Tong et al. Bioresour. Bioprocess. (2019) 6:46

REVIEW Open Access ‑catalyzed C–F bond formation and cleavage Wei Tong1,2 , Qun Huang1,2, Min Li1,2 and Jian‑bo Wang1,2*

Abstract Organofuorines are widely used in a variety of applications, ranging from pharmaceuticals to pesticides and advanced materials. The widespread use of organofuorines also leads to its accumulation in the environment, and two major questions arise: how to synthesize and how to degrade this type of compound efectively? In contrast to a considerable number of easy-access chemical methods, milder and more efective enzymatic methods remain to be developed. In this review, we present recent progress on enzyme-catalyzed C–F bond formation and cleav‑ age, focused on describing C–F bond formation enabled by fuorinase and C–F bond cleavage catalyzed by oxidase, reductase, deaminase, and dehalogenase. Keywords: Organofuorines, C–F bonds, Enzyme-catalyzed, Degradation, Formation

Introduction usually require harsh conditions and are not environ- Incorporation of fuorine into organic compounds usu- ment friendly (Dillert et al. 2007; Lin et al. 2012; Sulbaek ally endows organofuorines with unique chemical and Andersen et al. 2005). To solve these problems, devel- physical properties, a strategy that has been successfully opment of mild and green methods is urgently needed. applied in agrochemicals, materials science, and pharma- Biocatalysis has been playing an increasingly more ceutical chemistry (Phelps 2004; Müller et al. 2007; Shah important role in modern chemistry due to its high ef- and Westwell 2007; Hagmann 2008; Nenajdenko et al. ciency, specifc selectivity, and more environmentally 2015; Zhang et al. 2016; Lowe et al. 2017). Especially in friendly characteristics compared to chemical cataly- medicinal chemistry, the unique elemental properties sis. Tus, introducing biocatalytic methods into organic of fuorine have been proved to enhance metabolic sta- fuorine chemistry is a good choice to counter the def- bility and alter pharmacokinetic characteristics without ciencies of chemical catalysis (Kim et al. 2000; Liu and increasing the apparent spatial volume; thus, more than Avendaño 2013; Murphy 2016; Rotander et al. 2012). 20% of drugs are organofuorines (Zhou et al. 2016; Gillis Although biocatalysis has achieved signifcant progress in et al. 2015; Spooner et al. 2019). Te wide application of recent years, the feld of biocatalytic C–F bond formation organofuorines has motivated fast methodology devel- and cleavage is almost at an open stage. opment for fuorine incorporation (Purser et al. 2008; Since fuorine atoms are very small and strongly elec- Berger et al. 2011). In contrast to their synthesis, their tro-negative, when in an aqueous system fuoride ions degradation has also attracted signifcant attention due to are always tightly wrapped by the water molecules, and their increased use and the cumulative pollution result- thus, it is very difcult to form C–F bonds in an aqueous ing from their high stabilities. system (O’Hagan 2008; Ni and Hu 2016). Terefore, fuo- Chemists have developed versatile methods for the for- rine-containing natural products are very rare despite the mation and cleavage of C–F bonds, but these methods fact that elemental fuorine is the most fecund halogen in the Earth’s crust (O’Hagan and Deng 2014). To the best of *Correspondence: [email protected] our knowledge, only two diferent examples of enzyme- 1 Key Laboratory of Phytochemistry R&D of Hunan Province, College catalyzed C–F bond formation have been reported: one of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Hunan Normal University, is catalyzed by a mutant of glycosyltransferase, which Changsha 410081, People’s Republic of China Full list of author information is available at the end of the article catalyzes α-fuoroglycosides as transient intermediates

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from DNP-activated sugars (Zechel et al. 2001), and the enzyme was characterized before 2005, it took approxi- other is the natural fuorinase, prompting the conversion mately 10 years to clarify the biosynthetic pathway of all of 5′-fuoro-5′-deoxyribose-1-phosphate (5′-FRP) from fuorinated products in Streptomyces cattleya, and their S-adenosyl-l-methionine (SAM) (Deng et al. 2004). In work proved that fuorinating enzyme that converts inor- this review, we focus on summarizing the recent progress ganic fuorine into organic fuorine (Deng et al. 2006; Zhu in mining and directed evolution of fuorinase and expect et al. 2007; Winkler et al. 2008; Dall’Angelo et al. 2013; to inspire the development of more unnatural fuorinases O’Hagan and Deng 2014; Wang et al. 2014; Carvalho and in the future. Oliveira 2017). However, attempts to identify Te C–F bond is the strongest σ bond, and thus, it is that biosynthesize nucleocidin 1 have failed for decades, difcult to cleave it under mild conditions (Goldman because the production of this molecule has been mys- 1969; Lemal 2004). When hydrogen is substituted by teriously silenced in the bacterium Streptomyces calvus fuorine, the metabolic stability of the compounds will be (Jenkins et al. 1976; Nashiru et al. 2001; Zechel et al. signifcantly improved; this property benefts the phar- 2003). In 2015, Zechel’s group reported that complemen- maceutical industry, but leads to the accumulation of tation of S. calvus ATCC13382 with a functional bldA- organofuorines in the environment (Wang et al. 2016). encoded Leu-tRNAUUA ​ molecule restores the production Enzyme-catalyzed C–F bond cleavage has attracted of nucleocidin 1 and identifed the genes encoding the attention from researchers in environmental protec- biosynthesis of the 5′-O-sulfamate group of the nucleoci- tion, C–F bond activation, and enzymology, and several din 1 (Zhu et al. 2015). In the next year, O’Hagan’s group reviews have been published on the subject (Natara- provided the frst biosynthetic data on nucleocidin 1 jan et al. 2005). However, in recent years, reports in this assembly from isotope labeling studies (Bartholomé et al. area have been very rare. Herein, therefore, we present 2016; Feng et al. 2017). However, there was still no illumi- recently published examples of enzyme-catalyzed C–F nation for the mechanism of fuorination involved in this bond cleavage, dividing them into two types: hydrolytic biosynthetic pathway. In 2019, O’Hagan group disclosed defuorination, and oxireductive defuorination. Hope- two structures of novel fuorometabolites in S. calvus, fully, this review will attract increasing numbers of work- which belong to 3′-O-glucosylated, 4′-fuoro-riboad- ers to this important feld. enosines (6 and 7) (Scheme 1a). Tey are analogous of nucleocidin 1 and suspect to incorporate fuorine via a Enzyme‑catalyzed C–F bond formation same biocatalytic pathway (Feng et al. 2019). Te iden- Te frst natural organofuorine compound, identifed tifcation of these metabolites highly suggests that there in 1943, was fuoroacetate, a metabolite of the South- is a new type of fuorinase existing in S. calvus which ern African plant Dichapetalum cymosum (Marais 1943, deserves our attention. 1944). Te second one was isolated in 1956 from Strepto- Although the specifc activity of fuorinase has myces calvus; it is a nucleoside product named nucleoci- attracted considerable attention, its application is lim- din 1 which belongs to a new form of fuorine metabolites ited due to the drawbacks of narrow substrate scope and (Scheme 1a). Subsequently, the third structurally novel, low activity. To explore its utilization, it is necessary to fuorine-containing natural product 4-fuorothreonine mine new types of fuorinase or improve the activity of was isolated from the bacterium Streptomyces cattleya in known forms of fuorinase by directed evolution. Most 1986 (Sanada et al. 1986). Despite considerable interest research on fuorinase is focused on discovering new and a variety of speculative suggestions for uncovering forms of fuorinase through gene mining. To date, four the biochemical mechanism of fuorination, no spe- new fuorinases have been identifed, three of which have cifc details of fuorination’s biochemistry in any organ- been characterized (see Table 1) (Deng et al. 2014; Wang ism were provided until 2002. Tis milestone regarding et al. 2014; HimáTong 2014). Te frst was identifed from fuorinase was published in 2002 by O’Hagan’s group Streptomyces sp. MA37, a strain isolated in 2011 from (O’Hagan et al. 2002), who frst described an enzy- Ghana. Full genome sequences of the South American matic reaction occurring in the bacterium Streptomy- hospital pathogens, Nocardia brasiliensis (Deng et al. ces cattleya that catalyzes the conversion of fuoride 2014; Wang et al. 2014) and Actinoplanes sp. N902-109, ions and S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) to 5′-fuoro-5′- were deposited into the public domain in 2012 and 2013, deoxyfuoroadeno-sine (5′-FDA) (O’Hagan et al. 2002; respectively. Te draft genome of the marine bacterium see Scheme 1b). In the following year, O’Hagan’s team Streptomyces xinghaiensis NRRL B-24674 was depos- isolated and characterized fuorinase from Streptomyces ited in the public domain in 2011. More recently, a new cattleya (Schafrath et al. 2003), and the crystal structure fuorinase (FIA) gene has been identifed in the Strep- of fuorinase was resolved by the same group in 2004 tomyces xinghaiensis genome. Full genome sequencing (Dong et al. 2004; Deng et al. 2004). Although the basic of the organism revealed a gene encoding of a putative Tong et al. Bioresour. Bioprocess. (2019) 6:46 Page 3 of 8



Scheme 1 a Putative minimal pathway for nucleocidin 1 biosynthesis. b Intermediates and enzymes on the biosynthesis of fuoroacetate and 4-fuorothreonine fuorinase with 80% sequence identity to that of Strepto- In addition to mining new fuorinases, directed evo- myces cattleya. Although the fuorinase in Streptomyces lution has achieved new progress. In 2016, Zhao’s xinghaiensis was not isolated, the production of fuoro- group frst directed evolution of the fuorinase FIA1 acetate in culture suggests a functioning fuorinase. Tis for improved conversion of the non-native substrate is the frst instance of a fuorometabolite isolated from a 5′-chloro-5′-deoxyade-nosine (5′-ClDA) into 5′-fuoro- marine organism (HimáTong 2014). 5′-deoxyadenosine (5′-FDA) (see Table 2; Sun et al. Tong et al. Bioresour. Bioprocess. (2019) 6:46 Page 4 of 8

Table 1 Comparative kinetic data of known fuorinase enzymes

Fluorinase (FIA) source SAM Km (μM) Turnover no. kcat Specifcity constant kcat/Km References 1 1 1 (min­ − ) (mM­ − min­ − )

S. cattleya 29.2 2.41 0.083 2.84 Schafrath et al. 2003 ± Streptomyce sp. MA37 82.4 18.6 0.262 3.18 Deng et al. 2014 ± N. brasiliensis 27.8 4.23 0.122 4.40 Wang et al. 2014 ± Actinoplanes sp. N902-109 45.8 7.91 0.204 4.44 Deng et al. 2014 ±

Table 2 Fluorinase variants obtained by directed evolution

Scheme 3 Two-step fuorinase reaction and the corresponding products

done on the recognition of substrates by fuorinase (Yeo et al. 2017; Sun et al. 2018). In 2017, Yeo’s team explored o a Fluorinase T ( C) RCC RCC​ (overall) (%) fuorinase specifcity (Yeo et al. 2017). In addition, their (analytical) (%) evolved FIA1 luciferin variants are active against sub- strates modifed at the C-2 and C-6 positions of the ade- FIA1 42 8 1 7 1 ± ± nine ring, although they are directed against 5′-ClDA 1 FIA1 47 11 2 8 2 ± ± and L-Met bottoms and conferred novel activity towards fah2081 (A279Y) 42 32 3 24 2 ± ± substrates not readily accepted by wild-type FIA1 (see fah2114 (F213Y, A279L) 47 46 2 34 3 ± ± Scheme 3). Regarding the recent research progress on a Overall RCC % radioactivity in supernatant W% RCC based on radioHPLC. fuorinase, the application of fuorinase is still very lim- = Typical % radioactivity in supernatant is in the range 73–80% ited. We believe that the directed evolution can be used on fuorinase to catalyze more non-natural fuorination reactions.

Enzyme‑catalyzed C–F bond cleavage Large-scale applications of fuorinated compounds have caused increasing environmental concerns due to their toxicity, global warming potential, environmental per- Scheme 2 Enzymatic transformation of 16 to its corresponding 17 sistence, and bioaccumulation character (Douvris and Ozerov 2008; Houde et al. 2006). Environmental biotrans- formation, one of the most promising strategies with the 2016). NNK-based saturated mutagenesis of the active lowest energy consumption, has provided some encour- sites (within 5 Å of substrate) was performed on the aging results in cleaving the highly stable C–F bond, the FIA1 gene to generate libraries for high-throughput dissociation energy of which is the highest among all the screening. Te evolutionary variants fah2081 (A279Y) natural products. At present, there are two ways of cata- and fah2114 (F213Y and A279L) have been success- lyzing the cleavage of C–F bonds by enzymes: hydrolytic fully applied to the radiosynthesis of 5′-[18F] FDA, and defuorination and oxireductive defuorination. their total radiochemical conversion (RCC) is more than Te presence of naturally produced fuoroacetate threefold higher than wild-type FIA1. In 2016, O’Hagan’s in the environment has resulted in the evolution of group found that fuorinase can be applied to the synthe- mechanisms to degrade this substrate. Goldman identi- sis of 5′,5′-Difuoro-5′-deoxyadenosine. (see Scheme 2; fed the frst microbial defuorinases in Pseudomonas Tompson et al. 2016). Some research has also been sp., which catalyzed the hydrolytic cleavage of the C–F bond, yielding glycolate and fuoride ions (Goldman Tong et al. Bioresour. Bioprocess. (2019) 6:46 Page 5 of 8

1965). Subsequently, other defuorinases were isolated from several micro-organisms (Goldman 1965; Kawa- (a) saki et al. 1981; Walker and Lien 1981; Liu et al. 1998; Kurihara et al. 2003; Donnelly and Murphy 2009). Te mechanism of C–F bond cleavage by defuorinases has (b) been investigated (see Fig. 1; Liu et al. 1998; Chan et al. 2011; Kim et al. 2017; Mehrabi et al. 2019), and a two- step reaction mechanism for fuoroacetic acid dehalo- Scheme 4 Enzymatic hydrolysis of defuorination reaction: a hydrolytic kinetic resolution of racemate catalyzed by fuoroacetate genase was proposed. First, aspartate attacks α-carbon dehalogenase RPA1163 and b novel tandem hydrodefuorination/ connected with F atom. Tis leads to the leaving of F deamination kinetic resolution of racemic β-fuoroamines atom from the substrate. Te covalent intermediate, thus, produced is then hydrolyzed by a histidine-activated water molecule, which is assisted by the second aspartate of 4-fuorobenzoacyl-CoA (4-F-BzCoA) with benzoyl- residue. Te catalytic process involves the conservative CoA (BzCoA) and HF catalyzed by class I BzCoA reduc- aspartic acid–histidine–aspartic acid . In tase was carried out. An unprecedented mechanism for 2017, Reetz’s group reported a study of substrate range reductive arylic C–F bond cleavage via a Birch reduc- and enantioselectivity of defuorinases via using ste- tion-like mechanism resulting in a formal nucleophilic reochemical probes (Wang et al. 2017). A favorable (S)- aromatic substitution was proposed (see Fig. 2; Tiedt confguration was observed in the fast reaction using et al. 2016). In 2018, Liu et al. reported cleavage of a C–F racemic 2-fuoro-2-phenylacetic acid (see Scheme 4a). bond by an engineered cysteine dioxygenase (​Whittaker Surprisingly, the results show that the enzyme pocket 2003; Simmons et al. 2006; Li et al. 2018). Experimental can accept a larger substrate than the natural substrate data suggest that protein-bound ­O -dependent carbon– fuoroacetic acid, and that this non-natural compound 2 halogen bonds cleave iron centers under mild, physi- is more reactive than fuoroacetic acid. Another hydro- ologically relevant conditions. Although the C–F bond lyzed defuorinated enzyme is transaminases (Cuetos is the strongest covalent single bond in organic chem- et al. 2016); transaminases are valuable enzymes in indus- istry, cysteine dioxygenase is able to cleave a C–F bond trial biocatalysis and enable the preparation of optically to realize co-factor biogenesis (see Scheme 5a). In 2019, pure amines. Lavandera reported a non-natural reac- Wang’s group discovered that a histidine-linked heme tion type of transaminase, and the promiscuous reactiv- enzyme can catalyze the cleavage of C–F by hydroxyla- ity of transaminases can be applied to obtain a series of tion (Wang et al. 2019). LmbB2 has a wide range of cata- enantiopure β-fuoroamines by an unprecedented formal lytic activities toward l-tyrosine analogues, as long as the tandem hydrodefuorination or deamination kinetic reso- 4-hydroxyl group is present. Te monosubstituted tyros- lution of racemic β-fuoroamines (see Scheme 4b). ine analogues represented by 3-fuoro-l-tyrosine pre- Oxireductive dehalogenation is a common pathway sumably bind in two diferent orientations at the heme for detoxifcation of organic halide by micro-organ- isms. Biocatalytic oxidation and reduction defuorina- tion by micro-organisms containing organic fuorine compounds have been reviewed to analyze their abil- ity to handle such specifc chemicals and to explore the potential of this knowledge in biotechnology applica- tions (Natarajan et al. 2005). To avoid unnecessary rep- etition, here we only introduce works published in the last 5 years. In 2016, Bergen’s team reported that ATP- dependent BzCoA reductase can promote C–F bond cleavage. An ATP-dependent study of defuorination

Fig. 2 Possible mechanism for reductive defuorination of BzCoA by Fig. 1 Proposed two-step reaction mechanism of fuoroacetate ATP-dependent class I BCR Tong et al. Bioresour. Bioprocess. (2019) 6:46 Page 6 of 8

Abbreviations 5′-FRP: 5′-fuoro-5′-deoxyribose-1-phosphate; SAM: S-adenosyl-l-methio‑ (a) nine; 5′-FDA: 5′-fuoro-5′-deoxyfuoroadeno-sine; FIA: fuorinase; 5′-ClDA: 5′-chloro-5′-deoxyade-nosine; RCC​: radiochemical conversion; 4-F-BzCoA: 4-fuorobenzoacyl-CoA; BzCoA: benzoyl-CoA; class I BCR: catalyzed by class I BzCoA reductase; TA: transaminases; LmbB2: tyrosine hydroxylase.

Acknowledgements J.-b.W. thanks and the support from Huxiang High-level Talent Gathering Project of Hunan Province (2019RS1040) and the start-up funding from Hunan Normal University. (b) Authors’ contributions JW and WT conceived and wrote this paper. QH and ML were involved col‑ Scheme 5 Enzymatic of defuorination reaction: a cleavage of C–F lecting related material and critical reading of this paper. All authors read and bond by engineered cysteine dioxygenase and b summary of LmbB2 approved the fnal manuscript. reaction for 3-fuoro-l-tyrosine Availability of data and materials All data generated or analyzed during this study are included in this published article. , with the substituents pointing away from or Ethics approval and consent to participate toward the heme center (see Scheme 5b). A mono-substi- Not applicable. tuted tyrosine analog represented by 3-fuoro-l-tyrosine Consent for publication may have two diferent binding modes at the heme active Not applicable. site, and the substituent is directed to the center of the heme or away from its center. For example, the C–F bond Competing interests undergoes hydroxylation to generate DOPA. Te above The authors declare that they have no competing interests. describes the enzymatic hydrolysis or oxidation of the Author details C–F bond, broadening the scope of fuorine chemistry 1 Key Laboratory of Phytochemistry R&D of Hunan Province, College of Chem‑ istry and Chemical Engineering, Hunan Normal University, Changsha 410081, and further expanding the potential industrial applica- People’s Republic of China. 2 Key Laboratory of Chemical Biology and Tradi‑ tion of natural or engineered proteins. tional Chinese Medicine Research (Ministry of Education), College of Chem‑ istry and Chemical Engineering, Hunan Normal University, Changsha 410081, People’s Republic of China.

Conclusions Received: 28 September 2019 Accepted: 15 November 2019 Organofuorines play an increasingly important role in the pharmaceutical and agrochemical industries, mak- ing the prospect of using enzymatic reactions to form C–F bonds bright. However, the extensive use of organo- References fuorines has also caused environmental pollution, and Bartholomé A, Janso JE, O’Hagan D (2016) Fluorometabolite biosynthesis: iso‑ topically labelled glycerol incorporations into the antibiotic nucleocidin thus, development of a mild green enzyme to degrade in Streptomyces calvus. Org Biomol Chem 15(1):61–64 these compounds is a matter of urgency. With its highly Berger R, Resnati G, Metrangolo P, Weber E, Hulliger J (2011) Organic fuorine catalytic selectivity and environmental friendliness, enzy- compounds: a great opportunity for enhanced materials properties. Chem Soc Rev 40(7):3496–3508 matic catalysis will play an increasingly more important Carvalho MF, Oliveira RS (2017) Natural production of fuorinated compounds role in fuorine organic chemistry. In this review, details and biotechnological prospects of the fuorinase enzyme. Crit Rev of the formation of C–F bonds catalyzed by fuorinase Biotechnol 37(7):880–897 Chan PW, Yakunin AF, Edwards EA, Pai EF (2011) Mapping the reaction coordi‑ and the cleavage of C–F bonds by oxidase, reductase nates of enzymatic defuorination. J Am Chem Soc 133(19):7461–7468 deaminase, and fuoroacetate dehalogenase are demon- Cuetos A, García-Ramos M, Fischereder EM, Díaz-Rodríguez A, Grogan G, Gotor strated. Tese fuorinase and defuorinase all have been V, Lavandera I (2016) Catalytic promiscuity of transaminases: preparation of enantioenriched β-fuoroamines by formal tandem hydrodefuorina‑ isolated and identifed for more than a decade, and their tion/deamination. Angew Chem Int Ed 128(9):3196–3199 catalytic mechanisms illuminated. However, a narrow Dall’Angelo S, Bandaranayaka N, Windhorst AD, Vugts DJ, van der Born D, substrate range or low activity has hindered their applica- Onega M, O’Hagan D (2013) Tumour imaging by positron emission tomography using fuorinase generated 5-[18F] fuoro-5-deoxyribose as a tion. With the fast development of biotechnology, mining novel tracer. Nucl Med Biol 40(4):464–470 new enzymes or improving their properties by directed Deng H, O’Hagan D, Schafrath C (2004) Fluorometabolite biosynthesis evolution holds promise to eliminate these barriers, and the fuorinase from Streptomyces cattleya. Natural product reports 21(6):773–784 which will greatly accelerate the development of enzy- matic organic fuorine chemistry. Tong et al. Bioresour. Bioprocess. (2019) 6:46 Page 7 of 8

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