the-illuminators-2/ The World Trade Center Attack Was The Start Button the-illuminators-2/ This site deals exclusively with breaking the world hypnotic trance. The powerful elite leaders throughout the world are unwittingly, and sometimes not so unwittingly, plotting a major cataclysm and massive devastation over the next few years. This site shows how and why, and what the SECRET MYSTERIES entail, and WHO the agenda is being carried out for. This site is not based on simply rehashing information from other sources, but demonstrates the SECRET MYSTERIES UNCOVERED and EXPOSED through the use of hundreds of original charts and approximately 400,000 words of text to date, to show the luciferian illumaniti egregore group agenda. The information on these pages is not based on paranoia. This site exposes the source of every religion, and the force behind every world system used to manifest the hypnotic trance. This information is the result of over a 40 year search and emergence from the trance state. What was discovered is now available on these pages. Nothing is for sale. Everything is free. There is no group to join. Sanity, awareness, and most importantly answers are available if you take the time to read.

The governments of the world and the royal elite are not here to take care of you. They are here to kill you. They are not unwittingly trying to kill you. They are deliberately trying to kill you. They are deliberately trying to kill you, but for a reason that eludes even them. Within in the trance state, what seems good and right, and what is justified as sound reasoning and socially acceptable, is absolute insanity when held up to the standard of awareness and wisdom. This site shows how this deliberate, elusive, and unwitting state of confusion drives the elite of the world to serve a master they know little of.

These pages expose the real luciferian illuminati agenda, not just the juicy tidbits the illuminati families ALLOW many searching people to find. The information that has been made available from other sources has been allowed as a smoke screen to throw those seeking off track. What is coming is far worse than a global fascist/communist state. What is coming is a devastation so massive humanity is going to plead for a New World Order and a messianic-style king.

The pages from 1 to 12 lay the groundwork. However, for your physical and emotional well-being don’t hesitate to skip to pages 13 – 39.

Heed these next words very seriously:


As you progress through the pages a pattern will become obvious, and the REAL AGENDA will be shown. Not just hinted at, or suggested, but SHOWN STRAIGHT OUT what the agenda is. The next 9-11 has been uncovered and is already in progress. It’s massive and affects every person on the planet. The World Trade Center attack was the start button.

The ILLUMINATI and The TRUTHER/CONSPIRACY THEORIST MOVEMENT 2 Sides Of The Same Coin This site is the blueprint for this luciferian / LIGHT BRINGER scenario’s origin … and lays the groundwork to interpret what is written throughout this site. This may be a disturbing read, so be prepared. The horrors of the luciferian controlled illuminati and the truther conspiracy movement, (2 sides of the same coin), are revealed in these pages, BUT also included is the SOLUTION TO END THIS HORROR on an individual basis. The luciferian agenda, (which is this thing called the Thought Process), will always masquerade as a false reality, however, each conjured up individual 3D illusory human being can completely detach emotionally from the lunacy at any illusory moment and be free of the manipulation concerning this agenda.

It should be noted that the term “luciferian” does not imply a “devil” or a “satan” as expressed in religious terms. This site will use these terms from time to time, however, the reader should be aware that this is only to assist in comprehending the material. As the reader becomes acquainted with the perspective associated with this material, the terms, “satan”, “luciferian”, “devil”, “demons”, etc., will be phased out with terms associated with hypnosis, hypnotic suggestion, and subliminal manipulation, which are just some of the manipulative aspects of the Thought Process.

The terms “angel”, “spirit”, “soul”, “saint”, etc. will also be redefined in terms of hypnosis and subliminal hypnotic suggestion. Gaining an understanding from this perspective allows the reader the ability to comprehend all the mysteries of the universe and to walk free of this “hellish” prison. The terms “hell”, “”, “judgment”, “good”, “bad”, “right”, “wrong”, etc., all of these will also be shown to absolute lunacy, and tools used by the luciferian Mindset which functions completely in the realm of hypnotic suggestion, … none of which is valid, or real, or of any worth.

The Thought Process, which is hypnotic suggestion, is the luciferian agenda. The term “lucifer” simply means “light bringer, or light bearer”, and the “light” is the “lie” that has conjured up what humanity is entranced to believe is real. Humanity itself, is the most deceptive conjured up aspect of the Mind of the Thought Process, and humanity is itself, the thick veil of deceit which is designed to separate Illusion from Truth. This separation cannot possibly succeed as pertaining to Who and What we really are (which will become apparent as the reader progresses through this material), … however, the misery it produces seems real and valid until each individual, … illusory, … human life experience, comes to the realization that everything is a lie and without validity, … which does include each illusory human being on the face of the earth.

The Chameleon Principle The prince of darkness – The angel of light

The 3 dimensional curtain of deception, otherwise referred to as a SINISTER FORM of HYPNOTIC MISDIRECTION, separates us from our natural state of Wisdom, through Awareness. The 3D perspective, everything we see, is a curtain formed in 3 directions – height, width and depth. Part of this 3 dimensional curtain is our physical body. The body has 5 physical sensors programmed to be receptive to the 3 dimensional illusion around us. The way these sensors pick up the signals from the 3D curtain is through subliminal messages. Subliminals are constructed through such techniques as simple shapes, sounds and colours, and then more complex, multi-layered methods, such as reverse imagery, reverse symbolism, distorted symbolism, reverse speech patterns, neuro-linguistic (brain language) programming techniques, and the elaborate use of the language and number systems, among other devious modes of manipulation.

Subliminal Messages Are Thoughts – Which Are Lies Thoughts appear to make sense and relate to reality, sort of. This is why they’re subliminal. A subliminal is a message that doesn’t rise above the conscious threshold. A subliminal is designed to act on the mind at a subconscious level. That’s why the information on this site seems to almost make sense, but not quite. The 3D world is one huge subliminal. The luciferian mindset has manipulated the suggestible elite of the world to do whatever it requires to be done. If subliminal messaging were rational and able to be recognized on the conscious level, it wouldn’t be subliminal. We would never pay attention to it, and humanity would ignore this illusory 3D experience and stay connected to it’s Original Wisdom State through Awareness. The 3D illusion would then simply dissolve on an individual basis, which is to say, that it would become of none importance or relevance.

For instance, if someone consciously told you to kill someone, you wouldn’t do it. That just doesn’t make rational sense. However, if someone says this is the law, “thou shalt not kill”. The subliminal message is this: if you really want to get even with someone or with society, then commit murder. The idea is just suggested in the phrasing, coupled with the fact this is the law of the land. Therefore, the way to stop killing, war, murder, and any kind of aggressive bloodshed is TO NOT HAVE A LAW AGAINST IT. It is apparent society is over-burdened with laws, and in turn, over-run with killing, corruption, lying, hatred, etc. There are laws against all these things and therefore, these things abound because of the subliminal message attached.

The 3 dimensional illusion is CREATED BY THE THOUGHT PROCESS. Thinking is not being aware. Thinking is that thing any conscious being APPEARS TO DO to attempt to manipulate the future, or relive the pain/pleasure from the past. Both these time zones, the future and the past, do not exist. Therefore, thinking about them to manipulate them is a deception. However, to consider what is happening in this moment is not called thinking. Staying in the moment and meeting the needs of the moment is awareness of the 3 dimensional space, albeit, an illusory space. To function within this 3D space requires that needs be met. Reality, and our true eternal wisdom state, extends beyond the 3D illusory forms, and that wisdom state simply knows everything through awareness, ALREADY. Our eternal wisdom state knows the manipulation process of the luciferian egregore group of thinkers. Wisdom knows that this luciferian group plays god and plays the devil. Both of which are none existent. Wisdom, through awareness, sees how this group mindset bands together to manifest the reality they want all humanity to follow.

The luciferian entity is the fabricated creator god. In creating this illusory 3D reality using subliminal, subconscious messaging, this group entity conjured up and controls all power and energy, and in turn, the reverent respect of their illusory master creation called humanity. This adoration by humanity gives the luciferian group and their chosen elite the riches and servitude of this world and ABSOLUTE CONTROL OF THE ETERNAL PARADISE STATE. Because they, themselves, chose thinking and lying above awareness and wisdom, this 3D illusion is their reality. However, it is a reality fragmented, corrupted and filled with all manner of duality. They see this reality as superior to the reality of wisdom. Wisdom does not exhibit 3D manipulation through shape, colour or sound, so ultimately, wisdom is a reality of peace.

Wisdom knows this. Wisdom is not thinking about how to manipulate affairs so that events work out in its favour. Wisdom performs none of this. Wisdom just knows that we are being manipulated. To stay connected to wisdom through awareness, we need simply to stay in the moment. This involves doing NOTHING. This involves NO PRAYERS, NO MEDITATION, NO MANTRAS, NO RITUALS, NO JOINING,… NO THING. All practices, be they MEDITATIVE or PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES, are exercises in remaining OUT OF THE ONE ETERNAL MOMENT. This is not to say that meditating is bad or wrong, just as physical activity is not bad or wrong. On this site it will be repeated many times, that there is no such thing as good or bad, or right or wrong. However, these exercises avail no benefit in reconnecting to the wisdom state. Only emotional detachment, which is to place NO REAL WORTH or REAL VALUE in anything 3 dimensional, is true reconnection to reality.

There is no such thing as TIME and SPACE, and to enter into activities where you confess, and admit, disconnection from wisdom, simply by entering into that activity whereby you hope to reconnect to wisdom, (or as some call it, ENLIGHTENMENT), then you have not RECONNECTED WITH your original WISDOM STATE.

(Enlightenment is a luciferian term that sounds and seems to speak of reconnection to wisdom, however wisdom and enlightenment have nothing in common).

When you do NO THING, other than being fully aware that the 3 dimensional experience is an illusory deception conjured up through the THOUGHT PROCESS,, which is turn was meant to disconnect us from REALITY, then you have reconnected to your original eternal wisdom state. There’s nothing to do, just simply become AWARE of what is transpiring. Perfection and purity is what we are ALREADY. This is wisdom and this is liberty, this is the freedom and the power and strength of what we ALWAYS HAVE BEEN. The illusory 3 dimensional teachings of intellectual and religious thought systems, that instruct us to believe that we are born sinners, and need to repent, to avoid some hell fire, are conjured up lunatic notions straight from the mind of the luciferian egregore group mind. (This will be explained and fully laid out in the pages on this site. Do not stop reading if you desire to reclaim your ORIGINAL PARADISE STATE RIGHT NOW).

The aim of the luciferian group egregore is to establish a New World Messianic Age, where the control of the illusion we call humanity, is the manipulation tactic that will be increased to such an extent that escape from being manipulated by the total 3D illusion is all but impossible. Wisdom knows, and sees the lunacy of this 3D illusory reality. The illusion called humanity, (and humanity is an illusion), will awake from the trance and reconnect to our original state through awareness. These entities, who manifest their CONTROL OF REALITY through the lives of the elite, will soon dissolve in frustration as humanity stops responding to the subliminal messages that bombard the wisdom state in endless fashion. For it is that the 3 dimensional experience is NOT REAL, and it only exists IN OUR MINDS. Therefore, its in OUR MINDS, (which are in reality, THEIR MINDS), that we disconnect emotionally from the 3D space and reclaim our eternal state, which is here now. This is what we are! We are the original eternal paradise state, and the 3D illusion was simply conjured up through the THOUGHT PROCESS to separate us from this immense power and peace of the wisdom state and thereby deceptively manipulate this ultimate state of being into servitude to the luciferian egregore. The beneficial aspect in understanding this, is that at any moment of our choosing, we can become aware of the luciferian hypnotic manipulation, and we can reclaim our wisdom state, and experience the freedom of the paradise state right now.

It’s All In Our Mind – The LIGHT BRINGERS – Eliminating The Illuminators 02 – Why 3D – Intellectualism – Demonism – Biggest Lie Ever Sold – The Royal ROSE – The ROSE GARDEN – The 3D Illusory Me – Kabbalism / Intellectual Indoctrination – Who is GOD – Why Are We Here – Warring With THOUGHT FORMS – Wisdom The Eternal Paradise State – TIMELESSNESS The REALITY STATE – Destroying the GODS of THOUGHT / THOTH 03 – All Seeing Eye – ALL A / / ALL EYE / A LIE / OWL EYE – Clock Work – Divided Light – The Same Fucking Story – The Rainbow – Sexuality – Luciferian Egregore – Atheism – DEEP HYPNOSIS – Getting Rid of DEATH – Cynicism Is Greater Than Love – Numbers 1 to 6 – Code of Wisdom – SIX SEX HEX VEX

04 – Number System – Numbers 7 To 9 – ORION – The ROYAL ION – The Rose EYE ON – The Lie Of Light Energy – Worship Of The Woman Electron – COWS RATS STARS And Other Gods – Sacred Geometry – ANGLES Are ANGELS – Kabbalism / Hypnosis – BAAL Zeus JeZeus – The Kingdom of God On Earth / The ENVIRONMENTAL GREEN MOVEMENT – Smashing Pumpkins and The Statue of Liberty – 911 The 1st DAY of CREATION and Number 111 – The SECRET BEHIND SECRET SOCIETIES – GIZA and Wizard of OZ

05 – Religion and Science – GROUND ZERO EROS – Hypnosis – Electrical Motion – The Luciferian Egregore – Kaballism – BULL MARKET / STOCK MARKET – Dumbing Down – New Age Lunacy – The Garden of NEED – LOVE The Bred of Lies – Shape-Shifting – UFO Grays 06 – 911 Creation Day – Kabbalism – Something From Nothing – Criss Angel – Christ Angles – Skyscrapers – The Empire State Building – Pyramids – DIVIDED LIGHT the Destroyer – Kabbalism THINKING Hologram – 911 – Number 111 – The Dow Jones – 9000 – 09/09/09 – Al NINO – El Nino – LA Nine Oh – Above / Tabernacle Below – Kourtenay Komox Kumberland – The Great Pyramids of Giza – The Great Sphinx – The Reclining LION – The LIONS GATE – LIONS MOUNTAINS At Vancouver 2010 Olympics – Origin of FASCISM – Origin of ENVIRONMENTAL GREEN Movement – The LIONS PEAKS

07 – Circle of Deceit – 144,000 ELECT TRICKs – The BIG BANG – Thoughts Sounds Lies – Music And The Muses – Soul Man

08 – Number 13 – Messiah Mesa MessHall Mecca – MEMORY The Illusion Of Time Past – Human Sacrifice – Bohemian Grove – The Manipulated Become Manipulators – The OWL Seeing EYE – The Capitol Building – Genocide In Canada – Nazi Mind Control

09 – Magnetic Field – Time And Space – The Luciferian Mindset – The Illuminati Cabal – Duality – The Day of the Lord’s Vengeance 10 – Alphabet A to M – Symbolism – The Rockefeller Dome Of The Rockie Mountains – ET’s – 6 Pointed SNOWFLAKES – Jack Off In The Box – Jehovah’s Witnesses – EYEFULL Tower – KLM Not The Airline – Angels / Demons Hypnotic Suggestion

11 – Alphabet N to Z – Shania Goddess – MERCURY AMERICA AMERCHA-ndising – Sigil Magic – Egregore Thought Form – NAZI SWASTIKA TEXAS – Angles Are Angels – Sacred Geometry – PLAYBOY RABBITS and Orion’s Hare – Cupid’s Arrows – The Letter R – Rock And Rose – Rothschild And Rockefeller – Salvation Army – Jehovah’s Witnesses – OREGON / OREYON / ORION – Ground ZERO EROZ ARROWS EROS – Love Sex And Stuff – George Bush / Rose Bush – RUSE Rush Russia – ALL THOUGHTS ARE LIES – Centred In The Trance – Out Of The Moment

12 – How GLOBAL WARMING OCCURS – How To STOP GLOBAL WARMING – 43 USA President Cousins – Chemtrails – Behold He Comes With Clouds – Armageddon – Atlantis – Gregorian Calendar Scam – HYPNOSIS – Al Gore Roy-Al – The Egregore – Continental Drift – Standard Time Zones – The Order Of The Rose – The Order Of Death – New Testament Old Testament Human Sacrifice – HEAVE Offerings / WAVE Offerings

13 – Inspired Number 9-11 – Adam And Eve – Nephilim / FALLEN ONES / 9-11 – Chosen People – HELL / EL / AL – Freemasonry – Freedom Tower – New – Messianic New World Order – A Devil Behind Every Bush – Skull And Bones – The – OREGON CALIFORNIA ARIZONA ORION – Magic Science Religion – CANADA CANAAN CANA KANDAHAR – 9/11 Flag Symbolisms – WTC / Temple Of In New York – Henry Hudson 1609/1611 – The Vanishing Point – PYRAMID / TRIANGLE The Shape Of God – Death / Debt / Finance / Fiance / Marriage Supper Of The Lamb – The Penis And Vagina – 6 SEX Pointed Star – Skull and Crossbones – ROSE / EROS / ARROWS – SKULL – SCHOOL – PUPIL – EYE – All Seeing/All Knowing – Erect PENIS / Erect CROSS / Erect-SUN / Erect-SON / Erect- SION / Erect-ION – Number 322 – Number 911 – EVOLUTION=CREATIONISM – Garden of EDEN/NEED

14 – UFO’s / Reincarnation – Ezekiel’s UFO / Zodiak Chart / Light Beam – 4 FACES / 4 Cardinal Points Of Zodiac – Judaism / Christianity / Islam Astrology Numerology Religions – The Biggest Lie Ever Sold / 911 – World Trade Center Attack IRAN IRAQ WARS Reincarnation – The Original Primordial Mound MESOPOTAMIA 15 – Rudolph’s Reindeer – 322 – Subliminals – The Rabbit Hole Of Kaballism 16 – See of Peace – 911 – Olympics – Shania – Mount Moriah – Manhattan – Mountains – Manitoba – San Francisco – Hawaii – ROSY CROSS – Old Jerusalem – Beijing – 109 Degrees Easter Island

17 – The Next and Last 911 – The Olympians – Aleister Crowley – O.T.O. – The RoseBush – Sports – The Devil’s Triangles – The Olympics 18 – TRANCEportation – Aleister Crowley O.T.O / AUTO – The Last Supper – California and The Rose Line -The Real Da Vinci Code – The Mother Highway – Route 66 – EYE Interstate Grid – MONA LISA – The Last Judgment of Sistine Chapel – Flanders Fields

19 – The Age Of Aquarius – The Marriage Passover Supper – ISLAM & The War On TERRORISM – The New World Order Feast – USA – The ROCK ROCKefeller ROCKies – What A RELIEF – The JUDGMENT ROCK – 11 Western United States – Mount Moriah / Manhattan / Rocky Mountains – 20 – The World Series – Islam The Veil of Deceit – BASEBALL – Mississippi Mud – The Last Judgment – Calif-Orion-ia – Mt. OLYMPUS Gods – ROCK Around The CLOCK – STOP In The Name Of LOVE 21- Mass Hypnosis – The HOLY GRAIL – The Cup of Blood – OREGON=OREYON=ORION – the DOME the ROCK the CROSS – Shania Polar Bear – The Golden Compass – Pope John Paul 1 and 2 and Benedict – Little Dipper Big Dipper – Ursa Bears – California Wild Fires 22- The Eagles Hotel California – One Last Battle of Horus and Set – Georgia Guidestones – Mystery Hill – Manitoba Golden Boy – Temple – Freemasonic Manitoba Legislative Building – Yellowstone Holystone Earthquake 23 – RCMP Royal Canaanite Mountain Pole Ice – Buffaloed & Double Crossed – The Bear Stock Market – The Roaring 20’s – FAST FOOD SUBLIMINALS – Pope Santa – 7 Hills of Rome – Worship of Isis – Worship of Mother – Nut Knut NEWet Nuit Inuit 24 – Plymouth Rock Symbolism 25 – Oasis/Isis/USA – Jailhouse Rock – A Whole Lot Of Shakin’ Goin’ On – Yellowstone/Holystone – Egypt USA – Hey Zeus Juice – Athens Acropolis USA – Arkansas ARK OF – Queen Hillary of Heaven – IRAQ I-ROCK / IRAN I-RAIN EYE REIGN – Env-IRON-MENTAL-ism

26 – Death Valley Baseball – Mexico and South America Cornucopia – The Sport of Kings – Pope and The Kentucky Derby – Preakness Stakes – Belmont Stakes – Myanmar Burma Massacre – The Nargis (Narcisse) Cyclone – Sichuan China Earthquakes – The Olympic Year of Total Control 2008 – The Pope’s Ring And Thing – The Vatican Owl 27 – en francais – C’est Écrit sur la MONNAIE – Sigils Magiques Annonçant L’Attaque du World Trade Centre – FUCK Le Nom de Dieu – MONEY=ONE EYE (MONNAIE=UN OEIL) – ANGE(L) Droit – George Rose Washington – Signe De La Croix – Rituel Mineur De Bannissement Du Pentagramme – Le CAPITAL / Capitol BUILDING – Épopée de Gilgamesh – Rock & Rose – Bouchées de Pommes de Zeus – Ma Croix de Tammuz – Je Ne Calcule Pas – La Pierre de Glavendrup 27 – It’s Right On The MONEY – World Trade Centre Attack Magic Sigils – FUCK The Name of God – MONEY=ONE EYE – The Right ANGEL – George Rose Washington – The Sign Of The Cross / Lesser Banishing Ritual Of The Pentagram – The Capitol CAPITAL BUILDING – The Epic of Gilgamesh – Rock and Rose – Bytes of Apples of Zeus – My Cross Of Tammuz – I Do Not Compute – Glavendrup Stone 28 – BREAKING THE TRANCE – Key Message – We Are In A War With A THOUGHTFORM – the LUCIFERIAN EGREGORE GROUP KING – DO NOT RESIST – Become THOUGHT LESS – The DEATH PROCESS – Reconnecting and Reclaiming PARADISE – Pyramid ABOVE / Pyramid BELOW

29 – WASHINGTON DC – The National Mall – Thor’s Hammer – THOR’S-CHILD ROTHSCHILD – Escaping The Hypnotic Trance – HEX – The White House / Solomon’s Temple – Additive & Subtractive Colour Mixing – Orion’s House – Martin & John – Abraham Lincoln / Lion and Lamb – The Civil War / The War On Terrorism / Global Warming – One Nation / One World – Sun-Eating Dragon – Moon Reflecting Sun – Thomas Jefferson USA Exceptionalism – /-Jesus/America – ORION Western Canada and Western USA – Its All In Our Mind

30 – Olympic Religious Subliminal Symbolism – al-Aqsa Mosque – the FARTHEST MOSQUE – 141 DEGREES – Mecca – The Financial Market Crisis – The Fiance/FianSea – RIGHT ON THE MONEY Part 2 – AUSTRALIA – the Land of OZ – The Armenian Quarter – Australia USA – The ROCK of ALLAH / LA / Los Angeles – COFFEE TIME – The Drink of the GODS – JAVA JHVH YHWH LAVA Val HALLA ALLAH JeHoVaH the UNDERWORLD – the Land DOWN UNDER – 2008 World Series FILLIES – Liberty Bell Crack – GI JOE The Plumber – Joe 6 Pack – CRISIS 31 – WTC Music To My Years – Middle C/See/Sea – EYE da HO – Number 5 and 15 Deity Sacrifice – ANZUS – KAN-Zeus – North and South Towers of OZtrailia – APOLLO – Muses – Water Nymphs – MUSIC SCORE – Wizard of OZ – Emerald City – Yellow Barack Road – Lincoln Slavery And The Civil War – APOLLO Astronauts – Jim Jones / Jonestown Mass Suicide 30th Anniversary – Love To Be Mean – The Milky Way – The Great Celestial Flood of The Nile – The – Mass Murder/Suicide Agenda 32 – BOMBAY – MUMBAI – Mother B and G Sacrifice – Dr. Seuss Rings The Bell – BOLLYWOOD / HOLLYWOOD – 7th Heaven – 7-ELEVEN – Big GULP – The Siiiimpson’s SPRINGFIELD – Kwikee Mart – Quick SEX- QUARTERS of ROCKS – ZION LILY Illinois – The HEARTland – Feeling CORNY? – DEERE JOHN – Starry Plow / Big Dipper – St. Louis – Chicago – Land of Lincoln – Monk’s Mound – EYE 55 ROUTE 66 – PIASA BIRD of Illinois 33 – The Day The Earth Stood Still – December 12 2008 – 12/12/8-8 – FOOL MOON – The HAJJ – LUNAR MOON Luciferian ICE-LAMBic Calendar – Ring Around The ROSY KAABA – MECCA MESA The Largest Mosque – New Hot Spot – Earthquakes A-GO-GO – Release The TIMES – Blackstone Blackwater – Something FISHY About MECCA – MORMON Catholislam-ism – Mormon Temple SQUARE=RAUQS=ROCKS – OIL/Arabs/ISLAM/AUTO Trance – Sacred Geometry/Freemasonry – The AMERICAN DREAM – “Suburbia” – Last Supper DESSERT – PROSTITUTION and GAMBLING 34 – Luciferian BLUEPRINT – Old World/New World – India/Indians/Indiana/MOON/COW – SATAN/Shaitan/Lucifer Enlightenment – Rabbits/Wabbits – BUGS BUNNY – Hiawatha – Higher Water – Hawaii – Iowa – Highway / Eye Way – IROQUOIS / EYE ROCK WATER – Illinois – LUCIFER / LOUIS-IFER – Louisiana – St. Louis – Lewis and Clark – Window ROCK – HOP/Hip Hop/I-HOP/HOPE/Hopi/Happy River God – 4th OF JULY Annual Nile Flood – Tastie Chocolate God – ABRAHAMA – Martin Luther King Lincoln LionKING

35 – Miracle On The Hudson – WEDDING of the SON – Walking On Water – We All Live In A Yellow Submarine – George H.W.Bush – George W. Bush – George Washington – GW JW JeHoVaH – YHWY – JEB BUSH COLUMBA BUSH – GEB and NUT NEW NIGHT – Christopher ColumBUSH Column SUB – 2010 Olympic Titanic – Dome Of The ROCK Mountains – CUBA/KAABA – Freemason Islamic Magic CUBE – Bermuda Triangle Devil’s Triangle – Mecca Fish – Tornado Alley – 11 Midwest States – Hurricane Katrina – Joshua Jericho Spiritual Running – Chrislam – MECCA MEDINA Al-AQSA USA – LA Well of Souls – Capistrano SWALLOWS 36 – Honest Abe Lincoln – Flight 3407 February 12 2009 – SACRIFICE TO LINCOLN The LION KING – Charles Darwin – Countdown to 2010 Olympics – Return Of Capistrano SWALLOWS – Calgon WATER SOFTENER – FALL Equinox 144 Days Before 2010 Olympics – Lord Stanley SATAN PARK ROCK – $787 Billion STIMULUST – 10 PENS – 10 PIN BOWLING GREEN – NIAGARA Eye of RA Honeymoon Capital – St. Valentine’s Sacrifice Of CAL-I-FORNIA – BIG 3 Trinity WATER MAKERS BAILOUT – British Crown Jewels – Last Judgment – ALASKA LAX – The POLICEMAN Is Our Friend? 37 – LAHORE Pakistan – LA WHORE – Mumbai Revisited – March 2 2009 – Dr. Seuss’ Birthday – Route 66 99 ZEUS Pillars – Everyone Must SACRIFICE – PraiseWorthy – SEPTEMBER 10 2001- JoBs North and South PILLARS – Salvation Army ROTHSCHILD RED SHIELD – Sally Ann – Allah Sun – MELTDOWN DIVE UNDERWATER TSUNAMI LIQUIDATION BATH RIPPLE EFFECT BAILOUT – March 11 2009 – 03/11/09 FULL MOON – Winnenden WINE and DINE School Shooting – Alabama Dalai Lama – LA Sacrifice Lamb – 1776 Sacrifice – As American As A-POLE Pi 39 – SAUDI ROCK and ROSE – Saudi Arabia – Saw Die And Bury – DIES=SEID=SAID=SAUD EYE – Its All About The OIL – Lion King LINCOLN – Holy Water / Oily Water – FLAGS Fall LA – PALMS Pay ALMS – LA Lambs – Sacrifice LAMBS – Baaaah-RAIN – MUHAMMAD – AMIR of MECCA = AMERICA – AL Khalifa LA California – LA Canada 9-10-11 – Beverly Hills 90210 / 9-2010 – Yellowstone LAVA OVAL Off-ICE – LUCIFERIAN SECRET SOCIETY LIVING WATER CONCERT Summer Solstice 2009 – White House BOWLING For Columbine – BOEING – BOWING – BULLION – BILLION – Temple Mount -Hatta – Rockefeller Plaza and WTC Plaza – Manhattan Beach CA – The MANHATTAN PROJECT and the NUCLEAR BOMB – Cairo Egypt Hollywood of the EAST 40 – PRINCESS DIANA – Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death – PARIS ROCK – Pa RISE – Pa Ra Dise – ELEUSIAN MYSTERIES – Champs-Elysees – Elysian Fields – Allah’s Fields – All Seeing Eye – ILLUSIONS – HOLLYWOOD – H-ALLA-WOOD – ALLAH WOOD – LA WOOD – Idaho Liberty In Flanders Fields – The Colour of INSANITY – Boise IDAHO State Football THE BLUE – Environmental Green Liberty – Air Force ONE and the Statue of Liberty MIND FUCK April 27th – April 28th / 99th DAY of OBAMA – It Hz To Be In LOVE – Live H2O WATER CONCERT – Solomon’s Temple – SUN and MOON Temple – 42 Months Of Killing and Cleansing – 528Hz = CONTROL – On To 2012 and THEO 2 – Abraham Lincoln and SINKING SPRING FARM – Bermuda Triangle – Square ROUTE 66 – Death Rows/ROSE N.33 – 3 Mary’s and 3 John’s – MICHAEL JACKSON DEATH – The REAL PENTECOST February 12-2010 41 – What In The World’s Going On – text companion to YouTube video

43 – The GRAND CANAL – Dammed to HELLTH CARE REFORM – Peter and John and …Stephen? – Preparing The Last Supper In The Upper Room – Bohemian Grove – Houston We Have A Problem – ONTARIO / AT ORION Fish God – Mount Carmel – Europe Eureka Euro Oreo Orio Kook-EYE – Get FED At The Last Supper – Federal Reserve – The 9’s Have It – EQ SUPPER PLATES – Swine and Dine When Pigs Fly – SWINE FLU or Vaccination – Ted Kennedy – THEO of CAMELOT – King Arthur And The Knights Of The Round Table – Sir B and G’s 44 – French Text for YouTube Video – What In The World’s Going On 45 – TERRORISM TERRORISM TERRORISM – TERROR TERROR TERROR – WASH WASH WASH – WASH WASH WASH – SICKS SICKS SICKS – SIX SIX SIX – 666 – Caduceus of / Mercury / Hermes – September 8-9-10-11 – Barack OBAMA SPEECH – September 8 The Nativity / Birth Of MARY – December 8 / 66 DAYS Before Vancouver Olympics / Immaculate Conception Of MARY – August 15 Assumption of MARY – QUEBEC Queen Bee – QUBE-C CUBE – Que-BA-Quois – CU-BA- QUARIUS – Witchcraft Goddess HECATE – HECATE STRAIT BC – September 18/09/09 – 11×9’s – NYSE=SION – Movie 9 Rings BELL – Intellectual / Religious Systems SICKS SICKS SICKS – Rosh Hashanah 9 Days of Repentance – Fall Equinox – 144 Days Till 2010 Olympics – HEBREW #6 VAV / WAW – THE WAVE – VOLKSWAGEN 666 SWINE FLU BUG – Someone’s Makin’ Money On The Swine Flu – PIGGY BANKS Say OINK – October 2009 Ring of Fire Earthquakes – California Earthquakes – GERMS = MARY – God of DISEASE / DIOCESE / DECEASE

47 – The Wedding Present – The Song / Sang / Sanguinary / Much Blood – The Music / Muses of Apollo – ORION The Key To The Kingdom Of Heaven – St. Peters Square Of ORION – Calif-Orion – The Great Sphinx / Lincoln / Dionysus / Celine Dion – Sun Of A Gun – Saint Francis of Assisi – The Wedding Supper Chef – Barack Obama CHANGE / CHAINS We Can Believe In – NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE / X-CHAINS – NYSE Son Of Orion – Immaculate Bleeding Heart of Mary Michelle / Lake Michigan – MiChicago – Route 66 / Route SICKS SICKS Mich-Elle-Cago – Great Lakes of the Nile – Black Widow Madonna Mary Michelle – SEAL of SOL-O-MON – Riyadh Saudi Arabia – Nejd The Garden Of Eden – Time Zone EAT – BANK System ANKH System The Temple of Solomon – 2010 Olympic Torch Relay – H1N1 Deciphered

48 – November 16 2009 – 88 DAYS Before 2010 Olympics – Water From The MOON – Celine Dion – November 17 – 87 Days Before 2010 Olympics – 6.6 EQ Queen Charlottes – 666 Kms. From Vancouver – The ROCK – The luciferian Mindset – The CORE – Roman Catholic Church – Orion California – Sarah Palin Book Tour – Oprah Winfrey – November 26/27 77 Days Before 2010 Olympics – Dubai $80 Billion In Debt – Black Friday – 1600 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE – 16 Foursquare Foundation – Holy 44 – SALISH SEA White House Party Crashers SALAHI’S – CLIMATEGATE 66 Days Before 2010 Olympics – Norway Spiral Light Show – DYNAMITE Nobel Peace Prize Barack Obama – Kabbalism 101

49 – December 19 – 55 DAYS Before 2010 Olympics – Health Care Reform Bill Passes – MERGING MERYING MARRYING The Health Care Reform Bill – Climate Change Conference Frustrates – 50 DAYS Before Olympics – SUNRISE VOTE Christmas Eve – Pope Benedict 10 PM Midnight Mass? – Petra Jordan – ROCK of DANGER – LINCOLN Tunnel 40th Street Manhattan – Pacific Plate 40 Degrees N – Birj Khalifa World’s Tallest Building – 40 Days Before 2010 Olympics – NU NEW WATERS New World Order – NU UN UNION – Cobra King Barack King Lion King Lincoln – Benu Bird Of Phoenix – Pharoahs Headdress – BENBEN STONE Ben Bernanke – Person Of The Year TIME – CNN = 9-11 Media Go Betweens – San Francisco Sea Lions Disappear? – 44 Days Before 2010 Olympics – Once In A BLUE MOON – FULL MOON Lunar Eclipse- 40 Degrees=40 Days – Olympic Torch BEAR Shania Twain – I’m On My Way – Number 44 – World Trade Center Attack – BUILDING 7 – BRITISH COLUMBIA – Vancouver 2010 Olympics – St. Valentines Day Massacre LINCOLN PARK CHICAGO – The Year Of The TIGER February 14 – Tiger Woods – The UNION / CONSUMMATION / MARRIAGE of 2010 – The Next and Last 911 – Epiphany – Sea Wine SWINE – The Beginning of Miracles – 888 Days From Washington’s Birthday Till 2012 Olympics – 33 Days Before 2010 Olympics – 6.5 Earthquake Eureka CA 50 – CANCER The Flower Gate / FLOOD – Herod’s Gate – Tea Time – TEA ATE EIGHT 8 – HAITI Earthquake 12/01/10 – 7.0 Mag – 77th DAY of OLYMPIC Torch Relay Run – 10 and 12 Times Tables Being Set – FOXY Sarah Palin – Juno Alaska / Al Aqsa – FLIGHT 93 World Trade Center Attack – Its All About California – The Wedding FLOWERS and Wedding QUAKE – 3 KINGS of ORIENT ARE – HAITI=HAWAII – Warren BUFFET STYLE Wedding Supper – Edgar Allan Poe – The City In The Sea – 4 Corner Cross of InTENsity – Boston TEA PARTY 1773 – 1776=888 – Conspiracy Theorist Truth Movement – Flip Side Of Illuminati Coin – KNOWLEDGE Ka-NOW NWO OWN WON The AFTERLIFE – Yellowstone = Port Au Prince Haiti 51 – HAITI EARTHQUAKE – 80 Earthquake 52 – FEBRUALIA / FEBRUARY Month Of PURIFICATION – February MOONS – Land Of Lincoln Earthquake – Washington’s 2 Birthdays – Throne Of Isis – Throne of High Seas – Queens Of Heaven – Festival Of Lights – MARJAH The Battle Of MARY – MARJAH The Town That DOESN’T EXIST – Afghanistan=AVAGANA Queen of Heaven Inanna – MARJA / MARY – HERAT / HEART – Los Angeles HEART of MARY – 8.8 EARTHQUAKE CHILE – Burj Khalifa 2717 / Feb.17 to 27 – HAITI North Tower / Chile South Tower – GOOGLE WIN-ter OLYMPIC Closing Ceremony Image Horns of ISIS / ICEY / HIGH SEA / I SEE – Afghanistan 11 STONE STATES Halfway Around The World – TALIBAN / Sacrifice LA BAN – Los Angeles CHILE Earthquake – ASIA CHINA = Shekhinah Glory – STAN States of Central Asia – STAN STONE – March 7 2010 66th Day Of The Year – JOS NIGERIA – 11/03/10 6th Anniversary Of Madrid Bombings

53 – ROCK AROUND THE CLOCK – It’s 10 O’CLOCK – 4.4 Mag. Earthquake Los Angeles – March 16 2010 – 4:04 AM – Hawaiian Queen of Heaven PELE – Pele Volcano Tsunami Flood Moon Goddess – Canary Islands – Yellowstone – Alaska – Ring Of Fire – STAN/STONE STATES – Health Care Reform Bill and the NUMBER 322 – The Garden Of GETHSEMANE = YOSEMITE PARK – Jesus Sweats BLOOD – The Way Of SORROWS – The Via DOLOROSA = The WAY of COLORADO – March 29 2010 88th Day Of The Year – Russian Metro Bombings – Jewish Passover – Last Week Of Lent – March 30 PASSOVER – Full Moon – CERN Large Hadron Collider BIG BANG – Health Care Reform FIXITS Bill PASSED On PASSOVER 54 – World Trade Center Ribbon Cutting April 4 – 1973 – 37th Anniversary April 4-2010 – 04/04/10 – 7.2 EQ BAJA California – SKULL and BONES Secret Society – Number 322 – Somali PIRATES – Arabian Sea / California – CUBE of MECCA / Kabaah / QUEB-e-QUA = QUEBEC WATER – Deer Island – Heart Island – Mary Island – Saint John New Brunswick – World’s Highest Tides – Bay Of Fundy – Ungava / One Yahweh – 09/04/10 – 99th Day Of The Year – 10/04/10 – 100th Day Of The Year – Poland Presidential Death – Katyn Massacre – The Two Who Stole The MOON – 606 Days To Conception Of Mary In Saint Anne – 666 Days To Winter Solstice – Roman Catholicism New Spain And Natural Disasters – APRIL 14 2010 14/04/10 – The 104th Day Of The Year – Another NEW MOON – 6.9 QINGHAI HIGH KING QUAKE – Earthquake Frequency Increase – 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa – 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil – 2016 Olympics Rio de Janeiro – KRAKOW Funeral CRACK COW Earthquake and Flood Funeral – ROCK OF ICELAND – Ring Around The Rosie – World Trade Center ASHES – OKLAHOMA BOMBING ASHES – Hawaii 333 Degrees KILL AWAY ALL

55 – Gulf Of Mexico / Flood of Megiddo – Route 66 Alaska / Iceland / Baffin Island / Cape Horn – CALIFornia / FALIC Orion / PHALLIC Osiris / Golden Penis Of Osiris – ARIZONA Immigration Law – Mumbai Restaurant PHOENIX – World Trade Center PRIMORDIAL MOUND – Phoenix Bird Rising From The Ashes – NY Stock Exchange NYSE / SION DROPS 999 Points – GREAT SPHINX LION KING / LIO KING / OIL KING / LEO KING – LEO=ELO=YELLOWSTONE – Deepwater Horizon LIO-N SPILL – LEO / OIL Goes To London 2012 Olympics – Giza / Tower 1 Tower 2 Marriott Hotel – Oregon / California / Arizona – Petroleum Yellowstone – THE JUDGMENT OF GOD POURED OUT – WorMWood – Bitter And Blood Sea – 911 Flight Paths – BANKS To BIG To FAIL – Cordoba House WTC MUSLIM MOSQUE Seed Of Peace – The 37th Day/Degree – PEACE / PIECE / PISCES – The Prince of PISCES – NEVADA 322 Navidad Nativity Birth Of A New World – NEVADA 666 – June 1 2010 Al And Dipper/Tipper Gore – WEDDING / WETTING INVITATIONS – Mount Rushmore 4 Presidents 4 FIXED SIGNS of the ZODIAC – Freemason SOCCER Symbolism At FIFA CUP – The PHANTOM Of The OPERA – The CAPE And The MASK/MASQUE/MOSQUE – Andrew Lloyd Webber – WEDDING RAPE – OPERA/OPRAH/O-RAPE – Somalia Pirates Remember the ALAMO – June 24 – 66th DAY OF THE OIL POUR -Michael Jackson 1st Anniversary – EURONEXT Closes At 666 For Summer Solstice – 3RD ROCK From The Sun – 7 Hills Of The World – General YELLOWSTONE / Son Of God FIRED – ALEXANDRIA Egypt – ALEX – LAX – Pompey’s Pillar – CLEOPATRA

56 – Adolf Hitler-The Deepwater Horizon And The Gulf Of Mexico Oil Pour – BP British Petroleum – Jewish Yellow 6 Pointed Star – Flanders Fields and FIFA – Hitler / Queen Elizabeth / Japan / ATOMIC BOMBS / Snake River Canyon – July 16 The Number Of Lincoln / 144 Days Since Washington’s Birthday – CAPPing The WELL – GULF/GOLF/GALF/GELF/GILF – Tiger Woods and GOLF – Scotland Freemasonic GOLF – Golf Courses Around The World – Hole In WON – Front 9 Back 9 – Volkswagen GOLF – August 6, 1914 To August 6, 1945 World War 1 / World War 2 – TEXAS / TIKSWAAS / SWASTIKA The LONE STAR – ELONA GAY – 66.6% = 8 – Lincoln Washington And DEEPWATER CLEANSING Coming To A Theatre Near You! – George Washington Leads The Charge At North Korea – Hiroshima Yellowstone – ALASKA / ALLAH’S KA – Bering Land Bridge 57 – NUMBERS = MUN-BERS = MOON BEARS = FLOOD BEARER = Water Bearer = Age of Aquarius – MICHAEL JACKSON And The World Trade Center Attack 2001 58 – Hey Diddle Diddle … A Riddle … Of ALLAH-ION … A LION – In The BEGINNING (A-START) Was The Word … The Great Sphinx Of Giza – Solomon’s Temple – And – The Tabernacle In The Wilderness – The Temple Mount – The Noble Sanctuary – The B and G Domes – The Temple Of Doom – The Foundation Stone – The World Trade Center – The National Mall IS The Great Sphinx – Lion From The Tribe Of UTAH – Alaska And The 11 Western United States – SPHINX=PHINXS=PHOENIXS – – – – – – – Mona Lisa=SalaiMon=SOLOMON – Skull And Bones #322 Perimeter of the Great Pyramid – SOLOMON’s TEMPLE – Mayan Calendar Nose / Sphinx Nose / Lion Kings Shot In The Head – WTC Georgia Washington Street Strait State Di-Strict – ROMULUS=SOLOMON – REMUS=MOSES – George Washington Sphinx – Georgia Strait / Washington State – A STREET CALLED STRAIT (Apostle Paul/Pole) – CAPITOL HILL The Owl And The Pussycat – Washington Sphinx – Dolorosa Way Of Sorrows – DOLLAR RO$E – The OWL SEEING EYE – Owl And Phoenix – Birds Of Pray/Prey – 37 Degrees N. – SPHIN-x SPINE – Dollars Mints And Temples – FISH GOD of BabyLon – SALMON/SOLOMON – Egypt Mubarak / Suleiman – 2010 Vancouver Olympics Anniversary – ’66 PEACE / PACIFIC MOVEMENT – Flood Flow-er Child – Europa Europe ERUPT-ION – Sun And Moon Worship – Bull Lion Gold – WILLIAM Royalty Layers of Liars – Royal Wedding LIBYA = LABIA = PUSSY Lips – FUCK!!! – 11/03/11 Harmonic NINE ELEVEN – Japan Paayn PAIN – The Number 4-44-444-4444 – NOVEMBER 11 2013 – 9/11/13 59 – Princess Diana’s Engagement RING – Prince William And Kate’s Wetting – 444 DAYS From February 12-2010 Olympics Until MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY! 2011

– WikiLeaks=WAIKIKI LEAKS – Tunisia/Egypt/Yemen/Syria/Jordan/Bahrain/Libya – The ARAB WORLD – ARAB=BA-RA=Sacrifice WATER – Bah-Rain – APRIL 19 – 109th Day Of The Year – APRIL 29th Royal Wedding – 119th Day Of The Year – 119=911 – Prince William Sound And Hurricane Katrina – APRIL 29 / 66th ANNIVERSARY of HITLER’S MARRIAGE TO EVA BRAUN – Oedipus Complex – William And Kate/Diana Wedding – The SACRIFICE OF SOLOMON The Son And The Moon – The Arab Spring Has Cracks – Yellowstone Lava Plume Bigger Than Believed April 11 2011 – OVAL OFFICE = LAVA ORIFICE = YELLOWSTONE CALDERA – Great Pyramid Of Giza – Washington DC Symbolism – PYRAMID = FIRE IN THE MIDST = YELLOWSTONE – The Ascending Passage of GIZA USA – White House Address 1600 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE = Sacrifice Of SOL-O-MON – George Washington Inauguration 222 Years To April 30 2011 – APRIL 22 Deep Water Horizon Sinking 04/22 = 4×22=88 – The Launch of ENDEAVOR=DEVOUR – The Marriage Supper Of The Lamb – VOLCANOS DIAMONDS CARATS CARROTS And BUGS BUNNY – Easter Bunny Eggs 2 Symbols Of Fertility – Diana’s OVAL LAKE BURIAL ISLAND – Prince William Sound 180 Degrees From Giza – FLOWERS FLOWING For Diana And Kate – REICH RICHTER ROCKETS – Beatification of Pope John Paul II May 1 – St. Catherine Feast Day April 29-30 – Beltane King Of The Wood/Green Man Sacrifice May 1 – VIETNAM WAR May 1 – BIG BROWN Horse Race – Chocolate Brown Rolls-Royce – Chocolate Beltane Cake – CHOCOLATE MOUNTAINS California – Devil’s Food Cake – License Plate JU5T WED – OSAMA BIN LADEN=OBAMA SIN LADEN – Obama Faked Birth Certificate – LITTLE BOY FAT MAN ATOMIC BOMBS=BAPHOMET PENTAGRAM PENTAGON Yellowstone Sacrifice – ATOMIC BOMB = A-BOMB =O-BOMB-A – Royal Visit To Canada And California On 7th ANNIVERSARY OF LONDON BOMBINGS – The Situation Room / Obama Sin Laden – ENDEAVOR LAUNCH Tentatively MAY 16, 2011 – ENDEAVOR = NEVER-LAND 60 – May 21, 2011 – Look Busy … Jesus Is Coming…? – WHY 666 / 144 / 16 Etc. – Harold Egbert Camping – Arabic Numbers – Angles/Angels – Washington District Of COLUMBIA = COLUMNS = B and G – Columbia = Solumbia = Solomon – Dr.Jekyll (Jackal) And Mr.Hyde (Hide) – Sphinx SPLIT PERSONALITY – Sirius DOG STAR And NILE FLOOD – Sirius And Sun Rise Together – Space Shuttle Endeavor May 16 To June 1 – Alcatraz And Jekyll Island Georgia – Presidential Penis Pussy Gods – 2012 Olympic Torch Unveiled 08/06/11 – CRAZY 8’s All Over Again – NHL Stanley Cup HOCKEY/HAWKEYE Final Vancouver CANUCKS And Boston BRUINS – Freemason Lord STANLEY – 2012 Olympic Torch 64 Million Holes / Pacific Ocean 64 Million Square Miles – Rings of Fire – 2012 London Olympics And Noah’s Ark – BAPTIST / BAPTISTA And The Number 88 – 4 CORNER CROSS Disasters USA and CANADA – Cana-DIANA – Mount Olympus Washington State – JOHAN/NOAH And His ARK – Lost Continent Of ATLANTIS – Last Space Shuttle Flight ATLANTIS – Nuclear Bombs Blew Up WTC On 911 Attack – ELEnin Dwarf Star 9/11/11 And 11/22/11 – Route 66 SINAI Desert – WTC Construction August 5 1966 To April 4 1973 – 6.66 YEARS Or 80 Months – OSLO Bombing – Ol’ OZ Wizardry – Utoya Island Shooting – Space Shuttle Atlantis MISSION COMPLETE – USA Debt / Death Ceiling – July 22, 2011 07/22/11 – 60 Degrees N – The Bering Strait / Anders BEHRING BREIVIK Oslo Bomber – WTC Groundbreaking Anniversary August 5, 1966 – USA DEBT CEILING CRISIS August 2 To 15 – King Abdullah Of Saudi Arabia Born August 1, 1923 / 88 YEARS AGO – King Abdullah Succeeded The Throne AUGUST 2, 2005 – King Abdullah Formal Ceremony August 2, 2005 – Giza Pyramid / Pisgah Volcano California / The Well of Souls – Norway Massacre July 22, 2011 Star Sign LEO July 23 – May 5, Cinqo de Mayo The Month of MARY 77 Days Before Norway Massacre – August 2, 1934 Hitler Comes To Power 77 Years Ago August 2, 2011 – 70% Of Western European Men Related To KING TUT –

Great Pyramid Of Giza 1/11th Mile High – August 4, 2011 Dow Jones Plunges 512 POINTS – NO SAVIOUR – Cinqo de Mayo The Month Of Mary The Season Of Sacrifice – August 5, 2011 NYSE Close 11,444 – August 5, 2011 NASA Launches Juno To Jupiter – Binnenalstar Bather – August 5, 2011 S&P 500 Closes At 1199 – Unreported $16 TRILLION FED GIFT FOR BUDDIES – Saudi Arabia = Water Circle God – August 6 1945 HIROSHIMA BOMBING 66 YEARS AGO – August 9 1945 NAGASAKI BOMBING 66 YEARS AGO – Solomon’s TEMPLE / 2 POLES – 8/8/11 – 220th Day of the Year – Dow Jones Loses 6.66% / S&P 500 Loses 5.55% / Nasdaq Loses 6.9% – Meanwhile LONDON BURNS! – The 6th Seal Of Revelation / NAVY SEAL TEAM 6 Suggesting A BIG EQ – Final Destination 5 MOVIE August 12, 2011 Lions Gate Bridge Collapse – FINAL DESTINATION 1 – 1 YEAR 177 DAYS Before WTC Attack – The X-Files Factor – The Lone Gunmen=SOLOMON – And Lots Of Other Bullshit – Festival Of NERMALIA August 13-15 – Sacrifice To Diana In INDIANAPOLIS INDIANA August 13, 2011 – The YONI / ION / EYE-ON And Vulva The Worship Of Diana – Diana Liberty Columbe ROSE – The Flower Gate HEROD’S / HARROD’S Gate – Yellowknife Yellowstone – VIRGO / The VIRGIN Shakes In VIRGINIA – Libya Labia Rebels Occupy Tripoli – VIRGIN Enterprises Mansion Burns Down – 08/23/2011=08/11/08-11 – The Of Solomon’s Temple 61 – 37 Degrees North Around The World – Comet ELENIN – Comet HALE-BOPP – Bill Haley And His COMETS – Lincoln California – VULVA=LOVER – August 24, 2011 4,000 Days Since WTC 9-11 – Hurricane IRENE / ORION Symbolism – The Eve Of Remembrance / Veterans Day 2013 4,444 Days Since 9-11 – GABRIELLE GIFFORDS Symbolism – World Trade Center Number Symbolism – 315 FLOORS 315th Day Of The Year 11/11/11! – Skull And Bones Number 322 – COLONEL GADDAFI / COLONEL SANDERS – America=A-MARY-KA – Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial On The National Mall DC – CRESCENT MOON MEMORIAL – Well Of Souls / Mountain Of Despair / Diaspora / Stone Of Hope – Virginia EQ And Hurricane Irene – I HAVE A DREAM and the GETTYSBURG ADDRESS – Colonel GADDAFI – World Trade Center And The National September 11th Memorial And Museum Opening September 11, 2011 – Princess Diana And Dodi Fayed Sacrifice After 242nd Day Of The Year – Muammar Gaddafi / Mother And Son / Mary And Jesus / Diana And Dodi Fayed

– CHARIOTS of FIRE – F/X – Murder By Illusion – I Dismember MAMA – The Deadly Art Of Illusion – 09/09/11 6.4 EARTHQUAKE Occurs on Vancouver Island / The LIONS GATE – Enter The SACRIFICE! – Obama JOB SPEECH – A SHAKE, JOLT and RAISE! – The DOLLAR – Via DOLLAROSA – JOBS – The Way Of Sorrows – The IRON CROSS / Hitler’s ORION CROSS – The Complete Cross Of The Moon – WTC Time And Duration Of Attack Numbers Deciphered – 9/11/11 Obama Speech Psalm 46 / P(16) SLAM 46 – Moses Is Jesus Born Of Mary – 911 MEMORIAL / Well Of Souls And The FLOOD – The Lion King Movie 09/16/11 – More INTENSE 6.0 EQ’s On West Coast = ELENIN SUGGESTION – BlockBuster WTC Subliminal – RENO AIRSHOW CRASH 16/9/11 = LION KING MARRIAGE SUPPER At CANA Of Galilee = The Beginning Of Miracles – The PILATE STONE – Freedom Tower Number Symbolism – RENO-VA-TION – Lion Sacrifice Cross 2-5-8-11 – Illuminati Time Clock – Martin Luther the Reformer – POPE LEO X – 37 Degrees Spine Of The Sphinx – 11 WALL STREET And NYSE – UARS Satellite Crash = ROSE/RUSE/RUSH – Palestine/P- Allah’Stone Judgment Stone – Libra Fall Equinox September 23, 2011 SCALES OF JUDGMENT – BIRDS – 09/24/11 Earthquake DROP OFF Except for 11 Western States – President Obama’s West Coast Tour Aligns With Comet Elenin – DICK CHENEY Mr. 9-11 – Rock Band RUSH / RUSHMORE / ROSH HASHANAH – Great Pyramid Of Giza / NYSE / 11 Wall Street / Equinox 14 Wall Street – Washington Monument 62 – Occupying WALL STREET – Playing Into The Hands Of The Manipulator – The Number 8 / OCTAGON – To OCCUPY – To Take CONTROL – James Bond J and B – OCTO-PUSSY – Pink Floyd / PINK-FLOOD – Woodstock And Yasgur’s DAIRY FARM And The FLOWER CHILDREN – The PENTAGRAM / PENTAGON = The VULVA – Springfield USA Arab SPRING – Number 12 As A Fraction – USA JOB’s Bill / JOBs JOBs JOBs / St.Eve JOBs – Nut / Nuit / Night / Inuit / NWT / UNITE – 99% Muhammad – A Cow A Sow / A Figure Skating CowSow And The MILKY WHEY – JOBS / FLOODS / STARS / VULVA / Dippers And Handels – Star = Toil = Work = Labour = Childbirth = FLOOD – MINNE-Soda – Twin Cities / Twin Pillars / Twin Towers – Mary Tyler Moore and Cat Logo – HitchCOCK CUNTry – Wisconsin = Sion Witchcraft – AFRICA – A Free Slave Sacrifice – A-FREE-A-MER-KA – Cain Killed ABE-L 999 – Liberia = Liberty = HITLER – Unsinkable Titanic Occupation – 37 DEGREES N./109 DEGREES W. 9-11 Deciphered – April 9-10 To May 12-13 – Direct Harmonies to October November – 4 Corner Cross Of NUNAVUT / NUT Queen Of The Sky Flood Queen – World Trade Center Attack Airplane Symbolism – COCA-COLA = SOAK-a- SOLa = SOL-a-MON And The NEW Polar Bear COKE CAN – Dancing With The STARS DWTS=66 – Life Of Brian Crucifixion Song – 7 Billion World Population Trick Or Treat? – World Series Game 6 – Statue Of Liberty 125th Anniversary – BANG-COCK FLOODING – NYSE Closes At 9/11 – World Series Winners The CARDS – It’s In The CARDS – Hitler And #OccupyWallStreet luciferian/Illuminati Agenda – Yingluck Shinawatra PM Of Thailand – Bangkok Thailand = New Orleans Louisiana LA The City Of Angels Los Angeles – Louisiana = SOLOMON – Uncle Sam = SOLOMON – Social Media The FLOOD OF SILICON VALLEY – Steve JOBS Final Words ‘Oh Wow, Oh Wow, Oh Wow! – 7 Billionth Person Born Called DANICA – November 5 GUY FAWKES Day – FAWKES FOX FUCKS 666 – We Are ANONYMOUS – #OccupyWallStreet Mosquerade – Month Of November / MO-VEMBER Moustache Month – The MASK of FOX 666 / The MOSQUE of Al-Aqsa ALASKA 66 and 166 – Danica Patrick Queen of Heaven – Dan Wheldon LION HEART – Texas Guy Fawkes Day NASCAR Race – GUY FOX DAY Oklahoma Earthquakes Nov. 5, 6, 7 … OKLAHOMA = INDIAN = DIANA – 50 States of Sacrifice 13+13+2+11+11 – Remembrance / Veterans Day 11/11/11/11 = 44 – US ROUTE 66 November 11, 1926 – SYRIA The Dog Star – Bashar al-Assad The Lion King Born On September 11 – Okla- HOMA HOMS HAMA EQ’s Massacres – November 9, 2011 = 11/09/11 And Turkey EQ Of 5.7 – Sacrifice of the Father – PATERNO – PANETTA – PAPANDREOU – PAPADEMOS – PAPOULIAS – PASOK – Number 37 x 111 Multiples And The ‘MAGIC’ Of Lunacy – OccupyOakland MOCK WEDDING / MOCK WETTING? – Underwater Mortgages and 37 Degrees N – VITAMIN D (88) and 37 Degrees – NOVEMBER 18 – 322nd Day Of The YEAR / 88% Of The Year 63 – November 22, 1963 Kennedy Assassination – Female Reproductive Organs And Dealay Plaza Dallas – The Mother Flood – Virgin Birth Death Resurrection – New Mexico Arizona Colorado Utah – The Lone GUNMAN / HYMEN / HYMN / SANG / BLOOD Sacrifice – Osiris’ Crown Of Copulation / DEALAY PLAZA – Isis Crown Of Arma