MEGALITHIC CULTURE INFLUENCE ON THE ARCHITECTURE OF SEGARA SANUR TEMPLE 1) Nyoman Ratih Prajnyani Salain 1), Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University 1)
[email protected] Abstract Culture is something that will always exist along with human life. Because, culture is a whole system of ideas, actions, and human breakthrough in people lives, which become a part of human beings that come from learning (Koentjaraningrat, 2002: 148). In fact, culture even exists long before humans knew the term of civilization. So does the Megalithic culture or as known as Big Stone Culture that exist during Neolithicum era (New Stone Age), which then can be categorized as part of The Artifacts Culture form. This research uses qualitative method to specific object named Segara Sanur Temple. This object get choosen because of its physical form that quite different to most temples in Sanur. Its physical form is built from pile of corals which is one of Megalithic culture’s characteristics. This research will analyze the influence of Megalithic culture on Segara Sanur Temple’s architecture, based on mass order and orientation, space hierarchy, also sacred and aesthetic elements it contained. Keywords: Megalithic Culture, Temple Architecture, ‘Mass Order’, ‘Space Hierarchy’, Aesthetic/ Sacred element Introduction Culture definitions could be vary and different according to the experts. According to Koentjaraningrat (2002: 148) ,culture is a whole system of ideas, actions, and human breakthrough in people lives, which become a part of human beings that come from learning. Other mentions that culture is a result of creations, intentions, and tastes (Djojodigoeno in Koentjaraningrat, 2002: 181). From both definitions above, we could understand that culture is indeed a result of human breakthrough, whether it ideas, actions, or things.