Reinterpreting the French Revolution: a Global-Historical Perspective Bailey Stone Index More Information
Cambridge University Press 0521811473 - Reinterpreting the French Revolution: A Global-Historical Perspective Bailey Stone Index More information Index aides, 132 Babeuf, “Gracchus”, 210 Aix Parlement, 119 Bailly, Jean-Sylvain, 111 Albisson, J., 87 Baker, Keith, 4, 5, 37 Amar, Jean-Baptiste-Andre,´ 200 Barbaroux, Charles Jean-Marie, 172 American War, 20, 24–25, 40, 46–47, 49; Barere,` Bertrand, 178, 185, 236 see also Necker, Jacques; Vergennes, Barnave, Antoine-Pierre-Joseph-Marie, 57, Charles Gravier, comte de 106, 144–45, 149, 153–54, 162 Anderson, M. S., 70 Barras, Paul, 256 Anglo-French trade pact of 1786, 25, 52, 74, Barthel´ emy,´ Franc¸ois, comte de, 216, 219 76, 97 Basle, Treaty of, 216 Antoine, Michel, 32, 33 Bastille, seizure of, 64, 98–100, 110; see also Antraigues, Emmanuel-Louis-Henri de July Days Launey, comte d’, 87 Baudot, Marc Antoine, 198 Applewhite, Harriet, 143 Beauvau, Charles-Just, prince de, 88 Arc, chevalier d’ (French essayist), 45 Belle-Isle, Charles-Louis-Auguste Fouquet, Argenson, Rene-Louis´ de Voyer, comte de, 16 marquis d’, 15, 37 Bergasse, Nicolas, 57 army: condition of in old regime, 30–31, Bernadotte, Jean-Baptiste-Jules, 257 44–46, 59, 73; overhauled during Bernis, Abbe-Cardinal´ Franc¸ois-Joachim de 1795–99, 238–43; reform of during Pierre de, 16, 30 1789–91, 139–41; reform of during Bertaud, Jean-Paul, 139, 192, 193, 240, 242 1792–93, 190–93; status of in 1789, Bertier de Sauvigny, Louis-Benigne-´ 103–4 Franc¸ois, 101 Artois, Charles-Philippe de France, Bertin, Henri-Leonard-Jean-Baptiste,´ 38 comte d’, 75, 83–84, 163 Besenval,´ Pierre-Victor, baron de, 51 Assembly of Notables: in 1787, 53–55, 58; Bien, David, 5, 6 in 1788, 58, 79, 90 biens nationaux: defined and allocated assignats, 130, 164, 187, 198, 229, 231, 253; during the Revolution, 130–31, 133–34, see also mandats territoriaux 136–38, 190, 206, 231 Augereau, Pierre Franc¸ois Charles, 254 Biro, Sydney, 174, 213, 220 “Austrian Committee”, 122–23; see also Black, Jeremy, 117 Marie-Antoinette, queen of France Blanning, T.
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