The State of the Nuts
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CHORD-INATOR 1 FEBRUARY OFFICIAL BULLETIN OF THE MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA, CHAPTER **** A CHAPTER WITH AN ENVIABLE PAST - AN UNBOUNDED FUTURE **** 10,000 LAKES DIVISION - LAND O’LAKES DISTRICT FEBRUARY 2015 - VOL.71 - NO. 2 THE STATE OF THE NUTS – 2014 SALES DRIVE Nut Tsar Dick Riemenschneider reporting! It has been an extremely successful Nut Sales Campaign in mann, Dan Cole, Gene Heupel, Rollie Neve, Rich On- 2014. The numbers are not all in yet gna, Mark Ortenburger, and but here is what is known at this time: Glenn Retter. $11,000 has already been contributed Also deserving special recognition to the Commodores treasury; 78 cur- are those members that own a busi- rently active Commodores sold prod- ness and used the Nut Drive to pro- uct this year, up from 69 last year; vide our product to some of their 2,680 bags of product were sold, up customers or staff. HOBO Incorpo- 160 bags from last year. The show rated owned by Ken Wentworth sales were successful with 97 pounds purchased 132 bags of product and being sold at the Christmas show. the foil gift bags. HOBO is a chemi- I have not yet tabulated the individual cal formulator and manufacturer sales for this year but it appears that providing development, manufactur- the top salesman sold over 200 bags ing, and logistical services to sales, of product. That, gents, is a great sales service, and manufacturing organiza- effort. tions. McClellan Sales Inc., owned by Terry McClellan., purchased 40 So on behalf of all the Commodores I bags of product and foil bags. would like to thank the 78 members McClellan Sales supplies products that sold nuts this year. This is a very and services to technicians and trades important fund-raiser for the chorus people who have specific needs for and it is wonderful to see the rising tools, supplies and hardware items enthusiasm shown by the members for used to install systems and equip- this annual event. ment. Broadway Rental and Broad- And, while I am thanking members, I Tsar Riemenschneider (foreground) with one of his way Party Rental owned by Guy would like to give a special thank you agents behind, suggesting to the Editor that he seems St. Martin purchased 27 bags of to be smelling some quid pro quo here; say SUBma- to those members that made the trek rine sandwiches for nuts.? product and the foil gift bags. Broad- to Haus Riemenschneider for the nut way Rental has the motto “Name bagging. All 2,100 pounds of nuts in the first order were it…We rent it.” Broadway Party Rental rents quality party bagged in three shifts of three hours each. That is an aver- and event equipment for large corporate events to small age of 233 pounds of nuts per hour. You can bet that no intimate gatherings. peanuts had a chance to sprout under the feet of those stal- These corporate partners increased our sales a total of 199 wart baggers. Those working two bagging shifts were: pounds. Thank you Ken, Terry, and Guy. Neal Mortenson, Jim Richards, Guy St. Martin, and Rod Vink. Those working one shift were: Gordy Au- Go to Tsar, Page 2, Column 1 CHORD-INATOR 2 FEBRUARY Three Commodores were corporate sponsors of the nut drive. From left to right are Guy St. Martin of Broad- John Carlotto, 2014 Champi- way Rental Companies, Bill Ward, a multiple Subway franchisee, and Ken Wentworth, owner of HOBO Inc., a on Nut Salesman admires his chemical formulating and manufacturing company. trophy. A-cad-e-nut Awards 2 0 Dick Riemenschneider instructs Jim Richards to 1 take that Century (100 lbs. or more) trophy to Ebie, the real sales-person in the family. Tsar from Page 1 4 Gentlemen, get ready for the 2015 Dick Riemenschneider is shown here presenting the final sales-proceeds Staff check to Past-President (2014) Dan Williams (ctr.) and 2015 President drive. The sales effort will kick off on Photos Gordy Aumann. Total proceeds s for the 2014 sales: $11,000. Tuesday, September 1. New for this year, the plastic Ziploc ® freezer bags will be replaced with food grade Kernel Riemenschneider presiding! heavy-duty clear-plastic “stand bags” complete with heat-sealing, tear notches for easy opening, and zip clo- sures. Like the consistent improve- ment and professionalism of our sing- ing and presentation skills, these bags will elevate the level of professional- ism of our sales effort. Anyone having suggestions for the improvement of this important fund- raiser please get your comments to me. In the meantime and as al- ways….It’s Great To Be A Commo- dore! Other Century Club Members (left to rt.) Denny Rolloff, Dan Cole, and Carl Pinard. CHORD-INATOR 3 FEBRUARY Minneapolis, Minn. Chapter Land O’Lakes District, BHS The Circus is Coming Meetings every Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. FROM THE TOP House of Prayer Lutheran Church By Gordy Aumann, President 7625 Chicago Avenue South to Town! Richfield, MN 55423 On Sunday, March 1, we will be Chapter Officers performing in a By Jake, 2015 Show Chairman President ………...…Gordy Aumann 952/935-8869 Past Pres…………...…Dan Williams 952/974-0026 benefit concert for First, let me thank all the people help- Exec. VP………………Denny Maas 952/447-8012 the Intercongrega- ing out with this Co-Marketing/PR VPs.... Russ Born 406/670-2098 tion Communities show. The Show Pete Jarnberg 651-765-9580 Association food- Committee is meet- V P Music /Perform……Carl Pinard 612-927-9363 shelf. We will be V P Membership……..Harvey Weiss 763/439-4447 ing regularly and Program V P .………….....Dan Cole 612/376-0779 joined by the Faith plans are moving Secretary……..........……...Bill Warp 763/531-2290 Church Choir and along quite well. Treasurer ……..……...John Carlotto 952-925-0886 Gordy Aumann one or two small Board Members The songs for the Through 2015 groups from Min- show have all been Ben Hancock……………………….. netonka High School. The ICA introduced and learn- Jerry Koch………………….…….….952/929-5069 foodshelf provides services to seven Vince Trovato…………………...…..952/937-8824 ing deadlines estab- Through 2016 communities in the West-Metro Ar- Gary Jacobson lished. Now comes Andy Cook………………………….651-688-6459 ea: Minnetonka, Hopkins, Excelsior, the fun work… Blake Wanger………………….……414-699-4950 Deephaven, Woodland, Greenwood, SELLING THE SHOW. Nate Weimer………………………..316-204-8756 and Shorewood. Directors Men, we can fill Benson Hall (twice) Director…………………………….….Paul Wigley ICA's mission is to offer hope as Assistant Directors if you go out, talk up our show, and Gary Jacobson they provide assistance to people in get your ticket orders in to Diana Pi- David Speidel need. Their vision is to uphold the nard so she can get them to you and James Souhan dignity of these people as they strive Section Leaders you can finish the sales. Another Tenor Section Leader ……………...…Rollie Neve for self-sufficiency in partnership “pure gravy” concept is the selling of Lead Section Leader. ……………....Gary Jacobson with church congregations, organi- sponsorships and show ads. We will Assistant - Dan Smith zations, businesses, and individuals be having more program presentations Bari Section Leaders …......….…...….Dave Speidel Assistant - Pete Villwock in the area. ICA's programs include: related to those challenges in the next Bass Section Leaders……...……….....Jim Richards 1. FOOD: In FY 2014, ICA distrib- month. This is a show for the whole Assistant -.Dave Casperson family. Get out and talk it up! Committee Chairmen uted l.7 million pounds of food to Altruistic Programs Chairman……......Denny Maas individuals, families, schools, senior Groups singing in the show (quartets, Audio/Visual Mgr…………...…...…..Kirk Douglas centers and other services agencies. 2014 Show Chairman…………...…..Blake Wanger VLQs, Brigadiers, etc.) should give 2015 Show Chairman…...……….....Gary Jacobson The number of Food Services has Go to Big Top, Page 4 Column 1 Afterglow Chairman………….….....Travis Wuttke increased by 154% since December Attendance/Sgt.-at-Arms……..…..Loren Berthilson 2007 and has continued to climb. The specialist works with clients who BOTY Party Chairman....…………...…...Dan Cole Chord-Inator Staff ICA also offers specialty food to are unemployed/under-employed to Editor ……………….…………Dr. Hardin Olson meet the allergic, medical and ethnic increase their chances of securing Senior Columnist…….…………….Jim Erickson needs of its clients. employment. Artist…………….…….…………...Glenn Retter Chorus Performance Managers…….…..John Lloyd 2. FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: 5. FOOD SUPPORT OUTREACH: a Bob Ostergaard multilingual staff met with 463 Groupanizer Manager…………...…......Jerry Koch ICA provided $217,838 in financial Harmony Foundation…...…......….......Jack Beaver assistance benefiting 1,310 individu- households to provide resources to Historian ……………….…….....Mark Bloomquist als in FY 2014. ICA assisted with SNAP (food support), Hennepin Learning Tracks…….………...……..….Dan Smith rent, mortgages, utilities, bus passes, County services, and other resources. Librarian………………..……...……….Carl Pinard Name Tags ……………….………..….Dan Slattery bus tokens, transit-link passes, and 6. SEASONAL PROGRAMS: In FY Nut Sales Chairman……......Dick Riemenschneider miscellaneous items. 2014, ICA gave 943 Thanksgiving Northern Pines Brigade President…...Dave Speidel turkeys and fixings. Performance Mgr………….….….....Paul Swanson 3. MOBILE FOOD SHELF: Over Presentation Chairman…...…….….……..Dan True 90,000 pounds of food were deliv- I hope you will all be able to perform Quartet Promotion…………...…..…Gary Jacobson Riser Boss……………………….Dan Cole (Temp.) ered in FY 2014 to 232 individuals, for this great community outreach Roster ……………………..……..Dr. Jim Richards primarily senior citizens, at five low- program. Admission will be a non- Singing Valentines……..………....Neal Mortenson income housing units. perishable food item food or a mone- Sunshine ………………….…….…..…Rich Ongna tary donation. Swipe Editor ………..……………..….........Bill Warp 4. EMPLOYMENT SPECIALIST: Tickets/A-Commodears President…...Diana Pinard 111 Individuals met with ICA's Em- It’s great to be a caring Commodore! Transportation Mgr.………………..Dick Hartmann Uniform Committee Chaiman……………...Vacant ployment Specialist and 78 individu- Uniforms (Dress & Casual)……….…Dan Williams als secured employment in 2014.