www.tourisme.monuments-nationaux.fr OF CRYPT AND TOWER Journey through several centuries of architectural wonders, with wonderful views over Bourges. ACCESS The crypt and the tower are the two treasures of Bourges Cathedral. The crypt, the bedrock of the Cathedral’s choir, displays fragments of the destroyed in the 18th century, the tomb of Duke Jean de Berry and the stained glass windows of the ducal Holy Chapel. From the top of the tower, there are wonderful panoramic views over Bourges. Cathedral designated world heritage site by UNESCO.


Subject to modification. Open 2nd May to 31st August: from 9.30 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. and from 2 p.m. to 5.45 p.m. At the intersection between the three roads 1st October to 31st March: from 9.30 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. between Orléans/ via Clermont-Ferrand, and from 2 p.m. to 4.45 p.m. Troyes/Poitiers and Beaune/Tours 1st to 30th April and from 1st to 30th September: from 10 a.m. to 11.45 a.m. and from 2 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. INFORMATION Last admission 30 min before closing time. Closed CRYPTE ET TOUR DE LA CATHÉDRALE Sunday mornings DE BOURGES Place Étienne Dolet 1st January, 1st May, 1st November, 11th November 18000 Bourges and 25th December tel.: (33) (0)2 48 24 79 41 Accessibility fax: (33) (0)2 48 24 75 99 Number of steps during the tour: 396 www.bourges-cathedrale.fr Number of floors in the crypt: 2 Steps between coach park and monument


Parking for coaches 200 m (avenue Eugène Brisson) Troyes/Poitiers andBeaune/Tours between Orléans/LyonviaClermont-Ferrand, www.bourges-cathedrale.fr fax: (33)(0)248247599 tel.: (33)(0)248247941 18000 Bourges Place ÉtienneDolet DE BOURGES CRYPTE ETTOURDELACATHÉDRALE INFORMATION At theintersectionbetweenthreeroads ACCESS

Non contractual document - September 2020 CENTRE- / CRYPT AND TOWER OF BOURGES CATHEDRAL BOURGES OF TOWER AND CRYPT CENTRE-LOIRE / VALLEY d’Histoire” tourguidefrom Berry Tourist Board Guided tour(bookingrequired) withthe et “Ville d’Art French Lecture tourofthegothic andnormancrypt limitedto19peoplesimultaneously Access Duration: between 30and45min French, English, German, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Japanese document Unaccompanied touroftheNorth Tower withatour TOURS NORTH WESTERN FRANCE WESTERN NORTH CATEGORY 4 CATEGORY 76 km-GeorgeSand’s house inNohant 60 km-ChâteauofBouges 500 m-PalaisJacquesCœurinBourges Nearby national monuments: [email protected] tel.: (33)(0)248230260 tourism Bourges Berry ADDRESSES USEFUL * excludingschoolgroups (EU nationalsandregularised EUresidents) Free admission: minorsunder18 12 € Adults 10 Rate for groups (minimum 20people) Cathedral andPalais Jacques Cœur Joint ticket: andtower Crypt ofthe 8 € Adults RATES 2021 RATES Pro E-ticketing 6,5 Rate for groups (minimum 20people) andtowerCrypt Free admission: 18-25years old
