Study Guide

On the Eve of the Revolution 1. Who makes up the Old Regime or the three estates? What is the problem with the Old Regime? 2. Why is France in a financial crisis? What happens when the king calls the Estates General together to try to resolve this crisis? 3. Who storms the Bastille and for what reason? What are the results of this event? Creating a New France 4. Discuss why the took place and what resulted from it. 5. What was the Declaration of the Rights of Man? From this document came the motto of the French Revolution, what was it? 6. Explain what happened during the Women’s March on Versailles? 7. Discuss the type of government the Constitution of 1791 established? How did the king respond to this new Constitution? 8. Who pushes the revolution into an even more radical phase? Why do European countries want war with France in 1792? What is the Declaration of Pilnitz? Radical Days 9. What was the Brunswick Manifesto, and how did the respond to it? 10. Explain what happens during the 2nd revolution. 11. Why does the establish the Committee of Public Safety? 12. Who heads the Committee of Public Safety and what do they do? What happens to the leader of the Committee of Public Safety? Comes to Power 13. What type of government did the 3rd Constitution in 1795 establish in France? What were the problems with this new government? 14. How does Napoleon make a name for himself in France? Discuss Napoleon’s military campaign in Egypt. 15. How did Napoleon come to power? What was the Napoleonic Code? 16. Describe how the people of France responded to their new ruler and why? What did the church think of Napoleon? Napoleon’s Rise and Fall 17. Early on why was Napoleon so successful in his conquests? Explain what happens at the battle of Austerlitz. 18. What happened at the Cape of Trafalgar? What was the Continental system? How effective was this plan? 19. Why does Napoleon divorce his wife Josephine? Who does he marry and why? 20. What happens in the war with Russia? 21. Discuss what is done with Napoleon the first time he is defeated? What happens at the battle of Waterloo? What is done with Napoleon after the second time he is defeated? 22. Discuss at least three lasting impacts of the French Revolution. 23. Discuss what was decided at the Congress of Vienna in 1814-1815 and why?