
A Journal of the o Rou 0 TABLE OF THE AMERIC Asso LATlO 0.9 1993



Worlds Apart: ative American World Views in the 5 by LOllis DeVorsey, Jr. Columbus Considered: A Selected Bibliography of Recently Published Materials About 27 by Jame A. Coomb Map of the Columbian Encounter and its Aftermath, and their Projections 37 by Norman }. W. Thrower


Map Collections in Australia: A Directory 45 David A. Cobb The History of . Vol. 2, Bk. 1. Cartography in the Traditional and South Asian Societies 46 Donald C. Johll on born the Mind: Readings in Psychogeography 49 Fred Plaut


Carte blanche 1 51 by David Woodward Carto acts 61 Awards 49 Exhibits 53 Collections 59 Biographies of Author 55 Final Word 62 by fenny John 011


Index to Advertisers 4 Information for Contributors 63 Corrections 64

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About the Journal MERIDIAN EDITOR This is my first official issue of Meridian, and traditionally Ihat Cholrles A. Seavey calls for some statement of editorial purpose and practice. The basic University of ASSCX:IATE EDITOR purpose of the journal, at least as I see it, is to provide the member­ Jenny Marie Johnson ship and subscribers with substantive articles from the realm of University of W;lshinston cartographic information transfer. I use that long-winded and REVIEW EDITOR Brent Allison slightly pompous terminology deliberately. We have progressed far University of Minnesota beyond the point where "map Iibrarianship" adequately describes PRODUCTION MANAGER the wide range of activities undertaken by readers of this journal. Donna P. Koepp University of KJnS

eG6 l\IElIlDb\N , 3 to modern resp n e to tho ev nt . Louis 0 Vor y kindly all wed u reprint a chapter from his World Apart: Native American World Vie-w III the A e of Di covery. 1 wa particu­ larly intere ted in thi piece because of what I p rc iv a a long negle t of ative Am rican c ntributions t the history of cartography. Living in th Southwest one is apt to be aware that ative Americans take a rather dim view of Columbus. orman Thrower article is associated with a major exhibit d aling with the Columbu Encount r jointly mount d by the American Library A sociati n and the ew York Public Library. Last, but n t 1 a t, Jim Co rob responded admirably when ask d to d a review of much of the newly PUBLISH &PRESERVE publi hed material unleased by the Quine nt nary. Microfiche is still the most cost effective means to distribute store and retrieve mapping information. Particularly if your need is for color You can't pi a v ryone, but microfiche, Cibachrome color microfilm is ideal for preservation filming Meridial1 aim t pI a e a much of since it exhibits a dye stability of 200 to 300 years when stored under the read r hip a p ibl. Watch room conditions. this space as we go boldly where none have gone before. Feel free to MicroColor's products andservices include: comment, criticize, and argue with • Color and black and white microliche - From documents up to 40 x60 inches. the editor. The process will keep us In standard to 'full-frame' formats. all honest. • Continuous tone black and white microfiche services. •Alull range of microfiche readers - From small portable briefcase units to high power projectors, inclUding the MicroColor 61 00 Map Reader. • Color microfilm and processing services - For in house microfilming departments. 16mm, 35mm and 105mm roll formats are available with processing. INDEX TO ADVERTISERS • Color and black and white micropublishing services -Inquire about how MicroColor can assist your organization in micropublishing your collec­ tion of maps. Richard B. Arkway, Inc. 36 East View 5 • Scheduled for introduction in 1993 - Color microfiche electronic scanning seNices. Convert your maps from microfiche to adigital data base tor James E. Hess 26 WORM and CD-ROM. MAGERT Inside front cover MAGERT In ide back cover Map Collector 59 Think of the possibilities, the opportunities, the advantages of color microfiche. If you have aproject in mind, please call us. Map Link 2 MicroColor also produces and distributes the Golden Age of Comics, the Martayan Lan Back Cover Thornton and other publications and maps on color microfiche. Micro-Color 4 To find out more about our microfiche programs and our J.T. Monckton, Ltd. 60 services, contact MicroColor at: Omni R ource, Inc. 56 85 Godwin Avenue. Midland Park, NJ 07432 USA George Ritzlin 61 201-445-3450 or Fax 201-445-2924. Univer ity f Chicag Pre s 54 MICRO·COLOR MICRO-COLOR ... I TEA NAT ION A l the leading edge in COIOf micrographics.

4 M.EJUDIAJ 9 ~ Worlds Apart: Native American World Views in the Age of Discovery

Louis DeVorsey, Jr. Professor Emeritus, University of Georgia

They imagined the world to be flat consideration of the probability of and round, like a trencher; and they reverse flows would be unscientific at in the middest. best, and insulting to the proven Tmvels (lI1d Works genius and creativity of New World Captain John Smith peoples at worst. It would be far more advisable to consider as a . I will s<'1Y at the outset that there is logical probability movements from only one world and although we the New World to the in speak of the Old World and the New, the spirit of the 18th century this is because the latter was lately polymath-traveler, Count Volney. discovered by us, and not because Volney had travelled widely in there are two. , and before Royal Commenfaries of llie II/cas coming to America. While visiting the Garcilaso de la , Ellnca American frontier in what is today the State of Michigan, the French Beringia, A Two-Way Bridge scientist was introduced to a famous An Age of Discovery of sorts Miami Indian chief named began when the first groups of Old Mishikinakwa, or "Little Turtle." In a World hunters spread across the conversation with Little Turtle, broad, tundra-covered that is Volney explained that the "Chinese "Why" said he, "should now the floor of the Bering Strait Tartars" were strikingly similar to not IheseTartars who between Alaska and Siberia. During Indians in their appearance and that are like us have gone this had led to the belief that the first from the American the last ice age, when much of the side? Are there any earth's water was locked up in vast American Indians originated in Asia. proofs to the contrary? continental ice sheets, world sea­ Volney continued: Why should not their levels were much lower than they CIre fathers and ours have I explained this theory to the chief, been born in our today. In that period a low, tundra­ country!" clad plain, at times as much as a and laid before him a map of the thousand miles wide, called Beringia, contiguous parts of Asia and firmly joined and allowed movement America. He readily recognized between the Afro-Eurasian and North the Canadian lakes, and the Ohio, American land masses. Wabash, etc., and the rest he eyed Most discussions of Beringia tend with an eagemess that showed it to lay stress on movements of people, was new to him: but it is a rule in ideas, and influences from the Old Indian manners never to betray World to the New World without due surprise. When I showed him the consideration of similar movements communication by Behrings Straits in the reverse or opposite direction. and the Aleutian isles, "Why" said While it may be true that the impact he, "should not these Tartars who of the Old World on the New has are like us have gone first from the been greater than vice versa, it would American side? Are there any be a mistake to fall prey to the idea proofs to the contrary? Why that Beringia was, for some unstated should not their fathers and ours reason, a one-way passage. To omit have been born in our country?'" eoe MEIHDlAN ') 5 Volney obviously enjoyed Little term "Age of Discovery." Only a Turtle's perspicacity and observed, relative handful of American native "the Indians, indeed, give themselves peoples at the apex of a few Meso­ the name of Metoktheniaka (born of American and Andean polities came the soil)." Responding to the Chief, even near to enjoying a role in the Volney told him "I see no objection, process of "Discovery" that almost all but our black coats (the name given literate or informed Europeans by the Indians to the missionaries) enjoyed in the late fifteenth century. won't aUow it. It is Isinglyl difficult Far more typical were the record to find out how any particular nation keeping and communication sprung up at the beginning:' techniques of the Native Americans Little Turtle was in no way swayed encountered by John Lederer when in his logic: by Volney's invocation of he explored the Southern Piedmont in the authority of Christian beliefs. He 1670. Lederer attempted to "shew answered "But that is as great a by what means the knowledge of difficulty to the black coots as to us.,,1 them !the Indians] hath been Their numbers may have been conveyed from former ages to small but the ancestors of Little Turtle posterity." He wrote of the "three were mentally on a par with modern ways they supply their want of humans. Equipped with language, Letters: first by Counters, secondly by fire, and other tools the new arrivals Emblemes or Hieroglyphics, thirdly began to explore and make North by Tradition delivered in long Tales and their own. These from father to son, which being people, who erroneously came to be children they are made to learn by called Indians by the Europeans, had rote.,,2 traversed every region of the Lederer continued by explaining thousands of years before what he meant by "counters," they were first encountered by "hieroglyphics" and "tradition": Columbus. While these Native Americans "discovered" and "ex~ For Counters they use either plored" as individuals and small Pebbles, or short scantlings of groups they lacked the means to straw or reeds. Where a Battel had record the details of their findings in been fought, or a Colony seated, writing. This was in sharp contrast to they raise a small Pyramid of these the literate Europeans they began to stones, consisting of the number encounter in the late fifteenth slain or transplanted. Their reeds century. and straws serve them in Religious Ceremonies: for they lay them Recording Discoveries orderly in a Circle when they The Western Europeans were heirs prepare for Devotion or Sacrifice; of rich systems of written language, and that performed, the Circle cartography, and mathematics that remains still; for it is Sacriledge to allowed them to accumulate an disturb or to touch it: the incredibly vast corpus of detailed disposition and sorting of the knowledge about the world. This straws and reeds, shew what corpus could be shared across great kinde of Rites have there been distances of both space and time. celebrated, as Invocation, S.xrifice, New valid and verifiable information Burial, etc. about the nature of the world The faculties of the rninde and heretofore unknown or unproven, body they commonly express by when tested and shared in detail by Emblems. By the figure of a Stag, the wide society of interconnected, they imply swiftness; by that of a literate peoples of Afro- Serpent, wrath; of a Lion, courage; constituted discovery in the sense of a Dog, fidelity; by a Swan, they that the word usually conveys in the signifie the Ellg/ish, alluding to

6 MElli DIAN 9 ~ their complexion, and flight over their shores in the fifteenth and the Sea. sixteenth centuries. On the contrary, An account of Time, and other what the European explorers found things, they keep on a string or and reported is best described as an leather thong tied in knots of Aboriginal r...,ndscape-a landscape several colours. I took particular palimpsest already inscribed with notice of small wheels serving for patterns and forms reflecting the this purpose among the OClIocks, cultural use of the Indian occupants because I have heard that the for whom it had been home for Mexicans use the s<,me. Every millennia. Only to the Europeans Nation gives his particular Ensigne were the Americas a '·New Land"· In or Arms: The Sasqllesn1lallallgll a the words of John Collier, longtime In and Andean Tarapine, or small Tortoise; the US. Commissioner of Indian Affairs: America great cities Akcl1atzy's a Serpent; the were bu.ilt by slKicties NahysSllIIL'S three arrows, etc. In At the time of white arrival there that rivalled or exceeded those of the Old World this they likewise agree with the was no square mile unoccupied or in their size and Mexican Indians.3 unused....The million Indians of sophistication. the United States and Alaska were The Aboriginal landscape formed within more than six Indian populations increased as hundred distinct societies, in they devised improved systems of geographical situations ranging subsistence and resource exploitation. from temperate oceansides to In time, imposing earthworks, arctic ice, from humid swamps to massive effigies, and mounds were frozen tundras, from eastern raised, palisaded villages built, fields woodlands to western deserts.4 and trails hewn from the forest, fish traps were constructed in rivers, lakes The accounts of early encounters and co<,stallagoons, and everywhere between Indians and Europeans leave fire was deliberately loosed on the no doubt as to the great diversity of land to drive game, clear under­ social and material accomplishment growth, and achieve other desired existing within the Indian popula­ alterations. Giovanni da Verrazano, tions. In terms of the usual i.ndices of whose landfall, near Fear, tangible human accomplishment, North Carolina, was guided by their societies appear to have repre­ Indian fires, was only one of scores of sented a broad range of what some Age of Discovery visitors to North have termed '·evolutionary types.'· At America who drew attention to the one end of such a scale would be the The accounts of early encounters between Indians' recurrent use of fire as a tool socially highly-stratified and materi­ Indians and Europeans in landscape modification and ally rich..ly-endowed Aztecs and [eave no doubt as to the management. In Mexico and Andean Incas, while at the other end one great diversity of slKial America great cities were built by might place the mobile, egalitarian and material accomplishment societies that rivalled or exceeded hunting, fishing and gathering existing within the those of the Old World in their size societies, equipped with a minimum Indian populations. and sophistication. of portable tools, shelters, and As their cultures evolved and clothi,ng. The overriding problem numbers grew, the Indians altered with such schema is that they faU to their habitat in major ways over plumb the intellectual achievements much of the New World. The sum and belief structures of the members total of these alterations of the natural of the societies they index. What were state of the , by the time of the intellectual abilities, value sys­ the first European contacts, is still to tems, mind sets and world views be accurately determined. One thing operating on the Indian side of the is clear, however, the Americas were encounters? far from being covered by a ·'forest To attempt to answer this question primeval" when Europeans reached would involve research far beyond

eGt MEHlIJlAN 'J 7 the confines and purpose of this conquered. The Aztec tradition of modest article. Rather than making destroying historical records of other such an attempt, I will offer several groups is exemplified in the Cod ice examples of world views and under­ Mntritel/se de In Renl Academin. Trans­ standings which indicate the diver­ lated from the Nahuatl it states: sity that existed among the Indians of the Americas during the Age of They preserved their history. Discovery. In large measure these But it was burned observations derive from their at the time that Itzc6atl reigned in encounter experiences with the Mexico. Europeans. The Aztec lords decided it, saying: The Aztecs or Mexica "It is not wise that all the people At the outset it is striking to find should know the paintings. how many similarities exist between The common people would be the Indian and European mentality driven to ruin and world views. Tzvetan Todorov and there would be trouble, has drawn attention to the similarities because these paintings contain between Columbus and Montezuma. many lies, Unfortunately most Todorov observed that "by his for many in the pictures have been Indian documents mental structures, which link him to hailed as gods:'? including books, maps, and paintings were the medieval conception of knowl­ systematically destroyed edge, Columbus is closer to those As a consequence little evidence by Cortes, his fellow whom he discovered than to some of remains on which to base an authen­ conquerors and zealous his own companions: How shocked Catholic priests. tic detailed rC<'onstruction of Aztec or Ri'grellabli' as their he would have been to hear it!"S other Mexican Indian preconquest systematic destruction Columbus like Montezuma, head of world views. was, thi' Spanish wert' the Aztec Empire, lived in a world We do know, however, that they doing nothing new. The Aztecs themselves had, where great events were predicted were capable of constructing detailed in similar fashion, ·'by soothsayers, revelations or by maps of extensive areas that could be destroyed the codici's portents and other celestial signs.'" read and understood by the Spanish. and records of the Nor was Columbus unusual, the In his second report to the Emperor societies they had conquered. contemporary historian-cleric, L.,s Charles V dated October 30, 1520, Casas, has a chapter in his Hisfory of Cortes described how in an interview the II/dies "wherein is seen how with Montezuma, Divine Providence never permits important events, either for the good I likewise inquired...if there was on of the world or for its chastisement, the coast of the Sea any river or to occur without their having been bay into which ships could enter, first heralded and predicted by the and lie with s.:,fety. He answered saints, or by other persons, even by that he did not know, but that he infidels or wicked people, and even would cause a chart of the coast to on certain occasions by the demons be p<,inted, showing the rivers and themselves.''6 bays, and that I might send Unfortunately most Indian Spanish to examine them, for documents including books, maps, which purpose he would despatch and paintings were systematically suitable persons with them as destroyed by Cortes, his fellow guides; and he did so. The next conquerors and zealous Catholic day they brought me a chart of the priests. Regrettable as their whole co.:'sl, paillted on cloth; on systematic destruction was, the which appeared a river that Spanish were doing nothing new. discharged into the sea, with a The Aztecs themselves had, in similar wider mouth, according to the fashion, destroyed the codices and chart, than any others; this seemed records of the societies they had to be between the

" MElIlLllAN 9 eG6 called Sanmin ISan MartinI. which A surviving map from the period, extend to a bay until then believed the Oztotipac Estate Land Map (see by the pilots to separate the land at figure 1) shows the kind of detailed a province called Mazalmaco.8 cartographic construction to which Cortes referred. In another despatch Cortes told of While there are no documents to a group of chiefs from Tabasco and confirm it absolutely, there is good Xicalango who "drew on a cloth a reason to suspect that Cortes' map of figure of the whole land, whereby I the was based. to some calculated that I could very well go extent on an Indian original. It is also over the great part of it." This map possible that the original Indian While there ue no documents to confinn it appears to have extended from information was supplemented by absolutely. there is Mexico east of Yucatan to Honduras the pilot Pineda and his fellows when good reason to suspect and and served Cortes as an they explored the coast of the Gulf for that Cortes' map of the indispensable gUide "during all his Francesco Garay a few years before Gulf of Mexico was based to some extent on difficult travels through the almost this engraving was prepared in an Indian original. impassable regions of Chiapas and . In any event the map ."9 usually, if not correctly, attributed to Cortes is the first printed map to ...... , show the Gulf and name "Rorida," , and "Yucatan." Of even more interest is the fascinating map of Mexico City, also attributed to Cortes, and first pub­ lished in 1524 with the map of the Gulf in the edition of his Second Letter. Like the map of the Gulf of c" Mexico it contains many clues ...... -_£ -~. . " suggesting it was based on an lndian original. It is for one thing centered ?_"~. 7U -~- on the island capital of the Aztecs in a way that echoes their view of the ~f~i' cosmos. In Aztec myth and poetry their L~ capital Tenochtitlan was portrayed as ". a majestic place-the center of the It 1­ universe in both horizontal and , vertical space. This revealing engrav­ .- ~tW! ing (see figure 2) suggests a vertical photograph laken from above the city :>-IL..L.1l> with a "fish eye" lens. Not only does .- the exaggerated scale of the Great Temple enclosure cause it to domi­ Figure I. The Ol.totipac Estates Map was drawn on amatc paper of Indian Manufacture in nate the plane of the map, but it abou1 1539 or 1540. The original is in a very good state of preservation and measures appears also to be raised vertically about 30 x 33 inches. The map was prepared by one or more Indians sk.illed in drnwing above the rest of the crowded city and aided by an interpreter who added a number ofglosses in the Aztec language. Nahuatl. as well as Spanish. It concerns properties belonging to members of the Texcoco and circling lake shores beyond. In Indian Nobility. including a DOll Carlos Chichimeca1ecol and his half-brother Ixlilxochitl. the words of Diego Duran, the Aztec Don Carlos was executed by the Inquisition for possessing. among other things. an capital set in the brackish waters of ancient Aztec book of paintings and an Indian calendar that set forth the "Count of fiestas of the Demon:" Needless to say. the offending documents were promptly destroyed. the lake now covered by the sprawl Important to the suit concerning his estate was the orchard inventory pictured in the lower of Mexico City was "the root, the left of the map. Groves of pears. quince. apples. pomegranates, peaches and grapevines navel, and the heart of this whole are located. A number of grafting techniques can be identified in tlte tree and vine symbols. The clear depiction of these horticultural practices places the Oztoticpac Estates worldly machine."' Land Map among the most important Indian pictorial documents which provide As we noted the similarities notewonhy economic and cultural data for Mexico's immediate post-Contact period. existed between the mind-sets of (Courtesy Library ofCongress. GoogrJphy and Map Division). eGa ,\U:IlJl)IAN 9 center of the earth and then lifted the sky. Predictably, the Aztec's capital, Tenochtitlan, was built at the center of the resulting four-quartered universe to receive the fullest benefit flowing from the forces and deities of cosmic space. As Duran wrote, it was the navel of the cosmos. Although many authorities have expressed the opinion that this engraved image of Tenochtitlan is "European" in its essentials, there is evidence indicating that it retains many of the Indian characteristics of the lost Aztec original on which it is based. Peter Martyr was genuinely impressed when he was shown what may have been that original by Figure 2: Maps of the Gulf of Mexico and Tenochtitlan (Mexico City), printed on a Cortes' lieutenant Juan de Ribera. In single sheet and published in 1524 with the second letter of Hernando Cortes to his "Fifth Decade" Martyr told of Charles V, the Emperor and King of . There is much in both of these maps "numerous maps" Ribera brought to su~est Ihat Ihedrawings supplied 10 the engraver who prepared the pnnter"s woodblock were based on Aztec originals. Cortes, anxious to infonn from Mexico with other treasures for and impress Charles V, sent his lieutenant, Juan de Ribera, in 1522 to deliver presentation to Emperor Charles V. S

10 MEHIDIAi" 9 ~ Even the archetypal Spanish Incas of were possessed of a cO/lquistadore, Cortes, admitted that world view that pervaded most areas the Templo Mayor or Great Temple of their lives. Space limitations will This is the map was of such "great size and magnifi­ permit little more than a highly which Shakespeare cence" that "no human tongue could selective review of a few aspects of refers to in Twelfth describe it." In spite of til is he contin­ that world view in this article. One of Night, AclllI Scene 2, when Maria says of ued "for... within tile precincts, which the most accessible and eloquent Malvolio, "He does are surrounded by a very high wall, a authorities who wrote on the Inca smile his face into more town of some five hundred inhabit­ world view was himself half Inca. In lines than are in the new ants could easily be built." And his "Foreword" to Royal Commentaries map, with the augmen­ tation of the Indies." finaUy he wrote: "There are as many of the l/lcas, historian Arnold 1. as forty towers, all of which are so Toynbee wrote of its author, high that in the case of the largest Garcilaso de la Vega: "Thanks to his there are fifty steps leading up the mixed Andean-European descent and main part of it; and the most impor­ to his initiation into both his ancestral tant of these towers is higher than traditions-a double education, that of the cathedral of Seville."12 which was the privilege, or burden, Fray Diego Duran recounted the of his Mestizo blood-Garcilaso was description of Tenochtitlan that had able to serve, and did serve, as an been given to him by "the first interpreter or mediator between two conquerors to arrive in this land." different cultures that had suddenly These "trustworthy and reliable" been brought into contact with each informants, other.,,15 1ust as author Garcilaso de 1a Vega, son of an Inca princess and assured me that the day they Spanish conqueror of noble lineage, entered the City of Mexico, when served his own generation so he can they saw the height and grandeur serve the reader of today as both a of the temples, they thought them product of and commentator on the castellated fortresses, splendid climactic period of the first encoun­ monuments and defenses of the ters between the culture of early 16th­ city, or castles or royal dwelling century Spain and the Inca Empire. places, crowned with turrets and Through Garcilaso we can dis­ watchtowers. Such were the cover that Cuzco, like the Aztec glorious heights which could be capital, was designed and built to seen from afar!13 enshrine in stone and architecture the essence of the Inca world view. In an With available eye-witness testimony unnecessarily apologetic tone the like this it is exceedingly difficult to Mestizo author informed his Euro· deny that the so-called Cortes map, pean readers concerning the sophisti· whoever its author may have been, cation of Inca : depicts the pre-conquest architecture and condition of Tenochtitlan. But for all their simplicity, the Another unexpected bit of evi· Incas realized that the sun com­ dence of European-appearing pleted its course in a year, which crenellated towers i~ aboriginal they called huata....The ordinary Meso-America is found in Ferdinand people reckoned the years by Colon's Life of the Admiral. Ferdinand harvests. They understood also the described how the tatoo designs on summer and winter solstices; these the Indians he encountered with his were marked by large and visible father on the coast of Honduras in­ signs consisting of eight towers cluded "lions...deer...turreted castles, built to the east and eight to the and...a variety of other figures."14 west of the city of Cuzco. They were arranged in sets of four: two The Incas small ones three times the height Like the Aztecs of Mexico, the of a man stood between the two

~ MEIUOIAN 9 II larger. The small ones were set flowers and aromatic herbs they eighteen or twenty feet apart, and could find, and placed the throne at the same distance from them of the Sun on it, saying on that day stood the larger, which were much the Sun was seated on the column higher than Spanish watchtowers. in aU his full light. Consequently The larger towers were observato­ they especially worshipped the ries from which the smaller could Sun on that day with a greater be more easily watched. The space display of rejoicing and celebration between the small towers by which than usual, and offered to him rich the Sun passed in rising and presents of gold, silver, precious setting was the point of the sol­ stones, and other valuable things.I? stices. The towers of the east corresponded with those of the The territorial growth of the west, according to whether it was empire resulted in an unforeseen the summer or winter solstice, an benefit to the Incas' understanding of Inca stood at a certain point at the cosmos. As Garcilaso noted: sunrise and sunset, and watched whether the sun rose and set The Inca kings and their all/autas or between the two small towers to philosophers discovered as they the east and west. In this way they extended their provinces, that the established the solstices in their nearer they approached the .16 , the smaller was the shadow cast by the column at The equinoxes also were observed midday. They therefore venerated "with great solemnity" by the sun­ the columns more and more as worshiping Incas. Garcilaso de­ they were nearer to the city of scribed how these feast days were Quito, and were especially similarly determined through use of devoted to those of that city itself architecture: and in its neighborhood as far as the sea, where the sun is in a To ascertain the time of the equi­ plumb-line, as bricklayers say, and noxes they had splendidly carved shows no shadow at all at midday. stone columns erected in the For this reason they were held in squares or courtyards before the the greatest veneration, it being temples of the Sun. When the thought that they afforded the Sun, priests felt that the equinox was the seat he liked best, since there approaching, they took careful he sat straight up and elsewhere Inca map skills appear daiJy observations of the shadows on one side.IS 10 have been in no way cast by the columns. The columns inferior to Ihose of the stood in the middle of great rings Like the temples and monuments Aztecs. Cardlaso de 1.1 Vega wrole of scale filling the whole extent of the central to the Aztecs' world view and models thai were squares or spaces. Across the religion, the astronomical towers and constructed to middle of a ring a line was drawn columns of the Inca cities were accurately depict the from east to west by a cord, the "pulled down and broken to pieces" ge

12 described as done: his neighbor's, he built his house to the right; if to the left, he built it to in clay, pebbles, and sticks... to the left, and if behind, he built his scale with the squares, large and house behind." small; the streets broad and The Incas of Peru, like the North narrow; the districts and houses, American Indians John Lederer even the most obscure; and the described above, made effective use three streams that flow through of a mnemonic device formed of the city, marvelously executed. colored and knotted cords called a The countryside with high hills quipu. In his Letter to a Killg: A Picture and low, flats and ravines, rivers History of tile film Civilizatiol/, the Inca and streams with their twists and Indian Don Felipe Huaman Poma de turns were all wonderfully ren­ Ayala i.ncluded the following discus· dered, and the best cosmographers sion of the qllipll'S use: in the world could not have done it better.19 Both the [nca and his Council of the Realm were served by secretar­ Cuzco, like Tenochtitlan, was ies, some of whom belonged to my planned and built as a nexus to the family in past times, and my cosmos. Perhaps because he was a ancestor the [neap rantin or Catholic and long-time resident of also had his own secre­ in Spain when he wrote tary. Such people were highly his Royal Commelltalles, Garcilaso de esteemed because of their ability to la Vega chose to secularize the use the quipll. The secretaries motivations underlying Cuzco's calculated dates, recorded instruc­ preconquest city plan. In a chapter he tions, received infonnation from titled "The City Contained the messengers and kept in touch with ...the Indians living their colleagues who used the beyond the regions of Description of the Whole Empire," America's great empire Garcilaso wrote of how "anyone who qllipll in all parts of the country. bui.lders appear to have contemplated the wards and the They accompanied the rulers and shared broadly similar dwellings of the numerous and judges on important visits, record­ views of the world and cosmos in which they varied tribes who had settled in them ing decisions and contracts with uisted. beheld the whole empire at once, as if such skill that the knots in their in a looking glass or a cosmographic cords had the clarity of written plan.,,20 The "wards" making up leUers. 21 CuzCQ were divided "according to the four parts of their empire," a With such an effective mnemonic in division that "dated back to the first wide use it is not surprising to find Inca, Manco Capac." As his empire early Spaniards commenting on the grew through military victories he absence of a written form of language ordered "that the savages he had in Peru similar to what they had subjugated should be settled accord­ found in Mexico. ing to their places of origin, those from the east to the east, those from North American Indians the west to the west, and so on." fn spite o(tne great diversify tnat When Cuzco was young "the characterized them, the Indians liVing dwellings of the first subjects were beyond the regions of America's thus disposed in a circle within the great empire builders appear to have limits of the town." As infilling took shared broadly simiJar views of the place by people of status from the world and cosmos in which they outlying provinces, the location of existed. To be sure there was "a their houses relative to one another dazzling complexity" in the belief reinforced the symbolic character of systems that grew out of these shared the city. As Garcilaso explained "if a outlines of the universal scheme of d,ief's province was to the right of things. As one leading ethnohistorian

eGe MEHIOL\N '.I has noted "It is a complexity that has Europeans have been chosen to a system behind it, so that complex exemplify what has been all too appearances can often be accounted briefly discussed here. Ethnologist for in terms of a few basic categories James Mooney devoted much of his and principles."22 long and productive career to collect· From the evidence available it ing and publishing the largely oral appears that all or most Indians at the and traditions of these time of first European contact con­ internationally famous Native ceived of their world as consisting of Americans. The following Cherokee a huge island surrounded by water. story of creation is only a fragment of Above this world was the inverted the corpus his work provides the bowl of the sky which rose at dawn modern reader: and fell at dusk so that the night and day resulted. When the sun was How tile World was Made. The within the vault of the sky it was day earth is a great island floating in a and when he or she returned to the sea of water, and suspended at place of beginning he or she was on each of the four cardinal points by the outside and night resulted. a cord hanging down from the sky vault, which is of solid rock. When If there is a single term If there is a single term that can that can be said to be said to epitomize both Indian and the world grows old and worn out, epitomize both Indian European belief systems during the the people will die and the cords and European belief Age of Discovery it is "order." The will break and let the earth sink systems during the Age conscious desire to create a sense of down into the ocean, and aU wiB of Discovery it is "order." order in what otherwise appears to be water again. The Indians are be a chaotic universe seems to be afraid of this. a human trait that holds for all When all was water, the animals races and cultures. Like their Old were above in {the Upper World], World counterparts, the native beyond the arch; but it was very Americans believed in an upper much crowded, and they were world which had heaven-like at­ wanting more room. They won· tributes that were structured, or­ dered what was below the water, dered, bounded, stable and generally and at last..."Beaver's Grand­ of the past, and on a grander scale child," the little Waterbeetle, than the things of the here and now offered to go and see if it could world around them. learn. It darted in every direction Much of the ritual and symbology over the surface of the water, but that entered into almost all phases of could find no finn place to rest. Indian life was aimed at achieving a Then it dived to the bottom and balance between the forces of their came up with some soft mud, upper world and the contrasting which began to grow and spread lower world, wherein lay a horde of on every side until it became tJle threatening opposites of the upper isla.nd which we call the earth. It world. It was the domain of disorder, was afterward fastened to the sky chaos and instability, and inverted with four cords, but no one properties; it was inhabited by remembers who did this. ghosts, witches, monsters and other At first the earth was flat and powerful spirits. very soft and wet. The animals A rich language of metaphor and were anxious to get down, and symbol was invented by the many sent out different birds to see if it Indian societies as they developed was yet dry, but they found no their collective lifeways in the varied place to alight and came back environmental settings of the Ameri· again to (the Upper WorldJ. At last cas. The Cherokee Indians living in it seemed to be time, and they sent southern Appalachian valleys at the out the Buzzard and told him to go time of their first encounters with the and make ready for them. This

14 MEIUDIAN 9 ea was the Great Buzzard, the father different from ours, because the of all the buzzards we see now. He water in the springs is always flew aU over the earth, low down warmer in winter and cooler in near the ground, and it was still summer than the outer air. soft. When he reached the Chero­ When the animals and plants kee country, he was very tired, and were first made--we do not know his wings began to flap and strike by whom-they were told to When he reached the the ground, and whenever they watch and keep awake for seven Cherokee counlry, he was very tired, and his struck the earth there was a valley, nights, just as young men now fast wings began to (lap and and where they turned up again and keep awake when they pray to strike the ground, and there was a . When the their medicine. They tried to do whenever they struck animals above saw this, they were th.is, and nearly all were awake the earth there was a valley, and whe.re they afraid that the whole world would through the first night, but the next turned up again there be mountains, so they called him night several dropped off to sleep, was a mountain. back, but the Cherokee country and the third night others were remains full of mountains to this asleep, and then others, until, on day. the seventh night, of all the When the earth was dry and the animals only the owl, the !cougar!, animals came down, it was still and one or two more were still dark, so they got the sun and set it awake. To these were given the in a track to go every day across power to see and to go about in the the island from east to west, just dark, and to make prey of the overhead. It was too hot this way, birds and animals which must and...the Red Crawfish had his sleep at night. Of the trees only the shell scorched a bright red, SO that cedar, the pine, the spruce, the his meat was spoiled; and the holly, and the laurel were awake to Cherokee do not eat it. The conjur­ the end, and to them it was given ers put the sun another hand­ to be always green and to be breadth higher in the air, but it greatest for medicine, but to the was still too hot. They raised it others it was said: "Because you another time, and another, until it have not endured to the end you was seven hand-breadths high and shall lose your hair every wi.nter."' just under the sky arch. Then it Men came after the animals and was right, and they left it so. This plants. At first there were only a is why the conjurers call the brother and sister until he struck highest place.....the seventh her with a fish and told her to height," because it is seven hand· multiply, and so it was. Ln seven breadths above the earth. Every days a child was born 10 her, and day the sun goes along under this thereafter every seven days arch, and returns at night to the another, and they increased very upper side to the starting place. fast until there was danger that the There is another world under world would not keep them. Then this, and it is like ours in every­ it was made that a woman should thing-animals, plants, and have only one child in a ~ar, and people-save that the seasons are it has been so ever since. different. The streams that come down from the mountains are the Regrettably none of the European trails by which we reach this participants in initial encounters underworld, and the springs at between native Americans and their heads are the doorways by Europeans were trained ethnologists which we enter it, but to do this and, as a consequence, most of their one must fast and go to water and available written accounts lack the have one of the underground depth and richness of the materials people for a guide. We know that collected by Mooney and his fellows the seasons in the underworld are in the second-half of the last century.

IiXi6 MERII)IAN 9 15 Enough was captured, however, in old men and of certain women many initial encounters to provide who had been the most virtuous tantalizing glimpses of the richness of and the best of all Indians. God Indian world views and geographical came then to console them for the understanding. death of their relatives and their More typical of encounter accounts friends, after which he let them of Native American world views live upon the earth in a great and would be the one recorded by Father happy tranquility, granting them Chrestien Le Clercq based 011 his therewith aU the skill and ingenu­ experiences with the Micmac Indians ity necessary for capturing beavers of eastern Canada's islands and and moose in as great number as peninsulas. When Le Clercq was were needed for their substance.25 residing with this tribe in the 1670s there was no generaIJy accepted If this has a "sanitized" ring to it the theory to explain the origin of New reason is easily found. In Father Le World populations. "It seems," he Clercq's words, he omitted "certain wrote, "as if this secret must be other wholly ridiculous circum­ reserved solely to the Indians, and stances" of the Indian's creation story that from them alone one oU~ht to "because they do not bear at all upon learn all the truth about it.',2 a secret which is unknown to men, FortUJ1ately Le Clercq shared what he and reserved to God alone." Priest was able to learn: that he was, Le C1ercq felt compelled to strip the metaphorical and super­ They have...some dim and natural trappings from the Indians' fabulous notion of the creation of mythology and left only its skeleton the world, and of the deluge. They postured in a crudely Catholic form. say that when the sun, which they In this Le Clercq's account is typical have always recognised and rather than exceptional. worshipped as their God, created As in the cases of the Aztecs and all this great universe, he divided Incas, discussed above, the Indians of As in the cases of the the earth immediately into several constructed towns A:;r:tecs and Incas, parts, wholly separated one from and structures as metaphors of their discussed above, the Indians of North the other by great lakes: that in views of the world and cosmos. Space America constructed each part he caused to be born one limitations restrict us to a single towns and structures as man and one woman, and they example selected from the study of metaphors of their multiplied and lived a very tong the Delaware Indian Big House views of the world and cosmos. time: but that having become Ceremony published by wicked along with their children, anthropologist Frank G. Speck. At the who killed one another, the sun core of the ceremony was the meta­ wept with grief thereat, and the phorical message embodied in the rain fell from the heaven in such lodge structure within which the great abundance that the waters twelve-day ceremony took place. mounted even to the summit of the Speck wrote: rocks, and of the highest and most lofty mountains. This flood, which, The Big House stands for the say they, was general over all the Universe; its floor, the earth; its earth, compelled them to set sail in four walls, the four quarters; its their bark canoes, in order to save vault, the sky dome, atop which themselves from the raging depths resides the Creator in his indefin­ of this general deluge. But it was in able supremacy. To use Delaware vain, for they all perished miser­ expressions, the Big House being ably through a violent wind which the universe, the center post is the overturned them, and over­ staff of the Great Spirit with its whelmed them in this horrible foot upon the earth, its pinnacle abyss, with the exception of certain reaching to the hand of the Su-

16 MElIlIJIAi"l' 'J ~ preme Deity. The floor of the Big their rhythmk tread. Not only the House is the flatness of the earth passage of life, but the journey of upon which sit the three grouped the soul after death is symbolically divisions of mankind, the human figured in the ceremony.26 Of all the contact social groupings in their appropri­ encounters between ate places; the eastern door is the Of all the contact encounters Europeans and Native point of sunrise where day begins between Europeans and Native Ame.ricans one of the and at the same time the symbol of Americans one of the most revealing most revealing took the beginnings of things, the took place in 1607, between Captain place in 1607, between Captain John Smith and western door the point of sunset John Smith and Powhatan's Indians Powhatan's Indians of and symbol of termination; the of eastern Virginia. While foraging eastern Virginia. north and south walls assume the for food the nearly starved Smith was meaning of respective horizons; taken captive and brought to the roof of the temple is the visible "Opechankanough, King of sky vault. The ground beneath the Pamaunkee:' To gain the chief's Big House is the realm of the favor Smith gave him "a round Ivory underworld while above the roof double Dyal." The Indians lie the extended planes or levels, "marvailed at the playing of the Ry twelve in number, stretched and Needle, which they could see so upward to the abode of the "Great plainely, and yet not touch...because Spirit, even the Creator," as of the glasse thai covered them:'27 Delaware form puts it. Here we Anxious to keep his captors' might speak of the carved face minds off torture or other unpleasant images,...the representations on occupations, Smith began instructing the center pole being the visible the Indians on "the roundnesse of the symbols of the Supreme Power, earth, and skies, the spheare of the those on the upright posts, three Sunne, Moone, and Starres, and how on the north wall and three on the the Sunne did chase the night round south waU, the manitu of these about the world continually; the respective zones; those on the greatnesse of the Land and Sea, the eastern and western door posts, diversitie of Nations, varietie of those of the east and wesL..But the complexions and how we were to most engrossing allegory of all them Antipodes, and many other stands forth in the concept of the such like matlers....,·28 White Path, the symbol of the In Smith's judgment, at the end of transit of life, which is met with in his discourse, the Indians "all stoad the oval, hard-traden dancing path as amazed with admiration." But, in outlined on the floor of the Big view of what followed, this judgment House, from the east door passing should be challenged. As Smith's to the right down the north side account continued, "notwithstanding, past the second fire to the west within an hOUTe after they tyed him door and doubling back on the 10 a tree, and as many as could stand Rather than "amazed south side of the edifice around the about him prepared to shoot him" with admiration" the eastern fire to its beginning. This is with their bows and arrows. Rather Indians were ready to the path of life down which man than "amazed with admiration" the dispatch Smith as an outsider whose world wends his way to the western door Indians were ready to dispatch Smith view was unintelligible where all ends. Its correspondent as an outsider whose world view was and potentially exists, I assume, in the Milky Way, unintelligible and potentially offen­ offensive with respect where the passage of the soul after sive with respecl to their own. At the to their own. death continues in the spirit realm. last moment, however, the Chief, As the dancers in the Big House "holding up the Compass in his ceremony wend their stately hand," gave the order to keep Smith passage following the course of the alive. He was marched to their White Path they "push something "Towne" where "all the women and along," meaning exjstence, with children staring" beheld him. Smith

ila MEIUI)IAN '.I 17 was then made to witness a symbolic early in a morning a great fire was three-dance ritual, which he de­ made in a long house, and a mat scribed i.n detail as follows: spread on the one side, as on the other; on the one they caused him ... the souldiers first all in fyle [Smith I to sit, and all the guards performed the fonne of a Bissone went out of the house, and so well as could be; and on each presently came skipping in a great flanke, officers as Serieants to see grim fellow, all painted over with AnJ

" J\IEBIDIAi"l 9 ~ at the end of every song and Virginians arrived to found Oration, they layd downe a stick Jamestown, Powhatan was making betwixt the divisions of Corne. Till strenuous efforts to gain firm control night, neither he [Smith] nor they over his subject tribes and fight off did either eate or drinke; and then incursions by his enemies from afar. they feasted merrily, with the best Rather than treating the Englishmen provisions they could make. Three like Gods or exotics, Powhatan days they used this Ceremony; the attempted a strategy of incorporating meaning whereof they told him, them as useful elements i.n his was to know if he intended them geopolHical scheme for control over well or no. The circle of meale eastern Virginia. Even the famous signified their Country, the circles head-bashing from which heroine of corne the bounds of the Sea, and Pocahontas "saved" John Smith was, the stickes his rSmith] Country. in all probability, the penultimate Tiley imagined the world to be flat Qlld ceremony through which Smith was rolilld, like a trellcher; Qnd they ill tile to become initiated into the middest.30 kinoriented society over which her father Powhatan held sway. The final It is clear that the lndians regarded ceremony took place two days after Smith as someone of high status and the Pocahontas "rescue" when a worthy of such an extended ritual fearsome Powhatan "more like a discourse. It is to be regretted that no devil! than a man with some two one was on hand to provide him with hundred more as blacke as himselfe, a full translation of the remarkable came unto him [Smith] and told him ceremony he was fortunate enough to now they were friends." When witness. Captain John Smith's accounts of Were such a full account available Virginia's first years are purged of it might assist in unraveling the their romantic hyperbole, heavy mystery of the artifact known as ethnocentric bias, and egocentric "Powhatan's Mantle," a treasure of exaggeration, they reveal Powhatan University's Ashmolean to have been following a perfectly Museum. Powhatan's Mantle is a rational and i.ntelHgent strategy for Testimony concerning cloak fashioned of four tanned dealing with a group of poorly the geographical deerhides and decorated with organized but militarily threatening knowledge and thirtyseven figures made of small intruders who had strayed onto the cartographic ability of shell beads sewn onto the garment. It stage of the socio-territorial drama Powhatan's pwple abounds in the rich may have been the "gowne" formed by his efforts of chiefdom encounter literature that Powhatan gave to Christopher expansion. grew out of the Newport on May 23, 1607, to seal the Testimony concerning the Jamestown enterprise. military alliance they had agreed to. geographical knowledge and Anthropologist E. Randolph Turner cartographic ability of Powhatan's III has suggested that the thirty-four people abounds in the rich encounter small shell roundlets sewn on the literature that grew out of the mantle represent the districts under Jamestown enterprise. I.n the tract Powhatan's control.31 titled "A relation of the Discovery of It might be added that Captain our River, from James Forte into the John Smith probably visited many if Maine: made by Captaine Christofer not all of those districts during his Newport: and sincerely writen and enforced walkabout organized by observed by a gent: of ye Colony." Opechancanough, Powhatan's haU­ the adventures of an exploration brother and chief of Pamaunkee, who party trying "to finde ye head of this orchestrated his uncomprehended Ryver, the Lake mentyoned by others ceremonial introduction to the Indian heretofore, the Sea againc, the world view. Mountaynes Apalatsi, or some issue" When Smith and the original are summarized. What Newport and

~ MEIUI)IAN 9 his fellows were most hoping to find great gulf of the Pacific called was an easy route to the ocean we Verrazano's Sea in these . now caU the Pacific. Part of the Here is a clear case of a geographical motivation directing first. Sir Walter misconception being as important in Raleigh's colonists, and then the decision making as any true geo­ Jamestown adventurers to the graphical fact. Carolina-Virginia coastal area was As knowledge of the American the lingering hope that the continent Great Lakes began to permeate narrowed sufficiently in these Europe the concept of Verrazano's latitudes to make a crossing to the Sea weakened so the Jamestown Pacific feasible. Ever since Verrazano, explorers had been charged with in 1524, had reported the Carolina penetrating the back country to find Outer Banks to be "an isthmus a mile whatever was there, be it sea, lake or in width and about two hundred mountains called "Apalatse." The long" separating the Atlantic from famous map of Virginia which the "oriental sea... which goes about Captain John Smith published in 1612 the extremity of , and (see Figure 3) is, for its date, an Cathay," European maps either astoundingly complete and accurate showed or hinted at the presence of a portrayal of the Chesapeake Bay

Figure 3. Capt. John Smith's Map of Virg.inia first published in 1612. Longtime curator of maps at the Library of Congress, Philip Lee Phillips was only one of the many experts to praise this map. Phillips wrote in 1907, "of all the VirgmJa maps the most interestmg is that made by Captain Jolm Smith under the most trying conditions owing to the enmity of the savage tribes. If we knew nothing of the famous Captain but what is conveyed to us in his map of Virginia it would alone entitle him to rank preeminently among great explorers and cartographers." A long-enduring vestige of the hope for an easy passage to the Pacific Ocean, first suggested by Verrazano in 1524, is shown by Smith in the form ofa water body just above the letters NIA in VIRGINIA. Take careful note of the small maltese crosses along the courses of the rivers. As the legend explains, everything that is shown beyond the crosses "is by relation" meaning that Indian informants and maps were the sources for what is on the inner portions of the map (Library of Congress, Geography and Map Division).

20 MEIUOIAi\' ') \\)6 tidewater region. When it is exam­ ing to note that Island is still ined closely an extensive area in the shown on maps as lying some miles upper right hand corner of the map downstream from Richmond. from about 35°50' to 40°40' can be Continuing upstream, Archer and seen to be shaded to represent the other explorers reached the town water--either the oriental sea or of "Arahatec," one of the chiefs some great lake. Powhatan's enemies owing allegiance to Powhatan. While the "Massawomeks" are indicated as being entertained by Arahatec they living in the vicinity of the unnamed received news of Powhatan's pend­ water body.32 ing arrival. When the great chief Gabriel Archer who was the arrived all present save Arahatec and "gentleman" who wrote the the Englishmen stood. "lGlyftes of "reiaytion" of Newport's exploration dyvers sartes, as penny knyves, party told of how they proceeded sheres, belles, beades, glasse toys upstream for about thirty-four miles &c." were showered on Powhatan. above Jamestown when they encoun­ The great chief responded byap­ tered eight Indians, or as he called pointing five Indians to guide the them "salvages," in a canoe. Through English up the river and sending friendly words and gestures the messengers ahead to order that they explorers communicated their be provided with food en route. mission to the Indians and sought Before leaving Arahatec's town, their assistance. Archer wrote that Archer had the Indian cartographer "one seemed to understand our with the dextrous foot draw the map intenyon, and offered with his foote of the river again, before "kyng to Describe the river to us.,,33 Arahatec" for his evaluation. Archer Wishing to have a more permanent and the others were doubtlessly map than a toe tracing in the sand, overpyed when Arahatec "in every Archer "gave him a pen and paper thing consented to his Draught and it (sheWing first ye use) and he layd out agreed with his first relatyon." the whole River from the Chesseian Passing his test with flying colors the {Chesapeake] bay to the end of it so Indian was "found a faythfull fel­ farr as passadge was for boats." In low," and "appointed guyde for us." Before leaving elaboration of what the Indian Just below the low falls and rapids Arahalec's lown, Archer had the Indian cartogra­ cartographer had drawn "he tolde us where Richmond, Virginia's capital, pher with the dextrous of two Islets in the Ryver we should is now located, the English explorers fool draw the map of the passe by...and then come to an reached Powhatan's seat which riveragain, before overfall of water, beyond that of two Archer named "Pawatahs Towre "kyng Arahate<:" for his evaluation. kyngdomes which the Ryver Runes fTownel." It was situated on a high by, and a grate Distance off, the hill overlooking a cultivated flood­ Mountains Quiranh as he named plain near the river where "wheate, them: beyond which by his relation is beane, peaze, tobacco, pompions, that which we expected.,,34 This last gourdes, Hempe, flaxe etc." were is a veiled reference to the much growing. When they were ushered sought but elusive western sea the into Powhatan's presence, Chief Englishmen expected to find. Arahatec extended a "friendly The exploration party, thus wellcome" and fed and entertained forewarned of what to expect, the Englishmen before settling down proceeded up the river soon coming to more serious matters. to where "the shoare began to be full In the conference that followed of greate Cobble stones, and higher Powhatan outlined his chiefdom in land" at the inner margin of the terms of all the Indian groups that Coastal Plain. Following the now "were frendes with him, and (to use narrowed river for another two miles his owne worde) Cheisc, which is all they came to "the Bet mentyoned one with him or under him." Under which I call Turkey lie." It is interest- the heading "Chessipan" was the

~ MEIUDiAN 9 21 enemy and those towns subject to welcome that Powhatan's station him. On hearing this Archer and the demanded. Sitting on the bank English "tooke occasion to signifye overlooking the falling waters of the our Displeasure with them also." In James River, Powhatan launched into effect they were taking Powhatan's a discourse plainly aimed at discour· cause as their own. Powhatan, aging any further penetration of the described as "very well understand­ interior by the English. Not con­ ing by the wordes and signes we vinced of their reliability, the cau­ made," proceeded "of his own tious Indian did not want to chance accord" to enter into a formal league their meeting his enemies. As Archer of friendship with the English wrote, "he began to tell us of the At the conclusion of Powhatan's tedyous travell we should have if we oration, Captain Newport "kyndly proceeded any further, that it was a embraced" the alliance, and, "for Daye and a halfe Jorney to concluding themf," Powhatan "gave Monanacha, and if we went to him [Newportl his gawne, put it on Quiranck, we should get no vittailes his back himselfe, and laying his and be tyred, and sought by all hand on his breast saying Wingapoh meanes to Disswade our Captayne Chemuze (the most kynde words of from going any further: Also he tolde salutatyon that may be) he satt us that the Monanachn was his Enmye, Downe.,,35 and that he came Downe at the fall of Powhatan had good cause to be the leafe and invaded his Countrye.',36 At the falls the English, pleased with his alliance, for New­ RealiZing how important in company with their port also promised to defeat his Powhatan's good will was to their friendly Indian cartographer, awaited enemies, the Wiroans and Monanacha, survivaL Captain Newport reluc­ Powhatan's arrival. and make him "king" of their country tantly cut short the exploration and When he made his by bringing five hundred English ordered the party back to their boats. appearance the Indian soldiers to his aid in the coming Before departing the neighborhood mapmaker-guide coached them in the autumn! that would one day become proper shouts of Continuing up the river the Richmond, however, he selected an welcome that explorers were not long in reaching islet "at the mouth of the falls" and Powhatan's station the falls of the James River "in which "set up a Crosse with this inscription demanded. fall it maketh Divers little Iletts, on Jacobus Rex.1607. and his owne name which might be placed 100 water below." To the disappointment of the milnes (mills] for any uses." Since the Englishmen, Powhatan and his boats would no longer be of use they followers departed before the erec­ returned to Powhatan's seat and in tion of the cross and so missed the the evening enjoyed an informal meal ceremony and cheers that followed a with the chief and his people. After prayer of dedication. In an effort to the dinner during which Powhatan transmit word of the nature and ate "very freshly of our meat. Dranck significance of the ceremony to of our beere, Aquavite, and Sack" the Powhatan in terms designed to flatter Englishmen quizzed him about the him, Newport fabricated the follow­ river. They wanted to know how far ing prevarication concerning the it was to the headsprings "where they cross which he told to the Indian gat their Copper, and their Iron." Not gUide named Nauiraus, who was deigning to answer their questions at known to be the brother-in-law of that point, Powhatan promised to Chief Arahatec: "Our Captayne told ...the Micmacs appear to meet them at the falls the next day. him that the two Armes of the Gosse have been the equals of Aztecs or Powhatans At the falls the English, in com­ signifyed king Powatah and himselfe, when it came 10 their pany with their friendly Indian the fastening of it in the myddest was abilily 10 draw excellent cartographer, awaited Powhatan's their united Leaug, and the shoute maps. arrival. When he made his appear­ the reverence he Dyd to Pawatah, ance the Indian mapmakerguide which cheered Nauiraus not a little." coached them in the proper shouts of Above its falls the river gave the

22 M.ERlDIAN 9 ~ appearance of flowing through very coercive power over other members rocky and hilly terrain. Before leaVing of the group. According to Father the fall-zone of the James River, Chrestien Le C1ercq, who lived Archer quizzed the Indian guide­ among the Micmacs in the 1670s, cartographer concerning the river's there were only two or three indio course on the Piedmont. The map vidual Indians who had any sort of The flow of geographi­ drawing "kynde Consort," as Archer authority, and that was feeble at best. cal intelligence from caUed him, told them "that after a The "chier' with whom he appeared these New Dayes jorney or more, this River to be most familiar oversaw the Indians did not stop Devydes it selfe into hvo branches assignment of hunting territories, with their artfully crafted map. which both come from the held the band's collective fur harvest, mountaynes Wllinmk." "Here," the and disbursed their material goods reliable Indian informant, "whis­ according to need, more in the role of pered with me that theer caqllOSstlll a respected elder than someone with (copperl was gou in the bites of true coercive power. Rockes and betweene Cliffes in In spite of these facts, the Micmacs certayne vaynes." appear to have been the (-'quais of The Indians that John Smith and Aztecs or Powhatans when it came to the Jamestown pioneers encountered their ability to draw excellent maps. were at an intermediate position on Le Clercq wrote: "They have much our hypothetical scale of social and ingenuity in draWing upon bark a material development. It is clear from kind of map which marks exactly aU the accounts that their high degree of the rivers and streams of a country of social stratification was made pos­ which they wish to make a represen­ sible by their productive agricultural tation. They mark aU the places system. The Jamestown accounts also thereon exactly and so well that they make plain the fact that it was the make use of them successfully, and agricultural surpluses of Powhatan's an Indian who possesses one makes tribesmen that made the colony's long voyages without goingastray.d9 early survival possible. Near the Although he doesn't discuss the opposite end of such a hypothetical Micmac maps in detaiL it seems scale of Indian societal evolution probable that they were, like most would be found tribal groups like the Native American maps, based on a Micmacs of Canada's Gaspe region. topo[ogic rather than a Euclydian It is abundantly clear The Micmacs followed a largely geometry. This conclusion can be from the narratives and hunting-fishing-gathering way of life. supported by what Father Le C1ercq journals of scores of Their homes were wigwams covered wrote with respect to distance as it those European with sewn birchbark sheets that was reckoned by his Indian compan­ explorers, from Columbus onward, that Father Le Clercq described as "so ions: "They reckon distances only by Native American light and portable, that our Indians the points and capes whkh are found cartographers and roll them lip like a piece of paper, and along the rivers or coasts. They count guides in every region carry them thus upon their backs and measure them also by the length of the New World 3 contributed immeasur­ wheresoever it pleases them." ? Such of time which they take in their ably to outlining and portability was necessary for their voyages, and by the number of nights filling in the details of seasonal movements-near the which they are obliged to sleep on the the New World map. seacoast in summer and in the forests way, not counting either the day of in winter. their departure or that of their Little if any socia-political stratifi· arri va I. -'40 cation existed in a society where "it is Most readers have had experience the business of the head of the family, with maps like these, i.e., maps exclusively over all others, to give depicting places in terms of travel orders that camp be made where he time rather than some absolute pleases, and that it be broken when distance, such as miles or kilometers. he wishes."38 Leaders, although Many city subway or bus route maps referred to as chiefs, had little or no sacrifice true directions and distances

~ MEHIDIAN 9 23 for ease of rider comprehension. In a geographical intelligence and map­ word, they too are topologic maps. ping was as he pushed his ex­ To date one of the least explored ploration up the S1. Lawrence River topics in the literature of the Age of valley: Discovery is the role played by Native Americans as guides and [ had much conversation with cartographers for the Europeans bent them regarding the source of the on exploring their home territories. It great river and regarding their [the is abundantly clear from the narra­ HuronI country, about which they tives and journals of scores of those told me many things, both of the European explorers, from Columbus rivers, falls, lakes, and lands, and onward, that Native American of the tribes living there, and cartographers and gUides in every whatever is found in those parts. region of the New World contributed Four of them assured me that they immeasurably to outlining and filling had seen a sea, far from their in the details of the New World map. country, but that the way to it was Even before they landed, Europeans difficult, both on account of like Bartholomew Gosnold took enemies, and of the wud stretches Indians aboard their ships where they to be crossed in order to reach it. chalked accurate sketch maps of the They told me also that during the approaching coast and inlets on hatch preceding winter some Indians covers or decks. had come from the direction of Samuel de Champlain, "founder Rorida, beyond the country of the of New ," wrote of how Iroquois, who were familiar with comprehensive and helpful Indian our ocean, and friendly with these latter Indians. In short they spoke to me of these things in great detail, showing me by drawings all the places they had visited, taking pleasure in telling me about them. And as for myself, I was not weary of listening to them, because some things were cleared up about which I had been in doubt until they enlightened me about them.41

Even earlier, in 1605, while the coasts of the Culi of Maine for manuscript chart of 1607 (see Figure 4), Champlain gained important information from Indians near Cape Aml in present day . Approaching the cape from the north Champlain wrote of Figure 4. Samuel de Champlain, founder of New France, personally prepared how his party "caught sight of a thiS elegant chart of the Gulf of Maine for presentation to King Henry IV. canoe in which were five or six Rarely can one study original maps drawn by explorers of Champlam's lndians."42 The Ind ians approached stature. Most of the great maps from the Age of Discovery were drawn by professional cartographers, workins from notes and sketches, and engraved by the French pinnace for a closer look professional engravers for printing III multiple copies. Beyond its rarity, this and then landed on the cape and chart is of particular interest because Champlain mcorporated Indian cartogra­ began to dance. Champlain went phy and geographical information along With his own direct observations III its compilation.The chart includes the area of the Massachusetts coast where ashore and gave each of them a knife Champlain had local Indians draw a map with charcoal he provided them. One and some biscuit which, in his words of the great cartographic treaSUR'S in North America, this unique vellum chart ·'caused them to dance better than came to the Library of Congress as part of the bequest from Henry Harrisse, the distinguished lawxer, bibliographer, and historian of discovery and ever." exploration (Harrisse Collc<:tion, Geography and Map Division). After the Indians finished their

MERIDIAN 9 ~ dance, Champlain "made them and Climate of tile United States, trans. understand as well as I could, that C. B. Brown. (New York: Hafner they should show me how the coast Pu~Iishing Company, 1968), p. 363. William P. Cumming, The trended." To make his request dear Discoveries of John Lederer It is hard to imagine a to the Indians Champlain used (Charlottesville: University of Vir­ more favorable charcoal and drew the local bay and ginia Press, 1958), p. 12. judgment of Native cape for them, The Indians, under­ 3 Ibid., p. 13. American geographic standing his need, took the charcoal 4]ohn Colier, IlldiallS of the Ameri­ and cartographic cas (New York: The New American capability than this and, as Champlain wrote, ·'they from the pen of Samuel pictured me...another bay which they Library, 1964), p. 102. de Champlain, explorer represented as very large."43 This 5 Tzvetan Todorov, The Conquest of America, trans. Richard Howard extraordinaire and large bay is now known as Massachu­ founder of New France. (New York: Harper & Row, 1984), p. setts Bay. Within their charcoal map 75. outline of Massachusetts Bay, the 6 Ibid. Indians "placed six pebbles at equal 7 Miguel Leon-Portilla, Aztec intervals," as Champlain wrote, Thol/gllt alld Culture (Norman: Uni­ "giving me thereby to understand versity of Oklahoma Press, 1963). p. that each one of these marks repre­ 155. 8 Eulalia Guzman, "The Art of sented that number of chiefs and Map Making Among the Ancient tribes." Much to the French explorer's Mexicans," imago Mundi 1Il satisfaction "they represented within (1964),16,1. the tmapl a river which we had 9 Hernan Cortes, Letters From passed lthe Merrimac]' which is very Mexico, trans. and ed. Anthony long and has shoals."44 Pagden (New Haven: Yale University The flow of geographical intelli­ P,.sa, 1986), p. 340. gence from these 1 Peter Martyr D'Anghera, De Orbe Novo, trans. Augustus Mac Nutt, Indians did not stop with their vol. 2, (New York: Burt Franklin, artfully crafted map. They went on to 197q> p. 201. tell the French "that all those who 1 Ibid., p, 193. lived in this region cuHivated the 12 Cortes, Letters from Mexico. p. land and sowed seeds like the others 105. we had previously seen." As the 13 Fray Diego Duran, Book of the encounter drew to a dose the Indians Gods and Rites alld tile AI/ciellt departed to inform their fellows of ealelldar, trans. and ed. Fernando Horcaistas and Doris Heyden the arrival of exotic white-skinned (Norman: University of Oklahoma visitors from the north. "Having Press, 1971), p. 75. indicated to us the direction of their 14 Ferdinand Colon, Tile Life of tile home," Champlai.n wrote "they made Admiral Christopher Columbus, trans. signal-smokes to show us the site of Benjamin Keen (New Brunswick: their settlement." Rutgers University Press, 1959), p. As Champlain continued the 235. lS GarcHaso de la Vega, £1 Inca, reconnaissance of the Massachusetts Royal Commentaries of the Illcas and coast and islands he found that he General Histon; of Peru, trans. Harold "recognized in this bay everything V. Livermore (Austin: University of that the Indians at Island Cape [Cape Texas Press, 1966) p. xii. Ann] had drawn for me.,,4S It is hard 16 Ibid., p. 116. to imagine a more favorable judg­ 17 Ibid., p. 117. ment of Native American geographic 18 Ibid. and cartographic capability than this 19 Ibid., p. 124. 20 fbid., p. 422. from the pen of Samuel de 21 John H. Parry and Robert G. Champlain, explorer extraordinaire Keith, eds., New Iberian World: A and founder of New France, Documentary History of tile Discovery and Settlement of to tile NOTES Early 17t1l Century, Volume I (New 1 C. F, Volney, A View of the Soil York: Times Books and Hector &

~ Mt:nIDlAi'>: 9 .«•., Rose, 1984), p. 186. Wa elkov, and M. Thomas Hatley, 22 Charles Hudson, The Southeast­ Powhatan's Mantle (Lincoln: Univer­ ern Indians (Knoxville: Univ rsityof sit~ of ebraska Press, 1989), p. 308. Tennessee Press, 1976), p. ] 20. 2 Helen C. Rountree, The 23 Jam Mo ney, , Myths of the Powhatan Indians of Virginia, Their Cherokee," Nineteenth Annual Report Traditional Culture ( orman: Univer­ of the Bureau of American Ethnologtj, si~ of Oklahoma Pre s, 1989), p. 120. (Washington: Government Publica­ 3 Smith, Travels and Works, part I, tion Office, 1900), p. 239. p. xli. 24 Chr tien Le CI rcq, New 34 Ib'd1 ., p. XI"11. Relation of Gaspesia, [: 1691], ed. 35 Ib'd1 ., p. Xliv. and tran . William F. Ganong 36 Ib'd1 ., p. XI.Vi. (Toronto: Champlain Society, 1910), 37 Le Clercq, New Relation, p. 100. p.84. 38 Ibid. 25 Ibid., p. 85. 39 Ibid., p. 136. 26 Hartl y Burr Alexander, The 40 Ibid. World s Rim: Great Mysteries of the 41 As quoted in Louis De Vorsey, North American Indians (Lincoln: "Amerindian Contributions to the University of Nebraska Press, 1967), Mapping of orth America: A pp.22-23. Preliininary View," Imago Mundi 30 27 John Smith, Travels and Works of (1978):71. Captain John Smith Pre ident of Vir­ 42 H. H. Langston and W. F. ginia, and Admiral of New England Ganong, trans. and eds., The Works of 1580-1631, ed. Edward Arber, parts I, Samuel De Champlain. Vol. 1,1599-1607 II (Edinburgh: John Grant, 1910), p. (Toronto: The Champlain Society, 396. 1922), p. 335. 28 Ibid. 43 Ibid. 29 Ibid. 44 Ibid., p. 336. 30 Ibid., p. 399. 45 Ibid., p. 340. 31 Peter H. Wood, Gregory



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26 MERIDIAN 9 ~ Columbus Considered: A Selected Bibliography of Recently Published Materials About Christopher Columbus

James A. Coombs, Map Librarian Southwest M.issouri State University

As we all know, until 500 years feats and the European colonization ago-by "geographical serendipity" of America has created much contro~ -the world consisted of two inhab~ versy and generated many new ited hemispheres, each oblivious to publications. Some are "neutral" each other's land and peoples. Then, reference books designed to aid those in an attempt to reach the east coast researching the topic, but most are of Asia, Christopher Columbus sailed biographies and encounter reassess· west from Spain across the Atlantic ments, some of which take a "pro~ Ocean, initiating a link between these Columbus" stance; others regard the two worlds and setting into motion quincentennial as a time for repen~ the series of events that created the tance, and still others attempt to world we know today. Columbus' assess historical events solely within ...the quincentennial achievements in finding a way to the context of their own time. The anniversary of navigate across the Atlantic and back, following is an annotated bibliogra­ Columbus' arrival in and in informing Europe that land phy of books published about the western hemisphere has been a new exists on the other side, are well Columbus since 1990. motivation 10 re-dissect documented. Still, much about the and re-evaluate his life. man remains a mystery. Over the last Reference Books five centuries, many authors have Bedini, Silvio A., ed. Tile Chrisfopher speculated on the Admiral's reputa­ Colllmbus Encyclopedia. 2 vols. New tion, origins, motives, and conclu­ York: Simon & Schuster, 1992. sions. Even so, the quincentennial This two-volume set is designed to anniversary of Columbus' arrival in provide easy access to information on the western hemisphere has been a events of Columbus' life and the age new motivation to re-dissect and of European exploration, spanning reevaluate his life. the late fifteenth century through the "'hat once was A somewhat new phenomenon middle of the seventeenth century. described as a one-way during this quincentenniai year is the The artides cover a wide range of European discovery of a reassessment of the old Eurocentric topics: the cultural and political New World by heroes of conquest, is now of the "discovery" of the motivations for making the explora­ described as a two-way Westem hemisphere. What once was tions; the maritime technologies that encounter. described as a one-way European made the explorations possible; the discovery of a New World by heroes ecology and cultures of the Western of conquest, is now described as a hemisphere and their exploitation; two-way encounter. New accounts the men and women who partici­ describe an exchange of natural pated in the important events of the resources, in addition to acknowledg­ age; and literary and artistic depic­ ing that Europeans largely destroyed tions of Columbus. Articles vary in existing Western civilizations and length from one paragraph to 35 exploited the environment. pages; each is signed and includes a The reassessment of Columbus' bibliography.

~ MERIDIAN ') 27 Entries for personal and geo­ Though some of these maps are graphic names are listed under the reproduced in other quincentennial scholarly, "authentic" forms of their publications, the reproduction quality names, but the more familiar names in this book far surpasses that of appear in cross references, paren­ other volumes. Rand McNalJy's use thetical remarks, and the index, to of high quality paper and litho­ guide readers to appropriate entries. graphic techniques yields spectacular In their preface, the editors state results. The maps are reproduced iu Though some of these they felt it practical to use the con­ plates that span two pages, providing maps are reproduced in other quincentennial ventionaUy accepted terms remarkable detail. In addition, publications, the "America," "Indian," '·New World," sections of many of the maps have reproduction quality in and "discovery:' They point out, been enlarged to show even more this book far surpasses however, that the use of these terms detail. Each map is accompanied by a that of other volumes. is not intended to deny the prior narrative on its historical context, as existence of the Western hemisphere well as a list of references. and its peoples. The book includes a two page The book includes a directory of introduction, a four page bibliogra­ contributors, alphabetical list of phy, and a four page index. entries, cross references, black­ andwhite illustrations, and an index. Provost, Foster. CO/lImbllS Dictionary. Detroit, MI: Omnigraphics, c1991. NebenzahI, Kenneth. Atlas of Provost·s dictionary provides CO/limbus a1ld tile Great Discoveries: definitions to people, places, events, Celebratillg the 500tll A'l1Iiverstlry of tile concepts, objects, and circumstances Discovery of America. Chicago: Rand associated with Columbus, particu­ McNally, el990. larly those related to his 1492-1506 This atlas, divided into four parts, voyages. The entries range in detail is a showcase of rare map reproduc­ from a definition of to a tions. Part I, "The Cartographic summary of one of the voyages. Most This book is appropri­ Tradition Inherited by Columbus," entries are followed by references to ate for all levels of illcludes maps that Columbus is one or more passages in Samuel Eliot research, from junior high 10 post-graduate. likely to have used, including a 1474 Morison's standard works on In his preface, Provost manuscript copy of 's 1500 Columbus (Admiral of tire Oeemr Sea, acknowledges his debt A.D. world map; a 1375 world map Tile European Discovery of America, and to library and informa­ by Abraham Cresques, which in~ jOllnm/s and Otller DocrHlrellts 011 tire tion services in compiling this work, c1udes information from Marco Life and Voynges of Clrristopher citing 22 libraries he Polo's travels; and a selection of Collimbus), as well as to other relevant visited, and thanking mappaemundi and portolan charts. works (such as Kirkpatrick Sale's Tire the National Union Part II, "Columbus and His Contem~ COl/quest of Pnrr/disc). These references Catalog. OClC, and RUN, as well as the poraries Change the Map," includes are aU listed in a four page ··hundreds of generous 's 1500 map (the first bibliography. Cross references to librarians" who helped map to show Columbus' voyages), alternate forms of spelling are him. and Waldseemuller's 1507 and 1513 included. maps. Part m, "Filling in the Features This book is appropriate for aU of the Earth," includes maps pro­ levels of research, from junior high to duced in the early , including post-graduate. In his preface, Provost those from Magellan's voyage, as acknowledges his debt to library and well as Diego Ribero's world map, information services in compiling this and Sebastian Cabot's map of his work, citing 22 libraries he visited, explorations in North America. Part and thanking the National Union IV, ·'Europe'sColonial Era Begins," Catalog, OCLC, and RUN, as well as includes Mercator's 1569 world map the "hundreds of generous librar­ (the first ), and ians" who helped him. Edward Wright's 1599 map.

211 Provost, Foster. Coillmbus: all Sanchez, Joseph P., Jerry L. Gurule, AII/wtaled Gllide to tile SdlO/arsIJip 011 and William H. Broughton. His Life and Writings, 1750 to 1988. Bibliografia CO/lllllbilla 1492-1990: Detroit. MJ: Omnigraphics, 1991. Books, Articles and Other Publicatiolls This is an annotated bibliography all the Life alld Times ofOlristopher of 780 numbered items, including Coillmbus. Spanish Colonial Research monographs as well as periodical Center Publication Series, vol. 1. articles. They are arranged chrono­ Washington, D.C: U.s. National Park logically by topic, and alphabetically Service, 1990. within any given year. Provost This softbound government personally examined almost all the document is a 2600-title bibliography Instead, the focus is on items listed, and annotated nearly dealing with the life and times of publications "inspired ninety percent of them. For the Columbus. Sanchez claims it to be bya genuine desire to remaining ten percent. he reprinted extensive, but not definitive. The establish the truth about the great navigator:' annotations of other scholars, citing entries for narratives, poems, ballads them as necessary. The annotations and dramatic scripts are separated summarize the item or indicate its into three groups: books, juvenile scope and purpose as objectively as literature, and artjcles. possible. Occasionally, however, The volume includes nine black­ Provost does state his opinion on the and-white illustrations and a five quality of a work. page introductory essay on the two The bibliography is selective: most major schools of thought concerning works published before 1875 were Columbus: the "Colombino School," excluded as obsolete. A large number led by Bartolome de las Casas, of works published in the 19th and Fernando Colon, and Samuel 20th centuries also were excluded as Morison; and the "Anti-Columbino addressing emotional. ethnic, reli­ School," led by Gonzalo Fernandez gious, moribund, dead, or irrelevant de Oviedo, Henri Vignaud, Cecil issues. Instead, the focus is on Jane, and Kirkp.ltrick Sale. publications "inspired by a genuine desire to establish the truth about the Exhibitions great navigator." The book is divided Dar-Ncr, Zvi. Columbus and the Age of into six sections: collections of Discovery. New York: Morrow, cl991. sources, texts, and studies; texts of This companion volume to the PBS primary documents; Columbus' Jjfe; series of the same name was com­ Columbiana; bibliographies; and piled by Zvi Dor-Ner (who also What made 15th century Europe the initiator of Columbus scholarship. conceived the PBS series), and global exploration? The book includes cross references; William Scheller, a writer with How did advances in a foreword by Norman Fiering of the WGBH (the PBS station in , navigational techniques. John Carter Brown Library; a list of Mass.), where the book and series weaponry, and geographical knowledge abbreviatjons; a nine page index of were produced. The seven chapters make the Age of authors and editors; a seven page roughly parallel the seven parts of the Discovery possible? index of persons and places; and a series, but the book stands alone as a Was Columbus an epic seven page index of topics. valuable contribution to hero, or a shrewd entrepreneur? Provost states in his preface: "I quincentennialliterature. The themes owe a special word of praise and discussed include: Why didn't other admiration to the personnel of the societies, such as the Chinese or the many libraries that I have used in the , sail to the Americas first? United States. They, as much as any What made 15th century Europe the group 1know of, are selflessly initiator of global exploration? How dedicated to the dissemination of did advances in navigational tech­ learning. They are generally under­ niques, weaponry, and geographical paid and they work long hours at knowledge make the Age of Discov­ frequently inconvenient times." ery possible? Was Columbus an epic

""'" MEllml,\j\, ') 29 hero, or a shrewd entrepreneur? and Herbert, John R., ed. 1492: All ollgoing How did the exchange of plants, Voyage. Washington, D.C.: Library of animals, and cultures change history? Congress, 1992. The book includes 240 color and This government document is a 96 black-and-white illustrations, product of the Library of Congress' photos, charts, and maps-some of quincentenary program AI/ Ol/goillg which are from images used for the Voyage, which includes exhibitions, television series. It also includes a publications, film series, scholarly 12-page index; six pages of credits; programs, and educational outreach three pages of notes; and a four page projects. The book consists of seven bibliography, with commentary on 10 to 20-page chapters entitled "Life the sources used to compile the book. in the Americas When Europeans Arrived," "Life in the Mediterranean Harley, Brian. Maps alld tile Coll/mbiml World," "Spain in Exploration Era," EflcOllllter: Alllllterpretive Guide to tile "Maps, , and World Traveling Exhibition. Milwaukee, WI: Travel," "Christopher Columbus, the Golda Meir Library, 1990. Man and the Myth," "Contact of Harley describes 42 maps, atlases, Cultures in America," and "Events in and globes dating from 1240 to 1616. the Americas During and After the Virtually every page of The collaborators of th.is exhibit European Conquest." They were telfl includes an selected these items as the best written by John Reming and Ida annotated illustration or m;>p. examples of the imagined geogra­ Altman, guest curators of All phies, inscriptions of political power, Ol/going Voyage; and James Lockhart, and revelation of geography of the professor of history at UCLA. Virtu­ Western hemisphere. Harley sees ally every page of text includes an maps as portraying so much more annotated illustration or map. Some than just the capes and bays where annotations run more than one page Columbus and others landed. In and are signed by their authors, some addition to discussing how geogra­ of whom are librarians at the Library phy was portrayed in each map, he of Congress, Geography and Map focuses on the illustrations in the Division. blank parts of the maps, arguing that The work includes 100 illustrations these "peripheral" aspects are what and maps (some in color); a forward tum maps into historical documents. by James H. Billington; an overview The book has four sections: "The by John R. Herbert, exhibition World Before Columbus," "The Way curator; an epilogue by Barbara M. to The Indies," "Searching for an Loste, exhibit director; a list of American Identity," and "Colonial exhibition participants, chapter by ." Each map, atlas, or chapter suggestions for further is described with a two to three reading; biographies of authors; a five page conunentary, and there are page list of illustrations; and a five references at the end of each descrip­ page index. tion. The text of this book stands on its own sufficiently, but the 119 black­ Viola, Herman J. and Carolyn and-white iUustrations- mostly re­ Margolis, eds. Seeds of CJlallge: A productions of maps-pale in QllillCCl1felll/ial CommemoratiOIl. comparison to those in other publica­ Washington and London: tions. The book seems to have been Smithsonian Institution Press, 1991. designed to have in hand as one tours This book is a companion to the the exhibition. Smithsonian's Museum of Natural The volume includes a nine page History quincentenary exhibition. It bibliography, with two pages of consists of 15 six to 22-page essays by general references and facsimile various authors on the massive atlases, and seven pages of references changes that have occurred since the relating to particular maps. initial contact between Eastern and

30 MEHJI)IAN ') ilU6 Western cultures, including the objective, the author rejects the transfer of plants and animals; speculations that Columbus' plan for depopulation of native peoples of the crossing the Atlantic concealed some Western hemisphere; forced removal secret objective or that he was Jewish. of Africans from their homelands; He also avoids speculating on what and destruction of the environment Columbus must have been thinking by Europe's industrial conquest of or doing at moments when source the New World. The purpose of this materials leave gaps. Even so, his book seems to be to illustrate the interpretation of the facts paints In his efforts to be changes that resulted when plants, Columbus as a socially ambitious, objective, the author rejects the speculations animals, diseases, and people were intellectually aggressive, self-taught that Columbus' plan for exchanged between the Old and New upstart who becomes an adventurer crossing the Atlantic Worlds as a result of Columbus' inhibited by fear of failure and, concealed some secret voyages of discovery. The examples finally, an embittered escapee from objective or that he was of Columbian exchange, chosen distressing realities. Jewish. because of the human dimension to The book includes five maps; a their story, are sugar, maize, disease, four page chronology; 16 pages of the horse, and the potato. Although footnotes; and an eight page index. both the positive and negative consequences of these examples are Meltzer, Milton. CO/limbus fllld the discussed, this book emphasizes the World Arolllld Him. New York: Watts, twin tragic failures of Europe to c1990. recognize the fragility of the Ameri~ Meltzer's book is written on the can environment and to see the young adult level, but it is appropri~ peoples of the Americas and Africa as ate for adults, particuJarly for those human beings with cultures and interested in reading a less scholarly histories on an equal level as their work. The first three chapters de­ own. The editors state this was done scribe what was going on in Europe purposely as a means of helping prior to Columbus' birth. Chapters 4 The purpose of this present and future generations avoid and 5 describe Columbus' youth, also book seems to be to similar disasters. in the context of what was going on illustrate the c.hanges The book includes illustrations, around him in Europe. Chapters 6 that resulted when plants, animals, photographs, or maps on almost through 15 describe Columbus' diseases, and people every page; more than half are in voyages, with a brief description of were exc.hanged color. There is also a five page Jist of Native Americans in Chapter 9. between the Old and sources and suggested readings, Chapter 16 assesses what Columbus New Worlds as a result of Columbus' voyages arranged by chapter; a four page accomplished, and the results of the of discovery. index; four pages of picture credits; collision of Eastern and Western and two pages of one-sentence cultures. Meltzer has written 16 other contributor biographies. history books for young adults. The book includes illustrations Columbus Biographies (some poor), maps, and a six page Fernandez~Armesto,Felipe. CO/WI/­ index. bus. Oxford: , 1991. Taviani, Paolo Emilio. CO/limbus: The Fernandez·Armesto, the general Great Adventure: His Life, His Tinlt's, editor of the Times Atlas of World alld His Voyages. Translated by Exploratio", and author of four other Luciano F. Farina and Marc A. books, describes the life of Columbus Beckwith. New York: Orion Books, in nine 18 to 28-page chapters. His 1991. intent is to provide a biography In 40 short chapters (each four to based on facts verified or reasonably 10 pages long), Taviani, touted as inferred from "unimpeachable" "the world's leading expert on sources, such as Morison, Las Casas, Columbus' voyages," has condensed and Thatcher. In his efforts to be his two two-volume works on

~ MERlOL\j\( , .11 Columbus' life, Cristofaro Colombo, l.il Columbus, Christopher. The Log of genesi della grallde scoperta (1988) and Christopher Columblls: The First I Viaggi di Cristofaro CO/all/I/O (1985), Voyage, Spring, SImI/nCr, and Fall, 1492. into an account intended for the Selections by Steve Lowe. ruustra­ general reader. He relates Columbus' tions by Robert Sabuda. New York: adventures to other events of the Philomel Books, cl992. (Excerpted time, and comments on excerpts from from Ti,e Log of Christopher Colllmblls, Columbus' diary. To Taviani, "the translated by Robert H. Fuson, Columbus discovery was of greater c1987.) magnitude than any other discovery or invention in human history:' Historiography Columbus was

32 MEHID!AN ') era Pelta, Kathy. Discovering Christopher in Colonial North America. New York: Columbus: How Histon; is Invented. Oxford University Press, 1992. Minneapolis, MN: Lerner Publica­ Axtell, an ethnohistorian who has tions, c1991. written three other books on colonial This 1991 ALA Notable Children's North America, describes the en­ book is a young adult version of counters between Europeans, Afri­ Wilford's The Mysterious History of cans, and American natives in the Colllmbus (see below). Pelta discusses three hundred years since 1492 as a the ideas and biases some historians mixture of loss and gain. The essays have injected into their accounts of in this book were written from Columbus, and how other historians different perspectives. A few view A few view the invasion have sorted the facts from the myths. the invasion of North America from of North America from Chapters 1 and 2 briefly describe the natives' perspective, though the natives' perspective, Columbus' life and voyages, and Axtell admits the lack of direct though Axtell admits related events surrounding both. evidence from their viewpoint makes the lack of direct evidence from the.ir Chapters 3 through 7 describe how this attempt risky and difficult. Other viewpoint makes this biographers from the 16th century to essays interpret the colonization of attempt risky and near·present wrote about Columbus the New World from a European difficult. and the circumstances involved with perspective. Towards the end, he their attempts to gather infomlation assesses how other writers over the about him. Chapters 7 and 8 reexam­ last five hundred years have suc­ ine the evidence available in the 1990s, ceeded or failed in their attempts to and Chapter 9 discusses how to go understand the Columbian encoun­ about doing your own history research. ter. He feels those who condemn The book includes illustrations, Columbus and other Europeans for maps, and photos; a four page not liVing up to more enlightened bibliography, and a six page index. moral standards should instead evaluate them in the context of the Wilford, John Noble. Tlte Mysterious colonialism, ethnocentrism, and History of CO/limbus: An Exploration of racism already in practice at the time. the Mau, tile Myth, fi,e Legacy. New The book includes 48 pages of York: Knopf, 1991. notes and a 12-page index. In an attempt to write about Columbus with a somewhat different DeVorsey Jr., Louis. KL'Ys to tile quincentennial slant, Wilford, author EIlColllltL'r: a Library of Congress of The Mapmakers, examines the Resource Guide for ti,e Study of ti,e Age history of the story of Christopher of Discovery. Washington, D.C.: U. S. Columbus by describing what is Government Printing Office, 1992. known about him and how this In this book, De Vorsey, Jr. takes knowledge has come down to us. He the "intercultural encounter" ap­ discusses the many riddles about proach in describing the principal Columbus that persist and cause such personalities and events of the years heated dispute among historians; from about 1450 to 1580, roughly recent archival and archaeological from Columbus' birth to Drake's findings; changing interpretations of of the globe. He the consequences of the encounter describes separately the Native between Europeans and Americans; American and European pre­ and the way Columbus's reputation encounter perceptions of the world, has changed over time. Columbus' voyages, and the subse­ The book includes 21 pages of quent European conquest of the bibliographical notes and an 11-page Western hemisphere. His descrip­ index. tions emphasize accounts that portray Native Americans as intelli­ Encounters gent human beings as well as those Axtell, James. Beyond 1492: EI/Collllters that reveal their exploitation.


MERIDIAN 9 ~ Columbus and events in Europe and the few native documents that during his lifetime, while Chapter 9 have survived. Every page has at covers the European reaction to his least one illustration. He also tries to show how Native Americans discoveries in the 16th century. Includes a one page chronology were at one with the Chapters 10 and 11 are about English from 1,000,000 S.c. to 1532 A.D., two environment and were explorers and Jamestown settlers; pages of one~paragraph biographies in many ways a "beller" Chapter 12 concerns Native Ameri­ of key Aztec, Maya, and Inca rulers, a society than the Europeans. can perceptions, life, and society; and three page glossary, a two page Chapter 13 covers historical events bibliography, and a five page index. related to Columbus up 10 the 1992 quincentennial. A "companion" book by Franco The text includes detailed descrip­ Cardini, Europe 1492: Portrait ofa tions of events in the voyages and Continent 500 Years Ago, Translated lives of Columbus and other explor­ by Jay Hyams, was published by ers, interspersed with background Facts on File in 1989. This 238 page and context descriptions, excerpts volume covers everyday life in There are over 300 illustrations, mostly in from the pumals of Columbus and Europe from 1453 to 1517, and color, including photos others, and Sale's criticism of what is includes a five page index and a two of artifacts, pictures of said in these journals and in other page bibliography. codices, early Spanish writings evaluating them. There are paintings and manu· scripts, and the few extensive background notes at both Conclusion native documents that the bottom of pages and the end of The quincentenary of the first have survived. the book. Also included are 36 pages Columbus voyage has now come and of source notes and a 25-page index. gone. All things considered, the reassessment of this great turning Salmoral, Manuel Lucena. America point in history has had a positive 1492: Portrait ofa Contillwt 500 Years impact. Most of the scholars listed Ago. New York: Facts on File, 1990. above who reevaluated Columbus' This book attempts to provide the life and achievements made us see reader with a picture of the everyday him as more of a human being in the life of Western hemisphere natives context of his times than as a card­ just prior to Columbus' arrival. It board hero to put on a pedestal. The The authors who covers all tribes, from the I.nuit in the authors who evaluated the conse­ evaluated the conse­ quences of his fateful north to the Incas in the south, but quences of his fateful encounter with encounter with the most of the material is about the the people of the western hemisphere people of the western Maya, Aztec, and Incas. It describes made us more aware of the conse­ hemisphere made us in illustrations and text their food, quences of cultural and environmen­ more aware of the consequences of cultural hunting and farming practices, tal ignorance. Others, who used the and environmental marriage and child rearing customs, Columbus encounter to show how ignorance. notions of death and the afterlife, historians interpret historical evi­ social organization and growth, and dence, made us more aware of how the systems of government and trade. modern day authors fail by injecting The eight chapters covering these their own morals and biases into their topics are "Civilization and Barbar~ narratives, or how they succeed by ity," "Bread, Love, and Sex," "Life in evaluating historical figures in the the Cities:' "Society and Power:' context of their surroundings. Sup~ "Education and Knowledge," "Music porting all this research were refer­ and Culture," "Warriors and Priests," ence works, which gave us access to and "Monsters Thrown Up By the the sources of information on Colum~ Sea" (Le., the arrivaJ of the Europe­ bus, the "Age of Discovery," and the ans). There are over 300 illustrations, "Cultural Encounter." mostly in color, including photos of artifacts, pictures of codices, early Spanish paintings and , RARE ANTIQUE MAPS, ATLASES & GLOBES

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36 MERIDI 9 ~ Maps of the Columbian Encounter and Its Aftermath, and their Projections1

Norman J. W. Thrower, Director UCLA Columbus Quincentenary Programs

Among the signal events of the Thrower's talk, which was illustrated quincentenary of Columbus' first epic with fifty slides, appears below. voyage across the Atlantic (1492·93) was the exhibition, "New Worlds, Shortly after his arrival in Ancient Texts: The Cultural Impact of , which he renamed San the Encounter". This was developed Salvador, in October, 1492 Columbus jointly by the New York Public set about gaining geographical Library and the American Library intelligence from the local inhabit­ Association and funded by the ants; he reported on 13 October, National Endowment for the Hu­ manities and other public and private by signs I was able to understand sources. A national tour of panels that, going to the south or round­ with reproductions of the original ing an island to the south there materials (which included maps) was there a king who... had very exhibited at New York Public Library much gold.... I decided was sent to some twenty libraries to...depart for the southwest, for, across the United States (see sidebar as many of them Ithe local peoplel Most prl'lill'c.Jle peoples have a superb knowl­ for itinerary. ed.). As part of the tour, showed me there was land to the edge of their immediate NEH encouraged outreach programs south and to the southwest.2 environment for reasons at the libraries in which the panels of survival whether il is were exhibited in the form of visits by From statements such as these we desert, tundra, moun­ tain, fort'st, shoreline, organized groups, and lectures. have a glimpse of the role of indig­ 1'11'., and many of them The touring exhibition was enous people as gUides for the made maps. mounted at the College Library of the European explorers. Most preliterate University of California, Los Angeles peoples have a superb knowledge of (UCLA) from 13 November to 18 their immediate environment for December, 1992. An all-day program reasons of survival whether it is of lectures was arranged by UCLA desert, tundra, mountain, forest, Extension for Saturday, 21 November shoreline, etc., and many of them with four speakers. Visiting Professor made maps.3 Information from local P. E. H. Hair, President of the verbal and graphic sources were of London, surveyed included in explorers' accounts, the European discoveries of the though frequently not acknowledged. RenaisS<1.nce; Professor Geoffrey Because these reports were prepared Symcox, Editor of UCLA Reperforil/III by Europeans it is very difficult to Collllllbialllllll discussed assess the full significance of the texts; Thomas Fry, Director of indigenous contribution to geo­ UCLA's College Library dealt with graphical discovery. Undoubtedly it the exhibition; and Norman Thrower, was very great, especially in respect Director of the UCLA Quincentenary to explorers' maps for which local Program, spoke on maps. A visit to inhabitants provided data for general the exhibition by the participants was maps compiled and produced in followed by a round table involving Europe. all speakers. The text of Professor When the high civilizations were

llillCi6 MEllll)lAj,\ ':I 3; reached, the Europeans found a well­ cotton, with the friendly and developed local cartography. An hostile people of Montezuma. Also Aztec map of a small part of the shown are the great mountains Central Valley of Mexico bears which surround the plain, and the witness to the cartographic skill of southern coastline. We have also the indigenous people of the area. It seen another smaller map which is shows hills, forests, roads, streams, no longer in existence... lt shows This incident illustrates pyramids, etc., with hieroglyphics to the city [Tenochtitlan, or Mexico that the A:;ttecs kept original materials in represent place names. Cortes City! with its temples, bridges, and places (archives) where described how, in 1520, he had lakes all hand painted by the they could be copied received a map from Montezuma: natives.6 quickly. I asked the said Montezuma if A map of Mexico City, printed in there was anywhere on the coast Germany in 1524 (see page 10, figure an estuary or a creek through 2), with an inset of the coast of which vessels could come and Mexico, apparently owes a great deal go...and he told me that he did not to indigenous maps of the area. know, but that he would provide However, this paper concentrates not me with a painting of the coast on such detaiJed maps of limited with its rivers and bays... the next areas where projection is less impor* day, a representation of the whole tant, but on more general maps. coast was brought to me on a piece Fundamental to the general map of of material, showing the estuary of geographical discoveries is the map a river which seemed much wider projection, which will receive some than the others.4 emphasis in this paper. The puts the map data in a Fundamental to the This incident illustrates that the global perspective providing a general map of Aztecs kept original materials in framework so that a place, once geographical discoveries is the map projection, places (archives) where they could be discovered, can be visited again. The which will receive some copied quickly. Bernal Diaz del Aztecs and the Inca Indians had emphasis in this paper. Castillo wrote of this map, "all the different concepts of the shape of the estuaries and creeks of the northern earth than the Europeans; map pro· coast could be seen painted and jections of an aUside curving figure, indicated naturally, from Rio Panuco or sphere, have little relevance to to Tabasco, a distance of 140 indigenous of the leagues."S The map no longer exists, Americas, however interesting they as, indeed, most manuscript maps might be. whether from indigenous or Euro­ A number of map projections were pean sources used in the compilation invented by mathematicians in of general maps, have perished. antiquity but several of these were In 1522 Cortes sent hvo maps of used in classical times only for the lands he was conquering to representing the heavens. But Renais­ Charles V, the Holy Roman Emperor, sance Europe had also inherited a (Carlos I of Spain). The maps had mapping tradition from the later been painted on cotton fabric by the Middle Ages: the , Columbus was himself indians and were very different from which we shall discuss briefly. a map and chart maker, anything the Europeans had seen Columbus was himself a map and seller, and user, and would have been before. Peter Martyr notes in his chart maker, seller, and user, and bmiliar with pOrlolan Decades ofthe New World: wouJd have been familiar with charts in and portolan charts in Genoa and Portu­ before he went We have examined one of the gal before he went to Spain in 1485. to Spain in 1485. maps of these lands, thirty feet These manuscripts-portolan or long and almost as many wide. On haven-finding charts-were first it, all of the territory is traced in produced in the coastal cities of great detail on a piece of white after the development of the mag-

3ll netic compass in the 13th century, Islamic world. and were later made in the Balearic Claudius Ptolemy, the later Greek Islands, Portugal and elsewhere. polymath who lived in in Portolan charts with their rhumb the second century A. D. left in his lines of the directions of the compass Geography a list of coordinates of were well-suited to navigation in the 8,000 places and instructions for Mediterranean and Black , and making map projections. Ptolemy·s even along the coast of Africa in a Geography was translated into Latin in The ... predominantly north-south direction. the early 15th century, and maps shows many offshore The portolan chart of Zuane (John) were made from this source in islands off the east Asian coast. It was this Pizzigano drawn in in 1424, Western Europe some time later, first last area that Columbus for example, shows the progress manuscript, and then printed maps believed he had reached made by the Portuguese down the (see figure 1). On Ptolemy's psuedo as he threaded his way west coast of Africa by that date. The conic, and on his doak-shaped through the islands of the Caribbean. original is in the James Ford Bell projection, the three of Library at the University of Minne­ Europe, Africa, and Asia, with an en­ sota. It also shows Atlantic islands, closed , are represented. including the mythical AntHlja, The Ptolemaic maps soon had to which Columbus hoped would be a be modified to reflect the new stepping stone on his way to Cipangu discoveries of the Portuguese. For (), and Cathay (China). example, a Ptolemaic-type map by Columbus was influenced by Hemicus Martellus Germanus of Marco Polo whose book of Travels, 1489, illustrates the rounding of the 1485 edition, he annotated exten­ southern cape of Africa of the previ­ sively, though not, presumably, ous year by Diaz; a decade later, before his first voyage. Marco Polo's reached India by this travels found cartographic expression route. There is one copy of this in the Catalan Atlas of Abraham manuscript map in the British Cresques made in Majorca around Library. Yale has another copy with 1375; it is now in the Bibliotheque more offshore islands off the coast of National, Paris. The easternmost of , and a graticule of latitude the eight panels of the Catalan Atlas and in place of the decora­ (the whole covers the Old World tive border on the from Europe and to copy. China) shows many offshore islands Columbus was influenced by ideas off the east Asian coast. It was this contained in these maps, if not by the last area that Columbus believed he maps themselves. He may also have Althe same time Columbus was making had reached as he threaded his way been influenced by the old Medieval his first Atlantic voyage, through the islands of the Caribbean mappaenllilldi (T in a and others) 1492-1493, a manuscript during his four voyages across the whose theological symbolism would globe was being Sea of Darkness (the Atlantic). have appealed to the deeply religious constructed by lhe Nuremberg cartogra­ A more profound influence on Columbus. pher . Columbus was the Imago Mlllldi by At the 5<1me time Columbus was Behaim'S globe Pierre D'Ailly printed in Louvian making his first Atlantic voyage, accepted Ptolemy's between 1480 and 1483. Columbus 1492-1493, a manuscript globe was smaller measure of the circumference of lhe made many marginal notes in his being constructed by the Nuremberg earth, as did Columbus. copy of the Imago Mundi, which is cartographer Martin Behaim. illustrated with diagrams showing a Behaim's globe accepted Ptolemy's with dimala (proto­ smaller measure of the circumference parallels) and three continents of the earth, as did Columbus. This is (named): Europe, Africa (north Africa now in the German National Mu­ or Libya), and Asia. Both Greek and seum, Nuremberg. Behaim was in Medieval ideas are embodied in at the same time as Columbus Imago Mundi including those of and the two may have known each Ptolemy, which are preserved in the other; in any event they had access to

eG6 MEHtl)IAN , :19 notably between 1499 and 1502. On his return from his first trans-Atlantic voyage, Columbus wrote a letter (translated and printed in several languages) to his patrons in different places: Barcelona, Rome, Anhverp, etc. A Latin edition pub­ lished in Basle in 1493, contains illustrations. One of these shows Columbus sailing solo through the Islands of , which he has renamed. The earliest true European map of the New World is the portolan-style chart of Juan de la Cos<'l of 1500-the greatest cartographic treasure of the Museo Naval in . La Cosa is believed to have been the owner, master, and mate of the Sail/a Maria. It is also thought that he accompa­ Fig. I. Ptolomey's conception of the world dominated. geographic thinking in the 15th century. This example is from an edition of Ptolomey's Goographica nied Columbus on his first and published in VIm in 1482. second New World voyages, but there is some question about this. There is also a question about the the same body of geographical date of the map, some thinking that knowledge. Behaim's globe consists 1500 is too early by about four years, of twelve gores with short degrees since it shows areas in South America and no continent intervening be­ not discovered by Europeans until tween Eur-Africa and Asia, indicating that time. The New World is on a the feasibility of sailing directly different and bigger scale than the westward to China - it is the oldest Old World (see figure 2, the left side surviving terrestrial globe. of the de la COS<'l map), pointing up Columbus corresponded with the the need for a regular map projection Florentine humanist Paolo del Pozzo for representing such large areas, Toscanelli (died 1482) who drew a rather than the projectionless, The earliesllrue map (now lost) to illustrate his belief portolan chart system. TheJuan de la European map of the that if one sailed west from Europe, Cosa map shows, in addition to the New World is the portolan-style chart of one could reach the east coast of Asia. discoveries of Columbus, those of Juan dl:' Ia Cosa of Modern reconstructions of this map Cabot for the English in 1497 of the 1500-lhl' greatest (which Toscanelli had sent to the North Cape of Asia (as he thought of cartographic treasure of King of Portugal in 1474) show the it), or Newfoundland. Between the the Museo Naval in Madrid. west coasts of Europe and North representation of the discoveries of Africa on the right, and East Asia Columbus and Cabot on the map with it many offshore islands on the there is a vignette with S1. Christo­ left. The most important of these, as pher as Christ~bearer; some have reported by Marco Polo, was speculated that Columbus was the Cipangu (Japan); the island of model for this figure; if so, it is the , which Columbus thought he only portrait from the life of Colum­ had missed on his first voyage, is in bus now extant. the mid-Atlantic. The conflict between Portugal and Columbus made four voyages to Spain for newly-discovered lands the New World (or, as he thought of overseas precipitated a series of Papal it, the Indies) between 1492 and 1504. Bulls. After Columbus' first voyage Between these dates a number of to the New World these culminated other Europeans were in the area, in the , 1494. The

MEIUUL\N 9 eG6 three voyages and those of others in the area before 1500. The line of demarcation was later moved farther west giving Portugal a larger share of . The provenance of the Cantina map is interesting; it was drawn by an unknown cartographer in Portugal and smuggled out by Alberto Cantina who presented it to the Duke of Ferrara (Ercole d'Este) to inform him of the new discoveries. It is now in the Biblioteca Estense, Modena, Italy, The Juan de la Cosa and the Cantino maps are manuscript, portolan style charts; the first prill/ed map to show the New World discov· eries was made by Giovanni Contarini and his engraver, Francesco Rosselli in Florence in 1506, Unlike the La Cosa and Cantino maps, the Contarini map has a regular projec­ tion--,,1n orderly system of meridians and parallels, i.e., lines of longitude and latitude? Ptolemy is credited with developing projections for geographical purposes, as indicated earlier. But the Renaiss<,nce cartogra­ phers invented many ingenious solutions to the problem of represent­ ing a world being rapidly expanded through the discoveries of contempo­ raryexplorers. Thus on a fan-shaped projection Contarini showed most of the Old World as well as the ""North Cape of Asia" discovered by Cabot and the Fig. 2. The Juan de la COS<1 map is widely recognized as the first extant map to Corte Reals, to the west of northern depict the Columbus voyages. This is thought to be a roughly 1502 copy of an earlier manuscript version. Europe. On this map the discoveries of Columbus and Vespucci in Central line of demarcation between Spanish and South America are well delin­ claims to the west, and Portuguese eated but Cipangu (Japan) is just to claims to the east, is shown on the the west of , reflecting geo­ The provenance of the )an-style Cantina map (1502), as graphical ideas of the time. The Cantino map is interesting; it was 960 nautical miles west of the Cape Contarini map, of which only one drawn by an unknown Verde Islands. Brazil, owing to the copy exists, was discovered as cartographer in Portugal discoveries of Cabral in 1500, and the recently as 1922, and is in the British and smuggled out by North Cape of Asia, resulting from Library. Alberto Cantino who presented illo the Duke the explorations the Corte Real A map that is similar to the of Ferrara (Ercole d'Esle) Brothers from 1500 to 1502, are east of Contarini map which is believed to 10 inform him of the the line and are thus claimed by have inspired it, is the engraved map new discoveries. Portugal. The northern coast of South of , a Dutchman America and the Caribbean islands liVing in Germany (see figure 3). are claimed by Spain, resulting from Before the discovery of the Contarini Columbus' discoveries on his first map, Ruysch's map was thought to eGe MERII)IA1'\ 9 ." There was a gradual be the earliest printed map of th Am rica, Novus Qrbis. Ve pucci realization that a New ew World. Ruysch's map accompa­ d erve credit for appr ciating in a World, rather than the Indies, or Cathay, had nied the Rome edition of Ptolemy, way that Columbu n ver did that a been discovered. This is 1507, and was widely di tribut d. fourth continent had been added to dramaticaHy illustrated Both in proj cti n and map data there those of Europe, Africa, and Asia. on the printed Ptole­ are difference betwe n th C ntarini Later, Wald eemiil1er realized that maic-type map of Martin WaldeseemiilLer, and Ruysch map ; one of the most he had given too much credit for the 1507... notable is the r pr entation of the discovery of the ew World to orth Pole by a curving line on the Vespucci. He tried to correct this on a former and by a point on the latter. plane chart of 1513 but it was too Cipangu i omitted on Ruysch' map. late--the name America had stuck. Th re wa a gradual realization The inscription in South America on that a ew World, rather than the this map is translated a : -"This land Lndie , or Cathay, had been discov­ and adjacent island were di covered ered. This is dramatically illustrated by Columbu of G noa for the on the printed Ptolemaic-type map of monarch of Castile." Martin Waldeseemiiller, 1507, Other civilization soon learned of howing two eparated parts of the the European discoverie and ew World, north and south (see America wa hartly d lineated on figure 4). This map, one of the most Islamic map (e.g. Piri Re i map) important in the history of cartogra­ and, later, on Chine e maps. Mean­ phy, i very large (53 X 94 inche in while the proce s of globalization six sheets) and difficult to reprodue . went on apace with n w di coveries Only one copy of this woodcut map being mad and new proj ction exists-at Schloss , devised. On an oval projection by Wilttenberg, Germany. It i th first Francesco Rosselli of 1508, parts of dnted map on which the name the ew World, still separated from America app ars-in honor of each other, are shown. It is printed on Amerigo Ve pucci-in South vellum and hand colored, and is now America. Walde eemill1er was at the alional Maritim Mu eum, influenced by Vespucci's account , England. A manu cript (including the so-called Soderini map of 1511 by Ve conte de Maggioli, letter) of his voyage to South a Genoe e working in aple, i on a new, polar azimuthal projection, with the Old and ew Worlds (Siberia and the orth Cap of Asia) connected across th orth Pole. By the s cond decade of the ixteenth century, it was discovered that orth and South America were connected by an isthmus, as shown on the world map of Diego Ribera, 1529. This map was based on the official Spanish padron which wa kept at Seville and continually updated. The east coast of the Americas are well delineated, but the west coasts of both continents are not· drawn becau e they were not yet explored, except in through the di coveri of Balboa in 1513, and hi ucces r. Ribero wa a Portugue e working for Charle V. Fig. 3. Johannes Ruysch produced this map in the first post-Columbian edition ofPtolom yin 1507. The map wa very influential, mamly becau e of the wide The circumnavigation of the glob distribution it received. by Magellan and EI Cano, 1519-1522,

42 ERIDlAN 9, ~ chart is a line of constant compass direction, but it was slow to be adopted. Mercator's friend and rival was who pub-­ Iished the first atlas using a uniform format, the TheatwIII Orbis Terrarllm in 1570. A copy of the world map from Ortelius's atlas is believed to have been aboard the Golden Hind on the global circumnavigation of , 1577-1580. When Drake returned, he presented Queen Elizabeth with a hand-drawn map of his discoveries which perished in the great fire at Whitehall about a cen­ tury later. The closest surviving map to the one presented to the Queen is the manuscript Drake-Mellon map, precipitated much original cartogra­ now at the Center for British Art at phy. A good deal of this has to do Yale. This map, dated approximately with the and the extension of 1586, shows the hvo principal discov­ the line of demarcation between eries of Drake on the Pacific coast of Spanish and Portuguese claims in the America: a body of water south of . Charles V commissioned Tierra del Fuego, now known as a map for his son, later Philip n of Drake Passage; and Nova Albion, Spain, showing the track of the upper California. Drake was greatly circumnavigators Magellan and EI indebted to indigenous navigators as Cano on an ovoid projection. Of he made his way north along the special interest on this map is the Pacific Coast and captured charts and delineation of the Americas with the maps from the Spanish. A printed , and the Colorado map showing Drake's discoveries is One of the most River and Baja California. The map is the broadside of of interesting arrange­ the work of the Venetian cartogra­ 1595 on a double stereographic ments of the earth grid pher Battista Agnese who received projection. The inset map of Portlls developed al this time was the cordifonn, or information on the explorations of Nova Albioll, on Hondius's map has heart-shaped, projec­ Cortes and his lieutenants on the been used as evidence by many who tion. west coast of Mexico after 1530. have speculated about the place One of the most interesting where Drake sojourned on this coast arrangements of the earth grid June 10 to July 23, 1579. developed at this time was the The last map I will refer to is the cordiform, or heart-shaped, projec­ so-called Wright/Molyneux chart on tion. A variant of this is the double the Mercator projection to illustrate cordiform projection ofGerardus 's Prillcipal Navign­ Mercator of 1538-the first general tiof/s, 1599. Edward Wright, the co­ map to name America on the north­ author of this map, was a Cambridge ern continent. But Mercator's best­ mathematician who published A copy of Ihe world known projection is the one that instructions for constructing map from Ortdius's bears his name, first published in Mercator's projection, which atlas is believed to have been aboard the Go/dl'n 1569. It has lines of latitude (or Mercator himself had failed to do Hind on the global parallels) with spacing increasing as thirty years earlier, when he invented circumnavigation of latitude increases, a new feature on a it. This is the map which Shakespeare Fr;tncis Drake, 1577­ world projection. This projection was refers to in Twelftll Night, Act III 1580. of infinite value to navigators since Scene 2, when Maria says of any straight line on the Mercator Malvolio, "He does smile his face into

era MEIUDIAi" 9 more lines than are in the new map, 2 The "Diario" of Christopher Columblls's First Voyage to America, This is the map which with the augmentation of the Indies." Shakespeare refers to in In the century following Colum­ 1492-1493, abstracted by Fray TlVelftll Night, Acllll bus' first trans-Atlantic voyage Bartolme de las Casas, transcribed Scene 2. when Maria remarkable progress was made in the and translated into English, with says of Malvolio, "He discovery of the Americas (often with notes and a concordance of the does smile his face into more lines than are in much cruelty), and the delineation of Spanish by Oliver Dunn and James E. the new map, with the the new continents (often with much Kelley, Jr. (Norman and London: augmentation of the help from the indigenous popula­ University of Oklahoma Press, 1988), [ndies.~ tion). Unwittingly, this assistance p.71. often led to the undoing of the local 3 There is an increasingly abun­ inhabitants. The dant literature on indigenous map­ of the New World made remarkable ping of many areas including the contributions in plant domestication, Americas. Writings on this subject by temple architecture, the calendar, the G. Malcolm Lewis, Louis De Vorsey, delineation of local , etc. and Miguel Loon-Portilla are listed in But world map projections into which J. Brian Harley, "Rereading the Maps new local information was fitted were of Columbian Encounter" iJl Ti,e a product of the European Renais­ Americas Before al/d After 1492: Cllrrent sance, with origins in cosmological Geographical Research, Amlfl/s of tire and geodetic concepts of classical Associatioll of Americall antiquity. Globalization was, for 82.3 (Sept. 1992), 522-542. Clobali.ution was, for better or worse, a most important 4 Tile Unesco COl/rier {June 1991} is beller or worse, a most effect of the Columbian encounter. a special issue of this journal devoted important effect of the The global map projection, with its to "Maps and Map Makers." In this Columbian encounter. roots in Old World mathematics was issue, which is published in thirty­ the means of expressing this scientifi­ five languages world-wide, there are caUy and symbolically. a number of articles on less com­ monly reported aspects of cartogra­ phy: Chinese, Arab, etc., including NOTES "The Treasures of Montezuma" (pp. 24-27) by Miguel Le6n-Portil1o, from 1 Many of the maps discussed in which these quotations are taken. this paper are large and in color and 5 Ibid. p. 25 are therefore difficult to reproduce in 6 Ibid. p. 24. a journal format in black and white. 7 Much has been written on A good many of them have been fifteenth and sixteenth century maps reproduced in facsimile or in collec­ of the European discoveries, but little tions. One of the most readily avail­ 011 the projections used on these able sources of reproductions of most maps. The author would like to of the maps discussed in this article is recognize the work of his assistant, Kenneth Nebenzahl, Atlas of Colll1"­ Terry Nakazono, in this research, and blls fllld ti,e Great Discoverers (Chicago: grants from the Academic Senate, Rand McNally and Company, 1990). University of California, Los Angeles.


Map Collections in Australia: questionnaire. The compiler offers A Directory several reasons for this which may have ramifications for collections in Compi/ed by Mal/ra O'COlll/or. 4th ed. all countries. She notes that there Canberra: National Library of Allstra/ia, have been several amalgamations 1991.146 p. and reorganizations of government ISBN: 0-642-10483-2. Paperback. $25. agencies and private firms. In addi­ tion, the increasing use of digital data The colle<:tion descrip­ The fourth edition of this directory has reduced the need (or many tion seelion has been is welcome due to the many changes agencies and firms to maintain map considerably I':o;panded that have taken place since the third collections. Not to fault the compiler, and now includes full collection address, edition was published in 1980. it is unfortunate nevertheless to have telephone and FAX Like its predecessor, this edition this fourth edition include only 130 numbers. was compiled by a staff member at collections when the third included the National Library of Australia, but nearly 300. with the added assistance of the Additional useful features are a Australian Institute ofCartographers. subject index, a geographic index, an The colJection description section has index to the map collections them­ been considerably expanded and now selves, as well as an index to map includes full collection address, reference material. Following the telephone and FAX numbers, open­ introduction is a brief description of ing hours, contact officer, size of staff, the "Principal Mapping Authorities subject and geographic specializa­ in Australia" which is then followed II is disappointing to tions, collection control, chronological by selected reproductions of some l('ol.m from the foreword coverage, collection description, early Australian maps. The directory is and introduction that access conditions, and copying organized alphabetically by state and over one-half of the collections in the third facilities. then alphabetically by city. The text is edition did nol respond The directory includes two unique easy to read with large lettering and 10 the culTt'nl question· sections. The first, entitled "Map appropriate use of bold (ace type. nairI'. Reference Material," is a selected list This reviev·"er would prefer to see of Australian map catalogues, the "Description of Collection" bibliographies, journals, and atlases moved forward in each entry to be published since 1980 which will be o( read more quickly, rather than interest to all libraries with Austra­ having it placed near the end of the lian cartographic colJections. The entry. Additionally, there is one second section, "Map Publishers in phrase, "30 year rule applies," which Australia," is a comprehensive list of appears in several colJection descrip­ government and commercial map tions that is nowhere explained. publishers which should be a useful While this may be obvious to fellow acquisition tool for many map Australians, international librarians collections. and researchers who use the book Why not indude New This (ourth edition attempts to be will wonder about such terminology. Zealand in the next comprehensive and includes the Finally, why not include New Zea­ edition? Surely that largest of collections, the National land in the next edition? Surely that (ountry's collections Library of Australia, with its 400,000 country's collections would be of would be of interest to Australians and could maps, and many collections that interest to Australians and could be a be a useful addition 10 include only a few hundred maps. It useful addition to an already fine work. an already fine work. is disappointing to learn from the These criticisms are minor and are not foreword and introduction that over meant to detract from the effort and one-half of the collections in the third quality of the publication. edition did not respond to the current This edition greatly expands the

~ MEHIIJL\N <) 45 Australian ction of the World Geography and Map Libraries. DirecfonJ of Map Collections (986). I Edited by John A. Wolter. 2nd ed. would r conun nd this directory to (IFLA Publication 31). Munchen; all large acad mic map collections ew York; London; Paris: Saur, and to any collection with an interest 1986. in Australian cartography or hi tory.

LITERATIJRE CITED David A. Cobb Harvard Map Collection World Directory ofMap Collections Harvard College Library compiled by the Section of Cambridge, Massachusetts

The History of Cartography. Vol. 2, Book 1. Cartography in the Traditional and South Asian Societies. Edited by J. B. Harlel) and David Woodward. Chicago: Universih) of Chicago Press, 1992. 579 p. ISBN: 0-226-31635-1. $125.00

The massive History of Cartography remained es entially medieval well project originally anticipated six into the nineteenth century (p. 12). volumes to survey thi important Thirty-four pages later she continues topic. Volume 2 however, which this same thought: It can be seen covers traditional I lamie, South from all the extant Islamic celestial Asian, Southea t Asian, and East globes that, except for some minor Asian societies, ha had to be split points of design and some consider­ into two separate parts. The present able progress in construction tech­ volume covers only the Islamic and niques, the tradition of instrument South A ian aspects of Volume Two. design inherited from the Hellenistic Each section in itself is distinct in and Byzantine world remained treatment and coverage. The Islamic essentially unchanged through the portion results from the contributions end of the nineteenth century' (p.46). of nine individuals, while the South Similarly one might question why Asia section was done singlehandedly four pages were necessary to discuss by Joseph E. Schwartzberg. otice­ al-Biruni's ideas when "three meth­ able differences in treatment result ods are presumably original with al­ from a collection of essays from Biruni. Of these three, the final two are various individuals versus the uni­ highly impractical, and in all three fied treatment of a single individual. instances the descriptions betray no The choice of opening essay actual experience with practical puzzles this reviewer; the first essay mapmaking (p. 37). This is particu­ is the piece that will set the stage for larly true as she subsequently observes the reader in understanding the , how much immediate influence al­ function, purpose, and scope of the Biruni's writings had on projections title. In this instance, Emile Savage­ i difficult to asse (p. 38). Smith discusses celestial mapping. Fortunately Ahmet T. Karamustafa Her 58-page essay, the longest by far r vives the rader's interest in his in the Islamic section, might have es ay on cosmographical diagrams. been more succinctly written. She While he observe "the literature of observes 'the concepts and tech­ Islamic mysticism, vast in ize and niques of Islamic celestial mapping scope, i on the whole devoid of

46 MERIDlAN 9 ea graphic elements" (p. 83), he does degree of the earth's surface high­ manage to provide numerous ex­ lights the work of several Muslim amples. Particularly appreciated in scholars who undertook the task. The this section is the introduction of the Muslim need to say five daily prayers dynamic tension between the Arab facing provided numerous and Persian Muslim worlds and the approaches to resolve this religious effect this had on cartography. mandate. David A. King and Richard Gerald R. Tibbetts then has three P. Lorch discuss them in " Particularly appreciated essays that serve a central core for the Charts, Qibla Maps, and Related in this section is the discussion of terrestrial mapping. Instruments." The practical need for introduction of the dynamic tension They are "The Beginnings of a answers of course led to much between the Arab and Cartographic Tradition," "The Balkhi ground-breaking work on the part of Persian Muslim worlds School of Geographers," and "Later Muslim scholars. and the effe<:tthis had Cartographic Developments." The next major component of the on cartography. Treatment adequately surveys the lslamic section treats the Ottoman topics indicated, supplemented, as Empire, by far the greatest source of are all the essays. by numerous surviving maps, but ironically one of illustrations. For those who are not the least studied. Ahmet T. specialists in the Islamic tradition. Karamustafa, in both the "Introduction there are times of ambigujty and to Ottoman Cartography," as well as in questioning. For instance, in the the more extended "Military, Adminis­ conclusion to "Later Cartographic trative, and Scholarly Maps and Plans," Developments," Tibbetts states "by points out that much of Ottoman map the end of the fifteenth century making reflected the concerns of the classical Islamic geographical cartog­ vast state bureaucracy. Given the wars raphy was very much in decline" (p. fought with Europe, there has been 154). It is difficult to discern what Western influence in the Ottoman constitutes "classical Islamic" and tradition. The Ottoman period saw the ...the OUoman Empire. how it relates to "classical" as it is evolution of architectural plans, maps by far the greatest used in various European traditions. of water courses, siege plans as well as source of surviving maps, but ironically one S. Maqbul Ahmad's "Cartography all the other needs the empire had for of the least studied. of al~Sharifal-Idrisi" next gives accurate representation ofspatial another intercultural example of a relationships. Particularly fascinating Muslim who accepted the invitation are the waterway maps, documents of Roger n (A.D. t097-1154) to come that are just coming to light. While to . While there, aHdrisi as­ basically showing the path ofa body of sumed responsibility for producing a water from its source, "all relevant series of world maps. The interaction conshuctions such as feeders, collec­ between East and West that Sicily tion areas, weirs, water towers, under­ provided sparked a concern to pro­ ground tunnels, and bridges, as well as duce a supplementary text that some other architectural or narural would explain "how the form was features en route, were also shown in arrived at, adding whatever they had pictorial " (p. 216). J. M. missed (in the map) as to the condi­ Rogers compliments this discussion tions of the lands and countries, con­ with an essay on "Itineraries and town cerning their inhabitants and their views in Ottoman histories." As he possessions and places and the like­ patronizingly notes, "at its best the nesses, their seas, mountains and Ottoman work was foUy up to the measurements, their crops and quality of the best being done in revenues" (p. 160). contemporary ItaJy and Germany" Determining the precise measure­ (p.251). ments of the earth's surface forms the The final two chapters in the locus of Raymond P. Mercier's essay Islamic section relate to navigational on "Geodesy." His discussion of maps. Gerald R. Tibbetts contributed several attempts to measure one "The Role of Charts in Islamic iXi6 MERIDIAN 9 ," Navigation in the Indian Ocean," and intriguing question for further consid­ Svat Soucek, "Islamic Charting in the eration would be to study the interac­ Mediterranean." Considering the tions and relationships between the active maritime trading activities of h'lO religious groups. Schwartzberg the Muslims, one would have ex­ treats them as distinct groups, yet Jains pected this to be an area particularly and Hindus actively intermarry and rich in maps. Tibbetts notes, though, thus one has to sunnise there has both before the coming of the Europeans, been distinct evolution of approach in "no where is there any local evidence each religion as well as assimilatioll of of charts" (p. 259). Soucek concen· olle another's ideas. Also provided in trates upon the work of the Ottoman this section is a discussion of the naval captain Muhyiddin Piri Re'is observatories built by Maharaja Sawai and his need for accurate maps to Jai Singh II of Jaipur. Schwartzberg support imperial needs. notes that Singh had interaction with Joseph E. Schwartzberg, in the European scholarship in the 18th Schwart:l:berg...points out that art historians, second part of the work, "South century, yet decided to remain within rather than geographers. Asian Cartography," takes a different the Indian tradition rather than have done much approach. There are only four sec­ adopting European models and ground-breaking work tions: "Introduction to South Asian concepts. and dominated what knowledge we initially Cartography," "Cosmographical In discussing "Geographical had of South Asian Mapping," "Geographical Mapping," Mapping," Schwartzberg acknowl­ maps. and "Nautical Maps." This approach edges the great work currently being avoids the skipping around centuries, done in historical cartography by topics, and parts of South Asia and Susan Cole. Of the 203 footnotes in integrates relevant discussion into a this chapter, 51 mention Cole. One more unified whole. The "Introduc­ must note, however, that he often is tion" provides a masterful overview referring readers to her for additional of the precursors of the cartographic discussion. Of concern, as Schwartz­ tradition, the religious needs which berg notes, are the lack of surviving only maps could provide, and the maps from southern and eastern remaining evidence; it sets the stage lndia. We can only hope that subse­ for a unified overview of South Asian quent investigations will bring such cartography. Schwartzberg surveys works to light. Working with present the literature, which is truly in its evidence he had to concentrate upon infancy, and allows the reader to Rajasthan, Gujarat, Maharashtra, as perceive the evolution of knowledge well as numerous Mogul examples. that is presently taking place. He Maps of the nineteenth century points out that art historians, rather receive discussion, at least if they than geographers, have done much follow indigenous traditions and do ground-breaking work and domi­ not reflect European influences. The concluding essay on "Nautical Maps" is nated what knowledge we initially Presumably, discussion of notable briel, which is hardly had of South Asian maps. In contrast projects such as the great Trigono­ surprising since Indians to most other parts of the world, metrical Survey of India will appear tended to have others some South Asian maps survived in a future volume. The concluding conduct so much of their maritime work. because they were made of stone, essay on "Nautical Maps" is brief, either being pieces of sculpture in which is hardly surprising since temples or etched plans that formed Indians tended to have others con­ part of temple complexes. duct so much of their maritime work. "Cosmographical Mapping" Again, surviving maps relate to the concentrates upon the work of the west coast of India as well as maps Hindu and Jain traditions to illustrate that would support the Muslim worlds beyond the one in which we pilgrimage to Mecca for the Haj. find ourselves. Both maps and globes One cannot help but wonder if are discussed along with the literary Schwartzberg were writing thjs references from which they derive. An section a decade from now how

-'" MEHlDlAN 9 iXIt different indeed it would be. Con­ knowledge that came to light as the stantly interspersed in the text are project evolved? references to hints of promising new The volume concludes with a The volume concludes discoveries. He almost answers the masterful overview by]. B. Harley with a masterful question with a postscript indicating and David Woodward that places the overview by J. B. Harley and David Woodward after the manuscript went to press "a essays in the brO

History of Cartography Wins Major Award At the Annual meeting of the Professional and Scholarly Publishing Division of the American Publishers Association on 11 February 1993 in Washington D.C., The University ofChicago Press received the RR. Hawkins Award for Volume 2.1 of].B. Harley and David Woodward, eds., History of Cartography: Cartogra­ phy ill tile TraditiOlla/ Is/amic mId SOlltll Asiall Societies. The Hawkins Award is for the most outstanding scholarly book selected from among over 320 entrics in all categories. The over 20 Book Categories included Philosophy and Religion, Physics and Astronomy, Chemistry, History, Economics, and Clinical Medicine. Penelope Kaiserlian, Associate Director of the Press, accepted the award at the Annual Dinner and delivered a speech tracing the origin and developmenmt of the History of Cartography Project.

Maps from the Mind: Read­ papers in six chapters published by ings in Psychogeography as many authors between 1921 and Edited by Howard F. Stein and William 1987. About fifty percent of it was G. Nieder/mid. Foreword by Vamik D. written by Niederland, the doyen of Volkan. 1st ed. psychogeography, a psychiatrist and NOrt/WII, OK: University of Oklahoma psychoanalyst with a special knowl· This gives the book a distinct bias without, Press, c1989. xxii, 252 p. edge of literature and old maps. This however, making it ISBN 0-8061-2232-3 Paperback. $29.50. gives the book a distinct bias withollt, clear for whom these however, making it dear for whom "Readings in Whereas "psychobiography" in thcse "Readings in Psychogeo­ Psyc::hogeography" are intended. our time has become so much a part graphy" are intended. In my view, of biography that it hardly needs the they are of peripheral interest to prefix "psycho" anymore, psycho­ practicing analysts and have some geography is a relative newcomer entertainment value for cartogra· that requires introduction. As the phers and map historians. editors and contributors strcss, it is The contributions are both varied not a new discipline but a psychoana­ and uneven with a bias towards what lytic perspective on the relationship one might call "vintage" psycho· between human beings and their analysis. It is introduced by two physical environment. As such, it extremely brief papers by Ferenczi, covers a very wide spectrum as the one of Freud's early associates, and application of the perspective shows. continued by Niederland who This book consists of a collection of stresses the equivalence of geographi- e

M.ERlI)b\N 9 ~ Carte blanche 1 David Woodward

This column is an opportunity to happened too in spades. The public discuss some general themes or was introduced to the idea that maps trends in the study of early maps. It is after all-were not the disinterested from one viewpoint and is thus likely objects everyone thought they were. to be highly impressionistic, idiosyn­ Maps proved to be a headline grab­ cratic, centrifugal, and probably ber, spurred on by the influential eccentric. This means that important Power of Maps exhibit at the things will be left out, and events just Smithsonian's National Museum of as significant as those I mention will Design, the Cooper-Hewitt Museum be ignored. So this is an apologia up in New York, which occupies what front. Furthermore, the column is was Andrew Camegie's opulent uncharted territory for me. I do not mansion. Co-curators Lucy Fellowes know how its map will develop until and Denis Wood and their co­ I walk through the terrain. Feedback workers are to be commended on this will therefore be most welcome. wonderful exhibit. A debate was In case anyone did not notice, 1992 initiated, fueled by a full-page article was the Columbian Quincentenary. in Newsweek (9 November 1992), with In case anyone did not notice, 1992 was the At the beginning of the year, it the headline that asked "Beware the Columbian Quin­ seemed as if it would go by without Glove Compartment: Are Road Maps centenary. At the much mention of maps. Why should Really a Govemment Plot? Nah." The beginning of the year, it it, after all? The social issues stirred last time this magazine gave space to seemed as if it wou.ld go by without much up were so overwhelming and deep a map related story was either for the mention of maps. Why rooted that they might justifiably Map or Van Sant's should it, after all? eclipse any discussion of the map­ GcoSphere Project. The New York ping aspects of the Columbian Times entire Travel section for 15 voyage. Most of the major scholar­ November was maps old and new­ ship had been done on the maps a which was also unprecedented, to the hundred years ago, and when it best of my knowledge. Denis Wood comes down to it, there are very few and ]ohn Fels's new book The Power important maps that survive from the ofMaps, published to coincide with period. I believe it was Gerald Crone the opening of the exhibit although who said that there were really only not a catalogue of the exhibit, pro­ six key maps illustrating the discov­ vided stimulating reading around the eries between 1490 and 1510. There theme. There was even a Yale­ was certainly no promise of any new Smithsonian Symposium held at the maps to emerge (despite the offer still Cooper-Hewitt in March 1993 (just open, as far as I know--of an "origi· before the exhibit closed) on the nal" 1500 ]uan de la Cosa world map subject of "Maps as Material Culture" in Peru). But by the end of the year, which brought together the likes of not only were maps put squarely on Denis Wood and Edward Tufte to the map, but in a new way that discuss the themes of the exhibit. The attracted the attention of the public picture essay on Cooper-Hewitt more than in any time in my exhibit in the prestigious and widely memory. This was no mere rehash of read Smithsonian Magazine in the the old research, no republishing of Spring can only help spread the the same old images, although that word.

~ MERlDlAN? 51 A point that may have been lost: important manuscript maps. Had the the Cooper-Hewitt exhibit shows that American Geographical Society a major national museum of design Collection still been in New York, no which is usually interested in the doubt there would have been another fashion world of interior design to add to the list. (wallpaper, textiles, furniture, knives Although no "Monumenta and forks)-could actually be con­ Cartographica Colombiana" ap­ A point that may have vinced that maps had to be designed, peared, it was a year of lavish and been lost; the Cooper­ Hewitt exhibit shows and did not grow on trees ex uiJzifo. It huge catalogues, both here and that a major national is not the first time that this has abroad. I can only pick out a few by museum of design... happened, but it is part of a growing way of example. In the United Slates, could actually be trend. This is less surprising perhaps the Circa 1492 catalogue to accom­ convinced that maps had to be designed, and than museums of fine arts opening pany the National Gallery of Art's did not grow on trees ex their doors to maps, which also exhibit was spectacular; so also was //ri/o. happened. There the trend was led by The Age of tlte Marvelolls, the the National Gallery of Art, which Dartmouth College's exhibition that brought together what many have travelled to Raleigh, Houston, and said is the most spectacular collection Atlanta, and which sold out at the of major maps in anyone space since distributor, the University of Chicago the Walters Art Gallery's World Press. The only places to get copies Ellcompassed in Baltimore in 1952. It is were where the exhibit itself was doubtful whether the Catalan Atlas, shown. Other catalogues that in­ the Waldseemuller 1507 world map cluded substantial numbers of maps unbound and mounted as it was were Susan Danforth's John Carter intended, Leonardo's plan of lmola, Brown Library exhibit Encounterillg the British Library's Martellus atlas, the New World, the New York Histori­ the Barbari view of Venice, a Greek cal Society's /lIIagillillg ti,e New World manuscript of Ptolemy's Geography, (the catalogue was compiled by the the fifteenth-century Kangnido Instituto della Enciclopedia Italiana), (Korean world map), and many other and the Hispanic Society of rare items... will ever again appear America's Maps, Charts, mId Globes. It together. It was a great disappoint­ would be a great service if an accu­ ment to the organizer of the exhibi­ rate bibliography of these exhibit tion, Jay Levenson, that the catalogues (with ISBN numbers) "Cantino" and Fra Mauro maps could be compiled yearly (perhaps could not be added to the list, but for this journal?) as libraries acquire there were other exhibitions going on them only idiosyncraticalJy and they in Europe and it is amazing he was are often difficult to track down. Yet able to get what he did. In addition to they are often the best sources of art museums, specialized art journals information on specific maps. also took up the theme of maps. Two Abroad, two catalogues stand out: examples include a special issue of Hans Wolff, ed., America: Early Maps Asiall Arf devoted to maps, "The Art of tile New World is the lavish cata­ of the Map in Asia" (VoJ.5, No.4), and logue for an exhibition held at the Lou DeVorsey's article in Lntill Bavarian State Library, , from New York City was American Art (Vol.4, No.3). April to June 1992. on the occasion obviously the place to New York City was obviously the not only of the Quincentenary, but be for map exhibits. In addition to the Cooper­ place to be for map exhjbits. In also of the library's acquisition of the Hewitt, there was the addition to the Cooper-Hewitt, there first globe gores to name America, New York Public was the New York Public Library, the published in woodcut by Martin library, the New York New York Historical Society, and the WaldseemuUer in 1507, one of only Historical Society, and the Hispanic Society of Hispanic Society of America. The two impressions known, the other America. IBM Gallery hosted "Christopher being in the James Ford Bell Library Columbus and the Spanish Explora­ at the University of Minnesota. tion of the Indies" with several Wolff's catalogue breaks some new

,-, MEIUDIAN 9 eGe ground and displays some new New Worlds, Ancient Texts: images among the old familiar faces. The Cultural Impact of an Encounter The other catalogue is the huge two­ Traveling Exhibition Itinerary volume Cristoforo Colombo e I'apertum degli splizi (1115 pages) for the exhibi­ The American Library Association and the New York Public tion at the Ducal Palace in CenO

~ MElllD!Ai'l/ I) 53 "THE STANDARD REFERENCE FOR ALL SUBSEQUENT SCHOLARSHIP." -John Noble Wilford, New York Times Book Review

THE HISTORY OF CARTOGRAPHY, Volume 2, Book 1 Cartography in the Traditional Islamic and South Asian Societies Edited by J. B. Harley and David Woodward

The latest volume in the acclaimed series offers a fascinating picture of maps used not only as practical tools but also as images symbolic of religion and culture. "A well-documented and profusely illustrated addition to the slowly growing body of Literature on maps and mapmaking in traditional Islamic and South Asian Societies.... a delightful book with a mass of infonnation hitherto overlooked. A must for students ofcartography ~ and a valuable addition to grnduate level research libraries,"-Choue Cloth $19.5.00 644 ~cs 20 page color Insert, 40 color plates, 358 halftones Winnrr a/the R. R. Hawkim Awardfor the Outstanding Profunona4 Reftrtnct, or Scholarly work of1992, AmJciatioll ofAmmcall Publisben

Coming in Fall, 1993 THE HISTORY OF CARTOGRAPHY, Volume 2, Book 2 Cartography in the Traditional East and Southeast Asian Societies Edited by J. B. Harley and David Woodward Cloth $150.00 .00 P~CI (Cit.)

MAPPING IT OUT Nuw in Paper Expository Cartography for the Humanities THINGS MAPS DON'T and Social Sciences TELL US Mark Monmonier An Adventure Into Map Interpretation This concise, practical book is an introduction to the fundamental principles of graphic logic and Annin K. Lobeck design, from the basics ofscale to the complex Lobeck shows us how to grasp the history of the mapping of movement or change. Monmonier earth through the art of map reading. helps writers and researchers decide when maps are most useful and what formats work best in a "A unique and insightful introduction to the ori­ wide range of subject areas, from literary criticism gins oflandfonns. Indeed, anyone curious about to sociology. the physical landscape will find this highly readable Papcr $15.95 35!2 pages book useful and infonnative."-Mark Monmonier 112 maps, 1 halftone Paper $17.95 174 P8gcs lIIus. Library cloth edition $37.00 Chicago Guide! to Writing, Editing, alld Publishing

54 MEHIOIAN 9 ~ LOUIS DE VORSEY, JR. Louis DeVorsey, Jr. is Professor Emeritus of Geography at the University of Georgia. His BA and MA degrees are from Indiana University, and his Ph.D., earned after a stint in the Navy as a Photo Intelligence Officer, is in Historical Geography from the University of London, England. Prior to joining the Geography Department at Georgia in 1967, DeVorsey was on the faculty at East Carolina University, and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. In 1987 he became Professor Emeritus at Georgia. Dr. DeVorsey has received a number ofawards during his career. Chief among those are the Honor Awards for Meritorious Contributions to the Field of Geography in 1975, and the Honor Award in Applied Geography in 1983, both from the Association of American Geographers. In addition the University of Georgia Research Foundation awarded him its Medal for Research Creativ­ ity in the Social Sciences in 1980. Professor OeVorsey has written numerous articles in the field of the history of cartography, as weU as several books, including /11 the Wake of Columbus, /s/allds and COlltroversy (with John Parker, 1985), and Keys to the EllcOllllfer: A Library of COllgress Resource Guide for tile Study of the Age of Discovery (992), from which the article in this issue of Meridiall is excerpted. Perhaps the most fascinating aspect of DeVorsey's career is his five appearances as an expert witness before the United States Supreme Court in cases involving border disputes between various states. In addition he served as a Legal Consultant to the U.s. Litigation Team arguing a case before the International Court ofJustice at the Hague.

JAMES A COOMBS Jim Coombs is the Map Librarian at Southwest Missouri Stale University. In addition to running the SMSU Map Collection, Jim draws the cartoon "Great Moments in Map Librarianship," pub­ lished in base line, and draws the "official" conference site maps for ALA annual conference programs. Other publications include "Exploration and Mapping of the Southwest Route, From Missouri to Southern California," in Explomtioll and Mapping of the America" West, MAGERT Occasional Paper Number 1, and "Globes: a Librarian's Guide to Selection and Purchase," in Wilson Libmry BIIl/etil/. One of the highlights ofJim's career was being the only map librarian to participate in a 68-member library and information science delegation which visited the People's Republic of China in April and May of 1985. Jim has given numerous presentations, the most recent of which was "Physical Geography of the Caribbean," at the American Library Association Annual Conference, Atlanta, June 29,1991. He has been a member of MAGERT since 1980. He has been the base line Production Manager since 1990 and the MAGERT Open File Report Production Manager since 1986. He was Vice Chair/Chair/Past Chair in 1983-85, and Exhibit Coordi­ nator in 1987-90. Outside of work, as the sponsor of the Roundtree Elementary School ecology club, Jim is known as "Mr. Compost." He is also the drummer and vocalist in "the Recliners" blues band. eG"6 MEIUDIAN 'J 55 Energy Maps of the World These maps, published by the Petroleum Economist, Vietnam Topo Map Set. I:250,000. Vietnam show energy information using current data. Each gov't. 40 sheets. map shows oil and gas fields, and deposits ofcoal, oil 65-5252 Set, rolled $400.00 shale, and oil sands. Ship terminals, LNG plants, refining centers, and oil and gas pipelines are also Vietnam . 1,000,000. Vietnam shown. Each map has charts on energy production! gov't. 6 sheets + text. consumption, GNP, GDP, etc. Printed on non-tear 65-5200 Set, rolled $390.00 synthetic paper. Maps now available include:

Vietnam Geologic Map Set. 1:500,000. Vietnam World Energy Map $99.95 gov't. 27 sheets. World Gas Map $150.00 65-5202 Set, rolled $695.00 Latin America Energy Map $150.00 Europe Energy Map $150.00 Vietnam Hydrogeologic Map Set. 1:500,000. North Sea Energy Map $150.00 Vietnam gov't. 27 sheets. Central & East Europe Energy Map $150.00 65-5230 Sel, rolled $695.00 c.I.S. Energy Mnp (Jan. 1992 data) $150.00 USSR Energy map (Jan. 1990 data) $125.00 Vietnam Mineral Resources Map. 1:3,000,000. Sub-Saharan Africa Energy Map $150.00 Vietnam gov't. One sheet with I82-page text. In U.A.E. Energy Mnp $150.00 English. Middle East Energy Map $150.00 65-5240 Set, folded $125.00 Far East Energy Mnp $150.00 China Energy Map $150.00 Vietnam Mineral Resources Map Sel. 1:500,000. Set ofJ3 maps $1,593.70 Vietnam gov't. 27 sheets. 65-5242 Set, rolled $350.00 Atlas of E. & S.E. Europe Vietnam, Laos, Kampuchea Topographic Set. This atlas includes maps on ecology, population, and 1: 1,000,000. Vietnam gov't. 12 sheets. the economy. The maps are in English and German, 65-5254 Sel, rolled $250.00 and are accompanied by a 20-40 page bilingual text booklet. Recent issues include: Topographic Maps OUf recent travels have yielded new stock of The Elections of 1990 in Central, Eastern, and topographic maps for Bulgaria; Czechoslovakia; Southestern Europe. ; all of Central America, particularly 66-2246-09 1:3,000,000 $17.95 ; all of South America, particularly ; Burundi; Congo; Namibia; and South Use ofthe Environment and Resultant Problems Mrica. in Central & Eastern Europe. Two sheets. 66-2246-10 1:3,000,000 $34.95 Omni Resources, Inc. I~ Foreign Map Specialists Population Development in Poland 1980-1990. ~ PO Box 2096 66-2246-11 I: I,500,000 $17.95 ~ Burlington, NC 27216 Topoclimatic Types in Central Europe. 66-2246-12 1:1,500,000 $17.95 Ph: 919-227-8300 •E sou. CES Fax: 919-227-3748 Standing Order Price, per sheet $15.00


Norman J.W. Thrower has been Director of the (Columbus) Quincentenary Programs at the University of California, Los Angeles since 1989. He was born in England where he received his early education, including studies in Art at Reading University. During World War n, he spent four years in the Survey of India follO\\'ed by one year in the directorate of colonial (later Overseas) Surveys. He emigrated to the United States in 1947. He received his B.A. Honours from the , where he studied under Erwin Raisz, and was awarded his M.A. and Ph.D. degrees by the University of Wisconsin where Arthur 1-1. Robinson was his mentor. He took a Ph.D. minor in at Wisconsin, under Marshall Clagett. In 1957, Norman Thrower joined the faculty of the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) where he has taught courses in cartography, remote sensing of the environment and geographical discoveries for over thirty years. Professor Thrower was appointed to the Sir Francise Drake Commission of the State of California by then-Governor Ronald Reagan in 1973, and was appointed President of the Commission by Governor Gerald (Jerry) Brown, 1975-1981. In 1963, Professor Thrower was awarded a Guggenheim Fellow­ ship and since 1978, has been on the board of the Guggenheim Foundation. He was President of the Society of Discoveries, 1973­ 1975, and Charter President of the California Map Society. At UCLA, he was appointed as Clark Library Professor in 1975 and became director of the Clark Library in 1981. During his six year Directorship he founded the UCLA Center for Seventeenth­ and Eighteenth·Century Studies. Professor Thrower is the author or editor of some 150 articles and ten books on geographical discoveries and cartography. His professional interests include cadastral surveys, cultural cartogra­ phy, navigation, and piracy as indicated by titles of some of his major works which include: Origillal Survey and ulIId Subdivisioll; Maps and Mall; Sir Francis Drake and tile Famolls Voyage; The Three Voyages of Edmond Halley; Standing 0/1 tlte Sholl/ders of Giants, and his latest collaborative work, with Derek Howse of the , Greenwich, A Buccal/eer's Atlas. He is the recipient of honors including the Distinguished Mentor Award of the U.s. National Council for Geographical Education and special session at the San Diego AAG Meeting. I.n Ius role as Director of the UCLA Quincentenary Programs he has recently delivered invited papers to the RenaisS<'lnce Society of America, The American Association for the Advancement of Science and The American Geophysical Union and many other scholarly societies. Nonnan Thrower was awarded the Cross 1st Class of the Orden del Merito Civil (Order of Civil Merit) by H.M. King Juan Carlos of Spain. The decoration was given to Professor Thrower for his work as Director of the UCLA Quincentenary Programs and for his contributions to scholarship generally. The presentation was made at a reception at UCLA by the Honorable Eduardo Garrigues, Consul General of Spain in Los Angeles, 24 March 1993.

~ MEI(lDIAN 9 57 /CIS

n Eastern Europe and the fonner Soviet Union, no one has been busier than I cartographer'S. Boundary changes, the lifting ofsecrecy laws and the cessation ofdeliberate distortions in Soviet/Russian mapmaking - combined with the FULL COLOR UAL/IT enthusiasm ofthe free market ­ have made an astonishing variety of East VIew Publications is proud to be the first firm to bring to the Western new maps, atlases and related market the most comprehensive selection ofcurrent and historical maps publications available. produced in Russia ancfThe former Soviet Union. \\7ALL MAPS Rossiiskaia Russia and Post-Soviet Republics Ukraina Federatsiia Scale 1:8,000,000 Size approx, 110x70 em. Moscow: Izdatel'stvo "Kartograliia: 1992. The first In Ukrainian. Scale (In four parts) Scale political-administrative map of the 1:2.000,0lXl. Size approx l:4,OlXl,OOO. Total size approx, Commonwealth of Independent 50x70 em. Kiev: MP 220x140 em. Moscow: States, and destined to become a "Mapa;' Ltd., 1992. Newest Izdalel'stvo "Kartograliia", 1992. classic, Includes up-to-date and best single wall map 01 Huge lull-size color political­ redrawn boundaries and name all of Ukraine yet published. administrative map of the changes, Completely transliterated. Includes name changes lor Russian Federation, In Russian. with all keys and explanations given aII affected cities and Includes alilhe most recent in lhe Engiish language. Four-color regions. name changes of cities and presentation makes for easy indenti­ Order IA50006 ...... $lO.95 regions. Essential for all lication 01 individual CIS memoor inlerested in Russia. Also states as well as autonomous includes physicai map of political entities within states Russia, scale 1:16m. Note: (expecially the Russian Federation)...... -----'----=-'- ~-"-.::J Available in March 1993, Essential, affordable 1001 for every person interested in the countries of the former Soviet Union. Order IMOOOl...... $24.95 Order I MOOOO $9.95 FOLDED MAPS AND ATLASES Beginning in 1992, a fascinating new series of oblasl'-Ievel maps has arisen. similar political-administrative regions in the Russian Federation, Ukraine and other Originally produced by the secrelive Military Topographical Directorate of the republics. In all. some 85 such maps will be produced in this series over the next Russian (USSR) General Staff. these topographical maps have now been few years. The maps come in mini-alias form and are Ihus extremely convenient to declassified and rendered into the most detailed maps yet available for oblasls and use, with the entire oblast' broken down into overlapping plates.

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58 MERID Davidson College, Davidson, orth Carolina, is the proud recipient of t11e William Patterson Cumm.ing Map Collection. Patterson, a 1921 graduate of Davidson and long time Professor of Engli h, was a life long collector of map relating to the Southeastern United States. His collection is now housed in the E.H. Little Library at Davidson. The Library recently published a small illustrated booklet describing the collection. The text i by Helen Wallis, long time Map Librarian at the British Library, and Elizabeth Cumming ( '87 years young" note Lou De Yarsey), and the illustrations .are first rate. The maps in the colle - tion range from a 1540 Munster, to some mid-19th century material, although the bulk of the collection date from th 18th century. The brochure i available from the Little Library.

Map Collector Publications "for lovers of early maps"

Map Collector Publications is a small independent publishing house specialising in the publication and distribution of books and periodicals for those with a particular interest and love of antique maps and their history. As well as our range of reference books, we are particularly proud of our quarterly journal The Map Collector which places us at the centre of a wide range of possible interests. It is available on annual subscription of $57* inc. postage. Please feel free to send for our recent booklist.

Map Collector Publications 48 High Street, Tring Hertfordshire, HP23 5BH ENGLAND Tel:01-44-442-8249n/891004 Fax:01-44-296-623398 *cheque or credit cards welcome

~ MEIUOI 9 59 J. T. MONCKTON LTD. 1050 GAGE STREET WINNETKA, IL 60093 TEL. 708. 446.1106 FAX 708. 446.1103


We invite institutions to sign up for our quarterly listing of 'New Arrivals." This news letter contains interesting notes on recent events in the map and print world. In addition, it also contains offerings that we have just purchased. In the area of acquisitions, we encourage you to contact us for those items that may be of interest to you. We are presently computerizing our entire inventory and customer list and hope that you will get involved. By contacting us with your specific needs, we can include you on our confidential wants listing. This will enable us to actively search for that item or items which are out of the ordinary and consequently overlooked. Speculum Orbis Press will issue its next book in June at a special reception for the Society for the History of Cartography. Robert Karrow's Sixteenth Century Mapmakers and Their Maps is presently being typeset. This comprehensive carto­ bibliography of over 700 pages will be a definitive reference work for many years to come. It is being published for the Newberry Library and will appropriately be debuted at that institution on Thursday June, 24, 1993. The pre-publication price of the book will be $95 prepaid. This will increase to $110 after the reception. Post publication terms for the trade and institutions will be available. Send orders to: Karrow Book Speculum Orbis Press 1050 Gage Street Winnetka, IL. 60093

(~ MEIHDlAi\' ') ~ CartoFacts Do you have an interesting, whim ical, fa cinating, or ju t u ful CartoFact? Send it to th Editor, nail or email, and we'll probably use it. CartoFact #1 o t Frequently Occurring Street ames (in TIGER) am Subt Total arne Subt Total arne Subt Total arne Subt Total 2nd 6207 10th 3492 Ea t 3056 Poplar 2645 Second 3969 10868 T nth 879 4371 Chestnut 2994 Locu t 2618 Spring 4165 Wo dland 2615 3rd 6564 13th 2610 Third 3567 0131 orth 4074 Thirt nth 367 2977 Taylor 2613 1 t 6047 Ridge 404 Franklin 292 Ash 25 9 Fir t 3851 9898 Lincoln 4044 Adams 2856 Madison 2578

4th 6183 Church 4031 14th 2536 15th 2317 Fourth 3007 9190 Willow 4017 Fourteenth 315 2 51 Fifteenth 240 2557 Hillcrest 2547 Park 926 Mill 3975 Spmce 2821 5th 532 Sunset 3929 Laurel 2780 Sycamore 2533 Fifth 2654 1 6 Broadwa 2511 Railroad 3853 Miller 2488 Main 7664 11th 3109 Davi 2769 6th 5097 EI venth 669 3778 Birch 2754 Sixth 2186 7283 William 26 2 Lakeview 2487 Jackson 3725 College 2468 Oak 6946 Cherry 3669 Lee 2669 Central 2450 7th 4635 Wet 3656 Dogwood 2663 T.McDowell venth 1742 6377 Green 2662 12/10/92 (r v.) S uth 3570 Pine 6170 12th 2957 Matfcl 6103 Twelfth 489 3446 Ce ar 5644 Center 3402 8th 4172 Highland 3347 Eighth 1352 5524 Johnson 325 Elm 5233 Forest 3309 View 5202 Jefferson 3306 Washington 4974 Hickory 3297 9th 3793 inth 1115 4908 Wil on 26 River 3220 Lake 4901 Meadow 3193 Hill 4877 Walnut 4799 Valley 30 2 Smith 3076

Carto act#2 The editor notes with interest that the earth i shrink­ ing. Literally. It seems that Mt. Evere t has been remeasured by the surveyors and found to be seven fe t horter than previously reckon d. Th new measurement involved laser beams, satellites, reflectiv prism , and ma iv calculati n to corr ct for temperatur ,air d nsity, and gravitational pull. The re ult: Mt. Ev Ie t ha hrunk from 29,029 fe t,3 inches, to a mere 29,022 feet, 7 inche . Som how, it tilll k the am .

MEIlIOI~ '9 61 The Final Word Jenny Marie Johnson

Long before the first of january, Columbia. Other discoveries of the 1992 was hailed as the year of Colum­ year include Pompeii's ruins and the bus. Celebrations of, and demonstra­ . The English tions against, Columbus were orga­ navigator died at nized; exhibitions and publications sea while attempting to repeat his were prepared. But what of all of the circumnavigation of the earth, and other happenings of '92 (or even '42)? 15,000 died in London of plague. There are many things that could Britain's first globes were made 100 have been commemorated beyond years after Behaim's by Edward Columbus. Wright and Emery Molyneux. Columbus was not the only doer of 1111642 the world lost one great 1492. During the same time, Martin thinker, Galileo Galilei, and gained Behaim assembled his globe in another, 15<'cc Newton. The British Nuremberg and Leonardo da Vinci continued empire building with Abel was centuries ahead of Boeing, Tasman's discovery of and McDonald Douglas, and the Wright New Zealand, and the French v'ere brothers with his drawings of flying busy finishing the Loire-Seine canal machines. The Timetables of History (begun in 1604) and founding states that during 1492 the "profes­ Montreal, Canada. Britain was sion of book publisher emerges, investing heavily in maritime trade, consisting of the three pursuits of and Lloyd's coffee house was estab­ type founder, printer, and book lished as the headquarters of marine seller:' 1992 could have also been insurance in 1692. This probably was celebrated as the five hundredth not in time to insure any of the ships anniversary of Hernando de Solo's destroyed on july seventh when Port birth; he died iJl 1542, yet another Royal, was destroyed by an date to commemorate ill 1992. earthquake. Spain remains a strong player in There were two ways to measure the '42 and '92 retrospective for the temperature in 1742, the Fahrenheit next 100 years. The same year thai de scale which had been introduced in It is interesting to nole Soto died Pope Paul III established the early 1720's and the new Centi­ that a Spaniard, the Inquisition, 51. Francis Xavier grade scale. Anders Celsius, a Bartolome de las Casas in his "Very Brief arrived at Goa, and Antonio da Mota Swedish astronomer, originally Account of the Ruins of (Portuguese) was the first European indicated that water's boiling point the Indies," protested to enter japan. It is interesting to was 0° and its freezing point was against rulhless Spolnish note that a Spaniard, Bartolome de las 100°; these values were later reversed treollmenl of Native Americans a mere fifty Casas in his "Very Brief Account of by Linnaeus. Celsius connects with years afler Columbus the Ruins of the Indies," protested geography through the exhibition he sailed. against ruthless Spanish treatment of led to L:'lpland 10 confirm Newton's Native Americans a mere fifty years flat pole theory. after Columbus sailed. What a Travel to chilly realms was also in "modern" view! the news for 1792 when Mackenzie The Spanish begin fading from traveled across Canada from the view after the middle of the sixteenth Atlantic to the Pacific. In the same century and the British begin empire year, news was traveling from Paris building. 1592 was an important year to LiUe via a network of 22 sema­ for the Pacific Northwest coast of phore stations using machiJlery North America because juan de Fuca invented by Claude Chappe. discovered "his" strait and British Fast-forwarding 180 years, geogra-

62 MEIIJl)IAN 0) e:ii!l phers and cartographers could have (completed in 1783) commemorated the hventieth anni­ 1843 Publication of Humbolrs versary of the launching of Landsat 1 Asie centrale on July 23,1972. This ship is a far cry from Columbus' nao (the ill-fated In the worlds ofcartography, s.,'nta Maria) and two caravels. geography, and exploration there are Fast-forwarding 180 What can we look backward to in many players and events to com­ years, geographers and 1993 and 1994? memorate every year. Although the cartographers could have commemorated the world will always owe some kind of twentieth anniversary of 1493 Pope Alexander VI divides debt 10 the brave men and their the launching of newly d.iscovered lands in leader who saiJed in three small Landsat 1 on July 23, the western hemisphere ships, there was much more to 1992 1972. between Spain and Portugal beyond "sailing the ocean blue:' (codified in 1494 by the Treaty ofTordesillas) LITERATURE CITED 1493 Publication of the Nllremberg Chronicle Academic Americall EI/cyclopedia 1543 Publication of Copernicus' !computer filel. New York: De nwlutiol1iblls orbhllll GroUer Electronic Publishing, 1992. coe/estillm (banned until 1758) Bagrow, Leo. History of Carlography. 1544 Publication of Agricola's De 2nd ed., revised and enlarged by ortll el calfsis sllbterralleorUIl1 R.A. Skelton. Chicago: Precednt 1594 Barents sails from Publishing, 1985. and reaches Ellcyclopacdia of Dales & Evel/ts. Kent, Novaya Zemla and the Kara Eng.: Hodder & Stoughton, 1991. Sea Crun, Bernard. TIle Timetables of 1743 French explorers reach the History. New 3rd revised ed. New Rocky Mountain foothills York: Simon & Schuster, 1991. 1744 Cassini begins surveying Provost, Fosler. Columbus Dictionary. France using Detroit: Omnigraphics, 1991.

lNFORMATION FOR CONTRIBUTORS Mt'fidian is published semi-annually by the American inch floppies. Any word processor, DOS or Maclntosh, is Library Association's Map and Goography Round Table. acceptable, as long as an additional ASCII file is included Meridian welcomes articles from all disciplines which on the disk. Roppies should be clearly labled as to oper­ discuss any aspect of the world of cartographic infomla­ ating system and wordprocessor employed. Original tion. There are two parts in the editorial selection process. disks will be returned to the author. Manuscripts should Research articles will be selected by the double-blind include a cover sheet with the authors name and address, referee system, using at least hvo readers in addition to the which should not appear anywhere on the rest of the editor and associate editor. When published, articles that manuscript. A 75-100 word abstract should also be have been refereed will be clearly labeled as such. The included. The dtation style manual for textual references journal will contain some non·research(refereed articles in endnotes is the Chicago Mamml of Style, 13th edition, sec­ that contribute to our knowledge of the practice of tions 15.38-15.57. The style manual for references to carto­ information storage and retrieval for collections of graphic material is enrtogmpllic Citlfti01IS: A Style Guide, by cartographic materials. Non-refereed materials will be Suzanne M. Clark, Mary Lynette Larsgaard, and Cynthia labeled as such. The author is responsible for making M. Teague. (Chicago: Map and Geography Round Table, suggested revision of accepted material. The editorial staff American Library AssociatOll, 1992). Meridiall uses stand· reserves the right to make minor editorial changes for the ard numbered endnotes; please do not use footnotes. sake of clarity. Authors will be provided with p.lge proofs Photogr,'phsshould be 8 x 10 black-and-white glossies. prior to publication. Full-length manuscripts should Tables and/or figures should be submitted in camera­ generally not exceed 7.soo words, although exceptions ready fonn. (Tables and figures printed by a laser printer can, and will be made. All editorial material should be are acceptable as camera-ready copy). Authors should addressed to: Charles A. Seavey, Editor, ML>ridilfll, keep in mind that any illustration may be reduced for University of Arizona, 1515 East First Street, Tucson, AZ reproduction and should be designed accordingly. 85719. Authors should submit three hard copies, double Original arhvork will be returned to the author. spaced, as well as an electronic version on either 5.25 or 3.5

~ MEIlJl)!AN 9 63 Corrections mention any number of librarian authored books which routinely Ed Dahl, of the National Archives include discussion of maps in with of Canada, called your editor shortly "Non-Print Media" but perhaps we after the publication of Meridiall 7, to will leave that for another day. gently point out that Carolyn Martin, in her review of Cartographic Citations: a Style Guide (pages 47-49) stated that Archival Citations: Suggestions for the Corrections to Meridian 8 Citatioll of Documents at tile Public Due to errors in the transcription Archives of Canada, dealt only with process, there are some misspellings printed maps, when in fact there are in "The Wonderful World of Geo­ extensive references made to manu­ graphic Names: Things Learned and script material therein. He sent along Things Yet to be Learned" by a copy of Arc/rival Citations ... to make Meredith F. Burrill, Executive Secre­ his point. tary Emeritus of the Board on Geo­ Carolyn Martin replies: graphic Names. They are as follows: In my review of Cartographic Citations: a Style Guide (Meridian 7, Page 32, column 1, paragraph 2, pages 47-49) I stated that Arclrival line 3, read "cumpstable" for "com­ Citations: Suggesfions for /lre Citation of fortable," likewise for lines 5 and 7. DOCllllleuts at tile Public ArclJives of Page 33, column 1, paragraph 3, Cmrada " ...printed maps are the only line 16, read "Amundsen" for cartographic medium addressed." "Albertson," likewise line 19. Ed Dahl has kindly pointed out that this is not exactly the case. I would Page 33, column 2, paragraph 4, like to go on record as stating that my line 3, read "Cienaga" for "Siennaga," use of the term "printed maps" was likewise line 4. incorrect. J was trying to point out that media such as aerial photogra­ Page 34, column 1, paragraph 1, phy or digital imagery were not line 15, read "gurnet" for "gurent," covered, but that "printed" maps, likewise line 18. either machine printed or hand printed material such as manuscript Page 34, column 2, paragraph 1, maps were the only type of image line 4, read "Donner" for "Donart," covered. But the term "printed" is and "Pass a LOlltre" for "Passa Luch." too limited in a meaning to get that distinction across. Arclrival Cita- Page 34, column 2, paragraph 1, tiolls ... does cover manuscript maps line 5, read "Pas a GriJJe" for "Passa in some detail, and so my review Gril." should have recognized that. My apologies for any misunderstanding. Page 37, column 1, paragraph 1, line 5, read "cumpstable" for "comf­ Carolyn Martin table." Westmont College Santa Barbara, CA Page 37, column 1, paragraph 2, line 17, read "Hoosac" for "Husak," Note from tire Editor: I believe that the likewise line 18. problem arises from Carolyn's education and training as an artist. A slightly different version of Mr. The term "printing" carries some Burrill's article appears in Names 39.3 broader connotations in that world (September, 1991), pages 181~190. than it always does in ours, and therein lies the confusion. We could

MEHlDl,\N 9 ~