Downtown Dallas lawfirm expands with office move | Dallas Morning News dallasnews SportsDay GuideLIVE FD Luxe neighborsgo Subscribe Sign In My Account Premium Site OBITS CLASSIFIEDS AUTOS JOBS REAL ESTATE SHOPPING BUSINESS 67° FORECAST TRAFFIC WALL STREET AIRLINES TECHNOLOGY PERSONAL FINANCE TOP 100 REAL ESTATE AUTOS Home > Biz Beat Blog ARCHIVES Downtown Dallas lawfirm expands with office move Select Month By Steve Brown
[email protected] 12:33 pm on January 9, 2014 | Permalink ABOUT THIS BLOG Daily breaking news alerts from the Business staff of The Dallas Morning News. Downtown Dallas lawfirm Perkins Coie is moving its offices. The firm is expanding its Dallas operation with a larger workspace in downtown’s Ross Tower, formerly Lincoln Plaza. Perkins Coie is currently located a few blocks away in Trammell Crow Center. “Our Dallas office grew steadily last year and we expect to continue adding attorneys and staff this year,” managing partner Steve Smith said. “Ross Tower is a premier building that offered all of the services and features we needed, as well as the ability to grow with us as we expand.” CBRE Group’s Phil Puckett negotiated the 36,175-square- foot new office lease with Mike Silliman of PegasusAblon. The 45-story Ross Tower on Akard Street is owned by the California State Teachers Retirement System and operated by by Lionstone Group of Houston and Dallas’ PegasusAblon. Perkins Coie is moving from Seattle-based Perkins Coie has offices in more than a dozen Trammell Crow Center to the U.S. cities. Ross Tower. (DMN files) Articles and offers from around the Web ADVERTISEMENT Dallas - All Texas The "real" reason why Buying an annuity? Dallas arrest records.