HARRISON, Charles Yale - Papers
COLLECTIONS OF CORRESPONDENCE AND MANUSCRIPT DOCUMENTS NAME OF COT .LECTION: HARRISON, Charles Yale - Papers F-OURCE-: Gift of Ms, Judith Rossner, 197b svv.JECT __ Writings of Charles Yale Harrison, 1898-195U; , .housing j._52Sial4.s.m DATES CQyy.flF.P: ca. 1920,.- 19^U NUMBER OF ITEMS: 1,000 STATUS (oKnrk -m reprise description) V.rtP.lof^^d t ^_ T-irt^r1: Arranged; x Not organized: CONDITION: (n-i'-'° rm>pr of vol? . , boxed, or shelvec) Bound :_3 T.ove': J&f f iJ> Stored: oversize items Harrison, C. PESTPICTIONS 01: u^F Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, memorabilia and scrapbooks of American author Charles Yale Harrison, 1898-195U. Correspondence covers a wide range frcm personal, family, literary and fan mail to political issues and public housing. Among the correspondents are Whittaker Chambers, Clarence Darrow, Ruby Darrow, John Dos Passos, Max Eastman, Joseph Freeman, Michael Gold, Upton Sinclair and Robert F. Wagner. There are manuscript versions for many of his novels and stories, sowe of whisk are unpublished. The memorabilia include tapes and recordings of Harrison's interviews and readings of his works. Scrapbooks consist primarily of newspaper clippings relating to his books, public bousing, labor relations and socialism. There are also copies of some of his books in various editions and translations. f^Lder list. mbb 22 March 1971 Box 1 - Correspondence - Catalogued and arranged Catalogued: Chambers, Whittaker Darrow, Clarence Darrow, Ruby (Mrs. Clarence) Dos Passos, John Eastman, Max Freeman, Joseph Gold, Michael
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