Maryland Gazette
hereby given, (LXHId THE (No. 311%) *r h" obtained froratr* Lnne-Anindrl com,,- |., is sum, with thr will wa y of HOGER DITTY ' MARYLAND GAZETTE are her, hy,,"^, the vouchers thcicol, tc rj , *« All ptrfons iodtbiedtj i to make payment, »ilh, :OB, who ia author,fed by i T H U & 3 D A V, SEPTEMBER 4, 1806. iARAH DUTY, Adm-, J.N.of R. DITTT, deceafei the- vefieU A ftay-fail was then Crt; but it too wai covered by the fail, which turned out\o be the Britifh Bounty Court, amctican jntcUigence.___ (hivercd to pieces before midnight. At this time, brig 501/1, of St. John1*, w. t. commanded by an the captain, becoming apprehenGve that the wind1, PERM, I8O6. Irifhman of the name of PR fc LAN, whofe conduct up ~~^ BOSTOX, Auguft 23. being at North-Eaft, blowing very violently, and of on this occafion ranks him among the nobleft in- m the application of wiJ HE Tun'fian ambaff^dor is likely to turn out a eourfe the drift of tlie velTel towards the land being Ttances of that pare brnevolencr. and philanthropy, 1CER, and WIFE, t,0 ^ « harder, bargain" - ., than,. the executive .. .has . ,yrt , ->ery g 1! ** m'ght get afliore, fet a clofr reefed which do honour to the human race, and fo generarry a certain John M'Dowd, ( Tfound him. We are told, his excellency, diflatufieddiflatisfied f^fjji in j^^j of the vefre, clawing pff> Under diftinguifn the hearts ot that opprrffrd nation. He Honers were appointed to if.! with the conduit of Tome of the agent* ot government tni, (lie continued labouring till twenty minutes after immediately btirr down to the wreck, put out his jol ate of the faid John M'DowJ at Wafningtorr, _with rclpca tojome property he had nine , Sunday morning, when fhe upfet.
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