REVIEWS ‘Silk’ Is Only One of Several Possible Similes, Such As ‘Spices’ Or ‘Ceramics’
REVIEWS ‘silk’ is only one of several possible similes, such as ‘spices’ or ‘ceramics’. Roderich Ptak, Die Maritime While the vast ocean is an entity defined Seidenstrasse. Küstenräume, Seefahrt by physical conditions, its numerous und Handel in vorkolonialer Zeit. various segments are distinguished by Munich, C. H. Beck, 2007, 368 pp., 46 cultures and histories of exchange. The ills, 14 maps (Historische Bibliothek segmentation recorded in texts of the der Gerda Henkel Stiftung). Song Period (960–1281) is apparently based on Arab categorization. European Literally translated, the title reads ‘the advances connecting the Asian, Atlantic maritime silk road, its coastal areas, sea- and Pacific regions of the globe confine faring and trade in pre-colonial times’. the time frame of this presentation. This, as in the original German wording, Through an essay rather than an does not reveal the book’s rather semi- introduction, the author offers a nal approach and gist, which challenge discourse of the Mediterranean model the European-trained perspective and, by Fernand Braudel (La Méditerranée much more importantly, almost close a et le monde méditerranéen à l’époque gap while studiously pinpointing certain de Philippe II), a seminal work that has lacunae. reinforced interest in historical research The coastal area of present-day China into maritime relations elsewhere. is dotted with entrepôts that established Though triggered by this academic and operated maritime links across the stimulus, the Asian physical, geo- oceans, roughly between the longi- graphical factors require a distinctively tudes of 35ºE (the Red Sea) and 132ºE different approach, coupled with a (Kyushu, Japan and Moluccas, Indone- perspective originating from the East.
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