The Discipline of Qur'an Recitation in Britain and Its History and Status In

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The Discipline of Qur'an Recitation in Britain and Its History and Status In THE DISCIPLINE OF QUR’AN RECITATION IN BRITAIN AND ITS HISTORY AND STATUS IN THE ISLAMIC CURRICULUM By ROLA NEYAZI JARRAR A Thesis Submitted to The University of Birmingham For the Degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Theology and Religion School of Historical Studies The University of Birmingham September 2017 [II] University of Birmingham Research Archive e-theses repository This unpublished thesis/dissertation is copyright of the author and/or third parties. The intellectual property rights of the author or third parties in respect of this work are as defined by The Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 or as modified by any successor legislation. Any use made of information contained in this thesis/dissertation must be in accordance with that legislation and must be properly acknowledged. Further distribution or reproduction in any format is prohibited without the permission of the copyright holder. ABSTRACT This thesis aims to determine whether the teaching of Tajwid science in the UK is of a sufficient standard. This stems from the author’s experience in professional studies and teaching experiments performed in Britain in this field, which have indicated that current instruction is substandard. The research aim is to contribute to developing Tajwid teaching in Britain. To conduct this research, the author evaluated Tajwid teaching using a series of methods. A pedagogical study was applied; specifically, a questionnaire with Tajwid students from different UK Islamic organisations. She then engaged in two group meetings with Tajwid teachers, conducted close-ended telephone interviews with Islamic organisations based in the UK, reviewed five English-language resources, and suggested alternative sources for Tajwid instruction that explain the subject through al- Shāṭibiyyah, which features the most well-known form of recitation among Muslims. Finally, she hosted a series of free Tajwid classes to examine research-recommended sources and their effects on learners’ attitudes. The findings proved that different approaches are required to develop Tajwid teaching in the UK; furthermore, they helped to establish the criteria required to develop effective Tajwid teaching, and clarified the importance of incorporating new sources that use topics comprehensibly and provide solutions to related problems. [III] ACKNOWLEDGMENTS First, I would like to express my great thanks to Allah (Subhanahu Wata’ala) for giving me the power and patience to finish this work, which relates to his holy book, the Qur’an, and seeks to benefit his non-Arabic-speaking believers. I would like to thank my supervisors Dr. Mustafa Draper who approved my research and supported me with many valuable comments and considerable advice, Dr Jorgen Nielsen who assisted me to do the final submission. I would also like to thank Lisa L, as she copyedited this thesis in regard to language, spelling, and grammar conventions via Edit My English, an affiliate of Grammar Labs. I wish to thank Dr. Ma’mūn Umar al- Shamālī of Yarmūk University in Jordan, who was the first to professionally introduce me to the true science of Tajwid and who helped me to begin my study in this field. I would also like to give great thanks to my mother, Ni`mah Tawfiq Jarrar, who was the first to believe in me and who gave me considerable and unconditional support in regard to finishing my thesis. I would like to give special thanks to my husband, Sammer El- Naimat, who was there throughout the entire process and supported me in very special ways. Finally, I would like to thank my children, Sarah, Linah, and Yousuf, for their patience and understanding in regard to the time I have taken from them in order to finish my thesis. [IV] Contents CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION ............................................................................ 1 1 Introduction ..................................................................................................... 1 1.2 The Science of Tajwid (Qur’an recitation) and its Principles ......................... 2 1.3 Problem and Methodology .............................................................................. 5 1.4 The Necessary Qualifications for Experts of Tajwid Science ......................... 8 1.5 The Significance of this Study ...................................................................... 14 1.6 Literature Review .......................................................................................... 15 1.7 The Most Important Background Literature Concerning Tajwid Science .... 21 1.8 Structure of the Thesis ................................................................................... 26 1.9 Chapter Summary .......................................................................................... 28 CHAPTER TWO ......................................................................................................... 31 PRINCIPLES FOR PROGRESS IN GOOD TEACHING OF TAJWID SCIENCE .. 31 2 Introduction ................................................................................................... 31 2.1 Teaching Tajwid in the UK ........................................................................... 32 2.2 Essential Good Practices in Education .......................................................... 42 2.3 Implementation of Arabic in Qur’an Recitation Teaching ............................ 54 2.4 Implementation of English in Teaching Tajwid in the UK ........................... 59 2.5 Good Practices of Teaching Tajwid Science ................................................. 60 2.6 The Importance of Discussion in Tajwid Teaching ...................................... 66 2.6.1 Makhārij al-Ḥurūf ......................................................................................... 67 2.6.2 Nūn Sākin Assimilation ................................................................................. 70 2.6.3 The Prolongation Theme ............................................................................... 74 [V] 2.7 The Questioning Principle in the Holy Qur’an ............................................. 78 2.8 Questioning and the Concept of Respect in Islam......................................... 80 2.9 The Qur'an's Calls for Contemplative Thinking ............................................ 82 2.10 Chapter Summary .......................................................................................... 83 CHAPTER THREE: THE ENGLISH RESOURCES AND REFERENCES OF TAJWID ....................................................................................................................... 86 3 Introduction ................................................................................................... 86 3.1 The criteria for being considered a good resource of Tajwid science ........... 88 3.2 Easy Tajwid by Dr Sayed Kalīmullāh Ḥusainī .............................................. 92 3.3 A Course in the Science of Reciting the Qur’an by Muḥammad Surty ......... 96 3.4 Tuḥfat al-Tajwid by Shamsul-`Arifeen ....................................................... 104 3.5 Useful Tips from the Science of Tajwid by al-Ḥājjah Ḥayāt al- Ḥussainī ... 108 3.6 Tajweed Rules of the Qur’an by Kareema Carol Czerepinski .................... 112 3.7 Technology’s Role in Teaching Tajwid Science ......................................... 114 3.8 The Website of Read with Tajweed ............................................................. 118 3.9 The website of About Tajweed .................................................................... 121 3.10 Chapter summary ........................................................................................ 122 CHAPTER FOUR: THE SCIENCE OF RECITING THE QUR’AN ACCORDING TO THE WELL-KNOWN WAY ..................................................................................... 125 OF AL-SHĀṬIBIYYAH ............................................................................................... 125 4 Introduction ................................................................................................. 125 4.1 The Science of Tajwid According to al-Shāṭibiyyah .................................. 127 4.2 The Types of Tajwid Topics and al-Laḥn ................................................... 129 [VI] 4.3 The Tajwid Order of the Arabic Letters ...................................................... 129 4.4 The Difference between al-Farāhīdī's and the Conventional Alphabet’s Orders 132 4.5 Makhārij al-Ḥurūf ....................................................................................... 134 4.5.1 Makhraj al-Jawf (The Mouth Cavity) ......................................................... 134 of al-Jawf ................................................... 136 )ا) The Long Vowel Letter Alif of al-Jawf ............................................... 137 (و) The Long Vowel Letter Wāw of al-Jawf ................................................... 137 (ي) The Long Vowel Letter Yā 4.5.2 The Prolongation ......................................................................................... 138 The Types of Prolongation with respect to the Types of Aṣlī ..................... 139 The Types of Prolongation Regarding the Types of Far'ī ........................... 144 Madd Far'ī Due to Hamzah ......................................................................... 145 Madd Far'ī Due to Sukūn ............................................................................ 148 4.5.3 Makhraj al-Ḥalq (The Throat) ...................................................................
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