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In Your Neighborhood Norwegian Heritage Sharing family Osvaldgruppen: history through En familie som holder sammen, Heroes in the bygdebøker er uovervinnelig. shadows Read more on page 13 – Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson Read more on page 14 Norwegian American Weekly

Vol. 122 No. 41 November 11, 2011 Established May 17, 1889 • Formerly Western Viking and Nordisk Tidende $1.50 per copy .com News Find more at www.norway.com Making streets safer in News Hostilities were rising in the Increase in northern Norwegian city of Tromsø in the first week of No- patrols eases vember, after a conflict over of- ficial use of the Sámi language fears in the descended into vulgar threats against the local association capital city representing the indigenous Sámi people. The conflict also involves Sámi clothing, and, say Ke l s e y La r s o n some, threatens the entire Sámi Copy Editor culture. (blog.norway.com/category/ news) Over Halloween weekend in Oslo, several rapes and one mur- Business der took place despite an extra 20 German financial experts warn police officers patrolling Oslo’s against what they call the “wage streets. This resulted in outrage feast” in Norway. They say high and a call to Oslo’s government to wages have made it very diffi- help keep the streets safe. cult for Norwegian industry to It may be necessary to send for compete abroad. “The result of police officers from out of town to the strong increase in wages is put an end to the wave of violence that the export industry is gradu- in the capital, suggested Justice ally disappearing from Norway,” Photo: Nattravnene says diretor of INEOS Olefins A large increase in visible street patrols by police, security guards and volunteers such as Nattravnene (pictured above), & Polymers Europe (Norway) See > safety, page 6 brought a better sense of safety to Oslo after the capital city was rattled by a string of sexual assaults and violence. Eirik Stamland to NRK. (blog.norway.com/category/ business) A peaceful retreat Learning from others Norway in the U.S. The Norwegian Armed Forc- Come as customers and leave as friends at Minister of Oil and es Day of Remembrance was Chalet in the Woods in Gig Harbor, Wash. Energy Ola Borten marked Friday, Nov. 4th at the Ambassador’s residence in Moe makes visit to Washington, D.C., to remember North America those who have passed away while serving their country. (blog.norway.com/category/nor- Ke l s e y La r s o n way-in-the-us) Copy Editor Norway’s Minister for Oil and What’s inside? Energy, , wrapped News 2-3 up his tour across Canada and the

Business 4 See > learning, page 6 Photo: Christy Olsen Field Research & Education 5 Opinion 6-7 Taste of Norway 8 Challenges of our time Travel 9 Friends of Norway Roots & Connections 10 Obituaries & Religion 11 Refugee event Photo: Christy Olsen Field honors Nansen Arts & Style 12 The women of Chalet in the Woods. From left: Laura Almaas (owner), Helen de la In Your Neighborhood 13 Torre, Fumiko Tamaru and Paulette Anderson. Norwegian Heritage 14 Ke n n e t h Kr a t t e n m a k e r h r i s t y l s e n i e l d C O F Royal Norwegian Embassy Sports 15 Managing Editor Washington, D.C.

$1 = NOK 5.6155 Situated on 12 lovely acres curated and high-quality items first grabbed updated 11/7/2011 of gardens, woodlands and pasture from northern Europe, Chalet in the world’s attention as an explor- In comparison near Gig Harbor, Wash., Chalet the Woods is committed to sharing er. He led the first team that crossed 10/7/2011 5.8284 in the Woods is a peaceful retreat timeless design of Scandinavia for the interior. His exploits Photo: Royal Norwegian Embassy 5/7/2011 5.5305 from the buzz of commercialism. U.N. High Commissioner for Refu- 11/7/2010 5.7663 With a selection of thoughtfully chalet, page 13 See > nansen, page 11 gees António Guterres was the keynote See > speaker on Oct. 26. 2 • November 11, 2011 norwegian american weekly Nyheter fra Norge Nyheter Strøm av nye medlemmer til Ap og AUF Stoltenberg taus om klimaforliket Hittil i år har Arbeiderpartiet fått over 11.000 nye medlemmer. Nesten 8.000 av disse har Statsminister Jens meldt seg inn etter 22. juli. Rundt 4.000 Stoltenberg (Ap) vil ikke ungdommer har meldt seg inn i AUF. Oslo Ap alene har hatt en medlemsvekst på 40 svare på om klimaforliket prosent hittil i år, skriver Dagsavisen. – Det står ved lag ligger an til tidenes største medlemsvekst. Mange har meldt seg inn de siste ukene, så tallet endrer seg hele tida. Innmeldingene Af t e n p o s t e n kom i økende takt etter 22. juli og etter val- gkampen, sier Jan Bøhler, leder i Oslo Ap. Ifølge VG vil Finansdepartementet Totalt har Arbeiderpartiet fått 11.214 nye legge til side klimaforliket som regjeringen medlemmer i år, hvorav 7.961 etter 22. juli. inngikk med Høyre, Venstre og KrF i 2008. Totalt i fjor hadde partiet 49.407 medlem- I stedet skal departementet gå inn for at mer. Partiungdommene i AUF hadde i fjor alle klimakutt skal skje i utlandet, gjennom totalt 9.600 medlemmer. I år har de registrert kvotekjøp. 4.000 nye etter 22. juli. – Jeg vil ikke kommentere enkeltheter i (NTB) en melding som regjeringen legger til neste år. Når regjeringen legger den fram, vil Foto: Statsministerens kontor Psykolog: – Ikke del alt på nett alle se hva vårt standpunkt er, sier han. Statsminister taler under åpningen av Energy for all- konferansen som arrangeres den Leder for Senter for krisepsykologi i Fraværet av en bindende internasjonal 10. og 11. oktober 2011 i Oslo. Han høstet mange lovord da regjeringen la fram sine mål for hjemlige Atle Dyregrov advarer Utøyaungdom mot å klimaavtale, at klimaforliket blir dyrere enn utslippskutt. Nå vil han ikke svare på om klimaforliket fra 2008 står ved lag. dele for mye på nettet. – Tenk på at det er beregnet og at utviklingen av ny miljøte- et stort publikum. Ha en form for selvsen- knologi har gått langsommere enn forventet minister-jobben, sier Solvik-Olsen. Statsministeren er fortsatt innstilt på at sur, og ikke legg ut alt. Tenk på at det skal At regjeringens såkalte månelanding- anlegget blir en realitet. være der for all fremtid, sier Dyregrov til skal være grunnlaget for Finansdepartemen- sprosjekt på Mongstad er utsatt, er en av – Vi har iallfall ikke endret planene, og NRK. Flere AUF-ere NRK har snakket med tets syn. forteller at de bruker blogging som en form – Hvordan skal vi klare å overbevise ki- grunnene til at det lenge har brent et blått lys jeg vil gjøre hva jeg kan for å følge dem opp, for terapi etter 22. juli. Dyregrov har 30-års nesere og indere til å ta klimakutt på alvor for målsettingene i klimaforliket. sier han. erfaring med sorgarbeid, og sier det blir mer når vi ikke er villige til å gjøre det samme, I helgen gikk forskningsdirektør Nils Klimameldingen, der regjeringen for- og mer vanlig å dele følelser på nettet. – Det sier Venstre-leder . Røkke i SINTEF ut med kraftig kritikk ventes å gi Stortinget sitt svar på hvordan er nok en trend at flere og flere kommuniser- Hun kaller forslaget umoralsk og gam- av regjeringens oppfølging av Mongstad- Norge skal klare å kutte 20 prosent av kli- er med mange, og ikke bare de nærmeste meldags. Fremskrittspartiets Ketil Solvik- prosjektet. I et intervju med Af- mautslippene innen 2020, er blitt utsatt en vennene. Mange unge opplever nok at de må Olsen er helt uenig, og mener departementet tenblad slo Røkke fast at han ikke lenger rekke ganger. Regjeringen har håp om å leg- være på nettet for å kjenne at de eksisterer, deler Frps analyse av god klimapolitikk. tror det blir noe av et fullskala renseanlegg ge den fram i løpet av første halvår. sier Dyregrov. – For meg er det å skrive mye – Det er ikke mulig å nå målene i kli- for CO2 ved gasskraftverket på Mongstad i English Synopsis: Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg is mer terapi enn å sitte hos en psykolog. Alle maforliket, så det må uansett reforhandles. Hordaland. keeping quiet about the new climate agreement pro- vet hva som har skjedd med meg, og da er Trolig vet at han vil tape denne – Kostnadene er nå så høye at planene posed by the government, which was leaked by VG. det greit å skrive om følelser. Jeg syns det kampen, og det er derfor han allerede har sagt ikke har sjanse til å overleve Stortinget, sier The proposal is being criticized as immoral and old- fashioned, and is unpopular with the opposition. er lettere å bruke bloggen som terapi enn å seg villig til å la noen andre overta miljøvern- den velkjente klimaforskeren. sitte i et trangt psykologrom og snakke om det som er vondt, sier Marte Fevang Smith (17) til NRK.no. (NRK) Nordisk Hun tok natta tilbake i Oslo Frp øker og Høyre faller på ny måling – Forhindrer vi én Fremskrittspartiet øker oppslutningen med velferdsstat voldtekt er det verdt 2,2 prosentpoeng til 16,9 prosent. Høyre faller 1,9 prosentpoeng til 28,7 prosent. Det Norge vil videreutvikle det, sier Louiza Louhibi er også bevegelser blant de øvrige partiene. Arbeiderpartiet går nest mest fram med 1,6 en nordisk velferdsstat a g b l a d e t prosentpoeng til 33 prosent. Senterpartiet D øker oppslutningen med 0,5 prosentpoeng NTB fra oktober til 5,3 prosent på den nye no- I 2008 ble Louiza Louhibi (21) utsatt for grov overfallsvoldtekt i Oslo. Da var hun vembermålingen. Sosialistisk Venstreparti Norge vil utvikle velferdsstaten i et nor- ligger på stedet hvil under sperregrensen bare 17 år gammel. Den 30. oktober valgte disk perspektiv når landet overtar formannsk- med støtte fra 3,5 prosent av de spurte. Ven- den unge jenta å stå fram på det sosiale net- apet i Nordisk ministerråd neste år. stre faller 1 prosentpoeng til 4,8 prosent. tverket Twitter: «Jeg var et offer for en over- – Norden og det nordiske samarbeidet er Kristelig Folkeparti går tilbake 1,3 prosent- fallsvoldtekt i 2008. Men man kan ikke være på mange måter ved et veiskille. Den økono- poeng til 4,8 prosent. Rødt går fram 0,7 et offer hele livet. Aksjon mot voldtekt nå!» Foto: Håkon Eikesdal prosentpoeng til 2 prosent. Et rent flertall av miske krisen i Europa har satt sitt preg også VG kunne denne uken fortelle om på Norden, og velferdsstaten er under press. Voldtektsoffer Louiza Louhibi tok gata tilbake mennene vil stemme på Høyre eller Frem- hennes sterke historie. Hun ble slått i ansik- sammen med AUF og Natteravnene. skrittspartiet. 37 prosent av mennene vil De nordiske landene må møte utfordringene tet, truet på livet og tvunget til å kle av seg. sammen og videreutvikle samarbeidet, sa stemme rødgrønt. Halvparten av kvinnene Hun skulle bare spørre om veien. ut på byen med venner, og har valgt ikke å statsminister Jens Stoltenberg da han tirsdag vil stemme rødgrønt, mens 39 prosent av Det har blitt mye fokus på Louiza Louhi- være et offer. presenterte Norges formannskapsprogram. kvinnene vil gi sine stemmer til Høyre (26 bi de siste dagene. – Jeg kan ikke gå rundt å leve med fryk- prosent) og Frp (13 prosent). Han understreket at de nordiske sam- – Jeg er litt tom for ord. Jeg føler mye ten. Jeg er bare ekstra påpasselig. Jeg velger (Dagbladet) funnene preges av en høy grad av velferd og er sagt, men jeg har fått utrolig mye god re- å være mer forsiktig med alkohol, jeg og likhet kombinert med sterk konkurranseevne spons, sier Louhibi til Dagbladet. venner tar følge sammen og jeg passer på å Svært få adopsjoner av norske barn og omstillingskraft som har vist sin styrke i Natt til 7. november var den unge rekke bussene, sier hun. Så få som to til tre barn formidles for adop- en stadig mer globalisert verden. AUFeren ute med over 20 andre politikere, Louiza Louhibi har lite tro på Iphone sjon innad i Norge hvert år. – Foruten ste- Satsingen på et likestilt samfunn hvor på tvers av partiene, og nesten 120 Natter- apps, pepperspray og andre gjenstander som barn- og fosterbarnadopsjon har det de siste kvinner deltar på lik linje med menn, er en avner for å patruljere Oslos gater. hun føler kan gi falsk trygghet. Men hun har ti årene vært mindre enn ti adopsjoner av nor- sentral faktor i en bærekraftig velferdsstat. – Jeg har stor respekt for Natteravnene, en klar oppfordring: ske barn årlig, forteller Morten Stephansen, – Det er viktig at vi i det nordiske sa- og det er utrolig flott at så mange kunne stille – Jeg syntes alle bør ta selvforsvarskurs. avdelingsdirektør for adopsjonsseksjonen marbeidet holder fast ved denne modellen, opp, sier Louhibi til Dagbladet. Både kvinner og menn. i Barne-, ungdoms- og familiedirektoratet samtidig som vi utvikler den slik at vi står Louiza var blant de som patruljerte Takket være Louiza Louhibi og alle de til VG Nett. Barna som adopteres innad i best mulig rustet til å møte vår tids hovedut- Norge adopteres i stor grad av nær fami- gatene som Natteravn. Det gjorde hun sam- andre som var ute for å beskytte jentene i fordringer, sa Stoltenberg. lie. – Det har vært så få som to og tre barn i men med lederen i Oslo AUF Vegard Wen- oslonatta, har ikke politiet fått inn en eneste året, sier han. Han sier at forespørslene fra English Synopsis: When Norway takes over the presi- nesland, Ap-politiker Libe Rieber-Mohn, melding om voldtekt i natt. homofile par om muligheten for å adoptere dency of the Nordic Council of Ministers in 2012, one og tre unge AuFerne fra AUF, Ida English Synopsis: Louiza Louhibi (21) is a volunteer with barn fra utlandet var flere like etter loven focus will be developing the Nordic welfare state. “The Torgerstuen (19), Amalie Rieber-Mohn (19) Natteravene (the Night Ravens), who patrol the streets at trådte i kraft. Nordic countries have to face the [economic] challenges og Roja Darian (28). night to create a safer environment. Louhibi was raped together and develop cooperation, said Prime Minister (Aftenposten) three years ago on the streets of Oslo, and she wanted to Jens Stoltenberg, when he presented Norway’s chair- Hun syntes ikke det er ubehagelig å take action against rape through volunteering. manship of the program. fronte denne alvorlige saken. Hun går selv Norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/news November 11, 2011 • 3 News Top of the list Mismanagement of foreign aid This week on Norway.com Warm air from the Azores heats Norway Norway ranks first in New report shows Last year at this time, the ski season had annual UN Human started. This year, the weather is mild and nearly NOK 30 million above freezing in the mountains during the Development rankings never reached first week in November. At the beginning of October last year, the school children designated projects had their gloves, hats and jackets out. On Ma r i t Fo s s e October 21, the winter came and the first Geneva, Switzerland snowfall paralyzed the south. The autumn St a ff Co m p i l a t i o n weather over large parts of the country is Norwegian American Weekly not going to hike the electric bill much, In this year’s newly released Human and this is due to warm air from coming in Development Index (HDI) rankings, the an- from the south. “This air comes from high nual United Nations measure of progress in In a new report released Nov. 7 from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, nearly NOK 30 pressure areas to the west in the Atlantic human well-being, Norway is still ranked Ocean, around the Azores, which is why it is million (approximately USD 5.3 million) in number one in the world. so hot,” says meteorologist John Smit at the Norwegian development aid never reached The Human Development Index com- Meteorological Institute in Oslo. “It is very bines measures of life expectancy, literacy, their intended projects, due to corruption. mild in southern Norway, especially in the school enrolment and gross domestic prod- The Ministry of Foreign Affairs looked mountains. But along the coast of Finnmark, uct (GDP) per capita. This year a record 187 into 253 reported cases, and found misman- it is down to 3.2°C with snow on the peaks, countries and territories were measured – up agement of funds in 37 of them. Of these, 12 so there is a difference between north and from 169 last year. cases have been reported to the police. Most south.” Norway retained its top position from of the funds are channeled through various (Aftenposten) last year, ahead of Australia and then the aid agencies and the U.N. Photo: Berit Roald / Office of the Prime Minister Young job seekers look to Norway Minister of International Development Erik Sol- See > rankings, page 7 See > aid, page 15 heim Young people in southern Europe are fleeing the financial crisis in their homeland, and there is an increasing interest in seeking work Controversy over in Norway, NRK reports. The Norwegian Patents across borders section of E.U.’s agency for cooperation in bunad photos the labour market, EURES, reports a strong At 100 years, increase in requests for information. “There are strong indications that this trend will just Norwegian patenting Four models take lawsuit continue,” says head of EURES in Norway, against Husfliden Amadina Jahre. moves toward (Norway Post)

European norm NRK Transatlantic Science Week brought Norway to Berkeley to tackle global Jo h n Er i k St a c y energy challenges Four models are pursuing a NOK 1 mil- Seattle, Wash. More than 300 participants from academia, lion lawsuit against Husfliden, which pro- government and industry registered to attend motes traditional Norwegian crafts – such as Transatlantic Science Week 2011, as the Even as the Norwegian Intellectual bunads – in today’s world. The models be- annual event came to the West Coast for Property Office celebrated its 100th anniver- lieve that Husfliden does not have the right the first time in its 10-year history. Fridtjof sary on Oct. 12, the focus for policy mak- to use photos taken at the end of the 1990s. Unander, executive director of the Research ers is to unify and rationalize patent practice Managing Director of Norsk Flid, the Council of Norway, delivered the second across national borders. Bernd Ewald is “the chain collaborator of 29 Husfliden stores keynote address on Norwegian perspectives patent man” at the Norwegian Ministry of around the country, Per Willy Næsseth, be- on energy research and development. Trade and Industry. He is Austrian born but lieves the pictures have continued to be used Organized by the Norwegian embassy in moved to Norway in 1992 and brought with “according to our written agreement.” Washington, D.C., the transatlantic forum him his law degree from the University of Later this month the bunad pictures will was established in 2001 to foster, facilitate Vienna and his love for Mari, his Norwe- go to trial in North Gudbrandsdal District and increase cooperation between Norway gian fiancée who he met when she studied Court. Husfliden still uses the images in ad- and North America in the areas of research, biochemistry at the same university. He did vertisements, brochures and on websites. innovation and higher education. post-graduate studies at the University of The models believe Husfliden is not en- (University of California at Berkeley) Oslo where, among other topics, he stud- Photo: John Erik Stacy Bernd Ewald works with patents at the Norwegian See > patents, page 5 Ministry of Trade and Industry. See > husfliden, page 12

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Norwegian American Weekly (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 1942-1389) is published weekly except the last two weeks of July, the first two weeks of August and the last week of Dec. by Norwegian American Weekly Inc, 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, WA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Norwegian American Weekly 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Phone: (206)784-4617 • Email: naw@norway. Proud to bring you the Norwegian American Weekly com • Website: norway.com. Annual subscription cost: USD $55 domestic; USD $75 to Canada; USD $175 to Norway and all other foreign countries. 4 • November 11, 2011 Online: blog.norway.com/category/business norwegian american weekly Business

Exchange Rates Oslo Børs: Week at a Glance (November 7, 2011) Winners Losers Focus on youth enterprises Norsk Kr. 5.6155 Name NOK Change Name NOK Change Encouraging young people in entrepreneurship SpareBank 1 98.0 40.0% Green Reefers 0.5 -22.2% Dansk Kr. 5.4181 Aker Floating Prod. 3.0 14.5% Eitzen Chemical 0.2 -21.7% creates new opportunities and enthusiasm Svensk Kr. 6.5779 Norske Skogindustrier 4.93 11.5% Camillo Eitzen & Co. 0.63 -16.0% Gyldendal 220.0 10.0% Scana Industrier 2.0 -6.98% Canadian $ 1.0168 Grieg Seafood 4.0 8.1% Solstad Offshore 79.5 -6.5% Euro 0.7278 For detailed information about the Oslo Børs, visit www.dn.no.

Photo: Pål Bugge/inn/Innovation Norway

Ra s m u s Fa l ck Oslo, Norway Full Service Agency With Experienced Norwegian Speaking Consultants! Full Service Agency WithOur Experienced daily specials Norwegian and regularly Speaking updated Consultants! There is a lot of entrepreneurship activ- Young Enterprise of the Year in Oslo. After information will help you make wise travel Our daily specials and regularly updated informationdecisions will inhelp ayou make constantly wise travel changing decisions in world! a constantly changing world! ity in schools these days. Young enterprise is a year long selection process 42 applications well known in Norway among young people. from six countries took part. The Award was Sp e c i a l s t o Sc a n d i n a v i a , Specials to Scandinavia VERRAZANO TRAVEL & LEISURE Their main activity is to have students start won by two inspiring, motivated and innova- Eu r o p e & t h e Ca r i b b e a n Europe & the Caribbean 1 (718) 979-6641 and run a young enterprise for a school year. tive young people from . The winners [email protected][email protected] Call us for details! Call us for details! But there are also other kinds of activity. impressed the jury with the way they man- Verrazano TraVel & leisure At a recent Innovation Camp, Norwe- aged to take an important social problem, Proud to bring you the 1 (718) 979-6641 gian Rail challenged master students from create a business model around it and also [email protected] American Weekly the Norwegian Business School (BI), Centre made it possible to be replicated and scalable [email protected] for entrepreneurship at the virtually anywhere. Young Care Sweden is a and Norwegian University of Life Sciences social enterprise which brings cheer to the MULLAVEY, PROUT, GRENLEY & FOE to develop railroad comfort to increase profit elderly through young people. a t t o r n e y s a n d c o u n s e l o r s a t l a w and maximize customer satisfaction, The The young people are employees on jury was very enthusiastic and impressed by short contracts where they visit and pro- all the teams, and had an intense job pick- vide good company to the elderly in nurs- Advice regarding maritime and civil claims, disputes, ing the winners. The four winners won the ing homes or other similar institutions. The commercial transactions and estate planning. challenge with their pick and pay solution business model is innovative, scalable and for extra services and products. The solution sustainable, being able to take various prob- 24001 NW Sixty-fifth P.O. Box 70567 Seattle, WA 98107 aims to maximize customer satisfaction and lems that we face nowadays, short term em- increase profit. They had a humoristic ap- ployment for the youngsters, medium term Telephone: (206) 789-2511 Fax: (206) 789-4484 proach to their pitch and won the audience careers choice and improvement of the qual- prize as well. ity life of the elderly. Young Care impressed Another activity is the so-called “Leader the judges not only because they achieved a for One Day.” This is an event the involved powerful impact in their target market but students will probably never forget. The stu- also because they provided part-time work dents of today are the business leaders of to 570 young people. tomorrow. How should they get insight in This year, 260,000 young people created how it is to be a leader and the challenges student companies across Europe. The top we are facing? Secondary students will fol- 180 young entrepreneurs were showcased in low Norwegian top leaders for one day. They Oslo for this year’s Europe competition. The will follow our Minister of Trade and Indus- chairwoman of Young Enterprise Europe try, CEOs in banks, insurance, industry and gave a talk on the importance of skills for leaders of political parties. employability in the future and the need for This year FERD launched their Award more young entrepreneurs! for Social Entrepreneurship at the European Business News & Notes Aker Solutions gets a grip on Brazilian between growth ambitions and delivery capa- subsea problems bility and capacity” for its subsea systems. Aker Solutions ASA, Norway’s flagship oil () services company, reported a surprise third- quarter loss as it tackles costly problems with Norske Skog has been ranked the best its Brazilian subsea projects. Aker’s share price Norwegian company I can help you with your changing insurance or financial needs. reversed an initial drop after executives said For the fourth consecutive year Norske Skog is Scott F. Peterson it is coming to grips with the problems which featured in CDP’s (Carbon Disclosure Project) annual Nordic ‘Carbon Disclosure Leadership (206) 783-2195 have delayed delivery of a number of subsea oil and gas production systems to Brazilian oil Index’. This index, a key component of CDP’s 1713 NW Market St. firm Petrobras. “We have to believe that they annual Nordic 260 report, highlights the Nor- Seattle dic companies which have displayed the most [email protected] are able to solve this and achieve profitability again in this business,” said First Securities an- professional approach to corporate governance alyst Paal Dahl. The group had already said in regarding climate change information disclo- Come and compare your current policy with one from Allstate. October it would suffer delays in delivering in sure practices. Insurance and savings offered only through select company and subject to availability and qualifications. Savings applies to most (Norske Skog) major coverages.Allstate Fire and Casualty Insurance Company: Northbrook, IL. © 2009 Allstate Insurance Company. Brazil and added there had been a “mis-match norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/research November 11, 2011 • 5 Research & Education < patents From page 3 BE: Ask the question “is patenting re- Minimizing the impact ally only a game for big fish?” Now in the OECD’s innovation strategy it is specifically ied Norwegian Maritime and Tax Law. He mentioned that young, innovation driven Norwegian researchers study the levels of also studied Norwegian language at a very companies can be especially dependent on a advanced level and landed a position at the chemical pollution of airport de-icing single patent to attract investment and busi- Ministry and has been one of its senior case- ness partners. What exists now is really a handlers for the last 12 years. Bernd, who bunch of national patents where every court married Mari and has three grown children, in every member state can decide to uphold, spoke at length about changes underway in partially uphold or nullify. There are some European patent practice and how these will cases where national courts – even those in affect Norwegian patenting processes and highly qualified nations -–have made dia- practice. metrically divergent rulings on a patent. The big players “play upon that piano” and do John Erik Stacy: How does your what is called forum shopping, which can work in Norway relate to European pat- “take the sap” out of smaller companies just ent policy? because they lose breath over time. Under Bernd Ewald: One of my tasks is to the Unitary Patent this will not be as easy. keep up to date on IP (intellectual property) The real clincher to the plan is the proposed policies in the E.U. At the moment they have patent court system where one system of one really large dossier, the so called Uni- courts will find upon the validity and reach tary Patent, which is going to be a derivative of these unitary patents with effect for all of of the European Patent administered by the the participating states. You will have one set EPO [European Patent Office]. By expansion of fees, not ten sets of fees and legal costs in of the European Patent – U.S. companies ap- each country with different outcomes. [The ply for loads of European Patents – it will OECD is the Organization for Economic be possible to give these patents “Unitary Co-operation and Development.] Effect” such that they will have the same ef- fect across all of the states participating in JES: So in the future a U.S. company Photo: SAS the EPO. With temperatures hovering near the freezing point of 0°C (32°F), de-icing aircraft leads to a discus- can apply to the EPO and receive patent sion about pollution. protection in Norway? JES: Has Norway signed on to the EB: They would have to “validate” European Patent Convention? their patent in Norway after its issue from e s e a r c h o u n c i l o f o r w a y BE: Norway is a full member of the R C N the EPO, which means they would have to EPC since 2008. The roots of the EPC go provide a full Norwegian translation and pay back to an agreement reached in 1972. The a fee. But the patent would not be re-exam- In the future, winter temperatures in low temperatures – resulted in increased us- EPC is not directly part of the EU. It is a ined, and that is the important point. countries with a typically cold climate may age of de-icing chemicals on the airplanes. regional agreement between European states be rising, meaning more frequent conditions “At Oslo Gardermoen Airport, tempera- to install the EPO. After deliberating for JES: Is it important for Norwegian near the 0°C point. One of the impacts could tures near the freezing point are those that more than 30 years, Norway went in. The businesses to seek patents that apply in be a greater need to de-ice airplanes. Norwe- entail the greatest use of chemicals,” says EPO now has over 6,000 employees, awards Europe? gian researchers have studied the potential French. Although current winter tempera- more than 60,000 patents per year and han- EB: Norway is not only a furnisher of ramifications of increased use of the chemi- tures are typically well below freezing, “if dles about 130,000 applications. raw materials. But, also, in the petroleum cals involved. the climate warms, the airport will likely industry, high technology is the norm. Pe- A changing climate could mean milder need to increase its use of chemicals.” JES: Why is the Unitary Patent im- winters, so that many cold countries may be portant? See > patents, page 7 headed for more days with temperatures hov- Groundwater at risk ering near the freezing point. More precipita- The airport is situated above Norway’s tion in the winter months is also a distinct largest groundwater deposit, and there are possibility. On top of this, winter tempera- fears that pollution from the airport could tures may become even more variable. In seep into the groundwater. Several factors short, those near-zero conditions so difficult play a role in this process: to deal with could become more common. “The amount of chemicals applied is of course an important factor,” continues De-icing adds to pollution French. “But another key aspect is the volume Airports use chemicals to de-ice air- of water transporting those chemicals down planes and keep runways free of ice. From into the ground. This is what determines the a pollution standpoint, what would happen if seepage rate and the dilution process.” airports had to use even greater amounts of The project’s field studies showed that de-icing chemicals each winter? Using fund- chemicals used at airports can be broken ing from the research program on Climate down before reaching the groundwater, Change and Impacts in Norway (NORKLI- depending partly on how deep-lying the MA) at the Research Council of Norway, groundwater reservoirs are. researchers from the division for Soil and The researchers carried out field tests, Environment at the Norwegian Institute for modeling and statistical analyses of histori- Agricultural and Environmental Research cal data to calculate the extent of pollution (Bioforsk) have been searching for answers stemming from chemical de-icing in the pe- to this question, in collaboration with scien- riod 1999 – 2009 based on the airport’s cur- tists in the U.S. and the U.K. rent climate. Helen French, who works at Bioforsk in addition to her position as associate pro- Soil bacteria to the rescue fessor at the Norwegian University of Life “Plants’ uptake of water and evaporation Sciences (UMB), headed the research proj- throughout the summer helps to keep water ect “Pollution risks and water management up in the soil. The bacteria in the soil can at airports and roads in a changing climate,” then break down the chemicals,” explains which received funding under the NORKLI- French. MA program. It was previously thought that the bulk Her project studied the situation at Oslo of airport chemicals washed away with the Gardermoen Airport in particular. spring meltwater, which would mean a great- er risk of groundwater pollution in frost- Highest chemical usage at temperatures heavy years. near zero But measurements taken of snow along A statistical model for Oslo Gardermoen the Oslo runways showed that, fortunately, Airport indicated that more wind, more pre- cipitation and more flights – combined with See > freeze, page 11 6 • November 11, 2011 norwegian american weekly opinion An opinion column about current issues in Norway Join the conversation! On the EDGE The terror and the aftermath By , leader of the

It’s already more than three months in and democratic parties. Ter- We don’t know yet what July 22, since Norway was hit by the gravest act rorists like Breivik should not decide the 2011, will ultimately mean for politics in of terrorism ever seen on our soil. Most agenda in the political debates in Norway Norway. Discussions on immigration and Photo: Christy Olsen Field people find it hard to believe that anybody for the future. The only person responsible integration are sometimes tough, maybe Morten Søberg (left) and Ola Borten Moe at the could perpetrate such acts of hatred and vi- for Breivik’s acts is Breivik himself. He because they involve fellow humans so Nordic Heritage Museum reception on Nov. 6. olence. The terrorist attacks were not only is, as some have noted, the mirror-image directly. Discussions involving Islam in- directed against the government and the of the jihadists, of his own sworn enemies. volves religion and can be tough, because < learning Labour Party, but against Norwegian civil Extremists – whether they’re carrying religion is a very important and sensitive From page 1 society. The killer didn’t act Norwegian, the red hammer-and-sickle flag, the Nazi topic for many of us. We can’t run away but the Norwegian people have in their re- swastika flag, or the fever-ridden, distorted from important discussions just because U.S. with quick stops in Seattle and Wash- sponse. Intolerance, radicalism of all hues and anti-Muslim message of a blond eth- the topics are tough to discuss. The real ington, D.C., on Nov. 6 and 7. He was ac- and acts of violence cannot be accepted nic Norwegian and self-proclaimed war- challenges that were in Norway before companied by Deputy Minister of Finance and do not have a place in Norwegian so- rior such as Breivik – are dangerous and July 22 didn’t disappear in the darkness of Morten Søberg and several staff members. ciety. It is a testament to the strength of our must be confronted. Breivik quoted the the terrorist attack. Although there’s a fun- The Minister left Norway on Nov. 1 and political system that everybody agrees that well-known classical liberal philosopher damental difference between a pen and a traveled to Ottawa, Calgary and Leismer, the nightmare-like paranoid visions and ac- John Stuart Mill on his Twitter account just weapon, the rhetoric in our discussions of Canada, where he engaged in meetings with tions of the killer Breivik will be met with ahead of his cowardly terror attack against these issues will have to change, as most energy and development committees and more of what he hated the most: democ- innocent people, and this seems quite ab- of us want to avoid misunderstandings toured Statoil’s oil sand operation in Alberta, racy, tolerance, love and openness. surd. Even Churchill he manages to drag and exaggerations. We may brush impor- among many other activities. As Norway’s I felt embarrassed, disgusted and tru- into his poisonous mix. The Norwegian tant questions under the carpet because we petroleum activities move further north, ly sad when it became clear that Anders philosopher Lars Fredrik Svendsen has can’t stand to discuss them after July 22. Borten Moe felt it was important to meet Behring Breivik was once a member of read his way through Breivik’s manifesto. If we do, then we risk failing the people with energy producers and representatives the party I chair. Our Youth Party mem- His impression is that Breivik seems to battling those questions in their everyday in Canada and Alaska who also work with bers who met him have few memories of have read a lot, but understood very little life and not only through heated political the extreme conditions in the Arctic. him. He was a young, shy man who made of what he read. debates. He traveled next to Anchorage, Alaska, no impression on anyone when he was a The political platform of the Prog- where he met with the Department of Natu- member. He left the party in 2006, and ap- ress Party is 90 pages long. Two of these Siv Jensen is the Leader of ral Resources, the Department of Environ- pears to have undergone an extreme radi- pages are about immigration policy. I want the Progress Party (Frem- skrittspartiet) and also the mental Conservation and the Alaska Oil and calization since then. His actions and be- Norway to continue to be a country with liefs are totally contrary to our policies and doors that can be opened and closed, not parliamentary leader for Gas Conservation Commission. Part of the the Progress Party’s group Alaska visit was spent in Prudhoe Bay on the values. The Progress Party is a classical only closed. In addition, Islam, like the in the (The Nor- North Slope in northern Alaska. that cherishes democracy and other world religions, has a natural place wegian Parliament). The On the delegation’s way to Washington, humanitarian values. We strongly oppose in the Norwegian society. There’s a differ- classical liberal (libertar- D.C., they were invited to a reception at the all messages and acts of hatred, bigotry ence between Islam and politicized radical ian- conservative) Progress Party is the sec- Nordic Heritage Museum in Seattle, Wash. and closed-mindedness. Although it’s dif- Islamism. Islam must be protected by the ond largest party in Norway and the leading People from the Norwegian-American com- ficult to understand why Breivik joined our principle of religious freedom, but we must opposition party. Ms. Jensen has been elected munity were in attendence, and welcomed party, it’s easy to understand why he left. fight the radical and politicized Islamism member of the Storting since 1997, representing the district of Oslo. Ms. Jensen is member of the delegation to Seattle. In Norway there are no far-right par- because it is a dangerous and perverted ties. Because only the most extreme would ideology that challenges the very funda- the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and Minster for Oil and Energy Borten Moe Defense and member of the Enlarged Foreign said a few words about the trip, starting out agree with Breivik’s manifesto, he lost faith ment of the society we’re so fond of. Affairs Committee. by acknowledging the gift of a book with notes of sympathy and photos collected at a The opinions expressed by opinion writers featured in “On the Edge” are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those views is not an vigil of remembrance at the Nordic Heritage endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor. Museum after the events of July 22. “I’d like to offer our sincere appreciation for all the support we have received after the 22nd of < safety July. I have had the pleasure of looking into From page 1 this book, and it touches my heart,” he said. He also said some inspiring words about Minister . the special connection between Norway and “The situation is extraordinary with a the U.S. “When it comes to the relationship large number of assault rapes in Oslo. We between Norway and the U.S., Norwegian cannot sit quietly and watch. Therefore, we Americans are extremely important. This is must ensure that we are making the most of not only history, this is the future,” he said. our police force,” Storberget said to NRK. “It is important for Norway to be connected The police and the government have not only the U.S., but also personally to Nor- teamed up to try to fight the wave of vio- wegian Americans… it’s very important to lence. Goals include changing the light bulbs develop, take care of, and deepen the rela- in street lights in town, making certain more tionship between us and this side of the At- areas in Oslo are well-lit, and asking traffic Photo: Håkon Eikesdal lantic.” officers, municipal guards and liquor inspec- Several youth volunteered with Nattravnene to patrol the streets in Oslo. From left: Amalie Rieber- Deputy Minister of Finance Søberg gave tors to be more vigilant. Already on Oct. 31, Mohn (19), Libe Rieber-Mohn, Ida Torgerstuen (19), Roja Darian (28), Oslo’s AUF leader Vegard a short speech in which he highlighted the the city began to change light bulbs. Wennesland (27), and Louiza Louhibi (21). important immigration history between Nor- “Folks have shown that the city is ours way and the U.S., and how it has contributed both daytime and nighttime,” Oslo Mayor How many campaigns and petitions must we group of volunteers who patrol Oslo’s streets to a strong relationship today. “The econom- Fabian Stang told Aftenposten. “Some of participate in? When will we see action? To at night in groups) have had so many volun- ic cooperation between our two countries us had been asking for more police patrols be honest, I have not seen much improve- teers following the outbreak of violence that is solid, strong, and entering a whole new for several years. I’m very glad that we’re ment in recent years. We need action and they have been overwhelmed. phase,” he said. finally being taken seriously, even though concrete measures,” says 21-year-old Louiza On the night of Nov. 5, the young AUF At the time of press, the Minister and that should have happened before the many Louhibi to VG. She is looking for well-lit member was herself out with over 20 other his delegation were traveling to Washington, attacks this year.” streets, competent police officers and better politicians, across party lines, and nearly 120 D.C., where he will meet with Statoil, U.S. But the promises from the government follow-up with rape cases. of the “Natteraverne” to patrol the streets of Secretary of Energy Steven Chu, Secretary and the Oslo police force are not enough for Many citizens of Oslo who are also tired Oslo. of the Interior Ken Salazar, several senators, many victims of violence who have not seen of hearing such promises have taken to the “I have great respect for the Night Ra- and the Norwegian ambassador the U.S. improvements in the past few years. streets themselves, offering to volunteer vens, and it is amazing that so many could Wegger Chr. Strømmen. The delegation was “How long must we hear the speeches? to help end violence in the city. Volunteer come out,” says Louhibi to Dagbladet. scheduled to return to Norway Nov. 9. group Natteraverne (“The Night Ravens,” a UPDATE norwegian american weekly November 11, 2011 • 7 opinion Norwegian American Weekly Letters to the Editor Published since May 17, 1889 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Do you have something to say? Send your letters to us! Toll-free: (800) 305-0217 • Local: (206) 784-4617 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Fax: (206) 448-2033 • Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Publisher Norwegian American Foundation [email protected] Dear Editor, entered the Hall, everyone was required to be with lingonberry, a wine poached baby pear Managing Editor I received an invitation to the Oct. 16 seated and could not leave until the King and with mascarpone and a chocolate torte with Christy Olsen Field [email protected] Royal Reception in Minneapolis from my Queen had departed the room. Grand Marnier sauce. It was to die for. Copy Editor and Subscriptions Manager sister, Lois, wife of the Rev. Marvin Hagen, There were assigned tables with 10 Fritz Mondale, the former senator and Kelsey Larson [email protected] a former interim pastor of the Mindekirken guests each arranged in the large dining hall, Vice-President, and former Honorary Nor- Assistant Layout Editor Church in the Twin Cities. Rev. Hagen was with the head-table on the stage in front. wegian Consul, introduced the King who Harry Svenkerud [email protected] too ill to attend and my sister asked me to ac- Television cameras and a crew were in an spoke movingly of his long association with company her in his place to this event. elevated booth in the rear. The doors opened the U.S., his family’s emotional ties to this Advertising (206) 441-3044 [email protected] Although I live in Jackson, Miss., an on schedule and the large gathering of guests, country and his deep affection for the many area known mostly for Scots-Irish and Ger- 525 well dressed couples, several men in Norwegian descendants in the Upper Mid- Contributing Editors man traditions and very few Scandinavian Norwegian costume and many women in west, especially in Minnesota. He told us descendants, I looked north to Minnesota colorful bunads representing most regions how grateful the Norwegian people were Bjarne Anthonsen Bonsall, Calif. Melinda Bargreen Everett, Wash. and North Dakota to trace my roots back to of Norway, pressed towards the entrance and for the sympathy and condolences they had Carla Danziger McLean, Va. Land, Norway. My grandparents and their found seats at their assigned tables. received from America after July 22. The Gary G. Erickson Sunburg, Minn. Rasmus Falck Oslo, Norway six children left there by ship for America in We were seated at table 72, far to the speakers were presented on large screens on Marit Fosse geneva, Switzerland 1890. After retirement, I tracked down the right and close to the rear of the hall. Three both sides of the hall so that we were all able Shelby Gilje Seattle, Wash. Line Grundstad Hanke Seattle, Wash. original family parish and its published re- of the women at our table wore colorful bu- to see as well as hear the proceedings. Heidi Håvan Grosch Sparbu, Norway cords in Norway. nads, one elderly couple were accompanied After the ceremonies were concluded, Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. With the help of the Landingslag and by their son and daughter-in-law. I sat next to and the King and Queen had left the room, Leslee Lane Hoyum rockford, Minn. Else Hvistendahl New York, N.Y. their very knowledgeable geneologists, I was a charming couple, the woman was a profes- everyone began taking pictures with their Inger-Torill Kirkeby Miami, Fla. able to track my family’s ancestors back to sional genealogist whose ancestors included cell-phones, and many enterprising women Thor A. Larsen Fishkill, N.Y. Jerry Larson Zimmerman, Minn. the 1600s, and rediscover our family’s Nor- a Prussian fish merchant from Bergen and began sweeping up the centerpiece bouquets Solveig M. Lee Seattle, Wash. wegian heritage through many generations. whose husband wore lapel pins from three from the tables, a beautiful silver bowl of Richard Londgren Thousand Oaks, Calif. Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. I renewed my interest in the Norwegian cul- different regions of Norway. She had been white hydrangeas, to take home as souve- Berit T. Mesarick Williamsburg, Va. ture, its institutions, and history including the to the King and Queen’s gathering at the nirs. David Moe Juneau, Alaska story of the royal family after 1905. Hear- Governor’s Mansion in St. Paul earlier in the While waiting patiently for our car Ken Nordan Batavia, Ill. Bill Osmundsen New York, N.Y, ing of the King and Queen’s pending visit, afternoon, a special affair for 195 Americans outside the hotel in a bone-chilling north- Lisa Portelli Bradenton, Fla. I wanted to see them during their visit, with who had been previously honored or deco- erly breeze, a woman with a familiar face John Erik Stacy Seattle, Wash. Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. or without invitation. I drove to Minneapo- rated by the King. walked by. It was Minnesota Senator Amy Kjell Olav Strømsli , Norway lis, a 1,000-mile journey north, expecting to After the royal couple entered and seated Klobuchar. I said, “Hello Senator, how are Larrie Wanberg Grand Forks, N.D. see the King up close and perhaps even close with the dignitaries, the introductions were you?” She stopped for a minute, but before Beate Ørbeck Oslo, Norway enough to greet him. made, the wine was brought to all the tables I could say anything more, an aide whisked CORRECTIONS: Norwegian American Weekly strives to make its news report fair and accurate. If you The night of the dinner, my sister and I and toasts were presented by the Norwegian her away. She had sat next to King Harald have a question or comment about news coverage drove to the Hilton Hotel in downtown Min- Ambassador and by Governor Mark Dayton at the head-table and conversed with him all call (206) 784-4617. • Norwegian American Weekly neapolis. We were early as the invitation said on behalf of the President. The meal was evening. It was my last brush with celebrity reserves the right to edit any and all submissions for style, grammar, accuracy and/or space, and the right that the doors would close promptly before served by the hotel staff with precision. We as a very memorable evening ended. not to print submissions deemed libelous, in poor the arrival of the royal pair; we wanted to enjoyed a wonderful artichoke salad and an taste, or not suited for publication in this newspaper. make sure we cleared security, located our entrée of fillet of beef and grilled Norwegian Sincerely, • The opinions expressed by opinion writers and letter writers are not necessarily those of Norwegian seats and were ready for the affair. Accord- salmon with both white and red wines. The Lynn Harold Mahlum American Weekly, and our publication of those views is ing to the invitation, once the royal couple dessert was next, consisting of rice pudding Ridgeland, Miss. not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the publisher. • Norwegian American Weekly is published < rankings < patents weekly except the first week of the calendar year, although health care is also an influencing the last two weeks of July, and the first two weeks From page 3 From page 3 factor for the U.S. In contrast, other coun- of August by Norwegian American Weekly, INC. • tries’ standings improve after the HDI has Please send address changes to 7301 Fifth Ave. Netherlands, while the U.S., New Zealand, troleum related supply shipping is booming NE Suite A Seattle, WA 98115 • Annual Subscription Canada, Ireland, Liechtenstein, been adjusted for inequality. Cost: US$55 Domestic, US$75 to Canada, UNDP also released its related Gender – there is still ship-building in Norway – es- US$175 to Norway and all other foreign countries. and Sweden comprise the remainder of the pecially the Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) top 10 in that order. Inequality Index, which puts various Eu- SINCE MAY 17, 1889: ropean countries at the forefront of gender tanker ships. The machinery on those ships Formerly Norway Times But when the HDI is adjusted for eco- is much more valuable than the body. After Western Viking & Washington Posten nomic inequality, the standings of some equality. Sweden, the Netherlands, and Switzerland head the rankings, followed oil and gas is Information and Communica- countries fall significantly. The U.S. falls tions Technology. Telenor is in highly com- Comprising Nordisk Tidende, Decorah- by Finland, Norway and Germany. That in- Posten og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, from four to 23, the Republic of Korea from petitive markets in Europe and around the 15 to 32, and Israel from 17 to 25. dex takes into account indicators on repro- Minnesota Posten, Norrona and Skandinaven ductive health, schooling years, government world. Patent protection across borders is In the case of the U.S. and Israel, their particularly important for Norway to grow in NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC. positions are affected by income inequality, representation and participation in the labor market. the global knowledge economy. Han Ola og Han Per 8 • November 11, 2011 norwegian american weekly Taste of Norway Taste of Christmas NORDIC DELICACIES Fattigmann kick off new Christmas baking series “A TASTE OF NORWAY IN THE HEART OF BROOKLYN!” “Sju Slag Kaker: Seven Christmas Cookies”

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Photo: Tine.no A Don’t Hug Me Fattigmann cookies are fried to crisp deliciousness!

With seven issues left until Christmas, We are kicking off the new series with we are excited to debut our new Christ- the fattigmann, or the poor man’s cookies. Christmas Carol mas baking series: “Sju Slag Kaker: Seven The name comes from Norwegian farms, Christmas Cookies.” It is a proud Norwe- where farmers, who couldn’t afford fancy gian tradition to have at least seven types of ingredients, used eggs and cream when A hilarious Minnesota spoof of cookies to offer at Christmas time. available. Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol” Fattigmann “Hysterical!” Adapted from Christmas-Cookies.com -KCLA

3 egg yolks 1 tsp cognac 3 Tbsp white sugar 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 cup flour 3 Tbsp heavy cream Powdered sugar for dusting 1/4 tsp crushed cardamom

Beat egg yolks until light. Add sugar and cream, beat well. Blend in cardamom and cognac. Add flour and mix well to make a smooth dough. Roll out to 1/16" thickness. Cut in strips about 1 1/2" wide. Cut diagonally at 4 inch intervals. Make 2 inch slit crosswise in center and slip one end through slit, to make a “bow.” Deep fry in canola oil (350°F) until delicately browned, about 1-1/2 minutes. Drain on paper towels. Cool and sprinkle with Holiday fun for powdered sugar. the whole family! Makes 36 cookies. New Century Theatre Nov 25 Tickets: 800-982-2787 Have a favorite Norwegian cookie? City Center, Dntn Mpls thru Jan 1 DontHugMe.com Send it to us at [email protected] or mail to Norwegian American Weekly, 7301 5th Ave NE Ste A, Seattle, WA 98115 norwegian american weekly November 11, 2011 • 9 travel Whole new look for Fram Museum On the 150th anniversary of Fridtjof Nansen’s birth, the Fram Museum in Oslo had a grand opening to its new exhibits with HM King Harald

Sp e c i a l Re l e a s e

Oct. 11, 2011 marked the 150th anniver- sary of Fridtjof Nansen’s birth, and a variety of cultural events and lectures in honor of the researcher, polar explorer, diplomat and No- bel Peace Prize winner. His Majesty King Harald cut the ribbon with a copy of Roald Amundsen’s own knife from his South Pole expedition in 1911. Af- ter this official opening in front of the new exhibitions, Director Geir Kløver and Board Chairman Olav Orheim showed the King work that was carried out on the expeditions round the Museum with a special focus on is described beside the actual instruments the new Nansen exhibition. that were used and the biographies of the sci- Nansen played a crucial role when entists themselves. Prince Carl of Denmark accepted the offer Thanks to the generosity of the families to become Norway’s monarch, as King Haa- of the polar explorers, the Fram Museum is kon. Nansen also served as the King’s assis- proud to present artefacts that have never tant and friend when the King was getting been permanently exhibited before. These settled in his new homeland. King Harald include an example of the first fossils found also mentioned Nansen’s importance in this in by C.A. Larsen, Carsten Borch- regard in his speech on Monday. Both King grevink’s and Eivind Astrup’s rifles, and the Haakon and Crown Prince Olav attended the toy monkey that was the mascot on Roald funeral of Fridtjof Nansen on May 17, 1930: Amundsen’s N24 aircraft in 1925. The six “Both my father and my grandfather were at men in two planes were stranded on the Arc- Fridtjof Nans- tic ice at 87°43’ N en’s graveside. and had to leave King Haakon “The difficult is what behind them ab- had lost his clos- solutely every- est confidant in takes a little time; the thing that was un- his new home- impossible is what necessary weight land, and Crown as they set off all Prince Olav had takes a little longer.” in the one plane also relied on the back to Svalbard. polar explorer as Despite this, Leif a key source of – Fridtjof Nansen Dietrichson felt Photos courtesy of the Fram Museum inspiration and he had to bring Top photo: His Majesty King Harald cut the ribbon with a copy of Roald Amundsen’s own knife from adviser,” said His Majesty. the monkey back, hidden in his jacket. It is his South Pole expedition in 1911. Above: Geir Kløver, the managing director of the Fram Museum, at “We now present the famous explorers, now on display for the first time. the official opening presentation. Below: Kløver showed His Majesty around the new Nansen exhibi- tion with Board Chairman Olav Orheim (not pictured). the Fram and the exciting expeditions in a More space is devoted to the other expe- new and different way. They are illustrated dition members, to the less well-known Nor- with the help of modern design, photographs, wegian polar explorers including Eivind As- film, an interactive map, special lighting ef- trup, C.A. Larsen and Carsten Borchgrevink, fects, an amazing model of the Fram frozen and to the men who made the expeditions in the ice near the North Pole – and not least possible, such as Axel Heiberg, the the Fram herself,” said Kløver. brothers and Don Pedro Christophersen. The famous expeditions with the Fram Norway’s great Renaissance hero and and the Maud which were led by Fridtjof first climate scientist – the universal genius Nansen, Roald Amundsen and Otto Sver- Nansen – is given extra space this year and drup are now presented in a modern form, presented in a separate exhibition on the with photographs, film and light effects. The ground floor. Here we have collected the historical artefacts have been given more ex- Inuit clothes and artefacts he brought home citing settings and a 15 m² large model of the from his winter in Greenland 1888-89. In ad- Fram and her crew in the Arctic ice is a great dition you can look at original Nansen pass- attraction for both young and old. ports and various objects from Nansen’s and The many sides of Fridtjof Nansen – Johansen’s winter hut on Franz Josef Land. from his ground-breaking studies of the ner- The Fram Museum’s completely new vous system, through the polar explorer to polar simulator is now open to the public, the international humanist – are presented in where you can experience the cold and dan- a separate exhibition, together with a collec- gers of expeditions in the distant past. tion of the Inuit artefacts he obtained during In December, the Fram Museum will his wintering in West Greenland 1888 – 89. open a new exhibition on Roald Amundsen’s The techniques of navigation into un- South Pole expedition. known regions without modern aids are For more information about the Fram explained with the displays of the historic Museum, visit http://frammuseum.no. instruments. In the same way the scientific 10 • November 11, 2011 norwegian american weekly roots & connections Norwegian American Weekly A favorite composer Photo of the Week Puzzle by Sölvi Dolland

Photo courtesy of Andrew Saur Norwegian-American artist Andrew Saur of Duluth, Minn., writes, “We have been blessed with a beautiful and happy baby girl and we wanted to show her how much she means to us. For her birthday gift, we thought about many things that we could have given her, but we knew we wanted to create something spectacular for her. Since we are both profoundly grounded in our Scandinavian roots, we decided to create a Viking Ship wagon. It was true collaboration: Angel did all the detail carving, painting, and the sewing of sail, pillows and blankets and I designed and constructed the wagon... Annika loves the attention that she receives in her wagon. She watches for people and blows kisses to them. When her eyes start to get tired from all the waving, she settles in for a little nap, dreaming of her next voyage. We hope that Annika will enjoy her Viking Ship wagon. It was a labor of love and we hope that she gets many years of enjoyment from it.”

Want to be featured in our Photo of the Week? Email [email protected] or mail your photo with a caption.

Christmas is coming... see page 3 for details!

Roald Amundsen Ole and Lena South Pole Expedition Centennial America’s favorite ! From the journal of 1911 – 2011 Sven and Ole went fishing in Canada and returned with only one fish. “The vay I figger it, dat fish cost us $400” said Sven. Puzzle Solution to “A favorite composer” Puzzle Solution to “A “Vell,” said Ole, “At dat price it’s a good ting ve didn’t catch any more.”

15. november Karsten Anker Klevjer Federal Way WA Knut Helland Åsgårdstrand Norway Emma Johnson Sunnyside WA Signora Byre Appleton MN Peter Erling Samuelsen Ft. Detrick MD Terry Terwilliger East Satauket NY Brent Weidemann Anacortes WA 11. november 16. november Reidar Erga Charlotte NC Peter Fosseide Duluth MN 11 november – lørdag November 11 – Saturday Aslak Kvaalseth Blair WI Gudrun Bakstad Romedal Norway Strykenne har det gått i dag over store, Things have gone marvellously today Sidney Løberg Edmonds WA Margit Holm Jessheim Norway blanke flater. Hunnene har formeli galop- over large, polished expanses. The dogs Selmer Johnsrud Sioux Falls SD Arthur Nilsen Tacoma WA ert. En del småskavler er det, men forresten have really galloped. There are a few small Ronald T. Demuth Charleston SC Johannes Bruvik Salem OR slet. Være har vært glimrenne. Stille, dels snowdrifts but these have been worn down. 12. november Per Erik Jacobsen Plymouth MA overskyet, dels klart. Fik ved middagstid i The weather has been wonderful. Still, Karl Johan Lyng Rusåga Norway 17. november kikkert øie på høit, lakket lann i S. Det var partly overcast, partly clear. Around mid- Otto Hananger Seattle WA Bjarne Selnes Hood Rivers OR ophildet og sannsynligvis ca. 150km unna. day caught sight, with the binoculars, of Star Audrey Tronsen Laguna Beach CA Georg M. Kjonsvik Seattle WA En opstigning blir således uungåeli, men får high beautiful land to the S. It was inspiring Walter Ramsden Raleigh NC Sigurd Gigiksen Long Island NY vi den neppe før vi har rokket 86°. Bjaalands and probably 150 km away. We can’t avoid 13. november 3 bikjer ventte desværre ikke tilbake. a climb, but that will hardly be before we Kjell Kittilsen Brooklyn NY Want to see your birthday in the Han fik en hunn av Helmer. Bjaalands reach 86°. Bjaaland’s three dogs haven’t Norwegian American Weekly? øie er meget bedre i dag, men ær han meget returned unfortunately. He got a dog from 14. november forsikti. Det ær stille og millt i aften ca. Helmer. Bjaaland’s eye is much better today, Malm Furan Kelowna, BC Canada –20°. Hunnenne ligger alle som en på siden but he is being very careful. It is still and Bernhard Dvergedal Evanston IL Call at (800) 305-0217 or email naw@ og koser sei. mild this evening, about – 20°C. The dogs Ulrik Ruud Salt Lake City UT norway.com. Birthdays must be submitted at are all lying on their sides and enjoying Gene Ganung Eugene OR least one month in advance. Brought to you by Marvin Hanson Hixton WI NB: Has someone on our birthday list passed the Fram Museum in Oslo themselves. away? Please notify us. norwegian american weekly November 11, 2011 • 11 Obituaries & Religion Just a minute Encouraging columns by the late Pastor Per W. Larsen, written for Norway In Loving Memory Times and now shared with the readers of the Norwegian American Weekly Do you have a loved one or friend who has recently passed? Contact us at (206) 784-4617 or [email protected] to place an obituary. Make the best of it Julie Ann Elsner When we don’t succeed in life, when problems will be helped by blaming them- Febrary 20, 1940 – September 23, 2011 we stare blindly at our weaknesses and de- selves or others. feats, or battle with nervous tension – have Life is often tangled and incomprehen- Julie Elsner, attle and both worked at Boeing where Ju- we not then, most of us, blamed our Cre- sible. We are responsible for doing the best well-known business lie was secretary for the engineering team ator? “Why did you make me like this?” we can in every situation. It is unworthy for person and co-owner that certified the first Boeing 747. In the late Even Job did that. (Job 3:1 – 6) an adult person to blame others when the of the Nordic Maid 1960s, they moved to Poulsbo where their Or we may put the blame on our par- fact is that he has been shrinking his per- Gift Shop in Pouls- son, Christopher Elsner was born. ents, our environment, or other people. sonal responsibility and duties. We have to bo, Wash., passed Prior to starting her own business, she “Everything would have been so much bet- learn to accept ourselves and our circum- away suddenly Sept. was active in community affairs, serving on ter without a certain person’s influence in stances and use the opportunities that life 23 at Harrison Hos- the North Kitsap Parks and Recreation Board our lives. Yes, we would have fared so much offers. Only then will we grow in maturity pital Silverdale. at the time the community swimming pool better if only life’s circumstances had been and humanness. With God it is possible. She was born in Seattle, Wash. and was built. Personal interests revolved around more merciful to us.” (Psalm 55:22) moved to Lemolo, Wash. with her family in family, friends, music, baseball, downtown Indeed, we are all a product of genes, Christian faith offers a marvelous op- 1944. Her parents were Richard “Rick” and Poulsbo and Scandinavian history and cus- milieu and experience, but the counterbal- portunity to neutralize unhappy circum- Pauline (Sherman) Peterson. She grew up on toms. As an avid reader, she was not only ance against these negative factors will not stances in life. By the grace of God, our family land settled in 1898, by her paternal conversant on a wide range of subjects but be found by blaming others. Worst are the negative experiences may give the very grandparents, Frank and Tillie Peterson. She enjoyed gifting family and friends of all ages self-made trials. motives to turn things around and make the was proud of her Swedish roots and inter- with books chosen just for them. An alcoholic gave a testimony at an best of every situation, for “...in all things ested in all things Scandinavian. She gener- Preceded in death by her brother, Dwain AA meeting. He had so many excuses for God works for the good of those who love ously shared her knowledge and enthusiasm P. Harrow and both her parents, she is sur- his abuse of alcohol that a friend in the au- Him.” (Romans 8:28) with her customers, many of whom became vived by her husband, Richard, son, Chris of dience yelled impatiently: “Just tell it like Remember also this line from an old good friends. She and her sister-partner Seattle and sisters, Joan (Paul) Carson and it s, that you are an alcoholic because you prayer: “God help me accept the things I Jeanne, started their business 15 years ago Jeanne (John) Snouwaert, both of Poulsbo. have dandruff in your hair! That’s the rea- cannot change.” and continued its operation to the present. She leaves behind nephew, Doug Carson of son why we are all here!” No person with A 1957 graduate of North Kitsap High San Francisco, Calif.; nieces; Diane (Scott) School, she enlisted in the Women’s Army Sabo of Poulsbo, Elaine (John) Snouwaert- < freeze Corps (WAC) in 1958. She served at differ- Morrison of Spokane, Susan (Brad) Pe- From page 5 airports in many other places around the ent posts in the U.S., as well as on Okinawa, terson of Edmonds, Kathy (Kim) Forsling world. first in the Medical Corps but eventually in of Naselle, Laura (Gerald) Boyce of Lake “Roughly 80 percent of the chemicals the Public Information Office (PIO). There Stevens, five grand-nephews and two grand- the chemicals melt out of the snow cover used in de-icing airplanes at Oslo Garder- she could pursue her love of writing and she nieces. Julie was cherished by her family during the winter and infiltrate the soil be- moen Airport is collected and put to good continued until her discharge in 1961. and her presence in their lives will be greatly fore the spring thaw. This gives the soil a use at a nearby wastewater treatment facil- In 1964, she married Richard W. Elsner missed. greater role in the process of breaking down ity,” concludes French. “Ten percent gets in Couer d’ Alene, Idaho. They lived in Se- the chemicals. dispersed along the runways, and 10 per- Thanks to the comprehensive research cent is carried off on the planes. In this re- < nansen findings and a stronger focus on environ- spect, Oslo Gardermoen Airport may be the From page 1 ugees, talked about new types of refugees mental impacts, pollution at the Oslo air- world’s best.” created by changing global conditions. Glob- port is now monitored far more closely than as a polar explorer are legendary. al population growth, urbanization, climate But after he hung up his skis and handed change and food insecurity are all contribut- over his boat, Fram, to his protégé, Roald ing to increasing refugee populations around Amundsen, Nansen moved on to another the world. Because many of these classes of career, that of humanitarian. In 1921 he was refugees are new or growing, they fall into 2709 SAN PABLO AVE — BERKELEY, CA 94702 appointed the League of Nations’ High Com- “protection gaps,” Guterres said, and the Phone: (800) 854-6435 — Email: [email protected] missioner for Refugees, and in 1922 he won international community needs to develop the Nobel Peace Prize for his work helping ways to care for them. refugees, many of whom had been displaced Guterres called on the international com- Featuring great Nordic products by World War I. munity to increase its protection for a broad Books • Candy and Chocolates • Canned goods • Condiments In commemoration of Nansen’s humani- range of refugees. He asked the U.S. in par- Cooking wares • Dry Goods • Gift items • Specialty meats tarian work, and close to the 150th anniver- ticular to review its own asylum system and and more! sary of his birth, on Oct. 26 the Women’s to increase its efforts in diplomacy and hu- Refugee Commission and the Embassy of manitarian aid. He commended Norway and Visit us online: www.nordichouse.com Norway presented “Commemorating the the U.S. for their shared, welcoming attitude Legacy of Fridtjof Nansen and Reflecting on toward refugees and other types of victims. the Humanitarian Challenges of Our Time” He mentioned that the Nordic countries have at the Rayburn House Office Building on created “regimes of temporary protection” Capitol Hill. for victims, e.g. of natural disasters, an idea The event was a collaboration with the he hopes other countries will adopt. House Friends of Norway Caucus, whose The Norwegian Embassy’s Enge said co-chairs, Reps. Rick Larsen and Betty Mc- she was pleased with the event. “This was an Reserve space for your personalized greeting in our annual Christmas Issue Collum, made opening remarks before Berit important opportunity to bring together key Enge, Minister Counselor for Political Af- decision makers and humanitarians in Wash- Name:______Christmas Greetings! City/State:______fairs from the Norwegian Embassy spoke ington, to highlight both the Nansen legacy about Nansen’s legacy. and the challenges of today. The High Com- Message:______Enge described Nansen’s work with the missioner gave us a sobering reminder that League of Nations, where he helped repatriate neither humanitarian work nor refugee as- Merry Christmas! God Jul og perhaps as many as 500,000 former prisoners sistance has become any easier over the past of war. She also discussed his invention of Godt Nyttår til century – quite the opposite. Bjorn and Nina the so-called “Nansen passport,” identity pa- “This event was a call to all of us to alle venner! pers that helped those without other forms of do whatever is in our power to alleviate the Steffensen Ola og Berit Nordmann Staten Island, N.Y. identification cross borders and return home. plight of an ever-growing number of dis- Blue Mounds, Wis. “Fridtjof Nansen was a man I think all of us placed persons. I am especially pleased that would have loved to meet,” said Enge. the event could take place on Capitol Hill, $10 for small ad $20 for large ad The keynote speaker, António Guterres, thanks to the Friends of Norway Caucus in United Nations High Commissioner for Ref- the House of Representatives,” said Enge. Deadline: DECEMBER 1 – Mail this form today! 12 • November 11, 2011 Online: blog.norway.com/category/culture norwegian american weekly Arts & Style

Style Highlight of the Week Calendar of Events What’s going on in your neighborhood? All eyes to the wall Norwegian photographer brings concrete Arizona 33rd annual Scandinavian Import Festival, Nordic Guild Fair which will be held Nov. 19 at Salt Brook wallpaper for a touch of sophistication December 3 School, 40 Maple St., New Providence, Tucson, Ariz. N.J. Proceeds benefit Scandinavian and The 30th annual Nordic Guild Fair will community charitable organizations! For be held Dec. 3 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at more information, call Karen at (908) 665- Streams in the Desert Lutheran Church, 1292 or email [email protected]. 5360 E Pima, Tucson, AZ. The Norse Fed- eration, Sons of Norway, VASA, Finnish New York Club, Danish Club and individual vendors Norwegian Christmas Fair will sell ethnic foods, baked goods, Scandi- November 17 – 19 navian crafts and collectibles. Free admis- New York City, N.Y. sion! Contact Gretchen at (520) 887-1114 Visit our Christmas Fair to buy Norwegian or [email protected]. handcrafts, nisser, knitwear, jewelry, Nor- wegian fashion items, decorations, orna- California ments, tablecloths and much, much more! “Don’t Hug Me, I’m Pregnant” Large selection of Norwegian food with Through Nov. 20 our cafeteria smørgåsbord. The Fair opens North Hollywood, Calif. Nov. 17 at noon, and is open on Friday, The World Premiere of Phil Olson’s musi- Nov. 18 12 – 8 p.m., and Saturday, Nov. 19 cal comedy “Don’t Hug Me, I’m Pregnant” 12 – 6 p.m. The Christmas Fair will be held will be presented through Nov. 20 at the Se- at the Norwegian Seamen’s Church, 317 E cret Rose Theatre at 11246 Magnolia Blvd, 52nd St. between 1st and 2nd Avenues. For Photo courtesy of Line Grundstad Hanke North Hollywood, CA 91601. Clara is 8 1/2 more information, call (212) 319-0370 or The realistic look of Concrete Wall wallpapers is based on actual photographs taken of concrete walls months pregnant when a freak snow storm visit www.sjomannskirken.no/newyork. across Norway. hits Bunyan Bay. She goes into labor and South Dakota her husband, Gunner, will have to deliver Li n e Gr u n d s t a d Ha n k e the baby in the bar. For details, call (323) Lille Norge Fest Line Grundstad Hanke Interior Design 822-7898 or DontHugMe.com. November 19 Rapid City, S.D. Christmas Fair The annual Sons of Norway Lille Norge In my work as an interior designer, I a request from the Swedish Elle Interiør November 18 – 20 Fest will be held Saturday, Nov. 19 from 8 closely follow interior trends on both sides magazine and Skøna Hem, and he found out Los Angeles, Calif. a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Canyon Lake Senior of the Atlantic. Interior trends are still to be that a Swedish interior blogger had written You are invited to Christmas Fair: A Taste Center, 2900 Canyon Lake Drive, Rapid rustic, but with a sophisticated look. Cur- about his wallpapers and from that blog the of Scandinavia! On Nov. 18 – 20, the Nor- City, South Dakota. The festival will fea- rently, concrete is in for the moment. To magazines got in touch with him. wegian Seamen’s Church in Los Ange- ture a Scandinavian food buffet, bake sale, find a home or an apartment with exposed Haga founded the Concrete Wall collec- les and San Pedro. For more information, lefse, a raffle, music, dancing, and -enter concrete walls is not easy, unless you have a tion in Stavanger, Norway, and the wallpaper please call Bjarne at (760) 631-5678, tainment. An assortment of Scandinancian say in the initial design of the residence. The is based on his photographs of raw and re- crafts and gifts will be for sale. Call Nancy new trend of using wallpaper will make this fined concrete walls, raw cinder block walls Maine at (605) 342-4226 for questions. look come to life. and even graffiti, in locations across Norway. Maine Nordmenn’s Julefest We now see wallpaper used in many The imagery used in this unique wallpaper is December 10 Washington different settings, and wallpaper has taken a based on high-resolution photography and Topsham, Maine Lutefisk and Lapskaus Dinner new inspiration from nature to rustic looks, custom manipulation. No pattern is ever re- Sons of Norway Maine Nordmenn #3-664 November 13 such as stone, brick and concrete. The popu- peated, something that results in a very re- will hold their annual Julefest on Dec. 10, Seattle, Wash. larity of concrete wallpaper has taken off, alistic finish. Depending on personal prefer- Join us for lutefisk, lapskaus and music at 12 – 4 p.m., at the Sky-Hy Convention Cen- and it is a hot look in many interiors for the ences, the company can make the wallpaper the Sons of Norway Leif Erikson Lodge in ter in Topsham, Maine. Smørgåsbord, si- moment. In Norway, a photographer from either lighter or darker, or even add a specific Ballard on Nov. 13. It is another fun eve- lent auction, St. Lucia procession, dancing Stavanger named Tom Haga has made a color cast. around the Christmas tree, Scandinavian ning of fabulous Norsk cuisine and enter- tainment by the Norwegian Male Chorus of business of taking images of concrete walls Haga is selling his wallpapers to all over music by Warren Johnson. $10 for adults; and turning them into wall coverings. He en- the world and you can find out more form his 15 and under free. Contact Gedske at (207) Seattle. Doors open at 4 p.m. for the social joyed the process and took many images of website www.concretewall.no. And congrat- 215-6186 or [email protected]. hour, followed by dinner at 5 p.m. Tickets may be purchased from any of the singers concrete walls. He tested the wallpaper in his ulation to a young Norwegian with a vision Minnesota or you can make a reservation by calling own apartment and put photos on Facebook and ability to follow his dream and make it to see the reaction. And one day he received come true! Nordic American Thanksgiving Breakfast the lodge at (206) 783-1274. Cost is $20 in November 22 advance, and $25 at the door. Bloomington, Minn. < husfliden For 27 years, the Nordic community in Gala Holiday Concert From page 3 to the images has been a problem. “Photog- the Twin Cities has gathered together for December 4 raphers may give free use of their part of the Seattle, Wash. job, but not on behalf of the models without the annual Nordic American Thanksgiving titled to this. The Norwegian Ladies Chorus of Seattle asking first,” he says. Breakfast. The breakfast benefits two Min- “We posed in various costumes from invites you to warm up the winter season Team provides a maximum of three nesota non-profits: Second Harvest Heart- around the country. The images were taken at our annual Holiday Concert, which will years of use rights to their customers. land and the Minnesota Military Family 13 – 14 years ago,” says Siw Sæther from Foundation. This year’s breakfast will be also celebrate the Chorus’s 75th year of “This is to protect the models. We do not Trondheim. She is one of the models who held at the Grand Ballroom of the Double- sharing our Norwegian heritage with the know what the future of people will be, par- will now go to court, because the pictures Tree, 7800 Normandale Blvd in Blooming- community! Join us on Dec. 4 at Our Re- ticularly young people. They may not think are still in use even without the existence of ton. Doors open at 6:30 a.m.! Tickets are deemer’s Lutheran Church (2400 NW 85th it is great that the images are still being used St. in Seattle) at 3 p.m. for an irresistible a written agreement. $20 per person, and can be purchased by when they become adults,” says Øvrebø. program of Scandinavian and American “I don't feel respected as a model if calling (800) 945-8851. Team has been involved in many cases, songs, with solos by Beth Kollé, interna- that's the way they think they can treat us. but none have gone so far as to court. tionally-renowned Seattle harpist, flutist, They have used these pictures without any NEW JERSEY Norsk Flid and the models have tried to singer and authority on Nordic and Celtic permission from us.” Scandinavian Import and Gift Sale reach an agreement without success. They music. Velkommen! Suggested donation: NRK has been in contact with the law- November 19 will meet in court November 22. $12. yers on both sides. The models’ lawyer, Trond New Providence, N.J. Siw Sæther thinks it’s sad that it should Sivertsvik, says they will demand compensa- Start your Christmas shopping with the have to go so far. tion for the use. How high the sum will be is “We have offered to resolve the matter. I unclear, but from the lawyer's rough estimate Send your event to [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617 think it is unfair that they do not realize what the sum is up to NOK one million. to be added to the Norway.com online calendar and the Weekly! they have done,” said Sæther to NRK. Eivor Øvrebø with the model agency Event listings are free, but space is limited. Please contact us at least one month prior to event. Team Models explains that the models’ rights norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/norway-in-the-us November 11, 2011 • 13 In your neighborhood Documenting history Bygdebøker collection at University of North Dakota shares family stories with user-friendly website

Photo: Christy Olsen Field The Chalet in the Woods has treasures from northern Europe, including the highly popular bunad ties from SPTZBRGN.

< chalet From page 1 high quality and responsible production in Norway. This philosophy resonated with Photo: Lars Wanberg years to come. Almaas, and a partnership was formed with Arne Brekke at the Chester Fritz Library at the University of North Dakota. Brekke founded a collection Laura Almaas took over the Chalet in Chalet in the Woods and Oleana. Today, the of bygdebøker for genealogical research. the Woods in 1986 when Harold and Bev store is known for its stunning selection of Peterson, second-generation Norwegians, Oleana textiles and Almaas keeps a wide va- La r r i e Wa n b e r g retired. In the 25 years since then, Almaas riety of styles, colors and styles in stock, and Grand Forks, N.D. has developed the shop’s reputation of carry- often places special orders to get the right fit ing beautiful, high-quality items from Scan- for her customer. dinavia. She expanded her product lines to Almaas’s connection to Oleana was I first met Arne Brekke when he arrived The Arne G. Brekke Bygdebøker Col- serendipitous. On a trip to northern Norway as a student from Norway in 1949 to attend lection started in 1980, when Arne was a other countries in northern Europe. “People are interested in our concept, with her daughter in 1992, Almaas visited Luther College in Decorah, Iowa. I was a language professor at UND and owner of her cousin at the Husfliden store in Mosjøen. student feature writer then with the college Brekke Scandinavia, a travel agency. In col- a different way of thinking,” said Almaas. “It’s refreshing for people to take a step back She saw an article called “Sweater for a City newspaper. After 60 years of friendship, I laboration with Colleen (Oihus) Warner from Girl” by designer Solveig Hisdal, and Al- formally interviewed him again, when he re- the Chester Fritz Library, he began assem- and see another approach to living.” Chalet in the Woods carries product maas thought they were the most beautiful ceived the “Major Benefactor” award from bling bygdebøker while on tours in Norway sweaters she had ever seen. Oleana founders the North Dakota Library Association for and returning them to the library. lines from Oleana of Norway, SPTZBRGN, 66 Degrees North, iittala, Kosta Boda and Signe Aarhus and Kolbjørn Valestrand saw his role in developing the “Arne G. Brekke “As new bygdebøker are published year- the same exhibit, and now and now Hisdal Bygdebøker Collection” at the Chester Fritz ly,” said Brekke, “we contact each source to St. James, just to name a few. There is a wide variety of Scandinavian books. In addition, is their sole designer. As Almaas points out, Library on the campus of the University of add to the collection, as our goal is to have her connection to Oleana was meant to be: North Dakota in Grand Forks. every book in print in this collection.” Almaas offers vintage pieces, such as Royal Copenhagen china and handpainted Arabia Her first Norwegian sweater was hand-knit For people with Norwegian heritage, Arne is a “place-name” specialist, a lit- by her grandfather’s sister from Norway the science of tracing one’s roots took a dra- eral walking encyclopedia of farm names pottery from Finland, that she finds from a number of sources. whose name was Oleana. matic step forward with the creation of an and places in Norway. He interpreted the Almaas believes in making personal con- artful new website that makes accessible the meaning of our family name, through re- “Beautiful things hold their value,” said Almaas. “Searching the places that items tact with her customers. Everyone is offered collection in one place of 1,250 volumes of search, that no one known to me – in Norway a cup of coffee (with a special Scandinavian bygdebøker, which document family histo- or U.S. – had documented with this clarity are manufactured is time-consuming, but worth the effort.” This philosophy is carried ingredient!) upon entering the store, and the ries from the farms in Norway. before. “You need to know the relationships cozy atmosphere is a welcome change from This research resource is one of the of Indo-European languages, the geography, through the entire store: Almaas works with companies who do not use cheap labor and shopping at the impersonal big-box stores. largest collections outside of Norway. Each and how to use the tools of research,” he ex- Choosing an Oleana sweater or iitalia glass- of the 18 fylker (districts) is now shown at plained to me, “to accurately interpret place- mass production to keep prices low. One example of this is the shop’s strong ware is an investment, and Almaas and her the library’s website with a virtual map of names. The secret is to learn a little each day employees take the time with each customer Norway (http://library.und.edu/collections/ to add knowledge throughout life.” relationship with Oleana of Norway, which designs and makes sweaters and other tex- bygdebok). When you click on a district, that Brekke believes that knowing languages See > Chalet, page 15 section appears on one’s computer screen prepare youth to become global citizens, and tiles with a commitment to beautiful clothes, and images of map pins appear that represent that young people need to carry heritage for- each kommune (municipality) within that ward. district. Bygdebøker are published by mu- Between the two formal interviews 60 nicipalities, which total 450 in Norway. years apart, we have remained close friends, Then, as you scroll over each map pin, a with regular get-togethers and discussions as box appears that states how many bygdebøk- two classmates from college days. er are printed and available for research of His philosophy is a lesson in lifelong family histories from the farms of that area. learning. The website enables a viewer to quickly nar- What started in past generations as a way row a search for information on names of to preserve farm and family histories, mainly ancestors and the farm, which often is the used by an older generation for research, origin of the family name. young people today can explore new ways of Two valuable features of the bygdebøker searching for stories of their heritage. website are that usage is designed to include (To see a short film on the Arne G. Brek- people who are not native speakers, and that ke Bygdebøker Collection, visit http://wan- additional functionality is progressively add- bergmediaarts.com/2011/09/arne-brekke). ed with links for information to other sites.

Sons of Norway Building, B-20 Norway Art 1455 W. Lake Street (612) 339-7829 Minneapolis, MN 55408 www.norwayartonline.com • email: [email protected] By appointment please 14 • November 11, 2011 Online: blog.norway.com/category/norwegian-americans norwegian american weekly Norwegian heritage Norwegian Language Corner Heroes in the shadows The boys from Vangen: The Osvald group saboteurs stir controversy

Written by Leif Halse Vangsgutane, a classic series in Norway from 1941 to present, was used as curriculum material in Norwegian schools, as the series had easy-to-read text with pictures. Deb Nelson Gourley of Astri My Astri Publishing brings the copyrighted bilingual English/Norwegian serialization of “The Boys From Vangen: Vangsgutane” to the readers of the Norwegian American Weekly to practice their Norwegian reading skills, as well as enjoy a Norwegian classic!

EN FARLIG BANDE? A DANGEROUS GANG? Photos courtesy of Odd Øimoen En kveld er Steinar nede på bua og One evening Steinar is down at the gen- Left: A wanted poster for three saboteurs in the Osvald Group. Right: The explosion of the Per Kure skal kjøpe inn varer for mor si. Larris er eral store to buy goods for his mother. Lar- factory in Oslo on May 30, 1944. der også, sammen med noen av kameratene ris is also there together with some of his sine. «Nå er timen kommet!» tenker Lar- comrades. “Now the time has come!” thinks Od d Øi m o e n Larris, wearing a big, mischievous grin. Fi- ris og gliser fult. Endelig skal han få has på Sunnyvale, Calif. «Vangsguten,» trur han da. Larris gjør tegn nally, he schemes, he will get the better of med fingeren og vinker de andre til seg, og the Vangen boy. Larris makes a sign with his It has been more than 66 years ago since “Sab,” but since the leader was operating un- de går ut av bua. finger that signals the others to follow, and Norway got its freedom back after five years der the cover name of Osvald, it emerged as Steinar er snart ferdig med handelen. they go out of the store. Så slenger han sekken på ryggen og går. Steinar is soon finished doing business. of German tyranny and oppression. That such, and today the group is known by that Men utafor døra blir han stående og lytte. He puts the pack on his back and leaves. beautiful May day in 1945 will remain for- name. Han kan høre lågmælt tale bakom hjørnet. But outside the door he stands and listens. ever in Norway's history, and the names of The exiled Norwegian government in Nå kjenner han igjen stemmen til Larris, og He can hear a hushed conversation behind those that fought and fell will be inscribed on London was in charge of Milorg, the other skjønner at de nok har tenkt å ta ham. Hvor- the corner. Now he recognizes Larris’s voice monuments throughout the land. sabotage group that operated throughout dan skal han greie å komme seg unna? and knows that they intend to fight him. Hjemmefronten (also known as Milorg) Norway. This group was involved in organiz- Steinar Vangen ser seg omkring. Borte How will he manage to get away? and “Gutta på skauen” (translated as Boys ing Hjemmefronten (the Homefront, or the ved gjerdet står en hest med ei stor sluffe. Steinar Vangen looks around. Over by of the forest) came out of hiding and took Resistance Movement) and supplied Gutta Bakre delen av denne sluffa er som ei stor the fence stands a horse with a big two-seat- charge. Some of the heroes from those days på skauen with weapons and other material kiste med lokk over. Som et lyn springer ed sleigh. The back of this sleigh is like a have gotten their deserved medals and mon- used in their endeavor to inflict damage to Steinar bort til sluffa, smyger seg ned i kista big chest with a lid on top. In a flash, Stei- uments in Oslo, books and stories have been Germany. Milorg got all its instruction from og slepper lokket ned over seg. Han ligger nar runs over to the sleigh, sneaks into the written about life lost, torture and consent London, and if any likvidasjon av angivere murende stille. I det samme kommer Lar- chest and closes the lid over himself. He lies ration camps. Questions remain, however, (literally “liquidation of informers,” or the ris og kameratene hans stormende fram om dead still. At the same time, Larris and his about what happened to the group that in- killing of Nazis that spied on the under- hjørnet og vil ta han. comrades come storming around the corner flicted the most damage to the German war ground and reported them to Gestapo) was to to fight him. machine in Norway and lost half of its sabo- take place, approval was obtained from Lon- teurs to torture and execution: The Osvald don. The Gestapo reacted sternly when an Translated into English by Alexander Knud Huntrods – Illustrated by Jens R. Nilssen Group. Seventy-five percent of all sabotage informer was executed – reprisals with the Vangsgutane bilingual book available for $19.95 with FREE shipping in the U.S.A. in Norway during World War II was done executions of people in concentration camps www.astrimyastri.com by this group, and the debate still goes on and innocent people. The Osvald group was in Norway if the members of "The Osvald “freelancing” so to speak, and did their likvi- Group" should be recognized as war heroes. dasjon with no concerns for reprisals. Lon- This article is not written to point in one don did however ask Osvald Group to do direction or the other, war heroes or not – grisejobber (dirty work) that Milorg was not those of us who live in the U.S. do not min- able to do. gle in Norwegian affairs of this sort. Let's The Osvald Group was a fearless group step back in time, about 77 years. In 1934, a and some of the members had left-wing, group emerged in Germany: The Wollweber communist ideology. During the height of Group, spearheaded by a communist, Fritz their operation, it is estimated that they had Karl Wollenweber. The aim of this group 70 saboteurs in action. More than half lost was to destroy German shipping under con- their lives to skirmishes with the Germans, trol of the Nazis. capture, torture and death in concentration In 1935, Wollenweber capered in Nor- camps. More than 200 sabotage actions are way to recruit saboteurs for his organization. attributed to this group in Oslo, Gjøvik, Nar- Here he met and recruited a fellow commu- vik, Bergen and Stavanger. The most note- nist, Martin Rasmussen Hjelmen. He was worthy of these sabotages include the State given the North Atlantic region as his respon- Police Headquarters on Aug. 21, 1942; Ar- sibility for sabotage. Martin Helmen needed beidskontoret (the office for forced labor to a “right-hand man,” and another Norwegian the German war effort) blown up in Oslo on Norway.com was recruited: Asbjørn Sunde. He was a April 20, 1943; and the destruction of the Royal Norwegian Consulates sailor and had volunteered for "The Inter- Per Kure factory in Oslo on May 30, 1944. Organization of the Week in North America national Brigade" during the Spanish Civil This factory produced electric machinery War. During his time in Spain he learned and components for the Germans. Osvald Sons of Norway Alaska sabotage and other techniques for covert war was also known to inflict enormous destruc- Vikings Of The Smokies operation. During the German occupation tion on the railway system in Norway and Honorary Consul of Norway, Martin Hjelmen had to escape also the shipping industry. It also known that Knoxville, Tennessee Erling Trygve Johansen to Sweden and Asbjørn Sunde took over the many of the “likvidasjon” of Nazis was con- For more information, contact Royal Norwegian Consulate group and operated under the name of “Os- ducted by the Osvald and his men. President Deloris Bumpers 310 K. Street, Suite 200 vald.” Martin Hjelmen was arrested by the Asbjørn Sunde and some of his men sur- Phone: (865) 982-9157 Anchorage, AK 99501 Swedes and turned over to the Gestapo. He vived the war. Sunde was born in Rørvik in Email: [email protected] Tel.: (907) 375-5565 was tortured and beheaded at Brandenburg Trøndelag in 1909, and passed away in 1985. Email: [email protected] prison on May 30, 1944. He wrote a book titled “Men i mørket” (Men For the full list of organizations, For a listing of all consulates, The Osvald Group was originally called visit noram.norway.com/organizations visit noram.norway.com/organizations “Sabotasjeorganisasjonen,” “Saborg” or just See > shadows, page 15 norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/sports November 11, 2011 • 15 sports Ålesund lifts Norwegian Cup Tippeligaen: Norway’s Premier League results Standings

Barrantes scored both goals for Ålesund to secure 10/26 Rosenborg 2 – 0 Tippeligaen PLD PTS a second Norwegian Cup and a place in next 1. FK 28 55 10/27 Ålesund 2 – 0 Stabæk season's UEFA Europa League 2. Tromsø IL 28 47 10/28 1 – 1 Tromsø 3. Rosenborg BK 28 46 10/30 Start 1 – 3 Odd 4. SK Brann 28 45 5. Odd Grenland 28 45 10/30 Lillestrøm 1 – 1 Ålesund 6. Vålerenga Fotball 28 44 10/30 Molde 2 – 2 Strømsgodset 7. Strømsgodset TF 28 42

10/30 Sarpborg 1 – 1 Viking 8. FK Haugesund 28 41 9. Ålesunds FK 28 40 10/30 Sogndal 0 – 0 Stabæk 10. Stabæk Fotball 28 39 10/30 Rosenborg 3 – 6 Brann 11. Viking FK 28 36 12. Lillestrøm SK 28 33 10/31 Vålerenga 1 – 2 Fredrikstad 13. Fredrikstad FK 28 32 To read more about football in 14. Sogndal IL Fotball 28 31 Norway, visit www.uefa.com 15. IK Start 28 25 16. FK 28 18

Photo: Fotball.no < chalet From page 13 Friday, 11 a.m. – 3 p.m.; Saturday, 11 a.m. scored two goals for Ålesunds FK, and his teammates were jubiliant with the victory – 5 p.m., and Sunday, 12 – 5 p.m. in Novem- of the Norwegian Cup. to make sure it is just what the customer is ber and December. UEFA looking for. Due to the special nature of their products, Almaas does not sell items on their website, but the store maintains a nation- Michael Barrantes was twice on target as headed in Björnar Holmvik's corner, the wide customer base through phone and mail Aalesunds FK overcame SK Brann 2 – 1 to 28-year-old Costa Rican midfielder found orders. The knowledgeable staff is commit- win the Norwegian Cup for the second time the net on 37 minutes with a swerving shot ted to helping a customer find the right item and secure a place in the 20012/13 UEFA from 20 meters. for their home or wardrobe, and their loyal Europa League. It was a second cup triumph for Aale- customers keep coming back for more. The All the goals came during an eventful sund, who lie ninth in the league, in three personal attention is part of the experience: first half at a packed Ullevaal Stadium in years. Brann, who are two points behind sec- A trip to the Chalet is meant to be savored, Oslo, with Aalesund taking the lead on 19 ond-placed Tromsø IL with two rounds left not rushed. minutes when Barrantes's shot was deflected to play, are still harboring hopes of UEFA “You can lose yourself in an ocean of into the net by Lars . Although Brann Europa League qualification. sameness, or you can find yourself in a store answered swiftly when Zsolt Korcsmár with spirit,” said Helen de la Torre, a long- time customer and now an employee of the Sports News & Notes Chalet. “Coming here is an experience, not just one more shopping stop.” New York Marathon Honors Grete Waitz New York Marathon nine times – a record that Chalet in the Woods is located at 9406 is likely to stand for quite some time. She first Norwegian long distance runner Grete Waitz 74th Ave NW in Gig Harbor, Wash. For more lost her battle with cancer in April this year. She entered the marathon by fluke on a visit to New Photo: Christy Olsen Field information, visit www.chaletinthewoods. Sadie Olive Belle, granddaughter of owner Laura was 57. However, this weekend her memory is York, and during a slow-moving career. As it com or call (253) 851-8678. The shop is Almaas, proudly wears the sweater knitted by Al- still celebrated in the New York Marathon. turned out, marathons suited her well. And so open Tuesday – Thursday, 11 a.m. - 5 p.m.; maas’s great aunt Oleana. Posters in honor of Waitz’s memory have did New York. 500 Norwegians participated in been posted all along 5th Avenue in New York. New York Marathon to honor Waitz’s memory, Several other events will also take place this including her husband, Jack Waitz. weekend in honor of the Norwegian runner, (Norway Post) The Scandinavian Hour who won’t be easily forgotten. Waitz won the Celebrating over 50 years on the air! < aid KKNW – 1150 AM From page 3 “I think that Norway, for a long time, was too naive in the attitude to aid crime. Saturdays 9 – 10 a.m. PST “Corruption is unacceptable, and means Corruption of aid money is to steal from the that the funds do not reach the projects for poor – it is totally unacceptable. Therefore, Streaming live on the internet at: which they were intended,” says head of in- we have the strictest systems for detecting www.1150kknw.com vestigations, Eirik Glenne to NRK. defaults,” said Solheim. From 2007 to Aug. 31, 2011, the Min- He believes the central control unit, istry of Foreign Affairs has received NOK which was created in 2008, was a break- 23.9 million (USD 4.2 million) in refunds through in the fight against corruption. from the various aid organizations in com- “We depend on these organizations pensation for the mismanagement of funds, speak up when they see corruption or other NRK reports. In the same period, Norway forms of economic crime,” said Glenne. has given NOK 98 billion (USD 17.4 bil- “We want the funds we receive will be lion) in aid. used for this purpose and not for someone to Reserve space for your personalized greeting in our annual Christmas Issue Norway has the world’s best system to stick them in their own pocket. We have zero detect and prevent corruption of aid, said tolerance for corruption and are satisfied that Name:______Christmas Greetings! City/State:______Minister of the Environment and Interna- this was discovered,” said Chief Financial tional Development Erik Solheim. Officer of the Red Cross, André Støylen. Message:______God Jul og < shadows Merry Christmas! From page 14 became known to the public in 2008 when he Godt Nyttår til refused the War Cross, the highest medal be- Bjorn and Nina alle venner! in the dark), which is still in print in Norway. stowed on a Norwegian soldier. His refusal Steffensen Ola og Berit Nordmann made headlines in Norway, and again started Staten Island, N.Y. On Sept. 17, 2011, it was noted in Ringerikes Blue Mounds, Wis. Blad that the possible last member of the Os- up the debate on the achievements of the Os- vald group was dead: Leiv Kjemperud (His vald Group. Could it be that honors of a hero $10 for small ad $20 for large ad last name directly translated is “fight clear- blossom on the grave? ing.” What a name for a freedom fighter!) He Deadline: DECEMBER 1 – Mail this form today! Committed to Delivering the World’s Safest, Most Effective Omega Oils™

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