
TSINGHUA SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ISSNll1007-0214 0?/?? pp???–??? DOI: 1 0 . 2 6 5 9 9 / T S T . 2 0 2 0 . 9 0 1 Volume xx, Number x, xxxxxxx 20xx

Trident: Efficient and Practical Software Network Monitoring

Xiaohe Hu, Yang Xiang, Yifan Li, Buyi Qiu, Kai Wang, Jun Li∗

Abstract: Network monitoring is receiving more attention than ever with the need for Self-Driving Network to tackle increasingly severe network management challenges. Advanced management applications rely on traffic data analysis, which requires network monitoring to flexibly provide comprehensive traffic characteristics. Moreover, in virtualized environments, software network monitoring is constrained by available resources and requirements of cloud operators. This paper proposes , a policy-based network monitoring system at the host. Trident is a novel monitoring approach, off-path configurable streaming, which offers remote analyzers a fine-grained holistic view of the network traffic. A novel fast path packet classification algorithm and a corresponding cached flow form are proposed to improve monitoring efficiency. Evaluated in practical deployment, Trident demonstrates negligi- ble interference with forwarding and requires no additional software dependencies. Trident has been deployed in production networks of several Tier-IV datacenters.

Key words: Cloud Networking; Software Network Monitoring; Network Programmability; Network Management

1 Introduction Self-driving Planning Perception Applications Network management has been more challenging than Control DSL Analytics DSL Policy ever as network complexity dramatically increases and Control Plane Controllers Analyzers failures become severe and knotty. Following the great success of Software-Defined Networking, the vision Data Plane Forwarding and Monitoring of Self-Driving Network has been proposed to apply data-driven modeling and machine learning to traffic Fig. 1 A basic framework of Self-Driving Network data analysis and closed-loop network automation [1,2]. tant step for traffic data analytics is network monitoring Figure 1 shows the framework of Self-Driving Network. which collects the traffic information. Recent works [3–5] start to build network data analyt- This paper focuses on software network monitoring ics platforms and provide logically centralized abstrac- in the data plane. Software network monitoring is part tion for learning applications. Therein, the first impor- of software network processing, which runs network • Xiaohe Hu and Yifan Li are with the Department software at end hosts. Software network processing, of Automation, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, such as network virtualization, and network function China. E-mail: [email protected]; liyi- virtualization, is a pillar of multi-tenant cloud datacen- [email protected]. ters. It is flexible to develop new functionality and pro- • Yang Xiang, Buyi Qiu, and Kai Wang are with grammable model with software network processing. Yunshan Networks, Beijing 100084, China. E- mail: [email protected]; [email protected]; The combined constraints of cloud virtualization envi- [email protected]. ronment and traffic data analytics highlight three key • Jun Li is with Research Institute of Information Technol- requirements for software network monitoring. ogy, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China. E-mail: (1) Noninterference. The intention of monitoring is [email protected]. to facilitate network management not to interfere the ∗ To whom correspondence should be addressed. original network delivery, i.e., forwarding, especially 2 Tsinghua Science and Technology, xxxxx 20xx, 2x(x): xxx–xxx in end hosts which have shared and limited resources streaming is to realize high efficiency. Trident incor- for network processing. Moreover, mixed monitoring porates a wildcard-match fast path to improve average and forwarding logic increases the complexity of - classification performance. A novel hash-based packet tion and troubleshooting. (2) Comprehensiveness. Self- classification algorithm, Unified Space Search (USS), Driving Network relies on a comprehensive knowledge and a corresponding cached flow form, uniflow, are pro- of traffic and also perception algorithms need to work at posed. USS maps original flow entries to unified non- different packet granularities from flow-level header to overlapping flow entries, i.e., uniflows, which can be application-level payload. For example, flow schedul- stored in one hash table. Fitting well with fast-path flow ing [6, 7] bases on flow statistics and deep inspection caching and classification, uniflows and USS achieve [8,9] mines and matches payload signature patterns. (3) high cache hit rate and near single-hash-lookup speed High efficiency. Software network processing is both with limited memory usage. In addition, a lightweight time and resource consuming. Software network mon- compression algorithm is proposed for header delivery, itoring should be efficient to handle traffic with limited saving bandwidth usage. resources, response traffic status quickly to support fast To mitigate the complexity of system deployment in control loop, and save network bandwidth due to the in- cloud, Trident adopts widely-used kernel module (the creasing traffic volume in cloud datacenters. same interface as tcpdump) and requires no additional Previous works can be categorized into two direc- kernel dependencies. It has been deployed in produc- tions: (1) direct streaming, which sends original traffic tion networks of several Tier-IV datacenters and pro- to remote analyzers from switches by mirroring [10] or vides a stronger capability of network traffic analysis. configured forwarding rules [11,12]. (2) local counting, Currently, Trident implementation monitors 200Kpps which runs local algorithms to count traffic and sends traffic for header delivery consuming at most 0.3 core statistics data to collectors, such as, hash-based [13,14], of Intel E5 CPU. and sketch-based [15]. Although direct streaming can The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section provide comprehensive packet information, it suffers 2 describes the background of network monitoring, re- from high resource consumption and interferes with for- lated work, and the motivation of Trident design. Sec- warding, which degrades original forwarding perfor- tion 3 introduces Trident system architecture and de- mance. On the other hand, local counting improves scribes the proposed algorithms and Trident modules. monitoring efficiency with careful data structure design, Section 4 presents Trident implementation and current while it tailors the header structure and fails to support limitation. Section 5 shows the evaluation. This paper full packet view. None of the various existing software is closed by conclusion and future work in Section 6. monitoring solutions meet all the requirements. This paper proposes Trident, a novel software net- 2 Background work monitoring approach at the host, realizing the non- interference and comprehensiveness requirements. Tri- Network monitoring collects traffic data for better un- dent integrates the design of off-path monitoring and derstanding and management of the running networks. configurable streaming. It is decoupled from forward- Monitoring tools [17–19] have been embedded within ing path and trades the overhead of copying incoming network elements such as servers, switches, and routers packets for noninterference. When shortage of CPU re- for several decades. Network monitoring schemes sources happens due to competition from forwarding, evolve with the development of programmable network- Trident adaptively samples traffic to save resources for ing and datacenter networking. Recent works include forwarding and guarantees its noninterference. Trident designing expressive monitoring primitives and/or in- provides full packet view by streaming the monitored terfaces [4, 5, 14, 20, 21], optimizing algorithm and/or packets and interacts with traffic analyzers flexibly with system [14, 15, 22–25] to improve scalability with policy-oriented programming model. Analyzers can de- large traffic volume and limited resources, and explor- fine desired packets with match-action rules and get ing monitoring supported functionalities such as near- packets at different granularities from header to pay- optimal traffic engineering [26, 27] and network-wide load. troubleshooting [24, 25, 28]. The main technical challenge of host monitoring de- Data plane network monitoring has hardware form sign with the new approach of off-path configurable (in commodity switches) and software form (at end Xiaohe Hu et al.: Trident: Efficient and Practical Software Network Monitoring 3

Local Counting Direct Streaming Hash-based: UMON [13], On-path-FCAP [30] Port mirroring: OpenStack Tap-as-a-Service [10] On-Path Sketch-based: On-path-SMON [30] Configured forwarding rules: Open vSwitch [11], VFP [12] Hash-based: Trumpet [14], Off-path-FCAP [30] Off-Path Configured monitoring policies: Trident Sketch-based: SketchVisor [15], Off-path-SMON [30] Table 1 Summary of software network monitoring work in the data plane hosts). Monitoring schemes adopted in hardware and Tuple List Hash Tables software are similar. On hardware monitoring, Open- Rule X Field Y Field (Mask Vectors) Sample [29], Planck [27] and Everflow [25] directly R1 100 010 [3, 3] R1 R2 stream data packets to remote analyzers by sampling or R2 111 001 [2, 3] R3 forwarding rules. FlowRadar [22] and OpenSketch se- R3 11* 010 ries works [20,21,23] embed optimized hash and sketch [2, 0] R4 logic into programmable silicons. R4 10* *** [0, 2] R5 Compared to hardware solutions, Software monitor- R5 *** 00* ing is more flexible to develop desired functionality R6 *** *** [0, 0] R6 and provide more detailed characteristics of virtual net- works in cloud. Data plane software network monitor- Fig. 2 A TSS algorithm example with a two-field rule set. ing is designed by two dimensions and falls into four main categories, as summarized in Table 1. The first cation algorithm USS with a cached flow form uniflow. design dimension is whether monitoring is processed on Packet classification is an important research topic 2020/3/30 1 or off the forwarding path. The second design dimen- and used in various network functions, such as, switch, sion is whether monitoring is counting statistics locally firewall, and QoS. Classical fast packet classification al- or streaming traffic to remote analyzers directly. gorithms are decision-tree-based [31–33], which trades Specifically, FCAP and SMON are designed in both pre-processing time for compact tree structure and fast on-path and off-path forms [30], evaluation of which speed. Due to the dynamic rule update requirement in shows off-path approaches reduce the forwarding delay cloud [11], hash-based packet classification algorithms, introduced by monitoring. UMON [13] monitors kernel such as Tuple Space Search (TSS) [34] , are adopted as space traffc with configured flow entries and collects the fast update feature of hash schemes. A example of statistics in user space tables. Trumpet [14] uses hash TSS algorithm is shown in Figure 2. TSS groups the tables to monitor network events at Google end hosts. rule set with tuples, i.e., header mask vectors. Rules SketchVisor [15] realizes robust software sketch solu- with the same tuple can be classified with a hash table, tion with augmented fast path and control plane recov- the key of which is the rule prefix. To classify a packet, ery algorithm. OpenStack Tap-as-a-Service [10] uses first do AND operation on the packet header and the tu- the port mirroring method and sends traffic remotely. ple, then use the result as the key to lookup the tuple Software switches, such as Open vSwitches [11] and hash table. Assume a hash table lookup/update com- VFP [12], can be used to direct desired traffic with con- plexity is O(1), then TSS lookup/update complexity is figured forwarding rules in the same way Everflow con- O(T ) (to traverse the tuple list, T represents the tuple ducts with hardware switches. number). Trident fills in the blank of off-path streaming design, As the rule number increases, tuple number, i.e., meeting the software network monitoring requirements lookup complexity, increases and TSS classification of noninterference and comprehensiveness. Trident re- speed is slower than decision-tree algorithms. Fast path alizes off-path processing using the linux shared mem- can be used to increase system average classification ory interface, mmap, the same way as Sketchvisor. speed. Fast path design is a general cache approach Also, Trident provides policy-based streaming model used in networks. Packets arriving at a network system for remote analyzers. The policies are in widely-used will be first classified and executed in fast path. If the match-action form. To meet the high efficiency re- packet is not matched in fast path, it will be classified quirement and improve monitoring policies processing in slow path with the complete rule set and a computed speed, Trident proposes a novel fast path packet classifi- sub-rule will be cached in fast path for the classification 4 Tsinghua Science and Technology, xxxxx 20xx, 2x(x): xxx–xxx

Remote Analyzer Clusters Controller Classification Rule Space (Complete) Caching User Space Exporter Exporter Slow Path . . .

Policy Fast Path Classifier Classifier Agent

Cache Miss Rule Space Bytecode Arriving (Cached) Packets Classification Cache Hit Kernel Space Ring Buffer BPF Filter Fig. 3 The fast and slow path framework. Forwarding Path Interfaces of subsequent packets. The fast and slow path frame- work is shown in Figure 3. Fig. 4 The architecture of Trident. Trident does off-path traf- Open vSwitch adopts the fast path design and uses fic monitoring within the host hypervisor and interacts with the TSS in both slow and fast path. Given that the matched remote controller and analyzers. rule in slow path can not be directly cached into fast path (if rules with higher priorities exist in slow path functions is responsible for packet capturing. Same and are not cached, the fast path classification seman- as tcpdump and wireshark, Trident uses the general tic becomes incorrect), Open vSwitch generates wild- and widely-used interfaces AF PACKET/libpcap and card megaflows into fast path to increase cache hit Berkeley Packet Filter (BPF) [35, 36]. In this way, Tri- rate (comparing to exact match). Megaflows are in dent provides a mechanism as acceptable as tcpdump, the same prefix/mask form as rules in TSS structure. and therefore alleviates cloud provides’ concern on in- When a packet is classified in slow path, a all-zero serting uncertain modules. It pulls packets from kernel mask vector hm1, m2, ..., mF i (F represents the field space to user space with a zero-copy ring buffer through number) is initiated and executed the AND operation mmap. Moreover, to avoid getting unnecessary (such with each TSS tuple. Then, the cached megaflow as control messages) and redundant (such as bridged is hp1/m1, p1/m2, ..., p1/mF i (hp1, p2, ..., pF i repre- and duplicated interfaces in OpenStack) packets, Tri- sents the arriving packet header). However, due to dent does a light pre-filter according to network inter- the exhaustive AND operations in slow path, megaflow face index ifindex using BPF which is configured by masks are close to the longest rule masks, resulting in the bytecode loaded from user space. low wildcard space size, i.e., cache hit rate. Trident pro- Single user space process. Trident runs its main func- posed uniflows cover larger space than megaflows, im- tions within a user space process. Regarding pro- proving the fast path cache hit rate. grammability, the process has an agent thread which re- ceives monitoring policies from the remote controller. 3 Design The agent is responsible for updating local policies and This section starts by providing an overview of Tri- BPF bytecode. Trident process involves classifiers and dent architecture. Then this section describes the Tri- exporters which stream desired traffic to remote analyz- dent monitoring approach to realize noninterference and ers for further processing such as statistics, deep inspec- comprehensiveness. Next, how Trident classifies pack- tion, and so on. On receiving packets from kernel, Tri- ets according to monitoring policies is elaborated. Fi- dent executes the corresponding classifier according to nally, this section describes how Trident exports desired the ifindex, and then exports policy-selected packets. traffic data. The design of classifier and exporter will be elaborated in subsection 3.3 and subsection 3.4. 3.1 Architecture 3.2 Monitoring Trident is designed with the objective to be an indepen- dent, lightweight and policy-based programmable mon- Trident proposes a novel monitoring approach, i.e., itoring system. Figure 4 shows the architecture of Tri- off-path configurable streaming, as categorized in Ta- dent: ble 1. Compared to other monitoring approaches, Tri- Native kernel space function. The kernel space dent meets the noninterference and comprehensiveness Xiaohe Hu et al.: Trident: Efficient and Practical Software Network Monitoring 5 requirements. This subsection shows Trident’s monitor- linear-memory properties of TSS. To tackle the limita- ing approach in details. tions of TSS on slow classification speed and fast-path Noninterference. Trident is decoupled from the for- low cache hit rate, Trident optimizes the fast path clas- warding path of network processing, which is responsi- sifier design. A general hash-based packet classification ble for application traffic delivery. In this way, packet algorithm USS is proposed, and then it is applied to fast copying is traded for an independent monitoring pro- path caching and classification. cess. Therefore, Trident can be scheduled to either To elaborate further details about USS, each rule in share the same core with forwarding or run on a sep- policies is referred to as a flow entry. In the view of arate core from forwarding, depending on the cloud computational geometry, an exact flow entry represents provider’s strategy. a point in multi-dimension space, and a wildcard flow Furthermore, given that current datacenters allocate entry represents a hyper-rectangle in multi-dimension limited resources for software network processing, Tri- space. dent supports adaptive traffic sampling, making it run USS is hash-based and aims to decrease the time with any workload without interference with forward- complexity from TSS O(T ) to the optimal one hash ta- ing resources. Trident can be configured with two kinds ble lookup O(1). USS exploits the latent capacity of of parameter: the maximum core (i.e., CPU usage) al- non-overlapping flow entries and constructs a kind of located for Trident and the allocated cores shared with non-overlapping uniflows, which can be classified with other network processing. Trident agent reads the con- a signle hash table. Therefore, the problem boils down figuration and checks the corresponding CPU usage pe- to transform original flow entries to a specific form of riodically. By default, Trident monitors every incom- non-overlapping flow entries, i.e., uniflows, and then ing packet. Once CPU usage exceeds the limit, Trident make hashing work on them. agent will push a new BPF bytecode with updated sam- USS construction and lookup. The basic idea of USS ple ratio to kernel. Current Trident ratio control pol- is to align the masks of flow entries to the longest mask icy uses the additive increase multiplicative decrease in each field, i.e., to cut flow entries by the longest (AIMD) strategy as TCP rate control. mask, and then use the prefixes of transformed flow en- Trident supports controller-defined policies which tries as keys of the hash table. Considering that real-life specify the desired traffic with different header fields flow entries are unevenly distributed and long masks are and corresponding actions. Hence, cloud providers can co-located [37, 38], USS uses hierarchical and grouped flexibly steer selected traffic data to destined analyzers mask structure to mitigate the space explosion due to and depict the traffic profile of individual cloud tenant. mask alignment. USS data structure construction and The monitoring policies of Trident employ the match- lookup is illustrated with an example shown in Figure 5. action model, which is pervasively leveraged by fire- The construction process consists of three stages. (1) wall ACLs, OpenFlow, and many other network func- Mask mapping, first cut each field into sub-spaces by tions. Current match supports 6 tuples, interface, the first X bits (X is a predefined hyper-parameter). src ip, dst ip, src port, dst port, protocol, de- Refer to the first X bits as sub-prefix for conciseness. scribed in prefix/mask format. Trident provides two Then, store the longest mask of each sub-space in mask actions: (1) header, to send packet header and related arrays for the mask alignment of next stage. In the states, such as timestamp, sample ratio (if enabled), etc. example, IP space is cut by the first 16 bits and port and (2) payload, to send the original packet. Trident space is cut by the first 8 bits. Figure 5 (b) uses a 64K- acts as a white-list, thus any unmatched packet will be unit array for IP mask mapping and a 256-unit array omitted by Trident. for Port mask. In the sub-space of IP sub-prefix 0.0, the longest mask is set to 22 instead of global longest 3.3 Classifier mask 24, thus saving the aligned flow entry number. (2) Separating monitoring policies from forwarding poli- Grouped transformation, align the original flow entry cies drives Trident to design a novel scheme for moni- mask in each sub-space, i.e., to cut the flow entry by the toring policy classification. Trident adopts the slow and longest mask, and then generate non-overlapping uni- fast path design to improve average processing speed. flows. For example, in the sub-space of IP sub-prefix Trident keeps TSS as slow path classification algorithm, 1.2, the longest mask is set to 24, and original flow en- the same as Open vSwtich, given the fast-update and try oF low3 : h1.2.2.0/23, 80/16i is cut to two trans- 6 Tsinghua Science and Technology, xxxxx 20xx, 2x(x): xxx–xxx

IP Port Action IP Sub-Prefix Mask Port Sub-Prefix Mask oFlow 443/16 act 0.0 22 0 16 1 1 1 oFlow2 22/16 act2 … … 1 16

oFlow3 80/16 act3 1.2 24 … …

oFlow4 1024/8 act4 1.3 22 4 8 … … … … (a) Original entries 255.255 Null 255 Null

2 (b) Mask array in each dimension

IP Port Action Key IP Port Bucket

uniflow1 443/16 act1 uniflow1-prefixes 443 act1

uniflow2 22/16 act2 3 uniflow2-prefixes 22 act2

uniflow3 80/16 act3 uniflow3-prefixes 80 act3

uniflow4 80/16 act3 uniflow4-prefixes 80 act3

uniflow5 1024/8 act4 uniflow5-prefixes 1024 act4

(c) Grouped and Transformed uniflows (d) Uniflow hash table

The resulting USS lookup structure

Fig. 5 An example of USS construction process. formed uniflows uniflow3 : h1.2.2.0/24, 80/16i and in Appendix A. uniflow4 : h1.2.3.0/24, 80/16i. The grouped and Uniflow caching and fast path USS classification. To aligned uniflows are shown in Figure 5 (c). (3) Uni- use USS in fast path, first construct mask arrays (Fig- flow hashing, finally due to the non-overlapping prop- ure 5 (b)) from the original flow entries and initial an erty, the transformed uniflows can be classified within a empty uniflow hash table (Figure 5 (d)). Then, cache single hash table. The hash table keys are the prefixes wildcard flow entries into fast path. Instead of the AND of uniflows, and the values are uniflow actions. For operations done on megaflow mask and each TSS tu- example, uniflow1 : h0.0.0.0/22, 443/16i in Fig- ple to ensure semantic correctness, uniflows can be di- ure 5 (c) corresponds to the key uniflow1-prefixes : rectly cached from slow path to fast path because of the h0.0.0.0, 443i in Figure 5 (d). The resulting lookup non-overlapping property of uniflows. Therefore, the data structure composes of the mask arrays and the uni- caching process is that when an arriving packet is clas- flow hash table. The USS construction algorithms are sified in slow path, (1) get the longest mask of each field shown in Appendix A. through the sub-prefix of the packet header, (2) do an During the lookup process, the mask arrays are first AND operation of field masks and the packet header, accessed to get the corresponding longest mask in each (3) the AND operation result is the uniflow-prefixes field according to the sub-prefixes of the arriving packet key and the slow path classification result action is the header. Then, the lookup key is computed by an AND bucket value, (4) insert the hkey, valuei pair into the operation of the packet header and field masks. Finally, fast path hash table. Finally, subsequent packets can be use the key to do hash lookup in the uniflow hash ta- classified in fast path with normal USS lookup process. ble and get the matched action. For example, given The uniflow caching algorithm is shown in Appendix A. the structures in Figure 5 (b) and (d), say, if a packet In general packet classification scenario, USS may p that p.ip = and p.port = 80 arrives, ac- still suffer from the space-consuming problem when the cording to mask arrays, IP mask of sub-prefix 1.2 is 24 flow entry distribution is quite spread out. However, and port mask of sub-prefix 0 is 16. Then the com- when USS is applied to fast path classification, the prob- puted key is h1.2.2.0, 80i. The hashed value is act3 in lem is not significant at all due to the fast path cache the bucket of uniflow3-prefixes, and finally p will property, i.e., dynamically maintaining part of the rule be executed with the action act3, which is the action of set instead of complete rule set in slow path. The uni- original oF low3. The USS lookup algorithm is shown flows are generated and cached packet by packet dy- Xiaohe Hu et al.: Trident: Efficient and Practical Software Network Monitoring 7 namically from the slow path, and when cached uni- lightweight algorithm. flow number exceeds given fast path maximum uni- Trident uses the same difference-based compression flow cache size, the cache replace approach is adopted. algorithm as NetSight and RFC1144. In details, the first Therefore, through adopting USS classification and uni- packet is not compressed, and sender/receiver initials flow caching, Trident fast path gains the wildcard-match and maintains a packet state, i.e., values of each header capability and preserves near-session lookup speed, i.e., field, of each interface by the first packet. The subse- the number of mapping array accesses plus one uniflow quent packet is compared with the maintained packet, hash table lookup. and only the field value of the subsequent packet which is different from that of the maintained packet is sent. 3.4 Exporter Then, the sent field values are updated to the main- Exporters are responsible to execute policy actions and tained packet state. With Trident’s per-interface com- deliver monitored traffic data. The exported traffic data pression, packets that are not successive while have the is encapsulated by either UDP or VXLAN header, and same field can be compressed. For example, for a se- its destination is set to a dispatcher switch. Using the quence of packets hudp, ethernet, icmp, tcpi, the IP UDP channel requires a Trident collector process to field of udp, icmp, tcp can be compressed, and the port parse monitored data in the remote analyzer, while for field of udp, tcp can be compressed. private third-party analyzers Trident supports original packet delivering through the VXLAN channel which 4 Implementation is parsed and decapsulated by dispatcher switches. Trident is implemented in Go. Benefit from decou- Note that modern cloud datacenters leverage tunnel pling monitoring and forwarding as well as using gen- policies in forwarding virtual switches to realize net- eral interfaces such as AF PACKET, libpcap and Go work virtualization. However, the tunnel policies are packages, Trident can be deployed without additional not visible to Trident. This can result in indistinguish- dependencies. Trident can be used with hypervisors, able VM traffic in analyzers when Trident monitors traf- such as Linux KVM and VMware ESXi, and virtual fic from more than one VM with the same address but in switches, such as Open vSwitch and VMware vSphere different virtual networks. To monitor the original for- Distributed Switch. As a lightweight solution for de- warding traffic, a key observation is that traffic from one ployment and management, Trident’s bin file is less single interface belongs to a virtual network, i.e., en- than 15MB, and its bootstrap stage takes only 1 sec- capsulated by the same tunnel header. Therefore, mon- ond. Cloud providers can start to use Trident on all itored traffic can be unambiguously identified through servers with one single policy to acquire VM traffic the combination of host identity and interface identity. header statistics. For a deeper analysis on specific appli- The combined identity is encoded in a self-defined field cations, cloud providers can enforce fine-grained moni- over the UDP channel or the VNI field in the VXLAN toring policies and stream the application traffic to spe- channel. cific DPI analyzers. Another adopted approach in exporters is compres- sion when executing the policy header action. As 5 Evaluation header statistics is enabled almost in every monitor- ing scenario, compressing the transmitted headers can Trident implementation is evaluated and analyzed in save a considerable amount of bandwidth. Header com- a multi-tenant cloud environment. First, Trident fast pression is a common approach in low-speed-link and path algorithm is evaluated and compared with Open wireless communication fields [39–41]. Recent moni- vSwitch fast path algorithm, then Trident performance toring work NetSight [24] also uses a compression al- on resource usage at given workload is illustrated, and gorithm based on RFC1144 [39]. However, NetSight the evaluation and analysis of header compression is leverages the similarity between successive packets in shown. Finally, a demo of adaptive sampling for re- the same flow, thus having to maintain per-flow states. source noninterference is shown. Instead, given that traffic from one interface still has a Experiment setup. The experiments are run on a server relatively high similarity, Trident leverages the similar- with an 8-core Intel Xeon CPU E5-2650 2.00GHz and ity between packets from the same interface and main- 96GB DRAM. Fast path algorithm comparison uses the tains per-interface states, saving states and realizing a public data sets Classbench [42] in packet classifica- 8 Tsinghua Science and Technology, xxxxx 20xx, 2x(x): xxx–xxx

Rule Set ACL1 100 ACL1 1K ACL1 10K FW1 100 FW1 1K FW 10K TSS with Megaflow 1 1 1 3 2 2 USS with Uniflow 1 1 1 1 1 1 Table 2 Fast path hash table lookup times compassion on TSS with Megaflow and USS with Uniflow. x in rule set ACL1 x and FW1 x represents rule size in the set. Header Statistics Packet Mirroring Traffic Pattern Mon Copy Sum Mon Copy Sum Random-64 12.23% 11.91% 24.14% 58.32% 9.37% 67.69% Random-512 10.43% 8.72% 19.15% 59.18% 9.83% 69.01% Random-1024 11.38% 14.15% 25.53% 62.69% 13.28% 75.97% Random-1458 12.15% 16.21% 28.36% 100% 17.85% 117.85% CAIDA 14.68% 3.64% 18.32% 55.97% 3.58% 59.55% Table 3 Trident CPU usage at 200 Kpps packet rate. Random-x traffic pattern represents packet source IP and port are varied randomly and packet length is set to xB. Mon represents the CPU usage of Trident process. Copy represents the CPU usage of copy overhead introduced to forwarding path. Sum represents the sum of Mon and Copy. tion. On system evaluation, the server is configured 18 Megaflow Uniflow as an OpenStack compute node with Linux KVM and 16 16.0 15.9 15.1 OVS and connect it to a controller server through a 14.8 14 13.9 1Gbps NIC and to a switch through two 10Gbps 12.2 NICs. Trident is deployed on this server, monitoring the 12 traffic of virtual interfaces and exporting desired states 10 to a remote analyzer through the 10Gbps NICs. Traf- 8 fic is replayed by tcpreplay, including CAIDA Internet trace [43] and random traces generated by Linux pkt- 6 4.8 4.8

log10(Cached Flow Space Size) 4.1 gen. A CentOS VM is launched in a virtual network on 4 this server as the sender, which sends traces to a gate- 2 1.6 way VM in another server through the 10Gbps NICs. 0.5 0.5 0 Fast path algorithm. Trident generates uniflows and ACL1_100 ACL1_1K ACL1_10K FW1_100 FW1_1K FW1_10K classifies uniflows with USS in fast path, while Open Fig. 6 The average cached flow size of megaflow and uniflow, vSwitch generates megaflows and classifies megaflows representing the fast path caching hit rate. Y-axis is shown in with TSS in fast path. Tested slow path rule sets in- log scale. On each flow entry, the space size is calculated by clude Classbench synthesized ACL rules from 100 size multiplying each field size. to 10K size and Firewall rules from 100 size to 10K flow size (cache hit rate) of megaflow is serveral order size. Traces are generated randomly according to the of magnitude smaller than uniflow. The overhead of lin- corresponding rule sets. The experiment fast path flow ear hash lookup and high cache hit rate properties of entry size, i.e. cache size, is set to 1000 (corresponding USS with uniflow is the bounded-memory mask arrays, to 1000%, 100%, 10% of slow path rule size 100, 1000, which consumes less than 132KB (216 sub-prefixes of 10K) for both Trident and Open vSwitch. src ip and dst ip, 28 sub-prefixes of src port and Fast path hash table lookup times with full cached dst port, 24 sub-prefixes of protocol) for any 5-tuple flow size are evaluated and shown in Table 2. Although, rule sets. TSS needs to classify a group of hash tables, experi- Resource usage. Trident resource usage on CPU and ments show that hash table lookup times of TSS with memory is evaluated. Trident is configured in two Megaflow is almost as linear as USS with Uniflow. The modes, header statistics with header-action policies reason is that to maintain the semantic consistency of and selective packet mirroring with payload-action cached flow entries in fast path and original flow entries policies. Five types of traces are used, four randomly in slow path, generated megaflows need to intersection generated traces with packet length ranging from 64B slow path tuples, resulting in near one minimal tuple. to 1458B and one CAIDA trace stripped payload due to Therefore, as shown in Figure 6, the average expressed anonymity. Xiaohe Hu et al.: Trident: Efficient and Practical Software Network Monitoring 9

12500 forwarding 30 monitoring 10000 25

7500 20


5000 CPU Usage (%) 10 2500 100 Traffic Rate (KBps) 0 80 200 forwarding 60 monitoring 150 40 Sampling Ratio (%) 20 100 250 50 200 Traffic Rate (Kpps) 0 150

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Traffic Rate (Kpps) Time (seconds) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Fig. 7 A traffic rate example that Trident monitors and com- Time (seconds) presses header statistics. Fig. 8 A demo that Trident can dynamically vary sampling ra- tio to keep CPU usage at 10%. The sampling ratio here means dividing the number of monitored packets by the number of for- Table 3 shows the CPU usage results at 200Kpps warded packets. packet rate. Decoupling monitoring from forwarding adds one-copy overhead to forwarding path. This over- is set to 10%. The sent traffic rate is varied between head is shown in the middle column of each monitoring 150Kpps and 250Kpps. Figure 8 shows the results. mode. The Sum column represents the actual CPU us- age of Trident. Trident consumes more CPU resources 6 Discussion when mirroring traffic, which is sourced from packet IO. For large packet length, 1458B, the exported packet Currently, Trident is limited in two aspects. (1) Over- will be encapsulated and fragmented, thus resulting in head of off-path monitoring. This is due to one-copy higher CPU usage. On memory usage, Trident con- on incoming packets. This introduces additional com- sumes around 329.6MB memory in no-load condition, putation in forwarding path and may also limit moni- which is mainly from mmap, packet-sending buffers toring throughput. The latest AF PACKET v4 [44], not and fast-path tables. Due to the garbage collection merged to kernel main branch yet, is a promising way mechanism of Go, accurate memory usage for random to mitigate this overhead, which realizes zero-copy by traces can not be shown. For processing the CAIDA mapping DMA packet buffers to user space. (2) Lack traces, Trident consumes 336.9MB memory. Trident of kernel bypassing [45] support. Current Trident de- increases slight memory consumption while monitoring sign is based on kernel IO mode, which can not achieve traffic due to the wildcard flow caching of fast path. 10Gbps throughput for 64B packets with one core. As Header compression. Header compression ratio is Go provides DPDK binding operation, future version is evaluated with CAIDA traces. Figure 7 shows the orig- going to integrate the kernel-bypassing IO mode. Be- inal packet rates of forwarding and after-compression sides the limitations and corresponding optimization, packet rates of monitoring during 400 seconds. Trident Trident is also going to adapt to standard control pro- achieves around 45-to-1 compression ratio on pps. In tocol, such as OpenFlow, and more traffic analyzers. quantitative analysis, the compression algorithm gen- 7 Conclusion erates 22B∼49B-length headers and assembles these headers in 1500B-length packets which contains 48B Self-driving networks to make network manage- meta-data. Therefore, the compression ratio is theoreti- ment simple and intelligent, which depends on data ana- cally ranging from 29-to-1 to 66-to-1. Besides, accord- lytics and closed-loop control, and network monitoring ing to the profiling result, the computation overhead of is a fundamental pillar of the closed-loop network. This header compression in the Trident process is 15.94% paper proposes Trident, a forwarding-independent sys- (8.52% comparing + 7.42% appending), while 50.66% tem for software network monitoring, designed with a computation is from mmap read operation. new angle of off-path configurable streaming. Trident Adaptive sampling. How adaptive sampling adjusts of is policy-oriented to support both header statistics and CPU usage of Trident is shown. The desired CPU usage full packet delivery. Trident realizes negligiable inter- 10 Tsinghua Science and Technology, xxxxx 20xx, 2x(x): xxx–xxx ference and high efficiency with novel fast path design, [12] D. 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Algorithm 3 Uniflow Table Construction Jun Li received the BEng and MEng de- function SETUNIFLOWTABLE(rs, mask arrays, table) grees from Tsinghua University, China in Let trs be the transformed uniflows 1985 and 1988, respectively, and the PhD for i = 0 → rs.size − 1 do degree from New Jersey Institute of Tech- for j = 0 → D − 1 do nology in 1997. Currently, he is a profes- sub prefix = rs.rule[i].prefix[j] >> sor at the Research Institute of Information (DIM[j] − X[j]) Technology, Tsinghua University, China. longest masks[j] = His research interests include network se- mask arrays[j][sub prefix] curity, pattern recognition, and image processing. end for AlignRule(rs.rule[i], trs, tr, longest masks, D−1) end for Xiaohe Hu received the BEng degree from for i = 0 → trs.size − 1 do Tsinghua University, China in 2014. He table.add(trs.rule[i].prefix, trs.rule[i].action) is now a PhD candidate in Department of end for Automation at Tsinghua University, China. end function His research interests include software- defined networking, cloud datacenter net- works, network monitoring, and manage- USS lookup algorithm uses the constructed mask arrays ment. and uniflow table.

Algorithm 4 USS Lookup Yang Xiang received the BS degree from function USSLOOKUP(mask arrays, table, p) Jilin University, China, in 2008, and the for j = 0 → D − 1 do PhD degree from Tsinghua University, sub prefix = p.header[i] >> (DIM[i] − X[i]) China, in 2013. He is currently a soft- mask = mask arrays[j][sub prefix] ware engineer in Yunshan Networks. His key[i] = p.header[i] & ∼ (1 << (DIM[i] − research interests include software-defined mask) − 1) networking, network architecture, and in- end for trusion detection. table.lookup(key, action) return action end function Yifan Li received the BEng degree from Tsinghua University, China in 2018. He Uniflow caches are drived from arriving packets. is now a PhD student in Department of Automation at Tsinghua University, China. Algorithm 5 Uniflow Caching His research interests include network ver- function UNIFLOWCACHING(fpath mask arrays, ification, cloud datacenter networks, net- fpath hash table, p, action) work monitoring, and management. for j = 0 → D − 1 do sub prefix = p.header[i] >> (DIM[i] − X[i]) mask = fpath mask arrays[j][sub prefix] Buyi Qiu received the BEng degree from key[i] = p.header[i] & ∼ (1 << (DIM[i] − Northeastern University at Qinhuangdao, mask) − 1) China in 2012. He is now a software end for engineer in Yunshan Networks. His re- fpath hash table.add(key, action) search interests include cloud datacenter end function networks, network monitoring, and net- work troubleshooting.

Kai Wang received the B.S. degree from Nanjing University, China, in 2009 and the PhD degree from Tsinghua University, China, in 2015. He is currently a soft- ware engineer in YunShan Networks. His research interests include network security and software-defined networking.