I TWBKTY.liaHT FRIDAY, ICAY 8,1968 'Average Dally Net Prara Ron IHmtrliiriitrr Eontitts For The Week Boded The Weather AprU ST, INB Partly doudy tonlgM, low in iiattrijpfitpr lEumtttg fca lb tlie 40s. Vkriable okudlnaM and 1 5 ,0 2 0 cool tomorrow,. high near 60. Manehm*ter A City o f ViOmge Charm VOL. LXXXVn. NO. 188 (FOURTEEN PAGES—TV SECTION) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, MAY 4, 1968 Ml Page 11) PRICE TEN CENTS Ft'-V - f ' Push Continues U.S. May Ask Red Arms Near Dong Ha K aAlOOM (AP)—u a. troo|» William C .' Westmoreland’s fantrymen called In artillery weary from five days of sharp headquarters said allied forces and Air Force fighter-bombers As First Move Paris fighting pushed through marsh­ have killed 750 enemy soldiers. in reply hK the enemy’s barrage lands near the northeastern American casualties were re­ of 120 mm mortars and smell WASHINGTON (AP) — Offi­ frontier today, trying to drive ported as 75 kUIed and 394 arms fire from trenches. cials expect the first U.8. move back more than 2,000 North wounded and South Vietnamese Two Americans were reported in Paris peace talks «dth North Vietnamese threatening allied losses were put at 27 kUled and killed and 22 wounded in the ac- Vietnam will be to press tor a bases and supply lines. 99 wounded. Uon. cutback In Communist military (Blneaiy troops In bunkers shot Marine intelUgience officers activities In-Southeast Asia. down a Marine F8 Crusader Added to reports from Hue, 45 said they beUeVe the North Viet­ They afly this would clear the dive-bombing their position miles to the south, these figures namese are trying to envelop way tor a total halt In U.S. miles northeast of Dong Ha. The bring casualties from this Dong Ha, headquarters of the \ week’s fighting In South Viet­ bombing of the North. pilot was reported kUled. It was 3rd Marine Division, end cut the nam’s northeastem comer to the 2S2nd U.S. warplane lost in Cua Viet River supply line to The talks are due to open May \: more than 1,870 enemy and 110 combat over South Vietnam. other demlUtarised «m e bases 10 under an agreement reached alUed soldiers killed and 563 al­ v M / r / After repulsing one enemy —Quang Trt, Con Thlen, Camp Friday by Washington and Ha­ lied troops wounded. noi through their embassies In counterattack near Dong Ha Carroll and Khe Sanh. Vientiane, Laos, ending almost Thursday, the Americans beat Friday’s day-long fighting In­ The heavy fighting began \ back another one Friday and re­ volved a battalion of the U.S. five weeks of diplomatic isqiar- Tuesday when a U.S. supply ring on a site. ported killing 67 North Viet­ Army’s 196th Light Infantry Bri­ ship moving up the river from namese. In six days of fighting gade, sent to ■ reinforce baxlly the Tonkin Gulf to Dong Ha was Paris represents a compro­ around the Marine base, Gen. blattered Marine units. The In­ hit by 82mm recolUess rifle fire mise which, diplomats say, both Washington and Hanoi foresaw k \ and a Marine platoon was land­ ■j- r. ed to look for the enemy gun­ many days ago. Each side has ners. shown Itself prepared tor hard “ It’s an offensive on our bargaining, which means pro­ >'■ part,” said a U.S. spokesman. longed and often bitter negotiat­ “ It Is a result of our offensive ing in the months ahead. Students Consider North Vietnam said It wants actions In being able to find talks "to decide with the U.S. -- them. They have been In Quang side the unoonditional cessation by the United States of its Reply to Demands Si bombing and all other acts of JL J northernmost, Includes Dong war” against the North. Ha. •Ci'li' EVANSTON, ni. (AP) — Ne- the Negro group, by Hlnz late Elsewhere, aUIed forces re- Other matters will be dis­ cussed when that issue is decid­ gro students at Northwestern Friday night. The document ported Miung 326 Viet Cong •F ed, the Hanoi statement said. University continued their occu- was a statement in reply to the troops In four fights within 28 President Johnson imposed a pation of the school’s business demands worked out in all-day nUles of Saigon, partial bombing ban on U.S. office buUding today as they discussions among umverslty of- *1,^ biggest clash. South planes operating over North considered a reply from unlver- flclals and faculty members aft- Vietnamese Infantrymen and Vietnam effective March 31. He •Ity officials to their list of de- er the students seized control of u_g_ Army heUcopters firing limited their operations to the mands. building early Friday mom- nodtets combined against the so-called panhandle area south On the steps of the building a ^ ^ Viet Cong 283d Marine Force of the.20th Parallel and called group of 50 white sympathizers c®**tents of the sealed en- BaifataMon. After a day-long bat- on North Vietnam for some sim­ huddled in blankets, sipping velopo would not bo made pub- uo Friday 28 miles southwest of ilar show of military restraint. coffee and trying to stay warm Turner agreed, un- saigon, the South Vietnamese Top administration officials In the chlUy early morning tern- “ ‘1?® counted 200 enemy agree that Infiltration of men neratures dents and then In .conference bodies and 59 weapons left on amd supplies from North Viet­ fi,.. university administrators, the battlefield. Government cas-’ \ nam into the South has been at I Turner, a graduate student ualtles were reported as nine peak levels since early March. in the Rebecca Crown Coirter head of the Afro-American killed and 31 wounded. Some officials—and intelli­ some 30 other white e y m p a t^ gtudet Union chapter on earn­ gence reports from Saigon—say ers occupied the office of Ro- pyg_ referrli* to wtrn;, said, iElghiteen miles northwest of the Increase which began in ear­ land J. Hlnz, dean of student -judging from the conduct of Saigon, U.S. infantrymen and South Vietnamese soldiers ly March has-continued to grow and university vice president, administrator X would think since Johnson’s March 31 limi­ who acted as go-between tor ad- ther^ resolution to clashed with 400 Viet Oong Searchers sift wreckage of Texas plane in which 84 died yesterday. (AP Photofax) AUTHENTIC tation order. , mlnlstrators and protestors. situation.” Earlier, Turner troops. Juet before midnight Friday, an estimated 160 ene­ The agreement Friday to get \ THE LOOK IS LINEN IN The. 110 Negro students Inside said the demands were not my troops tried to overrun the the talks started in a week in studied a document handed to negotiable. No Survivors Reported Paris eased developing pressure James Turner, spokesman tor pceltions of one o f the Ameri­ ' The seizure Friday morning can baittattons. The counter­ inside the administration to re­ was nonviolent and Turner said attack was repulsed and the sume wider bombing over North he hoped to keep It that way. enemy withdrew about mid Vietnam unless Hanoi began to / “ We wUl not start any vlo- night. 84 Killed in Texas Plane Crash move at least on the dlplomatio front. USSR Agrees thing’ in this buUdlng,”% e s ^ t i^ n m d T a w T ’45*‘ n ^ ^ DAWSON, Tex. (AP) — Eigh- The National Guard was sum- al time of 4:68 p.m. when they national Airport said at 4:61 Unless North V I e t n a m 'a SPORTSWEAR by “ We’ll even b n x A toe place up toto S U S ^ S ty-tour ^rson s med in a Branlff moned to control traffic and deplaned in Dallas, p.m. that Flight 352 had van­ agreement to talk, however, is before we leave, U they want us h„C " ™ International Electra that ex- sightseers. Three minutes after takeoff, ished from his radar scope. matched by military restraint To Let U.S. to*. « -t . 1.1 ao ploded and plunged to earth In The brightly painted, tour-en- at 4:14 p.m., one of the flight When the flight vanished from —such as a reduction in the lev­ ROBERT BRUCE ||| Hlnz in turn awured the nro- blazlSg pieces Friday as the glne turboprop airliner. Flight deck crew—Capt. J.R. Phillips radar view. It flashed into the el of infiltration—officials be­ t e S S e l T ^ t S H T t l^ e ri^ t American were klUed crew, bucked thunderstorms 352, decorated to Braniffs Aztec First Officer John W. Foster lesrors uiey wouiu not oe evict- and 23 Americans were wound- inreif with view of people ih and near Daw­ lieve' this must be an important Mexican motif, rolled to Its and Second Officer D. W. Cross­ A ROBERT BRUCE GOLF CARDIGAN , . “Fore”mogt in fasihion PERMANENT PRESS 1 ed. “ We wm not call in police.” ed. south Vietnamese casualties f *^1 „ son. issue for the Paris talks. See Prisoners Chunks of debris fell over the takeoff from Houston at 4:11 land—estimated In a radio re- Dean Montgomery of Corsica­ It is recognized, nevertheless, with the accent on gualityl 50^ atpaca, 50% wool. he said. were reported light. old Lonnie Wells farm—uninha­ p.m.—11 minutes behind sched- port that the flight’s estimated na, a private pilot and operator that in the policy decisions to be SLACKS and WALK SHORTS by MOSCOW (AP) — The Soviet University seciulty police pat: Two other battles left 67 Viet Sizes: S-M-lrXIx LS* bited and g^wn over by grass ule.
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