Barbershop Quartet Chicago

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Barbershop Quartet Chicago RICH~RD (0' J DAlEr CE~rE" ."..::..., ", ..........- Barbershop Quartet Day • 1ft Chicago Story on page 2 ~Jt1~ ~ The Cincy Winners ~)< d 'r ."' ':~ "'r~:~~-:' Your I'(\~) ,,: 1978 RECORDS Saves You Money! There is no charge for handling and shipping, which is scheduled for Fall 1978. Your records SPECIAL PACKAGE OFFER GOOD UNTIL will be shipped to you immediately from Kenosha upon receipt from the manufacturer. JULY 31, 1978 1978's TOP TEN QUARTETS Forty of the finest male voices on record anywhere. Package 1. 1978's TOP FIVE CHORUSES Featuring the Barbershop Chorus sounds that thrilled us in Cincinnati. $9.50 No. 4927 - Two LP's Reg.$11.00 CANADA $10.00 1978's TOP TEN QUARTETS Featuring the year's best as selected in Cincinnati. 1978's TOP FIVE CHORUSES Package 2. Featuring the finest of the biggest 1978 sounds. ASSOCIATION OF INTERNATIONAL CHAMPIONS - 1978 ALBUM $X4.50 A recording that continues the Barbershop Bonanza tradition. Features these A.I.e. members: MOST HAPPY FELLOWS, CANADA $15.00 INNSIDERS, HAPPINESS EMPORIUM, FOUR STATESMEN, DEALER'S CHOICE, SUN TONES, SCHMITT BROTHERS No..4928 - All three LP's Reg. $16.50 BfiRBEi\SHOPPEi(S ,SHOP Available through: NOTE: Cassette and a·Track tape versions of the Society's 1978 S.P.E.B.S.a.S.A., Inc. champion recordings will not be produced. P.O. Box 575 Kenosha, Wisconsin 53141 .................................................................................... Mail to: 'SPEBSQSA ADVANCE ORDER POBox 575 + Kenosha, Wis. 53141 SHIP TO: NAME DATE _ STREET CITY _ STATE/PROV. ZIP/P.C. _ SPEBSQSA Membership No. Chapter No. _ Please reserve for me __No. 4927 Package No.1 ( ) 1978 Quartet & Chorus LP's. __No. 4928 Package No.2 ( ) 1978 Quartet, Chorus & A.I.C. LP's. If more than one package is ordered, write quantity in parentheses provided above. Enclosed is my __Check _Money Order in amount of $ . My cancelled check or duplicate copy of my money order will serve as a receipt. Accl. No. o Master Charge Expiration Date _ o Bank AmerlcardlVlsa Signature _ .................................................................................... BfiRBE~HOPPEi(S,SHOP Recordings Clearance SALE! CLEARANCE SALE ORDER BLANK IS ON BACK OF THIS PAGE CANADA: Add .50 per recording Your Choice $1.00 ORDER NOWI No. 4880 1972 CHORUS LP Fealures Phoel/icial/s (C/lalllpS), Soul/iei'll Galeway, Thoroughbreds, C/lOrdslIlel/, POI/Y ExpresslIlel/. No. 4861 1970 CHORUS LP Features Dapper Dal/s (Challlps), Phoel/icial/s, Soulhel'll Galeway, Tide/,ll/deI's, Chams ofthe DIII/es. No. 4864 1970 CHORUS REEL-TO-REEL (Same as listed above.) No. 4857 1970 QUARTET LP Featllres Oriole FOllr (CIUl11lJ>S), Sltlldoltnlers, Pacificaires, GeHtlemell's Agreemellt, Easterllaires, Far Westenlers, Halllllarks, Doo Dads, Cilatiolls, Fal/fares. No. 4962 BOURNE BARBERSHOP BLOCKBUSTERS LP SUI/g by Ihe Oriole Foul', 1970 II/Iemational Challlps CLEARANCE SALE ORDER BLANK Mail To: SPEBSQSA, Inc, P.O. Box 575, Kenosha, Wisconsin 53141 NAME _ DATE _ STREET _ CITY STATE/PROV. ZIPIP.C. _ SPEBSQSAMEMBERSHIPNO. CHAPTER NO. _ 4880 CHORUS LP 1972 $1.00 4874 CHORUS 1971 8TR. $2.26 4861 CHOR US LP 1970 $1.00 4873 CHORUS 1971 CASSo $2.26 4864 CHORUS REEL 1970 $1.00 4911 ~ALUTE LP $2.26 4857 QUARTET LP 1970 $1.00 4913 BONANZA 1976 LP $6.95 4962 BLOCKBUSTERS LP $1.00 4982 BONANZA 1973 8TR. $6.96 4889 CHORUS 1973 8TR. $2.25 4980 Bonanza 1973 LP $5.96 4881 CHORUS 1972 CASSo $2.25 CANADA: Add .50 per recording Ace!. No. o Master Charge Expiration Date _ o Bank AmerlcardIVlsa Signature _ Your Choice $2.25 lAVE DO/,/ANI No. 4889 1973 CHORUS 8-TRACK Featllres SOllthern Gateway (Challlps), Thorollghbreds, Tidelallders, SIlIl Harbor, Arlillgtones. No. 4881 1972 CHORUS CASSETTE Featllres Phoenicialls (Challlps), SOlltl,em Gateway, Thoroughbreds, CIJOrdslllell, POllY Expresslllell. No. 4874 1971 CHORUS 8-TRACK Peatllres Chorus ofthe Chesapeake (Challlps), SIlIl Harbor, SOil tIl em Gateway, CllOrdslllell, Chorus of the Dunes. No. 4873 1971 CHORUS CASSETTE (Same as listed above). No. 4911 SALUTE TO AMERICA LP 2-Record Set featllring SPEBSQSA 's tribute to Ollr Natioll's Bicentellnial, Sllllg by the TllOroll)?hbreds 1974 Intematiollal Chorus Champs. Your Choice $5.95 SPECIAL No. 4913 1975 BONANZA LP 2-Record Set featllring Regellts, Dealer's Choice, Gelltlemell's AgreemeJlt, FOllr Statesmen, SU'ltones , Schlllitt Brotllers, Dapper DallS of Walt Disney World, Thoro Ilgh bred Chorus. No. 4982 1973 BONANZA 8-TRACK 2-Record Set featllrhlg Slllltones , Go/dell Staters, Gelltlelllen's Agreelllent, Schmitt Brothers, FOllr S tateslllell, Mark IV, Weste,." COlltillerltals, Evalls Quartet, Kidder and Sons, Illc. No. 4980 1973 BONANZA LP - (Same as listed above.) International Officers President Roger J. Thomas, 3720 S1. Andrews Blvd., Racine, Wisconsin 53405 Immediate Past President, Samuel Aramian, 7202 W. Libby Ave., Peoria, Arizona 85345 Vice President Ernie Hills, Box 66, Medford, Oklahoma 73759 Vice President, Burt Huish, P.O. Box 1925, A BI·MONTHLY MAGAZINE PUBLISHED FOR AND ABOUT MEM· Twin Falls, Idaho 83301 Vice President-Treasurer, Leslie Hesketh, Jr. BERS OF SPEBSQSA, INC., IN THE INTERESTS OF BARBERSHOP 7467 Clifton Road, Clifton, Virginia 22024 HARMONY. Board Members MAY • JUNE 1978 • VOL. XXXVIII • NO.3 Cardinal, Ernie Nickoson, 1702 Cameron Ct., Lexington, Kentucky 40505 THE HARMONIZER Is the officIal publication of the Socloty for tho PrelOrvation Central States, Gil Lefholz, 13316 E. 51st St., and Encouragement of Barbor Shop Quartet Singing In Americo, Inc. It is published Kl'Insas City, Missouri 64133 in tho months of January, March, May, July, September end November at Dixie, Neil Bruce, 116 Stonevlew Road, Birmingham, Alabama 35210 6315 - 3rd Avenue, Kenosha, Wisconsin 53141, socond·closs postage paid at Evergreen, Jack Becker, 1427 Regan Ave., Kenosha, Wisconsin. Editorial and AdvertIsing officos aro at tho Intornatlonal Office. Coquitlam, B.C. V3J 3B6 Notico of change of address should be submitted to tho editorial offlcos of THE Far Western, Gil Jacobs, 921 Glencliff St., La HARMONIZER, 6315 THIRD AVE., KENOSHA, WISCONSIN 53141, at loast thirty Habra, California 90631 days before the next publication dato. Subscription priCe Is $2.50 yearly end $.76 an Illinois, John Mulkin,821 N. 18th St., Herrin, I~sue. illinois 62948 Johnny Appleseed. Gene Courts, 29 Still­ meadow Drive, Cincinnati, Ohio 45245 Land O'Lakes, James D. Richards, 1459 Clar­ mar Lane, St. Paul, Minnesota 55113 Mid-Atlantic, Merritt F. Auman, 504 Sherwood St., Shillington. Pennsylvania 19607 Northeastern, Richard J. O'Connell, 21 Terri Ad., Framingham, Massachusetts 01701 f.·4....rrs Ontario, Roy Cunningham, 369 Painted Post Barbershop Quartet Day in Chicago ....•....•.•........•....... 2 Or., Scarborough, Ontario M1G 2M6 Pioneer, John Gillespie, 712 Newgate Rd., Cincinnatrs Ready _...................................... .. 4 Kalamazoo, Michigan 49007 Rocky Mountain, AI Potts, 2858 E. Peakvlow Mr. Convention, Glenn Howard .......•....•......•.•......... 6 Circle, Littloton, Colorado 80121 A Report to Our Stockholders .... ...........•..•.....•..... .. 8 Soneca Land, Jack Wooley, R.D. 1, Box 379, Vestal, New York 13850 Financial Statements . ......................•..•...•.••...... 9 Southwestern, AI Feuorbacl1er, 110 Wildrose, Logopedics Chairmen Looking at Logopedics . ..........•......... 10 San Antonio, Texas 78209 'Sunshine, Steward Nichols, 617 DeSoto Lane, 500 Men and a Song ............................•...........12 Indian Harbour Beach, Florida 32937 Harmony Foundation in Action . ..............•.•.•.•..•.•.... 14 And Past International Presidents "Chordsmen" Haven for Singing Servicemen ...........•.•....... 16 Leon S. Avakian, P.O. Box 589, Asbury Park, Top Achievement Award to Northeastern . .......•.•......•.•....18 New Jersey 07712 YMIH Chorus Takes to the Road . ...............•......•..... .20 F. Richard Ellenberger, 2476 Poersch Ct., Schenectady, New York 12309 Plum mer F. Collins, 216 Conewango Ave., •·••0Inl.·0. Warren, Pennsylvania 16365 Conlll1it/Attain. _............•......•.•..•.•.•.•..•.•.•....11 d"llarlmpnlS I See From the Bulletins . ........•....•.•....•...............22 Mail Call From Harmony Hall . .......................•........28 mls('pllanpous New Chapters . ............•.............•......•.•........26 Executive Director Logopedics Contributions . ...•.•....•....•.•....•.•.•........26 HUGH A. INGRAHAM Music Educ'7tion and Services Bargain Baselnent ............•......•....•......•.•... , ....26 ROBERT D. JOHNSON. Director Century Club .............•....•.•....•. , ....•.•..........27 Music Services Assistants MALCOLM L. HUFF ('onlrlbulors JOE E. LILES DAVID M. STEVENS Art Bush .. Phil Embury ... David Hitchcock ... Hugh Ingraham ... Communications Wilbur Sparks . .. Roger Thomas . .. Sher Watts BURT SCH INDLER, Director Field Representatives THOMAS P. COGAN JOSEPH JENKINS Communications Assistant D. WILLIAM FITZGERALD Editor future C'onventlons LEO W. FOBART INTERNATIONAL MID·WINTER Finance alJ(1 Administration DALLAS A. LEMMEN, Director 1978 CincInnati, O. July 3-8 1979 Sarasota, Fla. Jan. 26-27 Accounting & Membership Services 1979 Minneapolis, Minn. July 2-7 1980 Colorado Springs, Colo. Jan. 25-26 FRANK E.SANTARELLl, Manager 1980 S81t Lake City, U. July 7·12 Marketing Manager ,9B1 Dotrolt. Mlch, July 6-11 GEORGE W. DROLET in for a very special event, as barbershop choruses and quartets were scheduled to appear at various times throughout the weekend. Indeed, the halls of the convention headquarters Conrad Hilton hotel were filled with folks listening
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    I PUBLISHED BY AUGUST 1)he SOCIETY FOR THE PRESERVATION AND ENCOURAGEMENT VOL. VI. 1 9.4 6 OF BARBER SHOP QUARTET SINGING IN AMERICA, INC. No. 1 ..... :J..-/V 5~-rc.1-f 1%, #£I;..L ~/ I­ ,i6A-t6I1!c !!.I ~>5 /;~Y;I/ :!1/u HARMONIZER i RETIRING PRESIDENT EMBURY "T,,6:_ REPORTS TO BOARD 1E1t~j~~~~~~-f~~1~ In his relJOrt to the Internationa H Board at Cleveland, President Phi oJ DEYOlED TO THE ItHElle:f,TS OF Embury called attention to the trc SARBER S!19P OUAPIET H,I.~...oHY mendous growth of our Society dur ing the last two years. From June 1944, to June, 1946, the organizatiol Published quarterly by the International Officers and the other members of grew from 4490 members to 12,772 the International Board of Directors of the Society for the Preservation and from 96 chapters to a total of 242 Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America. Inc., for free distribution to the members of the Society. Phil paid a fine tribute to the excel lent work of chapter officers and said VOLUME VI AUGUST, 1946 No.1 "We have barely scratched the sur face of our potential in the United 35c per Copy States and Canada. Only 6 states ------------------------- have over 500 membersi only 7 have 10 or more chapters. SPEBSQSA is Carroll P, Adams - Editor and Business Manager America's only singing·service organ ization and it is on the way to being Warren D, Devine - Editorial and Business Associate one of its greatest men's clubs." 18270 Grand River Avenue, Detroit 23, Michigan Speaking of THE HARMONIZER Phone: VE 7-7300 Phil pointed out that it has "doubled in size to become a mainstay of the Society's success.
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