United States Patent (19) 11, 3,965, 182 Worrel (45) June 22, 1976
United States Patent (19) 11, 3,965, 182 Worrel (45) June 22, 1976 54 PREPARATION OF ANILINE FROM 3,565,940 2197 Brown et al.................... 252/438 x PHENOL AND AMMONA 75) Inventor: Calvin J. Worrel, Detroit, Mich. a. Primary Examiner-Lewis Gotts 73 Assignee: Ethyl Corporation, Richmond, Va. Assistant Examiner-S. P. Williams (22 Filed: Oct. 2, 1969 Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Donald L. Johnson; Robert A. Linn; Joseph D. Odenweller (21) Appl. No.: 863,349 52) U.S. Cl................................. 260/578; 260/247; 260/293.72; 260/326.15; 260/346.2 R; 57 ABSTRACT 260/570 R; 260/576; 260/577 57 51) Int. Cl.................... C07C 87,152; C07C 87,156; C07C 87/62; Co7C 87/64 Aromatic amines are made by reacting a phenol with 58 Field of Search................ 260/578,581,585 B. aluminum nitride and either ammonia or a primary or 252,438 secondary amine at temperatures from 200-600°C. For example, 2,6-dimethyl-phenol reacts with alumi 56 References Cited num nitride and ammonia to yield 2,6-dimethylaniline. UNITED STATES PATENTS 2,000,410 5/1935 Morrett et al....................... 2601581 7 Claims, No Drawings 3,965, 182 1. 2 ran, 6-hydroxythionaphthene, 7-hydroxyindole, 4 PREPARATION OF ANILINE FROM PHENOL AND hydroxyisoindole, and the like. Phenols obtained by AMMONIA inserting a hydroxyl radical in the remaining aromatic nuclei will be apparent from the foregoing. BACKGROUND The process is also applicable to aryl hydroxy com The conversion of hydroxy aromatic compounds, pounds having more than one hydroxyl radical bonded referred to collectively as phenols, to the correspond to a nuclear aromatic carbon atom, For example, the ing aromatic amines has been accomplished in the past process can be applied to such polyhydroxy aromatics by such means as the Bucherer reaction, in which phe as hydroquinones, recorcinols, catechols, 1,3-dihy nols are reacted with a bisulfite salt and ammonia.
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