Hoiuunutl) iAiimty'e Offiil 1 A * 1 R Mjiriust I'hiKB All UJO News of The ltrglstcr'* Ctotlltai BED BANK llepurtment— and Surrounding Towns Wlieru iho K«ller Finds Told Fearlessly End Without Blai. ILMJ.. VGiSt oi tlio Hujcr.

Issued Weekly, Lntereti as Ceeond-CiftRa Matter at tfifl I'oit- minion !>iire One YCBI- tl..'.O 1 .VOLUME LV, NO. 45. olllco at Bed Bunk. N. ,1,, under the Act of. March 3. 1879. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, MAY 3, 1933. six Monlha JI.H'i. PAGES 1 TO 12, Activities Of The SHRINK DINNKK. Rumsort Spends Missionary Units PRESIDENT Or FKATKKNITV. lans Ready- For UiihtrloiiH rott'ntalo to bo Itonorod \Vlir«m Firth <>f K«>d Hank Hoimrrd ' to Give Exhibition at Ited IJiinU. $2,000 For Relief Hold Meeting Here At Columbia University. ! Borough Council Cooking School The annual meet ing and Potpn- William rirth, ?nt\ of Mr. and Mr::. Pupils of the Mabel, Colemnn iinner of the Hea Shore Shrine Borough Haa Been Caring for 44 Spring Session of New Bruns- Elwood Firth nf f-Jronrl street. li:i:i: Mnltcrs Acted on by the "Town Thirleen New Members Received rlub will be. held •Jhursdny niRht, V ".,.__ ,,„, . ,,_ „,__!_,, • I rv . • . c w i been riveted prr.-klcnl- of thr. Si^m.-i Event Sponsored by The Monday—Mrs. H. C. Meclt- Dancing School to be Seen in May 11, at the Globe hotel, Red Familics-»"Clean-Up Weelt" wick District of New Jersey Chi fraternity at Columbia univn •-•- Fathers" of Red Bank at tcr and Wealinghouoc Conn ]em, Jr., Elected Recording Their Spring Recital in theI5ank. Pinner will hn nerved prompt- May 8 to 13—Auditor Rec- Conference Held Last Friday ity. William is a uraduato nf the! Their Meeting Monday Night j pany Opens May 0—Mer« Elks' Auditorium Friday Night ly at. iKilf-past. ficvon o'clock after at the Methodist Church. Rod Hank hl&h school n' r.vhich he [ —Large Water Users' Charge Secretary—To Redeem Bonds which there will bo a reason ot ommends Holding Tax Sale, j was a, popular studrnt, tnkin^ ]>nii j chanta Co-Operating. Tho recent drive for now members The closing exercises of the Mabel gcnernl sociability. Tlie puofil of From January 1 to the end of last Thr oflth mrntinc of Ihe Women's in many of the «ehoo] ;iri w '|i \r.-. Me: A*, thr mooting of the mayor nnd .Mrs. F-lrrlha P, How, WCRIIUJI- by tho Red Bonk Womrm'n club hna Colemnn nehool of dancing will bo honor will be illuHtrioiiH Potentate week tho borough of Rumson has forripi iiiirr;ionni\y soriety of thn is taking a roiii;.e in mrdirjne nnd ' '•'jiinni of Kcd iirink Monday nif;ht hour.o Huinc lsorinoinlsl, in rx]iri;tfit been responsible for the addition of held In the Kills' auditorium nt Red yivn ry i onhm I, 1'otrniatc of expended $2.056.6G for the relief of I\f-w .lorry ronfpj'rnrr was h^M last, will graduate I hi.-; June. a mni v;\c\. wan awarded to the Tar In arrive in wii (,ici :•'rf:(jt.:-.i. Two larger bids Ihe housewives ,,f Hcd iiank nnd vl« rhythm. Spanish, Russian and patri- Mel man Ultzau president, Philip J. borough ypent $212 in January, $018 ten o'rhx-k with Mr?, A. K. Bennett chapter. Harold i-- well kinr.vn in •AT-] n rnaric by mlirr concerns. A rlnily. Mrs, Howe will rnnducl thfl meeting- conducted by the uowly ; elected club president, Mrs. Thomas otic numbers and the kind of danc- Franz vice president, Henry Sehllt- in February, $522 in March and $703 of Lnnp tt ranch presiding. After Rod F.rink and virinny, who rr IT: repiT rnutiv« of 'im successful bid- ronkins school lo hr: held in the lar^i* Vooiiiis. ing consists of jazz toe, ballet, acro- tenhart second vice-president, Her- in April. To date $570 has been re- Ihn ;-in^in^; of hymns a dovntionnl made a hns! of friend:; win In der W.IK jir-:.jeiit. and he uromisod | auditorium nt Ihe I'.cd Dunk l'lllu' paid to the borough by thn fit ate, tin' Tfxaci nil would be used, MrR. H. C. Me.cklom, Jr., wan elect- batic, mllltnry tap. buck dam-ing, bert Ck Packard, Jr., treasurer, and Hfrvi'-r. wax lnd Hy Kev. Albert L- ing a^ a reporter for 'i'lif: KP-_- club at Mrond strenl. .'ilul Plnckhcy ed recording Hccrolnry to 1111 the va-toe, tap, musical comedy and wnltz Frank K. Lawrence secretary. with $31)7 due for April. Jere J. rSanrr, p;i.-i nr of the locnl church. Much other oil hf^-idcH that bought road next Tuesday, Wrrlnendny unil cancy caused by the resignation of clog. Miss Polly Ingnlls is tile ac- Carcvv, borough clerk, slated tha' AcUlrcKir-eri wr.rn pi von by Mm, W. C. i'i •/!•/) tiie r.Vrw Brunswick concm n Tliursiiny nftr.rncion.;. May I), j'o nn'l Mrs. Victor Kins. The ways and comimniat for tlje school the appeals for relief in April were Poihrri :c of HaddonfUId, secretary A-SI! lif! u.-T-l on J'pd Hunk L-I reel:;. 11, at. two o'clock, -rim school is be. Mrs. ColemanA who conducts her greater than at. any other time dur- 1 means committee, of which Mrs. L, nf t lie. orpnnizai ioi>? - "Mrs. Harry New Development i-'ni tin.; (1thci oil the taxpayers will my spoii.'iored by The Red Uank KCK- C. Vnnlnwcgon hi chairman, him for clnsscs at her studio on Roctof'-plnoe, Red Bank Aero ing; the winter. The borough has t rnasurer; Mrs. J. J. Me- :iot liavfi tri pny line cent, thank.-, to j isli.-r in co-operation with Clyde. \V, Ito chief object (hl.i year the re- la a member of the New York Socf-" been taking care of 41 families, rep- •>f ' JInddonfleld. who told of at Little Silver •'Hiinihu-in Kr-muth \V\ci;i>,T, rhnir-j Masini. tlio local Westin^houap rep* resenting 273 persons. 1 demption of the outstanding cluli- ety of Dancing Teachers, nnd scver.il " "Club Plans Tour tho of her daughter; Mis;-; Es- in'in of t lie: - -' ref't, coin mi! i n p. 'J'h i.-s rcsenl ntivc, nnd by Iho WestiiiKhouit'S hoUBB bonds nnfl an ondenvor will of tho numbers to be presented on Mayor Van K. Halscy stated that • C n n n p 11. f ill i KK io nn r y a t Islceiiie & iManufacturino; Coinpany. ,her program have already been giv- Silvermere Bark, Owned hy D. 1 be made to raise enough money for if expenditures continue at the same Pfiubln, Mexic and Mrf. .lanirs B. finri!'. ^-,M ;ii;e;i It .j.s ciaiik'.:a-"je "il ui Mrs. Howe h:t::; oUllilleil somi! at tlils purpose. Tho budget commlt- en at New York. They have been Twelve Planes Will Leave on rate, in May the borough 'funds for W. May, Comprises 26 Water di.. aided oil whii h ha:- hrrn 11.-• nr 1 in revised slightly to null, the anility of Thedfni'i c,f Kpimar, hranch :?ccrc- her plnns to Tim rto^iyter and has tee consists of Mm. Jolin I... Mont- Sunday, May 7, for Visit to poor relief will be cxhauscd by thetury of lil rivitun'- Front Lots at the Eastern End nji'Miniluip. . Ji. [.- no z'xul for lubii- s'aird ifi.ii "fhr: hnuse-wlvcs of Hcd- the different students at the Cole- end of the month. If thin hap- p gomery, Mr!', Jesse Minot, Mrs. Other Airports—Other Notes Tho norninrtting' com mitt en enn- i.'itin^ nio!o[.~. hut ii ninkc- ^:;of:lleni Haniv and \ icinily aie, I am sine, la Hosea Chark and Miss Florence man school. Mrs. Coleman conducts pens the borough will call upon the of Little Silver Point. \ summer clasnes for beginners, Inter- of the Airport. nf Miss Jrjn^t Riorum f El- nia' ri ial for ha idc liiiirr .'"'. iTcts and for n mo.-r agreeable, .stirpri^p. You Krlrtcl, emergency relief committee for aid.beron, Mi.s. C. II. Hurrowc:; of Wrst A1 the tip of Little Silvpj- Print . •lilnyinu rju. know, we folks, who devoto nil of out" mediate and advanced Ktudenls in all Thi.s committee has ohininnd .several (l The club voted Monday to Rivo $5 Thn mrinbrra nf (hn Arro rlub nf Lonfr flranrh ;u\d Mr*. W. R. Foster there, i:.; a new veil e.^l;>to. dcvrlfjj'- i "'•' ) ^' 10/tOU -HHO .;nf this j limf; lo solving everyday problems nt types of dancing, although- the regu- hundred dollars in private subscrip- r to the Yardley memorial, and gave lar winter term will he closed at the t ho Rod Hank a irpoi (. nre planning o Katnntfiwn Mibmil ted its rrport, ment known a." Hilvr.rincrn. I'm k. H imptovn lli'ii J.Jrink 1 cooliiiiR whiijh uccur in tho honv. an aero tour to tie held Sunday, tions. nftpr whirli thr following officers is owned by D. \V. May, president of •ii;- iilu-ly I hni cqu:ii- ( -.ssrnilile many hint.- and short cul.i piominencc In tho nnnnuncementH to end of I he recital. l the coming pardon exhibit, to bo held Juno 4. So far thr^ plann innhifle n Brick Hnusr, pond nn River road, rlrctrd: the May Radio and Tt.devii;ion corn- Jy m\\<- he u:--i'd ihi? ycni\ which thf avela^-n housewife never The pupils taking part In the dif- almost directly opposite thn borough ar. the convention of I he New Jersey group of twelve pJ;i])fH carrying 35 ;Jenj._.M,-,, A- K Ilenn ?r hoi pany of Now York nnd IVewnrk, and 1" • i iv.-ifiu. Hii? ornohiit' ; ihinks. aliout This Is no refiecUori ferent numbers are. Erna Day, Clara hall, will bn drained and cleaned Stale Federation of Women's clubs Colenmn, Mary Lou Hammer, Caro- people: induUinp pilots. The tour, a director oi t hr Air Cohrlit inning ; r)\vnd> had i hoir r;\ i.- rr- on her capability, because. s-;ho must. out. The woik was recommended by • lent —Mi-;., M'ii-y Rccv to be, held nl Atlantic City Tuesday, line Chndwick, Jessie Thomas, Lu- which if; Kponnorcrl by the club nnd corporal ion. which hns a branch of-! oilc^d n-- l[.>f{Ucn'iy of latr ;t.< f..jjmi'i- nf necessity, devote some of her i\mn George IT. Kuhn, chairman of the I of !n(rrl;kori. lv, bin Uif t-uppiy of ciankcu.-:'1. «.il tn other 'luiies and to her family. In Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of rl lie Predmoro, Leigh 1'cnnington, is to bn lot! by Jack Cafiny, is tho MT^Mlcnt—MIT.. firn at Red Bank. l,ri<;f work <•'•• j next week. fipcond ono to be mndo by tho club health and sanitation committee, and -7 in ilnc.-i which he had ' nnd vicinity tho many advantages cC "Clean-up Week" will be observed t l.i:rv;ii y —MIT. Iln collected the jn.Lt niniith. His repoit • man; Mls:i * Florence Krido.i, inter- el en inrl then to .Atlantic City air- lev nl I) laehrs worn the vor:ue and when j 1 eleclric cookery. The automatic con- By Senior Class from May 8 to 13. During this per- -itic Dennis .•-howi'fl Hint. '!."» pei .-on.; h;u\ brcn ar- nntlnnnl relations chairman, and pnr(. The planes will return to Red lJ Shrewsbury oy.-' .ti.-'chargeti. -0 lined for ranee is only nno of the many'ad* bo increased to insure .adequate co- parking overtime, '1 srnt. to 'he coun- man, each gave Interesting reports Senior Class of the Red Bank ternoon when thny will put on ex- A noon-tide prayer wnri offered by iiient place on the menus of leading < vantages, offered by this cooking de- concerning the activities of their re- operation with the residents in the Mrs. Cioni-pf* Whitiickl of Entontown, vice. I nm goin^ to tell Mr3.'House- High School Presented Their hibition flying. Tlie members will removal of rubbish and other dis- restaurants, and hotels. Thr inn "wn:$ j spective, committees. nave a dinner at. tho airport upon nfter wliich rnutinc business was known throughout Ihe Kast fur it-| A leM.cr U'.TS rcrdvi-'l from Schcnck wife about 'Flavor Zone,' cooking". Annual Play Last Week lo Ca- carded articles. transacted. At t lie close of the Mrs. Allan Frost reported that n (heir return. The pilots include An- fine shore dinners and clambakes. It j S- Thompson, president nf Riverviow Wllb its historical background dating pacity Houses. Lewis T- Wilson, chairman of the ino rnint;' ;= o KFion thn r 1 ctegU t p R JIU r- ho.-~pit.Lil, nuking thal ;i conuuiitec nf Bucccssfill conceit had been givott thony Ming, Martin Mnrtz, Vernu was the rendezvous nf f'H^filite. hack lo Ihc Dutch settlers in New road committee, recommend eel the took nf a box luncheon. Coffee nnfl unn. bo anp'Hntcri lo nivrrt igrUo tiie Amstcrrian in the 17th Century, thq by the chorun members nl. Trinity The member;* oC thn poniur class Treat, Earl • Stultz, , David Ready, The property wru; owned for innny purchase of seventy tons of calcium ton iTj-o pprvrd by menihci'p of the hn.'pital nnd In report jiRnted their clasfi play, "The Mum- ter Keener, Kobert. Khipcr. William It. had bpcn'm't.hepos:,et,:;ionot iba, amount was used last year. Bids for Tho n ft ernoon t-ri^iion bppan at rllma Albfrt had been realized at a recent, rum- my and tho Mump:-;," last Thursday Barclay Hardinp, Mahlon Kcmmcrer Rordcn family a lonB time before hft| " J- ^•^n^M:h^^'k wn The sessions of the three-day thr; material will be opened at the mage sale, and Ilinl. the -remaining and Friday nifiliUi with a, full houso and Peler Mcllvricd. two o'clock with the ringing of ncquired it. Thirty-five year;; ;izti j P^ijUPd t make I lie invr-ti^ition school will besin promptly each af- next meeting of the council May 11. unsold articles had been turned over for ench performance. Coached by Pawl Baker of Railway, Ihe cx- iiymnr; anrl a' devotional service led boats of Ihn Patten lino docked there, nd report. ternoon at two o'clock and n.i Hint : Mr. Wilson said the road committee of to Robert A. Kennedy, overseer of Mrs. Robert C. Brown, a faculty h hit ion parachute jumper at the by Kev. Dr. Kurman A. DeMaris i Somc old-timers remember when Coujirjilnrin Harold Alien was des- will he Mrs. Howe.'s first appearance was taking under advisement the re- ignated tn havp charge of the nuio- the poor. Letters of sympathy were member of Iho high school, who lias field, (ixficut cd a suecossfiil jump on 1 Rod Bank. A rnund-tabln discussion 5herc j in Keel Brink, the ladiea of this vicin- surfacing with sand and asphaltic oil niobile parking sjiacc between While sent to Mrs. William Wirth, who re-directed numerous olher successful .Sunday. His jump was witnesses by on Iho subject, "Our Well of Salva- land, which is nriw.under water. ity arc mMsert to plan to bo at tho and* \\'e>t l-'i'ont. si roots. cently lost her mother, and to Mrs. school productions, tho play wan the one of the. ]arpo;;t crowds at the of one two short streets each tion," followed, nfter which a report Silvrrmere Inn was built by (ho |auditorium Early. Admission is frci year. This can bn accomplished, Mr. U r Thn iinrl Hnnk F'icl .Suj'j>]y c»m- John R. Smith, litcrnturc chairman, subject of much enthusiastic com- llii.s year, J-Ic jumped from an , ivm by (hr rcgris* rar, Mrs. lalft Chavlps Hill. Ho was thn son of j to all and Mrs, Howe and Thp, TXtR-t Wilson said, under the regular road n letter offering tn i>ny -STiii vho has been quite ill. ment. alt it udo of 2,000 feet, from a plane Chnrlcp Carr. RPV. Chniios F.. Hill, a prominent P;in.v jiMer extend a cordial invitation ta d year to the ;nwii f^r the rental in'.tr.nd the three sessions if possible^ Luncheon win served following About, ninn hundred persons were piloted by J. A. Congdon. Last week| f Rr ports were received from the Red Brink Methodist clergyman, lfi ''p A license to r.ell beer WAS granted nrw rules the • nrwr?t wrinkles; in preparing a meat G. Follcr. Ruwson; Mrs. Thomas R. members of the CIJIPH who took part .StiniHon monoplane in its place. 1 down. Ward, collector, and Jete J- Carcw, { Events to be Held This Spring minimum rhargr for t hr^n mnn'Ji.-i ,'of ihe niaxiiiiii attractiveness with) Crumley, Katontown; Mrs. Philip in thn production were Marie Kohnc, Ci rover" Loon in K of New York, dc- Mr. May purchased the property clei'k, for keeping their hooks in a I will cnntimic to lie -12 and the charge ihe minimum of labor, the hard. .connrd, Leonardo; Mrs. Herbert B. ChnrlcK Wodehousc, Joseph Eschnl- pipner of the Keystono-Loening and at Mectng Monday Night— I hree years flpo with the intent ion neat, accurate and thorough manner. for l.nou cubic, fert of water will re- jwork lining placed as a burden on the> !rnlg, Mrs. Watson Wcathcrbee. bnch, Waller Bruyere, Bcttic MCRIII, of building a Tine home on the silo. the Loening amphihinn plane:-:, was- MiV Cole recommended a tax sale. New Counsellor Appointed. main nt ,?3, •shoulders nf modern Invention whilfit Irs. Ward Vandcrvcer, Mrs. Albert Kdim SchmiU, Kuth Kirykcr, Harold a KUCS( over fho. week-end at (he Reynolds, Roberta McKnight and • Payment of n bill of $15.25 from This plan did not, niatcr.iJi/.r. :iml .the person in ihe kitchen acts only home of William Barclay Harding of 1 Finns for social affairs to bn held last year Ihe land was bulkhefuled tlllgei-odl, Red Bank. Jack Stoye, Mrs. Brown and her cast V^itt Scott, registrar of vital sta- 'as a direct inc executive, placing nniT 'Members present at Ihc meeting: Holmdel. Rolnnd Chilton of Patcr- within the near future were dis- p.nd filled in in a hripht nf (wo feel received many bouquets of flowers. ti'c'H, for filiiip certificates at Tren- cussed Mondayy nighl. at a regular i preparing the food in the easiest, fFidc-fi Mrs. Voorhls were Mrs. CUf- sen consulting engineer for Wright to]li was ricferrcd an a molion by .ibovn thn former level. Little .Silver New Officers • Mr. meetini g of the Young WWoman's club labor-saving manner. ird Humphrey. Mrs. Victor Klnp. At Din conclusion of the Friday Dirplnnti company. wn.s a gur.sf. of Kuh who cIftlms that Mr, Sco( Point rnnrl hns been continued ott is at the Woman's clubhouse on Broad t; , Many local merchants nnd scverat- iiss Florence Kridel, Mrs. George night performance, dancing wan held "••Her Makin of Maple avenue, over no, rntit)e(| to ,hc nioncy because throuph the renter to the ca tei-n For Moose Lod»e street. jnmnufaclurinK nrnis have been llb- ', Hunt, Mrs. H. C. Mecklem, Jr., in the .senior hi^h school gymnas- the week-end. jh p rcccivGS a nxcd Baiary. Mr. Kuhn end of the point. On the tract aro The new oU'iccr:; of the U"d Bank Irs. Avthur V. Swift, Mrs. Trcvon- ium. Henry Bainton, a, member of A card party and fashion show 20 lots, each with a frontage of llfty •pral in their co-operation with thra will make a report nn tho matter at 1 Ir.flcr of Mnn.-c wrro in^lallcd l;ir-t. \Veslin house ,,eoiilc and with Tho n Bennett, Mrn J. W. Ivlns, Mrs. tho Bonior class who was In charge will bn held Wednesday, May 1M. at feet, but. varying in depth. All havn K the next meeting. 'v.rck nt ;t mepling" ;iltended by nc;a- urmann Ascndorf, Mrs. J. L. Mont- of the music, or^unizocl nn orchestra the clubhouse. Mrs. Edward Leddy v.'r.tei- frontapp- Thr place lias been ItfKistrr'in promoting- (his (hrcc-dn'y A letter of thanks will be Kent to • Iy 300 irifuiher:; of I lie order fiom t ins ' imery, MIH. fi. T. Union, Mrs. Kd-comprised of high school students. Hospital Auxiliary i.s chairman of the committee, wbicli landscaped and plan tod with t vcex ! school. In this isiue of The Regis- William H. Hintelmmin for his FUC-consists of Miss. Douglas Hc-lidrick- I s< clinn. Jof;c.p:i \Yr^kr)W;-ky, a past | Manson, Mrs. A. F. Nielsen, Mrn. They were Henry liitlnion, Martin and shrubbery by Lovrit's nursery, ,ier tlieie nre .several separate an- ccpsful efforts in obtaining a reduc- son, Miss Peggy fiayro, Miss Helen | dictator nf }lr<\ Hnnk lodge, wan in )in F. Trtldcau, Mrs. Hosea Chalk, Becker, Elizabeth .Sherman, Rnlph Meeting on Friday giving; it a park-likr appearance. nouncements placed in connection tion of approximately ten per cent Brucr, Miss Cnthr-rinn Conklin and | charge of 1 he instill In I ion. .Assist- jwiih the school. Amons them briiiR-l is. Allan Frost, Mrs. J. R. Morris, Ribuslelll, fiorald Cnnnella and Wil- No bungalows will he allowed The moiTihly Hireling of the Kcdin rtro inanrancn rates. Miss Frances Koch. ing wn<; the larlioji" degror.' team nf the ndveitiseiiK'nts of the Fir.her' [B. Walter .Vanllnrn and Mrs. Jesse liam Cnnnnvn. Houses must he two stories in height n.'ink auxiliary of Rivcrvirw hospital A 1 otter from the Kivcrvicw hos- 1 !ic Anbury Park lodur in full uni- •llnkini.' company of Anbury Park iiot. The club's mi,pital relative to tho work nf that in- form, and Owen S. Grant, a p;i:t. and Newark, whose hrentt will be» be. held on Saturday, June 17 Mis? house plans IIIUFI bn apprnvrd by TENNIS Cl.Vli PLAY. at I lie Molly r'itchrr hotel. The stitution wan referred to tho health diciaioi- of Tied* Bank lodge, -'is ser-used ill tlie demonstrations; the Mu- inert inp will slarl promptly at haif- and sanitation committee. Marpei ct Supp is r hair man nf t his * ho Silvrrmejc JioldinR' com pany or committcp, thn ot her in embers of gt^int-nt-arms. tual .Stores which will feature tbclf building Loan "Hay Fnvpr" to lw I'rpKenloil on pnst two o'clock. by a com mil ice nf three owners <>C ( r Edwin Stewart 3d. made a request T 'ollnwinL tlie in:.I alia i ion :x din- Ideal hnmd of huttor nnd coffee. Salurthiy, May l.'i. whicli arc Miss llclen Maspry and lints. While the UIIP an-, staked out Tho juiNilifiry i.s ananginp for a for a fire hydrant in front nf hi.-^Mi.*-? .TniiPt Brown. rcr was j;nrvpri at thp MonmniHh hu- I (.Ti trio.-. Schneider, proprietor of Officers' Banquet card party to be. held Wednesday property on tho Hurnson road. .He lp\pry fifty feet, Ints with a front am*. Tim Sycamore tcnnlK. club will pre- A le^timonial dinnrr to Mi.-" Oer1- | I el under the direct inn of August. j Schneider's, market, lv\r, offered to afternoon, June 7, /it DIP home o[ is willing to pay- Iho cost of inst.il' ; of 7:« fee! may bn sold. Mr. Lippin- - sent the Academy piny cm in atlirrn- irudn Norman, who has : rrvoli, piv/pnetor of the J?f>- -up;j)v a!! the mral required by Ali?3 The nlilcm-s and I he board of direc- lation. Tho council WAS not, oppose^' j rntt will hove a rnprcRpntntivo on 1 nct j)lay "Hoy Fever" at the Elks' Mrs. William II. Hcndrirkson, Jr., tel, and a. prominent member of the Howe in her demonstrations; George tors of the Friend's Building & Loan to tho request, but was of the opinion HIP paM nve years as couusrllur lo , pi.nppr,v wrck-omls auditorium on Saturday, Mny 13nlosHo. m Covn 1'ond. . Thomas P. py | lodge. nsHocinllon met. Wednesday night at the rlub, will or held nn Monday.! ..' .- .' ... ; ! W. llray or liray's markcl. ban iikc- Doremuy and Mrs. Henry H. Kohl, that Mr. .Stewart r.hnukl first en- Mr. Lippincott Is n native of Little 1 Pleasant. Inn nnrt after partaking of Thfi pi ay or R avo gnidunten of tfie May 15, in ,-i t ca room on Druiid I The new otlii'i'tn are .Jruno:; iCarcm- \\i:C offer.'.1 lo donate, the £ 'ocerio.i: .Ir.. are co-chairmen in charge of deavor to commsumnte the deal di- Silver. His grandfather, George - 3!'3.'I;rJ,asa, of (lie Anieiictn Aciulonty .•ircrt. The conunittcr in c));ir^f1 is j ha ilidator, I'lha.s l*;w;ng" \ i* o dict'i- icri-uin will he dolDllcd hy Ihe fled a combination Italian and shore din- thi:; party. Their commitee of as- rectly with the water company. |./fpt>incot(, and .[n.-cph King were ner, heard reports concerning the as- ot Dramatic Art nt New York. Miss rnmpo^ed of Mi.-.s Mary Ciil, Mrs. | tnr. I-;, Huge.; prolalo. far I MUIKII r!'.ank li.ur\'. iueorpornteil; Pillsbury Blllie Ylvlaaker of Shrewsbury has siotantH are prize;;, Mrs. Clarence A. nysler dealers. Their oyster bed, sociation's activities during the past Hettman; lickcts, Mrs. Hubert. M. l-'i nee MiiRce, Mis-= Catherine Rus- I I I ca>\ircr, .lames A. Curley secretary Ihiur will he used; Ideal butter and the loading' role in the play, >JKAV STOKK MANAGl'LK. were in the viciniiy of Little silver 'coffee will in furnished hy tlie. Mu- yonr. The. dinner was a testimonial Fanow; decorations, Mis. William H. :-rll, Miss Carol Srhrurdor. Mi.^s Poinl, anrl the oysters were taken Miss Ylvlaakcr, who i:i known nv ' nngnnlus. .• th,> out-;: i;; diclatu tual s'ole ; he:in's of little Silver to Fred Oakley, John W. Ivina and Mcndricktion, Jr., nnd Mrs. Lester C. \'iola McHiiKh'nnd Miss Helen Mas- •hmincr to .New Vojli and sold Myron V. Brown for the vnat amount Jonn Harding on tho .stage, is the David \V. Mountford In Charge "f ' has been eh'ctnl tn a ollicc 111 th will lurniii palms and (lowera for Leonard; tables, Mrs. Lester K. Ross, i .-oy. Mditrct to Delninnico's and »the ; of work they have done during the only local member of: the cast, Slip .Scluilt-llnlte,! Here. 11 n his, pi c:;idcnt of .'•rcoiKl dc;;roe of i hr der. . lie decoi atii.ins. Mrs. Samuel W. Haufiman. Mrs. I Mr;-. Thomas X i ta\irants and hotels paRt seven months in the matter of received much praiBQ frtwn the Mus-(~}eore;a Stephen^, Mrs. Garnett W. David W. Mountford hns boon ap- . l he senior club, i ho was a gue?t nl j ) (Mlier nu'i cliuil s eo-operat insj in. ical Leader by her playlnp in "Art . announced that • | tiie inaiter nf ihliiiK a limited nuni- renl estate investigation and rcclasird- Munn, Jr.. and Mrs. L, w. Conrow; pointed manager nf thn ficliultiv J Monday's moot in flcatlon of loans. and Mrs. Bottle" Riven in March at rofreiihmont.s. Miss Josephine Weeks, l.mited department Ptorn at Red I\\v^. Waller \Y. i";i);-.img has. be ,'liiT of hl-hels In lie .T.Vanlcil at Moll 1 Mr. Brown, In brhalf of the coin- New York. .She had the role of Mm. ,li\nu"J D. P.'irkr., MIM- Kdinund Bank siiccectlinpr J. Kirle Van- ' pn i ii i pd I.o "u ct• i e• I Miss N'nir i September Flower 1'la/a \\oiiian's (lul) Has e.-siun ,u e I hi- Fiacher tiahillj; cum- Celia Bottle. MIBR Ruth Beutell of 1 jnittee, mrulo a very lengthy nnd O. Friiper, Mrs. Ilarold Jamcii, Mi'P. Ecnamm, who will be transferred tn con use 1 lor. .She will br a:-•..!.-. tiillies nl lie I IliuiL. inle in.inutacturers of I'"ischcl* favorable rrport, going into detail an Hlvcf road is in clinrfcn of thil ve- Joseph K. Honicman, Mr:;. Frank another store in the firm's chiiin, Mr. Mrs, Almodn Ma<-Quiltnn. Mrs Show Al Rumson !i'M'nl; llany i;. I ie;ciiriii(,-, dislrlbu- sflrvrd arntn. TIIPBC KCSIH will al;;o The newly Heeled nl to the committee's work. Mr. Brown, GrORnry. Mrs. Walter \\\ Go.slinu. Mnuntfurd comes to Ked Kiinis'from hl.s presented boii'auel of f'"f nl KxpoiL heel; |fo\\'ny KklUo be on Kalr. Saturday at Clayton nnd Seplenibrr 11. IT> and !'i a tlu Wnni.-in's dub ..r Kivcr PI.is. Mr. Oakley nnd Mr. Ivins personally MI-K. nobcrt Ci. Murdnnnld, Mrr=. Wil- the Sehulte-Unitcd store flt, Auhurn. ilnwfrs. |i',ke ,|,,.|i, hnnii- made baked goods, MnKuc's from ton o'clock to twelve lalos fnr the niiidonr show f tin- jinslallrd S.itlllday nn;hl al 111. thanked Hie association for the testi- li.'im IF. HrndrlcU::on, Rr., and MrsNe. w York. He hns heen with llu' Thr spnakri' w:\: Mi illenne e> s^ l'i h market, :ie;i. food; n'r.lork in tho morn ing, Urn Klks* Mfinntniit !i cHtinty Inn t H ult n ,1 ':.II- nf .Mrs. Clilioi.l .-'.lili.. n .cd IIIMU. monial extended to them. Albert J. Squires. eompnny about five years and ha:>of Navosink. who I- I1 i.-iviil- on in mini;.. Own IJinnd nmy- club and the Molly Pitcher hotel, ••icly. It will be he'd on the ll.ird- Mn,-.l nf I he chit, luemhei .ele I'M-. - heen located at Cleveland, Ohio; R;il- handwriting, The 1 | i'iiii:.i. e; I,, l'nile rolnpany. frllilj An au.dit la now being' made of the _ ^^, .^g^ . . es were |tn;: estate on Ihc llwnson mini and rnt ivMli ! hi'ii I Mnilie . |e nlljeei;; timore, Maiylnnd nnd Ronnokc, Vir- Miss Kiln Maidri, Mi oictta lle- Hid vc-rtaiiles; c.'il Hunk Dairy, in- association's llnancinl condition, will he. the llrsl ollliloor exhibi on re 111,. •line ; A ^in nf Now I'jitlng I'liicc, I1ALI-' IMII) VOll ginia, II in home is nl. Mnc scale ever bold by the so Iv.slu- ,.r Mo dc !o Mi-..-, meeting lo be held Monday night, Oenrjjia, and he. is a pradunto of thrMi;., ' lCtiznbnth Sonn ic. ;i'.onnie I'llni «inj:rr ale; l!ed Rnuli C IX. ItopH ban opiMKMl a nr.w pat- University of Gror^in, Mr. Mount- | city. This ecent.will take the plac :duin II •ciiion of Mny 1f>. The nudll Is being made by In;; j'laoo at, "2 Monmouth at reel a)i- .Mlddli'tiiwn Kmplo.vr Gel ji.'andy kileinoi, iee criMIn; Monmouth ford's mother will movf from M;icnn 1 l.llkc ScIK I'.'lrrli-lc liiincc of Ihe. exhibit usually held al llci | Jliailtei. fi'llll.s -mil ve^i'lable ;, Morris Porlner of lied Hank, n cer-pnsilc tho public, library, at which I'nrf oi Tiirir •day mai I we-hh in n few weeks and will make hci ; Bank every fall. Residents of Klilu tified necountmil. The association i* 1 Mra. Samuel H ('Ireland, .Ir, of In :\ ildit I'Ml •here will ho C.ipllill ho will mnkn n specialty of Ilnh prc- I'hn tr'fU'hoi !-;, jirini'ipul:-. jfinitorf* iv o| Mr. .II • hn Mur- 1 In excellent eoiidit ion find will open homp wilh her son in Red Hank. ; i lull road are takinr; a deep inti'ic. t I'll.-' :- I" he aw.mled dally. ' There [lnrctl in v.niovi.'i wayn, Kvrry nthnr and other public sehool omplnycpR of ilivci' is'nd, K.-ur lln\rn, :iil\ritiscd ill the exhibit ami are aiding tho :. Morns inhi r n new series for share holders this p ^''ill lie ritts of wearing apfiarcl from day Mr, Uos^ plain; lo provide a tvc.v MUUilctnwn township received half ;sc\ cinl weeks a;;o in l.ulie I.ini)'. committees. In I hoi r va I inn - dullos mil i|,ois. ' ilist.i month. ' I head's flcp.-ir! Mirnt nf The Kc^is'c1' i lie silk -hop, wearai- ,ip|i;ird from lunch. Several ntorrn have offered to of their f.alarir:i for March la ft i lrldinllst ('luircli (o Move. Theie will be some new fciluies alul Ill, -re c-lclil.l Spiiitualist ehllrcb of K d ithnt. she bad all clccliic. l,in;:c- HT .•M-llUllr I'lllled. ,le, HIIMI Hp|llinneC!i donate, foodstuff!! fur thlfi ]i\upo;,'(! Thursday. Duo to lack of fundu pay- The even al Ibis early dale Ihe exhibit rVnw (irefiHitijr Station. Fank bus Irnprd Ihf room 11 sale. Shi- IKHI no iinmcdialc iqihcs . A l; fliuil Clyde W. Ma. WC.Illllf; iip- nnd fumin will lio I'lovidcd by Mr.ment;) ti f thtf.'.t* :ml.-ir|pn had IMHMI promises lo be one of the lii i:\e.,l 1 William T. .tones of Mnplt avenue, i Moninmilh ptrrrl, which W;I:I fi.rni- Ml! !, tn lies I'H'l 11 * i r j i the .1, I'. IVnney I'-ouipiiri .' Ko;i!!. The luiirh will ho served from l:ehl IIJI. 'I'lli (ownship nnthoritinj lo h( rli ever held liv the snciety. r proprietor of (he Jones Service uta- .'{.•OH lo ,ri:0O ocjnck. nrn hnpcftil t\\i\i tho halnnn; dtuMviU nrly iKcuplrcl hy till- Roil Jlniik li- sui Jilise she received a all Moll- ,011. till Mi. de]i nlnu'i.l ,l,.ie and i kin;; ulen- brary. Kcrylces will ho. ilisroiuimu'il j nim hn pnid nnd that sub.srqunnt he •t i enieiit lis. ll.-i '. Me ('aid rart.y fnr < Impel. Ing slntion on Kninl slrool. A i;ar- piiytnniln will hr. nuidc pro]imt Iy. nl liivrr.-ildi- MplRhln nnrt will houin j plsi-rd sonic ek- ;u; > hnh t-iil . I : <'oiuin); Hutnina^c! Sule. A • I hi, will l,e Ihe IHSI fin in.il , . jire which was in Ihc rear of a house 1'illf; for l(f\vn:;]ii|) t nxci were sent !ln thf nrw i(imilcra on Riiniliiy, M:iy j ininnlrd in he ill pival •• • ihc ,-u- A rd parly fin Ihn bein-ll' n iU The Wninim'M club of Hivcr Pla/a niiiieeiilenl OI The I 'c;;lstc I '.I pjilt. owned by Mr. Jones nn Spring street mil la.'it week. |tirlo i IT rc-il fnr s.ale. Illi : deinnll- ohn clvipcl will he hel'l in Iln lor •all'. wttl liold n nimnm^e tijile I'riday in nl.i I !" ""' I" e ;, nl.illon nf | lie IIIIPI: iliiy wan moved tn Ihc Front sheet, sta- si i.ilrv Unil lot only dne; i'be Ke,:- loom of lllc eha|.fl Kriil 1.1 . ili r. II i tho Winner nlmr on Mnnmmith le Km' hi onl •li""l. we lake tills oppoi. tion and converted into a greasing Nullco. |,slnrs depart 111' 111 wi.rU in lleficshmcnls will he served iiticet, Tied Ilauk, o])p{]fi|| t> the. t-ta- ••Hip VIII iWlnlilr- ' nl Srhiinl, lliiyltifr tliscimlinuoil my brant y I pi l/e:i w ' nwnrili'il. Ml Wll in.Hid Al. ' 'u Ih.ink Ilio. e. who ham I;, ,ilnt Ion. A hydrnullr ,11ft wmi also In- f ninny 'iisrs nuuedialrly hi nun I f ( Y:ite, 1 I Nio 11 tlon. MI'K, J''rank S, Ourtirt l. ( clufr- v••lll\^'illUlfl" \V ill hn jirn- union on nrreulintlfpl, lloar Ihc. |m<.i- !T. I'lelty hail ma n nf the nun •ION' W I.V eo .'p.'l.loj, l eil '\ llll ij:i III put ntnlled. 1,'rnnk Knrror nnd Grorgn ''''IP olllcc, I take- Illln niniiin nf lliMiiklli!1. luu- pullinj; piiwri' wrrki. :if|er Ibe nue, I ;cd lianh. phone Ms, Iirpan rue managers of the station, mnn of tlic comnjittpo in i-h,-u;;u uf by IIK; jJtipil.s III Klll .SIHTIlO} Illi;; hefnie Iln wiinii'li of Ili-il lifink thla event. my ninny pntrnna fnr their ])i\st [ii mlvci tl.seiucnl Is lulufcil. he in char; Ad',,-1 emcnl nml e•iKhtll f^lildCN or MiildlMown vora nml nimnnnco. Ihiil I nm m,w al .'lid \iciiilty II .1 tlliii'ly frallirii (lint tfwnsl l!|> ill Illi- I.i'UIKUIIII r.cliool- John's Hcnuly pnrlor. II) Hinail VINIIIIII; OilnipiJillst. I'-nr.l 'let ;;i'lieialnl !i '::i, ;.. i lo ;: way t uw.ird > show- W. \V. Kennedy & Sons nlroct, iip.ninirK. where my IISSIH-IMII'S.. Juniper •,, pines, : )ii nci let me. p Ike new fill nr.0 offering evergreens, nil fd/.es, lo Olriim roof;' cover Tsv-w .ler^ry he- hnl^;r l''liil;i y nir.lii spni'l.-il cai- Pr, li'riinrci I'ooke I'.islcr will tlnlil ho-.v 111' v C.II1 nuil;n (heir MIS.:I Mlntiin and Miss Dolphhic, nnd as n nil a rborvilaes, tu I h relall !!• de lee. I). A. lidlli- (lie retail Irmli! »t wholesale price:!. CHUJin quality jjint CIIJIIM iind rxpert 11'nirs Will 111 UKl slni;in will HiaUn nitttointmcnls IvV Icleplionn lo e \vio li, J,,I i 11, II] u iy t h lu'cheu K 1 me pirpiii-pd to Rlyp you dm srunc at wholesale pi ice ,>,-, u , lii'fin i- OII1JI. Miuuuouth ' re"!. Sen »:; before buying elsewhere. W. workmrtnnhtj) ma liullt in v.\o\y job. 1>(. ten I iirril. coniti to yonr bomn when ncederi. iili.sllillllin.,. •.ouiewh.ll, <• di-r. VVft palnstiikllif; tipivicc nn lii-forc. I'honn (17 iip.il Hank between 7:1)0 A.hu>iiijT elsewhere W. W. Kennedy Re li ofii). Ad vr It lsi>- W. Kennedy & HIIIIM. llardlnc road, C)l(uin ronft'. add hfauly lo the hunic III il .".cci..||iii:ly | ll. -fill 111.-, P. O. box '2.1,Ite d Bnnli.—Ailvortlaa-and furnish protection from thn Chnrlo.'i I'anlsiin. M. nnd H;;lll 1'. M. Alter H::lo call f.- Sons, llnrdilii; nII,ad, I', o. box ::;, nt. NlllllT. Ited Knnk. Adve ll.-eioent. '.'idilal- aii'l ii i II :: Imlll .-. tiV merit. vrnlhrr nnd fire, Ol:tnn rmtfs -,\ \ p — AdVPrti.-'cnicnt. lied Bimlc VXt.-- Ailvertli.enicnt. I ucl Oil iTininiiahlv pi icril nnd ;n o ; nh| nn We are no longer doing Ihn work li illiui.illy, who lim llhrtiil tnr»i:i. Ken1 frrn rmtf innprr- f"i' Allen'..-, cleaner.'.- of lied IJallk. I'm! Tour Ijitvn. iNi.llc Adds I,mm Men In I'IIVIIIU 0 rullt your tiurnor; hest v.radco unil will ; n ; In lid .odciyoc Idirli l.-t Hi. Vou'ro Not '1'lirlfIy Call !I!I7 Long Hrancll, and n will 1 ices, Hne.xcidled itorvlco. Kred I"), If you p uiii hy the. new (!ro:dey Silcl- tlon nnd ndvirn phtmc Jlr'l Diink l'lnpcr fcndliiK In vitally liniinit.ml mi |M" I, lilakilu; Cnislcy : Ihel v.iilor eleelnc • if It' kin.) ,-vci ii, I c.ill ami deliver youy r linllies and give lefrij'.eralnr. Duly JS'.'Mi for ;-evi n iknff^'o., lied llank, plume hWi.-- \;M.loi- circhici iefrii:eialot-. Think of ,1|.tH or Allfintlc HiKhland:* MO. C)l- g If .yon drnlrn ;t urccn vclvily lawn. bills only I hose signed by 111'' t; i •: T i •' ,i III hy y pp Long ll 'HC $-Sft.r,(( for seven riqiiiue feet of nrm KfMiflng * *r)inp,'iny.—-Advfii ttfift- ym prompl servic Long llranch Wo offer Vipiro, hono nirnl, sheep Uiul- K.r ,Mib:i. sipnire feet, dcli\eicil, no ixli.is, See ie/l t f'f'lnancrl s and DDyers, (leorgo I, m.innrn nnd othnr fprtlll?,(>i;i nt low- lied I'.ank. II al Tnsllnc/.s 10 Mnnnioulli elicel. shelf nri-ii. No rxtran nflded. Nee, It •IO:i Alorri.-i nvriilir, l^ong Uiadcll.— Ituillo Hi'rvlci', nl Tuntlnu'fi. Iti Monmnutli titieet.—- est mleiw. Fred D. Wllcoff Co.—Ad- - A'ivcttinenienl. Advcrl Isenicnl. Advertisement. vei-Uaeinont. All wfirk i;ii:irauteed on any M I'Uli.li! lie i, flnv,ei|»if: i.iiii !»'. vriii- Advert Inemciil. v Hprilli; niipper i;lven by the choir any tll:dance. 1'hnnn Hmdhw's. lie !•:•!. I •, • 11. • i, •. ".- di in, rl,\ !•;«• -' «^. * «»- - Minn I.aura I'Vuinore, foiineiiy of flo.";) d(aif;bnuln. ('irdoiH taken Trilhln'R l'viltnvrller Ileiiili|linrler8. Tloscvnlt. 'I'cn Honm, lli'iinrh oT the Itnfioincd chin, h of Holmdel I'.onk ."tSHIIJ, 7t> Nownuin .'''I'llnr lminn\i'd btrdiieii.-i prnperly for raulsou'H tteauty Miiloii, is now ln- le'filSH*'. lay. Tliur:ul:iy nnd ,Snlunlay. 'A2 'I'Vpi'WHtel.i rcntcil, buiHThl i;old nur. I.illlc ,'iilver. Din n era $l,$l,no,, caleil at Anne's, If, Wnllace sheet, on 'fuesdiiv cvclllnj;. May Id. nt ii oil load. -. Advei Ihicnlcnl. and <• ,- no .1 Hlilsm*" jmle, 71-i'r, Monmiiuth street, phone iu'c rttfi't, phono, 13,1, ' Ued nnd repaired, Truhlnn, bs liroad - -« »«»"• • Mm.-..-- All.,ill.: lied Bank 1330-W.—AUvortlooment. luncheolh n f,;,c. Afternoon lea.—A<1- lied Hank, phono ;!(>»£. Advcili.-.c- o'clock. Ticket.', ;"ii( cent.,, Ailvcr- liliiitia AUHl atroet, Kod Bunk,—Advertisement. vcillnement. ment. liiieincilt. It paya to advortititj in 'J.')u> Iti^latei Vl'ltl'l, lil'-llt. Page Twc» RED RANK KEOTSTEn, MAY 3, 1933.

Mineiva to William T. Conover of deacons of the Middletown Baptist bcrs of tho Bed Bunk Presbyterian Rumson was noltl by WiUirisn H. llin- church. Sunday-school astinoin.tion. tslmann to Alfred N. Bcadlcston. ' DR. L. W. CARLSON Barretts Approved Koofer Years Ago In and Middletown, who proposed to uso the PHOSJi VfFPt:! for pleasure. The. Chautauqua circle of Bed Bank Mian Lillian Moore, daughter ot Mra. idnvy Burlott, wtfc of Ahrflnj SCRGtSON CHIBOI'OUIST Mirs Mary Brill of Oceanic took a was entertained at the home of John Martin Moore of Bridge avenue, and Burlctt. of Beech street, died from a FOOT SPECLAJLISX position as assistant in the Spring E. Chamberlain on Branch avenue.. Meredith Kollock of Eatontown were complication of- diseisses. Offtca ttourst O&lly 10 &. m. to G p. 69. Ui]u' Ppstofflcc ftlr t!'e summer J. A. Howland n( Seabtight had married by Rev. K. P. Kennedy at St. .Augustus Hfslmuth of Bclford Evisnlnsti , Tue»d«y and Tbundty. Incidents Lulled trom 1 he Keg- charge of sinking 100 piling for thoJamea church rectory. moved to Oaborneville to take up For Bppolntrae>il chooa 2W2. WHITE monthv. - isles of the First Week in K P- I^ingstrect resigned as sta-new boardwalk at As-bnry I'ark. A flro. of unknown origin destroyed farming. 21-33 BPOAD ST.. «EI> BANK. H. 3. tion aRcnl at a building on the farm of Mrs. Km- Roofing and Sheet Metal Contractor Ii H.aMayv Twentiweniyv , Thirtlninyv an»nud| Manasquan to begrin The citizens' primary at Keyport to |pi.a(.ti(.inK law al Atlantic Highlands. nominate a ticket for the lneal elec- ma vonkattengell in Middletown Metal Ccilines Slato, Sine TKP, | rorty Years Ago. Krpd Magco, son of 12ugeno Magee tion took leas than five minutes. township. The firo was discovered Gutters and Lenders. and Composition :of Tinton Kails, while playing: on a The Navesink public Fchool was by Stephen Sanborn. Klwrod 'Ivins won a £°ld medal In Furnace and Ptyve Work. I/urty Van 'Ago. j| od pile, fell and broke hia arm. closed on account of an epidemic of A fii.--liii'n.il)lo weUiJinp tof-k place j memberb , of thh e family of diphtheria in that cection. the class A bowling contest for the f-ixtli consecutive time on the Hod 35 WHITE ST., RED BANK, N. J. Grace church, I'Jrd Jjank, when i ,jac0)i Ellenbcrg of Fair Haven were Victor Kes.'iman bought a lot on 1^3 P.iuiirtS Thrnckmorlun. liaugii-' cunlliieil to the houac by illness. the Drummond tract through Fran- Rank Young .Men's Christian associ- r>f Caplam -'mil lln>. Charles K ' Manin Drnhan. a prominent Kfd cis White for 52,000. ation alleys. , Tin nck:noiton became, the bride o£ Rank resident, died following a long John Bennett of Hillside was Jaint:; Lunfrar *<>£ Xeii' York. Mix; Twenty Years AK<>. awarded the contract to ^rndo and 1 nines.*. He was f.3 years old. Mary HcmirirkKon wa.'i maul of hon- The Pierian club of Red Bank was extend Latham avenuo at Iwfivesink or. ' MJHS Oiliprino Thiorkinonon. Thirty Yearn Afro, new organization formed by theto tho Locust Point road for the 'tin' lirldfi's si'-ter. and Miss Hortense sum of $025. The honor students at the Little ? of Mrs. J. L. Minor's Sunday- | w tij^ro\'e of Brooklyn, a cousin, were Silver school for April were Louise ' school class. The officers were. Miss Mrs. Andrew C. Cottvcll, Mrs. May ' hi I'ie.-in^itl.-. Frank Adele Chandler president, Miss Lydla Bonner and Mrs. Levi B, VanNcsL GAUGE WIRE Wilby. Julian Shanipanore, i di were named on the social committee , -Arbor dny was celebrated by the Dran, Edward Wilby, Jennie Curtis, McQueen vice president, Miss Anna , THESE SCREENS pupils .f the Appleget secretary and Miss Mar- of the Degree of Pocahontaa lodge of N ( Entontown'H-hool with|A(la pnpe, Mabel Pagenstecher, Rumson. i pairulp fn.'-tfU'd by. C'rivcent coun- Howard Ijippinrntt; George, Millward, jorie Kelly treasurer. Othrr, mem- i ril of the American Mechanic^, and Ptm-y .Smith. Arthur Holland, Wil- bers were Miss Grace Taylor, GuylR Mr. ami Mrs. George O. Watorman ' l\v the pres-fntation or ila_\i In the liam Sherwood. Roy White, Grace (iuslan, Theresa Elzinger, Mary of fted Rank returned from Califor- iwo school.-, .fame:; H!ron was theCarharl, Mabel Pope, Ella Wilby and Boyd, Ella Carlilc, Anna Elzinger, nia, where they had apent tho winter with their daughter, Mrs. Eugene F. ;ur.itirpe F. Supp, one of Red Bank's WOU'VE had it happen \~r? rtnUunm Smock of Keyp'H. war, Richard I3ryant, Andrew Kcnney, and the cavalrymen and thp people prominent residents, died of heart now olerli in Unrley .Morn.iV. tri'«- Marguerite; Brown and Sophie "West. of Ked Bank were greatly surprised disease. He was 77 years old and •I thought you'd save ry -.".ovc a,; Iletl Bank. K"bcrt Traf- The. family of. John. Grogan of Oce- at tho action. had lived at Red Bank many years. by laundering hubby's shirts and deliver all ii of Kccfi'ank took a pnsitKin as anic, had a grievance against C. Her- Governor and Mr?. James F. Field- John MeGackcn, u Civil war vet- ! your laundry agent at the jailroad Blalion , bcrt WiillinK, principal of the school, er wrre- the £Ut;t ts (if honor at an eran nnd for '22 years janitor of the at home Tf. ^'t? went to fix Midillctn and they wanted Mr. Walling re- rlaboram dinner held at the Globe Mechanic, street school, died of gen- each week. A>hcr S. r.Trkc-r. moved. They claimed Mr. Walling hotel and .sponsored by 'he Bed Bank eral debility. Ho was 73 years old, something on the stove and 90% of the wire screen doth manufacturers pinii- healih. sold his interest in "lr ] whippetl ttheir boy nnd did him bod-Motorboat club. The Red Bank cav- Herbert IJ- Scott, chief mail clerk a poor shirt scorched! Why in the country have sponsored a specific stand- :;r.icery business "of Sickles & Park- : jjy nnrnli The affair created quite nlry troop met the governor and hison tho battleship .North Dakota, wan er' :.i n..licit Clay, who had been a La ' rumpurumpUsj in the village and led toparty at the station nnd escorted him visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs, not let MB do all your laundry, ard thickness of wire (.0113"), which they all clerk for the tlim .-everal year.-. lcflega,ail acnaction, . to the clubhouse nnd hotel. Thomas Scott of Weshude avenue. The dwelling of C. K. J^aiileau and Miss VValeria S. Walling, eldest Gertrude Quack enhush, Leroy Anton ides, snn of William and be sure that you'll be agree is essential to the long wearing qualities Dr.'.MeBndc were heinc moved from daughtelaughter o..f. Georg„.„.„e Walling of At- daughter nf Amzl Quackcnbush of W. Antonidcs of Everett, bought a motorcycle, to take him to nnd from reimbursed $ if anything you have a right to expect in bronze and copper the ocean front, between Highlands ,.ianljc: Highlands, was mar;ried to Kd- Atlantic Highlands, and John S. Flit- and Scahnght, U> properties facing • ,viml H Golden, son of TTliomal s Gol- croft, Jr., of Hou.ston, Texas, were his work in "Middlrtown village. should go wrong—although wire screen cloth. the Snuth Shrewsljllry ri\rr. den of Locust Point. The ceremony married at the bride's home by Kev. A. W. Kelly of Muple avenue con- Captain Kdward Pi-ice of Ocean- jwas performed by Rev. A. B. Mc-Joseph F. Schaffer, pastor of the At-verted a large barn on his place in- nothing ever does with our Look for the seal of the Wire Screen Cloth metnbf life saving •Lau,.jni pa?tor of the Atlantic High- lantic Highlands Presbyterian church. to a modern garage nnd ofllco. Mr. Waiter Thompson, James Van- Kelly wa.s a court stenographer. expert work. Manufacturers' Institute or a label certifying ii station number two onilands Ccn,rai Baptist church. Sandy Hook, was home for a four The annuai meeting of the Shrews- Mater, Ralph Copsaboom, Edward The Keansblirg fire company held that the wire, screen cloth offered you conforms month: vacation. bury Helping Hand society was held Abel, Frank Ewing, Daniel Postcn, its second annual ball in McDonald's .Mr.-. Ma A. Bishop of Bridgc'ton, at Mrs. J. R. Shoemaker's. Mrs. Victor Cruser, Howard Sanio, George auditorium at that place. Frank Socks darned—^Buttons re- to the industry's standards R-122, as issued by mi'tiiT of Mrs. Charles Morris of Mary Gifling was chosen president, \r-\, Fred Kalz, Willie Patterson Til ton was chair man. SlU'Cwsbui y, and Alfred Byrnes pased examina- .bury, sold her lot on Leroy Ml.Fi Margaret Hobbs and Mrs. Rtch- An Epworth ijOaguo society was placed—Everything mend- the U. S. Department of Commerce, Bur&i of pb.ee. tion for Boy Scout badges. r.ed Hank, to-Newton DOrc- nrd ,Sjcklps vicl> presidents. Miss organized at the Highlands Metho- Standards at Washington, D.C, and adopted by mus for S'.^LW 13mnu J. Holmes secretary and Mrs, Mr. and Mrs. George Holmes of dist church under the direction of ed in all finished services. J-leniy J- Child received his com- John Trnfford treasurer. South strcet presented their daugh- Mrs, E. F. Reed. mission from Guverm >r George T. •Mr. and Mr?. Francis l^ines of cr Catherine with a Studcbaker au- The VanMnter and Wcigand Trad- American Wire Fabrics Corporation Chase Brass & Copper Co. Weils r..^' justice nf the peace to Keyport celebrated the fiftieth anni- omohile as a graduation present. ing company were named as agents Manufacturer* of Manufaeturen o/Chase Bronze for the unexphvd '.enn of John versary of their marriage. They at- Mi.cs Holmes was a member of the for the Ford automobile in the Haz- "Gold Strand" Bronza nnd Copper and Copper Init-ct Screen Cloch T. Lovett. tended a solemn hip:h mass in St. citing class of the Red Bank Ict district. Insrct Screen Ootil 80 Ukyettc Slreet, Now York Willi'ini .Mount of Belford, a mem- 41 EaM 42nd Strart, N<-» York Joseph's church celebrated in their high school. Edgar MoCloes, bookkeeper at the 361 Halsey Street, Nc«tk ber- of the ccrnet band at that place, honor and they renewed their mar- The Pavilion hotel at Keyport was First National hank, entertained the PROTECT YOUR FURS AND WINTER John A. Rocbling's Sons Company New York Wire Cloth Co. was serenaded by his fellow mu- riape vows. sold to,a New Haven company. The Hod Bank Stag club at hia home at Manufacturer! of Manufacture, of sicians on tire occasion of his birth- h. B. Battin's house at Fair Ha- hotel was built in 1S50. The newIloUridol. GARMENTS AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE, y" Copper .nd "Iiiiptr[»r Dronu "Lilwiiv" Btiitut. •••• - day. • " • • ven caught fire fiom a defect ivc owncrn changed the name to the Jnmra C. Richd;jlo of Phalanx was Instct Screen Qoth In.«ct Screen Cloth An observation sociable was. held Ravi tan inn and they planned to appointed by Governor Fielder to a Trenton, New Jersey 500 Fifth Avenue, New York chimnpy.- William Bennett,\ind Ray- THEFT OR MOTH DAMAGE. PLACE at :he home of James Williams at mond Doughty assisted the 'family make many improvements to' thepost on the state agricultural com- Eatontown and Daniel S. Morris won in putting out the fire. Fair Haven property. mission.- ITS TIME TO OVERHAUL YOUR SCEEENSl THEM IN OUR COLD STORAGE first prize by naming 18 articles. had no fire department at that time. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph N". Hance en- Harry Ijangcndorf of Lin croft srt The first train was operated over Walter Bailey, son of Ernest Bail- tertained a number of friends at aj out a peach orchard of 200 trees on VAULT. If you have anything to sell, or if you want to buythe railroad spur between Atlantic ey of Belford, won a silver set as be- private social function at the Mon-his farm on,the Red Bank road. Highlands and the old Stone church ing the most popular child in the mouth Boat club. About sixty guests The Thomas Achclis estato at anything, you will find The Register's Want Column near Locust .Point. village. The prize was given by. a were present. Herbert S, Cullinglon lihe quickest and cheapest way of filling your want. James .Springsteen sold his sloop traveling concert company which and Harold LaRo3 furnished the gave performances in Bennett's hall. music. The Alert5 baseball learn of lied Andrew White of Gold ntreet fell Bank' won their first game of the from a scow on which he was work- season by defeating the Navesink ing, which was moored near Sig- _ nine by ;i score of 18 to 12. Sixteen mund Eisner's property on West of the Red Bank runs were made! Front street. Mr. White fell in the first three inning?. broken bottle and his arm was badly 1 John Brown, son of William C. ncut.,i . Brown of South street, was given a The children of the Highlands surprise party. Most of the guests Methodist church gave an entertain- Cleaners - Dyers - Launderers were members of the graduating ment and cleared $15 for general class of Red Bank high school, of church purposes. The program was which John wa.s a member. in charge of Alida Voorhecs, Edna 70-76 White St., Phone 2800. Red Bank, N. J. MEW DNVENTION MAK Harold Smith', non of Edwin Smith and Thclma Loda and Evelyn Haus- of East Freehold, was accidentally er. hit. in the eye with a stick in the Mayor John ' H. VanMater, Rev. hands of one of his playmates. It George H. Gardner and John E, Fos- TBT1LE &, MORTGAGE was feared for a while that his sight ter were appointed on the commit- CUAKArVTY COMPANY Patronize Local Enterprise would be impaired. tee in charge of a benefit perform- 755 Broad Street Bayshoro fishermen wore getting ance at Atlantic. Highlands in aid of NO EXTRA COST TO PUBLIC JOHN, WHAT IF WE * large catcnea of mo.ssbunkers. The the flood sufferers. Newark » Now Jersey local fish factories were paying 12!*> « The old Brick and Title company HAD A BLOW-OUT HERE.'i cents a bushel and the fishermen property between Keansburg and who were willing to pay thirty cents Keyport. was sold to a Now York oil "I've averaged 20Vz miles to the HIS is the ctory of an invention that a bushel for fre?h fish. company, E. N. Wilson of Keans- Twill save thnusrmdg of lives... maybe Tho pool players of Middletown buiv: was foreman at the brick works gallon, too. Greatest money- %iour life . . . and prevent thousands of village were having a tournament in for many years. "27,000 miles icith no repairs?* those accidents that maim and cripple Dickerson's • barber shop at that Miss Margaret J. Cordes of High- saver I ever drove." people. place. Honors were divided between lands and Charles M. Bishop of Doesn't surprise me. These Vhcn your speedometer reads 40, 50, Asa Weymer and Edward Polhemus. Sandy Hook were married at the 60 and 70—mild after mile ... the heat B. K. Gage, who had been prin- home of the bride by Rev. it, F. Terraphines sure stand up." insido the tire beiome3 terrific. Rubber cipal of the Fair Haven school ten Reed, pastor of the Highlands Meth- and fabric begin to Eeparate. A lilistci year?, was appointed principal of the odist church. public school at Bel mar at an an- Etart3 ... ar.cl p-ows. Like an insidious Miss Lillian Florence Savage nual .salary of 51,000. daughter of Benjamin Savage, and tumor it gets bigger and liifger ... Until A pitch fork fell from the top of a BANG! A blow-out! And n terrible drag Paul F. Stewart, both of Red Bank, load of hay and struck George How- were married in the Red Bank Bap- ;Eet3 in ... Like come un^pn monster ard of Holmdel on the shoulder. One tist parsonage by Rev. Johnson L pulling your car off the highway! nf the tines entered the flesh to a Miner. depth of two inches. Th(» Antler meat market on Mon- How it prevents blow-outs Mrs. John Garri3on of Broad mouth 3treet operated by Mathias street, entertained the Ladies' Ves- Rrundage was closed by one. of his To protect yru from Ii1ny:-outs, every try society of Trinity church. The creditors and Philip ii. Elliott of sew Goodrich Safety Silvertown Tiro lias members devoted the afternoon to Fair Haven was appointed receiver. the amazing Life-Saver Golden Ply. This making aprons. A new building provided with the new invention resists terrific heat— rub- Miss Alice Fields, daughter of latest, machinery and appliances for ber and fabric don't separate. Thus b!i ,- Thomas Fields, and Harry Magee, washing milk bottles was erected by ters don't form ini.ide the tire. Blow-outs. y both of Marlboro, were married at Charles A. McClaskey in connection are prr:rii!cd]>y ovprrorninglhc very taiuc the bride's home by Rev. J. R. with his milk business at Bed Bank of blow-outs before they r.tart. Humphrey. Emanucl Silva of Kavesink, who • At grucllinj speeds on the world's fast- A t\rc was discovered in thr roof had been employed in the ice busi- est track, the. new Goodrich Safety Kjlvor- uf Philemon Crelin's residence at ness at Highlands for two seasons, Llncroft? John K. Conover, Mr. Cre- bought tht; neceKFEI ry equipment to town, with the Life-Kaver GoldPn PI; , lin'.-i next door neighbor, extinguished Ko into the business for himself. lasted 3times us long as lirrf. quality tirr , the (ire. Earl Finegan of Belford, who was that did not have this feature. There Richard Walters, a Spring street formerly employed in the Luthei SILVERTOWNS vcrcr him: 'lhpy wen enrpfntor, was severely injured by a Waning store at that place, pave up run till the tread was RUM . . . but thr fall fnfm his bicycle. The injuries hifi job to accept a position with the Life-Saver Golden Ply refused to give! wore attended to by Dr. Thomas A. Atlantic Highlands gas company. Curtis. Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Wesson of Safest anti-skid tread "Mou, Maids nnd Matchmakers" Fair Haven celebrated their 25th was the title of a play given by local wedding anniversary. Many resi- -T And that, ir n't all. Seiontilie t'slrs with talent in Library hall nt Shrewsbury dent* of the theatrical colony of Fair leading makes of tirrs prove that the for the benefit of the library at that Haven attended the celebration. Goodrich Safety f-'ilvrrtown has tin! mo. t place. Nancy Boycr was scheduled to ap- Talk to any Essex Terraplane repairs. I get higher gns and Bkid-resisting ir«-;id on the road, It Misn Lydia Thompson, Mis? Kthd prar at the Red Bank Opera House fqueogee drying action pives your ptunn townMilp school, My Tcrraplane h the most eco- Tcrraplnne ridel ii:i hanilsomriK.afcty I < ,lM1 unlit in with For Less Than $1.00 GOODRICH SILVERTOWN Cmoral John Shcchan was ap- noinical car IVe ever had—IVc • • • 'liT.v:;tiilrtllt'd.t)rl >|uutu t ' onil yuurtail •jint o(\ jjolico jnat ice at Ilnl Bank BLOW-OUT PflOTECTION )i|:hti:oc:iout.No()lili|;atinii-. nothing i, |,uy Juutjnin and ho opened an ofticc in the Philip paid practically' nothing for * Actual own^report. Nqma on request. Sllvort.mvn Safety T,r-:it:u» at your (.fmdncli dealei IS FREE Kuhl building on Front titreet. "Will Bay in rrgnrtls tr> KniBthen: I Irallic oihtiala endorse Safety League mcmbershii). Franci:? 1'owora of Eatontown wont look it to rrdutr. 1 lost IB pounds niter NBiW EEIMTCI» PRICES lining fine bottle and fed fine. Jitnt bought x-t to Columbus, Ohio, where he asaiinird «m« more botlle today and rxpect to Intl management of a theatrical pro- 1H morn pounds. 1 now wnigli lift and WlT duction for tho .iiinimcr. l«el fmp." Mr*. Harry Robinson, Akron, HUDSON £££?&' ESSEX TEttSiAPLANE E Obin. (Jnn. **,, 1S3.1). Ra*4 Priest /. n. b. thtrntl •a Katie Murphy of Mirlrilrtnwn •IRV tflUe Kru*.rlic nnd Lfifnyettc Hurley of Rrd Bnnk hnU UUP) ful in v/iiirr wnro. marrioil In Kt. i church by fl hi ci»iy mo loping SAM;t,Y WITH J.IirK.SAVER GOLDKN 1M,Y Rov. Jnmoa A. Reynold;;. r fflt. y 'U cnin c 1-liynl r 11 v T i c »n — r on n 11 p B 11 n n, HAROLD STOUT'S TIRE STORE: Tho Enr.ier collection of tho Ked nn'I BfUlity will reuse to hot hoi — Hank Kpincopal church permitted the yftu'll feel yrmrigec — n ora nrtlve—full of UPPER BROAD ST. RED BANK, N. J. TIWCK mill l)l!S TIKI'IS _. ItOAl) S|;it\l(i; payment of over $500 on .the rectory mhltion—clear nkin — imthflnff 'eyes. A jnr tlint Initu J wcelis f» tine 1 a luncheon and two tables of con- diamond nnninst the Bluebirds of eight o'clock, after which tard liliilU Jersey Pictured tract bridge Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. .Jw.sey City. East Keanshurgr News. games will be playerl. I I i if t William Kelly of Keyporl won the The Bury Boo sewing cJub will Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Knobln h ve, j Expert Repairing National Magazine prize for high BCOI'PB. r i i inert at Uic home of Mrs. Frank City folks who h;ivr summer rcai- moved into a IIOUKC on Port t n 1 OE The regular meeting of iho church l . TucPdBy afternoon. mouth road from St. Pe',ei bin Chiifd church at Shrewsbury with df'11I:; at Last. Keunsburg were here Newark and Elizabeth council ot Gethsemane livangelicaHll Tin- iif: auxiliary of the fire i?i largf nuiiibcj;i Sat urthiy and Sun- IHorida. WATCHES, CLOCKS its famous "Vinegar Bible" ia one of TLutheraT - - * t _ — ^» n• churc__!_••>. ,..h 1» •wil ••ill l 1b» re» lhel» AId * I thi41~ISIs^ ....I.^I.... ompany mcM ;it the homp, of day. Many of them ^pent the time Joseph Carroll has a IUJW ( h v i i i iii t tlio lundnwit'ks pictured in the Mayevening at the home of August Lentil an next Tuesday i i i A <~j) ' Station and JEWELRY issue of t:u» National Geographic Lcz i:i improving nnd repairing their roiet eedan. Muehllmuaen of Mutuwan. properties. Some owners of sum- i i ,, i i i Round Trip 83d St. end 7IU Avenuo magazine, The in;iny ly II I lip, 8UNI1AYS shown in the iajjUR of the magazine. made by plane. circulation up so it goes into (ijj I prices will please you. club niei HI tin; home of Mrs. Jo-Saturday evening at the lirehouse. OUT. of ten homes in this s, eti n HI I \ ( It HUt May H, 2B WilHu M. Kmith, sun of Mr. nnd Mrs. Mrs. George Miller. Mrs. Raphael st ph \V;tck<:r yesterday afternoon. Herbert Smith of Little Silver, is Supper will be served from six until - Advertisement. YVICDNKSIIA'.":'. Silverware Repaired C. Devlin, Mrs. Richard Erdman, Sr., Ivy Willrtl is cradinc his lawn shown holding the Bible. The boyMrs. Richard Erdman, Jr., and Mrs.' and makiii^ I IDS WAN 11 D May 8, 17, SI is the grandson of Rev. Carroll M. thcr Improvements to and Replated Like New William R. CraiK motored to Prince-11,1,, |,,,,|,,.|iy ly Eastern Stmirhml lime Burch, rector of the church. The ton on Friday to spend the day with j mi». Alvin Blacksmith has f I "Vinegar Bible" is so-cuUcd because been Lv. Bed Bank »:O0 A. M. Mrs. Jamea Brian. : cciiliiird [n her dome for (he nf a typographical error. The error past. ( I] Mi <, (J, Se« Flyerc or Con&ult Ascnta REUSSSLLES' Frank H. Bliss left Saturday for [week with „ sprnlnc In II 1 I II f Other feat HITS of tho chinch in- an's club, of which she is an honor- II Broad and White Streets, M,.,_. John OIOSK of Nrw- 171 BROAD ST., Tel. R. B. 2342. clude a weather vane topped by a ary member and former president. !t it|lPnt ^u II i dny with his parents, full. coronet, because of which the Friends of Mrs. James H. Martin j ^r ;nKl Mr,. (opp. Woman's Club Red Bank. Charles flro.ss. I! n •Shrewsbury residents frequently of Atlanfic street will be pleased to AuMJn (Jlfi I i I 'iftJiKFIIONK lll'D BANK 355 state that thry arc j;tj]l under the t of JOlizabeth spent d tllftti know that she Is now convalescing. willi John MonlaEr. N:> *'! British crown. In the old grave- Olhrr ii Ih lr Hho was cared for by her mother, j M|..; j^iw;il Morp;anweck of New o ynrd adjacent tn the church stand a Mrs. Harry Cannon of Morganville. j l'i^'l in infilcl rtive- row of ten p.mall grave stones each Ymk i:; spending two weeks with iiiinic mill iiilih-osn of - Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Burlcw en- her daughter, Mrs. Edward Frei- New Beauty for You ! ninl til, nilinc of the InniHnetl bearing the letter "J" known as thfi tertained several friends Saturday Visit our u|t-to-

III N USTEBII3E SHAVING CREAM MEN'S For value at a lower price, compare our 'ress Socks r c; a s S li i v I r> special Lehigh coal—nut or stove size, at 50c WIIIIAMS' AQUA VELVA % S3e I''lnn SuK'i llhlH'il i-M rri .*st < (fl Where Quality Rules. VV.D l',\Ul , i',. J 21-23 BROAD ST., "Rt!«l Hank's Nowtjsl Department Store" BAM REGISTER, MAY 8,1988.

tloa on the proposal of buying ad- chased fiom Joseph Sherlock her cheat with a shotgun the ssmo morn- Hew and There ditional flrehoss wan deferred until home at Freehold where she and Mr, ing. report by Commissioner S. P. 2&r Behn will live. She is the daughte Toe Shot Off. man can be made. of the, late Samuel Hanklns, a well- Mrs. George Blatchley of East • In the County Wounded at Party. known Civil war veteran. Freehold laet the flret toe of her Frank Wyche, 27,., of Manalapan Seven Yearn In Prison. right foot last Friday week when ftnonal Notes, Sales of Prop< was Berlously wounded early Sunday Joseph Hulae of Waysida was sen a shot gun !n the hands of her hus- morning of last week while attend- tenced to seven (o twelve years In band was discharged as he was go* «rly, ^Building Operations, ing out of the house to shoot a rat. Lodge' PofoPi Births,. Mar- ing a party at the home of Joseph state prison by Judge Harry Truax McGee in Freehold township. Jesse last week. Hulee pleaded guilty t r.rsts» Hotel, fe «ml Deaths. Brodie is alleged to have practically a charge of participation in the hold John L. Eblan of Asbury Park, Jacob poll, 61, at Bradley Bench riisembmveled Wyche with a Jtnlfe Uf> and robbery of William Ervlng 01 former proprietor of the New Ten- «?$n injured Tuesday of last week Both are colored. Belmar last month. ney hotel of that place, has leased •wftaa Jid WSB (truck by a car driven Judgment for $500. Shower at Freehold. the Kllerslle hotel for a term of fey Mis* Jean Palmer of Asbury Park A judgment of J500 was awarded Miss Mary Woolley of Freehold years. The hotel will be redecorated 'SB ho w&s crossing a street at Biad- by a jury before Judge Kulif V whose engagement to William Ben- and new furnishings will be installed. Jay Beach. H« was taken to Fitkin Lawrence last week to Glambattista nett of that place was recently an- Died After Operation. > Jl«sji|t«l for treatment o( injuriej to Scbenone. of Keyport for injuries sus- nounced, was given a shower Mon- Funeral services were held Sunday tained when he was run down by a day night of last week following a for Mrs. Clifton Frajee of Aebury JJr. s»d MM- William Madden of car driven by Charles Peak of New meeting of the junior aid of the Park. She died from the effects ol Kwort hs,v» announced the rnar- Brunswick last year. Schemme sued Methodist church. an operation performed eeveral jltge of tholr daughter, Frances lor $25,000. Teachers* Salaries Reduced. weeks previously. She ia survived Jluth, to Alexander Benson of Hart- Dead at 88. The Freehold board of education by two slstera and two brothers. tQfdi, Connecticut. The couplo wer» Mrs. Lena M. Goff, 88, died lset has reduced Ihe salaries of teachers parried In Maryland a week ago and oilier school employees ten p«r Found pea4 In ApaVtment. Saturday. They will reside at Bos- Wednesday morning after an illness Asbury Purk police havo started of several months. She is survived cent for the coming year and has ton. left a provision whereby an addi- an investigation into the death of Norman Kramer of Freehold, by a sister, Mrs. Irene Gaskill of John McCoy, whose body was found Long Branch, and a grandson, Dr. tional five per cent reduction can Swimming c»ptain at Rutgers uni- be made later if necessary. in a vacant apartment at Asbury w«rsity, haa received a special award Frank J. Goff of Red Bank. Services Park last Thurfiday morning. There for hip part In winning the national were held Saturday morning at her Blaze In Mattress. were no Blgna of violence. Bolleglate 400-yard relay race. late home. A blaze which clarfeil in a mat John A. McCloskcy, 51, of Bradlay Mrs. Elizabeth Geran Dead. less caused 5800 damage to a store Marriage Announced. Beach died Thursday at hl» home Funeral services for Mrs. Elizabeth building on South Broadway at Long Announcement has been made of •from a complication of diseases. He (Jeran, widow of the lateflObedlah Branch Thursday morning. Fire the marriage of Miss Jcannette, In- Geran, were held at Matawan Metho- hlef George H. VanWinklo. Jr., galis of Los Angeles to Lauren C. la survived ty a widow and three Lewis of West Allenhurst. The cere- daughters. dist church last Friday afternoon. said the circumstances surrounding ihe died from a general breakdown. he fire were suspicious, mony was performed at Doylestown, Albert Yaeger, 26, of Freehold died Pennsylvania, October 21. last Wednesday at the Long Branch She was born at Morganville 34 H'nnt to neduci" Service. Jiospitol from a. complication of dis- years ago and ia survived by two The public, utility commission will Died at Quoit Game. ease*. ' He was an automobile elec- sisters, hold a hearing at Newark today on Janice H. Bennott. 63, of Neptune trician. Judgment for MHlt Bill. hr application of lllc Central rail- City was seized with a heart attack STWo Mysterious Fires. A judgment of J417.S2 was award- "oad for permission to discontinue while pitching quoita in tho Metho- Police Chl«f Charles Walling of ed to Thomas C. Applegalo of Farm- iome of iln papfienpi'i trains during dist, church basement at that place Oceanport last week termed two re- ingdalo on Tuesday of lift v;eok by he summer bp.lwrni E'ast Long Saturday night week and dletl al- .prln£ Lake Resident Dead. Joseph S. Conover of BlooiHfteld, . to»t week at the Meyer-Straussberger plcpate by John J. Locker of Farm- Funeral services were held Friday formerly of Freehold, was found dead cottage and on the previous night ingdalo. nr Charles Blakcman of Spring last wei-'lt in an automobile in a gar- "lire broke out in a boat houeo on At- Assistant JManager for Hotel. uakc. He is survived by his widow, ago at Bloomflcld. Carbon monoxide 3antfo avenue. August H. Daesenger olUthe Amer- our daughters and two sons, one of gas from the exhaust of the engino ican hotel at Freehold, who is in his whom is A. E. Blakeman of Spring aused his death. nics of Heart Trouble. second year in the hotel school at ,ake who is well known for his . Walter L. Babcock, 57, of Belmar, Died In Georgia. who was well known in the county Cornell university, will serve as as- hurch activities. sistant manager at the eighth an- ngine Back in Service. Huyler B. Sexton, eon of Dr. Har- 'as a typewriter talesman and repair- ry L. and Anna M. Polhemuu of man, Buffered a heart attack while nual opening of the Hotel Ezra Cor- Freehold's big chemical engine was nell at Ithaca Friday of this week. put back into sorvice last Saturday Oakhurstt^ died last Tuesday at driving Mi> car last week and stopped Reidsvllle. Georgia. The body was at the home of his daughter, Mrs. week after being laid up for several Caught Foot In Elevator. weeks for repairs. Several second- rought north and services were held W. Frank Newman of Spring Lake, George Winston of Asbury Park 'riday. "where he died before a doctor could was injured last Wednesday morning hand parts were used to replace be called, worn out ones. The engine was pur- Building Condemned. Don't miss then thres afternoon «e»»ion» of tha when hia foot was caught in the ele-' hased In 1015. Automobile Suit Dismissed. vator shaft of the Stolnbach build- A structure on the Ida Flom estate Wuttinghouie Spring Cooking School • • • May The $10,000 suit of Miss Elsie Ab- Ing at Asbury Park, where Winston loily Identified. it Long Branch was placed In the' 9th, 10th and 11th. •". 2 o'clock ... at tha Elki' is employed. He wag taken to the Identification was made last week emergency class requiring immediate lott o( Long Branch was dismissed Fitkin hospital for treatment. estruction after Inspector George Auditorium. by a jury before Judge Rullf V. Law- 3f the body of Charles W. Knobloch H. Northam condemned the building. lenca last •rteek. Tha automobile ac- No Opposition. }f Long Branch, who died four weeks This Cooking School is being held in co-operation eldent happened last year. The de- There -will be no contests in the ago and whose body had been held ielmar Man Dead. , jtendants were the South -Amboy primary election, at Freehold bor- In a New York morgue lor- identifl- Albert Moyer of Belmar died with The Red Bank Register and the Wetting- iumber and Supply company and the ough. ~ Mayor Pctar F, Runyon, Jo- jatlon. A brother, Godfrey, identl- Thursday at the Fitkin Memorial house Electric & Ms- Company. driver, Harold Hartman, soph Levy and James McMahon, Re- ied the body. hospital aficf an operation. Mr. publicans, are candidates for re-elec- Hospital Sued. Moyer was eighty years old and had Here is your opportunity to surprise your family Jjoctor Buys a House. tion., and Philip Davldofslty ia a been a life-long resident of Belmar. Dr. H. H. Freedman of Freehold candidate for councilman. Lloyd Casner of Avon has brought with new, tatty dishes . . . how it ia powible to 5a»a purchased the Lillian D. Snyder suit for $10,000 against the Fitkin Blacksmith Dead. spend leu time in the kitchen 4 . . and make lifo Vacuum Coffe* Memorial hospital (or plumbing in- Jacob O. Burke, who conducted a China Percolator property at Freehold, Mrs. Snyder Will Live at Freehold. SeU—Built-in Watch- much more pleasant for yourself and your fam- Muker retains valu- "will remain in the house for a year. Theodore W. Morris, Jr., of New 9t ailed in the building. Caaner was ilacksmith shop at Englishtown for man control, new stain- able bean olll. Qt 35r. Kalph Coasaboom, who has an York -will move to Boxwood Hall at :alled upon to finish a contract when many years, died last Friday week proof Micarta trayt. ily. China baso. Bfflce in the Snyder residence, has Freehold for tho summer. He recent- 3. G. Wolfolk of Asbury Park went at the age of 52 years. He ia sur- tsioved to Mrs. Helen Krusen'o house ly purchased from this three brolh- tankrupt. vived by one son, who lived at home. en Broad street. rs their Interest in tho Morris sum- mer home. The property is ona of Ended His Life. oman Drunken Driver. Mrs. Bertha P. Howe j Freehold's, old landmarks. Edward Thompson. M, of the Eng- Mrs. Theresa. Roullte of Manas- The Long Branch commissioners ishtown-Jame:;bur'f; road, rlied last quan was convicted last week of ftavo rejected all bids lor a three- Buys House at Freehold. Wednesday morning ai the Long drunken driving at. Sea Girt three Westinghouse Home Economist year garbage contract. New speci- Mrs. Mary Davis Behn, who has Brancranc h hspitahospitall ffror m self-inflictefinflc d weeks ago and waa fined 5200 and coets and her license was revoked. fications -were ordered advertised. Ac- been residing at CUffwood, has pur- wounds. Ha had-shot himself in the will conduct the demonstrations, using the latest electrical appliances. For instance, Mrs. Howe •will tell you the secret of Old Dutch Oven cook- ing, using the new Westinghouse Dual Automatic Food Mixer. ^ Sandwich Grill— range. Whole meals will be prepared in the oven mashes, beats, blends; Chrome—quidkly stirs, whips anything. toasts, bakes,grills, at the same time. • • friea to your taste. Mark these dates on your calendar .. . May 9-10- ONE 11 ... 2:00 P. M. at tho Elks Auditorium.

a • • «s< i

Compact Ironcra different models with new conveniences Wringer and Spinner that speed ironing. Ad- Dryer Washers with hi THESE justable-automatic water discharge pump. heat control and new Modsr.ft.tely priced down-feed design. ONE QU ELECTRICAL CONVENIENCES % The name Westinghouae is your guarantee of quality, modern design, and prices that are right. Each and every Westinghouse appliance for the ... toe best Adju»table-Buto- Beautiful automatic Waffle Iront with vi«i- tnfltic irons with Built- home has back of it more than forty years of ex- in Watchman thermo- ble heat indicator. Statj^- rubber handle. that can be built GA308-600 perience in the electrical industry. We have every confidence in the Westinghouse Company because its policy ia in line with our own: To give dollar- There are eleven different models in the Westing- • fractionally more than the very cheapest, untried for-dollar value no matter what competition does; house line of Dual-automatic Refrigerators ... a makes. In return, you get a HERMETICALLY- to sell rnerchandise that satisfies today, tomorrow, model for every purse and purpose. But there is no SEALED mechanism, protected from wear, rust, and for years to come. difference in quality between the highest-priced and dirt and leakage, forced-draft cooled for greater Toasters that turn Duster Cleaner— the lowest... it is merely a matter of size. efficiency. You get the extra safeguard of Dual- toast automatically M the weight, % th« automatic control. And you get all-steel construction when trays ere low- power of ordinary The Wcstinghouse name is never placed on any ered. Usable flattop. Uri» cleanert. With ... better insolation . .. faster freezing . .. more con- but a strictly quality product. Westinghouse experi- veniences throughout. Compare the Westinghouse menting is done in the laboratory, net by the pur- with any other. . . and you will know your only chasing public. There is no "skimping," no sacrifice bargain is the BEST. in materials or workmanship. That's why your Come in ... let us demonstrate. It may never. Westinghouse will be serving you ... and saving agnin be so ensy to own the world's finest, most money for you ... long after your neighbor's so- complete and best-designed refrigerator . . , built by called "bargain" refrigerator has been replaced. men who know electricity and backed by a name the Yet Westinghouse quality actually coots only entire world respects.

"EVERY HOUSE NEEDS WESTINGHOUSE" Westinjhcuse Fans Three Heat Warm- Silver Spealal Chwmlum - plattd Co«y Glows — Portable Roon —quiet breete-makers ingPads—Non-radio- Cleaner—aet world's percoUtors with pro- Chromium reflectors Heater with safety- —bargains in summer interfering thetmo- fecord for super- tectivedevices to pre- and "cone-glow" ele- typo gravity-twitch ajfld winter comfort. stats, Sgft covers. , suction cleaning. vent element burjj- menta. EESIIV protection. Flue Ul I out*. ~"^"^— able *^ anywhere. *••»•• Clyde W. Mason Clyde 7 Broad Street, Red Bank, N. J. 7 Broad Street Red Bank, R J.

asissg RED BANK REGISTER, MAY 3, 1933.

YOU ARE INVITED • •FREE-- -.-FREE.-- Come - Bring Your Friends * Attend the Sessions of the • ' o ' ' ' • • - • • . Red Bank Register Westinehouse M on S 2:00 P. M Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursi 9, 10, 11 2:00P.M.

RED BANK ELKS C\ UB Broad Street and Pinckney Road

Cooperating Firm ® BRAY'S MARKET PILLSBURY MFG. CO. Groceries , Fischer's Bread Pillsbury Flour B. H. CRATE HENNESSEY'S Fish Market L. PRATE & COMPANY Sea Food Fruits and Vegetables Bonnie Dhu Ginger Ale CLYDE W. MASON { RED BANK DAIRY, Inc. DAVIDSON BROTHERS Electrical Appliances Milk and Cream Groceries and Vegetables MUTUAL STORES Red Bank Candy Kitchen DEAN'S Groceries and Meats Ice Cream Flowers MONMOUTH MARKET SCHULTE-UNITED Fruit and Vegetables General Merchandise H. G. DEGENRING Export Beer National 5c, 10c & $1 Store SCHNEIDER'S MARKET General Household Utensils Meats and Vegetables DOWNYFLAKE Cake Shop J. C. PENNEY CO. THE SILK SHOP Home-Made Baked Goods Department Store Ladies'Wearing Apparel ••——• Don't Fail to Attend All Three Sessions No Admission Charge Don't Forget Dates Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, May 9, 10,11 EED BANK REGISTER, MAY 3, 1983. Young B&n Shoots Self. Branch and Arthur R. Johnson of the* day when the uiin ia hot and clsano, grabbed htm as ha waa on WHXl&M A. OTCRTH, Ills way to Ills shop and fired a re- Putny Tcrraclano, 22, of Neptune OPTOMETMSX Detective Crook Republicans Land Interlaken for freeholders.. tho wind la strong will help to pre- Register C]di'_ Brand Street, vent evaporation which tukes place volver at him. The powder burned uliot himself with e :22 calibre re- {#] First Spiritualist Party to Suit rapidly when evergreens are moved. tho nldo of Pondicclli's face hut tho volver Sunday of lunt week. Patsy Ofllw IXooral SlOO to S:30. County Leaders MK. BOKDEN'S YACHT. * • * bullet did not touch him. Acclsuno said ho was disgusted with life and | Church, N. S. A. Eveninjza by Appointment. Harry B. Crook, chief of Mon- From one to two-inch dcprcHHions made his escape. ' had decided to end it all. k' 13 Monmouth St., Hod Bank QUINN, PAKSONS & DOBEMDS, mouth county detectives, has been Tribute Paid to Mayor Van R.Header of New York Newspaper Ro- mound trees that have not only heen COUNSELLORS AT LAW calls Thia Speedy Boat. a cln Whltfielcl Buildine. Red Ban made a party defendant in a suit Halsey and Mrs. Emma Van- net thla-paat spring but i' ' "SO tvj Services: V John J. Quinn, Theodore D. PtKom brought by Felix K, Santangclo of The following letter regarding will help greatly when watering. One $ Sunday evening, 8 V. M. J<_j Thomaa P. Doremufl Red Bnnk against the civil service Schoick at Testimonial Dinner The Sovereign, the fast yacht owned tihould nut forget that one or two commission to reject tho commis- at one time by M. C. D. Bordcn of pails of water once every week is t*j Wednesday evening, 8 P. M. >*< A1ST0N BEEKMAN, Last Week at Asbury Park. CODNSELLOK AT LAW. sion's action in appointing Crook to Oceanic, was written to the New fnr more effectivo than a few quarts J*J Thursday afternoon, 3 I\ M. [*J Office* 10 Broad St. RED BANK. N. J. the position he now holds. Santan- Over 300 persons gathered at a York Sun. Residcntsxof this section every day. RCIO, a candidate for the position, dinner at the Berkeley-Carteret ho- will remember this hundsome and * « 0 | Mrs. Y. Weiderholt | One of the quickest ways to find a has contested Crook's appointment tel at Asbury Park last Wednesday t>pecdy craft which waa used by Mr. Our abundance of rainfall has job is to advertise in Tho Reeis- •J Licr.nllate Minister. & under the provisions of the soldjera' night and paid tribute to two prom- Borden In going to and from busi- been responsible for making avail- ter'.'; Want Department-—Advertise- pi eference act. Santangclo claims inent Republicans, .Mayor Vanlt. ness at New York. The letter fol- able considerable of our ierlilizor l ment. jV«'€>i&W<*WO>>>IO>>T»X*SK*»' >' that his overseas service should have Halsey of Rumson and Mrs. Emma lows: that wa;i applied early or that misht more weight than the military ser- VanScholck of Red Bank, counly In the summer of 11)11 the steam have been left over In the coil from vice of Crook, who served in the chairman and vice chairman respec- yacht Sovereign appeared in tho har- the past your which means that fre- Mexican border trouble. tively. The dinner was given by the bor. The Sovereign had four stacks. luent light applicationa of mixed Afliliated Young Men's Republican It was 165 feet in length. Commo- fertilizer around our bi-ennlals and clubs qi Monmouth county. annuala nhould bo helpful, A light Wins Trip to Bermuda. dore M. C. D. Borden owned it. Built The guests of honor were lauded on the Harlem River at Morrisania si-iatchlnj,' of thia fertilizer into the Miss Mary MarkcDoa of Freehold for their labora in the party and for the Sovereign wns rated lit 3fl miles soil also helps to place It where the was judged the winner of a contest the results achieved last fall in spite an hour. Borden lived at Oceanic piantH can get the most benellt. • recently sponsored by the Strand the- of the Democratic landslide. On be- on the Shrewsbury river and was one ater of Freehold. The prize is a half of the affiliated cluba a gift was of the regular summer commuters Different typea of mulches not only four day free trip to Bermuda on presented to Mayor Halsey by Har- via the Sandy Hook route steamers. aiound trees, but annuala and bi- SERVICE PLUS ECONOMY which Mis:* Markellos will soon old A. Woolley of Keyport, president, The story is told that one morning ennials have been very helpful. leave. and a gift was also presented to he missed the train or missed the These' mulches might well include When you fill your car with gas and oil, you At Lowest Prices in History. Mrs. VanSchoick by acting Police boat and became no vexed over the leafmold from the woods, peat moss want more than your money's worth. You want Divorcee Weds. Magistrate Thomas P. Shebell of Incident that he decided to build the for trees with straw or paper for and Mrs. Anne B, Nowack, who wasAfbury Park, vice president. Sovereign for his own use. the annual or bi-ennuul planty. to be sure that you're getting the best RUS and oil granted a divorco last January from The following address was made The yacht would start along the * * * ... and that you're being given courteous, con- Specimen Deciduous her husband, George Nowack, was by Mayor Halsey: Shrewsbury about the time that tho During (liu cultivutlon of our Iris, married Sunday of last week to Wall street train was proceeding siderate service. "To say that I Will always cherish dirt should not bo pulled up around and George Burlew, also of Freehold. along the ocean front for the Hlgh- tho plants. Better that the top of the memory of this occasion is a nnds. When the drawbridge at "The We make it a point to do all we possibly Evergreen Trees wholly Inadequate expression of my some rhizomes show than to have 5plt" at Atlantic Highlands was them covered up one to two Inches can for our clients. deep appreciation and Is only to say eached the yacht would be so far what must be obvious. I stand be- doep. A little time spent in hand ihead of the train that tho bridge work pullinp; the dirt away will re- fore you in all humility in grateful vould be opened for it, thus delay- acknowledgment of your presence pay one witli better blooms and a in sizes to meet all requirements. ng the commuters. Commodore healthier plant. and • of the kind words which have Borden always denied that he was Malic, your selection personally from our immense stock and been spoken here tonight. Mrs. Van- 'taking it out" on the Sandy Hook Shot at hy Former Partner. Schoick and I well realize that what- ooats by operating the Sovereign. COR. MAPLE AVE. & BERGEN PLACE secure the identical plants to meet your needs at no extra cost. ever success may have followed our 3ccaslonally the yacht would over- Louis Pondlcelll of Freehold nar- COR. BRIDGE AVE. & RECTOR PL. After Suffering 20 Years efforts would not have been possible ia,ul the Asbury Park on tho way rowly escaped death Friday morn- Liberal Cash Discounts. save for the support and encourage- lown the harbor during the after- inp when his former partner in the COR. FRONT & SPRING STS ment of you who are here and our loon trip. The Sovereign would shoe repairing business, Nick Ac- :hango her course and flush across This Pittsburgh man bought a bottle many other friends. of Hcm-Roid (tablets to swallow). Ho "Your attendance at this dinner ,hc bows of the steamer and then purchtiaed it with the distinct underatand- IION15Y & HUMBI-Ii By Kent Terry indicates more than the gracious ake a complete circle about the iny that if thin one bottle did not l^rova tribute you are paying us and I to him that his iiilen would vanish ho :ommuters' boat before resuming a OIPNT • could have.his money hack. would comment upon it. itralght course... In a few minutes You can Kci. the name, fair and square "Never before in history have the INVENT THE TINTON FALLS ROAD, fcuarnntcc from Whelnn's, or any live he yacht would be a tiny speck fur driiKciHt—just read what this Pittsburgh general run of people everywhere ihead of the Asbury Park. This SQUARE EATONTOWN, :-: NEW JERSEY man wrote: "After RiilTeiiiiK 'JO years—I played such a conscious parti,in gov- BUT WE HELPED 7, took one bottle of Hcm-Kold tablets nnd vent on for a long time and is a We Maintain a Completo Landscape Service. my pile trouble has entirely disappeared." rnment. People have come to real- famous story among the Sandy MAKE IT POPULAR (Name on request). ize that government has a vital Hook commuters. meaning for them in every home, in every business, and makes itself felt in every walk of our every day lives. GARDEN NOTES. This realization has become a mass eehng and has taken on the propor- Excess Moisture Fnst Disappearing tions of a revolution—against the From the Soil. drifting, unordered and merely ex- The excess moisture that fell dur- pedient method of government and ,ng the winter and spring months is against the indifference and shallow- fast disappearing, especially from ness of Its representatives in public the first few inches of top soil. office. This realization has become Therefore, the gardener who Get You KNOW you're getting a square- deal when you buy flowa-rs or plants nt tho HONKY BICE more apparent in the attitude of tho evergreens as well as deciduous FLOWER SHOP. They chargo fair prices for flowers of Unusual beauty. women voters, if this movement trees might well add a pail of water materializes along the lines of its around the base every few days. In present trend, it will overthrow tra- addition, a sprinkling on the top of HONEY BEE' FLOWERS dition and practice in the develop- the evergreens during the middle of ment of this country and will affeot UPPER BROAD ST., Tel. R. B. 872. . RED BANK, N. J. each of us in our pursuit of security and happiness and growth, and while this means, as I see it, an ad- vance in our social idea, it does not mean necessarily an abandonment of 1 Granulated the principles of the form of our overnment, but a recognition of their significance, a realization of their value and a new appreciation LOWEST PRICES CONSISTEOT WITH QUALITY! of their uses. 'It is currently being said that our constitution has become out- 5J^";?V e worn and that our present form of government has broken down. I do t^ hold with this view, although admitting that there is much to criticize and to improve. It has not yet become necessary, I hope, to yield every vestige of control and power into ono man's hands, as is now being urged by tho administra- tion and to scrap our cherished and battle-won theory of representation. "It is my notion that within the framework of our present system and relying upon the firm principles laid down in our fundamental docu- JJ ments, there is ample room for suf- ficient flexibility to meet modern ne- cessity. It is not here that the fault Flagstaff Fancy 2% largest ies but rather with \human frailties 1933 Pack can, 2 for and the weakness of those hands which are at the control switches of the machinery. We cannot make l laws so that human nature will al- /V-/', r', ••:< -, >'V / ways function in tho way that we would have it, but wo can demand that individual responsibility become reality in the administration of government instead of the sorry joke the indifference of the past years has let it become. This demand Is one of the more obvious manifesta- tions of tho revolufTon to "Which I Selected 2-Ib hr.ve referred. People have learned Salted pkg the might of their vote and will not now hesitate to make its power felt. Whatever elso this great depression "Th£ Swks 5Oc lias brought, one thing, at least, I SteGiK^lfe^ rood Drink* Ssse' . feel, will show through succeeding years^tho return to realities and POTMTOEfi—FLORIDA B. S. No. 1 OT,VDB AT MW MABKBT PHJCBfi he reappreciatlon of the simple vir- y tues that go with it. Hand in hand with this is the demand that the ?_ ^ HERE YOU WILL FIND - - - "A COFFEE FOR EVERY TASTE" holding of public office be regarded n.s a trust to be administered in tho ^ too fi ro ib K3 ft ttM public interest lather than by selfish " y. S. 6, ¥ac«inn Padied "• 29c mcnnii for private enda. "If I be nccused of too, much ideal- v~"______Gw*n C&ch ,.. "> r*« 25c ism in these remarks In view of the Leader , . .lbI*c2Ic practical part a county chairman should play, then charge mo atoo Y!-.|r; gumantec, revolutionizing tho with a devotion to tho principles of U. S. G. liberal Republicanism and a faith ^ purchase of gas for water heating, is '/2-pt jar 10c •$• GREENSDALE FANCY RED ALASKA that t he way out will bo won not by jar 19c politicians but by the ability of true that .YOUR GAS BILLS for automatic hot representatives to propcrtly interpret j and carry out the will of an awak- watar.. .fiot all tha tiriio day or night...!40 iUtl J-rcr wllli Kv ened people. "I nmy only add In conclusion that degrees, will not be,over $4.50 per month Sari's Sift in Bread J, I feel this generous demonstration to he your comment upon tho inten with this new type of heator.This guarantee $&*; VurT.le I>M jj. r. "The FijicEt Bread Made" tionn of Mrs. VnnSchoick and my- nolf nnd tho fceeminjrdirectio n of our is unconditional. We take the risk. If your UNESDA BAKERS cffort« rather than upon thoir ro- r qt imnlt liiilts nnd thnt we may accept it not bills are moro you need not pay thorn. Hneijar 7^!T . ? nu n reward but rather nn an insplr- is i*s ntion nnd an obligation." Senator Frank Durand yald the Plentiful Hot Wafer... Easy Terras , FLAGSTA1T PUItli VRVIV Republican party will Insist on a chnnge to bring about a reduction In real estate taxes. Former Sena- Vi/oalsoguarcinteQyouwillgotatloastljOSO tor K. Donald Sterner criticized the highway board for curtailing road gallons of piping hot water per month for improvemontf!, nlthmigh the gaso- line tax has not been reduced. this cost, nearly 200 gallons per month more 1 Freeholder Raymond L, Wychoff i3 Mills 2 i**' 1! wan toii.'itmuatcr nnd Mayor Clarence than is used by the average family...Na- "Nrvpr Basrli a pHer on reach a ferauty K. V. Ilctriclc of Anbury Park mntlo the nddreMa of welcome. Olhern who tional averago...Tlio heaters cost $100 cash GSEEN CIRCLE npoke -were Mrir. Vnnflcholclc. Conn 1004 fi!»f,t ty Clerk Joseph McD'crniott, Mrs. installed, ©r pay $10 down, balance month- prKmp| ~ ! rt«>ln, a lor i Ijr.wla H. Tliompiion, George W. \'/-.hy's Brny nnd Mrn. Thomnsi Jardine. A ly. Buy from your own Plumber or from us. " b N r 11 L D LIQUID VENEER tnlecrnm of regret for being tumble to attend was Rent from Wn.ihlng 33 a S9S-1 « TYPE "A" » *ZL. (Hie ton by Hcnntor W. Wurron Harbour, ..] Tim Republican candidate:! for as AUTOMATIC ncmblymon and freiholclnni wi-ro In traduced, thfiy bi-lng Tlioinusi p. fcihfi GAS WATER bell of Asbury Park, Herbert E. Ed wnrdu of lied IJnnlt nnd Joseph R. Moglll of linullny Jinnch for tho as JERSEY HEATER fiombly and Onorgo W. Urny of npi Bank, Bryant li. Wowcomli' «f Lona •RED BANK .REGISTER, MAY 3, 1933. Page Seven High Point Spiritualist Chapel that it would bo lmpomlble to com-enters the town.shlp from other lo- tho condition of Henry place at East Mrs. Blakeslee announced that Services) Roadside Booths ply with the specifications mentioned. cations to sell bread, meat or pro-Keansburg and asking that it betho state convention would be held Sunday. 8:00 V. M.~At the Chapel. Tuefiday and Tiwra/lay, £;bt> I\ M.-~At It was contended that to enforce visions of any sort. Not only ped- '.alien over by the township and Im- at Atlantic City on May 19, 20 and 21. 10 ])i on J tit.. Kurt liuiik, N. J. In Middletown mien- regulations would leave these dlcra who do buaincHs on a. email proved. Thla request was turnod The next meeting of the Red Contractor and Builder Wednesday, 2:00 P. M.—At Mm. Ruth- places with llttlo or no marketable scale but large wholesale and retail 3\-cr to Thomas B. Day, tho town- Bank club will bo held at the Y. M. orland'a, Main .St.. Bslford, N. 3. enterprises would have to take out Bhlp supervisor ol roads, with power Friday, 8:00 V. M.—At Morcnca. near \alue, since ft was almost impossible ('. A. building Monday evening, SPECIALIZING IN JOBBING Aluileton AVR.. Ixsonardn, N. J. Big Majority of Owners Opposed to BOH land on state highways for licenses. to act. May 15. anything except business purposes. SCItEEN AND BTOItftl KNOMMUItKH I'iioiie Atlantic Highland! 870 to License Fees and to Regu- It was stated that, such regulations Justice LoulSvH. Mccsc. the. town- telephone 040-M itiu Bridgo Avenue, Ueti Bank, N. 9, for Appointmeftli. lations of Proposed Ordinance It was claimed that It was almost would protect tho business pooplo. of jhlp recorder, turned in $25 in fines impossible to sell real estate on such Mlddletown township ogalnet out- which he had collected tho past •—Action Deferred. roads for residential purposes. Bide competition, as well aa bring- month. Owners of roadside booths and John H. Wermcrt of Bclford and ing In much added revenue for the A contract for tarvia on River- Fine Cleansing other business phicetj on the twoMrs. Georglanna. Miles of Rumson township. The O'Boy company and side drive waa awarded to the Har- etate hlRhwnya of Middletown town- were tho principal speakers in favor the Duggan company were cited as inprtfjn comparry of New York for Ideal Brand AN ship were present in large numbera of the proposed ordinance. They ex- examples of concerns which would $3,078. FRESH, CREAMERY ROLL is ART last Thursday nftprnoon at the nieet- pluined the alms of the Bayahoro have to pay licenses for doing busi- inpr of the township committed at Hoautillcation association, stating ness in the township at the rate of That Can Only Bo Acquired the Health Center nt. CnmpbeH's among other things that it waB$25 per year for each truck which County Delegates they used. Through Years of Junction. Special invitations for plnnned to obtain aid from the na- these fnllca to attend the meeting tional reforestation bureau to this A vote was taken aa to whether or Pledged to Repeal PilACTICAI. KXl'EIUENCE. had been sonf. by the committee In end. They said fc&c idea was not tonot an ordinance requiring such li- order to uncertain •whether or notobtain revenue by the $5 feo but bycense fees should be passed. It was The six Monmouth county dele- "WE KNOW HOW" (boy wore in favor of an ordinance a licensing system to give power to unanimously voted that such an or-gates will bo «ent to the state con- j designed to beautify the new Bayth- o township committee to prevent dinance should be enacted, follow- vention pledged to repeal. The coun- objectionable roadaldo Blnnda from ty candidates were assured victory Send Us A Suit shore boulevard. ing which the township committee when the deadline for filing petitions Thus ordinance would require a being built, They said that some paused the firat reading of an or- or Dress Today. eyesores had already been erected dinance to this effect. This measure last week failed to show and dry pe- license fee of $5 to be paid annually on the nayshoro boulevard in the 1 titions. Monmouth ' county entitled by tho owner of o.ne.h business place will bo up for a hearing and forto six delegates, had Juat that many Seeing Is Believing ! on the road in question and also on RUlso of business places and that a final passage at the next meeting of licensing system was necessary to the committee Thursday, May 12. petitions filed. the state lilRliwny which pauses prevent more such objectionable The repeal candidates are JohnW. PHONE IU5U BANK thiouyh Headdeh'H Corner and a Complaint was made about tho Flock or Long Branch, Mrs. Gene- "Roasted Today, 442 places. They said they were trying: bad condition of Church street at CREAMY, DELICIOUS largo part of Mlddlctown township to get the ordinance pasaed in all vleve Tatum of Mlddletown, William on the direct routo between Jersey Belford. It was said that a year or H. R. White, former'mayor of Red municipalities through which the more ago a promise bad been made In The Stores Cily and Atlantic City. The ordin- Buyshm-e boulevard extended and Bank, Kdward T. Jlooney of Enfl-lish- ance 1B not dealKned to beautify tho by tho township committee that a town, Amory L. Haskell of Middle- ALLEN'S that they were particularly anxious tarvla surface would be put on this luiit named highway but the Bay-for Mlddletown township to take tha town and Edwin G. Bruna, Sr., of Tomorrow." shore boulevard only. It was ex- street. The commltteemen admitted Allenhurst, Cleansers and Dyers plained that it would not be legal to leud because It bad more frontage that such a promise had been mado on the road In question than any but that it was subject to assurance There were six names of county have the measure apply to one road other municipality. residents en the lint of candidates for "WE KNOW HOW." and not the other, since both were that part of tho expense would be delegates at large. The list com- ir. tho name category, and to treat Tho principal' speakers In oppo- •paid for by tho stato. Tho commit- prises Furman A. DeMaris of Red 2J W. tfront St., lied liunh, N. J. them differently would be discrim- sition to the proposed ordinance were teemen stated that up to the pres- Bank, superintendent of the New SELECTED by. inatory In the eyes of tho law. James C. Hendrickson, owner of ent time, duo to a controversy be- Brunswick district of the Methodist Not. only new utnndK fin the road Old Cherry Tree Farm; Kdward tween tlie governor and the legisla- Episcopal church; Bessie A. Brand but those already in existence would O'Fiaherty of Headdcn'a Corner and ture, state funds for tho work had of Ocean Grove, Joseph H. Bryan of j MRS. BERTHA P. HOWE have to pay tho $5 llceneo fee. Also JoBcph Early of Leonardo. Capt. r.ot been forthcoming. Tho commit- ABbury Park, Franklin C. Woodruff there are regulations, under the pro-Runyon gave every opportunity for tccmen said they would have the of Atlantic Highlands, Joseph A. poned ordinance, aa ta tho distance both the exponents and the opwor- k done as soon as the state ad-Sexsmith of Belmor and Henry is. • Westinghouse Home Economist which tlio buslneBB places muat bo ponents of the proposed ordinance vanced the promised funds. Mount of HightBtown. j located back from tho highways and t'j speak. He stated that the com- Tho ordinance vacating an unused regulation;) an to the amount of mittee^ would be guided by popular street In front of Edgcbrook Park BUSINESS WOM15NS MEETING. ! park space which muni bo provided. opinion; that the committee wanted near Leonardo passed its final read- FOR EXCLUSIVE USE Many of the buslnea.4 places now eu-to find out what was wanted by Ing. Under the terms of tho ordin- Dinner Hold by Red Bank Club at tabliubed do not comply with theae those directly concerned and anxious anco eight and one-half feet of the the Molly Pitcher Hotel. I requirements. to take action In accordance with street Is retained by the township in the It was explained at the outset of the sentiment of tho majority, for sidewalk use. All the rest of tho The Red Bank Business and Pro-; the meeting by Capt. Albert Itun- Victor E. Grosslnger, one of theproperty, which Is 1,650 feet In fesaional Women's club, held a din-] yon, the chairman of the township members of tho committee, mado a length reverts to the property own- ner at the Molly Pitcher hotel last \ committee, that the committee did motion that a vote be taken among ers of Edgcbrook Park. The land In Wednesday evening. Miss Ruth La- • RED BANK REGISTER not intend either to pass or to re-property owners on the state high- question parallels the Leonartiville Wall was chairman of the dinner ( ject the proposed ordinance at that ways present at the meeting as toroad and part of it waa formerly oc- committee. ' meetinff. Ho stated that the ordin- whether or not they wanted the pro-cuppled by trolley tracks. William Those present were Mrs. Myra WESTINGHOUSE . ance had been prepared at the re-posed ordinance adopted. He said Raoul of Naesink argued against va- BJakesleo of Kast Orange, steU' quest of tho newly organized Bay- the outcome of the vote would not cating the street, claiming that tho president; Mrs. Cody Roberts, prcsi shore Boulevard Beautillcution asso- necessarily bind Ibe committee to townghip should retain possession dent of the East Orange Bu.: n ciation and that tho sole object of follow the majority sentiment ex- because It would eventually bo neces- and Professional Women's i.: HOME MAKING SCHOOL tho meeting was to ascertain wheth- pressed, -but that nevertheless it fjary to widen the Leonardville road. Mrs. Grace Wolfarth, the 111.-a [>. ci or not public sentiment favored would be valuable. The committeemen differed with Mr, dent of the East Orange c'.uij; . Baou), stating that the road in ques- William Helm, Miss SaraArr.i... the proposed change. Tho Bayshoro The suggestion was adopted by a to be held in the BeautiflciLtion association was or- tion was little used as a consequence Miss Marian Galbreath, presid.nl i unanimous vote of the committee of the construction of the new Bay-tho Red Bank club; Mrs. Ada C::u. ganized through the initiative of theand a poll was taken. Only those Rumson Garden club. , shore boulevard and probably nover dall and Misses Ruth LaWali, Eii^u It's not a theory—it's who owned properties on the state would be used aa a main artery of beth Kelley, Katharine Sickles, May The mcetin/T bad not long been in highways wore pi-emitted to vote. trailic again. Throckmorton, Bessie Green, Har- ELKS' a fact—that yqp mu&t piogress before it became evident The names of tho voters wero re- riet Cook, Ruth Williams and Irma ' lh.it a large innjorily of those pres- corded by Howard W. Roberts, the Chris J. Ficke of Hillside Park, and Meta vonGlnhn. j plant healthy bulbs if ent were opposed to tho proposed township clerk, together with John E. Bennett of Port Monmouth ordinance. It was claimed that tho whether they voted yes or no in favor and William Raoul of Navesinksent Mrs. Blakeslco gave a talk on tho • on V> license fee would be borne, main- of tho proposed ordinance. a joint inquiry in a letter with re- history and alms of the National you'd have hardy ly by farmers, since they were the Tho outcome was overwhemlingly gard to water hydrants and "water Federation of Business and Profes- principal owners of roadside booths against • the ordinance. Only two flerlce. The township clerk was In-sional Women's clubs. She. stated All food produdsiised by Mrs. Bertha P. Howe in her Demonstrations plants. Buy them at and that it would be untair to place property owners on the state high- structed to give the desired informa- that there were about 60,000 mem- ] may be purchased in the more burdens upon them, inasmuch ways voted yes. AM the others, tion. | bers. New Jersey has 25 clubs. She ! Frank Berardi's—and at many of them were unable, forty or more, vovtcd no. Following A letter waa received from the told of the welfare work done by va- through no fault of their own, tothe announcement of this vote the state authorities that applications rious clubs in tho state. Mrs. Rob- pay their taxes. erts gave a short talk and Mrs. Wol- get the best. township committee passed a mo-from the township committee had farth mado a few remarks. liven stronger , objections were lion to defer action on the proposed been approved for overhand flashing made against the provisions of theordinance. beacon signal lights to be placed on Mrs. Helm sang several songs, ac- proposed ordinance with regard to Another ordinance was proposed the new Bayshore bouleard where it companied by Miss Armstrong, who the business places being located a and voted on by those present. This intersects with Leonard street at also played a number of piano se- cot-tain distance bach from tho high- measure would require a license feo Leonardo, ( Main street at Belford, lections. All the music was by wom- ways and with regard to parking ac- of $25 a year to be paid by non-Main street at Port Monmouth and en composers. commodations. It was claimed that residents of Middletown township Palmer avenue near East, Keans- Miss Bessie Greon, the health many unused properties on the twowho transact business in that town- burg, chairman, gave a summary of the highways were of such dimensions ship. Under this ordinance $25 would Mrs. Cedric Henry sent a letter to answers submitted by the club to a have to be paid fop each truck that tho committee complaining about health questionnaire.

— on — Special Price TOMORROW

An outstanding Radio Manufacturer" has just reduced their new 1933 Model Radios more than One-Third, providing Selected by we do not use their name in our adver- Mrs. Bertha P. Howe tising. Westinghouse Home Economist FISCHER'S If we could only use the name of this For Exclusive Use in the Radio, you would be astounded consid- RED BANK REGISTER ering that the above mentioned ma- WESTINGHOUSE Sold at 39 r^nta only to introduce "Wear.Ever" chines have only been on the market quality to more and moro HOME MAKING SCHOOL Every lout (i( I ]M\1HI'>. Vil;unin "I>" lirejid •Ever home-makers. two weeks. contains tim "\ilitmin l>" i-(iui\;ilent at two tou»iMiiinbtiil nl cud livi'i- nil—tlio liiKleleHH, ALUMINUM at ELKS' AUDITORIUM odoilesH, viliil I'li-nivnl, wilhuiit dm " <-ontent. © They're Standard "Wear-Ever" Quality. conditions, in (lie finest bakinjr plants in the country. with a 14-Inch Full Dynamic Speaker Begin today serving your fnmily the better and more nu- Your l"i i'n\ ., Ciiilrlk'i ,uul housed in a beautiful 38-Inch Walnut tritious FISCHER'S BREAD. @ New Style... fit gas burner perfectly. I KTkUl,'--. ii Slnrcs ,uv (In: Cabinet, Regularly Priced at $59.00; Fischer Bakes: ••— © Double-lipped.'.. pour from either side. Reduced to most ilt']viul.ihli: souia-.- VITAMIN "D" BREAD '(if .your Kwkl supply (Sliced and Uiislicud) 1Vrnp[icd In Cellopluino Get One ... or Ttoo if CAN BE HAD FOR $5.00 DOWN RYE (Plain or Seed) criitrjloymir fnvnutn "Wc»r-L*« * The SllfiMl Kyi". Wnippril In i>lmnn you want . . . You Canejora nnd pst B fffsuimo 15t — | \4 AND $1.00 A MONTH ! h»r<\ *t,ert Aluminum Stow Pan In'r l BRIDGE PUMPERNICKEL m.Iy3 >cfir»la. Taka/ticcut* if ymi Use Them Every Day want two [Kill a. Also Philco Balanced Tubes, all types, (SII('IMl) (Sllcc-ll) at a Big Reduction. HANDEE WHOLE WHEAT (Sllrwl) SEE US TODAY ! And Uw 1'iiinoiiM Tjitgn l.onf

•~ •—^—" • • ™^^ •Bjiaaj* •• ifcitf^ annnpim i am I mi I ii •• HIM HI ill h Ji* 11 ^" -»^ —••• IU —"^ ~'^h^" IUJI • TAKE YOUR "Wear-Ever" OLD HOME JUMBO, 10c COUPONS to any of these stores SLICED 1 «.,cl UNSUCED ni;i> HANK ATLANTIC mnill.ANI). , i'rt i:0 & 3ntin ntiture Co. Itnl lint M. Morteimon & <'o. "UIHI lliuik'ii I'niilrit (Jxinlnij liiiiilturii HOIIKP" WRAPPED IN CELLOPHANE 11., ill It Ino i & Alijilrgata, I-' t) il SI. Baking Company FUKHIIOLl) ASHUHY I»AI!K HIi rh'B llnitlvviira .Slain 135-137 Monmouth St., Red Bank, N. J. Newark, Asbury Park and Atlantic City. N(ci film h * J. ( nyt Son, irm Ciiokmnn Avc LONG ntlANCH Cm I *\hop, 7ns CoolimnI A vc. J. Slrlnhoch Phone 2104. Open Evenings. Free Delivery. l.ac III yd., TMia Mnln .'il. A. M. Tiiiviilo/ A Cn. Page Eight RED BANK REGISTER, MAY 3, 19S8. Irvington havo ended a visit with so visited at tho home of Mr. and j low Jho performance. Several re- | Circulation That Count*. j INSURANCE AGENCY Mrs. Edward Rowe. :hi;u:-a!s have brcn held ana those j e Sentence Mrs. Dale Paterson. nflVG f;t ( n fh(>m Newspaper circulation that counts ) Mr- ana Mrs. Howard Opdyko Mr. and Mr& Henry Hawxhurat rn-i ^h« ' ' ^h I,.- wuxilmry ot the county social ser- iHiiiahny, Kvniouuto .uf tlio t'ounty of issue of four **' Elberta Peach Trees, Dormant. Monmoutlii inudc on ihe fourth day of stumps, which vice will be br!d on May 20, Gurnet: Bcaman is driving a new Ajiril. l!Ki;t. un the ninillcution of Elite- have just ap- p I4irge trees, 25o each; $1.5U per 10; $10.00 per 100. vun F. Orbtinni, 'Jhumlimi I>. Puraons IUHI peared. been removed from the residence. ton, registrar of vital statistics, is- Tho Kcyi'oit Itaiildny Comimny, execu- Capt. Paul J'V'Ul 1 property. Medium size. 20c each; SI.011 per 10; $0.00 por 100. tom of the uKtulu of Antli»ny W. CiUli- The live-cent Kreen gray, the six- hunn. fium a Miss Josephine IMISIMCP of I Mr. ;md Mr?. Samuel J. Bennett,! l'^[[d Vhe"niarriag 'iif"cn;iei r nui. (lectiinerl, nollce i* hcichy (jlvcn to tho visit at New Yoik. O Small Bize, 15o cacb; 75o per 10; $3.00 per 100, creditors of said CICCCUHCI! to e.\hU>it to cent violet and the twelve and one- Rehearsals for tlic operetta to be York w;is a rpcnnt visitor nt th110 Wl d 1 ! the Btibf^ribcrH, C.NCCUIUI'K as nfoicHnlii, home of Mr. and Mrs. Rornnrd War- '' u" " u nhiv* Muv ?0 oil' , Tn5 3'i=utenanl Harold Davison, casting their debts and ilcniaiulu ayuInMt tho enitl h h Fi 'Also many other varieties oi fruits. ORtate, utnltM- on tli. wiHiSri nix months nek ov. for tho npcnms date, but a change I nGVV^paiiep r ™*°«***p '» thG blllldi»S from tho date of tho nforcBEiirl order, or Kicholas Petro/.elli, Jienry Ilawx- was made. and pressed them into service with Offer good only for one week. they will I»o forever bnrred of their ac- hurst and Charles Humph. Si\, \VOIP tions therefor fttfniiiot tho an Id BUIIBCI lb- Mr, and Mrs. Edwin Stoothoff en- the admonition, "Here's a chonce- to ers. William was assassinated in 15S4 *y Maurer spc among the first, to plant their ;:Tren make news as well ua to gather it and fit New York last week. tertained friends from Long Island ! d Dated JVecholil. N. J.. April i, 1033, as the result nf a reward offered by stuffs in the fields. o\er ihe wok-endk . at the same time be useful." KSTKVAN F. CU1STIANI, Philip 2d, of Spain for his life. Orange were at their summer home Mis, Wellington Wilkins attended' One of tha reporters. Sidney Wain linK Tflriiu-c, Kcypnit, N. J. A series of four Holy Year com- of Fair THEOPOHE D. PARSONS. on the Becchway over the week-end. n Republican dinner at Aabury Park Haven, at first refused to Kod Hunk. N. J. memoratives has been issued by the Mrs. Alida Waitt, who was injured Tinton Falls News. last Wednesday nipht. serve until assured of a fee, but when Jos. H Black, Son& Co. KEYPORT BANKING COMPANY* Vatican State, in a fall two weeks ago, is rapidly Mrs. Joseph Rock was suddenly ^ was shown that both Mr, Clayton Keyport, N. JM none of them, un- nnd Executors, recovering fmm the- accident. Tho flremnn will y.ivc a y\ny Iho (r.kfn rick Inut week and sho is now! Hecorder Poulson were not Quinn, PatPonn & Doremus, fortunately, of char in thcir re HIGHTSTOWN, N. J. The Ladies' auxiliary of the New letter part of May. Thr date lms n patient at the Lon# Branch hos-; ff f S»lar fr.es, he agreed 'loiuiHellot-n at Luw, particular beauty pHal. Ha- condition is serious. ' "'" '' " Red Hunk, N. J., in design. The Point Comfort fire company held a not yet been fixed. Dancing will fol- to do likewise. Pi'ucLors. values: 25 cen- dinner followed by a card party tesimi plus 10c. Thursday night. green; 75c plus Nicholas Deturo of Palmer avenue 15c, red; 80c plus has recovered from an attack of 20c, brown and quinsy sore throat. 1.25 lire plus 25c, - Mr. and Mrs. "William Snyder of blue. Center street have returned from a visit at Newark. The central design in each case is the same—an inner oval with the words "O Crux Ave Spes Unica" (bail, cross, the only hope), around Navesink News. an illuminated cross resting on a (The Hfld Bank fiegister can be bouirht sphere representing the world. . in Nnveeink from William Swan at the The two lower values have an poatotlicQ building.J outer oval border bearing the legend, Books ordered by the Navcsink li- "Poste Vaticane—Anno Santo—1933- brary within the past week are PHONES: 34," while in the two higher, bunched "100,000,000 Guinea Pigs" by Kallet ribbons fall on either side of the and Schlink, "Prison Days and 3262 or 3263 central design, slightly smaller tharj Nights" by Victor Nelson, "Nine in the first two, with "Poste Va^i- Plays" by Kugcrie O'Neill, "Life Be- QUALITY PLUS SERVICE! canc" appearing in a ribbon at the Kinb at Forty" by Pitkin, "Grain Free Delivery. top and "Anno Santo" in a rectangle Race" by ViHtcrs, "Odesscy of Cabeza at the bottom, de Vaca" by Morris Bishop, "Belinda A special air-mail stamp to com- Grove" by Helen Aahton, "The Caged inemorate tho loss of the dirigible Bird" by Frdncto Brett Young, "Har- .Akron haK heen asked in a resolu- dy Perennial" by Hull, "Tuesday Club tion filed by Representative Clyde Murders" by Agatha Christie, -For- Kelly of Pennsylvania. It requests est Fire" by Rex Stout, "The Album" that an eight-cent stamp in black by Mary Roberts Rinehart and ''Mar- and white, carrying a picture of the riage by Capture" by Arthur String- ]ost dirigible, be printed in an issue er. or 5,000,000. The firemen were called out Mon- Only twice did the dirigible carry day morning to a chimney fire in the air-mail. Both times official cachets Kilcullen home at Hilton Park, The •were placed on the covers. The first blaze was put out before any damage time was her first coast-to-coast was done. flight last May and the second, the Samuel Posten, Milburn Stearns tactical training flight which start- Dont Fail to Take Advantageof These L©w Prices and Charles Schultz were of the ed from JLakehurst nn August 1. opinion, up to last week, that trout It was announced recently in the fishing is better in North Jersey House of Lords that the English than in these parts. The trio made The following Specials have been added for postoilice has no intention of issuing a trip to Sussex county, but nary a a new set or of adopting the custom trout was to be found. The only ex- of commemorative issues. citing event of the day was when the last Three Days of our Anniversary Sale! Argentina has refused lo recognize Mr. Stearns fell into a brook. The [OTHER will rightly interpret the new Falkland commemorative next day Mr. Posten went tishing in issue—holds that tho islands are Meadow brook, a few yards from his the message of tender and lov- not British but Argentine, home, and caught several lino trout. ing sentiment your flowers will con- The French circle was entertained Monday afternoon at the home of vey to her; they are a subtle symbol Keansburg News. Mrs. Charles Wray. Mr, and Mrs. D. M. Jacobs of Al of your affection. Don't forget them Cherry, Peach, Pineapple, Strawberry, Sweet Mixed Reliah, Celery Relish, Sour or (Tho Red Bank Kegiatcr can bo bought bany were week-end guests of Mr. in Kcansfaurjf at the stores ot £1. h. Miller, on Mother's Day. Raspberry, Blackberry. 2-LB. JARS. Chow Chow. Finest Quality—FULL QT. JARS. N. SanU Lucia. Philip Keller and Charlci and Mrs. William T. Keeshan. Vosel.) Mrs. William Coddington has re- At the April meeting of the board turned from a visit with her daugh- of education, a delegation represent- ter, Mrs. William Schram of Long ing the local firemen's baseball team Island. asked permission to use the school Mr. and Mrs. William Swan spent athletic Held ior twilight baseball Sunday with friends at Point Pleas- games, it being pointed out that in ant the e#ent of a postponed game it would probably have to be played on LITTLE SILVER, NEW JERSEY a Sunday. The school board last year Everett News. LOBSTER COCOA denied the iiee of tho field for Sun- ] Mombers Florists' Telegraph Delivery A day games. A resolution was adopted Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Warneker Finest Japanese—Very Special! Finest Canadian—Very Special! 2-tb. Can—Reg. 29c rescinding the previous resolution < had as week-end pucsfs Miss Flor- FHONE KKD BANK 359. and referring thn mutter to ihc ence Eustace anrl Dr. JcffPi'Pon Bozc- Our Mother's school ground commit if e, with pow- mer of TVew Ynrlt, Vf. Rozonxer al- O cans 15 Cc "or to act. The b^nrd voted to n\n-'' ' CPI insurance policies that are about; to expire to the amount of $27,000: ! PER DOZ., $2.50. PER DOZ., $2.50. 19 This action was taken in view of the ' fact that the cost of buildings at this ; tirno is about two-thirds the cost in ; previous years. The policies of the , Shredded Wheat Globe and Rutgers lire insurance, i Swansdown Flour comp.-my, who ain making efforts tu Fancy Creamery—Country Roll Special ! Special ! reorganize, was ordered returned to : the agent for cancellation and return of unearned premiums. The board . Notice to Our Patrons pkgs. *§ C|c C intends? to make -further cancellation as they come due, Applications wciu. received for school medical in.i'pni:u<*n from Dr. A- Wallin of Mala wan and We have completed the requirements of the Federal Dr. Harvry J-Iai tman, present- inspec- tor. The board voted to retain the • Banking Department in disposing erf Municipal Paper Special Free Offer services of Pr. Hartman, as he has ' construed as being Frozen Assets, and have received performed hi a dntiey to the Hatisfac-! Chase & Sanborn TEA lion ot the Ijoanl, The salary wasf 1 r a license to resume business on an unrestricted basis fixed ;it • >1'i0l -A "reduction oj $,V) nvr DAVIDSON'S Delicious. thn present :-;ilni y. Thr fuUmvin^ j starting Thursday, May 4th, 1933 at 9 o'clock A. M. Seal Brand commit 'ci*:; were named: :-;chu-»i ;ind ' We take this means of THANKING EVERYBODY ground.*, John Martin, Kznk'lel Wilsoi.. 8-oz. ^^C lb. Vz Ethv.iul Cofiip'°n and Andrew Obcr : for their co-operation, not only in subscribing to man; teacher, Compton, R, A. Ji^scn. - jars ^ ^ pt. jars Mail in and Canton 13- Lohsen; trans our plan, but also the patient and pleasant manner FREE ! porlation, Wil- on, Fred Trcnery, Ob- , ci'man and J ncah L, I-'rfnchmnii, which you have displayed during the time that has FULL QT. JARS I—10c pkg. TEA BALLS with every 21c pkg. finance, I.,oli;;rn, Treneiy and French- been consumed in meeting formalities of the Bank- 2—10c pkga. TEA BALLS with every 39c pkg. man; purchasing, JesKcn, Frenchman and Mm tin. The Interest bearing ing Department. school dobl iii, bond*, $2,000 on Church ;-trt'r' :*fhnol and Jlflfi.OOO on CATSUP Store Cheese EGGS Toilet Tissue Francis Plncc i'rhonl, a total of 5108,- TonmtOH. for SI pac The Kean:sb"rg police seized n si ill la at week at 1- Cri^mit. r.trcct. The with us will be fully resumed without delay. still ia saitl lo havo had a capacity • o£ 3000 ^al)on.r;. it was in a fjaragu | in the rear of the. proprrty. The po-! If you have opened an account under the new trust Ijce found no one in the, place. The! family living >n the hnupn on the; regulations which many of our friends have, your properly sairl ttu-y knew nothing of J tho operation of tho mill. Federal balance may be transferred to your regular account JERSEY ngcntb of Nr.vrurk were notified and at once and checks issued without any restrictions. POTATOES SPINACH PEAS they dismantled the equipment and ASPARAGUS GUICEN MOUNTAIN, MAINE carted it away. FAHOV WASIH3D SWKKX CAr-IFOBNIA LAIWiK BUNCHES Tho yupreinc court in a decision >C Bosltot lbs. M M C lhs. Ckmo tmndert down on Thursday affirmed C Uunvli in pmt and rfiv«rncct in -part the 37 IBS, award given to Jeny Co re lone of Key port iiK-iima JCrneat Zingerman nf iffjiUitilmr^ for injuries received Keansb GRAPE FRUIT RHUBARB GREEN BEANS ORANGES in an automobile accident on tho FANCY FRESH HTIUNGLKRS Ktnne rmitl two yenrfi ago. Tho ense JUICY I'LOKIHA .1KUSKV—LAHC.K IHJNOHKij CAMFOllNIA or 1'I.OKIDA wax ilnit huftnl in tho Monmouth Circuit court *in'l waa carried to the for lliinclin. M M C for S1CO higher romt. Cerclono wan award- nd $3,000 and his father $1,000. Th« former w«fl riding" a motorcycle in the employ of the Western Union CARROTS TftH'grupH compimy. and was on hla POTATOES BANANAS Celery Hearts 1,/MIGK IIUNCHEH way 1« deliver ft mcauugo when the Keansburg, N. j» I.ATIGI! IlII'E ac:cMrnt hnppcnrd. 11B mirrored In- jiirlcn flint k^pt him in a liospltal targe 2 ItLinclit'fi 3' 14 RED BANK REGISTEB. MAY 3, 1933.

pnrlnty met at their rooms in the Dinner for New church hall Tuc-sday afU-rnoon to Union Beach News. complete jilan:, for thn chirhfin t?up- (Th« Red B»nk R«lllU tin bs bought Jury Commissioner per Lo bfl Itd'l nt. thft hall on May 10. Union Be*eb at tha itofe of Ous Sen- ue Mr«. Kmnk Mtnnrd of Main street on,) The Eatontown Republican club la visit inn ;it TurUahoe. Nrw York. Drawings for positions on 1ho pfl- will tender Charlrfi Miller of Eaton- Azaleas & Eiergreeis Its Living Quarters Are On Four Levels Dr. ami Miii. (;l;urk-n A. Smith, maiy bellot were made by Koiougn town a testimonial dinner and Mii-iiH^i .Ifinrl diifl Amirey .Smith and Cleric Albert E. Cowling lost wcclt. dcrnco Tuesdny nfRht, May 9, at th« James .Smith ol1 r.nyoimo spent. Sun- There ljeing no compeLttion fur ltc- The next two week:; will he the ideal time to Mnnmnuth County Country club. day with Mr. fiii'i Mrs-. John B. publican candidates, no diawlngj set these. Carl Whltchurat, president of the XIUIKC of Mnin Ntrr-et. were necessary. Mayor James M;- club and general chairman of the Mi;; I.nut • J'lirc, v.ho lias been Kittrick, who seeks re-election, won Our stock is grown on our own grounds and /fair, will bfl toastmneter. It la ex- 111 at thn horn*, nf her -laughter, Mrs. position over Patrick J Kilioy, who pected that about 175 peoplo will bo Chnrlts K. Cluniplin of lied Bank, is opposing the mayor. Tho OUIIM' by men of many years' experience. You see them present at the dinner about about is now v;ii li Mr. aiu! Mm. William drawing posltionn are: Richard K. before they are dug and burlapped. 200 more at the dance. Hftywfirr! of p< inhri ton avenue. Wlble and Percy R. Head; Henry Mr. Miller WBB recently appointed Word tiaii hf"M i( coiwd by Mrs. Cleary and John A. Spielrnan. l(1or The price at the nursery is as low as you can jury commissioner for Monmouth John Mini nf Mnin street that her members of County commiUfc, firtt buy forat any place for the same, kind of stock. Over 20 Years •, who nvnlf-.-; in lower Cali- district, Edward Klein. Br., and Shoeing for America's fornia, j.; Mfrinu;.-]y i|]. Frank Calandrlello; second diftrict. Many varieties and sizes ranging in price "r Kpwnrth J.ofiL'UR Hoclety will Albert E. Cowling, John Cooney, from 25 cents and up. Most Famous hold a (in. me:-.-; nifictint: find social Heatrico Ponzeno and Jennie M. at tlit? rhutrh h-il! timi^ht. Dougail. Barberry, large slock, SOc per 10; $3.00 per Racing Stable. MIT. Ciilvin Reynolds, who spent A flrat aid class from members of the winter wit Ii iu-r dnii.ylitr r, has the fire department, has been forrnod 100. MH. SADDLE HOUSE OWNF.R! returned to.hor liumn on I^atontown and the first Instructions were ^ni.-n When your homo needs new BIIIIPN boulevard. last nlcht by Edward HopUin.s and The aildiiirm tn tlir school build- John Kelly of Keyport, who hnvo call 118. " Wo also )mvo lor fuilo nil ( ing i;i iH'i. 1 in;; complctinn. paBHed the way for the oiguni/.irih' 'f kinds of hond-mndft Sport Shoes lur The Ai(-ilifiiii,-,i HuyH* dub rnftl. on first aid squads at Keansburg, East Thoroughbreda und .luiniiors. Buliurlay at tlip. church hall. They Keaneburg, and West Kfansburg:. are ]J1;I nnin^ in) i'nI crtaiiinuTit. Harry Banerle has returned in the HIGHTSTOWN, N. J. Phone Red Bank Tho On> import parnnt-t par hers Veterans' hospital at Millington for npofuini rii ihc |i!;tntiiiK of ;i tree on further medical treatment. 793-J-l. the tfr.hdn] u,i numls in nlwri v.i nee of William Leuttchan has concluded A1 b;iy r,f Adelpliia on Wednesday. Charges ore In accordance with Slatg Reguhtioni and When an Exide ans- four feet up inLn thft livlnc size, and two bedrooms with a bath Ho is a member of the Eatontown Bpeiil' Sun.lay with Mr. mid Mrs. W. Mra. Harry J. McCandlcss of Union | -a are (igurod only on the unpaid balance of tho /oan . • wers the starter button, room; at the left a similar flight between, all the latit four rooms be- club and in active in its affairs. A. Hayncs nf M»ir, .stroi't. avenue has been on tho sick list. just for the exact number of days you keep tho money. you know it. So does loading; clown into a piny or card ing on the ground floor. Among the invited guests arc Mr, and Mi:;. A. Ihuiltfins of New- Mrs. Charles Spielman will be lios- room underneath the living room, The exterior of (he house la of Mayor VanR. Halsoy, Ruymond L. ark ujifnt the wrol< f:nd ;it their sum- tesa to the members of tho Regular For prompt service, coma in —wrlto —or 'phonoI your motor. Action is and exactly the same size. flUbh siding, with wooden (JUOIHH and Wyckoff, Senator Kmnk Durund, Jo- mer homo ;>!. Bndj:R\n..ii!r.*. Women's Democratic club tomorrow Exide's middle name—• In addition, thorn is a room-sized pilasters for the front main motive, seph McOermntt, ISdpur I. Vandcr- Mr. and Mrs. IJnrli\v Kiildln, Mr, afternoon. balcony over the front hall, reached and wide clapboards on the wings. vf.er, Judjyo Harry Truax. Charles Mrs. Myra Hardy was hostess to nnd Mir. Lloyd N.. HickloH, Mrs. F. Kill. IU0A Tenth l-looi. tlELttic Hills pep its nickname. Its from tho living room by another Walls and trim should bo white, and Brceso, Gourde Hray, Herbert Ed-, A. Wood, Mini, Ruth Hicltlca, Misi tho Ladies' aid society of Grace Hhort (light of stairs, and lighted by shutters may be white or gray, but wards, Tho inns Khebcll and Mayor Methodist church Monday afternoon. (101 ISungs Avenue, family name is de- Shirley Riddlo, rirorKd Hurley and Corner Emory Strcrl pendability. a tall window. An artist would find preferably should be bluc-grccn. A C. E. R Hctrick. Orrin' KU-UIOH Hpnnt Kiiturday even Funeral services for Mra. Francis PUone Asbury Park 7805 tho balcony ideal for work, if the slate or shingle roof is indit-ntrd. A delegation of 30 members of the ing with Mr. and Mrs, K. J, Maps of Evans were held Friday morning. In- License No. 670 house faced north; it may do equal- Coat should be between $4,000 and Eiitontown Republican club attend- Lon^ Branch. terment was made at Freehold. Mrs. ASBURY l'AKK, N. J., ly well aa a library, or a corner $6,000. ed the Vanlt. Halacy and Mis. J. A. Mr. and Mrs. Kdwavd Worlhley Evans died Tuesday at her home on VanSchoick leutimnnial dinner at and Jcnn Wortblcy of Nfiwark visit- Park avenue after a long sickness. Monthly Cliareo Two and One-Half the Berltcley-Carto.ret hotel at An- ed at Ocean port, rorontly. She had lived in Union Beach a num- Per Cent on Unpaid Uulanco Only. NJflW VVAVKBLY FLAClfi HOUSE. In an executive capacity, and tuntil ber of years. She is survived by a recently waa Hales manager of the bury Park last week. The members Open Daily 8-.3O to 3 Saturday S:3O to I of this delegation' had 'a special table son, Howard Evans, who lived with ThonuiB Hackett Is Building a Resl- New Jersey Oil Burner sales com- Boys can make extra pocket money her. Ucrnio on That Street. pany. selling Tho Register.—Advertiaemeri! "O-^^B" • Constable Thomas A. Hackott i3 having a house built for his own U3e RED BANK HOUSE SOLD. Oceanport News. on the south side of Waveiiy place at' Hed Bank. William H. H. White K. Tnomey Buys tlio WUllnm \V. CouU Triiperty. Mr! ami" Mrs. Thomas J. Mcaghcr is the contractor. At present Mr. of Main street had as their guests and Mrs, Hackett, who were married William W. Cook lias sold a house on Sumluy Mr. anil Mm. Blingnrland, early last winter, aro living -on Roc-and lot on the north aide of New- Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Roberts and tor place. The contract for their man Springs road near Shrewsbury Charles Roberts of Jersey City, new house calls for Its completion by avenue to William E. Toomey of Mrs. S. R. Newman, who has been1 July 1. There will not be a lot on West Front street. The lot is 00x122 spending the winter in Texas and Waveiiy place without a house when feet and the house which iy of stucco Louisiana, is expected at her home the new dwelling is finished. construction has seven rooms and on Eatontown boulevard in a few ' Tho new house will be a frame modern improvements. Also on the days. -;. Our Service Car structure, 26x20 feel,. of the Dutch lot la a three-car garage, with living New Eyelet Batiste Dresses, also Piques, Broadcloth and Mateiasse quarters upstairs. The sale waa made Mr. nnd Mrp. Everett Rudloff had colonial typo. It will have six rooms as their week-end guests Mr. and la Always Ready and a hafhroom. The floors will be by G, Howard Lippincott. Mr. Toomey, who m employed at I he Mrs. Seymour M. Peyser of New of hardwood except in the bathroom, York. I where tile will bo laid. The walls in Green t roe farm at Lincroft, will llila room will also bo of tile. Tho make nit orations to trip house. He Mrs, Flora A. Wood, Mrs. Fred- will take possession within a month. erick A. Wood and Donald Wood of house will be provided with modern Main street motored to Flainrield on $1-95 $^.95 improvements. George Worth.ey will Leon Bennett ifi the tenant at pres- and do the mason, work, Fred E. Erow- ent. Friday, where they visited Mrs. Gor- er will be the electrician and Roy don May. Smith will do the plumbing. Mr, Honor Fupils. Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Bowman or Hackett, who waa a painter before Pupils of the Crawford's Corner Red Bank spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Van DuBois. 2 ho became a constable, will do tho school with records of perfect at- CardR have been' received fron: 1 painting. tendance for tho month of April arc: John Haitsen primary department, Grace DiNardo, Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Wylie of Mail HEAL ESTATE PARTNERSHIP. Helen Jacob, Anna Millcn, Stella street, who have been spending th 42 West Front St., Mi Hen, Virginia Millen, Carmela winter in Florida. RED BANK Charles E. Sweeney Associated With D'Elena, Albert DiNardo, William George Darragh"* of Brooklyn, Joseph G. McCue. Jacob, Howard Lon^, Krank San- former resident of Little Silver ;M nellie, Asher Rchcnck, Howard Smith, mphow of Mrs. Thomas J. Menglv. CLWIcs E. Sweeney of Rumson Stanley Stillwell, Stanley Winkoaky i.-i recovering from an operatic lias become a partner of Joseph G. and Walter Givens; grammar grades, which necessitated the amputation McCue of Rumson in the real eatato Alexander Gellert, Charles Hyer, of one arm. and insurance business. The part- Frnnk Mi.lnn, Hnrry Ryder, William Mr. and Mrs. Bowles of Leonard nership become effective Mondaj'. Ryder, For man Sutphin, John Win- cklliirrn an mmrJ ol awrcy. avenue have moved to the Dunn Wtwre directions am foUuwed, IT Mr. Swocney is a resident of Rtim- kowpki, Rocco Dnlro, Mary Fusco, house on Main street. NKVEB FAILS. DrsplUi 'irarcity ami snn. He was born at Seabrlght and cnotmoafl eont of HANTON'iN, It cm- Cornelia Gellert, Fannie Sannellie, Mrs. John B. Hulse and Miss Eve- tmtoa toll doae. Hlmiil in yra. teal. U a graduate of the New York law Doris Sulzmann, Ruth Sulzmann, lyn Hulso motored to Bayonne on AD Drositlstfl or Iiy mail, ft On a battla, iif.liool. Ho was formerly associated Genofa Winkowski and Jennie Win- Friday. l«t on Bo mat™!*, lint- 0, A, with the Sigmund Eisner company ' , SL. *>. I'lUOlhil Mrs. Edward Wilson and Thomas Miller of PfiFsaio."were Sunday visi- tors of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore G. Kowe of Eitontown boulevard. The members of the Ladios' aid

Real Estate IN EFFECT THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY A comparison of WAGNER HIGH QUALITY ofc these sensa- Insurance tional prices .will prove to. you that your MONEY BUYS MORE AT A'WAGNER STORE! Mortgage Loan;,


PER. POUND. SHERIFF'S SALE. I By vi11 in- o[ n writ of fi. fn to mr di- ! i-U'.l. 1- -iic.1 out. of the Court of rh.-.n. rpry or the Stair or New .Ic.f-ev, will be . LEGS'OF' t'\lM»!-ricsd/loo! PER,POUND, delicti n» Iho piopeily of Kll.clon J. SPECIAL firnvor, nnd Ki.inm I., (ooyor, hii.lmn.l «ml Wife, «t ill,,., I/ In (iM-eullon nl tha suit of Mnilo Ii«yton. exoi-.ntiK .in- dor iho I,HB|. Will «,ul •lOtnmonl of I!n»- 36 MONMOUTH ST., RED BANK •>cll II, ('Inylon, ,le.:ciiflO(l, and In lio nolil I III liny AviHimi. IHtjliliuidit, :u> Krnnt flti-eat, Koyimrt. FlratAvanue, Atlantic Iliuhlnnilt. Iiy ::<>4 nmmhvny, I.onir Jlrnnrh. r.O Church Blr«ct. KennaburK. HOWARD HKIIMIT, Slieillf. Unto,I Ap.ll :l. l!i:i;i. RED BANK, N. 3. AlM'lnpntc, .Slovene, Ir'ofltor ft Ifen^lllo, 17 BROAD STREET. LK K rr nmu W I). ' " ''tn,.71 RED BANK REGISTEE, MAY 3, 1933.

NOTICE OF ftEGIST&Y AND ELECTION. SHERIFFS SALE. , line of Majile svenue, thence northwardly NOTICE OF REGISTRY AND E1-ECT1ON. faid West Side Avenue to the point where NOTICE OF UEGISTEY AND ELECTION. SHEEIFFS SALE. NOTICE OF REGISTRY AND ELECTION. it intersects Far View Avenue on ealti tiil- By virtue of m, writ of ii, fa. to ma di- atone the center fine of hlaiile aw tun; to Tow-tuti fp o/ Aliddfctoim. N. J. Litllo Silver Borough, N. J. Atlsnlk Township. II, J,. By virtue of a writ of ii. i&. lo me di- Borough of Red Bank, N. J. itw intersection with tl.« renter line «f lett property; thenco (6) easterly, in the rected, issued out of the Court of Chun- Notico of tlio timo and plactrof holding center line of Far View Avenuo to tho in- Notice of the tims and placo of holding Notice of tha time and placa of holding rected, ieaueii out ot tho Court of Chan- Koilc-a ot the time end plr.cc of holding Chestnut siieel, thence weptwurdly aionw eery of tha Stata of New Jersey, will bo cery of the Bute of New Jeiooy, will ba the (ieticral Election and of tho oilicoru to tersection of what t& known aa tho Sorrcy the (ienerii! Election atid of iho ofHcer* to the General Election and of the ofliears to exposed to nalo at public vendue on •.lie General Klection and of iho off.ccra lo thh o center linli u off ChtChestnut t jtrcctt t t o itIts lie elected »nd rneelinea of tho Board of be elected and mt'&tiitga of iho Boiud ot exposed to mde fit public vendue on 38 elected and meetings of the Boards of .. ... of tho New be elected and meetiiifa of the Uourda of Winding Uoad; thenco (7) northerly, down MONDAY, TUB 2-iND DAY OF MAY, Intersection with the tracks Ili;j:btry nnd Election in the Township of (he center line of the Surrey Winding loail n^trlhtry nnd Election In tho Borouyh of; Kesiiatry nnd ElcrUon in the TowrtBhlp of MONDAY, TUB 16TH DAY OF MAY, Registry and Klection in thu Boiounh of Jersey Southern railroad, thenco north- Uttlo Oliver, In lh« County of Monmouth. Ajlantic. in tho County of Monmouth. {led Bank, In the County of Monmouih. Mlitdlctov.n, in tho County of Monmouth. to the center lir.e of tho road leading from between tha hours of'l2;0n o'clock nnd 1U33, wardly tifonsr tho tnici.fl or road bed of the Notice h hereby ci General NuveM'nk to E-eoniirdviiie; thenco (Hi eant- Notice ia hcieby given that a Geneial Nollcd ia hcieby {riven that a l.enenU Notice la hereby yiven that a General New jcrapy Southern railroad to lt» Intor- thai 5:fH) o'clock (nt 5:00 o'clock, daylight between Iho hours of 12if)0 o'clock and ElcctUin will l.o held in nnd fofo r tie crly, in the center line of tlie road Icadinit Flection wilill bo held iIn end for the Election wilt ho held in and for the 5:00 o'clock ommittee. for i term of two yea re, nnd two Council men lino of John Street, nald point belnj; dl*- he rein niter PHttloulmly ilcycrlhed, cituate or road hed of the Now York and Lontr three yenrB, nn Ah^c^m fo tho Township j :inninir. . '. '. " for three years. for full term of three year*.. /or the Borough of Little Silver, for a full and two Justices of tho I'caco for five tant seven hundred eijrhty-ono nnd lill/lOO lylnR and helm: In tho Horoituh of Raton- Braiicf) railroad compuny to its intersection f Middletown fo The polline rlaco for the Fourth Elec- town, 1" tho County of Monmouth anil lon Uihtili-t Ia thu Bievent Park and term of three years. yeara. feet easterly mcnnitred o!cin(,' (do norther- Notice of Primary Election. with tho center line of Chestnut Etreet. lector for the Township of Middle town ly line of John StVeot, from tho point of Kltito of New Jersey. Also take notice that a Pnrmuy Llec- thence eastwardly alone tho center line for three ye.'ir.s. jeonai do firehouBC, Center Avenue, Leon- Notice of Primary Election. Notice of Primary Elactlon. Beclnnini: nt a point in tho center of then' irdo. N. J. Also take notice that it PrimarPrim y Eleo- Intersection of the northerly line of John tlon for fill politicnl parties entitled there- nff Chestnut street to its intersection with Also tako notico that a Primary Elec- Ktreet with tha easterly line of Prospect RoyiKild'a Drive, unld point hcins tha Notice of Piimary Elec r tion for all politic at parties entjtlcentitl d there* to vfi\\ he held nnd for the 1 iorom;h th linli e off MMii'i o avenue, thencthnce ifth District, Commonly Known as the tion for all political parties entitled there- Avenue; thence (1) northerly one hundred PouthenHt corner of pioperty helonging to paid County, on Tues- nUy nlonc th centecee r line of Mai'le take notice that ;i Ti i to will he held In and for th1e0 Boroutfh to will bo held In and for tho Township of Hod Bank, in for ail pnliti Line ro ft District. M il I ld C twenty feet, more or less, to a point in Allen l'iehi; thence (1) North twenty-oev- day," May lfith, 1023. between the hourfi h i tlon witihh thho center iJ ].n rtres e':itit!.-ii 'of Ml tie Silver, In finld County, on TUBB- of A t l/i n tic, in unid County, on Tues- on decrees two nilnutOH'Mvcflt ntonff laid il) ho tuhi d f h T The boundaries of tho same are aa fol- «lny. May lfith. 193:i, between the hour- the northerly lino of (ho whole tract of of seven A. M. and eight I*. M. tStaitdmd thence ca nrdl ows, vu.: day, May 10th. 1033. - between Iho houm which within premise* aro n pnrt i thonre ttcld'it eiutt lino ulna hundred mid threa renter line of Heckle** place to of Midiiletown'. In *alil Co'jnty, Tue«- of pcven A. M. and eicht P. M. (Standard of nc\en A. M. and eight I', M. (Standard r°the Betfinrunc at the intersection of tho Now ; time.) (2) easterly along the northerly lino of anil eljihty-nlne oiie-hiindredtha feet to a Said Primary Election to be held in (lie the center llin o off HroaHd d street, thth e pointei r ] York ar.d LOIIK Branch railrond with the Ime.) tho whole trnc.t, forty*three and 74/100 point In tho renter of WyckofT rood; place in the respective district ns t-pccili.- Said Primary Election to ba held in the Sold Primary Election to ho held In tho thoni-o (2) north forty-dsht de«rcei, eix 1 P i > feet to a point; thence (3) louthcrly ono raUy shove mentioned and r-iiid Prim.ii >' Tho°pomSg"iih\i e for the Sn-enth Elec- ! the aaiil New York nnd Lone Branch rail- ptuco in the respective district ns specift* place In tho respective district aa specifi- hundred and twenty foot, more or lc»n, to minutos cant along tho renter of WyckoK Klection will be held for the pijrpn&o of tion District i* Eupena M. Majjee's t,-a- id Prim: Klccd'n.n fo he hrJd Iri fh( rally aiiove mentioned and eahi Primary cally above mentioned and said Primary i in tho ili.-trict as fpccili- toad to the inteihection of tho road from n point fn (do northerly line of John load two liunrlicd forty-four nnd seventeen nominating persons of tho lu^'Oeuve rage. Irvint; place. ITM' Hr adder V Conor to the Still HOUKC; Klcction vlll bo held for tho purpoao of will bo held for tho purpose of ono-hiindrcdthfi fcot to a corner; thenca y c d I Street! thence (4) westerly nlonst tbo parties to the o trices above men tioned, Eighth Election DiRtrlct. thonce (2) westerly, following tho road iiominatinc persons of the respective £ persons of tho rcapactlvo northerly-line of John Street forty-three f tht! New luittce for each pi.htieal p ; election district; nlno olio Male and one Female Member of tho State Executive itiK in s.nld I'l y El«i-tion in e;u-h '• Townships to Oirden'n Corner; thence <•!) electio- - n- district: also one Mnle nnd one Coiiutrurtion nnd Developing Company, a nrlvo two hundred thirty-seven nnd for- CommitU-e for each political party. Jersey Southern railroad to its intersection I follow ing the center lino of tho road from ; Female Member of the State Executive Female Member of tho Stato Executive ty one-hundred thii feet to tho point or with the center line of Herbert Htreet. elertinn (lirtrti-t; , -.me Male nnd one corporation cf the Klnte of Now Jemcy, .Said dat'J "ill also ho the st-eond regis- 1 the. State recentiv""o I Ocdcn's Corner to Everett, through Evyi- I Committee for each politicnl party. Committee for each,political party. p[ju:o of heuiunlnjt. r thence ivcsMwirdJy nlonp the center line of I'omul' Mcmlirr et al,, taken In execution nt tlio suit of tration .t- "ill h i i er, executors of tlie Lost Will and Testn- Julio M. .Heed mid Geort'o Jf. Heed, wife I In e ;. > :\:y with tho provision? of tralion date in r- i fifty-seven deyrcef*. forty minutes west to Further Take Notice. n net entitled "An Art to regutregulatee eleleec and huHhnnd. hy deed executed by Wil- < floutrnmrdly atonj; tho center lino of iy. Swimming Kiver; thence (6) in an easterly ment of Jnn.es Cooper, Jr., nnd to bo noId (in nrt i.-il • An Act to regulate elcc- In conformity with the pro vision s of tlonn" (Revision of l, approved April by liutn S. Ilaiu-ofk, unmarried,'nud Raymond Phrcvvshury avenue to itn intersection'v/ilh -uithrr Take N'ntitrc. and southerly direction, following tho vail- 18. 1Q30.IMM) umendmenta theretoht . tions;" .i ijHi uf 193, approxcil April n nn net entitled "An Act to regulate elec- II, Rtillnmn, uiimanleil. on February 18th, r tho center line of West Leonard ntrt'et, In i miiy v n)i the p. m " ; rnia courr-es of said Swimming River to nOWABD HEIGHT. Sheriff. /18, li>:: ) :.:u! amendments thereto, y thenve woHtwnirdly Jiloii^' tha center line ol lloim" (KevUion of 1930,, approved April hereby notified that the votern of the iitate Dated April 10th, 1933. Ht27, nnd which deed ia recorded in tha 'hereby i,- i.i-jd that the voters of the .Slate tlnl "An \<-', tu'i c^-i '<;- | the high, water line of tho shore of Shrev.fi- of New JoiHcy aro lo vote for fi-i Pole- •\VOKL Leonard etreet to its intersection n'l I hury river; thence (70 easterly, in the ; 1M. U*;,t), and nmendmenta thereto, you are Wnrren H. Smock, Sol'r. Monmouth County Clcrk'n Oflioe In Book of New . ---^y are to vote for tM Dele- ith the center line of Leiijhton i hereby notified thnt the voters of tho Stnto Kates at Lnriro nnd ri Vint viet VelcKtitex __(53_ linen) _$22.2fl laSfi of Decrlu «n putrc ^42, etc .t'l" n.I nu- licict hifrh water line of the ahoro of a aid to tho State Convention, for the purpoae Kates ai Um:e and tJ Distiict DCICKHI y - , Shrewsbury river, to tho railroad bridge. J of New Jersey are to vote for 64 Dele* Kclxcd in* tho jiroperly of Julia H. Reed to the .Stale Convention, fo the p p thence northwardly alone the center limnf nf the Slide j S { Kate* nt LiirKe and 6 District Delegates of coiuidering tho amendment proposed hy Leifihtcin avenuo to ks internet-lion \. ith Hole- the place of bej?inninc SHERIFF'S SALE. nnd CcdijTe Jf. Reed, wife find husband, of considering the ainendnu-u d by i to the State Convention, for the nurnoHG tho Congress of the United Stuten, to tlie et nl., tnken In t-xflciitinti nt tha auit of the ten le r line of Locust n venue, tht nee Hi.-;. K'"tc--i The iKtllinjr [)lnco for tho fifth Ele tion By virtue o( n writ of ii. fn. to mo di- the Connreiis of tho Ui-ited Miitc-. ic rnox! Dintrict is the postotlico bulldini 'of consideiine the amendment proponed hy CotiRtitution dcHinned t» • repeal tho Eigh- Third Avenue Iluildlnir nnd I-onu Associa- the wf."t«-:n-iiJy jiJonj; tlio center lino (if Locu^t he \ I-in- 11 teenth Articlo nf Amendment. Approvod rected, it)HUG(l out of tho Court of Chan- Con.Btitu.tion designed to repeal rl:orutfr of the State of N. teenth Article nf Amendment. Approved .ivcnue to irs " intcrfection with the- eho.e . . *ed i.y ; March l';id. 1933. ftetot;ateH to I»a elected of the North Shrew sbnry river, tInjure | croft. N. J. Conatitution designed to repeal tho exposed to unlo nt public vcntjue on J,, nnd to bo A«M hy March 23d. I0o3. Pelo.:ttc-- *o he olct-ter. [M! Staler, to the i Sixth District, Commonly Known as the ; toenth Articlo of Amendment. Approved at. the Primary Election held May 16th, at the Primary Election held May ltith, • northeastwardly along tho ehoro of iho repeal the KiKh- Tort Monmoutli District. I Marrh li;td. 1933. Delegates to be elected 1933. MONDAY, THE 8TH DAY \)V MAY, HOWAItP HEIGHT, Sheriff. Ici-alh A : nent. Approved Dated April 8, 10.'13. 1333. The boundaries, of tho same nro as tol- ; ,,t, thp Prirnury Election held May 16th, 1033, j v. ith the center lino of the t rat*I;8 or road Ma-, h : :< Ics to he elected Notice of Rc-Utratlon. between tho hours of 12:00 o'clock nnd Giordano, (ioldon & Hurley, Sol'rg. . _ Further Take Nntke. IT.J of tho New Jersev Southern rail. ond. licld May 16th, 1? 33. And thnt on Tuendtiy, Octoher 17 th, (fi4 linen) $26.88 Thnt. theilcK.il voicit oi ilie n-<:ourri Heiri nning Ht tho corner formed by the 1933, the Baardtt of Registry and Election 5:00 o'clock (nt 2:00 o'clock) in tho nf- . thr imiMt nr jdai-o of hecinninj. intersection of tha road from Hendrickson's Notice of Re-clalrallon. ternoon of BJild day. nt ihe Court ilounc of lied Hank are to vole on the lollowm^ • The pollinK i.laue for the Kiiifith Klrrtlon And that on Tuesday, October J7th, will meet at tho place nt which they will Noti Corner to Atlantic Highlands and thu rn.ul p In the Borough of Freehold, county of SHEIUFFS SALE. referendum: Shall the act en: itk'l "A" 10. t3, the Boai-d of HegUtry nnd Election hold tho (idici-id Klection above men- ! Di?t rict ir, the cnfclerin of the Si^-mnn.l And th. "J UP-" from that road to Harmony; thenco (1) Monraouth, New Jersey, to natinfy n de- Art to amend an net entitle. 'An Act to Kth, will meet fit the place nt which they will tioned, between the hours, of ono o'clock By virtue of u \viit of fl. fa. to me di- Kisner Company, Qiidgo avenue and WCJI hp*Bo;iid^ of He iid Election i easterly to Mill Brook; thenco {2) follow- in tho af to moon and nlno o'clock In tho cree of Biild court amountlnfi to approxi- amend an act entitled -An act (nr _r.«n>- Front, etroet. hold tho tlcneral Election above men- rected tanned out of the Court of Chan- W1;i mccL m the place n' h they will inj- sutd brook iLs vurious coursea north- evening, for tho. purpouo of making tho mately $8,3'J0.b(). pref^PinK vice and immorality I K< vi ,ir...,. 1 cery of tho State of N«w Jorsoy. will bs : Ninth Election -District. hoJ.l iho Cenenxl Klect. ly to Compton's Crcok; thence (3) still tioned, between the hours of one o'clock All the following ti-nct or pnrcel of land approved March twen:y---c\c:r.ii. "-t; final revision and correction of tho regis- exposed to Bale nt public vendue on | Be^itmiiiK nt a [mii.t vliero the center lior.cd. • liclv. ecu t!i in a northerly course, followinn tho creok in the afternoon and nine o'clock fn tho ter for tho General Election. find i>rcwhes hereinafter paiticuJaily l l|| j with tho center line of Herbert Ktreet. fo the puri*a.=o of nutkinc the Southern railroad: thence (4) atill north- , Borough of Rod Bank, In the County of 103 U, ary tv.-enty-eiphtti. one in--v.i-.iM < - t vein r for the General Election, ship ia tho Township Hall, Colt'a Neck. hundred and ninety-three." Ix- adopted. , thence southwardly aloiitf the center tine M final rcvi-ion and coi rcH-!i.-»ri of the crly. nlonc said old New Jersey Southern i ,.., ... , , Monmouth and Stnto of Now Jersey, between tho hours of 12:00 o'clock, and ; Shrewsihury avenue to ita inlertL-ction with ter for the C.enenil Klection. rnilroiid ri«ht of way. to Sandy Hook bay; ThIho pollinno ing* placp aco foforr Little Silver nor- JONATHAN H. JONES, Beginning tit tho point of liiteraection of C;00 o'clock (ut 2:00 o'clock) In the after- Notice of Kcsistr.ition. j the center line of lha Newman Spj-inj,'-; thenco (5) westerly alontr tho Day. to the ! ?}liih ia tho Little S.l~".vev r Volunteer Fire Townohlp Clerk. tho westerly lino of Shrewsbury avenuo noon of mill day, at the Court House la Tlif folkuvitif.- is n description ol the Lam a B And that on Tuc^Jav. Uc.ulier lTili, , road, thenro easterly alon« the cenu-'r line Klui'tion district.-, in the Township of Mid. mout.. h_ of. P^w'Pcwa Creek: thence ((6L) south- i' "y "°"ee. DlilccI April ITlh, 1033. with tlie flouUierly lino of Catherine bireet; tho Doj-owrh of Freehold, comity of Man* 1933, the Boards of Registry and WccUoti i nf the Netvman Springs roail to Its inter- dk town j>nJ the polling places in tho ti'ly up Pow's Creek and the Brook at t he ELIZABETH D. HOBB3, thenro southerly along tho wenterly lino mouth. New Jorecy, to Hiitinfy a. decreo of ••" meet at the PIBC ' whic- u:-1h- -' •.il •"l secti -!it- h the center 1 of ^ heiul of same and in a straight line wc«t Clerk ot tho Formigh of Uttlo Silver. of ShrowsburSrey y avenuoa oone hundreuedd nnd nftld Court amounting to approximately hold tho General" Election above men- thence northwardly P t: 'ho of the farm of Charles H. Mills, to W. E. Dated April 17th, 1933. NOTICE OF REGISTRY AND ELECTION. fifty feet- thence westerly lino $3,f515.O(). tioned, between- the hours of one o CIUCK ter line of Bioad utreet to its intersect ' Pirit District, Commonly K» aa the Ralph's Cottier; thenco (7) still southerly Shrewsbury Borough, N. J. IcIll witith CatherinCthi e ntrcottt, ono humlrcd d and All the following tract or parcel of Inn* in tho afternoon and r.ine o'cloi-;^ in the with the i-ontcr line of iho truck* or Middletown Districi nlonji the road past John J. Murphy's Bixty feet; thenco northerly on a lino par- nnd pienuiic-i hereinafter particularly de- i o:i"d bed of iho New Yoi k and Lonj,' houso to the placo of hctrinniriE at H:ir-" NOTICE OF REGISTRY AND ELECTION. NoMco of tho timo and plnco of holding evening, foi the purpose of making the Th hnmidiirles oi the name tlio -northerly nt right angles to tween the properties owned by the Mon- the center line of Herbert Ptreet to its in- (enter line of nitid boundary road between Now Jersey, and to bo sold by Flak Avenuo, ono hundred foot to a. point; tci'faction iv'jjh the center Jini? of ?hrews- Intersection of the road from Hendrtuk- Mo uth and State of New Jei-_., ('clock P. M.. th respective polling mouth Boat Cluh and the property fcnov.n Middlelown nnd Ifolmdcl Townships 'fo ay, November 7i)>. 1933, between the place In said Borough. HOWARD HEIGHT, Shcrlfi. tlionc-o {^> wcHterly parallel with Fink as tha lied Hank Lyceum." thenco uouih- bury ru'^mii?,. tho point or plnco of beirin- C.trnit 'J. Luvidci":* tot net; thtitict. (;i) son's Corner to Atlantic Highlands and tlie loud from that .madd to Harmonmonyy ;; • thence hour nf jcvrn n.Vlnrk A. M. nnd cicht Said flection will bo held in tho aaid Dated March 31, Avenue, twenty feet more or Ictss to a Trardly to the center line of Broad Btiect, * westerly, to HendricltBon's Corner, In unid Bcrouch for tho purpoRo of electing Point, Hiiiit point- beintt thu southeast cor- ^Ilinjr i-lnci for the Ninth Elertio: ((1)) rtherlyhy, , aam i northeantcrlynorthrly, , alone Hie o'clock P. M., Jit tho respective Hoivnni S. HiEcinson, Sol'r. thence alone the center lino of Broad street . pliircs in nil id Borough. two Members of the Cienertil Assembly of (40 linen) SIC.SO ner of Inndit of Chaduick; thence (3)' to its intersection with the center line ot . •"istrict 19 Union firehoiiSB, Shrewsbury , boundary lino; thenco (-1) southerly, again lasl t namedd roadd andd alonl e thth o road pant the cr*rnpr of <;eorpo C. I.iiyster's 'and John J. Murphy'a refiiilfinco to W- E. Said election will bo held in the * New Jersey from tho County of Mon- northerly alonn Cliadwick's, eanterly Una Mechanic street, thence eastward!? alon^ iriouth; two Membera of the Board oi fifty fooh to hln northeimt corner; thonra Tenth EJectio District. J on tho road leading from Mitldleto^vn to Ralph's Corner: thence {2) northerly, in Borough for the purpose of elect SHERIFFS SALE. tho center line of Mechanic etreet to the | Hoinuiel. thenco is) easterly, and (ol- an almopt straitrht (inc. west of tho burn two Members of the General Assembly Chose--n- Freeholders fo- r th—o- County o-f By virtue of a writ of fl. fa. to me di- ii) eiifltci-ly parallel with Fink Avenue, end of Mechanic street, thence southeaster- Beginning at a poir where the center of Shrewsbury ai ue is intersected vins _the center Jine of said road to of Charles H. Mills to Pew'a Creek, and New Jersey from the Countj of Mon- Monmouth. for three yearn; nnd for tho rccted, issued out of the Court of Chan- nixty-nfilo feet, moro or ICHR to n point; !y alons the Fence line to the curved " thenco (M Fouthorly parallel with Ma pis with the center of West Leonard lialm Hollow at" Fred Hai h's Corner; thence (3) down said Creek to Sandy Hook mouth; two Members of tho Board of following municlpnl oftiecra, viz.: two tcryy Qo f thh e gStnttat0o ooff NeNnw JerBeJemny v wlwilU l b hn boundary line of the Borough of lied Bar.K, thenco (6) easterly, foilo'win or Raritan Bay; thence (4) westerly along ChoRim Freeholders for tho County of Councilman, for tho full term of threa avenue one hundred nnd fifty feet to & thence northeastwardly ar.d northwardly Btreet. thence southwardly alomr the sea- j ["onco \u; easieny. _ „ th...e. center xposed to eale at public venduo on in e o ald rOil d to th NeTO the Bay Shore to the Kcanaburjt Borough Honmouth, for three years; and for the yearo. Point in the northerly lino of Flak avenue; following the curved boundary lir.e of the ter line of Shrewsbury avenue to its inter- ! l . _ £J.^ 1_ . , ? York and MONDAY. THE 22ND DAY OF MAY. line; thenco (5) noutherly, and westerly, following municipacpal oflicerft. Viz.: twotwo1? thenco (ii) westerly along the northerly alone the KemnsbiirK Bomugh ft Notice of Primary Election. 19319333, CotmciliT fof r thhe BnratifrBh h off FaiFi r Ha- ,' Aleo taka notice tha ~ " on the hviiia vt JL»:O0 o'clucli ttmi lino of Fi.ik avenue, forty-nino fr-et moro or lesf> ty the point or place of be^i-ming:. Palmer Avenue; thence (6) (southerly, j ven, for three years; ono Councilman, for tlon foi all potitiriil parties entitled there- Ii:00 o'clock (nt 2:0(i o'clock, dny- nlong Palmer Avetiuc, to the State HUh- j one year, to till the unexpired term of to will be held in and for tho Borough licht havinit time) in the afternoon .Seized nn the property of John J. Hen- RtItoiitec NNo . 4 ; thencth e (7) .tciiytl , j AiiBustusAt ' M. MiMintt o AssenRorA . fcin« number Eight («) at Went Side, na By virtue of K writ of Ii. In. to me di- center line of Shrewsbury avenue, the r^uroiid to Wnlier Uopjiin^'s Coiner; isnid Primary Election to be held In the Member of tho County Executive Com lino of Mechanic Btreet is intersected with point or plnce of beRinring. | thence (13) northwesterly, from Walter District. « I Member of tho County Executive Com- t shown on mnp of Bald West Side made rected, iKHiicd .Tut ol th« Court of Chan- the center lino of Broad etreet, thence 10 111 9 ai er :i an place in the respective districts aa si'GclH- mittce for each political party pnrttclimt I y sc p, The polling place for the Tenth Election ! J ^ ^ S '", ' ^ the HoppinR road The boundaries of the same aro as foi- j by Uoorgq D. Cooj.er, 0. E,, and bounded cery of tho Stnte of Now Joiney, will b» southwardly alone the center lino of Hroad Morfortl's Corner nt Ne\v Monmouth IOWH, viz.: • " | rally above mentioned and said Primary his in said Primary Election in each (and dencribed an follon: exposed to (idle nt public venduo on street to its intersection with the center .District is Wcfitaide Engino Ho: Klcction will he held for the .purpose of election district; also ono Male nnd thence CM) westerly following .tha center B tho intersection of tho J .pp ection ditrct; also oo Male nnd uno | BEGINNING nt a point on the vcat bide MONDAY, TIIE K'l'H DAY Op MAY, lino of Wallaco Etreet, thence eastward ly I ton avenue. minatine perBonp s off tthh e respectivti e i FemalFl e MembeMb r off thhe SStnt o EExecutive . of Shrewsbury avenue, paid point beiriK lino of the mnir road- leadin- -• g from Leon- Shrewabury Hiver and the hridtco ov the li to 10 :J ;J, alone the center line of Wallace street to AMY E. SHINN. ^ ofhcea above mentionedened. . CmitteCommitteee foforr each ppolitica l partypy. j distant fifty feet, north from tho north- Clerk of the Borouszh of Tied Bank. iirdvillc to New Monmouth toward Key- ti to c cct onc 1 l the rear of tho property of tho Second railroad; thence (1) northerly, along thu ''" "' ° ' Malel nndd one FemalFl e SnlSldd datd e wilill l ILIHI O ha thho secondd rest t 'westt corner off Shrewitbury AvenuAvenue and between Iho hours of 1 l;(t0 o'clock and Dated April 17th, 1933. port. HctTll) National Bank, thenco southwardly along risht of way of the New York und.Ixmn er of the County Executive Com- tuition dato in Biiid municipality. West. Side Avenue, thenrh e ((1) went H! 5;0U o'clock dit *J:ftll o'clock) In the ftf- lc for et tho rear of said Bank one hundred feet : for the First Election u !1 tho n0lth of lot No fl on0 teinoon of Hiiid "«t"" o «wil 1l1 al«alwo bethbe thoe ReconKcond regla- . hereby notified that tho votern of tho Stato nlunK the nouth side o f Loh t No. 7, All the following trnct or piuecl ot lt\nd line of Wallace street to its intersection ho elected nnd meetings of the Boards of : nnd piemi:ien heiclnnftcr piirtlculurly do- with tho center line of Prospect avenue, The boundaries of tho same are aa tol- nor to Chapel Kill; thenco (4) easterly. trillion date municipality. | of New Jersey are to vote for fi4 Hole- hundred mid nixty-two feet to tho went Registry nnd Election in the Borough of nfontr the Chanel HiM cond to (iat-vey'e ; side of Shiowtibury Avenue; thenco ( 1) KiTihctl. citiiutu, lyliiK and Itcint; in tho thence poutheastv.-ardly olonir the center RumBon, County of Monmoutli. i K-'itcs a( LnrgC' ami 6 District Dolccatci line of Prospect P.venue tn the Miutherly Corner, formerly WyckntT's: thence (0) to the State Convention, for the purpoi wmlh nluns tho went «fdo of ghruwnluiry Uorauxh of Siircm.(),iry, Jn tha County fit Notice 1B hereby t;iven thnt a General BeKtriniiic at Many Mind Creek find Mnuinouth, and Stnte of Now Jcnsey, ho- curved boundary lino of the Borough of Seventh avenue on the (Jcori;e B. Davis r Red Bank, thenco northwardly nlonjr the Election he held in and for the t s lliti lotn,Noii. H.» (iiid •ftli nn tthown on map curved houndnry lino of the Borough of Ho rough of Rump on. in the County of property", nnd thence r ng (1(1) nouth, in entitled "South Red Hnnk," which map is Red Bank to tho Fence Line, thence north- Monmomh and State of Now Jersey, t'n the enter of Seventh Avenue to thhe duly filed in tho oltirti of tho Clerk of th* westwardly alone the paid Ferine Lino to Tue.-flny. November 7rh, ]3i'.'?, between the lo.nliulli K from Navesink to I^i>n»j-riville County of Monniduth. mild totn taken to- tho center lino of Mechanic street, thence jiouvji of seven o'fclnck A, M. aiui oii;ht. thence (2) westerly, nlonK tho cente ycfher are liimci-Hicd ni foJJowa: westwardly along tho center lino of Me- o'clock P. M., at the respective polling lino of F.-iid rond leiidins from Niivcaink t itck'inniiiK at u point in the westerly place- in paid Borough. Lt;onardvillo to the. windinK road leadint westardy aong thn Sorroy (formerly) property oi line of North Monroe UVOIHIC nt. the north* chanic Ptrcet to UP intellection, ith ihe Said election will lie held in tho sh.>^ • r - _ . _ . enHt coiner of lot No. HI; thence (1) went. Or,rr.ui,'h for tho purpose of electing I thc "^V \tw HeKrhta; thence (:i) Kourh. center lino of Broad street, tho oint o C1] u th crly, RIC.UK t ho - mtrlherly lino of lot No. place of hcRinninft twa -Mcnilicra of the d'c/teral A-jfembly of '>*< ? e ^'d winiJinj: road to 1'nr View .S7 two hundred nnd fifteen feet, more or Tho pollinsr plac for the Second Elec- venue: thence (i) westerly, in the ICHB. to tho liroofc: (iionce (2) hcRinnlnir • f I ter line of F.ir View avoinio as-laid out on HOWARD W, ROBERTS. tloi n districdii t ia IndependenId t FirehoiiEc, Me- o M.nh 13d. 1033. DcloKiitCB to be elected . , y of n f fn to IT tiirnin nt thp iifoicniiid hc^intitiii; lioint nnd f jtho Mn» of Hay View IIcli:htnr to the <-cn- lon dt b etween tho hoil B of or11 cl chanic street. Township Clerk. at. the Primary Election held May 16th, ' f _? f 1 ' . , ? °' °^ rartctl, infilled out of tho Court of u I'liniiink' nuitheily nlotm Iho wrnterly Una ter line of West Side avenuo; thence (5) In f 1933 ' , In tho afternoon nnd nine O clock in th " - — • I "I Dated April 17th. ! J3^. of North Monroe nvciiue lifty feet to thfl Third Election District. a north ovenlnK, for tho pur pone of making the ccry of the State of New Jersey, will bo stcrly direction m the center evenig: for tho purpoiie of making th ex[)oned to sale at public vcnUuo on Houtheiift cniiicr of Inndft of now or for- BepJnninjr at a poii.t whtjru the center r,f Wet Notice of RcEi»tration. final revision and correction of tho fOBla- lino of Walltico etrcot 13 intersected with Acul that on Titemhiy. October 17 th, MONDAY, THE •1STII DAY OF MAY, merly Iiiichitnan; thenco ('•)) wofltcrly, Woman'ii Hill ron'l; thenco ir,) NOTICE OF REGISTRY AND ELECTION. ter for tho d'encral Election. tho center lino of Hroiul stitct. borly. arid pninliweslerly, nlnnii thn 0;i;i. the Uonrds of RcRiiitry nnd Election 19.13, illonc tlic liouthtrly iino of tho Buclmnnn southwiirdly along tho center line of liroad Elolmdc! Township, N. J. ill meet at. the place nt which they will Tho pollinK place for Shrewnbury Dor. I nnd n three hundred fcot, more or loan, cento;- line of eai.l Olrl Woman'a Hill road ough IH tho KlrohoiiRO. Shrawpl.ury. between tho hourit of 1 ^ ;00 o'clock and Ktreet to its inteisecuon with the c (Inivcy Corner: thenco (7) potitherly, the (ieneial Eiertion above men- to tho Imiok; thenco (I I noutheastcrly, lino of HardinK Koad, thenco e.if-.tw Notice of the timo nnd place of holdlnt,- fi_:0u o'cloik (at 2 o'clock) in the nftei- from (iiu-vcy, formerly Hmvnc'n, Coiner In thhe (iencra rf i Hill lo tlio juiu'timi of nanl ronil with pvcn n 1 Dated April 17th, 103. i. Branch avenue, tln;nce southeast^ IlOKistry nnd Election in the Township of I ' K. f° ' "ic inirpoRe of mnkrnff the uth.th N JJeracy, tto mithilythl a ddecree of I Ihe road Icadinr; from Chapel Hill to Holmdol, in tho County of Monmouth. j tin.il revision am] correction Df the rcgifl- nnid Court arnountlnff to Approximately Seized iiR the property of Alfred Hook- along the center line of Burnt h avenue t ? I F!rov.-n's Dock: thencn (8> in nn easterly er (widowoi) ct nl., taken in execution at ita intersection with tlie center line of [}e Notico in herebey y [riveccn that a (Icnornl ! ter foi the. General Election. 59^7.00. : tion In tho contor line of tha last nnd for th Bniinflnric!! of tho Eiertion Districts in NOTICE OF REGISTRY AND ELECTION. All the follnwlne truct or parcel of land the unit of Julian M, rni-kci- and to ba gen idnce. thence Ciiinwardly dirci'lly ' l)c- ior.0.1 roail to itn intei :ection uith Iho ill ho held i Bold by tiveen the prnpeities owned hy the 1-i.it. of nship of Holmdel, In the County o the Boioutfh of Fair Haven, and the jioll- Shrewsbury Township, N. J. and incmlaea hcicinaftcr i>urtlcuilurly dc- Sarah F. Wolrott mid Emily .Sidiiniu^'. one .,. Icn.lilii: from K.ivrshik to lliou-n', mouth and State of Ne\? Jey, i»tf pinto in ench (Imtnct, aro as followa: Notico of thy lime and plnco of holding pciibcd, oi tit ate, lyinc nnd lielnK in the HOWARD HEIGHT, Sheriff. hundred and fifty ft-M from thr- .•enter ih.c ••"- ; Docl:; thence (5) southerly nnil noutheaBt- diiy, November 7th, ]'.>_M, between the i tiio uth'••• : r:ly in Iho renter line of tho last inen- 'clock A. M. rind ciuht ho elected and nice tin Kit of the Board t»f Monmouth and Stnte of New Jersey, Ilownrd £5. IUeKIniion. Sol'r. by a Etniifiht lint: to tlie curved boumlury ; ,r'i j tioned road to thn ehore of the ShrewiiluH-y known nnd designate!! an lot No. 17 on (46 linen) 110,38 lino of the Hoiomrh o£ fied Hani:, thum-a cc (10) easterly nnd 'joutheast- map entitled "Mnr" of Lots at Red Hank. northeastwardly «lonu tlio curved houn-t ;tml id.-o -ly in tho liiKli water m.-u-k <,n Iho nhorc N. J.. Fiuiicily of Wlllln AV CJnytnn and SHERIFF'S SALE. . river rind Clay 1'it dary lino of the lUmmch of K»>d Uanu to' M-n,],r . Fly virtue of n writ of 11. fn. to mo di- ltn intersection with tlie .••.•nt^r lino of Wai- > tho riay 1-it llridt-e: thence (11) Cooper, C. K,. tinted Jnnuacy 16th. 1S13, luco fltreet, thcii'-e foul hv,'c.-tv;ii .lly . I'it Crock on th '• rected, iffd/cd out ot tho Court of Chan- and filed In tho Clerk's OfHce of Mon- cery of tlie tHiite of New Jersey, will be tho center lino of Watliicc htrer-t in itn the Ramlell r'lopeity on the mouth County. tersectiim with tho ct-i.trr lirn-i\)f l-iudt e.\poned to BIIIO nt public vendue o^» shore of .ai.i creek; theneo (12) Seised RS the property of George T. rlare. .thonro diieclly vot.wmVlly liy fullouini: the hliih water I in MONDAY, THE RTII DAY OP MAY, ' d fttrsinht line to the icJir ot the .'lyoinl Na- ' s |,l Linton, Martha Llnton and (iimbel Ilioth- :i id cir'ek nml of tho nald eiB. a body corporate, taken in execution tional Rank; thuire urn •thwai dl\\ to thi K tho Hnrtshorne hetween tho houui of 1 l!:fl0 o'clock and 'I'I i \v n •hip {'.< imrnitt re num. for Ii full at the suit of William J. T. Hetty and to • lino of WnlhiL-o i trcct. th. i the easterly Ii term .„ purpoBo of clocttim r>:-J() o'olork (nl li:(JU o'clock) in tho af- i the (.•eiiler line (if I'm nf th yc; in-.; itiitl two -1 bo sold by f Highlands; Ihcn.c (13) •f'l. f tho Members of the '.enoral Aasembly of ternoon of iinid dny, nt tho Court Ilouna tho iilnra or point of hctrmnim-. I'oacc , for a full term of l t arK. HOWAItn HEIGHT, aiioiifi. •ly. Kiiuthcrly ami woit- ^ New Jcrncy from the County of Mon* In the ISorounh of Freehold, county of HoK.urh of llic-lilands to Pated April 8th. 1933. Tin. nnllinr: pl.'-'f inr the Thiid r>. N>ntic o of Primary El« lion. Him plnrc for thp l'lrflt Electtnn mouth; t Mcmbci'fl of the Hoard of John V. Crowell, Sol'r. Monmouth, New Jcrney, to fititiufy n d"e- u-./li line of th,. [ioimn-li 1 Dintrii't in nt thn Senior " Al. o t tike nolirn that n I m:o v Eliir- ... . ,- tlio Kh-flhnune of the Iiilr Ha- Cho I'reeholdeifl for tho County of (.12 1.) 813.4-1 crco of luiid court anuiniiting to muu'oxl- ntifh . th-Mirp 111) follo.v- Hi Voluntcor rife Co mil any, Fair Haven .tli, for three j'ait of the fouth- /II f fir :til 'l.t.liti.'ill pMlli.""•'I 01 •!. 1Ilieie- to u-i road. I olio win a municipal oflirnrn. vh.: «no All Iho folluwinc toict or pnrccl of land Fourth Kluction l.)i ltniuiiKh or Atlantic II 1.• e »eli d in iinii t< )[• \ 'hi nnhit) 1 IN CMANCEFir OF NEW JERSEY.^ of olm )UMt .Second Election Uifltrict . ••' Township Committccman, for full term of nnd premiHon hcrcinnf tor pin ticularly de- nt -.vli.-n, tha renter 11 del. in ttnid Cr 'HI TUCH- To CIIARUOS ROSKNCRANR, LKIO M. da y, M«3 • Kith. m;s::, he t "•'• e i II the llOlll. .AM thnt. i>;iit of the Horofifc'h lyins wer-t three yearn; and one Juetice ol tha Peace, nciihed, Pituntc, lyinw nnd bclnc In the line of Hi :1 I,tree I 1 1 with/. A-.niiio on Iho sai.l llnvl. ROSENCKAN3, IRVING ROSKNCIIANK, .if «' /en A. M. and (.'iylit (Sta of thp line mi laid down in tho First Dia- for a full term. lioiouith o[ Red Hnnk, in tha County of" ' (I M, ndaril center litip. iot Harili ' U 1 •'(1 tinL,u:o/n Many Mind crr-ek. tho r. i SADIE HOSENCItANS. MATHIAH KO- 1 trlct nhyvp, Monmouih, nnd State of New Jersey, be- u-ardly a.loT'J 1! tlio lino of F ,Troric.;, Election Hill ho held for Ih.. - j LiiK'nln avenue. Chancery of New Jerfiey made on the day month County Clork'n oflice. with tho CI^nt cr Ii lloritl-y -I.la, of Khrcwflhury, tn uttld County, on Tue*- of the dato hereof in a cause wherein Ma- thcurc e Etlil rilly iiif (:t IV liftL.con i ; rersomi of tho lespective M. FLOYD SMITH, dny, May lfith, 1033, hetween the houra llKtilNNINf; nt, a point on tho north rlies t<> tho ollices nl/ov o ineiitione.l. tilda Ruth RoBcnrrann In complnlimnt nnd ilde of Hun net avenue, unit! point being prniif rtic i O wn oil l.v ll- Ls'ati, ot v'nr SHERIFFS SALE. Minnie, Roncncranii aro dofendnntP, you aro ft venue fifty feet to n jiolnt, bcinff tho by ai BtniiiuuihIt . lI lup. Ici li-.l: .Mil veil iKiuml.-i cully nhovo mentioned and nald Primary required to* nnpenr and nnswer tho hill of .m disirl.-t; also .mi; M;,| | , | ./nc Ily ilu nouthciint corner of IJOL NO. 160 on Bald ' line of thn lloroiiilli of H o L U •ilt of ii. fn. to m« ddli- Klection will ho held fnr tho purpouo uf nnid complaint on or heforo the I nth day BOUthwcstunidl.Y ak.ntr Iho emved l.o lo Member of the Stain lUocutlvo , IHRIICII out of tho Court of Chun- nomlnnthti; ponmiis of tho rcnjiecttvo mnp; thenco 12) northwmdly. nlonu tHa Htlte foi each i.nlit ir 1 !.,,, ty. of Juno next or thunald bill will bo taken «HRtflrly nUla of fluid Lol No. jf,o. one ary line of the l!o,..ni-h ,,f lied Hunt to it ;1 eiy of Ihe Slntc of Now Jcney, will bo pnrthvi to tho olliccn fthovo incntlonod, an ronfesnel ncnlnnt you. !nlcrf.ection with tho .enter lii,e of Hio:i dato will nlso lie tlio s.. ,,'n.l rp^k- huiiflicid nnd fifty fcot to n uoint. hclntf ( Mio.icd lo ,1110 at imlille venduo on nnd «1RO to elci't tins Male nnd ono Female Tho unlii hilt 1B filed to pnrtltion cor- street, thence northwardly nlnn^ the .-.i tratiou date in Riiid IIIHIIU i|.:i!it v. MONDAY, Tin: HTM DAY OI' MAV, Meinttcr nf tho County Executive Tom- tho northoHiit coiner of mild Lot No. 1(50; tnln landn dcocrlbed in ilcedo recoido'l thoiicc (•'!) enntwnrdly. nlonir tho norther- ter line ot llroiid him lie int. ui.i 1'iirthri- Tain Notitr. 1933, nilttco for each rolitlc.nl purty purtlclpnt- Hook 088, priRo 208, etc.. Hook i)8H, pajfo vith tho center lino of IlaidniB load. Ih In nnifi, unity «ith Hie im.vl.i, ,f inu In Piild Prlmniy Klnrtlon in each ly nido of th« lot hciehy convoyed, fifty 204, nnd Hook BHS, ]mB0 '^lfi, an«f you, feet to n point, Itplnur tho noithwtitit cor- point or iilaco of lic^inuiin:. election district; nlao one Mala nntl one i'.hnrJea Jlonfsncrnntt, Irfe M. Konencranp, Thn pnlllna plni-e lor 'I l'Vmnlfl Memher of the Rtato Kxccutlvo Jicr of paid Lot, Nn. 162 on enid map; tlon Iliktrict i» 111.. I1. I.. Id Mld-llo- Irving RoBCncrann, Hculift RoBcncianB, Mat- thenci* (4) nmithwnrdty, filonit tho went- Konthcrn ComintLtfia for enrh polltiral party.- tliiiin RoaenrranH, and Cecelia llououcmriB. r»l!«. Uioad oticcl. SnUl dnto will nlno bo (ho flceoud rcutfl. •ly »If ttatlon dato In ttnlil nuinli-lpnlity. Intercut in the nn id Inndn (Hid iirominen. npi-iliniia' at a l,Mi,t. ( n Mi.l.llclnwii to Iliiih- Further TaUe Notico. QUINN, rARflONH A.PORtiMUS, Hclzail nn tho property of Nello Cnlun ' of tho llorth ::iiniv.p|>iu y folii.v.l,,,.- „ lino of r> In conformity with tho inovmlons of t)o]iritor» of Compinlnnnt, tween th^ pn.iieilit* o\M of ...:!! it HI, taken In e\crutlun nt the tult of nn net rtititteil "An Art to remilnta clcc- 71 Broad iltrcflt, Kci] Hank, New Joiecy. Ited Hnnk Ilullrilnif nnd Irfinn Hhsorlntion, moulh Unat, Cluh a,i,I th Mill IllOrd;; t],,n,n (7) tlDiin" (Kevliilon of 10.10)),, Approvepp d Aprip l Dfttctl April .Inl, 1033. 111. tho licit Haul: l.yc.u milied. eltuate. lyiim nnd hclntt Honr (e iv I'orpnrutlnn of the titato of Now Jersey* liter of .aid Mill Hrook IS, liiao.anliiao.andd omenIn.In nts s thoreto,, yyou nra wnrdly to tho cci,lt:r line lii'ii/'i, (»/ wcterly. lol- noi.t.iKh of lied Hunk, in U,o Coi nnd to i»o nol.. _t tMvae (ind 0 UMtlct Deieuatt. J».vit:J)t. dccsiiflfti. jnicil Mtirrh in, It»;t;i. corner Him .if H.iomi.ul t Hawnrd H. HI««iiiBon, Sol'i". v.er,tivaidly nlnnit the cc 1 for tlm '1 hh .1 KlRr. luiutherly fiom tho finuthweat I-OIIKM" tho Stuto Convention, fnr tho PUIPOBO otice to credit or a to present elnhvm mouth ntiet't to ita Inle l!ifli,» cle Aj*ii). ID.').1), on thh o fl|>i>)katton)kt off (J Notko 1H hoichy Klvcn thnt iho BC one liumlieif nn.i twenty-fivo feet moro rVl'nlin'y" Election hold M», 16th, It. l>v.l, ht, Hprhctt S. Dwih-bt »nd lMvi-1 the ihor« tif (he Noilh rilic'.v.lp or less to Iho w,»le.ly houndnry lino of th ; count* nf the nu>..M'ilt>ernl n\ci-ulo|-i find Ihrfico .>oiithcii>.t\va,,l|y ntnl no, I h 103;i. 11\vIu 1,t. exevutorn HIM! trustcen of tlio ea- Injbtccs of iho eMnle of PRIIJ «|oreft«,|, Imul hcielofoio conveyed hy Nicholnn J, tnto of CfiorRe C. Dsvlitht, dercntted, no- ly nloni! Iho fthoie of Iho N'oil Wll/lon to thu Moiiinoulli Comil nirllou NolUa of Hr^talrallon. will hn nudltnd nud I'tntod hy t|lo I5uno- y i Tnc»dny, Orti.iiei- 17th. tice Ii lu:ict>y KIVUII lu tho citdilmn <>£ k'nte of th« O.uiily uf Mimmoiillt »n.l ,«. l.o liv r l th nnd Develoilnit t.'ompnny; thenco CD A.MI tlutt on .i.|oni:iui,r l noilheily. ah,ni: tho Innt. monllonod line, Ifl:i3, the Hoard :.f Hcillntrry nnd i:\vr.t\-il il folly feet to a point ; thenco HI easterly, \\\\l meet nt tha ul v.hleh the eif, e:.ec,iti)fs ami tiunicciti "&H tiftitevahi. I.y./mm. Ilia point or nhi.-i: pnrnllcl with Iho II. »l I-OIIIM, ona hundrril hold tha (.tnernl Kloctlon uln their debts find dcnifliidft at'ftinHt. tho Ptild ;rn;y;ff«r:!n;T&li;:Ai;;^1^ cnttitc. under oath, within nU itiuitthn Tlii, i.olllntc i/liifo for II. anil tweuty-fiva fcc.t moio or lens to tho tloticil, hotwc«n tho hours uf lid o'clock jvlHrh thn« appllrntio,, will |,B' lt\,,t for fi om tho (title of tho aforo«ald order, or HUIrlct In Llbcity Ktifln iill.ee. of l.cullinlnif. hi Iho aftflinoon and nine t\ K'k 111 tllfl Iho all-nw.,,,'0 of i:iimnilaB|on» and conn- •I rat. Holicd ni. llm piniieily ot Moiiniinitli pv«nliiB. (or tho nn^ u' they v-iil h« fiir*v«»f Itrtrrml of their «''- col feff. Cnotitiuclieiu and Poveloi.lntr Con.piuiy. finnl rovblon nnd «un^:tl "of tha reifii' tioni the i of oi- ngainnt tha nrtii] Bubecilb- .itci Apiil 17. \. 1). |;),t;i Sixth r.lst.tlon Olatil body coip.. of Iho Kluto of New Jer««y. et Ut for tilt (tannrnl Kt«r.(lr»n. Ilnclnnluu i»t " M>l"' wh.Ha al., Hiken In execution ot tho suit nf Anna Dated frc^hnld, N. J.. Apill 11, .933. Hi., of Monnioi/lll i.neil. In Ii The pnllln« plmn for fihie^Kbur? towa- Hnpln Hill Ito«,|, Hu.tlni 1 N Y II. Cooper nnd J. Onkley C'nopor. «xrs.. nh\\i In tlm nclux>lhour. 20 W«*t MtrMt. 11**1 Hank. N. J-. ., Hod Hunt,. N. J.j iiM'i..l /lii"l !./ H-' Inuii. ctl'.n hnvn over hrjnn ofiVuMl l imililinjr Uu Clerk of thn Townshh, nf Rhrevr«liury. IIKR11F.UT 15, llWIiJlir, n lIOWAitli IllilGHT. Ehoillf. roller Una of ]i <>h(Hil;i(ifm m> no it i;nf;i info eight 7-mt*;ja. Anbury Htient. iMvfr Kd«o, N, J,. X ri1 T D.i:ed Maich .VI, 1!».'I:U (MVJD VWH'lir, Attorney nl Law, wdrdly rjliniw ttin (inter linn viyw « WltJl °3 Whits fiti«M, Hed llnnk, N. J., .« of —Advertisement <»6 llne>) ' ' 818.30 It yo to mlvwUaa lu Tho Register. K T RED BANK REGISTER, MAY 8, 1933. Paj?e Eleven between Ihe Yankees and Boston. The Activities Of Mr. nnd Mrs. William Leo spent Police Arrest: •Sunday at Jersey City, Mrs. Jacob Cohen. Mrs. Katherlne Murder Suspect Atlantic Grange Sehallera and Mrs. Eric Christianrien were HundBy vlsltorn at New York. Police heitavo that wllh the arrest Pomona of County Grange Mcetn I AVIlliam Bettu, who wan taken of four per.sumi laid week they arc pick suddenly last week, Is Improv- nearer tho solution of thn murder of ing to bo Held at the Colt's JuincH Foot, wuty-yenr-uWJ caretaker Neck Schoothou&e Next Tues- ! Ing. Charles Bradshaw, who has been ill since beforo Chrlstmae, Is of tho MOOSP. home at Belmar, who day—-Hike and Feast. wna fhot. itiMt. Rfptember aa he IN APPRECIATION still confined to the houae. Mrx. Em- leached for a 'clrphone lo pumtnon About fifty persons attended B ma Pnngborn, who In confined to her home, ia improving. a if I. Thoso aitf-s) rd uic Lronnid meeting nf Atlantic grango Tuesday MOKUI, 32, nf Neptune, (iorden ICly, nlfjlU. of UiHt week at the Colt's fleck Mr. nnd Mrn. Bert Parker, who havo been staying at frcw York, jMiftf lAllinn Hullfvan «ntJ MIKH ili-.ity schoolhousc. One feaLuin was a roll McLaughUn of Kngli.shtown, the* lat- call entitled "My Hobby." JSach have, returned and are living; on Fifth dtrcet. ter two bcinj,' woni(?;i oonipnniuns of giango member, when hla or her the two mf n. KOOI'H a;;f;ai]niUK nemo was called, responded by de- Arthur Mason Js visiting at the 1 robbed the nafe in the linnift of S^.000. hcrlblni* what ho or tihe HUed beat, Monmouth IIHI3 club. Ely was arrested once before in con- for recreation or amusement. A great The White brothers havo been nection with the fiame rase but af- variety of hobbloii wan mentioned. awarded the contract for doing the ter answering quciilions apparently Miss Mabel WlUett read a poem excavating and maHon work in con- to the Hstlfifurtlnn of the poliro he entitled "Tlitf Faithful Few"- and nection with the moving cl the old wan allowed to go. Megill will be West Furniture Co Miss Dorothy Dcohm* renderod a BchnolhouRft. rhnrged with the nctiial shootinK a"c< sola, Short alary readings were given A fire Friday night In the home thn ofhrrs will be hold as rnatrri.il by Chrinoy and Arnold Cnnover, Joa- of William Riegel on Miller otrect Huln hnwioncc, JAra. William Hunt WHB put out by tho firemen before and Mifis Ijorctta Jonea. Two appli- much damage had been done. Keyport, New Jersey cation* for membership were re- Kobcrt Wclsa of thin place will TRKTZKLS, ceived and It wns HtuLcd that more continue working for the American wore oxptM'ted at llwi grunge- meet- bridge company when tho job on the KP! urn of Boer Causos Great De- ins next TucMluy night. btldgo here is completed flnrl the jnand For Them. Thfi members nf Pomona Rrange, workers leave town. , With the ndvnnt of beer the pret- comprising &'l the f?rang"Ci-H of Mon- zel asain her.amc a popular article mouth cuunly, will meet at the nf food ;ind t.hn bakeries have found Fchoolhoitfa at OOJI'H Neck .Saturday, Extends^ Sincere Thanks Atlantic Highlands it rli/Ilctilt 'o keep up with thn de- June 10, »H tho guest H of Atlantic mand for tlicni. The "bending" and grange, .Afternoon and evening tsnti- TJio Red Bank Resistor con he bough* h?ilclnp of pretzrl.s i.*; onn of Uic nn- dlon.H will ho held, beginning nt two hi Atlantic Hiuhlnnds at the Rtmcfl of cient. liandicit ;ifl:i that grew up In o'clock. Among thci Hppakcrs wilt be William Lett, W. Lamburff find A. KaU. r Central Europe in Ihe dark a^cuahd Amos Craybill. tuipi>rviRinK principal Mayor John It. SnedBlter assumed wan int induced in this count ry by of the pulilto tichnolii of Anbury Pnrk, hifi nftw duiien aa postmafitcr Mon- early Dutch junl (.iernian1 isctlleis, To the and New and Allen G. Waller, chief of the bur- duy morning. In tho lobby of Hie Their (EcKct.n(lant:i nukt; up the pres- eau of "economic) nf thn utatfi exper- postolllce was a horseshoe of flowcifi ent ranlui of ..'pretzel benders. The iment Htraiion Jit Nrw Brunswirk. peni by frlondfi. It fs reported thai recipes used Indiiy for mukiny; pret- The next mrr?t ing of Atlantic he will resign net mayor nt the next, zels are Hiib.sl initially a:i they granfTfl will be }tcUi 'VufrtcUiy- night,mertlng-of (he council Tuesday night have been handrd down from moth- of next week. Who Attended the May 0, at thn Colt'.s Neck school- er, to daughter through many gener- houHC. A .special effort In being- made Ira AntonidcR returncrl homo Fri- ations of i^dtoli nnd German-Ameri- to have a largo number of members day from Mount Sinut hofipital at cans. Although modern bakery present, as the meeting will have an Now York, where he had been a pa- method?* have been introduced in important hearing on a membership tient nix weeks. He has gained their manufacture, there is one part contest which in lo continue for Mix j weight nnd appears in excellent of the process which machinery is * Of Its months. Thn losing sidf! in f.hc con- hcnlth. nt111 unuble to do. That Is the actual tPKt will treat i.hc winners to a din- Tho AHiir and Koimry Hocicty of shaping or bending. This is still ner, .St, ARncu'fi church vviJ] hold a cake done, by girls who arc so adept, in New Branch Store Tho juvonilo department of the' .salo Saturday of thin week in Leon's shaping tiie pretzels I hat their grange met at the GnH'tt Nock nchool- Mturo on Firtit avenue. Mra. William movement R resombie. (hone of a house Tuesday night of last week. B. Kelly and Mrs, Alex JDcndcr are magician's bund:;. BJrrlhoupps niaiU: by boya were ex- in general charge. *• hibited "and papers on "The Bird A meeting of the Young LndlcK' Friends and Enemies of the Farm- Kodiilily was held Monday night at H1VEH JMl'ROVJOMENT. elrs" were read by Dorothy Hunt, I which nrninprements were ma do for Located on Chnrlotte Wilson, Mabel Mitchnll and lh*j annual May crowning of the Vir- War Dcpu rime nt lo Hold Hearing on Anna Hherman. gin Mary. Tho godaJlty will hold a project on May 21. On Saturday the: members nf the May frolic May 10 in St. Apnon's au- juvenile grange will #o °n a woods ditorium. Music will be 'furnished The War department has an- hiko niut will afterwards have a "hot by Kelly'H orchestra. nouncrd tha! ;t public hearing will Mrs. Delia Carbcrry of New York be held In the city hall at Long letown Highway dotf rouhl" in John W. Sherman's meadow. Thp feaat. will tit: prepared has reopened her Hummer home in Branch on Wednesday, May 24, at over an outdoor lire. Mrs. John W. Woodland Park. 2:00 o'clock to consider the advisabil- Sherman, the, matron of the juvenile Ijemar Baker and fumily of Grand ity of further improving- the east grangi! and some of the mothers uf | avenue have moved to "Wntei&View. branch of the Shrewsbury river. The the mombei'a will go.cm thn anting. j -The young son of Mr. and Mrs. Vic- primary abject nf the meciin^ is to ; New nK.inhci'it will he initiated H! tor Monlaldo of West Highland obtain in format ion from interested the next meeting of thn grange Tues- IJIVPIIUE i.s sGi-loiifily 111 wllh bjunchi- part,ic,;j fi nni t lie ivivigrition • stand- day night. May 0, nt thn Colt's Neck !UH. * point as to thn present use nnd fu- si;iioolhoiir,c. A Mn(her';i day pro \ 'Diomiis M;isen of Orange will IC- ture pnssihiHtip.tf of the rivrr. grniri will bo siven at Ihe anmc time. •uprn lii^ honio on Ocean bonlcv»rd I his week, H. R. Weller or New York has reopened hia home on the J'V)ri»n'r JJewctlvo ]) Bloomfield chapter hist many of ihe bigRn.st crimes in New- fnlr.s of the hnvmi^h wprn rtinrufifwri. Saturday night at that place. In the ark. In 1P05 he formed a real estate The report, ol Charles H. Looms, au- party were Harvey Bowtcll. William company at Morgan Heights and McGiveney, Fred Wellor, Jack Sti- wince 101f* had made his permanent ditor, vjas accepted. Mr. Lomas mas, Donald Quackcnbush and Ter- rccommenilccl holding a tax Kale. home there. He is survived by a Deao Friends: rencc Moylan. Mi.is Hazel Merritt widow find one son. The, Girls' Friendly society will of this place also took part In the hold a curd party tonight at St. An- show. drew's pnriph house. There will bo The manner in-which you welcomed our New .Branch Store on Saturday was prizes and refreshments. The women's missionary society of Drives far Through Gates. the Central Baptlet church will meet The Hnll iinsnciation held an open A car driven by Mrs. Chevis (Jr-cr tomorrow afternoon at the home of of I,it lie .Silver crashed through the. indeed gratifying'. We assure you that your attendance was greatly appreciated and meeting l'Vidny' night. Henry Van- Mrs. Lewis Smith at Highlands. The Dsulrn of Lnonnrdo, a candidate for railroad , Rates on the. Broadway Ladies' Aid society will hold a silver cM'os.sing at Long Brunch last week sincerely thank you for the valued orders placed. Our only regret is that we did not the Rcpubliunn nomlnution for free- tea May 9 at tho homo of Mrs. Albeit holder, wiiH Ihe jn-jnc:ip;il Hpcaker. Zetzer on Hooper avenue. Mrs. Goer Rot wifely across before Tnlkb on hmoujjh matiei-R ware thn oncoming (rain passed. Tin? • correctly anticipate the quantities of "Opening Day Specials" required. We thought an gates on both skies of the crosiiin;* Riven by Mayor Fred P. Licdlo and Tho Tied Bank Register travels n Councilnien Lewis Smith and Jacob over every street in town and every were smashed, hut thn car was only _ ample supply had been ordered but wenTastounded to discover that our stock of these S. Hoffman. Mi-. Hoffman war; up- road In tho county. Lot it carry your fclighlly damaged. Mrs. Ger.r told pointed chairman of thn May day message to those who live on these the police I.hc gates had been lowered Specials was exhausted before 12 o'clock. However, we have wired for more and all fete for thn children nf the borough. thoroughfares.—Advertisement. quickly without, warning. Hf! will hr assisted by Cnpt. Wheel- er, Fred Mohr, Paul Adiiir. Albeit orders will be filled just as soon as this merchandise arrives. Snylns, Ttslph O'Brien and J. Oieen- spnn. The program will include n pnnule. £;;tmr.s and slhletio events, Our Foremost Thought is to have Our New Branch Store as well known and as Harry Smith, Aho Parker and TELEPHONE SERVICE George I-iminj; are delegates to the well stocked as Our Keyport Store. Our Display will include only Our Usual High exempt lirr'nien's convention at Fa.s Mnv :'w. from Red Bank, New Jersey, Mi <'Hal Ir llartsKiiive cay.- Grade Furniture and Floor Coverings and all merchandise will lie offered at the Lowest birth l.i a :-un h s-t Knlurdiiy at ll;r/. to our New York Office ard hospital. Possible Cash Price. Our Rug Department, when completed, will represent all the newest Robert Srhlu.uttcr and Frank ., I'unlln iittendeil; RED BANK SEA BRIGHT \hr. ball gamo Hunduy at Kew York, Page Twelve RED BANK REGISTER. MAY 3, 1933. Parent-Teacher Telephone Company 11 I'ELEpnONE 22» County Doings Reports a Drop *I ho New Jersey Belt Telephone company reports a drop of W.S per ' Meeting of Executive Committee l .. SM0E1 cent in telephone net earnings for at Long Branch—Rehearsals thp first quarter of 1033 compared j Start Today for Concert—An- j My Mrs. Alexander George i with the first quarter of 1932, and a | nual Banquet May 24. jnri loss nf 14,154 telephones In ser-• Vrgrtahlo Broth Using 1 vicfi for the, first quarter this year Twenty-five member? of the execu- Leftovers a? compared with a net loss of 4,830 tive committee of thn Monmouth Menu For Dinner I during the corresponding period la^t county council of Parents and Teach- '. year. '. ers met last week at thp LOPK Branch »SaJtr 1 teaspoon rait PLYMOUTH COAL MJX n T Cover and cook net profits $1,612,800, or at tho rate Fchool, chairman of student \ntv.u • of $1.34 per sham for tho quarter. For JVenty-flvo Years. v slowly 3 hour?. Strain and and scholarship; MKs Holm KtttrJ), "_ At the end of the quarter thp com-1 principal of the Monmouth Beach,' . A leftover roast bone, can be or a .':"up bone purchased from pany'a system was sai vlnpr 616,264 | Try a Ton of This Red Ash Coal fchool, rural life chairman; Mr?., |' telephones, compared with 680,384 at Rondo C- DeNype nf Oreanport, ; ' ulcher. the end of the. first quarter of 1032. mem her.-hip chairman; nnd Mi?? Isralloped (,'nrii, Serving i. Nellie Houlihan, principal or the •_• Little Silver New Jersey TALL CKDAR INITIATION. West. End school at Lon^ BranrJi., - rclery chairman of life niemherphip, and re-i 1 serve fund. j utter, Big Ceremnninl at Asbury Fark Mr?. Bracer save a report of thej ,: salt .Saturday Night. recent conference held at Princeton \ 2 '3 cup milk Final plans have been completed unu-ersity on "The Caur-e and Cut e for the ceremonial of Tall Cedars to Beat e££ ancl add milk. Add rest y of War," The election at the .-princ ;n f ingredient?. Pour into buttered ' br- held in, the Asbury Park conven- county council was approved. Of-j bflkjnff di>rjli bake 25 minutes in mod- tion ball Saturday night, May 6. The . ficcrs e.ho?en then ^cic Mr~. David hiKh light of tho evening will be H. K^irp president, Mr?. A, n 1 when Supreme Tall Cedar Harry M. Schmitt. Mrs;. Louis Shapiro and Fruit StU Lit tell of Chester, Now York, will f Mr?. Michael A. Viraenla vice pre;-i-, '. "V make Senator Hamilton F. Kcan a nip dents, Mr?. Helen Ol.^en reronlins fnnt _ __ _ Tall Ccdnr at sight. Amonp the pRcrctary, Mrs. Percy Less ri>rre.T:t Mix nnd ohili ingredients. Drain prominent men expected to attend EVER BEFORE have you been able to buy ponding secretary and Mr?. Frank : off juice:-. Arrange fruits on lettuce, are Governor A. Harry Moore, Sen- Hayden treasurer. j top with salad dressing. ator Frank Durand, Congressman j Firestone Extra Quality Tires at these tire "war" 'p. P.TUJ Grcctin, "founder',-; day William H. Sutphin, former Senator chairman, repot tod t hat <'52 jjift A lit (3 Dozen) K. Donald Sterner, Motor Vehicle i prices. You will probably never have the chance to had fat. tc >n unit Commis.'noner Harold G. Hoffman, ' amounting tt> $01.96 ~]wl been mi: (•hopped do so again, since raw material prices are rapidly warded by Monmouih county units U Sheriff Howard Height and Asseni- j as an offering for extension work in blyman Fred Shock, Jr. j increasing. Advanced tire prices must follow. he state, and national congress. Mrs. Oito Richtcr, chairman of uvenilp protection, read an editorial Borniigh Hall for Manasquan. i THE MASTERPIECE vaniliii I1 con soda rom the Christian Science Monitor • poo n Plan? arc helng made, by Manas- of TIRE CONSTRUCTION on undesirable motion pictures for; '.ijmo'nd r.-<- quan to convert an tinuserl school Ueelih the Extra Fea- Women's club at Ocean Grove. The tures of Gum-Dipping and Ttco pring concert will be held in the As- , ~~ • l Helen Lee Getty Extra Gtiin-flipped Cord Plicx bury Park high school, the [late to under the Scientifically Dc~ be announced later. Pedestrian Hit ; Little Silver, N. J. Crib Sheets Infants' Sacques Crib Pads signvtl Treat!. The annual banquet in celebration of the council's eleventh birthday, By"Two Autos I 1.29 to 1.97 _ 19c and 45c Ve will give you a liberal will he held Wednesday evening, Steamship Agent 36x54 Inch crib ahecta of• fine Hnnd-mmdn in pink or blue. HxIS Inch protection padi allowance to apply on n set of May 24. Mr?. Elizabeth Smith of Kdward Sullivan, fifty, of Keyport '' Bilk crppn. Hand-cmhroid- was killed when he war- struck by i Organizer for white cambric. All neatly of flno fruit, of loom muslin. Firestone High Speed Tires— Red Bank, county thrift chairman, hemmed ready for use. crod, also white albatrn.sn. AIBO 18x34 inch padc. mi automobile while walking1 alonj; i the safest tires in the world. va3 named chairman of the commit- RAYMONIMVHITCOMB Crocheted edges. ee in charge of the affair. the state highway early Friday morn-| rhonc Red Bank 1824 REMEMBER—your brakes inging. Sullivan was struck by a ma- | Mrs. Frank Hayden, county treas- Rubber Sheets Bassinettes chine driven by Joseph Lauyer of '• for all travel Information, Gertrudes can stop your wheels, but your urer, and Mrs. Frank Nary, county N 25c 2.97 tires must stop your car! finance chairman, announced a card Newark and while lyinK in tho road, reservations and rates. 59c blredinp profusely from wounds, lie \ Klelncrt's pure Rum rubber Hnnd-m;idc and Iirtntl-rm- Ivory enamel finished 18x31 party for May 10 in the Steinbach', crib Rhcets. 27x36 inch size. auditorium at Asbury Park, I struck by a cm- driven by Leon j braldcred with a c. nllope d Inch bassinettes with link of In flesh only. edftcs. Fine white batiste. nprlnK and rubber tile The presidents' meeting, for local: ' Muldletown township. Avoid Emljnracsment of whoels. unit p,c.i>n't lie cmbfivai-FCil ri^'ain V»y ha\ inn muslin in 42x72 s"c Finely ! half-past twelve o'clock and will be I "">' - J'••"•'m.-in. While they wcid yfiur fiitrc teeth Mi[i °1' drop when M>N Soft quality llanneleltp ki- Sturdily built bnlhlncttra cat, talk. Irui^h or i-iiccze. Just. HDi-inklc finished. Reg. 75c. rugged dependability and striking appear- followed by a' meetinK at two. wailing- HlllyeVs car came along and , monos, powns and cert ruder*.-' with ilrcssing tablo and ance. Value unequalcd at prices that ojjord ! The meeting was attended hy Mrs. i struck the. body. Lauyer said it was a HLtic FASTBETH on your plates. This Pink and blue trimmed. In- towel nicks. Uubbcr hose llls new. cxi rcmcly line powder gives a won- and faucet. real savings. Helen Olscn, Mrs, Edear \V. Bra'.cy, ! opinion that. Sullivan was in-derfu. l sense of comfoit nnd scrurlty. No Stockinette fants' sixes. Mrs. Thomas H. Invin. Mrs. Clyde!tpxicatcd- because he suddenly ciinimy, Kouey tnsto or feclin?. Three crv [•nnv(ein>tu sizes. (,'et rASTEK'l'K today Rubber Sheets Gray, Mrs. Mack Lewin. Mr... Percy \ ™" ed into the path of his car. ; Hi Whclan's. 01 any other dniK store. Play-Yards 18*27 Inch _...;..5Dc Vanta Bands '4.50-21 Legp, Mrs. M. J. W. Strong; Mrs. L.' - «»••-• j •.17x36 Inch , Sl-Oft 75c 3.95 B. Mulforri, Mrs. J. B. VanSchoick Condurtor Kotires. ' Klelnert'.i stockinette rubber S Style K band-1!. Wool over Ivory tlnished play-vn rds. it 4.75-19 Mrs. A. D. Schmitl, Mrs. Otio Rich-1' Josc 1[l T RoF:! sheets Guaranteed wnshablo ter. Miss Lenna Conrow, Mis. Frank ) - ' conductor .of the even in eiectrie washtnff ma- abdomen with mercerized inches uqunrc. Collapslbla Elue with one pieco floor. S.00-20 Hayden, Mrs. Hannah Oreetin, Mrs. , Ccmet. the Central railroads; Men's Suits chines. cotton shoulders. Fine qual- Frank Cornell. Mrs. Frank Nary. ™lorful train, ended 51 years of sor- | ity. 5.25-18 Mrs. Minnie Yarnell. Mrs. Michael > vlcc ™ (he rMlroad last Thursday., and Topcoats A. Viracola, Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, I As llc ."tarlcrl his last run. R. W. , Tots' Dresses Cotton Vests Commode Pads Other Sizes Proportionately Low Mrs. Louis Shapiro, Mrs. Benjamin j Bl(Wn' vicn itlpnt and funeral Cleansed" and Pressed 1.97 and 2.97 59c m 29c and other ollicials met noss Brager, Mrs. Lulu Steele, Miss Emily | " his lrain an(l amid Dainty dimities, dotted pwi". ; :lt conK -!>: Carter's merccri/.ed cotton Commode pada with detach- Pcarsall, Miss Nellie Houlihan, Mrs. tions hp was Ready to Wear h.indltcrchicf lawn. Pastels able covers for laundering. enmphmented upon his j vests. Short c-leever, nnd FIRESTONE OLDFIELD TYPE Rondo c. DeNysc anrl .Miss Helen nn and white. 1, 2 and 3. pleevelcs.s. Sizes ("> months. 1, Pink, blue and moize. IUib- Kittcll. ' £ service. Hhe' had been a pas- \ $ ONE DOLLAR $ 2 and 3. borixed. Superior in Quality anil Construction to first line, scngcr conductor since 18S8. > special brand tires, offered for sale by department rilONK KEU BANK Boys' Creepers stores, oil companies, and mnil order catalog houses. MANY tlUHY TRIALS. Silk & Wool Vests High-Chair Pads Stdp])p(] M'rnnff Car. 1.29 to 1.97 This is "r/ic Tire That Tnuflil Thrift to Millioni'." Baby boys' brontlcloth creep- 1.00 and 1.50 1.19 Frrohnldor Koirhfy Su(*grsts Courts: John Boles, Hamilton and Wood-', ers with hand embroidery Keep Jury Coils Within Reason. iw Srheidt and Ilarvey Applej;alc ! Finn silk and wool. Short. Ciay mirary pattern print- 8 ALLEN'S. | trim in pink or blue. Sizes and lone Meevrn. Regain rly ed covcisi that are conven- With about fifty day? nf jury triah , ^ lin^dak* fell K^V aflera party 1, 2 and 3. 2.00. Siznr; fi month?, 1 and iently detachable for laun- 4.50-21.. UI morn hip of la?t week and 5.00-19.. Ifift in Monmouth county cnim.-=, one ' " % Cleansers and Dyers ;•> 1H years. dering. half of the amount provided fnr in lif pnn hailing cars which parsed 4.75-19.. §.§© 5.25-18.. the budpet fnr this jiurpo.-o is al- them on the highway. They eventu- Boys' Suits ally iiailed (jric . which contained i "WE KNOW HOW." || 1.29 to 1.97 Shawls Play-Yard Pads rendy cshaust^fl. Freeholder Frod- Ptatr Tinoprr:; Stephen and Kloza, 1.69 Other Sizes Proportionately l.otv rnc P. Rcichcy drdamd la.-l wrrk who ariTPtrd lhc four. Just ire Charles fi JlW.rrmitSt.. KcdBank.N.J. JJ< Cute broadcloth nnd linen 1.97 thnt if (he cnur's keep the jury ccrAz Mount uavn them pach a day in jail. Pobby styles. Matching or Beautifully lwiid - loomnd Rubberized pads to lit In tho within the nnn IHUKIMUI d;iy;"; of juiy contrasting blouses. Sizes 1. shawlp. 30x1^1 inrhrr;. Pinlt nnd'blue witti finimnl nppli- play-yard with dntachnblo ; FIRESTONE SEMTINEL TYPE | trials provided for in the VXV.:> hud- 2 and 3. covering that will stand hard Jgct, there would he. no difiiouliirs. quc. Rosebud trim. wear. Bettor Quality, Construction ancl Vorkmaii&hJp i Provision has hern ninde by .hitler ) Tots' Coats than second line special brand lircs oHerod for snlo | Harry Truax for a continuanro of \ Crib Sets by mail order houses nnd others. * jury trials, although a reduction h;u-, 1.97 to 3.95 Softcx Panties ! been made, in the day.--; allowed [or > 1.97 Heavy silk crcpfe in ppink, , 50c trial.". H WH.S nect n beret, Silk lined. Tailored or blue colored holders. sizes. Regularly 75c. FIRESTONE COURIER TYPE public park on Sandy Hnok styles. In a letter to Oovenmi A lliir ^ ^ ^j Omwl Qunlity and Workmanship—carries the namo jJ!f1 Moore, Mr. Putpliin :;airi tlir pn | t H ( % li Hats and Bonnets Wool Blankets Infants' Socks f / t t ^ wt \ ^ lrostonc" and full piinrantcc. Sold as low ns many would ^ivc employment to luunhrd flit*J*f ) rlnnp fiprcinl Iirnnd lirrs manufactured to u price. of men, ;intt romparrd it \Mlh Inm , 1.69 and 1.97 1.97 and 4.75 25c and 35c Renr.h, JN'ew York, fur whu h tin }\c Tailored and fancy crepe dc All wool, Sfix.M inch. And A group of fine mercnrlzed .all wool Kenwood blanket". socks. Pink, blue and white construction corporation irctnth m chine hats and bonnets for r Size 4, )xGl. Pink or blue. Silk nocks In pink, blue and thori/.rd a loan. boys ancl girls. Pink and blue. while. i 30x3%Cl... 4.50-21 Congressman Siffphin furthrr -ntd Cotton Blankets thrre were ;;evrrnl niilo;; nf S;ind\ A» a Spring Introductory Offer, we are Hook bench not in u.:cT which the Tots' Hats 59c Baby Shoes 4.40-21 3-45 4.75-19 4.4S unvrmmrnt h;i.> iulmiticd ;wc of n" offering 1.25 and 1.65 Regularly 7fic. Cnltii'ril rnt" 1.25 to 2.50 value for nntionM defm.-o. Thr:;o, hr ton blanket.'; with f-oft ani- said, could he utilized to ^ie:it ad- Piquo hits that will r.tand riofl white ldd shoca with many tubblnc«."In pink, blun mal appliques. 30xi0 in. Innldn felt. iMinhlnn.i, Inter- vnntapr ahd at moticiaii- t-o:t. anil white. Boys' and Rirla'. mediate ficml-iiolefi and hnrd WHILE THEY LAST! Pillows nolc.'f. llnrso -Ium]>s In Car, Baby Dresses ICiiliok filled :!,-,<•, A :';uLdlc lioi^r tlcit hud r c;ipfd A limited number of Metal Beds, at the llOK-ii (illrd ... IK) Diaper Padfj Dependable Firesfono Sparlt from a Heal ruling nrndrniv In t 49c and 84c Hnlr (Ulnl i.:ir. Firestone Plugs Save week injured twn peivi.n.i ami d;im- Above Price—never heard of before in Kinr. white batiste with rone- Soft little crib or iiininj^ 1.00 Pkg. bud trimminK and feather plllowii. 13x17. with dain- Pi* S « J Ba»orios N Gasoline aprd two cius hrforr a puller im 11 - -'•Ml soflox Illlrd dinprr pmln HtitcbinR. Sizeo 0 montho and ty pink or blue ^utin I'uvrr- to one package. ftlanufac- bullet ended th»*. Jum-p'., lifr. Tho the history of the Furniture Business. Inpn. hmve leaped into the back nf a cai I 1 year. turcd hy Dcnnliinn'H. driven by Linn. 1\ JI. Mitchell nt ' old battery Come early—they won't last long at tacit in Sots Port. Monniout.ii, who ;MI!!"PIT(J ;t fr;i, ^ tlTEINBACHS-Hrconil Klnr.r M r, trill /i"if yniir Sfntrk I*IIIKA l-'rv, Mired crtUfirhonn and i-ufs. A emu I thin price ! Alllwihcti t{{ llaltciicn tested I'ri'tt panion, Mi.=-:i Jane Moia of A:;bm> Park, was cut. about the face. MAONEX f? e«, sii MAQHEK §M5 and vo«r SPAUK PLUGS S> >m -H BATTERIES ifc>™ eutboti.iy Ltiiicliciin /or .Indies. ' .^uprtMiie Court ,)ufjih II i i Per:-ikin and Common I'lra:! Jiul;,r , New Store Hours: ; Francis :-'tanj;er, .lv., of Ciinibn land I i<-"mUy, weir ;"»<'::!:; «/ honor ;t( a1 MIS Inirisii! Monnmuth mun'y b;u* ;i>: ociaf \un i 9 A, ML to 6 P. M. Daily. AirroMoxn r; mui HAIIMI KII-UKUIAM^ luncheon at Krerlmld In I Mnrida- | "Jlrd Il.tuU'f. l'nfst«f,| (irmuiifr I'UinHnir llntirtp," JU'itlcr J"*rrf=]-;tr ha:* brrn :i-•••.• i;;iicd to thh rnunty ami .lud/f, S!finder re 116 Monmouih St., Cor, of Pearl Red Bank, R J. turned to his bench in Cinnberlnnd 135-137 Monmouth St., Red Bank, N< J. Saturday, 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. county after completing hifi per vim herp, Phone 2104, Open Evenings. Free Delivery. Hoys cm nr.iko extra pocket monev flculug Tho Rcgiatcr.—AdvorUfiernent RED BANK An Iffcal J'Jacti to Jjive. Located on ilia Beautiful Krmul Mmt tu liis ECU. r HlirewKbury Hhfr one Uour *• **«! tU I.II IA I t V t'tit "*t from New Yorli, arid provid- Hum i'ititdn; U\* u 5» ing every city convenience. BldivMilLi Alun; tlm Mtblm/f

Issued Weekly. En tore tl aa Second-Class Hatter at tho Poet- Pri Ono Yunr 11.BO VOLUME LV, NO. 45. ofiico ut Ued ,Iiunk, N. J,, under tho Act of March 3, 1879. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY/MAY 3, 1933. SI.i ' .Shu. lo Cu|,y *c." PAGES 13 TO 26.

GOOD I'OIC Tin: FAKMKUS, LADli'.V NK.HT anvmWyman MoA'nmphi.Wti Bill \V*U Sav« Much Money for Them. Ural, Affair nf Sew }Mi*' Ln Food, Clothing Beer Selling iiU'iit ( oimmltf < luim , It in estimated that, thn measure Tho now rnir ) t uniiumt taj which way recently passed by tho Mrs. Ivy E. BaUersby Asks for Ralph Tomaino Makes an Accu- of thn Knd limit 1 owned by farmers Contributions for Children sation Against Neil A. Scotti will tifivo tile f;umer.ii of thia state Who Are in Want—New Em- —Latter Receives a Warning Worthifiy (Jmiiii.in, lid. Iinliif.\ *™^ ^ *- more than $2!iO,OO() iinnually. Tho law ployment Service Feature. from Ihe Police Department. vice chairman and J't.'irph McVey j hi in effect now. Fanners who have .secretary. Thn comnii'**"'''. will hold j received their 1«33 truck licen.scy at Mrs. Ivy E. Battcrsby, who recent- Rfilpli Ton nil 11 n, who conducts a its first affair on H;itUid,iy ovc.-ninf;, ,-> . _. „ , „ Bayshore Institution will be Back in Business on ahtho regular lull yearly rate will gfit ly opened a free employment service grocery and mpat, store on Shrews- juno a. it wui be a ladies ni^hi. Keconstruclion r inance Corpor&ivon Loan and their next year's license plates free. agency at her home on Harding bury ;iveniw at Red Bank, made a and will be hold in thf! ^iill. Qunil;;, In other words the 193-1 licenses will road, Red Bank, has enlarged ftm roMiplniru tn the mayor ami council Hhuflle board, ping pon;r and bowl- count Loans Must be Paid Before Reopening Unrestricted Basis at Nine O'clock—Borough ing Raines will \m pliiyud nnd pii/.o:; he fs-aued wit liout charge other than wortc to receive and distribute gifts Mnmhty niglii u iist Neil A. Scotti, n. fee nf $1 to pay for the plates, the of clothing and other things for will be awarded. D;)ncir^' will ;I!HO Plans for a Joyous Celebration. wild h;is a beer garden at the corner be on (he program. Tii*: allair in Campaign Plan Can Receive Approval. nt'ii fee ;;nd the recording cost. needy persons. She atatea that there of Shrewsbury avenue and Herbert Each half rate plate will have the is a special need just now for ca^t for K]\IH and tlu:ir fi i'-nd/ ;md ]ai.' consumed on tho promises, will he maiirmc.il. The three rnenv* operating on a restricted liaHja Hlnco demonstrations of rejoicing. be used to haul produce for others of caroaiH nnd condensed milk aro al- nlthmi^h |)o liiid nr> license to do this. for hire. No one. who in not a bnna ;o needed for children and there ia He :;aii! Innf Mr, Ktiotti's license per- •tho banking holiday was declared Tho bunk has -1,100 depositors and Salvation Army lliie farmer erin got the, half rate for a shortage of canned goods for emer- mitted him to Hfll beer only to he jihrco day:i in conferring- with na-« Saturday, March 4. It will reopen tho? deposits amount to JSS.'J.OOfl. A for nornruil business, at nine o'clock. trucks. gency cases. Mrs. Battersy'H telo- eniiJMimnfi on 1 hn premises. Mr. To- The Sill: Hlioji on Krnud street it. jlinnal Irericury ulliclnlii Issued gj large number of the 'depositors livo phonc number is 1422. She states The banking holiday at Kcanalmrg m.'iinn has a license '.»• sell bvc.v not on R<:d Hank In.; ridded a dr.-:-.. depa f-j statement last week which hafi in-* that folks desiring to make contri- o bp cnusun'ior] on the premises. He nil-ill to itW liusiiiis . and has jii.it it- j creased belief that, the bank will wan prolonged because tho federal butions can notify her un the tele- jB3ervo bank nlllciuls claimed that Bowling Club To a id I hat. bis beer ^filling business "Thirty Pieces of Silver" to be ™wii a I.H;;.: .«hipnK.-ni. <»r new M •t j eventually get back into businem), f phone and who will call for the goodn i h:ul )>f)ij)i i'P(hjce(i boenww Mr. Scotti :!nd UI t lhl HH|li Tllil Eln k i'liiis statement, however, did not livt . tho bank had Invented too heavily In £ the donors are unable to deliver Presrnted inn thee Junior HipJii • ""' ''"""" '' - j loaning money on noted to mimici- I wa.'i coiiipfitint; with hjm and that he GUI A A- c n '"••'""r- »••«• 'il- *':""i- f>™k:-i, eye- ,, mate thr.t tin. could be. done, quick* Present A Show them. ! wan led thn; stopped. Mr. Tomaino School Auditorium for Bene- leu h.iijt.i.ao.<. ir.-imlrioth, pique.i ,iy. palltlCB. This money was loaned i fl principally lo the borough of Kcuns- pioycea Bjnci; uany m man•"• 'Please ask the people to help tho Isaid thai ha had'not. violated the law fit of the Organization. " <•"'•'•[• iiopulm- :~iyle:i Apj.ai mltly, loans made by the- cloning of the bunk also caused unemployment situation by having by helling l>oer t o be consumed on la1;emenl Mate:- lh:,l. Ihe lU Ki burB, but there were ulno loans Floor Show and Dance May 21 ., 1; M h,l. he nw dpart cm.lrui.Uon Kinaneo corporatioorporation work done," said Mrs.. Buttcrsiby in his piTrni.sr^. although some of his made to tlio borough o£ Union Beach. J,hirty Piocrs «f feilvor, ;. J.iblj- ,m,nt j3 ,,,,.pf.1.i.l,,y ,|e;:i:;r:,,hiyi- lhe ,,,,w (lr(,ssra .{lt, „„ e:;hihi:|on. l!Ki the banii nUtcmr.in KhowcU that ablo to pay tlicao claims anil a cam- The Ladies' Bowling club of the kinds of work. Many arc getting Councilman Thomas M. Oops ill ad- in institution owed $n:i 1,000 for bor- yon, who also produced a number ; h paign was launched to aell tin; nutca F,O(1 Bank iod^e of Elks held a lipe- jobs, hut a still larger number an: vised Mr. Tnmaino to inform the po- rowed money. When Iho banking of pageants at the Ocean Grove and add tho money so received to eial mooting Monday night previous waiting and the need is great, I will licr; ahfuit. the matter and he prom- pfjy- holiday was declared on March 4, auditorium. She will ha proiient 1 tho bank'o capital. The notea were to their session of bowling and ar- send men and women anywhere ised Hint quirk action would be tak- ithis indebtedness amounted tn ?580,« when the play if; produced here. [ taken over ehietly by reaidentti of COilLlilioiia ill jvi:nii.wmn ranged-for a. dance and floor show where I can find work for them and | en. Mr. Tnmaino Carried out. this Rev. Hamilton P. Fox, puntor of' U KeansburR and vicinity wlio have Middletown township and tho whole to bo given in tho IS Iks' auditorium will list the unemployed from, any (KlvifO. He has .since been informed Firemen's Fair ° A, . Saturday night, M;iy 27, under,, the part of Monmouth county. I wish to St. Paul's Methodic! ehurch of Ocean thl cnr t ot lha holl(lny lleri0(I conlldcncc in tho future- of the com- bayijhorr, section is looked for as the by tho police that, a warning has liad been munity. Htoo.kholdora o£ 'khe bank direction .of Mr. and Mra.. William thank .ill who have made donations hern ipsner! tn Mr. Snotti to thn of- ijioveGrove, wnnrwherec thinn pinpiny wany mhiiir.st . :>ie- s **. *-• i - * • . i . ', Turnier. A feature of the floor show and to assure them that their con- sen ted after it tod 'been published I George Curchin Again Heads ''nim' , company | world luday is sufrerinR from the eW at One, Five Eight Meeting. Conditions at the Station. hi; put on by the lied Bank Theater night. May 20, at. the Elks' auditor- 1 Ibid Rabhi and Mrs. Witkin and j store nro being inslied to completion j An emblem representing me mho r- I feels of dellatiou in values. Guild in the Elks auditorium. Tho :inr ( Word haa been received by William On Saturday E. T. M. Carr, .super- ium at Red Bank for the henellt of daughter, Naomi bon voyage nnd as ^ hc business will oprn nexl Sn<- : ship in the \ew Jersey state fire-[ The slatement. issued by the P. Scott, president of tin; One, Vive, intendent of the New Jersey .South- Jiluiw, ent it led "Square Crook;;," in tlio wolfam funil. TIIIH fnnil is de- n tnlten of their er.tnrm presented •day. nun':- association was pro.-enled to positors' copimitteo implies |.ha« J Eight Younp Men's Republican club ern division of the Central railroad comedy myntory writt on by Jamca voted to charity work and Christmas them with a sterling silver wine cup Much morchandi: i- has already , l e;-cy D. Kennel I m reecimutlon <>[ . WIKMI Ihe c;inip:il^n ia launched tti ^ of Mlddlctown township, that May- company and H. 13. Yerkes, asaiiit- J. Judge. relief. Tony Hunting, who has di- j and tray. been received and tins will be ready , live yoais' all eud.im <• al. annual icuprn the liank one rciiuiremcnt for. or Van R. Hnlsey of Rumson, will be ant general passenger agent of the Tlioae preaent at Monday night's rected a number of floor shows re- I Other speakers were. Ch.arles Ko- I for inspection on the opening day. slate conventions lield at Atlantic . :he depositurs to meet, will bo that tho guost upesakef .Friday night at company, met with William ^- Kuy-HCKiiion were Miy. Joseph Johnston, cently, will be in charge ot the en- mar and Leo Rucckhalls of Red : The buildinj; takes in lh;'ce adjoining c;ty. The company now ha.- live life : "t at;reeini; lo intrust n portion oE the club's regular meeting in tlio KCII, president of tho Boro Buy com-Mrs. FreTd L. Jones, Mrs. Walter A. tertainment. In addition to the "floor iBank, Rabbi A. P. Hernins of Lonj; j stores, which haw been ma'U' into ir.cmber:i in the association. t heir funds to a trustee account. ThlE*,. Rivor Plaza Community clubhouse. pany, Philip M. Leonard of the Mid-Hamilton. Mrs. John Rohrey, Mrs. show, members of tho professional Branch, Prosecutor Jonas Tumcn of : one larsc store, and is 3fi feet wide More eriuipnieiit has been liou^ht money would not. be subject to with) Mayor Hnlsay. :t. i'XundorFtootl, will dletown township comniiUet-, ./. Kt(-Nora Lor;-, Mrs. Wmrr Voy, Mrs.colony at Fair Hnvcii, who belong I Assbur.) v Park. Mm-ri- -Miller and 'llul ''" f'c' deep, it'-';- :v-i'vdl n>r I he kitchen ir ihe liiTlmiise It. i ir av.al «-h"n Ibe bank ia reopened* to the lire company, will also per- PC- .r official! v welcome! thn new club which r Baker, Nicholas Ka^rr ;inri Wil- Onorge W. Dollivor, Mr.-., William llnrry Feldt of Rerl liank. •'« Ihe. conl into i lo serve over inn It would be haclied by assets con* form. Pimm are undci- way to make was formed two wcnlta ng", into thn liam J. Leonard nt the Leonardo Tinnier, Mrt;. John D. HughGH, Mrs. Rabbi and Mrs. Witkin also re-] ' •» . •" prrmn II h:is :i nmge. liihs, pnn- , s:dered "-Mind but whirli could not! ir one of tho biggest, events ever family of vririoim Ropnblicim clubn railroad station tn discuss proposed Arnold M. HPSS, Mrs. Harold A. Gib- criveil a number of other gifts. ; IH'SINKMS .VOVKII fry. dishes fohlin:: I a^le ; anil nlhet ''Mlleklv he T i • |i licl.-i t oil- This trustee) held by the company. Larry LaRos's throughout. Monnioitth county, mi be- nges in (he bus route and to dis- lin, Mrs. Joseph II. Tomlinson, Mrs. Anionp them was a wonderful set of i : paraphernalia. I fund money would bo paid tu the d(H orchestra will provide the music. half of tho Republican parly of the cuss making improvements to the Marry A. .Stock!on, Mrs. Peter J. Gorham sterling silver flatware. Allen's ( leanors tt Overs \ uf Alter Ihe meehp.u i steamed elain :^'-':tfns ;s the assets are collected* county, of which he ia executive Nation and to t.he ground and drivcu Klchele, Mvru Daniel Oakea, Mrs. Harry B. Kurtis is .in general presented by the congregation. ] 21 West I-'n»n( Street. supper was served, file feasl was Tliis plan has lieen put Into opera* Kurroundins: it. Tho moctin^ was Harry Wfilsh, Mra. Alice Haacall, 1 chairman. Having taken a very ac- charge of the arrangements. Assist- Mr. Witkin was Kieatly moved hV| DM t(, incl.KI>;il,,, lni,inr,;;, A,. P'ovided by lleoiL ' A Hawkins and lion in I ^opening a number of banks tivo part in the campaign last fall in tho outcome of an appeal to the town- Mrs. Stanley K. Sculthor[j( Mrs. ing him are Mayor Augustus M. t ll: los the beautiful tributes paid him, and ; ,olVs c|oanin,T ani| d'vi'iti" pkico Irr; -' "' Brit ton. , rind it has been uniformly bUcccsa* ship comniitteeinen, through Mr- Howard Morris, Mrti. Reginald Van- 1( cnln :ili ! 1 electing Senator Harbour, the Rum- T Minion, Arthur B. Sickles, Charles extended his thanks and best wishes niovel^f' -V'" T '1 W >'i ^"' ' P y " ^ d-ciu-.tt- the :nl- son mayor is widely known iti this Leonard, l>y letter from Mr. llaker I 'i'tini, M^r.s. ThomiiH I^ing nnd Mi03 Wesson, Thomas Cleary, Henry A. ncen Madeline- Dennet I. "* to everyone present. Front street. The business" is con- S"Vi-S nf iln^wl m,ini>Ms nn s,,n- K,iwm K. cUmovor, who was tho part of tho ytato as n very able on helinlf of the commuters nnd Fricdlnndcr, Abram Dixon, Percy D . «..« . ducted by lSuqeni. Allen and Kdward :'J '»"!1iini!T. .May _,-. -. • ,,.•.• r.lrnt ,,f t h,- hank,' lias ojiencd an speaker and hi.s making a special tlpio of tho community ^cnernlly. Bennett, Arthur Crazier, William trip down from Now York to addrcKn Tho confei'nneo was very friendly Miller. Tony Hunting- BusselJ MIB- Large Brewery For the mpfttin^ >s deeply nppn'ciatncl by and helpful. The rnilroatl otliciahi Real Estate Board ton, Jiimc.'i C. TjiiButl, Charles P. '•'the officers; and Iho membnn; x- ei-s.-iry cx\>t-n:-v:i sili-li as stamps, 6la» The railroad oillcial:; aprectl to borough council to urge the lower- terests are said to be in touch with!1'"' an<1 llas B>'"™ ''"Pidly. had arranged t<> linvo. mine special In accordance with the. decrees of ci'ei! the marks of pievious events, tiouity and lln- c.-qicnses of the coin" entertainment -during tho oveninj; raise and paint the station building, ing oT I he intercut rate on delinquent I a local real cstale Him. ! -o-c— (;>Ne:-. The present rate is eight per President Krnnklin D. Roosevelt and The brill will lake plr-ce Saturday • miltei. which wenl to Washington and refreshments arc to be served. to raise the ^rndo of the drives and According to the re]ior!^, the brew-| Al'TO HITS VtV.K night of Ibis week rii. Ihe F.Iks' au-;la.-t week. It is lis-Hovcd that other walks around JL and also to correct. cent. Governor A. Harry Moore, the Mon- A regular meoliiif; pinco arn\ club- moufh County Dental society is i ery fieeka a cenlral j>oint from which '... „ ,, . , ., ililoriuni l-'red Moog of Uuiiison is ' stockholders will do their bit in de. rooms have not. yd, bfen n.stnblltOied tlio drainage; system. The board recently adopted a. reso- sponsoring a program on tho topic to handle the shore trado this sum-, I hr Cur Hadly «:,,n:is..,l nnd (be . ._, (.h.i , ()1. ,.,,.,,.,,„„,„, . ! frayim: other oxpenses „, cirry uut by thn club but it in rxpcrtr.d that The Qucytion of co-operation by (lit: lution in which the rea.sons for its I of "Child Health" tonight in the au- mer. Tho former iron works is said] Pole. Knocked Down. j Tho fca|l ,0 ,)f lh(, ,,v,,,lihl. „.,„ b(; ' the' prouram lo reo].en the bank, a definite location will b« dnnl v.i!! !M- mctiificis; f tpe in charge of the reopening eani-1 The superintendent. Raid such co-op- hi^!i rato uf interest attracts hid- o |and instructive program has been If the deal is consummated, if is ' roadste,.,,ui^,r. o,n, MMapl,,,ie ..vnmavcini^o l.-i-;lastt ni.:nig'aot ir^m,.t.....w . \.., , H. :ui,....|. K.. "f .\'.-^i:l; iicd : i'ai;: n. Tlo.- .--ccond National Bank oration was always welcome. The den' from out-of-town companies4 rn n ; n Scout Benefit arranged. Organizations eo-operat- ibelioveil that several bundled ratin i „.,,,,„ th|, ;;|Penn,, ^hool :-ol. locked : !•' "f Westlield. united effort.s of Mr. Leonard and nnd Individuals .seeking lo 'buy in md Trust company atul tho Mer- injt are tho Medical society, Social will be. employed, More than fifty ;irHi the cri r ran into ;in elect | i<- light j ' - » . ~> thf property for speculation. hants Trust, company are co-opcr* At Synagogue thn olllcials have brought nt. lear-i a Service and Pnblie. Nursing associa- truck drivers will be liken .-• rainbow of hope nnd expectation to pule. Thn accident, occ-iirreil near j . . „,. . j.i'ui:; in crsrv w-iy possible, It Is tion ami Federation of Health once', it was slaled Jones's service -talinn. The .into- ' Lcgl.OIl hiltl A I. •-' "ii.-.i by Iho committee in chargo Thn Rrd Brink Yoiin;; Mnn'a find' thn community that, present con- Scouls to lloltl Cake Sale. Agencies of Iho county and 11K- ditions will be remedied. Kor :"oni>" mobile was badly driniaged and Iho I ™, „ . .,.,, "i 111" movement lo reopen till" Broad Younp Women'n ilohrew iLHsoctntion The Pant her patrol of tho Boy county dii-eetor of public health nnd pole was broken off near Iho ground j 1 I1C I— lihirwulmry po^lufllcu. The cil lo at Ilivcrview linfpitnl. I'.ur;:ess |-,i ..b.iwing scene:, of the American '' '-""'' "In •l-'in:ini-i> I'orporilllrin the thf- Boy Scout and Ohi Krnut tinnpn S11KIMCKS' NIGHT. m :>aln is bt-int; held to obtain money The Red Hank l'oung Men's Ro-I I'anmons of I .eight, m ivcinio, who i.,,.;,,,,, , d the Kortv and l'".i;:bl jn H'rinU wri.i nhligrd d, turn uvcr i« Iho of tljo fiyn.'i^o^'iic. Tho money ivlll ; n Chamber of Commerce for jifltrul cc[uipnicnt. Williain Cusoy, publican club will hold a candidates'I was ia the aulomnbili- with .Mr. Mis- •,. ver.'ion and on parade a: Purl - ; "" l"";l1'"" -'culilios value, 1 at $7fil>,- be usod to buy equipment. Prlaou C( Will Rii Fi-alurcd at the Clnhe im putrol lead or, i:i in general charge. meeting in the clilh rooms on Kast j nor, was slightly injuicl. l^mployee.- | .|, liregmt, will be shown a I I he i ''""• although it nwid Ibe i;or[ioration will bo awnrdod and refreiOunent:; Hotel This .Saturday. | ;ln Nominates Directors Other memhm'u of tb<: patrol arc Ed- Front street loniglit. All of the. ; of Ibi- electric com]iriny soon h:ul ajc'rndlon tho.Her t lii = jlli-tn, ,i . only .•J'J.'ili.linu at Iho closi- of thn brinlc nerved. Thn' commitino oompriucH ;1M ward Healy, Stuart ItogefH. John Tile weekly dinner and dance at ll lll!r s Sidney Mnistrlch cliairman, Mro. .county candidates have been invited ' new pole up and Ihe wiles ro strung .t,,nk:ht m conjunction with Ihe fen- " '.'-• """ "'' 'besc securitlfil G;)nli Jr., Joseph SielTert, Gordon the. Globe hotel thin Saturday mjrht ul ll( Sarah Nachamkln, Mr:i. Fnnnin 13cn- At. n meeting of fho Chamnor nf land (ire expected lo attend and ad-! -o-.--w 'urn-. "I.ifr Kisrin.-." witiv Lorclt.i ' " ' ivaibiblo [or use by Ihe bank Bourseric, Paul Kennedy ami Bcn-will be known as "Khriners" 'Nij'bt," 1 1 ll; 1 Commerce, held Monday morning nt dross the meet in:;. A largn attend-' <-A1u> 1'AIiTY 'I'OMOIUJOW, 'Voiing. ""' >'"'•- >'"•" »'' '>'•''•» I"'' '" <»». owitz and MIBH Kiln ^aj^er. wlien many members of this order llb,ni:li tb,- siouiitlos amount Ui its headquarters in the Monmoulh nnc.fi in expcctcil. \ . . i 't-rn-ilcado," wiiish i)o.;ias T At. a 'mrtlng of the ntmoriatlon lnat are expected. The affair, as usual, 1 tiito,' tiinos inoro Ihuis ihe loan, It building, tho nn 1110:1 of eight mem- Alarg'e dclogrd ion ,,f the Uct i'ankju y\\\\ n,. Held hv St. .Jjniics's l'ar- ' it the Culton, v\ill loo Ihi week a leather traveling ;;et, was will he open In Ihe public. Annul;; borj were placed in nomination for | Dunce and Klncutlou Sludtii. 'club members will attoml llic mcel- V-lit-TcichcK \ssoeiii ion lay, hut ,,vj]l ,1(1| iM, shown '' -isl is> bo idiiolly on tiiis account pieiinntrd to Hubbl Nathan Witkiu I lie entertiilulnf,' features will be a 1 1 11 director;!. They MII> Hubert, M. KarI- The home of Councilman and Mrs. ling of the Cniti-d U'oinen's K'opllbli- ' ' ' ,,,-xi .Monday, , ivris advcrllsed in ' ' ''•" l«-dcr,il appi oval of n reopen- on a fnrewell jrirt. Hurry Foldt tlormnn band, which will furnish a 10w, Max' Leon, William A. Miller, Tony Huntinj; at Fair Haven iu be- ii-rin clubs at Helinrir tMidiy night. f >nc nf ;i soni-s ot weekly ,n ,1 i,:,r- , ,,r •[•!,,, i;,..:i:.|,.,. |mg pl.'u is po.-slhli- at Ibis tllilu. A nifidn tlio proiirntution mul Mr. Wit Thoma.-i Irving , Brown,, Burton K. in;; used as a sllldio for (lancme; aiul musical program, Music for danc- •I'be county cundidales have alsojH'''- « ill h '• hold liy Ihe P.ilenTj „. .^. \ lv , \ iml.-.ii i,m oj tin- hank h espt'Cl,- Kin responded with a ;;lioil, trilk., in|; will be provided by Ibe ,1a/./.- I to l.il.e place bofoic Ihe |iropoiint( Doiemu;;, Hordcn L. Hance, dordon elocution classi's. Mr. lltintini;, who been inviled to llu.- nin-lln:;. The i Tivu-herii m- .ocinlion of si ,1 inn- -' • .Inlllls Ke.ll lvllale Vl'.i'lli'v. Uyno find Theodora D. Moore. liiechefi lap daarinf;. lins already lown Five. Ilanelnj; slarl.s al nine ! principal -address „•,]] ho made by ;:;'1'1""1 tomorrow a fi.-::oon m hnlf-| I,;I['I',II ; o.unp.iisii Is launched, alt»J 1!il lw H'iM C Jeri-iS <>l ,M: ' h ittlC s! I rrl NKW W'l'OIU'l AN1> NI'AV NAMK. fornicd four classes. These aro di- o'clock and tin-, dinner will be set vcrl I Mrs. Keha Child r of .Now York, | r- " "'clock. The cbanman of I ! .iii'loip-ili'il thai I (ill will tilliJBf las boooinee :iss.n-riss.i i lie.I w'.Hi r,. HOA- l''our d I roc torn nro to lin elected vided into beginners and advanced at 11:30. ri mdional speaker, who will talk" oo:lll(' commltlcc in o.hrirgi- is Mrs. I, liiucb slluagoi position for Ihi! In* at Ihe nnmial rnecling and luncheon 1 I! r,l 1 ,ip|)!iic,itt ii iv il e: t ate. and Dtmgliu* A. rln'oliiiuon Moves Hit* Kioups for children and ndnlla. In "The (Sold Slrindard •uid National ' I' '' - Iwvl.s and her asslslaut s rue iti:tii,n Ihrm war, Irilo al the liliit; to bn held nt tho HI nuid lestainaiit lisui.inoo bii-i II Mi lap],m IlijHiiir.sri, addition twelve pui'ils- rue. taking (I. S. (i. Club Has lliiiii|iii'l. Conditions." .Mrs. Harry ,1. ijiniiti. I o'oi 'llteiii e:,annual ion on 1 leroiuber ill, on Monday. May IS, at one. o'clock. private Icssnns. The. clasr.es in elo- The U. R. (;. dub held ils annual Crausc, JI [•.-.•. .lame:' Al Mr utr's olli'.-o ,M\ MonnsuMh s el. .Mr. I'.i.'l-. ll Js staled I hat Ihls Dougla:i A. .leroluunni, who eon- The diiTctorii wluisf; i or HIM ou^~ Leon Morris uf Jcrsiy City has ! Salvalinn Army elinpel on Linden me... it hi j ojiened a law business in the. nllice lowini; ollleern wern elected: Mrs. Min'drrl nl. i;;il,,ii',nv n "'"' '"•' ill occiipie.. || I 1 | | I, | ,1 |, i HH Auto hll'u-.Ulr. company. )lr. fipr- ' For n Cliurrl). place suindny inoiiiio::- Til,- ooloiod lo I .ll,,. o -M- ,,,,[ ,,., „ , , I x 111 in i 1 Oorj;e Morford presidenl, Mr.-i (In Thursday and r-'rid.iv ni:hls "rl;j|)zp.'i in l;;nltt(in UDtk and In l' - New Monmoulh r.aplisi I of Jtisiice Walter J. Mills on Drum- boy:i' choir from tin- Fun-nrni bnaiib tuil. Cliarlc-i Ilowi'll vice, prcwili-nl, Mrs. ] Ihe nioniber;: of ihe Kalnnlnvn lire '" hank hilildlii ll ll I I li I 111 pnirlnf.; ^(uieriilor:;, nin^m'to:!, wlud- church will hold i llfly-crnl iilolid idncc. lie infcnd.i to move lo illt; /.chool at l ;vorcft ii'lll :'U)l[ n Downy Williams n-cording secretary doparlmonl w\U pi,-:oni i niuisliol fni I, nilihic. | I I I* il ' tiliield wlpcvn, . hydraulic I'luu'lc ab- Friday e May 1'.', licil Lank in I lie near fiilure, Mr. number of Negro spirituals At the New (uocery Store. Mls.'i Theresa Pupa corresponding al. Ciesconl hall, Krilnnlown The j lev.-line p|o,||| I ll Ih ll 1' norberii, fuvl pmnpii an and be- j mail Personality." Bluo I'latn IHuuer, X> ('entft. Aiuoiii: ih, I 11 lot i ii I ii At. KatHln'i) Cut Until Drlli; Ml lor Hclluonl. Waller Finn. Louis All.nil North LMI.J- i::,-moli. Hebrew Curd i'uily. Hill. William Kiirrlior;:. ('lull's Lew- lor th grocoiios, liuil and ;•••! I m.i ill" I ml i i it t in Hi l luncheonette. Your ebniee of me; v Woman SpeiiUcr l-'iu- Kolury. I\lo*hci » Kay Curds. '!.'i l>'i el (lardeu Hose, '.litc' A card parly for Ihe beni-lll of in and Joseph l-'lnn. . \ o;:*'l;i ly bid II pn pllpi:s nl I I I I ll | Hint Ynit tell nllifUi! <>I" I hi- wnndiM'fdt Ihrre vej;ctiibles. bread butter, i The guost -:pi'aki-i al tomorrow's (iunrallli-.-il r.ir one y,-ar, A real Ibe Red lirink Hebrew school will on willi the Mi'ti.ipohi-i • I,,,nls AH I I I III 111 \ i nioflinr you Jinvr. tell lire, Ino, CUD [ill, leu, coffee ur milk. All fur hllK'heon of th,, lied Hank 'P.oliiry buy. iuj; litoiii served. . bllo club Olid n ri-pr lllalivo of Ille of cut Unworn .1 lid ' llowci un: plants. I.IIWIl (.III-.- .-cells. irpiulng cam) il n I III I I H paint S!lc, f;alva nii'.ed screen wlro .'Id • A A. A. Her loplo will ho "Kohoi.l W. W. Konncdv .V !!ous. Harding <>»>' sunny nnd shady hv.-tt nils Knifl. ,Hhop|)n, Jtrd !*;m)i. Advcitl.'n- liincheoncttii. Your chnlen of meats. Mljllare. fnf)t, L'ojie l)ll:die:l of rpmlJIv mi air.iuiv nil In i I II I i i!liv ,.],,,,,,, ,,..,,.,, .. mail, P. (). 1!OH':!V. Kdl ll.ink Ad Imci. composod .if N.illv,, .mil ho ment. ! liirn, vr;.;ot(ihleri, hroad, but .tor, dec- :«>!•, line idnubliciy, inc.ludlni; (lie IJ toi-j .,(;(.:,, Ii I I ll III , I I ;• it. tea, cotied or milk. All for I!.". IIOIIIII'H Typewriter lli>juli|iiurtcr». , ""' '\ ''J,,.^ vorlisemont. l'""c,i grassesg ,. producp e i-.voll. nt ,-c lOverblootniiii; Snowball llydrnnfea 'I'ypewillen) rented, boui;hl., sold llts I'll lowi-.t. Ill yens. I'11 d s of llo I I | | I I j In cinliV Advertisement. LT>c; [.'111 L'Hc, 1x7 israiiii porch ruj'.a Military hull, Troop Is of Tleil fl and repaired. Trubln'a, !,(( llmnd Killllu Scrvlc I >. Wikoll'C A.lv.l I Isenienl. Illlsl's' mil,I Ih ill h Lntdtni; hrandii nm he nhtainnl n\ — . ..«» * •$»*. fiSc, HnoliMun mals iic, moth liaj i ltlc Hiillk, Matiliilay e\-enllif,. Ma>' li, I,; Pruto Ctt., f! W«-MI l-'ront. nircl, 'ilreet, Hcil Hank.- A'lveillscinent. I'MIci' iiiidlliirliiiii. fl.WI cample. -Ad- ( ill.i ranlcod IH-IVIC,' II lepslillii: will h- ',»••,,i| I I tl.-it Dilnlt in iinvit. fill limiato pliuils for tide, cablniRe ill Itnv Hi-* Is.t Illine lii-.l J Itcst Inliil, In TOMO ph-.no ltnl Il.mh UMV. Wn di'llvrr. vi-rdsenieiit. Thi,! cniM i i •'Ii I' i j t Uiun'ii Ilrad nlc; nofd on inemlmvi plants :l for -'ic-. liiMiiembni- wo i;lv'o HiinH Viiri. Voiiion >,', Loud, 17 l.nl'.i-i Knin's Ili-tid ah-; sold on plondso. • • Advei tiiKMnrut, m dntlviM'ed to your hnine, L. 1'inie better \-aluc:! and a larger variety IIIRII tl|ii»H Hlme am! llmil Mlllu-r. IVIHIM b •,.-«. ii I I ,), Lasts built on m-lonlllli- principle I'lin rnad lo bolter mill bicker bust- ru'emic. Id-il I'.anU. Advcl 11 .'•liliill i ilcllveri-d In your homo I, Pinln Cu,, (i Wont, Front .slirrt. |»1IOIM? Red N.'tiulnl !„•. Ill,- and SI .Stole. Phono lor Un full , i I Jut- Kilr, ti i-ipilnn iitrcfil. Adveiil,-;,- iiiMinosiii loadleads I'lirougHirouglbi 'I'bThec Hcglslcr'Heglstern ,,,,n[1 (',, , li IVciit Knillt --.liecl, pllimi' L'i'l Jt to ailvortliw in 'I'UM Itculfitor. Bank J2i7.-AdvorliH(:nifmU | 2flS0. Wo (lclivor. Advei tluement. Mi Hi' il.iV tl I 11 vorlltiing coluinni). AdviiitliieniDiit,,, It nayn to adviatliiu hi Tlio liei;Mer. Hank I'.'IV. Advei Page Fourteen HED' B'ANK REGISTER 'MAY 3, 1933. AGAINST RErEAL. Play Given By PLANNING FOR SUMMEK. Highlands Clubs Former Rotarians' Forty and Eight Scouts Receive Temperance Union Convention to Be. Rod Bank Sportsmen He-elect Of- fice r». Hear Candidates! Dinner and Dance Held at Mlddlctown Village. Atlantic Grange Day Is Observed 16 Year Charter An all-day meeting of the Women1; Officers of tho Red Bank fish and County rind local candidates made! A largo delegation of members of Christian Temperance unions of gun club, at the annual meeting of 1 stead of having to wait for a portion About 200 Persona Attended fldrlrt at a joint meeting of tin- Mcn who at One Time Were Mor.mouth voitur^ 40 and 8 will at- Av/ard Made to Troop 23 of Red Monmouth county will bo held next ihe organisation held last Thursday j Ycung People's Social Republican, of their deposits until the slow as- tend tho nnnual banquet nnd dance Tuesday at tho .Middletown village. "The Hidden Guest" Last Fri- night, at the office of K. V. R. H i ,i the senior Republic an or- Members of Red Bunk Club Bank at Court of Honor Mon- sets were liquidated. This same un- c un an of tho grand voiture of New Jersey Baptist church. Luncheon will be S;cut. on Linden place, re-elected the | ,, Highlands Monday : reetricted light to make- withdraw- day Night at the Colt's Neck g mzutjon of Guests of Honor—Farewell to be held Saturday evening, May IS, day Night—Nine-Year Char- served by the women of the church, fallowing ollkcrs: Anatole Chameroy; Dennett presided. I als would apply to Christmas club de- Schoolhouse. nipht A K Address by Rabbi Witkin. in the Elka' club at llackeneack.' Tho ter for Troop 60. under the direction of Mr--. John L. positors under the proposed reopen- president, J. J. Travera vice presi- j,,,igo Thomas F. Shebell of As-! affair In In honor of tbo annual vinit Hendrickson. A meeting of the At tho Boy Scout court of honor ing plan. .he | About. 200 persons attended the dent, Harry Morris secretary and Mr. i i,m.y "pm-j^ who is a candidate for I Tile Red Bank Rotary club Thuis- of the Chef do Chcmln do Fer John Ladies' auxiliary of the church w Monday night at tho Soclnl Service Another depositor of the bank is ,-ilijplay of "The Hidden Guest" which: Stout treasurer. •th c itrpulillcarpubli n assemblyy nomina- dayy featured "Former Ttotarlana' A. Elden. Tho grand chefs of Con- lie held this afternoon at the home ] was given by members of A thin tic Plans for the summer activities building on Poml elrec^ a elxtcun- the Red Bank water department. me I was given by members of Atlantic plans for tlm summer activities ti nskcallied foforr supporsupportt oon ththee basi- baais; i.JiiyDay"" bby havinhaving aass guestguestss somaornoo forfor- - necticut, New York and Pennsyl- of Mrs. Charles Wolff of Keansbur grange last Friday ni^ht at the Colt's |were HUHR1. 'f'ii^..-e - clu- b maintain•..•*s- yoar charter wau presentod to troop This branch of the town government i ty tornicr Xlotarian&t, who at onevania will attend. Monmouth voi- 23 of Rod Bank, Iho oldest troop In haa about 518,000 in the bank, of to plan for next Tuesday's event. It, Neck schoolhouse. The performance ,a clubhouse at the North Beach Bar- timo were members of tho Red Bank turo la tho largest one In New Jor- which approximately 53,000 is in the is expected that the mreting ncx- made ouch a big hit und was so ! negat. jnirt nmi members generally j T club. It was a real get-together time Monmouth council having continu- checking account and $15,000 is in week will be devoted chiefly to mak-much enjoyed that it is considered ' enjoy Their week-ends there, ami it was pleasing to RCG tho hand- ous registration. Troop (if) of Rod the savings account. It was reported ing plans to elect delegates pledged likely that it will be repeated else- shakes around, particularly to some Eank received a nine-year charter. that there was a delay in paying the against ihf. repeal of the Ki;ht.ctMH; h where. The returns have not been Tho charters were iiisued by the'na- fully tabulated, but it is expected members who were on the chartei employees of the water department amendment at the coming prmaiy tional council. that about $40 will be cleared. Rentals Reported list of the club. for their work during March. This election. Tho guest of honor of the day A , life, award was conferred on wa3 a mistake. All the employees The play was given as outlined in Warren D. deBrown, assistant scout- a previous issue of The Register. It. For Past Week was Raymond Tiffany, former dtb- were paid promptly, despite the fact master of troop 23, ami star nwurds was' marked by much applause nnd trict powrnor of the 30th district, that the bti:ik money of the depart- were conferred on a. Goldman rim! by many compliments for tho.se who G. Howard Lippincot• t of Monmouth who will bo on tho executive commit- ment was tied up. The receipts of Leonardo. Man Robert Helm of troop 23 and J. took part and for Gilbert Parker of ]stroeL reports further rentals durin. tee of Rotary International- at the tho department were sufficient to tlie Lelghton of troop (17. Freehold, who acted as the coach. ) P«st week. ,Ho has rented to convention to bo hold at Boston in meet the pay roll expenses in spite Killed at Newark } Artificial thiindrcd and liKbtninK jJJlC Kinn Spiritualist church of Red June. Mr. Tiffany guvo a .stirring Thoso promoted from tenderfoot of tho bank • deposit being frozen. phiyed a large part in the show and Han" k one of tl/c rooms formerly oc- address relative to Rotary and the to second class wore Vincent Flnan A reorganization committee has Fred H. Garrison, Public Service thin was very etficiently manipulated cupied by ihe 41 eel Bank public li- influence which it should exert in Its and Joseph Sieffcrt of troop 8, Jack been appointed, consisting of Homer brary in the Weis building at 14 Mon- respective field. Hn urged nil Ro- Henry of 23. nnd Garland Black, Lineman, Electrocuted Mon- ] by Walter H. Conovcr. The eicctri- tariuns not to overlook the fact that Philip L. Brady, C. P. Kemp and S. Methot chairman, Peter Forbes and ' cnl effects for this feature were ar- mouth street. This room will be used day by High Tension Wire— | clivino guidance should be tho fun- H. Sherrlll of 49. Crali; Layton of Eugene II. Magce. ranged by David Tumidaisky. for church services. Mrs. Yulah damental of their activities. The 8 and Clanrto T. Puxlon of 12 were The statement issued last week by Funeral Tomorrow Afternoon The committee in charge of the Wicderholt of Rumson is the pastor speaker said we were getting too fai promoted from second to (list claaa. ihe depositors' committee is as fol show comprised Mrs. Chrim'y Con- and ;;he will conduct the first meet- Fred H. Garrison of Leonardo, a \ away from the basic thoughts of re- lows: over, Mr. nnd Mrs. Lewi:; Snyder, ing in the new quarters Sunday. Tho following received merit lineman for the Public Service dec- I ligion antl criticised very severely "At n meeting of tho depositors' . . ,. , , , . I Miss Cora Dangler, Russell Heulitt Kamuel Tnlarico, ono of tho driv- badge awards: committee of tho Broad Street Na- the Russian and German regimes, trio corporation, was electrocuted , w u H Conovcl, ers employed by the Boro Busses, in- Troiin 12—Mux Ililto, i.nlliflniliiiB, fno- Monday at Newark when he camp. , which arc doing away with the rights mimuhlii: It. Hull, nthlctics. pliynlcul do- tional bank, held Wednesday, Apri Tho. made a gift nf n com-corporated, has rented Robert Starr's in co:ntact with a high-tension wire• °. of individuals to worship God as they I'clopment ; CHOHHI- MuinK«ll. Ilioinunahlii. 26, at 8 P. M., a complete report of biniltion stt ver comb, brush and mir- house on .Newman Springs avenue, putlinnrtlni;; Jamcu I'lukct-, imtliriiuilng; the committee which had just He waa s 42 years old and had livelived ror to Mr. Parker in appreciation near Carman place. Mr. Talnrlco, so desire. His message to Rotnriani (Jluuda . T.. TUXLUII, ruom;inuhi|i; Etlwnid turned from Washington was at Leonardo sevveral years. He his services as coach. who now live a in the Lustbauni war, that at all times they further WIlliiiniB, iiuthtlntllne. ceivod. cently built a new home there. apartments on Maple avenue, will j tho advance of the belief in God and Ti-oon K—Wlllliim Oinoy, viuuilcarvlns: Mr. Garrison is surviveed by his to have greater trust in one'a fellow JOHN A. EI.DEN. JOBOPII SiclFort, wniHlrnivIn^. "Conferences in Washington with move to his new home on Juno I. j THOMAS F. SHEBELL Traoii 0—Gooruti c. Slolnliuch. hlklnit. the Reorganization Division, Super- wife, Mrs. Louiso F. Garrison; hir, j Child Health Lcfon Bennett of Newman Springs i ma n. lrooji 23—11. ilnidioy, rcutllnu. Unit aid visor of Receivers, and Reconstruc- mother, Mra. Nancy Garrison, and avenue has rented Mrs. Nellie of hiss promise to work for de- Mr. Tiffany did not spare words in sey as well as tho youngest, The to nnlniiilB; Sitmuol Cnnlncr. linokWiitllnf, two brothers and a sister, they be- voiture now has its own locomotivo metal v,tnU. wootlcarvinn, woodwork; Hob- tion Finance Corporation, were held Day Observance Kahlc's house at 144 Branch avenue cieuaed taxes through the reduction | condemning tho big bankers und crt Helm. Hcholitiuhlii, diumiiitry; Krank- ing Clinton and Frank Garrison and and a box car is in tho making. on Monday and Tuesday. All of ,",,., , . . iand he will take possession next of governmental cxpcndltum. jutuck manipulators who have been lyn Ivlnn, woudciuvinfe-: VViuroii ilellrown these departments were very helpful Mra. Dorothy Kienhle. The funeral | Arthur K. Johnson The next "wreck" of Monmouth ulhlcU™. A meeting of the Red bank jumor; Wcdne,dEiy. M!, Bennett is a con- of IntPiiaken :-jetting such bud examples, and went in advising procedure necessary to a will be held at three o'clock toruor- and senior high school parent-teach-: voiture will be tin outdoor one on Troiili 40—Unhurt . (ilcunner. Ihut Hill, stable and hay been a life long resi- ' and Ilenrv VanDaalcn of Leonardi MO far as to call many of them by miblU: health; I.inviom-ti Scilioit, luiiull- reorganization of tho bank. row afternoon at his late home at J er association will he held tomono ubliciiu freeholder candidate;;, Junn 30, to bo held at Michael Vlra- dent of lied Bank. munq. Ho said men like Mitchell, crufli UmiW VVIlik, intllilhiiliiii;. Leonardo. Rev. Thomas Thomas will night, at eight o'clock at the junior cola's at West. Long Branch. This "The first step is the elimination John Jitters has rented Albert C. addressed the meeting. Harriman, Insull and the like should ' Trtitin G7—Geiolil lilnner, Icnthorcraft, under the administration of the re- officiate and burial by A. M. Poaten \ high school auditorium on Branch Former-Mayor George Hnrdy urged j not lie tolerated nnd should he put will bo tho anniversary of Mon- oniimntly, lionkblndlnK, metal work; Ed- Harrison's house on Bank, street win 1). Stfllner. Aiciiiunnhip. ceiver, of money borrowed from the ond Son will be in Bay "View ceme- the organization to redouble- its ef-; behind tho bars as quickly as pos- mouth voiture. Tho degree team vis- Reconstruction Finance Corporation, tery. forts in securing the best possible: Mblo. ited voituro 128 of Middlesex nt Mc- and tho Federal Reserve Bank of candidates for the general election tuchen recently and "wrecked" six Rabbi Nathan M. Witkin. who left P. G.'a, putting on all three degree* Elks' Auxiliary New York. These loans aro all se- 8ml insuring their election in No- for Palestine yesterday, j^avo a fure- cured by bonds and notes, suiliciem Tho next, meeting of the voituro will Negro Charged With property on Patterson avenue, veniber. He expressed the belief well message to the club In which amounts of which must be liquidated Jin D. Roosevelt designated May 1 bo held at tho Long Branch post on Holds Card Party Shrewsbury, from M. VanBuren that thn Democrats will concentrate ho yaid that he had gotten more to permit paying off this borrowed Stabbing, Arrested as child health day. Tho keynote May D. A joint meeting of tho 8 Smock of Red Bank. He will take their efforts in an attempt to secure from Rotary than Rotary had got- The Ladies' .auxiliary of the Red money. When this has been done, a and 40 and the 40 and 8 will be held for' 1933 for the organization is possession June 1. Mr. Smock re- the election of at least one more ten from him. Rabbi Witkin looks Bank lodge of Elks Monday after- joint re-examination by the federal Jamea A. Blanton, colored, of Gold at Belmar on May 16 at the Invita- "Mothers and Babies first." : cently bought this property from Mr. Democratic freeholder, in order to forward to afllliating himself with a noon held a successful charity card authorities will be applied for and as street, charged with atrocious as- tion of Monmouth salon 8 and 40. Kins 0 has sinco mncle exten gain control of that board. Tho Rotary club at Jerusalem and ex- party in the lounge of tho Elks' club, soon as this ig forthcoming tho plan suult and battery upon Bladen „„, ..,..„„.?,,.. ,,.:. *>„.. Vinnk ilirtii ""'I.J' " ] speaker defended the activities of pressed the hopo that after having at. which eighteen tables were in which ha3 been formulated by tho Brooks, also colored, who is em- school pier; club under the directio* n sivn improvements. Henry Wocrner of Fair Haven has !tnt! Present Republican-controlled finished his mission at Palestine be pluy. Tho succfiss of thu itfiriir was depositors' committee will be- com-ployed at Hie Grecntrne farm at of A. LcRoy Baker. Hampton An- rented and taken possession of Mrs. j J)n;il().' clearing thaUt is one pf^the •will again iba permitted to join tho due in a large measure to tho. efforts pleted and presented for approval. Lincroft, was held for the action o[ drews, a baritone soloist, will sing Democratic Women best in the state and has placed Mon- Red Rank'club on hia return to the of Mrs. Frank Welnhoimer, who was the grand jury by Justice Henry F. a Negro spiritual, "Get You Heady," Daisy Smythe's bungalow on Parker "In order to facilitate tho work of mcuth county in n financial posi- states. . chairman of the committee and who Kylin on Monday. and Eugene Magce, Jr., tenor solo- avenue in that borough. In County Meeting Iho - depositors' committee, Peter tion comparable to that of any other donated the prizes. Asfiislliij,' Mrs. iist; will'sirig "Jjccp"lVivcr." ! Dr. Har- Pro.fe;isoi\A, l..eRoy I^nltor, n mem- Forbes, Eugene M. Mageo and Hom- Brooks was treated at the Itiver- count, in the state. ber of the faculty of Red Bank high Many members of Iho Red Bank Welnhelmcr were Mrs. Walter B. er Methot have been appointed to view hospital for wounds which he old Ii. Mitchell, representative of the school, rendered two solos. Ho was Democratic women's clubs attended Connor, Mrs. Harry Robertson, Mrs. act as a reorganization committee. said Blanton had inflicted with a American child health association, Club Members Hear , „ .. . n ., accompanied by Professor Harold tho monthly mooting of the Mon-Michael Jacobs, Mra. Benjamin Hur- This group will co-operato with the pocket knife. Sixteen stitches were I will be the speaker of the evening „ ~ , . i bchool Pupils r Lanos at the piano; n.outh county organization at Bel- wltz, Mrs. John R. Snedoltor and tho the bank, Newton D. required to close the cuts. Blanton with his topic as "The Community^ Talk onGardening receiver of ( Giye Luncheon There was a drawing for an at- mar last Saturday afternoon. The auxiliary president, Miss Elizabeth the federal authorities was arrested by Capt. Harry T. Van- Responsibility in Relation to Child tendance prize, this being conducted club went on rocord as being solidly Costello. Prizes wero costume bcadj In Washington in the detailed pro- Note and Policeman Benjamin Pry- Health." Miss Martha Hansen of the Professor J. R. Beikart of the j ' ~ by William A. Miller and John T. il. bad; ,of President Roosevelt's re- and jiewtor bon bon dishes, Refresh- cedure leading up to the reopening or and taken to police headquarters, Red Bank nursing association will New Jersey agricultural cxperimen- The members of the eighth grade ments of ico cream and cake worn Lawley. Mr. Tiffany drew the lucky I construction program and a resolu- of the bank. ' where, police say, he confessed. talk on the maternity and infancy tal station at. New Brunswick ad- class of the Shrewsbury grammar served by tho management of the nnmo from the hat. The prize was . turn requesting tho support of Unit- "The depositors" committee ex- According to the police the alleged welfare program in Rod Bank. Mrs. dressed members of tho Woman's jschool entertained tho Monmouth Elks' restaurant. awarded to Warren H. Smock. pressed themselves as highly satis- RBault took place in tlie kitchen of K. V. Smith, president of tho local ciub at their regular meeting last I rounty supervisors' round table at a cd States Senators Kcan and Bar- John R. Sncdekcr, a. member of fied over tho progress made by their the home of George Goodc, colored, organization, will make an announce- Friday. A program, in which gar-' luncheon last Thursday. There were! A. feature, of the luncheon was the hour and Congressman Sutphln w>i3 : the Red Bank lodge of Elks, who io repi'esentatives, Joseph N. Hance, W. of River street. ment of the names of the winners dening was featured, was given by I m°™ than forty Monmouth county seating arrangement, which brought j oiclcred sent to thoso olilclals. The tho now postmaster of Atlantic Raymond Johnson and Lester R. in the health poster contest. Mrs. Elmer B. Morrow and Miss Jo- ! public school principals, superintend-1 together the past presidents of the • resolution was offered by Mrs. Rob- cll Highlands, assumed his duties on Ross, who made the trip to Wash- The winners of tho posters, which scphino Weeks, co-chairmen of the ts and superrvising piincipnla prcs- as.;associatioo n at the .speakers' tahte. An- en S. Scarburgh of Red Bank. 1'OK ECONOMY. Mondiiy and u ImtiHcl of flowers wan \ Jngton'and feel very confident. They are* on display in tho vacant show j garden committee. ( cut. Among 11th'e gUC3ta were Juhn ' 'itlie r fnaiiil".- of the gathering wns Arthur Pryur uf Wanamnyuu nnd s ar n the standing of all present in silent sent as a gift from the auxiliary to a ak tho depositors to have patience Ilonry A. S. VanDaalen Says $250,000 room at. the corner Broad and i Mro. A. E. Russell, chairman of; P K > assistant state commissioner Henry H. Herbert of Engllshtown, ! of tribute to the memory of William Mr. Sncdekcr. while tho necessary steps arc being Can Bo Saved. Monmouth streets, Junior high the legislative committee, urged ! education, and W. M. Smith, Mon- JJemocratlc candidates for freehold- taken, and will continue to work group, instructor, Miss Helen K. members to attend a meet, at which j-mouth county superintendent O'Erlcn, Hev. Robert, MacKcllar, and ers, made addresses. Mrs. Blanche Those playing were Misa Lydia G. Henry, VanDaalen of Leonardo, schools Ovens, Mrs. H. L. Ronne, His. Caro- nfght and day until their object is Howard, first prize, No. (S, Sleep is the various candidates for political ! - j Dr. Biddle H. Garrison, who were Horvath of Keanshurg submitted a Tho lino Turton, Mrs. Charles Croft, Mrs. 'j accomplished. who is a candidate for the Republi- Necessary, LorrafnV Umber; honor- ofllco are to speak, to be held before ! luncheon was financed by the. of Iho Red Bank club at lengthy report on the activities of a can nomination for freeholder, made the time of their death. Goorgo A. Hawkins, Jr., Mrs. Leo I "It i3 evident from the facts and able mention, No. 10, Bathe Often, the primary elections next month. ! Parents of the pupils of the eighth committee that had been appointed an address at Freehold last week in latln ; Nicholas,. Mrs. Gene Handy, Mra. •figures presented at tho depositors' Jeanne Latter.; No. 3, School Safety, She also urged the members to be '' R >nd about. ?20 wns netted. The for the purpose of making a survey which he ur^ed a drastic reduction r Caroline Savage, Mrs. Corinne Mey- committee meeting that tho plan of Elaine Gregory; No. 33, Health sure to vote on tho Sunday miiotion ' P oceeda will be used to help defray of state institutions, at Trenton. in the county budget of expenses. Ho er, Mrs. Archie Moaby, Mrs. Ada B. reopening will involve segregation of Brings Pep, Beatrice Moore; No. 8, ! picture question. tho expenses of an educational trip Final plans for the card party to said that at least a quarter of a mil- Four County Nafcw, Mrs. liruno Brown, Mrs. a portion of deposits in tho bank, Plenty of Fresh Air, Norma Slocum; j The art department will hold a which will bo made by Iho class af- be held by the 'club at Iho Elks' lion dollars could bo lopped off with- Clarence Legg, Mrs. Lyall Enstlco, but it is certain that the largo ma- No. 20, Don't, bo a Night Owl, Doris j meeting- on Wednesday, May la. ter graduation. The committee of home at Red Bank tonight were out any detraction from the efiiclency Wills Probated Mrs. James Uaines, Mrs. George jority of depositors will show the Rath; No. 28, Kxercisos, Juno War-[The speaker will be Mrs. Lillian parents and friends who prepared completed. Reservations for 7.ri tables, of the county government and insti- Harm, Mrs. Mario Weber, Mrs. Fame splendid spirit which has here- nor; No. 20, Eat Healthful Food, i Raoul and the program will be in (the hmcheon were Mrs. Harry G. Everett Johnson of Highlands left it was reported, have already been tutions. He said in part: Michael Jacobs, Mrs. J. P. McCarron, tofore been shown by depositors of Margy Norcum. Senior high school , charge of Mrs. Trevonian Bennett, Borden, Mrs. G. H. Nevius, Mr^. ifj entire estate to his wife, Alice M. received. Mrs. Carl Bremer, Mrs. Henry the Merchants Trust Company and "Petit jurors have suffered a cut group, instructor, Miss Helen K. | Mrs. Thoma Jane Yorg, Mrs. Helen Borden, Mrs, Voorhis, who was Johnson. He executed .his wil in The next, meeting will he held nt Gramann, Mrs. Thomas Mead, Miss , Second National Bank and Trust of forty per cent in their daily pay. Fred C. England, Miss Mary Bordon Howard, first prize, No. 54, Kat Fruit, elected president at the last meeting, and he appointed his wife 03 Fair Haven on Wednesday, May V21. Dorothy Moss, Mrs. Harry Moistrtch, and Miss Emma Holmes. Company, in arriving at a solution J Would it not be advisable to carry. Millieent Chinnock; special mention, occupied the chair for the first time. executrix. Mrs. Herman Heller, Mrs. J. H. The pupils who assisted in serving of their respect ivo problem?," this reduction up to thoso whose sal- No. fi3, Don't Trust Your Health to Mrs. Hiilly F. VanWyck of Mata- Chodwick, Mrs. Barbara Iicyer, Mrs, I were Betty Reynolds, Maflelyn Brill, aries run into thousands of dollars Luck. Phyllis Todd, and No. 5S. wan executed her will a year ago Business Women Stanley ScuUhorpe, Mrs, (Juy Hcn- I5UNCA TARTY. | Florence nnd Virginia Graf and Or- per year. Such a cut. in salary should Health Tree, Marguerite Hendrick- last December. She loft $1,000 to her dricka, Mrs. Raymond Stryker, Mrs. Itrudc VanVlict of the eighth grade not ho made to apply to the clerical i son;" honornbio. mention, No. 51, friend, William A. Marible r>f Nor- Attend Banouet W. A. Hamilton, Mrs. William D. Little Silver Club HonolH for l'nlr Haven Church Was and Jane Guptil, Helen .Marx, Mary forces in the courthouse nor to tht? V it amines Mean Much to Health, folk, Virginin, nnd she bequeathed Ashmoro, Mrs. Martin G. Nil!, Mrs. Largely Attended. Farrcll, Gloria Cook and Martha Hears Taxation Talk laborers upop n ppublic works. Mon- Muriel Rath; :>. 77, Soaring to SoOO to her servant, Martha Cun- Mrs. Myra Blakealee of East Or- Harry N. Johnson. Mrs. William T. mouth county should adopt civil acr- Health. Christine Carancto; No. r.G. ] The bunco party given last week | Comar of the reventh Krnde. The ningham of Richmond, Virginia. All anpe, president of iho flns andd Sandlass, Mrs. J. R. Snedeker, Mrs. 1)0J R nr lh viCi ru cs that nil appointments Protect Sount eighth grade who helped A talk on horouKh taxation by As- i \ ' sr, of Body and ! for the benefit of the Fair Haven Epif- ' ' the rest of her estate, including sev- Professional woman's club of New R. K. McAllister, Mrs. ' Andrew wcrp r mi wn d bc •vithout. ropard to Mind, Linden memaker; No. IK, j copal church was largely attended. A ! VJenr^' e Glassey, Samuel Yorg, Jersey, was the principal speaker at Watts, Mis. John Flitcroft, Mrs. Ed- CBor William .1. T. r.Ptty wns II "' 1 pi0COS Of rr;li at Norfolk, .Tame a feature, of the regular meeling of the | sex. race, rreed or color. Such reg- Health, Alice TTaylor; No. M. Aim for; basket of groceries was disposed of Sullivan and Adelbert Weav- Virglniti. wnr, bequeathed to her son, banquet given lasl. Wednesday ward Collins, Mrs. Clark Worthley, Little Silver Woman's club last j illations would prove honencial to Gond Health. William on the co-operattvc plan and was cr. They acted ;ind Flnyd T. Taylor, and he was named ! n it by the Business and Profes- Mrs. Arthur Mnyhew. Wednesday' at the clubhouse. The I war veterans who are entitled to won by Miss Anna Martin. Mrs. check boy?. as executor. i lal women's club of Red Bank at program "was in charge of the civics preferential lating and would open HONOR Fl.TILS. John M. Minton won the door prize, tho Molly Pitcher hotel. Other Mrs. Joseph Tomlinson, Mrs. Ray the door to appointment of more ICmeison, Mrs. Fred Gaakcr, Mrs. committee, of which Mrs. Getty is -.- 'A cake made by XJare. Agnes Allaire I FatlentS at cutccl his will last February. His. speakers were Mrs. Cody Roberts, women who have thus far received Fred Schlaiipltz, Mrs. James Welch, chairman. Mis. Clark Kemp gave a Those With Perfect AttendancAttendance ntnt ;j was wonn by Mrs. . E.. HallenbakeHallenbalv . j JJ. . ,» . , entire estate was bequeathed to his president of the East Orange club, but scant recognition." Mrs. Harry Bosltey, Mrs. John Smith, short address on the expenses of Shrewsbury In April. | High scores at. bunco were made by' KlVerVieW riOSpital wife, Klectra Wilson, and she was and Mrs. Grace Wolfurth, the first Mr. VanDaalen is conducting a president, of that. club. Mrs. Leroy Smith, Mrs. I<'rcd Seedorf, schools. Mrs. A..E. Russell, legisla- The pupils of the Shrewsbury I <;cor«c Moxley, Mrs. Annie McGee, ; directed to pay $50 each lo his chll- very vigorous campaign. He states Mrs. Roy Stone, Mrs. Grace Adams, tive chairman, gave nn interesting srammar school who wern perfect I Scott, Vincent Hankins, Mrs.' Kick Santalli of Catherine street, ! dien, Edith W. Sailers of Belleville, Mrs. J. William Heim gave several that he has begun a systematic can- Mrs. Harry Bradley, Mrs. George talk on legislative conditions and 11 attendance for lh" month of I r>ol'!1 B'oxom. Miss Mary Emma who ia employed on the. new ro.ul j Clark Wilson of Plninllcld and Mil-solos. She wns accompanied at the urged all women to vote. It was vass of tho county and that he ex- piano by Miss Snra Armstrong, who Harvey, Mrs. Robert Norman, Mrs. pects to make personal contacts w April follow: j lU'ndrlcki'on and Mrs. Teresa Haw- joh from Atlantic Highlands to . U'r Wilson of Columbus, Ohio. Mrs. P. J. Kantangolo, Mrs. R. E. Jonc3, voted to Fond Mrs. Nelson K. Van- ku>s otllcrs wl also gave several solos. Others pres- thousands of VOICI'.T before ihe Ri'cmlii.n rhus - ri-.-.ni-r i;,- -r, ][ar ' ' 'o won prizes were Highlands, became 111 from inhaling '• Wilson was named as executrix of Mrs. O. R. Overtoil, Mrs. Harry J, dcrbeck, president or the club, to !•)• iiiu-lwdew. M;HH;IIOI Hyhinii' iniV Vv!tn-1 '^u Ml *:1- Fowler, Vivian Scluain, j gasoline fumes and was brought, to'tlin will. ent. Included Miss Marion Galbralth, (ho state convent inn at. Atlantic niary election. Miss Elizabeth Kellcy, MiMt Knth- Qulnn, Mrs. Daniel Martin, Mrs. Flor- ri< SIII;UI-..IIII. .'"" , I'l'homas Hudsim, Miss Lawless, Ma-j the. Riverview hospital for treat-! Isaim W. Prtinimond ofNewYork. ence Bennett, Mrs. Herbert. Haw- City tliis tr.nnth' 1-ii.t i^i'nde—T..H- -• ' i.it7(.]ini.. itul ti ; li(.l Scott. L. Mount t?ettv .Wintnn imnnt *.-h,-. u.f' ^nui,. n.-r,,i,.,.t., .,-, T.T~.,n,~..n, arino Sickles, Miss May Throck- niorton, Mrs. Ada Crnndall, Miwn H kins, Mrs, Frank Wcinhelmcn', Mrs. The. club chi.i us ;ang "Lilacs" by . ( AKD rAKTV AND I I.;,:-.vin S. I-'reese, Miss Adclaiile Mul- Mrs. Carl Wahle of Fort Hancoek county, maile, his will ill 1!)1S. Ills rl.u- 1 sio Green. Miss Harriot Cook, Miss J. H. Robertson, Mrs. Edward Frost, Charles Wnkolielrl Cadman :ind "Ole . |ligiin, Mrs. F. ,1. Dielz, Mrs. C. Brit- surgical -patient at the. hospital, ! en* iie (istate w;is bequeathed to hin Ruth Williams, Miss lima vonGlahn Mrs. Henry Maurcr, Mis. Harry Uncle Moor." by Charles P. Scott. A 'A I^argely Attended l-jvent at Port Sen.iid If—Mill' Maix. A'lilrcv ten, -Mr. arid Mrs. Roy Rosenberg, Miss Janet Smith, daughter of Mr. sister, Kathcrinc W. D. Herbert. .lolin.Min. ! and K\ Hl.lkc- and Miss Mcta vonGlahn. Sachs, Mrs. Nathan Goldberg, Mrs. bouquet of oirnntions -was present- \ Monmouth Friday Night. ly. K. Hallenbnke, Addie Cross, Alida i and Mrs. Allen Smith of William The will named S. Slanwond Men- Samuel Eorkowltz, Mrs. Josojili Hex- ed as a gift from the choru:- to Mrs. 'Ill inl l; f— An Davison, Fred Dictz, Mrs. .I. M. "Mill- j street, was operated oii for appcri- Plans were made lo attend tho The members of the ladies' auxil- ken of New York as executor. tor, Mrs. Benjamin Hurwil./. and Bionson r.ut'.er, Ihe leader. \ DM.ml (In. . ,l-,iil .; »i:." | Inn. Helen Heny, C. G. Knij-.ht, Ar- dlrltis yesterday at the Itiverviow state convention to be held nt. Atlan- lira, W. B. Connur. iary of the Port Momimuth lire coni- nc.Ids. Kir Heir t un Mrn, Klonnnr Kenyon war; • aeting- •IKMIII' ' " davison, Lewis Davison, J. ij. \ hospitrt I. tic. City on Friday, Saturday and imny arc vcry much gratified over lli'lni .Inl' 11, The regulnr husinnss meeting of sceretary (lulim; the meeliiifr. Re- Wt.i.il. H-: M.IC 1'iM-rv. Helen ,11: J|,,«.. jUtnnett,. Jessie Patterson, Mis. j Richard Carney of Keanslmr,; mi- MISSION'AKY CONFERENCE. Sunday, May 111, 20 and 21. the success of a card party and ; the auxiliary will ho held tonight, nt freshments were served by a com-! 1-onrl h M.ln—Churl..-, ('..nii'l >i '<"!'-i Agnes Allaire, Mrs. Everett Smith, | dcrwent .-in opemtion Monday fur dance which they held Friday night rrt Wihn Di.rolliy Jurkson. Mn r Hcrok| which time tho newly elected olllccrn niltlee comprising Mrs. Sheldon \Vii!,n! '' ' ' . Harold P. Smith, i the removal of his tonsils and' ,-ul,.. Sticieties of lU'fornied ChurchcR of the Port Monmouth sehoulhouse. itfij Wil».,n mi.I .Inn will bo installed and committees ap- |. , ;Lew Hemschrl, Charles P. Cross, j riolds. Mrs. Clifford Cadman ..f ;11t)imiouth County Meet 1'oinorrow. Visit School Davis chairman, Mrs. J. L. Herbert, ; A1, ,ho ,.,,turns are lot in but it is i;u k pointed. Mrs. Walter Ii. Connor, Mrs. Viciciv t'ailei', Mrs. Arthur Cow-f ,' '.UM-'I-V Siilli'van.' Willn i:ii/abcth Kcowcroft, Hussell Scott. [ Kntontown lindeiwenl. an npflatifn expected that the prollts will amount Al.nii I'Llirt'lin... ' Sll!il p (ll lclt \ Tho annuiil conference of thft past president, of the auxiliary, will r lil.en ! °' ^ " ' . Norma Smith, Monday. At Little Silver an :uid Mir. f'hiirles Prnthpro. ! lc about $, i0. 'I'll!;; money will oe !1 . Wtunan's Missionary union of the be the installing olllcer. The last nifeMn;; for tin- summer l':tt " ., i I'.err.iee D. i'Dwler, Sylvia Atkinson,! Saturday an operation for appin- iK.ed to help meet the general run- ! Classls nf Monniouth will bo hold to- Fifteen .••npervisoi'ij nnd principfilK has been :-<:! 1'nr June 11, when a ning expenses of the company. I j Kvil Little, Mrs. L'elle Fielder, Miss ' dieitis was performed nn Mrs. Frank innrrow at the Reformed church at JCalherine Mulligan, Theresa De- , Mnrnsclo of Wall street. Ivins C nf Monniouth county HCIIDOIH vtfiiteil I'lANO ItliCITAL. covered dish luncheon will be held. About fifty persons attended the Colt's Neck. The morning session Hcrker, Mrs. G. A. lliuvkins. Hazel j VanNotp, Jr.. of Headden's Cnrner. tho Littlo .Sllvnr public school hint festivities. A door prize of one- will he^in at half-pant ten o'clock v."r:ok. Thoy ohnrrvofl tho tcinchlnfi r Smith, Mary Vanderburg, James ! v.as operated on Saturdav for ,ui Miss Mlllmi Terhuno Will Kondcr J'I urth o a ton of coal was r.warded :iiif! Iho afternoon session at half- •jlli- W'ai.di, Anna Martin, K. i;iildle, V.'1 mothodn nnd viewed an exhibit of Hequefit Nunibers Tomorrou-. t.. Kdwiird Malcolmn of Newark. Infected i In ll.ind. p;i:-t. one o'clock, Luncheon will be led Bank High M. Chandler. Austin Harvey and .'•chool work. Afterward a lunohoon Another prize was a scs'rf made and j C. G. K..lii s of Wei,| l.'i-nnt i.lri-f ; ervtid M. nt.cn, Miss Lillian Terhune of Red Bank, John M. Minton. The commit tec v/as iuuvrd by tho oij;htli tu^'lc pu- donawd by Mrs. Lena Lonahan. 'l'!iis SKTTLIOl) FOIt ?l,.)(lll. was IrealndI last week fnr t-iit n i. The morning program will eom- pil;; of tho Khrowiibury publicoahool who is a conceit pianist, will give a Tennis Winner comprised Mrs. Pnrothy Kenni'rlv, I-Is hand, wns won by Mr.;. Cllarlc.- ('tinier of He wiii hint in an aut 'piisi a devotional service led by Mrj. ; l,oi,ow|n tlio dinner nn nntci-tain- special program of request numbers Mrs. Caroline Harvey nnd Mrs. Helm accident. over station W.TBI tomorrow oven- Tin- J'.rrl lliinlc l.i; h :;rlural Irnniii l-'ort Mr.nnuMitb. Controversy Over Carpenter Work mpnt. wri!) f;lvnn by iibrnwnbmy pu- Moxiov. 1"^"111"*;11:1:11:1"^^'! ^ ing at lialf-pasl. six o'clock. Tho com- ii'um di'f.Mlcil the Wt-pt Ora)];:c Emled Without 11 Trial. pil:;. The mooting wound up with n positions will comprise Heberzo In lil(;h ni-ln>'il yriitvivlny mtcrnnnn. In SHOW liV A MA(il('IA\. :;|ionse. by Mrs. Alfred Duncombe. dtriou.'uiion nf school inothorlFi. Wil- liNlVKltNITV WOMI'.N TO HEKT. A lawsuit bronchi by Xelson M T\M> AD'l'O ACCIHI'.NTS. reading of Ihe mlnutca by Mrs. Har- liam M. Smith, county fliipoiintcn- I-J minor by Mendelssohn, Schu- tho nin;;li<:-, !:• iIto^viu- i.f Ri-d limt Iliiuli of K.'iM. iveanshurc* ;i^ain..i Ilillicllffeil ^Iim Ilri-alis Out of a ry T. Miilffca, re|iort;t of classical t'.ciit of Kchoobt, nnd John A. fiparpo, mann's Nocturne in F and tho G lost to Mm l i.f Wr:il OrnnRi- V-,'i Mommnilh ( ounly liiury Osiiiun nf Si'.'ibri;;llt .in; ISrnni'li In Hear (an. Collide on Itrlilse Avenue Last Nllilcd-Ilp Uox it New Moiiiuoiilli. coinniiltees, treasurer's re(*ort by us rij.Lant uhito commifujlonnr nf cdu- sharp minor Polonaise of Chopin. ami <;-:;; KI-IT ol J><1 rinnlt lo:.( tu Kepmt nit I'eai i- Conference. setlled last week as it was about m Wednesday .NIRIII. Mrs. Jolm M. West, now business, ap- cntlon, nrcnmjuinlod thn group. Thoy Miss Torhunn played as accompanist Albright nf Wesi ianur r.-.H, «-!, (iJi lie, tried befiire Juil^n Lawrenco ;ind A maj;io show wa i Klven l the pniiitmiait. of comniitfees, nn address nlrio vinitod thn Tlnlon Fnllg nnd for Mrs. Mildred Morris, who in n and Todd of I'.ec Knnl: won finin A Incfliiu: nf the Momnnuth coun- Automobiles ihiven by U'H-co lain- Htlnday-iu-hool room New' a .lury. The suit ^vcw out of a dis- of II by Mi.-,. Itiilpb Korlellng, offering, a contralto singer, at, tho Womnn'ti Hamilton 'it VY>. Oliini-r l".-R, fi-1, ly br:inc)i of the Anierii-an Assoela- afmie ..f Limn Ihaneh and Mrs. Jien- Momnoiilh I'iiptlst. Avon jiclionlp. pute as l:i extra carpenter work done iThurch I.-ridav solo by Mrs Hurry Morris, address club musical last. week. i; -1. I l of Ii'niveir-ily Women will be jaoiin Alwater of Little silver col- ni|;ht. The principal by Mi. Uaub at Harry's I.ohsler performer was by Mrs. MlUon T. Stauffor, and ben-' held al the home ,,f Mrs M. (;. lided last Wednesday ni;;hl at the ii magician, whn if lloilMi! ublrb i-. .iivneil l.y Mr. II- a resident, of Will Attend Convention. nf IJMI !':UIU dif.-at'tl .Ma rinon nnd I .nwenfilein ei .Shrewsbury on Mon- em tier of lliidf;ti avenue and Oak-Monmiiuth couuly, living' not lar Helfonl Chureh HervleoH. iniill. The li.tlei- settled' the case F anklin 1'. KnllVen (it the lle- illmiw uf Weiil Or.ingn (i [I, (i-1, and d;iy; . May N. l'.'-purtr the con- land slrt'i-l. llonaforle was pioeeed- from New Monmouth, hut who was; In (he iiri));rain will A service for Holy Communion will by ai;reeiiir; In pay fl.nilll to Mr. inj; noiih on liridge. nviMiili- and M prhif u dovotlonnl U'd by formed, church, vice president of the Vault., .•. MiirMiH Tl'lli'X.nf llelfiinl ( li'-j, K l)l!l ( Unca!l clullt rvl r,n a e.iiiciele court. The local all of Red Hank, Mrs. I. If. Gilhuly I by Helen G. Davis of Sllver- broke out of a box which was nailed .lunir, Itymn, add bv Mi") inmei " " "'" I »i; I'iylcn. party will bo held by tho Glrbi r luatrs AnnlvcrMiry. win. tin iT.snhit iomi mul benciilc- ish Imll. Prize:! will be awarded and l.nng Hranch. 'I'liuiniis Vlning, Walter Thompson, I.ml 111. ' Inaled her ninelleth liirlbilay Mon- be same night. Hoth earn were lertlim ofSU! wan received. Or.e refreshments will be nerved. Loilln Grob, Nelson Kylon, ('.rover day. She received lllfiny Hue j; i f t :i in: niiilh mi Ilildge avenue. Accord-jof u,,, nfnrea was n eorjirt solo liy • iiid card:! nnd tele/;rains from relu- Captain Harry VanNot,., who | ,,„„„,., Carler, lCdivard AppleEate, Cc'lrlc < oniin;; l,ini) iiil'i I'iiir. To Uieiinii! (iiiind Cliiuitli. ..', (lrlf:i:n,With piano m-coin- .Inliy I''nur Iilnuer. I'.liitr<^ Nuns I.iuK-heon. t iive:. al Mr,-iis.lalc, New Vnrk, anil Rydei, Ilugli llytlur, John I.. Ryiler attei,i|,le,| tn pi,|,ilncnt ,,y M,,,, Ai||,,nn .[nhnatnn. Thn Knlro Nous i-lub will hold a I h uiniial fair of I ho Hro.venl .Mrs. Lerin Maier of Leonardo will j The meinltein of thn Jolly Four nnd Wllllnin .lolindlone. Tbo latter San Kriinchico. Her six children n!i(- M. lIght I in n the enrner. No ! ~*» .^~- V ii hd l.'-iiiiirdo lire company chiii (if !,r,nmi-d(i enjoyed dinner at is impr-rlntondnnt of t.lui rtiun'h luncheon at line o'clock tomorrow iin installed as criinil eharlth of the ;iipent. Ihe afternoi.n with her. They njurt il. tlif. lioliui of Mr.". 11, <'>. Tdinpsoa [tfieinoon at tho Molly I'ltchor hotel 111 11 h.ld 'I'lnirndny, i'Vlilny nnd Order of Araiiiantli Ihln week. This ' lire Mrs. Albert Jiimyon, Mrs. Annn ent.'i r'alr Ha\en IIntl i Monday. Next Mdlnlfiy i!m ehlli at. wlilch time plans will he nnidfl ( n i . \ridii};ii, Augunl, .1, 4 nnd event will lake pliire iit tho Klaml '• '•'I;.unpstm, Mrs. (ieoiijc Yiii-mill mid I Mr. nd Mi!!. Dudley I'l. i' hcr :n at the- Rod Bank marathon last mnetiiifr hold April 2!l. • ern at Ardena by their daughter. lied Bunk lOntiils. month, nnd who are vialting Mr. and Mrs. Mari;ari't Mnrgnisa, chairman | Miss Julia I. Smeed. The table was Mrs, Elizabeth Allen of Washtng- I "WE KNOW HOW" Mrs. George Bowman of Long 'of thn cnlfiiiiilnmeiit. committee of. decorated in gold and green. Mr. ton street, hns rentod one of the | and Mrs. Smeed were the recipients Branch, were guests of Mra. Edith n. I ho. club, announced thai a dance Cornwcll houses on Hudson avenuo. Dnalrrfi in fnvrfifmrrlt B^cmHl Smith • of Westsldo avenuo l;mt will be given by the club in tho of flowers, gold ond other gifts. Thursday. They wcro accompanied Knights of Pythias hall on Tuesday, Guests were present from Baltimore, M2O WainuI "it., 30 Broail St., Maryland and Lewisburg, Pennsyl- A I I F N' S by Mi'B. Bowman. May 30. Tickets are now for sale Philadelphia, C- N"W York Warren Bellla and Stanley Ivlna of Holy cuminuuluii will bo ad tnc r ul> vania. to.'iiuLo juice, cocktail, ham and tercd at the morning service at 'the 1 by ' membri'H. A part of the Sunset avenue Hpent tho week-und proceed.'; v/ill he dfvoU'd to welfare Mr. and Mrs. Smec:d arc enjoying spaghetti, baked apple, cake and Cleansers and Dyers at Newburg, New York, • with Mr. MMcllindlxi t church this Sunday, ifl'lie very good health. Mr. Smeed Is 74 cofffp. 1pautor, Rev. Albeit U Baner, wljl be work. Btllls'o parenta. When revolving eight new mem- years old. Both were burn at Luwis- PHONK RED RANK A An Mr. and Mra. Everett Browcr of In charge. The choir will isln;|| burg and were married there. They \V. RAA'MONn JOHNSON anthem, "Come Unto Me and I bers Into I he chili Mrs. Hurley said, KAUUIJRS COMBINE Drummond placo are the proud par- 1 have been residents of Red Bank the To those who know j Tclephnnr Ri-il Bank 1B30, Give You Rest" by Mendelssohn, ) Or- "The colored women of this country 21 \V. Front St., Heel Bank, N..J, ! ents of a daughter born April 20 at mllflt loallz(; Uli ma past twenty years. A number of Ked Hank and Long Krancli Master gan selections will include "Cloni- 't "y changes have friends from Asbury Park paid the him ESICI those who do the Long Branch hospital. The baby miinion" by Dcvred and "Prayer' by <'"»"' <»•«' both the Hopublican. and U;irb(;rs Organize. has been named Barbara Ann. Be- Woodman I Jlemocratic parijes since Lincoln's couple a surprise visit Monday even- not—• foro hor marriaKQ Mt'fj. Browcr waa ing. The I,on;,- p.ranch ,-ind Red Bank At ihc'ovcnlriE scrvico the pdstur Itinin and W|1 helieve that, if Lincoln Mloa Anna Butcher. ' werewere, aiive loilnlolny hi? wouldwold be a DemDem- Another Red Bank couple have boh.s h;ii-heiM consolidated at a meet-, Mr. and Mrs. John 10. Day of will preach on the subject, "Prayer inn beld at. the Garfield-Gmnt hotel ' and the Modern Day." Organ tflec- oocratc . WWee must free ourselves from passed the half-century mark of PAUL R. STRYKER Broad street spent Sunday at Phila- nitt bolide tnrt not vote as n race hut married life. They aje Mr. and Mrs, at Lonn Br;inch on Monday ni^ht. tions will include "Andante fCon Pefcr MUHI:O of Long Branch was ' delphia, with friendu, Moto" by Volckmar and "The Cijaclh iaB w(' om sclvn:", individuals, feel E. E. Brothington of Riverside ave- of Harding Road, Howard StryKnr of I^imien place !;} 0 ld v nue. The event was celebrated re- elected president and Nunzio Rain- Hong" by Bartlett. The chnir jjwil) | w« ' » otr>." icri of llrd Bank Kecretary of the attended the game between the Now sing "Come Unto Me" by Cady. |Wrs. ; -»•-•- cently with a family dinner party Red Bank, N. J., York Yankees and the Washington at which their daughter,' Miss Mar- HocuMy, wiiltih will operate under the Senators at, tho Yankee stadium, 'l'hercaa Willey Is oi't'.'inisl and ahuir Curd of 'X'hanUs. jorio Brothington, and son, Dale name of the Monmouth County Mas- • veteran salesman, has New York, Friday." director. | J We sincerely wish to thank those Brothington, wore, present. Mr. trr B.'ii'bnr.s' as^ncitif ion. The now 54 BROAD ST., or 164 BROADWAY, Mra. CharlCB Stockholm and Mra. A class meeting will bo held cm who so liindly assisted us during the Brothington retired several years afiKociadon hope/1 to make various joined the Sunday morning at nine o'clock, i time of the doath of our father, Jo- ago as a general manager of the At- reform:! and end price slashing. Mary Dunn of South Ainlioy wpent The church school will convert at! KOnh v- Luker, Sr.. especially Rev. RED BANK. LONG BRANCH. Sunday with Miss Alice Sample of d 0 1 Mc isl< h 'antic & Pacific tea company, after A commi tf.ee was appoint od com- 11:40 with the superintendent, Wi|iuiiH j E'jjj^ !Jr!. ', Jf, ^ ^i' ' ' "\' e having served 48 years witli that prising Emery Formica, and Peter Frank Van Syckle Leonard street. Kennett, in charge. The seniorjj antl ; ['j^^.^^J^^'^^^0^^^,1^1 . °' l|n.^[j /^IV! Mrs. William Hyan nnd children 1 ( concei-n. Tho family usually spends ^lu^so of Lung Branch and Nunzio junior high school leagues will jnett |who'nKsiste'd in anyway, the summer at Normnndio Beach, Ramieri nnd Robert Nicosia of Red PLYMOUTH and of Bergon placo returned home Fri- at 7:15 o'clock at night. Mrs. Fj-unk ! Kons 'and "Daughters. day after having apent a week with where they have several bungalows. Bank to appeal to the authorities of for Warner will speak to the 'senior j Advertisement. Kfif on town to clofsc !;5iops operated DODGE organization Mrs. Ryan's mother, Mr;;. John Ben- group anil Miss Margaret Pattcirson \...;.. v..—-— . nett of Brooklyn. : on Sundays. The' committee con- of 149 West Front St., Thursday, Friday and Saturday! US SHOWER. ferret] with Mayor Charles Brceso Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Eck of le-i"'UOhaV° '''""^ °f UlC j*ni'" ' 'N MEM0RIAM Buttonwood and Mr. Eck'a brothers, yesterday, who promised action. The Red Bank, N. J. Rev. Charles and Matthew Eck of At tile morning service at thi| Re- j ij,,,nartf."n-hn "li™,"l*ci" (iiis°ii?c' »."' 'it. Party a( River I'laza For Miss Edna price scale in general use will be lorincd church next Sunday,!! the ; lii'J'J, inul wim. ihuuch nbtent. continued. A social session followed BONELESS ROLLED North Dakota, are spending a few Perry of iirlford. 1 Paul says: "You're paatorp . Rev. W. Carmen ^ ; ^ f ,. (he buMtir.s. ; meeting. days at Wllllomspot't, Pennsylvania, A miscellaneous shower wns given will preach on the aubject, I no JSs\- \ :-i, missing something if Shoulder Veal, •with friends. hire of God's LLove." " TThh e subjecib t I'iHi i-iiii: j-oi Friday night at. the home oi Mrs. Joseph Calver of Leonard ulroet is J.i at the evcivng service will be'; 'All .! »,. 1 r Harold Perry of River Plaza by Mis. To Ma tin go Hotel. you don't look at the seriously ill at his home, Mr. Cal- Th;it la Within Mn." The evening nil's til: Prrry anrl Mrs. DeWift Ileyer for Legs of Veal, ver la employed by tho Red Hank Miss Edna, Perry of Belford. The Mrs. H;iny Hnft of Linden plarr, new Plymouth and ]' service will be preceded by a gospel and Stanley Haft of Chicago wilt be water department. v l!: marriage of Miss Perry and Carl Dodge Six before buy- Rump of Veal hymn sing at 7:30 o'clock. ;j ''" " joint manngors of the Hotel,Chelsea Miss Margaret Newman of Phil- Tho senior choir will hold Its, reg- Thorno of Keansburg will be per- ing a. new car." lipsbtirg, a former teacher at. the ular practice at tho Ret'orni.Ml formed some time this summer. &t. Long Branch this summer. Har- Rod Bank Catholic hlph school, in al last, i-y Hnft will continue to manage the cburcli tonight at seven o'clock. At Tliii «• inul trials The house was decorated with j LOIN VBAI, spending a few days at Red Bank. | eight o'clock the mid-week prayer pi streamers of 1 luo and white crepe Kosher market on Linden place. BIB V15AIi Dr. and Mrs. Walter RolnHaus and | _ In hili 1 ice will start. This servico will b. paper and bouquets of cut flowers. eon of Waverly placo spent youttu - j j*)c jn cnarg0 of teachers oj tho Until ou wore ,-nllc.luoi itwal.eiiN to the ilay, of Lincroft, Mrs. Mary Munch, Miss OFFERS SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS Loins terests. "Adam and Fallen Man" W 11 he Anil «c live nVr Ufa tl a lone Mist life — Frances Marks,'Misses Nellie and Jersey 1,1c (nun. .ii-.aJ M DURING MAY ! Miss Helen VanDorn of Maple avc-i thc ,.,,hjcf.t ot th0 lesson-sermon in Jilnl throucli a sir Catherine McGarrity aiid Mrs. James EII.Y. nue had aa her week-mid guests Kd- | .,,, cnl,rrhes nf Christ, Scientist, on McGarrity of Red Bank (RIB-END) PockeJ ta EosstJ of to my thnuKhta, $7.50 Permanent Wave $5.95 n ward Shubert and Louis Wester unclay, May 7. | A 'wli-liin'vTi'i' 1'1'c rinilr1, nn mo in Brooklyn. The golden text is: "O Israel, rp- thvii Inn-: $5,00 Permanent Wave $3.95 4 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lnngsfrcrf. of Tlirir lui;:lit ruj.^, mn n] l.y tbc cnrriHouB BEST CUT itmn unto tho Lord thy Ood; for N-illlt. Players' Auxiliary. (Including Shampoo, Trlrd nnA Set). A Hudson avenuo entertained Mr. and thou hnst fallen by thine iniijuity" of eyes, lilacli cyc3 Mrs. Frank. Ensticc, Mrs. Frank Mrs. Leroy Clinton nnd daughter of (Huseii 1-1:1). t I >r bin Wesson, Mrs. W. E. Smith, Mrs. Special—Mon., Tues. and Wednesdays Only S '.$ CHOSS 1MB Manasquan on Sunday. Among thc citations whichjj com- j (eel n Invetl one's Sanuifil C Corse, Mra. Clnrrnce A. Clinton H. Wilbcr of McLaren SHAMPOO prise the lesson-sermon is the fol- ' back memo ries of you. Legg and Mrs. Morton Planitz were ALL street left yesterday on an extended Roast .. lowing from thu Bible: "There is ! -n ITI-IIIIB fcin -1. hirniiy hour prize winners at last night's social FINGER WAVE THREE business trip to Pittsburgh, John- tli^relore now no condemnation Ui I ll meeting of the Players' boat club MANICURE r0B (SO1ID BIEAT). JSTEEK stown and Altoona. Ho is associa- them which are in Christ JCSUB, wlio '. Svitli p ; auxiliary. The hostesses were Mrs. >a. tiriefii the nloimy thun- Expert Service Guarantees. ted wiyjtho North British and Mer- lie Jack Sparkling, Mrs. Kenneth Rob- 1'hone for Appointments. walk not after the tlosh, but' after 1MB or cantilc^^ire Insurance company of tho Spirit. For the law of thcvSpirit phyf lircatho inson and Mrs. Viah Smith. Now York. of life in Christ Jesus hath! made 1. in lii..' niinurt i SHOTJLDEK Mrs. Wilfred A. Henderson nntl Kemeinbrain'e U ;i j hlcn chain loveil yo uldo avenue. Kailly mi»so.l l.y (Fino for FoS Koast), Christian Science textbook, "Science j ELKANOK HOLMSS 3 LBS. FOB 5flc MisaAdelcne M. Rood ofElizahnlh, and Health with Key to the i'Scrin- • a former resident of Red Bank, vis-' 1 lures' by Msry Baker Eddy: "The j FRESH o FBBSH itcd friends in town on Sunday. ! great truth in the science of being, ^ PURE- Veal Elmer Morris . of Sunset avenue; ihjit the real man wan, io, and over WANT ADVERTISEMENTS. Pork Calf visited at Newark on Monday. ! Chopped shall be perfect, is incontrovertible; ; Liver Cutlets Mlso Dorla Wilnian of White .itrect, , for if man is the imago, reflection, Too Laic For Classification Sausage Hamlaurger a student at Trenton Normal schoill, of God, he is neither inverted nor \VANTEI», wlii to mid ill i- .ijjeil couple; spent thc weelt-end in town. .subverted, but upright and Go[l-like" hmi.«e work Pi--conk iiml ha inly mini enp- Miss Roberta McKnlght of Fox- |(p. 200). nblc of Tuxedo tho Scandinavian countries on a pas- ot SIS.BO por ?1,000, which is KU'X'nm; eniuneU fi"ke now , new will. u to c.iatrol; $2(1. Flakes scnger-frelght liner on which ho was the rale at Eatontown. ii I II. i.ll'i: nml Oakland Small Salted Coffee a fireman. Ho will skip tho next Tho borough of Eatontowrv is tho i.tiect. phuiie U.'.l Ilk 117 Sodii. ('riicki'r trip tho ship makes "acroso the seventh highest, taxed borough of HOOMS." Vinnlc" urn ilonli , twin bciln; 1 Hi. Vacuum Tin lclif.iiKil.le. All.. Bis lii, nil imtirovc- pond" and will remain nt homo until Monmoulh county. Through tho Call 33 Clicnt- the boat is ready to leave on ttio formation of tho association it is mil ft reel. lloiF li.'iiii..^ ' following trip. hut vSAf,i';,~i!i:'ii chev7 ilpt cofirh. in flrnt hoped to prevent a repetition.11^11*, Uofl 11in1- Mr, and Mrs. Layton Coward, Mrs. debtedness incurred by rims .'iiii.lition. KVnl liiirenln for cash, Sterling and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer li"jiprojirr Call ;:I7-\V, Kt'il Hani., lr cull nt 70 Rec- practices in an elective oillcco Jit Eat- tor lihiee. Deacon and daughter Elizabeth were ontowu years ngo. Tile committee | (illil.S ntrtl IVIMI: in Imnfity I.nrlor: Sunday guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. Har- has circulated form letters iri which :'O,1. Apply Whlto Knno old Eltout of Madhion nveniio. Hrnutv I'rti'lni, Mcmnioiilli Hti-cct, Kcd PINK [mc til; taxpayers of tho boroughlartj.it:- I lank. LOU ran wash berries and ollii-r fruil?, bul "you c;in'l Georgo Lclver and Jack Stanton, illicstod to bo present. They state C 1S SALMON tree experts, who wero at Orlando, H.M.I'' nT"'clnnl rniiie for irn!. oix-room. Spinach ^ " lh?jt the meeting will bo In :no wav 11)1 Imi'i'ovwi ; on \V;i;-hinK!o!i Bticct. Likewise, ire can wash bottles, and {Io — spending 'AO iniiiulcp on TAI.I. CAN Florida, for tho winter, have re- a lcflectlon on the character pr abil- lldl linn!.. I IT A. T. liovcmun, U turnod to Red Bank. ity of thc men who me nt. resont Grovor Parkor of Mechanic si reel KANK (((ttlK Th in'.'.ilny Tftci:no~on~fn cat'b boltle in 9 purifying operations, sterilizing; Ibein as no IIOMSP- administering tho anil's of F.nton- It.'.I lli.nl; ; K iniT li.H.I; Now Hiani.- had returned after spomllng thro.i! iown. Tho cnnimlttoo expro days with relatives on Long Island ab- wil'li Tin.I I'. I'in.li'i- l.imlly Iciive nt wife could. Even we "can't wash milk." bowevcr. But we can mitrh solute coniltlence in tho l'cacnt 'o Mr. Itrmvn.* and at New York. mayor and council. Wll.l. KENT, vi'i- mimiiiiihlo"," nli-ely fur- Mr. and Mrs, Edgar Taylor of Sun- nl>.llr '"HOI. to be hud. Be sure ytfirget il. and Phllo Davis, pupils nf Adalbert v.;iy. Charloii r'alkenburg, I Daniel Tcny, Thnman M. Donohud roiirc- OBtentlorff, head of lln> iii:ni" il.'-i-m f HUt SAI.I See the uunie. "SHlCI'TIFXn" oi; GRAPE FltKStl 'ment of tho Ostendorff music stu- . ntiitivi! of (Uilf I'ellning company; u wliitti j tVl.hijr ,h:. FRUIT dlon, and Ruth /.'/'.'i nml .in .;•' i ''hnrleii D. Cleveland, Thoiimn Si'- nil for PEAS v.nril, 1'niil Klchnrdnon, 1'iiul I,,;,;. Cllini'll the hollle. It is your anHiiraiici' Cardner, pupils of Miss Aiii;i'lii';i C'; mill, mil, itiH. tendorff, head of HIM violin dcpait- Ada ill Ornel, Cieoi'Ko C'hventryy, ll.'ir.n.l. 8 for 2 for if- of llie very finest milk. ment of thn Osli.'lldnrlf litmhoM, |;nvn I''i7inUU ICcntiaIC , IF/trrIF y PlverPlJ VVermxi J HnnsH nn ortlslio performance r>f tlirir Mlnnril, Mru. Edwin WIIUr.1 nnd iv.. Haul:.' VAUCV r.umboi'fi Sunday nflernoon al a .itti- '/, \\,%, m.l cilo recital at Cninegio UMII nl Ni'w r.i.l: inn i.t lid In William .I1IMUO J] l.3t, York. l; I II.'MI GREEN ..'1 / 't: Mll|(lBtra(<''« Illlllqliot Iloacyde „ f. Tim Miinnioulh rnutity niiin'l^tratrit' KOAHi f,.,.t. I, With IttoltiTiiffi, I'liin. A-l I'CII-fl.O i! t>)} MELONS >'<« :i. iidi'inllon will liolrl a harifjirnt. tci- FFIELD BEANS » ' William 11, Hnnilrli-liiiiin nf nlo.-i-' nu.rrow nijiht tit "I'linn^ln jj Inn fit £om Covn ruad }NI;I bocoinn a.''.">orl- I.liK-Kifl. Tliiro will lin iifly nii'm- FANCV atod with llalnti'ncl ,t ll;ui!:ui]i, lif'i;; prf;irnl. At tho i'<»iH!ll|i«i(in of Will!:, i moniboro of Iho New YorU i'turU, Ihii l)!iiii|inf Al- ilAt'J.V lil.in s ui'nii ii \f();t,v/,\Y: fi.v rnr siinrtitt* M mi'iuioK I'KIH.IUM, y.ja o'iLoi.K M.oll Mtiitti.ii. Mi OVKR m\M, PRIZLS TO C///U>Ki..V tOli Jilt: flf.sr i atlllnc Tlio Itcgloler.—Advet tliiement bury 1'ark livciu li.'il Iliink. Paee Sixteen 1ED BANK REGISTER. MAY 3. 1938. two places which are to bo filled. This three-cornered is adopu-tl the • Philadelphia AUi seemed to me inimical to my interest cuado tbem that Industries should of principal must bs found. Of contest for councilman between Thomas M. Gopsll! and letics will play league games across as a taxpayer and aa the driver of a be run to yield dividends rather course, Red Bank is a rich town, RED BANK REGISTER the river in Camden on Sundays. The car. than profits; that' a "living wage'.' like Freehold, and well managed, Kenneth M. Wyckoff, who are running for re-election, Tho closing of tho Jano In Nave- and not In any financial difficulties ESTABUSHED 187S BY JOHN H. COOK. and Maurice Schwartz, who is a newcomer in politics, Pennsylvania Senate defeated Sun- should come before a "living div- Editorial Views sink is not a comparable case. That idend;" that completely commercial- ao thltiga go In municipal effnlre promises to be very interesting. day baseball by a very narrow mar- lane was never part of a pubJIa these days; but there io a public GEOEGE C. RANCH, Editor. gin of ono 'or two voteis. A few years highway, and ceased to servo any ized eporto and amusement and debt of moro than $1,200,000 over All three of the' candidates are so well known as to ago Sunday baseball was not per- commercialized vico aro tumors ln FBEDEKIC S. HATES, ftlaiiaglng Editor. make the prediction seem plausible that an extra large useful purpose when the country Red Bank. Extawagance Now an Offense. mitted in New York. People came achooihousQ wajj demolished and tho the social body, and that "prosperity" In addition, Red Bank property Republican vote will be polled at tho pjiinaitea. Add to Governor Muuiu'a iinprcec.ivo ac- fo JU/boken find Jersey City by tho present school. built, with access on as Bomo people view It is but ono ele- must share in tho csunty, ttato and THOMAS IKVING BROWN, th!» the fact that George W. Bray of Red Bank and preparatory to thousands to fee a game on Sunday Navesink avenue. These facta tho ment in eoclal well being—and not national debt. 1 again repeat that u ln fl)1 h school board have reviewed and Publisher nnd Business Manager. Henry A. S. VanDaalen of Leonardo are candidates for reorganizing the state highway de- afternoons, Of courso, Camden, Ho- always tho greatest. the public debt of. Monmouth county freeholders on the Republican ticket nnd it can readily boken nnd Jersey City aro nil ln New packed upon year/3 ago. Although, I think that social ger- and hor munlcinalitlea is otaggering. partment is indicative of a new deal Five years ago Charles Snydor, Theron McCampbell, Telephone—Ilcd Bank 13. e understood why it is reasonable to believe that Re-1 in state affairs. Tho stop demon- Jersey, but—that's tho queer thing who undertook to "engineer" tha VICB ought to flght tho antl-sociai about, fuch things.—Hudson Dis- tondenoy of the combat regirno in publicanlublicans in tinthis ppar; t of Monmouth county where these ! strateo at least that public disgust original ordinance, petitioned for by Two Houeea Itentcd. Subscription Prices: with irnprudenco in oiilce is becom- patch. Mr. Runyan, through the township business and professional life, I al- two men are best known will flock to the polls in unus- committee, chicled Mr. Lockwood so think that education for Boclal Tho Mainstay building and loan $1.50 ing effective in arousing gestures of Oao year ual numbers. reform. It is to be hcyped that prac- with not widening a road loading to Eervloo ought not to %mpen tho Im- association has rented through Mil- Sis months — 1.00 The Democrats have no such rival attractions. They tical results will be forthcoming. some property of hit), only to bo in- pulses of a righteous moral indig- ton Boiit a IIOUBO on Chestnut street .50 have no contests for nominations for county ofilces and formed that Mr. -Loclcwood owned nation. We do not want our schools at Fair Haven to Calvin a Rowe, Three months _ The governor has acted intelligent- no property on either Bide of that no contests for Red Bank otWcpn, On the surface, at World War to proviso "olEslea." Lot ua clearly who 1B connected with the Economy ly. There was a timo when every road. nursery at Little Silver. Mr. Berk THE RED BANK REGISTER least, all seems to bo harmony within their ranks. How- move to discharge a public oillclnl VfcAHS AGO believe that social service implies not Why go BO far afield, Mr. Morris, only a willingness to ba uacd for hag also rented for Frank P. Dlclc- is a member of ever, they offer a novelty in that they will nominate for was considered unfair unless charges to impugn tho motives of your op- mun a houae on Second street _at woman, Mrs. Katharine Elkus White, of high misdemeanor were filed. But ponents? the common good but also a capac- THK ASSOCIATED PRESS councilman ity for ire and hard hitting. Fair Haven to Francis Chameroy, Mrs. White, if elected, would be the first woman to fill there are ways of betraying tho pub- Another contingent of men in the I am no prophet, but will go thla who la associated with hio brother Tho Associated ftcss la exclusively entitled to the tic trust that arc not covered in the Red Bank district had left for Camp far on record: I Relieve that within Parents and teachers should co-op- tho olilce of councilman. She woukl not, however, be the 25 years tho public will have to con- 1" tho painting business, Mr. Berlt lisa for rcpublication of all news dispatches to it or not the feat of being elected to this statutes but which are novertheleou Dlx. They were.escorted to the. mil- erate ln seeing that our schools will saya tho demand for live and Blx- first woman to essay road station by tho Italian band and demn and buy back that property bo used not to foster the Belfish and otherwise credited In this paper and also tho local news office. A few years agn Mrs. Mary Wooster Sutton was vicious. Of these tho state highway which tho township committee is room homes Kcema to [exceed the department has undoubtedly been I members of the Red Bank pollco greedy instincts inherent ln tha published therein. candidate for councilman an Ihr Democratic ticket, now handing over gratis to Mr. Mor- supply. guilty. Over a period of years it ha.-i force who carried a targe American ris and his neighbors. "world owca mo a living doctrine"— but she was defeated. , . , ,„> I becombecomee appa^nt that its expt-iuli- Hag held flat. Tho only one from or "I am not my brother's keeper" WEDNESDAY, MAY 3, 1933. t This is the day of widening high- The road to better and bigger busi- For some reason, perhaps more clue to acciden;ment thaman •jlurca have b^en cxcettSiVC and that this district who was scheduled to way; not of restricting them. doctrlno, but will bo uaod to counter- leave and did not go was Emerson act tho antl-aoclal Bplrlt that too of- ness lcada through The EegWer's ad- to design, women have fared bolter nt Red B;i;ink at the liul6 prU(-]ence was heirm shown Respectfully, vertialng columns.—Advortlaoment Rejnjbli- handling public funds. Hundreds of Qimckenbush of Little silver who William Raoul. ton radiates from big and masterful Happier Days hands of the pemacnitic party than with was sick with measles. but brutal and selfish figures who party. The only Democrat holding an elective of- Jobs, many of thorn unnecessary, have —rhone 8810 for Appointments-^ fice of major importance in this town is a woman, Mrs. been awarded Indiscriminately, and John Abels enlisted in the naval have no UBO for tho philosophy of for Keansburg. tho cormon on the mount or tho Julia M. Keough, who is the borough collector. The on- there has' been a batlllng reluctance Hurrah for tho First National bank of Keansburg! to economize in the fact of a cryinj; Leroy Chambe.rlain gavo up his job building of Solomon's temple. Par- Well may tho ei£)e. scream and flags wave along the. ly appointive municipal woman o/IiciaJ is Mrs. Amy J2. ents will help us, I hope, to rear our Shinn, who was named for borough clerk in 1022 by public need. Granted Hint the high- with Engineer George K. Allen and bayshore tomorrow, when the bank will re-open. way department has constructed ami youth in tho ethics of brotherhood, Archibald L. Miller, a Democrat. Against this showing joined tho United states Geological No hewB so good ns thin lias developed in that part maintained survey at Norway, South Carolina. Social Service team work and responsibility. In the Republicans have ynt, tn elect or to appoint any fine road systom, educating for social service our aim of Monmouth county since the banking holiday was de- question is whether in • doing A tank from tho battlefields of woman to a municipal position. However, in the inter- should bo greater than just lessons clared. It ie email wonder that Keansburg and tho ad- has not spent far more than a reas- France was used in the Liberty loan F. H. Lloyd Claims Schools est of fairness it should, be stated that the Republican In kindness and consideration. It joining bayshore communities are getting ready to onable amount. drive. It 'made stops at Oceanport, Should Strive Not Merely to party does not draw a blank. The only woman member should meet curront notions of suc- make the welkin ring tomorrow when the First Na- - Mr. Moore believes that it has. His Katontown, Tinton Falls and Colt's Make Pupils Successful But to of the board of education is Mrs. J. D. Tuller, a Repub- Neck and subscriptions amounting cess and reward with moro exacting tional bank of Keansburg, "The Bank That Grew With Judgment has been confirmed by sev- Idpals growing out of a new vision lican, and it can truthfully be said of her and of Mis. eral Investigations, and by the to more thun $8,000 were secured on Make Them Useful Abo. Keansburg," will re-open. It will mark a great victory of social welfare. It should aim to Keough. and Mrs. Shinn thrst nil three have made very Princeton survey, which recommend- ono trip. (I!y V. II, Lloyd). over tho depression and one that is well worth celebrat- turn out youth ready, willing, eag- capable officials. ed a one-man highway commission. Joseph M. Schuler, Amos L. Fow- er to mako his calling, whatever It ing, for it will piean that 4,100 depositors with $583,000 Consequently the governor acts in Within the last two or three de- ler. Isadora Byer, John S. Reed, Mor- cades, I think wo may fairly say that may bo—a Bervlce to others. I havo in the bank will have their buying power restored. fine spirit when, instead of seeking ris Whalen, Alfred Mealier, Albert faith enough In tho young to believe to oust the two remaining members many of our colleges and universities Tho delay in getting the bank re-opened was due Jennings and John G. Carroll had en- have caught something oj the social that thoy aro ready to subscribe to chiefly to loans made to the borough of Keansburg. ot the commission on orthodox listed for service as mechanics in this doctrine. Arbor Day Should Mean More charges of misconduct or non- view of things, and in later years Tho people of that place have shown tliilr faith in General Pershing's army in France. our schools are being allowed to Trees and More Homes for Birds. feasance in olllce, he simply alleges Letters had been received from their community by putting up rnoney to take over that they have not met the need for some extent to take notlco of^ thla FROM THEBON McCAMFBELIi. these loans. It is an example of community spirit At the meeting of Atlantic juvenile grange at the members of the Red Bank ambulance necessity. Yet, I feel there la too an economical administration. This, company stating that they had been worthy of the highest commendation and it undoubted- Colt's Neck schoolhouse last week, birdhouses made by it seems to us, is a serious enough much of a tendency to measure every Another Letter From Him About in action. The company had receivod sort of education by its dollar value. ly will increase interest in good government because the members were exhibited and pnpers wern read on charge, circumstances being as they a complimentary letter from the Public Pobt. "The Bird Friends and Enemies of the Farmers," It are, and if continued tho removal at Our promising youth still issue from those who have made this investment will have a French general under whom they the classroom into practical life with To tho Editor of Tho Roglstcr: greater reason than ever before for using their votes used to be a regular springtime school activity for bird- the highway commissioners will be were while at tho front. One of the Dear Sir: a public service. In fact, the time glowing visions of a personal and pri- wisely at the ballot box. house building contests to be held and for Arbor day letters stated that when a call came vate success. Doubtless tho property owners of plantings of trees to be made, but for some reason such has arrived when all olllcials guilty for litter bearers to volunteer dur- Red Bank feel Indebted to you and The Register knows that it, voices public sentiment to the town's officials for tho do- UPSTAIRS events are not featured to the same extent nowadays. of imprudence with tho public purse ing a heavy gas attack every man In This is well enough If it does not at Red" Bank in extending; felicitations to the FirBt should be considered guilty of a become the ultimate and only aim in tailed study of tho public debt over- at 69 Broad Street, It is gratifying to have this custom revived by the At- Ihe company stepped forward Includ- hanging tho city. My only object National Bank of Keansburg and to all its officers and grave offense. For every dollar that ing the cooks. Nona of the company, life toward ,vwhich our educational (Opp. flZonmoutli SO depositors. Keansburg has been a friendly neighbor of lantic township grange because it may lead to emula- they now waste adds further to tho aim should be taken. We tell out was to bring before the public, es- tion. Many schoolyards are de%*oid of shade or have up to that time, had boon killed or pecially beforo thoBe who are ap- this town and a mighty good neighbor in other ways, misery of thousands of taxpayers^- wounded. Another letter stated that youth of the wonderful chances anu propriating and consuming tax not .only now but in the, old days when its name was much less of it 'than is desirable, and community ap- Asbury Park Evening Press, each member of the company bad stimulate them with the assurance monies, the onormous burden of in- ISOt Keanfiburg but Wnyc.'ikii. May It continue to grow pearances would be greatly improved by having more been decorated for bravery and ef- that ths harder they study tiia soon- terest and amortization payments trees on these propfiities. • er they will get up jn life. Out ln which must bo met yearly before and wax prosperous and its bank to do the same. ltevcnuo irom Butting. the wnr)d, we say, .there is the great thero is a dollar available for the Trees and birds are related outdoor attractions and A big celebration was held at Faim- game, and there arc the great prized. public- Borvlce. knowledge about them should be paft of everyone's ed- Pressed for funds to meet their j -o-o-o-o-o-o- budget 'requirements and carry nn j s:on on the occasion of the raising of Go out and win. Upon many of us, My figures wore copied from tho ucation. Those who have acquired this information necessary government activities, j a Liberty loan honor flag and. a large parents and teachers, perhaps, it sworn statements on file in the have something that will provide intereat and enjoyment American flag. The Rumson district has not dawned that one aim of our state house, and I gave only the Editor Kinmonth and states aro adopting methods of rais- j total of the public debt, which, of for them throughout their lives. The great outdoors ing revenues that they would have j had bought bonds to the value of public schools should be to make it $90,000, this being $40,000 more than courso, covers every form of debt, and Manicure, Finger or the Freedom of the Press. cannot be properly appreciated without this knowledge, rejected in more prosperous days. impossible for the boys and girls to for every branch of tho public ser- and societies, clubs and organizations which promote One of the most noteworthy of these its quota. accept the game exactly as they find vice, including schools, water, sew- Marcel Wave, Tha Monmouth County Presa association, at Ita an- greater interest in birds and trees deserve to be encour- departures from former usage is the j it. 1 ers, streets, etc., and I am still con- Haircuts filllc nual meeting at Red Bank last week, passed a resolu- aged and to be emulated. licensing of race track gambling. Six j MR. RAOUL REPLIES. Into the public mind there would vinced that my figured aro tho cor- tion expressing good will for and confidence in J. Lyle state legislatures this year have I rect total debt. It lo of no interest appear to have filtered during the to the taxpayer how much tho cash Kinmonth, publisher and editor of The Asbury Park CM>- o-o- o- o passed laws permitting horse racing j Navr.sink Resident Slakes Further j last thirty years or more many of and licensing the pari-mutuel betting Comments About Ordinance. and assets may bo to a town In HAIR DYEING Press. Maybo it is lese majesty or something else to the newer ideas of business. On tho trying to learn the total debt on for Both Ladles and faonta. that effect, to comment on this action, but there is no system at race tracks. Among these May 1. other hand, if we can believe what which interest must bo paid, also on No Garden, No Relief are states that have been noted for A»k Us About It 1 ©scapo from tho conclusion that this resolution Is a re- To the editor ol The Register: we road, business men have been vhich regular payments on account -Phono 2810 for Appointments— ply to the recent presentment of the grand jury against the Rule in Middletown. conservatism and severe standards of Sir: drawing together into associations morality. The group includes Ohio, Mr. Kinmonth and that tho newspaper follto of Mon- Your last issue contains a lette and listening to the utterances of big J. Craig Flnnegf\n( rlirp.ntor of unemployment relief New Mexico, New Hampshire, Ore- and dominating personalities. If this mouth county believe that the seashore publisher Is a in Middletown township, announces that he will soon gon, Washington and California. The from Walter B. Morris, successful mighty good, fellow, despite the fact that the grand jury petitioner to tho Middletown town- be true, while the social view hao put into effect a rule not to provide relief fdr any able- Pennsylvania lower house has passed ship committee to vacate to him been making headway In the general lias tried to portray him otherwise. bodied man who fails to have a garden. Some of the such a bill, which is now pending in and his neighbors, certain valuable public, the opposite manner of think- COME, JOIN OUR PARTY THIS SATURDAY; "What are the facts? Well, the ~rand jury issued a recipients of relief do not have -sufficient land to raise the Senate, and a similar bill is pend- land which had been practically ing has been hardening and defining THE SHRINERS ARE COMING, HURRAY! HURRAY! Very long-winded presentment against tha publisher ing in the Michigan Legislature. deeded to tho township. itself elsewhere. Sociologists com- FROM THE STATE OF SACHSEN-SWISS vegetable- crops, but Mr. Finnegan says this will not in- COMES A GERMAN BAND YOU SHOULDN'T MISS; SvWcll seemed to have been actuated, principally be- terfere because he will place at the disposal of these Here in New Jersey, where gam- This is the first time Mr. Morris plain that into the arena of life aa has ever had anything to say in fa represented by business and at least SINGING, DANCING, EATING, EVERYTHING GAY, cause Editor Kinmonth urged a change in the govern- folks a farm which he owns. If this farm is not large bling i3 prohibited by the constitu- I'or of his petition. HERBERT GUNTHER WILL CHASE -THE BLUES AWAY. ment ot Asbury Park. Whether or not Mr. Kinmonth is enough Mr. Finnegan anticipates no 'dilUculty ln getting tion and horse racing by law, a reso- He has never appeared at the pub- some of the- professions -there has right* in. advocating a new Asbury Park deal is beside lution has been introduced to elini- lic hearings of this or his previvous. grown the Idea of combat rather than other properties for this purpose, Seeds will be propro- the idea of co-operation for social at the GLOBE HOTEL the point. Tho important thing at stake is that he, like lnate thc petition for the same property, and vided free of charge by the township relief administra- *( anti-gambling provisioi service. They say there is at least an r J fro£•*.-* mnt *th V\ oft constitutio:,rtn i.ti4i.it.-i*-n. ant, .1 drl ;i,, Kilbilll ti o or. the ono occasion when he was any other citizen, under a republican form of govern- tlon. present, and no public hearing al- Implied admiration for tho nioney Saturday Night, May 6th, 1933. ment, has the fundamental constitutional right to air repeal the law against racing. Roth Crops raised beyond the immediate needs of the the constitutional amendment, mmlu- lowed, he**absolutely refused to ans- maker and a thinly veiled contempt bis views. Neither the grand jury nor any one else has gardeners nnd their families will be canned by women- wer questions asked by James H. for the man who wins only a liveli- DINE AND DANCE tion and the bill legalizing racing Lockwood and myself. FJSATUBING A BEAL HOT IMNC15 BAND OF UNTEItTAINIMtS. the right to gag him, however much thoy may disagree) folks and stored for distribution next fall and winter, passed the Assembly, but in tho Wen- hood. They decry ln certain quarters This letter cornea as a back-fire, the Ignoring: ot tho public for whose (THK JAZZTOWN FIVE) with his views. I Under this plan unemployed able-bodied men who need ate were referred to the Miscellaneous one day before the final reading. According to comments made in various newspa- Business Committee, known as the sake certain businesses and profes- DOOR PRIZE TABLE PRIZE DANC1S PRIZE asslstance would not only help themselves but would al- Tho ordinance was passed, as sions exist. pers, tho presentment was made chiefly for the purpose so help others in leys fortunate health who are incap- "morgue," from which they are not doubtless he well knew it would be, Tickets, - ,75c a Persorl, Including Dinner. of either silencing or frustrating Editor Kinmonth in able of cultivating gardens. It is a plan which promises likely to emerge. without any championship by him- Whether there Ideas or fears arc DANCING STARTS 0 P. M. DINNER SERVED 11:30. his efforts to bring about a change of government at not only economic benefits but which also will add to The states which previously had self or others. h justified in your minds or not, I be- The passage* of ' the ordinance is OCR MASTER OF CEREMONIES. BILLY TUBNIER, Asbury Park. The Register is in no position to know the self respect of those who do fhe gardening. legalized race track betting are Flor- lievo you will all agree with me that P. S. Tills Saturday bolng Shrlnera" NiRht Our ItcRular PatronB Will ida, Illinois, Kentucky, Louisiana, not now at Issue, but I would like. whether such a change would be desirable or not, but Judging by the way the prices of foodstuffs have the privilege of making some com- we had better send our young people Rocelvo the Sojno Courteous Sorvlco Aa Always. It rejoices because Editor Kinmonth has "stuck by his Maryland, Montana and Nevada. New {ment, on Mr. Morris's letter. out with the idea that businesses and (Como and Enjoy a Real Pleasant Evening.) increased of late, there is good reason to believe that a York permits racing, but. its guna" and ha3 not kept quiet one little bit because of He says, "Wo think that the pro- professions are not owned by the considerable saving for the taxpayer-; will nccuro from men who for the moment are en- the presentment of the grand jury. He has the courage lature has I all < vision of the township reserving Mr. Finnegan's garden policy. Not the least important forts to legalize betting.- eight and one-half feet for sidewalk gaged in them; that they are but to stand by his convictions and that is something to be feature is that taking en re of the'gardens will occupy a Sunday Call. purposes is a fine thing." instrumentalities for meeting tho admired, especially in these times when there is evi- large part of the time of the unemployed and will give | Indeed. If that be so, why did he wants of the public, and not roped dence of a subsidized press and of "weak sisters" in the to them the satisfaction of knowing that they arc, to Shore County Example try and have vacated the whole 2D rings for combat; that thero is no newspaper fraternity who can he threatened or cajoled , the fullest extent of their ability, doing their bit to fill A "cover up" system is something feet in question in his first petition legitimate business or profession that and ordinance? is not affected with a public Intoreat into betraying the public interest. ia place, in the work of their communities. well known to persons acquainted As a matter 'of fact, the only rea- Tho freedom of the presa is at stake. Tho verbose,! "No garden, no relief." This is sound public, policy ! with the mechanics ,of combating son that the public gets the side- and that should not be required to 1 K lf walk is because of the U£ht put up square itself with ascertained social dull presentment of the grand jury has been read by ' and it will he welcomed by all self-respecting unem- I ' "' - - affords protection to com- wolfnre, few except the unfortunate typci-nUrru and proof read- j ployed men who are jobless through no fault of their j niunlties whose resources nnd cqulp- by Mr. Lockwood and myself. Mr. Morris objected to my pe- Students should learn that the su- eru who were compelled to do so; but if grand juries Ii ,,wnown. ThnsThesne unfortunate peoplnmiul«e do not want chiivlfcharitvy an:mrdl |i """'it would be insilflloiput were tition to have tho township Ink". can do such things how much longer will it be before cunfl preme social service is not only some they would embrace any legitimate opportunity to earn a£™tlon of major proportions to over the whole 25 feet on the ground bit of good charitable work, but tho other steps will be taken to prevent newspapers from c Tho onm c 1 e that the township would then have a livelihood. Among those who receive unemployment ! ° ^% ^ 1 °^ W'™^1 '" to care for it. This they have al- following of one'3 calling as a ser- publishing anything that disturbs the powers-that-be? i rei|11c f ^iit iir,r..c. al-e probabl....-!_ 11y fef w. wh1.o would. . _ . 1 1 turi . n dow4 n a | IVg,",!". II It. ^IS avsten^ '™ /"co °''n^ , °\) vice, not as an exploit. Education for ready been doing, as admitted by 1 In short, how much longer will it be before our much : chance at self help l.y means of gardening. These few j lng Hated with'fronVone to five other Thomas B. Day, road supervision at soci: service is to opon tho eyea of vaunted freedom of the press will Ibne ended, just as it I deserve no aid and tho sooner their names arc stricken communities which would supply ,,s- tho last meeting of tho township the young to tho social nature of 2iao been in many European countries'.' - from the relief rolls the better it will be for the taxpay- sistance should there be a fire too committee. their work in life, to purge their As for the presentment, that is a joke. It duesn't ers nnd the public in general. large to be fought, by the local de- Mr. Morris wishes to know If my minds of tho current false notions YOU TOO, hurt Editor Kinmnntlr, anil it plenses. those who framed partment. In some pruts of .Mon- interest in this ordinance was an that to enter one'a life, work is to It Nevertheless, it is well I hat the Monmouth County ' II-II-II-II-D-H—— mouth the airangement is especially unselfish one; why I should have take a hand In a game or put on should have this booklet closed I ho access to the site of the tho gloves for a prlzo fight. It la Press association'ba.-i replied to it in nn uncert;iin terms, j . . needed bemuse of forest, IJJTS. old Nnvpsinlt rnimtry whoollmunp. to persuade, them that It la wisdom "TTHKBIS weeku ago i lout raj fathor. Totally Not only newspaper folk:; lint the public, in general I A New Wrinkle in Tax This is a practical plan with many In the lirst place I lay no claim to spend wealth for more .welfare, should be interested In this matter, because when the j Collect.™ at Union Reach. advantages. Also it is an illustra- lo unselfish intorosl. I appeared nt but. folly to spend welfare—even * unprepaiod! So that I nmy never bo BO tion of a condition advocates ofenm- the. public hearing of this ordinance, helplesB again, plefiDo oenfl mo your booklet freedom of the pre •:i i • t hieah ned t inevitably follows by advertised invitation of the com- somebody else's welfare—for the A new wrinkle in c lilcrtitig taxes is being fried out munity consolidation would correct, FUNERAL FACTS." that liberty will be ene made a:; at till.. ' In MMII. iM;iriy ft t hem a nt iei[ ,1.1111111;; ]nlli iiiixndini nt of the Conslitution is summer honie-i. They HIT readily as.-imahlo and the all- | "' ' ' fort r.nd convenience and to lighten tho burden to be repealed. New .In rev w 111 lake its ;.|;md for or the-yi'iir-arnunil population nf thHiee whole havshorhayshnrfoi son-I''sen- j "1'10"1 '" bo '"1"!ltp''' Th Are! of tho boreaved, , . ,, latter three attemptp s had pasnd the ogalnnt repeal by electing drlr MU S in a i-tate [••invi'n lion consists very liirccly nt peopl. wh' o tirst•• •. •became ne- -• quainter! with Hint )i."od for one c.im- rwtlvfl in iiromnHiijr r|ii|i:l

" uucntlon whlih I'l " pilalely issued |::win to liclliivn IIml Hi,' in-w wilnkl ollocth,,- taxes thousands of people (;o (here .vji-h ye;ir for no other pmpo-n than to Fmwtiil IHtertars Ihlt run iiidi 1 holll'l i»u I' 1 1' full vnllni; :,lreilKtli nt could Dft employed u-illi (•,,„;,II,- ,; ,, .,,,„„„ .,, hnvf, a ROOII lime. Atlantic City Ihe i«ill'< In oidri (hit \hilcwi lh< icHiilt mij;ht he. theiin other places. || ,„.,.,„,, Wortl,y nf si tilnl anyw.iv, ALBERT W. WORWJW. DIRECTOR f"'r«If ric:k K. Adiimn, Mt;r. for ."tnyihitij; v.hicii f,;K-«':( any ' wants to nerve beer legally, decentlv them vould hn no doiilit . to the m ijorlty opinion. „,„. ,,f umhUn, lilx p.iy.: seven days la woek. Ho, h Hi, v, 1, inijiitn e;i:ilci- and I.-,.,; painful 135 W. Front Street, lied Bunk. N. J With 11} oil lo immiii itlnii 1 tin Republican;! will in tl,0!ii. >||llleiilt 1 linen does almost every city hi the :,lat( §»H0iH SS7, 1 put on a mui It In tin nhm< Hi m llm Hi inocnitii, lioth In j.'illiiuld irccivn (•(in;,( • -RED B/ Telephone 226 ' Ui« roimty nnd nt V'd 1'ml 1 IK Ko.piibllctim-. will I for four It might injuri 1 ltilhntion of the repefil amendment is poor 1%^' i'Kii> . time c..nilldit<'i lnwnt. Hied petitions foci It. -Thotnuriton (Gti.) Times, ilnmipn wnnh liuiulti, 1 1 b ill h& Builds wnusunment i< t 11 m ^s^s^n-t^^* m. ^ ^^ („ s^ REE) BANK REGISTER MAY 3, 1933.

•will "bo held tomorrow afternoon at! Roy, Lillian Sprung, Hay Stewart, World Rentals Made By the close ol school. Arnold Bennett, Frank Braun, Ray- Fred Langcndorf of New York wa3 mond, Gcoruo and William Kelly, Meet at Freehold Rumson Agent & week-end guest at the home of Mr. Tinurenco and.Michael Mahoney, Sid- ney Thompson, George- Toop. Pri- • / and Mrs. Harry C. Lagondorf. The annual county ra/!y and ban- The following rentals have been Mra. Minnie Rosenberg ot New mary department, Klaio and Esther qUet for World Wide duilda in tho mado by Joseph G. McCue of Kum- York visited her Bister, Mrs. Harry Brcckonrldw. Mildred Emley, Doris Monmouth association pyas held at son; Sprung on Sunday. Layton, Barbara Stewart, Mary Gofl- ncd Bank—HOUEO on Broad street, ney. Kennnth Layton, nolph Molzon, tho Freehold Baptist clWrch Friday. •Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Braun vis- owned, by Mrs. Hester Bodine, to Dr. Vincent Mauser, Joseph Wright, About 100 members attended, includ- ited friends at Newark on Sunday. ing tho state srxretarf. Mtua Mary Gcorgo H. Hunt; houso on Altston Thorna:) Gnffncy, Harry Glnrk, .Wil- Pupils of tho grammar school with Buchanan; the county [pcretary, Mra. court, owned by Mrs. Thomas Jar- lliim Ford' and David Stone. dine, to Charles I. Morton. , porfect attondanco for tho month of oAnnouncement.... Eleanor Konyon, and (tho president April are: . grammar department, o£ tho oxecutivo boajtl, Mra. Fred li'aU- Haven—Cottage on estate of One of the quickest w;iyg to find a Evelyn Craft, Elizabeth Johnson, Conover. MIBB Helen/D. Morris o£ Gerald C. Hoi brook on Grange ave- job is to advertise In Tho Regis- Julia. McCarron, Lydli MrQuecn, Freehold mado a wocomo address. nue, to Hamilton D. Schwarz; house ter 5 Want Pcpaitment.—Advcltloo- Elizabeth and Ellen Mou. oi, Jane Officers elected for Ufa ensuing year on Jackson street, nwjned by King- nient. v aro president, Mlsa fluna Hclwlg o£ dom Grover, to George Lano; house New MonmouUi; lira* vlco president, on. Doughty lane, owned by Joseph Mrs. B. Blrkino of /South Atnboy: Herdon, to J. H. Martin; houso on second vice president, MIBS A. Van- River road, owned by Harry Schrocd- of the OP NG of Noto of Asbui-y Part; correoponding cr, to Raymond J. Caffrey; houae on, secretary, Mrs. Cdrl Schoncls of DcNormnndio avenue, owned by Freehold; recording! nccretary, Mlsn Harold Smith, to Frederick Scherer; Mabel Knight of Matavmn; treas- house on Third street, owned by urer, Mrs. Kendall fT. Mothot of As- Hnrold Vincent, to Mrs. Ella HICJIB. bury Park. Addresjca wero mado by Rumson—House on Ridge road, 19 E. FRONT ST., Phone 372. RED BANK Mm. A. H. SutjililJ of River Plaza, owned by Charles Meat-/), U> Percy MIBB Mary P. Buchjnan and Dr. Lena D. Brcwster; houso on Binghara Benjamin of Ne)j>ro, South India. avenue, owned by Mrs. Saruh Noon- SPECIALS—Thurs., Fri., Sat., May 4, 5, 6. INC. Guilds repvesentedj'werc Afibury Park un, to Joseph Schubert. Junior, Soutli A|nboy, New Mon- • -. mouth, Mlddletow^, EYcohold and ths Regular Smoked Mary Mount chajtcr and tho Senior WM.L guild ot Red Eailt. Lincroft News. At the April n;c<*tlng; of the Mary Cilia Red'Rank RcRlflter enn ho bought am s, Mount chapter o^ .Red Bank, tho of- ut Lincroft from Kdwnrd Boughtim. Jr., flcerB elected \Miro president, Mlaa who hus a delivery route.) Dorothy Brown^.vlco president, Mrs. Tho Lincroft flro company will (WHOLE) W. W. Konnoly, secretary, Miss hold a bunco party Friday night at Helen Howard,fund treasurer, MIB3 Union ilrehouae on Shrewsbury ave- Klla Davis. Tllo committee appoint- nuo at Red Bank. Rod Domidion MARYLAND TURKEYS ed aro as follow: Flower committee and Adolph Molzon are in charge of Mra. Warren fowler, chairman; so- tho affair. There will be prizes and cial committepy Mra. W. W. Knnncdy, refrenhm'ents. Shoulder Spring Legs Spring chairman; honS committee, Mrs. Fred A meeting of the Ladies' aid so- Conover, chairman, and MIBS Grace ciety will bo held tomorrow after- 40-42-44 Monmouth St., Red Bank, N. Bctth; White Croan committee, Mrs. noon at 2:30 o'clock at tho home of Edith Worth, chairman, MissEmlllo Mrs. William Mauser of Occnnport. Grover and tAlw Ann Schcnck; pro- Wililam McCarron and Elwood ft. gram comm/ttco, Mm. Harry Cham- Brnck qf this place boih havo lead- berlain, chairman; publicity commlt- ing parts in the operetta "Kip Van- teo, Mr«. Hpmcr Methot, chairman; Winkle" to be given Friday night at .PIGS' Shmilrter Lamb church attendance captains, Mm. Al- ciftfit o'clock in Iho Leonardo grade Plate Beef fred Beclt and Miss Gracn Beith. Fchool. The pupils of the seventh LIVER CHOPS Ircsh or Corned and eighth gradc3 are giving the c lb 1S r A Biy Day ploy. 10 "" 19' 3 " 25 Mr. and Mrs. Allen Ward and son Saturday, May 6th Allen, Jr., of Trenton wore Sunday CHUCK LAMB In Asbury Park visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs'. Harry Fenton. Monday wa3 one of the greatest A surprise birthday -party was giv- s dayo in Asbury Park in a.lonp time en for Miss Ella Kelly Thursday as it nvu'kod tho rcyoponing of the night at Triangle Inn by Miss Bar- tt). Anbury Park and Ocean Grove bank bara Stewart of this place and Miss which ^ad been closed since Decerji- Marjorie Messier of Middietown. at 9:00 A. M, bor, 19U. Tho city wag decorated in Them were twelvo persons present. Kala attiro and a bi{» parade was held Decorations comprised green and PURE PRINT LARD in the, morning. There was a noisy yellow crepe paper, flownrs and:-ft demonstration with whistles and lnrge birthday cake as a center piece alrenq and other noise- making de- for tho table. vices being used. Tito re-opening White Rose White Rose Sliced Tho young people's social club I hope to greet all my old friends of Red Bank and vicinity followed-p. long campaign conducted No. 2 Can ' held n mooting last. ' night at tho by a donoiltoi'jj1 committee. Lester homo of Ray Walling of Phalanx. C. Leonard of Red Bank looked af- Plans were made to hold a bunco whom I have had the pleasure of serving in the past. In accord- ter the legal matters In connection party Thursday nl^ht. May 11, in tho wltl tho rc-openlng plans. The bank Largest S^ Clayton and Magco building on resumes business with $2,000,000 of Broad street. Red Bank. Riiymond ance with the times and being well acquainted with the needs for sound assets and with $4,000,000 ad- Cans Conklin and Winston YanNote are rlltlcnal assets of undetermined co-chairmen. There will bo prizes wor:h, whose vahm win bo deter- 6 for 85c 6 for 80c and refreshments. furniture and home furnishing service of the highest quality at mined by tho result of liquidating claims. Tho members of the activity club FLORIDA Green Mountain •IF.KSKV FKES1I of the Lincroft grammar school will Dr. Donald I. Burton is tho new visit tho Alrvlew Flying bei\lrc field ORANGES POTATOES EGGS lowest prices, I shall give the public of Monmouth County the president of tho bank. Tho other di- Saturday morning. The visit was C lfi-Qt. yJCo C n 7 rec'.ors are L/ouis H. Burfeind execu- originally scheduled to be hold last 16 - 25 25 ° tlce vico president, H. Arthur Smith, Sttturdny A mooting of the society greatest values ever offered. Join P. L. Tllton, Howard L. Bor- dGr, JLnuia P. Cioct; Alfred 3, riunh- lon and Lester C. Leonard. Although the building will not be entirely completed on the Elcctrlo Iron Causes Flro, . . A flro in the homo of Joseph Scar- ITS NEW to be NEUTRAL! opening date, I shall still be able to accommodate all/those patrons piio of Leonard street was quickly extinguished by firrmcu under Chief Joseph Fox last Thursday night. Tho flre started from an electric iron, tho who will be first day callers to take advantage or some of the current for which had been left on wwn tho family retired. The only dtmage wns a .scorched table and a unusual specials offered below. burned tabln cloth. Middietown Village. (The Red Bank Roginter run l>o tiousht FEATHER at the otoru of J. C. Knight arid William MAHOGANY a Watcra.) Bcv. J. J. Scsslrr and James Stout WALK-OVERS represented the clausis of Monmouth Bed Pillows at tho meeting of tho Particular Sjnod at Jersey City yesterday. 20x28 Mrs. lialph Korlollng, who has bean engaged in missionary work in Special $UJ|.79 India, will speak at the Reformed Special church Monday evening at eight o'c.ock. Invitations to attend tho sei'- vic« havo been sent to tho Reformed 'churches of the classis of Monmouth. All tho residents of this locality are also Invited. Mrs. Knrtcllng will be tha guest of tho Young People's INNER SPRING S-PIECE League fur Service, Tho lcaguo will HEAVY COIL aorve a supper for its members and Mm. Kortcling.boforo tho service. Tho World Wldo guild of tho Bap- tist church met last Friday night 1033 CABANA TIE (V. S, Tut. J181I211 or6aicra,5i O6t and elected Miss Mabol Knight pres- Corosan lioiiro, Ciibun Heel, All Sizes. All Sizes. ident, Mrs. Charles Wolff vice pres- also In Blnck ami Uiwii. ,?R ."i'> Stainless. ident, Mrs, Max Noack secretary and Mlns Grace Greenwood treasurer. Special $Pf.95 Special $«i P7.95 Special :fyj"j .40 Albert J. Hcndrlck.ion spent last Wednesday at Now York. 1 Mrs. Lcsten Damo and her son Leaten returned laat week from Bel- ! gium, whero they spent six moiillia. %. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Llpplncott aro homo from a winter's sojourn in IVORY or GREEN Florida. IED OUTFIT Complete? The special meetings which are be- • At first glance there would eeem ing conducted nt the Baptist church by Rov. J. S. Flacks are drawing Kitchen Tables Bed $3.25 largo gatherings. Six neighboring to be a riot of colors this season. \'^ «,' \^ J \ - / X Spring $3.75 Baptist churches aro co-operating in Size 25x40. holding theso meetings and thorn In Bat the smart woman will avoid vio- Mattress $3.95 Special * ) spccinl muRie each evening. Tho . J meetings will conllnuo for two Special- $M .95 weeks and they will ho hold oveiy lent clashes by accenting the lightest JUNO HITCKT.T: STHAV. S" "o nlglit exeopt Saturdays. $10.95 Can Be Bought Scp.u-alcly. Mrs. Uen-y K- Ball Is making a tone in cadi costume with beige utay with lira. Howard Holgato of Buffalo and Mrs. John Copley of 1C1- Walk-Ovtars. *n»eir subtle ncntrality mlrn. Tho mooting of tho Young Ponplo'r, League for Service of tho Reformed keq>s the multi-colora of printa and > church which was In have boon held Afonday night, has horn postponed tweeda in joyful harmony. And, from ENIWG DAY until next Monday night. Mr. and Alrn. Thomn.i Mor/ord Imd a point of economy, what orrald be Mr. and Mra. Howard Holly of Wliltn Plains, Now York, for wcoli-ond guoitta. more,usable in your v/anlrobc than 2-Piece Mrs. VV. MorrlM^flroruuvood Hpnnt hint Wednesday at Now York. a jiair or two <>f tliesc yo- Mrs. John Llocly and her daugh- Charles of London ter Jnnn nponl last. Saturday at New DM.TV in, untosAN niii,i< (\ir. $a.r,(i. -'.- -}• -5-' 5 11-.'- •»• York and attended a danclng'*xlii- UlUig Ueigca. Modcralely pnc«l. Main NprliiR Arch; IIIHO llluvk and lirown. >M- -J- + +i |- •!• + +'g hltlon conducted, by Ruth St. Denis. John .Tones nf ibis place has IL l«."*liL_i_J - - - bought a lot. on HartBhoniM plncn from Ci'iu-to A. Ilngan or Hed Hank- Lucy Greenwood went to Now © in Bf:iHitiful Covering. York Hitturclny wlth tho Hod Bank hlj:li uclinol Ifj-i'iii;)! cliifiii. Mrn. CiliiirU'H flloiiorwald was a vln- Special •'!> Itor at New York Thursday. Mrn. lllniic.lio Wllnon of lli-Hnld nnd Mm. Margnint Coiiover of Hod Bank wen- recent guenta of Koniii'tli B. ALLE Kmlt.li. EXTRA CHAIR, $16.S0. Tho road to bptti-r nnd lilcpor bii«i- 9 BROAD ST., RED BANK, N. J. nr»« loliiln tllioni;h Tll(» Rruloti'l•'••) «il- Vfirtlalnu r.olmnnn.—Atlvfit-tJaement Page Eighteen EED BANK REGISTER, MAY S.J988. Dresser, Oliver Francis, David GUlesplt, number of pupils for His riding performing bis tmia bitters ths King ringg. Mr.tfenmore has an eexecutivx e Farewell Party For Chester Kaplua. JOBepJOBephh Ksplup, Stanley school. The riders ara usually out In Double Birthday o; England at n. prtv&U gathering. position ^Ith th BBears, Koebuck L»hin>VyV , WilliaWilli m MMeneel, ThorrM Msn- Daylight saving tims was offlelally position thu Bears, Koebuck cel. Joseph McCarrion. William McConnick, largest numbers over ths week-end!. Party at Fair Hav©» company «b its EauEt t OOrange head BROILERS 3 for $1.00 Rabbi Nathan Witkin Willlnm Metier, Harold Pollaecli, Joseph A conference for missionary so- ushered In at two o'clock Sunday quarters. Ladies' Suits, | Due to the amazing demand Itlmkua. Raymond I'aire. Anna Laura Bo, cieties of Reformed churches of morning by tho serving: ot a buffet pan. Dorothy Cross, Mary Hersig, Clara The home ef Mr. and Mrs. Barouel supper. The color schema ot the din- Tha guerte present besides those for our V-i-lh. Broilers, wo are • Rabbi Nathan Witkin of the Con- Monmouth county will be held to- H. Cleeland, Jr., of River road, Fair mentioned wers Mrt? Howard K. gregation B'nal Israel was a guest Lefstiy, Sophie Leshlnaky, Helen Maher, ing roora was yellow and white, with Coats & Dresses | continuing: (ho sale at Murfiuerita. McCormlck, Beagle Phillips, morrow at tho Reformed church at Haven, waa the ucens Saturday night daffodils predominating. Morris, Mr. *nd Mrs. Georgo H. Mer- of honor at a meeting of Troop 27, Aneata Younff. this place. Morning and afternoon of a houB8 party In celebration of the rill, Jr., snd Mr. and Mrs. Raymond BEAtJTIFUIXY >J j Each Girl Scouts, held Monday afternoon A service of forty hours' davntlnn sessions will take place and dinner recent birthdays of their daughter. A pleasing emrprloo ot the evening Mistier of £>lr Haven; Mr. end Mro. began nt St. Gabriel's church Sunday at the synagogue on Riverside ave- will bo aorved at noon by tho women j«ary Elizabeth Cleeland, and DoWItt wan the formal announcement made Thomas Irv% Brown of Red Bank, Cleansed and Finished •* nue. Rabbi Witkin sailed yesterday and concluded yesterday. of the Colt's Nock church. by Mr. and Mrs. Cleeland ot ths en- Mr. and Mra.ffiarl Cordova of Atlan- 3 for $1.00. Harry pitcher has a new Ford Wesley Hanmoro. Those present en- for Palestine. A number of Coil's Neck residents Joyed dancing, an well aa being en- gagement of their daughter to Mr, tic Hlghlandi Mtua Mildred Havens Members of the troop entertained cabriolet. attendee the funeral on Monday of Hanmorc, Mr. Hanmora presenting of Philadelphia and Dr. Robert Loos $ ONE DOLLAR $ | Larger at 23c per ft. William H. LaBoyteaux Is having tertained with magic by Howard K. rilONE RED BAXK AAH fr with a program of songs, recitations Mrs. Clarence Conover of Tennent, Morris, who has the distinction of hia fiancee with a handsome diamond of Reading, Pennsylvania. and original poems. One of the fea- a circular race track half a mile long built on his estate. He Is also hav- formerly of thla place. Mrs. Con- Call Middletown 81. tures was a j.'ymnnstic danre Riven over was the mother of Mrs. Clar- Daily deliveries from Kcyport by a group of fight plrtH under the ing a large barn constructed for hia REPOKT OF AUDIT— B0H0UCH OF BUMSON horses. ence Campbell of Tennent, who r to Ivoti? Brjuich. direction of the troop captain, Miss formerly lived here. Tho followlna*!" on «»»l »cl from a report of audit prepaid and »ubmltt«a by Ches. B. Colo, H>al»Urod Munltrln.l «, ; AI I FN'S I Bo.se Haft. Thomas Algor la beautifying the eeunt.nt, No. s. of Freehold, N. J., and1 U pnbllihaa In accordance with tho provlilon. of Action 2, Chapter™«8, P £ lols' ' £~k LJ LJ iLj IV >J /, grounds of the telephone exchange *&- Tho complete report is on file in the ofllce of tho Clark and may be In.oeettd, by any taxpayer durin* builnaaa hsiira Those who took part In the enter- VAN B. UAL8BY, Ifayor. tainment wore Ruth Abromowitz, building, whore he lives with his Attest i— JERE J. CARKW, Clerk. Cleansers and Dyers {•; Flower Tub Poultry Farm mother. One attractive addition to River Plaza News. April 27, 10S8. Miriam Golden, Kose Grand, Esther tho yard is a concrete pool in which Balance Sheet*—Currant Account. Highway 35, and Nettie Kaplan, Shirley Leon, goldllsh will be kept, with water 111- AES&IU "WE KNOW HOW." | Ruth Lewis, Esther and Dorothy as an adornment. A rose arbor The 600 club will meet at tho home Increasa Si TV, Front St., B«l Bank, N. J. >J Middletown, N. J. Rdincldor and Lillian Sprung. made of whlto birch ie another fea- of lira. James MacPheo tomorrow Jan. 1. Dai) 31, or Kafsroncs 1912 1IS2 DecreQBO* Rabbi Witkin in taking leave of ture. Evergreen trees have been set itcrnoon. t 3.871.U Taxes Kecclv&'bU ...... ^..™-...._..™ _„.!,.!„ 8 167.87 *2,0ia.85» the troop suggested that the mem- out, the driveway has been repaired Mrs. August J. Miller's house A-7 40,6(3,17 E3.IBa.ltl 4,040.12 A-a £20.82 bers, as one ot their projects, get inand beautified with brick borders and caught fire ono day last week. The Gross RccelptB Taxes -...... «...,„„„*...... ,.....,„„,„„ 87.70 741.02* A-A 48.61 48.61* touch with girl scout troopa or oth- much other work has been done. flames did not spread, far before the Emergency—Overpayment of Taxes ^.„..—,«..—.«—.„...„„..„«..„ A-2 (S2.48 Kmerseney—Fire Truck Accident ~. „...... ,„.„ 440.67* er worth-while organizations in Pal- Folks who have inspected Tom'o firemen put them out. Damage of A-2 186.70 03E.79* 1029 Bills paid In 1030 _....™~ « „..„ A-2 S,8O4,1G estine. handiwork say that he has not only about $200 was done. Gasoline Tux Refund « 2.804.1 s' done a thorough workmanlike job 1.1B4.00 1,6(2.81 r,U.S2 Miss Olga Mu?(rtin, director of George Kaney has a new Chevrolet Jlomitted Tuxes, 1010 to 1923 _ .,. A-2 285.07 286.07* the Monmouth county Girl Scout or- but has also displayed much artistry. sedan. Hia daughter, Miss Vera Remitted Tax«a ™™, A-7 6E.70 662.76 ganization, announced the appoint- Kaney, has received a chauffeur's li- Pefielt Unexpended Balance Account, 1031 -.,« Comment 203.54 201.J4 Garret D. Longstrcet bought a new Due from Trust—AsBt. Int -. ..*. - A-4 280.GC 28O.B«« ment of the following to the troop Terraplane sedan last week. cense. Due from Capital—Accrued Interest : 4C.1I) 48.10* committee: Mrs. Harry Feldt, Mrs. Jllsa Ruth Davis, Mias Louise Da- Albert Llndenstruth spent last B. Ksplan, Mrs. Lewis and Mr3d. s and Aaron Davia of Long Branch week with relatives at Wilkesbarre. 83,424.02* Schneider. „ LIADIUTIES. s one of the most important issues in the spent Saturday with their aunt, Mrs. Mrs. Frank S. Curtis and Mrs. Ad- line Ixicnl Schools - —..- ...•- « _ A-tO 924,86(00 S2i.aor.oo Miss Haft was mnre than pleased Robert R. Voorhccs. dison Sanborn attended a past presi- Tax lie venue Notea ..„ „..„..„,.„ „ «...,_....« A-4-1S •.41,000.00 14,JOO(10 20,500.0(1* affairs of every nation. Start your child Duo Collector—Overdraft « » « „ _....- „ A-l 10.00 at the success of the party and en- Elizabeth Sherman rendered piano dents' banquet given by the Feder- Emortjency Note—Overpayment, of TaxsB —.„...._ *,...... «„..„...„ A-4-12 10.11(1* ation of Woman's clubs at Bclmar 311,11 440.67* on the road to strong manhood by using tertainment after two rehearsals selections at the play given by the Emoiuoncy Note—Fire- Ttucfc Accident «....._....*..„....«.„.„„..„ „ A-12 0SE.7O 086.7(1* •which were held on short notice and graduation class of the Red Bank last week. ApproDriatlon RcflervcB A.2.10-B 1.144.44 201.(5 882.08' sufficient milk in his daily diet. stated that she -wished to thank-all high school last week. Robert R. Reserve for Dog Da ma go , 48.00 48,00* Mr. and lira. John McVoy of Bay- Surplus Kovenue -....-....«....«....•..—„ „,..... A-3 10,288.10 those who co-operated in making the Voorheea, Jr., was the property man- onne were recent guests of Mr. and it.ais.n E27.62 affair a success. ager for the performance. Mrs. Charles Thompson. S66.66S.9! Anelay-efa of Surplus Revenue. Misses lona, Mary and Florence Surplus Revenue pledged to deferred iBsota „ ,.„„ 8 aat.ua Drink a Quart of Milk a Day Brand took a 300-mile automobilo Surplus Revenue pledged to Taxes more than one year In arroara.". 0,810.56 Holmdel News. Colt's Neck News. trip through the famous fruit blos- Unpledged iimpluo Revenue „.„.„.„ ,..,w _„ , , som section of South Jeraey one day Sl«,815.71 Chriney Conover has been re-elect- last week. John Long is confined to the house OF nEVENUES. A-l1 ed vice president of the board of ed- The work of laying new water Reallied ToUl with sickness. Heference Budset Journal Caih Itcallicd ucation. It was erroneously reported mains through this section has been SurpluB Revenue Appropriated Deficit The following pupils of the public that another member had been A-3 t 6,000.00 J 6,000.00 * 6,000.00 school had perfect records for at- ilnlshed. The surplus earth after tho MlBccUiiiicoitH Itcvenues Anticipated: chosen for thia position. job was dono was used by various Vendor's Licenses - .. 100.0l> 180.00 180.00 ? 30.00 tendance and punctuality the past The sewing club of tho Reformed property owners here to iill In low Bun RecolptB Tax „ , 1,000,00 756.67 7GE.57 3244.48 Bionth: Tn* Sourchcs — 2E.00 29.00 20.00 4.00 Serving You 13 Years With Milk Produced church will meet at tho home of Mrs. spots. Interest on Delinquent Taxes ...-....__... 400.00 E03.76 603.7R 103.76' l'rlmaiy jrraden-—Frank Dresser, Jame3 William Hunt Thursday, May IX Franchise Tuxca n A-8 5,500.00 8,258.02 8,255.02 1,786.02 Solely in Monmouth County. Dresser, Holme* Punr-im, diarle* (iahler. Mrs. Otto Felton has moved from Ordinarily the club meets on the first Groan Itccolptu TOSOB A-8 1,200.00 1.014.27 1,314.27 114.37 Julius IIiTsis, Joseph Lefsky, Norrrmi Bed Bank to her house on Manning (Jasollno Tax Refund A-9 6,400,00 6,670.44 Red Bank 1455. Broad Street, Shrewsbury, N. J. Morgan, Hulpli Morsan, Eus<-nc O'Reilly. 6.C70.44 170.41 Thursday of each month, but street. ' Rent Municipal Bids. (P- O.) 400.00 400.00 400.00 Purves Stmwhand, Betty Bill, Eulalin Recorder'a FineB ..._„_... 300.00 226.00 Francis, Mury O'llarn, Sncfie Strawhanii. chango will be made in May. Mrs, A. H. Sutphln and Mrs. Blr- 226.01) 74.00 Indemnity to Firo Truck . 985.78 035.70 086.79 Grammar gr.xles—AuKURt Crirrino, John Arnold Conover has received chcll Hilton attended a county meet- State IielmburBement Unemployment ing of Baptist World Wide guilds at Rclicl 2,088,00 2.073.00 2,073.00 10.00 Freehold Friday. A-4* • 18,843.79 lie.iao.78 JE.0t8.12* 8 21,102.86 »3,177.4O $028,41 A party was held at the home of Miaccllaneour KovenuoB Not Anticipated.-A-4-6.11 84.00 280.40 973.40 S78.49 Mr. and Mrs. William Gaughan a Amount to be roiood by Ta-xes A-8 11S.580.50 847> 115,847.09 287.10 few nights ago in celebration of their $139,024.20 1118.071,42 • 5,842.61 • 148,414,03 »8,818.17 S328.43 weciding anniversary. Thirty-six per- Emergency Revenues -3M.81 211.81- sons were present. Bridge games 211.81 weve played and a buffet luncheon 1140,186.10 31»S.071,42 IC.E(4,4Z JH3.626.84 I»,B18.17 )328.4t KecapitulatJon. was served. Rcnllzed Rovcnuesl Mias Eota XicclEor, who io a teach- Journal J138.07l.42 Cash ... 5.554 43 er at Bloomflcld, spent the week-end SUB,035.84 "Red Bank's Fastest Growing Furniture House" with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Burt BndKet Revenues: M. Decker. Surplus Revenue Appropriated ..... 8.000.00 Alisc. Revenues Anticipated .__•». 18,843.70 A representative of the Hoffman Amount to bo raised by Taxation „. 116,580.60 Beverage company will give a talk 189,034.:» 135-137 Monmouth St., Phone 2104. Red Bank, N. J. and demonstration about soft drinks 10,70156 Excess MIBC. Revenue Anticipated ...„. A-a J 2.849.06 and ice cream at the home of Mrs. MIHC. Kovenuoa not Anticipated . „. A-8 379.40 Louis Despreaux Thursday, May 18. • Excess Tax Revenues .. ~... A-3 267.11) Emorsency Revenues A 211.81 are pleased to announce their appointment as STATEMENT OP EXPENDITURES. Keyport News. Refer- Appro- Tramfera Expended hy Re~ Unexperdfld tnce prlatloni Fro to Ca.h Journal served Balance) Adminifitratlvo and Executive t 0,000.00 $ 840.00 «,840.0O exclusive Majestic Refrigeration Dealer for Red (The Red Bank Register can be boucht Roads - 16,000.00 308.62 16,308.62 In Keyport at the Btorca o£ Charles Leon Dust Layer . 1,000.00 1,000.00 nnon Schanck Ily journal .— 3,869.58 and Miss J. L. Covert will take part Reserved: A 261.48 In the program. —*1B«.277.82 Unexpended Balances Appropriations A-J 3,868.28 William Gordon has purchased e new Chevrolet. STATEMENT OF UNEXPENDED BALANCES AND SURPLUS nEVENUtTtACCOUNTS A-l Statement of Unexpended Balances Account Members of Red Rose troop of Reference Credit Glr! Scout3 plan to attend the an- Unexpended Balahcos Approprlatlona A-2 8.8SU8 nual rally of county scouts at As- Excess Tax Revenues - - A-l 2JI.10 Taxes Remitted - -- -....„....- . A-7 1,964.94 bury Park on Saturday. Balance to Surjiluti Revenue Account - - A-3 2,160,88 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Smith have moved from Matawan town- 4.m.47 4,121.47 Statement of Surplus Revenue Account ship to Broad street, this borough, Holanco January 1, 1032 -. - A 18,281.1» Mrs. Carl Bitter entertained the Excess Miscellaneous BevenuCH Anticipated A-1 2,84t,06 LECTRO Thought club on Monday night. Tho llalance Unexpended Bnlnncen Account _ — A-a 2,161).58 MlnrellnncouH Revenues not Anticipated A-l 871.49 program, "Home," was in charge of j " Other Surplus Revenue,' —. .. — A-10 1,144.44 Mrs. Charles V. Kruser. Surplus Revenue Appropriated ~ - A-l 6,000.00 Frederick Siicox is recovering Dnlanco December 31, 1032 ..._ -... A 16,816.71 SEALED from a surgical operation at the * J2.816.71 home of hia parents, Dr. and Mrs. 1031 Appropriation ltencrvo. J. E. D, Siicox. STATEMENT OF DUPLICATE AND ANALYSIS OP PKOPEBT3T TAX. Statement of Duplfc&t.. Mro. Enrl Lewin linn returned from Reference Debit a vacation In Bermuda. Property—Real and Personal A-0 Tiie annual celebration of tho local Poll Taxes ...~ A-l fire department was held on Friday A-7 1267,656.80 night at the Community house in Collected — A-7 $234.0011.62 Beach Park. Remitted - A-7 1,984.94 Outstanding Dscomber SI. 1002 A-7 81,611.74 1267,671.90 AnalyBln of Property Tax SECURE AS Property Tax -...— J267,4tJ.SO THE NATIOI Stuto Road Tax ..... I 8,621.76 Marlboro News. State S.hool Tux 38.576,42 State Soldiers' Bonus .— 1,181.(0 ELECTRO-SEALED UNIT-safc Garrctt Clayton visited his cousin, County Tax 66,441.18 District Court Tax 368.J1 for life against dust, din, mois- William Clayton, over the week-end- i,724,85 Mr. and Mrs. Gruenor entertained Library Tux ...- © An electric refrigerator can be ture and abuse; Trouble-free re- A-4 J10I.dH.61 on Sunday H. K. Bhiekmnn nnd fam- . * A-10 Ixicnl fichool Tax .... >i 49,730.01) frigcratiom ily of Philadelphia. ~ '. .. A-l. 116,847.(11 no better than its refrigerating Rodney Balrd haa returned from Ijocnl I'llrpose Tax I267.48J.S0 ISOLATOR-WALt CONSTRUC- tho Monmouth Memorial hospital. STATEMENT OF TAXES. A-T unit. In these new Majesties the Levied Remitted Collected Outstanding TION—corner-reinforced, all- Mr. nnd Mrn. .7. P. Combs of Red 1032 Dec. 81,1983 Bank and Willard Conover nnd fam- Year « U.2Z steel exterior and interior walls, 1022 189.88* refrigerating unit §3 made with ily of Lonp Branch viidtcd Elizabeth 1»23 61.31 with triple-type insulation as° and Cathorino ITayward on Sunday. 1024 827.J8* 74.16 1925 71.08 such precision, and of such de- phalt-sealcd throughout; A dance was held in tho flrehouse 1026 oas.98 on Friday evening. 1927 682.20 pendable, •well-tested parts that it "STAY-KOLD" DEFROSTER— The funeral nf OharleM in. Thomp- 11I2R 616,87 1929 900.41 which maintains a cycle of rc- son wan held in tlin Freeman funeral HKIO 6.2H4.HR can safely beSEAEED%vitfainastee! pnrlorn fit Freehold on Sunday. Mr. 11131 11.766.00 frigcrntion and preserves ice Thompson wnB killed by a hit-and- 1033 ai.iu.74 cubes intact during defrosting. run driver while returning home *.a«0,«02.(8 dome. Letus explain fbexnany ad- from prayer meeting on Thursday overling. •A- A-l vantagesin thisatwlodierMajestic •A-a DEBT STATEMENT. D.bt. Deducllom, features: See the Majestic EIUST. 3-Year Guarantee. New Social Club. Cliront:— % 14.flOO.0O C««h „ 057.27 The Majestic Refrigerator \ nociitl chi\r, "The .Nmippy .Sot," Tax Notefl -— .. 211. II Taxea 1D3. 1931. 40,672.11 Attractive icrmsmake it Kincrgency Noten A 1D30. 1931. 1932 him boon rocoiitly m'Knnlzoil in Hod Due LOCHI Brhoola .,.„ 24.865.011 Acct's ReceivableRibl , ' l easy to own-a Majestic Unit is Unconditionally J3nj)k. Four jm:i)ti»Kn lmvo bcrn A(»pn. rtenerven .... J61.40 Guaranteed for 3 years. held, Hie lnnt of which wmi held at Tiunt!-— 11,807.87 Caih - .... A«»t. Notes aa.ss the homo of Vlvlnn Goldfurb lant Asst'ti Hacclvnble 11,810.64 cdni'ii'lny. Tho olllceni of tho club uliltfi tfotrn l'nysliln 20,47 fi.r, 1 Ca»h corupi; •• Idii (.ram! prt-jiidcnt, Aunu 18(1,000.0(1 Acc'tn 6,214.44 I Ibl Receivable lpln ;,i:cietary anil Helen Idea Ilalnnce Net 17fl.sao.a7 jimu i. Tho charter membora in- iln-j.2i2.tr, clude Viviun Cioldfnrb, Anna Hhljv- Aiineincd Valuation. 1030 „ . 8..SJ0,126,()0 TERMS kln, Edith Bunln, Madeline IComnr, AanuMil Valuation, lUfll - J7.0BO,aOO.OO MAJESTIC Refrigerator Prices Star! at Mnrna RllecltlmUB, Itln M0 BroufS Bt, Bed. Uanh. N. •*. g ChurlcB K. Thompson of Marl- The Baysidc council decree team | BtronR (kid grown clumps. | boro, aged 81, died Friday morning of American Mechanics! initiated two On Friday night of this week the , pirn. 1 t Keasonubly priced. Tlnck gar- ^rvlccs Sund«J H A. M. tivunlntf. A at tho Freehold hospital from in- candidates la«t,.«cclt. Tho now lodge i.dles auxiliary of the tiro company! Paul Btlllmiin has returned home A combina'iiop pialkii of -/me ' dena built and planted. Eotl- \ UlQO .o'clock. , K* juries received when he was hit by members aro H. Clay Build and Ward vill hold a minstrel show in Me- from a sojourn in Florida. ! matec and tmggesllona gladly in uutomobilo Friday night while Johnson. lmll. A large attendance is Edward Johnson, who is a patient vVedBBsdsy Evening ToatJmontat $ ho W0B walking home from a church tit the Lnn<; Hranrh iinspifai, under- pure white IcjacI for outside given. McatliiijB—8'-0O I*, 11. £3 Mrs. Clarence Stokes gave birth to ed and indications are that mooting. The driver of tho car did a daughter Sunday at the homo Of t will be a bigger and better show went a second operation .Monday. ihsmllnu Room-*-Opt n 1:30 to 4:30% inside use. LOTT & COBB K dally except BiindcyH and boll- §J not stop. Mr. Thompson's v/lto waa her mother, Mra. Joseph Huyars. han the previous minstrel show, Mrti-. Arent Ok-mi if. .-ii*:k with scar- Nurenry on County IUmil, P (laya. wilh him at the time; and sho rushed Mr. and Mra. Walter Wordea of -vhich wan very successful. let fever. Her hll-:h;iiifi and one of 1 lintwcon Colt's h cell and ^ Tha vubjie la cordially rjvitod to I to his side. It wan nioro than an Keyport cpeat Thursday evening The Fair Haven Women's Oemo- thelr children aj i; :-'uk v/itil inujjipn. Guaranteed to give you mon covens>je pe>r ga Kill llnnk. y. altend tho servlcus and Uf>g the j hour before help arrived and Mr. j p* Heading boom. with Mr. and Mia'. John V. Glass. :ratlc club will hold a business meet- Tho Sons und lwu:-:hi< r:i of I.ib- and to outwear any p:\iut o( $^).3i) per gal, Phono Katontown 1S1-R-1, Thompson waa tiik^n to the hospital, Mrs. T. R. Compton and children ing, followed by a social, on Friday j erty lodge is disposing of a blanket where ho died within a short time, and Mrs. Joseph Haven3 spent Fri- :light of thie week at the Episcopal : on the co-openitivu pl;m. equal price : " ilo Buffered a fractured skull, day with Mrs. Harry Clay of Fair lrlnh house. ! The older lioyn in Koy Si-out troop ! wangled ICE and crushed shoulder Haven. The Fair Haven library continues ! 11 are forminInriniliKg na KrSi-a HcouScouti trooptroop. Ij Guaranteed Floor and Wood won't Varniah—will and nun. Mra. Thomas Pettlt of River Plaza 0 grow rapidly. More shelves were It has been nanirjd the ,St:a J J i i d Mr. Thompson retired a number of spent Friday with her father, Capt. added Saturday but even these will troop, not turn white. GENE yearn ago ns keeper of the Twin John W. Glass. not be Kullicicnt to hold all the Navoo troop of <;irl-K<:out= holil a Lights at Highlands after twenty Margaret Foster, smalt daughter looks promiBed. Thomas N. McCar- party yesteniny aft^innoa in the Regular $1.75 gallon; - Sale M .59 years' aorvlcc. Besides hia wife, he of Mr. and Mro. John Foster, who £r has presented a copy of ills own Methodist church Imstau-nt, The la survived by a son, Elian Thomp- lins been at the Long Branch hoe- •oak to Miss Jane Covant, librarian, member's will ivcriw,- flioir pin.'j Fri- SAN REMO y pltal six weeks, was brought home con of Highlands. Mrs. Thompson or her private collection. He gave a day. Mrs. William Kngholns in cap- Adelco House Paint, Jill cobra; .$'3 .35 per gal. Ocean Avenue, West End, N. J. Imsi be-on in a criticfit condition from Thursday somewhat improved In rjhmie \ti the library last week. Mies tain. rhocK' since l.ho accident. As the re- health. However, .she is still under Covant ban received a letter from A baseball team cumposci! of Hi.-a- sult of her condition no deflnito in- the care of a doctor. Senator w. Warren Barbour, who bright young men wa;: defeated by Grass Seed '. 119k- lb.- formation concerning the car has Frank Sherry la having a new promises to send several books. the coaf;t guanl nine, of V'<>\ i. llati- sens Saturday, May 6th, been obtained from her. porch built and ho lo redecorating From March 21 to April 27 there cock Saturday by a ;-coiv of 13 to 10, tho interior of his house. w( ro 691 books circulated and 115 Steel Ralier, Mrs. Percy Donac spent tho week- persons registered. Many have re- with Harry Warren's Music. Belford News. end with her sifter at New York. quested that the library bo open BACK AT BUOOKIMI.rc. Digging Forks ^C|c A card party will be held in tho In- every day. Misa Covant declares dependent firemen's hall Thursday that tho success of. tho library la due Mrs. Unwell Vanficrhlc Has Fully Dinner and Supper Dance. (Tho JtRd Banlc Register can be bought Uncovered Her Ili.illh. RENT OUR FLOOR SANDING MACHINE In Hio ate,™ ot Jolin O'Neill, the service evening, May 18, for tho benefit of n a lnrge measure to the co-opera- iUillftfi of Orvillti Canlcr und Henry Was- the Belford baseball team. There tion given by Mayor Augustus M. Mrs. Howell Vandcrbig is back at p»r KrscrviillonH—Flume LOUR; nrnnch 17-13 crmiin's waitinu room.) will be prizes and refreshments. Minton and the borough council. her home at Hrookdale farm, Lin- BY THE DAY. Irvlnpf nouj> spent Wednesday at Mr. and Mrs. Henry Peters and Within the past week donations have croft, after a -Stay of two years at For Particulars—Call R. B. 3838, . or lfeitontowii 181. New York. daughter Marion and her-friend of been made by Mra. Frank Herbert, Tucson, Arizona for the benefit of or Stop in at Mrs. Walter Cottrell, Mrs. William Jersey City spent Sunday with Mr Mrs. Chandler, Mrs. Edith Bruyore, her health. She has completely re- Helmuth of Belford and Mrs. Steven and Mrs. Paul Hayes. Mr. Carle and Mrs. Gertrude Capen. covered, Mrs. VanOcrbig will ;;pend Wicliman and Mrs. Edward Wlckman Michael Conroy returned home The May meeting of the ofilcial about two months at. Brookdalo and of Leonardo p'pent Thursday alter- from the Long Branch hospita board of the Methodist church will then take up her residence in Col- noon with Mia. Benjamin DenniB of Thursday somewhat improved in Uiko placo tonight after tho prayer arado. She is ;t il;nirrhtr-r of Mr. a! Port Monmouth. health. service. Tho Ladies' aid society will Mrs. Lewis S. Thompson and tier s Mr. and Mra. T. R. Compton enter- meet tomorrow afternoon at the maiden ;mmo was' Miss Geraldine Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kelly and Thompson. family of Red Bank and Mr. and tained a few friends at a card party horne of Mrs. Harry Hall on Fair 15 E. FRONT ST. TEL. RED BANK 3919. Saturday evening. Haven road. Communion will be ob- 39 Monmouth St. Mrs. George Lohsen of Centerville icrved next Sunday morning. The fjpent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Verc Valleau of Man It pays to advertise in The Register. New Ooquignole Wave $5.00 asquan spent Sunday with Theodore missionary society will moet next Caleb Luker. Monday night. Under the summer Mr. und Mrs. Homer Cully and Johntry and Mrs. Phoebe Wolfe. Mrs. Laura Dennis of Hobokcn schedule the services Sundays are: .h Ringlet Ends . . . $3.50 daughter of Jersey City spent the Bible school at ten o'clock, morning week-end with Mr. and Mrs. C. B.' spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. El- wood Kunyon. v/oiship at eleven and evening wor- '/ French (Special) Wave $4.00 Koehc. Dhip at cighto 'clock. Mrs. Thomas Dinnen spent Friday Mrs. Carrio Barry and sons at Long Branch. and George of Plainiicld spent Sun ^.chePs Special . . . $2.50 day with Mrs, Dayton K. Wentworth. James Brown of River road, a re- | Mr. and Mrs. Herman Doran spent tired postoliice clerk o£ New York, Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mra. Ralph Jones and This Week's, Special! : daughter of Gloucester have been sailed yesterday for Ireland. He will Albeit Johnson of Port Monmouth. visit his native town and will be Miss Florence Roche spent the spending several days with their par- away four months. Shampoo, Finger Wave Rinse 50c week-end with her grandmother, ents. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Jones. Mrs. Julia Roche of Jersey City. Mr. and Mrs. John Glass, Jr., and There is considerable activity at Mr. and Mrs. John F. Eastmond son John, Mrs. Jennie ' Trimble- am the Fair Haven boatworks. The Prices reduced to 25c except Capt. John W. Glass motored t customary spring overhauling and spent Friday at Barnesat. pointing work is under way. Sev- The Belford Athletic club played Mount Holly and Lavalette on Satur Thursday, Friday and Saturday. day. eral boats will bo launched this tho Long Branch Athletic club on week. Langford's ball field Sunday after- Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Compton an< children and Mrs. Jcnnio Trlmbl Members of the Grand View club spent Sunday at Engliahtown witt at tho foot of Fair Haven road are Mr. * and Mrs, Raymond Richardson busy getting the property ready for Mra. Ti'liiiblu will make an oxtonde the cummer nenson. , visit with Mrs. Richardson. Joseph Thompson, caretaker of tho Mr. and Mrs. Edward Neff of As- park, has repainted the various orna- bury Park spent Thursday with Mr, ments in the park and has the place and Mrs. Joseph Keff. looking .splc and span. Mrs. Stanley Cook entertaine A rummage Bale will be held Tues- twelve friends at a bridge party lasi day morning, May 9, at ten, o'clock •week. Mrs. Earl Parks won flrsl at the Episcopal parish house. prizo and Mrs. Charles VanMairbac] Mr. and Mrs. Guernsey Curran won second prize. have moved from tho Potts place on Mrs. Nora Wilson of Long Branc Grange avenue to the Charles D. spent Tuesday with her father, Hen Halsey estato on Rldgo road. ry Schanclc. ' «^*-® Daniel Oswald and Thomas Smitl aro having new roofs put on thci Seabright News. houses. (The Be,! Dank Rcsiotcr can be bought Mr. and Mrs. John Glass, Jr., gave In Scabright at tho atorea of Morrio Weia. dinner on Sunday to Capt. Joh: man and H. Lcfkowltz.) Glass, Sr., in celebration of his 6titi birthday. A social meeting of the Women's Mr. and Mrs. John Heins, Mis Democratic club was held last Thurs- Mabel Luker, M1'- and Mrs. Joh: day night. Among those present Messiclc and Miss Hazel Mcssic: were- Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hesa, spent Saturday at New York. Mrs. Julia Sangcr, Mrs. Clarence Douglas, Mrs. William R. Fowler, Mr. and Mrs. William Heyers en Jr., Mrs. William Darby, Mrs. An- tertained a few friends at a car drew Johnson, Mrs. Rita Douglas, party Saturday evening. Mrs. Lawrence Fowler, Mrs. Kath- Mlsa Mae Mlggins and Miss Fran crine Covert, Mrs. Nora Dowd, Mrs. ces Hafeman of Montclair spent Sun Koy Stone, Mrs. Georgo Harvey, Sr, day with Miss Marjoric Sutherland. Mrs. William Carlock, Miss Anna Dr. C. W. MacConnell and son Wi Wlckman, Mrs. Marvin Fowler, bur MacConnell and family are oc- Miss Margaret Devereaux, Mrs cupying Dr.- MacConnell's house o Claude Minaldo and Mrs. Jane Gar- Walling avenue. land. A business meeting wilL take Mrs. Irving Roop spent Wednes placo Thursday night, May 11. day with her parents, Mr. and Mr Joseph VanBrunt of Keansburg. Pound fishermen from Galilee aro Nelson Smith has resumed his po- repairing their pounds off Seabright. sition with Contractor William While tho work ia being done the Mount of Atlantic Highlands, fishermen aro landing their boats Miss Lydia Meyers spent the week here. end with her cousin, Mrs. Williair The Seabright band will hold an Lyle of Matawan. "Olil-Timcrs'" dance Wednesday Mr. and Mrs., William M.icKeave night, May 10, at Harry's Lobster of Arlington spent Sunday with M JiLii.se, Music will bo provided by and Mrs. Charles Fort. a.i eight-piece orchestra. Lois Ann Salmon, the two-year-ol Members of the Epworth League daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Verno will attend a supper Saturday night Salmon, is sick with a cold. at the Belmar Methodist church The program committee of the Fe Next Sunday afternoon the league lowship ot Christian Youth will me will conduct a service at the Young i thai jour tire in- at the home of Mlsa Claire Lingo t Men's Christian association building morrow evening. at Fort Hancock. •nt ii SUE. A big Mr. and Mrs. John Wossiek ar Teams representing the two fire rouhl co^t you daughter Hazel of Brldgnton spei companies of the, borough will en- »illl otlur liro. Why run the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Joh gage in a baseball game in the near i Hclns. future. The teams will be selected that rUk? No here—-repairs /rrp. regard- of r.mwe of injury.. And f i\u,t I'ROTLCTIOV \B FREE. KI* IS lex Dinner is RUINED! oft N I? N © a Her guests already ai?e half i J1J J an hour late and not a word from them. 4.50—21 $6.30 :;.?!',- \i\ ss.2R ooA most embarrassing situ- 4.75—19 $6.85 f,.-?', 19 $8.60 5.00—17 $7.00 5.50 Mi 39.20 ation for any hostess; especial' 5.00—19 $7.35 5.50 I :> $9.50 ly (since her guectB living in a 5.25—17 $7.95 (>.5O -1!) $l-!.4(t town but 24 miles away could GO easily have telephoned to warn her of the delay. The. '6" ll would have cost but 20 ccnta.

163-169 Monmouth St., Reel Bank, N. (at Railroad Sialion)

NEW JERSEY BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY : EEC BATIK " MY Red Bank High Rumson Captures i First Aid At First Base -By Pap Fair Haven Beats Keyport-Matawan Wins and Loses Opening Contest Atlas in Opener Opens on Sunday Defeated Atlantic Highlands 12-1 Win. Ten Inning Game from Robins Dispose of Former Fein- Key-Mat Club, Representing S on Friday—Home Rum by | Red Bank Grays, 8 to 7,^Lait gold Specials, 9 to 5, in Gpme Both Boroughs, to Oppose on Robins' Field Last Sunday New Brunswick Eagles, on LaBionda and VaccareM— Sunday Afternoon—Mayor Keyport Field. Lost to Aebury Park. Van R. Haltey Throws Ball —B. Egeland Batting Star. The baseball Beacon was ushered'ln The Fair Haven Robins celebrated Tho nowly organized Key-Mat By a 12-6 Bcore, the Red Bank tho operilng of tho season on their By Louis H. Johns, Jr, eeml-pro baseball club, which will high school baseball tenm hatted out at Rumson Sunday afternoon, when Mayor Van R. Halsey of that bor- field last Sunday afternoon by admin- represent Ksyport and Matawan on their first victory ot the season last istering a 0 to 5 defeat to tho famed loulsvillo, Ky., (AP)—Red Whiolt, tho diamond thlH season, will open Friday afternoon when they defeated ough threw out the first ball that gelded son of Whlakalong-Splfier, started the game between the Rum- Felngold Specials, now the Atlaa club (ho season on tho National lead com- Atlantic Highlands on the local Held. of Long Branch, Phil Egeland, pitch- owned and trained by C. C. Van pany Held on tho Lloyd road at Key- son athletic club and tho Bed Bank 1 Bed Bank had previously lost three nfr fho entire game for tho Rcibins Meter, haa been showing 'url ex- port next Sunday, Its opponent will games by largo scores, but, alter Grays. The Itumsonitcs won the SAM perts that he still possesses the speed Kamo, which went ton innings, by a had the colored playerB popping up. bo tho fast Eaglo athletic association driving their opponents' first pitcher Five hits were all they could muater. lie showed as a juvenile. of New Brunswick. from the mound, Red Bank had little j score of 8 to 7. Seven errors by the Robina aided tho Since the first running of tho Der- trouble in winning. Cook started on the mound for IASUE, Edward Phelan of Keyport, the Felngolris in scoring their quintet of by in 1875, won by Arlatldea. only sponsor of the idea of having cna Chester Farrar, Red Bank's first! Kumson. Up 10 the seventh inning IS TXtCisIS runs. Beven geldingg have won the classic baseman, started tho scoring with a! he had held tho Grays scoreless and team represent the two boroughs, In- 6lLUT£Rftv'5 The Fair Haven aggregation pound- —Vagrant in 1876, Apollo in 1882, terested businessmen of both bor- one-base hit which he converted in- to one infield hit. In that Iran* Mc- Macbeth II in 1888, Old Rosebud in ll fbld Bonald be un a rally by singling;, Pi ACE AT FIRST ed Taylor and Williams, tho Atlas oughs In helping to llnanco tho move- toto a run when the ball was fumbletumbled Bonald bKK y y 1914, setting a new Derby mark ot h ll lbl li BASE feiwiLE wr hurlo.ru, for a dozen hits. Ono ol them ment. Under presont plana, gamea in the field. Fou'our runs were scored Errors by the usually reliable liruiio was a triple made by Barnoy Kgcland 2:03 2-S; Great Exterminator in 1018,will be pluyed every Sunday and hol- by Red Bank in tho .first inning., and Citarclla accounted for the ... „„„.. „ Leo La-; having fourth lor Bed Bank and Leo La-, having scored two in tho third ana SICEHNE3 Ing a double and a ainglo in addition Old Rosebud's reoord for tho Der- Mayor Earlc M. Hagaman o! Key- Bionda Kedd Bank'Bk s one armed field- i three in tho fourth, were leading by a to the triple. by stood until 1931, when Twenty er mads a home run in the fifth in-! score of 5 to 3 when the Grays came port will throw out tho flrat ball to The Robins got off to an early Grand accounted for the 67th run- Mayor Edward Currlo of Matawan nine Al Fazzone had little difficulty j to Lot in tho ninth. The Eed Bank- start by scoring two runs In tho ning. In holding Atlantic Highlands after era then managed to Bond three runs at three o'clock next Sunday and the first Inning. Tho AtlaB nine took tho Red Whisk, a consistent racer as gnme will start Immediately after. ho recovered from a bad start In the \ across the plate to take tho load by lead in tho, third by sending three a two-year-old, was unplaced in but first two innings. It was the first, i one run and Rumson, in its half of Later in tho season tho Key-Mat runs across the plate, but this lead three races out of 13 starts, winning club will oppose such leading teama time ho had pitched more than one ' the ninth evened the count by sciueez- was short-lived for the Roblna coun- six, placing three times and show- Innine this season. I ing In another run. as tho HOUHG of David, Cuban Stara, tered with four tallies in their half of ing once, earning $8,440. Philadelphia Hebrews, Brooklyn Roy- The score: I The Grays again forged ahead In tho third. Tho Atlas scored a run in RED BANK. | tho flrat half o! the tenth by scoring Winning ono otako event, tho Riv- al Giants, Bacharach Gianto, Cam- the fifth and another in tho ninth, er Forest Stakes at Arlington Park, den and Trenton. All heavy semi- ABRHB * a lone tally. Sweel, Ilumson catcher, Farrar. lb :~ 4 bu't tho Fair Havenitea put the game and placing on anothor, the Bnshford pro CIUDH desiring games should com- J | in the last half nf that inning walked on Ice in the eighth by sending three Vaccarelli, If - - 3 n Und Danny Geroni, who had gone in Manor stakes at Churchill Downs, municate wilh Edward Pholan, care Sweel, c -- S across the pan. The score: tho gelding has a proud record. Arnone. c!, ..... 2 " > the box to relieve Cook,, singled. of Tho Keyport Weekly, West Front [} [Bruno hit safely, scoring Sweel with J'AIR HAVEN. In the Bashford Manor Stakca, street, Keyport. pSjerew,' 2b.' _..„'..-. 3 o ! the tying run, and Hammond drove ; ' " • AD K II PI) A Rod Whisk carried 122 pounds to be FitiKerald, 3b. < O. Ecclnnil, If ,.( !> 1 beaten by three-quarters of a length LaBionda. rf. .— - 3 0 ; in Gill, who ran for Geroni, with the A. Eirt'luml, cf K i 1 One of the quickest wnyR to find a Fazxone, v a n i winning run. in a sensational drlvo at tho finish job Is to advertise- tn Tho Regis- Kctti-I, »» - X. S 1 aftor a slow start. Ho won easily DaGcorec o. ..— » 0 ! A feature of the game was a triple H. Eci'lniul. 11> _S 4 2 ter's Want Department.—Advertise- Jaknbei-7. •>. 1 0 0 0 0 rriflpcii. si, ^ r. o the River Forest Stakes, defeating a ment. Costa. »» - 0 0 0 0 09 : play made by Rumson, the ilrst to be .[. U-\vi:<. 21) 4 n fine field of Juveniles. BinMo. ?!' I) 0 0 (I -0 i seen on the Rumson field in which Cnllnmoro, rf - 4 2 Whether the son of Whlskalong la 2!( 13 11 2(1 1* | Bruno, Citarella and Jim Tully took Hvinmlil... c 3 1 1". Euclnml. p I 1 a router is yet to be seen, but if ho """" Introductory Bargains "™" ATLANTIC HlfiHLANDS. part. There was also a double play. AB R H PO A The Rumsonites gathered fourteen Is he will bo another contender from AT OUR NE\V STORE 36 9 12 27 JO the west. Ryan, ss ~ - 4 110 1o ' hits off Vincc McCue and Dorn, the LONG BRANCH. NEW i H.r. 4 0 NEW 0& 11 FT. acr and STC Kantorian, c — — 2 Red Wings Defeat K. Drinvn, .1h. ..._ 4 0 which opened last Friday afternoon. Stillwell. v' - 0 0 ft Bruno, us. . 1 Little Silver A. C. (St. James Loses The courts, managed by Harold Pot- SPKUD DIN.KS UU id Eeldlo, p 3 1 ! 1 a H. I.udlow, ct. ..._ _ 4 0 I Citarelta. 2b. -... S 2 t Red Bank Bisons W. Drown, c _ 4 0 ter, were used by more than ono hun- WHILE THEY LAST .10 5 3 IS . l i,s Blanked By Icemen To South River YounK. Hi I (1 dred persona over-tho week-end. The Score by innings: J. Tully, lb ..- 5 .7. I.udlow, Hi S I) Crulaeii, Outbonrda, Swimming Hammond, cf. Tnylor, p 0 I 0 0 0 fine weather during tho earlier part and Landing Floats, Accessories. Atlantic Highlands 211)010 1— 5 Gill. 3b ft 2 Thn Red Wings of Ked Bank de- Williams p :.. 3 0 0 2 1 of the week has brought out many Bed Bank 10 15 11 x—12 Desmond, rf 1 I) ;Long Branch Hurler Holds Sil- feated the Red Bank Bisons, form- Catholic High School Team De- (1 0 persons, each evening. Red Bank high school lost their H. Tully, rf. | verites to Four Hits and Fans erly the We^t Bergen athletic club, feated by Middlesex County 87 6 6 21 0 CCGalbraitM Son, Inc. Swcel, c Score liy inninRs: third straight game last Wednesday Cook. r. i J' Si Nine Men—Visitors Pound 10 to 2, last Sunday afternoon at School, 11 to 5, Last Week- 90 Turk riacp. New York City afternoon when Asbury Park defeat- Geroni, p Firemen's field on ^Newman Springs I.OIIK rsnuich noaolooo l—R It pays to advertise In Tho Roclator. (Near Welt St.) Tel. BArclay n-t>fl9B ed them 11-5 at tho local athletic uTo U, Out Eleven Hits. road. A home run by Alexander Home Run by Shinn. I'ilir Haven 20400003 X—!> —Advertisement. field. The local team made a good Binaco, a three-base, hit by Caprioni Two-base hits—O. Kucland 2, B. KKG. RED BANK, I The Long Branch icp company of Although defeated, the Red Bank lniul. Criiipell, A. Lewis. Three-bane hit— start, holding Asbury Park to a 6-5 ART! r and doubles hy Loversidge and Lane R. KKclnml. Doulile pinys—P. Kffelnnd lo I'- -° ^Uhn-Clty lenfriie at that report, blanked Catholic high school baseball team Ti. ERcluml to Kcttcl. Willlnma to W. score until the last inning when the carcj. :b. jm ^ ] featured the game. The score: made- ,i good showing ngninst the visiting team made 5 runs. Vacca- 'McHnnald. lh .._. R I l i'l jjthe Little Silver athletic club, 0 to Ilrown to J. I.ndlnw. nn«M nn.linlls—Off Vaccarcili. If - S 1 " " o o, last Sunday afternoon on Firemen's I1EI1 RANK BED WINOS. South Hiver high school team last Egclnnd 2, oil Taylor 1. olt WilUoma 1. relli led the Red Bank hitting attack Wednesday afternoon at South with 3 hits in 5 times at bat and Leo PetJNo, rf 4 1 field at Little • Silver. The Long All It H E Arnone. cf _. 3 1 Branchers collected eleven hits whilf Natiilc. .._ ."> 0 0 0 River. The score of the gamo was Egeland Given Try-Out. LaBionda followed him with 2 hits Bennett, ss, .-•• - I 1 Cicen'. 11'. 0 11 to 5. The Middlesex team had "at 4 times at bat. CJair, c „ 4 1 holding their opponents to four scat- Lovers H'k't' Phil Egeland, ace hurler for the Cleary, 3b - 4 0 tered blows, previously beaten tho Red Bank high Tho red and gray team coached F.-uzo.ie. If : i Fair Haven Robins, was given a try- McCue, P li ]! The battery of Karberg and Kar- DeCom'^e. _ fi school nine by a score of. 16 to 2. by Ross Wiley made tie first score Dcrn, P. 2 fl Kcralil. rf. cut last weok with the Newark Bears. —• —^berg seemed to bewilder ".he Silver- 0 fi Four of South River's nin3 were with 3 runs in the last half of the Hunter . cf. accounted for by Shinn, a cousin of JHe was told to report back next Racquets Restmng and Repaired by experts second inning- and scored two more ? ! itesT Pitcher Karberg not only held Kmmi.i month. Iceland, who is a right- •Two nut when winning run u- the Little Silver batsmen to four hits I.nil,-. rf. '. 1 2 Charlie Shinn, one of Red Bank's! in the fifth inning. Asbury scored Scora by inninpa: Akin". j, n 0 loading bowlers, who smashed out a Ihander, made an enviable record aa in one hour: best cut guaranteed. Prices re- two runs each in tho third, fourth but also fanned nine men and did not Joruiin . if. n 1 a moundKman last summer and thus Red Bank oooo issue a single free pass to first. homer in the second inning with! and fifth innings and 5 in the lastlRumson 00 2 3 00001 2—S three- on base. I far this' season has been pitching ex- duced. Two-baae hits—Sammon, Citarclla, Ham- Schneider, who started for Little Sil- cellent ball. He is 22 years old. inning. ver, fanned one and walked one and Paul Conway, who pitched a full ; Ths score?: j mond, Petillo. Clair. Tbrce-base hits — REP BANK BISONS. ^ Bruno, Hammond. .•\n : game for St. James, was nicked for : RED BANK, Charlie Crawford, acu hurler for the I rinnblp nlay—Gill I Otnrolln. Tripl Red Bank firemen last year, who rr- M. 11!, If. nine hits. Pawlaski. pitching tor Scarlet Hnlrters Heady, W, S. GRAY AD R II PO A!pluy- firun.. to Tilh Tull Strik^- W, i. vbv the Catholic team each made a pair, j with leading teams in this vicinity. Arnone. cf. ..•- .-... 4 1 n 2 0'.—By Dorn iSwrel), by Cock (Carey i. Um- Is'ordy Aschettino made two of the Hammond, ss. -... 3 10^ a3 'pirp—Snmmon. Little Silver quartet of hits. The oth- Conway's one hit was a double. The Raiders will play on Sundays Plttigrcw. 2b. 4 0 0 3 2 j ers were made by Cantaiice and Bin£)rs were also made by Paprota away from home and on Saturday Foxwood Park, :•: Little Silver, N. J. Fitecerald, 3h. 2 10 4 2 ami Kwiatwiiki of South River. The LaBiondn, rf _ . 4 12 2 0 ' Yfinarella. The latter's, a double, afternoons on their home field. James 'Martin, p - 4 0 0 0 S was the only extra baso hit of the Sullivan of 207 Lake terrace, Brad- •Costa —- - 1 0 0 0 O Field Meet For game. The score: BED BANK. ley Beach, is the managor. An R H I'O A B 6 26 12 LITTLE SfU'ER.' Andrrws, .-J .. n AB R H PO A Umiiiihnn. 21.. •Batted for Hammond in 9th. Local Churches Opperlanilpr, lb. rr, rf -1 ASBURY TASK. O'.Saec. rf Vanarclla. 3b Leonardo Opens UtU.-. if. AB R H PO A Young Men's Christian Associa- .M. Aschetti 2b. .'" 3 0 -0 Falumbo. ss .110 2 312 1 n 2 2 fl Moailo, rf H. Crook, lb. 2 2 4 tion to OObservb e National Boys' I j-^Vf"'""- "' 1 o o o n Donahue, 3b. S. Kravitz, 3b. n 1 Week With Athletic Events'smith,'it.' Season With Win I'lHWiTthwnilc Boyer. p 2 1 Bruno, et , S t 1 This Saturday Afternoon. I Cnntalici.', rf. Glussford. rf. . . 1 1 Calnnctriollo. c Field Club Trounces Red Bank M. Kravitz, rf. ..._ 2 1 1 1 ' The Young Men's Christian associ- .^ (i n n o o Brunt, c 2 1 1 Quads, 24 to 5, in First Game HoenEe, c 1 0 1 0 1 ation "Will observe "national boye' \ \ McCormnck, If _ ~. 5 t\ fl 1J week" with an inter-church track anil'' Lasl Sunday—Impressive Cer- Fitzgerald, 2b - 1 0 0 in o i :; c Kiioblnck, tb. E. Crook, 2b 3 field meet at the municipal field on ' emonies Before Start of Game 2 0 T.ONf; BRANCH. • Suln. lb O'Hoppe, 2b _ 1 2. Bergen place next Saturday after- ^hinn, rf _ 3 40 11 12 30^ a ! noon. A silver cup will be awarded Alt R H PO A The Lenn;irdo field club had an ^ett'I l Dcdrick, 3h 3 Score by innings: | to the church gathering the great-; nuikme.":!..' 1 oa^y time in winning its opening Wojcicfhowrr, c. 4 Asbury Park n d 2 2 I) 0 (I ,s—I 1 |1 est number of points. ' shurkey, 3V ^amr- last Sunday afternoon. The PaprntJi, If „„ 4 n> PolKnnofs, cf 2 Ked Bank (1 J 0 2 o o n There wilt be events for two groups ; fittadino, lb. ..._ Quadrangle club of Red Bank, prrcat- K.-ippola. rt 1 Ivwiiitkow^i, 2b ... 4 of hoys, For the younger group, in Hoaulanrl. s* - _. ly mnrlri.^ed b ,- the Midfiictnvvnerp, I*an>)n.ikt, p. '. .1 1 1 0 which boys under the a^e of sixteen Nolan, rf went down to defeat by a score of Belford Nosed Out Clark, rf SI 11 0 21 ] may take part, there will he a fifty -i to 5. Scnrr hy inning*: NEXT TO POST OFFICE. and a hundred yard daeh., oOO-yaid <-, j; By Long ; s. P 1 " 1 I The drum and bugle corps of the Rod Hank 12 0 0 2" 0 relay race, running broad jump and u ~i ~r ' Shrewsbury post nf the American le- South River 2 4 3 0 0 2 J—! LEE TIRES .eight pound phot put. For the older The team representing: the Doll— , e by inninps: Rion furnished a martial appearance CHROM Saving store nf Long Branch nosed ' group' which will consist of 1 n o o n—- ] to tho. occasion by parading on the from sixteen nsr Hranch 4.40-21 .... 3.75 out the Belford athletic club, 1-t tn nineteen years in- : Litt: .... nonnoono fl—n field before the ?tait of the same. Asbury Park Man IB FENDER .13. last Sunday afternoon at Belford. ! clUS,iv0' thero wi" hc 100 and 220-'. T, >:i*r hi!? — Yanarclhi, plrikf Both teams joined in the; procession irulrr 1. liy Crawford >•. I 4.50-20 .... 3.99 A home run by Btaton of the shore : yard da5h' a '1«>->'n": run, a half- • TV. ; Kir. to contenield, where an American First in Pin MatcJy mile relay race, a twelve pound ^hot I!a. tint: and cluh pennant were raised as put, a discuss throw and a free-foi- a hiiKler blew the cail to color?. How- Forty of tho Jeadinp bowlers of 4.50-21 .... 3.99 BELFOItn. Monmouth county have entered the AH R H K riid A. Mallen Ftarted the game by bowling tournament which got under Mulder, lb. 4 0 1 1 4.75-19 .... 4.49 ; Aces Low In Contest LO^'-'HK' out the fir-^t ball. way last Saturday night at'tho Rec- Chamberlain, rf r, 1 1 Cl Tho t\,Ad chih iminedijitoly jumped Straw Seat Hoose, It fi reation Hall on Newman Springs 0I:lew, 2li. .. - j-J will be permitted to enter two boys on Chct i;ijio for six runs in the first n ca With Question Marks road. Matches were rolled on Satur- Bu»li. M , ."".'.'.".'..'.' [> % l l ' ch ovont with th'^ exception, ot inning and live in the second. Acker- Ke'JtJirjf. .'!t>. course, of the rpl;iy races l^ach day, Sunday and Monday. The stand- 0ELUXE Wernujth, c. « ,try must ho approved by the church Th" ««o-"ion Marks of Red Bank m.'in went in tn relieve him but he ing of the six highest is as follows: PADS Johnson, if. ran U 31 runs a ainst tno c fared no he!U"!, tho Jjeonnrdo nine Dolan, Asbury Park, 803; Conway, ? | heads. All ontrics must he filed at P S """ j=ctirinr: thirteon runs off eleven hits 4.75-19 .... S.45 _ , the ottlce of the Y.. Al. C. A. on hiify Ace'; hefnre criliinp/ in n. £n Keyport, 791; ' Rhackley, LoriR Branch avenue by not later than live'Iast Sunday afternoon. TheAcesw Branch, and Merrill, Bed Bank 770; Single 69c /[O'clock tomorrow mj;h 'able to yenve thirteon runs in a free' .lack Miles held tho Quacb tn two Vo.ra and Tomaine, hong Branch, S.00-19 .... 5.80 An R 770. LK-.Fi.ia, Si-. . -I 1 ;; ! Fred rettcngill of the Y. M. C. A., shig^inc contest, The'score: i hits up to iho seventh whon they Evr-KIean 89c Farrr.ro, rf.. [> j who is in charj'O of tho meet, is RED HANK'. " ' three runs or. two iiiri^lcs and Scores mnde thus fnr by Red Bnnlt 5.00-20 .... 5.90 Stiiten. If. . ll working hard tu iriak,; the event a AB It two r-rror.--. They scored another run pinrnen entered in the contest are Pehniio. ".!}. J success. There will ho, a ball panic in the eighth nncl ttlll another in the ua fullows: aiattfry 770, MhiK 70-1, 5.25-21 .... 6.75 Double .... 1.59 Kaplan, p. . ninth. Miles, however, was never in McCoi.1. r. . (i hot ween the Red Kanli'jhi^h .school Ma Dennis 746, Hoffman 738, Sehroeder Lruicii, rf. " team, and a team made, up nf the. J rouble, nnrt at ruck out ten Red 728, Grob 721, Saunders 690, Minf: GUABANTEED and .... 2.39 Eilenljortrcri 2b Isftnker.-i nr:d walker! none. Lnniln. lh. . ,\ ' nlunuii of that .011001 on Fridny af- 6S2, Parker 072, Borgo fiO8, Strykor FOB LIFE. Slojjn. r, ... ternoon. In the fifth inning Maxaon hit a 621. The Ilrst event. Is scheduled to fret , cf line drivo to left lie Id for a home underway at l:S0 o'clock. I\vo adnu> , ',1b. run and in thn seventh Smith fol- BASEBALL AT COLT'S NECK. WHIZ TOP aion will ho charped contcttanta or louT-d --uit with a smash do\vn the ri,;ht. field foal linr. The .^rore: Shrewsbury ])rfnntxHl Colt's Net'k- DRESSING spectator?, With every Pistol Match At i IlinnlnM. 2h. Holmtlnl Teum Sunday. 100 % 51.00 HKG. i L'ackairn of' C'nnk. II.. . „ fi :\ ;t An II If A Thn Shrewsbury athletic club hanc- ruius llrcilin. 1/ i 0 \y\< If. 4 1 1 ro0 0 I'oll.'ih Cloth Gals. Hancock Cancelled Relief Engine Beats '.' " -• v'>, if.' ;! 1 l 0 bfill icnm dofented (he Cnlt'n Nfick- PKNNA. '^ r WKSTINOHOUSr. Mill' '•• V - r, 1 0 P Holmdcl team 13 to 4 nt Colt's Neck 1'nrchafietl Navesink Truck r I'lui ),, IK .. ,.,_ The pistol nhoot thut wna to have .- - > 1 J •fi \\ ] ;t 0 on Sunday, D. Ktunumn, pUcJiln^ at 16r, CONXA1NKU 2 1 I HOUSE 1 n been held at Fort. Honcock last Sat- ! •,'.'•", l (i 0 ;i 0 for Shrewsbury, .struck out nine Kolipf fln^'inn company •lefeatetl jj^" ,-, urday wttB cancelled hecauiio of the the Niiveulnk honk and ladiler com- i J 0 0 mm and walliprl six. Itiolcy struck BULBS presuure of work incidental to the I J 0 4 out, five men for thn Colt's Nfick- Rubber pany, 12 t jii' i 1 (1 Spoke Brush Soft reception and training ot the civilian 11, last Kunday morning n 0 Holmdel team and walked one. Tho J in ii spirited contest nt Hunters ,'! o 1 J Auto Sponge conservation corps, it was stated in f, r. \\ 1) .Shrewsbury nthletio club deairea to ( llelil. Hits were plentiful, Relief Kel- SCHOOL I.KAGI K. ;t '» fl a letter from LJcuteuant-Colnnrl G, 1 book Ranic3 cither nt homo or away I AC SPARK VV. Gcmheu, romnmtiding oillcer at Ung 2t and Nnvefiink Ifi. Tho score ! with any other team. Arrangements' tho fort to IJcutftnant Harold Dav- BELIEF KNG1NK. I Team Is In I^-iid In .' may bo mndo by calling Rrd Bfink PLUGS If K Imrv School. iBon of the Itud Hunk pnlic.fi depurt- F.llenberl. ,'lfi'in. Thn ficorc: meut. The local pollen hml entered •.'iilmiiriir T'he. Grey t rn of the Slnew.-liiiry ni-:n TSA .'K. SHHKWKMJKY in iho c'intoiit. lirutfier. ra ATHLKTIC ;I,UR. WciDilnnn grammar School, captnined hy Mud- ft Jf T'O A Atl H H A FJSHING LICENSE ISSUED. OPEN SUNDAY MORNINGS. ColoneJ Coe.luiu in hlfi lflltor de- .. rlyn IJrill, is In the lead in the school 1 ! i 1 Hi irdnn, -1) fi 0 0 0 1 clareil that "tho inteieat (n plMtol fir- 1 ?. 3 l)i il.-k. If -... h 4 ft I* Darby, rf o league with W) points. The points! (1 0 fl Kn imoiis. p r. I (1 1) STEEL CASTING Large Tackle Clfic ing; nmnifealcd hy tho nunicroufl «?n- nc(|Uiro.d hy the various loams in the 1 n \ (in Ivan. 31 (, 1 i 1 0 80-YcI, REEL gtjc IV.x. If Kl.:-. r. rt. r. triea haw born nwst jrratlfyln^ and it Wcirlhlry. rf; Kclionl were the total points mad 1 1 i 1 V,t>Mini"!', C r. 1 in 0 .... i. :'. a (i : up it " (l JI ui-knlow. r( i 2 l l ft BOX ^° i& ({r^ fitly regretted tiiat ciicum- .... 3 1 1 n to last Kildny. The team rn.i ROD Mao ' 0 0 Fl ll Cii liili.ni, ,,3 2 3 0 BIanens bt-yond lncnl conirol have 1 1 ;; f. •i •H; I:; ;I O Hip most points hy thn end of tho !<1v. 11).' l ! provnnled the holding of the com- school your will ho presented with 0 0 rkcr, rf f. l, fl 12-Ft. BAjMBOO. Ac FLY RODS $| .49 NAVK.SINK LAI>IH:H . . . i <• i 2 i u petition." a silver loving cu;> upon whidi Hie } FREE ! $5.00 Trout AH it ii r. (\ n lb 13 1G IS 17 ROD Thn JolU?r (,Mjnr.1iiil*!H, "Your aiMiessa team'n name will !„•. In.-u-iib.-ii. Tim .... i, " 'ei ] rOI.TT) fi ICriCllDI.MKI.. " in b(-*!ng kept, on ttln and your re- cup will renmln n perrnarirmt Outfit for j.o. ?-7 5 2 ( 1~ All H H I'O A TRUE $6|.95 fttitry V/Ul ho rordUilly welcomed Bonslon of the cchoai. The VIUI Hicloy. Ii /. .1 1! ft I Fresh Water ||c condition^ arnftliorato «o nn to Allnlrf, 2!i. .. of the vnrlmiii tennin Include liny Fi inri.i, nl> I 0 Largest Trout. TEMPER & ... <>o i (» fi n 'A i 1 - Mi limey, 21 '.'.'..'...... f, n ;\ •2 pnnnit carrying nvtt thn match ~ f, 1 loam, captained l,y Madelyn Hrlll, fi Inquire for 1'nrllculnrH. ilnuiKu' •». '. . fl i ;i ?, ti i x • - -'•I lilm, Il> _ I f» 0 0 ,'i LINE ° STEEL ROD fjomo fut tiro «Ititc; llr»»rh, rf. . _ 1, 1 W> lioh.tH; r,rey team, cai.tiuiied hy n \, V;. ... Hnmiifll Yncf:, ni points: Ked team, lit (l <:. r.,lne, ««. 3 0 a 1 c diary, SI,. . lr!l .1. Ciilio, rt 4 l 0 1033 «>O oniillonod by .lameu Kulllvan, ',0 -fiy Mi 1*1 n 1 Tennis Rackets €ICt Tennis Press |?ftc rontl to !)rsttor luifKblEK*"' hiiti i.y A -!-. prntiwi ',\ it. ;lnh. i- '2 fi 11 l pnlnta; Jie.l tf:,m, ca|ilain<-m tins Local Marksmen Advance a Peg Tho stocking of streams under the in front of liia car. West was token P ur Headden's Corner. to the Hlvervinw hospital by Rev. «>nliin In Utii lliuik co quslifj, m, by Defeating Neptune Team direction ot Harry Cudney, assistant John E, Murray of Eumson. i'l.IAILMIUN .n,l BERV1CB ,„ game protector, haa been going on all pert on all type» it KLECTIUC \'X- in Interstate League Match— week long and will continue until tho The Woman's Democratic, cluh of Mlddlotown township met lust night MtlfUlAIOil.';, For int.rvlow wilti, Oppose Boston Team Nejct. end of tho ucason. A trip to tho .Jivliif iifo nn.i present occupation hatchery at Hackettatown will re- at the home of Mlsr a May Olll. Theo- Tho Red Hank police plulol team, veal to any angler interested the type dore LaBrecque v.n& the principal by defeating Neptune last weeli, lift- of fish being placed in the streams. speaker. UTILITIES ENGINEERING. ed Itself Irom amn»i! tlio ranks o£ Arthur Sodcn's roadside hooth was We want to acquaint you with the delicious Not only aro they well over the legal •101 N. Well. St., Clilc.jo, III. tho Intmstato Idnfuu tcama that limit, but they're In splendid con- again broken into one night last PHONE 3396 freshness of this golden Sweet Cream Butter. have not yet won a mutch. Tho dition and full of fight. week and a larjj;e quantity of bread, local bluccoats aro now in third pu- * * « cigarettes, candy and other Koods RED BANK Once you try it, you too, will say its The Fin- altlon. 'Tho Jersey City and Berk- were ptolen. The* hnotti ifi directly eley, California, learns, both unde- It won't bo long before the salt est Butter in America. Winner of over 500 NOTICE. opposite stato polire heafif)ij;iite]:; but FOR YOUR \ J OIU)[N\N( F IO r !( 1 N1-! r nTAlH feated," are lied for first. Neptune water fisherman will bo up and going its proximity to the homo of the i i MS <>1 iit; If I > f y Iha Townahlp BXuy .....•- :: 1»!•!!"; of New York. etter <: [i fl .000 Peconic bay over Long Island way. Rinse, Shampoo, . () .iKiii . . . The Finest Butter in America . . , I. rn (ho, rnniitrticlton of thfs ordU * • • Car Illtn Cyclist, fin rice, the; term "poi'mm" nlmll he rnn- Marshall Wost of Fa i r Ha von, Finger Wave, Sold Only in the Stores Where Quality Counts sn in t- i n dotn hoiiHG to houne, or tilnre fino prizes have been offered for the ca I piJu-H in ihc Townnlilp nf Mlildktown, Tho centos of thij Neptunr; te;im ^ Pkgs I !i iru d or mciriuui'liHo of any follow: Jamcii O'Rniiri'tn lf>4, War- largest fish of various species r Kinfl for f.iilc or (lihtrilmtion in any man- weighed in by club members. J |IL )iit onei whether on foot or ao doll 102, Baniicrt 1SX, Gravatt 184, * • » OS i "nii-anini by a truck, motor vehicle, wag* Joseph O'Roinkc 171). CORN Crushed, Shoe Peg, Golden Bantam, Q cans on- or -fj'her vehicle. - - - - - • •• - — •• Tho local team hflH completed its Adrian Woodward of Weatside "3 •1. In the? cntiHtructlnn of this ordl- avenue caught four trout at Tinton u Country Gentleman. n;mce the term "peddler" shall mean any shooting in competition with Boston O pkgs I1 i on j-oitij fi cm houna to bouse, or and has sent cortifled copies of thoFalls on Monday. We havo the most fi ni liiut. to i hue in the Township nf Bcorca, along with tho tni'Rcts, to Prim Choice II '(lit f » n piling. nUcmptinE to lei), * * • nir-rfhriiHJiiso of nny kind, or nature, fit Washington for compilation. Stewart Rodgors, Jr., of Lake ave- complete line of olicitinir of nny kind nr nature whatao- nue caught a twelve-inch Rainbow Go pkg f f i and ^vhutlier on foot or accompan- trout, at Buck Mills on Saturday. 'ml or Spaghetti, ^seai Ity ii truck, motor vehicle, wagon or • Base Ball rthf it lo Pigeon Race Thin entry together with the. 1414- In thf ronntrriction of this ordl- inch entry of Adrian Woodward waa pt jar ii in the tn m "trnnflient merchant" fa Held on Sunday Hom-de-Lite n i i on (tniiijT bnnlneftn ' in tho Town- mado in the Motor Boys contest for Equipment -on foot, or frorn tn\ 1motoi vehicle, truck, wagon, or other HendrickBon1 , Likowooil 1218.07 MIBS Mary Newbola\ Roed of River Osborni . North LonE Branch 11911.76 bis pkg and for ] nit of vehicle or in nny other wanner II. R. Nnvy, Lnkehurnt 1177.26 road has returned from a sojourn \hnl »c\ei other than from nn entabllohed Hoyden, Freehold : Uli.oJ in Bermuda. c 1 'Oxydol 1 Jig Saw Puzzle I>1 n of bii iness in a Btore or other real Holts. LonB Brunch 1164.97 The altar boya of Holy Cross e t ite rtihfr irnteil or owned fn the Town- Hamcn, Anbury l'urk 1176.39 hip oi Mldillctown. Gomcgy, Allenhurat 11B0.23 church aro arranging for a card (Cleans a million things) 7 Ii tht cnnstnictlon of thin ordl- WolliW!. North Lone nranth 1148.35 party to bo held aoon. n inre the teim "Transient Deliveries" Johruon North Long Brunch 1120.TO 172 Monmouth St., Itod Bank sh ill mcTii the delivery of pooda to any VanClcnf, Deal 1110.Gr. Lawrence Sullnskl of Ridge road pliuc m the Iownahip of Middlotown. In has obtained a fishing license at the nv m innef i other than n bona fida and Voorhles. Avon 1100.31". (Opposito Hailroitd Station) Hardwood i PI , Freehold - 886.21 n out icer! d to the manner In which such St. Mary's guild will hold a card Fecas. Nut Loaf Cakes £Make j,n | «c.rp ordoroft, purchased or oS- party Thursday night, May 9, at tunid —othrr thnn'dellverion by the Unit- eight o'clock at Ralph hall. r<\ ^i itoi Mill or nny Public Carrier or Boxing Show At FUM, SIZE I NBC Brownie Thins ft 18c 1 NBC Saltines pkg 22c Lnlit> Two hundred persons attended the *• It nhill not bo lawful within tho Keansburg Friday combined card and bunco party last C ptbots C limit"? of thr Township of Mitldjetown lot OIL TAN C|Sc uiv pei son to conduct the business of Wednesday night for tho benefit of 12 Grape juice, asco?™* 2 21 hiw/ei peddler. transient merchant, An amateur boxing tournament, the earthquake sufferers in Caii- Special— . ^ iT in^i int •vrndor of merchnndlao and sanctioned by the Amateur Athletic fcrnia, Cards were played at Holy i ' i • • r\ Rob R Pale Dr )lus de )Osit qtbot c t in I ni .1 iKuio.'i unless Hiicit tiemon union of New Jersey, will bo held Rosary hall and bunco at the libr- n ill lhtain a license for said prlvilen*! Others up to $10.00. Ginger Ale, °y y d i ) 10 u 1 1'i thetefnr the Wctyinc tee herein. In tho headquarters of the Keans- ary. All returns are not yet In and ntln mfntinnrd for the earr*i. burg athletic club on Main street, the amount realized has not yet been i t hf Hi ense fee for tn« HccnsQ an determined. [dctuicd in Section 2 hereof shall be opposite Park avci.uc, that borough. Mackerel Fillets, Fat,white_. C i doUara for each and every , on Friday. Henry Bauer and Thomas O'Brien CATCHER'S MITT M< CUM* re \CTI which 1B Imposed for thq Tho tournament is open to allwon two chickens each at tho regu- )c | amateur boxers. Thg tlmn limit for lar Thursday night euchre party at 11' DIP II cn.°e so Isaued hereunder •# ,'^ Puffed Wheat hill t piit on Ppcombcr I! 1 nf the year ' filing entries expires at noon today. tho Ward-Con tor club. r f i vln h it in Issued, and the foa paid Entries will bo received in all classes Mrs. Ralph Johnson of River road f I • .. . \ h ill he onh for such year or portion of but will bo limited to four contest- entertained the Amaranth club last -/M "/ ^7',,: i. Puffed Rice 13c the \ui tetaidlcas o£ the time tho same ants In each class. night Mrs. William Lufburrow was II Iho Hifm-iP fee 5h«Il be paid to thft Regular A. A. II. gold, silver and hostess. . 21c Tnwnbhip (.Vik who shall Issue such 1U bronze medals will be awarded for Tho monthly missionary meeting MSCO Quality Coffee 1 Ihp person who obtnlns such II- first, pccond and third places. Harry of tho Presbyterian Ladies' aid so- t; 7 r, i en ih ill e\hihit such liccnue when re- rjint 'i to do io by nny member of tho Seaman, chairman of the. hoxing ciety will bo held this afternoon. I iiKP pLpiutnicnt and failure to produce- committee of the club,, In In charge Mrs. Mary Clarke of New York la Victor Blend Coffee u h lit i IMP when "o required nhall bo of tho event. _ visiting Miss Altco Polhemus, \ i in f;n- in the nnction or on Itolilnii1 ndil nl. Full- Hnvon. buchcHo of Matawan. oitMr n !r I ncd Invalid nhnll bo Insep- Little Silver Alhlclli: rluli vs. Enton- BASEBALL SHOES WEEKLY SPECIALS IN PASTRY DEPARTMENT at Our f urn thr remainder or any portion town Alortn nt Firemen's ftrlil nt Little New! >i f 7 HIH n dinaiii-ft nhnl! (aVo cfTflft S RED BANK (Broad Street) Store: i i i c \ c i find published a« reiulretl Bei' Unnk Cnlnrcil (linntn v». Bradley Little Silver News. 1 Bench lit Ninvinnii Sprints riml. TI.AI.N Clir.lIH ( AKIO l'ii c;wh M lr Double Breasted r 1 uhlic Notice. Forl, Molimoulh vu, Qniiili ;mt:lc rlub •>( {Tho Red Hank Hcgiater can bn bought T.T'l.MOrs ."Ml ,IUN(ini'l 1'IE _-. l!l<' I In f f 'in, firdiiiaiii'« v-a» Introduced Bod Dunk »t Fort. Monmoiith. • In Little Sliver nt tho Union Ncwi Stand I I i i 1 in first reoilins on April 27, nt the tic-pot oi'tj at Gcocgo Quaekcnbuiih'fl ; Six Tennis In Firemen's League. ^'%.. 1 «n hip Comniitter of the Town. ' Final plana for tho organization or Mrs. William T. Parker, Mrs. Quality Meats—Reasonably Priced ii. in the County of Mtm- tho county dromon's leaguo wero Emerson Quackenbush, Mra. Charles .nance nt ft regular meet- Imlny and Mrs. Walter Morris Bpent ul i ommiitpe to be held on Mny made Monday night at Jjitlle Silver. All ot: P. M. (Dnyllsht. Tho six tcamn and their managers a day last week in repainting and Meet inJT Tionm of ore Kenneth Woodward, Ked Bank; otherwise repairing furniture at the Smoke.-; il i unmitlpf in the Towrinhiiv of Mid- Methodist church. They did auch a LIGHT WJ'KillT. p« Richard Morris, Little Silver; Ser- Skinned Milllctown. New Jersey. April geant Kinjr, Fort Monmouth; Nicho- good job that those who havo Boon Muiln of (iood (junlltv las Connors, Lonj," Branch; Andrew their handiwork nay that they ought IIOWADIl W. ROHKKTP. Oarrlty. Wanamawin, nnil Joseph to form a partnership and embark in ELK-SKIN in English Drape Model Orotchfelt, Freehold. Tim league bUulllL'Ub. A musical service will be held Special— \\V l n ns Inppy In ho, NOTICE. will open Mny in. ,inu)ii tlir \)v-M tn jn'isrnt noxt Sunriny night at the Methodist AI.I, S. trim rni'J of nn Or. tJ)JM ilnv.hin): Knt;\'):>\) lyp*1 | church. Tho choir held a soclublu n mi-i\liiiu- of Iho Tmv,,. Highlit nils Wins Oiiciwr, | last, night, at tho paraonagn, Tho Others up to $2.93. rfifit ;is you'll bo tn ' !>(' ol thr. T,mm,M|. of MI.I- ;i!iioiii; tin: liiiit to \vr;ir if. h ! I ii AIM il UTth. Hi:l:t. Tho Hl(;liland:i liaselmll club Ladien' aid noclcty will meet this IKIWAR1) VV. ROHEUTS. opened the season Sunday liy deafternoo- n at tho homo of Mrs. Fred nl 1 1 \ II P. VACATINd A /'Att'l' OF featinB Nutley by a scoro of 3 to 2.Hurley. Reach Official I III nil' IKOl.t.KV Ii 11 illl' OF WAY Tho game wiir, plnyeil on tho hall St. John's guild will hold a quilt- Ulllill Is SHOWN ON A MAP OF field nt Atlantic HlKhlands. Mayor I ItMHII PARK AS A I'AK'l" Ol'' ing boo this nftornoon at tho pariah American League 1 I O Mil \ II I.K UOA1>. John R. Hncdfknr of Atlantic Hlpli- hull. V 111 I I V ili» f.iutity r,.«,l rniinliiu lands and Mayor Fred P. Ilcdln wore Tho minstrel and vautlcvillo flliow BASEBALLS $|J .25 III,il In Alkntlr Introduced tn Iho fnnu holme thegiven Thurndny and Friday nightEi H Hmh H t f!;ill.-,y rlt-lit old, nf Hrldjin avrnue, finished Miit jiient It wan ono of tho finest shows Rump Voal , I, i y 111,^ IHXIIICI ly oiiln of Hill,I Louisville Slujjfjor iii i i.oi-t of tl>« Ixoiianlvlllii In the IwoU'i'-nilh1 run sponsored by given In tlio hall. BATS SIIKDIO COATS the Amali'ili- Allilcllr union at New- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Merchant and SHHIIll V11STS AS. II Ii ,l,-,ili,!,l I,) ulisn. ark last Nntidny. Slue (linn WO hoyn family havo returned from a trip Roast •i llm nliiilllni: lifdimrt-/ to Washington nnd Richmond. In from 9Kc to $-[1.25 ItllKKCIIMS "f mill f. *>f. >VI,(U l.D KRilfirnl eiorc.) Mr. nnd Mrn, Carroll Wont* will TIIKTI.K NW'h Finest Fresh Fruits and Vegetables ii 1 Illl i inn I limoliy v.,oil..,l unit Ihn Mr. and Men. ChnrloM li'roi.t. and nicivn to Ne.wui'k thin wtjok. Special Discounts ! ' illl t , tin I i tmity nlinll r«M«it to tin .s« I%\'t'KltS I ilnltlii ii i ily mvnoi. n:i ro'iulrcl* I,/ Mr. nnd Mil Robert llllj; h:ivc re- William Oarhnrt, Jr., who wus in- Crisp lceln-rr; Lettuce i Green String Beans Luscious Strawberries to Clubs. I t ^ lai II I,iln unilninlii'iil Imwyil tllut turned homo after huvlnj-C upcnt two jured in an auto accident recently, Ih in nliilii inilliin ..I -nil toail will.!. weokft in tourlnj: l<'loritl:i. Ii II ii/ i I limit/ ii,i,| In Uil.t)-.tIilB« (.fill had lilti Iff; put in a cant Saturday t ,. nm mil Hint 111 n.Mltli.n llloitl.i,. Mrn. FiahdM Ciieil niir and family at tho Rlverview hospital. Ill i i till iiiiinlii.i a ,,I,!.-.•...,|i aIaa .,., or Weutlleld spent iiunilny with Mm. Howliitut I'J. .Tones of Ilumnon hna Blifjhl Juicy Lemons Large Florida Oranges j Fresh Green Asparagup s II, -miilh Ml it Ihn nnlil tlilif thtCna Iliiwn OCJi IUinr.li r of tho Motor Hoy a L lin i i I II i I I In ilil ozf'll *Jt^t ,„ , , I n Hi i I),, nil |.« .been in trulnini: for ilulieii mi !t Red Unnk. It K. Front Si., 1 I F,, I'ront St., mi ,11 ,',l i ti I' liulf I'll I ti ( id! Hi nnrne at tho Jnrsry City meillcul Mm. MiVtnln Hhovman In viHiting 3 ""• 10" 1 n in I lili , il center, in ii}iemlliit; a vnculUm of frinntln at Fair Haven. Red Bank, N. J. Red Bank, N. J. 2 ""17" I hli Oi HIIIII, i u\i ill t ' i 'il tni.it Ol'KN KVKNINOM. ( Hi ii mi I Ihlnll l| I in Hf { I' t i % ii \ It jtayu In HIIVCIUKO In Tlia Iiej;lntcr. l>r. Wnitfirn In Imvlng lilii prop- oi"i:N I;VI ;NIN<:S. erty ut Little. Hi Ivor Point taml- wilt In), ( illil iris Ai1v*sU isi%*f I - Page Twenty-Two EED BANK REGISTER, MAY 3, 1933. ven was held last Thursday after- j Pnworth NATURE'S MASTEUFIKCE, of the spectrum. Small drops of Waiting for the Cheer ! noon at 2:30 o'clock at thn U'ordt-n ' *J*JWUI *•" water, such aa dew-. re. Refreshments will bo served and mirrors, first breaking the. light -Mi Williams was bom at Warren- FriilK'l.s 1C. Thompson tip into its various colors and then ton, rsnith Carolina. He was crnn-f West Orange, formerly of Hod Hitler the, direction of Mis!' Katli- jloM'd as a fireman at Child':-1 bakery rine Ktatelman and Robert Dangler. reflecting It down to earth, according Bank, died at City hospital, Newark, to an educational booklet, of the iwrvaew on We-t street for twenty years ami All young people who are members Better Vision Institute, which is ictued three and a half yearn a.b-o. if the Methodist church are invited attend this affair and It Is hoped used by teachers in many sections Bttidis his wife, Mrs. Georgianr.a Newark last week. He was 30 years Ktampei Williams, he is survived by to enroll many new members from of the United States in eyesight con- old and he was employed a:; an in-nmong tho.se who attend, Tho loiigufi nervation instruction. A falling drop ESTAURAN' •• x eluldren. Pnliremart Kprigue Wil surance adjuster. During the World hanib of the Red Bank police ile- organized in November, 1932, reflectvf ed when a line between var ho served overscan with the it. and un observer make nn angle of x pnnncnt, .Mrs. M:iry Pulley, Mi.-:' tenth Held signal battalion. He iswith ton charter members. It now Corner of Broad and Front Streets, 'if •' ' > _»* •' EMhei V. Williams and Edward, Au- h;is a membership.of 32 persons. about forty-two degree:! with fha i , I • W. 'Vf stirviverl hy a sister and a hrother, horizontal; when it falls EL little fur- di t w and liortram Williams, all ofMrs. May Thompson ami Walter At the next meeting the member- RED BANK, :-; NEW JER.SEY. Red Bank, several grandchildren, Thompson, both of Red Bank. He ship will bo divided into two groups, j tl»r so that the anglg e ia lees, It rc- • l • • II senlor rou and a high school and two sisters, Mrs. Nannie Wil-wa s a member of Shrewsbury post S P ' fleets orangrn o t o thth e observeroberver, thethen raup tach s IS ham, of Red Bank anil Mrs. Annette of tne American legion and of the « oup will from then green and so on. Although we see Williams, who lives in North Caro- Eilts i01iKe 0[ Red Bank. on hold its own meeting and elect its only an arc unless wo aro on a high mountain or In an airpltvne, thn rain- { The Elks will hold a service to- The funeral was held yesterday af- nignt" atTlount's fu"nora"I hom""'/^ I Otllcers of the lcaRUe are Malcolm bow is really a complnto circle. Dur- j ternoon at one •clock at his late funeral will be held tomorrow- morn-!Minton President, Bubbles Hcndcr- ing the summer tho rainbow la never HAKOLI) STOUT'S TIRE FTORK AT 11.'. W. 1-IiONT ST11EBT. 1 | home with Rev. Joseph W. Lee, pas- •in g at half-past eight o'clock and at I o' n first vice president, Margaret visible around for tho sun ia tor of the Cilvary Baptist church, in o'clock at St. James's church. I Patterson second vico president, too high in the sky and tho top of Mr. Ptom featuics a leal n(' Frank Warner secretary ami |oyn e Th( b( lr01 s wl 0 k(1 Kt art Daily Special ! 8 Course ing campaign in the inienvt. nf to handl id truck husi- Cobb, Wilson Ur Jcihn Ilulse. L. View cemetery and members of thc: " Kddlngton treasurer. the Goodrich tires. A'l\vr;isem.--nl.- lies:; alon^ with s for pleasure B. Mj|CSi (;aril,| Elks lodge will act as bearers.1 Taps ! «»-•-«»- . lf ltitm]isnn ;nid [ CHICKEN DINNER Which are now appenrin-;' in 'H ears' . Abraham Fisher, the shop jimK Mallory. Burial, in chai-Rt will be sounded and a salute will be ' Play at Highlands Register in lolation to this veil foreman, lias been employed by Mr. u!n Worden funeral home. w,is Majestic J Served Daily. known product arc bcin:,' carried in Stout, the pant four years and is in.White RidjM -emete,,' „, So,,,,, Eat- [T^Z^ ^n. * ^"^ "' i 9» ^ ^f ^ ii. a play the interest of Harold Stout's Tire rhn;'c of the piace during Mr. ontown. h rntitled "Minstrelsy Madame will Gladioli ! Stout's absence. Mrs. Susan A. Odcll, bn presented in the Highlands pub- INCLUDES MEAT AND 3 lic school auditorium by the High- In conversing about business con- j widow of Charles Odell, died Friday Bulbs | KINDS OF VEGETABLES. ditions with a Resistor representa- Garfirld Major. lands Dramatic club. E. Crolin Is ti\e a few days ago, Mr. Stout said •at the home of her daughter, Mrs. coach. Dancing will bo held after ...... , The funeral of Garlidd Major, who Evelyn Habert of Navesink,' at the;,). show. Curs will bo at the foot that produce flowers | 1 u The best of Steaks, Chops, Cold Cuts, Salads, etc. busmen with him is exceptional!:- , djod at hi^homc on Monmouth street. age o-f 8-1• years. Sh- e had been ill cars. Home-Made Cake and Pies hiuu<;ht the retail price of tires way ( o-cl0ck a! his" late homhomo ewith ReV- ! years. Besides Mrs. Habert, she quality. All labeled— | hrlow former levels. Ho paid he ex-jAJhf!rt L_ nantM.( pastor of the Meth- iftfiVGH another dauirhtor, Mrs. William Gave Birth to Son. Made Fresh Every Day. , ]>erts to do In charge Hamilton, ami two sons, . Mortimer no trash. Size of X much larger business odist churrn. jn charj Mis. William O'Brien, Jr., of West Front street gave birth to a son at bulbs, 1'VJ to 2". :| ton o'clock this morning at River- view hospital. . The baby weighed 100 for $3.00. | Try Our Eating Plaee When nine pounds and two ounces. MAJESTIC GLAD I 9 motoring public as has been recently Mr. Major was n member of the One of the quickest ways to flnd a FARM % Hungry* Yoti ll Be Satisfied in I ho now Goodrich Silvrrfone goici- jnb is to advertise in The Regis- Edwin Fiold camp, United j Robert Francis Lowncy, HOLMDEL, N. J. S PII ply tire, which is featured in an j p|a'| war veterans, and a. delegation ! ter's Want Department.—Advertise- infant son of • Mr. and Mrs. John ment. iJ (I'tlsem^nt which appears in th^!fron this; organization attended, i up on page two. This particular 'Tint nf the members Commander JL'ovvneyof New York, died last wenk. The funeral w.as held at Ihe Posten 588 tue )UM been tesled on (he world's jrar]fo n Kreler, Thomas McOrath and NEXT TO RED BANK POSTOFFICE. fiblcst speedway and has proven that j Thomas Grant, were bearers. The funeral homo at Atlantic Highlands it will not blister or blow out from bearers were Frank Begins, and burial was in Bay View ceme- Jothcr tery. Mrs. Lowney before her mai- hcit, regardless of the speod of thc-lDavid Dwight and Joseph Domzal. nr, overcoming ihe two conditions! Burial was in the Bethel church riage was Miss Frances Layton of 3 Highlands. HAKOLD STOUT. which have been so noticeable on the f cemetory. where Commander Keeler \ •millet diameter tire in the last two ;con( jUcled' a short service. A firing Ui. squad .from Troop E, commanded, by store, 115 'West Front streot, near p James Hubbard/Died 4 Maple avenue. Mr. Stout is Ihb local Mr. . ;fout ?av- the cnr,t ofcottnn, pprfTffuU Frank Tn1 rico ^nd con- r • /<>* distributor for Goodrich tires. rubber pg accelerators, oils. sisting of Privates Donald Sweeney, Suddenly Saturday f •Mr. Stout's place of hiismpp;-, of and other materials which are used Herhert VanKrnnt, Jr., and Thomas =— J*\ which, we are showing an exterior in tho manufacture of tin's h now < Clfirk, Jr., fired a over the James II. Ilubbard, a prominent increasing very rapidly and under i grave. Taps was sounded by Bugler view, is one ol the largest tn'n ftores f resident of this borough, djed sud- in this section of Monmouth ennnty. conditions this jll soon Jack Dwyer, Jr. denly of a heart attack just as he Mr. Stout started his seventh year us price rise in tires. He sug-. was about to retire shortly before a Goodrich dealer at Red Bank just ^ests that the motoring public should j Mrs. Elizabeth Bailly, midnight, last Saturday night. He a short time ago. When he first not put off buying their tires at tliis | vvife of John E. Bailly, Sr., of Ocean- was stricken without warning and started in business he tvs.VIM*s lnratpIncited time, thereby escaping the price risejpO1^i ^iod at her home of -angina died a few minutes after tho arri\dl at 121 West, Front street. Aftn- hnv- j wliich hr anticipates in the near fu- [ pPCtOris last Thursday afternoon, of the family physician. He had not : ing bRRn there but ;i ;-ibnri nine hr 'irr. ^11G was $% years old and had re-been ill previous to the attack and 1 outgrew the capacity of hi;- sior* ;VM\ Mr. Stout Ivis asked The Regiptcr sided at Ocuanport for the past forty his death was a great shock to his was forced to seek lnr^ei- f|U.-ir!prs j to inform I'S roadors that he will be years. host of friends in Red Bank and at his present location. Ho rrcendy : very glad to give them the advant- Mrs. Bailly was born at Sheffield, I throughout Monmouth county. Fresh Dressed - Fancy cumpleUd rernodrlin;; and rf d^'Tir-1 .^^n nf h\n nxporirncc in handling nKland and paras tn this country I Mr- Hubbard waa 53 years old and ating the interior and r-x:oi"or of liis [ tires and in doing so they will incur was3 borDtn at Reti Banlt, where he hnd i ! while a young girl. Besides hcr hus- p™ store, making it> one of th: nttr:ic- nr> obligation hy calling at his plare alwaylys resided. His father, Commo- hnnd, she is survived by two daugh- ' L1 live tire stores in the coui:'y. 1 of bu.-ine.ss and inspecting his line. uie hom a s Hu Tender and Delicious... ttrs, Miss Jeanetto Bailly of Ocean- I MarcJ> hJ 11."; Mr. -Hubbarhbardd ,i s diesurvived ond port and Mrs. William A. -Wirth of. by his wife, Mrs. Mabel Pearce Hub- Rod Bank; three sons, John E. Bail- Just the kind to make your Shrev/sbury Grants ly, Jr., of Joliet, Illinois, Ernest T. bard; his mother, Mrs. Emma Hen- Bailly of Brooklyn, and Ernest W. drickson Hubbard; two sons, Edwin water. Eailly of San Bernardino, Califor- and Donald Hubbard of Hed Bank, A Beer License nia; a brother, William Wilson of and a sister, Mrs. John H. VanVliet Stanford, Connecticut: a sister, Mrs. o[f Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. PRIME TOP & BOTTOM TRY IDEAL BRAND A meeting of the mayor nnd coun- Mr. Hubbard was a member of tho cil of Shrewsbury was held lar-t even- Mary Wooster of Brooklyn, and iive For One grandchildren, North Shrewsbury ice boat and yacht lb ing. Beer license numhnr onn \v:is club, being chairman of its regatta, granted to Henry V*'. Jvmuer ^ nf The funeral way held last Satur- committee, and he was a life mem- Broad street for the I^ou C.-ibin Inn. riay afternoon at four o'clock at her YOUR LANDSCAPE ber of Independent Engine company Grapenut Flakes Applicarion for a licentif: \v;i? mndc kite home with Rev. W. \V. Kennel'- of the Red Bank lire department. by George T. Short for Shrewsbury GARDENING ly, rector of St. John's Episcopal The funeral was held yesterday Manor and a motion w;ts jia:-:-orl chapel of Little Silver, officiating. In ;lfternoon at 3:30 ! :ti i •! liv.c- was in Failil VV ooww nave iinisbr.d blooming they had n'.'iilcrt Ihcie until la^L October in ' ' '' cemetercemeteryy . ments be made to ci-tini:)! p t iio <-L*.-\ nf Bhould be pruned by cutting out wli^n he clime to J'.tM Dank to mnki: COFFEE .... repairing the clo^k in fh' :-u * ,.h-f ,f Christ church. The c\c,r]-: or Erc^iuii. ill;; ri!;;cov- 1'!. Wilde, and Mrs. .faineii Taylor. CUPLETS . . . . Ill e.rW'S i;till form Ui<; rualmeutG ol Miss Hannah lirennan ( Mrs. W. Harris Hewitt and Mra. Malton 12 Delicious Cup Calces. By NcwPrun;iVv-ick botany. in Saturday morninu at her J Homy Paasch were in charge, of the >h Wallace slice! ,/t a cumuli- I 1^'ii'ty. Another event of (lie nninn The Red WHEN TOOLS are put away ln o: diseases. She was a sisior,!ior' wil1 he held Tuesday, May 16, school baselia tiie tail or in lact at any tiino late Mi1.-. Klizaliolh Kruck-, at lllc home of Mrs. Miller. by St. Peter-- li I ™! when Uicy will not tie uxvti for y thu-e ne])- • ^»-*-^* TANNING'S ItlTTEK'S Brunt-wick yf f.-iy tiotiw (lays, it is tlcsiri-HUi in hew.-,, .limes and Thomas. Creiman, | Improving Parking Sjiacr. For Ihuiidsy, Fiidiy and S»tjid«Y Only Hunter's field wipe thorn ofl with an oily rag Thr- with '. li.un : he and Harry A. : 0. bring Buro Uiat t.ho cd^es fiml 'J'he public parking; plaeo between ui ol Jcr: I'lt V\'liito street nnti West Front Gtreet "Andy' Andrew j point:; have a niainmit of oil to ;,a-ais IS oz. No, 1 can ! keep inn oxidizing ;iir train was shut off from public use this r.hortuiuji, Htarrrd i Tlir JuntTal he) tram. O'Saf;e an'l ! Ui(:;n. Monday morning while (lie street depart- FLORIDA—iMtgo SIzi) ll: LEAVE your rfaffodiifi in thn .lami1 hurcli. whiie ihe assistant by Piiul Conway, :"'. )-'rnnna through tho winter. At much-needed coat of oil and sand. For One Week, May 4 to May 10, Inc. iHtf.Tvniri ot two or thnu: ycam ri-i:lo r, lliv. .l ilm I', l-'allon, eele- That the parking; space is a valu- VV1NESAI" His. ihey ulioulrl t>« dug up. held all luattj d u lii;:h rei|iiii!in mass. The able nsset to Red Rank is evident i:; vvi re ('.'inM1::,. Krahneii, jmd- I>EL MA1Z 12 oz. cans SCIIOOLUOV Ilii l;V '. v/iiit«;i and iL'jH.LiUe.il, hy the fjrPiit use bcjnj; made of it j APPLES . . Hhalfir, Archiiiald AlacKeiiar, Tliursilny, Friday & Saturday Only NIBLET CORN Dclliioufi for rnllnjr or cooking. Arthur lAUln f I.mdon 1'l.sc CITII MacClinid. William Welch and u STRONG ^Towing htitlgca of prl- I/ions' WivCH to M•e I. *MI for Miimr Jtijurip' VM and harhr-rry rob i.ho nearby Daniel ('iillfrlon. Mill ot niitrlnnt'i ami hordrni Muriiiili , in r.hai; p, i; A meeting of the wives of rnem- FRESH Arthur Lit tit?, livn-vt-.-i j -(-!.] FANCY should not (>c untahllBhcd too i-rui, wa in bi.rs of the Lions club, for the pur- Mr. and Mis. Harold Little. I'tnr.f! to nuch hnd^r;-,. JIT I'lly. poso of dlsdusuing plans for tho en- BLUE LABEL den place, was ;.! ruck liy ; * • • * tertainment and social affairs to bo mobile while r.rti:-MII:: ! )i<> <. m V. Hiirdeii. held in connection with the state CATSUP <2 near Linden phice y*-;.r, \ •{;> JOIN ynur loral n *'Illh. an 1 ii 11 Phr convention to be held at lied Rank noon, iiv w, ,| wlm li;tvn >t jn , nf William |.'. Honh'.n, am ! "1 iihi evvsltni y wlm next month, will he hetil Friday Browning Wi lillli;',-'! i UK: IhillK" ( '1 . nii^'lit at Kwinmdni; River country it company. avo last 1-itmday at Jb ]!:'•'' ei e he was visiting at Tli buy w,i;, iftiirnii^ : fiom :;t I IDEAL BRAND UI1ANH 1 i tn hi Id last Wednesday Jumen'H s^chool at tlio tini e. He v.. !,, , ! . „ „ ;i i t('[•|H ituniKon I'ollco at Nrw Yorlt. picked up and taken into the Klfund ! o'clock at. the thcator, where his Inlli r ian church with Six members of (he iluniiion po- Cut Beets l »r liru.v II nd Kdwulds. \I;I. Mir, Itrv. C, lice force aro spending Inday on n ployt'id iia doonnau. *Mi(;. >r';,c. Mik.'ich, In IltrgB No. Wi Un Jlinteilitann, dliv* r "I U:e The lied li.ink Kfpultllcan fXi:vu tour of Inspection of the New York (hat din wan pnii-ivrlin;; ive. I'oinmiltce, at a mr i-tlnj;' la: In (')ii irli'a F. Ilor- pollen henili|ilartei!i. In the parly Ilin time. iglil, Indiirsivl (icorgf! W. Kiay li. ' I Harold .\'ev iu:i. Harold are. dipt. Henry Knme, William FANCY Ih. ii'dirililcr and irrrberl Kdwards I PolUt'llUtll Albflf IJl'.VD) "wn , K. A. r. nwer, Charles H. 7.e.iv, David Klnney, iU-lli Joluiuon, j:ated hut no coiiiphiinf--, i 'id alul Charli':. Ii. I.eCato. Hin- I'e.rry Fll and, Wiilter Neubauiier. WEAK FISH clian.'e ,,( (I,,,Worden funeral The rest of the finer, will make tho COl.fiATK'H U in Tliciiler- I'af.Kc.i. 'me. was In (lie 1'resbytrrlaii church trip next w^elc. Mli.sluiiiiry Mn-tini:. NEW I'7,O]1II>A Alii" Flalnld. and Alfonro T''lnnlli'' •mi-lrry id Sliri'ivulmiy. Octagon Soap Thn Wohie wi'ri- t!ii' winner:: last week of I hi' IB ot. Uottla POTATOES Nmf Ilont (.'lull Menilier. CODFISH STEAKS (•My of 111"Mefhodh I ji!:; r:: (ilicif-r] by the Cailtun (lu'atci 'lnhn II. Heliuett. Wnller Anderson was elecle )n>ld i] x^ll t'i Die iiciv.. liny..,- iicllliif; lire larj;,-.: Til fnn<'ia| nf ,"111! II. 1! i-ll of mnrnhi.,- of the Monmuutli I( .,|. JKK'SICV tbi! Im of Mir;. .Ii.hll llllhl'ild UNIIIM:, ,>j" cuphai nf The H';;i;.(,.]•, 1 o luli ''H' Haven, w|u, ,||,,,| Chowcjcr Clams im Muiiday Monday ni(;hl. lie has bmii'ht RHUBARB iRliI .,1 J;i,.l. ,veek ill 111' IH.IIK! ofltlltln t'kilt, which hi ntooi nik-M it imyii In ailviiltitu in Tho lti.'i;li,lt:r. '

Smith—McLaren. Miss Bay Louies Swlt.li, daughter of Mrs. Edith II. Smith of WettsMe avenue, was m,irrlc-.l at her horns last Sunday olteniuon to Chailea William McLaren, son of MIE. Emily Mckaren of Keptunn Cify. Tho cere- mony woo performed l>y Hev. HOIUB A. Hart, pfi&toi1 of the Methodist church at Neptune City, find took pl&co under a bower of Jauie], re- lieved with white eprlng blossoms, A wedding bell was fcuiipended from th© center of t.ho bnwm\ To tha ctralno of Lohengrin's wed ding march, played by Mlea Marga- © ret Supp, who wore a t:;own of pale "J green with a corsage of roses, tho bride, drctioerl in Eleanor blue, and carrying 0. bouquet of pink sweet peas and tulle, descended the stair- case, which wan twined with laurel. onve She wan preceded by her maid of honor, Mies Muriel Supp, who waa attired in n. gown of nnhea of roses and carried 0. bouquet of Talisman roses. The bride wan given in mar rlago by her mother, who wai dressed In gray, with a corsage of roses and painted daiaico. Tho groom waa attended by hlo brother, Jflugene McLaren. About fifty rela- tives and close frlendn of the couple witnessed the ceremony. The bride'n glfta to her maid of honor and M Margaret Stipp wnvo overnight bng and the groom presented bin best ' man with a. cigorettn onne. Immediately after tho ceremony a Joe Cronin'u autograph wedding luncheon wan served to the immediate famllteR of tho couple, af- glove. Oil-treated Iiorsefalde ter which the newly-malTlod pair The Coldopot is comparable with refrigerators selling for (,:n more, Sears low leather. Li 8Daalli--r sizes for started for Washington, D. C, by price is possible only because of thrifty methods in buying, shipping and selling. automobile, where they will make Every new feature—thoroughly tested by SOIUTI ar.rl n:>i>rovrd hy (i»od Housekeep- boys. Tan. Leather-welted their homo for the present. Mrs, ing InBtilutc. 87.50 dpwn, $7.50 monthly plus email carrying charge seams. • '••.'X'' • McLaren wna a, graduato of the Red Bank high school In (ho clans of '20, and flhe alpo attended Coleman'e "Dosiy Vane©" Business college at Newark. Mr. McLaren la an engineer in tho em- ploy of W. Earl .Klingberg Construc- ihape game after oamo. £ tion Company of Baltimore and 1B now working in Washington. Ajid look at Scars prlco The bride waa the recipient of many wedding gifts, conciliating of linen, silver, checks and glao3ware.

1 Carney—Mnher. 2BFt. MIBSJ Keglna Carney, (laughter of more Morris Carney of Bradevelt, and Pe ''Not-a-Kink" brand, p'iic-eighfhs ter Maher, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. inch inside diameter for free flow. No wonder Sears Kemnore 1B the world's' fastest-selling washer! Tomcu, even-- IPeter Mnher of Holmdel, were niar- Guaranteed by Sears for two ycari. Tiad Saturday evening nt seven where, appreciate its ease of operation, its fast washing action nnd beauty of design. . o'clock at St. Gabriel's church at Does an entire wash in six minutes from baeket to the eoit balloon wringer rolls; "* Bradevolt by Kov. .1. J. Lucitt. Sturdy H@s© Reels Quiet ^Icel gears. §5 down, §5 monthly plus sniall carrying charges. ,. " About 10O periionB were present. Well-made Blcel reels The bride wore a costumo o{-,bluo that will last many a sea- ^ I © chiffon, with a hat to match, and she- mn. 100 feet capacity , I ™ carried plnlc rosefi. Tbo groom's sis- ter, MIBB Dorothy Maher, waa tho Turning Sprinklers bridesmaid. She was attired in or- chid chiffon and she bad a boquet'of Wete down thoroughly a rr yellow roses. George Oarney, a rodiup of twenty feet, ^^^ [W /% n«!} R ' r IS "brother of the bride, was tho grooms- Make your own weather. CS> &% R ' .r IS, ?•.'/ ecu nn man. Mlea Ruth Mack of Bradevolt played the wedding march and Ray- S-PIece Salt ; mond McGowan sang "I Love You Get douu to earth whh ".-> T,, y> ' Truly." thesr. Irowplt cultivator A Him \tv 'n> piny. The newly married couple loft for and haml-tlinging fork . a wedding trip. Upon their return The Bill Tildcn, Jr. model. they will start housekeeping at Ev- Designed by Champion Til- erett, The groom is engaged in farm- ing at Holmdel with bis father. Tin den. Selected ash, moiature- bride- was tho recipient of many fine proof silk strings. Duco gifts. A nhort tlmo ngo a nhower was fdven for JVIisa Carney nt tho finish. home of her cousin, Mrs. Lewis Wennlng of Lonp Branch. Card games, refreshments rind tho other R a c k o t Presses usual features were enjoyed. The torido-to-bo received many gifts, Here's a press that rcallv keeps the racket in shape. fcpj|/|* A big bargain, too ... f Warnor—Edwardti, jVeileon Edwards of Rumson wai .Married at noon Saturday to Mrs. ilobert Lyon Worrier of Cohasset, jMaEsachusettts, by Rev. John Gault, rector of tho Unitarian church or Cohasset. Tho bride, tho former Alicp Loth- rop Cousens, is the daughter of Mr. ' OP3-« ATKS ON EITHER and Mrs. Charles H. Councils of Co- K. '-.:• 3>.C. Here's smashing value for fiasoct. Her Jlrefc husband died in you! Complete with glass 1920. Sho Is a descendant of John Adams, 0110 of tho ;ii«nera of tho howl, pulf cord. Guaranteed. "Declaration of Independence1. Grceu Cover brand. Produces K?»y?ias^e' Speaker Make your kitchen a better Mr. Edwards ha» lived at "No fresh» even turf, A finod seed, place to work in. Stones," near the Ruinson country worth far morn thnn Sears low club, for ten year a and cornea from price. . s © fewest typ© tuiss© an old Philadelphia family. Ho in an officer of thrt Chase, national bank and a member of Hie Kuinson coun- Whl«e Clever Seed o <•••;{- In Aerial try club, the Scnbiipht. Tennis club Guaranteed by Sears, and the Hacquot and Tennis club of Mix with five pounds of I? S^ New York. His daughter, Dorothea grass seed. 1 pound . . e3? tJ?§a $2.19 7-Carow Eclword-S will nwko h<>r debut noon. His first, witn dlrcl twrt year? *ago. Mr. and Mrn. Kdw.inU; TV111 live Finest Grass Seed 180 a at Rurason. Scars Club Green. A spe- cially Beleetetl turf mix- ^ j|(§) Underwriter approved caila» ture. 5 pounds , . • . • H *—' m vr ' T s Buy now, while this low Hazlet News. price is in effect'. Two-wire Ernest E. Pescux alid family and Husky Mr. and Mrs. Dnnlcl S. Weigand o£ 14-gaugc for all interior Light foi ra5V handling; Little Sllvci- spent tho week-cnrt at wirinpr. Washington, D. C. The double Jap- strong i nnuch for toujib ^arieso cherry tieen wcuo in full poll. 4 ^tefl tine* ••.. bloom and worn a bountiful E;lj;ht. Carlton Cherry was a Washington Uned by mast?f painlo Sauce Pan S®f visitor on Sunday. J. Frank Woignnrl hsin purchnRRd from coast in ronsi. (.ria a now Ford unrinn from Mount-Bar- anleed the cqunl <>l an rett company at. Malnw;m. ; paint liuidf, rcpardlc." n l' «i!> .-.((. ft 1 iviili Scars MA?- Mr. and Mrs;. Btunloy Latham and s M>-i* ^l! .U* I!->'iiC I'aint for Mi', ulill 111 J. Bel! are mnv living 111 nnmr. in-ilir or pricp, ' :'i- A special value. 1, 2 and 8 tho Emma Morrell houno on the n.-i" nr.i-.v i!i;!ii .>•),"< in ;?18, in- ijiiati iilUitiiiiUiii Sailer punO Holmdel turnpike (l

Ki'niKimy Wins. It used In he. fianl Hint, whenever a € ©t. Scot got lo London he never went, 45c back liomiv—except, to fi-tcli his bro- ther. 'Hint not Inn In out of dale, ac- Quart A hotter qualil> mop of ooft, cording to I'»rd l'cwnr, who rn- lini' Miins. t ..in for mop ivhrn marke.d recently: "Thn.] me not. g for rnmfortubln hundltuf;. enfy to keep rlcan. VariiM nearly no miiny Hcnl.i Iravoliiiivdown Mnrlti ti( strcl, n»h haiullr. of nliiifle<> from winch I \h,f. a tllni.>»:rll jnli "111.- tiol in ii'ir. An iiniiaual vnlui' to London m then1, u.iod lo ho. They ••ut i-|i.|;,.in;.- lllr llu ,li. It, ---r^'#in for Scarp. gat born Jn I.omlon, nowailnyj, lo clioope. aave tho fare." Grass C a t c It o r s f5i(;lll, t'anvns-cnv- I l)03til¥£ the form wan wntclilm: a row chew- ing hfli' c.ufl. Largo Bamboo Rakos 1.00 "Pretty linn cow, Hint," imlil her I'sellkefl hrooni to keep Uncln nn be cnnin by. vimr lnim 111 trim. Slur- "Yen," nniil tho girl, "lint diiesn'f II <1>. 21" in i.itllh .... nmn, I'ftnipl^tfi with t^U-ha^lhig ( cost a lot to keep her in chewhur Searo faiuoua "Kvik Kul" lawn inouii- is n smoolli-riinniii(; i|n :\i "ill i-ii.-niii I n Hour n..«~. cnv«r. 1ft 'j iurh(Ti> hi tiitMtitiff, MOWERS Q n gum?" Stool Grass Shoars eaBy-cntting model with umimml ipmlity frulnrcn i\\ Ihin lo« ... lu;..- .1,11x11 I,,-1. . " " Mil thn^t- nnpi,' licjliiii now, Tor trimming IIJ> thn FROM 3.90 price. It's our lowest priced mown, Iml it HIIIIKIH head imil A line (rrr-il

e Thri our JTie hour when a little time spent in reading the advertising in The Register can be made to play a big part in the status of the family savings account....Consistent ad reading gives you first hand information TODAY about the quality and prices of ~ihe purchases you intend making TOMORROW. ' ' \

4 The merchants place their various offers before you each week in order that you may know in advance what the market affords. These advance suggestions, when acted upon, enable the buyer to make the most of every dollar spent....You too, will find that reading the ads will make an aston- ~™ ishing difference in your daily expenses....An hour spent in ad reading is truly~"THE THRIFT HOUR." THE RED BANK REGISTER "A PAPER IN EVERY HOME"


fert... ..<&,. TIED BANK REGISTER; MAY S, , Girl Scouts in '. Elimination Rally ONMOUTH COUNTY'S GREAT MARKET PLACE District 7 of Girl Scouts held their tt elimination rally Saturday, April 20, the Buyer Meets the Seller" , Thirty Words for Twenty-Five Cents (it tlio Leonuriln hlgll Bchool. Them was a largo iittciiilunco ot [Scouts and a great rivalry between tho con- tciitantti, who worn chcercid on by ARTICLES FOR SALE ARTICLES FOR SALE MJSC^LANEOUS. FOR EXCHANGE. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT. IXEXh ESTATE FOR RENT. RE4L ESTATE FOR RENT members ol their troops. SOI) for mile, forty you s old. ojf the I TAKE hHONB I contract nrlduu jnlj IFAHMS for rent, $20 up. <;ioi>e Utnl THIIJTY uric:.,, k'fiod Innd, eevcti-room EHUII/r eerond-hand water pumps. F. rtlflocl Mochcra. I*iniiiici Blvon "n't ~iU"".~wt~~i'r bbente , of lop noill.. In liny iuantitviua. . Will- <'•""<'"" cortlflocl Mochcra. I* B • tJatnte. 2h Last Front *tfe liii'i topuoU; "[>!>!« tree wood, fire- Monmoulh; Troop fi, Atlantic Hlgh- Loin: Hi-.-inc-li 2SI.G-J. ; ulaco IcfttiKtlm. MUUlliittivtn Htock Fiirtn. 1 i' OI(~IIKNT,"'iil.-:'-riiom In,inc., »iunn h'_t" my p.lr.ci-nultiililn for icjliiiiiln ^-l-airb.nk.-i ; Ideal lociifion. I'ornpi Kcni:> IIV(MH,I. .•,',,,i lamlit; Trnop 37, Highlands; Troop tuar Byatoma tmtttilled. Wa ui>o<;ialii8 in nil lintuG v'cincnU: (,'ai^-t: m-.-cr «C(KIO|! Thumfts S. Hold, phone Ml, Hed Hnnk._ biltif-rnlov.-ti. Mohtly fci.roct ', SyrniTinre avenue. Call or phoiir ^:>,'i7-\V 1 > [Hi liuii'.Tiil(j\v, t\:t ruoinii, over/ tf. Willow dt.'fel, phono He,I Hank 168.J. 36, Scabrl.?hl. PJCDKiltklCb Vmootli"*fox torrlcr""mippUiii puniu i-L-pulrltiK. ItcHldcnco. Mld.llotwwn. ior nr 1 Hod Hank, Hlghlm-iilo won first plncc, Now plieec. Jay Ii. .iiiillti. Loco N. J.. i.hono Mldlllotown 05. Plumblnj. nnpr.ivi-uu.nt; Kartijje; open lire- lulzc wlnnlnn atniin; lit tern reslnta-ed tliiB r.nd tlnnlnl. Fred O. Hcirtt. STOn_"'to*' fctTToot 'oVUrtmri" Hti7eir "N»V 1'itsil I•>!-lit.Ion, rorner Kuir Haven REAL ESTATE 2-OR SALE Monmouth second and Kcannburg with tho Amoriottn Kennel Clubj priced a East Front iitreca, formeily ••'\ Mcf'artf i- nvpnue. Keuson I'ijjtHujinblft, Apply Sydney Caddli-k, Mnn- AUTOMOBILES. I BUY and toll eeennd-hand clothes; inuat ROOMS FOR RENT. hy KaUky'i niloo Bloro for soo.l man v i Art''» Mr». Wilknu. phono 26o7-W. ReJ third. mouth loml, Oaklmrfit, 1^. J., (oypocltc bo In Kood condition. U Kcr-bcr, 2«i* TWELVE-BOOM I,. •1 Ilnnk, Jot (JRAI1AM-PAI<;K and r«eilc*s BDIVICQ ROOM, tt.nn. I Inn yearn. Int|iilr« A. T. Dorem.n. <-! I'crk- '""'".._ • _ fr. Tho winners of first place In each American Store). _' _ rcynbury avonue, Hod Bonk. Phono h iitui iiflrlu- tilnionlzinc, miPI'lten. st.ur- hine: ci.i.iioi iihc'l: in"[,,ivi,t I ll »J_!L< , II0USB llUNTIN'liT It «o, lel 1110 uclu $1,900. (I. Howiii-rl M event will compel B In tho finals nt o you. I hav«; maay Ij^ttn^s of boiiBea for ' M Mini' rlacB wood for unle; price S11 iior cord. EBC. Fred IT. VunDurn, 7 7 Monmouth hoo|; aho faracc. R. 1 FOUK-KOOM houto in Fa Havp.n; mouth P_tretit, plioiiii Kerj' hnnk Long Brunch. May 13. Those win- Htrcnt, Red Ilnnh. pljnnaJ'JJi-_____^_ ^ nt reuuafiublo rateH; all modern lir.-in'h ntic. Red j rc(!'irc«l to lliO; »1! hnin-ovcnifnf rent .,1 Itud Bank and vicinity. Rcanon- Fred Man, phono Mulawan_ MH2. Improvementa; liot nnd culd luunlng olilc lcrt-lil". W Nv. T. 1'arkor. 64-56 Uroad OCEAfT fltON'T " li.m,.; n,ii,i kr- iy " uir- Wfi. h uxv] Bonk. Pi. I'),,-,. • bu' s linplino; ; newlnewly y decornUiddecorated. . IiiqiiiInquir: e Own- I "" ""''": ., ; '-. l'»r««r. 6<-»» "road ning (lrnt nn'l neconii places In thoAI'PIJE WOOh, otove anil furnaco ionirthn, UHter; centinl location. Hudiinn Ilocmc, l; nl-'ihed:t'-n vaonvi, thrco liiiMi?, I.-UHNI_1FI. , ,„, for icnt on .h.rK^ »•_ 12. Oak. pl.ee, K,,ir_ll«, n. I » '" • «-»' "f- *™ *™- ...... events arc IIB follows: 55,00 per hulf cord; ami, toi-sotl, (IM bmly. ceulur l;; o-ond nu;,-hanl<-»l on levtnuo. uliono "c.l Hnnk , rri;08 rlaht. Clnudo C. WrlKht, Llttlo Sil- MONEV wanted as loan on cholro t 1 .,pilrn: utrcct. mnn, Eliziihelh Holicrts, Franco Kelly, ~0:-.:!<) Btucro "arrifTO; ei^lit. nnci; :s.Mi i '" ; • ver, phono Red punk^UQS-jf. Sumltiy. Chnrlea Grnnt. Everett, N, J.* FOR"I; \...']\ f V11 1 Uf-<\~, "t > I'Diiini'cVi' Jit,500. Kay M. .Srillmnn. Yf Ii, U .nc, 12 Oat Int nt. .Shroufihiiry; free ncul clear HlOiU. ' I',. '." : i ™ fiontnirii mi I.nurel nviinif. fiv.- mit i uir( lihono UK. p^ )1;LUXIT ^JillAN in 111101:1.10111101."; "litinlt;- • i iiif- ; four i u |1 ' Kni'ita? -nd, Troop :. 7-~Hllzalielh An- DHY O'AK " ' fium ntiile hltlliwfiy, fi/tetn rniiiutes Ir ..Lien. 1 ..;. of aJ! ciicumlfj inicGN. AdtUoBtt Shrcws- li >» >.• ! '-•< '!f ' '- wood" in atov'o anU fircpJoro bnkor Klldil I micrlflro for ciutck dale. tunilr-if i.irln-ii; ;11 iujj),'(,!. c- AN ATTHACTIVE ho[iio""«r"tlvo'Vimmi" ijjrewi, Alnm llnrnott. Cciicvlcvo l'urkcr, Ili-il llnnli : 1'iilivi'nlclit ti. nil fl,,n«: I of liv in. l,iith. nil im- onitthfl well rotted, iimnuro; top holl. Von nt, 1 c,7 Wcl Fionl httctt^Hcd Hunk.* liili-y Lot, hox Ell, Kcd Uonk. ment!.. Ajipiv Otil.lim d i>t fret. i: <_ruiM!>ti Icn ;i f ,-50.yard flin>h (over ml pimniln.) 'I rnnp IJ. Carnoy, idioimJ-Ontoiitowii^ \M-Z^l* onipt ; ,,, ,|r,i|h] n iHln-.e; niti-''.:o; ni-r locriinii • i;o "l -cjii'li- LOANB —Confidential, SINiiLf ,1(li,Ui "v••il .tiiu chicken hoiiiio. Koay ternia. 3» WaahhiK- 17, 1st— Mnry Wilson 2nd. Troop s, Mnr- FntEWOblVrSfl.li'o per load"; "lociiiirpoBlfl low mlliMico; 11 perfect lilltoinnblle. Kcll li~iirVi Or (or nnlc. Am.ly Mm. Unify. 30.1 L.1 hum; ;i:icj imu-'lilv ' .Iiihu H. Ciiolt, Jr., ourtcou __rvico: no yndurtenicoi. I; ch'iiiT' ' I,M'i'it jon; ll'-O \!i ton_ Btrect. _U,irnnrni. loli llolclln. , . . . nnd lumber for ealo. Cimtoin uawlny •ly tradei for llirht sciliin. IJobhinn. 1*)1 nicn)/ r,5th_ntr(:cl. NfW _York_ City. "I plume licl Brink j'.i'J-M. 'linnil street. Hci !!njil,.^ pnymcntd minced. Federal Acpepla Call nt -h n von HI? . II SA LK "O TC tillNTi'' 1 innun"\7iw~ t~Uon"RpjO'• 50-yeird dash tunili'i- Bel poundul I«t. done. ChnrlpB G, iiennett, Mlddtatown Co.. filo L'lccttic building. Asliury Pnrlc. nimsffYoV Vent. "71 vvoiinro "»'i7™;r \ .,V . BARiiA IN : Foiii-U.ii "iii-ri!ii~rxr.'cl"lcnt Irurk R OKI)^ lll'.!9~phnoton. c:;ceplionnl~oppor- flunk li.ii:h *r|ini ii. or [.ho"ne t;i.j-J, furnJ.fhcJ or nnfurnln.ieii ; fn'ir ioatr>*, "Troop 37—Dorothy ltnrnn; 2nd, 'lroop n, N. J., _phono_70, __' Ope ninnc; 7 :^ to !t:00. a block from jlnniil strcel. nil inn ro lniii|;.iv,ciil burn :encl liiiciscj: (or rent, by tunity: ?4r,. l'hono Red Hank 31'niti. phone ; Frlicillit Anilrcwii. I'jOKINtiKSK doca for naie. fai-m mined; OLD <;OLD—Wo i»ny tftHh for your nlrt Miss Nclllo K11I1I. ;:,2li N. \V, :;. wondorful I'omptiny for lonely iiernu»iB, ivp. Miinni. FI01I1I11. iiliici.~.,i, 4.10-yard releiy Hinder SO pounds) one cold jewelry, walthoH, tcolh, ctr, itous- fo nluo for rliHdicn; it a roasoimblu luiro. lll 0 6 1 H eti Rf!(l tram ontcrnl, Troon 37— Dorothy Ilc.ll, FARM PRODUCE i ?''.__ ^'I'" . "' t> tiank. Be ori N J Coyio'e Kcnnole, Nutawftinii rond, ubono ... w.u.HKi ..venue, llul 1 lMln|,n|<)W_ f[V(, roonl,r „„ in]|M r,vcm,,,ll... «l>M:ejtlM hi ylorenco Hull. I'lmencn Sunn, Dnrmliy fl'A.,T,.,,rv»w,hTirl " '- - - Bed Bunk 10U8-M. IliiKU inurhcc. FCiidlt miiiilU'R In Kalioii. ' rum 1-Ji.'J "r 1TNI-: loration 1 :, Kuii'nlne broad jump lover R0 lii'uiicl'i > DAIRY HAY—Choice second cutting olfal- nnd of thp heist ingredients. _5 ccrU n IIAIJCY KQUIPMENT. conn, nalin. linttlei. liivpr I'tiiza, Hnil Jiiinl: : p oiiih. I.. Il'i-Aanl Lip- ehore hiirhwny; jimt the Rimt. fur limrh- lnt, Trcioe) Hi Jennie Mnrc Anthony Hint, fei mill clover mixed huy. Kco thin liny jar—unouifli fur ono pdum) of m.uKhetli. COMrnKTAl I.I, 100m in private, niiim-min :-tietton ; .12.111)11 j t.crmil ill ill Ilijeil. Trnoy 111, llcle.i Tliwh. ' RGiiQintor, ntnnchlonu, r.tc.; very iTonoti- find Ket our prlco. Hanccj & Onvb. phono .1. Miller. . I'liicili. .".I M 'Hh ettect. 'plt'ine ' I'cd On BHIR nt L. Pnito &, CO.'B, Front atrccl, Ajina F. Dietr.. .11 WIILOII rnncl. Miilnvvnii,* nblo. No further turn for emuo. K. V. Itcd liniili 10:1. _' home (,,' i-intlfin:.ii; bicakfm.t mi'l Rlllinlni: broie.l jump |> 37, Aln-ii llnmctt; 2ml, T mop "fowl lor 1II11111M il cli'-iiid ; near l,,i»inc.-:a M'c- pro vpnicntH ; imruriij very rcil^nnuMf It I DANisTA, K AUTO LOAMS, money loaned on miUnrto- [ 01 ;!t If., Zclinii. Thome. WOODfor lilllo. Ico lend eoiel; ?iirnnce, Itoo of 1!, •] ll;,nl.. rcivenient fa •id iiiln. Wllllim. Kunc. Miclillcto vn, iihono hilca for roiiniinrinj:. repairs, etc. ^ Hv« inoin». (li-jilnhnl; ni-rren'l'il lnirrh ; «"n"n Stniidint: bi-oinl jump (nvcr no iinunds, ntovo and llroplaea lonKthn; delivered, 1 rut ])iiicount CorpLtiation, Colon S. Dix- fitlilio.i and Inr- lirn-.s. -i '•• Kivcraido Ward, Forrct;l_nvenuo._ Humsoiu N. J. from J^i to Sin per nionlii; all iiri'l eliii'tii' . iMnntl rityiticnt liowii, rent lev!., Troop ;I7, Jennie Mnrc Anthony: lind, 85.00 per loiidj $10 per corel. PetG Petti, 2S1-.I. ; NOTICE—c;uiLi*anlf««r ulrletly fi-"monihi'v" Initifivcmer '.: i-nr.-'se. Ili-orce ' H. nn iont; peirp r-.oon. c. K. falardeiiu. ,Troon 17, Clnrn An,;!cy. nalo, 35 Wall direct. Rod Bank. Pbcjno, ! ! from Ki,ihnfer"a 'J'onkii y I'arm, for hulo nid utrf-ct, piit»ric Red Hank 447. Ilourti j Also house In HarriR I'iirk and ncvni^l nrrrvn <'••• Miilcllcown. N. J. Klutmllinir, Troop II'. Ut—Lcmiin Pun. !ii'L5l"ll _?X'i!l-:L ; S L'l-.lon it reel, Kcl Hank. nt Miller ynniery, corner rulton nnd Sc-- ;{)<) /V. M-__to_J':0f)^l\ M. in. all inn ; nmnll hrjunc.i. ItitinKon IJUHKBUIW,. £7') ' MODKilN ' iiC'/eii-innm hou^e'"o"nTii^viSei"n (.cirmiin. Elij.-ilicUi Roberta, llonomi Lcnch, BUY your Iinlnt direct from f.-ictciry and I monthly, yearly ICHHC. Thonmn Jurdino, ' N"-T- Etobelli H..berl«: and. Troop 17. ltilth [ iitJvctH, Kcypoii. Wiwlcimic or retftil- NKW~"SPJ!UN(;""" "bawi'maiie ha\p, from if r.eciied. ?inilii:i: rnnd ; partly ful'i.iHhetl: pipnlrr-H Hnvo $1,011 on ovcry million, flood pnlnt, !C_dtilivofy._ I'honc Kcynort r,'iC>, S2.0O up; IIIHO romodolini: (ione. Mrn. j Alston Court, phono lied liniik IC. \ Hantenill, Frances Schumacher, Hazel New- KIOMB or flnt. 00c por Kiillon; Hhliiulo paint hcnt: IHx.THi; mm [inrlor, liarn, fruit man, Kinmii Hynii. VE~(]i5TAHLK' PLANTS," lo'tiuce. "cuh"iini?c! I>ohin!inr,. 22 Wallace Ftroet.. l?rd Hank, - 1,-1!.' KK\V cik'ht-room^houRO, iw«"tikr~li7i'ih™ j T-i-i•|7T7"Tiv7 trcmi Ivvo-c-iic irurnirp. M. I.. Mi iniilt. 712 7t>e. roof paint 60c; nil vnriilnhcii, BhellnrB raulidowcr. broccoli, tninato, pct)iier> ci;n- HO-yiml relny tover 8(1 iinuneln) 1st, KUUNIsiil.il fo nt; rnitaldg with luh and shower, tilt; lavatory, tik. ''ivv-iiw cireene avenue, ilroukiyii, ph'inci I..iifnyetl.o nnd wnll paper nt cut prlcea. Monmoutli iltml, ccfcryt I'fjmalnc, rod and yellow HWCKJL p i •'I nii'l t-\elu«i cution, Troop 17 —Mnry Wllsnli, Uenevlcvc Onl- Paint nnil Vniniiih Woelm. 2 fit Willow WOULD like (n buy one coat or a for li|.|it I M;t[,ie a\'o- kileiirn Ttntl breakfast nook, <". <. ry mo if .-lii(-vvfhu-y 3-M73. intato iil.'iTitn; lniTC *>'" frnpll mjnnlHit*«. ern iiiiiu-tivnincntu; twu-cjir Karnj-'G : p . Elcv- hau». CnUicrlno JlerrMr, Illara Aiircley; nvcitw. Lorn,' Brand), N. J., phone Lonir nuc. _ l'h,me He'll' llnnl, l.iill,,.. fc.ee- m (!. DOUJ-'IHR J'nrkcr, Littlu .Silver, pliouc learn of goat* willt, haincRH nn^vork lioriio for mile. Cnil Atlnntlc nyinir; * 1 -i*« ouch. Fred Uictz, NuL- YOU MLS I' roinfortably fur- hotiso you want it will pay you to in- t'omu.u ' at'' vvith Junci'll li. Me- 102H Sluj ei-iu.l ii'.eniic, Union. to homo on Kiipt Doris l'olmcr- lincl, Troop 17, SItirls .Schu- HlilllJandti, N. J.. 12-l-W. nvnmi^ row}, KcrMlank. KNOW the l]istoiii.Til"V»ol»'« iTi~your com- sert mi advertisement o( your own telling '. P.'linsoii. iilini.e 4 II. Cn, N. .1. munity ; read "from Indtnn Trail lo ,i|,pi O if. S'.tiUihla for macher, Ruth llniitcucU. Vlvinn Complon, BLOCK, nnd furnmro wood. S4.00 a loud; nEFK CATT'L'K nnd * fat" lin s watitcrl' just what you want. Many real estate STII.L.MAN " t'.W.K. KnFniTSvviii kliirillne wood, eight bnsn for ?].oo. K KU:i:lilt; Hnil," by Thomas II. Leonard. Meulii find KEI- owners watch thoso columns for prospec- I''rnnref! Scluiitinrher. Will imy lii;:h c.unh miuifct, \nu-c. Phono iilnKIllnw; I.o.ir^.shion Mny lal ele'-tririt y. Him. tvv,,- liliriicn; lot Tclonhono Kciiimtnire' 7IC-J. William I'r'ii'o ST). I'lioiifl• Atlantic Hifrhlnnda r.r,l-J. iu-.o if ili-i-in-d. •dVH., Jir,! Hank. tive customer". Blitikotbnll throw (over BO pnunclci) — or write. I*, /.lotliln, Kieflmld, phono lid. fiic'liliiec, leteptinii .Hi.^211 ; ?:i..'ii)ci; cany tei An iixi'cllcnt Vivian, Hutlnon avenue, box 3^'J, I'ort Mm. Knight, Kf, Third avenue. Ailmitic HIIi:i> mum uiih li^lnr hoiiiiek cip- 'hit, Troop fi. Marion lloldin: 2IP), Ti-oop lYf) VVHlti'V LHtiHOUN "roontcrn, from 1 \£ 'iliiMim. lintli. BIIOW- 'Pliortunit y to oijtuiu in.i.leietlv HJKlilnnda.* s .uivilorr-, ami i;nrai;u; nil eonv 18, Niinml Frnnk. liinder 811 iiounils) l«l. 2 pounds. AIHH HODRC. fltiek. turkey i fireplace, hot ntor t ; all imp 'lice, oilfl kilrhfn ; CJCMI- lirii-iiii home. II. Ilo'.vaid l.i|i|iin,'iitt, »1 Troop Id, /.nlinn TrTtirne; Iml. Troop 17, i)\.)> fiOLli |jo",]j;))t;~\v'ii] call for vmna find ::ii'l.',ir plncc. Rivei WALLIS i^-2^0~Trnctor. mieifYvvo iicaMiTriil CKHW nrnl ydiinir Kiindorn for nnlo for nts;; breakfilst k, tile! lath,, c; nil Elc Sellcr'H kitchen Moiinioulli _Rl,-e^U_|.liono ir.'l llnl jlaiik. VriHCtlln Andre.wfl. pay thirty icntft per pennyweight «n»l HGiHhtH, uli :i:,:,7, Red Hank. iilao Oliver plow nnd double (Hue liiu- hat chin;: puniOHcs, Coyle'n.^ Nut Swnmp \ery pretty i-hrublioryh : S-lr,. Milton Perk, caliiiiots, Manic flief i;ns range ; hot • IKJUSLi o£ ton routii*. nil iniinoviitncnta: ' atfinillnK liroiid jump (unilcr Hi POIIIKN) rnw, Conover UroH., WIc-KHtunk, phone up in any [imciint. Writ<3 lo IZ. H. HowNICK- ^ Miiii lonil. Kcd Il[ink._jihoi^P_ l^^-^j ____» • i-iv.-.tc family of :i Morhanic street, Red Hank, phone ifi 17. nil,: In supply; wenth- t'4'O-ear ntoiie ljk>c-k eriirai'o. Ajiply C. lat, Troip 37, Alma Hentiett; 2nd, Doiu- Holmdel 0. ard, 131 Hudson uveiuic. Red Bank, phone IWI) ,.(••! RlltllMi near bun; insulate,!, <•< ,per screens; onc- "OIJN"(i Plfrti for unlc. Middlctown iHoc.k IJVIK1G LISTINl; of furnished iind""unfur". Keolor,_6S WfiKhlnl-toli jilrect. Red llanli." Aj Ho'nn. DH." suitable lo t\',O palac . lnrt,'(: pi t. S4_n moiUhly. iiBAN" SPKAY'machlne for SAIC Willlnm 11 nished horneii In Red Dank, Fair Haven, DEER CAUDKM. t'.Ti "ctiilinn," !oiiil»t»' Farm, Tliomas S. Field, phono Ked Hnnk WANTKD, typo_ writer.__, . .portable . wilh moderate. I'IIDIU' Kumson 15.S7-J. Kano, Mlddletowji, phono Jtftl-J, fll. Uuinson. Little Silver. Shrcwaliury. Katon- LITTLE' ' SILVKR—Slx-r, house: all Im- lunrli; wonderful o|.poi t mill >-. 12.-.»J»5: Btandaril keyboard; must, lie in good KOOM {"V* Clwnl tiiVuQU IiGathinK. blork to bus. Inquire at 1 Clay street, in country, on concrete) iqno llolmdol 9. Flfl'i.SH" CitcniKoy cow for HJJIC; ICIVGH daily f 12 until ft P. M. at, 70 Mon-UnequJillud (or cnjuyiriK iiprinv,' find Hum- Fair Haven. 12 Moehnnlc street, jjtcd Bank. try club: llfty.fivo acres: Ward of Asbmy Park, announced plenty ot mill; nmi very Kcmtlc; very n'outli litfeet. On MondnyH. Wedneadnyfl mer in rnidic, h fall hy at mo up here, vi th- SIX-ROOM bimiralovv. nil improvements; U, six rooms, hath, all improve- p J.. \\V . A.. HHopplip m Airency, S , Norway BIH-UCO, ono to two •cnnnnnhio price. Ch^rlca Mlpfialowskt, in four miriulfs" wiAk <>[ Btation. two to ^ho engagnment of thoif youngm- fuel, iiric, two to 'threci feet r.ilc; %vhltfl and Kririayn, between hours of Ji:00 and hot water heat: newly dei'nrnleii. Ijloso ments, ii.-is nnd coal ranuc. tubs, one- Lincien t.lacG. Tied BankBk , nlil 7" Mlddlniowii vllhiKc." f, ;00 P. M., satno as above served to at ores. Full hem yrkiVi lint;- Ample in Hide In Rtation null Hehool; leiuuilillblc rent; liy ear prnrafic. Ab,o U. It. JiallRliXer, Doris Marfo, to Harvey pine, three to lout led 50c, four lo live, pHiOiijijr nvcutmi.t)i\>.t\\i)i-s Moul rciiKnn- Y i.ytlw»ciishore; feeit Otic. Avo foct nnd up Tfis, Hpeclnl A""UMTTKl"ii mimi.f of Wliltu" Ul.'hon needy unemployed for fie, Phone lied Ilio. riv nnd off I,,,,;II.,I Vnndcvoer. 40 Ilr.-uit-h llvcnuc. Ited Bank. omple Dudleys Lculn, non of Mr. anil Mm. ,.1.1^ ....(. . -,i Lyru-iMnvTnI *\ n^^ UnlT)~. l II....IHnnk. . • e Hiit'iiijf, Vurtnti, acreage, coun- prices for ten or more. No ilelivcricn. hutching CKITH from Map ncislcil Ualik -23-LM. ^ ^- LZ "llll— Mill. C.-VanNcBV 20 Lcichton UB, Ktll phone I HIS. _. • __•••-•- _i t.uiti H,- ShvewBtmry elver uml oroiiii Samuel Loulri ot hong Branch at al'liono fj. 11. Conovor. Mlildlotown U.i). ..VL'fiiKo hon 180 io 2H7 OKKH : wnltrht 2\ LET~ME~sIiov7~you~hov,- you can save on KUBNl'siTKIl niriilTw Hank) SIX.KOOM "house." ~KiirnBe~ on hiejhwicy, front iionoca : Hum son road eatatc. lo '28 ounces. J. T. WIIKIU, Chapel Hill your ilutomobilc insurance. Benjamin a brldgc-toa at their homo Hnturdn-y b~AnXlA~llULI3t;, nil llood~vnrlotic»; In- ull iininnvcniL'nt n; nenr busine:,3 centet H()USE for rent, nil improvements; elec- liloek to school nnd bus. on Ivcon- Htato highway business properties. K oiul, Atlantic HUjliliinds. phone Ilcd Hank IL_ Ford, phono 38r,4-J. Rod Hank." arilville afternoon. cludlnlT Jersey Benuty, for Hide, SI a iiirosiiii-nliiil si'rlion.' trie, {{as. furnace, bath room, hot, ;i,,il H. Stltlman, ulionn Entunto.wn 178. WANT£)J.>. Sfi.OOO niortijnj.'o on $10,000 LAUIiE/hi'iuilifiil. ninii'v cold water: ono block from business; sec-lirovement.s : e-ijecorfitod; rent rcason- MOST 'DESIRABLE Rcrticm of Middle The anuounenmnnt was made hyeimhel. Wlllleini_ Knno. Middlctown 2S1-J. nhlii: mncnssl n. A. from 9:00 A. M. to 0:00 lt i 1 W place, near Hudson avencio; Milton Berk, 3 Me- LnkoKido (liinio Knrm, Atlantic township. . M.. in store. 110 First, uvenue, Atlan- -" 7^ ."^^TiT" _-~r_yi ,«•»• Apply aiei'ilonoi', DouKlnn Estnte, hciit: nil i chanic jitrccl.' Red Bank 1CI7.' were in pink and white, tho centor- RESTAURANT flxturon, tnblea nnd chnlrn, Write General Delivery, - lied Bunk, or ic HiEhlnnils, henefit of Preshytorian APARTMENTS^ 1'Avenue of Tvyo River.-, flnmaon.' thaw ennr. reirlHters: tilfio lariro C". V.iihonc Eatuntown 1 flfl-H-2. _.,.. __ _ hh SIX " A"ND SEVEN room Ti^Tai Si^^nr^dKio,, pleco consisting of roac.-i nnd sweet Al'AR'fMKNT for rent, fiirnishocj. Hill ice box. l'nrk Oilrngo, Sealnisht, 300 MILK futtod LoRhoi-n I)miters, two Hank, all improvement!!; $30 Will rent for S7= pe th. peaa In tho form of two hearts. Cor-phono 0 T». erfiido nv Hod Bank, no 1st. Apply MrK. J. .1. 1 to two and a hiilf pouiKlB. J. T. ue Estate. 2 5 East, Tiont Btri;et, Red uilrlc y. f" n..'" ! "ht"ne,t Vo fmijea of sweet peas and pu'dcnlas 1 WANTED, Cadillacs, condition no object; Keptuncj nv Meal, phone C77O-W. FORDSON TRACTOR, Icliiillt; nine, rd- Wrlcht, I'hnppl Hill road. Atlantic HiKh- 1922 up. Also Cnulllnc coupe, 11,2-1 up. TW'O-ROOM piirtment fo rent, fur- Hiink. fireliounc, Th.iinp, in nveinli!, F-ant Kcmut* luiiro. flow and imcil. Try our Heivlce. liuuln, phono Hnil Hank HSUH-M. I hocimi from r.lolic hotel. ;'.,,„ „,..,„. I.cal. wero prcHentnd to each ejufi'it na fav- Arnold Hanson. trtickluK. '.I New street, l 1 1 Conovpr Hroii., "Wlckdtunli, N. J,, phona Adclreiis 36 Kn.t Front j^reet^Kco^Uoiik. | ' ^ "J-N *• 0 * _' Union hotel on ors. Mra. Wnrrt and Mrs. Leuin Sen Hilirhl, N. J., phone Sea llriKht (i'l.^ __ ; FDUK-I!C)UM minVtrncni : bmli. Bim rn,, e. 1 „,, „aih'io °p 1™"° fully TEN ArUES~choit-e "inn'd! Vilroly iotnloc) . HolraJol 0. VVANTE1>. livinu room couch, wink- chair, K 0 Vi^t. l''rnnt Htreet: five sleepinv: iconic, for sielo cheiuf. Apply to W. Cattroll, jiiiinctl, miiiinted hy Mrs. John T. olfi:tritv. Aicolie liL'at*.'!'; ituii- S~r>. Ai>- I nie l!od HnnU incigalmii,' Whnrf two hatVis, ntar titulion and biniitiesn fec- McWiilMiejlv-UEElllNCi treictor, rebuilt. BUSINESS NOTICES. mahoiiany dinini; room set ; food con- !tvrr I t r 1 ! 1 1 |i Brltton, Jr., of Long Branch, Mlsa ply 211 We-L I'Yoiit- BtruGl. phono Hed ortoiioe- l.t. 1 i'l!5. ^I'- _Ll J!;i' _>l5 iJi!lL Jli -'W-i.l_ nltio tlirce-bottoin orchnvd rlow, Con- dition : reasonableMonniuutll. BeincliOl.crhnrd. N,. Jin. s Oct-an 1 Ward's sister, .ver Hroti.. Wlckntienk. ldiono Holmdel n. ESTELLE COMPANY, papor hmiEinv, I Bunk UbO-M. SMALL fiitiiliihed bungalow yf fivo roonia Fh'lri.r Red li'iinl? '";"^^.' • lenvi.-.i..,,,m i , , hot uir hcnt.TTlltll. plain and decorative painting. If you tl Bh N J and bath; hot water heat; all innuove- eather tr urnsoi l"t SOulOil. 1'IIRNITURE—Now nnd UBCd nnclnlnieii AI'AI'.'fMEN'l'H of throo, four, fiv .SIX-1'.OOM li..j i _. I improvtinients. S4 ; .Thoso present wcrci Misses Edith nro lookini: for qunllty nnd scrvico coll must he rcaBonable. Phone Rci! Hunk rnentH; frnrncc. Rea.ionnble; on bu* line. I'rire S4,."i0n ; rent 3!i monthly. Easy ntornne lotti, nil barKninn; new velvnt. Red Hank 11110. Otlico 60 Broad street, w Washington htreeT. Rumfion. InquiiR nt nsr,. Vacanthl April Gall Ked Bank SID. "X Bini:h:\ni avenue, or phono Rumson tenmn. \VV , A. HoiipiiiL,' Aetency, ^i Linden and Dordthy I.o Bow of Bradley ruir, 9x12, SD.7T.; lieRiitifiil overntntTeil llv- thon 2_r> I,Ioun[ atroct. llcil Hank. Kcul Cslale. 2 5 Eliot l'"ront Btrcet. Pl^ce. phone ,137, Red Hank." Beach; Mrs. Georgo L. Green, Mrs. iiie: room niello ?f5, b cdroom piilto S2-1.7fi. WANTED, lawn mower, llorM drawn; per- ,,!: 22:ill-.l. lied Dank. NEWLY decorated "f; vc-room~iMmraiow 710. David Presley, Mrs. Ainsllo Hurrla, Ico bo^on $3 up. lied npriiiKn S2, WestlnK- U~AljTON"*CfliAMfiKRLATN. rontiTiVtur and led condlllo I'lione Pfili. a.ld for rent: furniture is all now; nil im- SIX-ROOMS, nil Improvemontn X unrnirc; hoiiHo electrlB rnnge. Ifko now, coat over builder; jol.liiin: nspccially. 151 South R. 1'. Hoaiilnnd. Uiimimn, N._.I.^ proveniemn; Kfiiace. ^."i per month. '2.1 nn fine residential street; conveniently Miss Ellzabolh Jackfton, Mra. Wcn-SHOO, mnko nn otTer; Kntamaxoo oil ntovc sfreet. Hod Hank, phono :!J.h4. tied. River l'laz;,. Aiinly-nt 1J) liK-ated; newly liaintcil. Pri ny C. Plotz, Mrs. W. Maurice Earlc, rnm;o with oven, bilrnn kuroseno, Hko I10M'. ""hoii'mi locatoil 'in Red iinnk. Knl.ili Urn. •Willlnm H. Riddle, Mra. Sydney Illinilrcdci of odd plcccn. Atlantic Fiirni- TIHES.'-tube.. Span nro... 121 Weil •VVntcrbniy. HIT Monnimith Htrcel, pho Nolderhoffor and Mrs. Nathan turo Wnrchoune. 35 lMonmouth ntteot, Red Front street, Kcd Bank. Tiiefi vn(J ., Red Bank 3500. 'fanonbnum, all of Long Branch; Ilnnk. f> conized, eluht-hour service. Open un- SAVK STi'n on your imtoinntilip in NttED CASH j Aiust fielj rccrimllcK* of til B:(lu p. M." Open all ilay Sumlnys. 8ee IloiijnmiN II. Furil. 172 Riv. Mm. Elliott It. Bralnartl of Occun- FneulcihiiiEti for homci, utoron. Red Hank, phono :if>f>'l-J " re a: Autr. tops, plip coverii and upholstery. 1 ateu; rent intifc. Hun tea port, tho Mlsnca Dorothy Hancock, „ nnd liotolH; hrlc-a-limc, painticik's. 'III. plili'C. Fllil Hnv liihtruineiiti), nntlfiuen, etc. Auction Dorothy and Virginia Corrlgan, nutli ROOMS, hi til, ll It ttii- heiit; (; )O( ln- Room_H,_^.^J^iiRt Vi£nt_»trcot^Jtod_l^.nkj^ STAHwTndoiv Cleani iTC"- Ceorio EMPLOYMENT. I'll YOUNIi niarried mnn w tion on select stl i:el. ; convon . to Wallonburff, Lillian Herman, Lucille /ALlCA.S.Iiriilrjom for Mother'a day, 7 5c. niiKcr. li Whnrf Rd B s.'ll.l il : ?32 n Ln jici'ieiieed mechnnlc, drivor,u Bervlcu ntn- l-'innK B. .Ilior huililioss; eithl ni-rca rich Inml (nr SI.0(1 and ?1.B(I each. Kvorffreen trecn 1 111 Mnninouth •••ireet Lynch, Catherine), Elizabeth and Julia tldn nttcmknt and bont pilot. Known In- furnished; electric refrigerator inn! K.in 7:ts-\V. May Hapwrll. 1\e\l Hunk. »n!o al h'm Biicrilicc: will minii-Jri- renting Blcult, all of Newark; Mrs. Georgo rifle up. X00 vnriotloB. Soina film specl- j. 0. KSCHKLiiACH '&. RON. 12T. Went crl nnd New York watorn well. Cull at mi; KKNT. fu nishe 1. Bcvcn-ionm IK use. menn. novpn to eight feot, at S2.00 encli. rnnros. Atlnntlc. IIU'hl.-imh.'Niitlonal hank uii'V it()(|M "l.,;.,,-" fi,i~T.",",'i"".'i ...m,"" l-,,^" lo rii,'ht rmty. Aptdy tr> William Covert. Front iilrcet. Hed Bunk. !>hono 127B. 133 Monmouth ntrect. jled lliink. tu o Imths. n P rat Monmonth road. Eiitontown, N. J., next Francis of Maplowood; Mra O. ENolnon'. n Nuriicry, ImlayBtown [itiitlon, N. Autii ui't-cHiiorioa and viik-itnUiiiK. l.nilcliiiK. AtM.ly llenvicll ABiincy,- phono ""X,,.tl liil, , ,if,ou/.i ' '"' '" , .'' " 1 ini ovementn; AtlnntlcHi.hlnmli, 1 in. ^ '^^ '^ J '•^"klt"!^ M wo rnblutea nun illicti. posst ssior, I'honn 439-J, lied Fox ot East Orange; Mra. IJCO J. FAUM HANTS' "ol nil naVionalitien suii^ p In nl .'"J'.JU"J«!_I'j»"J>i. UPIU)l,STERlN(r"nn(l~reflninhir,g""of ~njl pliod. Kindly ctill or write In S. Her-I'Ol! KENT, fo .. feve electric fixture xvitli ci-ynliil lllruiicl •Mllnn, ten 77 -—: REAf7HI>'MKTT.leaf im-VTion, [even I.KHOT, Grcenebaum of Short Hills; Misa N>;\v hlmln oi furniture. Ki-jink Jlovvanl, r..-i irer Knicloyitient A;:cncy, 117 Wosl. ^ticet. mi null's fnim FOR REN'I', toi lljor n ,1" .lottomn; rciel lniriialn; can lie imc.l in TliinjHon nvnnnr, Kcd Bniik^ phono ^11. liruly ilcvfiiutcil; nrrvo fiiilew/ilk nnd ntreet; two balhs. RIIII pnrrh, KiimitG ntlncheil; Graco McLnughlin of Now BitinB- Now York City, phone llurc.lny ~,.W11. nl 1.1 Hivi-rsido ro nn IIUIK; love; ntt improv en UltB nny lino of l)UHlncnn. Apply Trunk Chpro .'Uiieln nn.l fruit an,f Kh.olo t,ec cornel' iiionerly: ti n il t I..- owner; S I 1,011 n, •wlck; Mrs. Lnfaycttr. Davidson, Mm. ivldow nvni'u" K«" il'iink.'p 1 lir.-M. iiio of Cnil NuKcl.JSelforll. N. J. Char Ion 11 ic like . 507 West Front itrcct. easy terms. ,w. A. llo,ipini; Auoncy, « bnilier shop, Middlctown, N. J,. npiiotiiln yo in; River riil7.ll, N. J. M. Frlcdlander and Miso Roselio enp. Jne linker, 2 30 Mechanic street, AI'ARTMENT for" rent, f' PARTLY ""ri " I Linden rlnc,-. lie.l_ Bank, jiliono 3»7.- ollico of N. .1. Stnta police. Route No. :)5.* phono Ited _Hank 2 30P.___ | sTT Lculn of Now York City; Mis. Har-fibwiiOATS of nil dies ncilef nt lowest euro of invnlid. (Inn drive oiitsidii) and bnth ; In :il t'i.1 Rive rond, Kumson; garni:c; thi KNC EI'TIO.N'AI. ,Y li. h(jmo. in F •ood OlV SALE, 'vacant lot. Mid.lletown ["tli per month. Land fi Loan I rl. 1 c-ii-ll.. l ipi o v o - • priccn. Hcnt. of ninterinln. RohertR'B CENrtfAI." TRUCKIM(i -nt a rciiMtnnhln ii«h references. Sloop m- The n [ Er|; P: 1 moikrii ii feet bv Run foot, nn old cement hUh- old MontroEtt of Valley Stream, Long prirc; top anil, 5 2.50 per loatl; fill dirU [ Jiaiik 13117. ii- street,_Reil Bank. ; ; tn,, ,.;;i Jj --i, hnt wut i c ;i t •ny; ?;,'Pi. Alston Ileokii!!])], JI! toniey, l!ont Works. 37 Third atrcet, RiiniMin.' l — |,;is:-os .four. Rent ic.iiionnl,!, crnvel nnd cinilent: nUo privet, ftvo nmP. vnnvr""" ( in"t"~"\voi",r,'i HI n"~tV.miiir.ii ~r,V oil l.i:n.c: ];i i :•< Island, and Miss Mary Rilry of Bay- YI nfoi'tn'lily~fu Mr. Mclln-.h. «r. l.nfnycltc :tr i! '. i Red Hnnk. WATEU LILY roots; hnvo abnut twelve »jx yen,, olil. $2.60 ,,Cr :lu,n,lrc,l. Oil Red' ^kco;:* VrS!,,: 'enre 'oT cSill, oni i,r.: np;u tmcM'.l. nil ontfi.le luuin;; In- | JIOL1SI; for lent, five roomN. nil Improve- •cited l.y ll -.. f>irnl:,li(!,| onnc. ll k !ir J root ii lo noli; 81.0 6 rev rnnt: Mni'linc "" '"' - . rlionr Fort, Hnncock lr.2. "cxtcnulon 6r.. ente.l eln^e lu Inir-ioe-i eenteji and >,l.*o! ment^; li;,n,ly locution, on ^o.ilh lt,n,i>l fill IT •o!" So"; li'll! lent. li. 31 Cromntella (yellow), MarlUc Cnrnen NURSERYMAN nnil Iniiil apitit: hy Mm. A. Mntchctt. l'.i. n .-.oca tt. lai's-e porch, v.enlher striini. two bath'; Miss Ward nticniled nenedlctine - Ro.i Hunk academy at Elizabeth and was grad- (plnli). Olnclvtono (wh(to). K. K. C>mk- (•ll<-f!|-fu||.v WHITE""wOMAN'wIuhcB clay'n work'TiTiio." IK-.-II, nmi hot iv.-ilcr ••unliii'iuuel.v. I'de- reiit. J'h.i He. two-ear i;iuni;c; ?I;',r,.'H. Tcimi nr- lin, NutBwnmp rond. Rod I'nnk, or telc- 'ii. Theoiloro O. Rose, 162 Fiiickncy or would tin Innnclry In or out. Call nt 1!1 VKR iKht roonlK, all I lanced. \V. A. llopplm; Anciiry. S Mn- hnc 1318-M-l. Red Bank." rl. Red Hnnk. l'hono 229-M. HVl'-TlHilIM liiiiiKli under Ymr.triM'-' . FIM'M' uated from ' Nazareth School for 1176 Mci-hnnlc stroct. niter 5:00 P. M..'n!Klff:-K6(.rM JTiVa7l^cuU~~Bl"eaT!i hniicd, , il improvements: two ncre i-ni'iiao: (nr- Id™ |.hii;o._I!cil_Hienle_. flume _;p.'7.' Glrla, Nazareth, Kentucky, In 1030DESK. S for icnlo, ono larco flat top; two rlinno Rcil Il»nk 1274.• hath; all jni[irovomenl3: \;i:\:v nioimi. " inonlhly. Will sell for Jl.i.'l" S::r.n. Rolston ] J.'IVE ACRES Ini'pi-nve'il. (,iilfnbTc"rie™iiTp- medium, ono flnt top, ono roll top ; wal- utlrtna hy Mrs. llannn Mn Pnttc Plover Apartments, comer Wielliiri- and -h. linlanec on mortrnsre. Te;in. Mon i strcel, phone; mei.t; id.-al locution, live inin.ile:) Red On tho paternal Hide, Mini Ward la .'WO younv. i:iilB want walk an KetiQ Red F-.-.i nut. l)ool(cnno, nmnll Icebox, nil pood con- moiliiitc. Jluttoil.i nilule Wnllni hinifieivvoiker:! hy the week or du Ki'jiii.ji'strocts Phone 'JIM'.'.. KedJ|nnJ,^ ile.M.ii IMIIIO. Monniolith load. We.- ! Ilnnk. lilnek (loin hiirhway. t.u. nnd a direct descendant of Robert Treat, dition; very roimonnMc. Kiln Hnllocl,. utront.Jic.l Illllili.Jihniin WT^V.'. .ink: vvilliiiL: lo work: licut (if refere f'V !•:. .i.i- VJ;I;Y".- iii.w >.„,,,, l.im.rnlow. in t s.-.'iools; f'J."."'. Anim F. Dieti, al Wll- r T\VI> cpnrnte np.-ul ment:'. founder of Newark.. } Ufi Hrnncli nvonne, phone Red Hunk LAWN MC)WERS™'llli'nrnTre"l"n^i711icrT c7rt Lilllo liv,. mom., l.atli, all im- , son innd. Mntiiwiiii.- Call II Chore •t, Shrewsbury. II pLrehe,,; CIMIIIIII: live Fine lU'SE on Soul), street, KIP II. nil less i-liiiriiener. wl.ich niitnnintii'nlly Wilso litlotn; ;i'.ll)7." I i lloiMl; fi.ni- and live • ; K*1- emi'iili; KiUiue; Milt.,,, llerljl M.cl,,,,- niKAiriinilduiK .It er abouri"wen I V^ci Mr. Leuin was graduated from tho '.'lili 111 I>1 1! 1 LARliK cnrrlnRo nnd piny pen In very irrlndp Hie. lihules of your movver to just icii^cnnld... It p>>> InnK. ! section Kent reiL-ciniihli-. ln.|uir. at I..1 • ". '"..L"J. -' chidce fu; in liir.d; olcvation, fine Inrn- University of Pennsylvania In 1925, the priii.cr licv.'l, thus ni-Miiiiu; a lierfrct Bond condition. Cull Rod Jinnk 37 22-W is collector or t doli. Oi\ ', I Allen plai-c. phnnc. •• Hed South streeet, Ealonlowii. o - phone :ii!. ino.hin .i^lil-room tloii; brook; r.oni- state hiirhwny, larerrt and from Yalo Law Hchool In 1030fo. r inforenntron.^ ; fiilliiiK job. Your mower nil! run like IJ.'il l.e.ii'....in., on,. l .tii; hot loud finntitue. Bnrxiiin at ^inri per acra, • work. Cnn j:i\G *ocuri KENT 1 l: Ho la a member of Tan Dflta Phi FURNITURE, ton-pleco dlnltiE room suite. nil ntny nhurn lonner them when AT ::i',r~MIl(JAir' S'l'IlEEl' etiitn'i'iii'd hy nnothiH- method. I'IICO. A-l referenep; modornto falnrv. Ail- I In ec-I I'.lncalo. '•-. for sale or re In i-'ood conilltion; whito oak Ico linx •(.cm npniiineiit. i mnll l.i : national fraternity and wnn tho bun- f I .cue. Mori |;,.|,,,ir sho|.. l-'oswrmil l'nrk. .1. V. I!.. hiix_nl_l, Re.ljinnk.^ ,r. Paeker. phone "'i-. : ea 1 1 nml other furniture. Apply 22H River j '' i""Ve'.iM'i,.s";'"huildin ""',,nd' "loun""fo ™" 'inenn manager of tho Ynlo Law Jour- Little. Silver, plion lic.l Ilnnli =3.'.. I'mmpt i'Osi'riON vMinted nn'rliliil'i' iTuVnc ;~yiiiiiu^ vie I.- l.atli: elei'iii.'ity fcirin [ VEKY nice K street, Red Ilnnk.• .ilow. "ill. b-nli; i:.'irii!.-e; rlo.iine; = 1.7ciii.iln. [...I .-,i|.\;pin; livo-r«r nal. Mr. Lcllli) wa.'i formerly aHHO- itervicp. wnrl. loll.' tl relillble ivomail wniild like to rn.e fori';.:i.-c- lensounhle. Ml Wil.lJA'M V. lill'. "lilull child; .nn rumUl inferenre. A.l- Ph..ne lfei! llnnl. i',l-W. 1 side. ' I:i,l ' ' children, ilhnut iliiinKe mid ..tnl.ln. Can l,n linnnrcd pe tin luiildini: anil lonn. 'J. Ho ,clatcd with the lnw firm of McCnr- for Rale; perfectly markod toy. truo t Ire-si; Child's Nurse, bos Ml. Red Rink.- TIIKKE-lMlilM "miaVimeiit." nth. nch tin Inn nmi lli'iiim: riniiiw nnil wiiiduillln Mo Hh mil l.lpplne lit. 3! Monmouth fltreet. Hrd t y[io In every wny; ono year old. Phone •.infill,iislie.1 in exrlnivc hood ier & English at Newark, nnd Is now ri'l'itiicd. Areiit for Master carburetor I1OUSEKEF.PER wislie-i pn'ilion ln""cl.ler-" -'IVK-UilllM l, nil in Hank, phone a.'l. lied Ilnnk 87B-W._" nf IIcil Bank: lienl. hoi w and s riesooclated with Loatnr C. Leonard at Ini: ileivic, ly I'liiiiile'ic. business cio,ple'» or wi.lovv- .rt Pi i'k, Mi'i'll,- OAK coimtor for nalo. 25 Wnvorly plncc, LcliilHon livoniie. llcdjiunk. I'lionoJJilll. oi'n home;'[mod cook nnd inannper ; i-tnnll elect i icily supplied; oiie-cnr nt W lie V. O. box Rod Bank. Ho linn been pnlloo rn- res-,iII]i11lo rent to the r'nihi .\nnc Reid llmiU. idlulio 4IH-J." H; hoMp wii,.es. Addreia P. H. \V.. box 111, Red ;i'.'.i". Red Hi. oordcr of Went Long Branch for tlio UtN l, chnii^ riincir, I..a .'. Iloynlon. :; Hniiiimo for unlo; 100 pound ftIr e fiirniturc iinilrcil mi retinl.-hcil • Dm,I,. ' ISKVFN iiOl With; ein parit, threio yearn. pyiyi good condition. Phono 2:140-11, n.lu-.l nmi h lnilri W. T . VVIllVVIllii.nnii . COlJl'T.i; wniilcil for inlvnlo estate; iTTTn^ Hod Hank. ini. |>lii liril ll[|nll IM'.I. dyninn nnd Iniinilrcsn, useful miild. A|i- FllirilEN'r'Tiirr.iM'.eTiv'iTl": hot ale, he'al.r ply at .nice. Rod l!nu k Kmnl,..nil..,I Sll'f f.ii'ni-h'i'il and'hiiiic'd: nil llkn now ; blurk and whito poicclnin, Al Ai;enc.'. "I Monnioulh street, plione Ked ill!' l.i lent; i.eaot ill In i..e, MONEY 'I'll LOAN nn flint tioncl nnd Al-., laicn tniiu',. PI'.,,, so four elliilllB room clinlrn; very ie:imnn llnnl. :l'.'l. _ ' in IN d Hank ; 'i lu i',-.' onoiih. F- ;,,;! I; . niorliinitr. Apiilicntimn Kivrn im- !•' i-.M. WANT ADVERTISEMENTS. ablo, R. Mnyer, llurllnetton and Uoop nve- \V11.1, i:i ve'lVi,mi"iu,ni'.MV"n"7ic'tmTiViiniiId,% l.a"i".. Hi'. M1111111..11U1 sli.'tt. licil Han!. niic. Lconnrdo, N, .T. niodlnto nllciitioii. Ilnivl.inj Ilrolb- A1A l: TMICNT "lor i.-ul. ic ' i I.I CI LK, SII.VCK WIST I1..11..V" o'vei I. "i.- ' I., i-aily " lio is w illiu.' t>. »ST AND Tl'iACTOIt (or Jnlo. McCorndok mid Dccr- erp, rcul tTtntii nnrl In.iirance, III ennni;e for 'household duties in ' a i.iniu'l : • 11..' . ivei ; si.t I'Mlllii, In.I w mo r lira' :,..' ..id nr.'ini ..... Aril- 1 init model lfi-UO; excellent comlltlon. Mnnmcmlh r.ln'01. Ited Ilnnk. IIIIIIS.I. rb.iii,. lic.l Ilnnk .-3I12.M. el... Iii 1 I'ln.'e. Kent 1 c:r..m:.l.le. \i .. ^ Ills..'. Ked_B:il.l.. ; *.y ivJio fount! jiurBn Itint in Af-Ociiiiinl Hupply Company, 17(1 Moiiinoijth SINCLlf me.ei wauled" hy" month "to"~lp . . ,„,•,.... oilier ho.j.ei nnd Miuirl men Is :' fl . riictiSi! ntoia on Uroml i trcct ntteot, Red Utink. SH/Ud'ENfNYf lHirsirtlipi'iM ':•, "Ti"iu'l'f MlnTv-~ filriiiini;; also milkinv:; must he •:.'il,.| H|.. l!ol'.t,,n Wnleiionj, |.,7 Moll- ; "7*1 y. A pill "'-> botwcmi tli roo nnd WII.COX &""(;inHS"TiiwlnK machine, ex- em, tui\vi> anil nil nhurp ciij.e 11nils • sober, ho ill willici; work. Fled in' h'Jd'for li,.''i'si'ke'."l'ini , • : 111..ntli .tri'i'l. phone Kcd Bunk ];,.•.I. I frk. tiiiilnlnliiK iwu $10 blll» nmi You Can Depend on Them. cellent, condition'. thieo-c heoken ni»tiiii;». liiuiirn vvi lili'il ; nil kinds ;iihler, Holiiulcl, 1!, F. U. Ken.. il. N. FliltNISIIF.il liimV-uleiw ~ for the tenon:; four 51 ltill» [>1CHHO return un u stnnili $2ri fcil* i|illck flnlo. Phono Rod Iron work clone. Pimm! 7!i:i..I-l, llcil ! lUc 10,11111. I.sib. fi'iiiiilieiie; nil in,id. in h l , lll.mllyl ? AtlA - 1 to owner, wh Ilmili .77O4.' Ilnnk. II. A. Illi-kcy, Hvriott, N. .7. LAUNDRY ivnnlcd" to do hTiiome or ilii". :nM';nveniciitH ; uue-car r.;'ini:e. F..';i.itil ul ' 1.1., Jin) Hank.* Fnt quick iir.d onUsfactory rcpults you c;m dopnnrt drawg W. V. W., J itOAlTKTA'ND nnd .sciivlco illation" com- 0-O Jn k. llatlio Jone.'i, ;ina Khieusbi, . .hill loi'. .citinc ry location; 11 limit ..ne fini li A l'.\ I;TMENT 1 11 hull' mile'. 111,111 K'cd fC'inL. It. ul ir..-- LOST from car Ixstwecn ftncl linn); nnil lilne-d tin- snlo: fully e'eiulpnml, ,,r will IIK'IU bloelin; nisi, Nmtliwesti'ill i-rnno (iveiiue. Retl Ilnnk, plu 33BH-M.- i leather tor innt. IVIT IHl'urili-. :'.t:. Shreivrbiiry ami nprii I'si 1 <....;. 1.1c. Ci. llonaid 1 .i |. pin <-• >; t. ' ! ^011. nn n.rjriMor Cl'issKlod Advrrti.'M" mont a, HunUrods of Long llmntti, h K mill u.iuh.rm-iil Kipm nlo. IIII-III.IIUK N'ntl POS 1T1DNS wiinl.id for Ill-ill.rlnu ihuno,.: , , booook crmmiiilnt: jr, nveutit'. lied limit., iihimo lf.ua. fn 111 1, si-eel, phone Hnil llnnl: :,; I . ! nl cai-h leRhtor. lira nil now nil- pump nnil II c hell. liicliidlnf.' ueneinlM, .-ook.i ' ".' |icu|i]o .ivt' aUiactod tu till;- inMnnvlnu^ly prarMrnl nnd monoy. Unlnni to UH) l'nvlllnn TYI'KWRlTF.l! lleniliiuni tc'i i,.'" 'i'yiTewritoS Rent icusi'iiiil'l U Hml Stnr Ronolliio rnntto. Mi». e'liiirlon nut II pies. iliiiiiireurii. i:ni dene, s. , ' ,, ,'•' . HALF of ilouldi. li'iiue. us r 1 •. t.ntln nuo, or <'. CnilitiU. l-'ny rirect, ., Moimieutli nn.l P Cinder, Hnlford. N. J> rented, hoiwlit, raid ntul ropi,|i,.(|. 'I'ru- bull hninberinnld-WiiitreRRe... dnv I i'i • ,;;.:. elt'.'l .icily, "tubs, hot iiic lit-.'it. 1 i.;.l nr your broke:.' .•i'l'timi uf tho p.iper. riAllY CIIHilfS—I'lymouth ltoekii il R. lihl'n. llll Ilronil nlient. Ke,l Ilnnk. •i ke All eeferenei". iiivrstls'iit.'d ' il K-KOOM apiutinenl, LOSiT. nuiirc»'~V:olil wntcle with lonllior I. ltod». UII) onch. Qunllty rhlck.i Hint i'LliMBINirViuf In-alliii! niipidiei";"'Ti7^ Moiinioutli Einidoymeint Ak-oney, Ici7 Mon- " I up:.. I ment, loivnte batil, 01 frnnt I MM I 111 I .ilajole ,'trecl. Uiiin:" will ninkc inocioy for you. Cot n.n.ith Hied, idione He,I llnnl: a'.nn. - , Im iii.hed. Convenient, dc.-ii ill,In In. all..n. 1 II.' .; will ili.'ointe I.. • I' I.- filled wilh pM«ril;ihl*>, npjiovtuniti' .^ and itoinst don plici-o nnd nonnlirn lmmilry on Mar-pick tlinm nut youmolvctit TICIW liieliLilln; |.nlnl. nil nud In I [,'<• n I inr; o|ien LlliHT boi'iMiwoik wiuiled. or liikini- ,-,,,,. ; "" I'd. n, H. d Hi.nl '.' .'i'.i.it.' ; lon direct, ltnwiird. No (|iieistloli!i a.ikod. unrh dnv. Nntlonlil fie. 10o anil $1 .Stoic, Sunday linlil I :liu I'. M. J''.. K. Co.il,>'. sr, nf childi-eii; IMI.,1 iefeii.,,co« i;ive,, il „.. j '.'.'• ll'i'lt KENT, store, nnd ,.K- usim " iii.u ,r '' .1 I'..mk 1.'. 17. '•! mii iv;,| t*) rviM-ylmdy. If you avo. (me of (hn t?w •Molill'iim Kcd Huiil! 7II4-H-I.- ^^ riiono t'linn. IJJ1'"«'! »H«I. Hod llnnb. Cliiirrli iitrerl. Kcaii.],!,,,-, |iln,ni! H2;l. ciulreil. Aililr Kej-poit ]!. 1-'. |1, No | !'-.' . I coinhinid; l,a:h. dowiislnii toilet v ,1. ARTHUR I'!. INlVCi:. i.nliitci-, ddci/iiilo"^ 1 WALNUT oil) ?4'r.o7 I l.lilirel liven...', idl..,,,, KennMmriTj'.!'•.• | ilei. nn. el.-rlricitv; ,.,.|itial loeatii-u; Vhn lini'll'f ln'CdiUt! n [•t'.'nii'i fiiuf U'-i'V of t)i\:< VflJlJ- ntninfr nnd hull- mitttioiin S3, Morrlr, wnll pii|n:r i-sfi-il ; i,pl,.inll,| wockinnn- REAL ESTATE WANTED. !-h, ii-nt. PI 1' Iti'il llnnl. :':.. -c.l:.- . : nllili; li-asoiinldM pi'i'ii. ei.tinuitcs un.l nil-iiOliSECLI':ANIN'''r"vvin.led"bV- "l jie diiv'T.'v ARTICLES FOR SALE. chnlr $1. creou pointed hod . Hi!; BENT. i-\\. 10.1111 house, nil m.i....ic nhlr iiv! r>-(in't]nic;il furm uf MII\ orl i,'inc. ;,l;irl. iu>\v vlcn freo. Vcnir dccoi niinir tn.ubl''* mo I'M.erleiiic.l middle lined white w I.l:' I • IroiiBor nn:, CI WAHIIING MACHINKH-Snlca and >i- lolved by phoiilin; liunii'iin ciliii. Kie»y Co Mis. Cook, ir.'.l KIliL-sky street I'll It. chnlr. with ciishlonii, $2: ouk liulVct Sil. " ' .,'d,i'...l.' ' Al i.ly' 'I! Oiiklnii.l' K 1. 'itccl --; "ii v\\\ hf i"lr.'i!'';in(]y ;\\n \)v\:«'i\ with the rn.'tuH.s. Ire; Muslim. A lift Tlioi. liimr. T: leiilrinliel - (ft. (inii. | I..I".-, I'ln.nc. (•,'.::'.. rlie-iit of ilrnwcrn CI, Ico liox Ja.r.o, III Buy. l.oiut Ili-iuieli. 11 1 tlnfl'K: IC Monnioulh nlicot, phono 7. i ion I;XCIIANI;E. ti In- • fie. i , -'"' -- .- . ... kltchoii clinlrn $!.2ri, window nrreioim; odd ; ; WHITE Weinnii wnn'e.l^.^""moihYrV Jled Iliink. —. ,.„„„, Kimmim,.,-, Tlirlft iNHri(U(rnoN--Aiu1c,M: ; C1K..,I ,,f M,"IS|. "; l.i . M"H'l;l,L IIOU.^K, Hi..och nveii....; 1 _— -.— |||(||lltl)l (],,f rlll|1Ilchlnni . ruii«. St niinliorry Thrift ei-: i-lnen out. llefi-i'i-iu-i' .|uii,'i.. .. Tin1 v liiivi11 proven wnndn fully fiffoot Ivo lit r.eIlinflt a*iTEIN\VAV linil Aeolian plicno-i; ullicr , wllnoii nvcmiii. l'urt Moiitiioulh. osuclt. liintriirllon on violin, liinii.lulln, !i h millnr. iikolili.. M,.,I| tiiltni. 1,1,1,1,1. ,mn- Wllllniil i.licet, l!,!i| Bunk. 1 ,:..',• !:in |.er no.nth. 11,. v I'LI <• 11 .t ' l'...ve. % /limniin llintcii. •.'•"M. liinril mid licrv- . N j Hhoiic. lilniio ilrcni-illiiii. liisti,,m,.|,|r, ,o|d i'tlisll ION Wiiiiteil; e.iiu'i lene.,1 ' io ..i.l,.;. 1 I"". '. lliiiniinon.l |.liiee'. Ited llpnl., s.le-.t.e- (ir-n-'irdiMt fur nit 1110, rent int; unu.u'd vof)ni:j, (Indlnif *u.i. Tuatii.i;',,, m Mc.iii.Kii.il. urooi. itd! ,,.;,„';.A,;,,.-r,>1,1vYn-,7r.niMViii;i,-,;nw •/];;.;: nn.I olli.'e work. .lulii Wnlliiu;. I s ••r.-'. I •m.""- - cnlii; with all nilillnnrnt. ('.. R. \ Ilnnk. iihcnici' 17M. (limif.-.llc1 Iirlp, Inratln;; lom mitfl'"", and iirrfoi nung :i IKII lo e , AT ItllMSON. for i.illillii.',' lei.'.on or yi-er. , PLANT!! nud ticou; linrily pliintn ami I l,;s, 1:12 Ilnv nveniin. Uli.'hlimdH,.N. .1. PAlNTLll' nVi'ii i.niVr""luinu'er I'eiui" UmVi" YtUINt; Ml!I. ill-dicn poaillon a,, rei.ei,! \\ nt. i.irl; l,ulion ' • •' • ' ' -• -- li,i.isewoil.,,r; I,I,M-|I In or out. ;> I'e.ul I,! :-..'!: oi I.1 many nflirr vmihiblr fitrvlrr.n Illoi-i reiiniiiiiihln pile Will lUllier n , 1 ! all . .octn. SI! por inn. Willlnm K. Horn!. I nlii-cl, Hed llnnl..' I'a i.. e-.i-.iiiu: ,rt v;ai ..'mil. llerbul Hlolr., Shic roc,in (or sa.r.u nnd ,u.; idl work eiiimni,' .Dnincll nvfiiiui. lied Ilnnk.• \,|. -,u li In., y Itlvo luh. nenr nlvcirleln drive. 1 li'i'il. I'hiiun '.Mill. KIMI Ilnnk. WII1TF. weinieu M-nnlcd for h,,u«cle.ii.li,,r,' ! nnillH.l-'. jtl;tI "with i.|.lliiir."niici"miu"tic .1.. - . Kv.dlni..:,'. b'.\ Ml, i:. .! B:. llnnl.. pit' LAWN MllWDIt;', i.luu |, d mill "icioili i^d" ICCI bo\, lloldll -III [110111.1 '. TIlO fllioi": \ l.A Ill.V ti nant," tin. .- ini.ill . d. '. •• I.. fulled loi nmi 11.11 ,•, i •• , I :: I houi I,,-. idntc IVIUP, ..sprclo'd'. "A,'|!|I"S1'|:'"K'!"I'OS pUi'iici lor i.icln iciiMolinl.ln. It'. Towel hill I I" (•I I. Ri-d llnnl,.• 1....10 hone, v.ilh I liiip.o'.'elnviil- ... ill, l.nv rent «„,! llnnl, HJV.-. Ic. S.lVlllll ,.lii;(ltly u:rd hi wo 111.. M o I ,1 avenue. Rcl Ilnnk.• _ | 1 l.li'll v of .He.I Bi.nl. : 'ml' ' '"• li. i'"<"i 1 look 111 m. for t.iilo vi'iv ii'iii-oiinlil,., :ii llii.lsnii nve- KKll HANK'.S fice i-liipleyiiienl -IU vi,-,.' „,„ |, .v, fu III C .-oinI.il.ui; d. ..liable lo.alioii IIMI I Owner. 1 •11 pine ICH IKlX.'r.n piuiinl,. "•.'niundlv,"m... "yen" nue. lloil Hen,I;.' I id II,mil,,,., i,,,,d, |,|,,,,,,; i i-.-- i',,,,,, plo emiiiiil liniiiil. mnhiinaliy; f'Mil I, In .'. Addr.--iH 'ken,ml, I... ..II, Ki '• II.ml . „ ', i'. ti :• - \V. olili iiuwly I'niminlcil luidilo nnd out doior'dii- linil eveiy lyp,, of im,. ,|i,.,,|,.,| i.OCK.S,M]T)I nnil e/i.iii'i>il I c'lueiijieir,",.liiirp'.' In..:. ...••..' ilrl|. pi.n. Aln.icliltclv now I uulcl. mil": nny tt'lliiii 111 "l'llnlliiif'n, i( Ili'll. li-,1,.,1. ,1,1. f,,e Mi- . H,,l(,.,,l,v.- KENT. id\ enliur luwit |iiov.,.l;,; v.-iy i e,iM,!iiili|,i c l,l,,r I'lin.lllliiii nod II|.|.I.II>IIU.C. i: .!•.' (.muni Miiiiinolltll utiept. Itcil Hiink. iu'.i, ••', cin ia.o',1 li'le'h.'i-.'ii :'l,.v. 1.11. . . , i-;i Pllio. ilhiui'rnllii' rnv.fi nnd nrl^rni;! nt,d YOllNc; MAN, ...I.,.i' 1.1 "l.i. WM.HUT illnlim loin" furliltuir'7 "loi si.... .1,1,, 1,-iius. Wnut.'d In 1101. I,....'.' •t. ' lnuiiire. .Ill kit,,! I.I.) I;.-. ill. Sll.llll. full iifluiliiionn. lilindruli. :i Ik nnd MiMee'linr. Ill nuv kin,I ,,r Ley, nmi . job nlvnli- nlpfCii; cliinii cloncl. l-iiltct, ml™-, tn Call vvlili 1 leu. Ann I-'. Hi.l;, :l I Wil-en Fouler ili.nl, HIVIT riiirn." fi\ llll. link. 'roiii- I'IOI'FS I!!, llnkliind 1.III. I Vblor Ilnw l,lr, .• I :•; CIIIIIIH, 1211. rliiMin Kf.iiMiiliiiri lend, rd.ilnv.jin. N, .!,• I Ult.'.'ISIir.ll sK-11.0111 ,-ntln -e, .... n p.l. * TfAf-MX T ntovc. ipii.t'nn o '«.liK ,l l~ • tiri'l,;ll|.,| Hi,ilk." 11. N. .1. v iite e.lule ncm K.'d Bank ; I,, nulll'.il 151 w \:;T n> buy f..i I'lieici. ti- :i ...... in t'ccitl. ?:!(!«. ,i r. 11 ,.|irlili If ni.W iinlek. ,'ii;NH your ilolhei.' t-> l/w rii .1 <'iii.,R .-din INIHAtl unif iioiit.'icV 1:11c,il lce»t, lti.il nicnk.' limn., liinndiy; i|, y h,,n,|. |-j j UBIO. IMu-iml A. Iliirilcni. IJtlln Silver 1 liy sioui.d lied Ilnnk 01 Mlildli-lnv.il ; .1.11. i..i- il-i'oiiiliu, wllh sensoiud or y.-ai nnlli'l (HtKKM ••..niiii'l II.MI, " «I.V,.,IHII." rlicni. I-cdrlllnli nvenue, Ifeil Mjiuk.' Ml. leidal nl 11 v.-iy iiiodeinli' .,:,' ' li"" ilmucici mill nc.il.Hi. irncoioililii; H Vc.lnl n.nil. r.lllln :H1»IM-. N. .!. dill.HI IHII.,1. be fui 1 : will pi..' 111, 10 •':!. SAVH M(INl;y'• -Why "nc',1'ilit'll "niiiij ? '.iiuit HELP I'. r•. I,, 1 ].,.'! Milton lie, I., 3 Mecliiinlc id 1....I, lic.l Hold.. ii.d i.ii.idtlcot I, ;i I Miiiimuutli slie.'l, lte'l CIIHI'A:::; nml I.II.'I.III-IP. c.l,,,nl. »h "Inc-lio." 1 jchh* for Hicci.miH' liiu.inihnv. Plmno cull Kenliiiliuii.- I.nS.W, mill Id inn ,-lv., I,-..-. Hiili.lni- ilisti. J !!;,,. in nico ii.ctl.i.. of lie,I Knnl. ; nil n. utl , ml ..I Wn iiho iiM.hilhu mi In dlilllnir licer cill,. ilioulh stiect. Keel IliinV.,' plioo,. Ihie.i I, e. In,,. 11,a; iinaneol. . elliihlo ; Ihi'i imiH ovvioeiil • ; , .ill. 1.I.1 Or w oul.l , ell St IWnyo Mi.li Hnlrlie.y. 171 Will In ..oil condition I'll™ mil,li >">• ™ "ml I'lilnun. All work Millnrni'luilly COIll'i.F. wnnte.l, while. Hint 1 I.ml,., 1..lull, I;. ,,.,-,: .- .eiil. A.I.I., II iiiu'cnl.'ul l.'ii.i-. Mlllon liiik. Vrnnl Hiit iiMio lie.I Jiunt .inci^.w. nt Blluiil, Hed limit,, ph.] KIIIIIHIIIOCII, 1,011 V". Illnlnii, Ik'lloid, fi, J. iiii'l l.-uisidrcBB. 'i'siloidioini Kui 11 3i.ll.- Hiuinlte, 711 Vnn iiii l'ln"O. HCIMIII.. H. J." '•< H . I'tiMt, l(«!l Ilnnk. |.In.no Hill. RED BANK REGISTER, MAY 3, 1933.

REMKMBEB MOTHER MOOSE - BUNCO PARTY. of Rivcrvlew hospital Thursday ON MOTHER'S DAY night, May 18, at eight o'clock, in No form of remembrance you Many Friz*! Winners nt A/fair Held the Sunday-school room of the Pres- could choose Pould afford her b> WunifiM Last Week. byterian church. Clothes will he Safe Investment more pleasure than a bunch of modeled by local girls. There will be roses or carnations, or a down- Tho women's auxiliary of the refreshments. I'ooke lodge held a bunco party laut ing plant, chosen from our col- Lester C. Scott has purchased a Premium Coal lection ol choice iloral ofrVrinys. Thursday night at the Moose home on Front street. There were prizes new Terruplano 8. Let us know what kind of I A cake sule will bo £iven by the flowers you want to feivp, and for tho winners and refreshments MWKS were served after the games. Helping Hand society on Saturday | FRANK B. we'll deliver them on timi", with " Trade in Red Banh; morning tin tho porch of the post-1 ,^ ^W an appropriate card to indicate The winners were Mr. and Mrs. olllcc. The ualo will Btnrt at nine HIP identity of tho tender. Make Red Bank the liance Holly, Mr. nnd Mrs. Samuel o'clock and continue until eleven ' TEL. 2875. Blzzarro, airy. Frank Curley, Mrs. o'clock. Tlie .proceeds will ho used i Art Floral Shoppe Firat to Prosper " Harry • Quinn, Mrs. Dane Martin for the music fund of tho Prcsbytrj- ! IK aipiiuinutb '<*. Kill 1. nK no lirlden Avenue, Mrs. Florence Bennett, Harry Ben ian church. 1 Kcd Biinlc. nfitt, Joseph Llsburgcr, Mrs. Daniel Hopkins, MM. Herbert HawUiny Richard Nevius of New York spent ,>\= TICL. ii5o,j. •'• nos.vio. tho week-end In town. | Mrs, Kate Kiddle, Mra. Mary Bot- Frederick Neilson hns purchased a 1 ir.rr nnd Mrs. Howard Applegate new Ford 8 sedan. Capt. A. C. Reedie of tho Red Banl; : -OOljl Sl@is© M Eafconfeown News. Salvation Army post will bo the ' Rl d guest speaker at a meeting of the • OS' __ Young People's Missionary society i "" ' A P.-;..:^ancnt Institution (The Red Dank ItegUter can*be bought sir D\V. M v* 'Hi i l^'i[»ntfnv;i from Nob]rt ]Moshy fit the on Friday night at eight o'clock in Ltovc Rl D iu\h , m -^~.J3 Mr. and Mrs. Elliott, Stofllet of Lcaic RID B\ 1 The local fire department will I10M Grantwood were tho week-end guests • 1 M ^ ' - ~v' \ WJJH A SlIKLTON'S Tl'Lir Oil, 1'Klt- CEDAR closets might ba 1 I i) .MANENT WAVK. their mlnytrrl tomorrow niRht and of Miaa Emma Holmes. : a H< f I 1 •K2 safe against moths if (lie Friday night tit Crescent Hnll on A maetlng of tho Shrewsbury J ltd * A $15 PERMANENT for Only garments are cleaned— Lewis fit root. The da to for the show Reading club wa3 held yesterday af- i Jcr til O HUT, furs should be in was originally scheduled for April ternoon at the home of Mrs. Ada B. ' ( n i Nafew of Eatontown. Mrs. Ida Mae n r I I cold slurage over the sum- 20 and 21. 1 ol The Senior Colored ^Republican Loe, a reprcsontative of the Laundry id I f mer to PRESERVE their 6wners' association, gave an Illus- F R Su M club held election of ofllcers last life and Beauty. Cedar week. Plans were made to hold a trated talk on textiles. Mrs. Charles Send Them To VogeVs r'all 37S2 /or Appointment durlnjr (ho Day nr K closets do not protect von mass meeting Monday ni&ht, May 8, Breeso and Mm. Ada B. Nafew are against tire or theft. at thi?, colored El It's home on Grant delegates to tho annual convention Nesleen Gray Hair Dyeing Service $^.50 avenue. The officers elected were to be held May 9 to 12 nt Htiddon .Morris Richardson, president; Joseph Hall, Atlantic City. Mra. Arthur j Thi> Kcd Bull: Ilivi'.tri li UP! Other Bii'ltity Services at Very Iteasonable Prices. WE therefore urge you if Richardson, vice president; Howard Swift and Mrs. A. C. Mosby aro al- j over every &ur'f in town nmi e\eiv Taylor treasurer and Isaac Johnson, ternates. Open for liisnpclion :i A. SI, to <1 T. M. load in the county. Lft it r.uiv tmii 15 LINDEN PLACE (Upstairs) Phone R. B. 3782. Frank Diabrow ban moved from i message to tho.ie who hw on tluoo STORE YOUR FURS secretary. It A T J5 S tlioroufi'hfai t\ci.—Ad\ PI florae nt. Just oil Broad St., uround corner from Strand Theatre Mrs. G. B. Whitneld will entertain his home on White road to Lake-:' wood. H'ri-viird Lord hi now occupy-j $3011 per Kiirmmit nilnlmiini. WHERE you are positive the iriemhora of the Ladies' Aid so- eiefy nt hor home tomorrow after- ins the hmiKC. ( - i I'.,' on Vuliulluu.1. uvvi $1,(100,. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Groves hail they are safe, noon at 2:30 o'clock. Telrpliond ICpd IJ;tnk -171 for Messenger. Fred StunsHeld is a patient at tho a.s their guest over tho wook-ond Mrs. Julia Groves of ISast Orange. WHERE they are convenient Hazard hospital at Long Branch. He hns heen ill for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Herman have Atlantic Ufivlil.'imH IIUrhlandH, Leonard.!, Maverdnk, to get at all. times, moved from White road to White' U&OI Miss Grace C. Dennis is now em- Hiiliiwan, Clinwiiod, Keyporl- ployed in the otYice of the Monniouth Plains, New York. WHERE they are insured Memorial hospital. Mrs. Joseph Comar of White street 1'IIONK M'X-2i>(l(l. TODAY ONLY ! is a patient nt the Monmouth Me against tire and theft. The I-ong Branch district council Tllcrd will be no Jlllonn <'liar(f<> In ynu. 'of religious education will meet Fri- morial hospital. m day night nt' the Eutontown Presby- WHERE they are scientifi- terian church. There will he a spe- The Red Bank Register travel i It oung over every street in town and ever.v cally provided for and cial program presented. Supper will road in tho county. Lot it carry your j Also "NEW WESTERN FRONT" stored. be served at 6:30 o'clock. message to those who live on these The annual convention of the New thoroughfares.—-Advertisement. VOGEL 1 Brunswick district Epworfch league i'T:i:r;iKR,'- OINCK isnr, "..-' itli American Legion Convention at Oregon- IN our scientific storage will be held Saturday afternoon and With the Forty and Eight on Parade. vault, the Beauty of your night at the Belmar Methodist Epis- copal church. There will be election Bread at Mechanic St., Red Bank furs is Preserved. A "spe- READE'S cial ventilating system And installation of ofllcers. A ' meeting: of the Shrewsbury 3 DAYS-T! :., J5ATV-3 DAYS generates cold dry air Reading' club was held yesterday af- which blows new life and ternoon at the home of Mrs. Ada B. lustre into your furs, liv- Nafew. Mrs. Ida Mai Lee, a repre- Theatre ASBURY PARK ery perfected process de- icntative of the Laundry Owners' as- •FIFTH AVE. & BOARDWALK sociation, gave iin illustrated talk on veloped by fur experts in textiles. Mrs. Charles Breese and Phone Aabury Park Sflflo EAT AS LIFE ITSELF! storing-, cleaning' and Mrs. Ada B. Nafew are delegates to NOW THRU FRI.! treating- furs is at your the annual convention to lie held (13 CTfi TTT) A rvS7 service. • May 9 to 12 at Had don Hall, Atlantic M'obs,'monorcHs, a mother's heart ity. Mrs. Arthur Swift and Mrs. A. GREATEST DRAMATiq ...Restless humanity struggling amid C. Mosby are alternates. SPECTACLE OF OUR LEON'S ... in their appre- A bunco party will be held Wednes- ;he choos of a changing world. ciation of furs, provide for day night, May 10, by the Ladies' Aid GENERATION! IT ^1^*" their special care and safe- society at the home of Miss Susie GOOD Allgor, president of the organization. When the Pages USE REBATE TICKETS 1O1 ty. Come and see for A meeting of the Tinton Falls La- of History Rant DAV, vourself . . . you arc wel- CH' Aid society will be held in tho Red! come it all tiines. Methodist parsonage tomorrow af- ternoon. TODAY & TOMORROW—TWO DAYS ! Mr. and Mrs, Howard Holly of WE have an EXPERT FUR- White Plains, New York, were the 5 RIER to repair or remod- week-end guests of Mrs. Ada B. Na- .SEJAT U\;\ WOKOgRflM PICTURES/mt^ el your fur garments. few and Mrs. Archie B. Mosby, The national and state conventions of the Men's Bible classes will be LEON'S operates- the only held May f> and 7 at Atlantic City, Cold storage Vault in Red A delegation from Eaton town is Bank. planning to attend. An entertainment by Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sherry in being sponsored by Threo Middling • (he Methodist Ladies' aid society on Thursday, May 25. A Kmall admis- relentless change sweep SHAMPOO sion will be charged. before your oyos... to.the Mrs. Eugene States had as a guest heari-beat of loyally and . YOUR over the week-end Miss Huth Blythe of Richmond Hills, Long1 Island. " sfeadfajt courage! " RUGS and CARPETS Mrs. Louise Hcustte of Poughkeep- si e hfiti rcturnod home after a vi from Rich ird Bnal a nt tho Ti" i Dostoflicc and it Mirow-bury Market ) and germs is essential io " 'featuring CLIVE BROOK, A fashion show will be held for the family health. beneilt of the Shiewpbujy auxillaiy DIANA WYNYARD. RUGS and carpels that are '.vcn drratrr Than "BIRTH 01' A NATION.' cleaned by our Shampoo • > Monlli- at Tim Oalety Tliratrn al ?2.nn, process are cleaned through and through. .", Hirnril-BrraUing Wcclts nl Raillo City :

SOFT foamy suds washes 3 BROAD ST., RED BANK.. Positively No Advance in Prices ! out rill the germs, dust Two Phones: 3334—3335. and dirt, ami restores the MON., TUES., MAY a, 9. . original biiglilness and SPECIALS—Ending Saturday, May 6th. ' heautv. IT LEGS Chuck Roast ADDED SHORTS! clb NEW LOW PRICES: Lamib !§ Bonelens and it. Nurt, the Elephant. 9x12 Domestic Ruga, lh Rolled $4.00. Loin Lamb Chops 29c Life in the Jungle as 9x12 Oriental Rugs, JERSEY MILK VEAL ! seen thru the eycr. $6.00. RUMP or Shoulder 12c"' Cutlets 29c"' LEG of an Elephant. 15" "'• Breast 8c "> Rib Chops 15c"' FRED WARING RIB LAMB CHOPS 19c* and His Pennsylvanians BREAST LAMB and SHANKS 5c "• TOP ROUND STEAK 29c »• in an unusual niWMcal PRIME RIB ROAST 23c"' Iront ! LARGE JERSEY FOWL 19c1"

dean Ma breath of dj>rinf SAUER KRAUT ™.^^^^J^±™2S,

~——"GROCERY^SPECIALS ! «'«•• N hunting nihrn- 0 UOUS1 <-> — o rj running LAUNDERERS HIU, CIIKAM -ill "'- ' M*-™COFFEE151'1' . IM 1 irst Nattonil Note! REBATE Store Cheese JLv Ivory Soap I'icluie KRAFT CHEESE Large 2 for lSc Tickets can he All VnrlHlcn. ^1 P»C 1'hi; Medium 3 for 14c Service lor a ", FOK 20c. Ivory Flakes 2 for 35c r»ecl ANY even- Discriminating RATH'S Apple Sauce 3 cans 2Kc Canned Chicken 35c "' Grapefruit Heart* Juice A N 1) •••/..fra^Bj^ > ing, including Canned Ham 29c "' 10c Can Ken WhytrwA In "DRUM TAPS" / TlfESiriERSEY SHAD ! BUCK Saturdays ai?' -JL!!Shad Ro!c MONDAY <"• TUESDAY -TWO DAYS ! .Simullaneour. With RED HANK VHKin Fillet Haddock" flelly C'osinpsoii in r clays! Crab Meat 3t , Broadway Showinr; ! lb> 1701"- Wc'i) -^5 59" TJf COMINCi WK1X, THURS., MAY~10.11. MAIN OFFICE & Specials for Mon., Tuea., Wed. -Next Week ! TUESDAY, MAY Ifi. John GilLfii Rolieil Armr,lroni' in "FAST WORKERS 1,01 w •"Vea' l" Ste" w Chuck Roast PLANT: Lamb Chops l.ivk (\ \h\< H. I< n ILiyi-, i "YV?>" for Swirlay Movies SOON ! 70-76 White" Street, »YJa ll> 10""' Rod Bunk, New Je