AFGHANISTAN – North-Eastern Region Baghlan Humanitarian Team Meeting 16 May 2012 at UNAMA Puli Khumri Office
AFGHANISTAN – North-Eastern Region Baghlan Humanitarian Team Meeting 16 May 2012 at UNAMA Puli Khumri office Draft Minutes Participants: ACTED, AKF-A, FOCUS, Global Partners, Hungarian Embassy, IOM, NRC, OCHA (Chair), UNAMA, USAID, WFP, apologies: IOM (assessment) Agenda: Welcome and introduction Flood emergencies: assessments, response coordination, concerns, gaps Conflict displacement Cluster coordination and resource mobilization Way forward 1. Welcome and introduction OCHA welcomed participants. Participants introduced themselves and informed about type of work they are doing in the province. Global Partners: community development, WASH (septic systems), retaining walls, education, implementing partner of WFP for cash and voucher in Samangan province. ACTED: works in Burka district. AKF-A: works in several districts. Focus: works in Dushi and other districts 2. Flood emergencies On 10 May 2012, a new flood has affected 9 areas of Baghlan province. A Provincial Disaster Management Committee (PDMC) was held in Puli Khumri on 11 May. It has assigned assessment teams. As of early 16 May, assessment results are available for two districts: Burka district (232 affected families) and Dahana-i-Ghuri (68 affected families). Assessment and distribution procedures: ANDMA, the Afghan National Disaster Management Committee, is the designated body within the Government to address natural disasters. In this capacity, ANDMA Baghlan provides secretarial support to the Provincial Disaster Management Committee (PDMC). The PDMC assigns joint assessment teams and approves assessment reports. Based on it ANDMA prepares an official government relief request which is then forwarded to UN agencies and NGOs for assistance. The relief request should include beneficiary lists. Normally, beneficiary lists are drawn up during assessments.
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