THE NATURAL GENESIS First published London, Williams and Norgate, 1883. This electronic edition issued by Celephaïs Press, somewhere beyond the Tanarian Hills, and mani(n)fested in the waking world in Leeds, Yorkshire, England, 2004. This work is in the public domain. Release 1.01: January 2008. Tidied up headers, added new cover, otherwise nothing changed. Could probably use further proof-reading but I need a better copy-text than the crappy page-scans I based this off. Please report errors to
[email protected] citing revision date or release number. THE NATURAL GENESIS: OR SECOND PART OF A BOOK OF THE BEGINNINGS, CONTAINING AN ATTEMPT TO RECOVER AND RECONSTITUTE THE LOST ORIGINES OF THE MYTHS AND MYSTERIES, TYPES AND SYMBOLS, RELIGION AND LANGUAGE, WITH EGYPT FOR THE MOUTHPIECE AND AFRICA FOR THE BIRTHPLACE BY GERALD MASSEY. VOLUME I. Leeds CELEPHAÏS PRESS. 2008 “In the customs and institutions of schools, academies, colleges, and similar bodies destined for the abode of learned men and the cultivation of learning, everything is found adverse to the progress of science. For the lectures and exercises there are so ordered, that to think or specu- late on anything out of the common way can hardly occur in any man. And if one or two have the boldness to use any liberty of judgement, they must undertake the task all by themselves: they can have no advantage from the company of otherts. And if they can endure this also, they will find their industry and largeness of mind no slight hindrance to their fortune. For the studies of men in these places are confined and as it were imprisoned in the writings of certain authors, from whom if any man dissent he is straightaway arraigned as a turbulent person and an innovator.”—BACON.