PUBLIC SPACES FOR LOCAL LIFE LOCAL FOR SPACES PUBLIC ISSUE SPECIAL SUPPLEMENT leto/year 2018 letnik/volume 29 Urbani izziv, volume 29, supplement, September 2018 ISSN Print edition: 0353-6483 Online edition: 1855-8399 UDC: 71/72 COBISS.SI-ID: 16588546 Web page: Publisher Urbanistični inštitut Republike SIovenije/Urban Planning institute of the Republic of Slovenia Trnovski pristan 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana, E-mail:
[email protected] Representative, Director Igor Bizjak Editor-in-Chief Damjana Gantar Guest editors Matej Nikšič, Stefania Ragozino, Alenka Fikfak Urbani izziv ("Urban Challenge") is intended for the dissemination of research and technical information as well as the discussion of issues relating to spatial planning. Abstracts and full texts of articles are included in the Slovenian COBISS database and the Digital Library of Slovenia (, as well as in the international bibliographic databases SCOPUS Eisevier, ERIH PLUS, EBSCOhost (Art & Architecture Complete, Academic Search Complete), ESCi (Clarivate Analytics), ProQuest (ProQuest Central), CEEOL (Central and Eastern European Online Library), IBSS (Intenational Bibliography of Social Sciences), IBZ (International Bibliography of Periodical Literature in the Humanities and Social Sciences), GEODOK (Geographic Literature Database), EZB (Electronic Journals Library), CGP (Current Geographical Publications), ICONDA (International Construction Database), DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals), OCLC (Online Computer Library Center), Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, Academic Journals Database, Sciencegate, Index Copernicus International, J—Gate and Genamics JournalSeek. Urbani izziv is registered in the media register kept by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia under serial number 595. The journal is subsidised by the Slovenian Research Agency.