1979-02-13 BCC Meeting Minutes
i ;i February 13, 1979 Page 417 In ti Ir Meeting The Board of County Commissioners met in Commission Chambers in the Courthouse 11 11 Opened 1: on Tuesday, February 13, 1979. Commissioners Allen E. Arthur, Jr.; Lamar Thomas; I ! Dick Fischer; Lee Chira and Ed Mason were present. Also present were County 1 i Administrator James Harris, Assistant County Attorney Tom Wilkes and Deputy 1 j /I Clerk Mary Jo Hudson. There being a quorum, the Chai rman cal led the meeting to I/ order at 9:00 a.m. Following the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, the Board /I f 1 paused for a moment of silent invocation. i! it 1. Upon a motion by Commissioner Fischer, seconded by Commissioner Mason and carried, 1; I; 1 the Board approved the minutes of the meeting of January 23, 24, 25 and 1:- I i1 February 1, 1979, and waived the reading of same. I I I Warrants and Upon a motion duly made, seconded and carried, the following warrants were Vouchers approved by the Board having been certified by the Finance Director that same had not been drawn on overexpended accounts: List # Amoun t Handicapped Chi 1 d Program Head Start Program Victim Advocate Program Spouse Abuse Youth P rograms Rehabi 1 i tat ion Center Green House I I Green House Citizens Dispute Settlement Diversion Project CSA Energy Program Neighborhood Services C. D., Housing Repair CETA I CETA I I CETA I I I YETP CETA VI Child Support Enforcement Program Commun i ty Development , 4th year Commun i ty Deve 1 opmen t , 3 rd year CETA VI Pub1 ic Works Sewer Grant Solid Waste Regular Board Civic Center Fund 53 Self Insurance Fund 58 7th Gas Tax Fund 82 Attorney Upon a mot ion by Commissioner Chi ra, seconded by Commissioner Mason and carried, 1 Payment 1, the Board accepted the recommendations of staff and approved payment of $219.73 ! to Mateer, Harbert, Bechtel & Phal in for attorney costs for the month of 1 January, 1979.
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