1895. Congressional Record-House. 381
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1895. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 381 Also, a bill (H. R. 2990) to authorize the Secretary of War to By Mr. MOODY: Resolution of citizens of Haverhill, Mass., remove the charge of desertion as to William Rodamer-to the approvingtheaction of the UnitedStates Government in demand Committee on Military Affairs. ing of Turkey protection of the life and interests of American res Also, a bill (H. R. 2991) for the relief of Tobias E. Lamb-to idents in that Empire, and urging the establishment of United the Committee on Claims. States consulates in the Armenian centers-to the Committee on Also, a bill (H. R. 2992) to authorize the Secretary of the Navy Foreign Affairs. to remove the charp;e of desertion as to Thomas Dunn-to the By Mr. RUSK: Petition for increase of pension for Mrs. Jane Committee on Naval Affairs. Dulaney-to the Committ-ee on Invalid Pensions. By Mr. CALDERHEAD: A bill (H. R. 2993) for the relief of By Mr. SORG: Papers to accompany bill for relief of C. W. John Kircher-to the Committee on Military Affairs. McGeehan-to the Committee on Military Affairs. Also, a bill (H. R. 2994) granting a penpion to Martha M. Ker- By Mr. TAFT: Resolutions adopted by the Cincinnati Chamber sey-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. · of Commerce, approving the course of the President as expressed Also, a bill (H. R. 2995) to remove the charge of desertion from in his message and of Congress on the Venezuelan question-to the military record of John Willoughby, of Washington, Kans., the Committee on Foreign Affairs. and grant him an honorable discharge-to the Committee on Mil Also, memorandum in regard to the military record of Cyrenus itary Affairs. P. Bratt-to the Committee on Military Affairs. Also, a bill (H. R. 2996) granting a pension to Mrs. M. C. Gur By Mr. STEELE: Petition of David Whisler and 50 others, of ney, of Palmer, Kans.-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. North Manchester, Ind., for tariff on draft horses-to the Com Also, a bill (H. R. 2997) for the relief of George W. Warren, of mittee on Wavs and Means. Vermillion, Kans.-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. By Mr. TYLER: Paperstoaccompanybillfor therelief of Jane Also, a bill (H. R. 2998) for the relief of Margaret Theirer, widow Elizabeth Owen~to the Committee on Military Affairs. of Jacob Theirer-to the Committee on Claims. By Mr. WATSON of Ohio: Papers relating to the cla1m of By Mr. FARIS: A bill (H. R. 2999) for the relief of Willis Ben Francis A. Field, late captain Eleventh United States Infantry field-to the Committee on Claims. to the Committee on Military Affairs. By Mr. FOSS: A bill (H. R. 3000) for the relief of George !sen stein-to the Committee on Military Affairs. By Mr. MILLIKEN: A bill (H. R. 3001) granting a pension to Cynthia A. Lapham, widow of William B. Lapham-to the Com HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. mittee on Invalid Pensions. SATURDAY, December 28,1895. Also, a bill (H. R. 3002) to remove the charge of desertion against Louis B. Weymouth-to the Committee on Military Affairs. The House met at 12 o'clock m. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. Also, a bill (H. R. 3003) for the relief of Walter R. Gray-to the H. M. COUDEN. Committee on Claims. The Journal of the proceedings of Friday was read and ap Also, a bill (H. R. 3004) for the relief of Edwin 0. Sargent-to proved. the Committee on Military Affairs. RONDS AND CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS. By Mr. RUSK: A bill (H. R. 3005) for the relief of Nicholas Ganster-to the Committee on Military Affairs. The House~ under the order adopted yesterday, resumed the By Mr. STEELE: A bill (H. R. 3006) granting a pension to Mrs. con!3ideration of the bill (H. R. 2904) to maintain and protect the Ann P. · Slack, widow of the late Brig. Gen. James · R. Slack, coin redemption fund, and to authorize the issue of certificates of United States Volunteers, deceased-to the Committee on Invalid indebtedness to meet temporary deficiencies of revenue. Pensions. The SPEAKER. The Chair desires to say to the House that in Also, a bill (H. R. 3007) granting an increase of pension to the allotment of time thus far those in opposition to the bill have Michael Pettis-to the Committee on Pensions. · consumed so much that of their time there is remaining one hour, Also, a bill (H. R. 3008) granting a pension to Martha M. Claw and to the other side there remain two hours; but the Chair thinks son-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. there has been some misapprehension with regard to it~ and per haps, if there is no objection on the part of the House, a fair division of the time would be an hour and forty minutes in favor PETITIONS, ETC. of the bill, and the remainder to the other side, if that is satis factory. The Chair would be very glad if the gentleman from Under clause 1 of Rule XXII, the following petitions and papers Georgia [Mr. CR;iSP] would assume control of the time in opposi were laid on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: tion, as the Chair understands some arrangements have been By Mr. CANNON of illinois: Petition of W. W. Smith, Samuel made of that sort. Or if the gentleman from Georgia will make McAdams, and others, citizens of Illinois, favoring the payment some indication to the Chair, the Chair will give recognition of French spoliation claims-to the Committee on Claims. accordingly. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Pennsyl By Mr. DAYTON: Petition of Clarence L. Smith and 253 other vania rMr. DALZELL l. citizens of West Virginia, praying that the navigation of the Mo Mr. "DALZELL. 1 yield ten minutes to my colleague [Mr. nongahela River be made free-to the Committee on Rivers and BROSIUSl. Harbors. Mr. BROSIUS. Mr. Speaker, our present situation is full of By Mr. GROSVENOR: Memorial and evidence to support House difficulty. The Treasury of the United States is in d1stress. The bill for the relief of James and Emma S. Cameron-to the Com white flag is out. This Congress can not afford to pass by on the mittee on War Claims. other side like the priest and Levite. We must render help, and Also, preamble and resolutions of the Logan (Ohio) Bushnell do it speedily. It doesn't matter what misadventure caused the Club, upholding the · Mom·oe doctrine, extending sympathy to dilemma or by what route we arrived in the Dismal Swamp of our Cuban patriots, and deprecating the failure of the current Admin distress. It is our plain duty to get out of it as speedily as pos istration to apply the principles of the Monroe doctrine to Cuba and sible. Such a situation must make every member of this House other struggling peoples-to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. sensible of the claims his country has upon him to assist-at least By Mr. HICKS: P etition of W. S. Davis, G. E. Conrad, Fred. not to hinder-legislation calculated to afford 1·elief. Miller, John D. Landis, and a large number of other honorably Two propositions relating to the measure before the House seem discharged soldiers and sailors of "Johnstown, Pa., asking for an to me to be fundamental and indisputable. We must maintain amendment of the act of June 27, 1890, reducing the limit of service our gold reserve and we must provide the means of meeting the from ninety days to sixty and thirty days-to the Committee on current expenses of the Government. On these two propositions Invalid Pensions. there can be no controversy on this floor. We only arrive on the By Mr. KEM: Papers to accompany bill for relief of William field of contention when we come to consider the mode of carry Cromie-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. ing out these propositions. In respect to the gold resenre, it may Also, papers to accospany bill to pension Emily Grove-to the be .said that the situation of the Treasm·y of the United States un Committee on Invalid-.t'ensions. der our system is singularly unique. I thin;k it is the only place By Mr. LACEY: Petition of George W. D. Wade, for increase where gold redemption is absolutely compulsory without qualifi of pension-to the Committee on Pensions. cation or limitation. It is the only custodian of gold on the face Also, evidence in support of the bill to pension M. D. Box-to the of the earth, that I know of, which is without the means of resist Comm1ttee on Invalid Pensions. ing incursions from foreign claimants or domestic speculators or By Mr. MAHON: Two petitions of citizens of Huntingdon hoarders. Its necessities compel it to surrender its gold on de County, Pa., praying for the passage of House bill No. 5246 of the mand without means of replenishing the supply. As the stock Fifty-third Congress, to restrict immigration, and known as the diminishes the rush increases to get what remains, for a shrinkage W. A. Stone bill-to the Committee on Immigration and Natural in the reserve below what we are educated to regard as the appre ization. hensive limit, namely, $100,000,000, clouds the credit of the notes By Mr. McEWAN: Resolutions asking relief for Armenians and that rest upon it and causes doubt and distrust in the public Kurd~-to the Committee on Foreign Affairs.