Hoiuunutl) iAiimty'e Offiil 1 A * 1 R Mjiriust I'hiKB All UJO News of The ltrglstcr'* Ctotlltai BED BANK llepurtment— and Surrounding Towns Wlieru iho K«ller Finds Told Fearlessly End Without Blai. ILMJ.. VGiSt oi tlio Hujcr. Issued Weekly, Lntereti as Ceeond-CiftRa Matter at tfifl I'oit- minion !>iire One YCBI- tl..'.O 1 .VOLUME LV, NO. 45. olllco at Bed Bunk. N. ,1,, under the Act of. March 3. 1879. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, MAY 3, 1933. six Monlha JI.H'i. PAGES 1 TO 12, Activities Of The SHRINK DINNKK. Rumsort Spends Missionary Units PRESIDENT Or FKATKKNITV. lans Ready- For UiihtrloiiH rott'ntalo to bo Itonorod \Vlir«m Firth <>f K«>d Hank Hoimrrd ' to Give Exhibition at Ited IJiinU. $2,000 For Relief Hold Meeting Here At Columbia University. ! Borough Council Cooking School The annual meet ing and Potpn- William rirth, ?nt\ of Mr. and Mr::. Pupils of the Mabel, Colemnn iinner of the Hea Shore Shrine Borough Haa Been Caring for 44 Spring Session of New Bruns- Elwood Firth nf f-Jronrl street. li:i:i: Mnltcrs Acted on by the "Town Thirleen New Members Received rlub will be. held •Jhursdny niRht, V ".,.__ ,,„, . ,,_ „,__!_,, • I rv . • . c w i been riveted prr.-klcnl- of thr. Si^m.-i Event Sponsored by The Monday—Mrs. H. C. Meclt- Dancing School to be Seen in May 11, at the Globe hotel, Red Familics-»"Clean-Up Weelt" wick District of New Jersey Chi fraternity at Columbia univn •-•- Fathers" of Red Bank at tcr and Wealinghouoc Conn ]em, Jr., Elected Recording Their Spring Recital in theI5ank. Pinner will hn nerved prompt- May 8 to 13—Auditor Rec- Conference Held Last Friday ity. William is a uraduato nf the! Their Meeting Monday Night j pany Opens May 0—Mer« Elks' Auditorium Friday Night ly at. iKilf-past. ficvon o'clock after at the Methodist Church. Rod Hank hl&h school n' r.vhich he [ —Large Water Users' Charge Secretary—To Redeem Bonds which there will bo a reason ot ommends Holding Tax Sale, j was a, popular studrnt, tnkin^ ]>nii j chanta Co-Operating. Tho recent drive for now members The closing exercises of the Mabel gcnernl sociability. Tlie puofil of From January 1 to the end of last Thr oflth mrntinc of Ihe Women's in many of the «ehoo] ;iri w '|i \r.-. Me: A*, thr mooting of the mayor nnd .Mrs. F-lrrlha P, How, WCRIIUJI- by tho Red Bonk Womrm'n club hna Colemnn nehool of dancing will bo honor will be illuHtrioiiH Potentate week tho borough of Rumson has forripi iiiirr;ionni\y soriety of thn is taking a roiii;.e in mrdirjne nnd ' '•'jiinni of Kcd iirink Monday nif;ht hour.o Huinc lsorinoinlsl, in rx]iri;tfit been responsible for the addition of held In the Kills' auditorium nt Red yivn ry i onhm I, 1'otrniatc of expended $2.056.6G for the relief of I\f-w .lorry ronfpj'rnrr was h^M last, will graduate I hi.-; June. a mni v;\c\. wan awarded to the Tar In arrive in w<i Bank within lh» several eacli month at. the executive Bank next Friday evening, May 5.Salaam Temple, Nobles of the Mys- needy families. Thi; bnlancc aL pres- Krid.-iy at the Red Bank Methodist M. HfiroM K»ly oT JAiu-u fl, a A.-pliali. [-'ici vice, company uf New JICXI fnw days to make linol jiropai* committee meetings. Monday thir- Tho type of dancing to be performed tic Shrine of Newark. ent, for thia work is $513.34, the orig- chuirh. Krnduato of the Lmnnnlr) hi:-,h i'-nin.'V.-ir-u for r^,'J}j).:',u for oil to In; aliolifi for her three-dny stay willj 1 1 teen were admitted at Iho hoiinl Include Irish, gypsy, Indian, Negro The ollicers of the Shrine dub are inal appropriation being $2,600. The The nun niim :-e:;;,ion oprnrrl nt fichool, wn" rlrrtcr! trnnirri i ) th': u:-fti i>ii (,ici :•'rf:(jt.:-.i. Two larger bids Ihe housewives ,,f Hcd iiank nnd vl« rhythm. Spanish, Russian and patri- Mel man Ultzau president, Philip J. borough ypent $212 in January, $018 ten o'rhx-k with Mr?, A. K. Bennett chapter. Harold i-- well kinr.vn in •AT-] n rnaric by mlirr concerns. A rlnily. Mrs, Howe will rnnducl thfl meeting- conducted by the uowly ; elected club president, Mrs. Thomas otic numbers and the kind of danc- Franz vice president, Henry Sehllt- in February, $522 in March and $703 of Lnnp tt ranch presiding. After Rod F.rink and virinny, who rr IT: repiT rnutiv« of 'im successful bid- ronkins school lo hr: held in the lar^i* Vooiiiis. ing consists of jazz toe, ballet, acro- tenhart second vice-president, Her- in April. To date $570 has been re- Ihn ;-in^in^; of hymns a dovntionnl made a hns! of friend:; win In der W.IK jir-:.jeiit. and he uromisod | auditorium nt Ihe I'.cd Dunk l'lllu' paid to the borough by thn fit ate, tin' Tfxaci nil would be used, MrR. H. C. Me.cklom, Jr., wan elect- batic, mllltnry tap. buck dam-ing, bert Ck Packard, Jr., treasurer, and Hfrvi'-r. wax lnd Hy Kev. Albert L- ing a^ a reporter for 'i'lif: KP-_- club at Mrond strenl. .'ilul Plnckhcy ed recording Hccrolnry to 1111 the va-toe, tap, musical comedy and wnltz Frank K. Lawrence secretary. with $31)7 due for April. Jere J. rSanrr, p;i.-i nr of the locnl church. Much other oil hf^-idcH that bought road next Tuesday, Wrrlnendny unil cancy caused by the resignation of clog. Miss Polly Ingnlls is tile ac- Carcvv, borough clerk, slated tha' AcUlrcKir-eri wr.rn pi von by Mm, W. C. i'i •/!•/) tiie r.Vrw Brunswick concm n Tliursiiny nftr.rncion.;. May I), j'o nn'l Mrs. Victor Kins. The ways and comimniat for tlje school the appeals for relief in April were Poihrri :c of HaddonfUId, secretary A-SI! lif! u.-T-l on J'pd Hunk L-I reel:;. 11, at. two o'clock, -rim school is be. Mrs. ColemanA who conducts her greater than at. any other time dur- 1 means committee, of which Mrs. L, nf t lie. orpnnizai ioi>? - "Mrs. Harry New Development i-'ni tin.; (1thci oil the taxpayers will my spoii.'iored by The Red Uank KCK- C. Vnnlnwcgon hi chairman, him for clnsscs at her studio on Roctof'-plnoe, Red Bank Aero ing; the winter. The borough has t rnasurer; Mrs. J. J. Me- :iot liavfi tri pny line cent, thank.-, to j isli.-r in co-operation with Clyde. \V, Ito chief object (hl.i year the re- la a member of the New York Socf-" been taking care of 41 families, rep- •>f ' JInddonfleld. who told of at Little Silver •'Hiinihu-in Kr-muth \V\ci;i>,T, rhnir-j Masini. tlio local Westin^houap rep* resenting 273 persons. 1 demption of the outstanding cluli- ety of Dancing Teachers, nnd scver.il " "Club Plans Tour tho of her daughter; Mis;-; Es- in'in of t lie: - -' ref't, coin mi! i n p. 'J'h i.-s rcsenl ntivc, nnd by Iho WestiiiKhouit'S hoUBB bonds nnfl an ondenvor will of tho numbers to be presented on Mayor Van K. Halscy stated that • C n n n p 11. f ill i KK io nn r y a t Islceiiie & iManufacturino; Coinpany. ,her program have already been giv- Silvermere Bark, Owned hy D. 1 be made to raise enough money for if expenditures continue at the same Pfiubln, Mexic and Mrf. .lanirs B. finri!'. ^-,M ;ii;e;i It .j.s ciaiik'.:a-"je "il ui Mrs. Howe h:t::; oUllilleil somi! at tlils purpose. Tho budget commlt- en at New York. They have been Twelve Planes Will Leave on rate, in May the borough 'funds for W. May, Comprises 26 Water di.. aided oil whii h ha:- hrrn 11.-• nr 1 in revised slightly to null, the anility of Thedfni'i c,f Kpimar, hranch :?ccrc- her plnns to Tim rto^iyter and has tee consists of Mm. Jolin I... Mont- Sunday, May 7, for Visit to poor relief will be cxhauscd by thetury of lil rivitun'- Front Lots at the Eastern End nji'Miniluip. Ji. [.- no z'xul for lubii- s'aird ifi.ii "fhr: hnuse-wlvcs of Hcd- the different students at the Cole- end of the month. If thin hap- p gomery, Mr!', Jesse Minot, Mrs. Other Airports—Other Notes Tho norninrtting' com mitt en enn- i.'itin^ nio!o[.~. hut ii ninkc- ^:;of:lleni Haniv and \ icinily aie, I am sine, la Hosea Chark and Miss Florence man school. Mrs. Coleman conducts pens the borough will call upon the of Little Silver Point. \ summer clasnes for beginners, Inter- of the Airport. nf Miss Jrjn^t Riorum f El- nia' ri ial for ha idc liiiirr .'"'. iTcts and for n mo.-r agreeable, .stirpri^p. You Krlrtcl, emergency relief committee for aid.beron, Mi.s. C. II. Hurrowc:; of Wrst A1 the tip of Little Silvpj- Print . •lilnyinu rju. know, we folks, who devoto nil of out" mediate and advanced Ktudenls in all Thi.s committee has ohininnd .several (l The club voted Monday to Rivo $5 Thn mrinbrra nf (hn Arro rlub nf Lonfr flranrh ;u\d Mr*. W. R. Foster there, i:.; a new veil e.^l;>to. dcvrlfjj'- i "'•' ) ^' 10/tOU -HHO .;nf this j limf; lo solving everyday problems nt types of dancing, although- the regu- hundred dollars in private subscrip- r to the Yardley memorial, and gave lar winter term will he closed at the t ho Rod Hank a irpoi (.
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