International Barbershop Quartet

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International Barbershop Quartet INTERNATIONAL BARBERSHOP QUARTET @ Bob Dowma, (Tenor) Greater St. Paul Chapter @Rod Johnson, (Lead) Minneapolis Chapter {2 Jim Foy, (Bass) Minneapolis Chapter @V Bob Spong, (Baritone) Minneapolis Chapter ONLY $'195 Volumes 1,2,3 ~.~ B...1''"''! CHECK THESE SELECTIONS!!* VOLUME I PAODLlN' MAOELlN' HOME - Far Westerners THERE'LL BE NO NEW TUNES ON THIS CABARET - Roaring 20's OLD PIANO - Fanfares MANDY MEDLEY - Gala Lads YES SIR, THAT'S MY BABY - Baytown Four 5UMME A SOUNDS - San Antonio. Texas Chorus MARY MEDLEY - Cincinnati.WeSlern Hills AUCTIONEER - Nlghthawks ChOrlH WHEN I'M WALK IN' WITH MY SWEETNESS­ GUNSLINGER - Oignitaries Dealer's Choice IDA, SWEET AS APPLE CIDER­ Evans Quartet DANNY BOY - Oriole Four VOLUME II ONE OF THOSE SONGS ­ YOU AND I- Oriole Four Gentlemen's Agreement IF YOU WERE THE ONLY GIRL­ DEW. DEW. DEWY DAY - Oriola Four St. Joseph, Missouri Chorus WHEN THE SONG AND DANCE MAN COMES THE CURSE OF AN ACHING HEART­ TO TOWN - Louisyille, Kentucky Chorus Clubhouse Four GRANDMA'S BOY IS IN TOWN- WHEN PA WAS COURTIN' MA - OK·4 Kidder and Sons A TREE IN THE MEADOW - Rcgan\S WAITIN' FOR THE ROBERT l::, LEE ­ Pacificaires VOLUME III WHEN THE MIDNIGHT CHOO·CHOO LEAVES I'M SORRY I ANSwERED THE PHONE - FOR ALABAM' - Four Renegades Citations SWEET ADELINE - Suntones TRUE LOVE - Sidewinders PEGGY O'NEIL - Livingston, New ASLEEP IN THE DEEP - Schmitt Brothers Jersey Chorus ROSE (A RING TO THE NAME OF ROSEl SWANEE - Paclftc::olires Phoenix, Arizona Chorus DO YOU REMEMBER WHEN7­ THE PREACHER AND THE BEAR ­ St. Joseph, Missouri Chorus Four Statesmen JUST A GIRL THAT MEN FORGET­ SWING1N' IN A HAMMOCK ­ Golden Sl,Hers Oriole Four *AII selections have been taken from previous SPEBSQSA recordings. "HAPPINESS IS" RECORO OFFER SI'EllSQSA, Il1c .. P. O. Ilox 575, Kel1osha, 11'153141 Please send: OTY TOTAL NAME _ j"Happiness Is... Barbershop Singing" j I 4993 3 Record·Stereo LP Set @$7.95 ADDRESS CITY _ CANADA - Add $1.00 per Set Shipping/Handling STATE/PROV ZIP/POSTALCODE _ TOTAL ENCLOSED U.S. Customers Please Note! Shipping & Handling charges now must be added. See reverse. International Officers President, F. Richard Ellenberger, 2476 Poerscll Ct., Schenectady, New York 12309 Immediate Past President, Leon S. Avakian, P.O. Box 589, Asbury Park, New Jersey 07712 DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF BARBERSHOP QUARTET HARMONY Vice President, Plummer Collins, 216 Cone­ wango Ave., Warren, Pennsylvania 16365 JULY • AUGUST 1975 • VOL. XXXV. NO.4 Vice President, Samuel Aramian, 4435 W, Tierra Buena Lane, Glendale, Arizona 85301 THE HARMONIZER is the official publication of the Society for the Preservation Vice President·Treasurer, Roger J. Thomas, and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartot Singing In America, Inc. It Is 3720 St. Andrews Blvd., Racine, Wisconsin published In the months of January, March, May, July, Septomber and November 53405 8t 6315 - 3rd Avenue, Kenosha, Wisconsin 53141, second~lass postage paid at Executive Director, Barrie Best, 6315 Third Kenosha, Wisconsin, Editorial and Advertising offices are at the International Avenue, Kenosha, Wisconsin 53141 Office, Notice of change of address should be submitted to the editorial offices of THE HARMONIZER, 6315 THIRD AVE., KENOSHA, WiSCONSIN 53141, at Board Members loast thirty days before the next publication date. Subscription price is $2.50 yearl", and $ _75 an issue. Cardinal, Robert C. Martin, 410 N. Morton St., Fairmount, Indiana 46928 Central States, William M, McLatchle, P.O. Box 153, Durant, Iowa 52747 f..•..tul·..·S Dhde, Neil Bruce, 116'Stonevlew Road, Bir­ mingham, Alabama 35210 "Indy" Board Meeting Higl1lights . 7 Evergreen, Ray D. Greaves, Box 367, Coquille, Oregon 97423 Board Approves SOUND Category. 8 Far Western, Lynn Brittan, 231 Ridge Estates Road, Nevada City, California 95959 Illinois, William J. Everitt, 135 E, Ash Stroet, Lombind, Illinois 60148 INOIANAPOLIS CONVENTION COVERAGE Johnny Appleseed, Louis D. Sisk, 537 Decatur 3 Ave., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15221 Monday. ..... Land O'Lakes, Reml Grones, 12109 Robin Circle, Minnetonka, Minnesota 55343 Tuesday. ••......••.. 4 Mid-Atlantic, Leslie Hesketh, Jr., 7467 Clifton Road, Clifton, Virginia 22024 Wednesday. 6 Northeastern, Richard R. Pierpont, 39 Ballard Street, Tewksbury, Massachusetts 01876 1975 Ouarter-Finalists. .10 Ontario, Elmer Down, 894 F lorell Drive, Osha· WB, Ontario, Canada L 1H 6W2 Thursday. .. 14 Pioneer, William C. Warner, 23531 Meadowlark, Oak Park, Michigan 48237 Friday. .. 16 Seneca Land, James Steedman, 616 Delaware Road, Kenmore, New York 14223 1975 Semi-Finalists. lB Southwestern, Ernie Hills, Box 66 Medford, Oklahoma 73759 1975 Finalists. .19 Sunshine, Dr. Henry Vomacka, 1881 Rose Saturday . ... •. 20 Street, Sarasota, Florida 33579 1975 Medalists .. .. 22 And Past International Presidents Ralph Ribble, NorthPark National Bank, P.O. Quartet and Chorus Scoring Summaries .. .. 23 Box 12206, Dallas, Texas 75225 .. 24 Richard deMontmollln, 4664 Oakwood Road, Sunday . Columbia, South Carolina 29206 Charles E. Abernethy, 231 Cordelia Street, S.W., No. Canton, Ohio 44720 ('o"trib"tor Don Clause Executive Director BARRIE BEST DON'T BLAME YOUR MAILMAN Music Education and Services ROBERT D. JOHNSON, Director ... if your July-August HARMONIZER arrived a bit late. Remember, he Music Services Assistants just might be a singer. We planned on being late with this issue in order to MALCOLM L. HUFF DAVID M. STEVENS include as much coverage as possible of the great Indian­ Communications apolis convention. Pictures of all chorus competitors (not HUGH A. INGRAHAM, Director available yet) and additional convention information will be Field Representatives included in the September-October issue. We hope to be THOMAS P. COGAN back on schedule by that time. SAMUEL 1<,. KENNEDY LLOYD B. STEINKAMP Communications Assistant D. WILLIAM FITZGERALD Editor LEO W. FOBART future ron,'entlons Finance and Administration INTERNATIONAL MID·WINTER DALLAS A. LEMMEN, Director Administrative Assistant 1976 San Francisco, Cal. July 5·10 MARGARET A. YORK 1977 Philadelphia, Pa. July 4-9 Manager~ Membership Services 1978 Cincinnati, O. July 3-8 1976 Washington, D.C, Jan. 30-31 ROBERT J. MEYER ·1979 MInneapolIs, Minn. July 2-7 1977 Orlando, Fla, Jan. 28-29 International Office 6315 Third Avenuo Kenosha, Wisconsin 53141 414-654·9111 July-August, 1975 ...RINTED IN U.S.A. Editor's Note: If we were to capslllize the greClt It,dianapolis COllvelltiOll, tlrese truo pictures wou/(/ probably tell tl'e story better tha" thousa"ds ofwords. Both pllOtos readred uelVspClpcrs tl"ouglrout Nortll Amer;cCl via Uu;ted Press Itlter­ "alional (UPI) wire plloto service. Tile media coverage of tire cOllvelltioll, like tire convention itself, was tire /iuest ever. lYe IlOpe iu tire following pages you'll feel some of ti,e excitemeut lVlricl, prevailed tl"ougllOut tire elltire week. ., I ) Registrations wero heavy the first day. ~ ,,..- - ,-Ii ·' 'r ~' II \ Il~'~'1 ~l! ~ ~Ih.-" ItL I •I ~ L ~ \ The "Regant"s and "Gentlemo/l's Agreement" b.J~!;..oI\1 II. I J "Indy" Board Meeting Highlights Following executive committee meetings on Monday and Executive Committee. The essential elements of 'sponsorship' Tuesday. the international board took the following adminis­ are: a.1 Public acknowledgement of such sponsors during the trative action during its Wednesday meeting in Indianapolis. public appearance, on the printed program, or in advertising, A. ELECTION OF OFFICERS and b.1 The agreement by the unit to receive anything of International Vice President-Treasurer Plummer F. Collins substantial value from the sponsors for such appearance. of the Seneca Land District (Warren. Pa. Chapter) was elected Approval is not required for public appearances for charitable to the office of international president for 1976. Samuel organizations, churches, service clubs, civic organizations or Aramian of the Far Western District was elected vice president governmental bodies, nor for appearances for entertainment of along with Roger Thomas of the Land Q'Lakes District. Ernie commercial or industrial organizations, for which a fee is Hills of the Southwestern District was elected to the office of received, and for which there is no claim of sponsorship." Vice President-Treasurer. IV. Fees for Appearances on Licensing or Chartering Elected to a seven-year term Shows. as Harmony Foundation trustee Upon executive committee recommendation, a policy was Past Int'l Pres. Charles E. regarding fees for licensing and chartering shows was adopted Abernethy. His term starts on by the board as follows: Janaury 1, 1976. "All Society units, in keeping with the spirit of barber­ B. ADM IN 1ST RAT IVE shopping, will not charge a performance fee for appearances MATTERS on licensing and chartering shows. If it is necessary, due to I. Expanded Music distance or amount of expense, reimbursement by the host Services chapter for out·of·pocket expense would be in order." A program of expanded E. COMMITTEE REPORTS musical services, including the I. Contest and Judging addition of a third music assis­ The new SOUND Category, which will replace the tant for the Music Department, Harmony Accuracy and Balance & Blend Categories, was was approved by the board. adopted by the board. (See story on page 8.) The following Presldent-elect C. CONVENTIONS Plummer F. Collins SOUND Category judges were certified after a special school I. Convention Award was held prior to the convention: Ken Buckner (CAROl: Ron Bids for the 1979 international convention from Houston, Phillips (CS); Rudy Partin, Robert E. Roark and Thomas H. Tex.; Minneapolis, Minn. and Salt Lake City, Utah were Roberts (DIX); John J. Fitzpatrick, AI Knight and Harry considered. As recommended by the executive tommittee, the Neuwirth (EVER); Emmett N. Bossing, Dayton Clark, James board awarded the 1979 convention to Minneapolis after the M. Gattey, Albert R. Mau, Wesley R. Meier, James W. McKee first ballot. and Ray Rhymer (FWD); James W. Beutel and Thomas D. POLICY Woodall (ILL); Darryl Flinn and David M. Schmidt (JAD); I. British Association of Barbershoppers (BABS) James D. Richards (LOL); Malcolm J. Agnew, William A. Ball, Based upon more than a year of correspondence and Arthur Cinquino, Donald J.
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