pantry is i ning tttdy for a long win;cr, pm Alhrc ,,e)c;omc! N>r more info <:.U R~-t>e~ The Peaks Island Must<: Association Holiday too• ..nd M!pplies .\J't foY. . Please consider mal111g Stephans, 766-3017. Taize Wo,.ship Service, Concert and Sing Along Sunday, Dec. 12, with Ai.nge,~, of .as a,: mixes arreu:•rcn Monday t hrough \,·onhip with C.,lndlclight, silcnt·c, p rayers, gt-otle and musicians pcrforn:dng holid4')' ,1nd f.f'il.$On.ll with worfc~ hy ~pC' cial gucsl photographers Friday, 8 a.m. lo S 1>. m. O(livny option ,;;.a,•aila.ble. muioc, and ecumenical readmgs. Tween Night, f.avoratcc; . A sptdal ft,UUtt 1 hi$ y<~a.r wiU be the John Kelley, l..c-.5lcy Ma<:V111e, C.C. Chur('h, Brad For mote information, contact Susan H:.nltJ at Fridays, Dec. '3 & Def'. 17, 6:30 pm to 9:30 O't:mremont Puppetong. Open to all 1,l,md youth gr-..d e~ 6 · 8. For more info call Celeste it 766-5857. Christmas 'rhi.s prognm re.a.Uy .starts the holida) season for Po1·tland H<'-<'r<•ation Wadt', Diu\e Hudson, Doug Bruns, Fran Vila~ Conta('t Denise Macaronas, Recreation t'r.ge;\nt, Sunday, December 12, during Peaks Islanders . Mu(tciaM who want to p lay in Taylor, Jim Kelly, Karen Busbold, .-ind Ruth wor;hip. ChriJtmas .Evt- Candlelight Scn•icc the "H,>,lldujah C horus" please em.ail JnonqJ@ Progr.unmer, to resttve 1f1,lce and/ or equipment Sylmor, and mixed-media by Andrea nn w1th Carols auJ Vcr-sc, December 24, 7:00 p.m.~ gmail,toni. at [email protected] or call 766~2970 Voorst van 8c<'q, Jane Ba.niOTE for the HOLIDAYS: Plea.se bring food Dec. 3 from S pm to8 pm. Addi.son Wool1t'"y will 1tem~ to the communit-y huilding for the food Workshop will be closed Dec 24 thru .al~ p.uticipatc m the East End Holiday Stroll on Pantry. On-g0tng Adult Programs (Pc.Jell Island Jal) 2. 2011. Wednesdays; Holida.) Tr,ditioo:s Sat., Dec. 4 from 12 pm to 6 pm. Rcfreshmt'nb. Ra1,tist Church 8er,;('<'H oommuni1y1•oom): Walk Prograni fytonda);and and Celebrations with erafts, sto1'iP!i and hohday Addison \1/oollcy Galluy. 132 Washington Sunday Service: 10 tl,m, Bible Study, 11 am T hur$:rnight. monthly activ1tk~ offered for early release Sponsored by Portbnn, Firin n1e.sdays Book Oi5euJsion wall meet open for childrt"n age.,; 2 1/, to IsLAND_.._, j _"~TIMES 0 1>en wetkends Friday thru Sunda) from 10:00 D<"c.:. 7 to diS<'UU Curun9.f,.u Stone b~· Abraham ) tOr our pre~chool pmg1·.am., ___ ... .. AM to 5:00 PM; Mond,1.y thru T hursday by Vc;rghcse; moderator will be Cheryl Higgin~. \Ve arc accrcd1tcd by tbi: appomtmen1.. 'Inc g.1ller) is located at the comt-r T he hook for Januar) 4 is Neon in rhc R19hr ~ationa.1 A,5ocmiori for the Put Your Business Card 1-Iere or l~lanrl Ave. and Epps St. on Pea~ Jslwd} firl:l't Pia« b) C•rnlyn Jo1Jrdan. Call (766-5540) or Educ-.,11ion of Young ChaldR"n building on the right, for mor( information or ('mail the librarv (pc.o.ls@porrlond .l,b.mt.1JJ) to and arc ratc:CC how .1ppointnU:nt only Dec, 24 thru Oe-c 26, A,1thor £ya Murray or Matinicus Island h,wt' part-day and p art­ or call 650-3016 will be on Peaks to .speak to ara.ry ic; loaited at 129 lsla.nd PEAKS ISLAND PORTLAND LONG ISLAND 12 rooms for o,•crnight gutsu and hiuory Awuu1:, o p1:n Tuesday 2 1,m to 8 pm, \Vedn~-ida) filled, gu1dcis. hum BTaelu•tt Church 9 Chu,ch Street, Pc.riks bland. 1>a,;tM: Rev. OcSl Larson, WWW . PORTIStAND . COM 766~50) 3 w•w.b,acl-tumumc.org; S unda_y December 2010 ISLAND TIMES PAffE19 COMMUNITYEVENfSCALENDAR Tlnu-sday, Dec 2 Tuesday, Dec 7 The Island Institute 1$ hosting an opco first Tue!ldays Book Discussion will Programs Committee oo Pe:a.ks Island from discuS5 Cuu.ingfar Stone by Abraham Verghe$ei 3:30 to 5:30 p m at the Elementary School. modcntOT will be Cheryl Higgms. For Jan '4- the The Programs Committee is part o( the larger boob s H«ut Jn w R1gl,, Pf«, by Carolyn Jourd.n. 'tuarccrly Island Institute Boa.rd meeting. Call (766-55+0) or cn,.il t he library (peoh@ Community members arc invited to attend. pordo"4. 11b.me w) to rcser,-c: a book. Please indude your library card number. E.lcb book J Jscus..'ilon i!\ open to anyone interested. QB OOXIJ>tl[L?)Q Frid~y, & -c 3 .,~ ~ .oOff) .rwt'lf$ 't'OHW MAINE SINGERS' ATELIER, under <1'4' ea~ of'W~ ~ ~ •~ the dir«:tion ofJulie God], presents GOLD Thursda,.y, Dec 9 STANDAROS,Jaz, ballads and swing run es Studio Theatre- of Bath prescms 11'1 A to chase away those win1e.r blues! 5 p.m. to Womkrfiil Lift, a stage play directed by Studio 8:30 p.m. at The Jo n on Peaks Island dining Theatre atum Wayllc Otto. based on the classic room. Featuring: Stephanie Elliot, Julie film by Fronk Capr,. O pens tonight a, the Gocll. Annie O'Brien, Heather Thompson Chocolate C hurch Arts Center. running thru with special guests Ronda D ale and Kevm Oec 12. Friday and Sarurday nigh" at 7:30 pm Acer-a. Accompanied by Sam Saltonscall and Sunday matinees a, 2 pm. T ickels $15. on piano. Bar and dinner service available. group rates for pa rues of 10 or rnorc. Call the C.oncen sHms at 6:30. Uy donation, SS to $10 Chocolate Church Ans Center box office for suggested. A portion of proceeds will benefic PINGR££,fr.ompage6 rickeL,, 442-8455, infa@,t11d;otht,i/frtJjboduo111. $5.00 srudem (at the door o nly) with a ,•alid the Peaks lsw1d Fund the wealthiest his been a m ajor contributor student JO; $12 in advance ac Starbird Music to the federal deficits we've experienced "OP E N HOUSE" - GETTING AN and Longfellow Books in PmmuoitJ' room) 8aturda)~ Doc 11 Etc. in Falmouth, o r a, UJ»iltt Rt11aj1snnceI/oire1. in place. If th ose cuts arc extended, we 11:00 am to 3:15 pm - Drop tn anytime; all BOOK SIGN ING 'Fo, the Love of Peaks' ,nd ·~· Reception follows t he concert. FMI call can expect to see them rise by $700 billion ages wek:omc. Start your holiday uto don li::.t 'A Ghmpse of Old l>Nk$ l.sfand' from It W l to I 207.729.4958. more · $36 b illion in the oext year alone. early- gee ideas for gi(t1,; from the kitchen~ pm at Pc.aksCak. HOLIDAY FAIR Bnckrn Chu.ch, 9am - BOOK SIGNIN GS borh 'For the Love of Bad for business bnng t2tds to write or help make decorations Peaks' and ·A \11tmpsc of Old Peaks Island' and OTnamcnts. Spoosoccd by Portland 3pm with a lunch of homemade ~ups and bread, O n e of chc b iggest p ieces of ftom 2:30 pm to 5 1>m at the Gem Gallery Rccreauon (766-2970). Silent Auction and many gift table$. C~f1er ta.bks rnisinfonn ation abou t ending tax cuts anil~ble to rent for S20. For more info please call featuring music by Ronda Dale and Kevin for the wealthy is chat ir would hurt small Cathy Shaw, 766-3394. Aura, and presenting a check to PITA. b usinesses, w hich simply is nor true. The Saturday Dec 4 proposal I support of extending cuts for CRAFTFAIRtosupporttheLORETTA incorms up to S250,000 covers 97 J:>erceot VOYER FUND, which provides car ferry Sunday D<'c 12 to 98 percent of small busin esses. Lee's T he Pea.ks Island M.usic A~so cfatio n tickets to island residents with cancer foe S1mday Dre 19 be clur: for small busin esses t h e cuts Ho lid ay Concert and Sing Along. Two ho~ital ,•1sit$, at the Joo on Peaks hfand 9am C hrisrm:is with Renaissance Voices ~l concinue for their first S250,000 of profit. co 2pm. Peak:; Island ~r usts and craftsmen shows, al 2:15 and 7:00 p.m. hfand singtrs and 3 p.m. at the Cathedral of St. Luke, 143 Staie After covering all thei r expenses, the vast m usich1n fi ptrforunng holiday and sca'ional provide huod.reds of handmade gifts. E nter Street, Port.land (see Dee 18 listing for details). majority of sm 21J businesses d o not clear f•vonlcs. A special featu~ this yea.r wt.ll be the to win one of the fantastic rafne prizes. thar amount - but even for those who do, D'Emreinont Puppets doing s<:enes from.,._ Local authors of 'For the Love of Pc-aks' rJ,e impact will nor be dramatic. Chri~tm.ts C.iiroJ " The program is co·sponsored and 'A G limpse of Old Peaks hiand' will be If we want to help small businesses. let's by and hdd at The Rr.achu Mc1:nori.ll Church. sigmng 1he1r books during chc fa ir, For more offer real, direct benefits. Let's help them Thb: progr.uu reaUy starl.S the holiday S('a.,;on for Monda.\", l)ec 27 informuion please ccniract Susan Hanley, LAUGHTER in the AFTERNOON - access funding to grow, offer larger tax Pc-a b. Islanders. Mutjdan.!I who want to play in 766.2735. A LL AGES (Pl comsnuruty room) Please sec d educuons for purcha.srng equipment or the " Ha.llcluph Choru.,;"' plea,-.e emiil 3nan(y3@ ANNUAL-Peaks Island COMMUNITY bullettn boards for schedule as lauih with gmml.,cm. we create incentives co hire more workers. TREE LIGHTING (in case of mclemcnt such stars a~ H!'lrold I Joyd, Laurel and Hat'Zti&•'l.· percent. Today,it's l,000timcs. Meanwhile, Cook.off with pr1:1.es in cvcq• cateh,ory or just taxes for these earners haYc gone down come co sample the entrie15. G1fr rablc wich Satm·day De<' l8 dramatkally, So as the wealth iest cake a ''kid friendly" pnccs so che children can find C hrist mas with R enaissanc e Voices larger share of the benefits oft h e country's a gift to put under the ucc for just St or $2. at 8 p.m. .. the Cathedral of Sr.. Luke, 143 Thursday, Dec 30 p rosp erity, they have given less back co the \Vatch poSlcrs fotn)(m!information or concact State Street (b etween Congress and Spring), RING IN T H E NEW YEAR - ALL public m fr2struccure, communities a nd Susan Hanley, 766.2735. Portland. Harold Stover, director of the 21- AGES 11:00 am - 2:00 pm D ,op in anytime people chat helped cre<1te that p rosp erity. SANTA LUCIA PAGE ANT Brackett voice a cappella coscmbk, ,1dth Christmas {PI community mom); all ages welcome.. Say E xtend ing tax cues for the wealthiest Memorial Unued Methodist Church on Sun .• music from the 13th to the 20th ceorurics. The "good bye" to 2010 and welcome in the New · $675,000 for someone who makes $15 December 5. at 4:30 p.m. Hannah Carlson centerpiece will be tbescirring"Qn2treMotcts ·Year.There will be soine1.h1ng for c.:vcryooc: million - will drive the i ocom e wed ge is this year'$ Lucia. and her nine anendanLS pour le Temp s de ~<>Cl" by Francis Poulenc. laughter, board games, craft making & snacks! further, only shifting more burdeo onto include soloists Ari nika Erikson, Camille with work by Hassle, and , ea rly Sponsored by Portland Recreation (766-2970). the should ers ofMain e families. That's just Ha nley 2nd lroog

Renovation Now A11ai1ablef New Construction ISLAND 2010 Island Phone Directory John Kiely Carpenter Co11ering 7 Casco Bay Islands SERVICE Property Management Available at The Boathouse, Long Island, Hannigao's Island Market, Peaks, Andy's Old Port Pub, Casco Bay Lines, and online at 591 Island Avenue Peaks Island, ME 04108 DIRECTORY www.phonebookpublishing.com. FM! (207) 766-2026 or wholesale opportunities r.all 766-sm. [email protected]

'f11•...... f,J. (;(NE"-'&, C,AAll'£)rlTRY '*ISH CNl90ITRY o... ffio~,1, l\,mpl,,- ,, _ WCM':~l8"tlll9 OOOR$1WINOCM'5 ...... ,o '7'. The Aliving musewn tlf.MOOB.IRUl'JR IAMIPFRU b, ~ and lodge. INTI~ I EXTERIOfl ,v.HS I PERWl'TIHO Eighth Roomand baU ·1 rentals & Weidemann Maine • tours Come for a awesome saay or tour C arpentryLLC 13 Eiah1h Maine Ave, Peab Island. ME 04 108 otf P<,rtland ' ...". .~ (207)766-5086• www.~ne.oorn ir.,,..,.~~ 766-3030 eigl,[email protected] Adam Weidemann --."irrt,i,,g ortlmnryp,,hfnrrd-p=u1fivm II ,1,,n, to /O:JOp.111. YOGA ON PEAKS Michoel Longelfo 382 Pleownt A"e Fifth ."tlaint Htgimt nl Mustunr RUECCA JOHANNA STEPHANS Owner Peolts tsJond, Me 45 Se,ulwre Avenue 207-632-$229 04106 P.O. Box41 CALL FOR CURREN! Peak$ h land, Maine 04108 >CH EDUlE Of ClAl l(S 766 . 3017

A Museum or Chil War & Peaks Island lfu1ory AlSO Off(RING: Open Memorial Oay thru Columbus Day PRIVATE YO~ LU~O NS PARTNER YO(.A [email protected] HEALING TOUCH 207-766-3330 , ¥'~ w.fl nJ1malm.•mUSt".um.org SOURC( YOUR CONTENTMENT FROM WITHIN .·.·.·.·.· ...... ·.·.··. . . . .·. Peaks Island Fiber Arts Camp Slinlne. 20ll Take a Peak June 27-July 1 Wizard Camp 52 Island Avenue Andrea Davis July 18-22 Medieval Camp l'e.tlcs bland. Maine 04108 .ii August 1-5 CreatingArtwea, August 9-13 French Camp }JY7 -66.S'l'lS•fi< 2orah Kendall- m~n.1ge.r -~

CARPENTER FOR HIRE EAN KAMP House Painting Interior & Exterior Shall we take our bikes? 41 Jn-2-1 83 HM 2il7-756-3,50 CELL 207-766-S220 fAX Ma~ Onne Cell: 653-7042 rbrrg,ct h.1rborvi<:wp«ipea-tics.co1n 766-5909 II www.h:ub

UNCOVERED and EXPOSED! A Guide to THE WORLD'S ONLY llm6relfa to~er museum By Nancy 3. Hoffman A MUST FOR EVERY ISIAND COTTAGE! Special Islander's price only $15.75 Contact Nancy 3. at 766-4496 207.518.0 000 Or ema.il 3Nanc [email protected] PEA KS ISLAND