Annual Report 2015
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The Capital of Scandinavia The City of Stockholm’s Annual Report The City of Stockholm’s 2015 Annual Report The City of Stockholm's Annual Report gives you an overview of the City’s finances and oper- ations during 2015. The report covers both the City’s committees and the operations carried out in limited company form. A separate Annual Report is also produced for Stockholms Stadshus AB and the companies which are part of the Group. Additional copies of the Annual Report may Production be ordered from the City Executive Office: The City Executive Office’s Finance Depart- Finansavdelningen, ment in collaboration with Blomquist Stadshuset, Editor SE-105 35 Stockholm Elin Andréasson and Eva Bowden (picture) Telephone +46 (0)8-508 29 000 Layout and production of original Fax +46 (0)8-508 29 360 Blomquist AB E-mail [email protected] Cover photo The Annual Report for Stockholms Stadshus Pär Olsson AB may be ordered from: Cover and internal photo Stockholms Stadshus AB Sara McKey SE-105 35 Stockholm Repro and printing QR CODE Telephone +46 (0)8-508 29 000 Edita Västra Aros 2015 Fax +46 (0)8-508 29 080 Article number E-mail [email protected] 13120 Stadsledningskontoret 2016-04 2 The City of Stockholm’s Annual Report 2015 Contents 4 Foreword – A Stockholm for Everyone 6 Administration Report 7 Important events and decisions during the year 8 Stockholm in the world 9 General economic analysis 11 Organisation and governance 12 The City Executive Board’s supervisory duty 22 How the City is governed 23 The Municipal Group’s governance 29 The City’s international work 30 The City’s quality improvement efforts – quality for Stockholmers 32 City Council orientation goals 34 A Stockholm that stands united 52 Eco-smart Stockholm 60 Financially sustainable Stockholm 70 Democratically sustainable Stockholm 86 Economic and financial analysis 87 About the Municipal Group 89 About the City 94 Annual Financial Statements 95 Income statement and statement of cash flows 96 Balance Sheet 97 Accounting policies 100 Notes to the income statement 103 Notes to the statement of cash flows 105 Notes to the balance sheet 114 Audit Report 115 Committees, companies and foundations 118 Five-year summary The City of Stockholm’s Annual Report 2015 3 A Stockholm for Everyone Stockholm is the city of possibilities. People move here to work and study. Development and ambition exist side by side here. Stockholm has fantastic nature, a broad cultural life and crea tivity that makes the city grow. An equal-opportunity city that safeguards its residents grows strong. n 2015, the Municipal Council Local business efforts in the City have hened the efforts of the social services. adopted a new vision for Stock been developed, in part through the The situation that has arisen involving holm, Vision 2040. The vision is establishment of business councils in many refugees has put pressure on the City of Stockholm’s goal for a the city districts and greater coopera several of the City’s operations. This is socially, financially, ecologically tion with business associations and apparent in the activities of the Chief and democratically sustainable Stockholm Business Region AB. The Guardian Committee in higher remune development in the next few decades. proportion of business operators in the ration costs for trustees and personnel IThe vision will be the foundation of our population of the City of Stockholm costs linked to the higher number of continued work on developing a Stock is higher than the county average and unaccompanied refugee children. Despite holm for Everyone. more than twice as high as the national the strained situation, the City was able to average. The fact that the number of present a strong, flexible organisation that Stockholm basically has a strong newly started companies increased by relatively quickly adapted its operations economy and sound finances. We should 12 percent compared with 2014 is very to the situation that arose. The staff’s safeguard this. Despite a subdued global encouraging. efforts cannot be emphasized enough. development, Sweden’s and Stockholm’s Staff in the City of Stockholm, together economy has developed positively in the In 2015, Sweden’s population grew by with NGOs and volunteering Stockhol past year. Among other things, the gross 103,662 people. This is the largest year mers, successfully maintained a good regional product in Stockholm County onyear increase measured todate. The reception for the many people who came increased by almost 50 percent since the City of Stockholm’s population grew by to our City in the autumn. Continued turn of the millennium. The correspond 11,527 people. The population growth is efforts are necessary in the next few years ing development nationwide is around 31 mainly attributable to the continuation to enable establishment in the city and percent. Stockholm’s economy is strong. of a high birth rate. At yearend, the further work is necessary in schools, the City’s population was 923,516. labour market, housing construction and The labour market in Stockholm is social services. developing well. Unemployment among Stockholm is and will continue to be an young people continues to drop. The rate attractive city where people want to live We note that the number of registrations of employment among those aged 15 to and work. Stockholm is an open City and applications for support for children 74 is significantly higher in Stockholm that welcomes people from the whole and young people increased in 2015. than the rest of the country, as well as other world. The majority of those who move This is partly due to the higher number metropolitan regions. The employment to Stockholm from abroad come from rate has been relatively constant in recent Europe. Of those from the rest of the Staff in the City of years. Several efforts have been made world, most people come from India, » during the year to strengthen people Syria and China. Stockholm, together with who are outside the labour market. NGOs and volunteering Among others, efforts are continuing At the end of 2015, the number of refugees Stockholmers, successfully for temporary employment in municipal coming to Stockholm increased. Special operations, more holiday jobs, support efforts are being made to manage this maintained a good and coaching through the Jobbtorgen unexpected situation. The City reinforced reception for the many resource programmes and for young all of its reception functions, increased people who came to our people who neither work or study. its presence at the central station, opened temporary housing facilities and strengt City in the autumn.« 4 The City of Stockholm’s Annual Report 2015 of unaccompanied refugee children. The schools. A number of special efforts Proposals were prepared during the year child and youth units continue to recruit have been made during the year, on the City of Stockholm’s environmen social workers to handle the higher influx including the Stockholm Mathematics tal programme for 2016–2019, which of cases. Focus continues to be on pre Improvement, efforts to promote an advances the positions of the City’s vention and early efforts for children and attractive and sustainable educational environmental efforts. Documentation young people. The City has appointed a offering and efforts to make the voca has also been prepared for a new climate Child Ombudsman and a Social Sustaina tional programmes more attractive. strategy for Stockholm, which will bility Commission and established a fund specify short and long term measures for social investments, which creates Stockholm does well from an interna to achieve the goal of a fossilfuelfree good conditions for systematic work for tional perspective in terms of the envir Stockholm by 2040. equal and positive childhood conditions. onmental sustainability of cities. For example, Stockholm, together with Copen During the year, the City won two According to the City’s method for hagen, Oslo, Vienna and Amsterdam, tops international awards for its work. The indepth quality followup in elderly the European Green City Index, which City of Stockholm’s fibre networks are care, good results are shown in the areas measures major European cities’ envir future proof and of the highest quality onmental performance and commitment according to the EU, which named During the year, the City to reducing future environmental impact. Stockholm as the winner of the European » Broadband Award 2015 competition. The won two international awards In 2015, funding from what is known as organisation C40’s award for the best for its work. the Climate Billion programme began sustainable urban development project « to be utilised. SEK 1 billion is allocated went to Stockholm and the Stockholm of meals, time outdoors and work on to contribute to reducing carbon dioxide Royal Seaport. The award was handed common values. Guidelines for process emissions and having a high prepar out during the COP21 climate summit in ing in the social services’ elderly care edness for future climate changes. In Paris where the City was represented. were adopted during the year as well as addition, several steps have been taken a strategy for elderly care staff in the to achieve the requirements in the City’s Stockholm is a fantastic city to live and City of Stockholm. chemical’s plan, mainly with a focus work in. We would like to direct a huge, on toxinfree preschools. Stockholm’s warm thank you to all of our employees The number of children in the City’s action plan for a good water status was who contribute to Stockholm’s develop preschools is growing. At the same approved during the year and the City ment. The goal for Stockholm is to be time, we see that there are differences also began more stringently requiring a financially, ecologically, socially and between city districts.