hereby given, (LXHId THE (No. 311%) *r h" obtained froratr* Lnne-Anindrl com,,- |., is sum, with thr will wa y of HOGER DITTY ' GAZETTE are her, hy,,"^, the vouchers thcicol, tc rj , *« All ptrfons iodtbiedtj i to make payment, »ilh, :OB, who ia author,fed by i T H U & 3 D A V, SEPTEMBER 4, 1806. iARAH DUTY, Adm-, J.N.of R. DITTT, deceafei the- vefieU A ftay-fail was then Crt; but it too wai covered by the fail, which turned out\o be the Britifh Bounty Court, amctican jntcUigence.___ (hivercd to pieces before midnight. At this time, brig 501/1, of St. John1*, w. t. commanded by an the captain, becoming apprehenGve that the wind1, PERM, I8O6. Irifhman of the name of PR fc LAN, whofe conduct up­ ~~^ BOSTOX, Auguft 23. being at North-Eaft, blowing very violently, and of on this occafion ranks him among the nobleft in- m the application of wiJ HE Tun'fian ambaff^dor is likely to turn out a eourfe the drift of tlie velTel towards the land being Ttances of that pare brnevolencr. and philanthropy, 1CER, and WIFE, t,0 ^ « harder, bargain" - ., than,. the executive .. .has . ,yrt , ->ery g 1! ** m'ght get afliore, fet a clofr reefed which do honour to the human race, and fo generarry a certain John M'Dowd, ( Tfound him. We are told, his excellency, diflatisfieddiflatufied f^fjji in j^^j of the vefre, clawing pff> Under diftinguifn the hearts ot that opprrffrd nation. He Honers were appointed to if.! with the conduit of Tome of the agent* ot government tni, (lie continued labouring till twenty minutes after immediately btirr down to the wreck, put out his jol­ ate of the faid John M'DowJ at Wafningtorr, _with rclpca tojome property he had nine , Sunday morning, when fhe upfet. None of ly boat to fuccour the feamen on the fpar, and his on agreeably to the aft «f ,f.| 'fet off, with one of his attendants for the hatches being battered down, the fea made its Icng boat to relieve thofe on the wreck, and got ft to dirr.a defccnu, which ItA to rcmonftrate with the prefidcnt, or way through and rulhed by them into the hold, while them all in fafety on board his veffel, the weather ide a return to Calvert county! whomever he may find reprefrnting the government, the cabin was immediately filled with water by the being deadjjMm. He continued by the wreck till it has been ftated, that foael on tlie fubjeft. Mr. Cathcart remains here. It is way of the companion... With an extraordinary, pre-. the evening fen tiled the after part of the quarter- of the faid John M'DpvdJ expected the minrller will, on his return, embark in fcnce of mind, fupplied by the love of life operating drck which was above water, and by great exertion* ic Blackburn, James Ellii,«il the Two-Brothers. upon brave, and intrepid Ipiriu, fome of the paflen- in diving, caufrd fome few trunks to be favrd, which lice Blackburn, live out of fcl gers in the cabin, rulhed up the companion, and fome helped to cUtfhe the furviving fufferers. Nor was is thereupon adjudged and «.| NF.w-YonK, Auguft 27. burft their way through the iky-light, and got into this all. T&hisTdhis iimmortal honour be it fa id, he would given by publication of tasl dp. Ba'.es, of the Ranger, from thr IQe of France, the lea. Among the flrft of thofe was Mifs M'Pher- not ftop doing good while any good remained to be 1 Gazette and National InteS-l informs, that when 'he failed, that place was blocka- fon, whom Mr. John Rutledge by vigorous effort done. He himfrlf attended the fick, recruited and eeks fucceflively before tbelitl dedby * Britifh 74 gun-lliip and a frigigate. got up the companion. The veflrl bring on her fide, nourifliedj(he exhaufted ftrength of thofe who were to. th^ faid abfent reprtfeiin.| Augtift 38. thofe who went out of the fky.light of eourfe got in­ well; gaw up his own blankets and cloaths and erf county court, on the fecotdl LOSS OF THE SKIP RosE-IX-Bl.OOM. to the lea, where thry weir rntangled among the thofe of his crew to cover the unfortunate he had cr.t, to fhew cauft,.if anythrrl It is with much regret we have to (late the lots of tackle and cordage, and in their ftruggles, clung to faved in a word, did every thing in his power to) if the faid commif&oocn (hooldl the (hip Rofc-in-Blocin, rommanded by captain S. vatiou* parts of the malts, yards and rigging. The make them comfortable. And what was more than bound from Charlefton to this port. This only chance they appeared now to have was, to cut ill, wfi||pit hedtation confented to go out of MTs 1 by order of court, upfet at 9 o'clock on Sunday morning laft, off away the mart;: but this was found to be impoffiblr, eourfe in ordei to bring the fufferers to New-York, . WM. S. MORSELS Clk. during the gale which was feverety frit in neither axe nor hatchet being to be had. Some per- where he landed them about eight o'clock on Wed- . Maryland, ic. thiicity. It is ptinful to ftatr, that out of forty- fons however, who had run Up the fide of the ihip nrfday evening. nine prrfons on board, twenty-one were drowned. by the fhrouds, contrived, with much labour and dif­ Events of fucb an afflicting nattire would be in­ , Orphans court, AuguA 5,1 SIX, I Gtn. lacpherlbn, of Philadelphia, in faving the life ficulty, having nothing but Cm all pocket knives with tolerably painful, if they were not relieved by fdm«- by petition, of Henry Pni f liu daughter, loft his own. On Monda) , at U which to do it, to cut away the lanyards, on the giv­ thing calculated to footne tlie inindf and relieve it itor of Francis Gwinu, lattctl o'clock, A. M. the furvivors were taken off ilie wreck ing way of which, all the ruafts broke off (hart by the from the agony of rrflrcVmg upon fo much horror. r, deceafird ; it if ordered, by the Briiilh brig Swift, captain Phelan, of St. board. The Ihip now began to right gradually, but In this cafe the foul, firkenrd with a long detail of erjuircd by law, for creditoriv'l Johni, and brought fate to this port. very flowly. The laden below as well as on deck miferies and death and angnifh turns from thr Inf- a|>ainft the Hiid deceifed, aslf Thr following are the names of the perfons favcd: being cotton, fhe was, fo far fortunately, buoyant, feren, and compnfes with delight upon the contempla­ ' v ihlifhed once in each werk, hi I Captaiu Stephen Barker, captain Oliver Cliamplin, and continued to float with her (tern above water ; tion of tlie humane and generous man who relieved ceffive weeks, in the Mar/boil Mid Elixa Macpherfon, hon. Jo'in Rutledgr, Mr. fo low iiowrvrr, as to be fwepi by the waves as they them. LPetroy, M. Btenan, Jofeph W. Page, B. Booth, pitted along. Ou this wretched fupport, the little Mr. Tait, of thr. houfe of Tait and Wjlfon, ia ^SSAWAY, Reg. Wills for John Davis, D. Botifeur, H. Turner, N. Perry, D. chance or hope of life, which thofe paffcngers who Charlrfton, chan whom a worthier man live* not, and undel county, Crockcr. had effaced the fea, now wholly refted. In the gal- Mr. Bowrring, being in births to windward when S'amen. lint efforts of a brave father to fave a beloved child, the veffel overfet, could not get out of the cabin, FO GIVE NOTICE, Benjamin Bray ten, W. Van Fighten, John W. gen. M'Pherlbn, who from the outlet to the laft mo­ where they were found dead, veiy much bmifrd and riher, ot Anne-Arundel conotj,! Gibb», rUiulall Cornell, Lloyd B Burt, John Hatha- ment, incelTantly exclaimed, " Sent mjr daughter," lacerated as it is fuppofrd by thr rolling of the thefts) ie orphans court, of Anne-Arua.1 *»y, Lewis Divifon, Lewis Riley, Jame»Quin, Tho- had been numbered with the dead. Mr. Booth, ano­ and trunks, and by their fruitlrfs efforts to efc.'r*. und,-Inters trftamentary on tktl fn Conly, William (lowan. ther of the paffiMigers, had feen his wife and child bu­ The following is a coppy of a letter written yrftetw FRANCIS GW1NN, late of I Jtfen of colour. ried for ever in the deep. They had lain in the wea­ day to capt. Plielan : y, decrafrd. All perfons bariDg I Biptifle Hagerdie, John Murray, Henry Davw ther (late room. On the veflel's overfetting, he had Nev York, ^sywf 28, 1806. d deceafed are hereby warned HI 28 CiveJ. burft out the dead light, and this unhappy pair get­ To Captain Richard Phelan, of the Brig Swift. /ith the voucher* thereof, u tbel DROWNED. ting upon the wreck with their only Con, all clinging SIK, fore the eleventh day of Marthl Gen. Macpherlon and fervant, Mrr. Booth and in an embrace together, were fwept into the lea, For having under the bleflings of God, refcued M icrwife by law be excluded frosn ton, Mr. Clark, James Miller, jun. Thomas Tait, where a wave feparatcd them, nevermore to embrace from the wreck of the (hip Rofe-in-Bloom, on the J rfta-tr. Thofe perfons indfbteil Henry Bo we, ing, Doclor Ballard and fervant, Mr. He rofe in the mizen top (he was fern foi a mo­ 23d inft. we offer you our fincere thanks. When we ond, note, or open account, artl Botifeur'i lervant, Mr. D. Crockrr's ditto. ment at i he peak, and linking, appeared no more. were nearly rxhaulted by hunger, thirft, fatigue and paymrnt on or before the I5t*l Steerage passengers and sejtncn. The child afier a few feeble efforts funk alfo. Thofe cold, and clinging to the final I part of the Wreck, i lhall ufe fuch means as the U*l William Whitelegr, John Forrl.a, D. M'Carty, who cleaned from being carried away by the fea, and which was thrn not entirely under water, and with­ er my hand, this ith day of A»-| William Rnbinfon, Charles Brycr, Fortune Joliul'nn, from drowning in the cabin, now collected upoa the out any profpeA of poffibly efcaping from the wate­ johnTrully, (black) Adam Knott do. Hariy Kid. ftern, and bound thcmfclves with ropes to the wea­ ry grave into which we wrre faft drfcending, the ap­ ^ENRY PURDY, Executo^ brewed 31. ther railing, nearly naked, utterly dellitute of fo-n or before the I Oth L , eumiiig fmall compenfation for your great and brnrvolrnt Cer­ order be infertd I* p»inter'« pencil fo frequently employed, nothing ttkcn to preferve them. They were arranged in a copy of "this three tiers, joined clofe for warmth ; tlwfe changed vices, of one hundred guinta*, and >o be allured s paper* where he advertifed tk I «< the kind has occurred, at Iraft that we can at pre- occafion which may here­ wring the places at ftatrd intervals, fo that each tire fhovld have that we (hall rejoice in any c Maryland Gaaette, before tk| fa>t call to recollection, fo calculated to after occur of bring ufeful to yourfrlf, your mate, tat of humanity, and to excite farrow arul fympa- a turn < !' the middle place for (belter from the cold mber next, winds which blew upon them. In this perilous and Mr. M'Frr, or any of the crew of your vrflel. We rs, that 5U acrrs of land, «»l % in every bofom not wholly Ihut againft the ten- fincerely wi(h you may have a Cafe palTage to St. of the painful (late they continued all night. About mid­ s fold for 8159 dollars 75 cents. «r»ifit'mg. of our nature, a> the Ihip-wreck Johns- that in your palTage through life, you may K»f«4o-BU>orn. Convin-ed that our readers wilt hr night the wind ".lifted to N. W. the fea fell cnnflde- JEL HARVEY HOWARD, rahly, and the weather became moderate, aad the not meet with any other (rales than thofe of profperi- '. Cur. Can. »xious to get minute information riTprcYmg that ty, and that you would do juftice to the lentimentsof faftrons event, we have' been at fome pains to ob- night clear. About three o'clock in the morning infinite gratitude with which we are your oWigcd fer- is to give notice, Uin the particulars, which we found to be limply as they wrre cheered by a diftant light, which the mari­ Mow: ners infiftrd was a fhip'» light. It increafed in fiw vanti. bfcriber, of Anne-Anindcl coofltyi it rofc fiift from the horiron, and they had foon the (Signed). £. M. M'Pherfon, ed from the orphans court ot The Rofe-in-Bloom left Charkfton on Saturday, John Rutledge, « IWi of Auguft, inft. with the wind at S. W. affliction to perceive thet it was the morning ftar in. vlaryiand, letters of adminiftnw* (lead of a light of a (hip. At day light on Monday D. Crocker, ate of DAVID WATSON l«' « »Wh continued till the Tucfday following, when it H. Turner, twnged to the Kaft, occasioned a very high Tea, tho* the gale had quite abated, and the heat became aU r, drceafed. All perfons mod as painful as the cold had been before. At this U. Booth, faid deceafed are hereby ^* »ind was by no means greiu. Thus it continued Jos. Davis, " Friday, the morning of which was ufltcred in with time bags of cotton began to emerge from the hold, with the vouchers thereof, tow and a trunk efcaprd from the cabin, which had a M. Brenan, before the tenth day of **«£** ""; »pptaraoce of a heavy gale. At Boon on that Jofeph W. Page, 'Ti » ftorm arofe of great violence attended with fmall bag of bifcuit io it. This, though reduced to otherwife by law be excluded rw« a pafte with the water, and fait as brine, they were Lewis A. Petroy. eftate. Given under my hawt, tw» lnt\ lightning to fierce and vivid a* had rare- it, by an allow­ N. Perry, exceeded, even by the oldeft rejoiced to get, refolving to huftand , eighteen hundred »nd fix. witneflVd, never barely fufficient to keep foul and body together. Danirl Botifeur. who were on board. . ance S D. HODGES, Adminiflrator. of South-Carolitia In little more than an hour after funrifr, a (ail waa To which be returned the following anfwen June 19, t"06. not be faid of it than that it appalled the as they thought, to. New-Torh, August 38, IflOtf* im- defcried in the S. W. (landing, °f tbe (lout mariners, and madr fuch an wards them. She afterwards feemed to change her To the figners of the foregoing. ce is hereby given, on.on their imaginations as to induce them to coutfc, which probably was owing to the weather be- r I accept with ftrong emotions, the teftimony you tend to apply to thr Baltimore coi»-| that there was a ftrnog fulphurous llench about in* calm, and her confcquently not anfwenng the have prefented me of the remembrance you preferve o£ for-*he benrfit of the a(l of "* 8J helm. Fearing that they (hould efcape the notice of ray Cervices in taking you off from the wreck* Hot Maryland, paffrd at''' the veffet, and defirous to multiply objrfls in the fea, to have done what I did, would have been a eairfe oC nk-d with heavy rain, both of which Jed, An aft for the rcliel of fWl| ton in order to increafe their chance, two feamen were the moft fevered and moft lading (elf-reproach ; while nil uurrlaxed feverity, and without inter- by a reward promifed by Mr. Rutledgr, to the recollection of having heel) inftmmenUl, under whole night. On Saturday the vio- Providence, in faving fo roa«y valuable Irvrt, wilt I JAMES g \r>, himfelf of has bten, Wld 1|,'« fcl political cniitroverfiet ; and that col. Williams it not clare* iree ®a?ette. prejudice, U,,£* the bed nun, and ought not to be elected. party fpirit and reudi re*fui to belie,, the proper mediant be­ that he will adi imparti­ be now i,, one of £ *' '/'/»(/ JJS/Mr, September 4, 1806. All queftionn concerning vinlrh>...... r-.... " mltt trnod ; £-• . . _ t|PII H£Q A ff. tween any two extreme* are very difficult to be de­ ally for the public -----, a luppomr ut « ,* cided, and when frenzy has feized the mind, and rancor­ he ,s tlen, my fellow- cha­ ous prejudice inculcated, grrat Gnd ! have pity. Shall citizen*, the proper prnu,ple irrdirg to fcfc. Rate S-atr of the poll* for one eleflor of the fenate of thi» the fun link brlow the horizon, and darknefs (leal racter to fill your jour councils ; he ttiitc for the city of Annapolis, and two for Anne- upon us, and nature be hurrird into umverfal (hade i and national right! at I.ten,. ,'.., (hould be Arundcl and two for Calvert county. A|t»in Irt iu inquire into the meiits of col. Olborn it the man that ought not tu be I have ^ City of Annafxtin. Williams ; Irt us compare him with Horatio Ridout, elected, and while and while 1 p,,fl%1, 1 am of » Benjamin Ogle, ... 105 Efquirr, who will Icrvc the people of Anne-A'undtl an exiftence, while fpirit and prii.cipU. my rea­ t Hanvood, ... 78 county, in ilif- much integrity; until it and cannot h*vr a prefer­ men who arc defirous of being make it his bufmtt, t« | trift of thi? Swtr, compiled of Prince-George'* and fuited him to retire to his ence to Mr. Ridout, and phy, or like Cicero, he may dialogurt. Anue-Arundel Counties. ^ private eftatr, and now, ought not to be ele£ted. compole and tranflate philofnphical this iran. Laving only the public in- 1 tremble at the fate ol l.c^ith, %e bn« it WE arc authorifrd to, that Mr. OSHORN S. tercft at heart, would he omnipotent of ficknefs and what it to be tilt (i. HARWOOD, will be a candidate for one of the rrpre- a proper character, and thy decrees. Thou knoweft fon of Hrpe, in. fentativesof Anne-Arundel county to jhe Icgillaturt. ouplit to be elected. ture lot of tliy people. Immortal the omnipotent ' .,,, ^ 3d. Mr. Ridout offer­ 3d. Mr. Williamt hat prove us. O Minerva, daughter of and th,,u 0 Apolla, I WE are authorifed to fay, that col. OSBORN WIL­ ed himfclf, and was elect­ no claim of this kind up­ Jupiter. Diana, tutelary goddefi, who admitiiArrcft t* LIAMS will ferve as a reprefrntative tor Anne-Arun- ed a member of the houfe on the people, and obglit divine fcowerer of the dileafru, nvirw!'rlw thii del county in the next general affeuibly, if elefted. of delegates for four years, not to be elected. their maladies, attend to thofe which the foveretn and ferved with great ho­ couiting fuppliant ; behold thr people, ii flucncj, 1 WE are authorifed tn fay, that Doftor John Gat- nour to himfclf, and much penple, the devoted vic'urns of tiennnra'-ic ruin; tawcy, of Rhodr river, is a candidate for one of the to the interefts and fatit- juft rtaily to dckriid into the grave cf c'ofe% and rrfnfa reprefentativet of Anne-Arundel county to the legif- faftion of his conftituentt, refouice, withiut hrpe, the fcene :s aftorrilbrd t» lature. (fl and ought for thefe paft to yield to folicitntion. Plato hlmfelt his onrtonr. The fcrvicet to be again eleft­ fee the peop'.e f..ll dend before fiil the air. M'nern For the MARYLAND GAZETTE. ed. fnui'di of mournful accents modrrn DemoC ] 4th. Me. Ridout is ca­ 4th. Mr. Williams br­ Come to nur aiJ. Pjt flight to thi^ formidable To the VOTERI of AKNE-ARUNDEI. COVKTT. pable of framing a hill, ing entirely unacquainted thenes, tl;i< exterminating M»r<, more thi< man, who K. or law, alfo to aid and af- with law, or the coufuui- than the G^d of battle himfell; FELLOW CITIZF.KS, deftru£\i:>n withou: arms banifh hit COL. OS«ORI» WILLIAMS, I am inform­ fift greatly in the expla­ tion of the ftate, niakrtli cnmplilhes our if it be thv pVsfurr, bury h« he has been brought forward nation or difiufiion of any him a very unfit charac­ far from thefr regions, ed by a friend, now fay? O ! Hravms ! «ht by his neighbours ; a few d.iys conllitutional queflion that ter, and ought not to be in fome unfathomable caucus. by hit fellow citiiciii, the pri^r of thr fticcreding djy. my friend pofitively drclaret, he heard might arife before the elected. night Ipares berom'.s part cnly, whole coniuar.'l the tl under mill', I in prefence of a number of perfons in houfe, he it a fafr good Great jupilrr, at cnl. Williams, of Terror. Apollo, prepitl of maj. Hammond't, fay that he man every way, and here­ crufli *.o pi:cr» this man the neighbourhood to fncrour ut. Diana, o«t.I * cai-didate for nprelcntative in a very proper charac­ your bowt and arrows intendc<1 to offer himtelf yon darted upon the I much to thr iurprite and ter, and ought to be elect­ whelm him with thofe firet at the endiing election, them defrend like (laming I prrf-nt ; this gentleman, ed. mountains nf Lycia. let aftonifliWnt of every perfnn Bacchus, crnne vitlll ii anxious to fill the vacancy Stlu Mr. Ridout it per. 5th. Mr. Williams is arrows upon his head. Mighty I have hrm infjrm-J. chafe away this rnanrfl of our able ftatefman. frctly acquainted with the entirely unacquainted witli thy hurning torJiet, and>nr«l by thr reli^natinii ' A VOTER. Col. J.'lin F. Mfrrer : why this Mr. Williams (hould etiquette and rules of the the rules of tin1 lioulc and maffwie. claiming an exclufivc privilege to fup. houfe of dele-gates, and the mode of doing btifi- come forward) ' Visitation of the Schaolt. cil icr of col. Mercrr, it matter of aftonifh- knows well the mode and nefs, and therefore a very p'.y the On Fr'ichy laft, the frleft men and o'her grntV. 1 as * nurn'irr of gemlrinrn from other pans' of form of doing bufinefs, un.:t charatfei, and ought jnent, compofing thr fchool committee, made their at- b -fore offered, fome of whom had ferv» therefore would he a very not to be elected. men the county hjtl to the public fehools in Bofton. heretr.toie, orhers had l>een candidates, proper character, and final vifiution «d the people accompanied on this pleafing duty by the hot. votcJ refp.-clable bodies of men, and are oui^lu to be elected. were and have fenators cf the cnunfy of Suffolk, the reprefirutatittil eniitl'd to die confidence of the people, and 6th. Mr. Kidout's ac­ Cth. Mr. Williams it fully of the town, the fticrvff and judges of the varionl t'i br elefted in preference to col. William? quaintance vritli ihe rules entirely ignorant of the cuj'it courts, the rlergy, members of the board of heallM For tii: information of the people, col. Williams of the houfc would quali­ duties of a fpcakrr of the overfeers of the ponr, fire-wards and flrangers. The next door t-i cnpt. Jofhua Claike Hig- fy him cotreiTkly to fill the honle of delegmrs, and is Jives in t!e centre of the county, a 8th. Mr. Ridout, from 8th. Mr* Williami thr r-ty of tl at he has proceeded to Washingtotioto* they have always aimrd to have remedied, his fuuation in private and could not, from remain­ derftand grirvince an interview with the PreGdent or fome of the ht«ta aii-1 lift year, i" full confidence did they fnppnrt capt. public life, hat had an op, ing all hit life in private Higgint in the upper dirtiift, and their candidate was portunity of being ac­ circles, become acquainted of departments. thr frirndt of capt. Higgint ; they now quainted with the moll with the learned and mod voted for hy The Death of the Pints. informed, ready to do thr fame thing, and refpeftahle men in the fcientific characters in the arr, I am It is raid that fince the fall of 1803, a deadly nmft come to an end, and that with the United Sutct, every government Thut it appears that irom their Sill '»C'KJ*JJB to the political, at well at animal and therefore would be a death it unavoidable the ground, to the ripening of their feedi, fuch a government at ourt of proper character to act in body, 'tit importable take but a month; and fpring, fummer, anu day, can long fu'ntift ; we (hall, at laft, any capacity at legidttor the prefcnt are crowded into the (horl fpace of 56 day*. fter infinite convulfioni, find faCety and rrpofe only in the United States, and - - - of Jf' in tlie bed men, and I hope our pottcrity may be ought to be clcded. . BALTIMOM, Auguft 29. with news of Peace betwien Great-Britain and Francei ba« been, ,IK1 I ,lite J| . ffo^ Mr.r. Lippincot,ppncot, ofo thiiti city,cty, one ofo thists new* waswa* received at BarbadoesBarbadoe* by a frigate, Corner. fchooner*, dated which left England on the Uth of July : and on her re,fo,, to belie 1^ th,° * T rirsns taken in Miranda's - - ... . . SELECTED. ' A lavciio, J°'y 3S» ftatet' that t^H**"!"* arrival .-- at -«.. auChriftophers, « a frigau wa* difpatched violent party fpirlted ° ied and ten of the principal officers, who were to other Tflands with the new*, and the fch'r whicb - THE ROVER'S REFORM. ' of 25 vra« of a^e, were fentenced to death, brought the intelligence failed immediately for Anti­ » l«HX>rirr ut ,-iut,,,, ^ for loving, I been executed. The other* were fentenced gua and other Briiifb polTeffions. Capthin Peas had JERRY1* heart wa* form'd priimple teidirg uj the air, " "" vear* confinement in irons, and had been dif- letter* on board from a number of mercantile houfc* But inconfrant a* vert }0ur l.btrty brilliant circl* roving, caftk-*. to gentlemen in this city and Canada, announcing Round the rights as,:..., ' Trrl in different each lovely Fair. r'VL Mme» of Kirkland and Ledlie are not men- this important intelligence, but which were loft with He adniir'd ought not tu be r}, good nature, ,,rft thofe that were captured. the fchooner. Partial rejoicing* took place in confe- Some he lov'd for pure and while 1 1 for feature. Huddle, of the frhooner Bee, waa killed qnence of tliii newt If. T. Gazette. Some for fhape, and fome 1 fpirit and prii.cipU," Of* one thing, feme another, !£T»aion with the Gnarda Cofta. Some for - republican, ot an «ilneii_ This he lov'd for being fmall, d can born, I «j|| p-^ 'the Marquis Yrujo has a lift of the fufferers, From the Baltimore 'telegraph ofyesterday. his French ' For her fise he lov'd tbe other, h every man who v»l! v , .kg particular* ot their trial. . Yefterday anchored in Annapolis Roads, guns, And in fai£lie lov'd them all. y dopt tlu.fe caucus, n*iM the following co.rrrt lift of the perfons executed imperial and royal roajefly's (hip Patriot, of 74 of the that fuch a rover and nirafurrt, dirtdlr -oirite*, at or near Lagvira, taken from the of- commanded by commodore Krhom, member Who would think :, a wife, contrary to our conftiin. fci»l judgment, we are indebted U. the pol'«neU legion of honour, he. [She has not yet arrived off this Could confent to take lover ot ihe j . refundable friend : port.] . . And become » conftant tion, and tiie rigbii ? people. hmes Gardner, Gus. AdMphm Bergudd (a Pohn- Commodore Krhom arrived here yefterday in a fch'r* For the period of hi* life vow'd he'd never marry- rns, after a due confidrrMios lA Charles Jnhnfon, Miles Hull, John Fairis, The French fleet under admiral Jerome Buonaparte TF.RRT which lafted was form'd for JESRY. filliam*, this Demoflbc ' FarqniMfan, Thomas Donahue (of Philaucl- experienced a feveregale on the 10th ult. No one girl the were too alarming, like Cicero of ancient Thomas Villon, Daniel K-rop«-r, Paul F. till thr 13th. Tbe Patriot parted from Marriage thoughts he lov'd th' enchanting Fair, cencs of public bufintfi, . (a PortuRuefe.) [Philad. True Am.} the fleet on the 11th, and is very much i Well The iejJ5rt But, "Variety it charming," w iiis leiluie hour*, on y' The damage done the (hipping on the coaft by the 25th day of the prry of tlir fuecreding day. A Jimaica pap*r of July 26, ftates, that on the M'PH on Saturday fe'nnight, i* truly lamentable . SAMUEL fie cii:iir.iai-'l the tl under rnllit 17th July, the Serpent lloop ot war fell in with admi- ftorm Scarcely a veflel arrives which does not bring fome an of Terror. Apollo, prepan r4 Wirren's fquadron in the Mona pafTage, and learnt This is to give notice, account of either difcovering wrecks, or picking up i to fnccour us. Dian», owr. tast he IhouU fteer to the northward, in hopes of in- HAT the fubfcriber hath obtained from the ' floating goods, the deploarable confequencr many >fe fires yon darted upon tht tempting Willauinei's fquadron on its return to Eu- orphans court of Charles county, in Maryland, valuable lives were loft. [Tclrgraphe.] let them defrend like flaming npe. lettersT of adminiftration on the perfonal eftate of Mighty Bacchu*, cmne Ftrther % gentleman who came paflenger in the SAMUEL JOl-ftS, late of Charles county, dc. and chafe away this manrfl Wuftry, arrived here yrftcnlay, from St. John's (M. Knot. ceafed. All perlWls having claims againft the faid A VOTER. >.) which place he left 6tii inft. infonns us, that the MAKRIF.D at Baltimore, on Tuefday eve gthe deceafed are hereby warned to exhibit the fame, with Wf Scorpion, belonging to fir John BjrUfe War- 26th ult. by the reverend Dr. Bend, the vouchers thereof, to tbe fubfcriber, at or before on of the Schools. NS'I fquadron arrived there tl»e day before he failed ; QurtiN, of this city, to Mifs MARIA LEAKIM, of the fir ft day of March next, they may otherwife by ie feleft men and other gnrtfc skhleftfaid fquadron off Cape Race, (n. r.) con- Baltimore. '^ -^ Uw be excluded frrsm all benefit of the faid eftate. rhool committee, made their as. fcfting of 6 fail of the line and 2 frigates ; that the ._ -, at Baltimore, on Thurfday morning laft, Given under my hand, this twenty-fcventh day of public fchools in BnHon. They Ins,of 50 guns, Mtrcury, of 32, and Jamaica, of 44, at Mr. J. Wlmfe's, by the rev. Dr. Rattoone, WIL­ Auguft, eighteen hundred and fix. this pleafing duty by tlit ho»> treto fail immediately from Newfoundland to join LIAM WARREN, Efq. to Mrs. ANN WIONELL, THOMAS BLAKISTONE, Adrainiftrator } 4e completion September 4, 1806. mation of her being harboured by any free per (on, a»ck, fort Dearborn, at Chicago, and fort Wayne. fo that they may be profecutcd. of a let­ :m ftill to delay the return of the bttrtsting. The following is an extract In CHANCERY, September 2, 1806. EDWARD HALL, Weft river. Portfmouthj or to his own country. Wf «» ter from a very refpe£Uble gentlem..n of RDERED, That the fale made by NICHOLAS P. S. I am informed (he hat a brother who live* proceeded to Washington to k« aor Nortolk, dated Auguft 17, 1806. BRKWKR, truftee for the fale of the real elUte with capt. Leonard, in whofe neighbourhood (be may he PreGdent or fome of the hesdi u Some very interefting accounts are expeAed in ofO Nicholas Brewer, deceafed, (hall be ratified and be lurking. * ~ r •! • J 1 a W i" a few days from a Mr. Andrew Lecki, confirmed, unlefs caufe to the contrary be (hewn on Auguft 25, 1806. M P"fon who has been difcharged from the bank. 1 am or before the 20th day of October next, provided a Death of the Pines. t»U important drfcoveries will be made. Our collec- copy of this order be inferted in the Maryland Gar NOTICE. ccthe fall of 1802, aceidH/dif. <*, Col. Newton, has likewife involved our prefi- lette three time, before the 20th day of tbe gtefent ing among the pine trees of Sooth­ iat in difficulty, by clearing out 3 aimed veffels, month. Will be sold, to the highest bidder, on Friday, the er it appears to aft with the n»<* evidently intended for Spanifh privateers commanded 246 acres of land, in Anne* The report ftates, that 12th day of September next, if fair, if not, the nany plantations having loft »« ky a m«n mamed Turk Cooopcr, of famous ncmorj. £.1130 I 3, 200 Arumlcl county, was fold for firft fair day afterwards, unlefs difpofed of at pri­ fencing timber, and thoufands * Afpiritedremonftrance has been made by Mr. Merry, fmall ifland, containing acres fur £.567 3 9, and a before the I ft of September, in which cafe each other, presenting nothing "d 1 fuppofe it will not be the means of fettling vate fale 70 perchet, for 15s. public notice will be given, caufes of this difcaft b»« 'the differences between the two countries." HOWARD, The Teft, SAMUEL HARVEY LL that traa of LAND called Stepney, lying L / Rrg. Cur. Can. five miles PHILADELPHIA, Auguft 30. and being in Anne-Arundel county, fromA Annapolis, containing eight hundred and thirty- in hot and eoU ck ' of the New-York papers, i" mentioning the In CHANCERY, September 2, 1806. if vegetation five acres; the improvements on this farm are con- to be perfectly un.ctoonov of the unfortunate pcrfons who loft their lives RDERED, That the fair made by THOMAS ing as with many great advantages, there are fe- a moft e»ilw» 1 ihe overfctting Of the (hip Rofe-in-Bloom, ftates, HARWOOD, truftee for the fale of the real fiderable, able to refer it to orcArds on it, with the choiceft fruits of " gtn. M'Pherfon, i.f Philadelphia, is among the eftateO of Charles White, deceafed, (hall be ratified veral good ^*ns fitpation almoft immediately upon aumber. This is a miftake. Gen. John M'Pherfon, and confirmed, unlefs caufe to the contraiy be (hewn very kind callcndar of a Siberian, or Lapl**1 enfurts always good fifh and oyftrr*, and f Ch»rlel\on, (S. C) is the unfortunate fuffeier. on or before the 20th day of O£l< her next, provided South river Year. of a creek, which bounds the farm on one a copy of thi. order be inferted t. ree time, in the at the head 13 Snow melt*. is a confiderable portion of excellent meadow The following i< the only article relative to peace, Maryland Gazette before tbe 20th day of the prefent fide, Snow gone. It would be too tedious more minutely to wooght by yefterday's mails. The rejjort was, con- ground. Fields quite green. month. dcfcribe this land, as a perfon wifhing to pur chafe l»Suently premature. The veffel ejlfrded to bring The report ftates, that a traft of land, in; Anne- Plant* at full g'0"1 would view the premifes. On»»third of the purchafe « »"» at New-York, had a paffage of 50 days Arundel county, railed Wincajtin Ntck, 'containing Plant* in flower. money muft be paid in handftarid a libtnl credit, ,fora London accounts by her are not fo late a* be- 120 acres, was fojd M Jolin Gwinn at V dollar. 7 Fruit ripe. wc received :__ with approved fecurity, will be given for the balance. Plant* Ihed their feed. cent, per acre. /-f^tVl^**^ Any perfon defirous of purchasing at private fale will ^*»^-. Teft. SAMUffCTTARVEY HOWARD, at Port-Tobacco, ._ Snow. FIRST NEWS OF PEACE. Reg. Cur. Can. i ___ make application to the fubfcriber, B, to June 2S, Snow »"*lgV c»pU Prat, of the fch'r Olive-Branch, was taken Charles County. An unexceptionable tide will be *» that trom their fir It merging "n the yfektbf the f*id fch'r on the 26th ult. and JACOB'S LAW DICTIONARY. given to tbe purchafer, and rxJTrdion of the preAsfiN : ripening of their feeds, ib« "» weyeftAday in the Lady Wafhington, from day of January, 1807. fummrr, and^"""" Subfcription. for thi* valuable work, now on tbe firft iandfp^ug, *-Orlr,nt. c, t> R kft St. Kittl, ontne 7th of +j- -"""V^-j,.,,- in two vo|ofne,, 4to, price £ff. the (hort fpace of 56 H"«- """>th, ,,,d inforrni> that the day before he fail- printing " ^^^receivedafA mtat 9tu>the printing-office.nt-l^a.n Port-Tobacco, March * r *•--_ *.'-• . « P"»ate hired fcb'r arrived there from Barbadoe. 20 dollars, in v» By Wtm of to order of the orphan* court of Anne- For Sale. Anne-Arnndel County Court Anindel county, the fubfcribcr will txpose to Pub- By virtue of a cemmiffion from Anne-Arunuel coun­ lit Sale, on the premifes, on Tuefday, the ninth APRIL TK» M, 180S. ' ty court, direfted to us the fubfcribers, will be N application to the judges of the fuJ day of September, if fair, if not, tbe firft fair day, fold, on tbe 4th day of September, at 12 o'clock, court, by petition, in writing, Of biru without referve, upon the premifes, R AWLINGS, of faidcour- 1CU LL the perfon.l property of WILLIAM ART of that TRACT of LAND tying in Anne- FRANKLIN, late of Anne-Arundel county, *!£ jA f°v th felolvtat Arundel county, called Timorr jfoc*, fitnat- palled at November feflion. eighteen deceafed,A confining of fundry valuable young negroes, P cd on Rock Creek, on the Patapfco river, about 10 five, on the terms mentioned in the. ** ] a variety of ftock, confiding of horles, cattle, (beep, miles from Baltimore, containing 18if acres, more or fcliednle of his snd hogs, plantation utenfils, boufehold and kitchen propeity, and a lift of his ci ' left, late the property of Thomas Mortimer, deceaf­ on oath, as far a« he can afcertain them, as dii furniture, and other articles too tedious to mention. ed more than one half of faid land is yet uncleared, Terms of Tale are, for all fum* under twenty dollars bv the laid aft, being annexed to his peuww,oe and 'covered with timber and wood, by the fale 6f a the faid county court being fatisfied, by the cafti to be paid, all Turns over twenty dollars fix moderate portion of which from the conveniency of tcftimony, that the faid Richard Railing, months credi: will be given, on the purchasers giving the navigation, a. purchafer might pay for faid land. fided the two preceding years prior to the bond, with approved Iccuhty. Sale to commence at . The buildings thereon are a convenient frame dwel- of the faid aft within the flate of Maryland, 10 o'clock. ling-houfe, and out-houfes in good repair. Further CHARITY FRANKLIJJ the faid Richard Rawlings, at the time of'- particulars are deemed unneceflary, as it is prefumed fentiiiR his petition aforefaid, having produced perfom dilpofed to purchafe will view the property. the faid court the aflent in writing of fo many Of | NOTICE. The terms of fale are one half calh, and the other creditors as have due to them the amount of i HE fubfcriber being unable to pay his debti, half in twelve months. thirds of the drbts due by him at tlie time of L.U.. T at this time, intends to make application to FRANCIS CROMWELL, ~] the fnld aft j it is thereupon adjudged and ordtrdk the Judges of Anne-Arundel county court, at the NATHANIEL HANCOCK, f Com- the IV.d court, that the faid Kjchard Ra.limr. i next September term, for the benefit of an aft of JOHN ASHBAW, Wmifli- raufing a copy of this order to be inferfcd «ii aflembly, paflVd in the year 180S, for the relief of JOHN BOONE. oners. Maryland Gazette once a week, until the third M« infolvent debtors. /.ACHARIAH POMFREY, J day of September next, give notice to liii THOMAS RICHARDSON. Auguft 18, ISO*. to appear before the faid county court, at tlie L Auguft 19, 1806.______^______Calvert County Court, houfe of Anne-Anindel cminty, at twelve o'clocTiql In CHANCERY, Auguft 22, 1806. MAY TERM, 1806. the forenoon of the faid third Monday of SepttmtJ O'^RDERED, That the fale made by RICHARD next, for the purpofe of recommending a truiln. H. HARWOOD, truftee for the Talc of the real N application of WILJJAM R. SEWALL, their benefit, on Ufc faid Richard Ratings them eftate of Benjamin Watkins, deceafed, (hall be ra­ O of Calvert county, to the judges of the laid there taking the oath by tbe faid aft provided | tified and confirmed, unlefs caufe to the contrary be county court, bv petition, in writing, praying the delivering uu bis property. Jhcwn liefore the 15th day of Oftober nrxt, pro­ benefit of the act for the relirf of fuiulry inlblvent / Signed by order, vided a copy of this order be inferted three times in debtors, pafled at November frllion, eighteen hun­ A N1CH: HARWOOD, Ok. the Matyland Gazette before tbe 12th day of Sep­ dred and five, on the terms mentioned in the faid aft, *^ A. A. County Court. tember next. a fchedule of h'rt property, and a lift of his creditors, July 28, 1806. The report ftates, that two hundred and thirty- on oath, a* far as he can :i!certain them, a: direfted four acies and two roods of land, in Anne-Arundel by the faid aft, being annex'd to hit petition, and Anne-Arundel County Court, county, was fold, fubjeft to dower, tor 14 dollars the fiid county court brin<{ fatisfird, by competent APRIL TERM, 1806. 4 cents per acre. tcllimony, that the faid William K. bewail has ic- Ok N1 application to the judges of the fiid True copy, fided the two" preceding years prior to the palTage of court, by petition, in writing, of H1CHAH Teft. *\ SAMUEL H. HOWARD, the fitid aft, within the ft ate of M;nylai>d; it is G. R AWLINGS, of faid county, praying thebc-| ^^ Reg. Cur. Can. thereupon adjudged and orderrd by the laid court, nefit of tltr aft for the relief of fundry infoltt* that the faid William R. Sewall give notice to his dehtorj, palled at November feffion, eightren bo. Notice is hereby given, creditors of his intention to apply to tin- next county drei! five, on the terms mentioned in the faid rf, court, to he held at Prince-Frederic k-town, in faid To all perfons whom it may concern, a Icl.etlule of hii propeity, a,nd a lilt of his cr county, on the fecond Monday of October next, for "IHHAT 1 ftiall make application to the juftices of on oarh, as far as htr can afcertain them, at dirt&i| a dlfc-liarge from his debts, and to warn his faid I the county court of Baltimore, if in feflion, i re- by the f«id aft, btirg annexed to his petition, ; ditors to appear before the laid judges on the (Lty ana if notNb>t4etT«pn to one of the juftices thereof, and tiie laid county court being fatisded, by compete*! after this hlWsjk hiioeeVi published for two months, at the place afurefaid, to fliew caufe. (if any thry teft'-mony, that the faid Richard G. Rawlingi hu »| have) why the faid William K. Sewall Ihould or upwards, for the benefit of the provifions included not be fidid the two prec-ding yrars pnor to the uaffM difcharged in the late infolven: law, palled at November feffinn, agreeably to liis laid petition, by canting of the faid ail within the flate of Marylwd; a copy of this order to be inferted in \he Maryland 1803, in favour of infolvent debtors, to difcharge tlie kid Richard G. Ra»lin&«, at the time of pj*>| Gazette four fucceflive weeks, and toe from debts that I am unable to pay. all'u l>y caufiiig fenting liis petition as aforefaid, having produced I copies of faid order to be fft up at the court-lioufe JESSE LEATHERWOOD.™ the faid court the affent in writing of fo many of I and church doors Auguft 20, 1806. of faiJ county, two months pre­ creditors as have due to them the amount of twl vious to the fitting of the faid next county court. thirds of the dtbts due by him at the time of pafliarl Signed by order of court, tlie faid aft ; it is thereupon adjudged and ordered byl State of Maryland, fc. WM. S. MOHSELL, Clk- Anne-Arundcl county, orphans court, Auguft 26, thtt find court, that the faid Richard G. Riwlingj, byl 1806. canting a copy of this order to be inferted in tkel N application by petition, of Hannah Fowler, State of Maryland, fc. Maryland Gazette once a week, until the tliird Moo-1 adminilhatrix of John Fowler, late of Anne- Anne-Arundel county, orphans court, Auguft 13, day in September next, give notice to hii crtditsni ArundclO county, dcce-ifcd, it is ordered, that (he give, 1806. to appear before the faid county court, at the ccwt-l tlie notice required by law, for creditors to c^xhi- ,N application, by petition, of Richard Brown, houfe of Anne-Arundel county, at ten o'clock ill bit their claims agaihft the faid deceafed, and that>the _ executor of the laft will and teft^ment of Ri­ the forenoon of tlie faid third Monday in September! fame be publdbed once in each week, for the fpac? of chard Brown, feu. late of Anne-Aruiidrl county, de­ next, for tlie purpofe of recommer.ding a truftee tori fix fuccrffive weeks in the Telcgraphc, and in the ceafed ; it is ordered, that he give the noticr required their benefit, on the faid Richard G. Rawlingt thai Maryland Gazette. by law, for creditors to exhibit their claims againft and there*ir*. i v taking• the oath by the faid aft provided fat I JOHN GASSAWAY, Re*;. Will* for the faid deceafed, and that the fame br publilhed deliveringerin£ up bn property. Annc-Arundel county. once in each week, for the fpace of fix fucceflive Signed by order, Weeks, in the Maryland Gazette. N1CH: HARWOOD, Ok. THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, JOHN GASSAWAY, Reg. Will* for O A. A. County Court. THAT the fubfcriber, of Annc-Arundel county, Anne-Arundel county. July 39, 1806.______Iiath obtained from the orphans court, of Anne- Arundcl county, in Maryland, letters of adminiftrati- THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE,- State of Maryland, Ic. on oil the perfoiul eftate of John Fowler, late of THAT the fubfcriber, of Anne-Aiundel icounty, Anne-Arundcl county. Orphans court, Auguft J, IW4.1 Anne-Arundel county, deceafrd ; all perfons having hath obtained from the orphans court of AnnVArun- N application, by petition, of Henry Pnrrfy, I claim* againft the faid deceafed, are hereby warned del county, in Maryland, letters teltamenury on the O furviring executor of Francis Gwinn, hu rf] to exVibit the fame, with the vouchers thereof, to the perfonal eftate of RICH iRD BROWN, fen. late Anne-Arundel county, deceafed ; it if ordered, that fubfcriber, at or before the twenty-fixlh day of Fe­ of Anne-Arundrl county, deceafed. AT perfons be give the notice required by law, for crtdiion t> bruary nrxt, they may otherwife by law be excluded having claims againft the faid deceafed are hereby exhibit their claims againft the faid slectifed, id from all benefit of the fold eftate. Given under my warned to exhibit the fame, with the voucher* there- that the fame be puhlifhed once in each week, f<* I hand this 26th day of Auuft, 1806. of, to the lublcriber, at or before the thirteenth day the fpace of fix fucceflive week', in the Maryland | FOWLER, Adm'x. of February next, they may otherwife by law be ex- Gazette. dtided from all benefit of the faid eftate. Given un­ JOHN GASSAWAY, R-g. Witofor In CHANCERY, Auguft 26, 1806. der my hand, this 13th day of Auguft, 1806. Anne-Arundel county. RDERED* That the fale made by LUKE W. % RICHARD BROWN, Executor. O BARBEB, truftee for the Me of the real eftate THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, ef Edward Gardiner, deceafed, (lull be ratified and 'HE fubfcriber, late vice-principal of St. Johns' " THAT the fubfcriber, ot Anne-Arundel confirmed, unlefs caufe to the contrary be (hewn be­ College, refpcftfully informs the citizens of hath obtained from the orphans court, of Annt-AnW- fore the 20th day of Oftober next, provided a copy Annapolis, and its vicinity, that he will open a del county, in Maryland, letter* teftamentary on tte I f this order be inferted in the Maryland Gazette SCHOOL in this city, on Monday, the 15th day ot perfonal eftate of FRANCIS GWINN, late of for three fucceflive weeks before the 30th day of September next, for tbe education of youqr gentle, Anne-Arundel county, deceafed. All perfoni hiving September next. men, who will be inftrufted in the different Greek claims againft the fiid decemfed are hereby warned » The report ftates, that a traft of land, in St. and Latin authors, Roman and Grecian hiftory, logic, exhibit the fame, with the voucher* thereof, to the Mary's county, called Merit's Purchase, containing moral phylofophy, Englifh grammatically, reading, fubfcriber, at or before the eleventh day of March 145 acres was f»!d for £.261. writing, arithmetic, tec. Trie fubfcriber hopes, from next, they may otherwife by law be excluded froflj I Tell. SAMUEL HARVEY^OWARD,Y HOW his long residence in this city, and his muth longer all jenefil of the faid eftate. Thofe perfoni indebtt* Reg. Cur. Can. ^1 experience as a public teacher, to meet with the. fup- to faid eftate by bond, note, or open account, «« port of a generous and liberal public. Tern s for requrfted to make payment on or before the IS* Notice is hereby given, Greek and Latin fcholars ten dollars per quarter inftant, otherwife I fhall ufe fuch means s. the U* HAT the fubfrriber intends to petition to the for Englifti fcholars fix dollars per ditto. Hours of direfts. Given under my band, this 5th d»y of A*, T boi. coirt of Calvert county, at their next attendance from nine in the morning until one, and guft, 1806. . tern, for an aft of infotvency to releafe him from from three untiLfive in the afternoon. ______lf\ HENRY PURDY, Executor^ dcbfs which, frutn misfortunes, he it nnable to pay. AV R. HIGINBOTHOM. LEVIN C. WAILES. Annapolis? Auguft 9, 1806. WANTED __ . 3 MIDDLE aged fteady WOMAN, * t* A Man Servant Wanted. A charge of a mirfery of two or three chiWrW.j Notice is hereby given, to fuch an one, well recommended, ' HAT I intend to apply to the Baltimore coun­ rlE ^blViber *'" K'vc * generous price for a be given. Apply to the Printer. T ty court, for the benefit of the aft of the ge- MAN ${U^VANT, who can be recotnmend- nenrl aflVmMy of Maryland, potted at November lef- Jed forfo hit honefty and fobriety. One from tbe age AN N A P O L 1 S: '> fion, 1 805, entitled, An aft for the relief of fundry of 3O to 35 years would be preferred. and SAMUI* ton. f\ W BENJAMIN Printed by & A JAMBS BACOH. AnguM, 1804. 4 GRKKN, lel THE (No. 3113.) )8ofi.

>n, in writing, Of d county prayillgt|)ei|ti) F of fundry iuo(vtM g^ feflion. eighteen huad, MARYLAND GAZETTE. mentioned in the (y^ ty. and a lift Of hi, can afcertain then,, annexed to his ; being fatitfied, THURSDAY, SBPTIMBBR n, 1806. aid Richard Ka« ing years prior to the n the ftate of Mar^ "lings at tbe time of'- " The men will complain of your referve. They iforefaid, having prodmrf will affu're you that a franker behaviour would make n in writing of fo man, Of you more amiable. But truft me, they are not fjn- '• to them the amount of , LINES BY MOORE. cete when they tell you fo. 1 acknowledge that on ANNAPOLIS, TauasDAf, September 11, 1806. f by him at tl* time of »&, lome occafions it might render you more agreeable aa 6. reupon adjudged and ordered | OME, take the harp 'tit vain to miifc companion!, but it would .make you lefs amiable as BALTIMORE, September the faid Kichard Ra»ling. G Upon the gathering ills we fee ; women : An important dittincYion, which many of LATEST FROM EUROPE. his order to be iuferted u t Oil! take the harp, and let inr lofe your fex are not aware of. After all, I with yon to By the regular-trading and fall-failing (hip Fair-Ame­ ce a week, until the third M« All thoughts of ill in hearing ther ! have gieat eafe and opennefs in your converfation. rican, capt. Davis, in 40 days from London, we re­ xt, gitc notice to hii cif Sing to me, love 1 though drath were nrar, I only point out fome conflderations which ought to ceived papers to the 23d of July inclufive, 5 day* aid county court, at the ^ Thy fong could make uiy foul forget regulate your behaviour in that refpeft. later than any heretofore received. From a hafty lel cmtnty, at twelve o'clock i Hay, nay, in pky, dry that tear, " Have a facred regard to truth : Lying is a mean Peru fal of thefe papers we do not ditcover any SepttwiM »id third Monday of All may be well, be happy yet ! defpicable vice. I have known fome women of ex­ thing on the tubjeft of peace, except that couriers • of recommending * trulef fc,| who were fo much addicted to it, that fee that fnowy arm cellent part, are ftill parting between England and France. .' aid Richard Ratings then »J Jxt ire but trufled in the relation of any ftory, the dear harp lie, they could not be Extra&s follow. the faid aft provided Oiice more upon any thing oi the marvellous, > by of harm, 'efpecially if it contained crty. And 1 will ceafe to dream the heroine of the tale. art nigh I or if they thcmfelves were LONDON, July 19. Signed by order, Will fmilc at fate, while thou from a bad heart, This weaknefs did not proceed Bafilico hat not yet taken hit departure. A Ruf­ Gi»e me thit ftrain, of mournful touch an unbridled NK:H: HARWOOD, at, but was merely the efi'eft of vanity, or fian courier, however, embarked yefterday for Bou­ We ui'd to love long long ago. that lively A. A. County Court, imagination. I do not mean to cenfure logne with difpatches for M, D'Oubril, who U fup- Before our hearts had known at much it only embcUirhmrnt of a humorous ftory, which pofrd to have reached Pant. As now, alas ! they bleed to know ! intended to promote innocent mirth. The removal of the crews of the Pruffian veffelc idel County Court, and manners Sweet notrs I they tell of former peace, " There is a certain geiitlenefs of fpirit from on board their (hip* to prifon, has been tbe fore* that indifcrimi- L TERM, 1806. Of all thot look'd fo rapturous then, extremely 'engaging in your fex ; not runner, as it was natural to expefi, of the departure which fmiles o the judges of the fsid ._. Now wither'd, loft Oh pray thee, ceafe, nate attention, that unmeaning fimper of the Pruflian ambaffador Jacobi, who has received affeflation ion, in writing, of RICHAHt. I cannot bear thofe founds again ! on all alike. This arifes, eilhcr from an orders to leave this couirtry, and who is expc&ed to U.l or from perfeft inlipidity. nf faid county, praying tht Art thou too wretched ? yrs, thou art; . of foftnefs, fet off about the end of next week. woman, like other fine things in nature, r the relief of fundry infolfdtl I fee thy tears flow faft for mine " A fine July 21. point of view, from which fhe may be November feffion, eighteen \m.\ to thit devoted Irart, has her proper Letten from the coaft mention, that Calais has Come, come To nx this point, requires terms mentioned in the faid *J,j it ftill is thine ! feen to moft advantage. lately been bombarded by our cruisers oo that Ration. 'Til breaking, but intimate knowledge of the petty, a.nd a lilt of his cr great judgment, and an It appears that while commodore Owen was examin­ mode of female man. can afcertain them, at (...., human heart. By the prefrnt ing fome velTels that had run within the French fhoie, from the LUZXRNE FEDKB&LIIT* that they fhould regain i'g annexed to his petition, neri, the ladies feem to expeft he was fired on from Calais; on which it is added he fulleft difplay of their rt bring fatisfird, by compete*! their afcendency over us by the fent in a flag of truce, declaring that he had been re. G. Rawlingi hit »| m. EDITOR, perfonal charms, by being always in our eye at pub­ aid Richard I SEND you an extraft for the Ladies, from a (trained by confiderations of humanity from firing on pnor to the paffij lic places, by converfing with us with the fame unre- ding yrar, nliuble little book. As all advice, in a greater or the town ; but that fhould they perfift in their wan­ iin the ftate of MarylMid; ferved freedom as we do with one another ; in fhort, led drgrec implies cenfure, I hope you will not think ton attempts to annoy him, he fhould be compelled to . Uawlin&i, at the time of pn-\ by refembling us as nearly as they poffibly can. But it unfuitable for your paper. I only mention this to retaliate. A correspondent continues to obferve, as afortfaid, having produced i a little time and experience will (hew the folly of this the induce you to admit the piece, which you might that an infulting anfwer having been returned, cut in writing of fo many of for I exprftation and conduct. commodore ordered two gun-brigs to play upon tbe other-wife think not fuited to your defign; over the hearts of men, JC to them the amount of twl a u The power of a fine woman town for eight hours, and that part of it was in con- would be very far from intimating that I fuppofe even beyond what fhe ue by him at tbe time of p»ffiaj| of men of the fined parts, is fequence reduced to ruins. Engle lady in Lusernr, faulty in any particular, that the pleafing illufion, ertvpon adjudged and ordered by] conceives. They are fenfible of The letters A. E. I. O. U. were engraved upon ktbc lubjeA of the advice. . E> wifh to difolve it. But lie faid Richard G. Riwlingi, bfl but they cannot, nor do they the key of the vault of the emperor in Vienna. They chief beauties in a female character, charm, it certainly is his order to be inferted in tbe] " One of thc if fhe is determined to difpel the ftood for the words: Austriacorum tit imperare orki that retiring delicacy, which the angel to a nee a week, until the tliird Moa-J a that modrft referve, in her power ; fhc may foon redutc vainer to. " It is to thofe of the houfe of Auftria to> eye, and is difcnncertrd even at the rxt, give notice to hit crrdit«i[ atoidt the public Very ordinary girl. command the world." Buonaparte ordered the in- I do not wifh you to be infen- in ingenuous modefty, faid county court, at the cowt-j gue of admiration. " There is a native dignity fcription to be effaced. . . mdel county, at ten o'rlock ill fiblc u> apptaule. If you were, you tnuft becnme, if to be expeded in your fex, which is your natural pro­ ' July 3J. women. But you and which you faid third Monday in Septttakrl ftot worfe, at leaft lefs amiable tection from the familiarities of the men, The Conftance frigate arrived at Portfmouth oh by that admiration which that it is your in- Pe of recommer.ding a truftee tctl my iroid being daazlrd fhoutd feel previous to the reflecYion Saturday; fpoke, on the preceding Thurfday, an all perfonal free­ c faid Richard G. Rawlingi thral /« rrjoices your hearts. tereft to keep yourfclves facred from American fchooner, the Hope, P. Woodward, maf- to blufh, fhe has loft the endearments of oath by the faid ad provided far! " When a girl ceafes doms. The many namelefs charms and ter The had juft come out of Cherburg. The maf- beauty. That extreme in- of the hap­ perty. a«ft powerful charm of beauty fhould be referved to blefsthe arms ter of her declared, that he had read in the Moniteur, indicates, may be a wrakneft and who if he Signed by order, fetifibility winch it py man to whom you give your heart, but that a treaty had been figned at Paris, between the an I have too often felt ; if he knows N1CH: HARWOOD, Ok. ucumbuiicc in our f "The gieat art of pleafing in conversion con- effable grace over every look, every motion, every likely, and was to be expected ; but, that with one to beauty, > againft the faid dectafed, aid Ms in making the company pleated with themfelves. fentrnce you utter. It gives that charm dafh of the pen, he fhould give up Egypt without into It is part­ publifhed oner in each week, f« j Yft confuous virtue which is able to awe Uie molk (j-,vel ehe*rinpcordiil» to tb' ArrLicraD bean i ments were alfo e«pec\ed at Stralsuwi. Notwith­ ell recommended, lugh. wagts **! ' and abandoned of men. Give, to the WEALTHY ^"jV rhi.?h ' standing this exp-a»tion, md whatever neftile de- And to the POOR, g««. fejd ^^ ^- to the Printer. u Y(,0 will be reproached perhaps with prudery. monftratiom Pnifia nay make, we arc parfitskted flw a> 5TS7 '"fir** " '" ft?4r0f *'1 AnTw'henT^r^ W*SU will nevtr »t\ with vigour againft Sweden, at long *! Now I do not with you to afiVa delicacy, 1 Hl|| t)>c all-wife Creator, wul declare, tb« Utter it protefted by thc alliance of Roma. ""yonto At any rate it is better to Hl§ pretence, power, md goodncf. unconmi'd, An SnglUh fMfmger, (not Mr. Bafilko) ?« the rifle of being thought ridiculous tbau difguft- -ri, TBAD*. »ttt.itiv« vpyafar, wao AH* iron tb* Downs, oa Satorday, for Franc*. ,*gt His li;» with ugumcnli July 23. At 4, P. M. the »pfet-, at the fame moment, mod with a British fquadron of 8 fliipt of LJte On Monday evening, a perfon landed at Deal, of the male pafTengers having run upon deck, were boarded by the Diadem, capt. King : . tj..e r from Boulogne, with difpatches from lord Yarmouth, wafhed overboard, whilft others, and the crew, were was under the command of fir Home n ' at Paris ; and early yefterday morning he arrived in fecuring themfelves to windward. About 5, P M. the Cape of Good Hope, and w« town, at Mr. Fox's houfe in the Stable-Yard. A the main-mad broke fhoit off, and at 6 the fore-maft againft Montivideo. cabinet council was fbon after held at Mr. Fox's of­ wai carried away, when (he righted but fuil of water, fice, in Downing-ftreet, at which the lord chancellor, the lea making a continual breach over her, the gale Further circumstances and particulars lord Gicnville, vifcount Sidmouth and Harwick, earls ftill violent. During the night the greater part of the the French Jlcct. Spencer, Fitzwilliam and Moira, lords Ellenborough crew and pafleiigers were cither wi(h-d overboard or The gale which feparated them commenced on and H. Petty, and Mr. Windham, attended. drowned, lafhed to different parts of the veflel; and 19th nit. and not the I Oth at wV.cti time i!-.j, So great was the exigency for the council, that a on Saturday morning the few lurvivors had the gloomy in tow an American fthooner from it. Dom * rnrflVnser wis ill (patched to lord Sidmouth at Rich­ retrofpe^l of but 6 remaining out of 25 fouls, the to what port belonging or to where brunq .. in mond raik, to require Ms lore1 (hip's attendance. original number on board. During the whole ot Sa­ known a latitude was fixed on in cafe of lepj,/ Parliament will be prorogued by commiflion this turday and Sunday, we continued I a (lied to the wind- in which the fleet was to join. The Patriot enilt {'ay. Reports are in circulation, but we know not on la fs, hearing all the fatigues of hunger and third, in the Rated latitude for fome time, but feeing, what authority, that Ionic allufion will be made, in and mod frequently overwhelmed with the break of of the fleet appear thought proper to put into u the fpeech from the throne, to the recent intcrcourfe the fea ; and at about 5 o'clock, one of the few re­ Chefapeake to repair, which (he entered on the JgttJ between this country and France. maining:, (a black man, one of the crew) exhaufled Grrat fears are entertained for tlie fafety Of from the London Gazette of July 2?. and faint with thirft, was wjrlhed overboard ; and on Britifh Weft-India fleet, as it is certain they «(ri QUEKN'S PAI.ACF, July 21. Monday morning, we were cheered with the protpeft the gale The Cumberland, nne of the fleet h«t James Monroe, ECq; minifter plenipotentiary from of dclcrying a veflel to windward, bearing down, totally loll, the captain has arrived here, hot u. the United Sntes of Ameiica, having received new which proved to be the Experiment, capt. John give no information refpedting the fafety of tKertftl In our Gibraltar Chronicle of July u, we nhfenj letters of credence, giving him, jointly with Wil­ Btxkius, tc whole humanity and atteatmn, we feel it a paragraph ftating, that the Sp.mfh government I liam Pinkney, Efq; the character of minifters extra­ an incumbent duty to expref» the obligation we lie iflued orders to put 18 regimer.ts of infantiy, ordinary and plenipotentiaries from the United States, under, for Im unremitted attention to whatever they had this day a private audience of his majcdy, to rould, in any meafure, ameliorate the mifcry of our artillery, and 12 of militia, on the war loot. The conjectures concerning their dc-lVmation art ta deliver their faid credentials. fituaticn. List of passengers and crevi drowned* otis the following are mentioned: Id An L ing rupture with France 2d. the regulars tn I PARIS, July f. Captain Charles Drummond. M. D'Ouhril, the Ruffian envoy, actually arrived Mr. James Price, under c»pt. D's charge, a fon of on a foreign expedition and the tnilitia tn do here yefterday, at three in the afternoon. He alight­ Mr. Price, Iliip-builder at Baltimore, and 8 blacks in the interior this opinion is corroborated I ed at the hotel Grange Bateliere. compufmg the crew. fact, of orders being frnt to the coturrurdrr PASSENGERS. Cadiz fquadron, confiding of eiifht fail of the line.i VIF.NSA, June 29. Mr. Archibald Leflie, a refident of Demerara, hold himfelf in readinels to fail at a morrent'si We are pofitivcly affured, that M. D'Oubril's full having beef Ibme months pad in Baltimore. ing ; and by the well known want in which Sp powers and inftructions relate not only to the affairs Mr. Mercier, a Catholic prieft, from Charlefton. America ft.mds of the aflidanre of the. mother civ of the Ruffian prifoners, but that this minifter is au­ Mr. Donally, a pedler, from Baltimore. try, (owing to Miranda'* expedition,) it it thor i fed to open negotiations for concluding prelimi­ Mr. Goolky, from Hampton . to lie intended for that place. The 3d. opinion t naries of peace. Some days before this minifter's de- Mrs. Cooper, wife Cooper, lately refident that they are intended to garrifon the Portagm > partiire from Vienna, M. Anftctten, counfellor to the at Hampton, removing to Aiiguftine. ports which are to exclude Enplifli (hips, and th Ruffian legation, fet out from this city for Petersburg, Mifs Mary Cooper, lifter to capt. Cooper, and Mifs \-y fave French troops the troMc—of own with important difpatches. Sufanna, daughter to Mrs. Cooper. the whole country. Three fervant maids, three bUck children, and a. HAMBURG, July 12. boy, fervant to Mr. Gooflev. NORFOIK, Arjgufl Jd. \V: are allured that Buonaparte has ordered mar- SAVED. O;i Sunday'loft the Britifh frigate Chichrftfr, f jhal Bernadotte to march his corps into the country of Lieut. Bernard Henry, of the U. S. navy. ford, got on the Middle Ground as (he Heflr Cafiel. The elector having refuted ten months John Todd, a young man working his paflage to fra, where fhe remained upwards of an hnur, i ago to lend five millions of rix dollars to France, and Charlefton. fprung a leaU ; in icnfequrnce of which (he Napoleon bring in want of that funt. Talleyrand Scott, the cabin-fteward, and two other blacks, obliged to put back, ami anchored in nur har! has advifed that tneafure ?s the only means to extort part of the crew. yefterday, i:i order to undergo fonit repairs and K» h from that prince. However its fucceft is not quite SrptemSer 5. the le?k lloppnl. She wai boin-.d to the Wefl-1 certain, as it is verjr well known that the elector, who Extract of a letter from captain -Vi/r/>Av, of the brig dies with a carjo of fyars, spfcie, &c. The ctah\ has never been a friend to Buonaparte, has guarded Actress, to the editor of the American, dated landed yefterday and lodged in the United Su bank. againd his rapacity, by fending his treafure to Berlin. QUARANTINE GROUND, September 4. In the fame manner, tlie elector of Saxony has Aujrofl 39. " On the 23d of Auguft, the day previous to my Lad evening anchored in Hampton Holds, been fummonei! to lend fix millions of rix dollars to leaving the Havanna, the Pomona, a Spamfli frigate French frigate Sybelle, of 40 gun?, under jury l the French emperor; and as he has alfo refufed the of 36 guns, from Vera Cruz, was taken about two mads, having loft them, and otlierwife damaged loan, it is aoprehendrd that Bernadotte has been di­ leagues to the eiiftward of Moro, by two Englith the late j^ale. The Syhe'.le was not of Jeron.t Bi rected to pay a vifit to the Grune Gewcelb, who is frigates, the Arethufa and Hanfon, after a clofe altion onspartc's fleet originally, hut of tomm'flore L'Hn now at D'efden. of 16 minutes ; although the Spauilli frigate was af- mine's fquadron, which did fo much damage to i The new conftitution of the German empire is dai­ fiftcd by 7 gun-boats (one of which <*as blown up and Britifh trade nn the coaft of Africa, aud w« con ly expected at Ratifbon. It is already known that another funk) and a buttery of 11 gum. Previous to pol'ul of thr following (hips : the three Imperial cities ot Hamburg, Lubeck and the action there was a confideranle quantity nf mnncy Regulus of 74 gunt, Bremen, will be u r>der the immediate direction and landed from the frigate, reported to be the property Prelident and Sybelle, of 40 guns each, abfolute control of Buonapirte. of the king; b>jt the Englidi took with the ftup half ServeiUiem, brig, lent home. Mr. Bourienne has given notice to our venerable a million of dollars ; it was reported that the com­ September J. fenate, that the political funerintendence of the French mander of ihe Spanifli frigate loft his life in the ac­ Refpecting the Sybelle, we learn, that on the 19 theatre, in Hamburg, belongs to him, in copfequrnce tion, the number of other;; is not mentioned, but fup- ult. in about lat. 20, CO, long. 64, in company «« of orders to that effect, that he has received from the poi'ed to lie confiderahle, from thtf cl'.'r.-nef< of ihe ac­ the Regulus, of 84 pu"*» and the 1'refideut of fame prince who has lent him at his minifter to the tion and heavy fire. On the 25th, 1 fell in with 3 they were encountered by a violent hurricane at circle of Lower Saxony. (hips, a little to the northward nf the Double-headed E. to S. which compelled them to feud kr ntailyi Shot Keys, one ot them appearing much difauled, days, in which they loft their mizrn-maft, NEW-YORK, September 2. another had her in tow, ftaniling to the northward mad, quarter pieces torn off, and the Ihip grD«r»l Captain Blagge, who arrived here yefterday from through ihe Florida gulf thrfe 1 fuppofed to he the much injured. The fell that wai feen nf the Re, Leghorn, informs, that on the 30th June, off Mala­ three aforementioned vefTu*; it muft be obferved, lui and Piefident, they were fcuddipg thf ( ga, he parted through a convoy of twenty-two fail, that at the time of this action, there wa« an 80 gun From information in which we place ronfiw with troops from Gibraltar, for Sicily. On the 28th, (hip then in harbour, IHK unfortunately her lopnrads we can fay that this fquadron has never joined lieut. gov. Fox, commandant of Gibraltar, and fuite, were down and could not be got ready until the day fleet commonly called Jerome Buonapirte's. failed in the Orion, of 74 guns, for Meflina, to take after the action. From arrivals fince our laft, we find thit i command of the force* in Sicily. At the fame time September «. gale was what is ufually termed the " tail of a 2 convoys, one firm Cork and the other from Portf- Extract of a letter to the editor of the Philadelphia India hurricane," for we difcover that the furtM mouth, in all 62 fail, arrived at Gibraltar, with Regidcr, from his correlpondent, dated fouth the gale has been the more violent, ana w troops, in pi arc of the l)e Holies and the 42d regi. London, July 9. felt five or fix days fooner than it was here, ment, both of whic.h were to embark immediately for " The Leopard, of 50 guns, failed frqm Spithrad defcribed by the officers of the French frig»« M Sicily. It was rumoured at Gibraltar, that fir Sid­ on Saturday lad, June 28, with orders for the recal mod unexampled violence. . ney Smith, commanding the blockading fquadron off ot the Leander, which is to return to England, under The Britifh (hip Rank-make, Lightbum, l« Naples, had taken thr three fmall iflands of Vecchia, the comma»d nf captain Reggett, the prrfent captain Baltimore to Barbadoes, wai captured on the IJ« Prcvria, and Capra, laying in the mouth of the bay of of the Leopard ; and an inquiry will enfue on the ult. by the French (hips Regiiluj, Prefident and S Naples ; and that he had fent to admiral Knight at conduct of the captain of the Leander on her arrival. belle, and ordered to Martinique. Gibraltar, for gun-boats, u he meditated an attack " A fimilar misfortune had occurred on the coaft We have it from refpectable authority, that on Minorca. of Portugal, of which intelligence wast received lad Edward Berry, who was admiral Nelfon'* captaini week ; and the Portuguefe government have proceed­ the battle of the Nile, and who commanded on. > PHILADKLPHI A, September 3. ed fo far as to detain the Richmond gun-brig, until the four fail under admiral Cochrane, »t the time. Letters from Halifax, received from very rcfpecta- fatisfaction is made for this, and feveral other fub- falling in with the French fleet, has reCgn«J ble g-ntlemen, ftate, that captain Whitby was put jects of complaint, An inquiry if directed to be guft and gone for England, owing to Cochrane under arreft, and fent home as a prifoner, in the (hip made." engaging them. When Nelfon paid hii cotnpl>n>«»| Leader, of which he (capt. W.) formerly had the The king of Sweden has ">» accepted the offer of to the king afwr the bufinefs ot the Nile, his command. Capt. Whitby, we underftand, is fent to Pruffia to mediate between him and the court of Ber- obferved with forrow, that he had loft his right a Erg-hud to accngrt to the Bntifh government for his lin. He confiders himfelf as acting in quality of an " I have," replied the hero, " but no: my right *« conduct on the American nation, and the depredati­ ally of England, and that the aid of Ruflia in the ad- give me leave to prefent captain Berry to J ons lie committed off Sandy Hook. juftroent of the exifting differences, is unneceflary. . majefty." His majefty infills on the evacuation of Lauenburg Laft evening it was currently nreported, that ttal BALTIMORE, September 4. by the Prufluni, and its re-occupation by the Swedilh Regulus was in Hampton Roads, Lots of the schooner COMFORT. troops. Circumftautial account nf the lofs of the fchooner By the mail which arrived at Kingfton (Jamaica) . That our differences with Comfort, (Cliarlefton packet) captain Charles Dium- with difpatches, vice-admiral Dacres received a letter tain are in a favourable train for idjuftment. mond, from Baltimore, received from a pafirnger troni fir Alexander Cochrane, informing him of the Munroe is faid to have communicated in one ot miw I taken from the wrerk, in lat. 35, 15, long. 76, 30, death of admiral earl St. Vincent. The intelligence difpatches, the heads of an interview, **»! W. by the brig Experiment, John Bockius, roaf- had been tranfmitted from Barbadoes, by lord Sea- with Mr. Fox; that Mr. Fox, «the ootfet coi* ter, arrived at the Lasaretto : forth, where a running veflel from London had ar­ mented in pretty fevere terms upon the 0 On Tuefday morning, Auguft 19, thr Comfort left rived. our reftriftion hill; but that Mr. Muoroe Dan _. . Hampton-Roads, with paiTeogcrt, for Chirlefton. Capt. Collins, of the (hip Arctic, arrived at Cbarlef. fed the idea which muft be admitted by all img1" " On Friday came on a violent gale from N. E. the ton, the 19th ult. in 68 days from the River Plate, politicians; that all the fteps which we had fo t,* fchooocr lying to, bead to the (untoward and eaflward. inform*, that in a few hour* after lailiog be fell iu toward* Great-Britain, were perfectly jufl of 8 , which (he ha3 taken towards ns; ftnrj that her part of the country wai within the dominion of Spain, Juft would have borne us out, in the adoption of and forbidding nd ot the Caddo chief in future holding talks, f,r Ho,r.e , Tuch more energetic meafures. Inwards the clofe trading ]poet'0 Comet. mu or having any intercourfe whatever with the lope, aod w«dtftinfd to, f the interview,-.._ Mr.M, Foxp«» i,,.r.«J faid to» -1,«^-have expreffed««,,ir-l Americans after which the Spaniards took their de­ ' much less dissatisfied with the policy which SELECTED. parture in purfuit of .the exploring party, and infom- i > >, jt _. did adopted. ed the Caddo chief that they were going to take, kill From tie Obarterto* Timei. i and partici' That our diffeience, with Spain are nottn fo fa- Frenchjlctt. or drive them back. toiirabl: a train for adjuftflient. Thanks to the PARAPHRASE »rated thtin " We have likewife accounts from Bay-au-Pierre, OF PAUT OF STERNE'S MARIA. commencedi on( i fcjtrrdK» which-. -- Buonaparte- • benrs r to». republics; and I Oth at wh'.ch time of the arrival'at that place of col. Ei rara, late goven. ,,,ks to ihe particular zn\ of Mons. Talleyrand, nor of Montrey, with fix companies of cavalry, AS I pafled, I beheld, by a poplar o'er (haded. uhooner from it., faid Where *. in infl»u» .nflauiinifnS 'his matter's miud agamft us I to contain one hundred each, rill, thru* a thicket, meander'd along. ing or to where bound i',, with feveral pieces of Maria. wh««c bloom her dittreftrs had [ Richmond Enquirer,] cannon, faded. is fixed on in cafe of |r and that feveral companies of troop, more Wildly warbling her tenderly querulous fonf. are on their way from St. Antonio." s to join. The Patriot ««,& .It is faid thit information hWh: Ac Her form, in a robe of pure white was invetted, Her hair, o'er her delicate for fome time, but feeing u "tlVij f.uenoon from Wafhington, thaiardSfpSc Chc's hand, lofely flow'd, Captain Wilfon arrived yefterday in 36 days from As upcn it her crnz'd head (he penfively rcfted, thought proper to put into i j^j arr-,ved from our miuiller in Spain, that all nego- Gibraltsr, informs that intelligence had reached And gmz'd on the flow'rs that around her were AreW'd. which (lie entered on thf JgtKj wtioiis were that broken off. [.Vn place the diy before he From the girdle that rlafp'd her, a tertained for the fafety Of t failed, of an engagement hav­ firing was fufpendcd. ing taken place between the French and Neapolitan To which Sylvio, her only companion, was tied i :et, as it is certain they wtrti have hern inforrnrd,norrnr, faysays the Walhington Her pi|ie on a ribbon of pale \Ve troops before Gaett*. which had terminated very un­ green depended, rrliind, one of thr fleet 1 eelin, that the negociation for the FLOR1DAS That hung from her (huukler, and wav'd at her fide. favourable for the French, they having experienced :ain has arrived here, hut . faj|r,l. This inf irmai'.on ws? received from Vir- This regard (or her father (he ne'er coold grrat loft in killed, wounded and prifoners, bt fides recover ; efpefling the faletyofthei inia very latrly. It frenis difpatches from Mr. Her goat, that once fported along as (he ftray'd. the definition of the befieging batteries, which had Had deserted her_ hronirle of July 19, we ^ jjunroe, our ininifter. 3t t'w Brhi!li court, Mere Mn- like her ungenerous lover. taken them fevna) months to ert{\. [N. T. pop.] And left to hcrCelf this unfortunate maid. that the SpaniOi government I ,evfd tn Monticello, by one of Mr. Munroe's family, 18 rrgimcr.t* of infantiy, 5, wlioU'ely landed at BoR ^n. This gentleman As I look'd M her dog, the Tweet girl drew him nearer, men­ , " miliiia, on the war tioned the fail" NOTICE. Ah ! leave me not, Sylvio," me tenderly cries : 1* °" hi* wa>' to tne prefidcnt's. She remember'd her goat; but erning their dc-Dination are »» N election will be held on Monday the 6th day her father ftili dearer, Drew tears of regret from her wild-rolling eyia. re mentioned: I ft An of October next, in the feveral election diflri As RNS OFFICIAL. A I fat down betide hy, nee 2d. the regulars tn befcn of Anne-Arundel county, for four delegates to repre- in mute contemplation. ELECTORS of the SENATE And wip'doff htr tears, e'er they fairly had flown, ion and the militia of the STATK of MA­ fent faid county in tlie general affembly of this Hate tn do RYLAND. While my bofom was throbbing with ftrange pertubation: opinion is corroborated bri one member to the houfe of ieprefentatives of the I wip'd off alternately far Frederick county—John Tyler, Jofhua hers and my own. .. ff frnt to the commander «f^ Cockey. United States, and for a flicrifT. Princr.George's countj—Walter Bowie, Kdward Th.e mind of Maria recall'i! the imprefion, fl ' ifting of eiijht fail of the line, JASPER E TILLY, Sheriff of I'd made «nrv wlien I pitied her forrowi before i neis to fail at Gilvert. Aiiiie-Arundel county, y And the charms that attended a morrent'i 'Washington county—Samuel her artlefs confeffion, .. . II known want in which Span Ringgold, Thomas September 11, 1806- / / ___ Now heightened the feelings of lympathy more, e a (lift a nee of the motlier en II I remember," faidfhe. " tho' my mind was diftrafta!, Cnarles county—Philip Stuart. John P-irnharn. HE fubfcriber refpecMully mda'i expeditiun,) it it fuppoft informs the ladies " The (Iranger who f»w me, with pity was mov'd, Dorchester county—JolVph Ennalls, John Smoot. and gentlemen of Annapolis, " To lee the unhmppy M»ri» hat place. The 3d. opinion i T that he intends neglefled, Tattot county—Perry Spencrr, James opening DANCING " By thole foe had honour'd, and him Cite drd to Rarrifon the Portngu Nabb. SCHOOL the fecond Mon­ had lov'd. Qucen-Anne's county—William Chambers, James day in October, at the Ball-Room. " My goat ftole hi* icclude Enplifh (hips, and th He will teach handkerchief, and the offender, three times a week. Terms " I beat, and he left me, to wander alone; >ps the irou/Vf of omrnn Butcher. as ufual. City of Annapolis Benjamin Ogle. J. A. XAUPI. ' But I walh'd, and have kep< it, and mean to furrender. " Should I e'er again .hue Arundel countj—John Jobnfon, Lfoyd Dor- A lift has been left at Mr. Green's printing-office, fee him, what's truly hii own." therein thoft- who wifti to enter as fcholars, Then faying no more, the unlortunite mourner, NORFOLK, Aogufl !*. will be PnX'.ue'd it, enclofed Mantgmnerj county—Robert P. Magruder, Upton pleafed to have their name infcribed, as he wilhes in the leaves ot a vine ; e Britifh frigate Chichrfter, (. to A tendril furrounded it, and, on the corner, : be certain of the number before commencing. ildle Ground as (he was | 1 (Ww the initial that told me 'twas mine. Cecil county—Daniel Sherfdine, John Gilpin. N. B. Private leflons will be given, if required, lined upwards of an hnur, ; " Since that, have I Teen, in my devious wand'ringt, JfrnJ county James Scott, DodW John both in dancing and fencing. icnfequrncc of which (he Maxwell. 1 ' St. Peter's at Rome, and walk'd round it with joy«» Citj of Baltimore— Alexander M'Kim. Annapolis, September II, " The Po c, ami anchored in our (80S. / ' and the Tiber's romantic meandnngk, Baltimore county—Mofes Brown, Tobias E. Stanf- " And return'd without (hoes o'er the flints of Savoy. lr> undergo foni-: repairs and fo Forty Dollars She was boiir.d to the Wfft-li bary. Reward. " The cloud-cover'd Appenines too. have beheld me Caroline countj—Frederick Holbrook, AN away from the " On their hoary dins roving, alone and fj-.ars, spfde, &c. The Peregrine R1 fubfcriber, lining near forlorn I Frifby BayarJ. Moorndd, Hardy county, Virginia, on Ihe " Uut the fame kind divinity led and upheld me. id lodged in tl.e United Su " That tem^iers the wind to the lamu No returns have yet been received from the other 20th of laft month, a negro man named JOE, a that is fliom," counties. bioad thickfet fellow, about 5 feet 8 or 9 inches Shorn indeed to the quick, faid I ; but could I ever ' . Be bleft with high, 22 or 23 years old, has very long feet, thy fight in my own peaceful cot. ichored in Hampton Holds, a wide No forrows of thine, or my own, (hould On Saturday laft, 50 Tick of the crrw of mouth, a round vifagc, fhort di(fever elle, of 40 gun?, under jury I the Wench thick nofe, low fore­ Maria, from him who now pities her lot. (hip P4triot were landed in the vicinity of this city. head, a black 'complexion, ftrong limbs, moves them, and otherwife damaged and My ftudy mould be to relieve thy diftrcfles We nnderlhnd that the fcurvy is the principal walks very flow, and is a cluml'y awkward ; - Syhe'.le was not of Jeront 1 com- fellow j Thy heart diill'd by negleA, (hould my fympathy warm $ pbjiit. They have already received his cloathing, when he eloped, finally, hut of t ninnr-dore L'Hn orfat&nefit confided of three pair Ev'ry tear Ihould be dried by my tender careffes. from the falubrity of our air, and of overall*, tfco of tftcm And my cottage (hould (belter which did fo iruch damage tot the freln provifions, ofnabrigs, and one of thy limbs i'rorr|he ftorm. regeubles, fruit, fcc. with which ftriprd gingham, our white linen (hirt, No more o'er he coaft of Africa, and was ( they are daily flip- one ofnabrig the cliff, or the catanA fmming. plied. ditto, a wool hat, two jackets , Should the ueps of the haplefi Maria itij fliips : with fleeves, one of be leaf i them fine white flannel, But when e*re 1 beheld thee, in folitude roaming, ' ' igum,, the other grey coating, much WE ire requrfted to fay, that Mr. worn. He was purchafed My hand Ihould comluA thee back fafe to my (hed. Sybellc, of 40 guns each, ARCHIBALD of Mrs. Howard, Head V»«.Hoiin will be a Candidate at the nrxt Election of South river, and it is fuppofed he will endeavour When, at evening, the fun in bis fplendour defcended. rig, lent home. To Heav'n (hould our mutual for Re|jrelciiUtivcs to Cnngrefs, for thr IVrond Dif- to go to that neighbourhood. The above Reward devotion arile, September Awl my pray'r s, by the found of thy foft pipe tnct of tlii- State, cnrnp.ifcd of Prince-George's will be paid for apprehending faid attended, iybelle, we learn, tha: on the I' and fellow yd four ing Smiling Seraphs Ihould bear on their wings to the (View AuM-ArunJel Counties. "~ him in gaol, fo that I get him again, a* :0, CO, long. 64, in company all ftlfoo- My heart thrill'd again, for the fair mourner grieving, 4 puiii, aud the I'rrfiJentof _ tb!e expence* paid if brought home My eyes were with tears of compatton fufTus'd ; WE are auit.rrifrd to I was rred by a violent hurricane it fhV, that Mr. OsftOhtt S. wiping them off when Maris, perceiving, HAHWOOU, will l»e My 'kerchief already too drench'd impelled them to feud f«r M*'' a candidate for one of the rrpre- to be u»'d, fentiuvtsof Anne-Aiundrl f lofl their mizrn-maft, niain-i county to the Icgiflature Let me wafli it," laid (he, " in this ftream near us flow. OMMITTED to my cuftody on fufpicion of ing:" rs torn off, and the fhip being a runaway apprentice, And where WE are authorilcd to fay, that rol. O*»OHM WIL- C a white lad named will you dry it ) half fell from my tongue; ic Ir.ll that was feen JOHN CARROLL, about 14 or 15 years of age, " In my bofom," laid (he And is that dill fo giowmg ; they were fcuddipg will ferve as a representative tor Anne-Arun- I touched on the b« 13th inat. at three o'clock, P. M. at the Auguft 29, 1806. ______/ ABSCONDED, badoes, was capturrd11 ui i« on** the-- - j parade ground, in complete FEW days ago, from the fubfcriber, Prefident and SH uniforni. a tall i (hips Rrgiilu!, September 10, 1806. "^ Annapolis Races. (lender black negro woman named DARKEY. HE Jocky Club purfe of three hundred dollars, IA purchafed her fome that years ago from the eftate of otn rerefpeflable authority, will be run for over the Annapolis courfe, on John Mackall, Efq; and I apprehend Ihe has gone to 1*1 VI ll'^n't. T ho was admiral Tuefday the 31ft day of Oaober next; heats 4 Calvert county. Any perfon who will apprehend her, Nile, and mile, each, . who commanded oaf | Sr TTESTERDArs PACKET. carrying weights agreeable to the rule, of Mid will produce me futtcient proof that they har* r admiral Cochrane, «itbf«i« .h, ,i K Baltimore, September 10, the club. fold her in any of the fouthern Dates, to wit: e French fleet, has reCgned in« of Oftober, the coif. North or South-Carolina, (hall be entitled England, owing to Cochrane i n«| *- - *-»*«• When Nelfon paid hi. comphn.«»l the bufinef, ot the Nile, hi. jji ow, that he had loft his right heats 3 miles each. HALL, Weft river. to prefent captain Berry toy j HOSTILE APPEARANCE. September 9, 1806. P. S. I am informed (he has a brother who live* With capt. Leonard, "irocj of a letter from 4yntl,man at Natchet, to in wbofe neighbourhood (he may was currently rereported, that 0»| tht Editor, dated August 2, 1806. This is to give notice, be lurking. -»ivi to ESXKP. A CHARITY itain, were p and that that. REZIN FKANJtLJN, lieeutrk. Anne-Arandel County Court, In CHANCERY, AuSuft se, IBo . Calvert County Court, RDERED, That the fale by ' MAY TERM, 1806. APRIL TERM, 1806. O BAR»KR, tiuftee for the hie Of t(, N application of WILLIAM R. SEWALL. N application to the judges of the faid county (hall IN O"-" of Edward Gardiner, de«tafed, Calvert county, to the judges ot O court, by petition, in writing, of RICHARD confirmed, unlefs caufr to the con county court, by petition, in writing, praying the G. RAWUNGS, of faid connty, praying the be- fore the 20th day of October nex benefit of the a& for the relief of fundty infolvent nefit of the ait for the relief of fundry infolvent in the Mil of this order be infrrted 'Tl^'aofh^ debtors, pafled^atpafled at November frllion,fellion, eighteen hun- debtors,debtor,, pattedpaffed at November feflion, eighteen hun- S/;^'^^ ";^''^ in the faid act, dred and five, on the terms mentioned in the fad aft, Se^teinbei. J0t" ^ dreM and five, on the terms mentioned • - . , . . * . ji i-n _i- t-:- -—J:.-~ - r_i__j.i- _r ».:_ —————... ——I - I.IL ~t >-•- »•.-*•»«»«creditors, a fchedule nf his property, and a lift of his creditors, a fchedule of his property, and a lilt of his The report ftates, that a traft of |»IM1, ; ^ on oatn, as far as he can afcertain them, as directed on oath, as far as he can afcertain them, as directed Mary's county, called Morris's AireAoir, contai, by the faid act, being annexed to his petition, and by the faid a A, being annexed to liis petition, and 145 acres, was fold for £.261. « competent the faid county court being fat'ufied, by competent the faid county court being fati. fied, by SAMUEL HARVEY HOWARD has re* Teft. trftimuny, that the faid William R. bewail has re- teftimony, that the laid Richard G Rawlings Reg. Cur. Can. ' Tided the two preceding years piior to the paffage of fidcd the two preceding years prior to the pafTage the faid'aft, within the ftate of Maryland; it is of the faid act within the ftate of Maryland ; and tlu- faid Richird G. Rawlings, at the time of pre- Sheriffs Sale. thereupon adjudged and ordrrrd by the laid court, of a writ of fieri facial, to me dirt&sl to his fenting his petition as aforefaid, having produced to In virtue that the f;»id William R. Sewall give notice out of the late general court, will be SOLD oal creditors of his intention to apply to the next county the faid court tlie aflcnt in writing nf to many of his as have due to them the amount of two the premifer, on Saturday, the 13th inftam, court, to be held at Prince-Frederick-town, in faid creditors R», thirds of the debts due by him at the time of pa fling LL the right, title and interrft; that county, on the fecond Monday of October next, for land called ?, the faid act; it is thereupon adjudged and ordered by Gartrell- has in a traft of a diftharge from his debts, and to warn his faid cre­ A containing 150 acres, the faid court, that the faid Richard G. Rawlings, by Ridjffly's Great Park, ditors to appear before the faid judge; on the day and fclisfy a debt due caufing a coi y of this order to be inferted in the in execution, and fold to at the place afurel'aid, to Ihew «aufe (if any they Alexander. * be Maryland Gazette once a week, until the third Mon­ have) why :he faid William R. Sewall Humid not Sheriff of day in September next, give notice to his creditors JASPER E. TILLY, difchatgeil agreeably to his faid petition, by cauling county. to appear before f .4 Signed by order of court, and there taking ofO Nicholas Brewer, deceafed, lhall be ratified iti ^l T\ Wx. S. MORSELL, Clk. delivering up his property., unlrfs caufc to the contrary be (iicwn « Signed by order, of October next, proviatdi Clk. or before the 20th day State'of Maryland, fc. N1CH : HARWOOD, this order be inffrtrd in the Marylind Gt. A. A. County Court. copy of Anne-Arundel county, orphans court, At'guft 13, ______cettr three times before the 20:h day of the pit feat 1 80ti. July'39. '--- month. N application, by petition, of Richard Brown, State of Maryland, fc. Tl e report ftates, that 346 arres of hr.d, in Anw.l executor of the lall will and U lament of Ri­ Arundel county, was fold for jf. I 130 I 3, ttol court, Auguft 5, 1806i chardO Brown, fen. late of Anne-Arundel count}', de- Anne-Arundel county, Orphans acres for £.567 3 9, and a final! iflutd, conuinurj the notice required N application, by petition, of Henry Purdy, 70 perches, for 15s. ccafni ; it is ordered, that he give of their claims againft furviving executor of Francis Gwinn, late Teft. SAMUEL HARVEY HOWARD, by law, for creditors to exhibit O that that the fame be publiflied Anne-Arui'del county, deceafed ; it i- ordered, ('ur* Ca"' the faid deceafed, and cieditors to 3 A. for the fpace of fix fucceflive he give the notice requited by law, for once in each week, faid dcceafrd, and Gazette. exhibit their claims agair.ft the In CHANCERY, September?, 1806. weeks, in the Maryland in each week, lor THOMU JOHN GASSAWAY, Reg. Willi for that the fame br publiflied once RDERLD, That the falc rrade by the Maryland th« fale of tiit rol Anne-Arundel county. the fpace of Fix fucccflive weeks, in O HSKWOOD, truftee for Gazette. \ eftate ot Clixricj White, drccafed, Iliall be ittiU Wills for bt lhc« TO GIVE NOTICE, JWHN GASSAWAY, Reg. ant: cnnrirnini, iniltTi catife to tl.c coittr»iy THIS IS next, providd THAT clue luhfcnber, of Anne-Arundel county, Anne-Arundel county* on or before the Umh d:ty of Oi>.ob=r in tb hath obtained from the orphans court of Anne-Arun­ a copy of this order be inferted three times letters teftamentary on the THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, Maryland Gazette before the 30th Jay of ibeprtfoi del county, ii Maryland, county, perfonal clh-.f ot RICHARD BROWN, fen. late THAT the fubfc'ritScf, ot Anne-Arur.dcl montli. of Anne-Arun­ in Aaas-l of Annr-Aruidrl county, deveafrd. Al' perfon* hath obtained from the orphans court, The report (latcs, that a tract of land, faid decrafed are hereby del county, in Maryland, letter! trltan-tntary on the ArunJcl county, called fVincofiin Keck, cnntjiii'mjl having claims .tgni.iil the of farr.c, with the vouchers there­ p-rfnual eftate of' FRANCIS GWINN, late 190^crcs, was fold to John Gwinn at5dallanT| warned to exhibit the having at or before the thirteenth day Anne-Arundel county, dc:ra(Vd. Alljpeifuns ccir.i ;x-r acre. of, to tlie Inofcribcr, are hereby warned to of February next, they rruv otherwife by law be ex­ rlatins againlt the faid der.eafed Teft. SAMUEL HARVEY HOWARD, the vouchers thereof, to the ___ cluded from all benefit of the faid eftate. Given un- exhibit the fame, with W Reg. Cur. Can. Autfuft, 1806. fubfcriber, at or before the eleventh day of March Aer my hand, this 13th day of from RICHARD BROWN, Executor. next, tliey may otherwife by law bf excluded This is to give notice, rftate. Thofe prrforis indebted all benefit of the faid the fubfcriber, of Cliaitc* county, hittj by bond, note, or open account, arc TV !HAT Court, to faid eftute obtained from the orphans court of f««i Anne-Aramlel County rcqiiefted to make payment on or before the 15th 1806. ty, in Maryland, letters of adminiltration on the APRIL TKRM, ii.Hint, ntherwife I fhall ufc fuch mean* as the law lite to the judges of the faid county final oftate of WALTER M-PHEKSON, N application U. Given under my hand, this 5th day of Au- h»»i court, by petition, in writing, of RICHARD the aforefaid county, deceafed. All perlbni guft,/806. the fud deceafrd are warneJ tot;! BAWLINGb,O of kid county, piaying the benefit of HENRY PURDY, Executor. claims a^%iull of fundry infolvent debtors, the fame, witKt^ vnuthera therrof, to tU ful the net for the relief /SX neii at November feflion, eighteen hundred ai\d fcriber at> or befoie the 25th day of 1'cbriury flVd State of Maryland, fc. from »H terms mentioned in the faid aft, a they may otherwife by law be excluded ET, on the UOLj, >o»phViJ court, Auguft 26, my hind, fcl.txlule of his property, and a lift of his creditors, nefit of the faid rftatc. Given under them, as diiefted 1R06. 25tbday of Auguft, 1806. on oath, as far ai he cm aftertain by petition, of Hannah Fowler, to his petition, and N application S.4|fUEL M'PHERSON, Jun by the faid act, being annexed adminillratrix of John Fowler, late of Anne. court being fati»rud, by competent the faid county OArundel county, deceafed, it is ordered, that (he give give notice, teftinony, that the faid Richard Rawlings has re. This is to : the tin tier required by law, for creditors to exhi­ years prior to the paftage thr. [fubfcriber hath obtained from tb Tided the two preceding their claims againft th? faid dere^fed, und that the of Maryland ; and bit orphan* c'ourt of Charles county, in M»f, of the faid act within tlie ftate fame be publilhed once in each week, for the fpace of «A»U at the time of pre- letters of adminiftration on the perfonal the faid Richard Rawlrngv, fix fucceflive weeks in the Tclrgraphe, and in the, aforefaid, having produced to SAMUEL JONES, late of Charles fenting his petition Maryland Gazrtte. claims agtiii.ft the the aflent in writing of fo many of his ceafed. All perfons having the faid court JOHN GASSAWAY, Reg. Wills for re by warned to exhibit tlie fumti *"* have due to them the amount of two deceafed are'he creditors as. Anac-Arundrl county. to the fnbfcriber, at or bffo«| thirds of the debts dur by him at the time of pa fling the vouchers thereof, the firft day of March next, they snay other«ift r the faid aft ; it is thereupon adjudged and ordered by NOTICE, by THIS IS TO GIVE law be excluded from all benefit of the to) eta» the faid muit, that ilie laid Richard Rawlingi, the fubfcriber, of Anne-Arundel county, to be inferted in the THAT Given under my hand, this twenty-feventh fl«T caufinr; a topy nf this order hath obtained from the orphans court, of Anne- week, until the third Mon­ Auguft, eighteen hundred and fix. Maryland Gaiettr once a ArundrrVounty, in Mary land, letters of adminiftrati- /i'HOMAS BLAK1STONE, Adn)iniftr»w» day nf September nrxt, give notice to his creditors n on the perfonal eftate of John Fowler, late of of SAMUEL TOMKS, deceafed. .court, at the court- ___ _^_J^^^> to appear before the faid county deceafed ; all pcrfon* having • o'clock in Anne-Arundel county, houfc,r>f Anr.e-Arundel county, at twelve againft the faid deceafed, are hereby warned third Monday of September clairni Notice is hereby given, thr forenoon of tlie IVid to exhibit the fame, with the vouchers thereof, to the nrx', for thr purpofr cf recommending a truftee for To all perfons whom it may concern» fnbfcriber, at or before the twenty.fixth day of Fe­ to the nidicM! their benefit, or the laid Richard Rawlings then and be excluded HAT I fliall make application bruary next, they may otherwife by law if in .. there taking me oath by the faid act provided for Given under my the county coutt ot Baltimore, from all benefit of the faid eftate. andT if not in feflion to one of the iuftices tbtreom delivering up bis property. 26th day of Auguft, 1806. by order, band this after this notice has been publilhed for two nv Sirrned Q HANNAH FOWLER. Adm'x. N1CH: HARWOOD, Clk. or upwards, for the benefit of the pro»ifions incUt A. A. County Court. in the late infolvent law, paffed at November le»w»| July 28,' 18P6. NOTICE. 1805, in favour of infolvent debtors, to difcMOT HE fubfcriber being unable to pay his debts, me from debts that I am unible to pay. IP CHANCERY, Auguft 32, 1806. T at this time, intkds to make application to JESSE LEATHER WOOD, RDERED, That the fale made by RICHARD the Judges of Anne-ArVidel county court, at the Auguft SO, 1806. ~ O H. HARWOOD, truftre for the fair of the real next September term, for the benefit of an aft, of eft air of Benjamin Watkina, deceafed, thai I be ra­ aflembly, palTed in the year 1805, for the relief of Notice is hereby given, tified and confirmed, unlcfsGaufe to the contrary be infolvent debtor*. HAT the fubfcriber intends to petition to ilwwn before the 15th day of October next, pro. THOMAS.RICHARDSON. hon. court of Calvert coauty, at ibeir <* Vi^rd a copy of this order be inferted three times in Auguft 19, 1806. 1 Tterm, for an art of infolvency to releafe him i tl." Maryland Gaiette before the 13th day of Sep. debts which, from misfortunes, lie is ""I*1* , g? te'-'lier next. A Man Servant Wanted. J LEVIN C. WAILES. ftates, that two hundred and thirty. 1'iie report Auguft 8, ISOe.'V . fit u «cr> * and two roods of land, in Anne-Arundel HE fubfcriber will give a generous price for a e> i ity, was fold, fubjeft, to dower, tor 14 dollars MAN SERVANT, who can be recommend, 4 tenU per acre. *\ V/ Ted for hit honefty and fobriety. One from the age ANNAPOL Tme copy, «P \ of 30 to 35 years would Ix preferred. by FREDERICK Teft SAMUEL H. HOWARD, BENJAMIN HODGES. Printed Beg. Cur. Cu* f^ QjiceivAnne, Auguft 4, 180». ^ GjtXIN. (LXHId YeAt.1 r, Au-ufl J6, 1808. THE (No. 3114.) the fale made by for the file of iht leetaled, Hull be .« to live contrary bt ctober next, provided MARTL "1 « the Ma.yUrd UJ2!, GAZETTE. eki before the aoth d:y'(

:hat a tract of l»,,d. in $J Harris's Purchase, comaii, . £.361. ' THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER i8> t8o'6. HARVEY HOWARD r. Can. '

[Fs Sale. Belleifle, 74 Cant. Hargdnd. ' It appears that fir Ry Strachan, having heard in fieri facias, to me dirtdeil american 3nteUigcnct. Terrible, 74 —— Lord PauleU the Weft-Indies, that athnirtl Willaumex was on the) ral court, will be SOLD, trad of land called ?< ironed st the date of our lafl advices from England. they %re miflrd. That the fleet of admiral Willau- containing 130 acrts, _ Melampus, 36 -—— Poyntx. mez, and the fqadron of commodore L'Hermite, or Bat the general faith in her innocence was unimpaired. Decade, '36 ——.Stuart. ' to f-tisfy a debt due WilluaJ One paper fays, " (he has, with two or three cxcep. parts of both, Were on the coaTt there can be not the .It has been near twelve weeks fince this fquadron lead doubt. twos, as rrany friends as there nrc Englifhmm and left Plymouth, in quell of the enemy, and had been ER E. TILLY, Sheriff of The Patffcf pf 74 guns and the Valereufe frigate, Englilhwomrn." Tlie (lerfon actufed as. herpavamour, cruifing with the mod indefatigable folicitude for a ae-Arnndel county. ui Nival Officer of dillirction, ahfent on dii'f, at belonging to v admiral Willaumex's fleet are in port^ meeting with prince Jerome, the hopes of fir R. tht former at..__ Annapolis ..._r _..__.._ and the_ latter.__...... __._-._..„ in the Delaware. tlr time theinviftitjat:on wv. proceeding. A part of Strachan being particularly directed to that object; *'] he Cybete frigate belonging to commodore L'Hcr- the retinue of the Du' e of BmiNswitK, father to in, which, unfortunately, there is now a lefs chance of mite's fquadjjn) is in ttlis port, ,Y, Septrtnbri 2, 1806. the Princefs of WALKS, had reached England, and tl>e falc made by NltHOU.I his being gratified, than had he remained on the fta- The fulI&Rng- - is a lid of tht French force: the Duke was momently expected. Among the con- 7^1. L t\ ___ I . M ^ e for the fale ol ihe re.I .has jnft left. R-gnl-lr, 80 guns wdnirt as to his vifit, one was that he came to en. .The arrival of the above fquadron in this country Foudroyant, deceafed, Ihall be .atir..d ut devour to cnmprornife the differences between Great- 80 c to thr contrary be (hewn i has been in confrouence of the communication receiv­ "{etc ran, 80 Eritain and Prussia ; and anntl>cr that his objeft was ed from fir Alexander Cochrane, difpatched from VA|je(.ic, y of October next, pro..drol to Iff that jnflice wa< done his daughter. The con- 74 infrrtrd in the Maryland Gj. hence in the Flying-Fifh fchooner, on the 28th June, ..... 74 (at Annapolis) dud of the Prince of WALES towards his confort, which fell in with fir R. Strachan, off the ifland of re the 20:h day of the pit teat ImpettKtEC, 74 w« onivrrfaliy reprehended. St. Michael, on the 24th ultimo, and was fent oq The Britilh employ vi-flVls with odd names to car­ Patriot, 74 (at Annapolis) from thrnce to England, while the fquadron, purfuing Prcfident, 44-'- tat 246 acres of lar.d, in Arm. ry their pacific dilpatrhes to Fiance the Basilisk ahd its courfe hither, made a paffage only of 14 days.- Valereufe, 40 (in the Del.) i fold for £.1130 I S, JOO Blwdlwund are among the latefl that have gone to . . ' Augufl 12. ' Cybele, 44 »« »iUt st the departure of the Stag t'rom Aruha, had much reafon to believe, that not only Alnuntz is ex­ |d dereafrd are warned to chibi seta fuccrfrful in frveral engagements with tlic Spa- pected at Martinique but the return of Willaumex al- . , ,; GKomcE-Town, September 10. b vouchers therrof, to tl.t fnt aiudi, and was penetrating into the country. fo ; it being underilood here, that moorings have been the 'J5th day of February i ^ Augufl 13. laid down in Fort Royal Bay for a large fleet, and a Difpatches Itave been, it is faid,. brought from by law be excluded from ill I WevrUerdiy mentioned the arrival of the expedi­ general requifition of bread impofed on the bakers, France and Spain, by a late arrivals The contents itc. Given under my hand,' tion under general Miranda, on the Spanilh Main, and confiierable depots of proviftons formed for them. have not transpired, but the conjecture is, that they , 1806. aad hi] fubfrqitent fuccefs ; we are now, however, en- Under the cirrumftancc even of theft fquadrons be* are not «f an agreeable complexion. , M'PHERSON, Jnn. Admr. sU(d to ftatc the particulars tone, what more accu- ing united, which would then form a fleet of 13 fail The fecrctary of war is abfent on a vifit to Mont*. Wliile capt. Erkell was taKinq in his cargo of the line, we could not any thing more than cell*. s to give notice, 1 St. Roman, -mi the Spanidi toad, an ovcr- that fir Richard Strachan's highly difciplined fqua. ... , BALTIMORE, September 8. bfcriber hath obtained from ^H h*i d 'patch! -- WHS— received.-—-,— there,.. — -- T containing—— ——— - o —-----accounts— dron,urou, (for^ior wew^ neveripcrci fani«*. a• finerA*M*I one»/i»*. in••• thefe»MV«V feas)tv»«/ : of Charles county, in Maiir)land,^ «gen. Miranda having eflVcted a landing at Coro, fllou]d f,|| in wjth tb*m ,cleaf of. any chance of their The Britifli frigate Melampu>, left Hampton-Roads ation on the perfonal eflau (which ii faid to be pnly 12 hours fail from Aruba) efcjpi ng into port, for we may Fairly calculate, that on Wednefday lad. S, late of Charles county, U»t he had captured it, and was proceeding up the tne ^fuit wou|d be that of his at lead doubling hU A late London paper fays, " We learn from private is having claims agaii.ft the 0 It w>« alf0 afTertrd, that he was daily join- own force. j,y the capture of an equal number of correfpondence, that the emperor of Germany ii not warned to exhibit the f»rr*i * the Snaniaids, and had feveral (kirmifhcs with tlieirs, and probably the deflruction of the whole, fo beaten down as t« Concur in all the changrs, the totaJ fubverfton we (hould rather call it, which Buo­ if, to the fnbfcriber, at or bHi ' .government..... forces,. ...^ _.Jall oof which he had been September 2. rch next, they snay other«if« naparte meditate* in the German empire. He has wWul. The gentleman who furnilhed the r.argo From the Coffte-Hwse Bookt of last evening. rom all benefit of the faid cM i,.1** ^ta8» informed the captain of her, that IK w*s had the courtge to firotett against tht election tf land, this twenty-feventh dsy 1 to be under arms the next morning at Uay- The fchoooer Pocotaligo Packet, capf. Stites. ah- cardinal Fesch, as to-odjulor to the areji^hametllor of urdred and fix. 'ecy perfon not found in arms ag-tii^l Mi> chored off the fort this evening, in 6 days from Long the empire." BLAK1STONE, Administer i *as confidered as his accomplice, and indantly Ifland.i. Captain Stites has broughtDrougnt in wiuiwith .mm.him two Accounts from i nmaao itate, that gen. Jairgndm EL JOMKS, deceafed. ted. 'Miranda is aided by a Britilh force, but feamen;n, belonging, to a Britilh (nip, one of the lafl has affumed the title of " general in chief of tlu ar- fc «ad\ number not afcertained. He has been join- homewaid-bound fleet of Jamaica merchantmen, who mies cf Columbia." «d fy a Britifh frigate. inform,m, that..... almbd_._ .. the...- whole-...-._ fleet,..__., confiding of. oni_. _ September 11. : is hereby given, hundred and fifty fail, have been diF^trftfd and (od In Letters from Boflon mention the arrival there ess bns whom it may concern, By a pjOcngrr in the Cornet, from Nantes, v/e "an, that it was reported when he left France, that the late gale. Several of the (hips were feen td the 6tb inft. of the (hip Sally-Ann, in 37 dayi from make application to the jufticM founder, with the whole of their crews. One of the Liverpool. A letter from a refpectable commercial coutt of Baltimore, if »pa wa* made with Ruflia the ifland of Corfu |w« op Egypt given op to France by tl* Turks fhips was towed two days by capt. Stitesj when they ho^ife in Liverpool to another in this city, dated July ton to one of the iudices •Maaeaw talked of. fell in with a Britifh (loop of war, who tmprefled all 26, fays, " We have only time to accompany the las been publilhed for t«x> B*>n S>n«mber 10 the Britiih Tailors and burnt the fhip. two days enclofed price cttrreat with the information, that tb« e benefit of the provifions inel» fcfcoone. Venus, Oliver, in IO•a-piciiiucr dart from iu.Wil- fin**.__ "P1- s- fru in wlth the bri. . ? ^. n"» "P.1' ConPj^-,y» Britifh Darliament is prorogued, and it is officially an* ,t law, pafTed at November f<«<>«.| from this port for Havanna, totally difmafted. nodncea in the fpeech on that occafioo, that our go­ of infolvent debtors, to difctarj«| M. C. September 2, off the Chefaprake, the Britilh fl.ip uf war Bellona, and the Me- vernment is engaged in difcuffion* with a Tiew to the t I am unable to pay. Not toi-K, September 8. reftoration of peace on juft and honourable termsy b«s_ JESSE LEATHER WOOD. frjgatc. Thefc vefleU belong to far Richard fquadron. The Fleets. Oor coaft it is probable, will be the that the fbccefs will depend on a corresponding dif* M. ^______T fcene of a great naval enterprise, as the Britifli fleet poCtion on the part of Frastce." CBAILESTOX,^s..«5T,,i., Augud guu 30.ow. ai well a* the French, arc now near us. On Satur. : is hereby given, CsJlahan, of the fchooner Camilla, arrived day evening ihe Melampus frigate, one of the fleet of The fifhing boats of Loweftofrind fubfcriber inters to petition to t- favoured us with Darba- fir R. Strachan, anchored in Hampton-Roads. This Dnufually fuccefifol in the courfc of lift week ; by the , of Calvert county, at iheir rK* tvbas politely papersTSfthe I2th^. ft. from which we copy fleet is compofed ol the former as many mackerel were caught in one night, ; of infolvency to releafe h.« ** following intentftin Atelligence : Cssfar, 84 guns ms fold in the morning upon the beach for T.126O. i misfortune*, I* « un»^ T'."S' Audacious, 74 The firft hundred fold this feafbo fe].cbed ^.t, but LEVIN C. WAILED ' ? 2 " j2liP*k-Towii, (Barb.) Augvfl 9. Belleifle, T4 thty were afterwards fold tor 3s. per 100. Srvrrml rooming fir Richard Ssraehan arrived iu Bellons, T4 boats, wub a part of tUofe lately caught, were im­ /, from off the Woftern iflands, with hit Montsgue, mediately difpatcbed to H«H j and on Friday Ufl the N A P O L I S: confiQing of the following (hips: terrible, mackerel wen Told tlstn aa. |srw M three half-peoc* ' R. adm. f>r R. Strachan. Triumph jREDERicicandSAMUiiH*,] Melampus awf toother Capt. Rkhirdfon. GRIKN. turtw of the judges of rieAions for the fcrml coun- Rnotved, That it not «ppe>rirg wUch of tl* ^ ties, and for the citiei of Annapolis and Baltimore, perfoni, Edward H. divert or William Lyks. and find by the faid- ' returns the following perfons are the Kreatrfl number of legal vote« aerceabl. »_ ANNAPOLIS, TBOKSDAT, September 18, To the VoTtas of ANNAPOLIS. Kent county Jame* Scott and John Maxwell, EfquifW ; Whidi wa« read the firft and frrond time by tfw CEVTLKMKH, the houfe ecru I HAVE determined to offer my- for Anne-Ahindel county John Johnfon and Lloyd cial order, and the queftion put, Will county Jofeph Ireland cur with the firft part thereof, which relates to VY»|. •elf as candidate for your suffrage* a* a Representa­ Dorfey, Efquires ; for Calvert Efquires; for Charles county ter Bnwie, Efquire ? Refolved in the affirmative.^ tive to the Assembly, and to this purpose will offer and Jofeph Wilkinfon, Philip Stuart and John Parnham, Efquire* ; for Balti- After examining leveral witnrfTes before the rlccW in explanation of my right, on Thursday reason*, more county Mofes Brown and Tobias E. Stanfbury,- relative to the eleflion in Prince-George's county, tk at 4 o'clock, in the Senate rooni. the 3d of October, Efquire* ; for Taibot county Perry Spencer and queftion wa» put, Will the houfe concur with the rt. I am, Gentlemen, James Nabb, Efquires; for Somerfet county Henry fidue of the (aid report ? Refolved in the affirmative. With natural rerpeft, i ^f The quefti' n was then put, Will the houfe affcnt J. Carroll and Levin Winder, Elquires; fur Dorchef- 4 ^ « - I Your obedient servant, * ^ ter county Jofeph Ennalls and JohnSmoot, Enquires ; —to -theL - refolution-'-•—• --«----- therein contained ? ABRAM CLAUDE. for Czcil county Daniel Shercdine and John Gilpin, The yeas and nays being required, appeared as foU Annapolis, September 18, I SOS. Efquire* ; for th: city of Annapolis Benjamin Ogle, low:._.. . Efquire ; for Qoeen-Anne's county William Chamber* Affirmative—Meffieur* Maxwell. Johnfon, IWry, \VE are requefted to fay, that CHARLES D. HOD- and James Butcher, Elqvirei; for Worcefter county Brown, Stanfbury, Spencer, Nabb, Sheredine, Chanw for one of the reprefcutauvcs and Jofluia Yrideiux, ^Efquires ; tor bers, Butcher, William*, Prideaux, Tyler, Cocker, CES will be a candidate John Williams States, fc J John Tyler and Jo.Tiua Cockey, Smithfon, Montgomery, Holbrook, Bay a id, Ring. United for Anne-Aruudel county to the legiflature. Frederick county. . . . > coui county William Smithfon and gold, Sprigg, Bruce, Tomlinfon. 22. GiviN in Efquire-; for Harford the leal of t WE are authorifed to fay, that Mr. OSBORM S. John Montgomery, Efquires ; for Caroline county Negative Meflieur* Hebb, Neale, Sc"», Ireland, HARWOOD, will be a candidate for one of the repre- Frederick H.Jbrook and Peregrine T.Bayard,Efquires^ Wilkinfon, Suiait, Varnham, Carroll, Winder, Ko- Icntatives of Anne-Arundel county to thele^ifthe lexiflature. for Wafhingtbn county Samuel Ringgold and Tho­ nalls, Smoot, Bowie, Ogle, Magruder, Beall_ Is. mas Sprigg, Efquirct; for Montgomery county Robert So it was refnlved in the affirmative. WE are authorifed to fay, that col. OSBORN WIL­ Magruder and Upton Beall, Efquire* ; for the city On motion the queftion was put, Will the honfe LIAMS will ferve as a representative tor Anne-Arun­ of Baltimore Alexander M'Kim, Efquire ; and for i-djourn until 3 o'clock, p. M. Determined in the del county in the next general alterably, if elected. Allegany county Upton Bruce and Benjamin Tomiin- negative. fon, Efquires. On motion tbe queftion was put, WiM the hrnife WE are authored to fay, that Doctor JuhnGas- The Committee further repot:, that before an opi­ now adjourn until 3 o'clock ? Refolved in the affir. tawcy, of Rhode river, is a candidate for one of the nion could be formed on the memorial of William tnative. representative* of Anne-Arundel county to the legif­ Lyles, icfpecting the Prince-George's elee) ion, it was lature. neceffary to go into an examination of the fact* fet .... 3 O'CLOCK, p. M. forth, this could only he done by the attendance of THE electors met. Prefent the fame mrmben IT AT a meeting of the Electors ot the Senate ot the perfons who were preient at the election ; to obtain in the morning'. The proceedings of the morning ftate of Maryland, at the city of Annapolis, on that evidence the committee have iffued fiimmonfes were read. Monday the 15th day of September, 1806 were for fevcral witnefles on the part of the memorialift and On motion, ordered. That Thomas 0. William, prefent, Edward H. Calvert, Efquire, to attend immediately, George divert', William W. Berry, Samufl D. For St. Mary's county William Hebb and Hen­ and they expect they will be prefent this evening. Beck, Benjamin Brit, jun. John Caftlc, Franti* ry Neale, Efq'rs. By order, Drown, Jonathan l*arker, Samuel Shecklcs and John For Ktnt coirn<)> James Scott and John Max* JOHN BREWER, clerk. R. Mat;rrdcr, vitnefiV* fummoned from Prince- well, Efq'rs. Which was read the full and frcond time, by efpecial George's county, be each allowed two dollars per For Anr.e-Arvndel county John Johnfon and order, and the queflion put, Will the houfe concur diem for two days attendance, together with th* Lloyd Dorfey, Efq'rs. with the firlt part thereof ? Refolved in the affirma­ famr number of day* itinerant charges as are allowed For Cafaert fount* Jofeph Ireland and Jofeph tive. The queftion was then put, Thst the houfe to the delegate: of the fjeneral aflembly. Wilkinfon, Efq'rs.' ^ concur with the refidue of f«id report ? Refolved in The elector* having uualiGed, by taking the oath For Charles county—John Parnham, Efq. the affirmative. to elect without favour, affrdion, partiality, or prr. For Baltimore county Mofes Brown and Tobias The elector* adjourn until to-morrow morning 9 judire, fuch peri"oi>» for frnutor* as thry in thrir £. Stanfbury, Efq'rs. o'clock. judgment and con Icier, re believe heft qualified for riw For Taibot cauntj—Perry Spencer and James office, proceeded to !>.-liot for the fenate; the ballot* 14ahb, Efq'rt. Wednetday, September 17, 1806. oeing depofiled in the ballot box, the gentlemen For Somersrt county—Heniy J. Carroll and Levin THE electors met. Prefent the fame member* is named to (hike retired, and after fometimr returned Winder, Elq'n. on yefterday. and reported, t!>at the following gentlemen »tr» For Dorchester county Jofeph Ennalls and John The proceedings of yertcrday were read. elected for the weftcrn fhorr -. The electors adjourn until 3 o'clock, p. M. John T. Maiun, 18 Gabriel Chriftw. 34 Smoot, Efq'n. M'Cullocb, 14 count)* Daniel Sheredine, Efq. Thorn** M'Kldery, ?* Junes H. For Ctcil Lloyd Dorfey, 3** Samutl Ringgold, 2] For PrinceJfegrgt's county—Edward H. Calvert, S O'CLOCK, p. w. AViiliam Thomas. 26 David SUrim, at Efq. THE electors met. Prefent the fame members as Thorru Duckett, 3J For Queen-Anne's ctfunfy—William Chambers and in the morning. And the following gentlemen for the eaflern fcort: James Butcher, Efq'r*. The electors adjourn until to-tnorroW morning 9 7.»dock Pumtll, 17 Thomas Williams, ai For Worcester county—John Williams and Jofhua, o'clock. Jacob Gibfon. 26 "William Wbitelr, n Mark Button, 3} John Pirtridgf, U Prid-aux, Efq'rs. voted for the f* county—John Tyler and Jofhua. Thursday, September 18, 1806. Thtrc were Mfo nominated and For Frederick Oiore : THE electors met. Prefent the fame members as lowing gentlemen on the wrfkcrn Cockey, Efq'rs. C. CimJll, of Carrolltoii, u Henry H. Chapman, n For Harford roun'_y William Smithfon and John on yefterday. John F.. Howird, 11 Roger B. Tane), It Montgomery, Efq'rs. The proceeding* of yefterday were read. noiior John Bowie, 10 Klie Willi»nn, II For Caroline county Frederick Holbrook, Efq; Mr. Montgomery frc.m the committee delivers to Richard Pottn, n Arthur Snuff. 1C For Warhington county—Samuel Ringgold and the prrfident the following report i James M1 Henry, n Thomas Sprigg, Et'q'rs. The Committee of elections beg leave farther On the eaftern (hore i Robert Magruder and to report, that they have infpecttd the return of the hobert Dennis, 15 Ejibnim K. Wilfon, For Montgomery county Kichaid T. E*rlt, trie election for Prince-George's county, Thomf* Wright, of T'.io, 11 TJi>ton Bcall, Efq'rs. judges of Hobut H. Gouboroiich, n John Gale, For the City of Baltimore—Alexander M'Kim, and have alfo taken under their confideration the Eiq. and memorial of William Lyle* of faid county, and find On Monday morning laft arrived off this port, h» For Alitgany county—-Upton Bruce and Benjamin that Walter Bowie is elected, declared and duly re­ I. M. (hip L'Eole, of 74 guns, commanded by cipU T< mlinfim, Efq'rs. turned an elector of the fenate for faid county. Provofl, (La Croix,) belonging to admiral WilUB- After feverally taking the oath of fidelity to the They further report, that Edward Henry Calvert metz's fquadron, totally dilmafted in the gale of the Hue, the eleAors proceeded to the choice of a prefi­ is alfo returned elected as an elector of the Crime, 19th ult. feveral of her men were loft during i« p«j- dent, when the honourable Alexander M'Kim was but it apjicars to your committee from tlie duplicate valance. Her crew, we are informed, are very besl- hundred and un.tni'Tir>ufly chofrn. John Brewer was appointed return, that Edward H. Calvert had fix thy. clerk, and Edward Roberts door-keeper. four votes, and William Lyles had fix hundred and The electors proceeded to ballot for a committee three votes, that is only one vote difference between On Tuefday morning a falute of 21 guns *« to infprit and examine the returns of the elections of them ; it appears alfo to your committee, from the from the French (hip Patriot, which was leturo the electors, and report whether they have been made teftimony of witneffes, who have been examined, * detachment of the artillery company of this city, agreeably to the constitution and laws of this ftate » that the poll* were opened at 9 o'clock in the morn­ tlie ballot* being drpofited in the ballot box, the ing, and that between two and three o'clock in the We have been reqcefted to report, the Wlo»«g gentlemen namrd to (trike retired, and after fome afternoon, it was determined and underflood, that American veffels, which have been deta.nrd b| «c tine returned and rrporti-d that Mr. Montgomery, the poll* fhould be clofed agreeably to the watch of French fhip L'Eole, and brought into the Chelapfsve. "Mr. Johnfon, Mr. Prideaux, Mr. Stanfbury and Mr. Williams, one of the judges, by wbofe watch Brig Polly, capt. Wynkoop, from Guada:uupe w Mr. Chambers, were elected. they had been opened ) that accordingly, within one New-York, detained b lat. 26$, molt of the «ew The prefident laid before the electors a memorial or two minutes of fix o'clock, by faid watch, it was taken out and not returned until TueUsy mon> from William Lvles, of Prince-George'* county, proclaimed by one of the judges that the time would fating that the election held in faid county wa* ille­ expire in one or two minutes, and for voters to come ll1gSloop Three Friends, capt. Thomas Hsritnso, gal, and praying an examination of the fame, which forward ; that no voters offering to vote, tbe polls from Savannah tor Philadelphia, d?"1" ""2 was read and referred to the committee appointed to were clofed ; that afterwards they were opened at C*pesv Left only the capt. on board, with two u« the return* of elections, the inftance and felicitation of Mr. George Calvert, lectors adjourn until to-morrow morning? and five votes were taken, which were entered *•£££ Nancy, Capt. C.afier from Bofton, * o'clock. upon one of the books of the polls, but not on the tainrd 26 day*—they loft both hi* boats, and esia. that two of other; that it appears by the witneiTe*, his provifioos. , Tittidaj, September 16, 1806. the voter* voted for Edward H. Calvert and William Protefts have been noted, but we could not ] and THE electors met. Prefent the fame members as Somerville, and two voted for Walter Bowie them in time for this day's Gatette. William Lyles; that it does not appear for whom on yefterday. , The proceeding* of yefterday were read. the fifth voter voted; that if thr fifth voter voted for The New-York Gawtte of Saturday faysjj^ Mr Bayard, an elector returned tor Caroline coun- Mr. Lyles, in that cafe Mr. Calvert muft have ex­ morning a fmart firing was diflinaiy the tv, Mr. Wie. »n elector returned for Prince- ceeded Mr. Lyles two vote*, at the Crft clofing of www» fr-m lbe ^ward George', county, ,Mr. Stua.t, an elector returned fit polls, arid if the fifth voter voted for Mr. Calvert, in that cafe, Mr. Lyles and Mr. Calvert mult . J-IL- Hj Charle. county, and Mr. Ogle, in eleftpr Kturnr* then, ^ have had an equal number of votes, ant) neither en­ 3,. Vkp* IHUWU ^ for the City ot Apnapolis, appeared, and after lev,, DIKP, *n Sunday night, the 7th inR. *' **r* fc to a feat; and in as much a* your committee rally tsA'mg. ^ oath of fidelity to the Rate, took titled tin 5kweir», after a lingering Ulnefs of twee *** cannot ascertain the fact which had the majority of of Souih ^"f'T'sJ legal votet at the firft clofe of tbe polls, which your Mr. RICUAHD STKWABT, Vlr. Montgomery , from the committee, delivers to an upright character _aodI corre « t committee confider to be the legal clofing,Dung, tlteyUK:/ «TCare man«! of»» « !" »"- viluable the" orefulieixt the following report: ciety has to mourn the lob. ot '^^d. to wHorn was referred the returns of opinion that the feat i. vacant; they therefore The Committee t w»d b» &»»*« «»<» - of clcftioM leprt, thai xhcy hm iufneft* the W; - U* following rtfolution tT «t» MCtLMMCT t or William ROBERT BOWIfi, Anne-Arundil county, Jc. al votes agreeably to the GOVERNOR or MARYLAND". HEREAS ZACHARIAH DUVALL .jutr.1 Poet'0 Cornet. collector of the tax for Anne-Arundel county, f the election of f,^ A PROCLAMATION. -. W SELECTED. tat nf the faid EJ»trj h" nath returned to the Commiffionm of the tax for HEREAS it has been dated to me by hereby xacatrd. the raid county, the following lilt .of lands, in faid coun. petition of a number of refpcftabte perfoni, . . LINES, and (frond time by efw ty, on which there it no perfonal property to pay the Winhabitants of Prince-George's county, that a murder fiiid taxes, to wit: TO THE MEMORY or THK CKt.CBtATED put, Will the houfr con! hs bern committed on the perlon of CHARLF.« Names of MUNGO PARK; of. which crtons names of land, and amount of tax* relatet to Wa|. KIVITT, junior* late of Prince-George* county, by C- s. D. Occasioned by reeding an account of his being murdered ved in the affirmative...] , certain negro man, flave of Bafil S«per, called Elizabe at Sego, of Bambarn. itrtf fles before the rltflort, iddleton, houfe and lot in \V*LL, "ho has fmce abfconded. and fled from jul- Annapolis, NIGER ! thy fburce, what foot (hall now explore* tince-George's county, tit 0 18 S And whereas it is the duty of the executive to John Rofs, ad. of John Welch, honfes What trav'ller trace the windings of thy (bora t houfe concur with the re. pjsrd as much as may be againft the comtniflion of and lots in ditto, 6105 Who, Atnc ! tread thy deferts, to relate lefolved in the affirmative, foch enormities and to bring fuch offen'Jrri againft Doft. Richard Tootell's heirs, houfe and Thy hidden wonders and barbaric ftate ; jut, Will the houfe affcnt fa laws and peace of fociety to juftire, I have there- lot in ditto, Or reap thy fpoil of geographic lore, ntained I | 810 lore thought proper to iffue thi» my proclamation, and John Wclls's executors, houfes and lots Since PARK and enterprise are now no more? required, appeared at foU A, bv and with the adv'ue and confcnt of the coun­ in ditto, 341 •. Too daring foul ! that wpuld'd. agaio review* cil', offer a rewa.d of ONL HUMORED DOL­ Benjamin Oden, honfes and lots in ditto 4 Maxwell. Johnfon, TVrfry, S in Thy perils pad, thy perils pad renew : LARS to anv |vrfiiil or p«-rfbni who liull apprehend George and Edward Calvert, lots in ditto, O 13 r, Nabb, Sheiedine, Chmo. 3 Cold are thy limbs, on Sego's faithlefs fands, ind fecure tbr laid r.rAfc W/.l.J. in any gaol in the James Cookfey, Hog Neck, 0 « I Prideaux, Tyier, Cockey, Prey to Bambarra'i perfecuting hands ; United States, fo tlu^B»e brought, to juftice. John Hcflelius, Young's Inn, . 81711 But Virtue, Science (l-all thy lofs deplore Hotbrook, Bayaid, Hng. GIVI.N in council at thc '..ty of Annapolis, under linfon. 22. John H. Stone, part Puddington Har­ Till Fame expires, and mem'ry wakes no more! the leal of tl;e (late of Maryland, this fixth day bour, uddiruiton, Mitchell's Chance, ; In future time;, when Learning's genial ray ebb, Neale, Sc"», Ireland, of Srotcn'iier, in the ye;\r of our Lord one thou- Puddington ijf Puddington Harbour, Shall fprcad o'er Afric's fons her mental day, >tn, CarroH, Winder, En- faiKiyic'iit hundred and fix. Scot ton auo*"8urge> and part Pudding- Some NATIVE bard, oh'. PARK, , Magruder, Beall_l5. By his excilleiicy's command, thy fate (hall moin> ton, and lot^ No. 87 and 2, 23 18 9 Colleft thy bones, and thus infcribe thy da e affirmative. 'NiNlAN PINKNEY, Ifaac Pollock, Blooming Plains, S 18 4 " Bambirrans '. weep ;^your guilty wrath n wai put. Will the honfe Cleik of the Council. William RulTell':-, trudees, part Alias or P. M. Determined " Here deeps tbe fage your caufclefs fory to in the Howard's Refolution, 015 2 OaDF.mni that the foregoing proclamation be pub- William Townlend's heirs, part lot No. And long the fad hiftoric page dull tell I wts put, Will the hcnfe lilhed nnre in each week, until countermanded, in, 28, and warehoufc, Elk-Ridge. Land­ Where red thy afh«, how thy virtues fell : ck? Relolved in the tffir. th- Miry'jnd Gizette, at Annapolis, the Federal Ga- ing, 0 IT 7$ While giddy youth, grey age, devoid of fleep, xftte & Evening Pod, at Baltimore, the Frederick- Charles Ridgely, of Jno. heirs, lot No. Aixi Judy manhood, ai they read, (ball weep, Town Advocate, and in tJit N^on.l Intelligencer, 8, Elk-Ridge Recount thy fuff'rings and their lofs deplore, CK, r. M. Landing, 0 3 2i it the city oi Wafliingtoj^ ^ Robert Long, part lot No. .17, ditto, 0 3 3£ That PARK and enterprise can be no more. .. 'refent thc fame members IT By order,r, M ohn W. Battee, Anti Labinus, 0 10 0 roceedings of the morning / NINIVN PINKNEY, ohn Hardeftm^Benjamin's Choice, 1 12 II : .This is to give notice, Clerk of the Council. JSarah MacejL: Low Lands, 092 I'hat Thomas O. Williams, / f I *HAT the fubfcriber hath obtained from th« Benjamin Burgefs's heir, Birkheaci's Lot, 1 4 O m W. Berry, 1 orphans court ot Anne-Arundel county, letter* Samuel D. Ladies Shoe Store. Clement Hill, lot at Pig Point, 0 1 8 jun. John Caftle, teftamentary on the perfonal eftate of RICHARD Francis H^ fubfcribers refpeftfully inform the ladies of John Griffith's heirs, Clement Hill's Pur- , Samuel Sheckles and John JACOB, late of Anne-Arundel county, deceafed. the city «f Annapolis, and its vicinity, that chafe, 1 IS 10 s fummoned T All perfons having claims againft faid eftate are here­ from Pnnce- they will open a STORE, in Church-ftreet, adjoining rticharJ Miles'* heirs, Milcs's Chance, 0 17 11 ch allowed two dollars per by requeded to bring them in, legally authenticated^, I J. TKompfon's, tailor, and oppolite Gwynn's tavern, Anne Owens, Owens Purchafe, 1 0.10 :r>dance, together and thofe indebted to the eftate to make payment, pa with tht I on Fridav, the 19th indint, where they will have a Nathan Smith's heirs, part Grammar's lerant charges AN tf lAjCOBjAiKlcutrix. as are allowed large afTnrtment of ladies and childrens lho.-s, from Parrot!, . . 1 7 C rnrral aflembly. September lfir 1806. f fl f/W i their filtory in Baltimore, which they jpll fell at the Gilbert Smith, Pleafant Profpeft, 1 11 . >» 4«alified, by taking the oath noli reafonable price«. EJward Tillard, Fox Hall 060 Notice. affrdinn, partiality, or prr. MITCHELL and Thorns* Crandell, part Crammer's Par- ir frnutors as they in thfir OME time in the month of December, 180$, Annipolis. September 18, 1806.______. rot and Toogood's Lot, 0 19 2j came to the plantation of the fubfcriber, a e believe bed qualified for tW fiamucl Godman's heirs, Sampfon's Be- S ot for the fenate; the ballets Public Sale. ^ white BOAR, without any mark ; alfo, in Auguf* ginninqr, part Walker's Inheritance, laft, a fpotted BARROW, marked with a crop and. ballot box, the gentlemen parfuut to'an order of the orphans court of Anne. Addition to Campion, part Meadows, and after fometimr returned Aiundel county, will be exposed, at Public Sjte, flit in the right ear, and a crop and under flit in tbe Jicnderfon's Meadows, Godman's lef' e following gentlemen wen itthe late dwelling of JOHN THOMAS, deceafed. ear. The owner or owntrs may have them Search, Timber Level, Addition to again by proving property and paying Ihorr : OQ Thurfrlay, the 6th day of November, 1806, if charg^on ap- Something or other, and Young's Lo- ulication to 18 Gabriel Chrifttt. 34 fur, if not, the fird fair day thereafter, the fubfcriber. "^^ ...... *• IL * i j- • i '• *-"cuft11 *Plains, i«*»lis, 5611 a* James II. M'Cullocb, 14 A LL the remaining perfona^ropertv of the fa,d ZacharUh Murgr0ve, land, name HENRY JOHNSON.' at Samuel Ringgold, Jj i Mufgrove, land, name un­ September 1 I, 1806. i 26 David SUrivcr, at £\ oeceafeo, confiding of about forty-fix negroes, known,known 0 li as *en, women and children, many of them very valuable, Nathan Miif) ye, White Oak Bottom, O I Trealury iorfej, Department of the totlemen for the eadero (hort: rattle, fherp, and hogs, plantation utrnlils, Hugh Finley, be or not to be is the UNITED STATES, 47 Thomas WlHiuns, 3$ I and houfehold furniture ; nil films under twenty dol- quedion, 0 13 3 26 "William Wbiteljr, * . ' June 21, 1806". JJ I lirs thr calh to be paid, and all fums above twenty Luke Davis, part Point Look-out Eo- 33 John Partridge, » | dollars a credit of fix months will be given, the pur- HEREAS the Commiflioners of the Sinking- minatcd and voted for the f* largrd, Fund, at a meeting held on the 28th day of giving bond, with two approved fecurities. John Crow, part Neal's Delight, W he wedern Oiore : | Tie file to commence at 10 o'clock. April, 1806, did refolve, that the fum remaining to i» Henry H. Chapman, "~ Samuel Owings, part ditto, complete the expenditure of the annual appropriation THOMAS SELLMAN, Afting perfon for 11 Roger B. Tiney, u Luther Martin, part Indian L«ne, Ad- of EIGHT MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, (hould u SAKAH THOMAS, > Adminiftra- 10 Klie Williams dition and Good lor Little, 939 among other purpofes be. applied to tbe reimburfe- si Arthur Shiafl. if PHILIP J. THOMAS,J tors. Stephen Price, part Walker's Inheri­ 11 Kpttmber 16, 1806.______ment of the NAVY SIX PER CENT. STOCK, eadern (liore: tance, ... 0 12 created in purfuancr of au aft of congrefs, pafled on 15 Ephnim K. Wilton, it t'ublic Sale. James Heath, South Canton, O I the 30th day of tune, 1798, and to the rrimburfc- Rachel Clarke, , ta Kichaid T. Ewlt, >« |IVfnbfcribrr will rxf>o.'.e to Public Salt, on FrAy, part Sappington's Addi­ n. nt of the FIVE AND HALF PER CENT. n John Gale, u the 3d day of Oftobcr, at the late dwcllinjjftf tion, 0 14 STOClt, created in pursuance of an aft of congreb, RICHARD STEW ART, deceafed, on South river, John Hammond, part Chefnut Hill, 1 19 paffed on the 3d day ojjMarch, 1795. ig lad arrived off this port, his « U o'clock, for cafli, IOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, This is therefore toBlve notice, that the principal F 74 guns, commanded by ctpU LL the perfonal property of the faid deceafecL; unlefs the county charges aforefaid are of the faid NAVY SIX PER CENT. STOCK. belonging to admiral .Tin thirty days after the publication of this with the intered due thereon, will, on furrmbVr oi illy diflnafted in the gale of the A except the crop, confiding of horfes, cattle, | 'Pi »nd hozs, plantation utenfils,, houfehold and notice, that the faid lands, or fuch parts thereof, as the certificates, be paid on the Id day of O&ober er men were lod during iti p"> will n furniture, and other articles too tedious to be fufficent to pay the tax nd thofe indebted to make payment, / that the principal o( irtiltery company of this city. / NNM: HARWOOD, Clk. 17, 1806. the FIVE AND HALF PER CENT. STOCK, / f Com. Tax Anne-Arundel county. with the intereft due thereon, will, in like manner, qcefted to report, the follo*i"§ State ot Ma^land, fc. September 13, 1806. ______and at the fame places, be paid on the 1 ft day ot* hich have been detained b» tne I Anne-Arundel county, Orphans. Court, September 16, January, 1S07, to tbe refpeftive ftuckholders, of md brought into the Anne-Arundel Che(apf»«- 1806. county, September 17, 1808. their lawful reprefentatives or attornics duly condu Wynkoop, from Guadaloupe \« tpplication, by petition, of Sarah Thomas HEREBY certify, that JOHN CHEW THOMAS tuted and authorifed. [ in lat. 26$, molt of the ere* Thomas, adminiftrators of John T hath brought before me, the fubfcriber, one of It is further made known, for the information of th* returned until TttcU.y n*** late of Anne-Arundel county, deceafcd \ the juftices of the peace for faid county, a« ftr^ys, parties concerned, that no transfers of the NAVY h " °"''rei'» tnat tney g'ye 'he notice required by trelpaffing on his enclofyre*, two forrel HORSES, SIX PER CENT* STOCK, cither from or to Uw inds, capt. Thoma. Har.mjB, I /.*' !or crrdi'ors to exhibit their claims againft the one with four white feet and a bald face, and nearly books of the Tre.ifury, or from or to the books of Philadelphia, detained ofl « *eeafed, and that the fame be publifhed once blind, trots and gallops, ibout fourteen and an half Commiffioner of Loans, will be allowed after the 1ft hands high, and appears be capt. onboard, with two Gck Iw. Jth Wcek» for lhe 'P»ce of fix fucccflive weeks, to be about eight-years old. day of September cnfuing, nor of the FIVE AND |* 1>« Maryland Gaaette. The other about ten years old, paces, has his roane HALF PER CENT. STOCK, after the Ift day o£ Capt. Glafier from and tail crept long, and near, hind foot whi^fiftecn Bofton, * JOHN GASSAWAY, Reg. Wills for December enfuing. And the intered on all certifi-. l.awl< high. They have both been worked% gears. ey loft both his boat., and eai » Anne-Arundel county. cates of faid docks, which dial I not have been fur. Given under ray hand. rendered, in purfujttoce of this notification, will ceafca n noted, but we could not pro«* JAMF.S H. MARRIOTT. aiid determine, efaythc day preceding the day hereby _ THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, The owner or owners of the above horfes are re- isd*y'iG««e«e. 'MAT the fubfcribers, of Lrundcl county, fixed for tbe reimbursement thereof. jf) ALBERT GALLATIN, Gaiet^of Saturday fay*'" ____*^_____ Sfcreituy of the Trtaturjf^ . letters of xdminidration on the per. JOHN CHEW THOMAS nart firing was didfnAIy tlUte of 10HN THOMAS, late of the coun- This is to giv^noticc, inward awd calUaijl" cl»id, deceafed. All perfons having claims This is to the fubfcriber, of ^aoe-Arundcl coflntf, the deceafed are hereby warned to exhibit give notice, HAT the fubfcriber has taken out _ th obtained from the orphans conit of the 'jnjf. with the »ouc.liers Hereof, to Ac. Tho- letters of adminiftration on the eflate of HENRY county aforefaid, letters teftamentary on tfce eerf»> " n, who is authorised to fettleltfie laid TAYMAN,T late of Anne-Arundel county, deceafed. nal edate of WILLIAM FRANKLIN, lit* of the fird day of April n«xt, they All perfons having claims againft the rfaid-:J edate» arc faid county, deceifed, therefore all perrons who have, l* R'*cr"~* y° c law be excluded from all benefit of reQUcft^d to exhibit tiw and claims againft faid elkate are requeued to produce tip ill perrons indebted to i to fame, legally authenticated,' and thofe indebted t> rn ELIZABETH^ ^ ayment, to SARAH THOMAS, Adminirira- L Y FRANKLIN, bwwufcft VH1UP tors. September l«, l»o«. Twenty-five & Fifty Dollars Revvard. fc. NOTICE. / State oT Maryland, rill be held on Monday the 6th day N election < ago I purchafrd of Wil«tr county, orphans court, Auguft 1C, nex1., in the feveral election diftnc\« BOUT three years "Aone-ArunUel of Oflober in Otieen-Ann* , M . 1806. A county, for tnur delegates to repre- W. Norman, tanner, of Anne-Arundel A then hTteen yeTriid^ N application, by petition, of Richard Brown, county in the general afferobly of this ftau b.,y named STEPHEN, fent faid d.fpofcd, a little dcfeaive in hi, executor of the laft will and teftament of Ri­ to the houfe of representatives of the markably well one member ftout and well made. 1 his bo chardO Brown, fen. late of AnnevArundcl county, de­ for a Ihertff. but otherwife United States, and infliction of feme very d ceafed ; it is ordered, that he give tlie notice required JASPER E TILLY, Sheriff of weeks ago, by the trom my fervice, at»d (fi bir law, for creditors to exhibit their claims againlt Anne-Arundcl county. perfon, was enticed ,»oi» ii. through toe boy's own co, the hid deceafed, and that the fame be publiftied ^^ formation derived September 11, 1806* has obtained a pafs, ind'i _ once in each week, for the fpace of fix fucceflive have realon to believe: under it. He U fuppofedto Weeks, in the Maryland Gazette. Annapolis Races. haiboured and protected Reg. Wills for be either in the Swamp of Weft river, or oV JOHN GASSAWAY, Jocky Clul> purfe of three hundred dollars, r~T*HF. Ifland, where he has a mother named, Anne-Arundel county. run for over the Annapolis courl'e, on l,te|w JL will be manumitted by a certain Valentine Carter.' \ , ttie 31U day of Oftober next; heatt 4 NOTICE, Toefday give twenty-five dollars for apprehending bud b THIS IS TO GIVE each, carrying weights agreeable to the^ules of of Anue-Arundcl co«nt>>, miles fo that 1 gev him again, and fifty dollars for fuch THAT the fublcriber, the club. the orphans court of Anne-Arun­ formation as will merely juftify my feelings in infl. tath obtained from Wednefdav, the 22rl of October, the colt's letteis teftamentary on the On ing the punilhmem proper for fo great a fcoundreU del county, in Maryland, h-ndrtd and ffly dollars will be run for ; BROWN, fen. late puiTi- of cnc THOMA5yj§NT£E BOWlfc perfrnal eflate of RICHnRD miles each. county, deceafed. Al' perfons ht-ats 2 January 20, 1806. fjf or -\nne-Arundcl On Thurfday, the 35d of O.'Xobets n. fubfcription againft the fnid deceafed ars hereby 'having claims purfe nf about 'on.' hundred dollars, will be run for ; orphans court of Charles county. to exhibit the fanr.e, w'.th the vouchers thrre- By the warned hd generally long feet, a wide fro'rq thentothi ^he fubfcriber, of Anne-Arundel county, high, 22 or 23 years old. has vrry irimenfc quantities of Ju'mber go THAT nofe, low fore­ a ready file ford obtained* Jram t{te Orphans court, of Anne- mouth, a round vifage, (hort thick Philadelphia nmket. There is hath limbs, moves and within five miles at Arundel county, gn Marylnii,letters of adminiftrati- head, a black complexion, ftrong kinds of proa\c< at Mittord, a cluml'y awkward fellow i in the neighbourhood ; bi on on the perfonal eftate of John Fowler, late of walks very Oow, and is lands, ^ncV tli* mills confided of three pair Us. 3d. to 12i. fed.**! Anne-Arundcl county, deceafrd ; all perfons having his cloathing, wlfrn he eloped, Wheat fpW a: from ofnabrigs, and one of about a dollar. TWe twt | claim* *T\inft the laid deceafed, are hereby warned of overall*, two of them corn,' the averam price, fairt. one ofnabrii great abimdants. Atiy ] to exhitn -.he fame, with the vouchers thereof, to the articles arr produced in fubfcrihr', it or before the twenty-fixth day of Fe­ grey coating, much ttiF proprietor, at Anns, bruary n vt. they may otherwifc by law be excluded them fine white flannel, the other particulars, by applying to Mr»t Howard, Head of Mil ford, agtot from all b ,. c. of the faid eftate. Given under my worn. He was purchafed of polis, or tc Mr. JAMI.S RAIITOK, is fuppofed he will endeavour l.indi, and payment of tun Land this^2:'t:> day o^ Angtift, 1806. of South river, and it for the care of ilmfr HANNAH FOWLER, Adm'x. to go to that neighbourhood. , The above reward which have bcc:i regularly made. will be paid for apprehending fajd fellow and fecuring JOHN GIBSOU him in gaol, fo that I get rii^yacpin, and all reafon- '806.______ABSCONDED, broujrhtw^orne. the fubfcriber, a.tal abre cxpences paid it' FEW days ago, f\m THOMAS.GLISSAN. This is to give notice, _ tlmder black negro woman named DARKEY. *HAT the fubfcriber hath obtained from tbf of Auguft 18, 1306. ~purclr.ifed her fome years ago from the eftate orphan: court of Charles county, in Maryland, to John Mackall, Efq; and 1 apprehend (he has gone /"COMMITTED to i.iy cuftody orTTurpicion of Ic1 ten oT adminiiUatinn on the prrfonal eftate of her,- Calvert couir.y. Any perfon who will apprehend \.Ji bein,: a runaway ippit'itice, a white lad named SAMUF.L JONES, Ute of Charles county, dt. and will produce me fufficient proof that they have JOHN CARROLL, about U or 15 years of age, iceafed. All perfons having claims agiinft the hii : foM her in any of the fouthern ftates, to wit about fi\c icct Vi^'h, veil nude, has dark hair and a di-ceafrd are hereby warred to exl.ibit tl* fame, witb Georgia, North or South-Carolina, (halt be entitled fair (kin ; his < l»athing an old blue cl»th upper jacket the vouchers thereof,, to the fubfcriber, at or befort! to the whole proceeds, or 1 will pay TWENTY and t outers, wliite liiie.i Ihirt, and old hat; he fays the fidldayof March next, they may otherwifc by I DOLLARS to any perfon who will give me infor- t! .it he did ^0 in u boat between the Federal city Uf If^xrln^'y From All benefit of the faid eftate. fcn*tion of her being harboured-by any free perfon, and Alexandria with a Mr. John Ton, to tarry paf- Given under mf hand, this twenty-fcventh dsy of| fo that tlity may be profccilted. fencers, but left Mr. Jotriifon and came to Annapolis Augud, eighteen hundred and fix. EDWARD HALL, Weft.river. tn look for his father. His irinftrr or rrlauoiis are THOMAS BLAK1STONE, Aaminiftratcr who lives P. S. I am informed (lie has a brother deliird to fake him away, or he will lie fold for his of SAMUKL JONES, deceal'rd. ___ may vVi.:. capt. Leonard, in whole neighbourhood (he prifon fees and other exn«-n(es. 5 be lutkirig. A E> H. JASPER E. TILLY, Sheriff of Notice is hereby given, Augult 35, 1806. Anuc-Aruudi-1 utility, »__ To all perfons whom it may concern, 73, 1806. *"T*HAT I (hall make application to the ju(lic«o( One Hundred 6c Fifty Dollars Reward. - J. the county court of Baltimore, if in fcSoat FOR SALE, and if not in fcffion to one of the iufticet thereof, negro lad, about fix- been publifhed for two uxW.bii i AN away,' on t*ie firft of July, 1806, from the LlKELY, finart, active after this notice has accuftomed of the provifions inclinW fu')fcriher, living in Anne-Arundel county, teen years of ;«ge, who has beeh or upwards, for the benefit for want of em­ paffed at November M«*» I Pmtapfco Neck, near Hawkins's Point, within ten to waiting. He Is offered for fale in the late infolvent law, to be carried out of debtors, to difcbargej miles of Baltimore, Maryland, a likely young negro ployment, and will not be fold 1805, in favour of infolvent to the printers to pay. wan named BOB, but fometimes culls himl'elf BOB the ftate. Application may be ujflie me pm debts that I am unable - JESSE LEATHER WOOD. MILLER ; is a tolerably blsik, ftraight made fellow, hereof.______^p V to, has a 90, 1806. With a Irr.iling countenance when fpoken Notice is hereby given, Bft •-, J ———• remarkable fcai on the lower part of the back of fubfcriber has obtained from the or­ net k, near the tize of a cent, under his ftiirt col­ HAT the This is to give notice, bis of Anne-Arundrl county, let'ert ; he was raifrd to the forming bufinefs, he is in phans court fobfcriber, of Cha.fes county,!* lar T bonit *o»i, with the will annexed, HAT the twenty- fpur'.h year of his age, about five feet of adminiftration de from the orphans court of fiM conn-1 the of ROGER DITTY, late obtained or ten inches high ; had on when he Went off; on tht perfohal property letters of admiiiifttationadminiftiation OPon thetheper- fW-l Bine county, deceafed. All perfons hav- ty, in Maryland, letters high crown felt hat, with a band and buckle, .an ttf Anne-Arundel M'HHKRSON, late«l againft the deceafed are hereby warned to fonal eftate of WALTER over round coat, deep blue mixrd hrong cloth doubled Jttg.tlaimi county, deceafed. All perfooi hstHjjf, exhibit the fathei with the vouchers thereol, to DA- the aforefaid at each elbow, and the left flioulder, ofnabrig fhirt, againft the faid drteafcd are wained to itwm IACOB, for cavmfcntji-Allpayment J AII oerfonsperfons indebted to claims airainft and hempen linen troulers. 1 exptft he will change vi it the fame, with the vouchers thereof, to tbelw-| requefted to make payment, without his name and cloaths, as he did when he ran off be­ faid eftate are at or before the 25th day of February) JACOB, who U authorrfed by me fcriber fore, he cltanged his name to NICHOLAS JOHNSON. delay, to DAKIEI. they may otherwile by law he exclude J fi"«»" y'l a forged pal's from his to fettle the lame. my band, 1 prrfume he ha» procured Adm'x. nefit of the faid eftate. Given under connexions in th' neighbourhood where he SARAH DUTY, Infamous Ni of R. DITTV, deceafed. if Aitgull, 1806. Jivrd. If taken up and (e. nred in any gaol, fo that D. B. SAMUEL M'PHERSON, Jim. 1 get him again, Ihall rm ,\e oner bundled dollars, if Augnft 18, 1808. out of the ftate the above irw\Sd, and rcafonable - Q T j A* Mau Servant Wanted. travelling expences paid, if home, by JAMES P./JSCPER. LL performs indebted to HF. fubfcriber will give a generous N. B. Captains ot veffeUand otliers are foVcwarned and Wcrmt, on open MAN SERVANT, who can »* A by paying the' fearbouring, employing, or carrying off faid runaway c;»n on us and fcttlr, Ted for his honefty and fobriety. One **» July 9, 1806. their note* for the fame, as we are be prrftrmL y- t their peril. bond or of 30 tojS yean woold our books fettled; and thofe who owe us on ^ BENJAMIN HODGES. *rc earneft- Notice is hereby given, v note, the times of payment being elapfed, Augnft 4, fettlement. It is hoped that this 'HAT the fubferiber intends to petition to the ry called upon for attended to more punctually than our __ hon. court of Calvert county, at their neatt rcqueft will be aft. of mfolvencjr to releafe him from former, at it will fave trouble. term, for an ABSALOM R1DGELY, and ikbtf which, from miafertunes, he n unable to pay. Printed by FRBDERiCK LEVIN C. WAJLES. JAMES N. WEEMS. , 1806. Reward. THE (No. 3115,).

go I purchafrd of Walter ', in (j|uee»-Anr*, abbxi then fifteen year* old, tl. ittle defeftiv* in hit |[Dre|) MJRTLAND GAZETTE I made. Thii boy, aUmi J on of feme very difrep^blf my fervice, and (from U.. i the boy's own eokut) 1 obtained a pafs, and it*,, THURSDAY, S BPT EMBER 25, f8o6. (ider it. He i« fuppofed to >f Weft river, or on Ktm. other named Edher, lately Caner. 1 w,u Valentine Kochambeau, a treatment To generous that and advantage to his faid bey, general honour to bis country, tor apprehending he conceived himlVlf obliged fignally to acknow­ il character. ind fifty dollars fur fuch in. ledge it to hii countrymen in the journals of the is prevalent in Germany, that Ruflia my feelings in inflift. judify ANNAPOLIS, THVBsnJir, September 25, 1806. timei ami the Porte arc on tht eve of war, and that the ' for fo great a fcoundreU latter is to receive the aflidance of the powerful atmy BOW Ik OF PEACE. LATE FOREIGN NEWS, which the French jiave collected in Dalmatia. Be­ HE following extract of a letter, dated the 1ft tween its encmie-; and its allies, the Turkifh power is of Auguft, was written by an intelligent gen­ Per ship DtfawArt, farrier, last from England. rt of Charles county. in a fair way of being driven out of Europe. Ttleman at Nantes, who, from his peculiar fuuation, LONDON, Auguft 4. It is now prety well known, that lieut. gen. S)m- GIVE NOTICE, nuft neceffirily receive the carlieft intelligence of fo On Saturday evening, about five o'clock, lord coe is to be the fucceflor to lord Lake in the Eah- en hath obtained from the important an event. Lauderdale, appointed ir.uuller plenipotentiary on the Indies. iharles county, letters of ii. u p£ACE is made. It is not yet oAkially an- part of our governmrnt, to cnnduft the negotiation Accounts by the Liibon mail date, that Buona* tes of HANNAH GRAY noonced; but, from good authority, I know it wa» that ha; for fomctime been going on with the court parte had required of the king of Spain to receive an conn- the perfon who C.L1N, late of Charles figned two day.s ago." of St. Cloud j left town. Mr. Godard, ambafTador from the new created king of Naples. It It- ins leaving claims agaiuft tae AnofVl led^^tcs. " that no progrefs has been brought over the difpatches received on Friday, did was alfo infilled on, that his catholic majedy (hould warned to exhibit the fame, nude in ItMI^W \th Spain, in confeqnence of not accompany his lordfhip, as ftated in fome morning agree to tlie dethroning of his own daughter, the :of, to ;he lubfcribm, at a (he imprdimVrm of France the latter viewing the papers, but followed him yedcrday. His lordfhip wa* queen of Etroria, and that he Ihould further confent larch next, they nay other- Uut<.d Stales with ajeaious eye." accompanied by profeflor Dugald Stuart, and Mr. to the incorporation of four of his provinces with the l from ull benefit of tbt faid [tr.r.pap.1 Bafilico, the meffenger, who will bring back the firft kingdom of France, viz. Catalonia, Arragon, Navarre this 13th day«( difpatches from his lordfhip. and Bile ay, thereby making the river Ebro the boun­ September 17. About 1 o'clock ycflerdny morning, lord Laoder- dary- between France and Spain, indead of the Pyre­ LATEST NEWS FROM fRANGE. dale reached Deal, and foon after embarked on board nees. Thr: court of Madrid ftrong reaiondran- NXL1N, > tors. Tlie Editors ot the New-York Gazette have re­ the Clyde frigate, commodore Owen, which failed for ces againft fuch unjudifiable pretentious; and war II iF.l.L, on moderate terms, ceived by the fchooner Atlantic, from Nantes, Paris the French coalt between 5 and 6 o'clock, and landed v/as even declared by the Fjench miifider fix ot LAND, Ctuate in Wayne pipers to the 29th of July. Their contents are in- his lordfhip at Calais at ten o'clock the fame morning. before tjii catholic majcfty confcnted to tlie Qiea- His Inrdftiip would probably reach Paris this day. containing from 300 to 450 terefting. fure. }f allowance for roads. For. It appears cerftin, however, thnt a feparate peace The funds (till keep rifing from the hope that peace Augud 6. odated with a Tingle trad, or wai figned on t% 20th July, between Rnflia and will refult from the prefcnt negotiations. At I difnatchis were received by a flag of. : land: are modly fi'nate neat Fnnce. The terms are not publiflied. o'clock this flay the following were the prices : Con- slioulognc. Thejr contents have not r»d generally heavy timbered: The fortrefs of Gaeta furrendered on the 18th of fols for money 65 3-4 ; ditto Aug. 65 3-4 7-8 ; Re­ transited. lumber go fro'rq them to the July, after fu(laining a continual fire ot eleven days duced 64 1-2 -Omnium, for money, 12 1-4 1-2; Stocks declined yefterday towards the clofe of tho to 3s. There is a ready file for al with open trenches, during which time 80O,»OO ditto Aug. 13 1-4 1-2; exchequer bills, 2s. market^ The fall was varioufly accounted for. Some Witford, within five miles at poandjof powder weie conlumed by the beficgers. prem ; 4 per cents. 85 ; navy five per cent?. 98 7-8. wouldjyave it, that diCpatches had been received from Lauder­ ills in the neighbourhood ; kl Thus, after a manly ftruggle, has this fortref* fallen The expeditions. Wer? it not that loid France, which brought accounts unfavourable to have rom Us. 3d. to I2i. od. w4 iato the hinds of the tyrant of the world. dale ha? actually let out for Paris, we (hould peace. Others fent a meCTengcr after lord Lauder­ con­ r, about a dollar. TWe tw» | We havr frcn a letter from Nantes, of the firft of been inclined to think that feveral circumftances dale, to order his immediate return. The rral caufe, rather of omnium, n great abiimlanu-. Atiy per- Anguft, [which ftates, that it was reported, that the nected with the expeditiim to Sicily, feemed however, MI fimply this : Several holderi wifhed to rsalile their »Te may be infnrnnd of fgruVr preliminaries of peace, between Great-Britain and to indicate appreheiiiioiis of the failure of the negotia­ finding the price high enough, fome. into the market for fale. rg to thr proprietor, at Ann*- Fnnce, were Ogned at Paris on the 36th of July. tion. The guards, who have been kept for profit, and brought large furr.j at Chatham, Deal, a%l o'clock : this day .s B'AHTOK, of Milford, igtnt Tbe writer fays, ttm wants confirmation. time rather in an undecided date-, The following were the prices in for Auguft, 65 1-8 1-4 land., and payment of tun The fame letter fays, " lall evening's mail brought Ramfgate, Sec. and maicited a:id counter-marched Contbls ^r money, 65 ditto length embarked, 65 5-8 3-4 Omninm, I I Exchequer Ally made. news from Pari«, authoriflng the free exportation of various directions, after being at Reduced, all expedition, to bills, par. js. prem. f JOHN GIBSON. gain to any port or ports, by neutrals. This (hews have been ordered to proceed with will ftated yefterday, and on tl:e bed authority, that '806.______apici&c dil'pcfition towards England." Porifmouth, whence the expedition for Sicily We M. D'Oubril had, in figning the preliminary treaty Tk lorvcft in France is ftated to be \hr mod dart. have proceeded to with FranV\ gone beyond his inftructions. to give notice, abundanAver known. VVlKat would not fell for Many officers of the guards have We can now add, that the terms are fo ignomi- tribcr hath obtained from tb* more tliW fix livres. Portfmouth by land: mod of the daff of them af Charles county, in Maryland, done fo. There are to be immediately embarked, and noui and diCadvantageous to Ruflia, that it is thought Royal by fome diplomatidi, the emperor Alexander will tion on the p«-rfonal eftite of Captain Farrier, of the (hip Delaware, favoured the to follow to Portfmouth with all fpccd the Ar­ probably hefitatc tn ratify them. , late of Charles county, it- } editor) of the New-York Gaxetu* with London fluff" corps, the Royal Wagon corps, the Royal 40th In the mean-time, Napoleon afts as if even the de­ having claims agiinft the bid pipers to'.I e 7th ultimo, 1'2 days later than be­ tillery, the 95th regiment, five companies, the do. finitive tieaty. was ligned. On the very day that *anu-i to exl.ibit tl* fame, with fore received. They contain interefting political regiment, the S2d do. the 62d do. and the 89th D'Oubrtl figned the preliminary treaty, it was inti­ ,, tb the fubfcribcr, at or before will be fouud in this days Augud 5. ipd marine news, which to the Auftrian AmbufTador, that his matter eh next, they may otherwife by G:sette. I The Clyde frigate returned to Deal ycftrrday, after mated mud immediately abdicate the crown lie has fo long* .m all benefit of the faid efUte. to opt. Farrier's leaving Amderdam, three having fafcly landed lord Lauderdale at Calais. Some Prtiious worn as head of the German empire, and confine him­ nul, this twenty-Seventh diy «| of il,e line had been difmantled, and hauled mrffcngers have proceeded to France with difpatches, (nipt felf in future to fuch matters as conceinonly his owa nJrcd and fix. into New-Dirp, and the Teamen paid off. There fince hii lordlhip left town, hut no difpatches have LAK1STONE, Administer to be placed in a limilar yet been received from hU lordftiip. The difpatches houfe. i> 4 or i fail more foon Lord Hobart packet, from New-York and ,L JONES, dccealfd. __ fuuation. with the refult of his firft conference with the French The liiflfax, is arrived at Falmonth. There were at the ports of Amfterdam and Rotter­ plenipotentiary, or tlie rninift«-r for foreign affairs is hereby given, himlelf, may be expelled at the clofe of the prtfent dam, 9 fail of the line on the diicU ; beli-lr* one DISTRESSING ACCOUNT. us whom it may concern, lately launched in the pretence of their new king or early next week. nakc application to the julVicei oi Lrwis Buonaparte.f* Many people are fo fanguine in their expectation from a Charleston paper of Sept. 3d, .ourt of Baltimore, if '" &** We alfo learn ihaf^ll the French troops had left of peace, that they allow thcmfelves to believe the on to one of the iufticei thereof, Holland. bufinefs in fuch forwardnef*, that lord Lauderdale, By the arrival of the fchr. Pacotaligo Packet, at ,s been publifhed for two IBO»:MI A letter from Naples of the 17th July, infcrted in will iiave !>:tle clfe to do but to lign the preliminaries qurantine, we have further details of the dreadful ef­ the provifion* include* benefit of one of our lad French papers, contains the follow­ immediately, and that the definitive treaty will be fects of the late gale on th« inner edge of the Golf i law, patted at November r ing iccount: concluded loon after.. This, however, will not be fo captain Stites fell in with a large fliip of 600 tuns, of ISO if infolvent debtors, to J On the fird of July, 6000 EngliOl difcmharked at fpcedily effected as they prgmifc tbcintelves, tor there difinafted ; die was one of the Jamaica fleet, S. T « unable to pay. «"« gulph of St. Euphemia, in Calabria. They are many important |.m the orplmnt fleet mud have been funk, wrecked letter, of admimOtation OP the per-l *QOO Calabrian peafants, committed tlie error of Ruffian embaffy here, were very much fnrpriied at compofing that only were laved from one of ALTER M'PHKRSON, l»«<*l wincing into the country ; and quitted the pro- the hade with which that plenipotentiary figned a or deftroyed ! 3 people (hips which funk near them, and in the midd of ,ty, drceafed. All perfon. to«* I t«t\ion of their veflels. Within a league of Gox- treaty, which mud have been ready drawn up by the the and another fliip took fire and blew up, exhibit­ faid dcceafcU ire wained to rtb**l ">f»i they were furioufly attacked by the gen. of French miniftry, before he arrived in Paris, the gale difcuNed with that ing a fcene awful irr the extreme. On Saturday laft, the vouchers thrteof, to the MM *»ifian Verdier, at the head of 10.000 infantry which could not poffiWy have been capt. Stites felt in with the brig Ann, eapt. Cory^ re the 25th day of February M*l »Dd 2000 cavalry. The Englifti were beaten ; put deliberation which a matter of fucb magnitude requir­ St. from this port bound for Havanna, completely did to the route, and at the moment of writing 1800 ed. Now that it has been figned, the court of ile by ! » be excludeJfi"««»J;l to matted ; they had got up jury maflr, and were mak­ K'lglilh prifoners have arrived at head quarters. Prterfburg has to decide on tl-e ratification, but ftatt. Given under my band, tW| be no furprifing ing the bed of tneir way for this port Capt. Stitel General Verdier is in purfuit of the fugitives. On many politicians it would, even now, ult, 1806. oil the meafure. fupplied them with a fail. We derive this intelli­ other I general JjJJnrer having marched to event to (re that court hefitate EL M'PHERSON, Jim. «« to have pro- gence from the pilot, who brought the Packet in laft wrone-tias given up to pillage the village de Lif- The emperor of Rulfia is underftood Swedifh majcfty to discontinue the block­ evening, further details uUy Ue obtained when the Servant Wanted. >. 500 Calabrian revellers have been put to the pofed to his IU fword." ade of the Pruflian ports ; and it is fnppofed if. his vcffel comet up to town. not be attended to, that he fer»| "* fane piper fay« " a French prifoner in England reprefentations fliould will give a generous pr*< for the invafion of Pomera- Hit mod Catholic Majefty has renewed1 and conti. yntts that genera) Rochambeau, fo long detained would give his prrmiflion believed in that province, that naed the appointment of the marquis TRUJO, aa mi- ln ^at iQand, having requefted by virtue of his re- nia. It was generally fty.nd fobriety. One would pad the frontier on the 25th ult. nifter to this totntry. This meafure of the Spaniflt "Pit«lation, that himfelf and his army Ihould be the Pruflinns » would be preferred. however, may be confidered as court Can be coofidered in no otSer point of view than °«afqutd in France, has obtained his return on This, BENJAMIN Pru-vEa will fcarcely proceed to extrr- at a full and entire approbation of the conduct ot the the folicitations of marfbal premature. Augnft 4, ISO*. i?!![e' ll WM given to the reprefcmations laft made marquis towards thrj government \ and as this con- «<*»irabea» hu father, who demanded it in re- inities tmtil the refult of by her to the court, of St. Peteriburg is du£l has been highly hoftife to the admhnRration, it induce his SwediuS majeily to continue In that ni- mauler, th« ludignuy. from a foreign cowl. of 1713. Lord Cornwall'*, as the peace ficd attitude which he hu fo long preferved, wiib fo * all tut uca, received on this occalion from qulry into the (late, of Vaccine, Jnoculation in tnb fww was, that they would occtry annapOli0, September 25, 1806. country.*._.._._ »¥*»The _ Roy»ln _ - » College*~* it _ off T\*._Phyficians, .!*_•_.__ t—in confe-K«.v«f*A_ •!«tion,n •*.«Jand ...»not _.a£l A on— — AL..the offensive'.'_fl*__ I* ""ul" p«:. quence of Lord H. Petty'» propofed addrefs to the " It is the opinion of the writer, that an ap, To the VOTEIS of ANNAPOLIS. King, will be dircfted to examine into the cafe ; to between our troop* and them ha* taken p|ice ^i""' *'' A PR CKNTLKMEN, fbte the condition of the Vaccine Inoculation in this, nnlefs the Spaniards have fallen bark." CIRC&MSTANCES have planned a England ; to inquire into the cavfes that have retard- HEUF. propriety in my declaring that I am furprifed I fhould ed its progrett here and finally to nuke a report, Admiral fir Richard Strachan, in the CcCtrof gi W petltin have been thought to act improperly in availing my- not only of their own opinions, but of the evidence guns, arrived off the coaft, we underftand, on Mou inbabitints of 1 felf of the right which our country gives ; a righ: a! Co on which fiich opinions may be founded. A fur­ day I aft, having loft hit maintopmaft. ' * rsj been ron acquired to the happinefs of the country, to the ho­ ther remuneration to Dr. Jenner it contemplated. junii nour of the world, and to the eftablifliment of a nit. , certain uc-gi tional phenomenon of liberty ; but becaufc my con- From the Norfolk. 'Repository, printed at Datham, WALL, who ' C.foe Knot. Andwhe duft is generally conceived incougiwous, 1 think pro- Married, on Tucfday laft, by the Rer. Mr. Cow. tice: per to decline a further purfuit of it, and though (for Mn. MANN, to Miss REIECC* guard as murr TON, Mr. PHILIP W. THOMAS foch enormitie fome reafons) its propriety is objected, when time For near fifty ytars I have been perfnaded, that WATKFS, ot" Anne-Arundel county. (hall have encompaffrd the catallrophc of my fate, iomc rn-:ms might be difcovered to ailift the naviga­ tb« laws and p fore thought pt *! expect a greater dignity than this world can give. tion in time of long c|oudy weather-; but could not THE PARTNERSHIP OF I am, Gentlemen, 'fitisfy myle!f in any efifediual plan, till 'Monday, the do, by and wit With national refpeA, i i 18th of this month. 1 found by obfervntion, that at­ Samuel Harrifon, and Co. til, offer a rf Your obedient fervant, 9 \ ^ traction dors cot animate the needle or compad ; that AS thi* day difloUed, by mutu»l content. LARS to any "ABRAM CLAUDE. it is a principle in nature,'».» fined at the earth itfelf. W Samuel Harrifon is duly authorifed to fettle and fecure the Annapolis, Thurfday, September 25, I8O6. I can Ihew to the eve of any that will look, that the the bufineCs of faid firm. United States, loadllone or magnet i* not attracted, but act: from SAMUEL HARRISON, GIVEN in c< FARMERS BANK OF MARYLAND. natural-principle. T can'fhe'w'and "itiftrutt an artift WILLIAM WH1TTINGTON. the feal o September 24, 1806. to make an inftrument, that at the fame time it fliews London-town, September 23, 1806. of Septern THE Prefident and Directors of the Farmers Bank the courfe, will alfo fliew the latitcde in all weather, land eight cf Maryland have declared a dividend of seven and and in all places. Samuel Harrifon By his one half per cent, on the ftock of the faid Bank for JOHN FRIZELL. WtLL, in futnre, carry on the buftnefs in bit the year ending on the firft day of Oftober next ; Norfolk county August 12. own name, at the former ftand, where he will ton. faid dividend will be paid on or after Monday, the ftantly keep a very complete fixth day of Odober, to ftockholders on the weftern BOSTON, 12. CERIES, Sec. 8cc. / fliore, ai the Bank in Annapolis, -and to ftockholders Arrived, brig Thomas, Satiipfon, of Duxbury, 78 on the eaftern fliore, at the Branch Bank, at Eafton, days from St. Pcteriburg. Au^uit 14, lit. 46, 31, This is to give notice, upon perfonal application, or on the exhibition of long."6" 37, was boarded from a French three-decker, HAT the fubfcribers have obtained from the power* of attorney, or by correft fimple orders. . called the Viftory,*. commanded by -Jerbtfic Buona­ orphan* court of Anne-Arundel county, letters By order, / parte ; treated politely. 'ofT adminiftratton on the perfonal eftate of SAMUEL t *-»fcj ** , JONA. PI>TKNEY, Caftuer. This (hip we fuppofe to have been'Le veterart, JACOB, late of Aflrie-Arur.del county, deceifcd. Bvoi of 74 guns, which Jerome, commands. A gentleman All per ion"; having cl inns againft find eftate are hcrt. WE are requefted to fay, that Dr. RICHARD G. who knows the Ihip, informs us, that (he carries a by requefted to bring them in, legally authenticated, STOCKETT will be a candidate for one of the repre- tier of guns on her gang-way, and therefore has the 'and tliofc indebted to tl,r eft me to make payment to fentativcs of Anne-Arundel county to the IcgUlature. ' appearance of a three-decker. ROBERT JACOB,5 Adi,,inirtr». DANIEL JACOB,S tors. WE are requefted to fay, that JOHN SPRIGG NEW.YORK, September IT. September 24. 1806. BELT will ferve as a reprefentative for Anne-Aruudel Arrived, the BritifH frigate Favourite, SeyTnour, in county in the next general afiembly, if ele 8 days from Bermuda. The Vanguard, of 7-t guns, Public Sale. arrived at Bermuda 4 days before the Favuuiite fail­ to an order of the orphans court of Anne. WE Are requefted to fay, that CHARLES D. HOD- ed, having parted from the Jamaica convoy in a gal*. Arundel county, will be exposed, at Public Salt, ocs will be a candidate for one of the representatives Previous to her feparating from the fleet, 9 fail of it at the late dwelling of JOHN THOMAS, deceaCed, for Anne-Aruudel county to the legiflature. rj had foundered, and but part of the crews of 5 of on ThurWay, the 6th day of November, 1800, if them were faved by the Vanguard. fair, it not, (he Hi ft fair day thereafter, WE are authoriftd to fay, that Mr. OSBORN 5. LL the remaining perfonal property of the lid HARWOOD, will he a candidate for one of the repre- NORFOLK, September tS. decc.itoJ, co D lifting of about forty-fix oegroei, fentatives of Anne'Arundel county to the Jfegiflatnre. L'lMPETEAUX DESTROYED ! men,A women and children, many of them very valuable, We ftop the prefs, after having fome of our papers horl'es, rattlr, Iheep, and hogs, plantation utcnfib, WE are authorifed to fay, that col. OSBORN WIL- worked off, having feen fome of the officer* of the ;wid houfcliold f iini'.urc ; all fuir.s under twenty dol­ XI A MS will ferve as a representative tor Anne-Arun­ Dritilh frigate Mrlampus, who inform, that on Sun. lars tlitt calh to be paid, and all fums above twenty I del county in the neft general aflembly, ifitlefted. day morning they defcried to the Southward of Ca;>e- dollars a Credit of lix months will be given, the pur- Henry, a line of battle (hipdifmaPed, which they im­ chafer giving bond, with two approved fecuritic*. WE arc authorifed to fay, that Dod\or John Gat- mediately gave chafe to and run alhore on Currituck, The fale to commence at 10 o'clock. sawaj, of Rhode river, is a candidate for one of the about 30 miles to the S. of the Cape, and after tak­ THOMAS SELLMAN, Afting perfon for reprefentative* of Anne-Arundel county to the legif- ing out the citicers and men, (amounting to about SARAH THOU AS, ? Admin 600) fet fire to her, whrn (lie was totally detlroyed. Pmnp J. THOMAS,) tor*. She proved to be the L'lmprteaux, Mom. L. V. Be- September 16, 1806. Arrived atBofton, on the 15th inftant, brig Miner­ law, of 74 gun*. The Melampus is now in Hamp­ va, Sinclair, from- St. Croix, 25 days. September ton-Road*. [Herald.] Public Sale. 4 was boarded from his Majefty's (hip Montague, The fubfcriber will exfwsf to Pubttc Salt, on Fridiy, one ot Strachan's fquadron, having fprang a leak, and WASHINGTON CITT, September 19. the 3d day of Odober, at the late dwelling ot carried away her main and mizen topmafts in a hur­ We underftand that ihr flatcment madr fome day* RICHARD STLWART, deceafed, on South riter, at 11 o'clock, for calh, •' ricane on the 25th of Auguft bound to England. fince in the Walhington Federalift, that a relation of i'l Mr. Munroe bud pafled through this city with dif- LL the perfonal property of the faid deceiH, A late Engtidi piper ftate* the number of the patches for the prHident, reprefenting that the Florida A except the crop, confiding of horfes, cjttle, Trench navy as it now ftand*, to confitt of negotiation had failed, is without foundation. Mr. Iheep, and hogs, plantation utenfils, houfehold >ni 4 (hips of \20 gun*, Bankhead, the gentleman alluded to, was only the kitchen furniture, and other article* too tediooiw 2 do. of 80 do. bearer of duplicates of letters long dice received. mention. 46 do. of 74 do. R. WELCH, of BEN. Execntor. And 74 d«. of inferior force principally frigates., All perfoiK having claims againft the decealed ** postscript. requefted to make them known on or before the djy We learn from Richmond, that young Mr. Swin- BY YESTERDAY'S PACKET. of fale, and tbofe indebted to make payment. ney, (by whdfe mean*, it was fuppofed, the venerable BOSTON, September 16. September 17, 1806. *1 juii^e VVytlic was deprived of exigence) had hit trial His excellency the Tunifian amb.t(Tador, with his before the diftricl court Uft Wednefday, on an indic\- fuite, failed yellerday for Tunis, in the (hip Two. This is to give notice, nv.nt for murder, and was acquitted. On Thurfday, Brothers, chartered by government, ibrtbe purpofc of HAT the fubfcriber hath obtained from the he wu tried on an indictment for forgery, and found taking lii* excellency home. T orphans court ol Anne-Anindc) county, lettnt £uilty. teftamentary on the perfonal eftate of RICHARD [Petersburg Intel.] fun ADELPHIA, September 3S. JACOB, late of Arrne-Arundel county, dfceafoU- A letter from an officer on board the fliip Pekiii, All perfon* having claims againft laid elUte are htrt- The following is the quantity of ftrongbeer hrewed of this port, dated Leghorn, Auguft 1, fay*: " In by requefted to bring them in, legally authenticated, in London by the firft fix porter brewers, from the the Straits of Gibraltar was brought to by three and thofe indebted to the eftate to make payment to Sth of July, 1805, to the 5th of July, 1806? Spanilh gun-boats, examined and difmifled. Same OL ANN JACOB, Executrix. Barclay & Perkins, 335.034 bbls. ; Meux k Co. time faw them capture two American flups, and take Scptembe'r^e,be^Te, 1806. ______324,083 ; Truman EC Hanbury, 252,234; Whit- them into Algeziras. July 12, pa fling Cartbagena, we bread k Ci. 207,955; Gyfford «c Co. 160,845; faw the Spaniih fleet of fix fail of the line, chafing Notice. the French OME time in the month of December, I BOS, Goodwin & Co. 144,394. Total, 1,424,542. two Englrfh frigate* ; and off Toulon, a Statement of the quantity of beer, denominated fleet of 4 fail of the line and 4 frigate*, juft out front S came to the plantation of the fuhlcnber, porter and ft"Ut, brewrd in London by the twelve that port." white BOAR, without any mark; alfo, in Augu« principal houfrs, between the 5th of July, 1805, and laft, a fpotted BARROW, marked with a crop »£ the Sth of July 1806: BALTIMORE, September 22. flit in the right car, and a crop and under flu "> '"* Meux, 187,349; Barclay, 132,529 ; Hanbury, By a letter from the American conful at Nantes, left ear. The owner or owners mny have tbtm 125,890; Wliitbread, 104,311 ; Goodwin, 73,335 ; dated Auguft I ft, it is (laud, that the Preliminaries again by proving property and paying charges, on «p- Shum, 75,111 ; F. Calvert, 64,475 ; Brown & Par­ of Peace betmetn England and France had keen signed, plication to the fubfcriber. .. ry, 57,404 ; Elliot, 45,943 ; J. Calvert, 26,444 ; and its a confequencc, that neutral veffels were per­ ^lENRY JOHNSON. Clowes, 36,053; Bile)-, 31,175. mitted to clear out for BritiOi ports. September (I, 1806. ^_^ By Norfolk paper* received yefterday we learn, that From a report laid upon the table of the Houfe of the French conful at Norfolk has refuted to acknow. Ladies Shoe Store. Commons, it appears that the manufactory of cloth ledge the crew of the L'lmpeteaux a* prifoner* of war, in Yorkftiire has an fen in the courfe of half a centu­ or give a receipt for the fame, as (he was captured HE fubfcnber* refpe^fully infotm the lidies c| 3. Allhl •»• vicinit*...»..-- i ,^ "»^ ry in the following proportion : within the jurifdidion of the U. State*, the city of Annapolis, and its Broads. Narrow*. September 33. theyT will opcn'a STORE, in Chnrch-ftrret, adjoiniflj 1755 57,125 76,295 pieces. Extract from the Orleans Gazette, of the 21** Au­ J. Thompfon'*, tailor, and oppofite ^"V00'' 1" ' 1805 300,237 165,827 ditto. gust. on Friday, the 19th inftant, where they will n*« " By letters received thi* morning, we learn, that Urge allcrtnient_/ ot.. .ladie* i. anaII cniiarrn. *1 1 ____. IkA^C. «--i 1TO'-- . T| the houfe of Common* on Wednef- the governor of Taxus, with about 9OO SpaniuV their faftory in Baltimore, which tliey will'«" day fe'nnight, the Chancellor of the Exchequer troop* had pafled the Sabine river, and had advanced mod njafooable price*. UAVV brought forward a mealure which muft afford much fa- within 12 mile* of Nacliitoches that major Porter ^F MITCHELL and K1RS«"*» tuiadioa to die great body of the people- proper in.; bad f«nt a flag inquiring their intention j their an* Annapolis, September II, 1806. »r ...... 0 fiVa T C B 6 W 1 fe w dnnt-4rutule/ iotihty, fc. . . , the writer, th« ,n ^ COVKHKCE or MAKYLAMD. ' . \*/HEREAS ZACHAR&H DUVALL, ja.' Poet'0 Cornet. them ha. taken p|ice ta colleor of tbe ***** An-Arundel county, have fallen back/' PROCLAMATION SELECTED.

hrachan, in the CsjfsTof 84 TO THE FLYING-FISH. ift, we underfland, BT MOORE. been committed on the perfon of CHARLES naintopmaft. hs, Names of persons ; namts of land, and amount of tax. • WHEN I have feen thy foowy junior, late of Prince-George:, county, by wing [Norf O'er the blue waVe at evening fprtng, » certain m-£ru man, (lave of Bsfil Soper, called Eliiab<*ss> MidcUeton, houfe and lot in And give thofe fcales, of filver white, WALL, who has finee abfcondcd and fled from juf- Annapolis, 0 18 3 So gaily to the eye of Eighty Knot. tice: And whereas K is the duty of the executive to John Rofs, ad. of John Welch, houfes As if thy frame were formed to rife, alt, by the Rev. Mr. mjard as murh as may be againft the rn ton, and lots No. 87 and 2, 23 But erring man muft blufh to think, ^ N1NIAN P1NKNEY, Ifaac Pollock, Hlooming Plains, :arry on the buftnefs in hti Like thee, again the Foul muft fink ! /\ Clerk of the Council. William Rulftll'j tiuftecs, part Alias or icr ftand, where he will eon. Oh Virtue ! when thy clime I feek, Howard's Rclolution, 0 is 2 Let not my fpirit's flight be weak t jmplete ORDERED, that the foregoing proclamation be pub- William Townfend's heirs, part lot No. Let me not, like, this feeble thing, . t tifhed once in each week, until countermanded, in 28, and warchoure, Elk-Ridge Land- With brine ftill dropping from its wing, o give notice the Maryland Gazette, at Annapolis, the Federal Ga. ' '"g» 0 17 7* Juft fparkle in the folar glow, ibers have obtained from the ittte k Evening Poll, at Baltimore, the Frederick? Charltr. Ridgely, of Jno. heirs, lot No. And plunge again to depths below ; ' Anne-Arundel county, letters Town Advocate, and in the National Intelligencer, • 8, Elk-Ridge Landing, But, when I leave the groffer throng, , = perfonal eftate of SAMUEL tc tbe city ol \V aldington. Robert Long, part lot No. .17, ditto, With whom my foul hath dwelt fo long, ie-Arundcl county, deceafed. BvotBy order, John VV. Battec, Ami I.abinus, Let roe, jn that nfpiring day, ins againft faid eftate are here. NINIAN^INKNEY, John Hardelf, Benjamin's Choice, Caft every lingering (lain away, them in, legally authenticated, the Council. bjrah Mace, (fart Low Lands, And, panting for thy purer air, • ' •.,, llir eftate to make payment to Benjamin Buffs'* heir?, Birkhead's Lot, Fly up at once and fix me there ! , IRT JACOB,) Adminiftn. Treafury Department of the Clement Hill, lot at Pig Point, John Griffith's heirs, Clement Hill's Pur- IKL JACOB. S ton. UNITED STATES, JrVem the Port Folio. June 21, 1806. chnfe, ..'..,- . ',: HEREAS the Commiflioners of the Sinking Richard Miles's heirs, Miles's Chance, Among a tnoufand good fongs, I do Dot know whe* jlic Sale. W Fund, at a meeting lield on the 38th day of Anne Owens, Owens Purchafe, ther I could felec\ one of fweeter cadence, founder sf the orphan? court of Anne. April, 1806, did rriolve, that the Turn remaining to Nathan Smith's hein, part Grammar's fenfe, and more agreeable allegory than the entu- Pnrrott, •ill be exposed, at Public Salt, complete the expenditure of t?1 ;- annual appropriation ; .-. ... ing. It is tbe production of George Saville Ca- of JOHN THOMAS, deceafed, of EIGHT MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, fhould Gilbert Smith, Plrafant Profpeft, rey. . :.•••..; th day of November, 1800, if among other pnrpolcN be applied to the . reimburle- Edward Tillard, Fox Hall LIFE'S like a (hip, in conftant motion, > fair day thereafter, ment of the NAVY SIX PER CENT. STOCK, ThomJ* Crandeil, part Grammer's Par- Sometimes high-and fometimes low, . ig perfnnal property of the fa'J I mated in purfuance of an aft of congrefs, paffrd on ro: iitd Toogood's Lot, •., 0 19 Where every one muH brave the ocean, fling of about forty-fix uegroei, I tbe 30th day of June, 1798, and to the rcimburlr- Samuel Godman's beirs, Sanpfon'.s Tte- Whatfoever wind may Wow. rcn, many of them very valuable, I nem of the FIVE AND HALF PER CENT. ginning, part Walker's Inheritance, . If, unaflail'd by fquall or fhower, , and hngs, plantation utenfih, STOCK, created in purfuance of an ail of congrtfs, Addition to Samplbn, part Meadows, Wafted by the gentle gales : re ; M fuir.s under twenty doU jiffed on tlie 3d day of March, 1795. Hcnderfon'3 Meadows, Godman's Let's not lofe the favouring hour, >aid, and all fums above twenty | This is therefore to give notice, that the principal Search, Tinibfr Level, Addition to . While fuccefs attends our fails. Something or Other, and Young's Lo- months will be given, the pur- of the faid NAVY SIX PER CENT. STOCK, Or, if the wayward winds fhould blufter, with two approved fecuritkt* I •with the intereft due thereon, will, on furrender of ciift Plains, 56 II Zacliariah Mufgrove, land, name un­ . Let us not give way to fear, e at 10 o'clock. tic certificates, be naid on the I ft day of Oclober But let us all our patieWce mnfter, ' • LLMAN, Aaing perfon for neuenfuing the dasfj^rrof, to the refpe&ivc ftoctc- known. Nathan Mufgrove, Wbito/Oak And learn from Reafon how to fleer. MAS, ? A hoUers or their lawful rcprefentatives or attornies Bottom, Hugh Fin ley, To be or ubto be is the Let Judgment keep you-ever fteady, 'RON AS, ) tori. conftituted and authorifed, either at tljr. Trea- 'Tit a ballaft never fails ; queition, 06.______,.«frf or it the Loan-Office, as the cafe may he, where 0 13 3 Should dangers rife* be-ever ready Luke Davis, part Point Look-out En­ urdib IIAVP been given for tlie amount of flock, re- To manage well tbe fwelling fails. iblic Sale. 1 %fli»ely held by them : and that the principal of larged, Truft not too much your own opinion, xfmse to Public Sale, on Friday, ItWFIVE AND HALF PER CENT. STOCK, John Crow, part Neal's Delight, . While your veffel's under weigh, * >dlobcr, at the late dwelling of witk the intereft due thereon, will, in like manner, Samuel Owings, part ditto, Let good example bear dominion, ART, cleceafed, on South nter, |a«d »t the fame places, be paid on the 111 day of Luther Martin, part Indian L*ne, Ad­ That's a compafs will not ft ray ; ' call), I January, |8W, to the refpecYivc fttvcwholders, or dition and Good (or Little, 939 When thundering tewpells make you (hudder, ill property of the faid deceafed, I jtfcir lawful rrprefentativet or altornic* duly confti- Strphen Price, part Walker's Inberi. •op, confiding of horfes, cattle, I Wed and auihuirifrd. tancc, 0 13 0 Or Boreas on the furface rails, Let good difcretion guide the rudder, lantation utenfils, houfehold aw It isturlher nradc known, for thr information of the James Heath, South Canton, . 010 And Pn6viDE»ci: attend the fails. ind other articles too tediouita »ii« eoncrrntil, that no transfers of the NAVY Rachel ClyU, pit Sappinglon's Addi­ SIX PEtt CENT. STOCK, ei:!i£ r from or trvd* tion, . QUO Then, when you're fafe from danger, riding WELCH, of BEN. Execntor. I boob of tlie Treafnry, or (mm or to Ow hooks oj^ John Hamnwnd, part Chefnut Hill, 1 19 0 In Tome welcome psAgr bav, ig claims againft the deceafed are ICommifliirier of Loans, will b«r allowed af:cr the I ft MOITCE IS HEREBY GlVEN, Hope be the anchor yosi confide in, hem known on or before the day l«» of September enfuing, no. of the FIVE AND TH^J^unlel's the county charges albrefaid are And care, awhile, In (lumber lay. idebted to make payment. liw!f HER r'ENT- STOCK, after die !f» day of pi'n) within thirty day: after the publication of this Or, when each can's with liquor flowing, And good fellowlhip prevails, 806. *}______I December enftiing. And the interrft o\\ all certifi- notice, that the laid lands, or fuel) parts thereof, as l«tn of hid ft,4-k«, winch lhall not have ncvn rur- will be fuflkifiit to pay the tax e day preceding the day hereby rections of the aft of affembly, entitled, An aft for t ol Anne-Arundel county, letter* |M« for U : reitnburienwnt thereof. the itmre ?ffeclu%j collection of the county charges in AN OLD PROVERB. e perlonal eftate of RICHARD ALBERT GAI.LATIN, the fereral counties of this (late. A SAUCY wit attack'd a married Wight^ inne-Arundel county, dreeafcd. Secretary ef the Treasury. '•> By order, For quitting was his general plan ; claims againft laid eftatr are heft- VlCHt HARWOOD, Clk. Fir'd at the attack, his rustling hen, Com i Tax Anne-Arundel county. ng them in, legally authenticated, State of Maryland, fc. Rofe, and began to peck again ; to the eftate to make payment to September 13, 1806. Juft to fupport her own dear man : ANN JACOB, Executrix. -'-' county, Orphans Court, September 16* 44 Why, Mr. Wit, you're ftrangely out, 1806. The fubfcriber Your jokes may take another route, 1805. ______»pplication, by petition, of Sarah Thomas S fnrry to inform the Creditors of the late firms of —My hufband all fubmlffion fcorns; ' Notice. >«1 Philip J. Thomas, adminiUralon of John I Afkcw and Winchefter, and Campbell S. Aflcew Tun take a bull—I allure you bj the horns." i the month of December, I8«, »S Ute ot Anne-Arnndrl county, deceafed ; and Co. tlut in conference of his having given up " Madam," replied the humorist, «« I yield— plantation of the fubfcriber, • * ordered, that they give the notice required by to Mr. Samuel VVinchefter and Mr Jacob Welfh, I knew .not you had given hi in fuch a shield." thoot any mark ; alfo, in Augu« ' £ tr"'"op| to exhibit their claims airainft tlie junior, who were his coartner* in trade in the afore­ CORtf U COPIA* fcceafal, and tlut the fame be publilhed once named UROW, marked with a crop •£ tach eftablifhments, ail the effects and debts be­ r, and a crop and under flu •"» «* week, for the fpace of fix fuccefiive weeks, longing U> each firm refpeaivtly, for the purpofe of EPIGRAMS; wner or owners mny have the difchargiug the debts by Paid firms contracted, and the On a Toung Ladj nith a Bosom-friend of Siteriatt property and paying charges, on «p- JOHN CAS3AWAY, Reg. Wills for fame not beii>g duly complied with by the parties—He ermine. Anne-Arundel county. is '.hereby rendered unable to di(charge faid debts— bfcriber. «rlvrcnN and is compelled tttjgive notice to all whwn It may TO check the blaft, to guard thy tender form tIENRY JOHNSON From rutblefs cold this gentle (hieId 1 (end, concern, that he Intends to make application to the 1806.^ _~ THi-7HIS Is To GIVfi NOTICE, v\ [uftices of the Baltimore couiity court, at their next Mjiyl^av-afford tbee, in each rude^ftorm, H,b^V *** fubfcriber*, of Anne-Aruiidd coutyf, Sg &>' '•* bettrfil °f «" '" uf "fol-mcy. . 1 he war6, protect of_a bofom *"|™ 'ron» the orphans court of faid county, dies Shoe Store. O™ «.K«v«*v*-^i* *» A*» »»• «*«*» •««•• CAMPBELL S* ASKEW. ? *n°» letters of adminiftratmn on tlie per- To a Ladjt isvio turned ktr chttk to the author, «vW« >ers refpeafully infoim the ladies of rfoKfaa J OHN . TH°MAS, late of the coun- I S he vent to kit* her. if Annapolis, and its vicinl''r'. 1 .....— All perfosn having claims 1ST tor a grace, or is't for Come diflike, ; iTORE, »n Church-ftrret, adjoimnj «* dcceafed are hereby warned to exhibit T A X t 6. That, when I'd kits your lips, you turn yoor clsrek ^ »ilor, and oppoftte Gwynn's tsvern. , "*• with the vouchers thereof, to M^B'ho- HE fubfcriber being again appointed college* Some t,hink this vsftly rude in your behaviour,'' 9th inftant, where they will !>•« I "»«, iT*"1! Wh° "" »°u">"fcd to fettle the&Aid of the taxes now due in Anne-Arundel county, T But I fhould rather think it as a favour, of ladies and childrens moes, it. „. w.;*fo»« ike firft day of April next, they earnellly requcfts thst all perfons concerned will be ,.»»wifc bj ,4W bee^^jj ,rom _M ^.^t prepartd to lettle when called on j it will he conCder- For I, to fhow my kiodaefs and my love, altimore, which they wilt fell*«* Would leave both lip and cheek to kifs your gtevej Given under our hands^this fix- cd a favour in any who have taxes to njjr, if they our lunds^thi, And with the «au(«) to main you raU acquainted, MITCHELL and KlRSHAtf- , 1806. *% will call and fettle the fame at the ftortTisfcLxwii ra- DVVAI.L, in Annapolis. Your glove's peifum'd, your lipajud clNeks «• ptcmbcr IS, 1806. Du?,AH f HOMAS, > AdJlru paujtoir J. THOMAS^ toru ,* ZAC11AR1AH DUVALL, Colk*or, NOTICE. Twenty-five & Fifty Dollars Reward. State of Maryland, fc. N elecUon wilt be held on Monday tl* 6th day nnf ,», .. ~~ T ... Anne-Arundel county, orphans court, Auguft 13, A -of October next, in the feveral election dift.ict, A BOUT three year, ago I purchafed of Wilt,, 1805. rfAnne-Arundel county, for four delegate, to repre- £± W. Norrnan^ unner^m Queen-Am*, ta b1 , N application, by petition, of Richard Brown, fcnt faid coun:y in the general anVmbly of this fiatc Ix.y named STEPHEN, then fifteen executor of the lad will and teftament of Ri­ one member to the houfe of reprefentatives ot tlw markably well difpofed, a little defective in hit L Ochard Brown, fen. late of Anne-Arundel county, de­ United States, and for a flieriS'. 'but otherwifeAlout and well made. This boy, uUnts ceafed ; it is ordered, that he give the notice required JASPER E. TILLY, Sheriff of weeks ago, b; the inftigatinn of fome very uifri-jnuiilc by law, for creditors to exhibit their claims Rgam'.j Anne-Arundel county. -pcrfon, wai enticed from my fcrvice, ar.d (from ir. formation derived through the boy's own olcn-* ' the raid deceafed, and that the fame be pubhmed September II, ISO6-______once in each week, for the fpace of fix luccellive have reafon to believe has obtained a pafs, ami i< weeks, in the Maryland Gazette. Annapolis Races. ii«tu»urcuharboured «miand Pprotectediui«.i underunuei it.u. «cHe '»luppMrd " u> JOHN GASSAWAY, Reg. Wills for HE Iorl-y Club We of //.re, hundred dollar,, be either in the Swamp of Weft river, or on Km. Anne-Arundel county. I, I b, , -n for over the Ann.poli.' cowrie, OH W»nd, where he ha. a mother nar.ed tfther, Uuu, Tucfd"T ta!n day of Odober next; heats 4 ..._..,.....---nvaoum.ued by- j a— certain_-.. Valentine -..--.._ Carur . ,. Im .,« A UI.IU.1^ Vllt *lll \*i] —. ——— -.__. THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, iniles. each, ' 1Ccarrying . weighu'. . agreeable.,. to.... the.i_ rules...!. of„( givesrive twenty-fivetwentv-five dollars for apprehendingawreliendinr kid K.», THAT the fubftriber, of Anne-Arundel cou-.ity, fo that I get him again, and fifty dollars for lurli in! the clu'o. liath obtained from the orphans court of AnnoAiun- On Wednefday, the ?2d of October, the colt's formation as will merely juftify my feelings iu inflict. tlel county, in Maryland, letters teftamemary on the pur re of cnc hundred andjiflj-dtttr.** will be ran for>; ing the punifhment proper for fo great a fcoundrel. perlbnal eftate of RICHARD BROWN, fen. late THOMAS CONGEE »" " of Anne-Arundel county, decrafed. All perloni hrits 2 miles each. Jarruary 20, 1806. <___/ On Thu'ltUy, the 2T.d of \DcVber, a fnbfcription i - -^ -f1 ^ . _ liaving claims ag.inft the faid deceaf.d are hereby purfe of about o"c hundred dollars, will be run for; Anne-Arundel county, September 17, 1806. warned to exhibit the fan.c, with the vouchers there­ HEREBY certify^ that JOHN CHKW THOMAJ of, to the lubfcriber, at or before the thirteenth day heats r miles each. f\ September 9, 1806. ~4 hath brought before me, the fubfcriber, OIK cf of February next, they may otherwifc by law be ex­ tin:T juP.iccs oi' the peace for faid county, a« ftrays, cluded from all benefit of the faid eftate. Given tm- HE fubfcriber refp.dltully 1:1-' : » the Iw.ics trelpaifinir on his enclofures, two forrtl HORSES, <\er m» luiid, this 13th day of Awnift, 1806. and gentlemen of Anivtpoli--, ti:at he intends one with four white feet and a bald face, and nearly RICHARD BROWN, Executor. openingT his DANCING SCHOOL the U-.oiv Mon­ blind, trots and gallops, about fourteen and an half day in Oc\ober, at the Bail-Room; II. \*\\\ leach hands high, arid appears to be about eight years old. State of Maryland, fc. three limes a week. Terms us uiu ,i. The other about tei> years old. paces, has his mine J. A. XAUPI. Anne-Arundel county, orphans court, Auguft 26, and tail cropt long, and near hind-foot white, fifteen A lift has been left at Mr. Green's piuv.iiig.oiTue, 1306. hands high. They have both been worked in gears. N application by petition, of Hannah Fowler, wherein thole who wifti to enter at !'cl olars, will be Given udder my bund, adminiflratrix of John Fowler, late of Anne- plcnlccl to have their name iufcribrd. as he \vidics to JAMF.S H. MARRIOTT. OArundel county, deceafed, it is ordered, that Ihe give l>e certain of tlie number before ccmmet'cu.g. Tlie owner or owners of the above horfes are t». the notice required by law, for creditors to exhi­ N. B. Private leflons wil! be given, if required, quelled to come and piove properly, pay chafes, UK! bit their claims againft the faid dercifcd, and that the both in dancing and ferKhig. take then) Away. fame be pnbtiOied once in each week, for the Ipacc of Annapolis, September 11, 1806. ___.______^ CHF.W______fix fucceflive weeks in the Telegraphe, and in the Forty Dollars Reward. HE fubfcriber will SELL, on moderate terms, Maryland Gazette. thirty-nine tracts ot LAND, fitunte in Wayne JOHN GASSAWAY, Reg. Wills for AN away from the fubicriber, near Coumy,T IVjnfyKjnia, containing from 30O to 4j3 Anue-Aiundcl county. R Moorfield, Hardy county, Virginia, nn thr acres each tract, «"!'.'ar n( allowance for roads. Pur. 2')ih of laft month, a ne^ro man named JOE, a chafers may 'oe actoinino'Jr.ted with a fmgle tract, or THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, broad thickfet frTlow, thout 5 feet 8 or <) inches part of a tract. Tl» lands are nioftly lituate rev THAT the fubfcribcr, of Anne-Arundel county, high, 22 or 23 years o!«l, has very loiiij fee'., a wide the river lichwure, and generally heavy tirtlKrtd: liath obtained from the orplnns court, of Anne- mouth, a n.und vifage, Ihort thick noVc, low fore­ immvr.fe quantities oi' lumber go from them to the Arundel county, in Maryland, letters of adminiftrati- head, a blaclc complexion, llroi-g limbs, move:, z-id Philadelphia market. There is a ready file for il on on the perfonal eftatc of JUm Fowler, l»te of walks very flow, and is a clunil'y awkward fellow ; kinds of produce at Milford, within five miles ol Anne-Arundcl county, deceafed ; all |s;r thote kr,d_, and the mills in the neighbourhood; lift of overall*, two of them ofnabrigs, arxl oi.e of claimi againft the (aid deceafed, are hereby warned , '•-• - —... 'r-..\ year's wheat {o*t! a: from 1 Is. 3d. to 12s. 6(1. ui to exhibit the fame, with the vouchers thereof, to the flriped gin^hum, one white linen Ihirt, one i>fn:ibrig corn, the -average price, about a dollar. Thnfe tw» fublcribrr, at or before the twenty-fixth day of Fe- ditto, a wool hat, two jackets with flerves, one of jrtirirs nrr prodocrd in great abundance. Any ptr. bruaiy iu-xt, they may othcrwifc by law be excluded them fmr white tiannel, tlie oilier grey .coating, much fon iiw liiiip?; to purchafj may be informed of further from all benefit ol' tin: laid eftate. Given under my worn. He was jjurrhalcd of Mn. Ilowurii. Hiad f.;iui« ulars, hy applying to the proprietor, at Ann*, of South river, and it is fuupofed he xvill endeavour hand thi__26th day of Auguft, 1806. ixilis, or to Mr. JArfKS BARTOX, of Milford, jgent HANNAH FOWLER, Adm'x. toio K<.o vt*., thati,,.,. neighbourhood...^>IS ...... _. The.... ab<l:,5, June «, 1806. {Jf ______FEW days ago, from the fubfcriber, tal THOMAS GL1SSAN. I _L (lender black negro woman named DAF Auguft 18, 1806. 5 This is to give notice, 1 purtliafeU her fome years ago from the eftate of 'HAT the ifubfcribcr hath obtained from the John Mackall, Efq; and I apprehend Ihe has gone to OMMITTED to my cuftody OP fnfpicion of T1 orphans couit of Charles county, in Maryland, Culvert county. Any perfon who will apprehend her, C beitiR a runaway apprentice, a white lad named lettevs of ati'.niniftration on the pe.rfonal elUie J nnd will produce me fufticient proof that they have JOHN CARROLL, about U or 15 \earsofagr, SAMUEL JONES, late of Charles county, dt- fold her in any of the fouthern ftates, to wit: about five feet high, well made, has dark hair and a ceat'fd. All per Tons having claims againft the fid Georgia, North or South-Carolina, (hall be entitled fair (kin ; his cloathing an old blue rtoi'n rpucr jacket den-alrd ;ue litreby warned to exhibit the fame, wiik I to the whole proceeds, or 1 will pay TWENTY and tioufers, white linen (hirt, and old !«:; hr fayi the vouchers thereof, to the fubfcriber, at or Wfoie DOLLARS to any perfon who will give me infor­ that he did go in a boat between the Federal cry the firll day of March next, they may otherwifc br mation of her being harboured by any free perfon, and Alexandria with a Mr. Johnfon, to c...iy p-f- l:iw be excluded from all benefit of the f*id «R»K- fo that they may he profecuted. fengers, but left Mr. Johnfon and came to Annapolis Given unJrv my; hand, this twenty-feventh day of EDWARD HALL, Weft river. to look for his father. Hh mafter or n btUis are Auguft, eighteen l.undrrd and fix. P. S. I am informed Hie has a brother who lives defircd to take him away, or he will He 5;ld for his M THOMAS BLAK1STONE, Adminiftrator with c.ipt. Leonard, in whofctvuolc n«0n, Application may be made to jbe printers man named BOB, biU Ibmetimes calls m'nilclf BOB -the ft ate. "* 1805, in favour of infolvent debtors^toWHcb»'ge Mu.LtR ; is a tolerably black, (liaight made fellow, hereof. me from debts that I am unable to pav. * with a tmiling countenance wlien fpoken to, has a J ESSE/LEATHERV\ OOD. remarkable fcai on the lower pan of the hack of Notice is hereby given, Auguft 20, 1806. £j______liis neck, near the fite of a cent, under his Oiirt col­ HAT the lubfcriber has obtained from tlie or­ lar ; he was raifed to the tanning bufmeU, he is in phans court of Anne-Arundcl county, letters This is to give notice, Tof adminidration de Lor is nan, with the will annexed, the twenty-fourth year of liit> age, about five feet HAT the fubfcriber, of Charles county to* on the perfonal property of ROGER DITTY, late nine or ten inches high; had on when he went off, obtained from the orphans court ot und a high crown felt hat, with a band and buckle, an of Anne-Arundel county, deceafed. All perfons hav­ Tty, in Maryland, letters of idmiiiiftrtiioi. on the ptr. ing claims againft the deceafed are hereby warned to over round coat, deep blue mixed ftrong cloth doubled fonal eftate of WALTER M'PHERSON, «t j at each elbow, and the left (boulder, olnabrig (hirt, exhibit the fame, with the vouchers thereot, to DA- NltL JACOB, for payment. All perfons indebted to the aforefaid county, deceafed. All pcrloni hwj and hempen linen trouferi. I expect he will change claims againft the faid deccafed .re warned to «b* faid eftate are requcfttd to make payment, without liis name and cloaths, as he did when he ran off be­ the fame, with the vouchers thereof, to «*« fore, he changed his name to NICHOLAS JOHNSON. delay, to DAKIKI. JACOB, who is authoril'ed by me fcriber at or before the 25th day of tebruary nrA I iirefume he has procured a fftrgcd pafs from hii to fettle the fame. they may otherwife by law be excluded Imm »« " SARAH DUTY, Adm'x. infamous connexions in the neighbourhood where he nefit of the faid eftate. Given under my lived. If taken up and fccured in any gaol, fo that n. B. N. of R. DITTY, deceafed. day of Aupuft, 1906. I get him again, (hall receive one himdml dollars, if Auguft 18, 1806. ^J __ - SAMUEL M'PHERSON, J»» out of the ftute the above reward, and reafonable travelling txuenau paid, if brought home, hy N O T I C E. A Man Servant Wanted. £/ JAMES P. SOPER. LL perfons indebted to the late firm of Ridgely HE fubfcriber will gi»e a gene N. B. Captain, ot veflcls and others are forewarned A and Wcrmi, on open account, y; rcquefted to MAN SERVANT, who can liurbooring, employing, or carrying off* faid runaway call on us and fettle, by paying the^Boncy, t>r giving edT for his boneity and fubriety. One from at their peril. July 2, 1806. their notes for the fame, as we are anxious to have ' , I L ___f our books fettled ; and thofe who owe us Qnbond or of 30 to 36 years note, the times of payment being elapfed, are earneli- Notice is hereby given, Qffeen-Anne, HAT the fubfcriber intends to petition to tlie ly called upon for fettlement. It is hoped that this lion, court of Calvert county, it their next requeft will be attended to more punctually titan our Tterm, for an act of infolvency to releafe him from former, as it will fave trouble. debts which, from nuflfortunes, he is unable to pay. A ABSALOM R1DGELY, Print fL UWV1N C. WA1L£S. If JAMES N. ^Y1L£MS. Auguft a, iBOctr : Annapolii, Auguft 5, 1806.