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Downloaded from Brill.Com10/02/2021 03:48:26PM Via Free Access 252 BIBLIOGRAPHY BIBLIOGRAPHY Manuscripts ai-1M'labf's works al-Kashf ua-al-bayiin 'an tafslr ai-Qyr'iin: Only those manuscripts consulted for this book will be listed here; for what is available in library collections see Appendix I. - Dar al-Kutub al-Misriyah, Tafstr 797, Cairo, Egypt. - Escorial Arabi c Collection, no. 1322, Madrid, Spain. - Garret Collection, no. 2217, Princeton University, Nj, United Stated of America . - Istanbul Unive rsity Library, AY1331, Istanbul, Turkey. - aljami' al-Kabir, no. 188, San a, Yemen. - al-Mahmirdiyah Library, nos. 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 105, 106, 107, Medina, Saudi Arabia. - T opkapi Saray, Ahm et III nos. 76/2, 76/3, 76/4, Istanbul, Turkey. - T opkapi Saray, Ahm et III no. 77, Istanbu l, Turkey. - Veliyyuddin Efendi , nos. 130, 131, 132, 133, Istanbul, Turkey. 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