Smpd Chief Larry Giannone Sierra Madres' Colorful

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Smpd Chief Larry Giannone Sierra Madres' Colorful SATURDAY, JANUARY 7, 2012 VOLUME 6 NO. 1 SMPD CHIEF LARRY GIANNONE SIERRA MADRES’ COLORFUL IMAGINATION Sierra Madre has a new Police Chief. Larry Giannone, formerly a Captain on the SMPD since 2007, became the Chief of Po- lice upon the retirement last month of Marilyn Diaz. Giannone, who’s official title is Acting Chief while the city works through budget issues, has been in law enforcement for more than 23 years. He came to Sierra Madre from the Monterey Park Police Department. Giannone, who is a familiar face around town, is married, has two daughters and is soon to be known as, ‘Grandpa Chief Giannone;. Congratulations Chief and thanks for your service. MVNews The residents of Sierra Made and mem- bers of theRose Float Association proudly participated in the 2012 Tournament of REGULAR MEETING Roses Parade with the entry, “Colorful SIERRA MADRE CITY COUNCIL & Imagination.” (Photo by Chris Bertrand) It COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY was the 80th Sierra Madre float entry. Tuesday, January 10, 2012 As conceived and drawn by Julio Leon, 5:30 pm Closed Session “Colorful Animation” celebrates children’s 6:30 pm Open Session play and their unique ability to use their City Hall Council Chambers imaginations to create magical new worlds 232 W. Sierra Madre Boulevard from ordinary, every day objects. As these children play they envision colorful but- terflies soaring from the swirling paint. AGENDA INCLUDES: Although the float did not win an award this year, its’ entry alone (80th for Sierra CONSIDERATION OF ARGUMENTS Madre) marked a major milestone as a self REGARDING A MEASURE TO AMEND THE built entry. EXISTING UTILITY USERS TAX ORDINANCE The parade this year also had a very spe- AND ACCOMPANYING ADVISORY MEASURE cial Grand Marshal, J.R. Martinez, (Photo ON THE BALLOT FOR THE APRIL 10, 2012 by Lina Johnson), a veteran and most re- MUNICIPAL ELECTION cently winner of the popular show, ‘Danc- ing With The Stars’. ASSEMBLYMAN TIM DONNELLY ATTEMPTS COMMUNITY INVITED TO PUSD recently, would have separate representation. CHARTER AMENDMENT AND One proposal suggests that if approved, dis- tricts would be established by population size. TO BOARD AIRLINE WITH LOADED GUN DISTRICTING TASK FORCE Each new district would represent 28,000 PRESENTATION people. However, under such a plan, Sierra By Susan Henderson Madre would be added to one, and possibly The Sierra Madre Kiwanis Club is hosting two districts. a presentation on the proposed PUSD Char- The Taskforce is composed of nine members, Just short of the 1 year anniver- ter Amendment and Districting Task Force selected as follows: three members appointed which is the methods for selecting Members by the PUSD Board of Education, three mem- sary of the brutal murder of six of the PUSD Board of Education in the fu- innocent people including a child, bers appointed by Pasadena City Council, two ture. Currently, Board Members are elected members appointed by Supervisor Antonov- and the near fatal shooting of Con- district wide, however there is discussion as to ich, and one member appointed by the Sierra gresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, whether or not that should change. Madre City Council. Bart Doyle is the Sierra the debate over gun control has ig- The event will take place at The Lodge (for- Madre representative. merly Masonic Temple), 33 E. Sierra Madre The objective of this effort is to implement nited again. This time, fortunately, Blvd., on Tuesday, January 11, 2012. Lunch it is in a proactive manner, not the geographic region elections for the Pasadena begins at noon at costs $10. (Reservations re- Unified School District Governing Board for result of any act of violence. quired 626-355-0728) The program, which is a March 2013 election. The decision is im- free to the public, begins at 12:30. portant to all citizens of Sierra Madre, regard- Earlier this week, the Assembly- The Sierra Madre Schools are a part of the less of whether or not they have children at- Pasadena Unified School District. There has tending PUSD Schools. man who represents Sierra Madre been much discussion as to whether or not and parts of Arcadia, Monrovia the two schools, which operated as one until and Duarte, Tim Donnelly, was prevented from boarding a flight to Sacramento because of a con- NEWS RELEASE Inside This Edition... cealed handgun and ammunition Donnelly, left, is a well known advocate of gun rights and is the SIERRA MADRE CITY CLERK CALENDAR Page 2 in his briefcase. According to the founder of the largest minuteman chapter in California. He is a Tea Party candidate. Sierra Madre News Page 3 federal Transportation Security “Nancy Sue Shollenberger, Sierra Pasadena/Altadena Page 4 Administration said that “Donel- permit. Later he posted the fol- and attended and graduated from Madre City Clerk, announces today, ly’s briefcase contained a .45-cali- lowing on his facebook page: High School. January 6, 2012, that Arguments in Around San Gabriel Valley Page 5 ber handgun with four rounds in Favor and Arguments Against the up- Nature & Environment Page 5 its magazine, and a spare maga- “I cannot put into words my grati- Whether or not the Assembly- coming measures to be presented at the zine containing five rounds.” Arcadia Page 6 tude for the overwhelming out- man was threatened or feared for April 10, 2012 election must be in the pouring of support. You have been his personal safety, the law does Donnelly was arrested, and cited a great encouragement to me, and not allow the carrying of firearms City Clerk's Office by January 17, 2012. Monrovia/Duarte Page 7 for possession of a loaded firearm. your prayers have sustained me on airplanes. Education & Youth Page 9 He could recieve a sentence of up and my family through difficult Rebuttal arguments will be accepted ten to one year in jail and a $1,000 days. To those who are upset with In addition to the laws broken re- days after; or January 27, 2012. SUBSCRIBE TODAY Page 10 fine. The Transportation Security me, you have every right to express garding having a concealed weap- Administration also could levy a that. It’s a free country! Godspeed, on and attempting to board an air- Any questions please call the City Clerk Arts & Entertainment Page 12 fine of up to $10,000. Tim Donnelly” plane, the question of whether or at 355-3303 (her office), 355-1569 (her Left/Right Page 13 not he had a permit to carry the home); or the City 355-7135.” Opinion Page 14 According to news reports in the Donnelly claims to have been weapon must also be answered. Sacramento Bee, Donnelly also ac- carrying the weapon because of Note: According to a previous com- Homes & Property Page 18 knowledged that he did not have a alleged ‘death threats’ he had re- Even those who support gun munication from the City Clerk, the permit for the gun. ceived due to his efforts to repeal rights are concerned that an elect- The Good Life Page 19 the Dream Act which supports ed official appears to have totally upcoming measures to be on the ballot News report suggested that Don- children who are illegal immi- disregarded the law and public are: World Around Us Page 20 nelly was terse with reporters in grants who have lived in this safety. SPORTS - Harvey Hyde Page 21 Sacramento when question about a country for more than five years Read The Paper Online At: 2 Mountain View News Saturday, January 7, 2012 CALENDAR CHRISTMAS TREE RECYCLING SIERRA MADRE CHAMBER TO AND HOLIDAY TRASH PICK-UP HOLD ANNUAL MEETING SCHEDULE Weather5-Day Forecast Wise On Monday, January 9, 2012, the Sierra Madre Chamber The holiday season is here and residents will soon face of Commerce will hold its’ annual membership meeting. the annual task of Christmas tree disposal. The City of Si- Sierra Madre, Ca. Ballots for the 2012 Board of Directors will also be held at erra Madre, in conjunction with Athens Services and the Sunny that time. LA County Sanitation District, is pleased to announce the Mon: Hi 70s Lows 40s The meeting will be held at noon at the Casa Del Rey Tues: Sunny Hi 70s Lows 40s Christmas Tree Recycling Program as part of our green Sunny Restaurant, 31 N. Baldwin, Sierra Madre. For additional waste recovery efforts. Wed: Hi 70s Lows 40s information call 626-355-5111 Thur: Sunny Hi 70s Lows 40s Fri: Sunny Hi 70s Lows 40s From Monday, December 26, 2011, through Friday, January Forecasts courtesy of the National Weather Service COMMUNITY SERVICES 13, 2012, Athens Services will be collecting all uncontami- nated Christmas trees during regularly scheduled pickup CITY OF SIERRA MADRE COMMISSION IS SEEKING TO hours at the curbside. In order for trees to qualify for this CALENDAR OF EVENTS free service, please remove stands, nails, ornaments, lights, FILL TWO VACANCIES ON THE and tinsel, and place the trees next to your regular trash Unless otherwise noted, all meetings listed below are held at SMTV3 COMMUNITY CABLE containers. Trees with flocking or fire retardant are accept- City Hall 232 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. Sierra Madre, Ca. able. Trees over 6 feet in length must be cut in half. If you 626-355-7135 TELEVISION PROGRAMMING miss the date for recycling, please cut up your tree and place COMMITTEE it in your yard waste container(s). Tue Jan 10 @ 6:30PM - City Council Meeting The City of Sierra Madre’s gather information, weigh Due to the fact that both Christmas Day and New Year’s Community Services Com- public opinion and examine Day are both on a Sunday, there will be no change in your mission is looking for two issues in depth in order to regular pick-up day.
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