The Vertebral Column and Epaxial Muscles of the Golden Hamster

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The Vertebral Column and Epaxial Muscles of the Golden Hamster Louisiana State University LSU Digital Commons LSU Historical Dissertations and Theses Graduate School 1959 The eV rtebral Column and Epaxial Muscles of the Golden Hamster. Mohamed Salim Salih Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Salih, Mohamed Salim, "The eV rtebral Column and Epaxial Muscles of the Golden Hamster." (1959). LSU Historical Dissertations and Theses. 568. This Dissertation is brought to you for free and open access by the Graduate School at LSU Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in LSU Historical Dissertations and Theses by an authorized administrator of LSU Digital Commons. For more information, please contact THE VERTEBRAL COLUMN AND EPAXIAL MUSCLES OF THE GOLDEN HAMSTER A Dissertation Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of the Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in The Department of Zoology, Physiology, and Entomology by iMohamed Salim Salih B,S«, Higher Teacher's College, Baghdad, 1945 M.S., University of Michigan, 1954 August, 1959 ACKIJ3WLEDGMENT I wish to thank and to express my sincere appreciation to Professor George C* Kent, Jr*, for his guidance, criticism, encourage­ ment, and patience during the period of the investigation and especially during the -writing of the results® Special thanks are also extended to Professor George H. Mickey for his technical advice concerning the illustrations, to Professor George H* Lowery for his advice during preparation of the skeletons, and to Professor J* Harvey Roberts for his help at many stages where photography was necessitated* TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ACKNOWLEDGMENT.......................................... ii LIST OF F I G U R E S ........................................ iv ABSTRACT......................... vii I. INTRODUCTION* * ........................................ 1 II. MATERIALS AND M E T H O D S .................................. 4 III. THE VERTEBRAL COLUMN# .................................. 6 17. EPAXIAL MUSCLES. .............................. 3S V. DISCUSSION............................................. 106 VI. SUMMARY................................................. 117 LITERATURE CITED........................................ 119 VITA.................................................... 121 iii LIST OF FIGrlRES FIGURE Page 1 CIA, C3A, C6A* Cephalic view0 CUB, C2A« Caudal views. C2B, C3B, C6B. Lateral views, head to the left* «<»•«• 26 2 Selected thoracic vertebrae A* Cephalic view* B* Caudal view* «******o«****»***oooo 28 3 Lumbar vertebrae L2 and 14 Ao Caudal view0 Bo Cephalic view* • •o*©**********©©**^ 30 4 Sacral vertebrae S-l, S-2, and S-3 A* Cephalic view© Bo Caudal view* • •oo*o«oo©»©©******ao 32 5 Left, above* Sacrten, dorsal view* Bight, above* Cd-1, Cd-4, dorsal view* Below, A, B* Variations in neural arches of Cd-60 * 0 • • 34 6 Lateral view of selected vertebrae, head end to the left* * 0* 00*00 o«*o*ooo*o*o»** 36 7 Cheek pouches and related muscles, dorsal view* * * © © * 64 8 Musculature of the shoulder region, left lateral VXew* **o*oo**o*o*oo*oo*oo**o*o 66 9 Dorsal view, the left extrinsic appendicular muscles intact, certain of the right muscles removed to show deeper musculature* The right acromiotrapezius has been cut* •****o*o***»«©*******oo o 68 10 A* Left clavotrapezius and acromiotrapezius transected and, in part, removed to reveal underlying musculature* B« Right scapula elevated to reveal underlying muscles* « 70 11 Dissection of right cervical and upper thoracic region to reveal certain epaxial muscles and their relations* © * 72 12 Ao Same view as Figure 11, serratus posterior superior and levator scapulae removed* Bo Same as view A, after removing longus atlantis and lifting up and transecting the splenius* o©©o*oooo 74 iv FIGURE Page 13 A* Same view as Figure 1233, after removing other muscles in the vicinity of the biventer cervicis, B, Dorsal view of cervical and superior thoracic epaxial region, biventer cervicis' retracted to reveal underlying epaxial muscles, «*o*«***o** 76 14 A, Dissection revealing certain epaxial muscles of the cervical and superior thoracic region* 0*0*, obliquus capitis* R*C*, rectus capitis* R*C*D«, rectus capitis dorsalis. B* Longissimus dorsi (L.D*) pars cervicis in lateral view* • ******oo***.o*.. •«•*••• • 7S 15 Dissection of the right superior epaxial region to show the deep muscles. The right splenius and biventer cervicis have been transected. On the left, additional muscles have been removed to reveal the obliquus capitis (0*C,) superior and the rectus capitis (R,C*) lateralis* •*•*••***••****«**••••• BO 16 A* Right rectus capitis dorsalis (R.C.D.) major. B* Right rectus capitis dorsalis (R.C.D.) minor and obliquus capitis (0*C.) inferior* C* Right obliquus capitis (0*0.) superior, D. Right rectus capitis (R.C*) lateralis, E* Right complexus* *o***.*.**o. •**•*• 32 17 Occipital area of skull to show the insertions of certain epaxial muscles* 1* Rectus capitis dorsalis major. 2* Rectus capitis dorsalis minor* 3* Rectus capitis lateralis* 4* Biventer cervicis* Other insertion indicated by name of muscle. R.C* lateralis, recttis capitis lateralis, E, Au* meatus, external auditorymeatus surrounded by tympanic bulla* * * 34 18 Superficial epaxial musculature of the cervical and thoracic regions* •••**•••*••*.*•• 0 *** 36 19 Dorsal view of isolated spinalis dorsi Right* Spinalis dorsi intact* Lefto Right and left spinalis dorsi muscles retracted laterad to show the insertions on the thoracic neural spines* ••.•*****«****«*o** ••••«• 88 v FIKJtRE Page 20 Top* Left medial surface of the spinalis dorsi showing the origin by several tendons. Bottom,, Dorsal view of spinalis dorsi* The left muscle is intact* The right muscle is separated into its three bundles* •••o*0******0*o** 90 21 Top* Dorsal view showing the intact right longissimus dorsi pars thoracis* The right spinalis dorsi has been removed* The left spinalis dorsi is intact* Bottom* Lateral view of the right longissimus dorsi pars thoracis, the muscle having been elevated to show the muscle bundles* ••••****•••»••**•»• 92 22 Left* Dorsal view of the longissimus dorsi (L*D,) pars lumborum lateralis (lat0), longissimus dorsi (L*D.) pars thoracis, and the spinalis dorsi* Eight* Ventral view of the longissimus dorsi pars lumborum lateralis* •••••••••«••••••••• 94 23 Top* Dorsal view of longissimus dorsi (L*D») pars lumborum medialis and pars lumborum lateralis* Bottom* Lateral view of a dissection of the deeper bundles of left longissimus dorsi pars lumborum lateralis* ******o*o**o*o******** • 96 24 Top* Left lateral view of the longissimus dorsi pars lumborum medialis after removal of the L*D* pars lumborum lateralis* Bottom* Dorsal view of the lumbar and last thoracic neural spines (2), showing a dissection of the bundles of the left longissimus dorsi pars lumborum medialis* * * 93 25 Right lateral view of the deepest epaxial muscles of the thoracic and lumbar regions* *******oo* •• 100 26 Right. Dorsal view of tail region showing the extensor caudae medialis and extensor caudae lateralis. Left* Same view as above* The individual bundles of the right extensor caudae lateralis have been separated from one another* The bundles of the left muscle are intact* ******o****************«* 102 27 Dorsal view of extensor caudae medialis partially separated into individual bundles. The right bundles have been removed* ****o***o******** •* 104 v i ABSTRACT Two hundred specimens of the golden hamster, Cricetus auratus (Waterhouse), were employed in this morphological study© The vertebral formula is* C-7* T-13» L-6, S-4, Cd-13/14* Foramina transversaria may be lacking on one or both sides in C7© The transverse processes of C6 always, and C5 occasionally, exhibit inferior laminaeo Those of C7 are in contact with those of C6© Those of T1-T4 exhibit apical facets for articulation with the tubercula of the first four ribs* Homologous facets on T5-T10 occur on definitive diapophyses* T11-T13 exhibit demifacets for capitular heads only* A ventral hypapo- physis occasionally occurs on L2* The four 3acrals are united by their centra, and the first three are also united by their transverse processes* Only SI articulates with the ilium* Centra and processes are reduced caudal to Cd5o Cd9*-13/14 lack pedicles* Cd6-8 may exhibit incomplete pedicles on one or both sides, or the pedicles may be lacking* Cd7*- 13/14 lack neural spines* Cdll-13/14 lack prezygapophyses0 Cd6-13/14 lack postzygapophyses* The origin and insertion of the following muscles of the golden hamster were ascertained: splenius, complexus, biventer cervicis, rectus capitis dorsalis major, rectus capitis dorsalis minor, rectus capitis lateralis, obliquus capitis superior, obliquus capitis inferior, semi- spinalis cervicis, longus atlantis, spinalis dorsi, iliocostalis, multifidus spinae, extensor caudae lateralis, extensor caudae medialis, intertransversarii, interspinales and longissimus dorsi* The epaxial muscles of the golden hamster appear to be more like those of Neotoma than of other Cricetines heretofore studied* vii I. INTRODUCTION Descriptions of the gross anatomy of the majority of rodents, including some of the more common ones, are still incomplete or lacking altogether* For example, the white laboratory rat (Rattus norvegicus) has been a popular
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