Draft Membership Fees 2020 - current criteria EU member parties 2019 2020 EP 2019 2020 Party GDP per Parlia State Populatio 1380 € Govern capita, € ment fundin n, mln per MEP ment Basic fee in € Key Total fee in € Note 2018 repr g 1=yes Nominal 1=yes Austria, Die Grünen 43.700 1 1 8,82 2.300 20.700 2 2.760 6.440 23.460 * Belgium, 39.500 1 1 11,40 20.700 20.700 2 2.760 22.080 23.460 Belgium, 39.500 1 1 11,40 20.700 20.700 1 1.380 22.080 22.080 Bulgarian 7.800 7,05 920 920 Bulgaria, Zeleno dvizheniye (Green Movement)7.800 7,05 920 920 920 920 Cyprus Green Party 23.800 1 1 0,86 4.600 4.600 4.600 4.600 Czech Green Party 19.600 1 1 10,61 2.300 20.700 2.300 20.700 * Denmark, SF 51.400 1 1 5,78 17.250 17.250 2 2.760 18.630 20.010 , Estonian 19.500 1,32 575 575 575 575 Finland, Vihreät - De Gröna 42.300 1 1 5,51 17.250 17.250 2 2.760 2.875 18.630 22.885 France, Europe Ecologie - Les Verts 35.000 1 1 64,81 40.250 34.500 8 11.040 48.530 45.540 4, * Germany, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen 40.300 1 1 82,79 40.250 40.250 21 28.980 55.430 69.230 Greece, 17.200 10,74 20.700 1.150 5.175 1.150 Hungary, LMP 13.500 1 1 9,78 4.600 4.600 5.980 4.600 Ireland, Comhaontas Glas 66.700 1 1 4,83 4.600 4.600 2 2.760 4.600 7.360 Italy, Federazione dei Verde 29.100 60,48 1.150 1.150 1.150 1.150 Latvia, Green Party 15.300 1 1,93 1.380 1.725 4.255 1.725 6 Luxemburg, déi gréng 96.700 1 1 0,60 4.600 4.600 1 1.380 2.875 8.855 8.855 Malta, Alternattiva Demokratika 25.600 0,48 575 575 575 575 Netherlands, GroenLinks 44.900 1 1 17,18 23.000 23.000 3 4.140 25.760 27.140 Poland, Zieloni 12.900 37,98 920 920 920 920 Portugal, Os Verdes 19.600 1 1 10,29 20.700 20.700 4.600 20.700 ** Romania, Partidul Verde 10.400 19,53 920 920 920 920 Slovenia, Stranka mladih - Zeleni Evrope 22.200 2,01 575 575 575 575 Spain, EQUO 25.900 1 1 46,66 34.500 34.500 3.680 34.500 ** Spain, ICV 25.900 1 1 7,54 17.250 17.250 1 1.380 18.630 18.630 2, ** Sweden, Miljöpartiet de gröna 45.900 1 1 10,12 20.700 20.700 2 2.760 2.875 29.095 26.335 3 United Kingdom, GPEW 36.000 1 66,27 2.300 2.300 7 9.660 6.440 11.960 United Kingdom Scottish Green Party 36.000 5,45 575 575 575 575 Subtotal 327.060 337.985 54 74.520 8.625 322.920 421.130

Candidate Members Croatia, ORaH 11.900 4,11 230 230 230 230 1 South-Tyrol, Verdi- Grune-Verc 29.100 0,50 920 920 920 920 5 Subtotal 1.150 1.150 1.150 1.150

Total 328.210 339.135 54 74.520 8.625 324.070 422.280

Total In case of Brexit 409.745

* Parliamentary representation in the second/higher chamber (Senat) ** State funding from coalition agreements

Data Sources Data source for EU countries: Eurostat. Indicators: nomimal GDP, EUR per capita; Total population, thousands persons; https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/tgm/table.do?tab=table&init=1&language=en&pcode=tec00001&plugin=1 https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/tgm/table.do?tab=table&init=1&plugin=1&pcode=tps00001&language=en (1) Data for 2017 (2) Data for population https://www.idescat.cat/novetats/?id=3152&lang=en (3) Data for population https://ukpopulation2018.com/population-of-scotland-2018.html (4) Data for pupolation https://www.ined.fr/en/everything_about_population/data/france/population-evolution/total-population/ (5) Total membership fee in case the Committee proposal is adopted would be 575 EUR (6) Total membership fee in case the Committee proposal is adopted would be 0.

MF Scenario current criteria.xlsx Draft membership fees 2020 - current criteria - non EU

Non-EU member parties

2019 2020 EP 2019 2020 Party GDP per Parlia State Populatio 1380 € Govern capita, € ment fundin n, mln per MEP ment Basic fee in € Key Total fee in € Note 2018 repr g 1=yes Nominal 1=yes Albania Te Gjelberit 4.000 2,87 460 460 460 460 3 Andorra Greens 35.996 0,08 575 575 575 575 1 Georgia Greens Party 3.533 3,73 460 460 460 460 North Macedonia, DOM 4.800 1 1 2,08 4.600 4.600 4.600 4.600 4 Moldova, Partidul Ecologist AV 2.000 3,55 460 460 460 460 Norway, Miljöpartiet de Gronne 69.300 1 1 5,30 17.250 17.250 17.250 17.250 , Grüne/Verts/Verdi 71.200 1 8,48 2.300 2.300 2.300 2.300 4 Ukraine, Party of Greens of Ukraine 2.306 42,22 920 920 920 920 Subtotal 27.025 27.025 0 0 0 27.025 27.025

Candidate Members Turkey Yesiller Partisi 9.400 80,81 230 230 230 230 4 Subtotal 230 230 0 0 0 230 230

Associate Members Azerbaijan Greens 3.612 9,99 460 460 460 460 2 Belarus Greens 5.007 9,49 460 460 460 460 Russia, Green Russia 9.388 146,78 460 460 460 460 6 Russia, Groza 9.388 146,78 460 460 460 460 6 Subtotal 1.840 1.380 0 0 0 1.840 1.840

Total 29.095 28.635 0 0 0 29.095 29.095

Total in case of Brexit 31.970

Data Sources Data source: Eurostat. Indicators: Total population, thousands persons; https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/tgm/table.do?tab=table&init=1&language=en&pcode=tec00001&plugin=1

(1) Data from https://www.estadistica.ad/serveiestudis/web/index.asp?lang=4 (2) Data for population https://www.stat.gov.az/source/demoqraphy/ap/?lang=en (3) Data source GDP 2017 https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/NY.GDP.PCAP.CD?view=chart (4) Data for GDP 2017 https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php/Enlargement_countries_-_economic_developments (6) Data for population : http://www.statdata.ru/russia