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CHAPTER 72 ...... 2 AL-JINN ...... 2 (28 VERSES) ...... 2 VERSES 1 - 28 ...... 2

MERITS ...... 2

VERSE 1 ...... 3

Background report ...... 3

VERSES 2 - 4 ...... 5

VERSES 5 & 6...... 5

VERSES 7 - 9 ...... 7

VERSES 10 - 13 ...... 8

VERSES 14 & 15 ...... 9

VERSES 16 & 17 ...... 10

VERSE 18 ...... 13

The Altered Verse ...... 13

The body parts for Sajdah ...... 14

16 ...... (الصالة) The correct way to pray the Salat

VERSE 19 ...... 18

VERSES 20 - 23 ...... 20

VERSE 24 ...... 22

VERSES 25 - 28 ...... 23 APPENDIX...... 27

Miscellaneous Ahadeeth regarding the Jinn ...... 27

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VERSES 1 - 28

ِ ِ ِ ب ْسِم اللَّه الَّرْح َٰ م ِن الَّرحيِم MERITS

ِ ِ ابن بابويه: بإسناده، عن حنان بن سدير، عن أيب عبد اهلل )عليه السالم(، قال: »من أكثر قراءة قُ ْل أُوح َي إََلَّ مل يصبه يف احلياة الدنيا شيءمن أعني اجلن و ال نفثهم و ال سحرهم و ال كيدهم، و كان مع حممد )صلى اهلل عليه و لله(، ييوول: يا ب ال أبيد منه بدال، و ال أبغي عنه حوال«.

Ibn Babuwayh, by his chain, from Hanaan Bin Sudeyr, who has narrated the following:

‘Abu Abdullahasws having said: ‘The one who frequents in the recitation of: Say: ‘It is Revealed unto me [72] ( Al-Jinn), will neither be affected in the life of the world by anything from the evil eye of the Jinn, nor their whisperings, nor their sorcery, nor their plots, and as if he is with Muhammadsaww, so he is saying, ‘O Lordazwj. I do not want anyone else in exchange for himsaww, nor do I want to turn around from himsaww’.1

و من )خواص الورلن(: بوي عن النيب )صلى اهلل عليه و لله( أنه قال: »من قرأ هذه السوبة كان له من األجر بعدد كل جين و شيطان صدق مبحمد )صلى اهلل عليه و لله( أو كذ به عتق بقبة، و أمن من اجلن«.

And from Khawas Al-

It has been reported from the Prophetsaww having said: ‘The one who recites this Chapter (Surah Al-Jinn), would have for himself the Recompense of the number of every Jinn and Satan who ratified or denied Muhammadsaww, and freed the slaves, and the Believers from the Jinn’.2

و قال بسول اهلل )صلى اهلل عليه و لله(: »من قرأها كان له أجر عظيم، و أمن على نفسه من اجلن«.

And Rasool-Allahsaww said: ‘The one who recites it would have a great Recompense for himself, and would have safety upon himself from the Jinn’.3

(ثواب األعمال: 120.) 1 )خواص القرآن( 2 3 Tafseer Al Burhan – H 11122

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و قال الصادق )عليه السالم(: »قراءهتا هتراجلان من املوضع،

And Al-Sadiqasws said: ‘The recitation of it (Surah Al-Jinn) makes the Jinn flee from the place.

و من قرأها و هو قاصد إىل سلطان جائر أمن منه،

And one who recites it and he was being harassed by an unjust authority, would be safe from him.

و من قرأها و هو مغلغل سهل اهلل عليه خروجه،

And one who recites it and he was in uncertainty, Allahazwj would Ease a way out for him.

ومن أدمن يف قرائتها و هو يف ضيق يتح اهلل له با الفرج بإذن اهلل تعاىل«.

And one who habitually recites it and he was in straitened circumstances, Allahazwj would Open the door of the relief for him, by the Permission of Allahazwj’.4


ِ ِ َّ ِ ِ َِّ ِ قُ ْل أُوح َي إََلَّ أَنهُ ا ْستََم َع ن ََفٌر م َن ا ْجل ِّن يَ َوالُوا إنا ََسْعنَا قُ ْرلنًا عَ َجبًا }1{ Say: ‘It is Revealed unto me that a number of the Jinn listened intently and they said, ‘We heard an amazing recitation!’ [72:1]

Background report

ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َّ ِ ِ ِ ِِ قال: قوله تعاىل: َو إْذ َصَريْنا إلَيْ َك ن ََفراً م َن ا ْجل ِّن يَ ْستَمعُوَن الُْوْرل َن، إىل قوله تعاىل: يَ لََّما قُض َي، أي يرغ َولْوا إىل قَ ْومه ْم ُمْنذبي َن ِ ِ ِ ٍ ِ ٍ قالُوا يا قَ ْوَمنا إنَّا ََسْعنا إىل قوله تعاىل: أُولئ َك ِيف َضالل ُمبني، يهذا كله حكاية عن اجلن، و كان سبب نزوهلا أن بسول اهلل )صلى اهلل عليه و لله( خرج من مكة إىل سوق عكاظ، و معه زيد بن حابثة، يدعو الناس إىل اسإسالم، يلم بجبه أحد، و مل بجد من يوبله، مث بجع إىل مكة، يلما بلغ موضعا ]يوال[ له: وادي جمنة هتجد بالورلن يف جوف الليل،

( Bin ) said, ‘Regarding the Words of the Exalted: And when We Turned a number of the Jinn towards you listening to the Quran [46:29] - up to Hisazwj Words: They are in clear straying’ [46:32] – So all this is the story from the Jinn. And the reason for its Revelation is that Rasool-Allahsaww went out from Makkah to

(خواص القرآن: 11 »مخطوط«.) 4

3 out of 30 Tafseer Hub-e-Aliasws www.hubeali.com the market of Akaaz, and with himsaww was Zayd Bin Haris, calling the people to Al- Islam, but not one person responded to himsaww, nor did they find anyone who accepted it. Then hesaww returned to Makkah. So when hesaww reached a place called the Valley of Majnat, hesaww prayed the night Salat in the middle of the night with the (recitation of) the Quran.

يمربه نفر من اجلن، يلما َسعوا قراءة بسول اهلل )صلى اهلل عليه و لله(، استمعوا له، يلما َسعوا قراءته، قال بعضهم لبعض: ِ ِ َّ ِ ِ ِ ِِ َِّ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ أَنْصتُوا، يعين اسكتوا: يَ لََّما قُض َي، أي يرغ: َولْوا إىل قَ ْومه ْم ُمْنذبي َن قالُوا يا قَ ْوَمنا إنا ََسْعنا كتاباً أُنْزَل م ْن ب َْعد ُموسى ُم َصِّدقاً لما ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ٍ ِ ٍ ِ ِ َِّ ِ ِِ ِ ِ ٍ ِ ٍ ب ََْني يََديْه ي َْهدي إَىل ا ْحلَِّق َو إىل طَريق ُم ْستَويم يا قَ ْوَمنا أَجيبُوا داع َي الله َو لمنُوا به، إىل قوله تعاىل: أُولئ َك يف َضالل ُمبني، A number of jinn passed by. So, when they heard the recitation of Rasool-Allahsaww they listened intently to it. After listening to hissaww recitation they said to each other, ‘Listen!’ - Meaning, ‘maintain silence’. So when it (recitation) ended, they turned back towards they people, warning them [46:29] They said, ‘O our people! We heard a Book Revealed from after Musa, ratifying what was before it, Guiding to the Truth and to a Straight Path [46:30] O our people! Answer the Call of Allah and believe in Him [46:31] - up to Hisazwj Words: They are in clear straying’ [46:32].

ِ ِ َّ يجاءوا إىل بسول اهلل )صلى اهلل عليه و لله(، و أسلموا و لمنوا، و علمهم شرائع اسإسالم، يأنزل على نبيه قُ ْل أُوح َي إَََّل أَن هُ ِ ِ ا ْستََم َع ن ََفٌر م َن ا ْجل ِّن ، السوبة كلها، يحكى ]ا هلل[ عز و جل قوهلم و وىل عليهم بسول اهلل )صلى اهلل عليه و لله( و كانوا يعودون إىل بسول اهلل )صلى اهلل عليه و لله( ىف كل وقت،

So, they came to Rasool-Allahsaww, and greeted and expressed Eman, and hesaww taught them the Laws of Al-Islam. Then it was revealed unto the Prophetsaww: Say: ‘It is Revealed unto me that a number of the Jinn listened intently [72:1] - the Chapter (Whole of Surah Al-Jinn (72). Thus Allahazwj Related their words, and Made Rasool-Allahsaww the Guardian over them, and they used to regularly return to Rasool-Allahsaww every time.

يأمر بسول اهلل )صلى اهلل عليه و لله( أمري املؤمنني )عليه السالم( أن يعلمهم و يفوههم، يمنهم مؤمنون و كايرون و ناصبون، و يهود و نصابى و جموس، و هم ولد اجلان.

So Rasool-Allahsaww instructed Amir-al-Momineenasws that heasws should teach them and make them understand, for among them are Momineen, and the Kafirs, and Hostile ones (Nasibis), and Jews, and Christians, and Magicians, and they are the children of the Jaan5’.6

5 The clan of Jaan – predecessors of the Jinn who had been expelled from the earth. See Hadeeth in Surah Baqarah 2:30 to 2:33 تفسير الق ّمي 2: 298 6

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VERSES 2 - 4

ِ ِ ِ ِِ ۖ ِ ِ ي َْهدي إَىل الُّرْشد يَآَمنَّا به َولَ ْن نُ ْشرَك بَرب ِّنَا أَ َحًدا }2{ Guiding to the right way, so we believe in it, and we will never associate any one with our Lord [72:2]

َّ ِ َوأَنَّهُ تَ َعاَٰىل َجُّد َبب ِّنَا َما اَّتََذ َصاحبَةً َوَال َولًَدا }3{ And that He - Exalted be the Majesty of our Lord - has neither taken a female companion, nor a son [72:3] ِ ِ َوأَنَّهُ َكا َن ي َُووُل َسفيُهنَا عَلَى اللَّه َشطَطًا }4{ And that our foolish ones were saying an enormity (outrage) upon Allah [72:4]

مثقال علي بن إبراهيم: حدثنا علي بن احلسني، عن أمحد بن أيب عبد اهلل، عن احلسني بن سعيد، عن النضر بن سويد، عن عبد اهلل بن سنان، عن أيب عبد اهلل )عليه السالم(، يف قول اجلن: َو أَنَّهُ تَعاىل َجُّد َببِّنا يوال: »شيء كذبه اجلن يوصه اهلل كما قالوا«.

Then Ali Bin Ibrahim (Tafseer Qummi) said, ‘Ali Bin Al-Husayn narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah, from Al-Husayn Bin Saeed, from Al-Nazar Bin Suweyd, from Abdullah Bin Sinan, who has narrated:

‘Abu Abdullah asws, regarding the words of the Jinn: And that He - Exalted be the Majesty of our Lord [72:3]. Heasws said: ‘Something which the Jinn belied, so Allahazwj Related their story just as they said’.7

] الورطيب [ قال الثماَل: بلغنا اهنم من بين الشيصبان، وهم أكثر اجلن عددا وأقواهم شوكة، وهم عامة جنود إبليس.

Al Qurtuby said, ‘Al-Sumaly said,

‘It has reached that they were the clan of Al-Sheysabaan, and they were the more numerous of the Jinn in number, and the strongest of them in capabilities, and they formed the generality of the armies of Ibleesla’.8

VERSES 5 & 6

ِ ِ َِّ ِ َوأَنَّا ظَنَ نَّا أَْن لَ ْن تَ ُووَل اْسإنْ ُس َوا ْجل ُّن َعلَى الله َكذبًا }5{

(تفسير الق ّمي 2: 388) 7 8 Abu Hamza Al Sumaly - Report No. 339 – (Non-Shiah Source)

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And surely we never thought that the humans and the Jinn would be saying a lie upon Allah’ [72:5]

ِ ِ ِ ٍ ِ ِ َوأَنَّهُ َكا َن بَجاٌل م َن اِْسإنْ ِس ي َعُوذُوَن بِرَجال م َن ا ْجل ِّن يَ َزاُدوُه ْم َبَهًوا }6{ And it so happened that men from the humans were seeking refuge with men from the Jinn, so it increased them in burden [72:6]

علي بن إبراهيم: عن أمحد بن احلسني، عن يضالة، عن أبان بن عثمان، عن زبابة، قال: سألت أبا جعفر )عليه السالم( عن قول ِ ِ ِ ٍ ِ ِ اهلل: َو أَنَّهُ كا َن بجاٌل م َن اِْسإنْ ِس ي َعُوذُوَن بِرجال م َن ا ْجل ِّن يَزاُدوُه ْم َبَهواً

Ali Bin Ibrahim, from Ahmad Bin Al-Husayn, from Fazalat, from Aban Bin Usman, from Zurara who said,

‘I asked Abu Ja’farasws about the Words of Allahazwj: And it so happened that men from the humans were seeking refuge with men from the Jinn, so it increased them in burden [72:6].

قال: »كان اجلن ينزلون على قوم من اسإنس يعوذون برجال من اجلن يزادوهم بهوا- قال- كان الرجل ينطلق إىل الكاهن الذي يوحي إليه الشيطان ييوول: قل لشيطانك: يالن قد عاذ بك«.

Heasws said: ‘The Jinn used to descend upon a community from the humans seeking refuge with the men from the Jinn, so it increased their wrongdoing. The men went to the soothsayers whom the Satanla had inspired, and they would say, ‘Say to your Satanla, ‘So and so has sought refuge with you’.9

ٍ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِِ ُحمََّمٌد َع ْن أَ ْمحََد عَ ِن ابْ ِن َْحمبُو عَ ْن ََجيِل بْ ِن َصال ٍح َع ْن ذَبي ٍح قَاَل ََسْع ُت أَبَا عَْبد اللَّه ) عليه السالم ( ي ُعَِّوذُ ب َْع َض ُولْده َو ي َُووُل ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َّ ِ ِ ِ ٍ ِ ِِ ِ َعَزْم ُت َعلَْيك يَا بي ُح َو يَا َوَج ُع َكائناً َما ُكْنت بالَْعزميَة الِِت عََزَم ِبَا َعل ُّي بْ ُن أَِيب طَالب أَمريُ الُْمْ ؤمن َني ) عليه السالم ( َبُسوُل َبُسول َِّ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ٍ الله ) صلى اهلل عليه ولله ( َعلَى ج ِّن َوادي ال َّصْب َرة يَأَ َجابُوا َو أَطَاعُوا لََّما أَ َجْبت َو أَطَْعت َو َخَرْجت َع ِن ابِْين يَُالن ابْ ِن ابْ نَِِت يَُالنَةَ ال َّساعَةَ ال َّسا َعةَ.

Muhammad, from Ahmad, from Ibn Mahboub, from Jameel Bin Saaleh, from Zareeh who said:

‘I heard Abu Abdullahasws seeking refuge for one of hisasws sons and heasws was saying: ‘Iasws am resolved against you, O wind, and O pain, whatever creature you are, with the determination which Aliasws Bin Abu Talibasws and the Rasool-Allahsaww held against the Jinn in the valley of Al-Sabrah. So they answered, and they obeyed. You answer and obey, and go away from myasws son so and so, so of myasws daughter so and so, at this very moment, at this very moment’’.10

(تفسير الق ّمي 2: 389.) 9 10 Al Kafi H 14494

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VERSES 7 - 9

َوأَن َُّه ْم ظَنُّوا َك َما ظَنَ ْنتُ ْم أَْن لَ ْن ي َْب َع َث اللَّهُ أَ َحًدا }7{ And they thought just as you thought, that Allah will never Send anyone [72:7] ِ ِ َوأَنَّا لََم ْسنَا ال َّس َماءَ يَ َوَج ْدنَاَها ُملئَ ْت َحَرًس ا َشديًدا َو ُشُهبًا }8{ And we touched the sky, but we found it filled with strong guards and meteors [72:8]

ِ ِ ِ ۖ ِ ِ ِ َوأَنَّا ُكنَّا ن َْوعُُد مْن َها َمَواعَد لل َّس ْمِع يََم ْن يَ ْستَمِع اْْل َن َبج ْد لَهُ شَهابًا َب َصًدا }9{ And we used to sit in (some of the) sittings from it. But, one who tries to listen in now, would find meteors waiting for him [72:9]

ِ َِّ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َو َع ْن أَِيب عَْبد الله َعلَْيه ال َّسَالمُ َحدي ٌث طَويل ٌ َو أََّما أَ ْخبَاُب ال َّسَماء يَإ َّن ال َّشيَاط َني َكانَ ْت تَ ْوعُُد َمَواعَد ا ْس َتاق ال َّس ْمِع إْذ ذَاَك َو ِ ِ ِ َِّ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َّ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ه َي َال ُُتْ َج ُب َو َال ت ُْرَج ُم بالنُّ ُجوم، َو إَّنَا ُمنَع ْت من ا ْس َتاق ال َّس ْمِع لئَال ي ََو َع يف اْألَْبض َسبَ ٌب يُ َشاك ُل الَْوْح َي م ْن َخََب ال َّسَماء، َو ِ ِ ِ َِّ ِِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ي ُْلبَ َس َعلَى أَْهل اْألَْبض َما َجاءَُه ْم َع ن الله سإثْ بَات ا ْحلُ َّجة َو ن َْف ِي ال ُّشْب َهة، َو َكا َن ال َّشْيطَا ُن يَ ْسَتُق الْ َكلَمةَ الَْواحَدةَ م ْن َخََب ِ ِ ِ ِ َِّ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َِّ ِ ِِ ال َّسَماء، َو ي َلْبَ ُس َعلَى أَْهل اْألَْبض َما َجاءَُه ْم َعن الله م ْن َخََب ال َّسَماء مبَا ََْيُد ُث م َن الله يف َخْلوه And from Abu Abdullahasws, there is a lengthy Hadeeth, (in which heasws is saying): ‘And as for the news of the sky, so the satans used to sit in sittings, stealing the hearing, when that (happened), and they were neither veiled nor stoned by the stars (meteors). And rather, there was forbiddance from the stealing lest there would occur in the earth a reason resembling the Revelation to the news of the sky, and it would be clothed (fabricated) upon the people of the earth what had come to them from Allahazwj from the news of the sky with what had occurred from Allahazwj among Hisazwj creatures.

ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ٍ ِ ِ ِِ ِ ِ ِ ِ يَ يَ ْختَطُفَها ُمثَّ ي َْهب ُط ِبَا إَىل اْألَْب ِض يَ يَ ْوذيُ َها إَىل الْ َكاه ِن يَإذَا قَْد َزاَد َكلَمات م ْن عْنده يَ يَ ْختَل ُط ا ْحلََّق بالْبَاطِل يََما أَ َصا َ الْ َكاه ُن ِ ٍ ِ ِ ِِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ م ْن َخََب ِمَّا َكا َن ُُيَْبُ به يَ ُهَو ِمَّا أََّداهُ إلَْيه َشيْطَانُهُ ِمَّا ََسَعهُ، َو َما أَ ْخطَأَ ييه يَ ُهَو م ْن بَاطِل َما َزاَد ييه So he would snatch it, then descend with it to the earth, and he would cast it to the soothsayer. So when the sentences had increased from his presence, he would mix the Truth with the falsehood. So whatever the soothsayer got correct from a news from what he had informed with, so it was from what was given to him by his satan from what he had heart. And whatever he erred in, so it was from a falsity what he had added in it.

ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ يَُمْذ ُمنَعت ال َّشيَاط ُني َع ِن ا ْس َتاق ال َّس ْمِع انْ َوطََعت الْكَهانَةُ، يَ َواَل: َكْي َف َصعَدت ال َّشيَاط ُني إَىل ال َّسَماء َو ُه ْم أَْمثَاُل النَّا ِس يف ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ا ْْلْلَوة َو الْ َكثَايَة َو قَْد َكانُوا ي َْب نُوَن ل ُسلَْيَما َن بْ ِن َداُوَد َعلَْي هَما ال َّسَالمُ م َن الْبنَاء َما ي َْعجُز َعنْهُ ُولُْد لَدَم؟

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So since the satans were forbidden from stealing the hearing, the soothsayer was cut off. He said, ‘How can the satans ascend to the sky and they are like the people in the creation and the density, and they used to build for Suleymanas Bin Dawoodas such building what the sons of Adamas were frustrated from?’’

ِّ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ قَاَل: غُلظُوا ل ُسلَْيَما َن لََّما ُس ِّخُروا، َو ُه ْم َخْل ٌق َبقي ٌق غَذاُؤُه ُم التَّ نَ ُّس ُم، َو الَّدلي ُل َعلَى ذَل َك ُصعُوُدُه ْم إَىل ال َّسَماء ال ْس َتاق ال َّس ْمِع َو ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َِّ ِ ٍَّ ِ ٍ َال ي َْودُب ا ْجل ْس ُم الْ َكثي ُف عَلَى االْبتَواء إلَيْه إال ب ُسلم أَْو ب َسبَب. Heasws said: ‘They were angry to Suleymanas when heas subjugated them, and they are of a feeble creation, their food is tasteless, and the evidence upon that is their ascent to the sky to steal the hearing, and the dense body is not able upon the rising to it except by a ladder or a means’’.11

VERSES 10 - 13

ِ ِ ِ ِِ َوأَنَّا َال نَْدبي أَ َشٌّر أُبيَد مبَْن ِيف اْألَْب ِض أَْم أََباَد ِب ْم َبب ُُّه ْم َبَشًدا }10{ And we do not know whether evil is intended with ones in the earth or whether their Lord Intends rightful Guidance with them [72:10]

ِ ِ ِ ِٰ ۖ ِ ِ َوأَنَّا منَّا ال َّصاحلُوَن َومنَّا ُدوَن ذَل َك ُكنَّا طََرائ َق قَدًدا }11{ And surely, from us are the righteous ones, and from us are ones besides that. We happen to be on different ways [72:11]

ِ َّ ِ ِ َوأَنَّا ظَنَ نَّا أَْن لَ ْن ن ُْعجَز اللهَ يف اْألَْب ِض َولَ ْن ن ُْعجَزهُ َهَربًا }12{ And surely we thought that we will never (be able to) frustrate Allah in the earth, and we will never (be able to) escape Him by fleeing [72:12]

ِ ِِ ۖ ِ ِ ِ َوأَنَّا لََّما ََسْعنَا اْهلَُد ٰى لَمنَّا به يََم ْن ي ُْؤم ْن بَربِّه يََال َُيَا ُف ََبْ ًسا َوَال َبَهًوا }13{ And we, when we heard the Guidance, we believed in it. So one who believes in his Lord, then he will neither fear loss nor any burden [72:13]

علي بن إبراهيم، قال: حدثنا حممد بن جعفر، قال: حدثنا حممد بن عيسى، عن زياد، عن احلسن بن علي بن يضال، عن ابن ِ ِ ِ ِ بكري، عن احلسن بن زياد، قال: َسعت أبا عبد اهلل )عليه السالم( يوول يف قوله: َو أَنَّا ال نَْدبي أَ َشٌّر أُبيَد مبَْن يف اْألَْب ِض أَْم أَباَد ِِ ِب ْم َبب ُُّه ْم َبَشداً، يوال: »ال،بل و اهلل شر أبيد ِبم حني بايعوا معاوية و تركوا احلسن بن علي )عليهما السالم(«.

H 25 – تفسير نور الثقلين، ج5، ص: 437 11

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Ali Bin Ibrahim said, ‘Muhammad Bin Ja’far narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Isa, from Ziyad, from Al-Hassan Bin Ali Bin Fazaal, from Ibn Bakeyr, from Al-Hassan Bin Ziyad who said:

‘I heard Abu Abdullahasws saying regarding Hisazwj Words: And we do not know whether evil is intended with ones in the earth or whether their Lord Intends rightful Guidance with them [72:10], so heasws said: ‘No, but evil is what was intended with them where they pledged allegiance to Muawiya, and left Al-Hassan Bin Aliasws’.

قوله: َف َم ْن ُي ْؤ ِم ْن ِب َر ِّب ِه َفال َيخا ُف َب ْخساً َو ال َر َهقاً قال: البخس، النقصان، و الرهق: العذاب.

Hisazwj Words: So one who believes in his Lord, then he will neither fear loss nor any burden [72:13], heasws said: ‘Al-Bakhs – The loss, and Al-Rahq is the Punishment’.12

حممد بن يعوو : عن علي بن حممد، عن بعض أصحابنا، عن ابن حمبو ، عن حممد بن الفضيل، عن أيب احلسن املاضي )عليه ِ ِِ السالم(، قال: قلت: قوله: أَنَّا لََّما ََسْعنَا اْهلُدى لَمنَّا به قال: »اهلدى: الوالية، لمنا مبوالنا يمن لمن بوالية مواله يال ُياف َبسا و ال بهوا«. قلت: تنزيل؟ قال: »ال، تأويل«.

Muhammad Bin Yaqoub, from Ali Bin Muhammad, from one of our companions, from Ibn Mahboub, from Muhammad Bin Al-Fazeyl, who has narrated:

‘From Abu Al-Hassan Al-Maazyasws (7th Imamasws), he (the narrator) said, ‘I said, ‘(What about) Hisazwj Words: And we, when we heard the Guidance, we believed in it [72:13], heasws said: ‘The Guidance is the Wilayah. (They said), ‘We believed in our Master (Aliasws), so the one who believes in the Wilayah of his Masterasws, so he should neither fear loss nor Punishment’. I said, ‘(This is) Revelation?’ Heasws said: ‘No, interpretation’. 13

VERSES 14 & 15

ِ ِ ِ ِ ۖ ِٰ َوأَنَّا منَّا الُْم ْسل ُموَن َومنَّا الَْواسطُوَن يََم ْن أَ ْسلَ َم يَأُولَئ َك َُتََّرْوا َبَشًدا }14{ And surely, from us are the submitters, and from us are the deviated ones. So one who submits, then they are seeking the rightful Guidance [72:14] ِ ِ َوأََّما الَْواسطُوَن يَ َكانُوا جلََهنَّ َم َحطَبًا }15{ And as for the deviated ones, so they would be fuel for Hell [72:15]

(تفسير الق ّمي 2: 391، 389) 12 (Extract) (الكافي 1: 369/ 91.) 13

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علي بن إبراهيم، قال: حدثنا حممد بن مهام، قال: حدثنا جعفر بن حممد بن مالك، قال: حدثنا جعفر بن عبد اهلل، قال: حدثنا ِ حممد بن عمر، عن عباد بن صهيب، عن جعفر بن حممد، عن أبيه )عليهما السالم(، يف قول اهلل عز و جل: يََم ْن أَ ْسلَ َم يَأُولئ َك ِ ِ ِ َُتََّرْوا َبَشداً: »أي الذين أقروا بواليتنا يَأُولئ َك َُتََّرْوا َبَشداً َو أََّما الْواسطُوَن يَكانُوا جلََهنََّم َحطَباً معاوية و أصحابه Ali Bin Ibrahim said, ‘Muhammad Bin Hamaam narrated to us from Ja’far Bin Muhammad Bin Malik, from Ja’far Bin Abdullah, from Muhammad Bin Umar, from Abad Bin Saheyb, who has said:

‘From, Ja’far Bin Muhammadasws, from hisasws fatherasws regarding the Words of Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic: So one who submits, then they are seeking the rightful Guidance [72:14], i.e., the ones who accepts ourasws Wilayah, then they are seeking the rightful Guidance [72:14] And as for the deviated ones, so they would be fuel for Hell [72:15] - Muawiya and his companions’.14

VERSES 16 & 17

ِ َوأَْن لَِو ا ْستَ َواُموا َعلَى الطَِّريَوة َألَ ْسَوْي نَاُه ْم َماءً غََدقًا }16{ And if they are steadfast upon the right Way, We would Quench them (with) abundant water [72:16] ِ ِ ِ ِ ۖ ِ ِ لنَ ْفتنَ ُه ْم ي يه َوَم ْن ي ُْعِر ْض َع ْن ذْكِر َببِّه يَ ْسلُ ْكهُ َعَذابًا َصَعًدا }17{ For Us to Try them regarding him. And one who turns away from Zikr of his Lord, He would Thrust him into the ever-increasing Punishment [72:17]

ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َِّ ِ ِ ٍ ِ ِ ٍ أَ ْمحَُد بْ ُن مْهَرا َن عَ ْن عَْبد الَْعظيم بْن َعْبد الله ا ْحلَ َس ِّين َع ْن ُمو َسى بْن ُحمََّمد َع ْن يُونُ َس بْن ي َْعُوو َ َعَّم ْن ذََكَرهُ عَ ْن أَيب َجْعَفر ) عليه ِ ِِ َِّ ِ ِ ِ ِ ٍ السالم ( يف قَ ْوله تَ َعاَىل َو أَْن لَِو ا ْستَواُموا َعلَى الطريَوة َألَ ْسَوْيناُه ْم ماءً َغَدقاً قَاَل ي َْعِين لَِو ا ْستَ َواُموا َعلَى َوَاليَة عَل ِّي بْ ِن أَِيب طَالب ِ ِ ِِ ِ ِ ِ ِِ ِ ِ ِِ ِِ أَمري الُْمْؤمن َني َو اْألَْوصيَاء م ْن ُولْده ) عليهم السالم ( َو قَبلُوا طَا َعتَ ُه ْم يف أَْمره ْم َو ن َْهيه ْم َألَ ْسَوْي نَاُه ْم َماءً َغَدقاً

Ahmad Bin Mihran, from Abdul Azeem Bin Abdullah Al Hasany, from Musa Bin Muhammad, from Bin Yaqoub, from the one who mentioned it,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Ja’farasws regarding the Words of the Exalted: And if they are steadfast upon the right Way, We would Quench them (with) abundant water [72:16]. Heasws said: ‘It Means if they (people) were to be steadfast upon the Wilayah of Aliasws Bin Abu Talibasws Amir Al-Momineenasws, and the successorsasws from hisasws sonsasws, and accept to be in theirasws obedience regarding theirasws orders and their prohibitions, We would Quench them (with) abundant water [72:16].

(تفسير الق ّمي 2: 389) 14

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ِ َِّ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ي َُووُل َألَ ْشَربْ نَا قُ لُوب َُه ُم اْسإميَا َن َو الطريَوةُ ه َي اْسإميَا ُن بَوَاليَة عَل ٍّي َو اْألَْوصيَاء . Heazwj is Saying: “Weazwj would Make their hearts to drink the Eman”, and the doctrine, it is the belief in the Wilayah of Aliasws and the successorsasws’.15

ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َِّ ِ ِ ٍ ِ ِ ٍ أَ ْمحَُد بْ ُن مْهَرا َن عَ ْن عَْبد الَْعظيم بْن َعْبد الله ا ْحلَ َس ِّين َع ْن ُمو َسى بْن ُحمََّمد َع ْن يُونُ َس بْن ي َْعُوو َ َعَّم ْن ذََك َرهُ عَ ْن أَيب َجْعَفر ) عليه ِ ِ َِّ ِ َِّ ِ ِ َِّ ِ السالم ( يف قَ ْول الله َعَّز َو َجلَّ َو أَْن لَو ا ْستَواُموا عَلَى الطريَوة َألَ ْسَوْيناُه ْم ماءً َغَدقاً ي َُووُل َألَ ْشَربْ نَا قُ لُوب َُه ُم اْسإميَا َن َو الطريَوةُ ه َي ِ ِ ٍ ِ ِ َوَاليَةُ َعل ِّي بْ ِن أَِيب طَالب َو اْألَْوصيَاء ) عليهم السالم ( .

Ahmad Bin Mihran, from Abdul Azeem Bin Abdullah Al Hasany, from Musa Bin Muhammad, from Yunus Bin Yaqoub, from the one who mentioned,

‘From Abu Ja’farasws regarding the Words of Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic: And if they are steadfast upon the right Way, We would Quench them (with) abundant water [72:16]. Heazwj is Saying: ‘We would give their hearts to drink the Eman’, and the Tareeqa (right way), it is Wilayah of Aliasws Bin Abu Talibasws and the successorsasws’.16

و عنه: باسإسناد، عن أيب بصري، عن أيب عبد اهلل )عليه السالم(، قال: سألته عن قول اهلل عز و جل: َو أَْن لَِو ا ْستَواُموا َعلَى َِّ ِ الطريَوة َألَ ْسَوْيناُه ْم ماءً َغَدقاً: »يعين ألمددناهم علما، كي يتعلموه من األئمة )عليهم السالم(«. From him, by the chain, from Abu Baseer, who has said:

‘I asked Abu Abdullahasws about the Words of Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic: And if they are steadfast upon the right Way, We would Quench them (with) abundant water [72:16], heasws said: ‘It Means: “Weazwj would Extend to them the Knowledge in order to learn it from the Imamsasws’.17

و عنه: عن أمحد بن حممد، عن حممد بن خالد، عن حممد بن علي، عن حممد بن مسلم، عن بريد العجلي، قال: سألت أبا عبد َِّ ِ اهلل )عليه السالم( عن قول اهلل عز و جل: َو أَْن لَِو ا ْستَواُموا َعلَى الطريَوة َألَ ْسَويْناُه ْم ماءً َغَدقاً، قال: »ألذقناهم علما كثريا يتعلمونه من األئمة )عليهم السالم(«.

And from him, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from Muhammad Bin Khalid, from Muhammad Bin Ali ,from Muhamad Bin Muslim, from Bureyd Al-Ajaly who said:

‘I asked Abu Abdullahasws about the Words of Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic: And if they are steadfast upon the right Way, We would Quench them (with) abundant water [72:16], heasws said: ‘Make them taste a lot of knowledge which they would learn from the Imamsasws’.

ِ ِ ِ ِ قلت: قوله: لنَ ْفتنَ ُه ْم ييه؟ قال: »إَّنا هؤالء يفتنهم ييه، يعين املنايوني«.

15 Al Kafi V 1 – The Book Of Divine Authority CH 30 H 1 16 Al Kafi V 1 – The Book Of Divine Authority CH 108 H 39 (تأويل اآليات 2: 727/ 2.) 17

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I said, ‘(What about) Hisazwj Words: For Us to Try them regarding him?’ Heasws said: ‘It is about those who have been tried with regarding himasws (Aliasws - meaning the hypocrites’.18

حممد بن العباس، قال: حدثنا علي بن عبد اهلل، عن إبراهيم بن حممد، عن إَساعيل بن يساب، عن علي بن جعفر، عن جابر ِ ِ اجلعفي، قال: سألت أبا جعفر )عليه السالم( عن قول اهلل عز و جل: َو َم ْن ي ُْعِر ْض َع ْن ذْكِر َبِّه يَ ْسلُ ْكهُ َعذاباً َصَعدا ً، قال: »من أعرض عن علي )عليه السالم( يسلكه العذا الصعد، و هو أشد العذا «.

Muhammad Bin Al-Abbas, from Ali Bin Abdullah, from Ibrahim Bin Muhammad, from Ismail Bin Tasaar, from Ali Bin Ja’far, from Jabir Al-Ju’fy who said:

‘I asked Abu Ja’farasws about the Words of Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic: For Us to Try them regarding him. And one who turns away from Zikr of his Lord, He would Thrust him into the ever-increasing Punishment [72:17], heasws said: ‘The one who turns aside from Aliasws, Heazwj would Thrust him into an ever-increasing Punishment, and it is the severest Punishment’.19

حممد بن يعوو : عن حممد بن علي بن معمر، عن حممد بن علي بن عكاية التميمي، عن احلسني بن النضر الفهري، عن أيب عمرو األوزاعي، عن عمرو بن مشر، عن جابر بن يزيد، عن أيب جعفر )عليه السالم(، عن أمري املؤمنني )عليه السالم(، يف خطبة ِّ َِّ ِ َِّ ِ َِّ ِِ الوسيلة، قال أمري املؤمنني )عليه السالم( يَأَنَا الذْكُر الذي عَْنهُ َض َّل َو ال َّسبي ُل الذي َعنْهُ َماَل َو اْسإميَا ُن الذي به َكَفَر َو الُْو ْرل ُن َِّ ِ َِّ ِِ َّ َِّ الذي إيَّاهُ َه َجَر َو الِّدي ُن الذي به َكذ َ َو ال ِّصَرا ُط الذي َعنْهُ نَ َك َب Muhammad Bin Yaqoub, from Muhammad Bin Al-Bin Mo’mar, from Muhammad Bin Ali Bin Akayat Al- Tameemi, from Al-Husayn Al-Nazar Al-Fahry, from Abu Amro Al-Awza’ie, from Amro Bin Shimr, from Jabir Bin Yazeed,

,(خطبة الوسيلة) Abu Ja’farasws, from Amir-Al-Momineenasws in Sermon of the Means Amir-Al-Momineenasws said: ‘So Iasws am the Zikr from which he went astray, and the Sabeel from which he deviated, and the Eman which he denied, and the Quran from which he forsook, and the Religion which he belied, and the Path from which he digressed!’. 20

حممد بن يعوو : عن علي بن حممد، عن علي بن العباس، عن احلسني بن عبد الرمحن، عن سفيان احلريري، عن أبيه، عن سعد اْلفاف، عن أيب جعفر )عليه السالم(- يف حديث طويل- قال: »حنن ذكر اهلل، و حنن أكَب«.

Muhammad Bin Yaqoub, from Ali Bin Muhammad, from Ali Bin Al-Abbas, from Al-Husayn Bin Abdul Rahman, from Sufyan Al-Hureyri, from his father, from Sa’ad Al-Khafaf,

‘From Abu Ja’farasws – in a lengthy Hadeeth – Heasws said: ‘weasws are the Zikr of Allahazwj, weasws are the greatest’.21

(تأويل اآليات 2: 728/ 3.) 18 (تأويل اآليات 2: 729/ 6.) 19 (Extract) الكافي 8: 27/ 4 20 الكافي 2: 437/ 1. 21

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ِ َِِّ َِّ َوأََّن الَْم َساجَد لله يََال تَْدعُوا َم َع الله أَ َحًدا }18{ And surely, the places of Sajdah are for Allah, therefore do not call upon anyone (else) with Allah [72:18]

The Altered Verse

و عنه: عن حممد بن أيب بكر، عن حممد بن إَساعيل، عن عيسى بن داود النجاب، عن اسإمام موسى بن جعفر )عليهما السالم(، ِ ِ ِ ِ يف قول اهلل عز و جل: َو أََّن الَْمساجَد للَّه يَال تَْدعُوا َم َع اللَّه أَ َحداً، قال: »َسعت أيب جعفر بن حممد )عليهما السالم( يوول: هم األوصياء األئمة منا واحد يواحد، يال تدعوا إىل غريهم يتكونوا كمن دعا مع اهلل أحدا، هكذا نزلت«.

And from him, from Muhammad Bin Abu Bakr, from Muhammad Bin Ismail, from Is Bin Dawood Al- Najaar, who has said:

‘The Imam Musaasws Bin Ja’farasws regarding the Words of Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic: And surely the places of Sajdah are for Allah, therefore do not call upon anyone (else) with Allah [72:18], heasws said: ‘Iasws heard Abu Ja’far Muhammadasws saying: ‘These are the successorsasws, the Imamsasws from usasws, one, by one, therefore do not call upon anyone other than them, for you will be like one who calls upon someone (else) along with Allah [72:18] – this is how it was Revealed’.22

ِ ِ ِ ٍ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِِ عَّدةٌ م ْن أَ ْص َحابنَا عَ ْن أَ ْمحََد بْ ِن ُحمََّمد َع ْن ُحمََّمد بْ ِن إ َْسَاعي َل َع ْن ُحمََّمد بْ ِن الُْف َضْيِل َع ْن أَِيب ا ْحلَ َس ِن ) عليه السالم ( يف قَ ْوله َو أََّن ِ َِِّ َِّ ِ الَْمساجَد لله يَال تَْدعُوا َم َع الله أَ َحداً قَاَل ُه ُم اْألَْوصي َاءُ . A number of our companions, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from Muhammad Bin Ismail, from Muhammad Bin Al Fuzayl,

‘From Abu Al-Hassanasws regarding Hisazwj Words: And surely the places of Sajdah are for Allah, therefore do not call upon anyone (else) with Allah [72:18]. Heasws said: ‘Theyasws are the successorsasws’.23

عليبن إبراهيم، قال: حدثين أيب، عن احلسني بن خالد، عن أيب احلسن الرضا )عليه السالم(، قال: »املساجد: األئمة )عليهم السالم(«.

Ali Bin Ibrahim said, ‘Al-Husayn Bin Khalid narrated to me, who has said:

‘Abu Al-Hassan Al-Rezaasws having said: ‘The: places of Sajdah [72:18] - The Imamsasws’.24

(تأويل اآليات 2: 729/ 8.) 22 23 Al Kafi V 1 – The Book Of Divine Authority CH 108 H 65

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علي بن إبراهيم، قال: حدثنا حممد بن مهام، قال: حدثنا جعفر بن حممد بن مالك، قال: حدثنا جعفر بن عبد اهلل، قال: حدثنا ِ ِ ِ حممد بن عمر، عن عباد بن صهيب، عن جعفر بن حممد، عن أبيه )عليهما السالم(، يف قول اهلل عز و جل: َو أََّن الَْمساجَد للَّه ِ يَال تَْدعُوا َم َع اللَّه أَ َحداً أي األحد مع لل حممد، يال تتخذوا من غريهم إماما.

Ali Bin Ibrahim said, ‘Muhammad Bin Hamaam narrated to us from Ja’far Bin Muhammad Bin Malik, from Ja’far Bin Abdullah, from Muhammad Bin Umar, from Abad Bin Saheyb, who has said:

‘Ja’far Bin Muhammadasws, from hisasws fatherasws regarding the Words of Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic: And surely the places of Sajdah are for Allah, therefore do not call upon anyone (else) with Allah [72:18], i.e., anyone else with the Progenyasws of Muhammadsaww, so do not take anyone other than themasws as an Imam’. 25

The body parts for Sajdah

عن زبقان صاحب ابن أيب دؤاد و صديوه بشدة، قال: بجع ابن أيب داود ذات يوم من عند املعتصم و هو مغتم، يولت له يف ذلك، يوال: وددت اليوم أين قد مت منذ عشرين سنة. قال: قلت له: و مل ذاك؟ قال: ملا كان من هذا األسود أيب جعفر بن حممد بن علي بن موسى اليوم بني يدي أمري املؤمنني املعتصم، قال: قلت له: و كيف كان ذلك؟

From Zarqaan, a companion of Ibn Abu Dawood and his friend Bashada who said,

‘One day Ibn Abu Dawood came back from the presence of Al-Mo’tasim, and he was gloomy, so I spoke to him with regards to that. He said, ‘Today I wished that I had died twenty years ago’. I said to him, ‘And why is that?’ He said, ‘It was because of this blackie (Nauzobillah) Abu Ja’far Bin Muhammadasws Bin Aliasws Bin Musaasws who was in front of the commander of the faithful Al-Mo’tasim’. I said, ‘And how was that?’

قال: إن سابقا أقر على نفسه بالسرقة، و سأل اْلليفة تطهريه بإقامة احلد عليه، يجمع لذلك الفوهاء يف جملسه، و قد أحضر حممد بن علي،

He said, ‘A thief had accepted the theft by himself and asked the Caliph to purify him by establishing the Limit upon him. Thus, for that, the jurists gathered in his gathering, and Muhammadasws Bin Aliasws was present.

يسألنا عن الوطع يف أي موضع بجب أن يوطع. قال: يولت: من الكرسوع ]قال: و ما احلجة يف ذلك؟ قال: قلت: ألن اليد هي ِ ِ ِ األصابع و الكف إىل الكرسوع[ لوول اهلل يف التيمم: يَاْم َس ُحوا بُوُجوه ُك ْم َو أَيْدي ُك ْم «، و اتفق معي على ذلك قوم. So he (the Caliph) asked us about the cutting-off, which place is it obligatory to cut?’ So I said, ‘From the wrist’. He said, ‘And what is the proof for that?’ I said, ‘Because the hand is the fingers and the palm up to the wrist, as per the Words of Allahazwj

(تفسير القمي 2: 39.) 24 (تفسير الق ّمي 2: 389) 25

14 out of 30 Tafseer Hub-e-Aliasws www.hubeali.com regarding the Tayammum: then wipe your faces and your hands [4:43]’. And a group formed a consensus of agreeing with me’.

ِ ِ ِِ و قال لخرون: بل بجب الوطع من املريق. قال: و ما الدليل على ذلك؟ قالوا: ألن اهلل ملا قال: َو أَيْديَ ُك ْم إَىل الَْمرايق يف الغسل دل ذلك على أن حد اليد هو املريق.

And the others said, ‘But, it is obligatory to cut from the elbows’. He said, ‘And what is the evidence upon that?’ They said, ‘Because when Allahazwj Said: and your hands up to the elbows [5:6] regarding the washing, that proves that the limit of the hand is to the elbows’.

قال: يالتفت إىل حممد بن علي، يوال: ما توول يف هذا، يا أبا جعفر؟ يوال: »قد تكلم الووم ييه يا أمري املؤمنني«. قال: دعين ِما تكلموا به، أي شيء عندك: قال: »اعفين عن هذا، يا أمري املؤمنني«. قال: أقسمت عليك باهلل ملا أخَبت مبا عندك ييه.

He (the narrator) said, ‘He (the Caliph) turned towards Muhammadasws Bin Aliasws, so he said, ‘What are youasws saying with regards to this, O Abu Ja’farasws?’ So heasws said: ‘The people have spoken with regards to this, O commander of the faithful’. He said, ‘Leave me from what they spoke by. Which thing is with youasws?’ Heasws said: ‘Excuse me from this, O commander of the faithful’. He said, ‘I adjure youasws with Allahazwj to inform me of what is with youasws’.

يوال: »اما إذا أقسمت علي باهلل إين أقول إهنم أخطأوا ييه السنة، يإن الوطع بجب أن يكون من مفصل اصول األصابع، ييتك الكف«. قال: و ما احلجة يف ذلك؟

Heasws said: ‘But, as you have sworn to measws by Allahazwj, Iasws am saying that they have erred regarding the Sunnah, for the cutting is obligatory from the root of the fingers, so you leave the palm’. He said, ‘And what is the proof of that?’

قال: »قول بسول اهلل )صلى اهلل عليه و لله(: السجود على سبعة أعضاء: الوجه، و اليدين، و الركبتني، و الرجلني. يإذا قطعت ِ ِ ِ يده من الكرسوع، أو املريق مل يبق له يد يسجد عليها، و قال اهلل تبابك و تعاىل: َو أََّن الَْمساجَد للَّه يعين به هذه األعضاء ِ السبعة الِت يسجد عليها، يَال تَْدعُوا َم َع اللَّه أَ َحداً و ما كان هلل مل يوطع«. Heasws said: ‘The words of Rasool-Allahsaww: ‘The Sajdah is upon seven parts – The Face, the two hands, and the two knees, and the two feet’. So if you were to cut-off the hand from the wrists, or the elbows, there would not remain any hand for him to do the Sajda with. And Allahazwj Blessed and Exalted says: And surely the places of Sajdah are for Allah [72:18], Meaning by it, these seven parts which are utilised for the Sajda. Therefore do not call upon anyone (else) with Allah [72:18], and whatever was for Allahazwj cannot be cut-off’.

قال: يأعجب املعتصم ذلك، يأمر بوطع يد السابق من مفصل األصابع دون الكف.

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He (the narrator) said, ‘So that astounded Al-Mo’tasim, and he ordered for the hand of the thief to be cut-off from the roots of the fingers, below the wrist’.26

(الصالة) The correct way to pray the Salat

حممد بن يعوو : عن علي بن إبراهيم، عن أبيه، عن محاد بن عيسى، قال: قال أبو عبد اهلل )عليه السالم( َل يوما: »يا محاد، ُتسن أن تصلي؟«. يولت: يا سيدي، إين أحفظ كتا حريز يف الصالة، يوال: »ال بأس عليك يا محاد، قم يصل«

Muhammad Bin Yaqoub (Al-Kafi), from Ali Bin Ibrahim (Tafseer Qummi), from his father, from Hamaad Bin Isa who said:

‘Abu Abdullahasws said to me one day: ‘Are you good in your Salat?’ So I said, ‘O my Chiefasws! I have memorised the book of Hareyz regarding the Salat’. So heasws said: ‘That is not a problem, O Hammad. Arise, and Pray’.

قال: يومت بني يديه متوجها إىل الوبلة، ياستفتحت الصالة، يركعت و سجدت، يوال: »يا محاد ال ُتسن أن تصلي، ما أقبح بالرجل منكم يأيت عليه ستون سنة أو سبعون سنة يال يويم صالة واحدة حبدودها تامة؟!«.

So he (Hammad) said, ‘I stood up in front of himasws, and directed myself to the Qiblah. So I began the Salat, performed and Sajdah’. So heasws said: ‘O Hamaad! Your Salat is not good. How ugly it is for the man from among you, who has come to the age of sixty years, or seventy years, and he still cannot establish one Salat with all of its limits?’

قال محاد: يأصابين يف نفسي الذل، يولت: جعلت يداك، يعلمتين الصالة، يوام أبو عبد اهلل )عليه السالم( مستوبل الوبلة منتصبا، يأبسل يديه َجيعا على يخذيه، قد ضم أصابعه و قر بني قدميه حىت كان بينهما قدب ثالث أصابع منفرجات، و استوبل بأصابع بجليه َجيعا الوبلة، مل َيريهما عن الوبلة، و قال َبشوع: »اهلل أكَب«

Hamaad said, ‘I was struck with the disgrace regarding myself, so I said, ‘May I be sacrificed for youasws, so teach me the Salat’. Abu Abdullahasws faced the Qiblah upright, and placed both hisasws hand upon hisasws thighs, combined hisasws fingers, and kept hisasws feet close to each other to the extent that there was in between them a space of three fingers, and with all of hisasws toes facing the Qiblah, not diverting .(هللا أكبر) them from the Qiblah. And heasws said with humility: ‘Allahazwj is Greatest

مثقرأ احلمد بتتيل، و قل هو اهلل أحد، مث صَب هنيئة بودب ما يتنفس و هو قائم، مث بيع يديه حيال وجهه، و قال: »اهلل أكَب« و هو قائم،

Then heasws recited Al-Hamd slowly (Tarteel), and ‘Say Heazwj Allahazwj is One Then heasws paused momentarily, in a measurement of breathing whilst .(قل هو هللا أحد)

تفسير الع ّياشي 1: 319/ 109 26

16 out of 30 Tafseer Hub-e-Aliasws www.hubeali.com still standing, then raised hisasws hand towards hisasws face and said: ‘Allahazwj is .while still standing (هللا أكبر) Greatest

مث بكع و مأل كفيه من بكبتيه مفرجات، و بد بكبتيه إىل خلفه حىت استوى ظهره حىت لو صب عليه قطرة من ماء أو دهن مل تزل الستواء ظهره، و مد عنوه و غمض عينيه، مث سبح ثالثا بتتيل، يوال: »سبحان بيب العظيم و حبمده«

Then heasws performed Ruku and covered hisasws knees with hisasws palms, and pressed them backwards until hisasws back was even to the extent that had a drop of water or oil fallen upon it, it would not have slid from hisasws back. And heasws stretched hisasws neck and closed hisasws eyes, then Glorified three times at a slow pace: ‘Glory be to the Magnificent Lordazwj and with myasws Praise’ .(سبحان ربي العظيم و بحمده)

مث استوى قائما، يلما استمكن من الويام قال: »َسع اهلل ملن محده« مث كَب و هو قائم، و بيع يديه حيال وجهه.

Then heasws stood upright. So when heasws was in the upright position, heasws said: then exclaimed Takbeer ,(سمع هللا لمن حمده) ’Allahazwj Hears the one who Praises Himazwj‘ .’while standing, and raised hisasws hands to hisasws face (هللا أكبر)

مث سجد و بسط كفيه مضمومِت األصابع بني يدي بكبتيه حيال وجهه، يوال: »سبحان بيب األعلى و حبمده« ثالث مرات، و مل يضع شيئا من جسده على شيء منه،و سجد على مثانية أعظم: الكفني و الركبتني و أنامل إِبامي الرجلني و اجلبهة و األنف،

Then heasws performed Sajdah and placed hisasws palms with hisasws fingers closed, in front of hisasws knees, next to hisasws face, so heasws said: ‘Glory be to myasws Lordazwj, three times, and did not place (سبحان ربي األعلى و بحمده) the Elevated, with myasws Praise anything from hisasws body upon anything from it, and prostrated upon eight body parts – The two palms, and the two knees, and the big toes of hisasws two feet, and the forehead, and the nose.

ِ ِ ِ ِ و قال: »سبعة منها يرض يسجد عليها، و هي الِت ذكرها اهلل يف كتابه يوال: َو أََّن الَْمساجَد للَّه يَال تَْدعُوا َم َع اللَّه أَ َحداً و هي اجلبهة و الكفان و الركبتان و اسإِبامان، و وضع األنف على األبض سنة«.

And heasws said: ‘Seven of these are obligatory to prostrate by, and this is what Allahazwj has Mentioned in Hisazwj Book, so Heazwj Said: And surely the places of Sajdah are for Allah, therefore do not call upon anyone (else) with Allah [72:18], and these are the forehead, and the two palms, and the two knees, and the two big toes; and the placing of the nose upon the ground is Sunnah’.

مث بيع بأسه من السجود، يلما استوى جالسا قال: »اهلل أكَب« مث قعد على يخذه األيسر، و قد وقع ظاهر قدمه األمين على بطن قدمه األيسر، و قال: »استغفر اهلل بيب و أتو إليه« مث كَب و هو جالس، و سجد السجدة الثانية، و قال كما قال يف األوىل، و مل يضع شيئا من بدنه على شيء منه يف بكوع و ال سجود، و كان جمنحا، و مل يضع ذباعيه على األبض،

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Then heasws raised hisasws head from the Sajdah. So when he was seated upright, then seated upon hisasws left thigh, and had ,(هللا أكبر) ’heasws said: ‘Allahazwj is Greatest placed the back of hisasws right foot upon the sole of hisasws left foot, and said: ‘Iasws then ,(استغفر هللا ربي و أتوب إليه) ’seek Forgiveness of Allahazwj and repent to Himazwj while seated, and prostrated the second Sajdah, and said (هللا أكبر) exclaimed Takbeer as heasws had said in the first (Sajdah), and did not place anything of hisasws body upon anything from it, neither in the Ruku nor the Sajdah, and as if heasws had wings, and did not place hisasws arms on the ground.

يصلى بكعتني على هذا، و يداه مضمومتا األصابع و هو جالس يف التشهد، يلما يرغ من التشهد سلم، يوال: »يا محاد، هكذا صل«.

So heasws prayed two cycles upon that (procedure), and the fingers of hisasws hands were close side by side whilst heasws was seated during the ‘Tashahhud’. So when heasws was free from the Tashahhud, heasws sent the greetings’. Then heasws said: ‘O Hamad! Pray Salat like this’.27


ِ ِ ِ َوأَنَّهُ لََّما قَاَم َعبْ ُد اللَّه يَْدعُوهُ َكاُدوا يَ ُكونُوَن َعلَْيه لبًَدا }19{ And that when Abdullah stood calling (to) him, they almost became crowding upon him [72:19]

علي بن إبراهيم، قال: حدثنا حممد بن مهام، قال: حدثنا جعفر بن حممد بن مالك، قال: حدثنا جعفر بن عبد اهلل، قال: حدثنا حممد بن عمر، عن عباد بن صهيب، عن جعفر بن حممد، عن أبيه )عليهما السالم(، يف قول اهلل عز و جل: َو أَنَّه ُ لََّما قاَم عَْبُد ِ ِ ِ اللَّه يَْدعُوهُ يعين بسول اهلل )صلى اهلل عليه و لله( يدعوهم إىل والية أمري املؤمنني )عليه السالم( كاُدوا قريش يَ ُكونُوَن َع لَْيه لبَداً أي يتعادون عليه،

Ali Bin Ibrahim said, ‘Muhammad Bin Hamaam narrated to us from Ja’far Bin Muhammad Bin Malik, from Ja’far Bin Abdullah, from Muhammad Bin Umar, from Abad Bin Saheyb, who has said:

‘Ja’far Bin Muhammadasws, from hisasws fatherasws regarding the Words of Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic: And that when Abdullah stood calling (to) him – Meaning Rasool-Allahsaww calling them to the Wilayah of Amir Al Momineenasws, they almost became crowding upon him [72:19] – i.e. they were hostile against himsaww’. 28

حدثنا ابراهيم بن هاشم عن اعمش بن عيسى عن محاد الطياىف عن الكلىب عن اىب عبد اهلل عليه السالم قال قال ىل كم حملمد اسم يف الورلن قال قلت اَسان أو ثلث يوال يا كلىب له عشرة اَساء

(الكافي 3: 311/ 8) 27 (تفسير الق ّمي 2: 389) 28

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It has been narrated to us by Ibrahim Bin Haashim, from A’amsh Bin Isa, from Hamaad Al-Taaafi, from Al-Kalby, who has narrated:

Abu Abdullahasws said to me: ‘How many names are there in the Quran for (name of) Muhammadsaww?’ I said, ‘Two names or three’. Heasws said: ‘O Kalby, for himsaww there are ten names.

وما حممد اال بسول قد خلت من قبله الرسل

And Muhammad is not except for a Rasool; the Rasools have already passed away before him [3:144].

ومبشرا برسول يأيت من بعدى اَسه امحد

And: giving glad tidings of a Rasool to come after me, his name being Ahmad’. [61:6]

وملا قام عبد اهلل كادوا يكونون عليه لبدا

And: surely when Abdullah stood calling (to) him, they almost became crowding upon him [72:19]

وطه ما انزلنا عليك الورلن لتشوى

And: Ta Ha [20:1] We have not Revealed the Quran unto you for you to be distressed [20:2]

ويس والورلن احلكيم انك ملن املرسلني على صراط مستويم

And: Ya Seen [36:1] By the Wise Quran [36:2] You are one of the Rasools [36:3] Upon a Straight Path [36:4]

ون والولم وما يسطرون وما انت بنعمة ببك مبجنون

And: Noon! By the Pen, and what they will be writing! [68:1] By the Grace of your Lord you are not insane! [68:2]

ويا ايها املزمل

And: O Muzzammil! [73:1]

ويا ايها املدثر

And: O Muddasar! [74:1]

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وانا انزلنا ذكرا بسوال يالذكر اسم من اَساء حممد صلى اهلل عليه ولله حنن اهل الذكر يسئل يا كليب عما بدا لك

And: Allah has Sent down to you a Zikr [65:10] A Rasool [65:11]. So the ‘Zikr’ is a name from the names of Muhammadsaww. Weasws are the ‘Ahl Al-Zikr’ (Family of Zikr), therefore ask, O Kalby, about whatever comes to you’.

قال يانسيت واهلل الورلن كله يما حفظت منه حريا اسئله عنه.

He (the narrator) said, ‘But I forgot, by Allahazwj, the Quran, all of it, and I could not recall a sentence I could ask himasws about’’.29

VERSES 20 - 23

َِّ ِ ِِ قُ ْل إَّنَا أَْدعُو َبِّيب َوَال أُ ْشرُك به أَ َحًدا }20{ Say: ‘But rather, I call my Lord and I do not associate anyone with Him’ [72:20]

ِ ِ قُ ْل إ ِّين َال أَْمل ُك لَ ُك ْم َضًّرا َوَال َبَشًدا }21{ Say: ‘I cannot not control for you, neither harm nor rightful Guidance’ [72:21]

ِ ِ ِ ِ َِّ ِ ِ ِِ قُ ْل إ ِّين لَ ْن ُبجريَين م َن الله أَ َحٌد َولَ ْن أَجَد م ْن ُدونه ُمْلتَ َحًدا }22{ Say: ‘Surely no one can ever protect me from Allah, and I will never find a shelter from besides Him’ [72:22]

َِّ ِ َِّ ِ ِِ ۖ َّ ِ ِِ ِ إال بََال ًغا م َن الله َوبَساَالته َوَم ْن ي َْع ِص اللهَ َوَبُسولَهُ يَإ َّن لَهُ نَاَب َجَهنَّ َم َخالدي َن ييَها أَبًَدا }23{

It is only a delivery from Allah and His Message. And one who disobeys Allah and His Rasool, then for him is Fire of Hell, abiding therein for ever [72:23]

علي بن إبراهيم، قال: حدثنا حممد بن مهام، قال: حدثنا جعفر بن حممد بن مالك، قال: حدثنا جعفر بن عبد اهلل، قال: حدثنا َِّ حممد بن عمر، عن عباد بن صهيب، عن جعفر بن حممد، عن أبيه )عليهما السالم(، يف قول اهلل عز و جل: قال: قُ ْل إَّنا أَْدعُوا ِ َبِّيب، قال: إَّنا أدعو أمر بيب ال أَْمل ُك لَ ُك ْم إن توليتم عن والية علي َضًّرا َو ال َبَشدا ً

Ali Bin Ibrahim said, ‘Muhammad Bin Hamaam narrated to us from Ja’far Bin Muhammad Bin Malik, from Ja’far Bin Abdullah, from Muhammad Bin Umar, from Abad Bin Saheyb, who has said:

29 Basaair Al Darajaat – P 10 Ch 18 H 26

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‘Ja’farasws Bin Muhammadasws, from hisasws fatherasws regarding the Words of Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic: Say: ‘But rather, I call my Lord - heasws said: ‘But rather Isaww call for the Command of mysaww Lordazwj. and I do not associate anyone with Him’ [72:20] Say: ‘I cannot not control for you – if you turn around from the Wilayah of Aliasws, neither harm nor rightful Guidance’ [72:21].

ِ ِ ِ ِ َِّ ِ ِ ِِ قُ ْل إ ِّين لَ ْن ُبج َريين م َن الله أَ َحٌد إن كتمت ما أمرت به َو لَ ْن أَجَد م ْن ُدونه ُمْلتَ َحداً يعين مأوى Say: ‘Surely no one can ever protect me from Allah – if Isaww were to conceal what Isaww have been Commanded with, and I will never find a shelter from besides Him’ [72:22] – meaning refuge.

ِ ِ ِ إَّال بَالغاً م َن اللَّه أبلغكم ما أمرين اهلل به من والية علي بن أيب طالب )عليه السالم( َو َم ْن ي َْع ِص اللَّهَ َو َبُسولَه ُ يف والية علي ِ ِِ ِ )عليه السالم( يَإ َّن لَهُ ناَب َجَهنََّم خالدي َن ييها أَبَداً. It is only a delivery from Allah - Isaww am delivering what Isaww have been Commanded with, from the Wilayah of Aliasws Bin Abu Talibasws. And one who disobeys Allah and His Rasool – regarding the Wilayah of Aliasws, then for him is Fire of Hell, abiding therein for ever [72:23]’. 30

ِ ٍ ِ ٍ ِ ِ َع ل ُّي بْ ُن ُحمََّمد َع ْن ب َْع ِض أَ ْص َحابنَا َع ِن ابْ ِن َْحمبُو َع ْن ُحمََّمد بْ ِن الُْف َضْيِل َع ْن أَِيب ا ْحلَ َس ِن الَْم اضي ) عليه السالم ( قَاَل َسأَلْتُهُ َع ْن ِ َِّ ِ ِ َِّ ِ ِ ِ قَ ْول الله َعَّز َو َج َّل ال أَْمل ُك لَ ُك ْم َضًّرا َو ال َبَشداً قَاَل إ َّن َبُس وَل الله ) صلى اهلل عليه ولله ( َد َعا النَّا َس إَىل َوَاليَة َعل ٍّي يَا ْجتََمعَ ْت ِ ِ ِ ِ َِّ ِ َِّ ِ ِ إلَيْه قُ َريْ ٌش يَ َوالُوا يَا ُحمََّمُد أَْعفنَا م ْن َهَذا يَ َواَل َهلُْم َبُسوُل الله ) صلى اهلل عليه ولله ( َهَذا إ َىل الله لَيْ َس إَََّل يَاتَّ َه ُموهُ َو َخَرُجوا م ْن ِعْن ِدِه

Ali Bin Muhammad, from some of our companions, from Ibn Mahboub, from Muhammad Bin Al Fuzayl,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Al-Hassan Al-Maazyasws (7th Imamasws), said, ‘I asked Himasws about the Words of Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic: Say: ‘I cannot not control for you, neither harm nor rightful Guidance’ [72:21]. Heasws said: ‘Rasool- Allahsaww called the people to the Wilayah of Aliasws. So the gathered to himsaww and they said, ‘O Muhammadsaww! Excuse us from this!’ But Rasool-Allahsaww said to them: ‘This is up to Allahazwj, it isn’t to mesaww’. So they accused himsaww and went out from hissaww presence.

َّ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َِّ ِ ِ ِ ِِ َِّ يَأَنْ َزَل اللهُ قُ ْل إ ِّين ال أَْمل ُك لَ ُك ْم َضًّرا َو ال َبَشداً. قُ ْل إ ِّين لَ ْن ُبج َريين م َن الله إ ْن َع َصْيتُهُ أَ َحٌد َو لَ ْن أَجَد م ْن ُدونه ُملْتَ َحداً إال بََالغاً ِ َِّ ِ ِِ ِ ِ ِ م َن الله َو بَساَالته يف َعل ٍّي قُ لْ ُت َهَذا تَ ْنزي ٌل قَاَل ن ََع ْم Thus, Allahazwj Revealed: Say: ‘I cannot not control for you, neither harm nor rightful Guidance’ [72:21] Say: ‘Surely no one can ever protect me from Allah, and I will never find a shelter from besides Him’ [72:22] It is only a delivery from Allah and His Message regarding Ali [72:23]’. I said, ‘This is Revelation?’ Heasws said: ‘Yes’.

(تفسير الق ّمي 2: 389) 30

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ِ َّ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِِ ِ ُمثَّ قَاَل تَ ْوك يداً َو َم ْن ي َْع ِص اللهَ َو َبُسولَهُ يف َوَاليَة َعل ٍّي يَإ َّن لَهُ ناَب َجَهنََّم خالدي َن ييها أَبَداً Then heasws said: ‘An emphasis - And one who disobeys Allah and His Rasool - regarding the Wilayah of Aliasws, then for him is Fire of Hell, abiding therein for ever [72:23]’. 31


ِ ِ َحَّٰىت إذَا َبأَْوا َما يُوعَ ُدوَن يَ َسيَ ْعلَُموَن َم ْن أَ ْضَع ُف نَاصًرا َوأَقَ ُّل َعَدًدا }24{ Until when they see what they are being threatened with, then they would come to know who is with weaker helpers and fewer number [72:24]

ِ ٍ ِ ٍ ِ ِ َعل ُّي بْ ُن ُحمََّمد َع ْن ب َْع ِض أَ ْص َحابنَا َع ِن ابْ ِن َْحمبُو َع ْن ُحمََّمد بْ ِن الُْف َضْيِل َع ْن أَِيب ا ْحلَ َس ِن ال َْماضي ) عليه السالم ( قَاَل َسأَلْتُهُ َع ْن ِ َِّ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ قَ ْول الله َعَّز َو َجلَّ َحَّىت إذا َبأَْوا ما ي ُوَعُدوَن يَ َسيَ ْعلَُموَن َم ْن أَ ْضَع ُف ناصراً َو أَقَ ُّل َعَدداً ي َْعِين بَذل َك الَْوائ َم َو أَنْ َصاَبه ُ Ali Bin Muhammad, from some of our companions, from Ibn Mahboub, from Muhammad Bin Al Fuzayl,

‘From Abu Al-Hassan Al-Maazyasws (7th Imamasws), said, ‘I asked Himasws about the Words of Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic: Until when they see what they are being threatened with, then they would come to know who is with weaker helpers and fewer number [72:24]. (Heasws said): ‘It Means by that Al-Qaimasws and hisasws helpers’. 32

علي بن إبراهيم، قال: حدثنا حممد بن مهام، قال: حدثنا جعفر بن حممد بن مالك، قال: حدثنا جعفر بن عبد اهلل، قال: حدثنا حممد بن عمر، عن عباد بن صهيب، عن جعفر بن حممد، عن أبيه )عليهما السالم(، قال النيب )صلى اهلل عليه و لله(: يا علي، أنت قسيم الناب، توول: هذا َل و هذا لك

Ali Bin Ibrahim said, ‘Muhammad Bin Hamaam narrated to us from Ja’far Bin Muhammad Bin Malik, from Ja’far Bin Abdullah, from Muhammad Bin Umar, from Abad Bin Saheyb, who has said:

‘Ja’farasws Bin Muhammadasws, from hisasws fatherasws: ‘The Prophetsaww said: ‘O Aliasws! Youasws are the distributor of the Fire (Hell). Youasws will be saying (to it): ‘This one is for measws, and this one is for you’.

قالوا: يمىت يكون ما تعدنا به من أمر علي و الناب؟

They (Quraysh) said, ‘When will it happen, what yousaww are threatening us with, of the matter of Aliasws and the Fire?’

31 Al Kafi V 1 – The Book Of Divine Authority CH 108 H 91 (Extract) 32 Al Kafi V 1 – The Book Of Divine Authority CH 108 H 91 (Extract)

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ِ يأنزل اهلل َحَّىت إذا َبأَْوا ما يُوَعُدوَن يعين املوت و الويامة يَ َسيَ ْعلَُموَن يعين يالنا و يالنا و يالنا و معاوية و عمرو بن العاص و ِ أصحا الضغائن من قريش َم ْن أَ ْضَع ُف ناصراً َو أَقَ ُّل َعَدداً. So Allahazwj Revealed: Until when they see what they are being threatened with – meaning the death and the Day of Judgment, then they would come to know – meaning so and so (Abu Bakr), and so and so (Umar), and so and so (Usman), and Muawiya, and Amro Bin Al Aas, and the owners of the grudges from Quraysh, who is with weaker helpers and fewer number [72:24]’. 33

VERSES 25 - 28

ِ ِ ِ قُ ْل إ ْن أَْدبي أَقَري ٌب َما تُوَع ُدوَن أَْم َْبجَع ُل لَهُ َبِّيب أََمًدا }25{ Say: ‘I don’t know if it is near, what you are being Threatened (with), or whether my Lord has Made a term for it [72:25]

ِ ِ ِ ِِ َعاملُ الْغَْيب يََال يُظْهُر َعلَ ٰى َغْيبه أَ َحًدا }26{ (He is) Knower of the unseen, and He does not Reveal His hidden matters upon anyone [72:26]

ِ ِ ٍ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِِ إَّال َم ِن اْبتَ َض ٰى م ْن َبُسول يَإنَّهُ يَ ْسلُ ُك م ْن ب َْني يََديْه َوم ْن َخْلفه َب َصًدا }27{ Except one He Chooses from a Rasool, for He would Make a guard to travel in front of him and from behind him [72:27]

ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ٍ ليَ ْعلَ َم أَْن ق َْد أَبْ لَغُوا بَساَالت َبِِّب ْم َوأَ َحا َط مبَا لََديْه ْم َوأَ ْح َص ٰى ُك َّل َش ْيء عََدًدا }28{ For Him to Know that they have delivered the Messages of their Lord, and He Encompasses whatever is with them, and He Counts the number of all things [72:28]

علي بن إبراهيم، قال: حدثنا حممد بن مهام، قال: حدثنا جعفر بن حممد بن مالك، قال: حدثنا جعفر بن عبد اهلل، قال: حدثنا حممد بن عمر، عن عباد بن صهيب، عن جعفر بن حممد، عن أبيه )عليهما السالم(، قالوا: يمىت يكون ذلك؟ قال اهلل حملمد ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِِ )صلى اهلل عليه و لله(: قُ ْل إ ْن أَْدبي أَ قَري ٌب ما تُوَعُدوَن أَْم َبجَْعلُ لَهُ َبِّيب أََمداً قال: أجال عاملُ الْغَْيب يَال يُظْهُر َعلى َغيْبه أَ َح داً ِ ِ ٍ إَّال َم ِن اْبتَضى م ْن َبُسول يعين عليا املرتضى من الرسول )صلى اهلل عليه و لله( و هو منه،

(تفسير الق ّمي 2: 389) 33

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Ali Bin Ibrahim said, ‘Muhammad Bin Hamaam narrated to us from Ja’far Bin Muhammad Bin Malik, from Ja’far Bin Abdullah, from Muhammad Bin Umar, from Abad Bin Saheyb, who has said:

‘Ja’farasws Bin Muhammadasws, from hisasws fatherasws: ‘They (Quraysh) said, ‘So when will that take place?’ Allahazwj Said to Muhammadsaww: Say: ‘I don’t know if it is near, what you are being Threatened (with), or whether my Lord has Made a term for it [72:25] (He is) Knower of the unseen, and He does not Reveal His hidden matters upon anyone [72:26] Except one He Chooses from a Rasool, for He would Make a guard to travel in front of him and from behind him [72:27] Meaning Aliasws, the chosen one from the Rasoolsaww, and heasws is from himsaww.

ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِِ قال اهلل: يَإنَّهُ يَ ْسلُ ُك م ْن ب َْني يََديْه َو م ْن َخْلفه َب َصداً قال: يف قلبه العلم، و من خلفه الرصد يعلمه علمه، و يزقه العلم زقا، و يعلمه اهلل إهلاما،

Allahazwj Said: for surely He makes a guard to march before him and after him. Heasws said: ‘In hissaww heart is the Knowledge, and one behind himsaww is the guard who knows hissaww Knowledge, and heasws distributes the Knowledge with a distribution, and Allahazwj Taught himasws by inspiration.

ِ ِ ِ ِ و الرصد: التعليم من النيب )صلى اهلل عليه و لله( ليَ ْعلَ َم النيب )صلى اهلل عليه و لله( أَْن قَْد أَبْ لَغُوا بساالت َبِِّب ْم َو أَحا َط علي ٍ )عليه السالم( مبا لدى الرسول من العلم َو أَ ْحصى ُك َّل َش ْي ء َعَدداً ما كان أو يكون منذ يوم خلق اهلل لدم إىل أن تووم الساعة من يتنة أو زلزلة أو خسف أو قذف، أو أمة هلكت ييما مضى أو هتلك ييما بوي، و كم من إمام جائر أو عادل يعريه باَسه و نسبه،

And the guard, is the teacher from the Prophetsaww, For Him to Know [72:28], the Prophetas, that they have delivered the Messages of their Lord, and He – Aliasws, Encompasses whatever is with the Rasoolsaww from the Knowledge, and He Counts the number of all things [72:28] – whatever has happened since the day Allahazwj Created Adamas up to the Establishment of the Hour – from either a Fitna, or an earthquake, or a submergence, or eruption, or a community destroyed in the past or would be destroyed in the future, and how may tyrannical or just imams there would be. Heasws recognises him by his name and his lineage.

ومن ميوت موتا أو يوتل قتال، و كم من إمام خمذول ال يضره خذالن من خذله، و كم من إمام منصوب ال ينفعه نصر من نصره«.

And whether one would be dying a (natural) death, or killed by a killing, and how many Imamsasws would be abandoned, not being harmed by the abandonment of the one who abandons himasws, and how many Imamsasws would be helped, not benefitting by the help of the one who helps himasws’’.34

ِ َِّ ِ ِ ٍ ِ ِ ٍ ِ ٍ ِ ِ ُحمََّمُد بْ ُن ََْيََي َع ْن عَْبد الله بْ ِن ُحمََّمد بْ ِن عي َسى عَ ِن ا ْحلَ َس ِن بْ ِن َْحمبُو َع ْن َعل ِّي بْ ِن بئَا عَ ْن َسدير ال َّصْي َر ِّيف قَاَل ََسْع ُت ُمحَْرا َن بْ َن ٍ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِِ أَْعََني يَ ْسأَُل أَبَا َجْعَفر ) عليه السالم ( يَ َواَل ل َهُ ُمحَْرا ُن أَ َبأَيْ َت قَ ْولَهُ َج َّل ذْكُرهُ عاملُ الْغَْيب يَال يُظْهُر عَلى َغْيبه أَ َحداً

(تفسير الق ّمي 2: 389) 34

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Muhammad Bin Yahya, from Abdullah Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Al Hassan Bin Mahboub, from Ali Bin Raib, from Sadeyr Al Sayrafi who said,

‘I heard Humran Bin Ayn asking Abu Ja’farasws. Humran said to himasws, ‘What is yourasws view of the Words of the Mighty and Majestic: (He is) Knower of the unseen, and He does not Reveal His hidden matters upon anyone [72:26]?’

ِ ِ ٍ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ يَ َواَل أَبُو َجْعَفٍر ) عليه السالم ( إَّال َم ِن اْبتَضى م ْن َبُسول َو َكا َن َو اللَّه ُحمََّمٌد ِمَِّن اْبتَ َضاهُ َو أََّما قَ ْولُهُ عاملُ الْغَْيب يَإ َّن الل َّهَ عََّز َو ِ ِ ِِ ِ ِ ِ ٍ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َج َّل َعاملٌ مبَا َغا َ عَ ْن َخلْوه ييَما ي َْودُب م ْن َش ْي ء َو ي َْوضيه يف عْلمه قَ ْب َل أَْن َُيْلَُوه ُ َو قَ بْ َل أَْن ي ُْفضيَهُ إَىل الَْمَالئ َكة So Abu Ja’farasws said: ‘Except one He Chooses from a Rasool [72:27]. And it was so, by Allahazwj, Muhammadsaww was from the ones Heazwj Chose. And as for Hisazwj Words [72:26] The Knower of the unseen! So Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic is a Knower of whatever is unseen from Hisazwj creatures with regards to whatever Heazwj Determines from something and Ordains it in Hisazwj Knowledge before Heazwj Creates it, and before Heazwj Exposes it to the Angels.

ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ يََذل َك يَا ُمحَْرا ُن عْل ٌم َمْوقُو ٌف عْنَدهُ إلَيْه ييه الَْمشيئَةُ يَ يَ ْوضيه إذَا أََباَد َو ي َْبُدو لَهُ ييه يََال ُميْضيه So that, O Humran, is a Knowledge Paused in Hisazwj Presence. To it, with regards to it, is the Desire. So Heazwj Ordains it whenever Heazwj Intends and Originates for it regarding it, and Heazwj Changes Hisazwj Decision for it with regards to it, and it is not Ordained.

ِ َِّ َّ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َِّ ِ ِ َِّ ِ . يَأََّما الْعْل ُم الذي ي َُوِّدُبهُ اللهُ عََّز َو َج َّل يَ يَ ْوضيه َو ُميْضيه يَ ُهَو الْعْل ُم الذي انْ تَ َهى إَىل َبُسول الله ) صلى اهلل عليه ولله ( ُمثَّ إلَْي نَا So, as for the knowledge which Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic Determines, so Heazwj Ordains it, and Accomplishes it. Thus it is the Knowledge which ended up to Rasool- Allahsaww, then to usasws’.35

حدثناأمحد بن حممد عن عمر بن عبد العزيز عن حممد بن الفضيل عن اىب محزة قال َسعت ابا عبد اهلل عليه السالم يوول واهلل ال يكون عامل جاهال ابدا عامل بشى جاهل بشئ

It has been narrated to us Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Muhammad, from Umar Bin Abdul Azeez, from Muhammad Bin Al-Fazeyl, from Abu Hamza who said:

‘I heard Abu Abdullahasws say: ‘By Allahazwj, the Aalim (knowledgeable one) cannot be ignorant ever, or being knowledgeable in something while being ignorant in something’.

مث قال اهلل اجل واعز واعظم واكرم من ان يفرض طاعة عبد َيجب عنه علم َسائه وابضه مث قال ال َيجب ذلك عنه.

Then said: ‘Allahazwj is more Majestic, and more Strong, and more Magnificent, and more Generous from having necessitated the obedience to a servantasws, but would

35 Al Kafi V 1 – The Book Of Divine Authority CH 45 H 2 (Extract)

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Veil from himasws knowledge of Hisazwj skies and Hisazwj Earth’. Then said: ‘That is not veiled from himasws’.36

ابن بابويه، قال: حدثنا علي بن أمحد بن حممد )بضي اهلل عنه(، قال: حدثنا حممد بن أيب عبد اهلل الكويف، عن سهل بن زياد اْلدمي، عن مبابك موىل الرضا )عليه السالم(، عن الرضا علي بن موسى )عليه السالم(، قال: ال »يكون املؤمن مؤمنا حىت يكون ييه ثالث خصال: سنة من ببه، و سنة من نبيه، و سنة من وليه.

Ibn Babuwayh said, ‘Ali Bin Ahmad Bin Muhammad narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Abu Abdullah Al Kufy, from Sahl Bin Ziyad Al Adamy, from Mubarak,

A (devout) slave of Al-Rezaasws (reports) from Al-Reza Aliasws Bin Musaasws having said: ‘A Momin cannot become a Momin until there are three characteristics in him (that he adheres to) – A Sunnah from his Lordazwj, and a Sunnah from his Prophetsaww, and a Sunnah from his Guardianasws.

ِ ِ ِ ِِ َِّ ِ ٍ يأما السنة من ببه يكتمان السر، قال اهلل عز و جل: عاملُ الْغَْيب يَال يُظْهُر َعلى َغيْبه أَ َحداً إال َم ِن اْبتَضى م ْن َبُسول ، As for the Sunnah from his Lordazwj, so it is the concealment of the secret. Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic Says: (He is) Knower of the unseen, and He does not Reveal His hidden matters upon anyone [72:26] Except one He Chooses from a Rasool [72:27].

ِ و أما السنة من نبيه يمداباة الناس، يإن اهلل عز و جل أمر نبيه )صلى اهلل عليه و لله( مبداباة الناس، يوال: ُخذ الْعَْفَو َو أُْمْر ِ ِ ِِ بالْعُْرف َو أَْعِر ْض َع ِن ا ْجلاهل َني، And as for the Sunnah from his Prophetsaww, so it is the concealment from the people, for Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic Commanded Hisazwj Prophetsaww for concealment from the people, so Heazwj Said: Take to the Forgiveness and enjoin good and turn away from the ignorant ones [7:199].

ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ و أما السنة من وليه يالصَب على البأساء و الضراء، يوول اهلل عز و جل: َو ال َّصابِري َن يف الْبَأْساء َو ال َّضَّراء َو ح َني الْبَأْ ِس أُولئ َك َِّ ِ الذي َن َصَدقُوا َو أُولئ َك ُه ُم الُْمتَّ ُووَن «. And as for the Sunnah from his Guardianasws, so it is the patience upon the evil and adversities. Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic Says: and the patient ones during the adversity and the desperation and when distressed; they are those who are true, and these, they are the fearing ones [2:177]’.37

36 Basaair Al Darajaat - P 3 CH 5 H 2 معاني األخبار: 184/ 1، عيون أخبار ال ّرضا )عليه ال ّسالم( 1: 256/ 9 37

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Miscellaneous Ahadeeth regarding the Jinn

يوالقيس: إن اهلل عز وجل بعث حممدا بمحة للعاملني، يبعثه إىل الناس كاية، إىل اجلن واألنس واألمحر واألسود واألبيض، واختابه لنبوته واختصه برسالته.

(Sulaym Bin) Qays said,

‘Surely Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic Sent Muhammadsaww as a Mercy to the Worlds. So Heazwj Sent himsaww to the people for all the beings, to the Jinn, and the humans, and the red, and the black, and the white, and Chose himsaww for Prophet-hood, and Honoured himsaww by Hisazwj Message.

يكان أول من صدقه ولمن به ابن عمه علي بن أيب طالب وكان أبو طالب عمه يذ عنه ومينع منه وَيول بني كفاب قريش وبينه أن يروعوه أو يؤذوه ويأمره بتبليغ بساالت ببه.

So the first one to ratify himsaww, and believe in himsaww was the sonasws of hissaww uncleasws Aliasws bin Abu Talibasws, and hissaww uncle Abu Talibasws used to defend himsaww and prevent (the enemies) from himsaww and heasws was a shield between the infidels of Quraysh and himsaww, so that they do not frightened himsaww or hurt himsaww, and ordered himsaww to preach the Message of hissaww Lordazwj.38

حدثنا امحد بن حممد عن على بن احلكم عن مالك بن عطيه عن اىب محزة الثماىل قال كنت استأذن على اىب جعفر عليه السالم يويل عنده قوم اثبت قليال حىت ُيرجوا يخرج قوم انكرهتم ومل اعريهم مث اذن ىل

Narrated to us Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from Ali Bin Al-Hakam, from Maalik Bin Atiya, from Abu Hamza Al-Thumaly who said:

‘I asked for permission to see Abu Ja’farasws. I was told that there is a group with him which will stay for a little while, so wait until they leave. A group came out that I did not get involved with and did not recognise them. Then permission was given to me.

يدخلت عليه يولت جعلت يداك هذا زمان بىن امية وسيفهم يوطر دما يوال ىل يا ابا محزة هوالء ويد شيعتنا من اجلن جاؤا يسئلوننا عن معامل دينهم.

I entered to see himasws. I said to him, ‘May I be sacrificed for youasws, these are the times of the Clan of Umayyala, and their swords are dripping with blood.’ Heasws said to me: ‘O Abu Hamza, this is a delegation from ourasws Shias from among the Jinn who came to usasws to learn their Religion.’39

38 Kitaab Sulaym Bin Qays Al Hilali – H 26 39 Basaair Al Darajaat P 2 CH 18 H 3

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حدثنا ابراهيم بن هاشم عن عمرو بن عثمان عن ابراهيم بن ايو عن عمرو بن مشر عن جابر عن اىب جعفر عليه السالم قال بيناامري املؤمنني عليه السالم على املنَب إذ اقبل ثعبان من ناحية با من ابوا املسجد يهم الناس ان يوتلوه يابسل امري املؤمنني عليه السالم إليهم ان كفوا يكفوا واقبل الثعبان ينسا حىت انتهى إىل املنَب يتطاول وسلم على امري املؤمنني عليه السالم ياشاب امري املؤمننيبيده ينظر الناس والثعبان يف اصل املنَب حىت يرغ على امري املؤمنني عليه السالم من خطبته

Narrated to us Ibrahim Bin Hashaam, from Amro Bin Usmaan, from Ibrahim Bin Ayub, from Amro Bin Shimr, from Jabir who has said:

Abu Ja’farasws said: ‘Amir-al-Momineenasws was on the Pulpit when a snake came up on a door from the doors of the Mosque. The people wanted to kill it. Amir-al- Momineenasws sent someone to them to stop. They stopped, and the snake glided across until it ended up near Amir-al-Momineenasws, raised itself and greeted Amir-al- Momineenasws. Amir-al-Momineenasws gestured by hisasws hand. The people and the snake looked on at the origin of the Pulpit, until Amir-al-Momineenasws was free from delivering hisasws sermon.

مث اقبل عليه يوال له من انت قال انا عمرو بن عثمان خليفتك على اجلن وان اىب مات واوصاين ان لتيك ياستطلع بأيك يود اتيتك يا امري املؤمنني يما تأمرين به وما ترى

Then heasws turned towards it and said to it: ‘Who are you?’ It said, ‘I am Amro Bin Usmaan, yourasws Caliph to the Jinn, and my father died, and he had bequeathed to me that I should come to youasws in order to survey yourasws opinion. So I have come to youasws, O Amir-al-Momineenasws. What are your orders for me and what do youasws see (that I should do)?’

يوال له امري املؤمنني عليه السالم اوصيك بتووى اهلل و ان تنصرف يتووم موام ابيك يف اجلن يانك خليفِت عليهم قال يودع امري املؤمنني وانصرف يهو خليفته على اجلن يولت له جعلت يداك ييأتيك عمرو وذلك الواجب عليه قال نعم.

Amir-al-Momineenasws said to it: ‘Myasws bequest to you is to fear Allahazwj and that when you leave, you will be standing in the place of your father among the Jinn, for you are myasws Caliph to them’. Abu Ja’farasws said: ‘Amir-al-Momineenasws allowed him to be and he was hisasws Caliph to the Jinn.’ I said to him, ‘May I be sacrificed for youasws, does Amro come to youasws and is that an obligation upon him?’ Heasws said: ‘Yes.’40

حدثنا امحد بن حممد عن الواسم بن َيَي عن احلسن بن باشد عن يعوو بن ابراهيم بن حممد بن عبد اهلل بن جعفر بن اىب طالب قال َسعت ابراهيم بن وهب وهو يوول خرجت وانا ابيد ابا احلسن عليه السالم بالعريض يانطلوت حىت اشريت على قصر بىن سراة مث احندبت الوادي يسمعت صوتا ال ابى شخصه وهو يوول يا ابا جعفر صاحبك خلف الوصر عند السدة ياقراه مىن السالم يالتفت يلم اب احدا

Narrated to us Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from Al-Qasim Bin Yahya, from Al-Hassan Bin Rashid, from Yaqoub Bin Ibrahim Bin Muhammad Bin Abdullah Bin Ja’far Bin Abu Talib who said, ‘I heard Ibrahim Bin Wahab and he was saying:

40 Basaair Al Darajaat P 2 CH 18 H 7

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‘I went out seeking Abu Al-Hassanasws by the wide roads but did not meet himasws until I was led to the mansion of the clan of Saraat, then I descended into a valley. I heard a voice but did not see the person, and he was saying, ‘O Abu Ja’far, your companion is behind the mansion in the embankment. He greeted me. I turned around but I did not see any one.

مثبد على الصوت باللفظ الذى كان مث يعل ذلك ثلثا ياقشعر جلدى مث احندبت يف الوادي حىت اتيت قصد بأى الطريق الذى خلف الوصر ومل اطاء يف الوصر مث اتيت السد حنو السمرات مث انطلوت قصد الغدير يوجدت مخسني حيات بوايع من عند الغدير مث استمعت يسمعت كالما ومراجعة يطفوت بنعلى ليسمع وطئى يسمعت ابا احلسن يتنحنح يتنحنحت واجبته مث نظرت وهجمت يإذا حيه متعلوه بساق شجرة

Then there was a verbal response to the voice as before. Then that was done three times. It raised my skin hair. Then I descended into the valley until I came inadvertently to the road behind the mansion and did not come to the mansion. Then I came to the Samaraat dam. Then I intended to go to Al-Ghadeer wherein I found fifty live snakes. Then I listened intently to hear the words. I heard Abu Al- Hassanasws, heasws was humming to them and replying by humming sounds. But when I tried to look, a snake came forward towards me from the trunk of the tree.

يوالال َّتشى وال ضاير يرمت بنفسها مث هنضت على منكبه مث ادخلت بأسها يف اذنه يأكثرت من الصفري يأجا بلى قد يصلت بينكم وال يبغى خالف ما اقول اال ظامل ومن ظلم يف دنياه يله عذا الناب يف اخرته مع عوا شديد اعاقبه اياه وأخذ ماله ان كان له حىت يتو يولت باىب انت وامى الكم عليهم طاعة يوال نعم والذى اكرم حممدا بالنبوة واعز عليا بالوصية والوالية اهنم الطوع لنا منكم يا معشر االنس وقليل ماهم.

Heasws said: ‘Do not be afraid, it will not harm you, pelt (with a stone) it by yourself’. Then I stood up in their presence. Then it entered its head in hisasws ear. There was a whistling sound. Heasws replied: ‘Yes, no one will rebel against what Iasws say except for the unjust, and one who is unjust in world, for him is the torment of the Fire in the hereafter along with harsh Punishment. You have to take his wealth and he has to repent’. I said, ‘May my father and my mother be sacrificed for youasws, is it upon them to obey?’ Heasws said: ‘Yes, by the One Whoazwj Honoured Muhammadsaww with Prophet-hood, and Honoured Aliasws by the Trusteeship and the Wilayah, they are more obedient to usasws than you, O Humans, and they are only a few of them’.41

ٍ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َِّ ِ َّ ِ ابْ ُن َْحمبُو َع ْن ََجيِل بْ ِن َصال ٍح عَ ِن الَْوليد بْ ِن َصبي ٍح َع ْن أَِيب َعْبد الله )عليه السالم( قَاَل إ َّن اللهَ عََّز َو َجلَّ أَْوَحى إَىل ُسلَْيَما َن بْ ِن ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َداُوَد )عليهما السالم( أََّن ليَةَ َمْوت َك أََّن َش َجَرةً ََّتُْرُج م ْن ب َْيت الَْمْود ِس ي َُواُل َهلَا ا ْْلُْرنُوبَةُ قَاَل يَ نَظََر ُسلَْيَما ُن ي َْوماً يَإذَا ال َّش َجَرةُ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َّ ِ ِ ِ ِِ ِ ِ ِ ا ْْلُْرنُوبَةُ قَْد طَلََع ْت م ْن ب َْيت الَْمْود ِس يَ َواَل َهلَا َما ا َْسُك قَالَت ا ْْلُْرنُوبَةُ قَاَل يَ َوىل ُسلَْيَم ا ُن ُم ْدبراً إَىل ْحمَرابه يَ َواَم ييه ُمتَّكئاً عَلَى ِ ِ ِِ َع َصاهُ يَ ُوب َض ُبوُحهُ م ْن َسا َعته قَاَل

Ibn Mahboub, from Jameel Bin Saleh, from Al-Waleed Bin Sabeeh, who has reported the following:

41 Basaair Al Darajaat P 2 CH 18 H 15

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Abu Abdullahasws having said: ‘Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic Revealed unto Suleiman Bin Dawoodas that: “The sign of youras death is a tree which will come out from Bayt Al-Maqdas called Al-Kharnouba”. Suleymanas looked around one day and there was Al-Kharnouba tree which had emerged from Bayt Al-Maqdas. So heas said to it: ‘What is your name?’ It said, ‘Al-Kharnouba’. Suleimanas turned back to hisas Prayer Niche and stood leaning upon his staff. Hisas soul was Captured (passed away) in that moment.

ِ ِ ِ ِ ِِ ِ ِ يَ َجَعلَت ا ْجل ُّن َو اْسإنْ ُس َُيُْدُمونَهُ َو يَ ْسعَْوَن يف أَْمره َكَما َكانُوا َو ُه ْم يَظُنُّوَن أَنَّهُ َح ٌّي َملْ َميُ ْت ي َْغُدوَن َو ي َُروُحوَن َو ُهَو قَائ ٌم ثَاب ٌت ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِِ ِ َحَّىت َدبَّت اْألََب َضةُ م ْن َع َصاهُ يَأَ َكلَ ْت مْن َسأَتَهُ يَانْ َك َسَر ْت َو َخَّر ُسلَْيَما ُن إَىل اْألَْب ِض أَ يََال ت َ ْسَم ُع لَوْ وله عََّز َو َجلَّ يَ لََّما َخَّر ت َبَ يَّ نَت ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ا ْجل ُّن أَْن لَْو كانُوا ي َْعلَُموَن الْغَْي َب ما لَبثُوا يف الَْعذا الُْمهني. The Jinn and the human beings kept on serving himas and were striving in hisas command as before, and they were thinking that heas was alive and had not died. The morning came and passed, and heas was still standing still, until the woodworm gnawed away at hisas staff and it broke, and Suleimanas fell down upon the ground. Have you not heard the Statement of the Mighty and Majestic: So when he fell down, it was clear to the Jinn that had they known the unseen, they would not have remained in the abasing torment [34:14].42

سئل العامل عليه السالم عن مؤمين اجلن يدخلون اجلنة ؟ يوال: ال، ولكن هلل حظائر بني اجلنة والناب يكون ييها ومؤمن اجلن ويساق الشيعة.

I asked the knowledgeable oneasws (Aalim) about the Momin Jinn, will he be entering the Paradise?’ So heasws said: ‘No. But, Allahazwj has hangers between the Paradise and the Fire in which will be the Momin Jinn and the evil-doers (Fasiq) Shias’.43

42 Al Kafi – H 14562 43 Bihar Al Anwaar – V8 CH P 335 H1

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