Punic Wars Name: ______


 Founded by the ______in the 8th century B.C.

 Located in North Africa on the Mediterranean Coast

 Major trading power in the ______

 Traded as far north as England and down the west coast of Africa

First Punic War (264-241 B.C.)

 “______” is the term given to the people of by Rome

 A dispute in the Sicilian City of ______in 264 B.C. escalated into the first Punic War

 One side looked to Rome for aid and the other looked to Carthage

 When a Punic Fleet entered the port of the city, Rome felt the need to respond with a larger force to push them out. Each side increased the size of their armies on the island until a full blown war broke out

 The war was mostly a naval battle with some land battles being fought in Africa, Sicily, Corsica & Sardinia

 Romans were not great sailors and they lost ______ships during the course of the year

 Rome was unable to take control during the war due to poor Generals and a timid Senate

 Eventually Carthage accepted harsh terms to bring peace mostly out of exhaustion from the war effort

Results of the First Punic War

 Carthage was required to pay for damages done to Rome during the course of the war and give up Sicily  Rome realized its weakness in naval combat and in response, created the ______(Latin for crow)

 Rome also learned how to fight war on a major scale

 ______

 ______

 ______

 ______

Second Punic War (218-201 B.C.) & (247-183 B.C.)

 The second war broke out in 218 B.C. because of a dispute over ______

 Carthage was weakened from the treaty with Rome but now had the leadership of one of the greatest generals of the time:

 Hannibal Barca

 Son of Hamilcar Barca, Carthaginian conqueror of ______

 Had a deep hatred for Rome

 His plan was to invade Rome from the ______, win early victories and win over the Roman allies in the process

 Hannibal leaves Spain to Cross the ______

 The crossing of the ______was a risky move that was costly to Hannibal’s forces but took Rome completely off guard

 Hannibal proclaimed freedom to all people under Roman rule but few responded

 Battle of Trebbia River

 Took advantage of Roman inpatients  Battle of Lake Trasimene

 Still no Roman allies sided Hannibal

Battle of Cannae

 Yearly Roman Council elections placed two new ambitious Consuls eager to win battles

 Normal Consul armies are 20,000 strong but the council voted to give each Consul a double army so together they had 70,000 (Rome was short handed)

 The two were eager to meet Hannibal in an ______battle and Hannibal was willing to oblige

 The battle was won by Hannibal

 Carthaginian forces- ______

 Roman forces- ______

Battles After Math

 The Roman Force of 70,000 was reduced to ______as Hannibal’s forces killed without mercy

 The Roman ally of ______(second largest Italian City) joined Hannibal

 Rome retained most of its allies and was able to rebuild

 Hannibal did not have enough forces to take the city of Rome itself

Metaurus River

 Hannibal called for aid from his brother ______who was fighting in Spain

 Hasdrubal made his way into the same way as Hannibal but was cut off at the Metaurus River

 He was defeated and killed by the Roman army a day before he would have met up with his brother  This battle established that Hannibal would not be able to take Rome itself

Scipio Africanus

 Won Consul in 205 B.C. on the platform that he could defeat Carthage and his success in Spain

 Raised an army and sailed for ______in 204 B.C.

 Hannibal had difficulty returning to Africa because of Roman forces but was finally able to in 202 B.C.

 The two eventually met at ______evenly matched at 25,000 men a piece

 Scipio’s power was in his ______while Hannibal’s was in his ______

Battle of Zama

 Hannibal looked for a swift victory with a charge from his elephants but Scipio taught his troops how to avoid this

 With the initial charge a failure, the superior army of Scipio overwhelmed Hannibal


 Carthage again was forced to pay a terrible price for peace in 201 B.C.

 They were stripped of all their ______, ______, ______and was made into a client state of Rome with no political rights

 Hannibal was banned from Carthage and died a mysterious death in 183 B.C.

Third Punic War (149-146 B.C.)

 Even after the harsh terms put on Carthage, it managed to rebuild ______

 The Roman senator Cato the Elder lead a campaign that said Carthago Delenda Est! (______)

 In 149 B.C. Carthage defended itself against raiding tribes by rebuilding its army and by crossing their territory line to pursue and destroy the tribes  Rome took this chance to declare war

 The war only lasted ______years

 Carthage was destroyed in 146 B.C.

 The walls were torn down

 City was burned down

 People were sold into slavery

 The winning general was Scipio Aemilianus( an adopted decendent of )

 This war was unnecessary but it showed the fear Rome felt for Carthage and the memory left by ______