Rrp Lur 2014-2020

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Rrp Lur 2014-2020 Index of contents 1. Introduction ........................................................................................................ 8 2. Summary .......................................................................................................... 11 3. Characteristics of the Ljubljana Urban Region ............................................. 15 3.1. Geographic Position of the Region 15 3.2. Region Fact Sheet 17 4. Regional Development Potentials Analysis .................................................. 19 4.1. Population 19 4.2. Economy 23 4.3. Tourism 27 4.4. Agriculture and Forestry 29 4.5. Areas of Natural Quality 33 4.6. Settlement and Development of Settlements 35 4.7. Transport 40 4.8. Energy Infrastructure and Energy Supply 45 4.9. Drinking Water Supply, Waste Water Drainage and Waste Management 46 4.10. Areas with Spatial Limitations for Development 48 4.11. Education and Schooling 50 4.12. Science and Education 52 4.13. Culture and Preservation of Cultural Heritage 54 4.14. Healthcare 56 4.15. Social Protection in the Region 58 4.16. NGOs in the Region 59 4.17. Region’s Position in the International Arena 61 5. Analysis of RDP 2007–2013 Implementation ................................................. 64 5.1. Set Objectives 64 5.2. Realised Activities 66 6. SWOT Analysis ................................................................................................ 72 6.1. Strengths 73 6.2. Weaknesses 74 6.3. Opportunities 75 6.4. Threats 76 7. Vision for the Development of the Region..................................................... 78 8. Region's Development Specialisation ........................................................... 79 Regional Development Programme of the Ljubljana Urban Region in the 2014–2020 period 2 9. Region's Development Objectives ................................................................. 80 10. Region's Development Priorities, Programmes and Measures within Individual Programmes ................................................................................... 82 10.1. Priority 1: Regional Economic Competitiveness Growth 86 10.1.1. Programme 1.1: Innovation, Creativity and Knowledge for a Competitive Economy ................... 87 10.1.2. Programme 1.2: Green Economies ............................................................................................... 92 10.2. Priority 2: Preserved Environment and Sustainable Use of Resources 96 10.2.1. Programme 2.1: Climatically Safe and Energy-Friendly Region ............................................ 97 10.2.2. Programme 2.2: Environmental Infrastructure ........................................................................ 99 10.2.3. Programme 2.3: Nature Preservation ......................................................................................... 102 10.3. Priority 3: People-Friendly Region 104 10.3.1. Programme 3.1: Sustainable Mobility ......................................................................................... 105 10.3.2. Programme 3.2: Spatial Management ........................................................................................ 108 10.3.3. Programme 3.3: Social Networking and Equal Opportunities ..................................................... 110 10.3.4. Programme 3.4: Culture .............................................................................................................. 114 10.3.5. Programme 3.5: Sports ............................................................................................................... 116 11. Overall Financial Assessment of RDP Value .............................................. 117 11.1. Verification of the Compliance of Priorities, Objectives and Measures from the Draft RDP with the Investment Priorities in the Latest Drafts of National Strategic Documents 117 11.2. Estimated Value of RDP 118 11.3. Other Potential Sources of Financing 122 11.3.1. Rural Development Programme .................................................................................................. 122 11.3.2. Cross-Border Projects ................................................................................................................. 123 11.3.3. Centralised Programmes............................................................................................................. 123 11.3.4. Regional State Aid ....................................................................................................................... 124 12. System for Monitoring, Evaluation and Organisation of RDP Implementation .............................................................................................. 126 12.1. Organisation of RDP Implementation 128 12.2. Monitoring and Evaluation of RDP Effects 129 13. System for the Provision of Information to and Notification of the Public on RDP Planning and Implementation .............................................................. 131 14. Presentation of the Most Important Regional Projects .............................. 134 15. Literature and Sources .................................................................................. 139 Regional Development Programme of the Ljubljana Urban Region in the 2014–2020 period 3 Index of Tables Table 1: Interconnectedness of the vision, objectives, development specialisation, priorities, programmes and measures ..................................................................................................... 13 Table 2: Estimated financial value of the proposed LUR RDP 2014–2020 (in EUR) .................. 14 Table 3: Composition of the population, 1 January 2013................................................................. 19 Table 4: Changes in population in 2012 ............................................................................................. 19 Table 5: Basic tourism indicators for 2012 ......................................................................................... 27 Table 6: Distribution of societies by municipality and data on their operations in 2012 .............. 59 Table 7: Financial framework of RDP 2007–2013 ............................................................................ 65 Table 8: Funds granted to the Ljubljana urban region by field, CF, ERDF, ESF ......................... 67 Table 9: Funds granted to the Ljubljana urban region by field, ERDF – Development of regions ...................................................................................................................................................... 68 Table 10: Funds available for the 'Regional Development Programmes' priority axis within the scope of the Operational Programme for Strengthening Regional Development Potentials for 2007–2013 – 'Development of Regions' developmental priority for individual development regions (in EUR) ............................................................................... 69 Table 11: Overview of successful operations carried out under the 'Development of Regions in the 2007–2013 Period' priority ................................................................................................. 69 Table 12: Indicators on the priority and measure levels................................................................... 83 Table 13: Compliance of the proposed LUR RDP for 2014–2020 with the proposed strategic/programming documents ........................................................................................ 117 Table 14: Estimated financial value of LUR RDP 2014–2020 proposal (in EUR) ...................... 119 Table 15: Rural Development Programme of the Republic of Slovenia for 2014–2020 ........... 122 Table 16: EU centralised programmes ............................................................................................. 123 Table 17: Shares of the population eligible for regional state aid in 2014–2020........................ 124 Table 18: Regional state aid intensity ............................................................................................... 125 Table 19: Indicative list of joint regional projects ............................................................................. 135 Table 20: Indicative list of the most important regional projects ................................................... 136 Table 21: Indicative list of cohesion projects affecting LUR territory............................................ 137 Regional Development Programme of the Ljubljana Urban Region in the 2014–2020 period 4 Index of Figures Figure 1: Geographic position of Slovenia, LUR and its municipalities ......................................... 16 Figure 2: Total increase in population in LUR in the 2001–2012 period ....................................... 21 Figure 3: Population density in LUR, 1 January 2013 ...................................................................... 22 Figure 4: Gross added value by activity, Ljubljana urban region ................................................... 24 Figure 5: Share of business entities in creative industries with respect to all business entities by municipality and district community ................................................................................... 26 Figure 6: Share of forest by forest management unit ....................................................................... 30 Figure 7: Natural heritage in LUR........................................................................................................ 33 Figure 8: Scheme of countries with metro regions ..........................................................................
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