General Introduction: Fan Magazines, Suburban America, and Consumer Goods
N o t e s General Introduction: Fan Magazines, Suburban America, and Consumer Goods 1 . Robert Frank, “Movie Premiere—Hollywood,” The Americanss (Washington, DC: Steidl/National Gallery of Art, 1959). Garry Winogrand, the subject of a retrospective at the Met in 2014, was influenced by Frank and claimed in his recording of American life that “the growth of the suburb was the main story of [his] time.” 2 . “Fan Mags Not Striking Out,” Varietyy (December 29, 1954): 14; W. R. Wilkerson, “Big Increase in Film Fans Shown in Movie Mag Sales,” Hollywood Reporter (October 19, 1955), in fan magazine clip file, Margaret Herrick Library, Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences; Anthony Slide, Inside the Hollywood Fan Magazine: A History of Starmakers, Fabrications, and Gossip Mongerss (Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2010), 182. 3 . See Eric Smoodin and Jon Lewis, eds., L ooking Past the Screen: Case Studies in American Film History and Methodd (Durham: Duke University Press, 2007), introduction; Barry King, “Articulating Stardom,” in Stardom: Industry of Desire , ed. Christine Gledhill (New York: Routledge, 1991), 167–182. 4 . R i c hard Dyer, Stars (London: British Film Institute, 1974), 53; Leo C. Rosen, Hollywood: The Movie Colony, The Moviemakerss (New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1941), 334–338; Ad for Sayonara, Photoplay (June 1958): 7; Ad for Flower Drum Song, Photoplay (January 1962): 3; Ad f or “ Carmen Jones,” Photoplay (February 1955): 31. See Diane Negra, Off-White Hollywood: American Culture and Ethnic Female Stardom (London: Routledge, 200l). 5 . See Janice R. Welsch, Film Archetypes: Sisters, Mistresses, Mothers, and Daughterss (New York: Arno, 1978), an early work.
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