Brewed in Harmony

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Brewed in Harmony Host to MID-WINTER MEETING of the INTERNATIONAL BOARD ===JANUARY 15, 16, 17, 18, 1948 === Cordially invites all barbershoppers to take part in the second most important event of the "HARMONY YEAR" Board Meetings and Sunday Morning "GLOW" at Hotel Keystone There'll be a ... PARADE of QUARTETS SATURDAY NIGHT, JANUARY 17,1948 at SYRIA MOSQUE You'll Hear - DOCTORS OF HARMONY, 1947 Champions ELASTIC FOUR, 1942 Champions MID-STATES FOUR - CHORDOLIERS - WESTINGHOUSE QUARTET all 1947 Finalists PITTSBURGHERS and PITTSBURGH CHORUS ------------- ',,",0""" _ PARADE TICKET RESERVATIONS HOTEL RESERVATIONS Write NORMAN NEDDE c/o Hotel Keystone PITTSBURGH, PA. Write THOMAS C. DEVEAU General Manage,. $2.40 and $1.80 HOTEL KEYSTONE Enclose check or Money Order Pittsburgh, Pa. Payable to "HARMONY" For General Information Write HARRY W. SMITH 306 Fourth Avenue .. .. Pittsbur~h 30, Pa. THE SOCIETY FOR THE PRESERVATION AND ENCOURAGEMENT OF BARBER SHOP QUARTET SINGING IN AMERICA, INC. "SAVE THAT OLD ·MUSIC" NUMBER VOLUME VII NO. 2 NOVEMBER, 1947 SPEBSQSA Will Have INT'L. BOARD MEETS AT PITTSBURGH­ Old Song Library "LITTLE WORLD SERIES OF HARMONY" Got Any Old Music Gathering Dust? Plans are now perfected to make Chapter will handle room reservations the January 16-17 Mid-Winter meet­ for out-of-towners. Let Somebody Else Enjoy It ing of the Tnt'!. Board in Pittsburgh an affair which will compensate Board Schedules follow: If present plans mature and the mem­ members, musically at least, for the Friday-16th-9:30 a. m. Commit­ bers co-operate, your Society will long trek which many will take, while tee meetings in chairmen's rooms­ someday have the largest and most offering the membership in the East to be continued at 2 p. m. a "little World Series" in harmony complete collection of old songs in the close-by. Friday-16th-8 p. m.-Int'I. Bd. world. Meeting. The idea of starting a library of Of course The Doctors will be there Saturday-17th-9:30 a. m. Int'!. Bd. manuscripts and original piano cop­ when the Parade opens at Syria Mos­ Meeting. ies at Infl Hq. was first suggested que, Saturday evening, the 17th. Nat­ by the Old Songs Committee and urally the Pittsburghers and Westing­ Saturday-12:30 p. m. Int'l. Ed. it caught on like wildfire. house (5th place '47-'48) boys are on luncheon-Exec. Comm. of Pitts­ the program, and from the Mid-West burgh Chapter as hosts. Vice President Jerry Beeler, under for Mid-Winter festivities will come whose immediate supervision the Old Saturday-2 p. m. Int'I. Bd. Meet­ the Mid-States of Chicago and the ing. Songs Committee functions, enthusi­ Chordoliers of Rock Island, third and astically added his official blessing and fourth place winners in the June '47 Saturday-5:30 p. m. Int'l. Bd. and Secretary Carroll P. Adams was just International. The Elastic Four, 1942 wives-guests of Pittsburgh Exec. as prompt to agree that Headquar­ Champions also will pitch. The Pitts­ Comm.-Dinner. ters was ready, willing, and anxious burgh Chorus will do its melodious Saturday-8:30 p. m. Parade at to undertake the work involved in stuff, and Int'l. Chairman of Judges Syria Mosque-Frank H. Thorne, collecljng, cataloging, and filing the Maurice E. Reagan will present a Imm. Past Pres., as M. C. songs where they will be available Pittsburgh high school quartet, fClr reference to all Society members coached by the Reagan point-a-minute Out-of-town members desiring to at­ and properly reserved for posterity. system. tend the Parade should send reser­ vations (enclose check made out to President Charlie Merrill took one Keystone Hotel will be headquar­ "'Harmony") for seats desired at $2.40 look at the plan and shouted "Amen". ters. Tom Deveau, Gene-ral Manager each to Norman Nedde, c/o Hotel Key­ That did it, and the child was born. and active member of Pittsburgh stone, Pittsburgh, Pa. Now all we need is thousands of copies of old songs and that's where you come in. It was pointed out that there are many BOARD WILL CHOOSE 1949 CONTEST members who are not actually col­ lectors who have accumulated quite CITY AT PITTSBURGH MEETING a number of oldies and who would welcome the opportunity to place them In line with a decision reached this The location of the January '49 mid­ in a permanent SPEBSQSA library year the Int'I. Board will decide upon winter meeting will also be decided by where everyone could get some good convention cities two years in advance out of them. the Board at Oklahoma City when it in order to assure the most complete meets in June. In addition there are many of the preparation to handle contests and collectors who would probably be crowds that grow and grow. willing to bequeath their collections By giving notice of these events thus to the Society rather than have them Everybody knows it's Oklahoma City far in advance cities that would like pass on to someone who is not inter­ in '48. At the January Int'1. Boal'd to play host have ample time to check ested in their hobby who would prob­ meeting, Pittsburgh, a city will be \vith their local Chamber of Com­ ably dispose of them for waste paper. chosen for the 1949 International. At During the recent paper drives tons the June meeting in Oklahoma City, merce, Convention Bureau, Hotel As­ of old songs found their way in to the Int'I. Board will choose the place sociations, Auditorium, on the basic the scrap piles and like "Clementine" that will be the harmony center of facilities that are the foundation for (Continutd 011 pa!,' 6) the world in 1950. one of these big Int'!. affairs. TABLE OF CONTENTS "All Keys Look Alike to Me," Ed Haverstock Page 29 It Helps to Know About a Song.... .. Page 47 Barbershop Arrangements (list of)............. 33 "Just 'Vhat Is Barbershop Harmony?" 36 Barbershop Recordings (list of) 21 Keep America Singing-George W. Campbell 30 Barbershop Bafflers by Charles M. MerrIll 28 Keep Posted 10 Answers to " .. 33 New Chapters Chartered.. _...,... 7 Battle of the Giants.. 28 Over the Editot's Shoulder.... 32 Cartoon by Beaudin 9 Pioneer Recording Quartets-"Curty" Crossett.. 33 Coast to Coast (by Districts).. 12, 13 President's Column-Charles M. Merrill.. 6 Coming Events._. .. 14 Public Domain Songs 14 Do You Remember?-J. George O'Brien................. 46 Song Arrangement in this Issue... 22 Directory of All Chapters and District Officers 58-59 Spark Pluf!s-for Meetings-Frank H. Thorne 42 Editorial Pages (Directory of Int'I. Board).. _ 8-9 Story Behind Song on the Cover... 34 Founder's Column __ _._ _ 11 Swipes-from the Chapters '21. 40,44,48 Index of Advertisers 55 The Old Songsters-Sigmund Spaetl, 18 Information You Want (about Songs).. 47 The Way I See It-Deac Martin 38 I See by the Papers.. 26 With the Int'l. Champions.. 24 4 Tbt Harmonizer EFER IFER FINDS FOUNDER THORNE HONORED OKLAHOMA CITY PLANS FOR '4B Dear Carroll: In mid-October, Int'l. Sec. Adams went It's a small world. I was just thinkin' to Oklahoma City to counsel with the maybe I would sorta scribble off a few local committees building the structure adverbs to you when Bingo in pops for next year's convention, culminat· the postman with a letter askin' don't \l"'~'~";;"O GillS 00 R~IOU ing in the lnt'l, Contest on the evening 1 love you anymore and why don't I II 'I I) R€lOOI1Ue 0 ~ of June 12, '48. He found that the lo­ write? So you cauida saved 3c and cal boys had broken ground almost as bought yourself a stick of bubble gum, ~, ~!/~ f>\s outsmn'Oing :;1Vias ;IS soon as they returned from Milwaukee although if anybody saw you with any ~W;!bcnt this year, and much foundation was more bulges comin' outa you than you " ¢of our",;, ooel» laid. got already they would certainly fig­ ~ fur tht P,LItt'lltJf dnb for Itt Vtmro~ ure it was time somebody did some­ ':'" I rontrlburion ot' bls' ttlrtmrf» l"t\'S'dtill ..... Granville Scanland and 1. S. (Hank) thin' about inflation. ; l~ltnt5in tbr manll t.l.Sls hr 9.l5 toIItinutb Wright are co·chairmen of the big do­ What I wanted to write you about .,,1 WiUinglu to lIUbeltlu 3.Qbr from bi!mcu­ ings. ~canland also heads housing of was what happened the other night at f1tJ~ butirS: lI't l:ltl.lrb of Oircrtllf'S ou br{lalf 4·· visitors. Spencer Miller will be con­ the meetin'. There we was all spread .. 'r of tl)r rnlil'l! ~orltltJ. n:~ its $int~ vention treasurer. Neal Barrett is out for chorus practice and a'yellin' I' _~rtriJtiollloh~nkll.6boM\t_ "! chairman of publicity. Local commit­ our lungs out 'cause the deerecter tees will be headed by Int'1. Bd. Mem­ (g. his "ubl"",o qwlmWi."" i\S S,ritlll ber Ernie Dick, Lester Dacus, Okla­ waves a stick and we get a thumpin'trl b~tlb ~fi_ whack I tell you when we don't do ... city V. P., Grady Musgrave, Bill Mor­ CrNmonl(!j COlllmllni~ N:lnJI ttilbtl' ~ ris, and Harold Bosworth, chapter right. Well, sir, this feller comes in. W'~ltfut a stranger he was and he sets down (hoM Oil'trlot btl)l{ia 'hr sinbs tl secretary. /JIsfril".llolril lO!llIbrr;'bb<llllo« of. in the tenor section, but he don't stay ~Ib Oklahoma Biltmore hotel will be head­ there very long.
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    The Sunburst Volume 44, Issue 2 April-June 2013 The view from the front upper floors of The Orlando Airport Marriott Hotel Our Host for the Sunshine District 2013 Spring and Fall Conventions Spring Convention 2013 Miami 2013 District Chorus Champion Main Street The Society Qualifies for the International Contest Qualifies for the International Contest The Sunny Boys Sunshine District Collegiate Quartet Champion Ballistic! Qualifies for the Harmony Foundation Collegiate Quartet Contest Qualifies for the Harmony Foundation Collegiate Quartet Contest Beach Street Kickback (SWD) District Senior Quartet Champion Qualifies for the Harmony Foundation Collegiate Quartet Contest President’s Message Chapter Officers and having an active and visible John Spang Chapter in their communities. I hope all of our Dis- President trict Chapters will make 2013 a year in which we no longer keep barbershop singing a secret but tell everyone we know about the joy we have in sing- ing four-part harmony. Barbershop in the Sunshine District in 2013 will be a year to remember! First of all, 2013 represents a Your District staff continues to try and look for ways Society that has grown to 23,000+ members since to make barbershopping more fun for everyone. its first organizational meeting some 75 years ago. This year we'll open up our convention to those Secondly, we've already experienced an incredible that want to compete as a VLQ (very large quartet) display of our youth and senior talent at the Mid- (no relation to Wiseguys who not only dwarfed us Winter Convention held right here in Orlando with their powerful sound but their size).
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