QUARTET SCHOOLS Pallen Hotel, Chattanooga, Tenn

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QUARTET SCHOOLS Pallen Hotel, Chattanooga, Tenn 1963 INTERNATIONAL CHAMPIONS TOWN and COUNTRY FOUR Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Chapter Jack Elder, Baritone - Ralph Anderson, Bass - Larry Autenreith, Lead - Leo Sisk, Tenor :-J1:.\'\"\0\'\ Co\'\ \,\,,0 ~"S "01l0 ~\,,~\.\~,.'l\ V3~·· HARMONY LIBRARY MUSICAL Arranger's Manual (5C-66) $2.S0 Chorus Development Manual (5C-67) ...•.... 2.50 Cralt Manual (5C-68) 2.S0 Quartet Promotion Manual (5C-71) .....•.... 1.00 Barbershopper & His Voice (5C-37) (with recorded tape) 5.00 SHOW AIDS Stagecraft & Show Production (SC-69) . 2.50 Here's How (Stagecralt) (SC-72) ........•... 3.85 Script Writing Manual (SC-70) ......•....... 1.00 The golden sound PUBLICITY AND BULLETINS of the 1.50 Public Relations Manual (5C-48) . is yours on this 1.50 sun tones Bulletin Editor's Manual (SC-64) . superb album by the '61 Quartet Champs. Re-capture Weakly (meeting) Reminders (SC-90) ....•... 1.00 the magic thrill or their spine-tingling perrormances again ADMINISTRATIVE and again with these 12 "most requested" show stoppers: Chapler President's Workbook (SC-80) . 1.50 11 The little Boy 5anta Claus Forgot;:;; America . '. • Chapter Secretary's Handbook (SC-81) 1.50 U That Old Black Ma gic B Mother Machree 11'33~ LP High Fidelity Chapler Treasurer's Handbook (SC-82) . .75 t' "I Had The Craziest Dream' Lazy Bones 1$425 Membership Promolion Manual (SC-83) . 1.50 r-J Mighty Lak A Rose 0 Doin'The Raccoon . I d I Chapter Program Workbook (SC-84) . 1.50 1I I'm Confessin'That I Love Vou rJ Oh Teacher ~nn~up~~la:: I U For All We KnolV 0 Chord Busters March =' '.' c ORDER FROM INTERNATIONAL HEADQUARTERS Semi check or 1II01lf')' orr/a 10 SUNRISE RECORDS' 75 N.E.150th St., Miami, Florida 'PLASTIC prTCH PiPe pout,", nap. 'til bUlton So I 9 case \'11 An attractive carry n and handy. Even ipe dean yoUf piteh P accessory. Keep ~ote Selector odeles the aCcOfl\m lG·70)- L NEW PUBLISHED ARRANGEMENTS FOLDING OPERA GLASSES $2 .25 JUST RELEASED Brings you up close at Barbershop shows lind 2S¢ Each can be used for dozens of other events. Folds Order from: "I'M SORRY I MADE YOU CRY" (LF.28) down conveniently to fit your POCket h . w en "MARGIE" (FF.29) not In use. Available in six leather_type S.P.E.B.S.Q.S.A., Inc. "ROCK·A·BYE YOUR BABY WITH colors: REO, BLACK, BLUE, GREEN, TAN and A DIXIE MELODY" (MM·32) 6315 • 3rd Avenue "SOMEBODY STOLE MY GAL" (ROB·30) BROWN. 21'2 Power (G·'28) Kenosha, Wisconsin "SUNSHINE OF YOUR SMilE" (HAR·31) "WAlKIN' WITH MY HONEY DOWN HONEYMOON LANE" (PMC·33) It's yours for the asking! A complete listing of Barbershop recordings, chapter supplies, LIst of over 400 additlollal titles FREE gifts, jewelry and dozens of other items designed to help you derive more enjoyment availablo upon request CATALOG! from Barbershopping. Just send your name and address all a postcard. July-August VOL. XXlll 1963 No.4 International Board of Directors I1Jlen1r1/;onal Officers PresidtOl, \Varne Poor, 166 Iklnl~,ldt' Ro.td, Rocheuef THE HARMONIZER is Ihe official publicalion of the Socit"ty ror the Prt$(tvation and 17. New YOlk Encoullgemenc of Dlrbtr Shop Quanti Singing in America. Inc. II is published in the Immediar(' Pur Presidem, Louis Laurel. 4617 Waller monlhs of J~nuu~, ~hrch, May, July, Seplember and November al 6}15 _ 3rd A\'enu~, unto EI Paso, Texas K('.nosha~ \'i'ucOnSlll, and entered as s«ond·c1ass maHer at the POSt office at Kenosha, lSI Vice President, Dan Waselchuk, 1414 Dit'ffielet W,scoMm, undC'r the Ace of March }, 1879. EdilOria.\ and Ad,'euisin8 offices are 1.1 Suetr, Green D~y. \'<'isconsin International H~dqualtcls. Notice of ch~n8e of address should be submiued 10 lhe edi!Olial Vice Presidtnr, Geor,!!c Dohn, 3520 Domicil Way, oqicts of THE HARMONIZER, 6315 THIRD AVE., KENOSHA, WISCONSIN, al IN.st Sacra-memo 21, California lhll.ty days before lhe ru:Xt publicalion dale. Subscriplion price is $2.00 yearly and $.50 Vice Prtsident, Rudy Halt, 1112 Ohio SUtel, Michigan an Issue. Cit)', Indiana Vice Presidenl, ehalit's W. Linku, The Ptnn TowelS, Apr. 1916, 1801 Pennsyl\'ania m",d., Philadelphia 3. Pennsylunia FEATURES Tr~sultr. Tom \'Vam, 629 Porest A\'rnue, Belleville, Barbershop H(If11WU'Y IVeek ReIJiew__ ..__ ._ _ .. .. .. _ 2 Illinois EX('(\llj\,C Dir«lor. Robert G. Hafer, 6315 Third A"e­ Arnold Bames: Texas Mall 0/ Note. .__ . ~ ._ 4 nut. Kenosha. \Visconsin StO')1 oj an Arrangement .__ . .___ 8 Board MemberJ Toromo Conl/elltiou. HigbJigbtJ . ._ __ .. .__ .. 11 Urdinal. Les Emmerson, 3206 Parntll A,'enue. 'Pon Quartet Contell Scoring Summary _. __ .._.. __ _ 13 ""1'nt, Indiana <bltf'll StOll", Chel Pox, 281) Durow R01d. Topeka, Competing Qllartets at Toronto .. .. ... 14 Kansn Dixi~, John DJ,wson, 238 Hawlhoro~ ROld, N.W.. Harmoll,r Foundation Seeks Greater Recogni/;ol1. 26 \'i'lOs10n·S..J!em. North Calolioa E,·ergl~n. Alan J. Ftattl, 5 Glenwocxl Crescenl. Cal­ gary. AlbtWlI, Canada COMMENT Far Weslern. \'7esly R. Meiu, 8420 'ala Su«t. La Meu, Calirornia Fallfare Prom Foor_________ _ _ 5 Illinois, Charles Kirchner, 624 EaSI Gadidd, Sp.ing­ The Way I See IL..... ._ rield, lIlinois 23 Johnny Apples«d, Ed Duplaga, 2415 NOrlh Haven Thro/{gb Tbe l'ears ....__ ._ .. _._ .. ._. ._ _ Dlvd., Cur~hoga Falls, Ohio 30 bnd O'Lakes, .FrN C. Stegert, Jr., 135 Wesl Wdls Stretl, Milwauke~ Wisconsin Michipn, ClinlOn Sanboro, 2612 Edgevale, DuylOn DEPARTMENTS Plams. Michigan Sbare Tbe Wealtb._____ ___ ._. .__ ..... .. ..._.. _.... ._ Mid·Adanlic, Harold M, Schultz, 808 South Overlook 6 Dri"e, Alexandria, Virginia Ffom The Podium. __ .______ ... +._ •• _._ •••• •._ NonheHtern, D. William FilzGerald, 688 Highland 10 Asenue, Ch"hile, Connecticut News About Quarlets ._. _ 24 Onlado. Hugh Palmer, 46 William SUett, Orillia, Prom W bere 1 SiL__. _ Onllfio, Canada 28 Seneca Land. James Sl«<!man, 616 Dtlawlfe ROJ,d, Notable Notes .__ . Kenmole 17, New Yo.k 32 Soulhweslern, AI Smilh, 5320 J}lndy A"enue, POJ( \'i'ouh, Texas Sunshine, Joe Grilfith, P.O. Dox 52. Sl. Peleuburg. MISCELLANEOUS Florida New HampJhire Barbersbopper Mdde Sail A11tonio Deputy .. 22 AtJd Past 111leT1Jational Presidents Pdfl Di.strict Conl/en/ioll Scbedule........ _ 27 O/lr New CbapteYJ .__ . .... .__ .. ._. 31 Execllti1/e Director Centllry C{IIb __._. __ .. ... .... 31 RODaRT G. HAFER Coming Evel1ll-. __ .______ . ... ._ . ... .. _. 31 AJJiJtallt Treasurer-Office Manager W. 1. (BIll) OTTO Director of MUJical Activities RODERT D. JOHNSON Administr(I#lle Field Representa#tJe HUGH INGRAHAM 13,fl KELTON, COLUMBUS 6, OHIO Th, Wodd', fin. II, mull exacting needI of edu· (olors, dlreclorl, .Iudenll and proleuiongl mllli· cionl. 13 bronze leedl Of' pretilioll luned to 0 Coordillator of M",ic Pttblisbillg "40·lull chromotic I{ol•. A lonilory oll·blow In II/II· RODBRT J. MBYBR men. with emboued nolollonl lop and boltom 'or IDly lel.dion of pilch note. Mallager of Special Evellts 3 Models: • MK 1 ScaleftoF • MK2SealeCtoC CHARLBS A. SNYDER • MK 3 Seale Eb 10 E, Editor LEO FODART Imerl1ational Office 6315 THIRD AVRNUB KUNOSHA, WISCONSIN OLYMPIC 4·9111 Contributing Editors CAL DROW'Y RODRRT }. MRYBR \'<'AYNB FooR JIM STEPHENSON RonDRT D. JOHNSON ELMER VORISEK DUAC MARTIN PRINTED IN U.S.A. THU HARMONIZER-JULY-AuGUST, 1963 1 louis Goodwin, cartoonist of The Columbus Dispatch, gave ui permission to reprint the cartoon below which appeared In no Columbus Dispatch during Harmony Week. Incidentally, the cartoon was on display In the Roso Garden at the White House and et tho International Inn, convention site of the Association of American Editorial Cartoonists In Washington, D.C. during their annual convention. 1hi4 week, bV Presidential Praclall1otion, 14 llaHonal Harmonv Week. As Govornor Grant Sawyer (seated I holds Ihe proclamation designating Barborshop Harmony Week In Novada, four membors of tho Reno, Nev. Chapter "bend a chord". Shown with Gov. Sawyer are I to r: Nick Stoslc; Norman Daln, Chapter Vlce.Presldent; Dan Baker, Chapter Presldont and George McElroy. BARBERSHOP \ HARMONY WEEK REVIEW Sing Along With Jack Marching smartly, Ihe Mld·lsland (L.t., New York) Chapter chorus A quartet of Congressmen sang out In harmony on the steps of the shown below, paraded opening day at Freedomland, Bronx, New U.S. Capitol In preparation for Harmony Week, April 15·21. The York, as part of the chapte'r's celebration of Barbershop Harmony group shown below sponsored the resolutions designating National Week, Harmony Week honoring our 25th Anniversary. Pictured below from left are Representatives Henry C. Schadeberg of Wisconsin; Clifford G. Mcintire, Maine; Harold C. Osterlag of 37th District and Frank J. Horton of 36th District, New York. I Probably most significant of all the activities taking place during Harmony Week was the formal presentation by the Society of the commemorative plaque (shown upper left) to the Hotel Muehlebach in Kansas City, Missouri. Approximately 100 Barbenhoppers in that area assembled In the holel lobby for the impressive ceremony. Society notables present for the formal plaque unveiling were Rupert Hall, Co-Founder and first Society President, luln, Oklahoma and Chet Fox, current Central Siaies District International Board Member from To~ka, Kansas. A special radio broadcast frolll station WDAF, Kansas City, preceded the Muehlebach affair. The plaque Is located at the exact spot where Society Founder, O. C. Cash and Hall c:onceived the original idea for the Soclety. Pholo upper right shows from I 10 r, Chet Fox and Ruperl Hall presenting Muehlebach manager, Phil Pistille with the plaque (olhers ill photo are unidentified Barbershoppersl.
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