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/manrtal. a.rio Smaniial. Pl * f M . "inciiuial. gold ¦=bifwioiit.s have '..'en wi oontlnaoaa thal tin-y f A PM urol. 21.1 ______. ACTIVITY IN STOCKS. aro entir.ly dlawgni-ted Bpeculation, beoauae w nt Nof nrsf 47.1 ib thal iin'.v willhy be Ktntocd ln n fcw 11...ni A Ti'.M.. i. o expeoted ... . ron. io 47* niaiiv InwaI ffi. 8 Aransas in.nitl:i fnl.l. f. 7.ts Ii,-aa n »r.-i . Pass Co. was BO fy OPERATIOXS THE CAUSE. lu tho loeal dioney market there impor. iliontrai.i 110 3.M4 AN INVESTMENT HOME .'l.l um* <* M. .. tant ohange ln the ratet fof eltbei cail br K 1...I at K 8 l'M. 0 REORCANIZATION. l,,;,iis. Tbe hic-ftt-l r.iie the Stock Bxchaage K A I>M l.rt.... IU"* Ai* ADVANCE IN PBICI8 NOT IIELPED BY waa made ou Kriii.iy, bnl the adrance lo 5 po LakaE A wost.. 18 a.Ai'i Hi ll 12 MoiS The underalgr.ed have been appolnted a lUoreuiiuito THE W Oft* H,3f.» Wlll Con.inlttee under an was Creah offerings l,K.t j.ret.I TM egreen.ent dated March eent foUowed by STREET 2, 1»1 .. Bll.l UIE and CITV aouli Oetobar. SALT promptly a* i, bu. a April wltb the Centtal TTust EUROPEAN INFLUENC I>. nnd at tiie close funds were readily obtainable Slioro.!t.I 10» 22.H4IJ Paylng Divi.lciids " Company of New-Torkl k T^_ lt was iiiir-.Tt.-im lAte 4.M5 out the CM* 2«-p. m. tlie f.iniierly Bormal rates. I/mik Island.I 01 Sunday, April wiu'tlier the ndvanee waa cused entirels bj tne lymuA Kaah.... *'.»'< 4B.216 OF THE ltu>t week received I.N \ A '.¦' 4bU «r. a* le.'.'in STOCK Tl.e Vnited States Ticasurer needa oi bekted boirowere or by memipnlation ny Coal at. 118 Iohu! iohhi li.i rev< nue the MaUonina '"' i Plan of from customs $3,711,017, ttmm intontal the i.perators for I deoiine in itooka. BUpply Manliat 1 lll. II 1. 1HOO. DlM MAUCH 1, 031 : $6,783,083, waa a trifle nicrc a.-tive. TIk' larger apeoulatlon MMi.'l'.'"»-.;-I.s « W nr<*t. 17 Capital Stock. $1,500,000. Rlghts are statement a new ae- 61.) 1910. ext*nd«d. ac-ordlng to the term, ot tha for the preecdlac week. 11m weekly in Btoeka and bonda natnially crtaU*d Minn A st 1. each. full psiid »"<* Subject Reorren'zatlon Agr.etaent. to net casli un Mwi.t- stl.nref. -.'.ll' $10 th'. HO EBBBBBBBBBata BONDS, $1,000 EACH. Moneage bcnde to «ub«fHhe to the f..nd for loana were made MK*T. l,...tll> to at Mi-tn-i*>o!ltnn ca,* \? in and an increuse ol $.'..411» in tlio dtMAttm aaual Stock E.change eollaterala M K *T vrM. Interen payaMB M:-.r-h and Septembcr qulrcmento (eroountlng to B3.349G37), and th, Vftufta at 4 eent lor si\*y days and from M.5 }-.. MoPac. CH.KIO Pres. trustee. rlgkt, m 'Danks. ''.V the Btate- l-_ per i.s.M B F. Butler, of Massachusetts, Trnst Coaspaay, tfaw-Yat-i aubacrlbe to su.-h fund will b*:ong exriusively u> in Nation.il Ae.*...rdini:iy eent lor four an.l B-. montha. l_e h Mol. A oii.". Hon of th, wns pcr luo Treas. TOTAL IS**T'E 8600.000-AMOt'NTNOW OFFKRED dapaallara tald bond* or their aseigns who ment the n(*t docrense in cash in vaultjs $1,- were flrm tbronghoul the at*MO lOaV lo'i'. nus.' 2,072 J W. Late Treas. U. S., such in form afi«M exehangei of 1 ln « x'w.v'rK caaC'l IW*J IA IWaj Hon' Hyatt, .4100.000. right proper and lodgo tho aeceptece, « Tlie volume t,f silver imt.'s isstted in were nol relieved hy tho sliipments gold. 2CTCAML. liM I4>| Vta. sncli right* wlth the tentral 087,882. bUb nor NVC A stl. prf.. i4VJ DIRECTORS. hou»e, equlp. Tru.t (ompony oo o» be. waa no additlona] ol eommerdal Socured by mortiiairi* coverins: road, power auch date aa the paymciit of silver bullion WM increns'd l.y $036,- anppb* NYr.vst 1,2.1 n: ,-... BEMJ r. BUTLER. o! taiieeuhusBtlB the fore eofmr.ittf« may nan.... of drafta foreign pnwhaaea w. ,..(i nii traac-iaaa airaai by OHBtaaay. Tho connnlltee nc* Bll. So that the vdunie of money in eircuh- againsl in«.«C"JJ£5il..- .narknt, KT L«a eu*,!*t* of tho .cnUol the unfm.dwi debt of ft* There was anythlng doing N\ LKA W un. ".*¦ Tli- rranfattf Include all thc princlpad Senrcely ... \ \ i* >.. 1,1 V-"'*"' compuny (Ir.cludlng llens upon the tiun was niat-rlally inerease.l l.y the opcraions bul rites were well xv a nk. naaatm .Itv, ni:.: UM .'..inp-fty haa 82 WAmt of alaBMa road rted. brancliia m, yesterday, n^n^JJfor long and KY Ml A .1 »riT.i i'r-. I7tu Wart ba* and BtaalB, and rolllng atock cltiimcd to be prlor to u-.e of tl.e The ehaniea it. the 85 i-i and $i 88 1-8 reapectiTely XV A W. ^.;,s1Ac: (10 inlles docblo and 1- n,IH*s *luKle trm.k,, eijuipped mT Treaanry. prinelpal $1 UcB gagea), th- ROCK, the [XOOMI ttOBBB m« as A Ebort aterling. .___ :. v oal A vt.., i.i th,* Spr-Bin' *y«U.-m. v,;:..t l.aUnc-.-s were made up falloWS! 1Vli:i. tho boud*.. B0W9B, to wit: foU Cineinnnti. CliicaRo and .v Weet hhn. IN A-II. aiTordini: 9*09 muMin of -.oourlty for kaa a reduction of The Pittabara, Nortolk .;<.:;,;ti:. ocdn and bollion, Ijouis Railwav diibred Ita flrsl quarterli dividcnd X..r,'. Wprul.., 'ihe booka BBM caih co>t of conatructlon cortifi.-ates. and a gain in stock for *:,<¦ quarter Ntato valued at. The Ist Bonds of e..in and less an ¦with the known oontervat-im of ******* XV A Nor nrot... Morfgage 6% 1881 tii.n ol $1,003,421 ln buiiion. reanon tor belfcving that fittii.v Mlaa., n of r.-rtifioates. A further Bmall ,, afford- exeellent A of the ituo Hoathen.... Total value..f6*l..»l>.10 The 1st Bonds of issue $711,328 11s r e w 11 ho naintained. itatement Oriiffiii linn. MANN. .Supt Concord A Montreal Raiiroad Morigage 5% 1888. notes was 0*81 a the ,..:;p,:,.s onmn; It A X... Hon!"f."V'- less in Icral-tpnder f.ill.v bj y.,.r of Orirffui nt > .< tlampshlro. ,, v v e.itlmate of the vaiuo HOLDERS OF FIRST S-SffTtbe -. This amount doea not includo any UBTEtOAQB ROMlHWIlA l.ank notea. The Treasury's lia- proMearaiwo ?i... Or.'nun 8 1. ra»h coat of the ^.ain in National the oonaoUdallon showy 14. AftM deduct- 1-, ii t taat. of tranehlaaa or rlffht* of way, and the HAVE NOT YET IIECOUE PAKTIE« IO THI bank notes 033 and net earnlngs ol *8.987.4 Peo u.i-a v.t.... xv".*' ''", over extenaione PI.AX OF hility foi tiie redemplion of National and for .: ¦¦. property win be laat asad a> asoo.ooo by KI.OKUANl/.ATION AHE HKOIIKKn inc on thl bonded debl payment PlillH.t. ll...-iilinf. Ika nud thi* taaaaa. TO l.il'.IMT THEIK sEM >dueed by $826,767, leavhw thc depoaita of intJre-t other small ***** P Kl W A.'liifl. Flrst National Bank, Littlo Rock. in ptogreaa and aqalpaaeal la ba put bb KITIEs WITH THC and I'lilliiiuii.'.ir oe.. r.t^ROtxSTaS&B U for ttxve and for um < ENTH vi. TUVtVB to.MPAXY on or lawfnl money for that purpoae at $44,140,816. mckawTrentab shows . surp u. for *e National Bank, Thla pioaoal bsad laaaa parposaa. hkfiihi K£T tl,.* K-teme»tIhe lneotne BC-COUnt WK -,- c. * stl, K.A.' :...i:'.IU'SON". President Flrst Il,|.iiilutl.a of Um OaaSlBg debt Incurred in clwnglni? tlio APKIL 30. 1*91. AFTEIt WHIt II UATE BONOS is yesterday's stateuicnt, compared vc-i* of 8-74.074. .prto atiH pi CAStLpref.... WILL HK WMCBIVUU ONLY FOlt Babjoined ,',rt.*r f..r whlch the d.vidend wna taade pu. i A Wee uri'i Mtti power. sifll LI.M. wit'.i that of 19: lt nrt earainga of $1 ,tT82r Ri iis.v Bar.. (ot tho year cnrtiiiR Aprll 1, 1S01-. *--l.03-.15 ITED TIME As THK COMMriTEE MAV DE. April t .re fiv.irii'le. ihowa lt:. ,v Weet Pt.. Hl Al :.l 18. April 25. Diflereuces. thc of I'tnri. Transfar Apts, expeii"**, repaira a-ad tases. 139,220.33 TERMIXK ANO BJF.CT TO A Ffc.NALTY Of !; payment n» Hl. BA W Co, OpBlBlllH Oolrt coir. and 1 ul., ^and.al.er cflirst, «£i Ut... Tjist Maae. TWO PER CEXT. IX CASH. «^f* W A Boeton, I«i.i> M-rnln-a for the quarter 928«,a84. ItuiiiH. ExchaniiO BulMlnn, rnmiros and the nrt tocome I'.n.fi W. Xot. .:g_4,M1.8« Central Truat Company ENlRAVKD Dec. v?i..., $2-2,033, the it (. w prel. ("ERTIFICATE8 041.808,725 941'.602 620 8*088.088 a^arpliis after paynii'n. Hl f.i.n>.A.v T H wlll be Usued la depc.itors. Tha ^'rtiflfaoan ' fl^'^na^rUve-s Consists of repre»entlnf 470.273 Dec 140,788 st paalA i.i.ii.'.: The Property of the Company Int-rost charffc on (MOO.OOO bonda at 6 per eent per an- Flr.-t MortgafB 6 pr aaal bond* af IMS ai.d lbM 017.020 st l" ,t I'.ii prel ¦¦: have ,,-... :<.:.::,:<:... 3.-.70 917 Inc. 186,481 fiii-t. B.000 city um, nuin, .24,000. Baaa li«tcd ou th.: New-York Maefe and k; i- Vla .V Man. -"-¦-','." ..ft,JI:'l,.".'vt;..' thc Exchuige, appitf*. b..\.;r rt. I.ar. uiiJ Boatt) i'..?iflc. Wi* luvc .-xawlned the road and booka of Company tlon has been made to ll-t tho-*- rtpres. nting the FiraB 1.V200.951 Inc. Tettf l'avinc. vi,I raraUM ail Rtat'-mi-nta. Mortgage 6 per cent bonds of 1698. tMeMaa''.".'.'".". 14,888388 _880,0«8 T muet be atlll A Ar A 14 M ThaaB oaniliifw, thouijh v.ry latlafacwry, OF THK OP Ib2_044.007 Pcc. f1,074.1-81 T«l because of ad- COPIF.rt Pf.AH REOROAXIZATIOX Oaafe ln TraMUT-088,110,048 Uaion Pactflo... f.irth. r laeraaaaS duriim UM current j-ear, BIVIBfl Fl LL PARTHl'LARS. S^Set-eW^ StocB <.f 'I.- .¦".' rta, r«. MAY BE «ei>"nl and mor.* mll.'aee. J"t'',..n: i.l,-,»s'.. 28.042,770 Wis.vntnti. 1HIBO. etartand tor tha dltlonal e'luipment TAIXED AT THE OFFM E OF THE CENTRAL ___*__l "< ,..," Allllnola Raiiroad Company. '.:>.. to Odnlal 1670. _2,8*>4 ooree-pondlni Wi of l.-nldlt.p :. r:.ilri.iiii fi'.m Tallap... ". Population CtBWia, TKIST CO. OF NEVV-YOKIi Olt FROM TOOU balaiieB..8»«.081.72fl 8CO.908.884 Dae. 01.087.889 .^^Jg^Sn «J So_t_ Wuii.isti nlirnone the .', 20,708 AhV week in Apr , )ir.-f. L, ;,,-,, Ua 120 mllea, that arlll net eompany Population Oflidal ;i-.u*, MM. MEMBER OF THE COMMITTEK. BANK CONDJTIONS OOMPABEII SxtaT-fva"; inr:mi,'SoMV°seeo.d aver- \V * I.F.. ti... capital al «k al fta rallroa* pay- offlciai Oeaaaa, leOO. 44,813 return (rain! a Population le'jl. t' Sni.-Trens.iry i «-i r. fortv^flve oompanlea \m. i, Ertaimc 30,000 New-York, April 10, Hy the operationa of e New-York Weatl T.-i. kiii'irril 'ihe Taliunooee Furnace, f.n thc llne of the pnpulalWon now about. the * AiUi.i* -f '¦*-- ln 15 aa a horse-oar FKEDKRIC P. Ol.CilTT, in the week ended Friday night, whieh inelnded .... Bxpraaa.. ,.' \ :, Raiiroad. Tn th clt3 Tallapoow, Thn raUway mt opetattaa yeara turn ktfses Amer Baywaa .. Id f..ii:,.-.. b.lng nf 50 tona capaclty, manufe. JOSEPH WHARTOX, for at other pointe, nveraMi.^ P£ Cg- ndlng V s llne, ai.d puld lar.o dlvldend*. ..I w tfspraea. .. hot blaat eharcoal car-wl.i ;p.ci|.t $348,000 paymeal number rfves ,* r eent. j i,..|...: _frade of cold am) HENRY ni Dl.K. ¦"7°.:.-'...', i 8 ,,. W.-lls % Docunienta, report-., ptioto.r-ph*. and further partlculars Tl.e prest-nt ilu, ., ,. the hanks ffained $1,267,218. ",., on WUMUUUlti BMoeiated American Cable.. vii-'TIl l'i. ledmont tllaaa Worka, altuatcd tbe llne at our i.nii*i.. CIMWB4 ahowed <_':.-¦¦ '.:¦- 1 ru-i...... tho cl , of J. HENXEDY weekly bank atatement pnbliahed yesterday ^.^r'rop.^rf.^h^-'k-s.i-htlyltien'.ised ,,t ,', .. rla-Parlflc Kallr. id, ln Tallapooee. of and accrued interont. TOO. Tiie in.'rease in p.ii-mn .Mail. mi 12-poi furnace eapiclty, aml man- Frlce bondii, par AI.FRED B B galn in caah of $1,464,400. tegal- <-...:« ill.IMf-fl flas. ufacturtng Mnt-glara llaaka and prcecrlpUon war... I."+ HEIDELBACB, in wa.; (fl \ llix-kCA » CHRYS7IE& JANNEY, BRIC P MWENMfc wi b bui ii.<- baa apede ,'iici. of tbe .... e. int valu. . ., tendera $2,408,000, p. OlCoelA Iron.. Theie an alrcady Int-atert nn th prop-rty .f thla .-om- HAMiKU", Hrorjfanlzatlon Ceamlttoa. H is a natural iufcicnce from the M.irvl.nnH oal... in tl...... il.itent* ot $044,500. II co.i.pii.l 103,8.8 li-1 Kta c.-ntral ''..to nanv, settled In 2,000 6 WALL-.-.T., NEW-YORK. a. S. ELLIS. with the known more- 8 -.*1;1,l-,l'1"V»1'A1.**V;,l..*c. In.u Shom are Xortbirn people, who have tallepopaa atatement, in eonneetion ¦..uinpaiiie*.. Ttnii nal A la-f three v u-: 882 houaea, 15 manufacturlng Secretary, 64 Wali-et, New-Tork. from 122 8.8 kf».! vtitiiln tln- arater menta ol money, that the return oi earrency ToUl 13 ,*0'8.f2'6.i7,-l3*l.M27,43.Inc. mihi.il-.. Induatrlf* and 10 I,.-.:..- houeca, schoola, church**, OnUne ... electric llBbta, ±75,000 hotel u.-id new manufactur¬ the outilow of SSd".'u we*..-.wi . li)iii Ap Aiml- i7,ie,°0 ln.-. .-i-:''-:.l*'''' 1 '¦'-' yiiii-k-ilv : ...- '¦ A.< wi.rkn. the interioi oonaiderahlj anrpaaaad 45 ,-*: ...|;- 80.714 87 'i'..'.i'¦¦ ri'.¦' IOO 100 10 lng induatriea building. companlea.cl *.'.¦!.;.'*Vli- 1,!,*. An The in loaus can .,..(.i.¦!-¦-¦ - 13 3U0 tn Europe. large deereaae ¦20 BaatpaaleB. -^<_ Uninsx irK. 2"il gold *A i...« itmn... »-\"o Ctt'a H ** on ii.<- _-_.._¦ miis 010 lnc. a_07.891 l.o OF THE COMPANY noi rcaaonahlj be explained exeept theoiy ta.4-l.8Sl J A 8 S