Portland Public Library Portland Public Library Digital Commons Island Times Newspaper, 2010 Island Times Newspaper, 2002-2013 12-2010 Island Times, Dec 2010 Kevin Attra Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.portlandlibrary.com/itn_2010 Recommended Citation Attra, Kevin, "Island Times, Dec 2010" (2010). Island Times Newspaper, 2010. 11. https://digitalcommons.portlandlibrary.com/itn_2010/11 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Island Times Newspaper, 2002-2013 at Portland Public Library Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Island Times Newspaper, 2010 by an authorized administrator of Portland Public Library Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. SLAND IMES • FREE DECEMBER 2010 A community newspaper covering the islands ofCasco Bay INSIDE IntheNews Attempted Bunrl~Thwarted Pealf[J/11ttd residenuatdJes some,mt she hwws trying to ma~ojf with her wmputer. Page2 Holiday Buy Local Guide Keep the holiday spirit local with gifts & seroiwfr1J1n island writers, artists tmd businesses. Page10 HoliclaYE clitiou Don't miss the 24th Annual Peaks Island Music Association Holiday Concert at the Brackett Memorial United Methodist Church on Sunday, Dec. 12 at 2115 p.m. and 7:0 0 p,m., directed by Nancy 3. H offman, with che Peaks Island Down at Peaks Chorale, directed by Faith York. This year's show stars Nicole D'Entr•mont's family of puppets performing the Dickens' classic "A Christmas Carol" assisted by Daisy Braun and I mogen Moxhay, and also features a classical whistler, the Maine Squec~e Accordion Cafe Ensemble, operatic div2Jennifer McLeod and traditional singing of the H allelujah Chorus, as well as a host ofother surprises. Above, Feature writer R. Wingfield a traditional French carol was performed at the Brackett Church atth u how on D ec. 14, 2009. aslu random people at Lisa~ Cafe about their holiday tmditiom. Pag,14 Peaks Island Council in reprieve Sid Gerard, who rctumed from .t Newl>l elected members Er ic the amount of money ts too rnuch ofidc:as." S1d Gerard was the o nly one of rwo wc..-ck lnp on Sunday before [he IntheArts l~ton,Sid Gerard and RUSL)' Foster, to ignore but too little co rcall)' <lo the three who submnted names ce,<:mony, said ru: IS opposed ,o the all self-p roclaimed secessioni!as, an)•thing\1,-ith." for che council, but sa.id his ballot approach Uaton and Poster plan co will meet wi1h MatJOne Phyfe. AccordU\g to F~ter, :..frcr being Art Roamin!!S got thrown out because be d.Jdn't ta.kc. "Thett whole point 1s we can the onl)' remaining Pt:-aks hl'{tnd sworn in there will be foor membeni Arts Edi/or Jamie'flag a11 unul Marjorie Phyfe'5 retirement include 1heu add resses, a mistake do our own thing withou1 1he city's !ooh at some local art resourtes Councilor, on "xo,1. 29 to be sworn help. I'm the other way around. in and dete rmine the fu1ure of the takes cff~t on Dc-c. 1, gi\'ing them that a large number of vorers also offeri11g great giftsfar the made. W.itbout the ciry's resources there COIJOCll. a quornm. They plan lO appoint holidays. three addttional members before According to James Carl son, isn'1 tnuch u-e can do." The neu· members ate showing He said his first objecuvc will ~ Pagel6 that daie: Scott Kelley, Heaiher the warden for the island's voting ~gos of taking r.hcm.sclves le.ss than to take an unofficial survey of the Thompson and Rob Meharg. precinct,, there were 109 ballots with scriou:;, almosl as caricacures of communit)'- ·~If the people wam governmental o fficiousness. "\X'c "Yes, u is umrushingly plaufilble wnte·1ncandidatcs, butonl)·10were RollerSkatesvs. accq,ced. something u's got to be 50 percent ue setting I he bar very low> not that I ~tn acruall )• ul line for a seat "\X1e need three thmgs/' he satd. plus one." malongaorclaitns. lf weaccomphsh on 1he new 1.sl:rnd council." wrote Rollerblades "The hox. needs tO be filled in, aoJ I le plans to focus o n reforming an)•thing at all 1t will be a trtu.mph," Scon Kellet in an ematl. ·'Howe\'<!t, Fifth Maine lvfweum the candidate's name ;md address Lhe price structure at Casco Ray said Rusty Foster. anything can happen in pohucs. so cura/Qr Kim Matbaac he written in. We have some lcew-ay, Lines tr\ order to make JSl:rnd life He s:lid rhcy plan to meet at the un61 { get my official island council remembers roller skating rinks bm those Lht.ogs have co be done.,, more affordable; bou·evc.:r, he has no lon. 10 chc bar ,f possible. ··\Ve arc blazer and rep tic, l a1n not giV1ng o[thtlate 19th century on I le said there may have been interest in how any changes might ess.cnciaU~· look.mg at it :u a work in up my d•> job." i.mp~et down•the·bay customers. Pea!u Island. I l<athe, T hompson and Rob as many as 80 di(fereoc oames progrcs~t said Rusty Foster. '\-X'e --Jt's time [>e-aks Island went its Page17 Meharg al:,;o confirmtd that they tendered in the elcc1ioo , though he w;rnt ro focu~ on the island itself, own way," he said. "We can survive v.odung with volumcergroups." wiH accept the appoiouncot for at doesn't chjnk any appcare<l moJ:e than twice. uve-ab, u happens," he and bnng r:ucs down." As far ascoonnu1ry with programs lc.::va one year u ntil elections can be said. «There arc a huge number of He 11grccd with Foster that crea1ed by the PIC to d2te, he said, held. differem scenarios that pop up." negotfating with the City is lugdy REGULAR u\Ve think what the pre\•lOUS counol .. rm really o nly keeping a seat T he official resoh wu Etic 4, a fruitless ende2.vor. ff'£ 'm not going FEATURES did with transportation fund was wann," said Meharg. "If 1 wu truly fine. Tc's kind o f unfortunate tbat running I'd come \1p wtth all lunds Rusty 3 and Sid 3. pltt1.6eue PIC,pa9e3 Lines p.4 Second fire in two years strikes a Peaks Island family Love ofP eaks p.5 arnved quickly with the eogine :m<l onJooke rs at that hour, both very Ci rcfigbtets were apparently paying BYKEVlNATTRA linlc aucnrion until one finally PIES p. 5 ladder truck, bu1 s,ood hclpl«s for a upsec to sec their fave> rne house1- lo<>ked up very calmly taking it in Around midnight o n Sunday, few minutes "•hilt hoses were being on the 1$la1\d in £lames - R.ic.k had - and then they all seemed co mo,·e Letters p. 6 ~ov. 29 .an emergency call we nL stretch ed to the nearest hydnuu always admired the red on.e. she out oo Peaks bla.n<l for a Mre at the hundreds of yards 2way. In the prcfccn:d the cott2ge th~u was ac once. Within minutes it wu hack p. 7 undercon1 rol. YOGA summer conagc at l60 Upper A mtcrim, the second story of I he red ulumaccly dcst.TO)ed. Tht effort las1ed nc:;uly four Stn.:ct. Electncity had gone out in house caught fire and began to bur:n W•ll• suddenly crumbled and The Puzzle p.8 hours, and Peaks firefighters went the immediate vic1nity a haJf.houc vigorously. fire burst out of the corntces and out a&,ain the nex1 morning to make before, and by the rime firefighters Since the coctage was ful1y the b asement as the flames worked Brio p.8 sutcthc was.out. ardvcd the home was an inferno. invoh•ed by theo, firefighters cheir \l.'1.Y through the hou..~. Nant\'. fin:- T he aear side <>f 11 n adjacent, red focused on $2lvaging the red bouse who'd never seen a house fire before. O epucy Fire Chief Scou Thomes. Star Gazing p.9 who led the fitefigbang effon, s.~ud house w2s also smoldcnng. aod soo11 got it under control once was awestruck. the red house had received extensive p. 12 Both buildrngs arc owned by the water was turned on, though "The)' \\'Ctc tinder boxe'-, all JClub damage; the summer cottage ,,..--as Susan fierry of New Orie-ans. whose it conunucd to billow smoke and wood," she said. "You don't get compleu~ly destroyed. Thert were /I.rt Roamings p.16 f:unaly lost their couage: aL HO i;1.ean1 for anochcr 20 mtrtutes. much more wood tha.n this." no reported injuries. The cause of C p~r A io a fire 1n March 2009 >:ineteen firefiglners from three \X1heo the red house appeared Fifth Maine p.17 u nder similar circumstances all engine coinpanics and Ladder J coropletely uoder control with the fire is under 1nve-stigat1m\. Acconhog co police record,, thtcc: houses were unoccop1cd -at the in Por1land ard\'e<l around 12:30 h2rdly a visible puff of smoke. Community Notes p. 18 officers on ch-t: 1sla.o<l had found an ume. a.m. and immedtatelv wenc to \\'Ork flames suddenly shot out of an The cottage ot ltiO L:ppcr ,\ Scroet on borh bt1ildings ~•ith additional upstairs v.·11\<low and rhc entire open door or \\'indow at the cottage Events Calendar p. 19 on Nov. 20. Four days later they is reportedly only used i 1) summer hoses.
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