PLANNING COMMITTEE Date : 26Th March 2013
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LONDON BOROUGH OF ENFIELD PLANNING COMMITTEE Date : 26th March 2013 Report of Contact Officer: Ward: Enfield Assistant Director, Planning, Andy Higham Tel: 020 8379 3848 Highway Highways & Transportation Mr S. Newton Tel: 020 8379 3851 Application Number : P13-00017PLA Category: Minor LOCATION: COLLEGE FARM, 515 HERTFORD ROAD, ENFIELD, EN3 5XE PROPOSAL: Demolition of existing buildings, and erection of a single storey building with green roof, ventilation and solar panels to roof for use as day care/community centre (D1), to include public conveniences and outdoor seating, and vehicle and pedestrian access and parking area to north, associated landscaping and fencing to boundary Applicant Name & Address: Agent Name & Address: Marc Gadsby Mark Skehill Health, Housing & Adult Social Care BHP Architects London Borough of Enfield Nicholas House PO Box 51 Riverfront Civic Centre Enfield Silver Street EN1 3TF EN1 3XQ RECOMMENDATION: That planning permission be GRANTED subject to conditions. Application No:- P13-00017PLA ALBAN e Y ROA s D 44 u o H e l a 56 H 5 3 1 8 7 5 3 1 5 2 4 7 5 9 3 5 2 5 9 4 PH 0 Alba 7 ny C 5 hurch 19.2m 5 1 9 5 1 7 1 4 2 6 5 18 y d B 30 d r a W R C 42 CR TCB 54 LB CON NOP R Wa OAD rd Bdy D A O R D R ENFIELD WASH O F T R E H 3 4 19.2m College 1 t Swimming Pool o 3 Farm PCs Albany Park D Fn 4 9 9 Playground l l a H r e l i e H m e t r s S e u 4 H o 2 H 1 o t 1 28 19.2m 38 40 to 50 1 to 18 e s u o 4 2 H 1 k o A t r ld er B 1 a ney H E S ou se L L L A N E Development Control 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 150m Scale - 1:1250 Time of plot: 07:41 Date of plot: 15/03/2013 © Crown copyright. London Borough of Enfield LA086363,2003 1. Site and Surroundings Application site 1.1 The application site comprises of an existing two-storey early Victorian (1854) building with two modern, single-storey, unsympathetic additions on its southern elevation: the Rangers’ Hut and a public toilet. 1.2 There is approximately 300sqm of floor area within the building, which has been subdivided to form three flats, each with its own independent access. None of the flats are presently occupied. 1.3 The site is fully enclosed, with the aforementioned extensions formed along the southern boundary. The site is divided into two garden areas. 1.4 To the west, fronting Hertford Road is the Albany Leisure Centre. To the north is the car park serving the Leisure Centre, separated from the site by a footway / park service road that leads from Hertford Road into Albany Park to the east. To the south is a children’s play ground and beyond this some multi- storey residential buildings. 1.5 The Leisure Centre car park provides 63 vehicle spaces, inclusive of 5 disability bays. 1.6 The site is in land designated as Metropolitan Open Land (MOL) and the existing two-storey building is not listed. 2. Proposal 2.1 Permission is sought for the demolition of existing buildings, and erection of a single storey building with green roof, ventilation and solar panels to roof for use as day care/community centre (D1), to include public conveniences and outdoor seating, and vehicle and pedestrian access and parking area to north, associated landscaping and fencing to boundary. 2.2 The proposed building will have a footprint of approximately 439sqm, inclusive of the re-provided public toilets (approximately 35sqm) and provide 408sqm of internal floor area. 2.3 The table below compares the existing and proposed building in terms of floor space, volume and height. The development proposals will result in an increase of 66m2 GIA floor space but the building would be between 3.5 and 5m lower than the existing building. Table 1 – Schedule of Floor Space, Volume and Building Height Gross External Gross Internal Volume of Area (m 2) Area (m 2) Building (m3) Height (m) Existing 271 380 1,700 8.5 (to pitch) Varying 3.9 and Proposed 439 408 2,186 5.7 2.4 The new facility would comprise a communal hall area for activities, kitchen space, supporting offices and three multi-function rooms. The building would be used as an adult day care centre during the day and a community resource that can be used in the evenings and weekends by local residents. There would also be a secure garden area with direct access from the communal hall for service users to safely use. The service would include a number of activities which include Keep Fit, Dance, Drama, Bingo, Re-cycled Art, Music Appreciation, Singing, Craft, Pottery and Sewing. 2.5 As part of the demolition works, the existing public conveniences would be removed but they would be re-provided. During construction works temporary public conveniences will be made available. There would also be a terrace area to the south of the new building with a hatch from the kitchen which would allow it to operate as a small café and outdoor seating. The vision for the café is as a social enterprise for the service users of the day care centre. It is envisaged that there would also be opportunities for local groups to assist. 2.6 The scheme would provide one mini-bus parking bay for day and overnight parking, immediately adjacent to the day care centre. There would be a minimum of two cycle spaces. Service users/staff would also be able to use the public transport (including bus services, and train services from Turkey Road railway station). In terms of car parking, the existing car park owned by Enfield Council and associated with Albany Leisure Centre car park, will be used by both service users and staff. 2.7 The design of the proposed building has taken cues from the site’s context, including its relationship with the wider Metropolitan Open Land (MOL), and the requirement to deliver a functional day care centre whilst also exceeding sustainability requirements (BREEAM ‘Excellent’). As such, the building has been designed to have a low profile, with glazed elements and other materials (i.e. stone-walling) to break up the mass of the building and to add interest and articulation. There will be photovoltaic panels and a micro CHP unit. 2.8 Operational hours, together with number of arrivals / departures are set out in the table below: Day Timetable Event Time Period Arrivals Departures Monday – Friday Daily session starts 08:30 – 10:15 40 0 Monday – Friday Daily session ends 15:00 – 16:30 0 40 Tuesday Evening Club starts 16:00 – 16:30 7 0 Tuesday Evening Club ends 19:00 – 19:30 0 7 Thursday Evening Club starts 16:00 – 16:30 7 0 Thursday Evening Club ends 19:00 – 19:30 0 7 Saturday Breakaway Club starts 09:30 – 10:30 8 0 Saturday Breakaway Club ends 15:00 – 16:00 0 8 Friday Disco drop-off time 18:30 40 0 Friday Disco collection time 21:30 0 40 3. Relevant Planning Decisions 3.1 Planning permission was granted in 1969 (ref: LBE/68/0065) for the erection of public conveniences. 4. Consultations 4.1 Statutory and non-statutory consultees Biodiversity Officer 4.1.1 The following has been advised the ecological survey has been undertaken to an appropriate standard and concludes that it is unlikely that there would be any ecological constraints to the development. LBE Parks and Open Spaces 4.1.2 It has been advised that there are no objections to the application, however the re-provided toilets will need to be of an appropriate specification. Consideration should be given to obscured glazing to elevations facing the children’s play area. Environmental Health 4.1.3 It has been advised that there are no objections, although the applicant should be aware that noise complaints regarding the site have been received in the past and that noise from community events must be controlled so as not to cause noise nuisance to neighbouring properties. Traffic & Transportation 4.1.4 No objections are raised 4.2 Public 4.2.1 Consultation letters have been sent to 99 neighbouring and nearby properties in addition to statutory publicity. The following comments have been received: Enfield Society 4.2.2 It has been advised that the Society objects for the following reasons: The Building Survey does not show any serious defects that could not be put right. More of the defects arise from the extensions which would be demolished. The historical context and the location of College farm needs to be a prime factor when looking to replace the 1854 farmhouse. Prior to the opening of the railway, development historically concentrated along the Hertford Road, part of the historic thoroughfare out of north London, though long sections show scant evidence of this. Poorly designed and haphazard developments present a depressing picture. The Area Action Plan addresses the issue in a positive and progressive manner. College farm fits the description of Objective 2 (Creating Sustainable Neighbourhoods), which refers to the need to protect and enhance the historic environment, including non-designated buildings and sites of heritage value. Members of the Society have visited the site and studied the accompanying documentation.