Open Days 2020 Scan the code or visit the website below to view our virtual open evenings and find out more about how we can welcome you to our school community this term. Christ at the Centre

Welcome from the Executive Headteacher

At Challoner our ethos, and the foundation of both our schools, stems from our Catholic faith and the gospel values that flow from it.

Placing ‘Christ at the It helps us to expect and to reveal the centre’ of all that we do very best that each child has to offer, so leads us to everything that they can achieve their own personal that we are now and potential as successful, happy, confident guides us to what we will and responsible adults. become in the future. It underpins the strength of a very real It forms the relationships partnership between school and parent between us, which are based on an as we work together in the interests of understanding of each child as unique and our children. yet equally valuable, each with gifts to offer, each accorded equal dignity and care. It strengthens also the bond between school, family and the parish communities It fuels our determination to achieve we are part of. the very highest possible standards academically and also in terms of the I hope this prospectus helps you to personal and spiritual development of learn more about our schools and I look every child in both our schools. forward to meeting you in the future.

Richard Fitzgerald Executive Headteacher

1 Christ at the Centre

We are a proud Catholic Federation that bases its identity, beliefs and actions upon our Catholic Faith and the teachings of the Roman .

Our ethos of providing the best education Bishop Richard Challoner dedicated his for all pupils embraces Christ’s own call life to the scriptures and the education of to love God, love self and love others. the youth in and was famous for We believe our schools offer unique saying “True holiness is doing ordinary benefits arising out of our Catholicity. things, extraordinarily well”. We provide a genuine Christian education through which students recognise the At Bishop Challoner, we pride ourselves dignity of the person and equality of all. on the breadth of opportunity available, We achieve this through establishing a the quality of teaching and learning in caring community where the uniqueness the classroom and the motivation that of each student is acknowledged and their comes from good relationships between abilities, aptitude and gifts are developed staff and students. Each student is equally to the full. loved and valued and this is reflected inside and outside of the classroom, with Eamon Duffy describes our patron Bishop all students encouraged to achieve their Richard Challoner as “the perfect model of potential and have their achievements a missionary ”. recognised and praised. 3 My favourite thing about this school is its energy and sense of community. Bishop Challoner is a really supportive and creative “ environment. There is such a wide variety of subjects and really supportive teachers that make sure you understand everything. I love the fact that every year we do a school play with students from different year groups working together.

– GENESIS Our Federation

As the first federated school in the country, we believe our unique model offers the benefits of both a single sex and mixed education.

Bishop Challoner Catholic Federation of Schools comprises a Boys’ School and a Girls’ School with a Sixth Form.

While both Schools share the same classrooms and staff, boys and girls are taught separately (with the exception of a small number of GCSE classes).

Lunchtimes are separate, and the Boys’ and Girls’ Schools have separate Receptions and entrances. Breaktimes are mixed, with a Year 7 and 8 girls playground on Lukin Street.

After completing Year 11, most of our students successfully apply for our high achieving mixed Sixth Form.

5 Facilities

Our school boasts state of the art facilities and classrooms for all students to benefit from.

The school library is full of thousands of six practice rooms and two large ensemble books to be enjoyed at school or at home and rooms as well as a huge Art department. regularly hosts guest speakers and events. It is We are also lucky to have a professional open before and after school and at break and standard dance studio. lunchtimes for students to use. PE at Bishop Challoner takes place on two multi We have a large technology faculty with use games areas, in our large and modern sports classrooms devoted to wood and metalwork, hall or offsite at Mile End Athletics Track and local textiles, and food tech and a science department swimming pools. with excellent equipment and laboratories. There is a spacious playground for break and Our Creative Arts department make full use lunch times and a large lunch hall serving of a large Theatre and Drama studios with healthy hot and cold food. full lighting and sound, a recording studio, Chaplaincy

Bishop Challoner Chaplaincy is integral to is said regularly onsite and the Holy the spiritual life of the community. It aims Rosary is said twice a week. Throughout to be present in every aspect of Federation the year, we have Federation Masses to life and to constantly remind students of mark important events, there are annual their worthiness and talents. The Federation pilgrimages to Lourdes and Rome and also Chapel, the Chapel of Our Lady of Mercy, regular retreats for students of all ages. offers students and staff a quiet place to reflect, pray and meet God.

7 Curriculum

We are proud to work in close partnership with parents to provide a balanced, caring education.

The curriculum is the whole experience of Parents will be encouraged to co-operate with our pupils including activities taking place the school by monitoring their child’s work off site. We follow the National Curriculum and activities, by frequent inspection of the framework and RE is a compulsory subject. Homework diary and by attending meetings The curriculum is delivered in 100 minute arranged for the purpose of discussing slots; there are 15 periods in the taught week. student’s progress.

Regular testing and assessment is integral At all stages our Learning Support to the curriculum with full reports sent to Department will be involved with students’ parents annually. additional needs. Differentiated learning methods will be employed to ensure that students at all levels of ability take full advantage of the curriculum. More Able

We have a large number of more able students, with whom we work and monitor closely to best support their needs and future aspirations.

These students are identified within the These include reward trips, trips to first term, and teachers are encouraged universities, More Able reading groups, to be aware of subject specific abilities INSIGHTS lecture series, Independent as well as overall academic potential. Learning projects, amongst others. We ensure they are stretched and challenged within each of their subjects, We offer bespoke mentoring for more able and work closely with a link colleague in students who need additional support to every faculty to ensure this is carried out achieve their full potential and this is done across the Federation. We also ensure that by working closely with faculties across the elements of challenge are incorporated federation as well as a range of outside into every lesson so that more able pupils agencies. This level of bespoke support had are stretched at all times. led to considerable successes with university places at Russell Group, Oxbridge and Ivy As well as ensuring an appropriate League Universities for Bishop Challoner level of challenge is given throughout students. We continuously work hard to the lesson, students from KS3-5 also improve the opportunities available for have a wide variety of extra-curricular our students. opportunities available to them.

9 Sport

Sport has always been an area in which Bishop Challoner has excelled.

Every year our Football, Basketball, Netball We are a school that actively encourages and Athletics teams win local, regional and the pursuit of sporting excellence. In the national competitions and students of all past five years several students have abilities maximise their opportunities to received youth contracts from Football participate in sport. clubs such as Tottenham, Dagenham, Leicester and Oxford. As a school we recognise the role that sport can play in the holistic We pride ourselves on the experiences development of a young person and we can offer to students at Bishop the integral role it plays in society. Challoner school. Staff work tirelessly The PE department provides a wide to deliver quality lessons and training variety of activities, ensuring that pupils sessions. We believe that Bishop can pursue their sporting interest both Challoner is the only school in the area inside and outside of school. to consider if you have your sights set on a professional career in sport. Before I arrived I heard that the school was really good at “ sports, and when I saw all the trophies in the main office I knew that this was definitely a place I would like! My dream is to become an engineer, and I know that Bishop Challoner will really give me an advantage because of their great Technology and ICT Departments.


11 Inclusion and SEND

We are an inclusive school. We work hard to enable all our pupils to aim high and achieve to the best of their ability.

We make every effort to meet the individual We believe it is very important for needs of our students and to include them parents to be involved in all areas of fully in the life of the school. their child’s learning and we actively encourage discussions. We believe, We believe that each child’s learning where appropriate, that it is essential needs will first be met through the to understand your child’s views on any high quality teaching delivered by their difficulties they may experience with their subject teacher and children with Special learning. You will be able to share your Educational Needs are taught alongside views and discuss your child’s progress other pupils. Some subjects are set at regular meetings with the subject according to ability whilst others are teachers and form tutor. If your child has taught in mixed-ability groups. Lessons a Statement of special educational need are differentiated so that different pupils or an Education, Health and Care plan may have adjusted work or different goals (EHCP) you and your child will be able to set for each lesson. share your views at the Annual Review. 13 Beyond the Classroom

You will be given regular reports on your child’s progress and invited to Progress Evenings throughout the year.

We work very closely with parents in Our alumni include Olympians, every aspect of the running of the school. Music Industry Professionals and City Our Governing Body includes Parent Executives. Alumni such as Athlete and Governors and our Parental Engagement Olympian Perri Shakes-Drayton regularly Team play a crucial role in supporting the return to Bishop Challoner to meet and school to forge links with parents and the inspire our students. local community. There are a wide range of after school clubs We have strong links with companies available to suit all interests. Our Latin, both in The City and in Canary Wharf, Mandarin, Film and wide range of Sports and creative partnerships with Clubs are all very popular. Students also universities such as Queen Mary’s, have the chance to contribute to and Oxford and Cambridge. Each year our produce ‘The Challoner Chronicle’ – students go on to study at Russell Group the Bishop Challoner student paper. universities, with teachers, tutors and staff providing help and support at every stage of their application. 15

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