Главни уредник Проф. др Бошко Влаховић

Одговорна уредница Доц. др Наташа Филиповић

Предметна уредница Наталија Кантар

Рецензенти Ана Ђорђевић, Филолошки факултет Универзитета у Београду Наташа Станковић, професор енглеског језика и књижевности Долорес Грбић, професор енглеског језика и књижевности

Дизајн Саша Савић Иван Танић, Агенија Мани два

Илустрације Биљана Миросављевић

Лектори Алaн Робертсон Наталија Кантар

Издавач ЕДУКА д.о.о. Београд Ул. Змаја од Ноћаја бр. 10/1 Тел./факс: 011 3287 277, 3286 443, 2629 903 ʇʖʽʨXXXFEVLBSTtʞʢʛʽʡFEVLB!FEVLBST

За издавача © Copyright EDUKA Проф. др Бошко Влаховић, директор

Штампа ______

Издање бр.: ______

Тираж ______CONTENTS


STARTER...... UNIT ...... 4

...... UNIT 1 ...... 6

2 ...... UNIT 2 ...... 12

SELF...... CHECK 1 ...... 18

...... UNIT 3 ...... 20

...... UNIT 4 ...... 26

SELF...... CHECK 2 ...... 32

...... UNIT 5 ...... 34

...... UNIT 6 ...... 40

SELF...... CHECK 3 ...... 46

...... UNIT 7 ...... 48

...... UNIT 8 ...... 54

SELF...... CHECK© 4 Copyright EDUKA...... 58

GRAMMAR...... CHECK ...... 60

...... WORDLIST ...... 68

SELF...... CHECK ANSWERS ...... 80

IRREGULAR...... VERBS ...... 82


1 Find twelve more classroom objects.


2 Complete with a, the or ø.

1 This is poster. poster is very big. 2 These are desks. desks are brown. 3 That is rubber and those are notebooks.

3 Circle the correct words.

1 This/These is a chair.

2 This/That is a book. 3 These/Those are© chairs. Copyright EDUKA 4 These/Those are books.

4 Look at the picture. Complete with in, on, under, next to or between.

1 The rubber is the desk. 2 The bag is the desk. 3 The rubber is the ruler. 4 The ruler is the rubber and the pencil case. 5 The book is the bag.



5 ” Complete the table. 6 Complete the missing vowels. Then listen and check. (2.01) J n ary J l Number Ordinal number 1 one first F bru ry A g st 2 two M rch S pt mb r 3 third Apr l Oct b r 4 four M y N v mb r 5 fifth J n 6 six D c mb r 7 seventh 8 eight 7 ” Listen and repeat. (2.02) 9 ninth six sixteen this these 10 ten window eat bin fifth fourteen see 11 eleven 12 twelfth 8 Listen again and put the words in the 13 thirteen correct columns. 14 fourteenth 15 fifteen ȀᢛȀ / i: / 16 sixteenth six sixteen 17 seventeen 18 eighteenth 19 nineteen 20 twentieth 21 twenty-one© Copyright EDUKA 22 twenty-second 23 twenty-three 30 thirty ” Listen and check. (2.03)

9 Write the dates. 24/02 24th February the twenty-fourth of February

a) 31/5 b) 12/11 c) 5/7 d) 22/4 e) 3/8 5 UUNITNIT 1 1

A 1 Put the words in the correct column. mother brother cousin nephew uncle child son parent wife niece granddaughter aunt husband grandfather sister twin

Male Female Male or female

2 Match the opposites. 1 happy A naughty 2 clever B stupid 3 similar C sad 4 good D boring 5 interesting E different

© Copyright EDUKA

The lesson is boring. The students are bored. Be careful bored / interested = a feeling The lesson is interesting. boring / interesting = a characteristic The students are interested.

3 Complete with interesting, interested, boring or bored.

1 I like swimming. I’m in it. 2 I don’t like biology. I think it’s . 3 I don’t know what to do. I’m so . 4 He likes this game. He thinks it’s very . 6 UNIT 1


4 Complete with the correct form of the verb to be. 1 My mother married to my father. 2 They good at languages, but they good at maths. 3 you interested in history? 4 I twelve and my friend twelve too.

5 Rewrite the sentences. Use short forms.

I am from . I’m from Serbia.

1 He is my friend. . 2 We are not naughty. . 3 You are clever. . 4 She is not married. . 5 I am good at spelling. .

6 Write the questions.

She is good at spelling. Is she good at spelling?

1 They are from London. . 2 He is twelve years old. . 3 She is interested in music. . 4 We are friends. .

7 Complete with What, Where or How. 1 is your brother’s name? 2 © old isCopyright your best friend? EDUKA 3 are you from? 4 is he interested in? 5 old are their parents?

8 Circle the correct words. 1 Whose book is this? It is Mark / Mark’s book. 2 My mother’s / mothers’ name is Helen. 3 These are my parents / parents’ computers. 4 Our grandfather’s / grandfathers’ birthday is on 22nd March. 5 This is the children’s / childrens’ room. 7 UNIT 1


9 Do you remember Tom? Read the description and circle the correct words. This is Tom. He is eleven / twelve years old. He has got short / long brown hair and blue nose / eyes. He has got a twin / big sister, Elizabeth. He is good / interested in computers.

10 Describe your best friend.

My best friend’s name is . He has got hair and eyes. He has got . He is interested .


11 ” Listen and repeat. (2.04) dog ball what naughty boring watch short small got box daughter clock

12 Listen again and put the words in the correct columns.

ȀᢍȀ / ᖜǣ / dog© Copyright ball EDUKA

” Listen and check. (2.05)

8 UNIT 1


13 Look at the chart. Write true sentences.

Tom √ ×√× Liz √××√ Helen and Patrick ×√√×

Tom / laptop Tom hasn’t got a laptop. 1 Liz / watch . 2 Helen and Patrick / laptop . 3 Tom / rucksack . 4 Liz / mp3 player . 5 Helen and Patrick / rucksack .

Be careful It’s a dog. = It IS a dog. It’s got big eyes. = It HAS got big eyes. Its name is Billy. = The dog’s name is Billy.

14 Read and use apostrophes© Copyright (‘) where necessary. EDUKA My best friend has got a cat. Its name is Missy and its very cute. Its got small eyes and a short tail. Its tail is grey. Its very beautiful.

15 Complete with possessive pronouns. I have got a pencil. The pencil is mine. 1 This is your wallet. This wallet is . 2 She has got a rucksack. The rucksack is . 3 It is their cat. The cat is . 4 That is my mp3 player. The mp3 player is . 5 We have got a computer. The computer is .

9 UNIT 1


16 ” Read the dialogue and complete the missing words. Then listen and check. (2.06)

Tom: Hey, Mark! H (1) are you? Mark: Not b (2), thanks. And you? Tom: I’m fine. Mark, t (3) is Katarina. She’s new at our school. Katarina: Hi! Mark: Good to m (4) you Katarina. W (5) are you from? Katarina: I’m from Belgrade. That’s the c (6) of Serbia. Mark: That’s cool. Well, I’m o (7) now. See you l (8) guys! Tom: S (9) you Mark! Katarina: B (10) ! F

17 ” Complete the table. Then listen and check. (2.07)

Country Nationality

The United Kingdom British



Welsh Germany© Copyright EDUKA Italian






10 UNIT 1


18 Complete with and or but.

1 I have got black hair green eyes. 2 She is interested in geography, she isn’t crazy about maths. 3 I like French, I am not very good at it. 4 My brothers’ names are Simon Andrew. 5 I am British, I live in Spain.

19 ” Read Monica’s reply to Mark’s email and correct the mistakes. Then listen and check. (2.08)

Hi, Mark!

Thank you for your email. I’m eleven year old and I’m from Milan in Italy. I’m interested for music, but I’m not very good in singing. I like sport, and I’m not crazy about it. I hasn’t got any brothers or sisters. I’m an one child. How old is your sisters and brother? © Copyright EDUKA KKeep in touch, MMonica

11 UUNITNIT 2 2 A 1 Complete the missing letters. 1 We are at the b s . We are waiting for a bus. 2 I’m going to the b ‘ to buy some bread. 3 There aren’t any houses in my street, but there are some huge b . 4 My father always buys newspapers at the n ‘ . 5 I am going to the p to buy some aspirin. 6 I want to take some books from the l . 7 The food in that r is delicious. 8 There are 270 u s in London. 9 I’m sitting in a c and drinking coffee. 10 There are a lot of beautiful paintings at the local a g .

2 Correct the mistakes and write the sentences. 1 There is a baker’s in front my house. 2 The art gallery is opposite of the museum. 3 There is a bus stop near from my house. 4 The secret door is behind of the bookshelf. 5 There’s a newsagent’s not far to my school.

3 Write the synonyms and opposites. 1 peaceful = ≠ 2 close to = ≠ 3 delicious = ≠ 4 beautiful = ≠ 4 Choose the correct© answer. Copyright EDUKA 1 There aren’t any shops or cafés in my . a) area b) street c) town 2 I really love ice-cream. It’s . a) ugly b) yucky c) yummy 3 There is a library my home. a) far b) close c) near 4 I don’t like heavy metal music because it is very . a) quiet b) noisy c) peaceful 5 There are some lovely houses in my neighbourhood, but some of them are very . a) beautiful b) nice c) ugly

12 UNIT 2


5 Write the questions and answers. Start the questions with Is there or Are there and use a, an or any.

art gallery / near here √ Is there an art gallery near here? Yes, there is. cinemas / in this town × Are there any cinemas in this town? No, there aren’t.

1 baker’s / your street × ? .

2 restaurants / this neighbourhood √ ? .

3 underground station / that area √ ? .

4 pharmacies / near the bus stop × ? .

6 Look at the picture and write four sentences using the words from the box.

benches / tables trees / flowers a bus stop / an underground station a newsagent’s / a baker’s cafés / restaurants © Copyright EDUKA There are some benches, but there aren’t any tables.bl 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 .

7 Complete the text. Use ONE word. There (1) a lot of shops (2) my neighbourhood. There is (3) café and (4) art gallery in my street and close (5) my home there (6) a cinema. A bus stop is in front (7) the cinema, but there aren’t (8) theatres in the area. Not far (9) my street there are (10) shops and restaurants. 13 UNIT 2


8 Write the words.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

9 Put the words from ex.8 in the correct column.

Kitchen Dining room Living room Bedroom Bathroom


10 ” Listen and repeat.© Copyright (2.09) EDUKA son father mother yummy uncle aunt bus carpet far ugly bath art

11 Listen again and put the words in the correct columns.  / ᖴ/ ȀᢌǣȀ son father

” Listen and check. (2.10) 14 UNIT 2


12 Complete the sentences using the Present Continuous. 1 I (listen) to music in my room. 2 Tina (study) history at the moment. 3 The children (run) in the park. 4 The teacher (talk) and the students (write). 5 My father (make) lunch and I (set) the table.

13 Look at the pictures and complete the questions and the answers.swers. Tom ? (listen to music) No, he . He . Is Tom listening to music? No, he isn’t. He is watching TV. 1 Buzzy (stand on his head)?? No, he . He .

2 they (play)? . They .

3 Liz ? (read a book) . She .

14 Order the words to make questions. Then match them with answers a-e. going / she / where / is Where is she going? b 1 Patrick / café / in© / sitting Copyright / a / is? EDUKA

2 the / doing / are / what / park / they / in?

3 homework / at / you / the / doing / moment / are / your?

4 are / library / you / to / why / going / the?

a No, I’m not. I am writing an email to a friend. b To the cinema. c They are running. d Because I want to take some books to read. e Yes, he is. 15 UNIT 2


15 ” Complete the dialogue with the words from the box. Then listen and check. (2.11) out street right Excuse welcome turn next please very between

Man: (1) me, I’m looking Man: So, I cross the (6) , turn for the theatre. right, then left and the theatre is Can you (2) tell me (7) to the cinema. how to get there? Woman: That’s (8) . Woman: Sure. First go (3) of Man: Thanks (9) much. the station and cross the street. Woman: You are (10) . Then (4) right, go past the baker’s, turn left and a few metres away there’s the theatre. It’s (5) the cinema and the library. F

16 Read the text about homes in the UK and write the missing words. There are different types of houses in the The Q has got several United K : a detached houses. Her official h is house, a s -detached Buckingham Palace in London and one of house and a t house. her homes, Windsor Castle, is the largest Some people in the countryside live in house in the w . c , while a lot of people in cities live in b of flats. A lot of houses in© the UK Copyright have got two EDUKA f and they usually have got a small g , which is normally behind the house.

BuckinghamBkih Palace Pl

Windsor Castle 16 UNIT 2


17 Write the numbers. 649 six hundred and forty-nine a) 392 b) 5,000 c) 2,500 d) 400,000 e) 6,000,000

18 Choose the correct preposition – for, in, from or of. 1 London is the south-east of England. 2 This cathedral is the 15th century. 3 Windsor has a population 25,000 people. 4 It is famous its royal castle.

19 Write the plural forms of the nouns. 1 student 8 country 2 class 9 teacher 3 university 10 person 4 box 11 boy 5 man 12 woman 6 library 13 watch 7 bus 14 family

20 Put the words from ex.19 in the correct columns. + s ©-s, ss,Copyright x, o, sh,ch + es Consonant EDUKA +y + es ՜ ies Irregular plural girls churches cities children


SELF CHECK 1 Units 1 & 2


1 Find nine more places in town. 2 Complete the missing adjectives. 1 They are brothers, but they aren’t similar. They RESTAURANT are very d . PWAHP ZNBQH HBROUCCAFE 2 Come on! Hurry up! You’re so s . AYSSXHDKMA 3 Mmm! I love this cake! It’s y . RDFP I UBEGT 4 Lilly has got excellent marks at school. She is MXL I BRARYR very c . AVOTCCNSLE 5 Tim is my neighbour. His house is very CQBANHKL PS c to mine. YGALLERYWB 6 Edith is my mother’s sister. She is my a . 3 Choose the correct words. 1 Mary has got long fair / blue hair and brown eyes. 2 I listen to music on my mp3 player / watch. 3 There are a lot of cars in my street. It is very quiet / noisy. 4 Rome is the capital of Italian / Italy. 5 He is sleeping in the bathroom / bedroom. 6 Peter is my brother’s son. He is my nephew / niece.

4 Complete the sentences with the correct preposition. 1 Mark is interested history. 2 I don’t like drawing and I’m very bad it. 3 She is crazy music. She listens to it all the time. 4 My aunt is married a famous singer. 5 Are you photography? Yes, I am. I really love it. 6 My hometown is© famous Copyright some old EDUKA churches and monuments.

5 Complete the crossword. What’s the mystery word?

1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 4 5 6


GrammarGrammar 6 Complete the sentences using the Present Continuous of the verbs in brackets. 1 My parents (sit) in the living room at the moment. 2 James (not play) football now. He (read) a book. 3 What you (write)? I (do) my homework. 7 Complete the text. Use ONE word. My name (1) Carol and I am (2) London. I (3) got two brothers. We live (4) a flat. There (5) some shops in our street, but there aren’t (6) cinemas or theatres. There is (7) big park near our block of flats. 8 Circle the correct answers. 1 Is this book? No, it’s . a) there, her b) there, hers c) their, her d) their, hers 2 There isn’t anything on TV today. I’m so . a) interesting b) boring c) interested d) bored 3 friends have you got? a) What b) Where c) How many d) Why 4 I live with my parents and my brother. My names are Susan and Michael and my name is Nick. a) parent’s, brother’s b) parents’, brother’s c) parent’s, brothers’ d) parents’, brothers’ 5 There is art gallery near my house. paintings in this gallery are very expensive. a) a, Ø b) an, Ø c) an, the d) a, the 9 Put the words in the correct order to make questions. are / old / you / how? How old are you? 1 birthday / is / your / when ? 2 shops / street / are / many / in / how / there / your ? 3 best / phone / your© / gotCopyright / mobile / friend / has / a EDUKA ? 4 at / doing / what / the / moment / you / are ? CommCommunication 10 Complete the dialogue with the missing words. A: E (1) me, I’m l (2) for the cinema. Can you please tell me how to get t (3)? B: Sure. C (4) the street and then turn l (5) . The cinema is b (6) the supermarket and the bank. A: Thanks very m (7) . B: You’re w (8) 19 UUNITNIT 3 3 A 1 Look at the pictures and complete the crossword. What’s the mystery phrase?

1 GOTOSCHOOL 2 CAB 3 GUE 4 HB 5 DTW 6 S 7 CH 8 W 9 LTH 10 RAB 11 LTM

1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9 10 111

2 Make true sentences with always, usually, often, sometimes or never. 1 I am tired. 2 I play a musical instrument. 3 I walk to school. 4 My mother watches TV in the evening. 5 My best friend © Copyright catches EDUKA a bus to school.

3 Put the words in the correct order. 1 up / the / o’clock / sometimes / morning / at / I / in / six / get . 2 at / never / my / to / night / mother / work / goes . 3 for / eight / usually / sleep / about / I / hours . 4 the / father / evening / in / often / my / tired / is . 5 do / in / I / homework / the / always / afternoon / my 20 . UNIT 3

B Be careful I live in Belgrade. I don’t live in London. 4 Circle the correct form. He lives in Belgrade. He doesn’t live in London. 1 I always walk / walks to school. 2 My sister go / goes to bed early. 3 My best friend sit / sits next to me in class. 4 My parents usually drive / drives to work. 5 Tom usually sleep / sleeps eight hours.

5 Complete the sentences using the Present Simple. 1 I basketball every day. (play) 2 Tina always her rucksack when she to school. (carry, go) 3 We the answer to this question. (not know) 4 My brother sometimes TV in the evening. (watch) 5 Dave Japanese. (not speak)

6 Look at the pictures and correct the sentences.s. Buzzy plays the violin. He doesn’t play the violin. He plays the flute.

1 Helen and Patrick walk to work. . .

2 Tom studies German at school. . .

3 The Johnsons have breakfast at 7 a.m. . © Copyright EDUKA.

4 Liz does her homework in the morning. . .

7 Circle the correct words. 1 Tom and Liz are talking to Buzzy. They are asking he / him some questions. 2 I have got a new bag. It / She is really cool. 3 Keira gets up early and she / her also goes to bed early. 4 Our teacher always gives we / us homework. 5 I am playing the violin and my parents are listening to I / me. 6 My cousins are twins and they / them look exactly the same. 21 UNIT 3


8 Look at the clocks and write the times.

1 It’s . 2 . 3 .

4 . 5 . 6 .

Be careful ON weekdays / Saturdays AT half past seven / night / weekends / midnight IN the morning / afternoon / evening

9 Complete the sentences with your own ideas. Use the correct prepositions – on, in or at. I always Mondays. I always go to school on Mondays. 1 I never weekends. 2 My friend Wednesdays. 3 I usually the evening. 4 My mother weekdays. 5 I half past 3 the afternoon. PronunciationPronu © Copyright EDUKA 10 ” Listen and repeat. (2.12)

Earth a never learn work baker first cooker brother early partner bird

11 Listen again and put the words in the correct columns.

/ ᢑǣ // ᖠ / Earth a

22 ” Listen and check. (2.13) UNIT 3


12 Write questions and short answers. you / study / French? Do you study French? No, I don’t. 1 you / live / in England? ? . 2 your mother / work / in a library? ? . 3 your father / get up early? ? . 4 you / sometimes / ride a bicycle? ? . 5 your friend / often / read books? ? .

13 Put the words in the correct order to make questions. 1 does / friends / often / meet / how / he / his ? 2 games / like / you / what / video / do ? 3 the / on / she / Sundays / to / does / cinema / go ? 4 at / you / up / why / late / weekends / do / get ? 5 work / the / your / go / morning / do / to / parents / in ?

14 Look at the table and complete the questions and the answers. Tom and Liz Mark go for a walk at weekends in the afternoon ride a bicycle sometimes often

1 When do Tom and Liz go for a walk? They go for a walk . 2 How often © Copyright? They EDUKA . 3 When ? He . 4 ? .

15 Complete the questions. 1 They catch a bus at the bus stop. Where ? 2 He goes for a walk in the afternoon. When ? 3 Keira leaves the house at 8.15. What time ? 4 I sometimes go to the cinema. How often ? 5 Buzzy reads a lot because he learns and gets more super powers. Why ? 23 UNIT 3


16 Complete your timetable.

Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday


© Copyright EDUKA

17 Look at your timetable and answer the questions. 1 How many classes do you have on Fridays? . 2 How long does the break last? . 3 What classes do you have on Tuesdays? . 4 How often do you have history? . 5 How often do you have English? . 6 What time does the third class start? . 7 What time does the fifth class finish? . 24 UNIT 3


18 What do you remember about English schools? Circle the correct answer. 1 Most students in England go to state / private schools. 2 There are usually two / three terms in English schools. 3 The school year ends in the middle of June / July. 4 Students begin primary school at the age of five / six. 5 Students wear / don’t wear a school uniform. 6 A lot of students learn Greek / German at school. 7 Christmas holiday is at the end of December / at the beginning of January. G

19 ” Read about Emma’s typical school day. Correct the mistakes and complete the missing words. Then listen and check. (2.14)

My typical day begin at 7.30. When I wake up When I get home from school I usually first I first get dressed and brush my teeth. Then make my homework. After that I sometimes my parents make breakfast and we all eat meet my friends and we go together. They give me a packed lunch which a walk or ride bicycles together. I take to school. I leave a house at about 8.30. In the evening I stay home with I walk the bus stop and wait my family. My brother often play computer a bus which takes me to school. games or reads comics. We all have dinner School starts in 9 a.m. We have two classes in together and after that we sometimes play the morning and then a short break. We have some games, such as Pictionary, Scrabble two more classes before a lunch break. I eat or Charades. I go to bed about my packed lunch and talk to my friends. After 10.30. that we have two ©more classCopyright and I get home EDUKA at about 3.45. the afternoon.


A 1 Complete the sentences with opposites of the underlined adjectives. 1 Buzzy is lucky because he can talk to animals. Tom thinks that he is u because he can’t. 2 Lions are not weak. They are very s animals. 3 Cheetahs aren’t slow. They are extremely f . They can run at 100 km per hour. 4 Real fur isn’t cheap. It is usually very e . 5 No two people are the same. Every person is u .

2 Complete the sentences with can or can’t. 1 Buzzy communicate with animals? Yes, he . 2 Ostriches run fast, but they fly. 3 When Buzzy turns into an ostrich, he run like the wind. 4 Tom and Liz transform into animals? No, they . 5 Squirrels easily climb trees.

3 What can / can’t you do? Use the ideas from the box. play the piano ski dance fly climb a tree speak Chinese play tennis swim ride a bicycle

I can . I can’t .

Be careful He’s a bad dancer. He dances badly. He’s a good swimmer. He swims well.

4 Choose the correct© words. Copyright EDUKA 1 I’m a very happy / happily child. 2 He is crying sad / sadly because he can’t find his dog. 3 Mark can speak French perfect / perfectly. 4 Liz is good / well at spelling. She can spell good / well. 5 I can’t hear you. You’re so quiet / quietly.

5 Complete the sentences using adverbs. 1 I have a beautiful voice. I can sing . 2 Mark is bad at football. He plays football . 3 I’m a fast swimmer. I can swim . 4 My brother is very quiet. He speaks . 5 My father is a good cook. He cooks . 26 UNIT 4


6 Complete the table.

Adjective Comparative Superlative younger the easiest lovely hotter the most dangerous

7 Make sentences using comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives. tall Tom is taller than Buzzy. Patrick is the tallest.

1 old Patrick . Buzzy .

2 big The fox . The wolf .

3 heavy The cat . The lion .

8 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. 1 intelligent / animals / than / are / people / more © Copyright EDUKA . 2 most / girl / is / the / our / she / class / beautiful / in . 3 younger / me / than / brother / is / my . 4 person / know / mother / loveliest / is / my / I / the .

9 Make questions using comparatives and superlatives. Then answer the questions. 1 Is it in March than in July? (hot) . 2 Who is person in your family? (old) . 3 Is your town than London? (big) . 4 What is city in your country? (large) . 5 What is school subject? (easy) . 27 UNIT 4


10 Match the photos with the animals in the box.

a cow a deer a parrot a butterfly a sheep a pig a crocodile an eagle

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8

11 Put the animals from ex.10 in the correct column.

Mammals Birds Reptiles Insects

12 Complete the sentences with the correct words. 1 Butterflies are not birds, but they have w . 2 Sharks have f to help them swim. 3 The giraffe has a long n . 4 Birds don’t have mouths. They have b . 5 The lion has a very thick m .

PronunciationPro © Copyright EDUKA

13 ” Listen and repeat. (2.15) /ᖠ/ I can swim. What can you do? /æ/ I can. Of course you can. /ᢌǣ/ I can’t ski. We can’t fly.

14 ” Listen and tick. (2.16)

/ ᖠ// æ // ᢌǣ/ 1 They can ride a bicycle. 9 2 I can’t play tennis. 3 Yes, she can. 4 Can he sing well? 28 UNIT 4


15 Match the photos with the words in the box.

snow 1 2 3 fog


wind 4 5 6 storm


16 Write the adjectives for the nouns from ex. 15. 1 r 3 sn 5 w 2 st 4 c 6 f

17 Choose the correct verb form. 1 Dogs usually live / are living from 10 to 14 years. 2 Look! The cat chases / is chasing the mouse. 3 My parents go / are going to work every day. 4 The boys play / are playing football at the moment. 5 Dave is so clever. He speaks / is speaking three languages.

18 Complete the sentences with the Present Simple or the Present Continuous. 1 We sometimes sandwiches for breakfast. (have) 2 What © Dave Copyright at the moment? EDUKA(do) 3 Listen! The birds so beautifully! (sing) 4 Emma always her rucksack to school. (carry) 5 It often in autumn, but it now. (rain, not rain)

19 Complete the sentences with better, the best, worse or the worst. 1 Summer is season because we are on holiday from the end of June to the end of August. 2 Foggy weather is than rainy weather because when it is foggy you can’t see well. 3 Spring is than winter because it is much warmer and everything looks nicer. 4 Stormy weather is because when there is a storm you can’t go out and play in the park. 29 UNIT 4


20 ” Read the dialogues and complete the missing words. Then listen and check. (2.17) Liz: Mum, c (1) I go to Emma’s house after dinner? Mother: I’m a (2) you can’t, Liz. You’ve got school tomorrow morning. Liz: P (3) Mum, just one hour. Mother: All r (4) then, but don’t be late. Liz: T (5)!

Tom: Mark, is it ok if I u (6) your ruler? I don’t have mine today. Mark: S (7) Tom, but I’m using it now. Tom: Can I have it l (8)? Mark: Of c (9). Tom: Thanks. Mark: No p (10). F

21 Circle the correct answer. 1 Serbia has a temperate / continental climate. 2 It is warmer / cooler in spring than in winter. 3 January is the coldest / the driest month in Serbia. 4 The highest / lowest temperature in Serbia was -39°C in 2006. 5 ’Indian summer’ / ’Chinese summer’ is a period of warm weather in autumn.

22 Complete the sentences with the comparative or superlative. 1 It is usually (cold) in Scotland than in England. 2 July in 2006 was© Copyright (hot) month in theEDUKA United Kingdom. 3 The north and the west of the UK are (windy) than the south and the east. 4 October is (wet) month in England. 5 May is (sunny) month in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

30 UNIT 4


23 Read the text about tigers and complete it with the words in the box.

cats birds world live swimmers wild can mammals hundred mane

My favourite (1) animal Tigers eat meat. They mainly eat large is the tiger. It is the biggest of all the (7), such as pigs, (2), even bigger than deer, antelope, but they also eat small the lion. Tigers are mammals. They don’t mammals, (8) and have a (3), but they reptiles. have stripes. Most tigers have over a Tigers are good (9) and (4) stripes. can swim up to 6 kilometres. They can also They (5) in Asia, but run fast and they can jump over 5 metres. sadly, there are only about 3,200 tigers Tigers (10) live up to 20 left in the wild. There are six types of years in zoos, but only 15 years in the wild. tigers left in the (6). The most common is the Bengal tiger.

© Copyright EDUKA

24 Complete the sentences using the plural of the nouns in brackets.

1 My grandparents have (cow), (horse) and (sheep) on their farm. 2 (Wolf) have very large (foot). 3 (Deer) can jump high and swim well. 4 Mosquitoes have 47 (tooth). 5 Have you got any pets? Yes, I’ve got a parrot and two (fish). 6 Why do (leaf) fall from trees in autumn? 31 SELF CHECK 2

SELF CHECK 1 Units 3 & 4

VocabularyVocabulary 1 Find eleven more school subjects. 2 Complete the missing words.

GEOGRAPHY 1 Can you p the flute? XIZPOREIE 2 Whales aren’t fish. PTRMATHSN They are m . S C I ENCETG 3 I always b my teeth before I DCMUSICOL go to bed. WGERMANR I 4 My parents never w TV in ABIOLOGYS the evening. SERBIANVH 5 Temperatures are usually quite h in summer. 3 Choose the correct words. 1 I always wake / laugh when I hear a good joke. 2 Elephants have fins / tusks. 3 I always / sometimes get up early because school starts at eight o’clock. 4 It is so sunny / snowy and hot today. 5 The streets are dry / wet because it is raining.

4 Complete the crossword. What’s the mystery word?

1 2 3

1 2 4 5 6 3 4 5 6 7 © Copyright EDUKA7

GrammarGrammar 5 Complete the sentences with the comparative and superlative form of the adjectives in brackets. 1 London is (big) than Belgrade. 2 I think Emma is (pretty) girl in our class. 3 Tigers are (dangerous) than wolves. 4 The weather is (bad) in autumn than in summer. 5 Mark is very good at basketball. He is (good) basketball player in our team. 32 SELF CHECK 2

6 Complete the sentences using the Present Simple of the verbs in brackets. 1 We (not walk) to school. We always (catch) a bus. 2 you (study) French at school? 3 He often (play) computer games, but he (not read) books.

7 Complete the text. Use ONE word. Peter usually gets up (1) 7 o’clock. He walks (2) school because it is not far from his home. After school he plays with (3) friends. In (4) evening he does his homework and talks to his family. At weekends he often goes (5) a walk and rides (6) bicycle in the park.

8 Circle the correct answers. 1 I draw , but I can sing . а) bad, good b) badly, good c) badly, well d) bad, well 2 John have lunch at home? а) Is b) Does c) Are d) Do 3 Brenda has got some unusual pets. She’s got ten and two . а) fish, mice b) fish, mouses c) fishes, mice d) fishes, mouses 4 I usually lunch at home, but today I lunch at my friend’s house. а) have, have b) have, am having c) am having, have d) am having, am having 5 My parents work weekdays, but they are free weekends. а) on, at b) on, on c) at, on d) at, at 6 My friends always help and I help . а) I, they b) I, them c) me, they d) me, them

9 Put the words in the correct order to make questions. 1 fast / you / run / can? ? 2 often / the / go / cinema / you / how / do / to? ? 3 English / than / you / at / him / are / better? ? 4 bed / time / to /© do / goCopyright / what / you? EDUKA ?


10 Complete the dialogue with the missing words. A: Is it ok i (1) I use your ruler? B: I’m s (2), but I’m using it at the m (3). A: C (4) I have it later then? B: S (5) . A: T (6) a lot. B: No p (7).


A 1 Complete the sentences with the correct adjectives. 1 I’m always s when I watch a horror film. 2 We’re so e because we’re going on holiday next week. 3 My dad was very a when I was late from school. 4 Young children are sometimes very c . They ask a lot of questions. 5 My mum is usually w when I go out in the evening. 6 I was very s when Mark was late. He usually comes on time.

2 Complete the sentences with the words from the box. suddenly actually staircase candles scientist

1 The bookshelf was a secret door. 2 It’s so dark in here. Let’s get some . 3 Buzzy was a on planet Quston. 4 Just climb up the . My room is on the left. 5 there was a noise from the other room. We were so scared.

3 Choose the correct article. 1 There is a / the supermarket near my house. 2 My mother is a / an doctor and my father is a / an art teacher. 3 Tom, Liz and Buzzy are sitting in a / the garden behind their house. 4 There is a / the pencil on the desk. A / The pencil is red. 5 My cousin is a / an football player. He plays for a / the school team.

4 Complete the text with a, an or the.

When I was small my© family Copyright and I lived There EDUKA was also (11) art gallery in Bournemouth. It is (1) town in in our neghbourhood and there were some (2) south of England and for me it nice paintings in it. I still remember one was (3) best town in the world. of them. In (12) painting there We lived in (4) small house. was   ZPVOIIKS\XKUJÿPXGST (5) house was in (6) very in her hands. It was (14) most quiet street. There weren’t (7) lot beautiful painting in (15) gallery. of shops in (8) street, but there was (9) park very close to our home. I remember there were some squirrels in (10) park which always climbed up trees when we tried to catch them.

34 Bournemouth UNIT 5


5 Circle the correct words.

1 Buzzy was / were a scientist on planet Quston. 2 Tom and Liz was / were in the library in May last year. 3 Tom was / were more scared than Liz. 3 Helen and Patrick was / were worried and angry. 4 Keira was / were very surprised.

6 LookLook at the pictures and complete the sensentences.entn ences.

1 There was wass a , butb there wasn’t a . 2 There were , but there weren’t any . 3 There was a , but there wasn’t a . 4 There were , but there weren’t any .

7 Put the words in the correct order to make questions. Then write the answers. 1 school / yesterday / you / were / at? ? . 2 born / friend / Serbia© /Copyright was / best / in / your? EDUKA ? . 3 days / your / at / was / ago / mother / two / work? ? . 4 cinema / friends / week / were / at / your / last / the? ? .

8 Complete the questions with What, Where, Who or When. Then match them with the answers.

1 was your favourite singer last year? a) At home. 2 was your favourite toy when you were a child? b) Beyonce. 3 were you yesterday? c) On 5th April 2005. 4 were you born? d) A teddy bear. 35 UNIT 5


9 Match the words in the box with the photos. Write the correct article in front of the word – a or an. musician writer nurse artist cook hairdresser actor / actress waiter

1 a waiter 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

10 Write negative and affirmative sentences about some famous people. Christopher Columbus (teacher / explorer) Christopher Columbus wasn’t a teacher. He was an explorer. 1 Beethoven and Mozart (writers / composers) . . 2 Pablo Picasso (cook / artist) . . 3 (waiter / scientist) . . 4 The Beatles (hairdressers / musicians) . . Pronunciation © Copyright EDUKA

11 ”Listen and repeat. (2.18) red cat happy candle help angry pet deaf act best enter planet

12 Listen again and put the words in the correct columns.

/ e // æ / red cat

36 ”Listen and check. (2.19) UNIT 5


13 Put the words in the correct column.

LAST AGO IN week 1978 two days month five months 1969 year 2007 three weeks

14 Complete the sentences using the Past Simple of the words in brackets. 1 Liz (decide) to tell her cousin Keira about Buzzy. 2 Keira (ask) Liz a lot of questions. 3 Tom and Liz (push) the bookshelf and it (move). 4 They (not run) down the staircase. They (walk) slowly. 5 Buzzy (not say) anything. He (drop) the book and (scream). 6 Buzzy (study) planet Earth before he decided to come and explore it.

15 Correct the sentences. Yuri Gagarin travelled around the Earth in 1951. (1961) Yuri Gagarin didn’t travel around the Earth in 1951. He travelled around the Earth in 1961. 1 Columbus discovered India. (America) . . 2 Marylin Monroe died when she was forty-six. (thirty-six) . © Copyright EDUKA . 3 The Beatles played heavy metal music. (pop and rock) . .

16 Write the questions using the words in the box. Don’t forget to use DID!

How many What Where When How long Who

How many brothers did he have? He had two brothers. 1 when he was young? He lived in London. 2 in London? He lived there for 25 years. 3 at university? He studied medicine. 4 in Paris? He started working in Paris in 1998. 5 ? He married a famous actress. 37 UNIT 5


17 Read the dialogue and complete the missing words. Then listen and check. (2.20)

Tom: Hi, Mark! How was your Tom: And what d (5) w (1)? you do on Sunday? Mark: It was great. I wasn’t at Mark: We went to Kew Gardens. Did you home at all. know it was one of the world’s Tom: Really? W (2) did you go? largest botanic gardens? It’s really Mark: On Saturday my family and I amazing. w (3) to the Natural Tom: Wow. How long did you History Museum. There were lots s (6) there? of interesting things, but the most Mark: About 6 hours. Almost the whole interesting of all were the skeletons day! of dinosaurs. Tom: Next t (7) we cann Tom: That’s cool. Did you have a good go there together! time? Mark: Good i (8)! Mark: Oh, yes, it w (4) great.

Kew ©Gardens Copyright EDUKA

The Natural History Museum 38 UNIT 5

F QUIZ K Roman Britain and Serbia

18 Circle the correct answer.

1 Britain was part of the Roman Empire for about centuries. a) two b) four c) six 2 In AD 43 Emperor conquered part of Britain. a) Julius Caesar b) Hadrian c) Claudius 3 lived on the territory of Britain and Serbia before the Romans arrived. a) Celts b) Egyptians c) Greeks 4 In Roman times there was an imperial palace in , near Zaječar. a) Felix Romuliana b) c) Justiniana Prima 5 Emperor Constantine the Great was born in today’s . a) Novi Sad b) Niš c) Belgrade G

19 Complete the biography of William Shakespeare. Use the words in the box.

had wrote died invented started were

William Shakespeare was born in 1564 and Shakespeare also (5) (1) in 1616. We do not about important people in history, such as know much about his childhood. When he Julius Caesar or the English kings, Richard was 18 years old he married Anne Hathaway, III and Henry V. who was 8 years older than him and Shakespeare is one of the most important (2) three children with her. writers of all time because he wrote a Before Shakespeare (3) lot of famous plays, but also because he writing plays he was© an Copyrightactor in London. In EDUKA (6) a lot of new English Shakespeare’s time, there words which we still use today. (4) no women actors. All actors were men and boys. Shakespeare wrote comedies, stories with a happy ending, and tragedies, stories with a sad ending. Some of his most famous tragedies are ’Hamlet’ and ’Romeo and Juliet’.


A 1 Complete the sentence with the correct article - a, an or the. 1 Last Sunday Tom , Liz and Buzzy decided to go to Hyde Park for picnic. They took some sandwiches and some sweets and put them in basket. 2 After two hours they ate sandwiches and sweets. 3 They saw big bird and small bird in sky. 4 big bird wanted to catch small bird. 5 minute later birds disappeared. 6 Buzzy had good time at picnic.

2 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

Tube hungry lie rest exciting

1 They were tired, so they decided to have a . 2 I wanted to eat because I was . 3 The big bird tried to catch and eat Buzzy. It was very . 4 We caught the to Hyde Park. 5 They wanted to on the grass and they told him not to go anywhere.

3 Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box. Use the Past Simple.

open disappear look walk close shout want

1 They a lot around the park because Buzzy was very curious and to see everything. 2 They their eyes for five minutes, but when they them again, Buzzy wasn’t there. 3 Tom and Liz were© worried Copyright when Buzzy EDUKA. 4 They around and , ’Buzzy, Buzzy!’, but they couldn’t see him.

4 Circle the correct words. 1 Later / When Buzzy turned into a dog, they went out. 2 After / Then we walked for an hour, we decided to stop and have a rest. 3 First they walked and then / because they decided to lie on the grass. 4 Tom and Liz didn’t know what to do, because / so they just waited. 5 Buzzy came back ten minutes after / later. 6 He turned into a bird because / so he wanted to see more.

40 UNIT 6


5 Find fifteen more irregular verbs.


6 Look at the pictures and correct the sentences.es. 1 Tom and Liz got up late. They didn’t get up late. They got up early.

2 Tom bought some books. He . He .

3 Tom and Liz made a cake. They . They .

4 They put the food in a bag. They . They .

5 Tom and Liz saw three birds in the sky. They © Copyright . EDUKA They .

6 Buzzy came back ten hours later. He . 10 minutes later... He .

7 Write the questions. What did you buy? I bought some sweets. 1 What time ? I got up at 8.30. 2 ? We had lunch two hours ago. 3 ? They ate some sandwiches. 4 ? She went to Greece in July. 5 ? He did it because he wanted to do it. 41 UNIT 6


8 Write the words.

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12

9 Circle the correct answer.

1 I like vegetables, especially pears / peppers. 2 My favourite fruit is the strawberry / carrot. 3 Did you buy any meat? Yes, I bought some rice / chicken. 4 I usually have salt / bacon sandwiches for breakfast. 5 I picked some onions / cherries from a tree in our garden.


10 ” Listen and repeat. (2.21) put two b©oot bCopyrightook good school blue mEDUKAove look fruit took could

11 Listen again and put the words in the correct columns.

/ ᖲ/ / u: / put two

42 ” Listen and check. (2.22) UNIT 6


12 Write the missing vowels. 1 f sh 5 p pp r 9 b tt r 2 h m 6 l tt c 10 s lt 3 ch ck n 7 ch rry 11 ch ps 4 b c n 8 str wb rry 12 sw ts

13 Put the words in the correct column.

burger potato juice soup apple meat carrot milk rice pear

Countable Uncountable

14 Circle the correct words. 1 Did you have some / any soup for lunch? 2 There is much / some fruit on the table: a / an pear, a / an orange and some / any cherries. 3 How much / many chicken is there? 4 Have we got any / a butter? 5 How much / many onions do we need? 6 I had some / a sandwich and any / some orange juice for breakfast.

15 Complete the recipe with the correct words: a, an, some, any, much or many. Let’s make © pancakes!Copyright We need EDUKA oil, flour, eggs and milk. Do we need salt or sugar? Yes, just a little bit. How milk and how eggs do we need? Only glass of milk and egg.

16 Complete the questions with How much or How many. Then match the questions with the answers. 1 apples did you eat last week? a) There is some. About half a bottle. 2 bread did you eat for lunch? b) Two, with ham and cheese. 3 juice is there in the fridge? c) I didn’t eat any. I had pasta. 4 sandwiches did you have for breakfast? d) Four or five.

43 UNIT 6


17 Write the prices. £5.60 five pounds sixty 1 £15 2 £2.38 3 40p 4 £3.90 5 73p

18 ” Complete the dialogue with the missing words. Then listen and check. (2.23)

Shop assistant: Hello! Can I h (1) you? Dave: Hello! C (2) I have a cheese sandwich, please? Shop assistant: Of c (3). Anything to drink? Dave: An orange j (4), please. Shop assistant: Here you are. Anything e (5)? Dave: No, thanks. How m (6) is that? Shop assistant: That’s £4.20, p (7). Dave: H (8) you are. Shop assistant: T (9) you. Good-bye! Dave: Bye!

© Copyright EDUKA

4444 UNIT 6


19 Write true or false. 1 The traditional English breakfast consists of cheese, bread and milk. 2 There are a lot of restaurants in the UK which serve food from other countries. 3 The British national drink is tea. 4 ‘Ajvar’ is made from peppers. 5 If you want to make ‘sarma’, you need meat and carrots.

20 Circle the correct words. 1 ‘Supper’ is the name of the afternoon / evening meal. 2 The traditional British dinner consists of meat and vegetables / fruit. 3 The British invented tea / the sandwich. 4 ‘Proja’ is a type of bread / cake. 5 ‘Kajmak’ is made from cheese / milk.


21 Complete the text with the Past Simple of the verbs in brackets.

It (be) Liz and The guests (come) Tom’s birthday last week, so they at about 5 p.m. on Saturday. First they (have)© Copyright a party on EDUKA (listen) to music Saturday to celebrate it. Two weeks before and (read) some the party they (write) stories and jokes and then Tom and Liz the invitations and (give) (blow) out the candles them to their friends. Then a day before and they all (eat) the the party they (go) birthday cake. shopping and their parents I was a fly on the wall, so Liz and Tom’s (make) a birthday cake. friends (not know) I I (clean) the house and was there. However, at one moment (help) them blow up the Dave (see) me. He balloons. (try) to catch me, but luckily I was faster than him. Life isn’t easy when you’re a small animal! 45 SELF CHECK 3

SELF CHECK 3 Units 5 & 6

VocabularyVocabulary 1 Find ten more jobs. 2 Complete the missing words. COMPOSERY 1 I always blow out the c OEUWACTOR on my birthday cake. OXSAX IUWT 2 The woman shouted because she was KP I IDEQBE very a . HLCTGNVPA 3 We visited my grandparents QO I E J TUYC l week. ZRARTISTH 4 I like m , especially LENURSEOE chicken. NRWR I TE RR 5 I wanted to have a r because I was tired. 3 Choose the correct words. 1 Did you buy any fruit? Yes, I bought some peppers / strawberries. 2 Tim was late from school and his parents were excited / worried. 3 Matt invited / arrived a lot of friends to his birthday party. 4 I never buy vegetables / fizzy drinks. They are not healthy. 5 I was scared / hungry when I when I saw a big snake.

4 Complete the crossword. What’s the mystery word? 4 1 1 2 3 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 5 6 © Copyright EDUKA7 GrammarGrammar 8 5 Complete the sentences using the Past Simple of the verbs in brackets. 1 They suddenly (disappear) last month. 2 Adam (not go) to school yesterday. 3 you (write) an email to your friend? 4 Peter (say) that he (be) tired. 5 Jill (not eat) any fish, but she (eat) a lot of chips.

6 Write the Past Simple form. 1 buy bought 3 can 5 see 7 tell 2 come 4 put 6 take 8 write


7 Circle the correct answers. 1 I was hungry, I made some sandwiches. а) later b) so c) after d) because 2 Brian is actor and his brother is teacher. а) a, a b) a, an c) an, a d) an, an 3 Shakespeare died 1616. That was about 400 . а) in, ago b) in, before c) at, ago d) at, before 4 they went shopping and they had lunch. а) after, then b) after, later c) first, then d) first, so 5 There is supermarket in my street. supermarket is very big. а) the, the b) the, a c) a, a d) a, the 6 any buses in your town a hundred years ago? а) Was they b) Were they c) Was there d) Were there

8 Put the words in the correct order to make questions. 1 parents / were / your / born / where? ? 2 at / friend / was / cinema / week / your / the / last? ? 3 do / days / what / ago / did / two / you? ? 4 for / any / have / you / did / lunch / vegetables? ? 5 apples / there / basket / how / are / in / many / the? ? CommuCommunication 9 Complete the dialogue© Copyrightwith the missing words. EDUKA Tina: Hi, Mark! How w (1) your weekend? Mark: It was g (2). I wasn’t at h (3) at all. Tina: R (4)? Where did you go? Mark: I w (5) to visit my grandparents who live in Cambridge. Tina: That’s cool. Did you have a good t (6)? Mark: Oh, yes, it was f (7).

10 Choose the correct words. Shop assistant: Hello. Did / Can I help you? Emma: Hello. Can I buy / have a chicken sandwich, please? Shop assistant: Of sure / course. Anything else? Emma: No, please / thanks. How much is that? Shop assistant: This is / That is £2.60, please. 47 UUNITNIT 7 7

A 1 1 What are Patrick andd Helen wearing? WriteWrite tthehe wwords.ords.

1 7

2 8

3 9

4 10

5 11

6 12

2 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. socks broom beard guns party dress up Christmas

1 The witch usually has a . 2 There is going to be a fancy dress on Saturday. I’m going to dress as a cowboy. 3 Father has a long white . 4 Policemen sometimes carry . 5 In summer Tom usually wears a T-shirt and shorts and Liz wears a . It is hot, so they don’t need any .

3 Complete the sentences with the infinitive or ing-form. 1 I like © Copyright football. (play) EDUKA 2 I would like to the cinema tonight. (go) 3 I don’t like my homework. (do) 4 My brother likes to rock music. (listen) 5 I’d like a pet. (have)

4 Complete the sentences with like / don’t like or would like / wouldn’t like so that they are true for you. 1 I watching cartoons. 2 My friends and I playing basketball. 3 I to go to a fancy dress party. 4 I wearing jeans. 5 My family and I to spend two weeks in the mountains. 48 UNIT 7


5 Complete the sentences so that they are true for you. Use be going to. 1 I am going to tomorrow. 2 I am not this evening. 3 My cousin is this weekend. 4 My mother isn’t tomorrow. 5 My friends on Sunday.

6 What are Liz, Tom and Buzzy going to do this weekend? Look at the table and write the questions and the answers.

Tom Liz Buzzy

buy clothes √√×

play computer games √ ××

read a book ××√

Are Tom and Liz going to buy any clothes? Yes, they are. 1 Is Buzzy ? No, he . 2 Is Tom computer games? Yes, . 3 computer games? No, they . 4 read a book? No, they . 5 ? .

7 Write the questions. What are you going to watch? I am going to watch a film.

1 Where © Copyright ? EDUKA They are going to sleep in a tent.

2 Who ? She is going to see her friends.

3 What ? I am going to wear a pair of jeans and a shirt .

4 How many ? They are going to invite twenty friends.

5 How ? He is going to travel by plane.

6 Why ? She is going to carry a broom because she is going to a fancy dress party.

49 UNIT 7


8 Match the phrases in the box with the pictures. win a competition finish university get a job start a company

1 2 3 4

9 Complete the sentences with the missing words. 1 Philip and Ruth fell in l and soon got m . 2 Jim started his own c when he was 25 and now he is a very s businessman. 3 Jennie is a popular actress. She is also very rich and f . 4 I am going to b a new car next year. 5 I hope I will get a j when I finish u .


10 ” Listen and repeat. (2.24) think the© they Copyright month mother father EDUKAtheatre there bath tooth 11 Listen again and put the words in the correct columns.

/ ș / / ð / think the

” Listen and check. (2.25) 50 UNIT 7


12 Choose the correct adjective. 1 Mark was happy / unhappy because he got a bad mark in geography. 2 You must eat more! You’re so fat / thin! 3 The Smiths are very rich / poor. They’ve got a big house and an expensive car. 4 My hands are so clean / dirty! I’m going to wash them now. 5 Our neighbourhood is very safe / dangerous and quiet. Only nice people live here. 6 My grandmother is 70 years old, but she is still very lazy / active. She goes swimming and cycling every week.

13 What do you think will happen in the future? Complete the sentences using will or won’t. 1 People read more in the future. 2 The world be a better place. 3 Children go to school. 4 Aliens come to the Earth. 5 Some people live on other planets.

14 Put the words in the correct order to make questions. Then write the answers. 1 country / live / another / you / in / will ? ? . 2 visit / day / you / London / will / one? ? . 3 grow / be / you / will / singer / up / you / a / when? ? . 4 love / year / in / will / you / next / fall? © Copyright EDUKA? .

15 Write the questions. Where will people travel? People will travel to other planets. 1 What ? He will finish university. 2 Who ? She will marry a famous actor. 3 Where ? They will live in London. 4 How ? People will travel by flying cars. 5 What like? The world will be a better place.

51 UNIT 7


16 Write the missing vowels.

1 f sh ng 5 t nn s 9 sk ng 2 gymn st cs 6 f tb ll 10 r b cs 3 b sk tb ll 7 sw mm ng 11 v ll yb ll 4 g lf 8 h ck y 12 m rt l rts

17 ” Complete the dialogue with the missing words. Then listen and check. (2.26)

Liz: Hi, Emma! Have you got any Emma: I don’t know y (6). p (1) for the weekend? I haven’t got any plans. Emma: Not really. What a (2) Liz: Why don’t we go cycling? I hope you? the w (7) will be nice. Liz: I’m going to play tennis Emma: That’s a good i (8). with Tom on Saturday. Liz: What time shall we m (9)? W (3) you like to come Emma: How about 11 o’clock at the corner with us? of Flask Walk and Willow Road? Emma: Well, I’m not c (4) Liz: That’s f (10) by me. See about tennis. I prefer swimming. you on Sunday then! Liz: What are you g (5) to Emma: See you! Bye! do on Sunday?

© Copyright EDUKA

52 UNIT 7

F QUIZ K Sport in the UK and Serbia

18 Circle the correct answer. 1 Which of these sports did NOT originate in the UK? a) rugby b) cricket c) basketball 2 When did Wimbledon start? a) In 1877 b) in 1899 c) in 1911 3 Where is Andy Murray from? a) Scotland b) Wales c) Ireland 4 When was Novak Djoković born? a) In 1985 b) In 1987 c) In 1989 5 Who is Janko Tipsarević? a) a footballer b) a tennis player c) a basketball player

G 19 Complete Tom’s© report. Copyright Use the words in the box. EDUKA would but did popular likes going

My friend Mark Taylor (1) basketball, martial arts and cycling, (2) JGFPGTOjU\KMGESKEMGUPSþTJKOI Last week he (3) karate and next weekend he is (4) to play basketball with his friends. He (5) like to try some winter sports, such as skiing or snowboarding. Mark thinks that football will still be the most (6) sport in the UK, but he also says that martial arts will be more popular than today.

Thomas Johnson


A 1 Write the words.

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1 Yesterday I (wake up) late and I (miss) my flight. 2 I think he (go) to Paris next summer. He (have) some cousins there. 3 What they (do) on the Internet now? They (try) to find a nice hotel in Greece. 4 Ron usually (travel) by car. He (not like) planes. He (be) afraid of flying. 5 Last year we (not go) to the seaside. We (stay) at home, but it © (notCopyright be) bad at all. I EDUKA (have) a lot of fun with my friends.

3 Complete the sentences with the or Ø (no article).

1 The Loire is longest river in France. 2 Tom and Liz come from London. They were born in United Kingdom. 3 Tom is crazy about tennis, but Dave prefers doing karate. 4 Patrick can play piano, but he can’t play guitar. 5 Keira usually spends Christmas with her parents and grandparents.

54 UNIT 8


4 Write the missing words.

1 ! 4 Don’t !

2 ! 5 drop litter!

3 Don’t take ! 3 Keep the dog on a !

5 Complete the sentences with must or mustn’t. Before you go on holiday abroad: 1 You buy the tickets. 2 You pack your suitcase. 3 You forget your passport. 4 You leave the windows open. 5 You lock the door.

6 Here are some sentences that parents often say. Circle the correct form. 1 Do / Don’t do your homework! 2 Stop / Don’t stop talking on the phone! 3 Be nice / Don’t be nice to your little brother! 4 Eat / Don’t eat a lot of sweets! 5 Buy / Don’t buy fizzy© drinks!Copyright EDUKA

7 Complete the sentences with must / mustn’t and the correct words in the box. make your bed play loud music brush your teeth wash your hands eat in the bedroom go to bed before midnight stay out late help with the housework listen to your parents

1 You after every meal. You know what your dentist told you. 2 You when it’s late. The neighbours will be angry with us. 3 You . They know what’s best for you! 4 You . If you don’t, you won’t have enough sleep and you’ll be tired tomorrow. 5 You . You know your parents will get angry if you don’t come back home before 9. 55 UNIT 8


8 Match the pictures with the words for different types of holidays.

skiing camping beach safari cruise sightseeing

1 2 3

4 5 6

9 Complete the missing letters. 1 People who go camping usually sleep in a t . 2 It’s very hot outside. Don’t forget to put on some s . 3 When I went sightseeing, I took a lot of p with my c . 4 I am going to Paris by train. I bought the t two weeks ago. 5 Pack your s © Copyright the day before youEDUKA go on holiday. 6 If you are going abroad, don’t forget to take your p . 7 We went to Turkey in August. We stayed in a 3-star h .

10 Complete the sentences with your own ideas.

1 I have to every day. 2 My mother has to every week. 3 I have to before school, but I don’t have to . 4 I don’t have to at weekends. 5 My cousin doesn’t have to . 6 My father has to every day, but he doesn’t have to . 56 UNIT 8

D Pronunciation

11 ” Listen and repeat. (2.27)

chair jump jam cheese picture orange watch just page future

12 Listen again and put the words in the correct columns.

/–ᖮ / / †ᖵ / chair jump

” Listen and check. (2.28)

QUIZ K Transport in the UK and Serbia

13 Circle the correct answer. 1 Heathrow is the name of in London. а) a railway station b) an airport c) a bus stop 2 Children usually go on school trips by . а) ship b) train c) coach 3 Taxis in London are . a) red b) black c) yellow 4 The first Serbian© railway Copyright line was built in EDUKA between Belgrade and Niš. а) 1851 b) 1884 c) 1903 5 The first in Serbia were pulled by horses. а) trams b) buses c) trolleybuses

14 Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions. 1 I usually go to school foot. 2 She lives 24 Cromwell Road. 3 My parents go to work car. 4 I was the airport when you called me. 5 I was so tired after spending 15 hours a coach.


SELF CHECK 4 Units 7 & 8


1 Find ten more types of clothes. 2 Complete the missing words.

TROUSERS 1 It’s very hot. You must put on some s . S K I RTUSH 2 I would like to find a job when I finish u . HS COATHO 3 Don’t drive so fast! It is very d . I O BOOTOR 4 I usually go s in the mountains in RCXVQLET winter. TK ZDRESS 5 When you are older you will f in love and get married. AS JACKET BMY J EANS

3 Choose the correct words. 1 Famous people are usually rich and lazy / successful. 2 When you travel abroad you need a tent / a passport. 3 Did you do / play any martial arts when you were at school? 4 Lily doesn’t eat a lot. She’s very thin / clean. 5 You must wear a tie / a scarf and gloves when it’s cold.

4 Complete the crossword. What’s the mystery word? 1 1 2 3 2 3 4 5 4 5 6 7 6 7

GrammarGrammar © Copyright EDUKA

5 Complete the sentences with the or Ø (no article). 1 I visited Canada and United States last June. 2 I would like to spend Easter with my grandparents who live in Paris. 3 Paul is learning to play guitar. 4 Next summer I would like to swim in Atlantic Ocean.

6 Write the Past Simple forms. 1 see saw 4 do 7 take 10 drink 2 give 5 eat 8 write 11 catch 3 go 6 get 9 sleep 12 hear 58 SELF CHECK 4

7 Complete the text. Use ONE word. I’m going (1) travel to Spain next month and I (2) very excited. We are going to travel (3) car and we’re going to stay (4) a hotel. I think the weather (5) be hot and sunny. I would (6) to stay there for a month, (7) I’m afraid that’s not possible.

8 Circle the correct answers. 1 I always go to school foot. a) by b) on c) at d) with 2 ’Did you to Germany last year?’ ’No, I there two years ago.’ a) be, go b) be, were c) went, was d) go, went 3 You your bed in the morning! a) must clean b) mustn’t clean c) must make d) mustn’t make 4 I like by plane. I would like a pilot. a) travel, to be b) travelling, to be c) travel, being d) travelling, being 5 We can’t predict where people in the future. a) live b) will live c) are living d) have lived

9 Put the words in the correct order to make questions. 1 he / competition / next / the / will / week / win? ? 2 have / you / do / day / to / what / every / do? ? 3 they / to / photos / are / any / take / going? ? 4 she / tent / sleep / a / summer / did / in / last? ? 5 the / to / you / like / seaside / go / would / to? ? CommnCommunication

10 Complete the dialogue© Copyright with the missing words. EDUKA Mother: I am going to bed now, Tim. You must go to b (1) too. Dave: OK, Mum, I w (2). Mother: D (3) watch TV now! You m (4) get up early. Dave: All r (5), Mum.

11 Choose the correct words. Mark: Hi, Tina. Have / Do you got any plans for Sunday? Tina: Not really. What about you? Mark: I am going to do / play volleyball. Do / Would you like to come with me? Tina: Oh, yes, I would love to. What time will / shall we meet? Mark: How about / at 10.30?


TO BE (PRESENT) Affirmative Negative Questions

I am (‘m) I ama not (‘m not) Am I?

He He he? She is (‘s) She is not (isn’t) Is she? It It it? You You you? We are (‘re) We arear not (aren’t) Are we? They They they?


Affirmative Negative Questions I I I You You you have got (‘ve got) haven’th got Have got? We We we They They they

He He he She has got (‘s got) She hhasn’t got Has she got? It © CopyrightIt EDUKA it


Affirmative Negative Questions Singular There is a bank. There isn’t a bank. Is there a bank? Plural There are some banks. There aren’t any banks. Are there any banks?



Affirmative Negative Questions

I am (‘m) reading. I am not (‘m not) reading. Am I reading?

He He he She is (isn’t) reading. She is not (isn’t) reading. Is she reading? It It it

We We we You are (‘re) reading. You are not (aren’t) reading. Are you reading? They They they

REMEMBER cook + ing = cooking make + ing = making study + ing = studying swim + ing = swimming


Affirmative Negative Questions I I I You You you read do not (don’t) read Do read? We We we They They they He © CopyrightHe EDUKA he She reads She does not (doesn’t) read Does she read? It It it


play + s = plays watch + es = watches study + es = studies go + es = goes



Affirmative Negative Questions I I I He He he was was not (wasn’t) Was tired? She She she It It it You You you We were We were not (weren’t) Were we tired? They They they


Affirmative Negative Questions I / He / She / It I / He / She / It I / he / she / it worked did not (didn’t) work Did work? We / You / They We / You / They we / you / they

REMEMBER play + ed = played close + d = closed study + ed = studied stop + ed = stopped


Affirmative Negative Questions I / He / She / It I / He / She / It I / he / she / it came did not (didn’t) come Did come? We / You / They We / You / They we / you / they

REMEMBER © Copyright EDUKA go ї went eat ї ate read ї read take ї took buy ї bought have ї had put ї put blow ї blew catch ї caught make ї made say ї said drink ї drank do ї did get ї got tell ї told hear ї heard give ї gave see ї saw meet ї met findї found write ї wrote come ї came sleep ї slept can ї could


Affirmative Negative Questions I/He/She/It I/He/She/It I/he/she/it will come. will not come. Will come? We/You/They (‘ll) We/You/They (won’t) we/you/they 62 GRAMMAR CHECK


Affirmative Negative Questions I am going to study. I am not going to study. Am I going to study? (‘m) (‘m not)

He He he is going to study. She She is not going to study. Is she going to study? (‘s) (isn’t) It It it You You you We are going to study. We are not going to study. Are we going to study? (‘re) (aren’t) They They they


Affirmative Negative Questions I/He/She/It I/He/She/It I/he/she/it can swim. cannot swim. Can swim? We/You/They We/You/They (can’t) we/you/they


Affirmative Negative You must listen to the teacher. You mustn’t talk in class.


Affirmative Negative I/You/We/They have to pack the suitcase. I/You/We/They don’t have to pack the suitcase. He/She/It has to go© out Copyright now. He/She/It EDUKA doesn’t have to go out now.


Affirmative Negative Listen! Don’t talk!


Affirmative Negative Questions I/He/She I/he/she would like to swim. would not like to swim Would like to swim? We/You/They (‘d) (wouldn’t) we/you/they 63 GRAMMAR CHECK


COUNTABLE UNCOUNTABLE student bread chair milk egg water sandwich salt apple meat

Affirmative Negative Questions Countable There are some There aren’t any Are there any apples? apples. apples. How many apples are there? Uncountable There is some There isn’t any Is there any bread? bread. bread. How much bread is there?

P L U R A L Regular Irregular student + s students person people boy + s boys man men

potato + es potatoes woman women photo + s photos child children

class + es classes tooth teeth church + es churches foot feet

library + es © librar Copyrighties fish fish EDUKA city + es cities deer deer sheep sheep leaf + es leaves wolf + es wolves mouse mice

POSSESSIVE ‘S Peter has got a dog. It is Peter’s dog. My brother has got a house. It is my brother’s house. My parents have got a house. It is my parents’ house. My children have got a dog. It is my children’s dog.



Singular Plural my our your your his / her / its their


Adjective Comparative Superlative young younger the youngest hot hotter the hottest nice nicer the nicest heavy heavier the heaviest

beautiful more beautiful the most beautiful interesting more interesting the most interesting

good better the best bad worse the worst

PRONOUNS SUBJECT PRONOUNS© CopyrightOBJECT PRONOUNS EDUKA Singular Plural Singular Plural I we me us you you you you he / she / it they him / her / it them


Singular Plural Singular Plural mine ours This is a pencil. These are pencils. yours yours That is a pencil. Those are pencils. his / hers / its theirs 65 GRAMMAR CHECK

ADVERBS HOW? slowly, nicely, badly, easily, fast ,well

You are a slow runner. You run slowly. He is a good singer. He sings well.

HOW OFTEN? always, usually, often, sometimes, never I always come on time. I am always early. She never gets up late. She is never late.

ARTICLES A/AN THE This is a pear. That is an apple. There is an apple on the table. The apple is green. There is a cinema in this street. They live on the third floor. His father is a doctor. He often goes out in the evening. She plays tennis twice a week. He plays the piano every day. The Loire is the longest river in France.

Ø Her name is Elizabeth. I play football every week. She is from London in England. They go to school every day. She usually has cheese and eggs for breakfast. He comes home at 3 o’clock. © Copyright EDUKA PREPOSITIONS WHERE? at home on the desk next to the post office in the park under the desk opposite the cinema near the park in front of the house between the cinema and the behind the house bank

WHEN? AT 8 o’clock / night IN June / winter / the morning ON June 18th / Monday

HOW? BY bus ON foot / the bus IN my car



CARDINAL NUMBERS 1 one 11 eleven 21 tweny-one 2 two 12 twelve 30 thirty 3 three 13 thirteen 40 forty 4 four 14 fourteen 50 fifty 5 five 15 fifteen 60 sixty 6 six 16 sixteen 70 seventy 7 seven 17 seventeen 80 eighty 8 eight 18 eighteen 90 ninety 9 nine 19 nineteen 100 a hundred 10 ten 20 twenty

200 two hundred 1,000 a thousand 4,000 four thousand 1,000,000 a million 5,000,000 five million


1st first 11th eleventh 21st twenty-first 2nd second 12th twelfth 22nd twenty-second 3rd third 13th thirteenth 23rd twenty-third 4th fourth 14th fourteenth 24th twenty-fourth 5th fifth 15th fifteenth 25th twenty-fifth 6th sixth 16th sixteenth 26th twenty-sixth 7th seventh © Copyright 17th seventeenth EDUKA 27th twenty-seventh 8th eighth 18th eighteenth 28th twenty-eighth 9th ninth 19th nineteenth 29th twenty-ninth 10th tenth 20th twentieth 30th thirtieth

40th fortieth 50th fiftieth 60th sixtieth 70th seventieth 80th eightieth 90th ninetieth 100th hundredth



a few /ᖠϐŒ—ᦵ/ – неколико aquariumȀᖠ᦮™‡ᖠ”‹ᖠȀ – акваријум a lot of ȀᖠŽᢍ–ᖠ˜Ȁ – много architect Ȁ᦮ᢌᦵᢛ–‡–Ȁ – архитекта about Ȁᖠ᦮„ƒᖲ–Ȁ – о, око, отприлике area Ȁ᦮‡ᖠ”‹ᖠȀ– област, део abroad Ȁᖠ᦮„”ᖜᦵ†Ȁ – иностранство armȀᢌᦵȀ– рука according to Ȁᖠ᦮ᖜᦵ†ᢛăᦱ–—ᦵȀ – према armchairȀ᦮ᢌᦵ–ᖮ‡ᖠȀ– фотеља across Ȁᖠ᦮”ᢍ•Ȁ – преко aroundȀᖠ᦮”ƒᖲ†Ȁ– около act Ȁ§–Ȁ – глумити arriveȀᖠ᦮”ƒᢛ˜Ȁ– стићи active Ȁ᦮§–ᢛ˜Ȁ – активан artȀᢌᦵ–Ȁ – уметност activity Ȁ§᦮–ᢛ˜ᢛ–‹Ȁ – активност article Ȁ᦮ᢌᦵ–ᢛŽȀ– члан; чланак actor Ȁ᦮§–ᖠȀ – глумац artistȀ᦮ᢌᦵ–ᢛ•–Ȁ – уметник actress Ȁ᦮§–”ᖠ•Ȁ – глумица аskȀᢌᦵ•Ȁ – питати actually Ȁ᦮§–ᖮ—ᖠŽ‹Ȁ – заправо, у ствари astronautȀ᦮§•–”ᖠᖜᦵ–Ȁ– астpонаут add /æd/ – додати athletics Ȁ§Ʌ᦮Ž‡–ᢛ•Ȁ– атлетика adventure Ȁᖠ†᦮˜‡–ᖮᖠȀ – авантура August Ȁ᦮ᖜᦵᢕᖠ•–Ȁ – август aerobics Ȁ‡ᖠ᦮”ᖠᖲ„ᢛ•Ȁ – аеробик aunt Ȁᢌᦵ–Ȁ – тетка, ујна, стрина afraid Ȁᖠ᦮ˆ”‡ᢛ†Ȁ – уплашен autumn Ȁ᦮ᖜᦵ–ᖠȀ– јесен after Ȁ᦮ᢌᦵˆ–ᖠȀ – после after all – уосталом afternoon Ȁᦱᢌᦵˆ–ᖠ᦮—ᦵȀ – поподне BB again Ȁᖠ᦮ᢕ‡Ȁ – поново age Ȁ‡ᢛ†ᖵȀ – старост, године baconb Ȁ᦮„‡ᢛᖠȀȀ᦮ – сланина ago Ȁᖠ᦮ᢕᖠᖲȀ – пре badȀ„§†Ȁ – лош agree Ȁᖠ᦮ᢕ”‹ᦵȀ – слагати се, сложити се badmintonȀ᦮„§†ᢛ–ᖠȀ – бадминтон airportȀ᦮‡ᖠ’ᖜᦵ–Ȁ – аеродром bagȀ„§ᢕȀ – торба alien Ȁ᦮‡ᢛŽ‹ᖠȀ – ванземаљац bake Ȁ„‡ᢛȀ– пећи all ȀᖜᦵŽȀ – све, сви baker’s Ȁ᦮„‡ᢛᖠœȀ – пекара all over the world – широм света ball Ȁ„ᖜᦵŽȀ– лопта all right ȀᖜᦵŽ᦮”ƒᢛ–Ȁ – у реду balloon Ȁ„ᖠ᦮Ž—ᦵȀ – балон almost Ȁ᦮ᖜᦵŽᖠᖲ•–Ȁ – скоро banana Ȁ„ᖠ᦮ᢌᦵᖠȀ– банана alone Ȁᖠ᦮ŽᖠᖲȀ – сам band Ȁ„§†Ȁ– група along Ȁᖠ᦮ŽᢍăȀ – дуж, низ bank Ȁ„§ăȀ– банка also Ȁ᦮ᖜᦵŽ•ᖠᖲȀ – такође based (on) Ȁ„‡ᢛ•–Ȁ – заснован (на) always Ȁ᦮ᖜᦵŽ™‡ᢛœȀ – увек© Copyright EDUKAbasket Ȁ᦮„ᢌᦵ•ᢛ–Ȁ – корпа amazingȀᖠ᦮‡ᢛœᢛăȀ – невероватан, basketball Ȁ᦮„ᢌᦵ•ᢛ–„ᖜᦵŽȀ – кошарка запањујући bat Ȁ„§–Ȁ– слепи миш ancient Ȁ᦮‡ᢛᖮᖠ–Ȁ – стари, древни bath Ȁ„ᢌᦵɅȀ – када; купатило and Ȁ§†Ȁ – и bathroomȀ᦮„ᢌᦵɅ”ᖲȀ– купатило angry Ȁ᦮§ăᢕ”‹Ȁ – љут beachȀ„‹ᦵ–ᖮȀ – плажа animal Ȁ᦮§ᢛᖠŽȀ – животиња beak Ȁ„‹ᦵȀ– кљун another Ȁᖠ᦮ᖴĄᖠȀ – други, још један beansȀ„‹ᦵœȀ– пасуљ answer Ȁ᦮ᢌᦵ•ᖠȀ – одговор, одговорити bearȀ„‡ᖠȀ– медвед antelope Ȁ᦮§–ᢛŽᖠᖲ’Ȁ– антилопа beautiful Ȁ᦮„Œ—ᦵ–ᢛˆᖠŽȀ– леп anyone Ȁ᦮‡‹™ᖴȀ – било ко because Ȁ„ᢛ᦮ᢍœȀ – због, зато, jeр anything Ȁ᦮‡‹ɅᢛăȀ – било шта becomeȀ„ᢛ᦮ᖴȀ– постати anywhere Ȁ᦮‡‹™‡ᖠȀ – било где bed Ȁ„‡†Ȁ– кревет appear Ȁᖠ᦮’ᢛᖠȀ – појавити се bedroom Ȁ᦮„‡†”ᖲȀ– спаваћа соба apple Ȁ᦮§’ŽȀ– јабука before Ȁ„ᢛ᦮ˆᖜᦵȀ – пре apricot Ȁ᦮‡ᢛ’”ᢛᢍ–Ȁ– кајсија beginȀ„ᢛ᦮ᢕᢛȀ– почети April Ȁ᦮‡ᢛ’”ᖠŽȀ – aприл beginning Ȁ„ᢛ᦮ᢕᢛᢛăȀ– почетак 68 WORDLIST behind Ȁ„ᢛ᦮Šƒᢛ†Ȁ – иза believe Ȁ„ᢛ᦮Ž‹ᦵ˜Ȁ– веровати CC belongȀ„ᢛ᦮ŽᢍăȀ– припадати belt Ȁ„‡Ž–Ȁ – каиш cabb Ȁ§„ȀȀ – такси best Ȁ„‡•–Ȁ – најбољи cabbageȀ᦮§„ᢛ†ᖵȀ– купус better Ȁ᦮„‡–ᖠȀ– бољи café Ȁ᦮§ˆ‡ᢛȀ– кафић between Ȁ„ᢛ᦮–™‹ᦵȀ – између cakeȀ‡ᢛȀ– торта; колач bicycle Ȁ᦮„ƒᢛ•ᢛŽȀ– бицикл calculatorȀ᦮§ŽŒᖲŽ‡ᢛ–ᖠȀ– дигитрон big Ȁ„ᢛᢕȀ – велики call ȀᖜᦵŽȀ– звати billion Ȁ᦮„ᢛŽŒᖠȀ– милијарда camera Ȁ᦮§”ᖠȀ– фотоапарат biographyȀ„ƒᢛ᦮ᢍᢕ”ᖠϐ‹Ȁ– животопис, camp Ȁ§’Ȁ – камп биографија camping Ȁ᦮§’ᢛăȀ – камповање biology Ȁ„ƒᢛ᦮ᢍŽᖠ†ᖵ‹Ȁ– биологија can (n)Ȁ§Ȁ – конзерва, лименка birdȀ„ᢑᦵ†Ȁ – птица can (v) Ȁ§Ȁ – моћи; смети birthday Ȁ᦮„ᢑᦵɅ†‡ᢛȀ – рођендан candle Ȁ᦮§†ŽȀ – свећа biscuit Ȁ᦮„ᢛ•ᢛ–Ȁ – кекс cap Ȁ§’Ȁ – капа bite Ȁ„ƒᢛ–Ȁ– ујести capitalȀ᦮§’ᢛ–ᖠŽȀ– главни град black Ȁ„Ž§Ȁ– црн car ȀᢌᦵȀ – аутомобил blessedȀ„Ž‡•–Ȁ– срећан careful Ȁ᦮‡ᖠˆᖠŽȀ – пажљив block of flatsȀ„Žᢍᢍ˜ϐŽ§–•Ȁ – стамбена carpet Ȁ᦮ᢌᦵ’ᢛ–Ȁ – тепих зграда carrotȀ᦮§”ᖠ–Ȁ – шаргарепа blowȀ„ŽᖠᖲȀ– дувати carry Ȁ᦮§”‹Ȁ – носити blue Ȁ„Ž—ᦵȀ– плав cartoonȀᢌᦵ᦮–—ᦵȀ – цртани филм boardȀ„ᖜᦵ†Ȁ– табла castle Ȁ᦮ᢌᦵ•ŽȀ – замак board gamesȀ„ᖜᦵ†ᢕ‡ᢛœȀ – друштвене cat Ȁ§–Ȁ – мачка игре catch Ȁ§–ᖮȀ – ухватити book Ȁ„ᖲȀ– књига CD player Ȁᦱ•‹ᦵ᦮†‹ᦵ᦮’Ž‡ᢛᖠȀ – ЦД плејер bookshelfȀ᦮„ᖲᖮ‡ŽˆȀ – полица са celebrate Ȁ᦮•‡Žᢛ„”‡ᢛ–Ȁ – славити књигама century Ȁ᦮•‡–ᖮᖠ”‹Ȁ– век bootȀ„—ᦵ–Ȁ– чизма cerealȀ᦮•ᢛᖠ”‹ᖠŽȀ – пахуљице, цереалије bored Ȁ„ᖜᦵ†Ȁ– онај коме је досадно chair Ȁ–ᖮ‡ᖠȀ– столица boring Ȁ᦮„ᖜᦵ”ᢛăȀ– досадан change Ȁ–ᖮ‡ᢛ†ᖵȀ– променити (be) born Ȁ„ᖜᦵȀ – родити се channelȀ᦮–ᖮ§ᖠŽȀ– канал boyȀ„ᖜᢛȀ– дечак character Ȁ᦮§”ᢛ–ᖠȀ– лик breadȀ„”‡†Ȁ– хлеб chaseȀ–ᖮ‡ᢛ•Ȁ– јурити break (n) Ȁ„”‡ᢛȀ– одмор; пауза cheapȀ–ᖯ‹ᦵ’Ȁ– јефтин break (v)Ȁ„”‡ᢛȀ – сломити check Ȁ–ᖮ‡Ȁ – проверити breakfast Ȁ᦮„”‡ˆᖠ•–Ȁ– доручак cheeseȀ–ᖯ‹ᦵœȀ– сир breathe Ȁ„”‹ᦵĄȀ – дисати© Copyright EDUKAcheetah Ȁ᦮–ᖯ‹ᦵ–ᖠȀ– гепард bring Ȁ„”ᢛăȀ– донети cherry Ȁ᦮–ᖮ‡”‹Ȁ– трешња broomȀ„”—ᦵȀ– метла chickenȀ᦮–ᖮᢛᢛȀ– пилетина brother Ȁ᦮„”ᖴĄᖠȀ– брат child Ȁ–ᖮƒᢛŽ†Ȁ – дете brown Ȁ„”ƒᖲȀ– браон childhood Ȁ᦮–ᖮƒᢛŽ†Šᖲ†Ȁ – детињство brushȀ„”ᖴᖮȀ – прати (зубе) children Ȁ᦮–ᖮᢛŽ†”ᖠȀ– деца build Ȁ„ᢛŽ†Ȁ – градити, саградити chips Ȁ–ᖮᢛ’•Ȁ – помфрит building Ȁ᦮„ᢛŽ†ᢛăȀ – зграда chocolate Ȁ᦮–ᖮᢍŽᖠ–Ȁ – чоколада burgerȀ᦮„ᢑᦵᢕᖠȀ– хамбургер choose Ȁ–ᖮ—ᦵœȀ – изабрати bus Ȁ„ᖴ•Ȁ– аутобус churchȀ–ᖮᢑᦵ–ᖮȀ – црква bus stop Ȁ„ᖴ••–ᢍ’Ȁ– аутобуско cinema Ȁ᦮•ᢛᖠᖠȀ – биоскоп стајалиште circleȀ᦮•ᢑᦵŽȀ – заокружити busyȀ᦮„ᢛœ‹Ȁ– прометан; заузет city Ȁ᦮•ᢛ–‹Ȁ – град but Ȁ„ᖴ–Ȁ – али class ȀŽᢌᦵ•Ȁ – час, разред butterȀ᦮„ᖴ–ᖠȀ – путер classroom Ȁ᦮Žᢌᦵ•”ᖲȀ– учионица butterflyȀ᦮„ᖴ–ᖠϐŽƒᢛȀ – лептир cleanȀŽ‹ᦵȀ – чист; чистити buyȀ„ƒᢛȀ– купити clearȀŽᢛᖠȀ – јасан 69 WORDLIST

cleverȀ᦮Ž‡˜ᖠȀ – паметан curious Ȁ᦮Œᖲᖠ”‹ᖠ•Ȁ – знатижељан, climbȀŽƒᢛȀ – пењати се радознао close (adv) ȀŽᖠᖲ•Ȁ– близу customer Ȁ᦮ᖴ•–ᖠᖠȀ – муштерија close (v)ȀŽᖠᖲœȀ – затворити cuteȀŒ—ᦵ–Ȁ– сладак, згодан clothesȀŽᖠᖲĄœȀ – одећа cycling Ȁ᦮•ƒᢛŽᢛăȀ– вожња бициклом cloudȀŽƒᖲ†Ȁ– облак cloudy Ȁ᦮Žƒᖲ†‹Ȁ – облачан club ȀŽᖴ„Ȁ – клуб DD coachȀᖠᖲ–ᖮȀ– путнички аутобус coat Ȁᖠᖲ–Ȁ– капут ddanceȀ†ᢌᦵ•ȀȀ† – плесати coffeeȀ᦮ᢍϐ‹Ȁ – кафа dangerousȀ᦮†‡ᢛ†ᖵᖠ”ᖠ•Ȁ – опасан CokeȀᖠᖲȀ– кока–кола dark Ȁ†ᢌᦵȀ – таман, мрачан cold ȀᖠᖲŽ†Ȁ– хладан date Ȁ†‡ᢛ–Ȁ– датум college Ȁ᦮ᢍŽᢛ†ᖵȀ– колеџ daughter Ȁ᦮†ᖜᦵ–ᖠȀ – ћерка colourȀ᦮ᖴŽᖠȀ– боја dayȀ†‡ᢛȀ – дан comeȀᖴȀ – доћи deaf Ȁ†‡ˆȀ– глув comfortable Ȁ᦮ᖴˆᖠ–ᖠ„ŽȀ– удобан dear Ȁ†ᢛᖠȀ– драги comicȀ᦮ᢍᢛȀ– стрип death Ȁ†‡ɅȀ – смрт communicate Ȁᖠ᦮Œ—ᦵᢛ‡ᢛ–Ȁ – December Ȁ†ᢛ᦮•‡„ᖠȀ– децембар комуницирати decideȀ†ᢛ᦮•ƒᢛ†Ȁ– одлучити companyȀ᦮ᖴ’ᖠ‹Ȁ– компанија; deer Ȁ†ᢛᖠȀ– јелен друштво definitelyȀ᦮†‡ˆᢛᖠ–Ž‹Ȁ– дефинитивно competeȀᖠ᦮’‹ᦵ–Ȁ– такмичити се deliciousȀ†ᢛ᦮Žᢛᖮᖠ•Ȁ – укусан competition Ȁᦱᢍ’ᖠ᦮–ᢛᖮᖠȀ – такмичење dentistȀ᦮†‡–ᢛ•–Ȁ– зубар completeȀᖠ᦮’Ž‹ᦵ–Ȁ– попунити describe Ȁ†ᢛ᦮•”ƒᢛ„Ȁ– описати composeȀᖠ᦮’ᖠᖲœȀ– компоновати description Ȁ†ᢛ᦮•”ᢛ’ᖮᖠȀ– опис composer Ȁᖠ᦮’ᖠᖲœᖠȀ – композитор desk Ȁ†‡•Ȁ– клупа; радни сто computer Ȁᖠ᦮’Œ—ᦵ–ᖠȀ – компјутер detached (house) Ȁ†ᢛ᦮–§–ᖮ–Ȁ– concertȀ᦮ᢍ•ᖠ–Ȁ – концерт одвојена (кућа) conclusion Ȁᖠ᦮Ž—ᦵᖵᖠȀ – закључак detective Ȁ†ᢛ᦮–‡–ᢛ˜Ȁ– детектив connect Ȁᖠ᦮‡–Ȁ – повезати diaryȀ᦮†ƒᢛᖠ”‹Ȁ– дневник conquerȀ᦮ᢍăᖠȀ – освојити dictionary Ȁ᦮†ᢛᖮᖠᖠ”‹Ȁ– речник consist (of) Ȁᖠ᦮•ᢛ•–Ȁ – састојати се (од) die Ȁ†ƒᢛȀ – умрети conversationȀᦱᢍ˜ᖠ᦮•‡ᢛᖮᖠȀ – разговор differenceȀ᦮†ᢛˆᖠ”ᖠ•Ȁ– разлика cook ȀᖲȀ– кувар; кувати differentȀ᦮†ᢛˆᖠ”ᖠ–Ȁ – другачији, cooker Ȁ᦮ᖲᖠȀ– шпорет различит cool /—ᦵŽȀ– свеж, хладан dining room Ȁ᦮†ƒᢛᢛă”—ᦵȀ– трпезарија cornerȀ᦮ᖜᦵᖠȀ – угао dinnerȀ᦮†ᢛᖠȀ– вечера correct Ȁᖠ᦮”‡–Ȁ– тачан© Copyright directionEDUKA Ȁ†ƒᢛ᦮”‡ᖮᖠȀ– правац cottage Ȁ᦮ᢍ–ᢛ†ᖵȀ– кућица dirty Ȁ᦮†ᢑᦵ–‹Ȁ– прљав count Ȁƒᖲ–Ȁ – бројати disagree Ȁᦱ†ᢛ•ᖠ᦮ᢕ”‹ᦵȀ– не слагати се countryȀ᦮ᖴ–”‹Ȁ – земља disappear Ȁᦱ†ᢛ•ᖠ᦮’ᢛᖠȀ – нестати countryside Ȁ᦮ᖴ–”ᢛ•ƒᢛ†Ȁ – село discoverȀ†ᢛ᦮•ᖴ˜ᖠȀ– открити cousin Ȁ᦮ᖴœȀ– рођак discussȀ†ᢛ᦮•ᖴ•Ȁ – расправљати cow ȀƒᖲȀ– крава dish Ȁ†ᢛᖮȀ– јело; посуда crazy (about)Ȁ᦮”‡ᢛœ‹Ȁ – луд (за нечим) divide Ȁ†ᢛ᦮˜ƒᢛ†Ȁ– поделити createȀ”‹᦮‡ᢛ–Ȁ – створити do Ȁ†—ᦵȀ– радити, урадити creatureȀ᦮”‹ᦵ–ᖮᖠȀ– створење dog Ȁ†ᢍᢕȀ – пас cricket Ȁ᦮”ᢛᢛ–Ȁ– крикет domestic Ȁ†ᖠ᦮‡•–ᢛȀ– домаћи crisps Ȁ”ᢛ•’•Ȁ– чипс door Ȁ†ᖜᦵȀ – врата crocodileȀ᦮”ᢍᖠ†ƒᢛŽȀ – крокодил double–decker Ȁᦱ†ᖴ„Ž᦮†‡ᖠȀ – двоспратни crossȀ”ᢍ•Ȁ – прећи аутобус cruise Ȁ”—ᦵœȀ– крстарење; крстарити downȀ†ƒᖲȀ – доле culture Ȁ᦮ᖴŽ–ᖮᖠȀ– култура drawȀ†”ᖜᦵȀ – цртати 70 WORDLIST dressȀ†”‡•Ȁ– хаљина expression Ȁᢛ᦮•’”‡ᖮᖠȀ– израз dress up – маскирати се extreme Ȁᢛ᦮•–”‹ᦵȀ– крајњи drinkȀ†”ᢛăȀ– пиће; пити eye ȀƒᢛȀȂˑˍˑ drive Ȁ†”ƒᢛ˜Ȁ – возити dropȀ†”ᢍ’Ȁ – испустити dryȀ†”ƒᢛȀ– сув FF during Ȁ᦮†Œᖲᖠ”ᢛăȀ– током, за време facef Ȁˆ‡ᢛ•ȀȀˆ – лице factȀˆ§–Ȁ – чињеница factory Ȁ᦮ˆ§–ᖠ”‹Ȁ – фабрика EE fairȀˆ‡ᖠȀ – плава; светла (коса) fall in love – заљубити се eachh Ȁ‹ᦵ–ᖮȀ– сваки family Ȁ᦮ˆ§ᖠŽ‹Ȁ– породица eagle Ȁ᦮‹ᦵᢕŽȀ – орао famous Ȁ᦮ˆ‡ᢛᖠ•Ȁ– познат, славан earȀᢛᖠȀ – уво fancy dress party – маскенбал early Ȁ᦮ᢑᦵŽ‹Ȁ – рано fantasticȀˆ§᦮–§•–ᢛȀ– фантастичан Earth ȀᢑᦵɅȀ– Земља far ȀˆᢌᦵȀ– далеко eastȀ‹ᦵ•–Ȁ – исток farm ȀˆᢌᦵȀ – фарма EasterȀ᦮‹ᦵ•–ᖠȀ – Ускрс fascinating Ȁ᦮ˆ§•ᢛ‡ᢛ–ᢛăȀ – очaравајући easyȀ᦮‹ᦵœ‹Ȁ– лак fast Ȁˆᢌᦵ•–Ȁ– брз; брзо eatȀ‹ᦵ–Ȁ– јести fast food – брза храна eggȀ‡ᢕȀ – јаје fat Ȁˆ§–Ȁ– дебео eighteenȀᦱ‡ᢛ᦮–‹ᦵȀ– осамнаест fatherȀ᦮ˆᢌᦵĄᖠȀ – отац eighteenth Ȁᦱ‡ᢛ᦮–‹ᦵɅȀ – осамнаести Father Christmas – Деда Мраз eighthȀ‡ᢛ–ɅȀ– осми favourite Ȁ᦮ˆ‡ᢛ˜ᖠ”ᢛ–Ȁ – омиљени eightyȀ᦮‡ᢛ–‹Ȁ – осамдесет February Ȁ᦮ˆ‡„”ᖲᖠ”‹Ȁ – фебруар electric Ȁᢛ᦮Ž‡–”ᢛȀ– електрични feel Ȁϐ‹ᦵŽȀ– осетити, осећати се electronicȀᢛᦱŽ‡᦮–”ᢍᢛȀ– електронски feeling Ȁ᦮ϐ‹ᦵŽᢛăȀ– осећање elephantȀ᦮‡Žᢛˆᖠ–Ȁ – слон feet Ȁϐ‹ᦵ–Ȁ– стопала eleven Ȁᢛ᦮Ž‡˜Ȁ– једанаест femaleȀ᦮ϐ‹ᦵ‡ᢛŽȀ – женка; женски eleventhȀᢛ᦮Ž‡˜ɅȀ– једанаести fifteenȀᦱˆᢛˆ᦮–‹ᦵȀ – петанаест emailȀ᦮‹ᦵ‡ᢛŽȀ – електронска пошта, fifteenthȀᦱˆᢛˆ᦮–‹ᦵɅȀ– петанаести имејл fifthȀˆᢛˆɅȀ – пети emperor Ȁ᦮‡’ᖠ”ᖠȀ – цар, император fiftyȀ᦮ˆᢛˆ–‹Ȁ – педесет empireȀ᦮‡’ƒᢛᖠȀ – царство, империја finȀˆᢛȀ – пераје endȀ‡†Ȁ– крај; завршити findȀˆƒᢛ†Ȁ – наћи, пронаћи engineerȀᦱ‡†ᖵᢛ᦮ᢛᖠȀ– инжењер find out – открити enter Ȁ᦮‡–ᖠȀ – ући fine ȀˆƒᢛȀʹ̨̨̬̔̍ especiallyȀᢛ᦮•’‡ᖮᖠŽ‹Ȁ–© посебно Copyright EDUKAfinish Ȁ᦮ˆᢛᢛᖮȀ – завршити evenȀ᦮‹ᦵ˜ᖠȀ – чак firstȀ᦮ˆᢑᦵ•–Ȁ– први; прво evening Ȁ᦮‹ᦵ˜ᢛăȀ – вече fishȀˆᢛᖮȀ – риба ever Ȁ᦮‡˜ᖠȀ– икад fishingȀ᦮ˆᢛᖮᢛăȀ – пецање every Ȁ᦮‡˜”‹Ȁ– сваки fizzy drink Ȁ᦮ˆᢛœ‹†”ᢛăȀ – газирано everybodyȀ᦮‡˜”‹„ᢍ†‹Ȁ – свако пиће everyoneȀ᦮‡˜”‹™ᖴȀ– свако flamingoȀϐŽᖠ᦮ᢛăᢕᖠᖲȀ – фламинго everything Ȁ᦮‡˜”‹ɅᢛăȀ– све flatȀϐŽ§–Ȁ – стан exampleȀᢛᢕ᦮œᢌᦵ’ŽȀ – пример floorȀϐŽᖜᦵȀ– под; спрат excitedȀᢛ᦮•ƒᢛ–ᢛ†Ȁ – узбуђен flowerȀϐŽƒᖲᖠȀ – цвет exciting Ȁᢛ᦮•ƒᢛ–ᢛăȀ– узбудљив fluteȀϐŽ—ᦵ–Ȁ– флаута Excuse me. Ȁᢛ᦮•Œ—ᦵœ‹ᦵȀ – Извините. flyȀϐŽƒᢛȀ – летети expensiveȀᢛ᦮•’‡•ᢛ˜Ȁ – скуп fogȀˆᢍᢕȀ – магла experienceȀᢛ᦮•’ᢛᖠ”‹ᖠ•Ȁ – искуство foggy Ȁ᦮ˆᢍᢕ‹Ȁ – магловит explore Ȁᢛ᦮•’ŽᖜᦵȀ– истраживати followingȀ᦮ˆᢍŽᖠᖲᢛăȀ – следећи explorer Ȁᢛ᦮•’Žᖜᦵ”ᖠȀ – истраживач foodȀˆ—ᦵ†Ȁ– храна 71 WORDLIST

foo–Ȁˆᖲ–Ȁ– стопало grandfather Ȁ᦮ᢕ”§ˆᢌᦵĄᖠȀ – деда football Ȁ᦮ˆᖲ–„ᖜᦵŽȀ– фудбал; фудбалска grandmother Ȁ᦮ᢕ”§ᖴĄᖠȀ – баба лопта grandson Ȁ᦮ᢕ”§•ᖴȀ– унук for example – на пример grass Ȁᢕ”ᢌᦵ•Ȁ– трава foreign Ȁ᦮ˆᢍ”ᖠȀ– страни great Ȁᢕ”‡ᢛ–Ȁ – супер; сјајно forgetȀˆᖠ᦮ᢕ‡–Ȁ – заборавити green Ȁᢕ”‹ᦵȀ – зелен fortress Ȁ᦮ˆᖜᦵ–”ᖠ•Ȁ – тврђава greetȀᢕ”‹ᦵ–Ȁ– поздравити fortyȀ᦮ˆᖜᦵ–‹Ȁ–̸̖̯̬̖̭̖̯̔ greyȀᢕ”‡ᢛȀ – сив fourteen Ȁᦱˆᖜᦵ᦮–‹ᦵȀ– четрнаест ground floorȀᢕ”ƒᖲ†ϐŽᖜᦵȀ – приземље fourteenth Ȁᦱˆᖜᦵ᦮–‹ᦵɅȀ– четрнаести grow Ȁᢕ”ᖠᖲȀ – гајити fourth ȀˆᖜᦵɅȀ– четврти guess Ȁᢕ‡•Ȁ– погодити fox Ȁˆᢍ•Ȁ– лисица guestȀᢕ‡•–Ȁ– гост free Ȁˆ”‹ᦵȀ – бесплатан; слободан guitarȀᢕᢛ᦮–ᢌᦵȀ– гитара Friday Ȁ᦮ˆ”ƒᢛ†‡ᢛȀ – петак gun ȀᢕᖴȀ– пиштољ fridge Ȁˆ”ᢛ†ᖵȀ– фрижидер gymnastics Ȁ†ᖵᢛ᦮§•–ᢛ•Ȁ – гимнастика friedȀˆ”ƒᢛ†Ȁ– пржен friend Ȁˆ”‡†Ȁ– друг, пријатељ H friendly Ȁ᦮ˆ”‡†Ž‹Ȁ – пријатељски; H друштвен hairhairrȀŠ‡ᖠȀȀŠ‡ᖠ – коса from Ȁˆ”ᢍȀ – од hairdresserȀ᦮Š‡ᖠ†”‡•ᖠȀ– фризер; fruit Ȁˆ”—ᦵ–Ȁ– воће фризерка funȀˆᖴȀ – забава halfȀŠᢌᦵˆȀ– пола; половина furnitureȀ᦮ˆᢑᦵᢛ–ᖮᖠȀ – намештај ham ȀŠ§Ȁ– шунка futureȀ᦮ϐŒ—ᦵ–ᖮᖠȀ – будућност hand ȀŠ§†Ȁ– рука; казаљка happenȀ᦮Š§’ᖠȀ– догодити се GG happyȀ᦮Š§’‹Ȁ– срећан hard (adj)ȀŠᢌᦵ†Ȁ– тежак gallery Ȁ᦮ᢕ§Žᖠ”‹ȀȀ – галерија hard (adv)ȀŠᢌᦵ†Ȁ– вредно, марљиво game Ȁᢕ‡ᢛȀ– игра, игрица hatȀŠ§–Ȁ– шешир gardenȀ᦮ᢕᢌᦵ†ᖠȀ– двориште; башта haveȀŠ§˜Ȁ–имати general Ȁ᦮†ᖵ‡ᖠ”ᖠŽȀ – генерал have a good time – лепо се провести geography Ȁ†ᖵ‹᦮ᢍᢕ”ᖠϐ‹Ȁ– географија have a rest – одморити се get Ȁᢕ‡–Ȁ – добити have fun – забавити се get dressed Ȁ†”‡•–Ȁ – обући се have to – морати get married – оженити се; удати се headȀŠ‡†Ȁ – глава get up – устати healthy Ȁ᦮Š‡ŽɅ‹Ȁ– здрав ghostȀᢕᖠᖲ•–Ȁ– дух hear ȀŠᢛᖠȀ – чути giraffe Ȁ†ᖵᢛ᦮”ᢌᦵˆȀ– жирафа© Copyright EDUKAheavy Ȁ᦮Š‡˜‹Ȁ – тежак girl ȀᢕᢑᦵŽȀ– девојчица Hello. ȀŠ‡Ž᦮ᖠᖲȀ– Здраво. give Ȁᢕᢛ˜Ȁ– дати help ȀŠ‡Ž’Ȁ– помоћи glass ȀᢕŽᢌᦵ•Ȁ – чаша her ȀŠᢑᦵȀ – њен glove ȀᢕŽᖴ˜Ȁ – рукавица hereȀŠᢛᖠȀ– овде goȀᢕᖠᖲȀ– ићи Here you are. – Изволи. / Изволите. go away – отићи Hi.ȀŠƒᢛȀ – Ћао. go back – вратити се his ȀŠᢛœȀ – његов go for a walk – ићи у шетњу historic ȀŠᢛ᦮•–ᢍ”ᢛȀ– историјски go out of – изаћи из historyȀ᦮Šᢛ•–ᖠ”‹Ȁ– историја go to work – ићи на посао hockey Ȁ᦮Šᢍ‹Ȁ– хокеј gold ȀᢕᖠᖲŽ†Ȁ– злато; златан holiday Ȁ᦮ŠᢍŽᢛ†‡ᢛȀ– распуст; одмор golfȀᢕᢍŽˆȀ– голф home ȀŠᖠᖲȀ – дом golf course ȀᢕᢍŽˆᖜᦵ•Ȁ– терен за голф hometownȀ᦮Šᖠᖲ–ƒᖲȀ– родни град good Ȁᢕᖲ†Ȁ – добар homeworkȀ᦮Šᖠᖲ™ᢑᦵȀ – домаћи goulash Ȁ᦮ᢕ—ᦵŽ§ᖮȀ– гулаш задатак granddaughter Ȁ᦮ᢕ”§†ᖜᦵ–ᖠȀ – унука hospital Ȁ᦮Šᢍ•’ᢛ–ᖠŽȀ– болница 72 WORDLIST hot ȀŠᢍ–Ȁ– врућ hotel ȀŠᖠᖲ᦮–‡ŽȀ– хотел K hourȀƒᖲᖠȀ– сат, час K house ȀŠƒᖲ•Ȁ– кућа karate Ȁᖠ᦮”ᢌᦵ–‹ȀȀ – карате howȀŠƒᖲȀ– како kid Ȁᢛ†Ȁ– дете however ȀᦱŠƒᖲ᦮‡˜ᖠȀ– међутим kitchenȀ᦮ᢛ–ᖮᖠȀ– кухиња hugeȀŠŒ—ᦵ†ᖵȀ– огроман kiwiȀ᦮‹ᦵ™‹ᦵȀ – киви humanȀ᦮ŠŒ—ᦵᖠȀ– човек; особа knock ȀᢍȀ– куцати hundred Ȁ᦮Šᖴ†”ᖠ†Ȁ – сто, стотина knowȀᖠᖲȀ – знати hungryȀ᦮Šᖴăᢕ”‹Ȁ– гладан husband Ȁ᦮Šᖴœ„ᖠ†Ȁ– муж, супруг LL I I ladderldd Ȁ᦮Ž§†ᖠȀȀ᦮ – мердевине landȀŽ§†Ȁ– земља iceice creamcream Ȁᦱƒᢛ•᦮”‹ᦵȀ – сладолед languageȀ᦮Ž§ăᢕ™ᢛ†ᖵȀ – језик idea Ȁƒᢛ᦮†ᢛᖠȀ– идеја laptopȀ᦮Ž§’–ᢍ’Ȁ– лаптоп idol Ȁ᦮ƒᢛ†ŽȀ– идол largeȀŽᢌᦵ†ᖵȀ– велики if ȀᢛˆȀ– ако last (adj)ȀŽᢌᦵ•–Ȁ – последњи imperial Ȁᢛ᦮’ᢛᖠ”‹ᖠŽȀ– царски, last (v) ȀŽᢌᦵ•–Ȁ– трајати империјални late ȀŽ‡ᢛ–Ȁ– касно important Ȁᢛ᦮’ᖜᦵ–ᖠ–Ȁ– важан, битан later Ȁ᦮Ž‡ᢛ–ᖠȀ – касније in ȀᢛȀ– у laughȀŽᢌᦵˆȀ– смејати се in front ofȀᢛˆ”ᖴ–ᖠ˜Ȁ– испред lazy Ȁ᦮Ž‡ᢛœ‹Ȁ– лењ include Ȁᢛ᦮Ž—ᦵ†Ȁ– обухватити, leadȀŽ‹ᦵ†Ȁ– поводац укључивати leaf ȀŽ‹ᦵˆȀ– лист information Ȁᦱᢛˆᖠ᦮‡ᢛᖮᖠȀ– информација learn ȀŽᢑᦵȀ – учити insect Ȁ᦮ᢛ•‡–Ȁ – инсект leatherȀ᦮Ž‡ĄᖠȀ – кожа instrument Ȁ᦮ᢛ•–”ᖠᖠ–Ȁ– инструмент leaveȀŽ‹ᦵ˜Ȁ – оставити, напустити intelligent Ȁᢛ᦮–‡Žᢛ†ᖵᖠ–Ȁ– интелигентан, left ȀŽ‡ˆ–Ȁ– лево паметан legȀŽ‡ᢕȀ– нога interestedȀ᦮ᢛ–”ᖠ•–ᢛ†Ȁ– заинтересован lemonȀ᦮Ž‡ᖠȀ– лимун interestingȀ᦮ᢛ–”ᖠ•–ᢛăȀ– занимљив letȀŽ‡–Ȁ – допустити, дозволити introduction Ȁᦱᢛ–”ᖠ᦮†ᖴᖮᖠȀ– увод letterȀ᦮Ž‡–ᖠȀ– слово; писмо invadeȀᢛ᦮˜‡ᢛ†Ȁ – упасти, напасти lettuce Ȁ᦮Ž‡–ᢛ•Ȁ– зелена салата inventorȀᢛ᦮˜‡–ᖠȀ– проналазач levelȀ᦮Ž‡˜ᖠŽȀ – ниво invitation Ȁᦱᢛ˜ᢛ᦮–‡ᢛᖮᖠȀ– позивница libraryȀ᦮Žƒᢛ„”ᖠ”‹Ȁ– бибилотека invite Ȁᢛ᦮˜ƒᢛ–Ȁ – позвати lieȀŽƒᢛȀ– лежати island Ȁ᦮ƒᢛŽᖠ†Ȁ– острво© Copyright lifeEDUKA ȀŽƒᢛˆȀ– живот IT Ȁƒᢛ–‹Ȁ – информатика lightȀŽƒᢛ–Ȁ – лак, лаган like ȀŽƒᢛȀ– свиђати се, волети J lionȀ᦮ŽƒᢛᖠȀ– лав J listen Ȁ᦮Žᢛ•ᖠȀ– слушати jacketȀ᦮†ᖵ§ᢛ–ȀȀ᦮† – јакна litterȀ᦮Žᢛ–ᖠȀ– смеће, отпаци jam Ȁ†ᖵ§Ȁ– џем littleȀ᦮Žᢛ–ŽȀ – мали January Ȁ᦮†ᖵ§Œᖲᖠ”‹Ȁ– јануар live ȀŽᢛ˜Ȁ– живети jeans Ȁ†ᖵ‹ᦵœȀ – фармерке living roomȀ᦮Žᢛ˜ᢛă”—ᦵȀ – дневна соба job Ȁ†ᖵᢍ„Ȁ – посао lock ȀŽᢍȀ– закључати joke Ȁ†ᖵᖠᖲȀ – шала; шалити се long ȀŽᢍăȀ – дугачак; дуго journalist Ȁ᦮†ᖵᢑᦵᖠŽᢛ•–Ȁ– новинар look ȀŽᖲȀ – погледати juiceȀ†ᖵ—ᦵ•Ȁ – сок look for – тражити July Ȁ†ᖵᖲ᦮ŽƒᢛȀ– јули loudȀŽƒᖲ†Ȁ– гласан jump Ȁ†ᖵᖴ’Ȁ– скакати loveȀŽᖴ˜Ȁ– волети; љубав JuneȀ†ᖵ—ᦵȀ– јун lovely Ȁ᦮Žᖴ˜Ž‹Ȁ – леп, диван, красан just Ȁ†ᖵᖴ•–Ȁ– само; управо luckily Ȁ᦮ŽᖴᖠŽ‹Ȁ – срећом, на срећу 73 WORDLIST

lucky Ȁ᦮Žᖴ‹Ȁ – срећан mp3 playerȀᦱ‡’‹ᦵ᦮Ʌ”‹ᦵ᦮’Ž‡ᢛᖠȀ – mp3 lunchȀŽᖴ–ᖮȀ– ручак плејер murder Ȁ᦮ᢑᦵ†ᖠȀ– убиство M museum ȀŒ—ᦵ᦮œ‹ᦵᖠȀ – музеј M mushroomȀ᦮ᖴᖮ”—ᦵȀ– печурка musicȀ᦮Œ—ᦵœᢛȀ – музика mainmainȀ‡ᢛȀȀ – главни musicalȀ᦮Œ—ᦵœᢛᖠŽȀ– музички make Ȁ‡ᢛȀ– правити musician ȀŒ—ᦵ᦮œᢛᖮᖠȀ – музичар make bed – распремити кревет my ȀƒᢛȀ– мој male Ȁ‡ᢛŽȀ– мужјак; мушки mysteryȀ᦮ᢛ•–ᖠ”‹Ȁ– мистерија, mammal – сисар Ȁ᦮§ᖠŽȀ загонетка manȀ§Ȁ – човек maneȀ‡ᢛȀ – грива map Ȁ§’Ȁ – мапа NN marathon Ȁ᦮§”ᖠɅᖠȀ – маратон March Ȁᢌᦵ–ᖮȀ– март namenameȀ‡ᢛȀȀ – име marmalade Ȁ᦮ᢌᦵᖠŽ‡ᢛ†Ȁ – nationȀ᦮‡ᢛᖮᖠȀ – народ, нација мармелада nationalȀ᦮§ᖮᖠᖠŽȀ– народни, married Ȁ᦮§”‹†Ȁ– ожењен; удата национални martial artsȀ᦮ᢌᦵᖮᖠŽᢌᦵ–•Ȁ –борилачке nationality Ȁᦱ§ᖮᖠ᦮§Žᖠ–‹Ȁ– вештине националност match Ȁ§–ᖮȀ– повезати naughty Ȁ᦮ᖜᦵ–‹Ȁ – неваљао, несташан mateȀ‡ᢛ–Ȁ– другар, пријатељ near ȀᢛᖠȀ – близу maths Ȁ§Ʌ•Ȁ– математика neck Ȁ‡Ȁ – врат MayȀ‡ᢛȀ– мај necklace Ȁ᦮‡Žᖠ•Ȁ – огрлица meal ȀᢛᖠŽȀ – оброк need Ȁ‹ᦵ†Ȁ – требати, бити потребан mean Ȁ‹ᦵȀ– значити neighbour Ȁ᦮‡ᢛ„ᖠȀ – комшија, сусед meat Ȁ‹ᦵ–Ȁ– месо neighbourhood Ȁ᦮‡ᢛ„ᖠŠᖲ†Ȁ medal Ȁ᦮‡†ᖠŽȀ – медаља – комшилук meetȀ‹ᦵ–Ȁ – срести, упознати nephew Ȁ᦮‡ϐŒ—ᦵȀ – братанац; сестрић member Ȁ᦮‡„ᖠȀ – члан network Ȁ᦮‡–™ᢑᦵȀ– мрежа menuȀ᦮‡Œ—ᦵȀ– јеловник, мени never Ȁ᦮‡˜ᖠȀ– никад mice Ȁƒᢛ•Ȁ– мишеви new ȀŒ—ᦵȀ – нов middleȀ᦮ᢛ†ŽȀ – средина New YearȀŒ—ᦵŒᢛᖠȀ– Нова година midnight Ȁ᦮ᢛ†ƒᢛ–Ȁ – поноћ newsagent’sȀŒ—ᦵœ‡ᢛ†ᖵᖠ–•Ȁ – киоск са military Ȁ᦮ᢛŽᢛ–ᖠ”‹Ȁ – војни новинама milk ȀᢛŽȀ – млеко next Ȁ‡•–Ȁ – следећи million Ȁ᦮ᢛŽŒᖠȀ– милион next to – поред minuteȀ᦮ᢛᢛ–Ȁ– минут© Copyright EDUKAnice Ȁƒᢛ•Ȁ– леп mirror Ȁ᦮ᢛ”ᖠȀ – огледало nickname Ȁ᦮ᢛ‡ᢛȀ– надимак mobile phone Ȁ᦮ᖠᖲ„ƒᢛŽˆᖠᖲȀ – niece Ȁ‹ᦵ•Ȁ – братаница; сестричина мобилни телефон night Ȁƒᢛ–Ȁ– ноћ momentȀ᦮ᖠᖲᖠ–Ȁ – тренутак nineteen Ȁᦱƒᢛ᦮–‹ᦵȀ– деветнаест MondayȀ᦮ᖴ†‡ᢛȀ– понедељак nineteenth Ȁᦱƒᢛ᦮–‹ᦵɅȀ– деветнаести monthȀᖴɅȀ– месец ninetyȀ᦮ƒᢛ–‹Ȁ– деведесет moreȀᖜᦵȀ – више ninthȀƒᢛɅȀ– девети mosquitoȀᖠ᦮•‹ᦵ–ᖠᖲȀ– комарац noiseȀᖜᢛœȀ – бука most Ȁᖠᖲ•–Ȁ– већина; највише noisy Ȁ᦮ᖜᢛœ‹Ȁ – бучан mother Ȁ᦮ᖴĄᖠȀ – мајка normally Ȁ᦮ᖜᦵᖠŽ‹Ȁ– обично motorbikeȀ᦮ᖠᖲ–ᖠ„ƒᢛȀ– мотор northȀᖜᦵɅȀ – север mountain Ȁ᦮ƒᖲ–ᢛȀ– планина nose ȀᖠᖲœȀ– нос mouse Ȁƒᖲ•Ȁ – миш notebookȀ᦮ᖠᖲ–„ᖲȀ– свеска moustache Ȁᖲ᦮•–ᢌᦵᖮȀ – бркови novel Ȁ᦮ᢍ˜ᖠŽȀ– роман mouthȀƒᖲɅȀ– уста November Ȁᖠᖲ᦮˜‡„ᖠȀ– новембар move Ȁ—ᦵ˜Ȁ– померити nowȀƒᖲȀ – сада 74 WORDLIST number Ȁ᦮ᖴ„ᖠȀ– број pay Ȁ’‡ᢛȀ – платити nursе Ȁᢑᦵ•Ȁ– медицинска сестра PEȀ’‹ᦵ‹ᦵȀ – физичко васпитање peaceful Ȁ᦮’‹ᦵ•ˆᖠŽȀ– миран, тих pear Ȁ’‡ᖠȀ– крушка OO pence /pens/ множина од penny Ȁ᦮’‡‹Ȁ – пени, стоти део фунте objectbj Ȁ᦮ᢍ„†ᖵᢛ–ȀȀ᦮ – предмет pencil Ȁ᦮’‡•ᖠŽȀ – оловка oceanȀ᦮ᖠᖲᖮᖠȀ– океан pencil case Ȁ᦮’‡•ᖠŽ‡ᢛ•Ȁ – перница (four) o’clock Ȁᖠ᦮ŽᢍȀ – (четири) сата people Ȁ᦮’‹ᦵ’ŽȀ – људи October Ȁᢍ᦮–ᖠᖲ„ᖠȀ – октобар pepperȀ᦮’‡’ᖠȀ – паприка of Ȁᢍ˜Ȁ– од percentȀ’ᖠ᦮•‡–Ȁ – проценат of course Ȁᖠ˜᦮ᖜᦵ•Ȁ– наравно perfect Ȁ᦮’ᢑᦵˆ‡–Ȁ– савршен officialȀᖠ᦮ˆᢛᖮᖠŽȀ – званични period Ȁ᦮’ᢛᖠ”‹ᖠ†Ȁ– период often Ȁ᦮ᢍˆᖠȀ– често permission Ȁ’ᖠ᦮ᢛᖮᖠȀ– дозвола, old ȀᖠᖲŽ†Ȁ– стар одобрење on ȀᢍȀ– на personȀ᦮’ᢑᦵ•Ȁ – особа on foot – пешице pet Ȁ’‡–Ȁ – кућни љубимац onion Ȁ᦮ᖴŒᖠȀ– црни лук pharmacy Ȁ᦮ˆᢌᦵᖠ•‹Ȁ– апотека only Ȁ᦮ᖠᖲŽ‹Ȁ – само photo Ȁ᦮ˆᖠᖲ–ᖠᖲȀ– фотографија openȀ᦮ᖠᖲ’ᖠȀ – отворити piano Ȁ’‹᦮§ᖠᖲȀ – клавир opinionȀᖠ᦮’ᢛŒᖠȀ – мишљење picnic Ȁ᦮’ᢛᢛȀ– излет opposite Ȁ᦮ᢍ’ᖠœᢛ–Ȁ – супротно; преко picture Ȁ᦮’ᢛ–ᖮᖠȀ – слика пута pig Ȁ’ᢛᢕȀ– прасе or ȀᖜᦵȀ– или pizza Ȁ᦮’‹ᦵ–•ᖠȀ– пица orange Ȁ᦮ᢍ”ᢛ†ᖵȀ– поморанџа placeȀ’Ž‡ᢛ•Ȁ– место orderȀ᦮ᖜᦵ†ᖠȀ– поређати planȀ’Ž§Ȁ– план; планирати originate Ȁᖠ᦮”ᢛ†ᖵᢛ‡ᢛ–Ȁ – потицати, plane Ȁ’Ž‡ᢛȀ – авион водити порекло planet Ȁ᦮’Ž§ᢛ–Ȁ– планета ostrich Ȁ᦮ᢍ•–”ᢛ–ᖮȀ– ној plantȀ’Žᢌᦵ–Ȁ– биљка other Ȁ᦮ᖴĄᖠȀ– други play (n) Ȁ’Ž‡ᢛȀ– драма, комад our ȀƒᖲᖠȀ– наш play (v) Ȁ’Ž‡ᢛȀ – играти; свирати outside Ȁᦱƒᖲ–᦮•ƒᢛ†Ȁ – напољу please Ȁ’Ž‹ᦵœȀ – молим oval Ȁ᦮ᖠᖲ˜ᖠŽȀ– овалан plum Ȁ’ŽᖴȀ– шљива over Ȁ᦮ᖠᖲ˜ᖠȀ– изнад, преко pocket Ȁ᦮’ᢍᢛ–Ȁ – џеп over the moon – пресрећан poemȀ᦮’ᖠᖲᢛȀ – песма; поема own ȀᖠᖲȀ– сопствени policeȀ’ᖠ᦮Ž‹ᦵ•Ȁ– полиција policeman Ȁ’ᖠ᦮Ž‹ᦵ•ᖠȀ– полицајац poor Ȁ’ᖜᦵȀ– сиромашан PP © Copyright EDUKApopular Ȁ᦮’ᢍ’ŒᖲŽᖠȀ – популаран population Ȁᦱ’ᢍ’Œᖲ᦮Ž‡ᢛᖮᖠȀ – packk Ȁ’§ȀȀ – паковати становништво, популација pageȀ’‡ᢛ†ᖵȀ– страна possession Ȁ’ᖠ᦮œ‡ᖮᖠȀ– посед; нешто paintingȀ᦮’‡ᢛ–ᢛăȀ– слика што поседујете pairȀ’‡ᖠȀ – пар possible Ȁ᦮’ᢍ•ᖠ„ŽȀ– могућ palaceȀ᦮’§Žᢛ•Ȁ – палата post officeȀ᦮’ᖠᖲ•–ᢍˆᢛ•Ȁ – пошта parachuting Ȁ᦮’§”ᖠᖮ—ᦵ–ᢛăȀ – postcard Ȁ᦮’ᖠᖲ•–ᢌᦵ†Ȁ – разгледница падобранство poster Ȁ᦮’ᖠᖲ•–ᖠȀ – постер paragraphȀ᦮’§”ᖠᢕ”ᢌᦵˆȀ– пасус potato Ȁ’ᖠ᦮–‡ᢛ–ᖠᖲȀ – кромпир parent Ȁ᦮’‡ᖠ”ᖠ–Ȁ – родитељ pound Ȁ’ƒᖲ†Ȁ – фунта parkȀ’ᢌᦵȀ – парк predict Ȁ’”ᢛ᦮†ᢛ–Ȁ– предвидети parrot Ȁ᦮’§”ᖠ–Ȁ – папагај prediction Ȁ’”ᢛ᦮†ᢛᖮᖠȀ – partȀ’ᢌᦵ–Ȁ – део предвиђање partyȀ᦮’ᢌᦵ–‹Ȁ – забава, журка prefer Ȁ’”ᢛ᦮ˆᢑᦵȀ – више волети passport Ȁ᦮’ᢌᦵ•’ᖜᦵ–Ȁ – пасош present Ȁ᦮’”‡œᖠ–Ȁ – поклон past Ȁ’ᢌᦵ•–Ȁ– поред pretty Ȁ᦮’”ᢛ–‹Ȁ– леп 75 WORDLIST

price Ȁ’”ƒᢛ•Ȁ – цена run Ȁ”ᖴȀ – трчати primary (school) Ȁ᦮’”ƒᢛᖠ”‹Ȁ– основна (школа) put on – обући; ставити SS sadsad Ȁ•§†ȀȀ•§† – тужан QQ safari Ȁ•ᖠ᦮ˆᢌᦵ”‹Ȁ – сафари safe Ȁ•‡ᢛˆȀ– безбедан questionti Ȁ᦮™‡•–ᖮᖠȀ – питање sailor Ȁ᦮•‡ᢛŽᖠȀ – морнар quick Ȁ™ᢛȀ– брз salad Ȁ᦮•§Žᖠ†Ȁ– салата quiet Ȁ™ƒᢛᖠ–Ȁ– миран, тих salt Ȁ•ᢍŽ–Ȁ – со quite Ȁ™ƒᢛ–Ȁ– прилично same Ȁ•‡ᢛȀ– исти sandwich Ȁ᦮•§™ᢛ†ᖵȀ – сендвич R Saturday Ȁ᦮•§–ᖠ†‡ᢛȀ – субота R sausageȀ᦮•ᢍ•ᢛ†ᖵȀ– кобасица racket Ȁ᦮”§ᢛ–ȀȀ᦮” – рекет say Ȁ•‡ᢛȀ– рећи radioȀ᦮”‡ᢛ†‹ᖠᖲȀ – радио scared Ȁ•‡ᖠ†Ȁ – уплашен railway Ȁ᦮”‡ᢛŽ™‡ᢛȀ– железница scarf Ȁ•ᢌᦵˆȀ– шал; марама rain Ȁ”‡ᢛȀ– киша, падати (киша) school Ȁ•—ᦵŽȀ– школа rainy Ȁ᦮”‡ᢛ‹Ȁ– кишовит science Ȁ•ƒᢛᖠ•Ȁ – наука; природа и readȀ”‹ᦵ†Ȁ– читати друштво ready Ȁ᦮”‡†‹Ȁ – спреман scientist Ȁ᦮•ƒᢛᖠ–ᢛ•–Ȁ– научник really Ȁ᦮”ᢛᖠŽ‹Ȁ – стварно scream Ȁ•”‹ᦵȀ – вриснути red Ȁ”‡†Ȁ– црвен sculptor Ȁ᦮•ᖴŽ’–ᖠȀ – вајар refuse Ȁ”ᢛ᦮ϐŒ—ᦵœȀ – одбити sculpture Ȁ᦮•ᖴŽ’–ᖮᖠȀ– скулптура region Ȁ᦮”‹ᦵ†ᖵᖠȀ – област, регија sea Ȁ•‹ᦵȀ– море relative Ȁ᦮”‡Žᖠ–ᢛ˜Ȁ – рођак seaside Ȁ᦮•‹ᦵ•ƒᢛ†Ȁ– море relax Ȁ”ᢛ᦮Ž§•Ȁ – опустити се season Ȁ᦮•‹ᦵœᖠȀ– годишње доба remember Ȁ”ᢛ᦮‡„ᖠȀ – запамтити; second Ȁ᦮•‡ᖠ†Ȁ – други сетити се secondary (school) Ȁ᦮•‡ᖠ†”‹Ȁ – reply Ȁ”ᢛ᦮’ŽƒᢛȀ– одговорити средња (школа) reporter Ȁ”ᢛ᦮’ᖜᦵ–ᖠȀ – репортер, secret Ȁ᦮•‹ᦵ”ᖠ–Ȁ – тајни; тајна новинар see Ȁ•‹ᦵȀ – видети reptile Ȁ᦮”‡’–ƒᢛŽȀ – гмизавац semi–detached (house) Ȁᦱ•‡‹†ᢛ᦮–§–ᖮ–Ȁ residence Ȁ᦮”‡œᢛ†ᖠ•Ȁ– боравиште; – спојена једном страном с другом резиденција кућом rest Ȁ”‡•–Ȁ– остатак send Ȁ•‡†Ȁ– послати restaurant Ȁ᦮”‡•–ᖠ”ᢍ–Ȁ – ресторан separate Ȁ᦮•‡’ᖠ”‡ᢛ–Ȁ – одвојити, return Ȁ”ᢛ᦮–ᢑᦵȀ– вратити© Copyright EDUKAраздвојити rice Ȁ”ƒᢛ•Ȁ – пиринач September Ȁ•‡’᦮–‡„ᖠȀ– септембар rich Ȁ”ᢛ–ᖮȀ– богат servantȀ᦮•ᢑᦵ˜ᖠ–Ȁ– слуга rideȀ”ƒᢛ†Ȁ – возити serveȀ•ᢑᦵ˜Ȁ – служити right Ȁ”ƒᢛ–Ȁ– десно set Ȁ•‡–Ȁ– поставити, наместити (сто) river Ȁ᦮”ᢛ˜ᖠȀ – река seventeen Ȁᦱ•‡˜ᖠ᦮–‹ᦵȀ– седамнаест road Ȁ”ᖠᖲ†Ȁ – пут seventeenth Ȁᦱ•‡˜ᖠ᦮–‹ᦵɅȀ roof Ȁ”—ᦵˆȀ – кров – седамнаести room Ȁ”—ᦵȀ– соба seventh Ȁ᦮•‡˜ᖠɅȀ – седми royal Ȁ᦮”ᖜᢛᖠŽȀ – краљевски seventy Ȁ᦮•‡˜ᖠ–‹Ȁ – седамдесет rubberȀ᦮”ᖴ„ᖠȀ – гумица several Ȁ᦮•‡˜ᖠ”ᖠŽȀ– неколико rubbish bin Ȁ᦮”ᖴ„ᢛᖮ„ᢛȀ – канта за отпатке Shame on you! Ȁᖮ‡ᢛᢍŒ—ᦵȀ– Срам те rucksack Ȁ᦮”ᖴ•§Ȁ – ранац било! rugbyȀ᦮”ᖴᢕ„‹Ȁ– рагби shark ȀᖮᢌᦵȀ – ајкула rule Ȁ”—ᦵŽȀ– правило sharp Ȁᖮᢌᦵ’Ȁ – оштар ruler Ȁ᦮”—ᦵŽᖠȀ– лењир sheep Ȁᖯ‹ᦵ’Ȁ – овца 76 WORDLIST shineȀᖮƒᢛȀ – сијати spaghetti Ȁ•’ᖠ᦮ᢕ‡–‹Ȁ – шпагети shipȀᖮᢛ’Ȁ– брод speak Ȁ•’‹ᦵȀ– говорити shirtȀᖮᢑᦵ–Ȁ– кошуља special Ȁ᦮•’‡ᖮᖠŽȀ– посебан shockedȀᖮᢍ–Ȁ – шокиран, запрепашћен spell Ȁ•’‡ŽȀ – спеловати shoeȀᖮ—ᦵȀ – ципела spend Ȁ•’‡†Ȁ – провести shop Ȁᖮᢍ’Ȁ– продавница spinach Ȁ᦮•’ᢛᢛ–ᖮȀ – спанаћ shop assistantȀᖮᢍ’ᖠ᦮•ᢛ•–ᖠ–Ȁ– продавац sport Ȁ•’ᖜᦵ–Ȁ – спорт shopping listȀ᦮ᖮᢍ’ᢛăŽᢛ•–Ȁ – списак за sports centre – спортски центар куповину sportspersonȀ᦮•’ᖜᦵ–•ᦱ’ᢑᦵ•ᖠȀ – shortȀᖮᖜᦵ–Ȁ– кратак спортиста shorts Ȁᖮᖜᦵ–•Ȁ – шортс spring Ȁ•’”ᢛăȀ – пролеће shout Ȁᖮƒᖲ–Ȁ – викати squirrel Ȁ᦮•™ᢛ”ᖠŽȀ – веверица showȀᖮᖠᖲȀ– показати staircase Ȁ᦮•–‡ᖠ‡ᢛ•Ȁ – степениште shower ȀᖮƒᖲᖠȀ – туш stand Ȁ•–§†Ȁ – стајати sightseeing Ȁ᦮•ƒᢛ–ᦱ•‹ᦵᢛăȀ – разгледање star Ȁ•–ᢌᦵȀ – звезда знаменитости start Ȁ•–ᢌᦵ–Ȁ– почетак; почети sillyȀ᦮•ᢛŽ‹Ȁ– блесав; глупан state (school) Ȁ•–‡ᢛ–Ȁ – државна (школа) similarȀ᦮•ᢛᢛŽᖠȀ– сличан station Ȁ᦮•–‡ᢛᖮᖠȀ– станица sing Ȁ•ᢛăȀ– певати stay Ȁ•–‡ᢛȀ – остати; боравити singer Ȁ᦮•ᢛăᖠȀ – певач; певачица stepȀ•–‡’Ȁ– корак sink Ȁ•ᢛăȀ – судопера stew Ȁ•–Œ—ᦵȀ – паприкаш sister Ȁ᦮•ᢛ•–ᖠȀ – сестра stillȀ•–ᢛŽȀ– још увек sit Ȁ•ᢛ–Ȁ – седети stop Ȁ•–ᢍ’Ȁ – стати; зауставити sixteen Ȁᦱ•ᢛ᦮•–‹ᦵȀ – шеснаест storm Ȁ•–ᖜᦵȀ – олуја sixteenth Ȁᦱ•ᢛ᦮•–‹ᦵɅȀ – шеснаести stormyȀ᦮•–ᖜᦵ‹Ȁ– олујан sixth Ȁ•ᢛ•ɅȀ – шести story Ȁ᦮•–ᖜᦵ”‹Ȁ– прича sixtyȀ᦮•ᢛ•–‹Ȁ – шездесет strange Ȁ•–”‡ᢛ†ᖵȀ– чудан, необичан ski Ȁ•‹ᦵȀ – скијати strawberry Ȁ᦮•–”ᖜᦵ„ᖠ”‹Ȁ– јагода skiing Ȁ᦮•‹ᦵᢛăȀ – скијање street Ȁ•–”‹ᦵ–Ȁ – улица sleep Ȁ•Ž‹ᦵ’Ȁ– спавати striped Ȁ•–”ƒᢛ’–Ȁ– пругаст sleepyȀ᦮•Ž‹ᦵ’‹Ȁ– поспан strong Ȁ•–”ᢍăȀ– јак slice Ȁ•Žƒᢛ•Ȁ– кришка, парче studentȀ᦮•–Œ—ᦵ†ᖠ–Ȁ– ученик slowȀ•ŽᖠᖲȀ – спор study Ȁ᦮•–ᖴ†‹Ȁ – учити; проучавати small Ȁ•ᖜᦵŽȀ– мали stupid Ȁ᦮•–Œ—ᦵ’ᢛ†Ȁ – глуп smell Ȁ•‡ŽȀ– мирисати subject Ȁ᦮•ᖴ„†ᖵ‡–Ȁ– предмет smile Ȁ•ƒᢛŽȀ – осмех successful Ȁ•ᖠ᦮•‡•ˆᖠŽȀ – успешан smoke Ȁ•ᖠᖲȀ– пушити; дим suchȀ•ᖴ–ᖮȀ – тако snakeȀ•‡ᢛȀ– змија suddenly Ȁ᦮•ᖴ†ᖠŽ‹Ȁ – изненада, snowȀ•ᖠᖲȀ – снег; падати© Copyright(снег) EDUKAодједном snowball Ȁ᦮•ᖠᖲ„ᖜᦵŽȀ– грудва suitcase Ȁ᦮•—ᦵ–‡ᢛ•Ȁ – кофер soȀ•ᖠᖲȀ– тако; толико; према томе summer Ȁ᦮•ᖴᖠȀ– лето so far – до сада sun Ȁ•ᖴȀ– сунце sock Ȁ•ᢍȀ– чарапа Sunday Ȁ᦮•ᖴ†‡ᢛȀ– недеља something Ȁ᦮•ᖴɅᢛăȀ – нешто sunny Ȁ᦮•ᖴ‹Ȁ– сунчан sometimes Ȁ᦮•ᖴ–ƒᢛœȀ – понекад sunscreen Ȁ᦮•ᖴ•”‹ᦵȀ – крема за somewhere Ȁ᦮•ᖴ™‡ᖠȀ– негде сунчање son Ȁ•ᖴȀ– син super powerȀ᦮•—ᦵ’ᖠᦱ’ƒᖲᖠȀ – посебна songȀ•ᢍăȀ– песма моћ soon Ȁ•—ᦵȀ – ускоро supermarket Ȁ᦮•—ᦵ’ᖠᦱᢌᦵᢛ–Ȁ – Sorry! Ȁ᦮•ᢍ”‹Ȁ – Извини. супермаркет soundȀ•ƒᖲ†Ȁ – звучати supper Ȁ᦮•ᖴ’ᖠȀ – вечера soup Ȁ•—ᦵ’Ȁ – супа Sure.ȀᖮᖜᦵȀ – Наравно. south Ȁ•ƒᖲɅȀ – југ surf Ȁ•ᢑᦵˆȀ– сурфовати spaceȀ•’‡ᢛ•Ȁ – свемир surnameȀ᦮•ᢑᦵ‡ᢛȀ– презиме spaceship Ȁ᦮•’‡ᢛ•ᖮᢛ’Ȁ – свемирски брод surprise Ȁ•ᖠ᦮’”ƒᢛœȀ– изненадити 77 WORDLIST

surprisedȀ•ᖠ᦮’”ƒᢛœ†Ȁ– изненађен thirteenth ȀɅᢑᦵ᦮–‹ᦵɅȀ – тринаести swallow Ȁ᦮•™ᢍŽᖠᖲȀ – прогутати thirtieth Ȁ᦮Ʌᢑᦵ–‹ᖠɅȀ– тридесети sweetsȀ•™‹ᦵ–•Ȁ– слаткиши thirty Ȁ᦮Ʌᢑᦵ–‹Ȁ– тридесет swim Ȁ•™ᢛȀ – пливати this ȀĄᢛ•Ȁ – овај swimmingȀ᦮•™ᢛᢛăȀ – пливање those ȀĄᖠᖲœȀ– они swimming pool Ȁ᦮•™ᢛᢛă’—ᦵŽȀ– базен thousand Ȁ᦮Ʌƒᖲœᖠ†Ȁ – хиљада symphonyȀ᦮•ᢛˆᖠ‹Ȁ – симфонија throughȀɅ”—ᦵȀ– кроз throwȀɅ”ᖠᖲȀ– бацити ThursdayȀ᦮Ʌᢑᦵœ†‡ᢛȀ– четвртак TT ticketȀ᦮–ᢛᢛ–Ȁ – карта tieȀ–ƒᢛȀ – кравата tabletbl Ȁ᦮–‡ᢛ„ŽȀȀ᦮– – сто tiger Ȁ᦮–ƒᢛᢕᖠȀ– тигар tailȀ–‡ᢛŽȀ– реп time Ȁ–ƒᢛȀ– време takeȀ–‡ᢛȀ– узети timetable Ȁ᦮–ƒᢛᦱ–‡ᢛ„ŽȀ– распоред take care – бринути, пазити toast Ȁ–ᖠᖲ•–Ȁ– тост take part – учествовати todayȀ–ᖠ᦮†‡ᢛȀ– данас take place – одржавати се togetherȀ–ᖠ᦮ᢕ‡ĄᖠȀ– заједно talk Ȁ–ᖜᦵȀ– причати toiletȀ᦮–ᖜᢛŽᖠ–Ȁ – тоалет, WC taste Ȁ–‡ᢛ•–Ȁ – укус; имати укус tomatoȀ–ᖠ᦮ᢌᦵ–ᖠᖲȀ – парадајз taxi Ȁ᦮–§•‹Ȁ – такси tomorrow Ȁ–ᖠ᦮ᢍ”ᖠᖲȀ – сутра taxi driver Ȁ᦮–§•‹†”ƒᢛ˜ᖠȀ – таксиста too Ȁ–—ᦵȀ – такође teaȀ–‹ᦵȀ– чај tooth Ȁ–—ᦵɅȀ – зуб teacher Ȁ᦮–‹ᦵ–ᖮᖠȀ –наставник, наставница touristȀ᦮–ᖲᖠ”ᢛ•–Ȁ – туриста team Ȁ–‹ᦵȀ– екипа, тим tournamentȀ᦮–ᖲᖠᖠᖠ–Ȁ teeth Ȁ–‹ᦵɅȀ– зуби – турнир television Ȁ᦮–‡Žᢛ˜ᢛᖵᖠȀ – телевизија townȀ–ƒᖲȀ – град tell Ȁ–‡ŽȀ – рећи toyȀ–ᖜᢛȀ– играчка temperate Ȁ᦮–‡’ᖠ”ᖠ–Ȁ – умерена tradition Ȁ–”ᖠ᦮†ᢛᖮᖠȀ – традиција (клима) traditional Ȁ–”ᖠ᦮†ᢛᖮᖠᖠŽȀ temperatureȀ᦮–‡’”ᖠ–ᖮᖠȀ – – традиционални температура train Ȁ–”‡ᢛȀ – воз tennisȀ᦮–‡ᢛ•Ȁ – тенис tram Ȁ–”§Ȁ – трамвај tent Ȁ–‡–Ȁ– шатор transform Ȁ–”§•᦮ˆᖜᦵȀ– преобразити, tenth Ȁ–‡ɅȀ – десети трансформисати term Ȁ–ᢑᦵȀ– полугодиште transport Ȁ᦮–”§•’ᖜᦵ–Ȁ – превоз terraced (houses) Ȁ᦮–‡”ᖠ•–Ȁ – куће у низу travel Ȁ᦮–”§˜ᖠŽȀ– путовати territoryȀ᦮–‡”ᢛ–ᖠ”‹Ȁ– територија treasureȀ᦮–”‡ᖵᖠȀ– благо thanȀĄ§Ȁ– него; од tree Ȁ–”‹ᦵȀ– дрво Thank you. ȀɅ§ăŒ—ᦵȀ©– Хвала Copyright ти/вам/ EDUKAtrip Ȁ–”ᢛ’Ȁ– пут, путовање Вам. trolleybus Ȁ᦮–”ᢍŽ‹„ᖴ•Ȁ – тролејбус Thanks! ȀɅ§ă•Ȁ– Хвала! trousers Ȁ᦮–”ƒᖲœᖠœȀ – панталоне that ȀĄ§–Ȁ– онај trunk Ȁ–”ᖴăȀ – сурла the tube ȀĄᖠ–Œ—ᦵ„Ȁ – лондонски метро try Ȁ–”ƒᢛȀ – покушати, пробати theatreȀ᦮Ʌᢛᖠ–ᖠȀ – позориште T–shirt Ȁ᦮–‹ᦵᖮᢑᦵ–Ȁ– мајица their ȀĄ‡ᖠȀ – њихов Tuesday Ȁ᦮–Œ—ᦵœ†‡ᢛȀ– уторак thenȀĄ‡Ȁ – онда, затим tuna Ȁ᦮–Œ—ᦵᖠȀ – туњевина there ȀĄ‡ᖠȀ– тамо turn Ȁ–ᢑᦵȀ – скренути, окренути these ȀĄ‹ᦵœȀ – ови turn into – претворити у thinȀɅᢛȀ – мршав tusks Ȁ–ᖴ••Ȁ – кљове thing ȀɅᢛăȀ– ствар twelfth Ȁ–™‡ŽˆɅȀ– дванаести think ȀɅᢛăȀ – мислити twelve Ȁ–™‡Ž˜Ȁ– дванаест third ȀɅᢑᦵ†Ȁ – трећи twentieth Ȁ᦮–™‡–‹ᖠɅȀ– двадесети thirsty Ȁ᦮Ʌᢑᦵ•–‹Ȁ– жедан twenty Ȁ᦮–™‡–‹Ȁ – двадесет thirteen ȀɅᢑᦵ᦮–‹ᦵȀ – тринаест twinȀ–™ᢛȀ– близанац 78 WORDLIST type Ȁ–ƒᢛ’Ȁ – врста, тип wedding Ȁ᦮™‡†ᢛăȀ– венчање typical Ȁ᦮–ᢛ’ᢛᖠŽȀ– типичан WednesdayȀ᦮™‡œ†‡ᢛȀ– среда weekȀ᦮™‹ᦵȀ– седмица U weekdayȀ᦮™‹ᦵ†‡ᢛȀ – радни дан U weekend Ȁᦱ™‹ᦵ᦮‡†Ȁ– викенд well Ȁ™‡ŽȀ– добро uglyyȀ᦮ᖴᢕŽ‹ȀȀ᦮ᖴᢕ – ружан west Ȁ™‡•–Ȁ – запад uncleȀ᦮ᖴ㍎Ȁ– ујак, стриц, теча wet Ȁ™‡–Ȁ – мокар, влажан under Ȁ᦮ᖴ†ᖠȀ – испод whale Ȁ™‡ᢛŽȀ – кит underground station Ȁᦱᖴ†ᖠ᦮ᢕ”ƒᖲ† what Ȁ™ᢍ–Ȁ – шта; који ᦮•–‡ᢛᖮȀ– станица метроа when Ȁ™‡Ȁ– када understand Ȁᦱᖴ†ᖠ᦮•–§†Ȁ – разумети where Ȁ™‡ᖠȀ– где unhappy Ȁᖴ᦮Š§’‹Ȁ – несрећан whole ȀŠᖠᖲŽȀ – цео, читав unhealthyȀᖴ᦮Š‡ŽɅ‹Ȁ– нездрав whyȀ™ƒᢛȀ– зашто uniform Ȁ᦮Œ—ᦵᢛˆᖜᦵȀ – униформа wifeȀ™ƒᢛˆȀ– супруга uniqueȀŒᖲ᦮‹ᦵȀ – јединствен wildȀ™ƒᢛŽ†Ȁ– дивљи universityȀᦱŒ—ᦵᢛ᦮˜ᢑᦵ•ᢛ–‹Ȁ – универзитет win Ȁ™ᢛȀ – победити, освојити unluckyȀᖴ᦮Žᖴ‹Ȁ – несрећан wind Ȁ™ᢛ†Ȁ– ветар up Ȁᖴ’Ȁ – горе window Ȁ᦮™ᢛ†ᖠᖲȀ – прозор upside down Ȁ᦮ᖴ’•ƒᢛ††ƒᖲȀ – наопачке windyȀ᦮™ᢛ†‹Ȁ– ветровит useȀŒ—ᦵœȀ – користити wing Ȁ™ᢛăȀ– крило usually Ȁ᦮Œ—ᦵᖵ—ᖠŽ‹Ȁ– обично winter Ȁ᦮™ᢛ–ᖠȀ– зима witch Ȁ™ᢛ–ᖮȀ– вештица V withȀ™ᢛĄȀ– са V wolf Ȁ™ᖲŽˆȀ – вук vegetablevegetab Ȁ᦮˜‡†ᖵ–ᖠ„ŽȀ– поврће womanȀ᦮™ᖲᖠȀ – жена very Ȁ᦮˜‡”‹Ȁ – веома, врло word Ȁ™ᢑᦵ†Ȁ – реч view Ȁ˜Œ—ᦵȀ– поглед work Ȁ™ᢑᦵȀ– посао; дело; радити village Ȁ᦮˜ᢛŽᢛ†ᖵȀ – село worldȀ™ᢑᦵŽ†Ȁ– свет violin Ȁᦱ˜ƒᢛᖠ᦮ŽᢛȀ– виолина worried Ȁ᦮™ᖴ”‹†Ȁ – забринут visitȀ᦮˜ᢛœᢛ–Ȁ– посетити worry Ȁ᦮™ᖴ”‹Ȁ– бринути volleyball Ȁ᦮˜ᢍŽ‹„ᖜᦵŽȀ– одбојка worse Ȁ™ᢑᦵ•Ȁ – гори worst Ȁ™ᢑᦵ•–Ȁ– најгори W write Ȁ”ƒᢛ–Ȁ– писати W writer Ȁ᦮”ƒᢛ–ᖠȀ– писац waitwait Ȁ™‡ᢛ–ȀȀȀ™‡ – чекати waiter Ȁ᦮™‡ᢛ–ᖠȀ– конобар YY wake upȀ᦮™‡ᢛᖴ’Ȁ – ©пробудити Copyright се EDUKA walkȀ™ᖜᦵȀ – ходати, шетати year ȀŒᢛᖠȀȀŒ – година wallȀ™ᖜᦵŽȀ– зид yellow Ȁ᦮Œ‡ŽᖠᖲȀ – жут wallet Ȁ᦮™ᢍŽᢛ–Ȁ– новчаник yesterday Ȁ᦮Œ‡•–ᖠ†‡ᢛȀ– јуче want Ȁ™ᢍ–Ȁ– хтети; желети yetȀŒ‡–Ȁ – још wardrobe Ȁ᦮™ᖜᦵ†”ᖠᖲ„Ȁ – орман yoghurtȀ᦮Œᢍᢕᖠ–Ȁ– јогурт warm Ȁ™ᖜᦵȀ – топао You’re welcome. ȀŒᖜᦵ™‡ŽᖠȀ – Нема на wash Ȁ™ᢍᖮȀ– прати чему. watch (n)Ȁ™ᢍ–ᖮȀ – сат (ручни) youngȀŒᖴăȀ – млад watch (v) Ȁ™ᢍ–ᖮȀ– гледати yourȀŒᖜᦵȀ – твој, ваш water (n) Ȁ᦮™ᖜᦵ–ᖠȀ – вода yucky Ȁ᦮Œᖴ‹Ȁ – фуј, грозно water (v)Ȁ᦮™ᖜᦵ–ᖠȀ – залити yummy Ȁ᦮Œᖴ‹Ȁ– укусан wayȀ™‡ᢛȀ – начин; пут weak Ȁ™‹ᦵȀ – слаб wear Ȁ™‡ᖠȀ– носити weather Ȁ᦮™‡ĄᖠȀ – време 79 F CHECK EL SELFSWORDLISTWOANSWERSARNDSLWISE TRCHECK Answers


1 6 Across: café, library, gallery 1 are sitting Down: pharmacy, hospital, church, bank, 2 isn’t playing, is reading baker’s, theatre 3 are you writing, am doing

2 7 1 different 2 slow 3 yummy 1 is 2 from 3 have 4 in 5 are 6 any 7 a 4 clever 5 close 6 aunt 8 3 1 d 2 d 3 c 4 b 5 c 1 fair 2 mp3 player 3 noisy 9 4 Italy 5 bedroom 6 nephew 1 When is your birthday? 2 How many shops are there in your street? 4 3 Has your best friend got a mobile phone? 1 in 2 at 3 about 4 to 5 into 6 for 4 What are you doing at the moment?

5 10 1 armchair 2 toilet 3 carpet 1 Excuse 2 looking 3 there 4 Cross 4 fridge 5 sofa 6 wardrobe 5 left 6 between 7 much 8 welcome Mystery word: MIRROR


1 6 Across: maths, science, music, German, 1 don’t walk, catch biology, Serbian 2 Do, study Down: IT, art, PE, history, English 3 plays, doesn’t read 2 © Copyright7 EDUKA 1 play 2 mammals 3 brush 4 watch 5 high 1 at 2 to 3 his 4 the 5 for 6 a

3 8 1 laugh 2 tusks 3 always 4 sunny 5 wet 1 c 2 b 3 a 4 b 5 a 6 d

4 9 1 lion 2 sheep 3 bat 4 deer 1 Can you run fast? 5 pig 6 cow 7 whale 2 How often do you go to the cinema? Mystery word: OSTRICH 3 Are you better at English than him? 4 What time do you go to bed? 5 1 bigger 2 the prettiest 10 3 more dangerous 1 if 2 sorry 3 moment 4 Can 4 worse 5 the best 5 Sure 6 Thanks 7 problem



1 6 Across: actor, artist, nurse, writer 2 came 3 could 4 put 5 saw Down: cook, explorer, musician, waiter, 6 took 7 told 8 wrote scientist, teacher 7 2 1 b 2 c 3 a 4 c 5 d 6 d 1 candles 2 angry 3 last 4 meat 5 rest 8 3 1 Where were your parents born? 1 strawberries 2 worried 3 invited 2 Was your friend at the cinema last week? 4 fizzy drinks 5 scared 3 What did you do two days ago? 4 Did you have any vegetables for lunch? 4 5 How many apples are there in the basket? 1 fish 2 cake 3 egg 4 chicken 5 bread 6 cherry 7 pear 8 tomato 9 Mystery word: ICE CREAM 1 was 2 good / great 3 home 4 Really 5 went 6 time 5 7 fantastic / fun 1 disappeared 2 didn’t go 3 Did...write 4 said, was 10 5 didn’t eat, ate 1 Can 2 have 3 course 4 thanks 5 That is


1 6 Across: skirt, coat, boot, dress, jacket, jeans 2 gave 3 went 4 did 5 ate Down: (T-)shirt, socks, shoes, shorts 6 got 7 took 8 wrote 9 slept 10 drank 11 caught 12 heard 2 1 sunscreen 2 university 7 3 dangerous 4 skiing 1 to 2 am 3 by 4 at/in 5 fall © Copyright5 will EDUKA6 like 7 but 3 8 1 successful 2 a passport 1 b 2 d 3 c 4 b 5 b 3 do 4 thin 5 a scarf 9 1 Will he win the competition next week? 4 2 What do you have to do every day? 1 plane 2 bike 3 car 4 ship 3 Are they going to take any photos? 5 coach 6 train 7 tram 4 Did she sleep in a tent last summer? Mystery word: AIRPORT 5 Would you like to go to the seaside?

5 10 1 Ø, the 2 Ø, Ø 1 bed 2 will 3 Don’t 4 must 5 right 3 the 4 the 11 1 Have 2 play 3 Would 4 shall 5 about 81 Irregular verbs

Verb Past Simple be was / were blow blew buy bought catch caught come came do did drink drank eat ate find found fly flew forget forgot give gave get got go went have had hear heard make made meet met put put read /ri:d/ read /red/ run ran © Copyrightsay EDUKAsaid see saw sleep slept spend spent take took tell told wake woke win won write wrote

82 © Copyright EDUKA