TWBKTY.liaHT FRIDAY, ICAY 8,1968 'Average Dally Net Prara Ron IHmtrliiriitrr Eontitts For The Week Boded The Weather AprU ST, INB Partly doudy tonlgM, low in iiattrijpfitpr lEumtttg fca lb tlie 40s. Vkriable okudlnaM and 1 5 ,0 2 0 cool tomorrow,. high near 60. Manehm*ter A City o f ViOmge Charm

VOL. LXXXVn. NO. 188 (FOURTEEN PAGES—TV SECTION) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, MAY 4, 1968 Ml Page 11) PRICE TEN CENTS Ft'-V - f ' Push Continues U.S. May Ask Red Arms Near Dong Ha

K aAlOOM (AP)—u a. troo|» William C .' Westmoreland’s fantrymen called In artillery weary from five days of sharp headquarters said allied forces and Air Force fighter-bombers As First Move Paris fighting pushed through marsh­ have killed 750 enemy soldiers. in reply hK the enemy’s barrage lands near the northeastern American casualties were re­ of 120 mm mortars and smell WASHINGTON (AP) — Offi­ frontier today, trying to drive ported as 75 kUIed and 394 arms fire from trenches. cials expect the first U.8. move back more than 2,000 North wounded and South Vietnamese Two Americans were reported in Paris peace talks «dth North Vietnamese threatening allied losses were put at 27 kUled and killed and 22 wounded in the ac- Vietnam will be to press tor a bases and supply lines. 99 wounded. Uon. cutback In Communist military (Blneaiy troops In bunkers shot Marine intelUgience officers activities In-Southeast Asia. down a Marine F8 Crusader Added to reports from Hue, 45 said they beUeVe the North Viet­ They afly this would clear the dive-bombing their position miles to the south, these figures namese are trying to envelop way tor a total halt In U.S. miles northeast of Dong Ha. The bring casualties from this Dong Ha, headquarters of the \ week’s fighting In South Viet­ bombing of the North. pilot was reported kUled. It was 3rd Marine Division, end cut the nam’s northeastem comer to the 2S2nd U.S. warplane lost in Cua Viet River supply line to The talks are due to open May \: more than 1,870 enemy and 110 combat over South Vietnam. other demlUtarised «m e bases 10 under an agreement reached alUed soldiers killed and 563 al­ v M / r / After repulsing one enemy —Quang Trt, Con Thlen, Camp Friday by Washington and Ha­ lied troops wounded. noi through their embassies In counterattack near Dong Ha Carroll and Khe Sanh. Vientiane, Laos, ending almost Thursday, the Americans beat Friday’s day-long fighting In­ The heavy fighting began \ back another one Friday and re­ volved a battalion of the U.S. five weeks of diplomatic isqiar- Tuesday when a U.S. supply ring on a site. ported killing 67 North Viet­ Army’s 196th Light Infantry Bri­ ship moving up the river from namese. In six days of fighting gade, sent to ■ reinforce baxlly the Tonkin Gulf to Dong Ha was Paris represents a compro­ around the Marine base, Gen. blattered Marine units. The In­ hit by 82mm recolUess rifle fire mise which, diplomats say, both Washington and Hanoi foresaw k \ and a Marine platoon was land­ ■j- r. ed to look for the enemy gun­ many days ago. Each side has ners. shown Itself prepared tor hard “ It’s an offensive on our bargaining, which means pro­ >'■ part,” said a U.S. spokesman. longed and often bitter negotiat­ “ It Is a result of our offensive ing in the months ahead. Students Consider North Vietnam said It wants actions In being able to find talks "to decide with the U.S. -- them. They have been In Quang side the unoonditional cessation by the United States of its Reply to Demands Si bombing and all other acts of JL J northernmost, Includes Dong war” against the North. Ha. . •Ci'li' EVANSTON, ni. (AP) — Ne- the Negro group, by Hlnz late Elsewhere, aUIed forces re- Other matters will be dis­ cussed when that issue is decid­ gro students at Northwestern Friday night. The document ported Miung 326 Viet Cong •F ed, the Hanoi statement said. University continued their occu- was a statement in reply to the troops In four fights within 28 President Johnson imposed a pation of the school’s business demands worked out in all-day nUles of Saigon, partial bombing ban on U.S. office buUding today as they discussions among umverslty of- *1,^ biggest clash. South planes operating over North considered a reply from unlver- flclals and faculty members aft- Vietnamese Infantrymen and Vietnam effective March 31. He •Ity officials to their list of de- er the students seized control of u_g_ Army heUcopters firing limited their operations to the mands. building early Friday mom- nodtets combined against the so-called panhandle area south On the steps of the building a ^ ^ Viet Cong 283d Marine Force of the.20th Parallel and called group of 50 white sympathizers c®**tents of the sealed en- BaifataMon. After a day-long bat- on North Vietnam for some sim­ huddled in blankets, sipping velopo would not bo made pub- uo Friday 28 miles southwest of ilar show of military restraint. coffee and trying to stay warm Turner agreed, un- saigon, the South Vietnamese Top administration officials In the chlUy early morning tern- “ ‘1?® counted 200 enemy agree that Infiltration of men neratures dents and then In .conference bodies and 59 weapons left on amd supplies from North Viet­ fi,.. university administrators, the battlefield. Government cas-’ \ nam into the South has been at I Turner, a graduate student ualtles were reported as nine peak levels since early March. in the Rebecca Crown Coirter head of the Afro-American killed and 31 wounded. Some officials—and intelli­ some 30 other white e y m p a t^ gtudet Union chapter on earn­ gence reports from Saigon—say ers occupied the office of Ro- pyg_ referrli* to wtrn;, said, iElghiteen miles northwest of the Increase which began in ear­ land J. Hlnz, dean of student -judging from the conduct of Saigon, U.S. infantrymen and South Vietnamese soldiers ly March has-continued to grow and university vice president, administrator X would think since Johnson’s March 31 limi­ who acted as go-between tor ad- ther^ resolution to clashed with 400 Viet Oong Searchers sift wreckage of Texas plane in which 84 died yesterday. (AP Photofax) AUTHENTIC tation order. , mlnlstrators and protestors. situation.” Earlier, Turner troops. Juet before midnight Friday, an estimated 160 ene­ The agreement Friday to get \ THE LOOK IS LINEN IN The. 110 Negro students Inside said the demands were not my troops tried to overrun the the talks started in a week in studied a document handed to negotiable. No Survivors Reported Paris eased developing pressure James Turner, spokesman tor pceltions of one o f the Ameri­ ' The seizure Friday morning can baittattons. The counter­ inside the administration to re­ was nonviolent and Turner said attack was repulsed and the sume wider bombing over North he hoped to keep It that way. enemy withdrew about mid Vietnam unless Hanoi began to / “ We wUl not start any vlo- night. 84 Killed in Texas Plane Crash move at least on the dlplomatio front. USSR Agrees thing’ in this buUdlng,”% e s ^ t i^ n m d T a w T ’45*‘ n ^ ^ DAWSON, Tex. (AP) — Eigh- The National Guard was sum- al time of 4:68 p.m. when they national Airport said at 4:61 Unless North V I e t n a m 'a SPORTSWEAR by “ We’ll even b n x A toe place up toto S U S ^ S ty-tour ^rson s med in a Branlff moned to control traffic and deplaned in Dallas, p.m. that Flight 352 had van­ agreement to talk, however, is before we leave, U they want us h„C " ™ International Electra that ex- sightseers. Three minutes after takeoff, ished from his radar scope. matched by military restraint To Let U.S. to*. « -t . 1.1 ao ploded and plunged to earth In The brightly painted, tour-en- at 4:14 p.m., one of the flight When the flight vanished from —such as a reduction in the lev­ ROBERT BRUCE ||| Hlnz in turn awured the nro- blazlSg pieces Friday as the glne turboprop airliner. Flight deck crew—Capt. J.R. Phillips radar view. It flashed into the el of infiltration—officials be­ t e S S e l T ^ t S H T t l^ e ri^ t American were klUed crew, bucked thunderstorms 352, decorated to Braniffs Aztec First Officer John W. Foster lesrors uiey wouiu not oe evict- and 23 Americans were wound- inreif with view of people ih and near Daw­ lieve' this must be an important Mexican motif, rolled to Its and Second Officer D. W. Cross­ A ROBERT BRUCE GOLF CARDIGAN , . . “Fore”mogt in fasihion PERMANENT PRESS 1 ed. “ We wm not call in police.” ed. south Vietnamese casualties f *^1 „ son. issue for the Paris talks. See Prisoners Chunks of debris fell over the takeoff from Houston at 4:11 land—estimated In a radio re- Dean Montgomery of Corsica­ It is recognized, nevertheless, with the accent on gualityl 50^ atpaca, 50% wool. he said. were reported light. old Lonnie Wells farm—uninha­ p.m.—11 minutes behind sched- port that the flight’s estimated na, a private pilot and operator that in the policy decisions to be SLACKS and WALK SHORTS by MOSCOW (AP) — The Soviet University seciulty police pat: Two other battles left 67 Viet Sizes: S-M-lrXIx LS* bited and g^wn over by grass ule. arrival time was 5:03 p.m., only of an electrical shop, ■ said he made In preparation tor the Union today announced ratifica­ roled nearby Friday and hel- Oong dead, South Vietnamese B. ROBERT BRUCE MOC TURTLE SHIRT . . , 65% dacron® poly­ and brush—two miles last of Following from, about that tlve minutes behind schedule, saw a large explosion rip the talks Johnson has more dramat­ tion of the long-delayed consular meted Evanston city police di­ spokesmen said, and govern­ TAILOR’S BENCH. this little Texas town. time one of the two stewardess- That was the last word as the plane. Then, he said, there were ic choices open to him. - ester, 86% cotton. Wrinkle resistant. New soil release. convention providing access by rected traffic in the area. There ment casualties were six killed Many of Dawson’s 700 citizens es—Jo Carol Brand of Taylor, Electra headed into the turbu- two smaller explosions, and the At one extreme, for example, Machine wash and dry. Sizes: S-M-L-XL. 9* U.S. officials to any U.S. citizen 1*0 disorders and no ar­ and 29 wounded. and residents of neighboring cit­ N.D., and Suzanne Renz of lence between Houston and Dal- craft plummeted downward in he could decide to stop all detained in the Soviet Union. rests. In air raids on North triet- C. ROBERT BRUCE GOLF SHIRT with ooAlar . . . permanent press, ies searched the area, and bod­ South Orange, N.J.—would have Flight controllers said they Jerry M e^ ll, a Dawson High bombing of the North to create The U.S. Senate ratified the The demands pressei) by the nam’s southern panhandle, U.S. 66% Dacron® polyester, 35% cotton in 8 exciting colors. %L. been announcing to the passen- had no further conversation School mathematics teacher, a highly favorable atmosphere document March 16, 1967, after Negroes Included; ies were taken temporarily to Arpold Palmer designed them tor good looks . . . gers that Braniff would give with the plane. The first Indlca- saw a flash in the sky. for the talks and establish a Treated for minimum shrinlmge. Sizes: S-M-L-XL. O extended debate over whether it policy statement by the K s esSmS'w.oS “'®gym^um ^ each of them a voucher for $1 If tion of trouble to them came I looked up and there were record of peace actions by the lilor's Bench tailored them tor comtort . . . you'll involved an additional security tmlversity "deploring the vl- gallons of fuel in 108 missions ^here were no survivors. rigk, clousness of white racism.” A special FBI team was flown the flight was more than 15 min- when the controller at Fort flames all over the plane and it United States. wear them with pleasure wherever and whenever went down," he said. He Arguing against such a The agreement gives Soviet poUcy of gradual Increase (See P«ge Seven) In to help Identify the bodies, utes behind the scheduled arriv- Worth’s Great Southwest Inter- you relax! Easy to care tor — in a permanent press, couldn’t be sure whether the choice, officials say, is that con­ diplomats similar rights for So- *** *^® number of Negro students ‘soil release blend ot 65 % Dacron® polyester and flash he saw was lightning or tinued bombing of infiltration vlet citizens detained in the * more reaUsUc figure. sudden fire engulfing the plane. routes south of the 20th Parallel United States. —Separate Uvlng units for Ne- 35% Avril* Rayon, they teature the Luxury Look If Flight 362 had reached Dal­ has been Judged of critical im­ ot Linen . . . include distinctive ribbon belt with Sovlet action on the agree- 8To students who want to Uve to- las, It would have flown on to­ portance by military leaders. ment was believed held up by R®ther. authentic Arnold Palmer umbrella emblem on buckle. ward Tulsa, Fort Smith, Ark., At the other extreme, Johnson the general negative attitude to- —A Negro studies course be Little Rock and Memphis. could call for a prompt cease­ Neat solid colors . . . ward relations with the United added to the curriculum, and There were 79 passengrers In fire covering all aerial, ground 3. States due to the Vietnam war. Negro professors. addition to the five crew mem­ and sea operations In the Viet­ The presidium, or ruling —A Negro counselor ” to help bers. All of the crew members namese war in the opening body, of the Supreme Soviet us properly cope with the psy- were based in Dallas. phase of the Paris talks. ARNOLD-PALMER SLACKS (parliament) ratified the consu- chologlcal, mental, and qcadem- lar convention April 23, the an- Ic tensions resulting from dual- ' (See Page Seven) (Sec Page Seven) Slies •15. nouncement today said. ism of our existence as black. ...J The convention was signed by college students.” both countries June 1, 1964. —Establishment of a Negro This Is the first bilateral trea- student union, ARNOLD PALMER SHORTS ty between the Soviet Union and Ira Schaer, a freshman from DESIGNED F 0 | ^ C T I0 N by Slies $2-40 •10. the United States. Pennsaucken, N.J., and a Nations Hopeful It goes imto effect 30 dqys spokesman tor the sympathizing from the exchange of ratifica- white students, said the Negroes tlon instnunents. A U.S. embas­ allowed im white students Inside *Eaatman Registered Trademark sy spokesman said today no because they wanted the take­ date for the exchange has been over action to be their own. j set. Turner, referring to the white Over Peaee Talks It will take place in Washing­ sympathizers, said, “ They have LONDON (AP) --From South munique added, the Commu­ ton. respon^«A to aset of definltlqDs Vietnam, war allies and many nists can be expected to intensi­ < fy the war and step up Infiltra­ (See Page lliree) (See Page Seven) ^ e r nations today . came tion of men and supplies to bet­ A. ■ K'- V expressions. of approval and •■■ I- —_ ------4_>L------hope for the pijelimlnary talks ter their bargaining position. between the United States and South Korea, which is sup­ PA North Vietnam in Paris. plying about 60,000 troops to the The Soviet Union and Commu­ allied war effort, welcomed the “YOUR HEADQUARTERS for ARNOLD PALMER SPORTSWEAR” W orld Views Gains nist Puba relayed the news to selection of Paris as a site tor their citizens in broadcasts and preliminary talks. A foreign printed accounts, but both with­ ministry spokesman . said that held. official commentary. Red the^French capital is "very ad- By 3 Heart Patients C)!hlna, which wants the Commu­ vontag^us" as a site for ^uth nist forces to fight on, kept all Korea and other allies bectouse -1*. Laymen and surgeons alike zor received the heart of an old­ word of.jthe upcoming talks out free movement of their r,^pre- of Chinese newscasts. sentatives will be guarantee^. today watphed closely the pro­ er but athletic man, the pa­ South Vietnam’s President gress of three men—two taj the tient’s condition was announced He denied a report that the Nguyen Van Thieu said Paris Seoul government was consider­ United States and one in London as fair—with a wait-and-see at­ was acceptable to his govern —who received heart trans­ titude. ing a plan to have Its ambassa- plants within about 24 hours. The London heart donor was ment ns a site (or talks.' Al- dor to France, Lee Soo-youfng, named by London newspapers though South Vietnam will not attend the Paris talks. South Ev ■ ? The London operation, com- take part In the preliminary. Korea 1 ^ been demanding tl)at vleted Friday night , was the as Patrick Ryan, 26, who died of brain damage suffered in a fall talks, it will maintain contact it should be a full pairtlclpant'in world’s 10th Heart transplant. wi r,h UiS. representatives any negotiations designed to set- At London’s National Heart **"on» a scaffold. A/ throi^h Its consul-general in tie the Vietnam conflict. Hospital the 4S-year-old patient, The London team worked tor “ THE MARVEL OF MAIN STREET” an ebtfmated seven hours to Paris, Ngo Tan Canm. Philippines President Ferdl- as yet unidentified, was reoort- Aj communique from the Sal- ^^nd J(arcos congratulated both 901-907 MAJN STREET, MANCHESTER od to be in “ entirely uattsfacto- prepare for the transplant, and go.n\Forelgn Ministry, however, countries for “ their statesman- OPEN MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 9:80 TO D;80 , ry“ condition. ♦he l.eart surgery transfer was said', the government hoped the ^^ip In agreeing to preliminary TnURSDAY 9:30 TO DaflO I reported to have taken two - In Houston, Tex., where 47- © ^ French government would act peace talks in Paris.’” your-old Everett CBatre Thomas only as an Intermediary and not Open a Regal Charge Account Today Tho surgical team was led by A 2,(XX>-man Philippines civic Friday morning received the take todes. qctlon contingent is currently Connecticut Bank and Hartford National Charges Also Accepted hi art of a 16-year-oId bride, Donald Rosa, 46, a Sou‘ h Afri­ Brainy Gah Have Best Gams? ’Iti| same commtmlque being withdrawn from Vietnam pleasure was expressed at the can who has worked with heart transplant pioneer Dr. Chris­ warned that the Communists but there are plans to send an­ outcome of the transplant, but The Hagerstown, Md., Morning Herald decided to Junior College and ran these numbered pictures to would'Rake advantage of the pe­ tiaan Barnard. other if the Philippines congress was accompanied by a note of test a British researcher’s theory that the brain-^ riod of discussion to make prop­ The London bospltal state­ let its readers see if they could tell which legs go appropriates the money. caution. aganda and sew dissension be­ ment sal^ "the operation was iest females also have the shapUest legs. The news-« with the brainy girls. Given up? The brainy girls “ The whole worljl waits with' At Stanford, Calif., where late paper photographed, the gams of ’ four "brainy”* tween South Vietnam find Ita al­ go with the legs in photos number 1, 4, 5, and 6. Thursday 40-year-old Joseph Rl- (Bm Pago Seven) tjrpes and four "average” students at Hagerstown lies. At the same time, the com- (See Page Tim e)

- ' I- MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, MAY 4, 1968 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, MAY 4, 1968 PAGE THREE C h i l d r e n ’s Author Finds Political Theme Sheinwold on Bridge Poverty War Faces High Penalties In Drug Cases Br CXEMEWEIX TOUN» FEAR OF FRYING PAN been a great paoUein ever LANDS YOU IN FIRE NCHTTH COMBINED CONCERT It oocnes as someUiinK o t a 4&iee. I’ve noticed from time to ♦ 74 Annoy Judge raprlso to walk in a little late time that she feels she has to By ALFRBD SHEINWOLD (7 K10 2 Uncertain Future on a lecture i>y a wiMer of chil- remain true to the part. She’s 0 AQJ8 Manchester Civic Orchestra WASHINOTON (AP) — The ished. But he said "I don’t tWnk NEW HAVEN (AP) —A Su­ M ins drenta l>ooha to a jrroup of chU- 19 now.” Do you sometimes look around ^ 643 2 WM on poverty has a new foe to we can give a blanket, advance perior Oourt Judge took the you in the dgrk for fear that the dcen'e Ubrarlaiie and ttiiak Jenny,. {rfiilosoiMcally, he WEST EAST fight: Uncertainty over Its fu- enforsement” In view of throats goblins will get you? ^eivrare of Manchester Civic Chorale opportunity while sentencing a you’ve entered a IMcOartUy said, brings out the “ sense of 4 Q10S2 4> K863 ^***'®- to disrupt government If de- being BO calitioua that you land 16-year-oM boy Friday to critt- headquartera. an individual’s integrity that Z> 84 9 A763 Bertrand M. Harding, acting mands aren’t met. yourself in even worse trouble. dze what he called the Indls- Actually, Oliver Butterworth aaserto itself, that certain thlqgs •O 943 0 <52 -V Vytautas Marijosius, Conetu.ctor head o t the Office of Economic He said the campaign could Opening lead Kings of clubs. wae explaining what he had are right and certain things are 4 KQ109 ♦ «7 Importunity, met with his stafT backfire ■with such tactlca. criminantly high penalty per­ been thinking before writing wrong.” West opened the kliig of clube, SOUTH Guest Artist— Donald Sinta, Saxophonist this week in an attempt to dry OEO is not without Its own missible under a imu’coUcs oon- Mb Juvenile bent-«eller, ‘"Ilie and South played low as casual­ up what he called rumors the pocketbook problems—a budget Jenny’s trouble is that she can 4 A J 9 vietlon. Bnonuoue Bgg," and how per- ly as he could. If West led ihe agency may be carved up and pinch that has forced cutbacks hear other people’s thoughts in QI95 Art Exhibit— Ruth Bezanker Under the State Narcotic Unent some o f the obeervaiUDna suit agtUn, South would get two carted away. in Head Start programs and r e ­ her left ear. Her brothers cap­ O X 10 7 Drug Act, said Judge Leon Peirs- ‘"niere ore no plaiu other d u ctio n o l ■working hours In in the book are to today’s po- italize on this, and she wins quiz club tricks instead of only one. « AJ5 MANCHESTER HIGH SCHOOL key, both teen-agers and adults Uttoal scene. Besides, South was worried than to go forward,” Harding summer Jobs under the Neigh­ program money until her con­ Sooth West North East convicted of possessing even said. "There are no hidden borhood Youth Corps. Harding The book, In case you haven’t science finally makes her ex­ about the clubs and remember­ 1 NT Paw 3 NT All Paw WEDNESDAY, MAY 8 — 8:15 P.M. small amounts of narcotic drugs agendas. I was not put In tMs Is aware this has caused dlsat>- read it to your children or your­ plain, and return her prizes. ed that his mother had told him are guilty of a felony and may self (It nnakes delightful adult always to say "No, thank you” Job to dissolve this agency.’’ polntment among both the poor receive prison sentences of up Ught readkig), or .in case you Butterworth explained that to the first trick at notrump. or suit of four or more cards, Tickets available at Manchester music But ■each time Harding prom­ and the poverty ■workers. the 1969 quiz program scandal to 10 years. mtosed tt recently on television, West was not encouraged by but it is far more likely that a stores — Students Free ised OEO Mrould not be disman­ "It’s difficult to maintain a had not occured until b K cet the After making his remarks. is about an egg laid by an or­ his partner’s iseven of club bid will get you too high. If tled, he was careful to begin, forward thrust wheh you're hav­ book went to the publbsher, but Judge Parskey imposed a sus­ BE SURE . T . BUSS has been serving the Hems dinary New .Hartpehlre hen. It since the cards in the dummy you had the ace of spades or "As of today . . .’’ ing td retrench In spots,” he is not an ordinary e g g , how­ that authors sometimes have The uncertainty starts wllh said. pended 30-day Jail term on 16- Owner tor 86 YEARS. For a complete FREE IN* and South’s five of clubs made hearts (instead of one of the year-old Elliott Cohen of Ham­ ever, but a paleontological the sense of having felt the the White House. But the career administrator SPECnON of your home by a Termite Control it clear that East could not have low cards in those suite) you den. The boy had been con­ throwback, and a duiosaur pulse of the times —and there­ President Johnson, creator of said he 4s confident OBO not fore almosEt predict' things. played a lower club. Scenting ■would bid two clubs (the Stay- victed of possessing a half- Export, supervised by the finest technical staff, eventually ends up in the danger. West shifted to the man Convention) to try for a and crusader for the anUpover- only will survive but will contin- phone our nearest local oMoo: Again, Butterworth linked the ounce of marijuana. hatches out. The dinosaur deuce of spades. major-suit fit. Then B the fit ty program, has said he ■will ue to cut new trails with its pro­ idea behind the book to the pres­ leave the White House after this grams. "If I had the power to trans­ 'Wlaahlngton zoo, weU-cared for, East put up the king of failed to materialize you would ent —the idea ”of not being year. Sargent Shrlver, OBO’s He listed Imagination, creatlv- fer this case to Ju^venlle Court,” but not before a spontaneous spades,and South won with the be safer at Lwo or three no- drawn into things that you boss since birth, left the agency ity and efficiency as his goals he said ,"I would have done so.” protest demonstration against a ace. Now, when East got in ■with trump. think are ■wrong,” and doing six weeks ago to become am- for OEO and says he wants The teen-ager had reportedly proposed bill in the Senate to the ace of hearts, a Spade re­ Copyright 1968, POR MOIHEROMlHER^Y 649-9240 ban all extinct animals. what one thinks is right. bassador to France. maximum Impact from the pro- bough thte marijuana in New turn gave West three spade General Features Oorp. York City for high school ‘Something Inqwrtant’ ExMling the Child Harding has only caretaker grams. tricks, defeating the contract. friends. “The Enprmous Bgg” was One reviewer, Butterworth status ,as acting director and "I think there Is room to get BLISS TERM TE CONTROL COUP. Empty 'nireat Johnson has not Indicated when mdre bang from, the buck," he The Judge also placed CTohen published In 1956. Hie author said, treated his book with exm- South should take the ace of or whether he will name a per­ said. on probation for two years. But DIV. o r MUSS DOIRMINATOR CO., INC. • ESY. 1887 said he had been .thinking of siderable skepticism, because clubs at the first trick because it seemed to be saying that the manent successor. Harding dismissed the charge he noted that the youth, even the distrust engendered by the the cluh suit is an empEty MEAD0WS““h‘ ('Herald photo by Buceivicius) The OUcBt and LorK«Bt in Goiai. girl ■was smarter than her par­ Harding coheeded OEO in re­ by William F. Haddad, former Retired Assistant Fire Chief Sedrick J. Straughan, left, holds gift from paid persoimel of Man­ though given a suspended sen­ old brand o f iMcOanthyism, and threat. If East can ‘later lead a ' HTID SPCID ni’tt' R! B ‘i'lilh ents. cent weeks “ has been In a state assistant director of OEO, that chester Fire Department as he accepts gift frorp Fire C3hlef William C. Mason, presented on tence, will bear a record for a of "proteoUng something that club through the ace, the suit is important." Mothers Day Special—May 12 of turmoil, a state of uncertain- the agency Is being secretly dls- behalf of the more than 200 persons \^o attended the testimonial dinner. narcotics offense. The author said that was ex- . wlU break no worse than 4-2 Lee Morvin "The law could ha^ve been It is the boy’s television plea uctly what he was saying, and ty, sort of wandering.” But he membered. and the defenders can gat only more selective,” Parskey said. in the book that causes thfe dem­ quoted Emerson’s line that "the 'THE DIRTY DOZEN' argued this is normal In time of Harding said, ” I think he’s three club tricks. change. misreading the tea leaves,” and onstration to protect that par­ sim shines directly Into the eye After winning the first trick In Color! Escorted Mothers Free! Happenings ticular something. j (Hemid photo by Bucelviclus) Haidlng, 49, a Texan who predicted OEO will go on re- Straughan Retires, MANCHESTER PET CENTER Oliver Butterworth, author of “ he TMonnous Egg,” of a child.” He said this extoll­ with the ace of chibs. South can Body Identified Butterworth commemed that ing of the uneducated child is a ----- plus!----- once ran the Internal Revenue gardtess of which way political For Teens speaking at Hbrarians’ meeting in South W in ^ r . lead hearts to force out the ace. Service In another temporary winds may blow. ‘it’s almost as if the enormous strong theme in American lit­ SIDNEY POITIEB STAMFORD (AP)—^The wom­ The defenders duly take three Free Flowers ond G ifts . . . Job that lasted half a year, as- The antipoverty ls and Charter Oak ing to live through again.” Hartford College for Women, delegates. ALL YOU CAN EAT! time when the nation’s capital Is oEO, for better or worse^ has open every day until dark, E ll. tricks, winning the game and Children under 12 Free . . Assistant Fire Chief Sedrick J. Straughan retired at wTyrad^ hTs** bSSHden’K lives in West Hartford, which confronted by.plans for a mas- become the symbol of the gov- . He noted the grass-roots re­ Focusing on the non-polltical Huckleberry Finn, he said, rubber. A bridge player Tennis Courts at Memorial 6 p.m . yesterday, after 45 years of consecutive service by state poUce as Donna L. recently went overwhelmingly Phone for Reservations Now! slve march of protest by the emment’s commitment to the W ILL BE sponse to a national situation, origins of the book, Butterworth was the only person in to>wn shouldn’t always take his moth­ Field (6) and West Side Rec (2) with the South Manchester and Town Fire Depart- Roberts, 22, of Stamford. She by amateurs rather than profes­ for McCarthy In a primary. It said writing a story is “ kind of whd saw a Negro as a person. poor. problem of poverty. I think it oi>en every day until dark ments. Just one hour later, 7 p.m ., he was honored by had been beaten and strangled. er’s t^vlce. Harding said in an Interview would be unwise for any admln- sionals. was learned later that his wife a hatching process” —it Just And Twain commented that PAeANI’S CRYSTAL U K E Main foyer, MOC, Hartford more than 200 associates, State trooper Robert L blom- Dally Question he supports the Poor People’s istration. Republican or Demo- grows. The ideas come from if he WOTt to church he might Rd. Campus, 8 a.m. - 10 p.m. friends and well-wishers, at a qulst spotted the body as he HAPPY Partner opens with 1-NT (16 Campalgn in Its desire to dram- oral, to do away with that sym- somewhere beyond oneself and have learned different. to 18 points), and the next play­ Toiilte RESTAURANT and BALLROOM Monday through Friday, Dutch testimonial dinner at the Man­ was patrolling in the westbound E. B. White, in "Charlotte’s atlze the plight of the Impover- bol.” Graphic Arts Exhibit from the chester (Country C31ub. "if you’re lucky, it works.’i er passes.'SYou hold: Spades, ROUTS 30 ELUNOTON. CONNECTICUT Police Arrests lane of the divided highway WITH A GUARANTEED SINGING CANARY Now that the book is success­ Webb,” wrote of children swing­ K-8-6-8; Hearts, A-7-6-3; Dia­ Smithsonian Institute. Open to The turnout of men and wom­ near the River Bank Road over­ ing on a bam rope, very dan­ d L a n e t all through May 16. No charge. en listened and applauded as OR A LOVABLE PARAKEET FROM THE Guys and Dolls ful, he said, it’s “ like having a monds, 6-5-2; Clubs 8-7. ★ Phom: 875-9958, or 5484837 ★ Martin J. Haberern Jr;, 19, of pass about 4 p.m. child that’s grown up and suc­ gerous from the point of ■view of Wbat do you say? Wednesday, May 8 Straughan was extolled by Police reported Uiat the wom­ MANCHESTER PET CENTER. 995 MAIN ST. /^.£>ES speaker after speaker for his 72 Oxford St. was charged at I (A Musical Fable of Broadway) ceeded.” parents, Butterworth said, but, Answer: Pass. There may be Nations Hopeful •Manchester High P(X)1, 6:30- an apparently had been stran­ in White’s words, "children al­ dedicated service to Manches- 7:40 p.m. .yesterday with op- t Spontaneous Children a reasonable play for game If 9:30 p.m., Family Swim. gled ^ th a brassiere. It ap­ I By most always hold onto things ter, and watched and applauded eratlng an unregistered motor (Cages, Stands, Food and Other Accessories He had apparently wondered partner has 18 points and a maj- Bailey Auditorium, MHS, peared that the woman’s body tighter Ethan their parents think iDitEY joiflir as he was presented with gift vehicle. When stopped on W. I Frank Loeeser, Jo SwerMng and Abe Burrows himself why his Ideeus had con­ 8:15 p.m. (Combined Oonoert by was dragged to the bushes from in Stock) they wUl.” &ft6r srift I Presented by gealed into a children’s story U N I STANlfYOONtNS the Manchester Civic Orchestra a car, state poUce said. There "If you’re going to write for Over Peace Talks and JHanchester Civic Chorale The chairman of the testl- were no cars nearby when the because he explained that he mohial was new Deputy Fire Lemporary plates in the wlnd- ii SOCK and BUSKIN children, you have to have a iwoFOtHBiMir "THE LAST WORD*" with art exhibit by Rufth Bez­ body was found. MANCHESTER PET CENTER had been teaQhing third and C«is*WCM«e certain amount of confidence in (Continued from Page One) Chlef Raymond Thompson. He shield of the cor. I Friday Evening, May 10,1968, 8 :00 P.M. fourth grader^ in what is now anker. Open to all; students ad- An autopsy was ordered to Open Mon. thru Sot. 9 to 6 — Thurs. to 9 them,” Butterworth concluded, AT THE EEACH TONWHTi Vietnamese probably have and the other new deputy chief, Joan McAwley, 17, of 14 EM- I BAILEY AUDITORIUM the Westbrook School at the baited breath the results of that mited free. determine the time of death. and sat down. something up their sleeves.” John Rivosa, were welcome(l gerton St. was charged with time of The writing and had real­ DRIVE-IN eventful meeting,” Marcos said. Thursday, May 9 State police and Stamford I General Admission $1.50 . ” His talk was given to the "I think its a damned good warmly by the gathering when operating a motor vehicle wlth- 649-4273 ized how spontemeous children Willimantic ■)23-2423 “ I’m praying that these two na­ Bennet Junior High Auditori­ police were cooperating In the Greater Hartford Children’s Li­ thing," said a lieutenant who they were introduced. out a license yesterday at 2 nrurder investigation. are. um, 1:30 p.m., play "Wild and TTlfe toastmaster was Town P-n>. at the Manchester Shop- brarians Roundtable at the tions would come to an agree­ did not want his name used. • ^ — ------^'^•*** ..... — — Miss Roberts^ address was He came back again and Starts 8:16 — Feature 10:15 Tm ready to get out ol this Wooly WesE? Bennet students Qjjjgj william C. Mason, phig Parkade Wood Memorial Library in ment to conclude hostilities in listed as 274 Main St. again to the word “ spontaneity.” South Windsor this week. The N o w Vietnam so that peace would who presented Straughan with a James Beland, 17, of East Children, he said, have a South Windsor Board of Educa­ A M O V IE ! Mon. thru Fri. Y:00-9'':06 M. Sgt. Willie Brunson of WIU- Friday, xHay 10 cash gift, on behalf of the din- Hartford was charged last night \ lATLANTIC AVE. MISQUAMICUT, R.I. setUe once again in these "capacity to respond in an un- tion was also invited. ingboro, N.J., In charge of a Bennet Junior High Auditor- ner guests. 11 at the (3eorge For Teens \ THE ■profeaslonal way.” Ho had sub- Sat., Sun. "Apes” 1:30-3:20 parts.’ ’ truck company, said: "I heard lum, 7:30 p.m., play “ Wild and Fireman Harold Perrett, on off Tolland Tpke. with being SAVE WITH New Book Finished 5:10-7:20-9:25 MOTHERS DAY \ Jeoted his schodl childiren to About 60 persona listened to \ & U e y Earlier, news of agreement on presdent on the radio this Wooly West.” Open to the pub- behalf of the department’s paid found intoxicated. He has been versions of “Moby Dick,” the well-spoken, rather shy “ A Block Buster Movie” Proudly Presents a site was received with satls- morning but no one told me to 11c. Tickets at the door. personnel, presented Straughan released on the no cash bail OUTDOOR \ 6 R A D IU T E factican by U.N. Secretary-Gen­ among other classics, and they author, and one asked what had stop pushing this load so I guess BELiley Auditorium, MHS, g with a camera and equipment. compact. Cards — Gifts \ THE FUNNIEST eral U • Thant and by the Vati­ A cash gift, from the volun­ G a LIVING had responded in a “ fresh hu­ happened to the new book he the war is sUU on." p.m., MHS’s Sock and Buskin All three are scheduled to MOSTTOUCHma man way,” to the idea of the can. Army Cpt. Earl Luce of Hazel- present "Guys and Dolls." Tick' teers of Co. 2, was presented hy ARTHUR DRUG “v \ FILM OF THE had been writing a few yearfi o f f h e dLanet AT CO Recording Artist appear In Manchester CSrcult KNOWN FOR VALUES pursuit, although not to the The Japanese goveimment ton, Pa., commented, "The g;uys ets at the door. Bryce Carptener. and a gift of COUPONS ■ YEAR! ago. metaphysics. ' Butterworth gald that he had I A P E S and its chief pollUcal opposition were talking about It at break­ 'The Depot’ Coffeehouse, a set of luggage, on behalf of ■' B. ORSW, TIMES Before going on to a discus­ experienced considerable issued statements welcoming fast but nobody got very excit­ Church and Locust Sts. (Park­ the volunteers of Co. 3, was pre­ D o l L s sented by Randall Brown. Car­ sion of his second book, Butter­ trouble with the book, but thfit 20th CENTURY-FOX Presenb "THE LAST WORD" the accord on a site for talks, ed.” ing In St. Mary’s Church lot), AT MAIN STREET GRANTS penter is lieutenant, and Brown worth said he had seen the TV It was finally finished. He had calling It the“ flrst step” toward Said M. Sgt. Wayne Sandez of 8-mldnight. Admission charged. AIMROBSON-WWWPROOUCIION captain, of their respective vol­ ■Script of “The Enormous Egg” realized, h^ said, part-waV peace. They expressed hope Chandler, Okla., “ I thought to Open to senior high and college 151 PIUUVISION* COLOR by O eW that the two sides could agree to myself, ‘Here we go again.’ I unteer units. only a day before it was on through that he had been writ­ liueettT tp fOM MunMii A u w a i^ students.' 5B0 BUBNSIDf AVE EAST HARTFORD the air. The TV version, which ing for hla own children, and TONIGHT a total suspension of hostilities was In Korea when they started Saturday, May 11 Tlie speakers lasft night. In PANAVISION’GOUIR Plus A Great Co-Hit LAST C A U ^ addition bp those mentioned, FREE I’ARKING 528 3333 he had no hand in, was narrat­ now that they are grown up In Vietnam. talking that time and 1 know Good A t Manchester Main 8t. Grants Only Bailey Auditorium, MHS, 8 were Mayor Nathan Agostlnel- ed by an adult. The book is nar­ "something happens to the way Among others, the British, how long it took. Maybe this p.m. MHS’s Sock and Bupkin TonyFranhosi DO N T MISS— time we’ll get lucky.” 11, Town Manager Btobeit rated by the boy, Nate Twltchell. you really look at things.” BE THERE! Belgian, Italian, West German present "Guys and Dolls.” 'rick­ Wedfls, Mianoheater Poetmaater EUROPE’63i FOLDING WEBBED But Butterworth noted that The book is about Nate and Swedish governments regis­ The Korean talks 'lasted The Little Theatre of ets at the door. Alden Bailey, De(puty 'Fire when Nate spoke before the TV Twltchell accompanying an an­ Riigiia Welch roughly two years. •Teen Center, School St., 7:30- tered approval of Paris as a site <3hief WlHlam Stratton, Dis­ Let Europe’s charms and a personal guide who has LAWN CHAIRS thropological expedition to Sg;t. Arnold Phillips, 29, of cameras, the narrator faded out Manchester, Inc. / for talks and expressed hopes 11:30 p.m., music by “ The Ri­ trict President Victor Swanson lived and traveled extensively throughout Europe for Be In On The Fun caves In France. "Children find New Orleans, La., who has bren more than 3 years show you Europe. FUN and a true boy spoke. i d . that the ■talks will lead to an end vals.” Membership card holders and 8bh District Acting Fire Our Reg. $3.33 ^ ^ 1 With Coupon things thqt their elders can’t,” DCINCMASCOn production of '' in Vietnam seven months and Pre-Quiz Scandal COLOR hr ocluxi to the war. only. Chief Granville Lingard. "The ’Trouble 'With Jenny’s he sBdd. "Children can get into serves at U.S. (Command head- IS TONIGHT NEXT WEDNESDAY SAIGON (AP) — American quarters, also said he felt the You students have studied the culture, the language, Ear” was published in 1960 c^yes, and elders can’t. You Chick Aronson • —These activities require the art forms, the religion, the government, the his­ Limit 4 Per Customer “CABMEN BABY” servlunter in yPur future schooling. daughter when he wrote it. "It’s this Sunday. For the dur­ (18-21) may contact Fran Con- MOC team Is now 3-1. Results: 1 FOR A canvass of OIs in Saigon “ We’ll Just have to wait and Eleganf Century ation of the summer, Singles: Malone (N) def. Za- Good A t Manchester Main S t Gmnte Only * UNDER showed many had not heard of 21 "SNOOPY’S CREW" each week he has booked Jet away to Europe on July 6th. A Volkswagen micro- # Room special attractions for the the forthcoming talks by this bus will be awaltl:^ you at the Frankfurt Airport, to fte 54’’’ ,x 72” Po^yetblene NOW morning, but most who head driven by your personal guide during your 8 weeks*., Dancing — PLUS — . mop oom ^ i Sunllners and Country Each ENTERTAINMENT Western group. Entertain­ heard were glad. to talk.’ 6-4; Camargo (M) def, stay In Europe. PICNIC and BARBECUE Night rauL by Neil Sinion ers such 0 8 , Eddie Reed "I think it’s a good thing,” SChwartz, 6-2, 6-1; McKay (M) 8*12 p.m. "SOUL INC." Nightly in the Known as the “ FARGO- said Sgt. l.C. Russell Edwanls def. Kirk, 10-8, 7-5; McCarthyK You’U be visiting such ciUes as Munich, Rothenburg, TABLECLOTH directed by KID.” Reed played on o( San Antonio, Tex., an ad^viscr (M) def. Stephanos, 7-8, 6-1. Nuremberg Salzburg, Vienna, Fbrtschach on the ^ nEuimnn Intimate "Gibson Lounge" station W.T.R.T. Httd, ft a, EJach W ith Coupoi «5 TOLLAND TPKE. Ma n c h e s t e r with the South Vletaamese 7th USSR Agrees mantle Worthersee, Vodee, Florence, Rome, Pisa, Our Reg. 29c. Phil Bursress conducted his own shoty,- THEATER TIME Doubles: Zatawsky — Bow- ThiSientUlaran DMslon. “ I don’t think anything Genoa, Monte Carlo, Nice, th^ Chateau country Lunch — 11 A.M. Saturday SCHEDULE truezyk (M) def, Malone-Ste- France, Versailles, Baris, Brussels, Amsterdam, the Dinner — 8 P.M. Dinner — 6 P.M. Bailey Auditorium .. "LUCKY-LOOK” one ol will come of these talks but at phanos, 7-6; Stratos-McfJaflhy I T o Let U*S. Hague, Aachen; plus a cruise down the Rhine River. Lindt SiPer Customer PtuMi Color Weoteni Sunday 12 Noon - 8 P.M., Conn, top country enter­ least its a start. Maybe some- (M) def. Stephanos, 7-6, 6-1. All tbls, plus more, awaits you in summer '68. o Offer Expires Wed., May 8th, 1968 Manchester High School thlng^can happen later if things Burnside — Graduate, 7:08- .Dew OoorBs Elegance Without Extravagance at tainers played over Reynolda-Kirk (N) def. (Jamar Martin Penwd keep moving.” 9:10 go-Zukauskas, 8-3. Tickets $2.00 W.W.V.A. Grand Ole Op­ See Prisoners MANCHESTER "Ronait iQiBt la t e a m r Another Army sergeant Cinema I—^The Fox, 7:15-9:30 To be assured of a reservatton, call Sir. Walter War I H H C i c e n t e r era, Channel 18 and 30. laughed and said, "That’s/the Blm—Dr. Doolittle, 8:00 ' 646-9041 available at box office (Continued from Page One) Miss Lou Dill of Deer Park, FREE PARKING REAR UF THEATRE greatest thing since peanut' but­ State—Heat of the Night, 6:40- [H 'Cluh Al & Joe Saulnler, two populars in country music. Tex., won the 1967 U.S. women’s EAST WINDSOR ter.” The treaty is the first step to­ 9:00. Texas Longhorn, 6:20-8:35 Sat. and Sun. "Heat o f the N lglif’ ii:00-4:!SO-6;40-9:00 DRIVE IN - k RT 5 860 ,MAIN ST., EAST HARTFORD, CONN.—289-4389 Tonight— Curtain 8 :30 amateur golf cro'wn. Also John LONG; (weU known JOEL-LANG) with his First Lt. George Hope of ward establishing consulates in U. A. Theater—Planet of the Good A t Main S t Grants Manchester Only "Texas Lon^onBi’’ 1:45-4 KK)-6;ii0-8:S5 own style of country rhythm, makes himself popular Parksley, Va., said: It sounds the United States and The So­ Apes, 5:10-7:20-9:25 _ WINNER OF singing Buck Owen’s numbers. i great to me. I’ll be glad to see East Hartford Drive-In—Rus­ Big Tldrsty NOW viet Union outside the capital Chick considers “ Terry Taylor” one ol Conq. lew this thing over with, but of sians Are Coming, 8:00. Heat of S AOAIMBIV AmUVB cities. BNt Aetor country glri singers amoYig the best In this area. With course It is hard to say what the Night, 10:15 . BEACH TOWELS 5 ACADEMY AWARDSI Presently the U.S. govern­ East Windsor Drlve-In—Rough BDO s^m cm her smile and personality. A will happen In. Paris. The North him fnimlBg M e ment Is represented only In Night In Jericho, 8:00. Secret Our Reg. »1.88. f | With Coupon Aronson , and ITddlin’ Bay Strickland were the sole "iM ir e I Moscow. Some other countries War of Harry BTlgg^ 10:00 sponsors of the Conn. Country Jamboree, benefit for the maintain consulates in Lenin- Manchester Drive-In — Two 7'r » ’ 4 ( . ' 0 F 1 K Newington Hospital for Crippled ChUdren Sept. S«tb ol grad. ^ For The Road, 8:15. Planet ot last year. He eJso took part in Bond shows at the Man­ lifidt One Per Customer NIGHT ART AUCTION chester «8tate' Theater, Circle Theater. during World The Soviet government has G*® Apes, 10:10 War Two. Mile of Dimes shows. Red Cross, V.S.O. at representations In Washington Mansfield Drive-In—Fathom Offer Expires Wed., May 8th, 1968 ___ Bradley Field for the servicemen. At the age of eight­ and at the United Nations In 8:16. 8:15- Valley of the Dolls, 10:16 “BERNICE PuMIshod Dotty Sundoyi Meadows Drive-In—A Patch Stj-THE HLSSUHS IRE fO>)l»E een played over station W.If.N.B. Htfd. and New Brindn. onl HoUdojni ot U BIsseU Street. New York. THE HL'SSUH!) ARE LOMIHt (The Hamblen Dudes) Also'opened the City View Dance Monahtstor, Cbnn. (0806)) The agreement represents a of Blue, 8:16. Dirty Dozen, 10:16 , Hall, Keeney Street, after the war for Round and Square basic change In the Soviet BENEFIT Tslepbene 64M71il . OF THE YEAR! Dancing with HANK SPINKS (prompter). After leav­ procecbire for handling U.S. (dtl- ORIGINAL ” ing Keeney Street Dance Hall, be took bis group to Beooad Class Poolago Fstd at EASTHARTFORD Dlieitor. Oonn. zens detained in the Soviet Un­ ULTIMA II DRIVI IN ★ RT b Cleveland, Ohio, to station W.J.W. where he took pact I ' ------ion. in the Grand Ole Opera show. Held In the Cleveland COSMETICS : kCftT OF TO M8RHT Temple tefh Sholom SUBSCRIPTION RATES U.S. embassy officials Auditorium on stage with “ screen' ft radio stars” PayoBia In Advoneo I'V '■ ■ ' never had the legal right to con­ "Smllle ft Sue,” the “ Range Riders” “ Lu Lu Bell ft One Year .... moo W l I l*< >14 Our exclusive Cheeseburger on a platter, served with crispy french BEST ACTOR / EARLY SHOW EVERY 400 East Middle Turnpike Scotty” the “ Happy Volley Boys.” Ste Hoolba ... U.I0 fer ■with Americans In prison “ . J " - / BEST FILM EDITING MON. & TUES. EVES. Ibroa Mcntlia 7.80 here under Investigatlpn for Ille­ DRUi:? C O . fries, tasty cole slaw and a buttered roll . . . Rod Steiger One Uontti ... 8.60 gal acts. ' ^ I. , ...... I BEST SOUND Manchester, Connecticut This Sunday Don’t Miss— IHE MfRISCH CORROKAIION H ear Academ y Award Seng RICK CASH in PERSON! SIDNEY POITIER ROD STEIGER ''Talk To The Anl'nals" •*“ Sunday, May 5, 1968 Recorded Such Numbers As «THE NORMAN JEWISON- WALTER MIRISCH PRODUCIIO'N' • “YOU DONT NEED ME” BIRCH TREE SPRAYING IN T O HEATOFTO NIGHT’ DOCIM Original watercolon, oils, etchings, lithographs. Wtc. “DINNER AT NINE” "far 10 Ilii.i.1 WAKEN OATES UE GRANT Have your BIRCH It REEIS sprayed now to keep them STIRLING SILLIPHANT '''*'5WALTER MIRISCH “"‘'•’MnDMAw iri D O jitn i (signed. numbenKl, lim M editions) healthy and beautlnil; also place your orders now for All orders put up to ProducedinTOOOAO® ColorbyDELUXE FAIRWAY SHADE TREE and EVERGREEN spraying. COtmitrOtout MUSICA>NES’'IN 'he HEAI OE IHE niche RAVWEES U n itB il J l p l l t l t go if you wish . . . ‘You Can Taste The Quality" Eves. 8 p.m. (exc. as noted) Viewing from 2:00 p.ih. to 6:30 p.m. r iR 'M . Mato. Wed. & Sat. 2 p.m. BUCK'S CORNER CALL 643-7695 PLUS! "TEXAS LONGHORNS’’ Sun. 1:80-5:00-8 p.m. I Auction at 7:00 p.m. RESTAURANT NOW . .. TWO COKIVENIENT LOCATIONS A RE-£NACTM£NT OF THE FAMOUS OA’TTLE DRIVE All Seats Reserved for your moHiur's GRANTS FROM SAN ANTQNIO TO DODGE CITY—In Color NEW LONDON TURNPIKE CARTER TREE EXPERT CO. John and Bernice Rleg ROUTE 6 and 44A—OPBIN DAILY end SUNDAY OLD RT. 2—S. GLASTONBURY dqy cords . . . Williom Haber, Auctioneer Conn, State Licensed and Insured Parkade Branch—ilonday through Saturday 815 MAIN ST.—DOWNTOWN j m c "VALLEY OF THE DOLLS” ± J - Booking For Country Shows FOR COMPLETE IKEE SERVICE iWllllaotolo 1:45-4:10-6:30-8:50 By Chick Aronson—646-1761


iKanrl^pHtpr expected from it if ever, from its position Woman Says U.S. Army . instds a coalition government. It wangled Connecticut oontiol of the police power. Probably the Forced Her to Quit iEupuittii ifpraUi best that would be happening to such a Yankee Business Bodies PUBUflHKD BY THE character as Mr. Dzu then would be if By JUAN HELLER House, which would protect fed­ HERAU) PBINTINO CO.. INC. AzMolatod Pf«M Writer eral employes from tmwarrant- IS Bi««U Street he were merely suffering continual ar­ By A.H.O. b a n k OFFICERS . llaacheiter, Conn. rest, and nothing worse. ton Gay, Oscar Mann and Roy THOMAS r . FERQU ^N Two Manchester area men Keith.-The salesmen were hon­ WA8HINOTON (AP) _ A 22- w e‘n t WALTER R. FBROtliON Tlie ponHiUlty tiiat Jt may ^ g o n should not have to teU us that “ have been appointed^fflcers at ored at a banquet in Boston Publifiiere be very baalthy Dor the Demo- dav’^ t o a t ^ r t L u r i^ * ? American Civil Uberties Union Pounded October 1, 1881 we cannot abandon the very people we ^Hartford National'Bank and Thursday. All six men were in expressed to Ervin omtto state organlaatltm to tedd to Invito us into Vietnam to help . Trust’s main office In Hartford. the top 16 per cent of all sales­ ^ 8 revoked and that she was ^n interest in the case. Publtehed Every Evening Except Sundayi halve Its present new inftafon of and Holidays. Entered at the Poet Offlce at defend them. The fact that we ourselves * They are William T. Lull df 93 men In the Boston district. t l ^ ‘‘I "Uterally hundreds of cases Manobeater, Conn., ns Second Claes Mall Moaarthyfte ^ freahneae and ^ b on toe bas s of re^rte that ^ave come to my atten- Matter. may have grown sorry we told them to Hemlock St. and John J. Miller vfgur oomlng Into the imity * of Hebron. she was Immoral—reports tlon,’ ’ Ervin said in an Inter­ ask us in does not alter our respomlbll- BRIEFS SUBSCRIPTION RATES from the grass roots up dots which, she said, she was not view. "Even now I have difficul­ Payable in Advance ity to them. Lull,, automated services of- The Mancheater Chamber of permitted to see. One Year ...... 880.00 nothing to alter a fundamen­ Commerce has named four new ty believing that such things go Six Months ...... 16.60 tally unhealthy oondKton which fleer, joined the bank in 1965. members to the chamber. They Carolyn Lea Tatnall, a photo­ on in a free society, but they do. Three Months ...... 7.80 has now been exMlng at the ;^He is a graduate of the Univer­ graphic information technician One Month ...... 3.60 are Mra Robert Wolventon of "I don’t think people ought to top of the party atruotnre for sity of Alabama and holds a with toe Army Map Service, Glazier’s Corset A Uniform lose their rights to earn their MEMBER OF a long time. certificate in municipal tech- said she was told by a govern- THE ASSOCIATED PRESS How Would We Feel? Shop, 631 Main St.; William O. livings as government employes The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled it la not since the day In 1961 ^nology from the University of McKinney of McKinney Bros. ment security officer .the re- because of undisclosed ^lega- 10 the use of republloallon of all news dis­ Perhaps a good many Manchester peo­ that John Dempsey, as lieuten­ .Connecticut. porte had come from neighbors Hons by faceless people.” patches credited to It or not otherwise credit­ Sewage Disposal Co., Mitchell ed In this paper nnd also the local news pub­ ple have been trying to imagine, the ant governor, automatVsally , Miller, trust administrator, in her apartment building. She Miss Tatnall said the security PI.; Louds DeOapua o f Meadows lished here. .last day or two, vdiat it would be like' moved up to 'the office of gov­ is a graduate of the University said in an Interview toat she officer showed her "a big, fat All rlMts of republlcatlon of special dis­ Nursing Home, 333 Bidwell S t; patches herein nre .Mso reserved. to be a Negro child. In Projeot Ootwem, ernor being vacated by Abe .. of Connecticut and attended Plays Lead could find no one in too building bright orange file" and quoted ..Loyola University Law School. and Raymond J. Tonguay of who would admit to having him as saying, “ You’ll never The Herald Printing Compeuiy Inc., as­ or a Negro adult, living In Mancheater RiblcioCf that tiiere has been o'He began with Hartford Na- The Tanguay Agency! 63 E. Mrs. Janet Rlberdy of 14 Ktin- talked to government InvesHga- get a job with toe Department sumes no financial responsibility for typo­ or In Hartford, or anywhere else, and any slgnlOouit change in the graphical errors appearing in advertisements pattern o f top Democratic pub­ ,.tlonal in 1964 as a trust trainee Center St. ter Dr., 'Vemon, plays "intiiel tors. of Defense but you may get a and other reading matter in The Manchester to be reading the news that 8,84S peo­ Evening Heiald. lic office holding In Oknmeotl- •and was named administrative Haverstlck,” a female lead, In An Army spokesman denied job with another agency If toe ple o f 'this community had gone into ^.assistant two years later. The Connecticut Aissoolatlon that Miss Tatnall was forced to people who oire hiring you there Subscriber to Tlmes-Washlng- cut. Dempeey seven yean ago "Period of Adjustment,” by the voting machines and voted it to be A- ______of Public Accountants -will have resign, but confirmed revoca- don’t look at It.” She added that ton Post News Service. was, in dther words, the last Tennessee Williams. Full service client of N. E. A. Service. Inc their sentiment that the Negro children importont DemoemUo figure to „ MILLION DOLLAR AGENT its’ First Annual Three Day tlon of her security-clearance. apparently this file .holds the Publishers Representatives — The Julius Con'venition Meeting and Semi­ The play is produced by Man­ Mathews Special Agency — New York. Chi­ of Project Concern were not wedootne This is the architect’e idea of how the proposed Improve his office - bolding o George LaBonne Jr., agent of “I don’t understand it," She most lurid statements about my nar Workshop, ithe first ever chester Community Players and cago. Detroit and Boston in Manchester. education wing look when attached to Oom- status. He made, then, the last "the National Life Insurance Co. said. "I ’m not promiscuous.” character that you ever could conduated In its 26 years of will be presented Friday and bn Feb. 19, l ^ s 'Tatnall said, turn up.” MEMBER AUDn-BUREAU OF CIRCULA­ This Is something to imagine. Suppose Commimity Baptist munity Baptist Church, he existinjgr sanctuary is at Mg move upward. But even this -and president of G.T. LaBonne Saturday of next week at 8:80 TIONS. was port of a pattern estab­ ;'a.nd Assoc. InC., Manchester in- service, May 17 through 19 at she Underwent a 2V4-hour Inter- In a letter to Ervin, she said we could think and feel as If we were the Irft with the proposed addition at the right. Banner L o^ e, Moodus. Regis- p.m. at Bowers School on Dl^lny advertising closing hours: lished yean before, and did not —surance agency, has been rogation session at toe Penta­ that "during my interview (In in that position, what would it be like7 The building is bdng designed by Edmund Van tnatlon wJU be from 2 to 3 p.m. Princeton St. Tickets will bo For Monday — 1 p.m. Friday. represent any breahithrongh or " named for the twelfth consecu- gon. She said she was asked, August for a .job with Army For Tiiesdoy — 1 p.m. Saturday. What thoughts would we think? What Dyke Cox of Glastonbuiy. (Heilpem Photo). available at the door. For Wednesday — l p.m. Monday. Plans School Wing surge up on the part of any 'e

1 'I

• -( MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, SATURDAY, M fY 4, 1968 PAOB SIX MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.* SATURDAY, MAY 4, 1968 PAGE SBVW Area dhurches Students Consider Housewives 84KiU ed U.S. Troops By CLAY R. POLLAN- C h u r c h e s St. Francis of Assisi First Evangelical Lutheran Fuss About A M t In T ex a s Push Ihive St. John’s Episcopal Church Church ot Rockville M A R 22 n Your Doily Aetivily Guido M Jehovah's Witnesses Oiurcii of the Assumption rhe Presbyterian Church Rt. 80 near Hillside Ave., 673 Ellington Rd., •V According to lh» Store. ’’ South Windsor Rev. Richard E. Bertram, Reply to Demands KlnKdom HaU Adams St. and Thompson Rd. V 48 Spmce St. Vernon Pastor Repairmen 7-12-24-341 Plane Crash At Dong Ha Rev. Gordon B. Wadhams, To develop message for Sunday, A'6-19-36^ TM N. Main St. Rev. Fraiicis J, Mlhalek Rev. George W. Smith Rev. James L. Grant, Rector words corresponding to numbers 48-6SB0-90U Pastor Pastor (Ooattnned from Fnge One) By VIVIAN BROWN (Oontfamed from Page One) Minister 9 a.m., Sunday School. close in the wake of student dls- TAURUS of ycxjr Zodiac birth sign. SCO (Owittoned from Page Om ) 8 a.m.. Holy Communion. Rev. John E. RlkteraiUs, • 9:80 a.m., Public discourse: Rev. Ernest J. Ooppa 10:80 a.m.. The Service. AP Newsfeatores Writer ' X APR. 21 OCT. 24 \ Assistant Pastor of the sttuation. They a gn o with The suburban Unl- I Eing 31 Repoirs 61 Cbor>ging The airline identified two of Friday 4ui weather in the area "Jehovah Makes Loving Prep­ 9:15 a.m., Sunday School. 10 a.m.. Holy Communion, Ser­ I M A Y 21 2 A ^ Confidential 62 For NOV. 22 ' mon, classes, babysitting, cof­ Appliance servicemen cause 3 Increased M T o 63 AAotfer its employes, Molly Ann Deware improved eUgfatly. arations for Earth’s Inhabi­ Masses at 7, 8, 8:16, 10:30 Classes for all agea. Our' Savior Lutheran Church our decision.. Wo feel a tronc ^ ^ 22 ■SuSHj!’” •“ P*^*^* 0^1-42-71, 10-22-33-5 and 11:48 a.m. fee hour. Masses at 5, 6:46, 7:46, 9, consternation and confusion be- S^77-8aU9 4 Tronsform 34 Those 64 Everything and John Allen Roberts, both of The U.S. Oorntpand eald a tants." 10:80 a.m.. Worship Service. 239 Graham Road, Waj^ilng alUanco with them.” H e trouble, which developed 5 Better 35 On 65 M oy 64-75 10:80 a.m.. Group discussion 10:16 and 11:30 a.m. 6 Ideos 36 Reolities 66 Yours Dallas, as among the passen­ Navy report that a 10021 was The Rev. Mr. Smith preaching. Rev. Walter L. Abel, Pastor The campus to situated cn the over university regulaUons and ** SAOtTTARIUS gers. of the Watchtower magazine ar­ St. Bartholomew’s Church Unitarian Fellowship M A Y 22 7 For 37 DiffererKes 67 Woters riwt down over the Ghilf of Too* Sermon: "A Lesson in Graft­ shores of Lake lUdilgaa 16 pcditlcal activity among left and accurately the unit’s problem, 8 Energy 38 Might 68 Than NOV Academy Junior High School Sacred Heart Church f JUNE 22 In Port Worth, relatives said kin Tuesday "appeared to be er­ ticle "Keep Your FaUh Grow­ Rev. Philip Hussey, Pastor ing." 9 a.m.. Early Worship. Sun­ miles north of downtown Chlca- right wing student groups, was Another complaint is that they 9 Sound 39 Efforts 69 Amends dec' Glastonbury Rt, 30, Vernon 5-15-23-351 10 You 40 Coming 70 Achievements a Branlff official notified them roneous.” The spokeman aald ing Exceedingly.” Rev. Edward M. LaRose 7 p.m.. Evening Service. Ser­ day School. lM3-25-37i Assistant Pastor Rev. Ralph Kelley, Pastor • ^ '^ s o p o n m e n t to 6,400 stu- " o t ^ Woody charge their Aguiar hourly fee 11/47.56-67 11 Potch 41 Advise 71 Qualified that W.W. "BUI” Meeker, 39, on there were no further details. mon: "The Future of the Jew.” 10:30 a.m., Late Worship. dents. clashes in FYancs during the , ^ ^ i 2 Progress 42 From 72 Require ^ 46-58-69 ‘ CANCER Independent oU (^>erator with of­ 'Trinity Covenant Church 10:80 a.m.. Morning Worship. Rev. I ^ iic k Sullivan „ ____^ ^ AiroHjin Mhaiiira, telling s wottian she has no 13 Up 43 Improvements73 Through CAPttCORN Crewmen of a Navy F< Phan­ Sunday School. Negro student demonstrators ■^*6*®*n rebellion. . ^ . ^ JUNE 23 fices in Fort Worth and Mid­ Hackmatack St. near Masses at 6:46, 7:46, 9, 10:16 Sunday School, and Nursery. Assistant Pastor 14 B^k*biting 44 Money 74 Authorities DEC tom had reported shooting down Church of the Nazarene at Northwestern Univcmlty con- Students at the Brooklyn Oen- trouWe In her appliance when in JULY 23 15 Pour .45 In 75 Well land, was one of the passengers. Keeney St. and 11:30 a.m. Samuel Wilson, member ot the 16 Vibrotions JAN a m o , the first report of an en­ 236 Main St. Wesleyan Methodist Church tinued to hold tha school’s bust- ^ Lksig island University in fact, she does, 46 And 76 Romance 'Wie scene of the (srash is Rev. Norman E. SweiMen, Urban League of Hartford, will Masses at 7, 8, 9:16, 10:30 and 53 17 Officiols 47 Those 77 Should 1-16-29-40/0 emy m a downed In 2H months. Rev. William A. Taylor, Pastor Crystal Lake Rd., Ellington ness office building today as a York broke up a faculty Housewives dtscussing this 18 Could ' 48 Rolher 78 Know about 90 miles souUi of Dallas. Pastor St. Bridget Oiurch be the speaker. 11:46 a.m. 50-62-76 V& ’Ihe deepest penetratloa In Rev. Harvey W. ’Taber, Pastor week masked by mutant stu- nieetlng Friday and prevented problem recently decided that 12^ 19 Into 49 Resent 79 Things ’The nearest large town is Corsi­ Rev. John J. Delaney, Pastor uo 20 Best 50 Through 80 Just AOUARtUS American air raids Friday was 9:30 a.m.. Church School dent activity at home and th® chancellon from delivering appliance owners should have 21 For cana, a city of about 21,000 9:80 a.m., Sunday School with Rev. Robert J. Keen TalcottvUIe Congregational St. Bernard’s Church JULY 24 51 And 61 Additional JAN 21 an attack on a bridge eight classes for all age groups. 9:46 a.m., Sunday School, abroad came to a close. appeal for unity. recourse to an arWter in such 22 Seem 52 Hove 82 Stronge Engaged Rev. Kenneth J. Frisbie Church St. Bernard’s Ter., Rockville AUG. 23 FEB* 19 some 28 miles northeast of Daw­ miles northeast of innh and classes for all, age three 10:46 a.m., Wordiip Service. CHasses for all ages. In Porto the Soihonne-Mhe Chancellor R. Gordon Hoxle matters. 23 Oil 53 Judgment 63 Be son through adult. Rev. Truman O. Ireland, Rev. George F. X. Reilly .^.Sl7-18-27.2fl 24 Contoct 54 Should 84 Around A A.. A, _ ...... ThA AiuravAtnAnf of Minn 18 mUes below the 19th Message by the pastor. Nursdry 11 a.m.. Worship Service. Nur­ University of Paris—was shut- called the meeting to an- example, one woman dis- 25 Old 55 Be 85 Under Among the first to reach- the ™® engagement ot Miss 10:46 a.m., Morning Worship.' Masses at 7, 8, 9:15, 10:30 in Pastor Pastor ^39-73-82-87 provided. Quartet to Sing Gospel Songs sery. tered after students end pWlee "ounce the proposed sale of the covered that service fees and 26 People 56 Troubled 86 Protection scene was Jerry Strader, publ- Charlene Louise Smith of Man- curtailed Confirmation Service, the Rev. the church. 9:16, 10:30 and 12:00 Rev. James H. Roylc VMOO 27 Bock 57 The 87 ways PISCES 6 p.m.. Young Adult, Teen 6 p.m., Wesleyan Youth. battled Friday on the streets of center to City University op- parts on her four-year-old 28 Your Isherof the Coiricana Sun. Chester to Kevin John Bond of Mr. Swensen preaching, "The In the auditorium. The Keystone Quartet of Harrisburg, Pa, will present a pro­ 9:46 a.m.. Church School. Rev. Anthony Kuzdal 58 Moke 88 Control FEB 2 0 ^ and Jtmior meetings. gram of gospel music Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. at Calvary 6:30 p.m.. Fast and Prayer. the Latin Quarter with paving Posed by many students and ^gghlng machine have cost 29 Are 59 Your 89 Sought He found a half mile sqiiare of Lynnfleld, Maas., has been an- N o r t i^ Incredible Idea." Nursery. Nursery through Adult Discus­ 30 Sound 60 Recent 90 Tolkinq M AR 21 7 p.m.. Evangelistic Service. Church, 647 E. Middle ’Tpke. ’The quartet has been singing 7 p.m.. Evening Prayer. blocte and long clubs. been callod oM- more than twice the original 2-32-44-63 farmland littered with pieces of nounoed by her mother, Mrs. 7 p.m.. Confirmation Service, St. James’ Church sion Group. Masses at 7, 8, 9:16, 10:30, .5/55/5 20-21-31-43J' Message by the pastor. together since 1962 and is one of the groups which pioneered OWumWa University in Now ^t. Bonaventure University p^cg. '65-72-81-86 (^Adverse Neutral 51-61-79.84^ bodies and blU of vJreckage. Margaret M. Jones of 127 Flor- ^-8^ youth presenting service, con­ Msgr. Edward J. Reardon, 11 a.m.. Public Worship. 11:46 a.m. i Pastor gospel music in the northern part of the United States. Nick 7 p.m.. Pilgrim Fellowship. York CHy moved back toward "*“ ■ Oloan, N.Y., about 40 rtu- g^g realized recently SmaU pieces of wreckage ence St. if? firmation reunion. Refresh- € still afire in the driving rain. At Her fiance is the son of Ed- ” ®®f '^ursday. U.S. Rev. Joseph E. Vujs South Methodist Church Bruno, the manager of the group and a baritone, is a licensed St. Matthew’s Church, Tolland JuditK Newcomb normalcy as (operations re- ^ when she moved to a new com- menta. least half the bodies seen by ward W. Bond of Lynnfleld, md Saigon menUonod Rev# Thomas Barry Rev. J. Manley Shaw, D.D. minister. Others are Richard Sterban, bass; Ron Kelly, tenor, First Congregational Church Rev. J. Clifford Curtin, Pastor sumed on a small scale on the administration building d u ri^ munlty that servicemen do not Rev. Vincent J. Flynn Pastor and Dave Enlee, lead singer. ’The event Is open to the public, Of Vernon Meeting Sundays in New Church Feted at Shower 11th day of a militant student day to protest a ban on the jmow their business. It Strader had been burned. the late Mrs. Evelyn Bond. ___ Community Baptist Church "I saw no survivors, no bodies Miss Smith is a graduate of ^•8; vmre ta ac- Rev. Richard W. Dupee free of charge. Rev. John A. Lacey, Miss Judith A. Newcomb, protest. c o m ^ ^ p e a r ^ c e of poet g^penslve when you can’t af- c American Baptist Church intact,” he said. RockvlUe High School. She is a “ ‘® noitteaat and. Masses at 6, Associate Pastor Minister Masses at 7:30, 8:30, and 10:30 daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel The black student community Ginsberg. There were no In- mistakes, 686 East Center St. World Views Gains Ambulance drivers and their secretary at Pratt and Whitney three and 11:30 a.m. Rev. Gary 8. Cornell Rev. Besty F, Reed, a.m. Newcomb of 6 S. Hawthorne at Northwestern campus In ‘Ev- "A. rejiiadnnan told me my Rev. Walter H. Loomis, helpers gathered the remains Ih Division of United Aircraft Friday n l^ t and today Associate Pastor Minister Ot. Christian Education St., recently was feted at a brid­ anston, north of Chicago, was The pro^ ters machine needed a new puimp. I Minister sheets and cardboard boxes and Corp., East Hartford. gain st susp^ted enemy P ^ - St. John’s Polish National Unitarian Meeting House al shower at Fellowship Hall, considering a reply from unlver- ® Itterapr wrkslwp next bgUgvg jt a« the pump By 3 Heart Patients took them to the high school. Mr. Bnd • munion. Guest preacher, the bridge, miniature water fall, start any violence, nor will we University in C^rbon^te by „ ,, 0l0pIlO110 UHIOH 416 Center St. 10:45 a.m.. Senior High For through tie turbulent waters of ship. Rockville Methodist Church Newcomb of 17 Lockwood St., was operated on by Dr. Denton hiked. Anderson died of a mas-, were so small,” Strader said. Bros. Construction Co., Iiic., X Rev. Ralph Nichols of the Amer­ um. disturb anything in this build- about 1,000 of the 18,000 u- ^ serviceman is and small pond alive with gold­ the Hozu. 7 p.m., Senior Pilgrim Fellow­ 14 Grove St. and Miss Donna E. Finlay of told the A. Cooley, head of a 20-person give brain hemorrhage. Wreckage was found clumped Everett, Mass, ican Baptist Home Mission So­ 7 p.m., Symposium on Viet­ 10 a.m.. Breaking bread. en carp, ducks and preening There were three boats in our ship, Fellowship Hall. Rev. Willard E. Conklin, Pastor Dallas, Tex. ing.” dents. part he suggests being replaced team at St. Luke’s Episcopal jjr. Norman E. Shumway, mostly in three pUes. The wedding is plaimed for Reports Progress ciety. His topic: "I Have Chos­ 11:46 a.m., Sunday School. nam for Youth. "'The History ------Dean of Students Roland J. The giroup asked coeds thnn to le. In fact, new, he should stay Hospital In Houston. The Irans- who headed the team that per- The largest the main body ot July 20. 4 party, each with ten passengers Guests came from Bolton, en You.” A nursery is provided and Chilture of Vietnam." Prof. swans. Just across the street, other than 7 p.m.. Gospel meeting. and four boatsmen who alter­ Wapping Community Churdi 9:30 a.m.. Church School, pioomfield, Coventry, East Hlnz said " ’mese are serious ®1®«P ^ for the $7 hourly fee and try to plant took 86 minutes. formed the RIzor transplant, the plane-seared mesij^te and . In Negotiation during the worship hour. David Gidman of the Commun­ historic Nijo Castle quietly sits ______1 the < nated jobs. Two pulled on two Congregational Nursery through Adults. Hartford, Hartford, Madison, questiOTS the s ^ e n te are r ^ - locate the real trouble. (3ooley said later of Thomas, said at the Stanford University wUlow 7 p.m.. Junior and Senior ity College of Manchester, behind its walls, ignoring the Imr. We are developing a re- win freshmen and sophomores demollshed an old NEW HAVEN (AP) — The The Salvation Army sweep oars on the same side, Rev. Harold W. Richardson, 10:46 a.m.. Morning Wor­ Middletown, Meriden, South Another housewife mentioned whose heart was damaged by Medical. Center: "The next two downward 2 Petitions Filed Youth Fellowshlpa. speaker. For Methodist Youth roaring traffic that flows all sponse equally serous in char- the right to regulate Jhelr <)vm bam and landed almost at the head of the 8,600-member Con­ 661 Main St. of the boat. In the stem stood Minister ship. Sermon: "Our Neighbor.” Windsor, Vernon and West Hart­ that one serviceman in a com- rheumatic fever: ” I don’t want or three days will be very crltl Fellowships Grades 8 through 12. around its moat. Built in 1603 by M hours in the dorms. The privl- back door of the abandoned necticut Union of Telephone MaJ. Kenneth Lance a bandannaed, gold-toothed pilot Nursery through Grade 4. ford. , __ iim-N munlty where she had formerly to be overly optimistic. Keep in cal.” In Bankruptcy Adult study class. "Report of the first shogun, it still dazzles Workers indicated during a bar­ Zion Evangelical Lutheran Officer in Charge who controlled the rudder which 9 and 10:30 a.m.. Worship Miss Newcomb, assisted by In France the Sorbonne b^ lege w m y »™n lived was Mpped on removing mind he was a very sick man , Shumway headed the team house the National Advisory (Commis­ the visitor with its architectural come the second university to lors and seniors. ______® ^ ' — gaining lull early today that > Church reached out several feet to give Service. Sermon by the Rev. Second Congregational Church her attendants, opeiwd her gifts washing machine pump sys- before undergoing tills major that performed the world's Two voluntary petitions in sion on Civil Disorders.” Dis­ beauty and lavish interiors. his team was growing closer to (Missouri Synod) Sunday, 8 a.m.. Prayer Break­ him the powerful leverage need­ Mr. Richardson, “ I Am the United Church of Christ while seated beneath an umbrel­ terns. "PracticAlIy every w..n- surgery.” eighth human heart transplant, bankruptcy, one by a Manche's- cussion led by W.J. Godfrey Over the ridge pole of the castle Southern Connecticut Telephone Cooper and High Sts. fast. ed to swerve through the rapids, Way.” Church School. Rt. 44A, Coventry la decorated in pink and green, an in our neighborhcxxl had one Five years ago Cooley’s team on Mike Kasperak, 64. He lived Tolland County ter man and the other by a Gotrrley and the Rev. Mr. Du­ a part of a real megalopolis Co. iit contract demands. Rev. William H. WUkens, 9:30 a.m., Sunday School missing the boulders on either Rev. Robert K. Bechtold, and confetti filled balloons. Columbia installed sometime or another.” performed ooriw)tdve heart sur- 16 days. RockvlUe woman, have been pee. huddles, crowds, and ever Interim Pastor (Classes for all ages). side. The fourth stood in the St. Georges’ Episcopal Church Minister A three-Uered shower cake Housewives also resent serv- gery on a 10-year-old girl named A heart transplant was pei- D0mocrats S0t filed in U.S. District Court in John W. Shaughnessy Jr., climbs upward to find more union president, declined to 10:46 a.m.. Holiness Meeting space. prow with a long bamboo pole Rt.'44 A, Bolton was the centerpiece on a buf­ Icemen who nm down certain Kathleen. Thursday night the formed in Paris last Saturday, Hartford. 8:46 a.m.. Divine Worship (nursery provided). North Methodist Church 9:30 a.m.. Church School. Kindergarten Registration machines in a derogatory fash- same girl, Mrs. Kathleen Mar- but the patient died Tuesday. Curtis Richard Abel, 83 Gar­ speculate on how long the off- Stretching for over 300 miles which he used alternately to. Rev. Douglas E. Theuner, Vicar fet table. Fl0a Market at with Holy Communion conduct­ 6:16 p.m.. Open Air Meeting. 300 Parker St. 11 a.m.. Service of Worship. Ion. tin, a b ri^ of six months, quar- Philip Blaiberg, 68-year-old den St., has filed a petition with and-on negotiations would last from ’Tokyo along the edge of push away from the rocks and Miss Newcomb will become ed by the Rev. William H. Wll- 6:30 p.m.. Prayer Meeting. Rev. Earle R. Custer, Pastor Sermon: "The Second Congre­ "I wouldn’t have one of these reled with her 18-year-old bus-'retired dentist of Cape Town, debts listed at $4,684.41 and as­ today but said that "progress the shore all the way through speed our passage in the calmer 8 a.m.. Holy Eucharist. the bride of Harry Olsen, son TAC Tomorrow kens of Ctoveatry. Nursery In 7 p.m.. Salvation Meeting. water. *' gational Ark of God.” Child Seheduled for All Next Week klinkers . . . This company band, (Jharles, and fatally shot South Africa, left Groote Schuur sets at $600. has been made.” Terry B. Candee, Yokohama, Kamakura, Osaka, 10:16 a.m.. Choral Eucharist of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Olsen Parish House. care during service. Horace Porter Sclxx)! will ac- participation in political activ- doesn’t know anything abemt herself through the head with a Hospital there April 16, 74 days TheFirst Annual Vernon B7ea Only one area creditor is list­ The CUTW has threatened to Pastor in Training Kyoto and Kobe, the Japanese Apparently there is some com­ and (Jhurch School. of 146 Chestnut St., June 22, at 10 a.m., Sunday School. 6 to 9 p.m., Bolton Area Youth 7 p.m.. Junior Pilgrim Fellow­ ty. dishwashers . . . They are tak- shotgun. after undergoing a heart trans- Market, sponsored by the Ver- ed, Household Finance of Man­ strike Monday imless a pro­ United Pentecostal Cliurch have concentrated much of petition among the boatsmen, St. Bridget Church. oepC kMdwRBrtien regtatrattons 9 and 10:30 a.m.. Worship ship. Mrs. Virginia Lewis of Ctoltm- ing these ovens off the market Rizor, father of four, has the plant by the team headed by Dr. non Democratic Town Commit- chester at $645. Abel Is former­ posed contract is ready by mid­ 72 Center St. their modeim miracle of Indus­ for when the boat behind us was Forum. Service. Sermon: "Pas:!feig forneootSoptwmberattJioBchool ua, state ” central committee- . . .” and so on. tee, will be held tomorrow from ly of New York. Other credlt- night tonight for a membership Calvary Church (Orange Hall) trial development. hung up on a sand bar our crew heart that until Thursday beat Barnard. (AssemMies of God) Robert Baker, Pastor God’s Peace." . broke into loud guffaws. Al­ Jehovah’s Witnesses Union Congregational Church /AffieA Monday through Friday woman from the 86th district, j( asked, he’ll remmend a noon to 7 p.m. at the Tolland ors are from that area. He is vote on the following day. 647 E. Middle Tpke. 9 a.m.. Church School. Nur­ Like similar congested areas though the mountain tops were Kingdom HaU RockviUe MOTHER’S DAY frthi 9:30 a-m. to 2:30 p.m. Is also a m ein^r. machine that he can sell, appar- (Jounty Agricultural Center on represented by Lessner, Rott- Talks between the two sides Rev. Kenneth L. Gustafson, 10 a.m., Sunday School. sery and Grades 4 through 8. in ^ e USA, there are real prob­ shrouded in mist, we caught Hartford Tpke. Rev. Paul J. Bowman, Minister ALL TOP LINES iw Prln- Town committee chairmen In ently resenting that only certain Rt. 30 in Vernon. The affair will ner, Kaip and Plepper of Man- began at 2:30 p.m. in the New Pastor 11 a.m.. Worship Service. 10:80 a.m., Church School. lems. One o f them is the smog something otf the wild beauty RockvlUe Rev. Lyman D. ^ e d . COSMETICS Parents are hy towns will name two appliance centers sell the other JJ.S. May Ask Red Arms Cut be held rain or shine. Chester. Haven Motor Inn, then recessed 7 p.m.. Evangelistic Service. Nursery, Kindergarten and that J can see pouring and of the river trip. Occasionally Assistant Minister olpal CleozKe Patooe that they gerve on the financial com- machines. Dealers from throughout New Elizabeth Arlene Potts, 6 Oak at 9. Negotiators met again in belching from towering chim­ 9:46 a.m., Sunday School, Grades 1 through 3. Sacrament a bird rose from the water. Sev­ 9 a.m.. Public talk: “ Does the Miss Valerie L. Paradis, ARTHUR DRUG must f® out a regl^ralUoo fccip, mittee with Tuttle- Some television repairmen do England will be represented at St., RockvlUe, lists her debts at early morning but recessed sev­ neys. In fact, the sky ts so First Move in Paris eral more times to huddle over classes for all ages. St. Mary’s Episcopal Church of Holy Communion at both eral times a train shreiked by Bible Really Contradict Itself,” Minister of Christian Education a health history foim and an Building Fennlto not know the electronic devices the Flea Market wHh displays $8,119.80 and assets at $80. Area . 11 a.m.. Divine Worship. Church and Park Sts. services. hazy that the setting sun looks high up on the cliff. Forests of by R. Rlngwalt, Watchtower So­ emergency dirfopmatioii card C. Preooott Hodges, zoning yjgy gome to repair. One wom- creditors Include Vernon Nation­ issues, Shaughnessy said. (Continued from Page One) of furniture, china, stamps, 6 p.m., Christ’s Ambassadors Rev. George F. Nostrand 6 p.m.. Senior and Junior like a g;reat crange-red ball as pine and bamboo were dotted ciety representative. 9 a.m.. Church School, Grades wyich AouW be preuetilted at agent, issued pennits amount- a„ claims- that one repairman is the White House about 1 a.m. al Bank, $1,301; Zahner’s Men’s Late last week, the CUTW It disappears behind the moun­ brassware, pattern glass, b Church T&Y chUd. event Include Louis Montessl of due to expire for 18 months. farming. This makes it one of attention was concentrated on topic: "Thank God for the Min­ very ObUns, four houses on One g(xxi serviceman pioints ed discussion of such a broad vance word the Paris announce- Center Congregational CSiurch 7:30 a.m., Holy Communloi). Church and Chestnut Sts. Bolton Congi%gatlonal Church Vernon and John Stepanowskl T al^ have been going on all the most Crowded areas in the the whirling waters and menac­ istry of Remembrance,” the O i d y f h o t o v ^ ^ f t w y ^ ChMbro Brilge Hd. out that there are a number of action until after the bombing of ment would be forthcoming. United Church of Christ 9 a.m.. Family Eucharist. Rev. C. Henry Anderson, Rev. J. Stanton Conver, (Ad on or before Dea 31, 1968 of RockvlUe. week. world. From my window in Ky­ ing rocks. There were places Rev. Mr. Bowman preaching. dead beats In the service field White House duty officers no­ 11 Center St Crib Cleias, Nursery and Kln- Pastor Minister F/RST ^ ora eligible to enter kinder- the North is ended. Also from Ckmnectlcut are Hebron Driver oto, I can see something of the where it seemed that our little New members -will be received Mapehester Evening Herald but, he says, people catch up tified residential assistant Walt Rev. Clifford O. Simpson, i.'.3rgarten in Old Church. A Rev. Eric J. Gothberg, gontien in Septomber. Harry Green, Avon; Circle T. natural beauty, artistic skill, boat would surely be smashed into fellowship. Colombia correspondent 1 ^ - with them in a short time and Johnson’s representative at W. Rostow at home of the word Minister \'--j'.iip Service for children, Assistant Pastor 10 a.m.. Church School. Wor­ PBtroa added >thnt parents Treasures, West Hartford; Lll- Hurt in Crash Ex-Soxers Star Rev. Kenneth W. Stoere, K.ndergarten through Grade -B.' historic splendor and modem to bits, but we came through ship Service. Communion med­ 7 p.m.. Senior Pilgrim Pellow- I' glnla Oaiisoit, tel. 228-0224. they are out of business. the negotlaUons-whlch ,,boUi Sullivan just before 1 a.m. technology which combine to (upe requlred*by laiw to have a sides consider preliminary to 11am Schwarts, Ansonia; Robert Associate Minister 9:60 a.m., Church School. 9 and 10:45 a.m.. Divine Wor­ without a scratch, thanks to our itation: "Man Needs God.” - shlp. r for your moth balls Problems the ladies would Rostow work up the President A Hebron man, was Injured BOSTON (AP)— A pair of for­ make this country so fascinat­ Oigned otajtemenit ttom a phyM* full-scale talks—is W. Averell Reed, Manchester; Bffle Chish- Miss Antoinette Bierce, 1 through 12. ship and Oiurch School. Nur­ skillful crew. 7 p.m., Pilgrim Fellowship. like to have straightened out in­ to give him the news. when his car failed to negotiate mer Red Sox players were A ing to the visitor. elan teottfylng that the child Harrlman, 76, wealthy diplomat Johnson called Secretary of Darien, Ixirries Copper Bireotor Christian Education 11 a.m.. Family Eucharist Japanese puppetry is called Eastmlnster U^ted W and moth flakts Vernop clude . . . a right turn at Main and Strant heroes of vdotorles by oilier sery for infants. Sermon by has been voodnaited Dgehtot and sometime poUtIcian who State Dean Rusk. Kettle, New H av^. Sermon by the Rev. Mr. Halde­ Pastor Gothberg, "The (Jourage Baseball is all the rage in the most refined style in all United Methodist Church Presbyterian Felwwshlp Paying a service fee when the Sts. Friday morning and his teams Friday night. George E. Slye Mhool smaApox and has had a phyiXcal has served Democratic adminis- A White House meeting was Massachusetts dei 9:16 and 11 a.m.. Morning man. to Be.” ( Japan. For several weeks now the world This art is over 300 Rt. 44A, Bolton car skidded into a telephone Catcher Mike Ryan drilled a Kingston Dr. off Oak St. eocamlnaitlon. No dhlld wtU be machine isn’t fixed or it goes (m (rations llnce the days of Presi- arranged for about 8-3(T a"m” M ary Adelman. Brookline; Billy Worship. Htrfy Commuhldn. The 7 p.m.. Daily, Evening Pray­ 7 p.m.. Hi League meeting in a game has been telecast every years old. We attended a Ban- Rev. Hugh A. GlUis the bblink lnk aeralnagain within minutes jent e.____ t-a r. arranged for ahout 8.so a.m. j ...... pole, police said. two-out, bases-Ioaded single in East Hartford wlmiibted ti>o finat day o f school Exam Sliated mt Franklin D. Roosevelt. Joining Johnson, Rostow and Hael, Sprii^ield; Rev. Mr. Steere preaching. Top­ er. Luther Hall, prior to program day, some professional and raku Puppet Show which start­ Minister of the serviceman’s departure. Robert Zapert, 18, was taken the ninth Inning to bring the Rev. Gordon S. Bates, unless the pequiTements ore met Hurimah in 1962 obtained an ic: “Among Us, the (Jhrlst.’’ at South Methodist Church. som^ high school. When we ed at noon and ended at four, to Manchester Memorial Hos- Phillies from be- were in Tokyo I saw what would with another four hour session 9:30 a.m.. Church School Minister iniOluding filing the doObor’s For Tax Post pital at 2:50 a.m. Friday and hind for a 3-2 victory over the Family Sunday tor Grades 7 Concordia Lutheran Church ..our... .ppr»,l o, .h. prop. „.utt.Uo.U.„ o. A.O.. io«S^ M.J.r N.a.uP correspond to our “ grapefruit in the evening. It consisted of and Morning Worship. DHAROE YOUR Statement with the school be- treated for loosened teeth and Pittsburgh Pirates, and 8. Church of Christ The top Communist negotiator ambassa- Falrvlew; Lltle Red Shack, Pal- 40 Pitkin St. circuit," a pre-season match of a series of plays mostly based 11 a.m.. Morning Worship. 10 a.m., Worship and Church tone SegiL 1. oral examinations for the po- The Ideji of hnvine- tn neeeof a mi u O ------mi.------.'."'V ------James jones anu uie amuiAsatA- A-oiAYM,.-, ------Lydall and Verncm Sts. was discharged. And pitcher Bill Monbouquette Rev. Joseph E. Bourret, professionals. Now the 40th An­ School. Sermon: "The Condition CSiarch of Jesus Christ of Eugene Brewer, MUnister on historical incidents. ’The Sermon: "Concern for Others.” P R E S O R im O N Zapert is charged with fall- scattered eight hits to record his Y Pastor nual High School Baseball Tour­ puppets are three or four feet 7 p.m., Methodist Youth Fel­ of Radical Renewal” . j s r * " r ; ' * Springfield. ure to drive in the established fourth win of the season as the I^ttor-day Saints (Mormon) Rev. Louis E. Bauer Jr., chUd tel a j>rivaite or porochlaJ conducted by the State Person- cal—l.e.—when he suggests that ister who dealt with Harrlman Also, Baders of Provldenco, HUlstown Rd. and Woodside St. nament has been going for over high. Each one is controlled by lowship. Topic: "A Nation in school ore asked nctttfy the Department May 20. n®w P®rt should be replaced, at the same Geneva Conference Johnson, meanwhile lane and speeding, and is sched- New York Yankees defeated the Assistant Pastor 9 a.m., Bible classes. Avery St, to ® „Rhode Island; The Spragos of a week. When it will end I don’t three men who are visible to the Crisis.” Election of officers. uled to appear in Manchester Chicago White Sox, also by a Paul E. NuttaU, Bishop 10 a.m., Worship. Sermon: local stdiod. . neoule who took repute- on Laos. Thuy Is considered so- ^ N . Old Bennington, Vermont; and know, but it is easy to follow, as audience. ’Two of the men wear Christian Reformed C8iurch Circuit Court 12 on May 20. 3-2 score. 9 and 10:30 a.m.. Holy Com­ "The Cursedness of Hell.’ ’ Fish Derby on Big Scale written e ^ n Wednesday companies make good prod- phistlcated and experienced. A m b a ^ ^ r Arthur J Gold- Windrest Antiques, CTaremont, % a.m.. Priesthood. much of the announcingi has black hoods, which make them Vernon Methodist Church . 661 Avery St. • U Wi Hie Rec CouncU-sponsored .^ e ) ^ t e n m m ^ W ^ e ^ ^ associate ^>®>'g, ^ m o n , and Vance^ munion, Church School and 5 p.m.. Youth meeting. > South Win^or and John Houghmaster from 10:30 a.m., Sunday Schoo taken over our English drords. less conspicuous, but the third Rt. 30 fishing derby, planned for next ^ mum of service. The companies will be Cyrus R. Vance, former 1" the early morteng he got a Nursery. 6 p.m.. Evening Worship. Ser­ statement on Troy, N.H., round out the ex- Classes for all eiges. "Strike” is bellowed by the is in full view. ’Riey work to­ Rev. Morton A. Magee Rev. James A. ^nnem a. 6 p.m., Knights of St. John. mon: “Object: To (Jhapge^ r Minister > AT week, U turning out to be on a ported two of the five persona should have trouble wires so degmty defense secretary tod Moon, Sacrament and test umpire sharply accented by an gether so smoothly that five big scale. that one ® following bands will com- could W ended “ If our restraint ice at the Eastmdnater United wounded In acUon in Q: defies challenging. How often The have I heard people say: "Now 386 N, Main St. talks broke down. Monday through Friday, 7:46 . Masses at.7, 8:30, 10 and 11:30 posed to be ip “ e („ September- when the new P®te for prizes and trophies: is matched by restraint In Hanoi presfavterito FeUowalhip at the TTi, Vietnam, on May 1. If you have a standard size Qape Games o f ' chance are ^ very By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS re­ I Just won’t argue over relig­ Rev. Felix M. Davis, popular here. At one amusement p.m., -Evening Prayer. a.m. ' clam up when pressed for «n g g g g g „ gtg^ts. Each girl must SUtch in ’Time, Spectrum, The . . . whettier a complete bomb- George'E Slye School, off Oalt telegram 1 stated that he Yale has called for help from PRIEST HELPS FIREMEN opinion ceived gun shot wounds in the (Approx. 12 sqs.) ion.’’ These'same people will be Minister supervisory personnel 'to main­ park, a refined odltlqn of (Joney STAMFORD (AP)—A priest be accompanied by her mother; Brass Tacks, The Lemon Street ing halt becomes possible in the Hartford found arguing heatedly about Youngsters are eligible to en­ O n May registration will be Boys, MUeaton^, The Village future will be determined by D a n i e l ’Graham will direct the, chest and left arm and that he Rev. C. Ronald Wilson, tain at lea^t partial dining room, Island, we saw hundreds of ai St. Cecilia’s Church was 16 WeTI reshingle your roof for $275.00 who the greatest hitter in base­ ter If they ard under 16. They at the Vernon Elementary, Lake Gang, The Wintry City, Some- event*,” choir, which wiU stog “Tlie is now being treated aboard Associate MhUster housekeeping and maintenance "one-armed bandits” along the among the firemen who rushed Small additional charge for dormers ball was, or which make of car may fish toy time and as often Street and Skinner Road schools ^ n ’ .Good and .Sound Invest- The purpose of meeUng, John- M oning Star," by SJolunda, the hospital ship, the USS Re­ is the best. The difference? 'I’hey service. walls and,every one had-a cus­ to extinguish a general alarm “Keystone Quarter to Sing Gospel Songs as they wish ratween Monday 10 a.m., Morning Worship. at 3 p.m.; at Northeast and Ma- ment. I gg„ g^,^would be “ to dls- and "With a Voice of Singing," pose. feel qualified in the latter Some students lent a hand in tomer. Similarly, along the city fire in the' parish rectory.^ morning and ’ Saturday at 8 Nursery through CHiurch School streets there are centers where pie Street schools from 2:80 to The Judges will be Ken GrJf- cuss the means of bringing this by Shaw. Mainvllle, who is a 1966 g;rad- HALLMARK BUILDING GO., INC. areas, but have no understand­ picketing, but others were re­ ’The Rev. George Goods, ac­ p.m. Fish Will be weighed each Grade 8. Communion Medita­ all kinds of pinball machines 3 p.m., and at Union Cohgrega- fin, WDRC disc Jockey; ugly way to an end.” The"* Eastmlnster Fellowship «ate of Manchester High School COMPLETE INSURANCE COVERAGE ing of their religion. portedly. disgruntled becaqsi of tive chaplain for the Springdale day between 7 tod 7:80 a.m. tion by the Rev. Mr. Davis. are in constant use. Who determines what your life tlonal Church from 6:30 to 7:30 Geprgette Thomas, South Wind- in______his statement Friday,______John- Is _a mdSBlon effort inlUoted entered (he U.S. Marines in 742-9862 — 742-7889 after six Don H. Morris, president of the lack of efficient cami^us Volunteer Fire Company, p eed and 7:80 to 8 p.m. at the beach Abilene Christian College, 4:30, p.m., Pilgrim Youth FeJ- About twenty miles from Kyo­ p .m ) S()r High Sch(X)l music teach- son said this government hopes three years ago out of the Hart- W^ay of last year and was sent * 267-4769 Call Collect operations to impress their dates to the firehouse Friday after­ shall be? What determines the real house. Mrs. William Murphy wrote: "A mark of the soft lowiship. On May 20 registration will ep; Kevin McCrea, guitarist of the agreement ?for the initial foird congregation. Dand has Vlotnam In October. 4 to the Hozu River snakes noon after the fire was reported during the present (College nature and destiny of man? If it be will be in charge In the morn­ mind is aversion to controverijy. 6:30 p.m.. Senior Youth Fel­ through high precipitous cliffs. be k the EUlngton Congrega- the group The Freah Lads, and contact can represent a mutualbeen purchased on W o o d sid e ______Weekend. and returned to the burning ing and Baldwin In the after­ We prefer to be soothed rather lowship. Although our time here is limit­ office wing vdth a snorkel truck God, then there is more to prayer tlotuk .Church from 6:30 to 7:80 Jack Halloran, drummer of the and a serious niovement by all St., Manchester, to serve as a than challenged — Some go to ed, we could not resist the followed by other units. than mankind dreams, and every noon. , . p.m\ group The Connecticut HiTones. parCles toward peace in South- site fOr future ohurch develop- great lengths to avoid argu­ One does sort of speculate on Women’s Retreat Set “ Rapids Tour” (jown this river. - The blaze was ignited by a Tlckets will be available at east Asia. ment. ment — This is the reaction of trial in our lives is an opportunity what______Monday’s , fish wtoner is A retreat for women of the ______The bus from our hotel to the painter using a propane torch Velardl’s Music Store and Nut- The precise means by which Those wishing further tofor- N people who have lost, or soon going to lk like at Saturday gj-gg be held the weekend meg Pharmacy, boat took us through bamboo to remove old paint. ’Two hours to discover man "in His image." the U.S. and North Vietnamese matlon on the church may ooa- will lose, their personal convlc- night 's weigh-in. of June 7-9 at the Roman Catho- OES Meeting Set '• tlons." forests,' past little villages and later the fire was out but not Hear this public lecture titled governments arrived at agree­ toot its paotor, the Rev. Gordon Watch Monday’s Herald There’s a lot of fodder here jjg immaculate Retreat House Hope Chapter ,80, Order of Christianity was bom in ad­ WOULD YOU BC INTERESTED along roads lined with blossom­ until it had gutted the south end ment on Paris have not been Bates of 127 Madison St., East "What Determines Your Stand­ for those on Welpjht Watchers’ Willimantic. the Eastern Star, will hold its versity and prospered amid ing cherry trees^^jAS we em­ of the two-story frame strunture. disclosed but presumably in­ Hartford. vast waves of the cruplest per- in hdping •stablish and organize on point?" by G LENN L M ORNING, diet. ^ Further Information can be regular business 1 meeting on cluded secret diplomacy by oth­ for secutlohs- Our nation was C .S.6 ., member of the Board of -iOn District Fanfl obtained and reservations made Tuesday at 8 p.nl. preceded by er governments. . brought forth out of the agony Howard Bates, chairman of j,y contacting Mrs. Gerald Boul- a turkey dinner to be served Lectureship of The First Church of U.S. officials profess to be un- of revolution. Have we produced INDEPENDENT FUNDANENTAL the Republican town commit- ^mg-er, St. Bernard’s .Parish; at 6:80 p.m.- certain what if any role the So- a generation of peycholoklcal Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass. tee, Mrs. (Jharles HIU, vice ji^s. William Dlugos, S(. Jo- Business of the evening will Viets played, parasites — willing to eat the chalrman, Mrs. Fred Lawman geph’s; Mrs. Andrew Kwasnlk, include the official vlsltatloh of The U.S. c



txjnt b la m e C/^AT/ WttEM DIO gLMER H EBE, WOVER.' THINK NOTHIN' OP IT, DOC/ AND I'M THE //£U/ H £ H ! THERE'S THE LAMP VA , T H E GUY VOURSaF, •< S E T m a n - e a t e r r .' CLYDE.'OOES SO W W V H E O R D E R E D ! ^ DID YOU HEAR ^AN'kASLElS d o n e! , WHO FWIGHTENED THE NEW«?THE [THEBOVS FOUND [P H O N ED ' BAKTER ‘ Antwar to ProvioutPuxilo Y O U , B U G S ! Tip? DOES HOTEL BOUNCED I OUT WH']( I FOR A JUDGE FoodstuiFf > 4MITH FOR WANTED'THE CLUB'S/HEAD 6HRINKER I w h e n t h e RENCHY RUBBER- ACROSS 3 Haze 0 CHECKIN' Hl4 WIFE WA5 WRlTiN'/(MAJOR BAlD s m i l e T 4 Preclpilnus 1 Raked Vlrclnla Business S ervices D irectory 5 Make lace e n t e r t a in ­ H IE s p e e c h e s .' / V WE'D WIN ' -----(pl.) 6 Foreigners m e n t T a b ' 5 Small paslry 9 Steeped 7 Chamber foodstuff 8 Singing voice 12 Dismounted 9 Deposits as 13 Tropical plant dregs 10 Mountain H Before CAMPING H I G H G R A D E (comb, form) IS Surgical CAR LEASING removal of part 11 Hammer head 16 French patois k of an organ 45 Separates With a EQUIPMENT spoken in 28 Ungulate PRINTING 17 English stream sieve Louisiana animal On 1 or 2 TEXACO Tents, Cots, Sleeping Bags, IS Proven*, from 30 Soothsayer 48CosmK order Job and CommerciBl action 20 Island in Malay A ir Mattresses, Stoves, A L L Y OOP A BY V. T. HAMLIN archipelago 31 Puts to 47 RibUcal garden P rin tliw 19 Agitation of the 33 Fanatical 48 Leg Joint Lanterns feelings 22 Full of flavor YEAR PLAN Prompt and Efficient s n u . WANT TO PLAY WELL,NOW, THAT WAS A 24 Masculine 35 Incrustation on SO Clock face PRETTY PROFITABLE COULD WITH 21 p'ounder of teeth 31 Feminine MANCHESTER BOUGH, NOWS rVE ■ i'cnnsylvania nickname Printing Of All Klnda e n c o u n t e r ... ONE . A DASH 40 Subdue appellation FIret lo Manebeoter. New OT THE SPEAR7* 23 Outer cilgc 25 Cougar SURPLUS SALES CO. SPEAR AND A FIRE.' AND 26 Pleasurable 43 Coarse hominy 52 Appear car*, fall maintenance, folly THOUGH 24 tfcalth resort — 55 German river 169 N. MAIN ST. 27 Remove from Insured to rednoe your prob- Community Pratt 9 10 11 at Depot Square office 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 1 lema and worries. For full llsgdi 29 Klat-toppcd hill Open Dally to 9:00 P.M. 9 East Middle Tpke. Information, call 32 Popular' 12 13 14 J. F A R R — 648-7111 O o disturbance Telephone 643-5727 & M E THINGS 34 Made amend.s 19 It 17 Paul Dodga Pontiac CANT BE FORESEEN 36 Charm .37 Separated It a INC. CUSTOM MADE 38 American ■ " MANCHESTER DICK’S cartoonist 21 22 878 MAIN STREET CANVAS AWNINGS OUI OUR W Al BY J. B. W HLIAN8 39 Prim eval giant ■ Phone 649-2881 (Norse myth.) 2« 26 26 a 31 m e m o Ki a l g o . SHELL 41 Elders (ab.) ■ ■ “ W c U rfc You To Support WHEN YOU WKRS A LITTLE KID 42 Unit of energy -w- aOCX> 30SH , I'VE SOT A 32 33 36 H io l « t s Junior Museum Opposite EkMt Cemetery JOB, HAVEN'T I, AND A pay - you WERE MORE PROSPEROUS 44 Crafts * 1 SERVICE CHECK COMIN'T SIS WHEELS t h a n >iOU a r e NOW...MORE CARE­ 46 Comments sr 663 CENTER STREET t) IHI hf HtA, l»c. T.M. Ut- WL OW. rIN BUSINESS ANP INDUSTRY FUL OF 'lOUR MONEY BECAUSE 49 Assistants 1 Quality Memorials iM k BORROW MONEY, DON'T '(DU HAP NOTHIN® TO BORROW 53 Fish 40 ON/ HERES ONE MORE DOLLAR 54 Fite documents 39 MECHANIC ON DUTY BY LEFF and McWILLIAMS THEYT ALL 1 WANT IS ■ ■ Over SO Years’ Ehcperience D A V Y JONES A MEASLY TWO BUCKS AGAINST'lOUR between others 42 46 AT ALL HOURS FOR C AS' « U 'P THINK RETIREMENT 56 Number ■ Stence Carries Firestones ^ WELL, BENJI... DON'T CALL ME 1 ONLY KNOW 57 Abound WATKINS-WEST Call 649.5807 i r s GOING TO N THAT. MR, TINTZ HE TOLD ME I WAS STILL A PENSION/ 46 W 61 52 SBBM STRANGE, WE'RE GOING TO 58 Story 44 47 This spring you really have are— stranded. Not so today. Starters, Oeneratom, BE ON THE SAME IS THE TOP MAN, TO CA LL YOU LITTLE KID/ ■ Carburetors: WORKING WITH 'BOSS' FROM 59 Social ihsect 66 FUNERAL A. AIMETTI, Prop. no excuse for driving on poor Just depend upon the expert SEE US FOB: OUT MARCO TEAM , NOW ; 60 Weights of India 63 64 Domestic - Foreign Cars NOW O N ... Harrison St, Manchester tires, not when you can get mechanical service that is al- • Aluminum Roll Up BOSS 61 Term in bridge 66 SERVICE 643-7008 r playing 66 67 such wonderful buys at Ralph ■wuys yours at either of the Awnings Stance’s two Texaco Stations. Turnpike Texaco Stations. "> • Door Canopies DOWN 69 60 61 ORMAND J. WEST 1 Resistant 4 He is offering Firestone tires Another service — and It is • Storm Doors 2 Nautical term D irector PARKADE at the fantastic price of just 49 hoped that you will not require MANCHESTER a Combination Windows and up! This applies during the this, but you will surely appre­ Manchester Awning Co. 142 E. CENTER ST. BARBER SHOP month of May, so you had better ciate it if you do—^Tum^ke 196 WEST CENTER ST. Manchester’s Oldest drive right over there now and Texaco Stations offer wrecker Telephone 649-8091 Manchester’s Most Modem get your new tires at these un­ SsiafooiL With Finest Faculties Get Auto Paints Here service. This service is a'vail- Established 1949 believable prices. Barber Shop with EhcceUent We are all acquainted with drums scored, these may be alble at both Texaco Station No. Both Texaco Stations owned 1 and Texaco Stati OUT'. X'M SEARCH YOU. MAN...BUT 6 05 HE CAN BE A SECURITY Hot Lunches Served 1:36 Speak Up Hartford from Harlem. , student strike when classrooms Complete Insurance Coverage BACK IN TH’ GROOVE NOWL OR SHALL I AiHEADl THRBATl a 6:10 World This Week reopen, said of the plan: "It's TAKE YOU TO 9 Delmont S t, Manchester 6:30 Weekend Dimension The militants charge the gym 7:00 Neiws difficult to judge—but it's a be­ Est. 1915 THE STATION t 649-5531 SPRING CLEANING 7:10 Sports Time on 2.1 acres of land leased by 7:16 Speak Up Hartford the city in the ‘30-acre park ginning." R^ad Herald Ads 8:10 Jock Dreea A student strike committee TIME 8:16 Speak Up Hartford would, deprive Harlem residents 9:00 N ^ a of recreational property. claimed the support of more WM. DICKSON & SON Quality Dry Cleaning of 9:40 Speak Hartford than 4,000 Coluiribla studenU. A i Got A Painting Problem? We’ll Help! 11:30 Barry Farbcr ■ Columbia had said it would T el. 649-0920— Manchester, Conn. Drapes, Curtains, Slipcovers « faculty group said It had 340 g A d Service still means somethinfir to us—and service and Wardrobe faculty signatures supporting the strike. The total faculty is BY BOB LUBBERS means spending enough time with you to help you ) Free Box Srorage ROBIN MALONE ^ t & select the right paint finish for that job you’re plan­ W ith Moth Proofing on all abou|t 2,500. I ^ I r - * 'WHATSrHS me.NAicm I F I i J e A P ning. See us for paint and service when you plan youi: Winter Clothes—No Limit ri?oii0Le IS wevep LATef HIM KISHT-,, next project. One Day Service on Suede PLYWOOD CENTER -AND wow A SOMGONS'S Done On Premises CRyPFIC CALL HOLDINS TH6M Lapp Plaza CHICKEN KING F0DM m m Route 83, Vernon KeNWEDV- PARKADE and DelieatesMn LITTLE SPORTS BY ROUSON S(7-feA>«Q>.PAINTCQ 875-4304 ^ • 4 - CLEANERS 419 Main Sti IManchester s /Ja b l -e a r e a 723 M/^IN ST., M A N C H E S TE R — PH O N E 649-4501 Next To LIg—“ "^ g IT ’^ /VO fnSM0KlN6 BUY THE PAINT THAT’S WORTH THE WORK SEZ HERE Open Daily Where you get tow prices - m and a 10% Bonus Oard Fried Barbecued Chicken Your independent You’U Bn)l the anrot plywood ^areribs. Seafood . . . T o Save W ith ! paneling, cabinet plywoods, kltoli- en cabinets and Armstrong oelltnga Catering to any size parties look for tbi ioMm orckis. . . HcDiMM’s . . . Open Thun., FH. 9 P.M .!for 46 WEST CENTER STREET tfep* MOtnireatvelCVp. . U e«2"\LjL^ Give Chicken King a Ring fM Wa.W ■•ibh i*"! ' ^ dealer. your oonv^enoe. Rt!ad Herald Ads e«e-ei7e SILVER LANE EXTENSION


*Sox Better Wake Up and Soon* THE PICTURE'S STILL FUZZY MotoreyelM— rTIMBMIffOIQ Flood Turns Slugger B kycltt 11 :Offw«d 13-A CLASSIFIED HONDA — Super 90. 1966. 1,600 VENE’H AN blinds — repaired, miles. Excellent condition. Best retaped and recorded. 046-037S, offer. Call 648-5044. 649-2971. Bulletin Board Note No Help ADVERTISING 1966 HONDA 160 with brand new LIGHT TRUCKING, bulk deliv- But Willies Prevail helmet $250. Bike Just tuned ery, yards, attics, cellars CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS NEW YORK (AP) slow grounder up the middle Louis. and In top shape. Cali 647-1662. cleaned and removed. Also odd : BOSTON (AP) ^The ri, - 1. T:n j u center field and suddenly DODOER8 -BED8 ‘ 8 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. ------* JobA 644-8062. Bost•<:; YOU ARE A-1 truck is A-1 . ADDITIONS, remodeling. ga- (Catfish) Hunter baffled the Today’s Games But Ollle Brown led off the 3.2 The New York Mets and center and by the time he dis- (Rockville, Toll Free) Red Sox batters in a 7-2 victory Cellars, attics, yards, drive- rage, rec rooms, bathrooms New York (Talbot 0-2) . ninth with a pinch single and, (Chicago Cubs were rained out. covered it was only the sdfcwd, R u n fo r ''' ways sealed and small truck before 23,662 disappointed fans after Jack Hiatt struck out, « * * ___i-- j ------' tiled, kitchens remodeled, ce­ Chicago (Carlos 0-2) two runs had scored. ing done A-1 right. Call Tre- at Fenway Park. Brown moved to second on Je- QIANT9 CARDS • • ♦ •fctue R o « e s ment work, cellay floors, pa­ Oakland (Krausse 0-8) at Bos- mano Trucking Service toll tios, roofing. Call Leon Cles- Asked if he thought the Red BUS Alou’s infield single. Ortan- T^e Giants’ victory cut the PHILS-PIRATES— Trouble Reaching Our Advertiser? ton (B U ^ r t o 2-1) threw out Ron Hunt, free, 742-9487. synskl. Builder. 649-4291. Sox were hustling in five losses Cardinal’s league lead to Mike Ryan’s single in the- in the last six games, Manager California (McGlothlln 1-2) at ^ the runners advancing, and the games over the San Francls- ninth drove in the winning rim 24-Hour Answering Service TREE E x p e r t — Trees cut, HOMES, OARAGES, \ porches, Dick Williams replied: Detroit (Wllswi 2-8) Cards were Just one out from cans. Juan Marichal, who wefit for the Phillies after Rich Allen building lots cleared, trees top­ rec rooms, room additions, "They’re hustlirtg nil right. Minnesota (Boswell 3-1) Cleveland (Williams 0-1 ) victory. the distance, ran his record to and John Briggs singled and Free to Herald Readers ped. Got a tree problem? Well kitchens, roofing, siding, gen­ They’re Just frustrated, not see­ worth phone call, 742-8262. Baltimore (Hardin 8-0) at Enter Willie McCovey. The 4-1. Carlton Is now 2-1. Mike Bill White walked, all -with t«r5 eral repair work. Financing ing some of those balls go big Giant slugger delivered a Shannon also homered for St. out. Want information on one of our classltled advertisementa? available. No down payment. Washington (Ortega 3-1) SALES AND Service on Ariens through a hole." No answer at the telephone listed? Simply call the Economy Builders, Inc. 648- Ken Harrelson, established as W IN N IN G FORM— ^Tom Phoebus of Baltimore and Phil Ortega of Washing­ Sunday’s Games TU v-:v-!i>S Hahn Eclipse,' Jacobson lawn 0 2 'A A >-1 ) ^ l 6169. a regular right - fielder, saved ton, two of baseball’s brightest young pitchers, display their winning form. California at Detroit Common Sen»e Decision EDWARDS mowers. Also Homellte chain the Red Sox from a shutout. Minnesota at Cleveland Md^r League saws and International Club A & L Remodeling, inside and After Reggie Smith, who had a Baltimore at Washington ANSWERING SERVICE Cadet Tractors, Rental ■ equip- outside work. Fire escapes pair of doubles wasted, led off Oakland at Boston = L e a d e r s = ment and sharpening service and rec room included. 1-872- on all makes. L A M Equip- 3366 or 1-876-4817. the ninth with a walk, Harrel­ New York at Chicago, 2 National Loop Proxy American League. 649-0500 875-2519 son belted his second homer in WSox and RSox Play Dropsy Monday’s Games ment Corp., Route 83, Vernon, —------two days, a high drive into the Batting (30 at bats)—Etche- Derby•/ Pick 876-7609 Manchester Exchange ROBBINS Carpentry re- screen in left center. Cleveland at New York, N barren, Balt., .387; C a r e w, and leave your message. You’ll hear from our advertiser In — Enterprise 1945. modeling specialist. Additions, jig time without spending all evening at the telephone. ’The less said about Boston And Both (Jo Down to Defeat (MinnesobEl a t Oakland, N Relaxes ‘Spit’ Ruling Minn,, .359. In Calumet ------rec rooms, dormers, porches, Chicago at California, N Runs—Klllebrew, Minn., 16; Indians Blow Lead, FORMICA counters, cabinet cabinets, formica, built - ins, pitching the better. Jerrv ____ R. Jackson, Oak., 16; B, Rob­ work, interior remodeling, • bathrooms, kitchens, 649-3446! 4 ^epheMon was ineffective once NEW YORK (AP) — ond. And McCraw had Oed a INDIANS-TW1N 8. Only games scheduled AufomobllM______For Sola 4 kitchen specialists. Gnd on a , Have brush, will travel! was let out of, the clubhouse jens. He never did find it but Monday In the second inning Houston 6, Atlanta 3 3-0, 1.000; Warden, Del., 3-0, 0 Grass. for the Orioles. seventh inning at Shea Stadium way it was written, Mauch said, firlt extra inning for a 10-12 passed ball. Dan Hatch singled pirf Enclose your reply to the THE BEST In roofing — and , the Athletics found him, all against OalUand. Soon he was . Chicago at New 'York, post­ Q Post time was 4:38 p.m., 1967 NEPTUNE blue Karmann d -L TRUCKING. Light truck Dave McNally pitched a four- when Phillies reliever John "He told me I was wasting my victory. Wednesday, Platt nip- and Joe Meslte hit a sacrifice box in an envelope — roof repair. Call Coughlin, j ^ vain search, Stevie right. They battered Stephenson Joined by other players and the poned rain Strikeouts —McDowell, 0 EDT. CBS carried the 94th run- Ghla. Clean. Very low mUeage. ing done. Attics and Cellars 643-7707. hitter marred only by a boom­ Boozer touched his Ups while time writing a protest. So I tore ped the locals in the Silver City, fly to deep center field, send- a address to toe Classi­ ^ ren d ered a single before re- and four succesBors for 16 hits umpires, looking for the lost Today’s Games Cleve., 49; Phoebus, Balt., 40. 0 0 0 0 0 2 nlng of the Derby on national Must be seen. 644-0923 after 6. cleaned. Trash hauled to the ing home run off the bat of warming up. Umpire Ed Vargo it up.” ------ing in both runs. ^ 0 0 0 0 0 fied Manager. Manchester tiring the side and quickly re- and a 7-2 romp over the Red contact lens. At one point, 0 0 0 0 0 0 television from 4-5 p.m. and on Evening Herald, together dump. Reasonable. Phone 643- Frank Howard that sailed into shouted, "B all one.” Mauch said Giles told him he OCIL STANDINGS The Indians Jumped to an p 1966 FAIR LAN E X L hardtop. Roofing oiid sumlng the h ^ t for his missing Sox. equipment man Don Fitzpatrick Chicago (Jenkins 3-1 or Holtz- 1 0 1 0 0 Q radio from 4:20-4:50 p.m. with a memo listing the 5846, 643-9973. the upper deck in center field at Boozer and Mauch charged had Instructed his umpires Fri- National League 0 0 0 0 0 V-8 cruisomatic, power s t e e r - ______®*"*'*®® In other American League pitched In with a flashlight, man 1-1) at New York (Selma uvenuiOvomJl early lead with two runs in each aifTunnh.q.Pap''®-,. P Although it was the 94th Der- conopanles you do NOT Chhnnays j 14-A D.C. Stadium. Batting (30 at bats) — Rose, Slmmotw, bach, Executive Veep Clemente, Pitt., 3. ® _2 Time and Mrs. Montgomery 1 2 :00. BULLDOZER, backhoe work, Service calls oUr specialty. No O elL standings while Maloney's T *"' Coughlin, back in the Une- land clearing, septic tanks in­ Gapr Waslewski wears them, grounder to first which McCraw St. Louis at San Franiaco Home runs—Swoboda, N.Y., 37 10 8 30 7 6 5 Fisher’s Proper Proof. 1959 PONTIAC — 2-door, good Job is too small. Free Florida’s GolHnff Lawyer Spartans evened things at 3-3. «P aor wagon, V-8, automatic, M season were garnered by Bert Davis 99 121 46 ^°'® Nicklaus, one ST. LOUIS A P ) — it was St. probably would talk contract ported the 76ers paid him 4:18 (80) St. Louis vs. San size. power brakes, power steering iprge Cochran and Ray’s Rs- jo e Cataldl 99 121 34 soil’s top money-winners, had Louis Blues’ goalie Glenn Hall’s next week. $35,000. Call Us Fpr Francisco (C) and power Endows. Original urant. Cochran posted a fine Leo Rivers a 69 to go with a an earlier 66. game. Blues’ Coach Scott Bow- ■I Lee would succeed Bill Shar- Hamnum replaces Coach E 99 121.34 6:00 ( 8) Race of the Week f is h in g owner. Tip top shape. Call 649- :i80.12 average for 96 games Roc Lupacchino ’Their two-round total is eight man said it, and Minnesota man, who sig^ned- earlier this Bruce Hale, who has been gen- 62 121.33 ( ) Wide World of 4679. while Ray’s copped team laurels Tony Flcaro under par. North Stars Coach Wren Blair 8 week as coach and vice presl- eral manager al^o and will now 5-3 In COCS pilay while the S i u m . r ' S ______A FREE 93 120.18 Sports Parkade Lanes iin what may have been toe best Rick Cavar Sikes, a lanky, slow-talking asreed. dent—and presumably a minor.hold only that position. Pats are 1-8. oa.pt. Henry F. Guggenheim, LIMOUSINE Service — 1968 1965 MUSTANG convertible. 87 120.10 6:80 ( 8) Carl Yastrzemskl Estimote balanced circuit in town. Only southerner, had a shot at a solo Hall, toe Blues’ prize pick in The nirt naraohrased idea E lective five-hit pitching by J’®*' hurled for the Rams to me entered C!aptalin’s Gig. Cadillac yours for your wed­ g;reen, 6 cylinder, standard FINAL STANDINGS Show Site of Tourney seven gades separates toe first hold, on toe lead, but blew it on 'tl'e National’ Hockey League's mat “ fish are where you find G®ry Krowka set me pace for ^ Among the first-time owners ding day wim chauffer, shift, excellent condition, $1 ,- W. L. SUNDAY 496. or best offer. 742-6092.. seven teams in toe 12-cIub toe final hole when his second expansion draft, stopped all but An all expense trip to Wash­ X ein ” l^ e ^ w o L d to RockvUIe High’s 9-1 victory striking out two. ^ippe, wKo ran Fran- air-conditioned, ''7-passenger. JOSEPH P. LEW IS Ray’s Rest. 1:30 ( 8) The Outdoorsman mem’ has been w o «e a lo c ia s to n b ^ Hiah vester- Skip MUler was the loser with . , „ , circuit. shot found a bunker. He chipped one of Minnesota’s 46 shots. Mln- ( 8) ing ton, D. C., will go to toe deam. Most folks agree wim me ^ e r Gl^tonbm y ^ h je s t ^ M ^ strikeouts. He allowed 10 s Hat. Ulric Limousine Service, Ed­ CUSTOM PAINTING Pizza House (SO) The Professionals Runner-up laurels in toe in­ to within four feat but missed nesota’s goalie Cesare Maniago, winning male and female bowl- adage; many promptly ignore day in l^kvuie. Loacn rai ------^------mund U. Parent Jr., 649-3860. EXTERIOR A INTERIOR PAIN'nNG, PAPER HANGING Gaslight Rest. —Auto Racing Trud^—Tractors 5 849-9668 dividual race went to Frank Oal- toe putt for a bogey. was almost his equal, but there ems in 'today’s roll-off at toe it once they get in a boat. When M is ^ tta s R a ^ a r e n w e l l 1NG TO ..- ,7H1i me bases | » i vo with a 126.65 mark. ’Third Decl’s Drive-In 2:00 ( 3) NHL Stanley Cup ton Sikes is 12 th among the sea- ^®*"® 1^® shots he couldn’t han- Parkade Lanes, dt was announc­ you see a guy flailing the same ^ ^ ^ single combined to H f l l f J j x l l c K c C O r d 1958 CHEVROLET —Mi best was Dick DlBella at 126.61. Gerbers Bros. die. Playoff SHAVING STROKES Pursonab Call sons money-winners with ed by Bcmie (iiovlno, manager. area for a long period witoout score me wlnnlpg run for me o . i ^------pick-up truck, $160. DlBella topped toe singles pin­ Paul Dodge ( 8) Oakland vs. Red $34,014. Those two shoits, one with less Giovtoo said tiowlons ■will roll any encouragement by me fish. Coming from behind in me last Knights. Jim Holland notched O 0 l U V A d l 0 t l 0 r RIDE ■ 'wanted to Constitution 643-6680. ners 'with a 202 game. Next were Pagani Rest Sox by Frank Beard He said he likes to play in hot ^ ^ regulaUon Yankees vs. IVhlte three games starting at 6 p.m. you’re witnessing neglect angl- inning, Ellington High re- irictory in i^ellef of Tim ™Plaza ■*from Pitkin St. area, 8- RolUe Irish’s 189 and Ed Bujau- Childers- Rest. .. , TT.1 1 pl®y ®hd one with almost three (30) weather, starting with toe Florl- ___, „ „ The man cmd woman bowling ing’s basic tenant. grouped to win Its mird straight, tj,e seventh inning. Back to me .600 mark is East 4 :30, 643-6378. cluB’ 189. Itibh paced toe triples Tuffy’s Rest, , , > , , ii. minutes gone in toe second over- Sox Trallon— da swing of toe tour in toe m 0 Yale vs. Brown the most pins over their aver­ Instead oif walUng for fish to Ellington 002 000 2-4 0 1 Catholic Hlgh’k track men as STENOGRAPHERS at 494 and DlBella was next at Bonanza Steak Pit .__. tlihe. gave toe Blues a 2-1 over­ ( 8) P E N N Y SAIfER hospital auxili­ spring, but tries to make enough come to you, go looking for The Knights are 3-4 while ^ Stafford 000 000 3-3 6 4 they evened their season’s rec- Moblla Hemoi 467. National Tool Lacrosse—^TapcA age In a single game will be ary mrtft shop welcomes dona­ money to quit when the trees „ ______^ Grooved sent to the' nation’s oapltol to mern urges me fishing experts 'f'M'd is winless in four NOOC Holland and Hill; Han- ord at 4-4 yesterday wim a ,74- Following are toe top aver- Lutzen Plumbing m op«y the North Stars in toe West D1 Swing tions. Men’s, women’s, chil­ HETTRICK 2-room wall tent, umtod A ird a ft -Research Laboratories has a num­ turn, at Mercu% outboards. Fish are starts. jgy .^addy. « triumph over St. Thomas Ftollowlng are toe top aver­ vision finals. represent too tjenter In the na­ dren’s clothes, household arti­ 10x18’ cabin type with floor, ber of outstanding positions for mature individuals Written for not evenly distributed mrough- Back to winning ways a ^ r goUTH WINDSOR — John Aquinas in NeW Britain, ages of bowlers 120 and over as “ If I win enough money, I go And those twb goals, plus Dates Announced tional finals o f Brunswick’s cles, working appliances. Jew­ excellent, used: once, $99. 649- who are waU-quadfled in secrertarial slcUls. These Newspaper Enterprise Assn. out a lake or river, mey note,*losing two straight, Soum Wind- O'Brlant taUied two of me Bob- Rich Dyer was a triple wln- suppU^ by Secretary Bob Mo- home and watch football,” he Hall’s standout performancej* “Bowl Your “way To, Europe” elry, toys, b(X>ks, small furni­ 4403. pokions offer a broad range of atimuletlng, respon- Yesterday’s Stars and.time spent looking pays off sor High defeated Granby High, gats’ four hiU to lead me hitting ner for the locals and East’s jumphy. said. In Jaycee Tennis When does it all fall Into finals. Mjay 29-31. The public is' ture, sporting gear. All dona­ albile duties related to research s(dentdsts and en­ put toe Blues in toe- Stanley Cup better man mat just sltUng and 2-1, yesteaday on me Bobcat and John Longo accounted for Norm Pelletier set a new school NIMROD Campers — sales and ^ G. Ave. Pitching—Luis Tlant, Indiana, T ^ . 18th hole on the 7,166- finals against toe East Division place? When do the parts^ of In'Vlted to ottehid free o f charge. • tions I tax deductible. 616 Main gineers. •nils year’s Jaycee Junior waiting diamond. Four-hit pitching of k r x _ Dave O’Donnell record with a 2:05 clocking in service —Camper Town, Route George Cochran 96 130.12 shut out Minnesota on three hits yar^Champions Golf Club champion, Montreal Canadiens. . jT j, v 1, i j Today’s pantldpants qi^oMfled Streejt. your golf swing start clicking ■. While trolltnE' is usually the Mike SulUvan led his team- gtruck out 14 barters in taking the half mile. 140, East Windsor. Open eve­ \ Frank Calvo' 96 126.65 as Cleveland beat toe Twins 4-0. course smashed several Chano- The first game will be played Tennis Tournament wil be neia fjjjjitoe roU-off by winning toe U Above average starting salaines with semi- smoothly so that you knpw RIDE wanted to Hamilton Stand- nings and Saturdays. Now Dick DlBella 98 126.61 Batting — Willie McCovey, es among toe leaders Friday. Sunday and toe second Tuesday, Miay 25-26 at the Manchester h l ^ gonfM o f toe xnonth award beTMiareund fishfZer o^^ 1°®®' HeBulta: ) ______' annual reviews. ’ School courts. you’re at the top of your form?, ^ tochiUques may be equally good 1® now 3-2 whUe Granby Is game in the third inning. siJ ri«8^'(EC) ®'’ *“ vacaUon rentals. 628- Paul Correnti 82 126.34 Giants singled' in two runs in Only Roberto de Vlcenzo among both at St. Louis, at toe Parkade. Bach, qualified techiuques mayo^^^^ j Soum Windsor 002 000 0-2 4 3 <®C). Welch (BC)., ^ East Middle Tpke. Call 649- 1941. Route Irish 99 126.27 the bottom of the ninth, stole toe top four paired on toe hole. "Hall had his game tonight,” There w ill be three dlylslona: Well, speaklhg personally,) I I'Cague bowler was placed in one depending • Small-companj^ atmosphere with the sta­ BOLTON —Coming from 'fed Bujaucius 93 125.40 second and then scored the win- Senior Boys, ages 17-18, Jun- can say that even after a couple of. tw o cloas<»; men, 150 and and species. ____ APACHE MESA hardtop camp bility of a major corporation. He and Miller Barber finished Bowman said. “ I think it was „ , *1 ,.rzM.ir hind the Bulldogs scoired t w SulUvan...... and Qirold; O Donnell. 23.5. ------— ----—— Jim Lambert 99_122'92 nlng run on Willie Mays’ smgle one stroke back of toe leaders, bis best of toe series.” lor Boys ages 13-16, and a new of months on the tour I ’m still under and 151 and over, ■women, a and er wim extras, $900. Call 649 me J ^ m L % V ^ S s s ® « me runs m each of me Mth and and Smim. ^ Vic , AbraiUs 99 122.78 lii San B’ranclsco’s 6-4 victory with 136. With Just oiver three tnlnutes division for girls, ages 13 to 18. way off. My swing is in a gen­ 125 and under and 126 and over. some doughnuts for a free 2971. • Ample, convenient parking. 4 ^ .. — slxm innings to knot me scoft — — g3g yard run: Pelieuir (EC). Frank McNamara 36 122.86 over St. Louis. left In regulation play, rookie Application forms will be eral groove. I haven’t changed She bowler roU'lng the highest day. hooping to the next one , i_ summer wardrobe. Call 647------~ Bolton- ■ (9) - ., Ryan- (EC),____ Oobum______(EX3).____ T—3:06. • Modem cafeteria. Walt McKechnie scored a de­ available at toe schools and any. I haven’t gotten any long­ game in each class each month dowm the ^ o re to e me g ^ g home - ab r hpo a erW ftnio; Vendetta (EK), IXVIco 1869 ask for Sue 1 1 0 0 0 8 0 Audette (EX!). T—4:41. Mo»ofeyelM >^ flected shot that seemed to lock shouId .be returned by May 18 er or shorter. You watch me In received a plaque ond was first falls to P ^“®® fo? m e tun in the lOtli and Pete M ^naW . es9 3122110 Tiwo mile: LsBelle (EC), Ehlc up the deciding game In the to Peter Sllverberg, 71 Cush­ Cleveland this summer and you eOiglble for toe loll-off. ng explored. At togM, work gafety sent In 6 0 3 0 1 0 1 (A). Ricci (EC). T—10:42.3. NOEL Adair dry skin foot Bleyeks 11 For complete details and an interview appohirtment, 6346402 880 yard relay; Elast Catholic (Ar- creme. Lubricant for callouses, best-of-seven sbrles for toe North man Dr., Del Reynolds, 42 watch me In the Crosby next The tw o winners wiU repre­ these sanie points ag _ winning run. after Coven* TtaygiSt c 6 1 1 6 0 0 0 mentano, Kautz, MdDonncU. Dyer). (all Mr. Douglas Daring. Evening and Saturday In­ , dry skin, rough heels, legs./ 1967 HONDA CB 160. Low Stars. Glenwpod St., Carter Chevro­ year, and It’ll look like toe same sent the local house and ■will be also probe back Into the coves. |h^ the score knotted . 4 1 0 3 0 1 0 T-a;38.'<. terviews may be arranged. AHENTION POOL PLAYERS! 6 2 1 4 1 0 4 High lump; Welch i(EC). Alvano Sevens, soomes tired feet, mileage. Excellent condition. Ron Schbek scored toe winning let or to Fihll Hyde at Manches­ swing. It hasn’t changed In ap­ oompeUng against 360 bowlers B\>r white 'bass, alias s id le s Q^g tally. Hanaon,' rf 6 1 0 0 2 (A), Mahon (EC). Heleht—6-4., „ 03 Qtoim’s Pharmacy. Good summer transportation. goal at 2:60 of toe second over­ ter High. pearance. from other Brunswick-operated 4 0 0 2 2 1 0 Long lump; 'MHlto (E5C). Biackweil Wayne Gagnon cracked a 2 1 0 7 0 1 0 (EX3), Cflbeau (A). Distance—17-7V4. 646-1721. CJall (203) 565-8900 Billiard's World's Champion time. But there’s a difference In the center from all over toe United board and literally go looking m me third inn------‘-Z ~ Tripie lump: Gibeau (A), Welch States and Canada, Cruise along at a good ■44 10 14 30 9 7 9 (ECL 'Mahon (EC). Dlslanpe 60 early going. The muscles are r ,_____ « ^ r---- nwfnol^A/l Coventryitiy a h ----- ^uramobllos For Sato 4 iggg guama motoroyeie. i oc Out of town, call collect. WILLIE MOSCONI tlghtbr. Even hitting bolls you until you ttV a sclr^ creaL '?■ 0 1 2 V 'o vault: NEED CAR? Credit very bad? With electric starter also lafl- i^m ayh^ ^mrtad onUje me don’t get completely loose. It’s catch up with you. 45 i2 02 i 9 ? 4 g0 ?1 Bankrupt, repossession? Hon- ”dlo1. has. bogs. nmiCall after 8 o.m.p.m. 648-848 V E ^ U S not mental. You’re Just not In tjjjg point, you may need Yale Stops UCojiii i ? '9 i i g g (A)',~TlwilVlKan (A). DTa'lmicc—43-1. Douglas accepts lowest 7172 acoessorles. / Skeef Shooting righrint? mTrnWdle of wte ^ re U e f^ Ga^on^^^^^^^ ® 1 5 ? 9 ? Javciln: Glb^u (A). Jacques shape. Maybe your fingers are gome help. Even pros on the STORRS (A P ) — Captain Ed innings. Gagnon fanned four, SolensW,’ p-a£ i i 9 9 n A i ^A). Distance—1.^ down, smallest payments, any- /^u t h q RIZED Harley Davidson UNITED AIRCRAFT LARRY VISCIOTTI me activity. walked six while Pepin struck ^ ® ® ^ J g g g Discus;Cugno (A), MoClusky MANCHESTER fatter. It ’s a matter of co-ordl- ^our run into slump and have Goldstone led 'Yale to a 4-1 ^ i i ? g 2 (A).' Jaciiuco (EC). Distance — where. Not small loan finance icma zi 175 1967 Dry fly fishermen look for iii04 ^ Douglas Mo- !®'®® - . TWICE CONNECTICUT STATE CHAMP nation. You don’t feel quite double analyzing what their ba^ball victory over Coimecti- out two and gave_ up . one walk. Mamews,-- lb 6 1 1 12 0 0 0 3.4 company plan, Bonneville triumph, $1,026, 1966 surface bolls; muskle addicts Carl Lakes was______Charged^ wlte Rose, 2l^3b 6 0 4 1 1 0 1 ____ RESEARCH SPORTSMEN'S ASSOCIATION rlght, and you have to play into problems are. You want to cut .Friday with a grand slam tors, 346 Main. triumph, $826, 67\BBA, $826, 66 look for weeds; crapple fans reUef? ^ 9 10 08 13 6 8 In Exhibirion Play ~ Tuesday, May 7 —• 3:30 P.M. & 8 P.M. MERROW ROAD — NORTH COVENTRY It. make sure your game la headed homerun in the first Inning. „ie loss, also in relief. Scott Totals ~ ~ — - - _ . ^ . Matchless $776, 6'A Suzuki, $396, troll deep to discover hidden. Rhodes had relieved Bob Green, , • ...... 1“ ggg ?Z § SailUs Play Twice VOLKSWAGEN 1966, original There’s no specific point at in the right direction. That’s Connecticut relief pitcher BUf 1966 BMW, $960. ^ r l e y David­ brush.(Even on me vastness of had relieved Walt aB—(Shoades; 'HR*-G«*non: SB— haaeKnit owner, fully equipped 'Snodel LABORATORIES ADMISSION $2.00 PER PERSON EVERY SUNDAY AT 10:00 A.M. which you can suddenly hit. one wkere someone like the club pro Hogerty held the visitors to two me ocean, 'coastal charter g„,g_giH WeurMuro 3, ’ri^SaHut^^ Sit. J a rt^ School basel^l 1300. Best offer over $1,100. son Sales, 49 Park! Street, Hart­ Beginners, Novices and Skilled Shooters shot and say. ’’TOat was It. can fit li^o the scheme of your hits duHng the last 8 2-3 Innings. ford; 247-9774. sklppors keep meir eyes “ p ^ L runs In ^®“ ^ 'Vill play AssumpUon thlB Call 872-4900. United Aircraft Corporation ^ the CHAMPS at SPORTUND BILLIARDS . Invited To Use Our FacUlUM Everything fell into place there, early game. \ But the damage was already ed” for circling gulls working . *r.____ 6, , Pepin,_^ ^snskl, .Green 4, and I know It’ll be there to- A quick che^up can prevent done by Ooldstone’s seventh, over a school of bait game me fifm inning b, Warming House & Refreshments Available Am Equal Opportunity Employer , ' ^ 2S4 M irote TUtNPIKE WEST, MANCHESTER. CONN. ' morrow." You don’t play badly you from re-aqulrlng old, bod horfler of the year—-that one off fish are n$arby. .accounted lor me and hope that work and prac- habits. \ sophomore leftie Pete Carlin. rzvtklnir is the kev to muoh Kiywka fanned seven . — ...... - .-t —r i - _____ — ------fish in g.^ tesutf any walks. Hugh Camp- L^Sees ^ f t i - 3*l??9r bu^y at 2, a|so alt Mt. Nebo. 600 or best offer. 643-8024. after 6 p.m. ■ f i ■ » MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, MAY 4, 1968 fAOB TWILVB MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, MAY 4, 1968 PAGE THIRTEBN •Mp WaaMd— Hdp WmMd—IM* U H d p 36 ArtielM For Sola 4S HowhoM #00* 11 Rooms WIHiout Board 59 Butineu LocoHo m Businoss Proporty Housos For Solo 72 Oot Of Town Oot O f Tovni - ready MAPLE diidng rodm, 6 chairs, 38 ______or 37 GERT’S a gay girl gURNlSRED room, light house- For Solo 75 ONE TREE climber and one for a whirl after cleaning two leaves. Excellent condition. For Rent M For Sole 70 BERRY'S WORLR For Solo 71 CA8HIBR WANTBO}. Apply af­ DRAFTSMAN -^rchltectual. HAIRDRESSERS wanted, open­ keeping. Near Main Street. Wo------^------— CLASSIFIED Qualified to prepare complete ground man . wanted, experi­ carpets with Blue Lustre. $160. Clall 649-1606. MANCHESTER ter 1 p.m. dally. Strand Thea­ ings for'hairdressers at Magic man only. (Jail 649-7969 after —Spruce Street LAND and buildings for lease SOUTH WINDSOR — rambUng enced only need apply, top Bent electric shampooer $1. 216. SmaU store, heated, $75 BOUTON —Large cuatom boNt tre, Hartford. 622-4514. working drawliQfs from concept Mirror. Apply In person. M»S- 5 p.m. or sale; suitable tor lumber­ ten room Ranch, Breeseway, 2 wages to right man. Call 648- Paul’s Paint A Wallpaper Sup­ monthly. Call 247-4046. Must Sell Immediately! Split Level, 7 rooms, fireplace. sketches. Outstanding op­ Ic Mirror Beauty Studio, 767 yard, boat company, camping car'garage, 2 kitchens; one n o 4. SINGER ZIG-ZAG Ilk baths, 8-oar garage. Only WANTED — Middle-aged wom­ portunity for versatile person Main St., Manchester. ply. COMFORTABLE room for g«n- t w o r a v ------U n c ;------supplies, ' lawiunowers and and two half baths, fireplace, ADVERTISING an one day a week to do house­ to grow with building system tleman, private eatrance^ free R ai^e with 1 extra Price DrasUcally Reduced $24,900. Hutchins Agency, Real­ MAN wantisd to work in lum- tractors, cold bulk storage. aluminum siding, laige Wood- work, call 648-1)^2. manufacturer constructor. Sal­ Sewing machine, sllghUy parWiig, 14H Hackmatack St. parkade, Ideal Bolton. Showroom and office. tors, 040-6$24. ber jrard. Must have driver’s RIDING lawn mower. Call af­ ______ed lot. Cfoar-Bon Realty, 648- CLA8SIF1BD ADYERTOINO DEPT. HOURS > ary open. Call 286-9661. used, monograms, makes between 6-9------p.m. for any small business. 186 Mid­ Call 626-0010. Don't miss this one. Gor­ license. Davis A Bradford Lum­ dle Tpke. (foil 646-6206, 648-6802. ANDOVER — 6 room Cape, 2 ______8 A J L I* 4 iM P JI. CAB DRIVER ter 4 p.m. 742-8261 buttonholes, sews buttons geous 8 room Raised Ranch. RELIABLE woman to clean one ber Oc., 200 Tolland St., East on, blind hems dresses, all r o o m for lady or gentleman, MANCHESTER Green — com­ Wall to wail carpeting, ex­ baths, lakefront view. Only vERNON — Recent 6H room MEN part-time for Janitor and FLOOR MODEL ha.nd miller. day a week. Call 648-7186. floor waxing work, 6 days, 6 Hartford. without attachments. Our 6 quiet, convenient location. 224 mercial, Industrial, residential tra clean throughout. Rock- $16,600. Norman S. Hohenthal, Ranch, garage, bullt-lnz, full Man or woman driver for One power hacksaw. Call af­ year parts and service (Jharter Oak Street, 643-9368. n e w l y r e m o d e l e d office ledge ' area, 2-car garage, Realtor, 646-1166. COPY CLOSING T im FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. p.m. to 11 p.m. Call 646-6M. PART-ITME JOBS from 860. to package. Look this one over; beisement, immaculate, $18,600. LADT for general laundry, work, Saturdays and Sundays. De­ ter 6 p.m., 1-876-6076. guarantee. on Main St., $66. Call 643-9678. (A) large building with 10,000 aluminum siding. Open 4iN PJL DAT naPOU PimiOAnOM $70. weekly, permanent posi­ ATTRACTITVE sleeping room, WnfTBRQSED home on Bolton Meyer Agency, 643-0609. full or part-time. Apply New PRESSMAN — experienced on pendable person with good ------—^------square feet with plenty of po- House 2-6 p.m. 21 Arnott tion, 8-4 hours per evening, car TOBACCO netting. Good fw gentlemen. Private entrance. Lake, 88’ frontage on lake, ax- Dmi4IIm tor tetartar Mi4 MmiAb^T !• 4iM Pi»> System Laundry, 44 Hairlson mulU-llst or ATF chief. Good driving record for Manches­ Rd. SOUTH WINDSOR —Birch Hill, needed. Phone 649-6809 between lawns, trees, and berry bush Complete Price $58.40 Shower bath. Free parking. Ap­ Houses For Rent 45 (B) a four family ceDent income ptadueer. T.J. St., Manchester. working eondlUons. Free park­ ter area. • house and (C) vacant "C ” zoni 7 room Raised Ranch, 2-car 6-8 p.m. covers. Call Rockville Scral> ply, 196 Spruce Street. (foeekett. Realtor, 648-1677. ing on premises. Excellent em­ Or payments of $6.84 per HOUSES for rent, furnished or ed lot which could be used for - garage, 2 baths,.. large family Company, 872-6687. room, carpeting, many extras. DIALM »1711 ploye benefits. Salary com­ month. Call Capitol Sewing r o o m s available for rent, free unfirnlshed starting at $176. parking _ etc. Subject to zoning. H. M. FRECHETTE GLASTONBURY — Lwcury cus­ mensurate with ability. See 107 Burnside Ave. MEN’S rebuilt shoes —they are Mgr., Till 9 P.M. Call col­ kitchen privileges Including Phllbrick Agency, T. J. Crockett, Realtor, 643 tom crafted seven room Ranch, Owner-Broker 643-6129. ROUTE SALESMEN Realty personnel department, week­ better than cheap new ones! lect if toll. washer and dryer, free park- ®*®"5347. 1577. over-looking Eleventh hole, MORE THAN comfortable year 'ContiniMd From Pio c m IIiis Pogo NIGHT East Hartford 647-0693 days 8:16 to 4:16. Security in­ Sam Yuyles, 28 Oak St. ing. OenUemen only. 643-1668, IMMACJULATE 6 room Mlnneclmug Golf course. Two 'round living In this 4 room We have excellent mutes Ranch surance, 1000 Asylum Avenue, 246-2140 643-1664. full baths, 2 car garage. Beauti­ Ranch situated on waterfront available in Manchester near Parkade. One or two old­ iMovinc H d p FIGURE CLERK Hartford. “L ful large lot. Bel Air Real Es­ property overlooking Cfoventry area for ambitious men who er chlldrqn, no pets. $146. Inveitment Properly $18,600 —Immaculate 6 room PART-TIME evenings ^ Man Boats and AecMserlM 46 r o o m with kitchen privileges. tate 643-9332. Lake. 8 years young with built- 20 M ASSISTANT night dispatcher. can sell our nationally ad­ monthly. Write Box "A ” , Man­ For Solo 70-A' Ranch. Paneled recreation FOR WAREHOUSE OFFICE and wife to do Janitorial duUes, TWIN BEDS, mahogany; maple Centrally located. Mrs. Dorsey, in oven and range, modern Salary plus benefits. See Mr. vertised dairy products. We chester Herald. room with raised hearth fire­ MANCHESTER Delivery—light MATURE WOMAN to work full 624-0620. FOR SALE — $486. Boat, motor, dining table, 4 black arrowback 14 Arch Street. MANCHESTER — Investment bath, most attractive fireplace Warshauky, Gaer Brothers, offer steady employment, place, large lot with trees. trucking and package delivery, time in specialized cheese suid trader, accessories. 16H’ Cris- chairs; AM-FM radio; miscel­ POu r ROOM large Ranch. Fur­ package. 8-6 duplex plus 6 room VERNON along with utmost comfortable 140 Rye Street, South Windsor. g^iarantee minimum of $100 REAL ESTATE sales • full-time. Hutchins Agency, Realtors, Refrigerators, washers a n d gourmet shop. Apply In per- No Experience Required craft, 36 h.p. Johnson, Hale and laneous Items. Call after 6:30 nished or unfurnished. Knotty single. Leonard Agency, Real­ enclosed porch, plus full base­ weekly, based on salary Experienced. Part-time con­ Apartments— Floti— 649-5324. Two years old, 7 room Gar­ stove moving, specialty. Fold- son. Swiss Colony, Manchester Hardy tilt trailer. 644-0263 after p.m-, all day Saturday, 646- pine interior, (fonvenient loca­ tors, 646-0469. ment and garage. $17,900, Wol­ plus commission, with op­ sidered. Tract homes. Pasek, rison Colonial, 4 bedroSms, ing chairs for rent. 646-0762. Farkade. Must Be Able To Start At 6 p.m. '■ 0068. Tenement! 43 tion. Working adults. 643-6389. verton Agency Realtors, 646- portunity to earn much MLS Realtors, 286-7476. MANCHESTER — 9 room older spacious living room, for­ MANCHESTER, business block 2813. 11 P.M. YOUNG MAN more. Excellent company 14’ FIBERGLAS, 36 h.p. elec­ THREE room garden apart­ home, iVi baths, 2-car garage, mal dining room, family with 6 apartments and 4 stores. excellent condition, near cen­ paid benefits Including tric. Tilt bed trailer. Fully ROLL—AWAY BED, $10. Call ment, $130. a month including styled kitchen with com­ Painting— Poporing 21 Out of Town This property is In excellent ter. Only $21,600. Hayes Agen­ SOUTH WINDSOR Excellent Benefits and life Insurance, hospitaliza­ PART-TIME equipped. Call 289-7044 after 6 after 6 p.m., 643-7068. heat. Paul W. Dougan, Realtor, condition and shows a good re­ plete bullt-ln.s, 1% baths, INTERIOR and exterior paint­ OPPORTUNITY ______For Ron! 44 cy 646-0131. BANK Working Conditions tion and accident-sickness p.m 649-4636. turn. (foil for details. Hayes fireplace, one car attached SCENIC TREED LOT ing and papering. Call Phil benefits. R(XJKVILLE — 3*^ room fur­ Agency, 646-0131. SEVEN ROOM older home, ex­ garage, patio, combination MORNING HELP 16’ MARINE plywood boat, 46 lo o k in g for anything In Surrounds this custom built, Denoncourt, 742-6178. OF A LIFE TIME ! 1 Moehlnory ond Took 52 nished apartment, second windows, city utilities. Ex­ Proof machine operator. W A O TfiD h.p. outboard, trailer, skis and real estate rentals — apart­ © 1941 ky NEA, Inc. cellent condition, on bus line. 4 bedroom Colonial which Applicants should be mar­ GARDEN TRACTOR with mow- floor. Nice location and yard, TWO STORES, 2 apartments, Property includes 2 extra build­ cellent value at only $26,500. L. PELLETIER — PainUng — Convenient day time hours. many extras. 649-3022. ments, homes, multiple dwell­ good Income, $32,900 Phllbrick features 2 baths, built-ins, FIRST Learn a new business. ried, over 21 and be able to MALE OR FEMALE er. Also r'ototiller. Call after 4 $105. monthly. 875-7362. "It's great to be active again! Only exercise I've bad all ing lots. Marion E. Robertson, interior and exterior, papering Call for appointment. The ings, no fees. Call J. D. Real Agency, Realtors, 649-6347. 2 fireplaces, 3 zone heating, sell and give service to the p.m., 742-8261. v winter is turning the TV dial." Realtor, 643-6963. and paper removal, fully in­ South Windsor Bank A Trust Paid while you learn. 11 A.M. TO 2 P.M. Estate, 643-6129. U & R REALTY CO. Inc. 2 garages, etc. Here Is a sured. 643-6043, and 649-6326. NATIONAL public. Horlsts— Nursorlos 49 Co.. 289-7407. APPLY IN PERSON Resort Property MANCHESTER — 3 bedroom 643-2692 home with character! Mid Take over your own store MANCHESTER — 4 room apart­ $30's. Call 649-6306. INSIDE-outside painting. Spe­ as manager. POTTED tomato plants, also by 54 For Rent 67 foyer entrance Cape, attached ROBERT D. MURDOCK STORES, INC For Interview apply: A iiH q i ment. Convenient location. V Houses For Sole 72 For Sole 72 Houses For Sale 72 garage, 100x160 lot. Ride by cial rates for people over 66. the dozen, cabbage and lettuce Stove, refrigerator and heat REALTOR 643-6472 Call my competitors, then call OPPORTUNITY CALLINO! It's hard work, the hours M cD o n a l d plants. 048-0609, Krause Green­ (XOCKS bought, sold, traded, (XITTAGES for rent —Gardner SEVEN ROOM CJolonlal featur- 47 Walker St. Only $26,600. Paul B & W PARK A OAKLAND AVES. furnished, $160 per month. MANCHESTER — New listing, me. Estimates given. 646-7863, Great demand for TV ad­ are long but If you are SEALTEST FOODS house, 621 Hartford Rd. expert repairing. Colonial Lake. Modern, lakefront, free Ing 4 bedrooms, 1V4 baths, 2- Plano, 646-0191. Hayes Agency, 646-01$l. 122,000—7 ROOM, 1002 Garrison 2-famlly, 4-4 flats, conveniently BARROWS and WALLACE Co. 876-8401. vertised AVON Cosmetics. EAST HARTFORD. CONN. dedicated this is a rare op- C!lock Shop, 382 Main St., rear. brochure, pictures. Arrowhead car garage, wall to wall, beau- (folonlal, 4 bedrooms, fireplace, ELLINGTON — 6V4 room 113 Siunmlt St., Manchester DRIVEJN YEWS — 60 c^ to - $3.00. Dig located. $19,600. Leonard Agon- IMMACULATE well kept Manchester Parkade Turn spare time into money. porttmity for a solid future. Old clocks only. Open 10 a.m.- WE HA'VX! customers waiting, Grove, Route 354. (folchester. Uful sunporch, fireplace, large f Ranch, (fonvenient location. 647-1484 your own, afternoons or eve­ m batha, aluminum elding, cy. Realtors, 646-0469, ask fov ready for occupancy when Manchester 649-6306 JOSEPH P. LEWIS — custom Earn good, steady income near 46 W. Center Street 9 p.m. Sundays open till 6 (or the rental of your apart­ Conn. 242-9278, 848-7178. walk-up attic, new roof, re­ trees, privacy, suburban. ‘ Close to everything. BulIt-ins. painting, interior and exterior, Restaurant experience help­ nings. 408 Oakland Road, Wap- cently painted. Value like this Judy Libby. say. Six room Cape situated on home. Women In your neigh­ Interviews Dally, 9:80-4 P.M. p.m., closed Tuesday and ment or home. J. D. Real Es­ Hutchins Agency, Realtors, 040- Nice treed lot, only $16,600. TOLLAND — six room Ranch paperhanging, wallpaper re­ WAITRESSES — Days and ful but not necessary. Manchester, Conn. ping. 644-1900. (XJVENTRY LAKE —lakeside % acre treed lot. Three or four borhood waiting to buy. No Wednesday. tate ,'•643-6129. In an area equally as fine. 6324. MANCHESTER — new custom Hayes Agency, 646-0131. 4 bedrooms, 1V4 baths, 2 fire­ moved. Wallpaper books on re­ nights. Apply Harry's Piz­ ■ « cottage, modern, all conven­ Gorgeous yard, $25,500. Wol- bedrooms, lovely fireplace experience needed. Call 286- Prefer married msm in An Equal Opportunity FLOWER and vegetable plants built 8 room Colonial located with raised hearth, full walk places. 2% acres of land, ga­ quest. Fully insured. Free es­ za, 882 Main St. 649-6689. WANTED TO BUY — antiques, t h r e e rooms lor rent, second iences, some select dates still vertoii Agency, Realtors, 648- BOLTON CENTER — We offer 4922 today. early twenties but will con­ Employer in new prestige neighborhood, rage. $22,300. (foil 649-3252.' timates. Call 646-9668. cemetery pots, dish gardens. steins, furniture, pewter, lead­ floor with heat. No pets. $lio available. 643-6930. out basement. Assufnable mort­ this'6 room ranch with attach- COOK for convent dinner hour sider serious minded single Open weekdays after 3 p.m., all 2813. 2ti baths, double garage, SECRETARY for busy sales HAIRDRESSER wanted, full or ed lamps, art glass, primitives, per month. Call 643-9601. ___ , MANCHESTER gage, IPT, $119. Owner wants ed garage on a large wooded ANDOVER — We are proud to ■ only. 6 day week, tor several man. . day Saturday and Sunday. 21 COTTAGE on Lake Balch, East TjoRnrirw _Oiialitv built 6A4 Hayes Agency, 646-0131. executive. Interesting work, part-time. Call 643-6808. any quantity. 644-8962. fast sale. $19,200, Wolverton lot for your Inspection. weeks. Manchester Green area. .^^VER BRAZER — assemble Angel Street. Wakefield, New Hampshire Colonial, assumable Agency Realtors, 649-2813. . offer this huge (follfornla aliNCondlUoned office. 876-3886. And braze, small assemblies. siding, central, Will listen to SIX ROOM (fope. Rolling Park Features 3 bedrooms, dining ranch home with 13 rooms on TransportaUon necessary. Good REPLY BOX "L” FOUR ROOM flat. Adults only. with boat. Good fishing and mortgage. Principals only. 643- All benefifo paid. Blue Cross, EVERGREENS for sale — less offers. area, 2 full baths, fireplace, SOUTH MAIN St. area — 5 and room, living room with fire­ 3 acres of secluded, wooded PAINTING SECRETARY FOR local law of­ hourly rate. No fee. Call Mrs. 643-8830. swimming. Rate reasonable, 7432. CMS, life and health Insurance, SltucrtloM Wantod— than wholesale prices. Dig your W antod To Buy 58 large cedar closet, enclosed 5 flat, with 2-car garage, sell­ place. Electric heat. Beautiful land. As you can imagine the fice. Write B «c “ OG". Man­ Skelley, 278-1684. Manpower, Manchester Evening Herald 044-1693 for open dates. reUrement. Apply AeroM- ______Fomalo 38 own — only between 8 - 12 Seven Room Colonial — Pitkin yard, good condition, $20,600. ing for $19,900. T. J. Crockett patio. A quiet safe yard for facilities are too many to INTERIOR & EXTERIOR chester Evening Herald. Inc. An equal opportunity em­ HOUSEHOLD lots — Antiques ERRCiH St. — 6 room duplex. Street. Asking $19,900. neUcs, 218 Hartford Rd. noon. .71 Spencer St., next to near school and shopping, call GIANT’S NECK Heights, 4 room Owner, 649-0678, no agents. Realtor, 643-1677. young children. Only $10,600. describe in one small ad. This ployer. HIGH SCH(X)L senior desires bric-a-brac, clocks, ffames, Call Doris Smith, Jarvis Real­ Holiday Lanes Bowling Alley. glassware. We buy estates. Vil­ 246-1816. cottage,^ 2 bedroom, 2 baths, home must be seen to be ap­ CARPENTERS and carpenter's baby sitting or mother’s help­ PRE-VUE Zoned for Business — 4-4 two t jjr e E BEDROOM Cape, fire ty Cfo., Realtor, 643-1121. WOMAN wanted for babysitting lage Peddler, Auctioneer, 420 large sundeck. Sleeps 7. $90 family. Asking $19,900. Needs preciated. (foil Mr. Cfonvertlno Bookkeeper-Saleswoman helpers. Call John R. Wenner- er for summer. Call 643-7976. HIGHLAND OAK Village — Im­ per week. Mrs. (forter, 742-8142. place, built-ins, garage. Ray Lots For Sola 73 for an appointment to inspect T.]. FLANAGAN 4 days per week. Verplanck Lake St., Bolton. 64f-3247. Drop over to Redwood work. Owner will listen to of­ EAST HARTFORD — Ranch 6V, school area. Call 647-1678 after ASSEMBLY gren Co. 643-6803. mediate occupancy. Deluxe 2 Holcombe, Realtors, 844-1285. this gorgeous home today. Jar­ Part - Time Saleswoman WILL GIVE excellent care to Housohold Goods 51 MISQUAMICUT, Rhode Island Farms on Hlllstown Road fers. EXTRA large building lots, de­ rooms large modern kitchen, 3 6. WE BUY'and sell antiques, and bedroom, wall to wall carpet­ vis Realty (fo.. Realtor, 648- & SONS PART-TIME truck driver, and child, age 2-6 weekdays. Call this Sunday afternoon. Rick $17,900 — 6 room Ranch. Beauti­ sirable Look-Out Mountain bedrooms, excellent condition, used furniture, china, glass sil­ ing, dishwasher, disposal, other — Summer Resort. Stanton Three Family — Good Income. 1121. Manchester jewelry store MEN stock clerk, hours 1-6:80, apply 643-2661. 1968 SINGER zlg zag sewing Merritt will be on the pre­ fully paneled family room. area, owner 649-8782. $23,600. Phllbrick Agency Real- 5\illy Insured PART-ITME tellers wanted for ver, picture frames, old coins, extras. $170. per month. Call Realty, Realtors. We have two, Call us for more information. desires two women over 21. in person. Alcar Auto Parts, machine, slightly used, button mises to show you these Large lot with trees and view. ------^------tors, 649-5347. local bank. Experience prefer­ CAPABLE OF WORKING holes, hems, monograms, etc. guns, pewter, scrap gold, J.D. Real Estate Co., 643-5129. three and four bedroom cot­ LAND WITH road frontage, on ______BOLTON NOTCH area 4 room One as a full-time combina­ 226 Spruce St. Manchester. fine homes and plans by L. Hutchins Agency, Realtors, 649- red but will train qualified '6 years guarantee. Total price watches, old Jewelry, hob­ tages rentable for one, two or Buckland Road, Manchester, CXJVENTRY — Nick has spent Ranch. Owner, call after 6 :80 tion bookkeeper-saleswoman person. Write Box. "J ” . Man­ FROM BLUEPRINTS Dog»—Birds— Pots 41 4<^ ROOM duplex, heat, hot more weeks for your summer and M. Homes. Where else ANDOVER 6324. (Liability, property, workman’s SCREW MACHINE operator. $64. Easy terms. CMl 622-0931, by collections, paintings, attic ' Phllbrick Agency, Realtors some time In the (foventry pm . 647-1603.______and the other as a sales^ chester Herald. water, stove, refrigerator fur­ vacation. Winnapaug Road, In Manchester can you get comp.) Set up and operate. All bene­ GROOUmo ALL brMds. Har­ dealer. contents or whole estates. Fur- Owners Retiring to Bahamas— JUST REDUCED — $23,900. Six 649-5347. woman for Thursday eve­ nished. $180. a month. 2-year Misquamicut, R. I. Tel. 1-401- a fine new home priced In area and he brought back COLUMBIA — oversized Cape, fits. Apply Dean Machine Prod­ mony m u. H.C. Chaaa, Hebron nltiu-e Repair Service, 643-7449. Anxious to sell. Large L-Shap- room Ranch, bullt-ins, reo these two listings. One is a 4 nings sind all day Satur­ BABY SITTER — Monday BRIDGEPORT lease, plus security. Call 646- 696-2886. the low to upper twenties? WOODED building lot, 160’x250’ 7 rooms, 2 full baths, family Call anytime for free estimates.^ ucts, 102 Colonial Rd. Rd., Bolton, 048-8427. ed Ranch. 2-car garage. Acre room, 2 fireplaces, garage, room ranch with large lot and days. Apply Shoor Jewelers, through Friday In my home. WANTED — Boat trailer, large 0090. We have already sold a sur­ average. Rural residential room, large lot, garage, Idetd .617 Main Street, Manches­ Must provide own transporta- PRIVACY under the pines. Lit- treed lot. Bonus . . . 22’x82' many extras, acre lot. Mitten lake privileges on Morin AVe., for large family. $23,900. Phil- OPERATORS EXPERIENCED TRACTOR CUTE LITTLE kittens need a enough to handle lightening sail prising number of these zone. $4,600. Paul W. Dougan, ter. Uon. Call between 6 and 8 p.m., Sewing Machines MODERN 3 room apartment, all tle Sebago Lake, Gray, Maine, greenhouse completely equip­ Agency, .Realtors, 643-6930. at $13,900 and the other Is a brick Agency Realtors, 649- trailer driver. Apply In person. good home. Call 649-9286 after boat. Call Russell’s Barber homes, and are still weeks Realtor, 649-4535. 6434949 . 649-1986. utilities furnished. Call 643- (near Portland), sleeps 6, ped. Ready made business. ranch with 4 rooms, 2 car ga­ 5347. Ctd-lson’s Express, Inc., 66 Hil­ 6 p.m. CLEARANCE Shop, 649-9669. away from our formal open­ 0204. private beach, $100. weelcly. Bank appraisal $32,000: Being rage and many other ameni­ LATHE liard St., Manchester. ing. Come, pick your plan 100’ LOT WITH 180’ depth. A DIAL your way to profits. Tele­ DACHSHUND puppies, AKC, NEW ZIG-ZAG’S WANTED — Cigar Bands of fol­ 644-0380. and your lot now for early sold for $23,900. Call for more MANCHESTER GREEN zone, water only. T.J. Crockett ties for only $14,900. In today’s Holp Wantod—Mala 36 black and reds, several litters SIX ROOM duplex — available details. market, these prices are hard phoning customers of the Ful­ lowing brands. Will pay twenty occupancy. These are truly Six room Colonial with at­ Realtor, 643-1677. Wantod— Rool Estata 77 ler Brush Company from your OPERATORS ready to go, paper trained and Never used, makes button­ cents per hundred. Fllterela, June 1st. on busline. Parking to beat, (foil the Jarvis Real­ Falnring Fgptring 21 MECHANIC — farm tractor and fine values. 32 Acres—Long frontage—trees tached, enclosed porch, 2- SELLING YOUR HOME? Wo home. Excellent .profits. Call LEARN TO DRIVE healthy. Also Pekingese and holes, monograms, sews Medalist, Phillies, Garcia Y for two cars. Adults only. No Wantod To Roht 68 COVENTRY — 100’ tro^l^ build­ ty Co., Realtors, 643-1121. small engines. Call South Wind­ aplenty. $30,000. will consider car garage. Must be sold at buy homes, lots and acreage. PAINTINO — Interior and ex­ 247-1946. Welmaraners. 1-628-6678. buttons on, makes fancy pets, (foil 646-1963. ing lot, reasonable. Owner, 643- sor Equipment Co., Internation­ TRACTOR TRAILER Vega, Admiration, Webster, QUIET, refined lady would like less. once, $20,600. BOLTON Residential listings appreciat­ terior, very reasonable, free stitches, overcasts, all with­ Call Peter Magrel, 60 Home­ BELFIORE AGENCY 6724. al Harvester dealer. 289-3406 TRAINEES ADORABLE miniature poodle 3 room heated apartment with ed. Austin Chambers, Realtor, estimates. Call Richard GIRL TO be assistant director out attachments. Our 6 year , stead Street, Msmehester, 649- Looking for something differ­ days or evenings after 6 p.m., puppies. AKC registered. 646- Businoss Locations stove and refrigerator. St. Realtors 643-5121 WARREN E HOWLAND h e b r o n — London Rd.. 200x “IN-LAW ’ - EXECUTIVE MLS, 643-2326. Martin; 649-9286, 649-4411. of a YiW.C.A. day camp. Must NO EXPERIENCE parts and service guaran­ 1687. Amounts unlimited. ent? 7 room Ranch, flat roof, 649-0767, attention George 7406. ' Bridget parish preferred. Call 400, well, sceptic tank. $2,900. be over 21 and have a W.S.I. tee. For Rant 64 large rec room, only $16,900. - 16 room rambling Colonial- Sadd. INSPECTOR 649-7221, between 9-3, Monday- 643-1108 Terms. Goodchlld-BarUett, SELLING "VOUR HOME? For certificate. Call Courtney Wil­ NECESSARY Call early. Ranch of quality craftsman­ prompt courteous service that EX’nfiRIOR HOUSE painting. cox, 286-4877. FOR AIRCRAFT PARTS CHILD’S pedal driven tractor. STORAGE SPACE- for rent, Friday. Realtors, 289-0939, 289-9161, 649- ONE ALL GINGER kitten, two Complete Price $38.60 BOULDER RD —3 bedroom ship, superb decor and pic­ gets results, call Louis Dimock Reasonable. Call 649-7696. Call 649-6840. can also be used for small ______4266. Train locally on modem WORKING couple would like Colonial, 1% baths, rec room, turesque setting. Ideal “ In­ Realty, 649-9823. COOKS Paid holidays. Paid vacations. ginger and white. Call 648-7781. work shop. Call 643-9678. COVENTRY 6-4 DUPLEX with separate Overtime and liberal company equipment. Full or part- Or payments of $3.86 per house with large yard, have a 2-car garage, beautifully set on law” arrangement. For de­ KEYPUNCH time, day or evening. Sure •UCC SMALL miniature poodles month. Call Capitol Mgr. heat, nice condition. Only $24,- tails call Mr. Lewis or Mrs. TIRED OF Showing. . . . And benefits. Apply at Rooms W Iriiouf Boewd 59 FOR RENT or sale-461 Main dog. Call 872-0318. 1.76 acres, full of stately shade immaculate 4 room Ranch 6000. Norman S. Hohenthal, Land For Rent 73>A Hoor Fhilshliig 24 SHORT ORDER COOKS training program wiU quali­ — male and female, 6 weeks. collect if toll. trees, Manchester premier wooded lot, $12,600. Hunter, 649-5306. $58,000. showing? Are they looking you Street. Building and lot next Realtor, 646-1166. OPERATORS fy you for higher income, Good with children. Call 6)9- neighborhood, assumable 6% ______RENT FREE first year, 4% over as a Sunday sport? Better FLOOR SANDING and refinlsh- THE THOMPSON House — Obt~- to Post Office. Excellent loca­ in the trucking industry. ^ 1116. 246-2140 per cent mortgage. Bel Air This Won’t Last—64 foot Ranch, MANCHESTER acres farmland. 400 yards east. let us screen those prospects Ing (specializing in older Will start at top dollar. A . Patten Co. tage St. centrally located, large tion for any use. 646-2426 from Apartment Buildings spacious 7 B & W Hours 4 :30 to 11 p.m. Excel pleasantly furnished rooms^ Real Estate, 643-9332. 6 years old, 4 bedrooms, large Oak Forrest Intersection, East for you. We bring discriminat­ floors). Inside painting. Paper­ FULL-TIME DAYS 9 to 5 p.m. For Solo 69 room home. Excellent location, BARROWS and WALLACE Co. lent working conditions. 303 Wetherell St. Approved for training vet- MINIATURE poodle —ador- parking. Call 649-2868 for over­ living room, kitchen, dining double garage, aluminum sid­ Hartford. Call 643-0632. ing, interested, qualified buy­ hanging. No Job too small. erans. able black male, AKC regis­ PART-TIME NIGHTS night and permanent guest 8n MAIN Street, ground floor b OLTON - 6 unit apartment *22,600, 8 ROOM Ranch, 4-bed- room, only $19,900. ing, large rooms, bus line, 1% Manchester Parkade ers to see a property. . .with­ John Verfaille, 646-6760. Manchester, Conn. tered. Priced at $76 for quick USED Singer automatic zig-zag _ AM - . ... _____ A...A * rooms, bullt-lns, vaA/tVaAnfl/Xnrecreation rates. office suite. 376 square feet, house situated on approximate­ baths. Hayes Agency, 646-0131. Manchester 649-5306 out bothering the owner. Keith with cabinet. Excellent condi­ room, garage, large lot. Near Must be experienced Alpha- MARCO POLO CALL HARTFORD sale. Call 649-9464.______containing 3 rooms, private ly 4 acres. Lots of potential. Resort PProperty Real Estate, 649-1922. tion. Makes buttonholes, mono­ -bus and shopping. • Hutchins ROUTE 85, Hebron. 79 acre Numeric IBM keypuncher. RESTAURANT REFRIGERATION service lavatory, air-conditioned. Ad­ All rented. T. J. Crockett, SEVEN ROOM Colonial with Bonds— Stoehs grams, hems, etc. without at­ Agency Realtors, 649-6324. H. M. Frechette 2-car garage on a large lot in For Sale 74 farm with 8 room hoiwe, 2 ALL CASH for your property Company offers excellent man or apprentice wanted for 247-1353 ANYTIME YEAR OLD male St. jacent to bank. Ideal for pro­ Realtor. 643-1677. MoWgagot 27 Bernard. tachments. Originally over $300. ideal location on dead-end COVENTRY Lake — 4 room large barns. Approximately 660 within 24 hours. Avoid red wages and working condi­ 289-2704 local established company. Call 742-8262. NOTICE fessional, Insurance or real EAST CENTER ST., 9 room 644-1611. balance now $69.60. Assume estate office. CaU 640-0097. street. Large living room 'With summer cottage. Excellent feet on State highway, stream tape. Instant service. Hayes SECOND MORTGAGE — Un- tions, convenient free park­ house, C zoned, for doctor’s of­ Realty . on property, good for horses monthly payments of $9. PUBUC HEARING fireplace, formal dining room, area, close to water, beautiful­ Agency, 646-0131. limited funds available for sec­ ing, in-plant cafeteria and EXPERIENCED concrete curb AKC registered poodle puppies, Buslnass Froparty fices, 2 or 3 families, 136’ or beef. Cfompletely fenced, ad­ monthly.’ Call 622-0476 dealer. BOARD OF DIRECTORS STORE FOR RENT — down HELEN COLE four bedrooms, paneled rec ly treed lot. Only $6,900. Hayes ond mortgages, payments to above average benefits. BRIDGEPORT operators, day and sidewalk workers. Charles champion show background, 4 frontage. Hutchins Agency, jacent to state forrest. Immedi­ PRIVATE party wishes to 'TOWN OF town Manchester, State For Sola 70 room with fireplace. Shown by Agency, 646-0131. suit your budget. Expedient shift. All benefits paid. Blue Ponticelli, 649-9644. black or silver, minlature/s, SEWING MACHINES — Singer 649-5324. BEA MILLETTE ate occupancy. T. J. Crockett purchase multiple dwelling. Cross, CMS, life and health in­ ACCOUNTANT reasonable. 643-6668. MANCHESTER, Theatre Bldg. Inquire Manag- appointment only. 649-4437. service, J. D. Realty, 648-6129. automatlg zig-zag with cabinet, ei'. State Theatre. 643-7832. ADAMS ST. — vacant machine ____ AL MARTIN ASHFORD LAKE — 26 miles Realtor. 643-1677. 643-8446. FIRST NATIONAL surance, retirement. Apply MAN WANTED part-time. Ap­ excellent condition, button CONNECTICUT shop with 10,000 square feet » ^ N C ^ S T E R HORACT BOWERS SCHOOL area — four ..u ply in person, Capitol Equip­ Street—6 room Cape, l»/4 baths, HEr M FRECHETTE east of Manchester off Route STORES Aeroklnetics, 218 Hartford Rd. SENIOR ^ holes, hems, embroiders, sews 'Tuesday, May 7, 1968 on one floor, 2 acres of land. bedroom, center entrance (fo­ ment Co., 38 Main Street. hot water heat. Immediate oc- 44, shore front lots. Other Brtnott Opportunity 2B Artlelos F^ Solo 45 buttons. Originally over $320. The Board of Directors will 2-famlly house included, sensi­ 647-9993 lonlal. Lot 63x151. Spacious Comer Park A Oakland Aves. A-Line Tradition cupancy, $18,900. Will finance. choice sites- Easy terms. Ar­ P^HLLIPS Petroleum Co. has a Will take $60.60 cash. City conduct a public session TuM- bly priced. Must sell, T. J. cheerful kitchen, separate din­ thur A. Knofla, 643-5440, 649- East Hartford A skilled professional is DRIVERS for school buses, PROCESSED gravel for’ drive­ day. May 7, 1968 from 9:00 o-m. Owner, 1-873-8631 evenings. modem 8 bay service station Sewing Center, 622-0476: Crockett, Realtor, 643-1677. ing room, living room, fire­ 6938. needed to augment our Manchester schools, 7:30 - 8:46 ways and parking areas. Also to 11:00 a.m. In the Municipal for lease. Excellent opportu­ COLONIAL BOARD Co. a.m. and 2;ie - 3:46 p.m. Ex­ PORTER Street—Immaculate 2- place, good closet space, walk------j------staff. College or accounting bank run gravel and fill at CLEAN, USED refrigerators, Building Hearing Room to liear bedroom (folonlal. Sunporch. nity, paid training program. DENTAL ASSISTANT — ex­ cellent part-time for third shift comments and - suggestions up attic, 1% baths, oil hot wa- BOLTON LAKE, Bolton K iu iJ U eiC A school required along with our screening plant or deliv­ ranges, automatic washers fireplace, garage. Close to bus. room summer home secluded., Call 236-3770 after 6 p.m. or perienced preferred but will Skilled and Unskilled workers or rsUred persons. We from the public. ter heat. All this plus 2 connect­ experience in the general ered. George H. Grifflng, Inc. with guarantees. See them at Perfect Pillow FOREST HILLS hideaway, near water, 3 bed­ 1-201-877-8100. train. Knowledge of typing and train you. 648-2414. 742-7886. Future sessions will be held shopping and school. Char-Bon rooms in basement, profes COUNTRY accounting field. In addition B. D. Pearl’s Appliances, 649 Realty, 643-0683. rooms, only $9,800 Hayes office procedure. Write Box Excellent wages, full-time,' the first Tuesday of each sionally finished, electrically MOBILE lunph wagon, extra to a challenging assign­ MAINTENANCE man — steel Main St. Call 648-2171. Drive up Vernon St., take Agency,' 646-0131. FARE EE, Manchester Herald. 6 days per week, shift dif­ DARK rich stone-free loam, ______I______month from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 heated and additional bath. equipment. New sheer, freez­ ment, this opportunity will handler preferably experienced your second left (Richmond CJOLONLAL — large kitchen, for­ ferential, Blue' Crpss, CMS, $16. Pool and patio sand, GE 18 cubic foot. refrigerator, a.m. In the Municipal RniMing City water, sewer, 8x10 tool BOLTON LAKE—lots with lake- er. Must be seen to be ap­ provide above average sal­ Hearing Room and the third mal dining room, 3 or 4 bed­ WAITRESS wanted. Apply to life lnsura:.cc, paid holi­ with cut off machines and rec­ stone, flU,^ gravel, sand and washer, dryer, twin beds, night Road) past Lydall St., and shed. Under $30,000. Walton front privileges, toilet facilities, preciated. 633-6624. ary benefits and excellent ords, Apply Dean Machine Thursday of each month irom rooms, den, family room, Mr. Fllnk at Cavey’s'Restau­ days, other fringe benefits. manure. 643-9694. tables and more. Call 646-3006. go to the e.;U of Hichmond .Grant Agency, Lillian Grant, $495. Goodchlld-Bartlett, Real­ •A wide ceaecrtton o< fine fbod In a pleasant atmosphere working conditions. Write Products, 102 Colonial Rd., 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in the Road. Take your right on ■ screened porch^ 2-car garage, TAVERN for sale, owner has rant, 643-1416. Realtor. 643-1163. tors, 289-0939, 289-9151, 649-4255. 1100 BURNSroE AVE., EAST HARTFORD stating experience, educa­ Manchester. EXCELLENT, efficient and 40" KELVINATOR electric Town Counsel's Office In the Kennedy Road. See the fine large wooded lot In prime ^ other Interests. Call 649-8181 af- Progressive aiyd Expanding Municipal Building. Breakfas^Served from 7 A.M.—7 Daya A Week tion and salary require­ economical, that’s Blue Lustre range. Good condition. Call 289- homes, the treed lots, truly neighborhood, $38,0M^ Phllbrick SLX ROOM Cape with 2 large * ter 6 p.m. , Company John I. Garside Jr., WAITRESS part-time, morning ments. P.O. Box 1483, Hart­ carpet and upholstery clean­ 0312. the "Charm" In the City of agency Realtors 649-6347. bednx>ms up and extra large Out .O f Town Luncheon Specials Served Daily from 99c and lunch. Call 647-1691. ^ ford, Conn. er. Rent electric shampooer $1. Secretary closets, 4 nice size rooms on Board of Directors Village Charm. These fine CAPE —6 rooms, 3 or 4' bed­ Any Item On Our Menu Prepared For Takeout SaloMiion Wantod 36-A The Sherwin-Williams (3o. first floor. Offering 3 or 4 bed­ For Sola 75 Manchester, Connecticut homes start in the thirties. rooms, wall to wall carpeting, Holp Wantod— MATURE experienced^ sales COLONIAL BOARD Co. PIANO and upright freezer. rooms, copper plumbing, com­ Dated at Manchester, Connecti­ They are truly for those. good condition, central location VERNON — custom built 6Vi A TREAT Fomalo 35 women needed full and'’ part- LICENSED Ileal Estate sale- IT’S Inexpensive to clean rugs Moving must sell. Call 644-2946. bination aluminum storms and cut^ this third day of May, 1968. who want the very best t- for schools transportation, room Ranch. Aluminum sid­ FOR EA(H time. Apply Peggy Ann Shop, 615 Parker Street GAS STATION attendant. Ap­ men with previous experience. and upholstery with Blue screens, plus breezeway and W A ITR ESS^ — both days and and many have, quite ap­ shopping. $19,900. Phllbrick ing, rec room, built-ins, dish­ MEMBER -Manchester Parkade. ply in person. Interstate 84 Call Mr. Phllbrlck, Phllbrick Lustre. Rent electric shampoo­ garage. 7t4 years young. $21,- nights. Must be over 18 years MRS. E. F. LOFkjS NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION parently. Carl Zinsser and ,. Agency Realtors, 640-6347. washer, excellent location, tip­ OF YOUR Mobil, 396 Tolland Tpke., Man­ Agency, 649-6347. er $1. Olcott Varlefy Store. 800, Wolverton Agency, Real­ of age. Full or part-time. No chester. AND Frank Fllloramo will be on top condition. Hayes' Agency, 9 0 iu d M n FAMILY TYPISTS ^ the premises Sunday after­ MANCHESTER — New four tors,. 649-2813. experience necessary. Apply in YOU (JET A LOT MORE 646-0181. NOTICE TO CREDITOAS noon to show you .how you bedroom (folonlal located In person only. Howard Johnson, FROM SECURiry THAN OUR J T¥ 1 J * J HOMEV-MADE utility trailer, The Skating Club of Bolton, Incorporated can ■ customcraft your own beautiful Cliffwood, Bush Hill ANDOVER — 8 room* Raised 394 Tolland Turnpike. NAME SUGGESTS: MAN FOR LIGHT cleanup work Jn.eaa tieraia A ds $26. can after 7 p.m., 048-0066. Open 7 A.M . to 11 P.M. dream home from your Road. % acre wodded lot. $28,- ‘ RICHARD ROAD Ranch, 2 baths, 3 to 4 bed­ mornings k to 12. Call Chorches WAREHOUSE NoUce Is hereby given that THE SKA’HNG CLUB OF SALESLADY — full-time prefer- GOOD Sil;LARIES plans or ours. Complete en­ 940. Ray Holcombe, Realtors, rooms, family room, .treed lot, Motors, 648-2791. BOL^TON, INCORPORATED, a non-stock Connecticut corpora­ low 20's, Hayes Agency, 646- red or part-time 1 — 6:30, UBERAL FRINGE BENEFITS SUPERVISOR tion having Its principal office lil the Town of Manchester has EMBROIDERY gineering and technical as­ 644-1286. 7 room custom built Cape 0131. -V Thursday night and Saturday FREE PARKING REPAIR MAN needed, full-time ’) been dissolved by resolution of Its directors and members and sistance Is available — Just with 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, included, excellent hourly rate. EXCELLENT WORKING MEN AND WOMEN ask. Remember,, all city MANCHESTER — New 3 bed- for sewing machines, wrill train. Experienced warehouse su­ in accordance with a Certificate of Dissolution By Directors And FOUR RO(jM Ranch —furnished Apply In person or call for ap­ CONDITIONS room (fope. Fireplace, garage. full basement, attached ga­ Good starting salary, many pervisor needed for exten­ Members filed with the office of Secretary of State Hartford^ utilities including water and $11,600. Call 742-6910 after 3 pointment^ 643-2128. Casual Vil­ CAFETERIA ON PREMISES We have Interesting jobs open for you on all Connecticut. ’ ' sewers in a peaceful coun­ % acre wooded 16t. (jllffwood. rage. Fine residantial area. Spring Speaals fringe benefits. Apply in per­ sive warehouse facility of Bush Hill Road. $24,9m, Ray p.m. for appointment? Owner. lage Shops, 966 Main St., Man- AIR-CONDITIONED OFFICE 3 shifts. Attractivo wogbs, group Insurance try atmosphere. Don’t watt T. J. Crockett, Realtor, son. The Singer Co., 866 Main progressive, electric appl- All creditors. If any, are warned to present their claims to , Chester. ELECTRIC TYPEWRITER — we’re afraid of another Holcombe Realtors,^ jB44ll286. 643-1677^ Manchester. 647-1426. ance firm. Must have super- and profit shoring benefits. Why not drop In Attorney Anthony J. Gryk, 916 Mfcln Street, Manchester, Connec­ ON EARNED VACATION THIS ■ vlsory skill to direct ware­ ticut, on or before September 16, 1968, otherwise the same shall price rise. $17,200 the price 'is right. Six COUNTER girl checker wanted YEAR MEN WANTED part-time morn­ and see us? BOLTON for dry cleaning establishment house employes, provide be barred by law. room (fope, center of town, AND MANY MORE EXTRAS ings for Janitorial duties in ^ for adequate and systemat­ walking distance to shopping room Ranch, full-time, steady work. Apply Manchester area. Call 624-0620. Dated at Manchester, Connecticut, this 30th day of April, ily, 8V4 custom built rooms in­ at One Hour Martlnizing, 299 COME INTO OUR PERSON­ ic storage of materials 1968 BELFIORE AGENCY and schools along with being on 3 bedrooms, living room ALDON SHNNINO CORK cluding 4 bedrooms, living with stone fireplace and West Middle Turnpike, Man­ NEL DEPARTMENT ANY AUTOMOTIVE mechanic want­ and facilitate movement of the bus line, very neat and room — dining room combina­ paneled wall, kitchen and chester. WEEK-PAY FROM 8:16 A.M. ed. Top wages. Sunset Service goods to and from produc­ TALCOTTVILLE. CONNSCTICUT THE SKA’nNG CLUB OF BOLTON Realtors 643-5121 very well situated for conven­ ALUMHUM tion with beamed ceilings and TO 4:16 P.M. TO DISCUSS JOB tion lines. Good starting INCXJRPORATBD ience. Don’t be disappointed. dinette area, 2 baths, base­ Station, 666 East Middle Tpke., 1417 a fireplace. A family room and By Anthony J. Gryk -: Wolverton Agency, Realtors. ment fireplace, 2-car at­ OPPORTUNITIES WITH US. 649-6321. rate with secure future for 10 a game room, family sized Its Attorney 649-2818. tached garage or storage • AWNINGS • CANOPIES Molo Prpducrion man with proven record of kitchen and two full bath­ SECURITY INSURANCE PRESS OPERATORS shed, one acre treed lot. ex­ accomplishment In this BE SURE to include the ^aditional de­ THREE FAMILY — aluminum rooms. 4-car attached garage. Woricors CO. OF HAR'TFORD FORK LH(T OPERATORS field. sign of skimjper in your warm _____siding,______2-car ^garage.______NEW LISTING — -r Wolverton cellent location. Agency offers for your Inspec­ In addition. . .a tidy 4 room • WINDOWS • DOORS Openings on All 8 Shifts 1000 ASYLUM AVENUE PACKERS weather i^,drobe, CAPTURE all the beauty of. the rose venlei^t location. Good income $32,500 w a n t e d t e l e p h o n e o p e r a t o r apartment or in-law suite. Wol­ Raites: $2.42 per hour and up. f EXPERIENCED POLISHERS 1 1 - shoulders with a row of buttons ana embroidery on a pillow-top that property. Gerard Agency, 649- tion, this beautiful 6 room (fol­ First Shift, 46 Hour Week onlal, all large rooms, and will­ verton Agency Realtors, 649- Applications accepted dally. Write Box AA Saturdays and Two or Three Evenings a Week fashioned with a V_notc^^^^ in 0638 or 643-0366. • ALUMINUM SIDING WOMAN , No. 1417 with PHOTO-GUlUt IS in g sofa or chair. *■ ______ing to sell below today’s mar­ 2813. ■ . . . U & R R EA LTY CO. Inc. Call Mrs. Marge Hampson, EASTERN BOILER ft For finish work on turbine blades and vanes. Above! ket prices, 1960 Colonial in low 643-2692 Manchester Herald TOP SALARY ^izes 10 to 20, bust 31 jj . 7 ^ ’. Pattern No. 374 has hot-iron tr a n s - M A N C H D S T B 3 R 3 - b e d r o o m MANCHESTER — English Tu- FREE ESnMATES * TERMS 648-6168 FOR FULL OR PART-TIME ELECTRONICS, INC. (2, 32 bust, 2% yards ’ fer for 2 designs; color chart. Ranch new aluminum siding. 20’s------nicely- cared------— for. ------Wolver- 99 Loomis St. ^ averoN'e hourly rates, frin^re benefits and profit | dor (folon’.al, 7 rooms,, plus ROBERT D. MURDOCK Apply to ASSEMBLY WORK EXCELLENT WORKING CONDITIONS! An Equal Opportunity a r .im jiii.’sy 'S fe heated sunporch, 4 bedrooms, REALTOR 643-6472 ELECniipiAN — Journeyman sharing plan. Apply at - , Burnett, —^ ROGERS CORP. APPLY Employer Cabot, iiSSil SSS SsSa IIANOH - 7 2 Ml treed lot, wall to wall carpet- BILLTUNSKY Mill A Oakland Sto. and helper, full-time, steady Apply In Person To . li Herald, 1160vnoir _AVB. M V Evening Herald, 1160 1CA8, n e w y o b k , n .y . ABraBIOAfl, -YOBK. N.Y. baths, modern kitchen • with iiy, antique brick fireplace, Manchester, Conn. employment, insurance bene­ built-lns, formal dining room, ‘ storms and screens. City utili­ BOLTON-Coventry Une - BH CARBON PRODUCTS Inc. RED-LEE METAL FINISHINO G0„ ln«.| ‘pZ'H.n.r add,... W.M, 71P cool, St,.. N.m., Add,... with ZIP CODE .„d ^ N C H E S T E R -N ew Hating, An. Equal Opportunity 218 Hartford Rd. fits, paid holidays and vaca­ M0RIARTY BROTHERS Numliir and Sli.. style NumliBr. 2-famtly flat, convenlenUy lo- family _ room, 3 bedrooms, 2- ties. Garage. Nea;* bus .line, room L-shaped Ranch, like LABORER, experienced in Call 649-9095 Employer tion. CaU between 8 a.m.-6. FASHION conscious women send YOU’LL want a, copy of our new'68 cated near center, ideal for in- car garage. Excellent neigH- stores, church and schools. new condition, double garage. Manchester, Conn. concrete work, ' $3, per hour. 69 WOODLAND ST.— MANCHESIZR 315 CENTER STREET—MANCHESTER I ■ rvwvsiv.e w w ..vw .v».v^--—- — - -- , i w b v v.uiiA VI VVI IlCfv MU ------—- — — ^ ^ p.m. Robert’s Electric Co., now for our latest issue of the Spring spring & Summer ALBUM from which to law situation. Bel Air Real borhood, $31,900. Phllbrick Priced in low 20’s. Charles Les- -Reduced for quick sale. Hayes (Tall 643-0861 after 6:80 p.m. South Windsor, 644-2421. mm & Summer '68 Basic FASHION — 50t. choose needlework patterns. Only 500. Eistate, 643-9882. Agency, Realtors, 649-6347, perance, 649-7620. Agency, 646-0181. I % SATURDAY, MAY 4, 1968 f!M » FOinriSEN monrh^Bt^r EitBning iBralli

Qifford Asks Democrats Would Retain CD Test Humphrey Cost Up $24^500 Yearly Capital Projects Budget Manchester’s Civil De­ Wins Support For No Work fense Warning System At-Ciirb Pickup Only The three minority Demo- area, for Improving HUllard 8t„ was sounded at 11 this I On Office crate on the Manchester Board for constructing a hospital nc- morning in a three-min­ O f Student of Directon are recommending cess road and a Parlcer-OaMand ute test of its sirens. . W Aam Ncm ) n a p ) — caai* to the OOP majority that It Sts. connecftor, as Jtart some of The test is held on the AKRON, Ohio AP) — Vice Urged for Garbage M. CUfford, reportedly offered a retain Town Manager Robert the work needed In town. first Saturday of each President Hubert H. Humphrey, $280,000 oMce remodeling Job declaring that he was "proud to Manchester’s director of public works, William ______.to--, ^ Wctas’ rooammended $478,000 The mtoortty D e m o o r^ are month, to determine the say I’m a soul brother,” en­ I ? Oapital Inwrovements recommenddng also a return of O’Neill, is recommendinfir a new three-year contract for effectiveness of the sys­ gaged In a verbal exchange with garbage and refuse pickup, estimated to inpease year­ this year, has Irt- 1968-69 budget. the cut made by Weiss In the tem. austere Monday Police De(pnrtment budget, a Negro student at Kent State ly costs approximately $24,500, and yet designed to de­ University Friday and appar­ np. night to adopt town budgets MHL They are going along wltti ently won a supporter. crease services to homeowners by providing at curb Dartment. caiffOrd’s bir suite on ^ *** rates, and Indl- Pbkce Ghdef James ^Reydon on With some 10,000 persons look­ pickup only. ' About T owd T7»e existing itiiree-ycar con- year, $240,014 In tee second paitnolmen, plus aooompenying ing on at the university field- £ ’’bSttw ris^ Jortty will cut drastically Into aooomnanvlng The directors of the United house, student vice president itraot wMh the Soidbary Refuse year, and $252,010 In tee third the $476,000 recommendation, poUce cruisers. Fund of Manchester will meet Co. expires June 30 and CNelU year. The present contract cost plan for remodeling or any ex­ Wei S3 Is reoom ending funds Robert T. Pickett told Hum­ in order to provide more funds Monday at 7:80 p.m. at the phrey: la preaienitly negdUatlng a new the town $218,700 the first year, pensive refurnishing—nothing for .two now patrolmen. In sug- for the school budget. ,, Chamber of Commerce, 257 B. ” My people have lost faith In tfiree-yeor oontnoot with owner $210,700 the Second year, and new to be bought.” geeting ithat sufficient funds Center St. The meeting was America ahd In the American Arithony BobtioeUo. He has ask- $217,700 the third year, There had been published re­ The Democrats, in a state­ for four new patrolmen be ap­ originally scheduled to be held dream. If elected, what will you ed Ithe Board o f Mrecitcwis for o ’NeUI says that a new con- ports the Pentagon would ^ n d ment Issued today, say, "It proved, the Democrats claim at the RN1BT buUding on B. do to restore the faith of my guldelliiw or avoUable funds j,g the babls of a quarter-million dollars if Clif­ takes courage to pay-as-you-go. that Weiss, proposed Police De­ Center St. people?” Lecturer in next year’s budget to De g j2 per cent increase in each ford wanted a complete over- We demand this courage.” partment budget "falls to pro- Humphrey, who seeks the hmil. They conUnue, "An Increased services necessary to pno(p- Glenn L. Morning o f San adopted Monday rrighit. three years—^10 per cent The secretary's office had few capltel Improvement budget is operate the town.” Members of the Ladies of St. Democratic nomination for Under the exisUnig oonltnaot, for service and 2 per cent for James will meet tomorrow at Franoiaoo, CaUf., wlU gi'Vb a creature comforts when Robert a necessity, if Manchester is to Democrats have a recom- president, replied that he want­ the homeowner gets twlce-a- anticipated Increase in dwell- 7:46 p.m. at the John F. 'Der- Chxlatlan Sclenice leoture Mon­ S. McNamara was around. continue to be a prosperous ard mendation for Msmchedter's ed to be elected to "try to erase week pickup, with refuse pHaocd Ings. A base figure of 15,000 ney Funeral Home, 219 W. Cen­ from your soul some of your Now about the only change is growing town.” recreation program — use of day at 8:15 p.m. at Gldeon- at the curb by the property dwellings as of July 1, 1908 ter St., to recite the Rosary for thinking. . . a Wg swivel chair ^ th a high .^They point out that capital school facilities during after Wellee Junior High' School, owner and gorttage picked up in would be used for determining Robert J Gorman, husband of "I ’m proud to say I’m ,a soul back that almost reaches the improvement funds are needed school hours. As a starter, they Nlepsio Rd., Olaatontoury. The the backyaird by Itha collector, costs. a .member They will also at­ brother. I'have a soul, too. I be­ top of Clifford’s head. for necessary___ repairs______to schools, recommend a pilot, program. * anan event is s^lonsored by the First Undbr the contract proposed O’Neill e.xplains that a con- tend his funeral Monday at 8:46 lieve In human brotherhood.’’ H e^^ks with the authority of especially since the proposed (vher^n'^”^ ' * o f '~ ^ e * '* ^ ^ Church of Christ, Scientist, by O'Neill, both refuse and tinuatlon of the present mete- a.m. at St. James' Church. ’The vice president said Dr. a Judge. $879,000 bond issue for that pur- would W-'made'^ iVafldble for Mjamteester. gorbage would be placed at the pfi of collection (refuse at tee Martin Luther King Jr. "be­ McNamara’s chair was short pose was defeated In Tuesday’s neighborhood recreational use. The speaker is a recognized Tlie Motherhood o f Mary lieved In the American dream. curb by tho homeowner and curb and garbage In tee back and squatty. special election. Hie pilot program which. teacher and practitioner of Mothers Circle will meet Mon­ He asked only one thing for his picked up there only. yard) would cost tee town Ctiftord works at the huge And, they point to the needs they say, could be conducted Christian Science whose inter­ day at 8 :15 p.m. at the home of children: To be accepted on the Backyard pickup o f garbage, $68,500 more per year than un- wooden desk that Gen. John J. for repairing the surface of at a minimal Cost, could be ex- est in religion began while he Mrs. Edward Wilkos, 4 Barry basis of merit, not on the basis if requested, would be under a der tee contract which expires Pershing once toiled over. Middle Tpke., for Improving the panded in future years, if it was a student ait Drake Univer­ Rd. Mrs. John Johnson is co­ of race. That’s the way I be­ separate and private ocmitract June 30, t h e '^ S r S i l^ t ^ J r ^ c r e - traffic pattern in the Parkade proves successful, they explain. hostess. lieve, too.” sity in his native Iowa. between the oonitractor and the O’Neill will know Monday He later did graduate work homeowner, at the rate o f fifty night what the board recom- tary of Defense James Forrs- The crowd gave Humphrey a in piano and composition at tee cente per week, with the con- mends, for that is when It will tal. The Women’s Society of Chris­ standing ovation as the ^ ce tractor responslbln for that blU- adopt town budgets and set tee And there’s a grandfather Vernon tian Service of North Methodist president walked over and American Cbnservatery of Mu­ clock found In government stor­ Church will meet and install of­ shook hands with Pickett. Pick­ sic in ChioagV}, and traveled ing. tax rates. An appropriation for age. ficers Monday at 8 p.m. at the ett later told newsmen he would widely OB a concert, pianist and O’Neill’s proposal for a new refuse and g;arbage collection is dtfford’s tastes will give the School Menus church. A film, "The Hang­ campaign for Humphrey. theater musician. three-year contract would cost part of the General Fund budg- room a bit of Oriental style. man,” will be shown. Members Earlier, a group of about 40 In 1955, he began devoting tee town $228,586 in tee first et. "Mr. aifford has, in fact, Next Week of the Jessie Sweet Circle are persons, most of them Negroes, full time to religion and was spent everal hundred dollars in charge of refreshments. The walked out of the gym. offlcially acoreteted in the out of hla own picket for Orien-: Vernon Center Middle event is open to all church wo­ ‘"The last time\Mybody CKrtatian Science healing minis­ tal-type scatter rugs ^ri^lch he School: Monday, navloU with men and their friends. walked out on me was^'when I try. He is now on tour as a Barher May Challenge will use,” the Pentagon said. meat, toeaed salad, wax beans, pleaded for civil rights In Phila member of the board of lecture­ A wealthy lawyer, Clifford un­ our own baked rolls, chocolate The Friendriilp Circle of the delphla in 1948,” Humphrey ship o f the First Church of doubtedly can afford to pay for pudding Tuesday, oheesebuTger Salvation Army has canceled its said. Chirist, Scientist, Boston, Moss. Law^s Constitutionality some of his sprucing up. on soft roU, vegetable sticks, meeting scheduled for Monday. He referred to his efforts to A Connecticut state statute, my client was arrested sheerly His rejection of government- potato SUcks, assorted fruits; get a civil rights plan In the par­ Mazzadra, East Hartford; Cath­ because of his notoriety.” financed luxuries recalls that he Wednesday, hot dog, baked The Manchester Clvitan Club ty platform that year at the na­ erine Hannon, Grant Hill Rd., unchallenged since Its passage The Judge's reply was, "Sure­ once turned down a legitimate beans, brown bread and butter, will meet and elect officers tional convention. Tolland; Tregg Whitehead, 2790 in 1623, may have its constitu­ ly Mr. Anderson, you don’t wish claim for high-priced fees and brownies; Thursday, meat loaf, Tuesday at 12:16 p.m. at Wil­ Humphrey met with state'par­ Ellingten Rd., Wapplng; Mrs. tionality tested In connection expenses while working for UJi- buttered rice, stewed tomatoes, lie’s Steak House. Tom Kelly, me to rule on tee constitution­ ty leaders in a hotel suite. Mary Thompson, 16 Andor Rd. with the state’s charge of “in­ cle Sam. green peas, bread and butter, retired science teacher and Frazier Reams Jr. of Toledo, Also, Raymond Boucher, 49 ality of a statute at a hearing citing to injury” against Hart­ This occurred some time ago chocolate chip cake; Friday, baseball coach of Manchester the party’s 1966 nominee for Columbus St.; Mrs. Dona Wil­ of probable cause?” when caifford was special chair­ tuna fish grlndeiB, potato chips. High School, and Hal Parker, governor and Humphrey’s Olflo son, 137 Henry St.; Mrs. Cath­ ford Black Caucus leader John Anderson replied that “ the Su­ man of the Foreign Intelligence Wedge of cheese, oUocolate cov­ current high school teacher and campaign director, said the vice erine Hughes, 41 Prospect St.; Barber. preme Court has already ruled Mrs. Helen S. Fontaine Barber appeared in Hart­ Advisory Board, entitled to $76 ered ice oream. Dessert end baseball coach, will speak. president has a solid lead for Jane Guzman, Gail Dr., Elling­ that challenges of unconstltu- a day allowance phis expenses. ROCKVIIiLB—Mrs. Heten S. mdlk served with each meal. the state’s convention votes. ton; Mrs. Beverly Holt, Donnel ford’s Circuit Court 14 yester­ tionality should be made at tee He never collected any money FVmtaine, 66, o f 23 Brooklyn Bt, Vernon Blementgry School: Richard Vizard, an insrtructor A Humphrey aide told news­ Rd., Vernon; Duane Clifford, day and his case was bound earliest possible time,” and teat over to Superior Court after during seven years on the died yesterday momiiiig ait Monday, beef In gravy, but- of economics cut Manchester men that of 116 probable Ohio 66 Ellington Ave., Rockville; he wanted it in the record now. board, the Pentagon said. RodcvlUe Generaa Hospital. She tered rice, spinach, cole slaw; Community College, will speak convention delegates contacted Gina Calllva, 28J Garden Dr.; Judge J. Robert Lacey found The Judge said tee statute was the widow o f O m ^ J. Fon- Tuesday, spaghetti and ham- Tuesday noon at a meeting of 80 pledged to support the vice Mrs. Emilia Labonvllle, 42M probable cause. "has been oh the books for a * _ taine. burg, letture salad; Wednesday, the Kiwanls Club of Manches­ president. Bluefield Dr.; Clement Cou­ In the course of the hearing. number of years without chal­ Mrs. Fontaine was bom in chicken stew, crackers, peanut ter at the Manchester Country At a Jefferson-Jackson dinner ture, Kelly Rd., Vernon; 'Mrs. Barber’s counsel, Atty. 'Sher­ lenge, and tee language In it, Market Has Rockville, Ajirtl 28, 1902, a butter* and butter sandwiches; Club. His topic is "A Guaran­ Friday night at a hotel near Ak­ Laura Brown, 2814 Ellington wood Anderson m of Bristol, broad as you may say it Is, daughter o f George and EJllen Thursday, hamburg in roll, teed Annual Income.” ron Humphrey surprised state Rd., Wapping: Mrs. Irene Pe­ raised tee question of constitu­ reads quite clearly.” . New Advance Buckley Smith end 'Uved here chips, vegetable sticks, pickles; • —— Democratic leadora with some tersen, 63 Gerald Dr., Rock­ tionality of tee statute, section Anderson had also contended all of her Mfe. She wtas «mployed Friday, macaroni and cheese, New members will give their warm words of support for John ville. 63-44 of the Coimectlcut Gen­ that tee statute language "ad­ macaroni and tomato, green J. GilUg€in, who opposes U.S. eral Statutes. He said tee pro­ vocates, encourages. Justifies, By JACK UGFUBR at RiockvUlo General Hofpital. autobiographies Tuesday at a . Also, Mrs. Donna Miller, East She was a member of'ithe Le­ beans, cole slaw. Home-made meeting of the Manchester Ro­ Sen. Frank J. Lausche for the Hartford; Mrs. Jeannette Way- visions are in conflict with bote praises, or solicits” ' (damage to — (av) x a o i MEN ^ gion Auxhiary and ihe Ladies desserts or fruit served with tary Club at 6:80 p.m. at the Democratic senatorial nomina­ tashek, 669 E. Center St.; Mrs. the state and federal constitu­ property) Is too vague. stock market this week poeted Guild o f Sitl. Bernard’s Church. all meals, in addition to milk, Manchester Country Club. tion In ’Tuesday’s state primary. Harriet Belasky, RFD 3, Ver­ tions. Photos of tee Inside and<'out- Its sixth weekly advance under Survtvoirs iniohide iiwo sons. bread and butter. Humphrey said "nothing non; Chester Osborn, Mohegan He told t| ie court he was rais­ slde of tee burned restaurant influence of p ^ oe and tax de- Richard oT Fomtatoe of Nbitheaat School: Monday, The executive board of the would please me more” than to Trail, Coventryr Mrs. Julia ing tee question because he were also admitted in evidence velopments and some encourag- oathediall, Norwich lasagna with hamburg and Bentley School PTA will meot be campaigning with GUligan in Burnham, East Hartford; Julia wanted to get it on tee record over Atty. Anderson’s objec­ lag economic factors. and Robert G. Forttalne of sauce, tossed salad, apple­ Tuesday at 8 p.m. In the school November. Gilligan, a former McVeigh, Meadows Convales­ at tee earliest possible time In tions. He argued teat they In no Progrew toward selection of ^ daughter, Mia. sauce; Tuesday, baked lunch­ library. congressman, has the endorse­ cent Home; Pamela Smite, the litigation. way linked Barber to tee fire. the site for preliminary peace ^ Rockvine; a eon meat with pineapple, mash­ ment of the state Democratic Kelly Rd., .Vernon; Mrs. Bar­ Atty. Anderson said after­ Judge Lacey also overruled talks between tlie United States Sister, Mrs. Ida Serbser of Rock­ ed potatoes, buttered coin, organization. bara Olender, Gehrlng Rd., Tol­ wards he would carry tee mat­ objections to tee charge of re­ and North Vietnam was indicat­ Sgt. Lawrence J. Jamaitls, son ville and five gmndchiUdren. cake; Wednesday, chicken and of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Jam- Humphrey spent nine hours Ih land. ter to tee United States Su­ fusing to be fingerprinted, and ed early in the week. An agree­ The funeral will be held Mon­ gravy, buttered rice, buttered the Kent-Akron area. He Wok Also, Philip Lewis, 228 Lydall preme Court If necessary. teat charge will be included ment to meet In Paris was aitis of 46 Westwood St., Is home day at 0:45 a.in, from ithe Burke canlots, oobkles; Thursday, on leave from Hlckam APB, off for Washington shortly after St.; Mrs. Elizabeth Roberts and Atty. Anderson said tee stat­ when Barber Is tried In Super­ reached Friday. midnight, and goes to Bucknell Funeral Home, 76 Prospect St. hamburgs hamixirgs in rolls, potato salad.saiac, Hawaii. He is assigned to the son, Tunxls Trail, Bolton; Mrs. ute “ denies tee Indlvual’s ior Court. He is free under $2,- University, Lewisburg, Pa., to­ Peace g en ia lly is r ^ r d ^ ^ with a solemn Mhigh g h J ^ ^ re- pWWes, sUced peaches; Friday, en{;ineerlng branch of civil en­ Susan Coc^ and daughter, 73 rights of freedom of speech, as­ 700, and he said he would be In by investors as bullish for the day to speak at a convocation quiem ait S t Bernard’s Church. macaroni and cheese, coleslaw, gineers. He will return to Hawaii Waddell Rd.; Mrs. Jeannette sembly, petition of grievances, Wajtelngton over tee weeken,d economy and the stock mar­ buttered beets, JeUo and cream. on ‘individual responsibility In Dojan and daughter, RFD 4, and equal protection under the for tee Poor People’s dem­ ket,” an Investment analyst Burial will bo in St.''Bernard’s June 15 after a 45-day leave. Cemertery. Milk, bread and butter served a free society.” Rockvill^; Mrs. Elizabeth Dar- law.” . onstrations on the Capitol. said. "There is the feeling that gati and daughter. New Rd., Friends may call at the fu­ wDth all meals. Sunset Rebekah Lodge will ob­ The chargie against Barber peace In Asia would materially Maple Street School: Monday, Tolland; Mrs. Christine Redin­ neral home tomorrow from 2 to serve Neighbor’s Night Monday stems from a press conference ease our budget and balance of ger and daughter. Discovery 4 and 7 to 9 pjm. beef stew, com bread, sand­ at 8 p.m. at a meeting at Odd Hospital Notes he held at which he is alleged Duplicate Bridge payments problems, that a re­ wiches; Tuesday, scalloped po­ Rd., Vernon: Mrs. Susan Woolf Fellows Hall. "A teacup auction to have said teat Keney’s Grill, duction in Vietnam would per­ tatoes and ham, com, pickled and daughter, 62 Oak St., Apt. ^ Results in duplicate bridge Mrs. Celia O’Leary will be conducted after the meet­ All evening visiting hours end a Hartford North End restau-. mit rechanneling our resources beets; Wednesday, barbecued 14. games last night at the Itallam ing. Refreshments will be serv­ at 8 p.ni., and start. In the rant, should be burned. A fire Into domestic problems thqt are Mrs. Celia M. O’Leary of 36 hamburg on rolls, potato chips American CHub are: North- ed. The event is open to all various units at: Pediatrics, 3 broke out there three days after causing quite a bit of concern.” Litchfield St. died early this and pickles; Thursday, roast LINE COACH HONORED tee conference. South, Mr. and Mrs. Richard morning at her home. She was members of Rebekah lodges. p.m.; self service unit, 10 a.m.; On Thursday Investors were turkey in gravy, mashed pota­ Crowell House, 6 p.m. week­ CANTON, Ohio (AP) — It A tape recording of that con­ O’Brien, first; Robert Stratton encouraged______by an agreement the widow of William B. and Mrs. June Roebuck, second, toes, peas, cranbe:^ sauce; Manchester Assembly, Order day, 3 p.m. weekends and holi­ isn’t every day teat a college ference was admitted in evid­ between the Johnson adminls- CVLeaiy. Friday, tomato soup, clam days; private rooms, 10 a.m.; football line coach has a testi­ ence yesterday over Anderson’s and Mrs. Dwight Roy and Mrs. tration and the House Appropri- The Watkins-West Funeral of Rainbow for Girls, will serve chowder, sandwiches: Tuna fish, semi-private rooms, S p.m .; monial dinner. But a group of objections. Lawrence Fagan, third. ations Oommittee on a plan for Ih>me, 142 E. Center St., is In ______a family dinner tonight at 6 at peanut butter and Jelly. Dessert, the Masonic Temple. A hat fash­ visiting in 310, 314, and 328 Is local friends will honor Hank A firemen testified teat tlie Also, East-West,.^ Joseph Dav­ euttlng government expendl- charge of arrangements, which ^llk^and sandwiches served anytime for immediate family Bullough, Michigan State’s de­ fire was of a suspicious nature. is and Jon Marx, first; Robert hires. This at first was inter- are Incomplete. ion show and skits by membei;s and advisors will be on the pro­ only, with a five-minute limlta.- fensive line coach, here on May In his argument, Anderson Whitesell and Thomas Landers, preted as improving the „ , East Elementary School: gram after the dinner. The tion. Afternoon visiting hours 20. contended teat the statute goes second, and Joseph Marcello chances of-Johnson’s 10 per cent Mrs. John T. Haney Sr. Monday, i)ork and gravy, but- In obstetrics are 3 to 4 p^m. Bull o u g h, who formerly against sections 1, 9, 10, and 16 and James LeSure, third. Income tax surcharge getting Mrs. John T. Haney Sr., 78, j.jgg ^ppjg g^ugg. xues- event is open to members of the Assembly and their families. then begin again at 7 p.m. played for Michigan State and of the state constitution and sec­ The game is sponsored by the through Congress. But opposi- of New London, inotoer of John spaghetti and meat balls, Visitors are asked not to smoke the Green Bay Packers, is in his tion 5 of the federal constitu­ Manchester Bridge Club and tion quickly developed from T. Haney Jr. of Manchester, ggggjj beans, Italian bread add The Women’s Auxiliary of the In patient’s rooms. No more 10th season as a Spartan coach. tion. played each Friday at 8 p.m. congressmen seeking even deep- died 'Thuraday afternoon at St. butter; Wednesday, baked ham Bullough’s boss, head Spartan “ It Is our position,” Anderson and Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. at Francis Hospital, Hartford. Manchester Midget and Pony than two visitors at one time er tax cuts. and potato casserole, peas, com coach Duffy Daugherty, will be told the Judge, "teat this statute the club at 135 Eldridge St. Survivors .beside her son in­ Football Association will have per patient. i The market went through one bread; Thursday, roast turkey, its final meeting of the season the principal speaker. muzzles, free speech, and that Play is open to the public. of its most turbulent sessions clude her^^ husbaind and five mashed sweet a;.d white potato, Patients Today: 204 grandchildren. Monday at 8 p.m. at the home of Friday after announcememt of cream style com ; Friday, toast- Mrs. James Ray, 180 Ferguson the agreement on Paris as the Funeral services vdll be Mon- gbeese sandwiches, tomato ADMITTED YESTERDAY: ivr ol- Qr ILToswr*.. Ontiwyvta ^Taisf Rd. Max Assfaig, East Hartford; site for peace talks. * day at St. Mary’s Church, New soup. Homemade desserts or London, with a Mass of requiem Mrs. Jean Bishop, 60 Benedict The Dow Jones average of 30 fruit, sandwiches and milk St. Jude’s Mothers Oiiicle will at 10 a'.ih. There will be no call­ Dr., Wapplng; Mrs. Aline Bou- , industrials rtiot up 1.91 points served with aU meals. meet Monday at 8:15 p.m. at ing hours. The Bernier Funeral chard, Glastonbury; Mrs. Mary in the first hour on a volume of Skinner Road School: Mon­ the home of Mrs. George Eng­ Home, Huntlng;ton St., New Chaves, 91 Blssell St.; Francis 6.82 million shares that equaled day, spaghetti with meat sauce. lish Jr., 33 Chester Dr. Mrs. LET AN EXPERT Santois, Glastonbury; James the New York Stock Exchange London, is in charge of arrange- tQg3g^ salad, corn, Italian bread Robert Kennedy is co-hostess. Fox, 31 Edgertoh St.; Mrs. Julie record for the period. ments. and butter; Tuesday, meat loaf, Gallagher, Pinnacle Rd., Elling­ Investors’ enthusiasm was mashed potatoes, spinach. Jelly ton; David Girvln,’ Colchester; dampened later by Johnson’s Jesse J. Powell sandwiches; Wednesday, chick- TAKE CARE OF.YOUR Mrs. Mary Ham, 21D Vernon remarks that selection bf a site Jesse James Powell, 62, of en vegetable soup, tuna or pea­ M16 Orders Gardens, Rockville; Nancy Hul- for peace talks was Just a first Floyd Knobs, Ind., father 'of nut butter sandwiches; ’Thurs- step and that his tax boost pro- Mrs. Hammllton McKee of 21 ^ "ser, 186 Hepry St.; Mrs. Eliza­ i FUR STORAGE posal faced a rocky road in con- ^ u rch St., died yesterday at gy^y ’ ^^day, To Be ProBed beth Ivins, 82 West St. SreM- - New Albany (Ind.) Memorial macaroni and tuna salad, cole Also, Joseph Koss, 37 Old The Dow Jones average’s gj^n Hospital. gj ^ato chips, butter sand- WASHINGTON (A P )^A Sen­ Town Rd., Rockville; Max Lau- For protection of your pre­ faded to 1.16 at the close. For Survivors also include his niches Dessert and milk are ate Inquiry In to the purchase of tenbach, 31 E. Maple St.f Jan­ the week ^the Dow industrials Wife, a son and seven gran^- g g ^ y j^g^, M16 rifles has been ordered by ice McGrath, 62 Lakevlew Ter., cious furs and fur-trimmed Coventry; Francis Matthews, rose 13.18 to 919.21, a new 1968 chtidren. ^a^g g^^gg^ gchool: Mon­ cloth coats, our facilities are Sen. John Stennls, D-Miss., at 171 N. Elm St.; Mrr; Harriet Mgh. .Funeral services will be held day, spaghetti with meat sauce. ; The Associated Press 00-stock Monday at 2 p.m. at the Diek- . wedsea the request of Sen. Margaret Morlarty, 64 N. School St.; Dan­ unsurpassed. Climate- con­ ) average advanced 6.0 to 329.8, toan Funeral Home, 1846 E. Oak f^ult- Tuesday beef in cra w Chase Smith, R-Maine.*’ iel Norris, Sycamore Rd., Ver­ trolled storage, insured aUo a new high for the year. St., New Albany, Burial will be S e d ^ ^ ^ s ^ ee^ ^ 2 ' . Stennls’ action followed a Sen­ non; Raymond Pender, RED 1, against all risks, plus meticu­ On Friday, volume on the in Evergreen Cemetery, Louis- jgj,g. vvednesday, chicken noo­ ate speech Friday by Sen. Coventry; Linda Rogers, 32 Lit­ tle St.; Mrs. Aldona Roman, 8 lous professional care. Call New York Stock Exchange vllle, Ky. dle soup, peanut butter and George McGovern, D-S.C., who Fox Meadow Lane, Wapping; us for free pick-up of your spurted to 17.99 mllilon shares, — marshmallow sandwich­ accused the Army of wasting Eugene Rossi, 189 Oak St.; John third-hlghest In history. Volume es, orange Juice, cake; ’Thurs­ taxpayers’ money by paying too turs. Shea, Bolton Lake House, Bol­ for the week climbed to day, sloppy Joes, potato chips, much for the weapon. i . ton; Mrs. Ann Sylvester, 43 78,071,821 shares from 68,572,501 vegetable sticks, scooter pies; Stennls, chairman of the pre- Scarborough R d.; Barbette War­ Free Estimates Given on the previous week. Tk. Friday, vegetarian vegetable pE^redngse subcommittee of the ren, 6 Murray Rd., Wapplng; Of 1,669 issues traded, this salad and peanut but- Senate Armed Services Commit­ Repairing, Remodeling ' week, 686 divorced and 569 de­ Tho funeral o f Dr. Mortimer jgj. sandwiches, brownies. tee, said he . has directed the Ernest Welskopp, Glastonbury; arid Scientific Fur Cleaning. clined. There were 438 new 1968 E. Moitanty o f 145 Park St. was subcommittee staff to begin an Mrs. Phyllis Zawlstowskl,. 58 held ithls morning Cram The John Constance Dr. hlglia and 64 new lows. AGENTS TO VOTE, Investigation. < F. Tiemey fkmeroi Home, 219 McGovern called on Secre­ * a* , N^W YORK AP)—Some 6,600 BIRTH YESTERDAY: A son tary of Defense Clark. M. Clif­ W. Center St., with a solemn agents of Metropolitan Ufe In- to Mr. and Mrs. William Han­ high Mlass o f requiem at St. surance>Co. are expected to vote ford to explain why it should 1968 CADILLAC sen, 66 W. Middle Tpke. ( L IM O U S IN E James’ Chu’rch. Burial was in this weekend on a tentative con- cost $66 million to obtain 240,000 ULRIO UMOVSINE St. Jbmes’ Oemetery. tract agreement which should rifles from General Motors DISCHAROEJ? YESTERDAY: Corp. of Ypsllantl, Mich., and SERVICE The family suggests ithat set a. pattern for 10,000 com- Thomas Dailey, Thompsonvllle; OPEN 9 ito 5 AND BY CLOSED those wishing to do so make pany agents a( roes the nation, $42 million from Harrington Sc Bruce DaVls, 37 Mill St.; Paul APPOINTMENT MONDAYS A ir OondUdoned memorial oontritoutdons te the The tentative! agreement was Richardson of Worceister, Mass., Stambo, 38 Ridgewood Dr., FURRIER ' 7 Faasenger buUiding funds oC Manchester reached Friday in Washington when Maremont Co. of Saco, Rockville; Mark Elliott, East 307 EAST CENTER STREET—TELEPHONE 648-1068 Monoheeter—649-3660 Memartal HospKtal or Sit. James' by the company and Local 6 of, Malne-^ccording to McGovern Hertford; Peter Murphy, Storrs; IN THE LENOX SHOPPING CENTER ^ P.O. Box 63— Wiapplng, Oonn.| Church, not Comm'unity Baptist the AFL-CIO Insurance Workers —has offered to produce tee William Maguire, 65, .Hillside Wmimd Utaic Parent Jr. Church as erroneously reported International Union. Terms Were same number of weapons for ^ 6 Dr., South Windsor; Gerald Ap­ dn yesterday’s Heraild. not disclosed pending the vote. million.* pleby, 149 Oakland St.;- David

(■ I 1 ■ 7 8:nea to de- ng at curb

I the second I In the third contract cost the first year, Id year, and year. it a new con- I the babis of M A Y 4 thru M A Y 10 rease In each TV Shows 1—10 per cent ^ per cent tor BU9e in dwell- ure of 10,000 July 1, 1968 r determining Grammies Get Established

1 that a con- YORK — (NEA) — The ners themselves. Tony Bennett present meth- thing ^ ^ t sets "The Best on has been quoted as saying that irefuse at the Becord" apart from other winning a Grammy was a big i- In the back awards sbowa ia that, weeks help to his comeback.” it the town pass betwei^ the actual pre­ This year’s Best on Record year than un- sentation of the awards and the show will be seen on NBC on whlch expires show. So viewers see a pol­ Wednesday, and will feature ished presentation in which win­ such Grammy winners as The now Monday ners of the recording indus­ 5th Dimension, Bobbie Gentry board recom- try’s Grammy do winning num­ and Glen Campbell. None of s when it will bers. them has been away, so the ts and set the The Grammies are younger award can’t help a comeback. iropriation for than most awards (they were But look at the gleam in their :e collection is first given in 1908) and as such , eyes if you think Grammy’s youth is a drawback to their al Fund budg- are not taken as seriously by some industry pundits. worth. But the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences, OSCAB IS TOFS NARAS for short, under the ex­ NEW YORK (AP)—The mo­ nge ecutive directorship of George tion picture Oscar awards show Simon, is presevering. on April 9 topped the most re­ lity • "It is very much of a strug­ cent national Nielsen Ratings gle to get established because list, with an audience estimat­ V it must be proved the award BobMe Gentrle ed at almost 20 million homes. rested sheerly means something" Simon Second in popularity was "The storiety." said. "And some of our people ly was, "Sure- mys. Well, awards need a lot Andy Griffith Show," followed get impatient, asking why of public relations and that is by the cartoon show, "Charlie you don’t wish aren’t we as big as the Em- something we get from the win- Brown’s All-Stars,” a renui. e constitutlon- at a hearing d that "the Su- already ruled ___ / of unconstltu- r e made at the Composer Irving Berlin will be 80 years old next tme,” and that Second Thoughts About Fall week, and Ed Sullivan will mark his birthday with a le record now. OO^minute salute this Sunday night. Sullivan’s CBS 1 the statute NEW YORK (AP) — The tele­ “ He and She" after one season, If one has been inattentive for show will start a half-hour earlier, at 7 :30 p.m. 9 books for a vision networks, as usual about its stars, Dick Benjamin and a short period, it is difficult to Among the guests will be Bing Crosby, Ethel Mer­ without chal- this time, are having some sec­ Paula Prentiss are still under pick up all the tangled threads. man, Robert Goulet, Harry James, Diana Ross and uiguage in it, ond thoughts about their fall option by the network, and the For Instance, there’s a n ice' the Supremes and others. Berlin himself will appear ay say it is, schedules. show may get another chance. young minister in' town, and he has an Edcoholic wife. Constance on the show singing his classic "God Bless America.” ly.". ABC, for one, has decided to "Felony Squad" whose fate and Eliot Carson have acquired tlso contended reprieve "N.Y.P.D." the police- was in the balance for awhile, an infant, but it seems to be on language "ad- action series shot mostly oa lo­ turned up with an episode Mon­ loan. Dr. Rossi now has a ges, Justlflee, cation in New York. day that seemed to have little young brother around and he (damage to The half-hoiu* program costar­ plot but plenty of violence. The looks like a bad ’un. ^ ‘Dom De Luise Show:’ /ague. ring Frank Convere and Rob­ show opened with the detective Betty Anderson, who last time nslde and'^out- ert Hooks was canceled, but lat­ hero viciously slugging his this viewer looked was married led restaurant er started to pick up some extra young partner to persuade* the to Steven (ford, is now getting id in evidence Nielsen steam when "It Takes a bad guys that he was unhappy He’s Hard-Working engaged to Rodney Harrington irson’s objec- Thief" was placed in the Tues­ and quitting the force. —but wasn’t she married to him Ihat they in no day night schedules ahead of it. From that moment on the By CYNTHIA LOWRY of Broadway’s "Hallelujah, ir to the fire, when the series began? The pink slip has now been show consisted of a series of fist AP Television—Radio Writer Baby’’ * appeared in her first ilso overruled CSS’s "Carol Burnett Show” withdrawn, and the show will fights and gun-slinging. It NEW YORK (AP) — The first television special. It was a var­ charge of re- will depart—after a series of re­ return to the same ’Tuesday wound up with one . heavy being runs—during July and August of the siunmer replacement pro­ iety hour ^lnd in contrast to the erpiinted, and nig^t spot next September. shot, another run over py a grams, "The Dom De Luise De Luise show, consisted almost be included when the network will fill the Meanwhile, "Felony Squad,” train and a third beaten a ^ e * hour with pilot programs of ser­ show" took over Jonathan Win­ entirely of musical numbers rled in Super- which squeaked throu^ to a re­ less. e ' -*•[ ies that never found a network ters’ spot on CBS Wednesday performed in wildly colorful !ree under |2,- newal for a third season will be "Peyton Place,” on A ^ is niche. night. psychedelic settings. le would be in moved to Friday night—and one series that will_not be rerun­ Bea Benaderet, who plays De Luise may not always be Miss Uggams, a very attrac­ the weekend "Dream House," an audience ning old episodes' during the Kate in "Petticoat Junction,” completely successful, but he is tive young woman with an inter­ •eople’s dem- participation show, will be summer season, but the viewer was ill and unable to appear in a. hard-working comedian. He esting singing style, demon­ Capltol. dropped as evening entertaln- who plans to include its Monday several episodes of the series was all over this comedy-varie­ strated her way with material meint although the daytime ver-. and Thursday night episodes in this past season. But she is well ty hour, mugging, singing, danc­ that ranged from "Anything Sion will continue. his schedule is advised to give now, appeared in this season’s ing, and playing sketch charac­ Goes” to “ My Man.” B rid ge There may be some changes himself two or three weeks to final episode, and will be back ters that ranged from an. es­ She had some help from a chorus, and was given an assist plicate bridge at CBS, too. Although the ./net­ understand what all the suffer­ at the Shady Rest Hotel when caped convict in the home of an eager spinster to a boor who by Robert Morse and Noel Har­ at the Italian work originally decided to iio p ing is about. shooting is resumed next month. lands uninvited at the home of rison, neither of whom had any­ are: North- an acquaintance. thing particularly interesting to Mrs. Richard TTie first show, while franti­ contribute. obert Stratton cally busy, was not top drawer. ebuck, second, It did have a couple of things ’BABY GAME’ DROP]^D Roy and Mrs. going for it. In the first place it NEW YORK (AP)—ABC will third. was taped in Miami. So the drop a daytime show, “The t,^ Joseph Dav- ■’jokes were Florida-style—"M i­ Baby Game,” and substitute a , first; Robert ami, the sun capital of the world new soap opera in July. >mas Landers, —my son the doctor, my son the leph Marcello lawyer ...” B, third, Anyway, this kind of humor is onspred by the a welcome change from Los An­ ge Club and geles smog jokes and New York lay ait 8 p.m. hippie quips. t 7:30 p.m. at And there is that Miami audi­ Eldridge 3t. ence, apparenUy left over from ie public. ^Mnek the Gleason show now on holi­ day. ELECTRONICS From the sound of the show, the audience will 'laugh hysterl-__ LABORATORIES cally if Dom De Luise wiggles “ his eyebrows, slams colleatpic^ 277 BROAD in the riba, breaks crockery, or dribbles beer on the rugs. The star goes in for very broad, physical comedy, and STEREO just about tmything else In the \ show seemed designed to give TAPES - him a chance to catch his breath. If slapstick is your dish,' “ The! FOR ^ Dom De Luise Show" may pro­ vide a joUy frenetic hour every week for the next four months. OARS Robert Wagner with Willi Koopman, left, And Anita Eubank in rebroadcast of Earlier, on ABC,. Leslie Ug- gams, once of the lOtch Miller Tv-Radio, Sales and Serviea “ A,Thief Is a Thief Is a T hief’ Tuesday 8:80-10 p.m. on ABC. show and mere recently the star c :

PAGE TWO ICANCHBSTBB EVENING HERALD, ICANGHESTEB, CONN., SATURDAY, MAY 4, 1968 MANCHESTEk e v e n i n g HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, MAY 4, 1968 PAGE TH REE SATURDAY JU PROGRAM M o rn in e MONDAY JU p r o g r a m Educational TUESDAY JO PROGRAM 1Z:M Top Cat (C) 4:18 (38-3348) ( St. LoaU Cardinals Mills, New governess of 16- 1:8 I (I) Best Sellar <8> Bcatlei at San Fraaelsco Giants (C) yeaiH>ld firl finds that her T V ^ Fart r ’HOOM of abmanr". hMtds*' f«r*°mooBtalns 8i«r is 1:9 Beet Seller (48) MeHab’s Navy (16) Sabscr. TV (M> Caadlniia Bowllaf 4:48 (8) charge lives in a waned, fan­ '44 Roohor seta Ids (oar mob pOTMied ^ ^ s h e r j g j ^ hto bril- TV Part n "House of Strangers" 5:35 Bis 3 Theater 8;M (8). . of the Week (C) tasy world nurtured by twist­ agaiiMt eatdi (dher A lets Ua crotsr. X Susan Hayward. 5:38 WMtEer, Sperte, News Merv Grlflta Shaw of NY. A Ibn. BJ. Mc(3arthy Deadly Mantis” . '67 Scientist (C) Is assigned to case of police News ) A3 Maosa wllh KWy FM (38) Man A Tbe GbaUeage of Mfam. will be broadciut as works feverishly to stop a slant (18) Conatry Mnsic (0> ... rruptTon and sent on secret 6:18 (6) Infinite HerisaBs S> lM vn«e O s o t (C) ■ ( G ) 3:88 Voice Behenal Glau A Deal Oswhe|J ^ A M ro (0) B 4:99 Gena Imbo (44) Yea Asked Fer It 8:86 (48) Maverick T h e Trial" (3»-Zt-$«> Cool MeCool distant city and ready to turn 6:36 <8) Surise Semester (C) (384448) Let’s Make a Detf Repeat of April 30, 8:00 p.m. 3:1 (3) Leve b a Many (^ ea- 8:35 (9) Waaderfal World c l Sports 18:38 (3) CBS Nesrs Broadcast (8) American Bandstand ’88 (8) The Carl Yastresemskl herself In. (36) Co b b Classreem (0) * oltorlls Ckaa Theatre 5:99 Spimlng Freely dered Thbg (G> 6:99 (I) Newa with Waller C n m - Detallh to be announced. (C) Show (0) (18) Sabter. TV 6:43 (8) Visit TTIth tbe Measlgaer a> FJLg. <0) Chan in Panama’’. Ambosaador Sol M. Ltnowltz (2949) Days a( Oar Uvec klle (IS) Snbacr. TV 1:88 (30) FUm (48) Sngartoot "The Wicked Dreams of Paula 7:66 (8) News and Weather (C) (88) Ya« Asked Vsr It ______Bewaa and Hama's 6:19 Anttqnee (M *L Newlywed (b m e (C) (8 >News with Bob Yaneironag w to Save a jHarrlagc and (13) Bowery Boys 7:88 (8) Lacy Show (C) Schulte” . (384346) Today Shew (C> 3:88 (I) Love U 8 Many HBalaiiwt 3:39 (8) RoaseB F____ a ^ (C) (89) Social Secarlty ta Aclicn^ Ruin Your Life” . (38) Boiler Derby ' Antiqiiea Anonymous (8) Mystery Theater (O) 18:38 (8) Trath or Coaseqaeaces (C) <8) FMmds of Mr. Oeeber m a g (0) I Falrsl (G)^ B 6:39 French Ghef (3841) The Daetars (C) (3849) Haalley-BriBkley Be- 11 :N (3 3 33 18 48) News — Weather Action between Bay Bombers "Human Duplicators". Geo Na­ (48) Seleaeo IFIctiaB Theatre ^Ptola _ Kaagareo (G) 3:44 (4) Ilsfiie F M (0) 8:88 < Howard Mitchell (384848) Anathar Wertd (G) "Here Come the Nelsons” .’62 "When In Rome” . ‘62 Comedy Time to create (x>lony of Androids 11:15 (3348) News — Weather A Three (I8444|> The Dsetom 8:99 Beck Beat (848) General HaspHal (C) Tranquility of Nelson house­ about con man A young priest 1:38 (48) Happening ’68 (human-Ilke. robots) who wUl (8) Mickey (444) (46) Jack LaLaaae Shew <444) (0) 3, 8:30 p.m. (I) Dlok Van Dyke Shew (G) frleod arrives in town. O a e , to Rome. Van Johnson, Paul 3:88 (8) Oakland and Boston Baso- . trial, govghimenttd and milit­ "(Juo Vadls'’ '81 Nero is en­ (I) Hap Blehards Shew (C) (I) Ts (384848) Ten Dm’t Say (C> Harriet, David and Ricky Nel­ Dougtos, Jos Calleia. baU (C) ary centers In preparation for ( 0 ^ 8:89 Pablie Brendeast Lab, (8) Mr. Geeber (0> raged when commander of Ro­ (8) Jaek LaLaaae Shew Repeat of 6:80 p.m. 7:38 (48) Barhe Report 1:80 (5) Nesra A Weather Young Fr’man. living normal (16) FBm ------^ Hewn—W«eatteher A Music In Two Parts. (843) Hike Deaglas Shew B (HI its meaning for each citlxen; las tsikes you on tour of his­ life, finds pleasure in periods <6t> Weddlag Party (16? ^ ^ ' ^ JO) (38) Theatre 38 (18) Les Crane Show (5) Nesrs —Memento of Com- need for respectful law; what toric Virginia. (0) 7:89 GHles et Worid (3848) nbtotoaea tte actress-einger. Lulu. ' (48) Nesra HeaMbe USAF. Be- enforced. Participants: U. Fa­ Roger Moore. Natasha has 11:46 (33) Saturday Night Toalght 16:15 (384846) Newi |te Wkum (O) 9:88 ABG’S of Beating (38) Cambat (8-48) It Takes A Thief (C) B llgbas Flhn A SIga Off gan, Edward J. Janussewski. most honest, and beautiful, Show (C) 16:16 (3) Hssnemaher’s Merle attmnpta te dtaeover reason for AF. Polltis and JF. Dawson all (44) TUa IU a JE m newapaperman’s sudden refus­ Fundamental Piloting eyes the Saint has ever seen Johnny Carson (S84S-M) CaaoeBtratlaB (G) (4448) 8:88 N.B.T. Jenrnal members of New Britain Bar but he is convinced she is ly­ (38) Outer Lfanlls W t b m m S t O ed to testify. WeNer P M g e^ (8) Diek Cavett Shew (C) 5M8 (1) I Flaw Msssa . John HOdlak. Andiey Totter, My Name Is Children Assoc. ing to him about three un­ "Don’t Open Until Doomsday” (46) ‘tU s Memlag <0> 18:88 Drama Werksbep (48) Conntrymnsle Caravan known da Vinci paintings she Bride ana groom receive most (384346) FerseaaUto (C) Camenai MIk ImII. 3:38 (38) Frontiers of Faith (C) U :M <48444S> TsMght Shew Star­ Greek Theatre is trying to seU. unusual gift on their wedding (38-33-46) Holly weed Sqaares (48) Melialers Navy "O lsls In the Nation; White (48) Danag Game night — one which leads to a (C) ring Joluuy (tonea Hello Down There :M (8) Best Seller 3:38 (*?) Celehrlty BIDUrd (C) (48) Newtowed Game 13:15 (48) CoBBtry Mnsic Caravan Mike Doaglas Maltaee (34) News — Sign ON 11:68 <3-8-21-3848) News — Weather rlng Johnny Canon 8:38 (3) My Three Seas (C) U:45 (38) News — Sign Off (W BewllebedTc) ______ (0) iLaaeat ef MedUaliaa A SIga (38) Diveroe Ceart Wednesday, May 8 (3843-38) Days of Oar Lives SYLVANIA COMPACT ROLt-ABOUT (8-48) Nesriysred Game (G) 6:84 Wonder of Water (18) Sabsei^ttoa TV Bob Cosby Plays Drums, 6:38 What’s New "How I Won the War". 4 SUNDAY PROGRAM ! PORTABLE COLOR TV Repeat of 6:30 p.m. :38 (3) Haase Party (G> 7:68 How To Improve bdividaal (18-32-38) The Doctors (C) 7:30 (30) Asricnltiire on Parade community. Also, feature___ "7 )rr^ 8 8 (8-18) The F.B X (C) B I M aq. hL vleiwaltle a m Manager Performance (8-W> Baby Game (O) Bill Is Comedian Enough 7:S0 (S> SiKn On Jk Prayer area Boy Scout projects. 8:38 (3A4848) Mathen-ia-Uw (G) B Repeat of 8:56 a.m. A 4:00 p.m ::65 (8-18) CbUdren’s Doctor (C) 8:00 <3) Chriitophera 2:00 (3) National Hockey League 8:88 (8) Smothers Brothers Comedy 7:38 Githis of Worid i;88 (3) To TeU the Truth DOVER, Del. (APj) — Bob (8) SMred Hear! Stanley Cop Playoff Honr (G) Budapest Repeat of May 6. 7:30 (38.33-38) Aaotber World the family is about all the traf­ (8) Llcht Time (8-22) Oakland St Boston Base­ Edition. Auto Ins; The Crashing Cost 1:38 (3) Dick Van Dyke Show (C) fic would bear, so he’s sticking (40) Tils U the life ball (O) (3843-18) Boaaasa (G) value in big 180. sq. in. 9:08 Spectrnm (284348) You Don’t Say (G) 8:30 (8) ThU Is the Isife (20) TBA Lome Greene CSmtroUIng the Future (8) Mr. Goober (C) to his drums. He Just might (30) Boso the Clown (C) (SO) The Children of St. Jude (8-48) Snaday Night Itavie (B) picture size portable. 9:38 N.E.T. Plsyhonse (46) Dark Shadows (C) wind up a professional Jazz mu­ 8:45 (40) Dawn Bible Institute ^ im shows research work be­ 18:88 (S) MlasieB: Impossible (0) Everyman. Repeat o f May 3. i:66 (S) Banger Station (C) 9:00 <3) Forest RaitKers The Bob Cosby Trip, with Bob (SO) Cartoon Cotaps (C) helping to collect funds for this throw. PM 1:35 (28-2248) News playing the drums W brother (8) The Christophers (40) Sngarfoot "The Deadly Bees". Repeat of Ifoy 6, 6:00 p.m. (8-22) Mike Doaglas Show (C) Bill, the comedton, pought him ( 30) Uncle Waldo (C) 2:14 (30) NY. Yankees vs. Chicago 11:80 (84340-18) News — Weather — fine tuning, ligh'ted dial 6:30 What’s New (36) Harbour Command ( 40) Insight White Sox (C) Sports (G) Repeat of 5:30 p.m. (5848) Fllntstones recently, has acquired a follow­ 10:00 (3) Lamp unto ray Feet 3:00 UO) Vienna Choir Boys 11:38 (3) Movie Masterpieces 7:60 Exploring Basic Economics :68 (5) Perry Miura ing in the short time it has been (8) Disiogoe 4:00 (18) Blue Door "All Fall Down". ’62 Story and out-front controls. Foreign Trade. Repeat of 8:55 (38 )Dbcoverlng America ’The Gold Standard" —What Ecumenical discussion ' of two brothers of dlffernlng a.m. A 4:00 p.m. (St) Cambat featured at a bistro near Dover it means, how It works. (40) Golf Tournament natures tom ^ nfUcL Eva 7:30 Making Things Grow (48) McHale’s Navy Air Force Base. (23) Chalice of Salvation (C) Famous Sylvania Color 8:00 Washington: Week In Review :35 (48) Weather aad News (C) "The Houston (Thamps Interna­ Marie Saint, Warren B. Beat- 8:80 Fourth & tato (30) King Leonardo tional" ^j^^Kari Malden, Brandon de 1:58 (18 )A(teraoon Report ’ Bob, 21, can’t read m usic, but (40) The ChrUtophers 4:30 Aulmal Seereto (C> bright picture tube 9:00 Yonr DoSar’s Worth (28 )Ladies Day 10:30 (3) Look up and Live "Agression or Love?" — Pro­ (33) Feter Oana Auto Iiu: The Crashing Cost :08 (S) Weather —Sports and his dedication and touch pro­ (8) VIdicon Repeat of May 8, 8:00 p.m. Nesrs (C) gram on question of wbat "The Game” . 10:10 Toy That Grew Up duce a pleasing sound. (30) Big Picture (C) causes animals — including (36) Saaday Night Show Star- has rare earth phos­ (8) Nesra — Sports A Weather (40) Faith for Today Michael Dunn in ‘^hip His Picture In the Papers A ' (C) < man to turn to their fellows ring Jshnay Carson (C) An Alls. Wooing. 11:00 (3) Camera Three <*> ^®ws — Weather —Sports 11:45 p.m. on ABC. FM * (22) Sacrifice of the Mass W ' x it V i (8) Festival of Hits (31) ‘ HlgMlghts edges that he’s no matcdi for his (40) Bullwlnkle 5:88 (5) Oansmoke (0> 8:00 PUying Galtar with Fred Noad (36) M^Aale’s Navy (ZA48) Vietaam (0) * 'Breakthrough' Eric Schum- Music In Two Farts. Repeat of idols, drummers Elvin Jones year-old brother, plans to find a 11:15 <8) Davey and G ^ Shop Fundamental Piloting. Repeat (8) Nesra srltb Bob Yonng fort A Oaidveets can get these drums to hum. 11:45 (30) Sacred Heart Program n g n r iiM 8 . . (2848-46) Nesra — Sports A 12:00 (3) We Believe (C) "Medical Electroniiucs E z - Weather He and Nick Caine, a psychol­ When you play drums you find amlning some of (8) Trath or OoBseqaeaces ogy m ajor who plays the orgran, (8) OplBloaaled Man developments which have re­ Make a Difference Where You Save! out how creative you cam be­ (36)) Chrlslophehers Don’t Knck;k IT DOES 7:26 (66) Barite Bepert started working together last (33) Roale 66 volutionized dlagnoiss and WILT09TS 7:36 (3) Lort ta Space (C) com e.” treatment of disease and pat­ (38-33-36) The Virginian (C) B November. James Tokley, a stu­ (St) Blag Around the World ient care. O D T SHOP (48) Conversations With. . . Commercials (846) The Avengers dent who plays saxophone and Bob, who displays a dry ^ t of 13:15 (3) Foens <5? Yale vs. Broam Lacrosse tM M aIw Straet Ik ik INSTANT Steed and Tara King get deep­ (40) Congressional Report (18) Sabscr. TVi the proper chance,” Bob said. musioiam, he sadd, " I f that restrials. "The Deadly Betsl’. (48) American Bandstand Kiavelaon used a televlaion “I didn’t like standing around I would happen I wouldn’t mind 1:38 (3) Tbe Ontdirarsmnn (C) (U) Flrlag Line with WF. ccsnmerotel cameraman on his Electric Heat InetnIlAtlone. (46) Bemad Raadred Yean Joe Foss Backley 1:66 (3) Green Acre* (C) knew what I could do and wbat It.” (33) Catbollc Hoar (C) "Culture and the Left". laiteat, “ Y ours, Bfine and Ours,’’ (38.28-46) Best en Record (C) I couldn’t. So I quit. Tliat was First of six programs tilled (33) News — Weather —Sports wMli lAidUe Ball and Benry Special program featuring per­ "The Changing (Siurch". To­ (C) MANCHESTER formances ny number of this one big disaiq>plntment here.” But for the moment he’s satis­ day's program, "At the Grass­ 7:38 (3) Ed SalUvan Shew (C) BVmda. E ven though that film year's winners of recording In­ fied “playing for people'.. AMt- roots" coiuiders ways in which Fays tribute to Irvmg BeiUn deals with a lot of otaUdreo, it dustry. t Second Vatican Council's goal on his 80th birthday in spe^ (6-16) Wednesday Night . At Now he is enthused about mu­ ting back amd watching people of reform and renewal has af­ ial 90-min. brt>adcast Guests is, Shavelaon says, ftir from OLPSMOBILES Movies (G) B sic, and, at the urging of his 30- enjoy your music.’ ’ fected typical American par­ who will salute mp(wer lyrid- the Disney kind of thing. It lum "The Pleasure Seekers” . ishes. " 1st include Bing Crosby, ^ 6 1 V . "Your OldsmebBe Deolnr" i Amusing story about. three (8) Report' to tbe Feople Merman, Diana Ross and the some mature sequences and KlrUglrU seekbiK ■■ careen and rom- (38) F^atiers of Faltb (C) Supremes,. — Fred------Waring------— and , Mel Uked my suggeation-^-that ance in Madrid. Ann-I'.Maraiint, (38) Tbo Frofoulonal (C) his Glee Club, Peter Geimaro th ev adventlan If as “ a moJiiM Carol lomley, Pamelaa Tirtln______A "Auto Racing” . Dan. a be- and special guest Robert Gou- ^ m ature S12 WEST CENTER ST. - (d-1S11 .Gardnerer McKay and Tony AIUNTIC FURNACE OIL medaled vet tracks tells you let. fikn for llamily audiences.’’ WILSON Franciosa» a A CGene Tierney. bow it’s done. ^ ^ ) Woaderfal World ^ TM e la o o t t o s a y tfaalt >;St B fort for the Negro business Union hero. 8 0 .xnat route. Sabeer. TV L T . W o o d CO . Phen* 648-1119 msir5eUh.iAve".______i f i I P A G E F O U R MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, MAY 4, 1968 THURSDAY JO PROGRAM (18) Afternoon B m r t stoiy aboutIDOUi »a woman WUIiUMI who W.— —Is 1:M Film (C) (8) News Sports Weather (C) Scan Connery, Ralph Richard­ ond i ( » ) At Home with Kitty son. • (Ml Divorce Court (18) Merv Griffin Show (840)'That Girt (O B with (M) OIrl Talk (20) Phil SOvers Show (28-2240) Dragnet ’88 (G) B Rizor 1;M (S) As the World Taras her abnormalities and adjusts (8) Mr, Goober (C) (8) Truth or Consequences (C) — Th (22-8840) News, Weather and tol U Jnormal I U l 188424 living88 V ass^ c»aav«aafter blrtheras ass ofwa (48) Dark Shadows (C) her child. Annie Girardot, Ugo humat 4:00 (8) Banger Station (C) Sports Tognaszl "Cry Tough". 'M (28-2248) Match Game (C) 7:20 (40) Barke Beport mus, I (8) Ctmarron Strip John Saxom lihida (JhrMal. (18) Woody Woodbury Show 7:80 (20-2240) kn ight Show Star­ (40) Boso the Clows (O) (20-2240) Daniel Boone (C) - like 01 (8-40) Second Bnndred Years ring Johnny Carson i (C) 4:25 (28-2240) News (C) (8-40) Joey Bishop Show (C) the bo 4:80 (8) Basel (C) < ® > * I (8) News — Moments of Com­ (822) Mike DongUs Show (C) (18) Les Crane Show was n (8-40) Flybig Nan (C) B fort A Gnldeposts (20) West Point 8:00 (80) News Sten Off physic (80-40) The Fllatstones (C) 8:80 (20-2240) Ironside (C) B (8-40) Bewitched (C) (40) News______HeadHne — uSa f , 5:00 (3) Perry Mason Bellglons Film Sign Off The (20) This Is the Life (18) Snbscr. TV "The Deadly Bees” . 2:50 (8) News A Weather (C) into tl (80) Combat Moment of Meditation A Sign (40) McBale’s Navy 9;00 (8) Thursday Night Movie Part V"House of Stangera". (8) Hasel <0) (8) Trnth or Coasoqaeaces (C) Miami iNIEJW YORK (MDESA)—S »d y Susan Hayward (848) HOW Dosglag Shew TariBa (It) Oambat that in New York you never (48) MoHale’s Navy (8) Ftnnt Bew Friday Night lends (1S424S> Let’s Make a Deal "Convicta Four". Ben Gas- wait for a waitress or a waiter (8) FJI.Q. (C) _ 5:U (48) Waathr — News. mtmol (li) Altaraeea Beport zaivt, Sammy 'Davts A Stuart or a sales clerk or a receptionist (8) Love Is a Msay Splen- 5:88 Whlbnan. RehabiUtaUon of mus t darad TMag (C) (88) Theatre W convict John Resko who,. wtaSe to say, “May I help you?” (284S)(l>ays of Oar Uvjss on ani (I) Newa Spelts A Weather serving 17 years In prison be­ "Because no one ever says It,” (8-48) Newlywed Oasae (0) comes renowned painter. '68 He 2:88 (8) Hease Farty (0) <0) _ (18) Leo Crane Show 'he said. "So now I know when (8S4248) The D eclen (0) (18) Merv OiWfai Shew pared (82) % M ti Shaw (48) o n t o See tke WBard _ I ifo to the drugstore for break­ (848) Baby Game (0) 8:32 (8) Gomer Ityle —U8MC (0) the A (8-48) OhOtoB'a Dneter (0) (a> nAltyhta ' (824848) B4ar Trek <0> fast, the waiter won’t l(x>k at (8) Te Tan the (O) (82) Navy cal In (42) Mavealek (U) SabocilpUoa TT me. But If I tell him what I (3S4848) Aaotfeer Warid (O) 6:86 "HtUa Run Rod" showe (8-tt> Oeaeral Haapttal- (C) 6:15 (22) Bold Veatare want, I’ll get It." (8V IWondertnl World et Sports (48) Maa ha a SnHease 3:85 (8) Newa (0) „ 6:25 <1) FHdur Night Movie (0) fion 1 The lack of pride in worlf is (8) DIek Yaa Dyhe Shaw (C) (0 ) 2:82 3:88 (S) News wUk Walter Croa- ‘•(JriUc’B Choice’ '^ comedy coo- m ost the thing Arnold finds difficult (2S4848) Tan Daa’4 Say (C) 6:38 .cerns on Influential NY. drama (8) Mr. Geaber (€) klte (0) Immu to understand. He is one of four (S> Newa with Bob Yaaag (0) m ile who tries to discourage (48) Dark Shadaws (0) (2248) Haafley-BrOmley Be- his wife from writing a j p ^ . prove wh(> has sold over 60 milii ■ Amerioui FroOle„ in his pVoduct, his ability (uid aa Austrian boyls training as Somehow it worka — lliJit - - chorister, 3-4 pjn. a a ABC. . . . hearied review — from tom of centiny to present-of American "Ed Sunivcui aiow,” a 90-afin- political campaliii techniques. utes .ealute to Irriiig BeiUn use of such vote^cet- Eddy Arnold nem. bandwacons. etc. For- T O O L and with Bing Orosby, Ethel Mer­ mer poViUclana and Unxmak- man and others, 7:30 pjn. on ers win teH tiow candidates have been rteked. groomed EQUIPMENT Us popularity. . . . “Sbtp o Fioole” and merchaadlBed in different "Show business requires a (1968), based on the best-eeB- 18:88 (18) Sabwsr. T V ____ _ dedicated pride. If you don’t ing novel, wMh Shoone Sig- "How I W Sanding Machines fu l.” (28) Btehard Diamond Arnold is presently on TV as TUESDAY: "The Jerry Lew­ U:25 (8) Friday Spaetaenlar Power Tools the host of six shows for the is Show,” with Laurence Har­ "The Bad Seed". '88 A moth­ Plumber’s Tools er finally sospecta that her Kraft Music Hall under the vey and Joey Heatherton, 8-9 daughter has InharKed evD Painter’s Equipment over-all title, “Country Fair.” pm. on NBC. : .*. "Martha traits. Nancy Kelly, Fatty Mfr Oormack, Bfleen Heckart Cement Tools He had Just finished tapUg his Graham: Night Journey,” the Henry Jones. 'Iron Han". '61 Moving Equipment second ‘show. "I was tired last famous dancer talks about her Jeff (handleHer, Evelyn Reyes, Stephen McNaUyMcNally. Maintenance Equipment night. Man, I was fired. But I art and performs, 10 pm. on U:S8 (2 8 4 2 ^ Tenlglit Shew Star- Wallpapering Equipment invited the talent on the show Oiannel 24. . . . “An Hhsay riag Jahnay Canaa____ (0> and the crew and the production on W om en,” a kx>k a t woman (8-M) Jney BMMp Show (0) 1: (8) Newa — Mameata of Cora- 6 4 0 - 2 « 5 2 people to dinner. We went over diesatisffied, 10:30-11 pm . on ferl A Onldapasta to a restaurant and we ate and. (88) Newa —Sign OH CBS.' (48) Newa Hendltnea —U8AF. A.P EQUIPMENT we had a little strong sassparllly WEDNESDAY: "The Best on Beliftena Film A Sign Oft and I kept thinking how tired I 8:28 (S) Newa A Wenfiwt (0) RENTAL Record: The Grammy Awards Moment of MedHatlea A Sign WM. But I also kept saying, Show," with Glen Campbell, 6(h OH 036^Center St. Manchester ■Remember, you wanted to get Dimension and Bobbie Gentry, into this business’.” 9-10 p.m. on NBC. . . •• "The A happy man who laughs a Pleasure Seekers,” (1966), 1 9 .SHOP lot, Eddy says he always want­ 1 three girls in Madrid, with Ann- ed to be an entertainer. "I want­ Margret, Tony Franciosa and L om e Greene in SAVE ed to be anything that would Carol Lypley, 9:11 p.m . on bearded scene from .WHERE get me off the farm. I did ABC. NBC’s “B o n a n z a” YOU SEE i labor and you might say in THURSDAY: TWo. sUent those days I was not happy in classics, "His Picture in the Sunday 9-10 p.m. on THIS m y w ork.” ' Papers,” with Douglas Fair­ NBC. SIGH banks, and "An Arizona Woo-. , ELECTRONICS ing,” with Tom Mix, 10 p.m. on H i g h K g h t s Thursday. PRESniENT’S MESSAGE PLEN’S TEXACO LftBORATORIES FRIDAY: “1984," dramatic 381 M AIN ST. TODAY: "The <3halk Gar­ version of the Orwell novel, 9 NEW YORK (AP)—President 2 7 7 BRO^AD den” (W§3), movie adaptaifion p.m . on Channel 24 . . . "C ritic’s Johnson has taped a message GORMAN BROS. Choice” (1963), a critic’s wrife urging conservation of natural - - \ ♦ pf the anoodway play, with 770 MAIN ST. Dabondi Kerr and JUm MQls, turns playwright, with Bob resources which will be tacked ¥M. AND A.M. 9-11:18 pjn; on NBC. . .. "The Hope and Lucille, Ball, 9-11 p.m. on at the end of NBC’s "Smok- on CBS . . .“Amiatcan Profile: ' ey the Bear” rerun to be broad­ WYMAN OIL CO., Inc. Hlollywo^ Palace,” with Ba- 24 MAIN ST. quel Weildh, once a billboard Somehow It Wofks,” a playful cast Sunday. CAR review of political campaign g ir l on eOkhw, as guest, and •Sammy XUsivIs Jr. aa hud, 9:30- techniques, 10-11 p.m . on NBC. STEREO 10:30 pm . 'on ABC. Don WILLIS Garage SDJtDAY: "Camera Three," JULIE ANDREWS SHOW NEW YORK (AP)—NBC has SPECIALISTS IN •with Hermlone Olagold'in a WHEEL ALIGNMENT AND RADIOS signed Julie Andrews for an­ one-woman program erf music BRAKE SBRVIOE and monologue, 11-11:30 asn. other special—but not to be GENERAL AUTO REPAIR made until a year from now for TV-Bndlo Sales sad SenrlM on CBS. . . "P u rsu it o f Bxioell- ■4531— MAIN ST. MANCHESTER Imce: The Vienna Choir Boys,” showing som e tim e 1969.
