Marine Ecological Surveys Ltd. FISHING AND THE HISTORIC ENVIRONMENT PREPARED FOR ENGLISH HERITAGE Fjordr Marine and Historic Environment Consulting ‐ Marine Ecological Surveys Limited ‐ 3 Palace Yard Mews, Bath BA1 2NH Tel: +44 (0)1225 442211 FISHING AND THE HISTORIC ENVIRONMENT 2013 Title EH 6204 Interaction between fishing and the historic environment. Author(s) Antony Firth, Liam McAleese, Rodney Anderson, Rohan Smith, Tania Woodcock Derivation New document Origination Date 9/11/2012 Reviser(s) TW Date of last revision 9/1/2014 Version Final (internal tracker – v1.8) Status / Required Final Action Circulation Client Approval Dr Lindsay Jane Seiderer This report should be cited as: Firth, A., McAleese, L., Anderson, R., Smith, R., and Woodcock, T. 2013. Fishing and the Historic Environment. EH6204. Prepared for English Heritage. Correspondence: Lindsay Jane Seiderer Marine Ecological Surveys Limited 3 Palace Yard Mews Bath BA1 2NH Email:
[email protected] Tel: 01225 442211 Copyright © Marine Ecological Surveys Limited, 2013. All rights reserved. The reproduction or transmission of all or part of this work, whether by photocopying or storing in any medium by any means electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise, without the written permission of the owner, is prohibited. The commission of any unauthorised act in relation to the work may result in civil or criminal actions FISHING AND THE HISTORIC ENVIRONMENT 2013 Acknowledgments This project was commissioned by English Heritage as part of the National Heritage Protection Plan. We would like to thank Christopher Pater and Ed Salter of English Heritage for their direct assistance in this project. We would also like to thank Serena Cant and Neil Guiden of English Heritage’s National Record of the Historic Environment (NRHE) for the provision of historic environment data, and the staff of the National Heritage Protection Commissions Programme.