ACC/1261 Reference Description Dates Property transactions and related papers

ACC/1261/001 Copy of court roll, manor of Northall. Admission 1732 of Henry Bristow of , eldest grandson and next heir of Judith Marnham, widow, deceased, with appointment of John Brittridge of Greenford, yeoman, as guardian of Henry Bristow during his minority. Premises: 2a. meadow field at bottom of Northall Wood in occupation of John Hodges.

ACC/1261/002 Lease for a year [release missing]. 1. Henry 1736 Marnham Bristow of Greenford, gent., eldest son and heir of Anne Bristow deceased by James Bristow deceased, Anne being heir of Mary Marnham deceased. 2. Henry Laremore of St. Clement Danes, gent Premises: 4a. freehold meadow land and appurtenances being part of field in occupation of John Hodges, par. Northall and Greenford; all other freehold land of (1) in occupation of John Hodges. Rent: 1 peppercorn. Consideration: 5s.

ACC/1261/003 Copy of memorial of release see 1736 w.1794 ACC/1261/002

ACC/1261/004 Copy of court roll, manor of Northall. Admission 1737 of Henry Laremore of Boswell Court, St. Clement Danes, gent., on surrender of Henry Marnham Bristow, admitted 23 October 1732. Premises: 2a. of meadow at bottom of Northall Wood in occupation of John Hodges; all other copyhold land of Henry Marnham Bristow in occupation of John Hodges.

ACC/1261/005 Copy of probate of will, dated 15 February 1747 1747, of Henry Laremore of St. Clement Danes, gent. Bequests include: to testator's brother Daniel Laremore of Greenford, all real estate; joint executors, Daniel Laremore and John Brittridge of Greenford, gent. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 2 SHADWELL FAMILY

ACC/1261 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1261/006 Conveyance by lease and release. 1. Daniel 1785 Laremore of Greenford, farmer, brother and heir of Henry Laremore deceased. 2. William Brough of Greenford Green, Greenford, gent. Premises: 4a. of freehold meadow land and appurtenances, now enclosed, being part of field formerly occupied by John Hodges and now in occupation of (1), par. Greenford and Northall otherwise [abuttals given]; bought by (2) at public auction. Consideration: £136. 10s.

ACC/1261/007 Conveyance by lease and release and 1796 covenant to surrender copyhold premises. 1. William Brough of Great Street, St. Marylebone, gent. 2. James Milner of Northall, gent. Premises: {As in ACC/1261/6a-b}, now in occupation of (2). Consideration: £350. Covenant: by (1) to surrender 2a. of copyhold meadow at bottom of Northall Wood, manor of Northall, now in occupation of (2); to which (1) admitted tenant 25 April 1785

ACC/1261/008 Abstract of title of Robert Newman of Hayes, 1810 farmer and Robert Stone of Downe Barnes, farmer, devisees in trust of James Milner deceased, to freehold and copyhold land in par. Greenford and Northall LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 3 SHADWELL FAMILY

ACC/1261 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1261/009 Conveyance by lease and release and 1810 covenant to surrender copyhold premises. 1. Robert Newman of Hayes, farmer and Robert Stone of Downe Barnes, Northall, farmer, devisees in trust of James Millner [sic] deceased. 2. Frances Millner formerly of Northall and now of Clapton, widow of James Millner. 3. William Arnold of Harrow, shopkeeper. 4. William Timberlake of Harrow, tailor, trustee of (3) to bar dower. Premises: parcel of freehold meadow land (3a. 2r. 33p.), now called Broughs Meadow, in par. Greenford and Northall, otherwise Northolt [abuttals given]; in occupation of John Chapman; bought by (3) at public auction. Consideration: £470. to (1) by (3); 10s. to (2) by (3). Covenant: by (1) to surrender 3a. 30p. of copyhold meadow land at bottom of Northall Wood, par. and manor of Northall, in occupation of John Chapman; known, with above freehold land, as Broughs Meadow.

ACC/1261/010 Copy of court roll, manor of Northall. Admission 1810 of Robert Newman and Robert Stone, devisees of will of James Millner, admitted 16 November 1796; surrender of same and admission of William Arnold. Premises: Broughs Meadow as in covenant ACC/1261/9a-b

ACC/1261/011 Conveyance by lease and release and 1838 covenant to surrender copyhold premises. 1. William Arnold of Harrow, shopkeeper. 2. Charles Shadwell of Grays Inn, esq. Premises: {as in conveyance ACC/1261/9a-b}; in occupation of (1). Consideration: £410. Covenant: by (1){as in covenant ACC/1261/9a -b}; in occupation of (1).

ACC/1261/012 Manor of Northall. Absolute surrender by 1838 William Arnold of Harrow, shopkeeper, and wife Mary, to use of Charles Shadwell of Grays Inn, esq. Premises: Broughs Meadow {as in covenant ACC/1261/9a-b}. Consideration: £148. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 4 SHADWELL FAMILY

ACC/1261 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1261/013 Official extract from will, dated 8 April 1663, and 1828 proved 21 December 1663, of William Millett of Sudbury, par. Harrow on the Hill, gent. Bequest: annuity of £5. for use of poor of parish of Great Greenford, to be paid out of three closes of freehold land called Pollards, par. Greenford.

ACC/1261/014 Manors of Greenford with . Absolute 1756 surrender by Sir Hutchins Williams, bart., William Peere Williams esq. his son, George James Williams esq. and Thomas Whateley esq. to use of Agatha Child of Premises: all copyhold hereditaments in manors of Greenford and Hanwell.

ACC/1261/015 Copy of court roll, manor of Greenford. 1757 Admission of Agatha Child on surrender of Sir Hutchins Williams and others, with note of fine paid for alienation of freehold land conveyed by George James Williams and Thomas Whateley to Agatha Child Premises: as in ACC/1261/14

ACC/1261/016 Copy {printed} of Act for Inclosing Lands in the 1813 Parish of Greenford, in the County of (53 Geo.III Sess. 1812-13. Royal Assent 23 March 1813).

ACC/1261/017 Survey and valuation of estates of Earl of 1815 Jersey in parishes of Northolt, Greenford, Hanwell, Harrow, and St. Mary-le-Bow. Details given include names of tenants, farm and field names, type of land, quantity and value. Pencilled annotations relate to sale of estates in 1827 see ACC/1261/22-23.

ACC/1261/018 Copy of court roll, manor of Greenford. 1815 Admission of Rev. John Keysall of Tewkesbury, Gloucs., clerk, on death of father John Keysall, last survivor of those admitted 24 April 1783, upon trusts of will of Robert Child, esq Premises: messuage and 7a. of land; all copyhold hereditaments in manor of Greenford formerly held by Sir Hutchins Williams bart., William Peere esq. his son, George James Williams esq. and Thomas Whateley esq. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 5 SHADWELL FAMILY

ACC/1261 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1261/019 Extract from Greenford Enclosure Award, dated 1816 19 January 1816, of nine allotments awarded to Earl of Jersey. Premises: arable land in Ridding, Skeggs, Riceham and Garroways Fields; waste land on Greenford Green, (total 69a. 17p) {abuttals given}; Nos. 297, 279, 260, 257, 289, 270, 262, 263, 276 on map of award.

ACC/1261/020 Copy of court roll, manor of Greenford. 1817 Admission of Rev. John Keysall, clerk, under his admission on 26 April 1815 to copyhold estates of Earl of Jersey, upon trusts in will of Robert Child. Premises: as in ACC/1261/19

ACC/1261/021 Abstract of act for enclosing lands in Greenford, 1827 of Commissioners award, relating to nine allotments to Earl of Jersey, and of title of Rev. John Keysall, 1813-1817.

ACC/1261/022 Particulars and conditions for sale of Manor of 1827 Northolt and other freehold estates in Northolt, Greenford, Harrow and St. Mary-le-Bow. Premises: Sudbury Green Farm and farm meadows, par. Harrow; Prabson's or Canal Meadows, par. Greenford; Greenford Green Farm, par. Greenford and Northolt [Lot 6; note in ACC/1261/023 that part is copyhold land]; Oakley's Farm, par. Northolt; Manor of Northolt, Court and Smith Farms, par. Northolt and Greenford; Long Croft Meadow, par. Northolt; Old Manor Farm and part of Iliots Green Farm, par. Northolt; Pond Farm, par. Northolt; Crown Public House, par. Northolt; marsh land at St. Mary-le-Bow; [plans of each lot]. Contract for sale of Lot 6, Greenford Green Farm, to Charles Shadwell of Grays Inn for £8,250 [ACC/1261/023]. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 6 SHADWELL FAMILY

ACC/1261 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1261/023 Particulars and conditions for sale of Manor of 1827 Northolt and other freehold estates in Northolt, Greenford, Harrow and St. Mary-le-Bow. Premises: Sudbury Green Farm and farm meadows, par. Harrow; Prabson's or Canal Meadows, par. Greenford; Greenford Green Farm, par. Greenford and Northolt [Lot 6; note in ACC/1261/023 that part is copyhold land]; Oakley's Farm, par. Northolt; Manor of Northolt, Court and Smith Farms, par. Northolt and Greenford; Long Croft Meadow, par. Northolt; Old Manor Farm and part of Iliots Green Farm, par. Northolt; Pond Farm, par. Northolt; Crown Public House, par. Northolt; marsh land at St. Mary-le-Bow; [plans of each lot]. Contract for sale of Lot 6, Greenford Green Farm, to Charles Shadwell of Grays Inn for £8,250 [ACC/1261/023]

ACC/1261/024 Plan of Greenford Green Farm, par. Greenford. 1827 Marked Lot 6, with pencil annotations. Scale: 9 chains to 1 inch. Size: 17½" x 15".

ACC/1261/025 Draft schedule of {Greenford Green Farm} and 1827 other premises, giving field names and acreage. Some items marked 'Not Lot 6.'

ACC/1261/026 Abstract of title to Manor of Northall and farms 1827 and lands in parishes of Northolt and Greenford, 1726-1818.

ACC/1261/027 Abstract of title of Rev. John Keysall to 1827 copyhold messuage and 7a. of land and other hereditaments in manor of Greenford, 1738 -1815. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 7 SHADWELL FAMILY

ACC/1261 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1261/028 Conveyance by lease and release and 1827 covenant to surrender copyhold premises. 1. George, Earl of Jersey and wife, Sarah Sophia. 2. John, Duke of Bedford, George Bainbridge of co. Southants, esq., and John, Earl of Westmoreland, K.G., trustees of (1). 3. Rev. John Keysall of co. Gloucs., clerk. 4. Charles Shadwell of Grays Inn, esq. 5. Lancelot Shadwell of Lincoln's Inn, esq Premises: freehold farm, land and cottages called Greenford Green Farm (207a. 13p), par. Greenford and Northolt [schedule]; in occupation of Thomas Withers for 14 years from 10 October 1826, at yearly rent of £380. Consideration: £7,850. for freehold land by (4) to (2) £400. for copyhold land by (4) to (2) 10s. for copyhold land by (4) to (3). Covenants: by (1) to surrender copyhold messuage and 7a. of land and other hereditaments, part of Greenford Green Farm, to which (3) admitted 26 April 1815 and 7 May 1817. £5. annuity to be paid to parish of Greenford for Millet's [sic] or Benhams charity [see ACC/1261/013].

ACC/1261/029 Copy of court roll, manor of Greenford. 1828 Admission of Charles Shadwell of Grays Inn, esq., on surrender of trustees of Earl and Countess of Jersey. Premises: 2 pieces of land (2a. 22p. and 1a. 8p), being parts of No. 270 on enclosure award {arable land in Skeggs, Riceham and Garroways Field; abuttals given}; to which Rev. John Keysall admitted, with other premises, on 7 May 1817.

ACC/1261/030 Letter from William Tress of Finsbury Square to 1841 Charles Shadwell concerning apportionment of tithes for parish of Great Greenford, and receipt for Tress's charges for preparing plan and apportionment.

ACC/1261/031 Receipt for one year's premium on fire 1841 insurance policy on Greenford Green Farm and buildings and The Crown public house, Northolt, paid by C{harles} Shadwell. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 8 SHADWELL FAMILY

ACC/1261 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1261/032 Receipts for quit rents paid by Charles 1841-1856 Shadwell to Lord Bishop of London, lord of manor of Greenford, for copyhold land held at Greenford.

ACC/1261/033 Lease for 14 years from 29 September 1850. 1. 1850-1852 Charles Shadwell of Grays Inn, esq. 2. James Chesterman of Green, gent. Premises: Greenford Green Farm, par. Greenford and Northolt (213a. 3r. 36p) [schedule; includes Broughs Meadow]. Rent: £308. yearly plus £50. yearly per acre broken up without consent in writing of (1). Endorsed: Assignment of remainder of lease for 14 years. 1. James Chesterman of Greenford, farmer. 2. Charles Shadwell of Grays Inn, esq. 3. Henry Gurney of Westend, Northolt, farmer. Premises: as above. Consideration: 10s. to (1) by (3).

ACC/1261/034 Counterpart of above lease. 1850

ACC/1261/035 Copy of consent of Charles Shadwell to James 1852 Chesterman to assign lease of Greenford Green Farm to Henry Gurney. Enclosed in ACC/1261/034

ACC/1261/036 Office copy of extract from probate of will, dated N.D. 6 January 1855, and one codicil, dated 23 June 1856, and proved 4 April 1857, of Charles Shadwell of Grays Inn and Blandford Square. Bequests include: to testator's nephew Alfred Hudson Shadwell, farmhouse, cottages and lands at Greenford Green, par. Greenford (214a), in occupation of Henry Gurney. Codicil: to testator's sister Anne Esther Cayley Shadwell, three annuities; £150. yearly from manor and premises devised to testator's eldest nephew Lancelot Shadwell, esq.; £90. yearly from Manor Farm devised to testator's nephew and godson Captain Charles Frederick Alexander Shadwell; £60. yearly from Greenford Green Farm devised to Alfred Hudson Shadwell. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 9 SHADWELL FAMILY

ACC/1261 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1261/037 Account of, and subsequent instalments of, 1858-1861 succession duty on real property of Alfred Hudson Shadwell on death of uncle Charles Shadwell. Premises: farm, farmhouse and cottages at Greenford Green (214a., 10a of which are copyhold). Rent charge of £5. yearly payable to Millet's Charity.

ACC/1261/038 Account of charges of Daniel Smith, Son and 1863 Oakley, to A.H. Shadwell for valuation of Greenford Green Farm, in occupation of Mr. Gurney.

ACC/1261/039 Articles of agreement. 1. Alfred Hudson 1863 Shadwell of Staple Inn, esq. 2. Henry Gurney of Greenford Green Farm, nr. Sudbury, farmer. (2) agrees to carry out repairs to Greenford Green Farm, and (1) agrees to grant further lease of 14 years from 29 September 1864 at yearly rent of £342. Found enclosed in ACC/1261/034

ACC/1261/040 Certified copy of order of award, made 27 1864 October 1864, to distinguish copyhold and freehold lands of Alfred Hudson Shadwell of Taxing Master's Office, Staple Inn, esq. Premises: Greenford Green Farm, par. Greenford and Northolt (213a. 2r. 10p); established as freehold except Balls Field (7a. 4p), established as copyhold [schedule]. Annexed: plan of Greenford Green Farm, with schedule. Scale: 5 chains to 1 inch. Size: 34" x 23½".

ACC/1261/041 Copy of court roll, manor of Greenford. 1864 Admission of Alfred Hudson Shadwell under will of Charles Shadwell, admitted 30 April 1828. Premises: Balls Field (7a. 4p); two pieces of land (3a. 30p) {as in ACC/1261/29}; part of Greenford Green Farm, par. Greenford. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 10 SHADWELL FAMILY

ACC/1261 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1261/042 Deed of enfranchisement. 1. Archibald 1865 Campbell, Lord Bishop of London, lord of manor of Greenford. 2. The Copyhold Commissioners. 3. Alfred Hudson Shadwell of The Taxing Master's Office, Staple Inn, esq. 4. Frederick Willis Farrer of 66 Lincolns Inn Fields, gent. Premises: [as in ACC/1261/41] to which (3) admitted 22 December 1864. Consideration: £250.

ACC/1261/043 Account, and receipt, of charges of solicitor of 1866 Lord Bishop of London to A.H. Shadwell, relating to enfranchisement of copyhold lands in manor of Greenford.

ACC/1261/044 Counterpart lease for 15 years from 29 1865 September 1863. 1. Alfred Hudson Shadwell of Staple Inn, esq. 2. Williams Roberts of Greenford Green Farm, nr. Sudbury. Premises: close called Skeggs Field (20a. 23p), par. Greenford, formerly part of Greenford Green Farm [plan]. Rent: £45. yearly plus £50. yearly per acre broken up without consent in writing of (1).

ACC/1261/045 Agreement for sale. 1. Alfred Hudson Shadwell 1869 of Staple Inn. 2. Thomas Page of 3 Royal Terrace, Adelphi, Strand, engineer. Premises: meadow called Purchase Field (11a. 3r) at Greenford Green End {part of Greenford Green Farm} in occupation of William Roberts for 15 years from 29 September 1863 {plan}. Consideration: £250. per acre. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 11 SHADWELL FAMILY

ACC/1261 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1261/046 Lease for 14 years from 25 March 1872. 1. 1872-1878 Alfred Hudson Shadwell of Staple Inn, esq. 2. William Roberts of Greenford Green Farm, nr. Sudbury, farmer. Premises: parcel of land (11a. 3r. 21p), par. Greenford, formerly part of Greenford Green Farm, and lately let as a brickfield; with cottages, buildings and appurtenances [plan]. Rent: £10. yearly for first 7 years and £20. yearly for remaining 7 years, plus £50. yearly per acre broken up without consent in writing of (1). Endorsed: Undertaking by (2) to execute formal surrender of lease to (1) if required; new lease taking effect from 29 September 1878.

ACC/1261/047 Counterpart of above lease. 1872

ACC/1261/048 Particulars and conditions of sale of Wood End 1872 Green Farm with 192a. 2r. 16p. of freehold meadow land, including Hart Mead [Lot 4] and Wharf Field, par. Northolt and Great Greenford [plan]. Contract for sale of Lot 4, Hart Mead, to A.H.Shadwell of the Taxing Master's Office, Staple Inn. for £240. [ACC/1261/49]

ACC/1261/049 Particulars and conditions of sale of Wood End 1872 Green Farm with 192a. 2r. 16p. of freehold meadow land, including Hart Mead [Lot 4] and Wharf Field, par. Northolt and Great Greenford [plan]. Contract for sale of Lot 4, Hart Mead, to A.H.Shadwell of the Taxing Master's Office, Staple Inn. for £240. [ACC/1261/49]

ACC/1261/050 Abstract of title of Richard and Job Thomas 1872 Smith, trustees of will of father Richard Smith to freehold meadow land (3a. 1r. 10p) known as Hart Mead, par. Northolt and Greenford, 1807 -1872

ACC/1261/051 Requisitions on above title, with answers. 1872 LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 12 SHADWELL FAMILY

ACC/1261 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1261/052 Conveyance. 1. Charles Woodbridge of 1872 , gent. and Henry Darvill of Windsor, Berks, gent. 2. Charles Woodbridge, Henry Darville, Catherine Gale Sedgefield and husband James Badcock Sedgefield, gent. of Abingdon, Berks. 3. Richard Smith of West End, Northolt, farmer and Job Thomas Smith of , farmer. 4. Alfred Hudson Shadwell of 89 Westbourne Terrace, Hyde Park, esq Premises: Hart Mead (3a. 1r. 10p), par. Northolt and Greenford {plan}. Consideration: £240. by (4) to (3).

ACC/1261/053 Covenant. 1. Thomas Dix Perkin of Greenford 1872 Green, nr. Sudbury, esq. and William Henry Perkin of The Chesnuts, Sudbury, esq. 2. Alfred Hudson Shadwell of 89 Westbourne Terrace, Hyde Park, esq. (1) covenants to produce deeds [schedule] relating to conveyance of Hart Mead

ACC/1261/054 Certified copy of order of exchange. 1. Thomas 1876 Dix Perkin of Greenford Green, esq. and William Henry Perkin of Sudbury, esq. 2. Alfred Hudson Shadwell of 89 Westbourne Terrace, Hyde Park, esq. Premises: land in par. Northolt and Great Greenford (48a. 2r. 33p). exchanged by (1) to (2); land in par. Great Greenford (49a. 2r. 6p) exchanged by (2) to (1) [schedules]. Annexed: plan of premises. Scale: 1/2500 or 25.344 inches to 1 mile. Size: 39" x 31"

ACC/1261/055 Account of charges, 1876-8, of Daniel Smith, 1878 Son and Oakley to A.H.Shadwell, for preparing new lease of Greenford Green Farm; with related correspondence. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 13 SHADWELL FAMILY

ACC/1261 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1261/056 Lease for 10 years from 29 September 1878. 1. 1878-1883 Alfred Hudson Shadwell of Staple Inn, esq. 2. William Roberts of Greenford Green Farm, nr. Sudbury. Premises: Greenford Green Farm (169a. 1r. 32p), par. Greenford and Northolt [schedule and plan]. Rent: £400. yearly plus £50. yearly per acre broken up without consent in writing of (1). Endorsed: Assignment of remainder of lease for 10 years. 1. William Roberts of Roxeth, Harrow, farmer, George Roberts of Greenford, farmer, and Joseph Roberts of Northolt, farmer; trustees of will of father William Roberts. 2. George Roberts. Premises: as above. Consideration: £300. Surrender. 1. William Roberts and Joseph Roberts, trustees of will of George Roberts. 2. Alfred Hudson Shadwell. Premises: as above.

ACC/1261/057 Counterpart of above lease. 1878

ACC/1261/058 Surrender. 1. Joseph Roberts of Wood End 1879 Green Farm, Northolt, yeoman. 2. Alfred Hudson Shadwell of the Taxing Master's Office, Staple Inn, esq. Premises: 46a. 1r. 31p. of land in par. Northolt and Great Greenford {schedule}, leased to (1) for 21 years from 29 September 1874, and awarded to (2) by order of exchange, 1876 ACC/1261/54. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 14 SHADWELL FAMILY

ACC/1261 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1261/059 Memorandum of agreement to lease for 19 1879-1883 years from 29 September 1876. 1. Alfred Hudson Shadwell of Staple Inn, esq. 2. Joseph Roberts of Wood End Green Farm, Northolt, yeoman. Premises: [as in ACC/1261/58 with schedule and plan]. Rent: £104. 10s. yearly plus £5. per cent yearly on any sums expended by (1) on improving the premises. Endorsed. Assignment of remainder of lease for 19 years. 1. Joseph Roberts. 2. John Podger Gurney of Farm Cottage, Roxeth, nr. Harrow, farmer. Premises: as above. Consideration: £80. Assignment of remainder of lease for 19 years. 1. John Podger Gurney. 2. George Roberts of Greenford Green, Sudbury, Harrow, farmer. Premises: as above. Surrender. 1. William Roberts of Roxeth, Harrow, farmer, and Joseph Roberts of Northolt, farmer, trustees of will of George Roberts. 2. Alfred Hudson Shadwell. Premises: as above.

ACC/1261/060 Counterpart of above memorandum of 1879 agreement.

ACC/1261/061 Account of charges of Daniel Smith, Son and 1882 Oakley to A. H. Shadwell for preparing new lease of Greenford Green Farm to Mr. Green; with related correspondence.

ACC/1261/062 Letters from Thomas Dix Perkin of Greenford 1883 Green, Harrow, to A.H. Shadwell concerning 2½a. of land exchanged in error in 1876 [see ACC/1261/54]; requesting purchase of strip of land at Greenford Green; and regarding proposal to build railway from Ealing to Harrow; with letter from A.H. Shadwell to Daniel Smith, Son and Oakley and acknowledgement LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 15 SHADWELL FAMILY

ACC/1261 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1261/063 Probate of will, dated 9 December 1881, of 1884 Alfred Hudson Shadwell of Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, and No. 1 Harrington Gardens, South Kensington, esq. Principal legatee: testator's daughter Mary Campbell, wife of E.S. Currey; farms and lands in par. Greenford and Northolt and all other real estate. Executors and trustees: Thomas Lloyd Murray Browne, barrister-at-law and Maurice Otho Fitzgerald, esq.

ACC/1261/064 Office copies of probate of will of Alfred Hudson 1884 Shadwell.

ACC/1261/065 Office copies of probate of will of Alfred Hudson 1884 Shadwell.

ACC/1261/066 Counterpart lease for 14 years from 29 1884 September 1882. 1. Mary Campbell Lill Currey, wife of Eliott Scarlett Currey of 7 Sumner Terrace, Onslow Square, esq. 2. William Baylis Green of The Manor Farm, Greenford, , farmer Premises: farmhouse, lands and cottages comprising Greenford Green Farm (169a. 1r. 32p), par. Greenford and Northolt; lands (46a. 1r. 31p) in Great Greenford and Northolt [schedules and plan]. Rent: £511. 17s. yearly plus £50. yearly per acre broken up without consent in writing of (1)

ACC/1261/067 Account of succession duty on real property of 1885 Mary Campbell Lill Currey, on death of father Alfred Hudson Shadwell. Premises: freehold farm, lands and cottages in par. Sudbury, Great Greenford and Northolt (215a. 3r. 23p), leased to W.B. Green. Subject to rent charge of £5. yearly to Millets Charity, and annuity of £60. to Miss A.E.C. Shadwell, created by will of Charles Shadwell.

ACC/1261/068 Account of succession duty on real property of 1886 Mary Campbell Lill Currey, on death of Miss Anne E.C. Shadwell. Premises: annuity of £60. charged on farm and lands in par. Sudbury, Great Greenford and Northolt. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 16 SHADWELL FAMILY

ACC/1261 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1261/069 Counterpart lease for 14 years from 29 1897 September 1896. 1. Mary Campbell Lill Currey, wife of Eliott Scarlett Currey of Erlwood, Bagshot, Surrey, esq. 2. William Baylies[sic] Green of The Manor Farm, Greenford, Southall, farmer. Premises: [as in ACC/1261/66 with schedules and plan]. Rent: £450. yearly plus £50. yearly per acre broken up without consent in writing of (1).

ACC/1261/070 Draft license to assign. 1. Mary Campbell Lill 1898 Currey. 2. Sarah Elizabeth Green, widow, and William Perrin, executrix and executor of will of William Baylies Green. Premises: {as in ACC/1261/66}, to be assigned to Herbert W.G. Michell of Oxford Lodge, , Surrey.

ACC/1261/071/A Counterpart lease for 14 years from 29 1905 September 1905. 1. Mary Campbell Lill Currey, wife of Eliott Scarlett Currey of Co. Denbigh, esq. 2. Charles Hedges of Forelands, Godalming, Surrey. Premises: Farmhouse, lands and cottages comprising Greenford Green Farm (167a. 16p), par. Greenford and Northolt; lands (46a. 1r. 31p ) in Great Greenford and Northolt [schedules and plan]. Rent: £445. yearly plus £50. yearly per acre broken up without consent in writing of (1) [excepting lands edged with yellow on plan].

ACC/1261/071/B Enclosed: Covenant by (2) to pay interest at 3½ 1905 per annum on £2,000. expended by (1) on improving premises

ACC/1261/071/C Letter from E.S. Currey to Messrs. Farrer and 1913 Co., introducing John A. Trumper. Mrs. Currey's agent for Greenford and Sewardstone properties.

ACC/1261/071/D Letter from John A. Trumper to Farrer and Co., 1913 returning above counterpart lease. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 17 SHADWELL FAMILY

ACC/1261 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1261/072 Correspondence between E.S. Currey and 1906 Farrer and Co., concerning conveyance in 1871 of land, part of Greenford Green Farm, for a school site, which has not been taken up.

ACC/1261/073 Agreement for grant of easement. 1. Mary 1927 Campbell Lill Currey, wife of E.S. Currey of Moor End Park Hotel, Cheltenham, (freeholder). 2. Tom Lacy Jacob of Greenford, farmer, (tenant). 3. The Harrow Development Company Limited, of No. 20 Copthall Avenue, City of London. 4. Richmond Watson of The Manor Farm, Greenford, gent., and Francis Rockwood Sweeny of Regent House, Kingsway. Co. London, (sureties) Premises: Greenford Green Farm, par. Greenford I and Northolt, [pink and blue on plan]; on part of which (3) to construct drains, sewers and cesspools, connected to building development on Wood End Green Farm Estate. Consideration: £100 by (3) to (1); £375. by (3) to (2).

ACC/1261/074 Certificate of contract for redemption of land 1930 tax. 1. Commissioners of land tax. 2. Mary Campbell Lill Currey, wife of E.S. Currey of Moor End Park Hotel, Cheltenham, esq. Premises: Greenford Green Farm, Greenford, in occupation of Tom Lacy Jacob {plan}. Consideration: £18. 6s. 8d.

ACC/1261/075 Papers concerning stopping up of part of 1931 footpath from Northolt to Oldfield Lane, Greenford Green, on property of Mrs. M.C.L. Currey. (Items numbered 075-102) Copy of minute and recommendation of Highways Committee, Borough of Ealing; copies of statutory declarations; justices' certificate submitted to Middlesex Sessions; plan of Greenford Green Estate showing proposed diversion; public notices, including those in West Middlesex Gazette. [Original bundle; used as guide for footpath diversion at , Kent, 1935] LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 18 SHADWELL FAMILY

ACC/1261 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1261/103 Duplicate conveyance. 1. Mary Campbell Lill 1932 Currey of Moorend Park Hotel, Cheltenham, widow. 2. J. Lyons and Company Limited of Cadby Hall, Kensington, Co. London. Premises: pieces of land (44a. 2p) at Greenford, par. and borough of Ealing, part of Greenford Green Farm, with right of way {coloured pink and brown on plan, and schedule}. Consideration: £11,500.

ACC/1261/104 Plan of Greenford Green Estale as in 1932 ACC/1261/103.Half missing

ACC/1261/105 Attested copy of grant of rent charge. 1. 1814 Nathaniel Lord Scarsdale, late Sir Nathaniel Curzon, bart. 2. George Clive of St. George Hanover Square, esq. Premises: rent charge of £300 yearly for natural life of (2), issuing from messuages, coachhouses, stables and appurtenances on east side of Queen Square, in Devonshire Street and south side of Ormond Street, parishes of St. Andrew and St. George the Martyr; and ground on which erected, formerly part of Lambs Conduit Fields or Conduit Closes; premises leased for yearly sum of £439. 1s. Consideration: £4,350. Endorsed: Attested copy of memorandum of release of rent charge. 1. George Clive. 2. Thomas Ryder of Lincolns Inn, esq. Consideration: £4, 350 LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 19 SHADWELL FAMILY

ACC/1261 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1261/106 Attested copy of conveyance. 1. John 1788 Tomlinson of Derby, gent. 2. John Broadhurst of Kedleston, co. Derby, gent. and wife Arabella. 3. Nathaniel Lord Scarsdale Baron of Scarsdale in Derby. 4. Thomas Ryder of Lincolns Inn, esq Premises: messuages and appurtenances on east side of Queen Square, in Devonshire Street, on south and north sides of Great Ormond Street; coach-houses and stables in Ormond Stable Yard near Queen Square; formerly in par. of St. Andrew Holborn, now in St. George the Martyr; and ground on which erected (24a) called Lambs Conduit Fields or Conduit Closes; mortgaged to (1) as trustee of marriage settlement of (2)

ACC/1261/107 Attested copy of deed of covenant. 1. Nathaniel 1790 Lord Scarsdale Baron of Scarsdale in Derby. 2. Thomas Ryder of Lincolns Inn, esq. Covenant by (1) to produce deeds to title of (2) in premises {as in ACC/1261/106}; schedule of deeds, 1686-1773.

ACC/1261/108 Attested copy of release for legacies. 1. 1814 Thomas Ryder of Old Burlington Street, gent., [natural] son of Thomas Ryder the elder. 2. Thomas Ryder of Lincolns Inn, gent., nephew, heir at law and executor of will of Thomas Ryder the elder Consideration: £3,600. 7d. by (2) to (1) being part of legacies devised to (1) by will of father Thomas Ryder the elder.

ACC/1261/109 Articles of agreement. 1. William Fraser of 1791 Queen Square, par. St. Andrew Holborn, esq. 2. John Torlesse of Queen Square, esq. Agreement by (2) to permit continuation of newly built window in premises of (1) overlooking premises of (2), at yearly rent of 1d; 6 months notice in writing to be given by (2) for stopping up of window. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 20 SHADWELL FAMILY

ACC/1261 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1261/110 Certificate of contract for redemption of land 1798 tax. 1. Commissioners of land tax. 2. William Fraser of 23 Queen Square. Premises: house on east side of Queen Square {No. 23}, par. St. George the Martyr, in occupation of (2). Certificates of amount of land tax (38. 12s. 4d.), and of registration of contract.

ACC/1261/111/A Lease for 64 years from 25 March 1813. 1. 1813 Sarah Hawksworth of New Ormond Street, widow. 2. Sir William Fraser of Bedford Square. bart. Premises: part of ground called Powis Wells, on south side of path from Lambs Conduit Street to Southampton Row, with coach-house and stables, par. St. George the Martyr and St. Pancras [abuttals given and marginal plan]; in occupation of (2). Rent: £7. yearly. Consideration: surrender of lease dated 17 August 1787.

ACC/1261/111/B Receipt for one year's ground rent of yard and 1814 stable at Granville Mews.

ACC/1261/112/A Particulars and conditions of sale of freehold 1814 house, No. 23 Queen Square, with leasehold coach-houses and stables.

ACC/1261/112/B Particulars and conditions of sale of freehold 1814 house, No. 23 Queen Square, with leasehold coach-houses and stables.

ACC/1261/112/C Draft receipts and broker's note for purchase of 1814 exchequer bills.

ACC/1261/112/D Draft receipts and broker's note for purchase of 1814 exchequer bills.

ACC/1261/112/E Draft receipts and broker's note for purchase of 1814 exchequer bills.

ACC/1261/112/F Draft receipts and broker's note for purchase of 1814 exchequer bills. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 21 SHADWELL FAMILY

ACC/1261 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1261/113 Draft copies and rough notes of solicitors' 1814-1815 observations on title of Sir William Fraser to No. 23 Queen Square and stables, purchased by William Stevens. (Items numbered 113-130)

ACC/1261/131 Receipt for £205. 15s. 6d., the amount of the 1814 valuation of the fixtures in No. 23 Queen Square, paid by William Stevens to Sir William Fraser.

ACC/1261/132 Assignment of remainder of lease for 64 years 1815 from 25 March 1813. 1. Sir William Fraser of Woodford, Essex, bart. 2. William Stevens of Fredericks Place, Old Jewry, London, gent. Premises: {as in ACC/1261/111a}. Consideration: £250.

ACC/1261/133 Counterpart lease for 21 years from 24 June 1817 1817. 1. William Stevens of Queen Square, par. St. Pancras, gent. 2. Lancelot Shadwell of Lincolns Inn, esq. Premises: dwelling house, No. 23 Queen Square, in occupation of (1); stable coach -house and yard behind, in occupation of John Turner, esq. Rent: £220. yearly.

ACC/1261/134 Assignment of remainder of lease for 64 years 1817 from 25 March 1813. 1. William Stevens of Fredericks Place, Old Jewry, London, gent. 2. Lancelot Shadwell of Lincolns Inn, esq. Premises: {as in ACC/1261/111a} in occupation of John Turner, esq. Consideration: £100. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 22 SHADWELL FAMILY

ACC/1261 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1261/135 Lease for 21 years. 1. Lancelot Shadwell of 1824-1826 Lincolns Inn, esq. one of His Majesty's Counsel. 2. Samuel Osborne of Guilford Yard, Guilford Street, par. St. George , livery stable keeper. Premises: [as in ACC/1261/111a], now called No. 3 Grenville Mews, at back of No. 23 Queen Square; in occupation of (2) [abuttals and inventory of fixtures given]. Rent: £40. yearly. Endorsed: Assignment of remainder of lease for 21 years. 1. Henry Osborn of Grays Inn Lane, gent., executor of will of Samuel Osborn. 2. Joseph Rowe, now of Grenville Mews, Guilford Street, par. St. Pancras, stable keeper. Premises: as above, purchased by (2) at public auction. Consideration: £210.

ACC/1261/136 Counterpart of above lease for 21 years. 1824

ACC/1261/137 Letters from J. Eustace Grubbe of No. 23 1847-1849 Queen Square, to C. Shadwell enclosing rent due to the Vice Chancellor Sir Lancelot Shadwell

ACC/1261/138 Receipt for £7, one year's rent of Grenville 1849 Mews, paid by C. Shadwell on behalf of Sir Lancelot Shadwell to Robert Kell, esq.

ACC/1261/139 Schedule of deeds, 1790-1865, relating to 23 1865 Queen Square, delivered to Mr. Barton on completion of sale.

ACC/1261/140 Lease for 21 years from 25 December 1858. 1. 1859 John Crake of Datchett, Bucks, esq. 2. George Clowes of No. 89 Westbourne Terrace, , esq. Premises: dwelling house, coach-house, stable, and ground comprising No. 89 Westbourne Terrace, par. Paddington {abuttals, measurements and schedule of defects given}. Rent: £275. yearly plus £7. 4s. yearly for fire insurance. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 23 SHADWELL FAMILY

ACC/1261 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1261/141 Consent to assign. 1. Mary Ann Crake, widow 1862 of John Crake. 2. George Clowes. Consent by (1) for (2) to assign remainder of lease for 21 years from 25 December 1858 to Alfred Hudson Shadwell.

ACC/1261/142 Assignment of remainder of lease for 21 years 1863 from 25 December 1858. 1. George Clowes of No. 89 Westbourne Terrace, esq. 2. Alfred Hudson Shadwell of Staple Inn, City of London, esq. Premises: {as in ACC/1261/140}. Consideration: £200. ACC/1261/140-142 in covering envelope

ACC/1261/143 Duplicate memorandum of agreement. 1. Alfred 1878 Hudson Shadwell of No. 89 Westbourne Terrace, esq. 2. Henry William Dauglish of No. 22 Gloucester Square. Agreement by (1) to lease to (2) stables belonging to 89 Westbourne Terrace, from 10 August 1878 to 24 December 1879 at yearly rent of £55.

ACC/1261/144 Letter from Henry W. Dauglish of 3 Copthall 1879 Buildings, to Alfred Hudson Shadwell concerning rent owing on stables, now underlet to Mr. Noble (?); with address card.

ACC/1261/145 Duplicate conveyance. 1. Mary Campbell 1899 Currey wife of Eliott Scarlett Currey of Erlwood, Bagshot, Surrey, esq. 2. H.M. Principal Secretary of State for the War Department. Premises: freehold parcels of land (21a. 26p), par. Waltham Holy Cross, Essex, {coloured pink on plan; adjoining and Rifle Range}. Consideration: £3,000.

ACC/1261/146 Copies of letters to Mr. Trumper {Mrs. Currey's 1920 agent} regarding notice to quit and future tenancy of 'Hawes and Platts.' LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 24 SHADWELL FAMILY

ACC/1261 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1261/147 Ordnance Survey plan (2nd ed. 1898) with 1920 Sewardstone property coloured pink and blue. [Scale 6": 1 mile; Essex Sheet LVII N.W.; Herts. parts of sheets XLI and XLII; Middlesex parts of sheets II, III, VII and VIII].

ACC/1261/148 Draft conditions of sale of Mrs. Currey's 1921 Sewardstone property. 2 copies; one mss. one typewritten

ACC/1261/149 Draft conditions of sale of Mrs. Currey's 1921 Sewardstone property. 2 copies; one mss. one typewritten

ACC/1261/150 Poster advertising sale of Hawes Farm, 1921 Sewardstone.

ACC/1261/151 Particulars and conditions of sale, with plans, of 1921 Hawes Farm, land and two cottages (68a. 3r. 24p), freehold, in Sewardstone, near Waltham Abbey. (Items numbered 151-157)

ACC/1261/158 Particulars and conditions of sale {as above} 1922 with contract for sale of part of lot 1 and all of lot 2 (pasture land, cottages and gardens, 56a. 3r. 24p) to Frederick Knight of Sewardstone, , Essex, for £2,750.

ACC/1261/159 Financial statements for completion of 1922 purchase of land at Sewardstone, sold by Mrs. Currey to F. Knight.

ACC/1261/160 Draft conveyances. 1. Mary Campbell Currey 1923 wife of Eliott Scarlett Currey of co. Denbigh. 2. Frederick Knight of Sewardstone, Chingford, Essex, nurseryman. Premises: parcels of freehold land with 2 cottages, buildings and appurtenances (56a. 3r. 24p), par. Waltham Holy Cross, Sewardstone [schedule; plan with ACC/1261/161]. Consideration: £2,750. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 25 SHADWELL FAMILY

ACC/1261 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1261/161 Draft conveyances. 1. Mary Campbell Currey 1923 wife of Eliott Scarlett Currey of co. Denbigh. 2. Frederick Knight of Sewardstone, Chingford, Essex, nurseryman. Premises: parcels of freehold land with 2 cottages, buildings and appurtenances (56a. 3r. 24p), par. Waltham Holy Cross, Sewardstone [schedule; plan with ACC/1261/161]. Consideration: £2,750.

ACC/1261/162 Draft conveyance. 1. Mary Campbell Currey 1922 wife of Eliott Scarlett Currey of co. Denbigh. 2. Charles Robert Andrews of 149 Ordnance Road, Enfield Wash. Premises: parcels of freehold land (10a), par. Waltham Holy Cross, Sewardstone {abuttals given; plan}. Consideration: £1,000.

ACC/1261/163 Mss. draft of above conveyance. 1922

ACC/1261/164 Receipt for £7. 10s., being compensation paid 1922 by Charles Robert Andrews to Edgar W. Davies, outgoing tenant of 10a. of land at Sewardstone.

ACC/1261/165 Draft conveyance. 1. Mary Campbell Currey 1922 wife of Eliott Scarlett Currey of co. Denbigh. 2. Reginald Thomas Victor Steele of 311 Ordnance Road, Enfield Wash. Premises: parcel of freehold land (2a), par. Waltham Holy Cross, Sewardstone. {abuttals given; plan}. Consideration: £200.

ACC/1261/166 Mss. draft of above conveyance. 1922

ACC/1261/167 Receipt for £1. 10s., being compensation paid 1922 by R.T.V. Steele to Edgar W. Davies, outgoing tenant of 2a. of land at Sewardstone.

ACC/1261/168 Draft mortgage for £70. 1. Reginald Thomas 1922 Victor Steele of 311 Ordnance Road, Enfield Wash. 2. Richard William Smith of 40 High Road, Woodford Bridge, Essex, gent.

ACC/1261/169 Draft of above mortgage, with mortgagee's 1922 name left blank. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 26 SHADWELL FAMILY

ACC/1261 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1261/170/A Draft reconveyance. 1. Richard William Smith. 1923 2. Reginald Thomas Victor Steele. Premises: {as in ACC/1261/165}. Consideration: £70. Annexed:

ACC/1261/170/B Correspondence between (1), (2) and Farrer 1923 and Co., regarding payment of mortgage.

ACC/1261/170/C Correspondence between (1), (2) and Farrer 1923 and Co., regarding payment of mortgage.

ACC/1261/170/D Correspondence between (1), (2) and Farrer 1923 and Co., regarding payment of mortgage.

ACC/1261/171 Schedule of deeds, 1922-3, relating to freehold 1923 land at Waltham Cross, Essex, delivered to owner R.T.V. Steele. Marriage settlement and appointment of trustees

ACC/1261/172 Marriage settlement. 1. Eliott Scarlett Currey of 1878-1889 No. 17 Bruton Street, St. George Hanover Square, esq. 2. Alfred Hudson Shadwell of No. 89 Westbourne Terrace, Paddington, esq. 3. Mary Campbell Lill Shadwell of same address, spinster, only daughter of (2). 4. Thomas Lloyd Murray Browne of Chester, esq., local government inspector, Francis Phipps Onslow of Stone Buildings, Lincolns Inn, esq., barrister -at-law, and Hon. Halliburton George Campbell of Ennismore Gardens Covenants: £600 to be paid by (2) to (4); £3,380 of ordinary and debenture railway stock to be held by (4) in trust upon marriage of (1) and (3). Endorsed: Memoranda of sale, purchase and re -investment of stock. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 27 SHADWELL FAMILY

ACC/1261 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1261/173 Conveyance upon trust. 1. Eliott Scarlett 1878-1907 Currey. 2. Mary Campbell Lill Shadwell. 3. Thomas Lloyd Murray Browne, Francis Phipps Onslow and Hon. Halliburton George Campbell. Premises: freehold dwelling house and appurtenances, called Erlwood, at Hall Grove Bottom, par. Windlesham, Surrey; adjoining land (112a) [coloured green on plan], with exception of 5a. to be sold to London and S.W. Railway Co., [coloured pink on plan]; subject to two mortgages of £2,500 each; conveyed by (1) to (3) upon trust for sale. Consideration: intended marriage of (1) and (2). Endorsed: Appointment of new trustees. 1. Francis Phipps Onslow and Hallyburton George Campbell, now Rt. Hon. Hallyburton George Baron Strathedon and Campbell, (present trustees). 2. Eliott Scarlett Currey and Mary Campbell Lill Currey. 3. Capt. Arthur Campbell Duckworth of Somerset and Walter Harvey Lancelot Shadwell of Cornwall, esq., (new trustees). Conveyance. 1. Francis Phipps Onslow and Baron Strathedon and Campbell. 2. Capt. Arthur Campbell Duckworth and Walter Harvey Lancelot Shadwell. Premises: [as in conveyance 1878].

ACC/1261/174 Appointment of new trustees. 1. Francis Phipps 1905 Onslow of 13 Beaufort Gardens, esq., and Rt. Hon. Hallyburton George Baron Strathedon and Campbell, (present trustees). 2. Eliott Scarlett Currey and wife Mary Campbell Lill Currey, of Erlwood, Bagshot, Surrey. 3. Capt. Arthur Campbell Duckworth of Somerset and Walter Harvey Lancelot Shadwell of Cornwall, (new trustees)

ACC/1261/175 Appointment of new trustee. 1. Arthur Campbell 1933 Duckworth of Somerset, retired major. 2. Lawrence Eustace Currey of Devon, esq., (new trustee). 3. Arthur Campbell Duckworth and Lawrence Eustace Currey. Schedules of Mr. and Mrs. E.S. Curreys' trusts funds Correspondence and related papers of trustees of will of alfred h shadwell LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 28 SHADWELL FAMILY

ACC/1261 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1261/176 Inventory and valuation of household and 1884 personal property of Alfred Hudson Shadwell, deceased. No. 4 Flat, Gloucester Mansions, Harrington Gardens, S. Kensington; draft list of plate (in covering envelope).

ACC/1261/177 Inventory and valuation of household and 1884 personal property of Alfred Hudson Shadwell, deceased. No. 4 Flat, Gloucester Mansions, Harrington Gardens, S. Kensington; draft list of plate (in covering envelope).

ACC/1261/178 Copy of death certificate of Alfred Hudson 1884 Shadwell, died 31 May 1884.

ACC/1261/179 Draft affidavit of attestation of witness of will of 1884 Alfred Hudson Shadwell.

ACC/1261/180 Draft oath of executors of will of Alfred Hudson 1884 Shadwell.

ACC/1261/181 Papers of A.H.Shadwell, including lists of 1846-1884 securities, circulars from life assurance societies, certificates of shares, balance sheets and reports from share companies. (Items numbered 181-191)

ACC/1261/192 Power of attorney. 1. Maurice Otho FitzGerald 1885 of 3 Cork Street, Burlington Gardens, esq. 2. Thomas Lloyd Murray Browne of Rhyl, North Wales, esq., barrister-at-law. Granted by (1) to (2) as executors of will of Alfred Hudson Shadwell. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 29 SHADWELL FAMILY

ACC/1261 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1261/193 Release in respect of £6,000. 1. Thomas Lloyd 1884 Murray Browne of Rhyl, co. Flint, esq., barrister -at-law, Francis Phipps Onslow of Old Square, Lincolns Inn, esq., barrister-at-law, and Hon. Hallyburton George Campbell of Ennismore Gardens, (trustees of marriage settlement of (2 )). 2. Eliott Scarlett Currey of No. 7 Sumner Terrace, South Kensington, esq., and wife Mary Campbell Lill Currey. 3. Thomas Lloyd Murray Browne and Maurice Otho FitzGerald of 3 Cork Street, Burlington Gardens, esq. (executors of will of Alfred Hudson Shadwell) Consideration: £6,000 (covenanted by A.H.Shadwell to (1) in marriage settlement 11 June 1878 [see ACC/1261/172]), paid by (3) to (1); release of (3) by (1) from aforesaid covenant.

ACC/1261/194 Appointment of new trustee. 1. Maurice Otho 1901 FitzGerald of 130 Mount Street, esq. 2. Mary Campbell Lill Currey, wife of Eliot Scarlett Currey, esq., of Earlwood [sic], Bagshot, Surrey. 3. Frank Napier Thorowgood of Windham Club, 13 St. James Square, esq Schedule of trust funds

ACC/1261/195 Appointment of new trustee. 1. Maurice Otho 1921 FitzGerald of 21 Montague Street, Portman Square, esq. 2. Mary Campbell Lill Currey, wife of Eliott Scarlett Currey esq., of Denbigh. 3. Maurice Otho FitzGerald and Ernest Christie Doughty D.S.O., of Kent, major in H.M. Army Schedule of trust funds

ACC/1261/196 Appointment of new trustees. 1. Maurice Otho 1930 FitzGerald of 21 Montague Street, Portman Square, esq., (retiring trustee). 2. Mary Campbell Lill Currey, wife of Eliott Scarlett Currey esq., of Moor End Park Hotel, Cheltenham. 3. Philip Harold Wade of 8 Albert Court, Kensington, esq. and Bernard Currey of Sussex, retired admiral, (new trustees)

ACC/1261/197 Brokers bills of sale and purchase of stocks, by 1932 order of Admiral Bernard Currey, R.N. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 30 SHADWELL FAMILY

ACC/1261 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1261/198 Appointment of new trustee. 1. Grace Elaine 1937 Currey of Sussex, widow, and Henrietta Mary De Vahl Metters of Hants., wife of Thomas Lee Metters, (trustees of will of Bernard Currey). 2. Mary Campbell Lill Currey of Moor End Park Hotel, Cheltenham, widow. 3. Lawrence Eustace Currey of Devon, esq. (son of (2) and new trustee) Schedule of trust funds ACC/1261/193-198 in covering envelope.

ACC/1261/199 Correspondence received by Maurice Otho 1900-1921 FitzGerald in his capacity as trustee of will of Alfred Hudson Shadwell; includes letters from Eliott Scarlett Currey and his wife regarding trusts; notices of meetings, payment of dividends and general business of share companies; brokers' notices; correspondence from solicitors and other trustees. (Items numbered 199-343) [Original bundle marked "Correspondence and papers handed to Messrs. Farrer and Co., by M.O. FitzGerald the surviving Trustee to prepare Trustees a/c."] Papers concerning claim of Alfred H Shadwell on annuity of Earl of Perth

ACC/1261/344 Warrant (by letters patent under Privy Seal of 1830 Scotland) for payment to George Drummond (De Melfort) of annuity of £100. Seal in metal skippet [in need of repair]. In covering envelope marked "A.H.Shadwell. Exors. Ld. Perth. Security".]

ACC/1261/345 Bond in £600. 1. George Drummond, Duc de 1848 Melfort, of Upper Belgrave Street, Belgrave Square. 2. Charles Horrocks of Frankfort on the maine, esq., formerly captain in H. M. Service. Condition: to secure re-payment to (2) of £300. plus interest at 10%.

ACC/1261/346 Bond in £1,000. 1. George Drummond, Duc de 1848 Melfort, of Upper Belgrave Street, Belgrave Square. 2. Elizabeth Buckmaster of , spinster. Condition: to secure re-payment to (2) of £500. plus interest at 6%. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 31 SHADWELL FAMILY

ACC/1261 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1261/347 Assignment of annuity of £100. 1. George 1848 Drummond, Duc de Melfort, of Upper Belgrave Street, Belgrave Square. 2. Elizabeth Buckmaster of Hampstead, spinster. Condition: to secure re-payment to (2) of £500. plus interest, in corroboration of bond ACC/1261/346

ACC/1261/348 Letter of authorisation from Duc de Melfort to 1848 Miss. E. Buckmaster to effect insurance policy on his life for £500, as security for loan of £500, and to pay premium out of annuity assigned to her.

ACC/1261/349 Assignment of bond and policy of assurance for 1852 £300. 1. Charles Horrocks of Weimar, Saxony, formerly captain in H.M. Service. 2. Joseph Blunt of No. 13 Austin Friars, City of London, gent Premises: bond in £600. [ACC/1261/345] and insurance policy on life of Duc de Melfort, taken out by (1). Consideration: £300. Endorsed: [in pencil] "This debt was paid off the 6 day of July 1853."

ACC/1261/350 Assignment of bond and policy of assurance for 1853 £500. 1. Elizabeth Buckmaster of Hampstead, spinster. 2. Alfred Hudson Shadwell of No. 13 Austin Friars, City of London, esq Premises: bond in £1,000. [ACC/1261/346] and insurance policy on life of Duc de Melfort taken out by (1) on 16 August 1848. Consideration: £500.

ACC/1261/351 Assignment of annuity of £100. 1. Elizabeth 1853 Buckmaster of Hampstead, spinster. 2. Alfred Hudson Shadwell of No. 13 Austin Friars, City of London, esq. Condition: in corroboration of assignment of bond and policy of assurance ACC/1261/350

ACC/1261/352 Draft notice of assignment of insurance policy 1854 on life of Duc de Melfort, taken out by Elizabeth Buckmaster, to Alfred Hudson Shadwell. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 32 SHADWELL FAMILY

ACC/1261 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1261/353 Assignment of annuity of £100. 1. George 1858 Drummond, Duc de Melfort and Earl of Perth, of Brussels. 2. Alfred Hudson Shadwell of 13 Austin Friars, City of London. Condition: to secure re-payment to (2) of original sum of £500. plus additional £284.

ACC/1261/354 Copies of two letters from A.H. Shadwell to Earl 1889 of Perth and his new agent. R. Rutherford, concerning new arrangements for payment of annuity.

ACC/1261/355 Letter from Edward Sempill of Edinburgh to 1866 A.H. Shadwell giving address in Paris of Earl of Perth.

ACC/1261/356 Draft letter from A.H. Shadwell to Earl of Perth, 1866-1867 and the latter's reply concerning power of attorney granted to draw arrears of pension.

ACC/1261/357 Draft letter from A.H. Shadwell to Earl of Perth, 1866-1867 and the latter's reply concerning power of attorney granted to draw arrears of pension.

ACC/1261/358 Correspondence, including draft and copy 1866, 1889 letters (dated 1889), between A.H. Shadwell and two firms of solicitors in Edinburgh concerning payment of arrears of Earl of Perth's annuity and future arrangements. (Items numbered 358-379)

ACC/1261/380 Receipts for payment of premiums on policies 1884 for 500 pounds and 300 pounds on life of Earl of Perth.

ACC/1261/381 Receipts for payment of premiums on policies 1884 for 500 pounds and 300 pounds on life of Earl of Perth.

ACC/1261/382 Letters from solicitors in Edinburgh to Messrs. 1888-1890 Farrer and Co., acting on behalf of A.H. Shadwell's executors, and draft replies from Farrer and Co., concerning dispute over payment of arrears of Earl of Perth's annuity. (Items numbered 382-396) LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 33 SHADWELL FAMILY

ACC/1261 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1261/397 Draft declarations that Earl of Perth is alive; and 1885-1891 letter, dated 1889, from Lord Perth confirming this. (Items numbered 397-402)

ACC/1261/403 Letters from Exchequer, Edinburgh to solicitors 1894-1895 of each party, requesting life certificate for Earl of Perth, needed to pay annuity.

ACC/1261/404 Letters from Exchequer, Edinburgh to solicitors 1894-1895 of each party, requesting life certificate for Earl of Perth, needed to pay annuity.

ACC/1261/405 Fair and draft statements of accounts between 1888-1890 A.H. Shadwell and Earl of Perth, from 1848, including details of life assurance policies. (Items numbered 405-414)

ACC/1261/415 Assignment of bond by Earl of Perth and two 1901 life assurance policies. 1. Maurice Otho FitzGerald of 130 Mount Street, esq. 2. Maurice Otho FitzGerald and Frank Napier Thorowgood of the Windham Club, 13 St. James' Square. Premises: [as in ACC/1261/353] to secure re -payment of principal sum of £784. plus £97. 5s. interest; two life insurance policies for £500. and £300. [Note: Earl of Perth died on 28 February 1902; see letters from Farrer and Co., to M.O. FitzGerald, ACC/1261/215, 216 and 219].

Family papers, business papers and property transactions

ACC/1261/416 Marriage settlement. 1. Thomas Baker of Oriel 1808 College, University of Oxford, B.A., clerk. 2. Julia Priscilla King of Charlotte Street, Portland Place, spinster. 3. Richard King, rector of Worthin, Salop., father of (2); Henry King of Bristol, esq., uncle of (2); Benjamin Tathwell of Lincs., esq; and John Collinson of , Surrey, clerk Coveants: Richard King to pay £2,000.£5% bank annuities and principal sum of £4,000. to (3) to hold in trust upon marriage of (1) and (2); £3,000. to be paid by (1) to (3) to hold in trust. [Witness to signature of Richard King is Lancelot Shadwell, junior.] LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 34 SHADWELL FAMILY

ACC/1261 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1261/417 Draft copy of above settlement. 1808 [ACC/1261/416-417 in wrapper marked "John Collison's Settlement."]

ACC/1261/418 Mortgage by demise. 1. John Wood of the 1847 Anchor Brewery, , Surrey, brewer. 2. Louis Henry Shadwell of No. 3 Kings Bench Walk, Temple, barrister-at-law. Premises: brewery, house adjoining and appurtenances, Putney; assignment of brewing utensils [schedule]; assigned to (2) for remainder of term of 21 years from 29 September 1841; subject to previous mortgage of £160. to Daniel Light. Consideration: £1,500, to be repaid with interest at rate of £5% per annum.

ACC/1261/419 Notice of above indenture with covering letter; 1849 copy sent to Daniel Light of Ham, Surrey.

ACC/1261/420 Deed of dissolution of partnership. 1. John 1849 Wood of Putney, Surrey, brewer. 2. John Brown of Putney, Surrey, brewer. Premises: capital sum of £500. brought by (2) into the partnership; share of (2) in goods, stock and merchandise. Consideration: £560. 15s. 5d.

ACC/1261/421 Notices to John Wood of Putney, brewer, from 1850 A.H. Shadwell, to pay off mortgage for £400, dated 18 February 1848, made between Wood and Sir Lancelot Shadwell, deceased.

ACC/1261/422 Notices to John Wood of Putney, brewer, from 1850 A.H. Shadwell, to pay off mortgage for £400, dated 18 February 1848, made between Wood and Sir Lancelot Shadwell, deceased.

ACC/1261/423 Notices to John Wood of Putney, brewer, from 1850 A.H. Shadwell, to pay off mortgage for £400, dated 18 February 1848, made between Wood and Sir Lancelot Shadwell, deceased. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 35 SHADWELL FAMILY

ACC/1261 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1261/424 Receipts for payment of premium on John 1845-1851 Wood's life assurance policy, assigned to Sir Lancelot Shadwell, 18 February 1848; promissary notes from Wood to Dame Frances Shadwell; draft letter from Drew and Shadwell

ACC/1261/425 Deed of indemnity. 1. John Short of Castlenau 1850 Villas, Barnes, Surrey, gent. 2. Dame Frances Shadwell of Barn Elms, Surrey, widow. Premises: mansion house and estate called Barn Elms, park called Elms Park, par. Barnes; lands [field names given] in par. Putney and Barnes; leased by (1) to Sir Launcelot [sic] Shadwell, deceased, husband of (2), for 21 years from 25 March 1834 at yearly rent of £400. Consideration: £200. Covenant: by (1) to indemnify (2) against payment of rent on above premises for remainder of term of lease.

ACC/1261/426 Double probate of will, dated 18 August 1822, 1851 and three codicils, one dated 9 March 1823, the others undated, of Esther Shadwell of Kensington, spinster. Bequests: to testatrix's nephews and nieces, jewels, money, and personal possessions. Administration granted 28 November 1825 to testatrix's nephew Lancelot, later Sir Lancelot, Shadwell, executor. Administration granted 14 July 1851 to testatrix's niece Caroline Lancilla Smith, one of executrices.

ACC/1261/427 Memorandum letter of deposit. 1. Edward 1854-1855 Vansittart Neale. 2. Joseph Bonsor to 6 Hill Street, Berkeley Square, esq. (1) engages to assign leasehold stables in Tachbrook Mews to (2) by way of securing payment of mortgage of £600 Endorsed: by (2) that promissary note has been paid. Witness to signature of parties is A.H. Shadwell. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 36 SHADWELL FAMILY

ACC/1261 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1261/428 Probate of will, dated 15 August 1850, and two 1854 condicils, dated 5 February 1851 and 30 January 1852, of Dame Frances Shadwell, formerly of East Burnham, Bucks., then of 5 Ovington Square, Brompton, widow; proved in Prerogative Court of Canterbury Main legatee and sole executor: testatrix's son Alfred Hudson Shadwell; bequests of money to other children.

ACC/1261/429 Probate of will and two codicils of Dame 1854 Frances Shadwell {as above}; proved in Prerogative Court of York.

ACC/1261/430 Release of rent charge and surrender of trust 1858 term. 1. Cayley Shadwell of Lincolns Inn and Anne Esther Cayley Shadwell of Blandford Square, spinster, executor and executrix of will of Charles Shadwell. 2. Eliza Thewles, wife of (3), formerly Eliza Fortune, widow. 3. John Edmond Thewles of Rugby, Warwicks., esq. 4. Alfred Hudson Shadwell of 13 Austin Friars, esq Premises: (2) releases to (4) yearly rent charge of £400 on lands of (3) in Co. Roscommon, Ireland, granted to (2) in 1837; (1) surrenders to (3) premises devised by (3) to Charles Shadwell deceased, in 1837, in trust for term of 99 years. Consideration: 5s. by (2) to (4); 10s. by (3) to (1). Endorsed: Declaration of acknowledgement of (2).

ACC/1261/431 Draft copies of papers relating to certificate of 1858 acknowledgement of Eliza, wife of John Edmond Thewles.

ACC/1261/432 Memorandum of registration of memorial of 1858 above indenture. ACC/1261/430 LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 37 SHADWELL FAMILY

ACC/1261 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1261/433 Covenant to secure benefits of late business 1859 partnership. 1. Joseph Blunt of Kew Green, Surrey. 2. Alfred Hudson Shadwell of 13 Austin Friars, City of London, solicitor. Covenants: (1) not to attempt to obtain goodwill or clients of (2), and not to carry on business of attorney within 10 miles of St. Pauls Cathedral; (1) to pay (2) £100. as liquidated damages; (2) to take into partnership son of (1) when fully qualified.

ACC/1261/434 Letters from William Short and wife, Eliza Short 1858-1862 of Barnes, Surrey, to A.H. Shadwell, in capacity as trustee, concerning payment of interest on mortgages, and insurance policies on life of William Short (Items numbered 434-437)

ACC/1261/438 Draft abstract of title to insurance policy on life 1861 of William Montagu Short, 1854-1857.

ACC/1261/439 Release. 1. William Montagu Short of Barnes, 1862 Surrey, esq. 2. Alfred Hudson Shadwell and George Robinson. Release by (1) of (2) from all trusts held in benefit of (1) and late wife Eliza Hopkins Short, deceased.

ACC/1261/440 Drafts of above release. 1862

ACC/1261/441 Drafts of above release. 1862

ACC/1261/442 Schedule of documents, 1828-1862, delivered 1862 up to William Montagu Short by direction of A.H. Shadwell. ACC/1261/438-442 in covering envelope

ACC/1261/443 Letter from Alfred Hudson Shadwell to his 1862 brother, G.A.F. {George Augustus Frederic} Shadwell, concerning deeds of marriage settlement and lease of latter's house.

ACC/1261/444 Notice to trustees of marriage settlement of 1867 Rev. Arthur Thomas Whitmore Shadwell of assignment by way of mortgage of his interest under the settlement for securing repayment of £400. and interest, to Thomas Eliot Harris LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 38 SHADWELL FAMILY

ACC/1261 Reference Description Dates

ACC/1261/445 Letter from trustees of marriage settlement of 1869 Admiral and Mrs. Warren {nee Clarke}, to Messrs. Farrer and Co., requesting deed of settlement and leases of two houses in Manchester and Fitzroy Squares

ACC/1261/446 Letter to Messrs. Farrer and Co., informing 1879 them that money owing to Thomas Elliot Harrison by Rev. A.T.W. Shadwell has been paid.

ACC/1261/447 Letter from trustees of marriage settlement of 1889 Rev. and Mrs. Leopold Stanley Clarke {nee Miss A.E.J. Shadwell}, to Messrs. Farrer and Co., requesting all papers relating to marriage settlement {schedule}; with wrapper of marriage settlement.