Peter de Carwynisky and the Foundations of St Peters (Paberžė) and Holy Trinity Chantry (Maišiagala). Ruminations of an Archive Rodent on Parish Formation in ca 1495-1533

Stephen C. Rowell

ane of the by-products of quaint nineteenth-century archival monitoring systems, the 'grey papers' where readers are expected to leave a record of their consultation of a manu- script (but do not always do so), is the ability to spy on those who have consulted the material before one.1 Emolument records from the pariches of Maišiagala and Paberžė in the early sixteenth century betray the foraging of one Edmundas Rimša many years ago, presuma- bly on the track of Venclovas Agripas prehistory.2 Reading these ancient texts we wonder whether a certain Rimszelis ever repaid Jacko Westortowicz's wife the 70 groats he owed her husband in 1484, but that is an irrelevant distraction.3 The aim of this article is to present the early growth of the parish of Paberžė through the actions of its first parish priest, Peter of Karviniškės in order to explore the mechanics of Catholic ecclesiastical foundation in Lithuania before the through the life of a parish priest.4 In the 1480s the manor of Paberžė on the road between Vilnius and Giedraičiai, 14 km or so (two Lithuanian miles) north-east of Maišiagala on the road to Dubingiai belonged to an obscure gentleman named Jacko (Hyacinthus) Westortowicz, who bequeathed it by his will of 31 Oct. 1484 to his equally obscure wife Anna.5 The will was dictated at Westortowiczs house

' Access to the records ofthe Consistory Court in Gniezncmotlierchurchofthc province to which thedioccseofVilniusbeloiiged until 179.4, was facilitated by the European 5<юа1Гшн1 under llk4ilobal Grant measure (VIM -3.1 -SMM-O7-K-O2-08-l).'Ihanks are due to the kindness of the Director, Fr Michał Solomieniuk.and the Start'of Archiwum Archidiecezjalne w Gnieźnie (ЛЛС). г Ii. Kiii)&3.\4:iic)o\-iis Agripj ir jo giminė {J. Kiltnė ir pirmtakai). /,ic7m4w 7ХЛ Л fc>X:5frf »Avit/i-itiĮ/o^ t/i)r/>df. Л ячт/.i (/..\/Л/>Л>. 1986 (1), p. 63-75; ten pat. Venclovas Agripa ir jo giminė (2. AgripiĮ giminė) JMAOA, 1986 (2), p. 73-83.

1 Tora pioneering study of parish clergy in late-mediaeval and early-modern Lithuania, see R. Bružaitė, Vilimus irżaiiuiaii \jskupiji/ parapini dvasininkija XV-XV1 ,i. Ircčiojnmc ketvirtyje, Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, University of Vilnius, 2012. s KDKDW, p. 398. Гог a brief history of Paberžė and its parish sec U. Kviklys, Musu iiduva, 1. Vilnius, 1489, p. 1X0-1.41. It seems likely that Westortowicz was a kinsman of the dukes of Svyriai. 1 lis will was executed by Daumantas Budvydaitis. a inenrtKToflheiliicjIliiK\-|.Tegowski,/W^ explain why land near Svyriai appears among the benefactions to Paberžė, see n 5 Stephen С. Rowell

in Paberžė in the presence of Fr Jurgis Paulaitis, notary public {coram me Georgio Pauli pleba- no ibidem). The word ibidem almost certainly refers to Jurgis'physical position (in the presen- ce there of me, George, priest, rather than'priest there^ for Jurgis held the parish of Maišiagala and it was this parish which would benefit from the conditions of this will). Evenso, Paberžė church was built by this same rector of Maišiagala shortly before his death (which took place between 1499 and 1501). The priests foundation was poor and so in 1501 a group of landow- ners, led by Albert Iwaskowicz (whose wife Elisabeth had mortgaged serfs to Westortowicz for 14 sexagenas and was perhaps the latters kinswoman6) and including Joannes Westorto- wicz agreed to refound the church and provide it with suitable emoluments.7 Since he who feels the pleasure should also sense the pain (qui sentit commodum sentire debet et onus - a very common form of reasoning behind sixteenth-century benefactions to churches), the parish priest was to offer sung masses on every feastday, especially Sundays with a procession and at-Christmas, Easter and Whitsun, on the feasts of Our Lady, on the patronai feast and the anniversary of the dedication of the church. This was to be enforced by the local ordinary, the bishop of Vilnius. Within two years Bishop Albert Tabor of Vilnius recognised the foun- dation as a new parish church and appointed the hero of our story, a priest named Peter as its rector.8 The benefactors named in Tabors document are the same as those mentioned in the 1501 foundation charter, although only some of the founders are named as presenters to the living, namely Albertus Iwaszkowicz and his wife Elisabeth, Albertus Talmynowycz and his wife Catherine, Janusko Zasthawthowicz and Joannes Steczowycz. Masses were to be offered for the forbears, siblings and friends of the founders along with the parishioners. Such inti- mations of the importance attached to a parish community as well as the parish benefactors and clergy is relatively rare in early sixteenth-century documents, although we see it in Grand Duke Alexanders approval of the foundation of a new parish at Ramygala in 1503.9 The parish community did on rare occasions seek to curtail the excesses of certain mem-

* KDKDlV,p.398. 7 Lietuvos mokslų akademijos Vrublcvskių biblioteka (l.MAVIi), F6-8I; R. )asas, Pergamentų kamlogns {l'K), Vilnius, 1980, nr. 132, p. 60; KDKDW, No 502, pp. 609-611: Albertus Iwaszkowicz and wife lilisabelh (Andruszewna) gave 10 men in I'enckaunczy and Lenkaynczy, 5 stones of honey from 'Niyvanczy, 3 tithes from Glinćiśkćs, Smolvy and Czaykyneny, deserted land and plots from Kurdeyko and Stcponovyczi; Albertus Talmynowicz and wife Catarina gave Jakštas and his 3 .sons and properly, 5 serfs. 4 ploughlands capable of sowing with 6 barrels, 3 meadows, one purchased from liuczkowicz, 4 tithes (2 in Dubingiai, 1 in Svyrai and Paberžė; Michael (H)anczovycz gave 1 ploughland (4 barrels), 1 serf and a tithe from all his bought and mortgaged lands; lanusko Zasthaw thowycz. gave 1 ploughlaiid (3 barrels),one meadow; Qivcc/ko /.aslhawlhowvcz. gave I ploughlami (2 barrels), a hay meadow and a tithe from Svyriai; Jacobus, lusko, Michael, Martin Taudgynovycz gave 3 plough- lands by Iwaszkowicz's pond and meadow on road to Dubingiai; Joannes Wcslnrloiwiez gave 1 ploughland and meadow; Do- beslaus liuczkowic/. gave 1 ploughland and meadow; Joannes Sleczovycz gave a meadow and a lithe. " A.'DWJVV',nr.5-18,p.643-16,Vilnius,20 May 1503. * МЖ/Л\',пг.564.р.677. bers of the clergy, as in the case of the parishioners of Kaunas who in 1537 prosecuted their absent parish priest Erasmus befire the magistrates of the town when he sought to sell off the parish silver (presumably to meet his needs as a canon in Vilnius).10 That the founders viewed the local bishop as a means of exacting control over clergy to ensure that the condi- tions of their foundation were met is also common in the early sixteenth century and was perhaps reaction to the lack of episcopal control over parish life and property which irked Bishop Tabor during the 1490s and is reflected in his 1499 complaint-supplication to Pope Alexander VI." It is also worth noting that unlike the ancient mother parish in Maišiagala, the church in Paberžė, dedicated to the Immaculate Conception, SS Peter and Paul, Antho- ny and All Saints, was consecrated. According to the records of the first known Visitation of the Diocese of Vilnius by representatives of the local ordinary in 1522 (as opposed to the first archiepiscopal visitation by Jan Łaski in 1518), of 67 parish churches whose treasures were inventorised 22 (almost a third) were yet to be consecrated Fr Peter would serve the parish and the Holy Trinity altar in Maišiagala faithfully for the next 26 or so years before his death sometime between 1529 and 1533. The records which survive concerning the emoluments of the parish allow us to track how an active priest strengthened his living to make Paberžė what Jerzy Ochmański would term an aver- agely wealthy parish, paying 110 groats in silver tax in 1553 on its land. A generation after Peters death the Maišiagala chantry had 18 sokhi of land and was valued for taxation at 115 groats.12

"> Cracow, lagiellonian Library Ms 6322 IV, Zbiór Prekiera, vol. 2, fo 250v. Here we learn that on 26 Ian. 1537 one fV Mark, chaplain of Erasmus Eustachy (I.KD No. 121, p. 86-87), canon of Vilnius, parish priest of Pasvalys, Kaunas am] Kernavė was sent to ask lor the silver of Kaunas parish to be handed over for pawning. The magistrales decided that gilts ad pias causas belonged to St Peter's Church, not to its parish priest. In 1522, according to the Visitation records, Kaunas was certainly well- endowed with silver and silk: Ecclesia consccrata in CAWNO Itabct atliccs septan, quorumsex deaurati, duty magni cum lapil- lis. qiutluor wro initiates et septintus argenteus nun dcauratus. Item cruets argentee dämmte due, turn imiior et allem minor cum lapidillis. Item ninpulle argentee поп deamate due, uitis magm. Item thurihulare argentcum magnum cum cathenis nrgenteis. Item monstrnueia nrgentea įnagiui dcaurata cum imaginibus apostohrutn circumcisa. Item humcnik cum imaąinibus Sancti I'etri et I'aiili apostolorutu cum argento dciiunito cum hipidibus. Item aliud humenile similiter cum imaginibus Smiete Trinitatis et Smteti Slauislai ex iirgcnto dtittimtii cum lapidibus. Item pectomlia duo argetttca. Item OHM/US Ires de slotlioehlow rubeo; item alii ornatus boni dc camclia in auro in mmiero sex. Item de cainclui in auro dalmatice qualuor. Item cappe tres de amtelia. Item antependiuin imtmt de slolhoelilow rubeo et alia Irin de camelia in auro bona. II Altäre Sande I'ritiitatis in ecelesia Cownensi habet calices duos atgetiteosdeauratos. Item pectomlia duo argeittea, unusdeaurattis. II Altare Trium liegum ibidem liabet calieem uiiuni uręcnteum. Item crueeiti utgcntcain поп magnatu. 11 S.C. Rowell. Kaip šaukė, taip ir atsiliepė: XV a. lietuvių katalikų gyvenimas ir pagonybės liekanų mitas, Lietuvos Di- džiosios Kunigaikštystės istorijos kraštovaizdis. Mokslinių straipsniu rinkinys, skirtus profesorės Įiimtės Kiaupienės 65-meėiui,i:d. R. Smigclskytė-Stukicnė, Vilnius, 2012, pp. 2У5-32О. '- |. Ochimński, Biskupstwo wileńskie w średniowieczu. Ustrój i uposażenie. Ролмп, W72, p. 103, 'labie 111. Landholdings and tax. the 1615 copy of Rejestr skarbów of the Vilnius diocese in 1553 and 1554:1MAVB, 143-135 (formerly VKI-' S14-0. (hiiitipiniKb ft'ivAiiidcia-ii - cuvос.мшищпт, землъ пят; O.miap Вороиповски, o.vnap РтХшломки - аи« сорок тры... llotH' - сох тестшиииип и пол. o.-opadott тип. I (Ытариик;. - vox чептрн... Uooócpc.h- - c.iv'.wo mpnuahuun. I (hnnipmiKb - аужоочоширы. Or Л. ISaliulis kindly provided me with a copy of his transcription of the manuset ipt. 144 Stephen С Rowcll

We know very little about Peters background. The compilers of the Catalogue of Lithua- nian Clergy refer to him as Petras Bagdonavičius, which is almost certainly incorrect.13 It would be interesting if this were true, since the Bagdonavičiai brothers Stanislovas and Sime- onas, mention their three sisters Elzbieta Mykolaitė, Zofija Mykolaitė and Kotryna Mykolaitė were active patrons of the church. Peter might then have been a possible third brother and hence protector of family investments.14 However, no reliable document refers to kinship between the founders and the incumbent rector or gives his name as Bogdano- wicz. A possible source for the association may be a seventeenth-century archival hand on the back of one charter, which refers to Petrus Bogdanowicz and which may have formed the basis for an assertion made in a history of the parish written around 1795 to the effect that Fr Peter Bohdanavičius became the first parish priest.15 However, one contemporary document refers directly to Peter as rector modernus Petrus de Carwyniski.16 We have been unable to find any reference to a Karvyniškės in other sources, but it may be that the manor of Karvys (Maišiagala District, known so far in written sources only from the middle of the seventeenth century - 1664) is connected in some way.17 Peter had been chantry priest of the Holy Trinity in Maišiagala's parish church since 30 Jan. 1495, when Stanislovas and Simeonas Bogdanavičiai presented Petrus de Mychegole as the candidate they had chosen to serve the chantry.18 In August that year at the request of Bishop Albert Tabor Grand Duke Alexan- der provided the new chantry priest with a residence in Maišiagala in return for the clerics

13 Licluvos katalikų dvasininkai XIV-XVI п., ed. V. Ališauskas, T. Jaszczolt, L Jovaiša, M. I'aknys (LKD), Bažnyčios istorijas studijos, II,Vilnius,20()9,nr. 1980,p.335. 11 Л good example of a priest buying up his family patrimony in the form of parish donations is Jurgis Taliatas of parish priest of , canon of Medininkai, who sold his third of his patrimony, 'laliačiškės to Jonas Glebaitis, marshal of the Grand Duchy for 60 sexagenas along with his brother Jonas Ilialiats part (or 15 sexagenas. Glehaitis and his wife then endowed the Šalčininkai Chantry of Our Lady, SS Stanislaw, John the Baptist, Hrasmus and Dorothy with the land and offered the post of chantry priest to lurgis on 20February 1523: Cracow, iiiblioteka XX Czartoryskich, ms Czart 1777 Iv fos 136-138.'1 he business is recorded in: Lietuvos Metrika knyga 12, nr. 492, see LKD, nr. 1045, pp. 185-186. 15 LMAVB, F43,12124 verso; ИЗ-13651, fo. 2v: Xiadz Piotr Bohdanowicz zostawszy pierwszym plebanem... Much confusion seems to have been sown by eighteenth-century antiquarians as far as the foundation of Paberžė is concerned. 'Ihis source also notes the activities of the Maišiagala parish priest Jerzy Pawłowic/, in 1481 at the beginning of the history. In this Г13-13651 seems to follow an earlier compilation of .sources from 1778-1805, now P 43-13652 which notes Įaczko W'ostorlowicz's will of 1484 and a foundation act for Paberžė of 31 July 1501. It should be noted that the Westorlowic/. will of 31 Oct. 1484 survives only in seventeenth-century copies (LMAVB, 143, t>. 204 (Liber Magnus), 34-35; Czarl 1777 IV, fos 42v-43; Vilnius university Library manuscripts Room (VU URS), F- 57 B53, b. 44 (Liber VI) fos 26/V-268. Two of these copy from the LNIAVI! copyist). 16 I.MAVIS, F3-82, PK 217, p. 91: 28 Sept. 1516: attendenles altare tituli Sancte Trinihilis... hommibili R-tro de Carwinisky moderno iiltnriste... See beim* p. 1-19, for details of this donation of Lake Sirntiiui. " P>. Kviklys, Mim/ Lietuva I, p. 179. No such loponym appears in volumes three or four of Słownik ceoytijkziiy Królestwa polskiego i innych krajów słowiańskich,cd. P.Sulimierski et ai., III-IV. Warszawa. 1882-1883. '" KDKDW, nr 422a, p. 763, based on a 1716 record of what has been regarded as a lost parchment. Ihe original lies today in the Zastowt Sammlung of the Geheimes Staatsarchiv, Preussische Kullurbcsitz in Dahlem (Berlin). Л photograph made by Zenonas Ivinskis for Kostantinas Jablonskis is held by l.MAVli. 'lhere are 43 manuscripts datinų from 1430-1836 in the Zastowt collection. Peter de Carwynisky and the Foundations of St Peter's (Paberžė) and Holy Trinity Chantry (Maišiagala) 145

prayers.19 The parish benefactions were such that Peter was able to keep a curate (named Nicholas) and a long-serving minor cleric or minister (named Peter of Kaunas).20 In 1520 Zophia Lubcza and her mother Marina endowed with parish with a chantry altar of the Visi- tation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in memory of her father, the Vilnius ciwun Jan Lubcza.2' Of the spiritual life of the parish we know almost nothing. It would seem that in a time when absentee clergy was not an uncommon phenomenon, Peter appears to have been resi- dent in his parish; we do not see him abroad as a witness to other priests' documents; his emoluments are often given in Paberžė in his stuba and he was represented by a procura- tor when he had his muniments registered in Vilnius by the monarch or the bishop. Peter was assiduous in seeking official approval of his holdings, something which the local bish- ops exhorted their clergy to do.22 We do know that Peter looked after the education of at least one youth, the son of Elžbieta Mykolaitė and Jurgis Kondrataitis, Motiejus (see below). Mass was supposed to be celebrated with some degree of pomp, including choral singing and processions on Sundays and holy days, and the celebration of vespers on the eve of great feasts, according to the refoundation act.23 From what we know of the liturgical vestments and utensils of both the Maišiagala chantry and the parish church at Paberžė a generation after their foundation, Peter had enough equipment to ensure decent services. Paberžė had a silver chalice and a round standing silver pax (for kissing by parishioners at the end of the

" Dahlem, Zastowt Sammlung 18,11 Aug. 1495: Alexander Dei gmtia magi/us ilux Ijlhttamc, Riissie Semogilhieiįue dominus ä heres elc Sigmßiv/mis tcnorcprescneiuni ijuihis expedilj^uiii ad pelila reverendi in Christo piitrisdoinini Alberti cpiscopi Vihieusis od ai- UireSaiKteTriiulalisinSlyselmgiitaAiuodnovitertlotavcruiitnobilesSlnnislinisetSinioiiiyulanaukzy.pmtb^ diele altari serviet, umim alins portem agri iiostri inter vias, que ex oppido Miszogola ima exforo et alia ab eeelesia lendimt in Dubingy, usipic ubieedem ricconairrwil etpnilwn eidein agro iidiimetwu, quodfuit oppidanorum nostromm Jacdamiaow, quibus data est com-

arami modemus altarista Itonontbflis Petrus et sucevssorvs eins Deuin pro nobis omre linbebiinlnr perpetuisque temporibus paeifice pos- sidebiint. In ciiius rei teslimonium sigillum nostrum csl prescntibiis impression. Datum in \ 'Uno ferm terem in emstino Simcli I.aureneii, anno Domini nuliesimo (juadringestesimo noiiageshuo quinto, dtiealui nosili anno qua)to. Ad nuindatiim propriiun domini magniducis. 20 Por Nicolas see helów n. 31; I'cter of Kaunas is mentioned as minister in 1509 and again in 1529 - see below n. 31 and l.KD Nos 1986, and 1995, which mentions a I'cter of Kaunas as parish priest in Karmėlava. 21 See below, p 11. In 1520 the altar was served by Ian of Reguły, near Warsaw: l.KD, No. 81 (i, p. 138. " On 2 Aug. 1522 Sigisnuind the Old confirmed Peters holding of liorszdeykowczy szna, Clyinontowczyszna. fanyelowc- zyszna. Juszkowczyna. Sycnkouvzyiu, kgcmoyewczyna as supported by lurgis Mykolaitis Radvila, lieutenant of Maišiagala, Sigmunds gift of 5 Ian. 151 -I and Peters acquisition of pebruary 151 -I: LMAVB. ГЗ -91, PK 262, p. 1Ü7. On St Jerome's Day (30 Sept.) 1523 Mikalojus Viežgaila (LKD. No. 1451, p. 254-55), bishops .scere.itry, canon and ollicial of Vilnius copied documents in Latin ami presented to him by Peter of Paberžė and the Holy Trinity Chantry giving details of the emoluments of both livings: Catherina lakubovna. who donated tithes and serfs from her patrimonial lands at U'yrelany, 23 Pcb 1509 (see LM/Wli, 143 b. 201, fo. 95: lirzozy novilerfimdatam el iam aulhoritate eeelesiasliai erreetani; also (i. Illas/czyk, Regesty doku- mentów ilicavji wileńskiej z lat 1507-1522 lana Pij.ilka i Władysława Semkowic/a. liluanO-SImica I'osnanieusia. Studia Ilis- /<>M«i9(20(13),p.2l7-299.hcreN.'ii l3,p.252;no(iilisl!ed\\igisl'luczyna-lierlaiulat()aul)n)s/ky;/Ubeitus(nwasclikowicz- serfs at Tywanyczy (stolen, allegedly, by Mishop Tabor); Wzbicia and Kotryna Mykolaitės and sons Simonas and Motiejus who gave serfs on their Uulliaiimt estate and M.iczeyeyana; Kotryna Norkutė - gift of serfs; and other emoluments. 11 Motiejus-.see below p. 1 17-118 and n.,11 •,snl>ctinliicti

Eucharistie Prayer and before Communion, a visible sign of the unity of the parish commu- nity and an opportunity to express parish hierarchy publicly). There were four chasubles and three altar frontais in addition to a new cope (for use in processions, as well as on other oc- casions), The Chantry's holdings were on a similar scale, where chasubles and chalices were concerned. This amount of silk and silver was average for Vilnius diocesan parishes in 1522. Understandably, the ancient royal foundation at Maišiagala was somewhat richer.21 While the spiritual matters of Paberžė are difficult to reconstruct from surviving sources, evidence for the state of matters temporal is much more eloquent. Indeed Peters incumbency in Paberžė started off with a serious dispute over income with the new rector of Maišiagala, the Vilnius canon Jokūbas Kučinietis (Jakub z Kuczyna), which was decided eventually by a Gniezno court headed by Jan Łaski. In effect this was a dispute between the new rector of Maišiagala and the rector of a new parish which had once been part of the Maišiagala hold- ings. In Kaunas, for example, the parish priest demanded annual payments from the priest in charge of the new church at Kaunakiemis.25 In the Maišiagala-Paberžė case, compliacted by the fact that Peter was also a chantry priest in Jokūbas' parish, it was decided that all tithes, collections and offertories due in Maišiagala should belong to Jokūbas, while all offertories and funeral payments due in Paberžė should be paid to the local priest (Peter), who was to have complete control of сига animarwn in his parish. The boundaries between the two parishes were to be decided by the patrons of the two churches and half of the disputed hives in Paberžė were to be held by James, the other half, by Peter. In this judgment of Solomon Laski decreed that Peter should pay two florins towards James court expenses.26 Peter was

21 For the Violation Records of 1522, see nw reconstruction of the now losl Vilnius Chapter l.iber Priviletjiorum lib in-. Historiac UtlumnUicFontesMinims. VI! (forthcoming): Et primo in Moyschogola, cedesia поп consecrata. Item ealiees Ires cum patents, tluo ticaurali argentei et tercitis argenleiis lion ikaurnlus. Item crux argentea поп deaurata iticdiocris. Itent pticificulc ar- genteinn rotinuhtm. Item pixis argentea in qua scrvatur Vcncmbik Sacramentmn. Item quinque ormitus:primus tie iiilanuiszko albo; sceninius ile axtimento brunatico, habeas wnerale tie inargarilis; tcrcius tic kanscha: quartus tie axamcnlo in tiuro; quiiüus de axani- cnlo nigro. Item cappediic: turn tie adnmaszko bona, alia authjita. FAusdem ecclesie altarista I'rinuts Pctms Utuli Samte Truutatis habet ununt calieem cum patena argentcum et ornatus quatuor boni de ndamaszko et de kansclm. Secundiis altarista Georgias Utuli Conccptionis Beate Marie et Sande Martini habet шипи ealieem argenteum cum patena, ornatus de adamaszko lies et quartus de camcha II... l'oberczy cousecrata Ecclcsia in Podberezy habet: item ealieem union et paeißeale ralumlum in pale argentewn. Item ornatus quatuor. Item antependia triufcrialia. Item cappa win niwa. Allure tituli Visilatioitis Marie habet: item ealieem nimm. Item ornatus duo de kumeliu. All this pales in comparison u ilh the treasures of St Peter's Church in Kaunas - see above n. 9. 25 I.MAVB F3-78,F3-81 and Czart. 1777IV, fo. 160. 2k К1Ж1Ш,пт.56Ь,р.Ш-8&, 19 Sept. 1503.bast.4lon the Vilnius manuscript, I.MAVB, F6-R6, PR My, p. 66-67. Tliere is a sec- ond manuscript of this judgment in Gniezno, AAG Dyplomy Gnieźnieńscy 536. 'I he value of pastoral services can be seen from the tariff set down by the patrons of the Alytus Church ofSt lohn the Baptist, the Assumption and St Nicolas, dated Faster Tuesday 29 March 1521,Czart 1777 IV fos 112v-M3,LMAVIS, F)3,h.2Ol fos I56-I57v: Item a iwbili quocunquc n scpultina funcris alias pokladne debeturdari media sexagena. Item ab wiaquaqueeampaiin profanere sen pro pulsifunebialidebettir dart per uituin grossiim divisim. Item acopula inatrimoniiper шипи grossuin: item a pueri baptisatione sen baplisma per medium grossuin. Item saeni eonfessio gratiscxaminaridebctur.ltciniivigiliisfuiubnililnismhnlcciingwssiauuocunqueiinpctnintcutriusqucgciicrisclm missa cantata tilitisa Requiem tres giossos. Item a pweessione fuiiebrali alias а (лисе units gmssus. - Km Zabrze/.iu\U's 1321 viuolu- ment for SS)ohnBaptist,t!ie Assumption of UVM,Nicholas: Czart. 1777IV, fos M Iv-M2v; I.MAVB, Fl3.b.2()l,l. 156-I57v. Peter de Carwynisky and the Foundations of St Peter's (Paberžė) and Holy Trinity Chantry (Maišiagala) 147

not afraid to take noblemen to court in dispute over parish emoluments either, as we see in 1518 in the case he brought before the palatine of Vilnius, Mikalojus Mikalojaitis Radvila (Mikołaj Mikohjewicz Radziwiłł) against Andreas Nicolai'Cech'and Dobeslaus Borczkonis (Buczkowicz?) over two peasants and their land, Šilėnai and other estates, of which the no- blemen had siezed control.27 Two months or so later Dobeslaus sold Peter a peasant family and land.28 It maybe that this formed part of the settlement of the court case. Throughout his ministry Peter was an accomplished land economist, who consolidated pa- rochial and chantry landholdings, buying and selling plots as well as obtaining them by donation. He intertwined the holdings of both his benefices. He sold land back to patronai family mem- bers - to Jonas Norkutis (Jan Narkowycz), sanctuarius cathedralis vilnensis, for example. He also disguised purchases as donations {redonavit). He extended the gift of forest land next to the Zw- erbles meadow made for Paberžė at Saveikiškės by using the funds of his Maišiagala altar to buy a neighbouring plot of ploughland next to the Zwerbles meadow, and some woodland (mbetum) on the road to Giedraičiai.29 It seems as though Peter envisaged the linking of Holy Trinity and Paberžė in perpetuity (if he was thinking beyond his own lifetime, naturally). However that may be, in the long run he made his livings too attractive for mercenary prelates - both the Trinity altar and Paberžė parish would fall into the hands of absentee canons.30 It is possible to be toosuc- cessful for ones own good. Paberžė holdings were widespread, marking the wide landholdings of the presenters to the living - towards Dubingiai, Giedraičiai, Maišiagala, and Svyriai. Donating or selling land to a church enabled the owner both to obtain cash and sui generis continued income from the land in the form of spiritual service (Masses, prayers, burial rights). On occasions this land might be sold back to the family at a later stage by an impoverished priest. For example we know of Kotryna Norkutės 1502 donation of mead- owland on the Muse River and two serfs to Peter as chantry priest of Holy Trinity, and that in 1523 chantry land in Pondzany (an accidental'gift from the grand duke Sigismund in 1507?) was sold by Peter to Jonas Norkutis, sainteur of Vilnius Cathedral. The Norkučiai

27 LMAVB B-8-1. PK 226. p. 9-1-95. On territorial disputes between clergy and nobles (in this case the Buc/koviciai were patrons of Paberžė) see K. HrubitO. МЖ parapinės dvasininkijos ir pasauliečių ginčai XVI a. (Lietuvos teismų bylų knygų duomenimis), Uclmvs šaltiniu tyrimai, 3,2010, р. 5У-83. 2" Czart 1777IV fo. 108(lMaszczykUegestyNo9fi,p.26-l). 2V KDKDW, nr. 587, p. 698-99, 25 M.iy 1505 Mikalojus Girstcwtowicz (the same to whom Iwaszkiwicz bequeathed 220 groats - KDKDW, nr. 593, p. 708) and Stanislaw Wieclawowicz donate land to Paberžė, then Stanislaw with his brother and uncle sell Sa\ eikiškės ploiighland and the woodland by the Vilnius-( nedraičiai road to Peter and the Trinity Chantry lor -10 groats. M I he list ofearly incumbents of both benefices iv far from complete. >-„r P.iber/ė «v know in 1512-55 Mikalojus was recior tl.KD, No. 1522, p. 261), in 15Г, -1 the parish was in the hands of one Kasparas Trcfiakovas (1.КП, No 109-1 p 199) nd in 157.1-95 it belonged to Canon Mikalojus Kw./n.i (l.KD, No. !572, p. 270-273) a royal functionary. Ihe Trinity Chantry be- longed to VcnclovasCirka.bishupofMcdminUi,who resigned in 15ЛЩШ\о2«'|, Į.. •I0S-II0)(O be replaced bva Cracow canon (and later Vilnius canon) Maciej of Makolin (/A7).No. 1750, p. 302-301). 14g Stephen С. Uowell

(Narkovviczi) were probably part of the Steczewicz noble line and their ancestors awaited the last trump in Maišiagala Parish Church, as Norkutė states in her charter.31 In 1508 Petronela Condrataite and her children Apolonia, Jadvyga and Mikalojus donated part of the estate Petronela received by marriage in Paberžė to the Holy Trinity Chantry (which lay in her family's gift32) and in light of Petronelas donation Peter benevolently redonavit to the lady sixsexagenas communis peamie currentis, marking a sale in all but name.33 A curious sale of meadowland called Wyrsznysz in January 1529 sees Peter purchasing the land from Maczelysz Marcinkowicz, heres domini Gabrielis Andruszkowicz cum consensu domini met for 45 groats. The document is then sealed by Gabriel Andruszkewicz dominus ipsius supradicti vendentis.34 It is certainly strange to see a man approving and sealing his heir's financial dealings. After the death of her husband Jonas Steczowicz (patron of Paberžė) the widow Chw- iedza and her elder son Valentin visited the presbytery in Paberžė to make a donation of two ploughlands (arva) capable of being sown with two and a half barrels (tunnas) of wheatand fields intwo different sites, including one on the road from Maišiagala to Dubingiai (an area we have seen as the site of donations to the Trinity Chantry) pro anima viri sui.33 On 9 Aug. 1507 in the house of Peter, parish priest of Paberžė Kotryna Mykolaitė do- nated to her brothers Trinity Chantry part of her manor in Paberžė, which she had received on marriage along with 8 sexagenas communis pecunie. This land was probably part of her dowry (her sister Petronela also donated (or sold) similar land in Paberžė, which she had re- ceived on marriage - see above.36 Kotryna had already In January 1506 the third sister, Zofija

31 Norkutė - [,MAVB F3-71,calendared in PK, nr. 137, p. 62, ORO, II, p. 18, No. 71,11 July 1502, in ilomo notarii inplallica domini cpiscopi Vilncnsis sito, witnessed by Ambrosius. parish priest of Uamigola; this donation was presented by Peter's legal representative Andrius Nyckrasch for registration by Jurgis Chvalcevskts, bishop's notary, on 23 )une 1522; Norkutis - in 1523 Peter needed money to pay his debts and sold Modzaczowvzyzna in I'ondzany, deserted land granted him by Sigismund the Oldaiithun JoiiiwiNarkoviczsancttiarioeccksiecathedmlis Vilncnsissitiscpicfiliisaceonnn sneeessoribnsjor ninescxagcinis. [lie venerable chapter of Vilnius gave their consent to this: LMAV1S F6-123, PK 269 p. 110:21 March 1523. Another plot of land at Pondzany was donated by the patrons of the Radvila or Immaculate Conception and St Martin Altar in Maišiagala to their foundation in 1529-LMAVB [-'3-97,PK334,p. 133, for the foundation of this altar in 1517 and further emoluments in 1521, see LVI AVB B-83,F3-88 (which refers in part to F3-83). PK, nr. 220, p. 92 and 2-17, p. 101. The founder, Martin Wolczkowicz Radvila had previously made gifts to the Trinity Chantry - KDKDW, nr. 581, p. 697,29 Nov. 1501, Nickraszows/czyzna. 32 From Up Vaclovas Cirką of Medininkai resigned the chantry in 1533, the patrons of the living were Joannes Skinder, Petrus Conrathowiczand DorotheaSyrowna - l.MAVB, F3-105, PK 372,p. M7-1-48. 33 I.MAVB F3-77, PK 180, p. 78, Maišiagala, 25 May 1508, witnessed by among others the Maišiagala priest 'Iliomas. the Giedraičiai priest Nicolas and Petronelas husband Stanisław 1'yelraszkowicz Ihalwayszosz. 31 I.MAVB [-43-12124 (formerly VKF 557), 1 Jan. 1529: »i ibnw Imbitacioms Iwnorabilis domini plebani in Brzoszy, in stnba ЫЬа maiori... presentibns honombilibus, nobililnis et lioncstis viris: primo Itonombili domino Nicolao viimb in Brzoszy. iwbili liogdan Onvyczkowycz, diserelo Petro ministro eeelesie ibidem. Simone Rukonye:, Joanne Wyeszowvcz. 35 I.MAVIi 143.1). 204,fo.98r. Blaszczyk. Regesty, No.23.p. 253: Paberžė. 15 Apr. 1510. l.MAVB 1-3-76, PK 173, p. 75.9 Aug. 1507. 'Ihc witnesses to the document were Nicholas, parish priest of Giedraičiai (see n. 7), Kotrynas husband, Albertus Mychaylowicz, Paulus Georgii Moinvylowycz.MichaelChiliowszky.NieolausRymsyelowicz and Johannes Paczowycz. '[his donation may be the one noted in KDKDW 5H0, p. 695-6, dated 10 Aug. 1507 based on the evidence of eighteenth-century lists of Maišiagala documents. If not, then it is yet another donation of her mothers land. Peter de Canvynisky and the Foundations of St Peter's (Paberžė) and Holy Trinity Chanlry (Maišiagala) 149

Mykolaitė of Širvintos, donated her serf Georgius Schaczowycz and his children born and as yet unborn to the Chantry to supply candles every month in accordance with the obligation laid upon the family by the founders.37 In 1506 the other Bagdonavičiai sister, Elžbieta Mykolaitė, widow of Jurgis Konrataitis (Georgius Condrathowycz) donated a serf, Petrus Nyewyerowicz and his sons and land to her brothers'Trinity chantry along with one sexagena and a horse worth one and a half sexa- gena. Along with the property came her son Motiejus to be educated and sustained by the priest.38 In 1503 Petras Kondrataitis (Petrus Condratowicz) had granted the Chantry Lake Radzis and access to woodland at Bildunai.39 In 1512 he would give his daughter Barbara and son-in-law Mathias Suszcz land in Paberžė which he and his kinsmen on the distaff line in- herited following the death of Stanislovas Bagdonavičius.40 In 1503 Grand Duke Alexander endowed the Holy Trinity chantry with a plot of land on the Maišiagala-Dubingiai road by the Duxta River, complementing his origin endowment of 1495 and three large barrels of seed for sowing therein along with the right to build an inn to be in the charge of the chantry priest Peter (for his lifetime). The occasion prompting this royal gift was the diminution in income received by the altar as a result of a Muscovite attack41. In 1516 Stanislaw Syrdowgowicz and Martinus Sząngowyowicz donated Lake Širmina to the Trinity Chantry served, as the deed says, by Fr Peter de Carwyniszki. The donation, made in Salakas, was witnessed by among others Jurgis Taliatas the venial parish priest of Salakas.42 Part of the lake had been donated already in 1502 by the Bagdonavičiai as part of the foun- dation for the Trinity Chantry. This fart of a'faktelis from an archive rat may appear to be of but weak odour until we connect it with donations made in 1509 by that same Stanislaw Syr- dowgowicz in return for two masses a month, one for his living kin and the other for the dead,

37 LMAVB P3-7-1, PK 161. p. 71, Opisanie Rukopisimgo Otdcknia Viknskoi Publichnoi Biblioteki [ORO] II (Vilnius, 1897). p. 19. No. 7-1; KDKDW, No 598, p. 713 (bare notice): pro canddis quits obligmxnmt nos prcdcccssorcs noslri in quakm inno- vticioncm cuiuslibct inaisis ilaiuhis cl rcjormaudus. Hie document was issued in her manor at Širvintos on 9 )an. 1506 in the presence of Stanislao curato in Szyryiliy, honorabili domino lacobo vicario suo, nobili Januschko Buczkowvcz, nobili Joanne Mylukowycz. M I.MAV 1! B-75, I'K 165,p. 72, KDKDWMM, p. 720 (bare summary);/i7,7,,m;iie incum nomine Malkiniu Jcdict comwcti- din-i nd eins lir Pctcr'sj manns fmcndwn acprovidauhnn tarn in vktu quant in amictti tarn per trigcimiwn ct in schohisticis rebus intbtiaulis circa ccclcsiiun in l!ws:y. 'Ilie document is a notorial act made by Stanislaus Pelri de Verki, the same nolarv who in August 1507 would draft lilzbictas sister Kolryna's gift for the Chantry - 1-3-76, see above п. У. " МЖОН'553.р.653.-1 Inly 1503. '" I.MAVH Г6-101, PK 1%,p.K3.G. [!U/czyk. llegesly. No.-12,p. 256: ,23 Apr. 1512. " KDKDW No 552, pp. 652-53,23 June 1503, cf. original endowment of 1 -195, above, n. 19. 42 I.MAVH B-82. I'K 217, p. 91:2S Se(4. 1516: action cl datum in Sohik (prcsmtibm) Vencrabili Ссоф Gabalo in .Wilt auditorc cmtsimim. publico itotario cpiscopi Vilncnsis nccnon lionorabilibm ct discrctis lamnc Ccrhato in Osz'yeroizy, lone Dzcdze- nomky in Solak, Stanhkio in (hzyewiki vicmis. l'aulo Sylcykmvycz ministro ccclcsic lOszycrloski ct nobililms Stanislao Kidulyewski ailvocalo in Sohik ct Georgio Minann. lor fui gis Taliatas seel. KDN'o. 1015, pp. IM5-18A 150 Stephen С. Rowcll

to the parish church of St Peter in Salakas, and a purchase of land on 25 April 1514 (confirmed by Bp John the Bastard in 1522) by Fr Jurgis of Salakas from one Zofija Bagdonaitė (Zophia Bagdanowna) (a.ka. Mykolaite, the patroness of the Maišiagala Trinity Chantry).43 In short, the Maišiagala chantry and Paberžė parish were well endowed and attractive to potential predators.44 They survived for centuries. An important stage in the development of Peters Paberžė parish is the foundation of a chantry altar of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary there in 1520 by Marina, the wife of Andrius Jonaitis Zaviša, ciwun of Vilnius, and her daughter Zophia, in memory of her first husband, Jan Lubsza, a previous ciwun.45 It was in the Lubcza house in Vilnius in May 1506 that Elžbieta Andruszewna, widow of Albert Iwaszkowicz made her last will and testament, embroidering upon the gifts her late husband had made for Paberžė and Losakinia/Piersza- ja.46 She bequeathed serfs to Paberžė parish to pay for her funeral mass and trental along with a chalice. It is unclear whether this was the chalice recorded during the 1522 Visitation. A chalice and serfs she also gave to the parish at Losakinia, which she placed in the hands of Bishop Tabor.47 Two days later she made a gift of a terra desertą and serfs for Paberžė.48 The founding of a parish church may be regarded sometimes as a part of the colonisation of sparsely populated areas - Petras Kondrataitis took Fr Jurgis Taliatas of Salakas to the con- sistory court in Vilnius and then submitted an appeal to the consistory court in Gniezno to the over bodily harm the priest and his accomplices had done to Peters colonists.49 Paberžė was built on the edge of the parish of Maišiagala, Ramygala was built on an island in the wilderness. We are led to false comparisons in the density of parishes in the dioceses of Viln-

11 LMAVll F43 202, fos 110v-l 11,11 Iv, 112r-v. 41 Major Trinity altar emoluments listed conveniently in a document of 1777 in LMAVll F-43 12116. See also KDKDW 579, p. 695,20 |une 1504 Stanislaw Maccwicz donates Repuszowska, a gilt extended by Mikalojus Macewicz on 16 Feb. 1505, KD- KÜW 585,p. 697 - half a plot ol land in Maišiagala, Repuszowska.and Pasupis; Bartko Staniewicz donated land on Mušė River on 22 Sept. 1501, KDKDW 581, p. 696, in 1502 Kotryna Norkute also donated land along this river- see above; Two serfs given by Bartosz Juszkowicz.,29 Nov. 1504Д7ЖОТ/583,р.69б. 4ä G. lilaszczyk, Regest)-, Nos 124 (1 Aug. 1520) and 126 (3 Oct. 1520 - ISp John the Dastard's appointment of Jan Zeguly), p. 268;on ciwuns see Urzędnicy Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego. Spisy. I: Wojewóilzlwo wileńskie XIV-XVIU wiek,ed. A. Rachuba et al.. Warszawa, 2004, Nos 231,233, p. 90. In Iwaszkowiczs will Lubcza received 30 Hungarian florins - KDKDW595, р. "ОН. KDKDWmi.p.7U-lti. KDKDW 6()2,p.7\$, 12 May 1506. Gnie?no AAG Ada Consistorii, Prolatarium Sentenciarum C3 (1491 -1525). fo 337v, 9 March 1524: inter nobilein domi- mini I'ctmm ConilnUowkz duxesis Vilnensis actomn el pr'mcipalem ex turn, et vencntbilcin doinimiin Cicorgiiun tie Eyxcliyski ca- toiiicuni »leilnycensem et in Solok plcbuiuim einsdem dioccsis exihlverso principalem et rami parte ex altem,ile et super

ius and Cracow, for example and led to believe that Vilnius was particularly deficient, while scantily sufficient for purpose might be a better judgment - we simply do not know enough of population density in early sixteenth-century Lithuania to form a strong opinion. The foundation of a parish church could attract new settlements as well as serve ones which ex- isted already. In conclusion we may state that Paberžė parish was founded by a priest on the edge of his parish (or at least two Lithuanian miles away from the mother church in Maišiagala) and tak- en up subsequently by local gentry patrons. Its first rector, Peter of Karvyniškės (also known as of Maišiagala, (near modern Karvys) before he was appointed to the Trinity Chantry there) built up the landholdings of the parish, intertwining them closely with those of the Trinity Chantry. He defended his property rights in disputes with local gentry and consolidated the territories he bought and sold or was given to provide a well-equipped parish church, capa- ble of providing for the liturgical requirements of his patrons. The early history of his parish reflects the way in which overlapping networks of lay sponsorship strengthened the parish network of Lithuania from the second half of the fifteenth century to provide a vibrant Cath- olic life in the diocese of Vilnius before the appearance of Protestantism. When the leading lay patron of Paberžė, Albertas Iwaszkowicz, died in 1505 he made benefactions to many churches apart from the Chantry of SS Anne and Stephen in Vilnius cathedral and the four Vilnius churches (of St John, and the Franciscans St Mary, the Dominicans' Holy Ghost and the Bernardines): a tithe for Veliuona, 4 serfs for Paberžė, 2 serfs for Švenčionys, 2 serfs for Pabaiskas, 2 Serfs for Nemenčinė, 3 serfs and land for Pierszaja (Losakinia) and money for the parish priests of Veliuona and Giedraičiai. We should note this not to reflect the expanse of Iwaszkowicz's territorial holdings but his power as a support for parish foundations across the Grand Duchy from Žemaitija to Belarus50 As families grew, so did the number of their ancestors, both paternal and maternal, who had obliged them as yet unborn to support par- ishes far beyond their direct landholdings.

511 lor a survey of gentry foimd.itions in the fifteenth century, see R. Petrauskas, Didikas ir patronas: 1.1Ж bažnytinės fun- dacijos XV a., .sYiVai ir kšvlini l.iclmw cuiitplbicijas istorijoj,.: licht ami shadows in the hktorv oft ithumua's 1\;иц(ЫЧоп, ed. V. Vaivada et a!.. Vilnius, 2011. p. thl-83. ' ' 152 Stephen С Rowell


Petras iš Karvyniškių, Paberžės Šv. Petro bažnyčios klebonas ir Maišiagalos Švč. Trejybės Altarijos kunigas: archyvo žiurkės cypimas apie parapijos kūrimą Lietuvoje 1495-1533 m.

Stephen C. Rowell

N.audojant spausdintus ir nespausdintus, kartais dingusiais laikomus Vilniaus bei Gniez- no kapitulų archyvų šaltinius, straipsnyje siekiama atkurti vieno kunigo - Petro iš Karvyniš- kių - pastangas sustiprinti bei nuosekliau įtvirtinti Paberžės šv. Petro ir Povilo bažnyčios bei Maišiagalos Švč. Trejybės altarijos fundacijas per 30 savo kunigavimo metų XVI a. pradžioje. Straipsnyje apžvelgiami šio kunigo, kaip žemvaldžio ir sielų ganytojo veiksmai, parapijos bei altarijos fundacijų susipynimas, parapijos kilnojamasis turtas pagal 1522 m. Vilniaus vys- kupijos vizitacijos medžiagą. Paberžės parapinė bažnyčia pastatyta ir funduota Maišiagalos parapijos pakraštyje. Pirmasis jos klebonas Petras iš Karvyniškių (Maišiagalos), Maišiagalos altarista, nuosekliai plėtė savo beneficines valdas naudodamasis galimybėmis pirkti ir do- vanoti sklypus - šitaip neatsiejamai susipynė bažnyčios ir altarijos nekilnojamasis turtas. Vyskupo ir valdovo teismuose Petras apsigynė nuo pasauliečių, vietinių bajorų pretenzijų ir net nuo Vilniaus kanauninko, Maišiagalos klebono Jokūbo Kučiniečio bandymų užvaldyti jo teisėtas pajamas.