Marquis 1995 International Quartet Champion

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Marquis 1995 International Quartet Champion Marquis Western Hills (Cincinnati), Ohio 1995 International Quartet Champion IT'S SOLID GOLD S HOW CAS E '95 Kick off the once-in-a-lifetime Golden Anniversary Celebration with Showcase '95 featuring CHICAGO FIRE, Sweet Adelines International's 1995 Champion Quartet; Houston Horizon Chorus, the 1994 inter­ national third place medalist; and celebrated recording artist and a 1995 Grammy Award winner Miss Vikki Carr. Plus a special appearance by Miss Rachael Gates, for two years a recipient of a Bev Sellers Memorial Scholarship. Curtain at 8 p.m., Tuesday, Oct. 17. Louisiana Superdome. All tickets $15 each. Please place ONE order (mailed to same address) for all those who wish to be seated together. Tickets are transferable but not refundable. Deadline for mail orders is Sept. 15, 1995. Orders received after the deadline will be filled and available at the Ticket Office, Hyatt Regency, New Orleans on Oct. 17. Rachael Gates VISA or Mastercard charges accepted by phone at 800-992-7464. Showcase '95 is just an appetizer for things to come in New Orleans. Proceeds benefit the Young Singers Foundation and the Young Women in Harmony Program. SeptemberlOctober 1995 The Volume LV, No.5 The IInrlllol/i{u (U51)5 No. 577700) (ISSN 0017-7849) is the official publlcatlon of the Socli'ly for the Pres('n"alion ~aImonizer and Encouragement of IhTber Shop Quartet Singing in America, Inc. (SPEUSQSA).1t Is IJUblishcd in the months ofJ:muarJ.Mnrch, MaJ. Jtll~', Se))tember and Nowlllber A B1-MONTHLY MAGAZINE PUBLISHED FOR AND ABOUT MEMBERS OF al 7930 Shtrldnll Road, KClloshn, Wisconsin 53143. Sec­ ond-class postage I)ald nl KCllosha, Wisconsin, and at SPEBSQSA, INC. IN THE INTERESTS OF BARBERSHOP HARMONY addilionalmailing offices. Editorial and ndn'rlising of· fi('('s arc at lhe international office, Adl'ulising rates 3\'allableulloll rcqu('st. Publisherassumes 110 responsibil. Features ity for return of ullsotldll'd manuscripts or artwork. Postmaster: send address dumgrs 10 editorial offices of Tile Harmoniztr, 7930 Sheridan Road, Kl'llosha, Wiscon­ sin 53143 at h'ast thlrt)' da)'s berore the next publication 4 Miami Beach was a party! date. A portion ofrach I1Icmber'sdue5 Is allocated tOCO\'er stories and candid photos from the 1995 international convention the magazine's subscription price. Subscription price to lion·members is SI8 )'earl)" or SJ pcr issue; foreign sub· scriptions are $27 )"earl)" or $4.50 per issue (0. S. funds 14 Photos of 1995 quartet contestants only). C>1995 b)' the Sodet)' for the Presen-ation and Encouragement of Rnrbl.'T Shop Quartet Singing in 25 Complete scoring summaries Anu'rlca, Inc. 29 Photos of 1995 chorus contestants International Office 34 Photos of 1995 college quartet contestants SPEBSQSA 6315 Third Avenue 38 Management Study Report-Part 1 Kenosha, WI 53143-5199 first in a series on Society restmcturing Telephone (4 J4) 653-8440 Toll-rree (800) 876-SING (7464) 54 Getting along FAX (414) 654-4048 or 654-5552 part 6 in a series on chapter craft Office Hours: 8 n.111 •• 5 1),111. l\londa)'-Fridny (Central Time) Intel'nationa' Office Staff Also in this issue JOE LILES. Executive Dir.:-etor DAN NAUMANN. Director of Music Education & Services 37 From Society Archives [email protected] FRANK S,\NTAItELLI, Din.'CtOfOfFinance& Administratioo GAilY S'l'AM~I. Director of Marketing 39 International Services 1'0;\1 nARR, Harmony Foundation Progrnm Coordinator RUTH BLAZINA,jOYCE, Museulll CuratorfArchh'ist 40 Marketing the Society DAN UAILY. Publications Editor [email protected] jl~1 DEBUSMAN, 1\lusic Sp«ialistfCOTSfQuartets 42 PR Basics JimDcBus [email protected] I.ANI DIETEIt, C&J CoordinatorlQuart...t Registry 44 Youth Outreach RUSS FOlliS, Managcr of Mec.lia Production and Ser"jc<.'s WARREN I.EISF.MANN. ~Ianag<.'r of Infonnation Systems nRI,\N LYNCH, Public Rdalions M3n3g~r 46 Letters to the Editor [email protected] BElTY l\IADSEN, ~lereh:ll1dise Orders & Shipping 48 The Way I See It ... EV NAU. Manag<.'r of t\kmb<.'rship Development & Outreach BILL RASHl.EIGH, t\lusic SpecialiWYouth Outrt'ach GREG RIS1\IOEN, Computcr Network t\lanag... r 50 Chapters in Action PATlUCKTUCKER·KEJ.1.Y, WorldHannonyfl-,lembership [email protected] 51 Men of Note DEE VESEVICK, Assistant to the Ex«,utin~ Director KEN BUCKNER, Man:l.ger of Conventions & t\lcclings louis\'ille, Ky. (502) 893·7288 FAX: 893·6694 51 Chapter Eternal Kenwntion(jj' CHARLIE GREEN, Dir,:-cior of Development 51 In Memory Minneapolis. ~Iinn. (612) 929·00-11 FAX: 929·0552 52 News About Quartets SPEBSQSA VISION STATEMENT The Society is to be a widely recognized, ever­ growing, singing fraternity of men, drawn to­ 56 Swipes 'n' Swaps-bargains for barbershoppers gether by their love of the four-part, a cappella, close-harmony style of music known as barber­ shop, whose mission is to perpetuate that style by sharing it and their love for it with people of all On the cover ages throughout the world; and to be a leader in Front cover: the 1995 international quartet champion, Marquis, posed with the Hugh the cause of preserving and encouraging vocal music, in our education systems and in our com­ Ingraham Memorial Trophy and individual AS CAP trophies. Back cover: 1995 munities, as alifelong recreationai actiVity and an international chorus champion Alexandria Harmonizers and 1995 college quartet essential element in one's cultural well-being. champion Stop the Presses. September/October 1995 8imfnonizer International Officers lllteJ'l/at;olla/ t:.\'ecul;)'1! COlI/millt'l! Prcsidcnt: Dick Shaw, 35 Vagabond lanc, Winter Han~n, FL 33881 by Joe Liles, Executive Director Vice PresidenifTreasurer: Tim Hanrahan, 215 Hedgecock COWl Satellite Beach, FL 32937 Vice President: Ed Waesehe, 6 Vista Lane, ~lel\'ille, NY 11747 Vice President: Chuck Watson, 784 r-,'lcCall Court, Columbus, OH 43235 Immediate Past President: Ernie Niekosoll, 1702 Cameron 0., Lexington. KY 40505 Execl1li\'c Director: Joe Liles ex oj}icio llllel'll(/f;ol/(tf Board Member!, Cnrdill.1l: William Camp~II, HIO South Ea,I St , Indi:lnap"li~,IN ~6227 C...ntrJI Slates: Fred Teller, 1520 Cre;;Imoor Or.• Ila~ting~, NE 68901 Di.\ie: Charlie RoS\:, P.O.llo," 7885. Rock)' Mount. NC 2780-1 Miami Beach was a party! E\"Crgr",,"n: K,'n Fktcher. 4241 21~1 We", 11100. Seattle. WA 98199 Far We,teen: Di.-\.: Girvin. 348SS Lyn Aw., Hemel, CA 925~5 Illinois: Gene McNish. 1208 Wakefield Dr., Springfield. IL 6270-1 Johnny Apple;«'d: Gene Courts, lW Madison Rd., Cindnri.lti. OH 45208 Land 0' Lake,: Du:rnellulton. RI. 1.130," 146, Rollingstone, MN 55969 ~lid·All:rntic: Marin Auman, 2400 \\'as,ner Dr" West La\\Tl, PA 19609 reativity ran rampant in both the and the World Harmony Jamboree. These Nonhcastcm: Bill Ferrigno, 140 SeJ View Ave., Wak... fidd, RI 02879 quartet and chorus contests at the are three events I will never miss. Ont:lrio: Rid; Snoulten, 23 Bradenton Dr.• WillowdJle, ON M21l I Y4 CANADA Miami Beach convention. The tal­ My one disappointment was not being Pioneer: Roger Lewi,. 20125 12 ~Iile Rd., Battle Cre...k. Ml 49017 C Rock)' Mounlain: lI'an Jensen, 46-4 GW...;I Rockrimmon [It.'d, ent and presentations were just awesome. able to sing a few songs and tags with friends. Colorado Springs, CO 80919 Congratulations to all competitors. You On orders from my cardiologist, I had to Sen"":! Land: Dick Benner, 3795 Lyell Rd., Roche>lCr. NY 1~606 thrilled the audience time and time again. greatly limit my activities. But, it was good Southwest... rn: Bruce Cblk, 2469 Osford A\"C" San Angelo, TX 7690-1 Sunshine: Ned Fogler, 14918 F"'Jlh... r Co\"... Rd., CI...Mw;ll... r, FL J.I622 Another standing ovation to .Marquis and just to be there, to be a pm1 ofa convention alld DiI'ectors-at-Lal'ge the Alexandria Harmonizers! that had such ambiance, heaped with heav­ O.lllBaker. 525 Belwdcre Dr. 1110. HOI Springs. ,\R 71901 Rob Hopkins, 163 AlTo\\'heJd Way, Clinton, NY lJ323 The newjudging categories are working. enly harmony. What an unforgettable expe­ John Schneider, 3 Rip Van Winkle, HOUlton. TX 77024 There is morc freedom and entcl1ailUllcnt, rience the Miami Chapter, Convention Com­ Bob Sw... nson, 300 YUJllJ. lIl:1n11atl.lll. KS 66502 providing more joy for the performer and mittee and Chairman Gene Cokeroft gave Affiliate Organizations the audience. us. A great big "thank you" to all volun­ AUSTRALIAN ASSOCIATION OF ~IEN BARBERSHOP Other special highlights were the AIC teers! SINGERS (,\AMns) OJI'id Rus.sell. Pr...sident, 286 William 5lrett. nalhursl. Nell" South Waks 2795, Au,Iralia shows, the MBNA College Quartet Contest BARBERSHOP IN GERMANY (llinli!) Resine For,l, P....silknl. Lange SlrJs,e 66, 44141 DonmunJ, G~rnlan}' nRlTISH ASSOCIATIO:-: OF BARBERSHOP SINGERS (BABS) Tony Searle. Cluimlan, 14 SI. Margaret's liro\·~, Greal Kingshill. Your best bet is to sing in a quartet High Wycomb-:, Bucks HPI5 6HP, England DUTCH ASSOCIAT10:-l OF nARnERSHOP SINGERS (DAns) Quartet singing is the purest essence of the name of my quartet (I sing bad) is Herman Feit>ma, Pr(si,knt. Klal·... ml~n #1. llarderw}'k 38~4BR, lh~ N~thcrlJlld, barbershop harmony, and there are many Modern Maturity. IRISH ASSOCIATiON OF BARBERSHOP SINGERS (lABS) forms ofthisjoyous pleasure-rangingfrom Kcn Buckner, Dan Daily,JimDeBusman, Olga Bn.l\\ne. Chaimlan. 29 Manine Coun. Skerries, Count)' Dublin, Ir~land spontaneous, casual, non-public tag and song Russ Faris, Charlie Green, Brian Lynch, Ev NEW ZEALAND ASSOCIATIO},' OJ' BARllERSIlOP SIKmRS singing to marc serious show and competi­ Nau, Dan Naumann, Bill Rashleigh, Gary (NZAllS) John Buckle}', Pr,'sidcnl, 27 Brodie Slr..-.:t, Chri,tehurch lIOO-I.
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